Glycerin suppositories - instructions for use and indications, composition and side effects. Glycerin suppositories for a newborn, during pregnancy, for an adult, about use Use of glycerin suppositories for constipation

Constipation, unfortunately, is on the list of very common ailments today. The ways to combat it are varied, but although this deviation from the norm is not considered severe, self-medication should not be practiced in this case either.

Treatment of constipation with glycerin suppositories

For selection proper treatment Constipation should be addressed to professionals - doctors. It is likely that as effective remedy the patient will be prescribed glycerin suppositories, considered a very effective anti-constipation agent. They have a pronounced laxative effect and gradually relieve symptoms of malaise.

Glycerin suppositories should be inserted into the rectum once a day. It is best if this is done in the morning, about a quarter of an hour after finishing breakfast. It should be remembered that candles do not provide an immediate effect; it can appear throughout the day, depending on the severity. Medical purified glycerin is used as the main component in the creation of these candles. The usual weight of each suppository is 2.47 grams.

Are glycerin suppositories harmful?

No noticeable side effects this remedy does not give. However, excessively frequent use of glycerin suppositories is not encouraged by doctors, as it can lead to addiction and, accordingly, a decrease in the effectiveness of its use. The action of glycerin suppositories is based on increasing the production of mucus, which envelops feces and thereby facilitates their exit from the intestines.

It is also necessary to know about the contraindications to their use that glycerin suppositories have. They cannot be used for so-called “cologenic” constipation, that is, in cases where fecal retention occurs above the rectum. Candles also do not help in cases where there is a delay feces caused by scars, tumors or other mechanical obstructions.

Glycerin suppositories should not be used by patients suffering from hemorrhoids, proctitis or anal fissures during the period of exacerbation of these diseases. They are not used to treat children under two years of age. If the use of suppositories causes a burning sensation or other type of discomfort, treatment with them should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

When choosing a specific name for glycerin suppositories, it is not at all necessary to give preference to the most expensive samples; in principle, their composition is almost always approximately the same, as well as their effect.


This is rarely discussed or consulted about. They are not recognized by loved ones and are voiced in a whisper in the pharmacy. Although it brings no less suffering than any other ailment...

Yes, we are talking about constipation and its treatment. The disease is extremely unpleasant; in advanced cases, it requires immediate consultation with a specialist, causing severe discomfort(including psychological), in moments of exacerbation, forces you to buy all known and not so well-known medications. The only thing stopping us is that many laxative drugs require a doctor’s prescription or have a number of serious contraindications, which can only be ruled out by a professional examination.

In such cases, pharmacists recommend glycerin suppositories as a “must-have” for any home first aid kit. Without a prescription, easy to use, can quickly help an adult and even a child. All that remains is to understand the indications/contraindications, as well as familiarize yourself with the principle of action of the drug. However, as with the reason for his appointment...

Constipation. What is this and what causes it

Constipation is usually referred to as a lack of bowel movements caused by intestinal dysfunction. This condition lasts for several days, and the further it goes, the more concomitant symptoms may appear.

For some it is painful sensations in the lower abdomen, a feeling of fullness in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Many people complain of heartburn, lack of appetite, constant pressure on the anus. It is not surprising that with every day of such a state a person feels worse and worse, sleeps poorly, and is afraid to eat. At the same time, the body suffers from intoxication and is panicky about the upcoming bowel movement.

What led to this situation and could it have been avoided?

The most common causes of constipation are general outline, are internal pathologies, wrong lifestyle, psychological problems. More details:

  • Malfunctions of cardio-vascular system, which leads to insufficient blood circulation in the regional sections.
  • Oncological diseases, colitis.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Defects of the musculoskeletal system, decreased sensitivity of nerve endings.
  • Neoplasms in the form of tumors, fecal stones.
  • Monotonous diet, deficiency water balance, inactivity.
  • Drug therapy based on antibacterial drugs, regular use of laxatives.
  • Immaturity of the children's gastrointestinal tract, lack balanced nutrition in a child (this also includes a sudden change of environment/regime in a small patient).
  • Sharp hormonal changes during pregnancy in the first trimester and pressure of the uterus on internal organs in the third trimester.
  • Recovery period after surgical intervention, which is associated with limited activity, medication, and the patient’s bedridden state.
  • Childbirth/caesarean section is a huge stress for the body.
  • Hemorrhoids, cracks/scratches in the anus, which causes psychological constipation in the form of fear of defecation.

Will glycerin suppositories help in such situations and will medical recommendations in their favor be justified?

Glycerin suppositories: composition/principle of action of the drug

Suppositoria cum Glycerine is a drug with a laxative effect, used for constipation of various types and origins. It is used rectally, therefore it is effective only when feces accumulate in the lower intestines.

The main active ingredient is glycerol, a viscous liquid that begins to melt at temperatures of 18 degrees and above. Additional components are sodium carbonate and stearic acid. Available in the form of rectal suppositories, mainly in two dosages: 1.24 g for children and 2.11 g for adult patients.

When they enter the rectum, suppositories with glycerin quickly begin to act due to immediate dissolution, lubrication/softening of feces, irritation of the intestinal mucosa/stimulation of its motility. Basically, the laxative effect is observed within 15-20 minutes after administration of the drug.

IMPORTANT! Yes, the indications for the use of the drug are constipation of various etiologies, difficult bowel movements, BUT the absence of defecation should not exceed 2-3 days. Otherwise, suppositories will only aggravate the situation even without laxatives oral administration will no longer be possible.

Indications for use of the drug/main contraindications for its use

Since suppositories for constipation are considered one of the most effective and available ways to get rid of it, then the indications for the use of glycerol present a fairly general picture: the absence of bowel movements for several days.

There are several reasons for the development of pathology: from newborns/old age to pregnancy/childbirth/surgeries. This also includes problems with nutrition, motor activity, and damage to the anus/anal area.

But, despite the excellent recommendations of specialists and no less positive reviews patients, glycerin suppositories cannot be called absolutely safe for every patient. No, by themselves they do not pose any threat; their composition is too simple. This refers to the individual characteristics of each organism, as well as the presence of certain concomitant diseases:

  • Tumors in the intestines, of a particularly oncogenic nature.
  • Acute forms of hemorrhoids, sores in the anus, hemorrhagic rectocolitis.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body, especially in the rectum.
  • Allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug, individual characteristics of the body.
  • Intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
  • Pathological processes in the abdominal organs.
  • Rehabilitation after surgery in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Potassium deficiency in the body/magnesium excess.
  • Pregnancy with complications: threats of abortion/ premature birth.
  • Constipation in upper sections intestines.
  • Inflammation of the appendix.
  • Kidney failure, malfunction of the genitourinary system.

In addition to all these recommendations, you should also remember important condition, which is stated in each attached instruction: glycerin suppositories cannot be used for more than 7 days. After all, if addiction to the drug may not yet begin, then the nerve endings will definitely “relax”. And in such cases, the candles, unfortunately, no longer work.

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy: all the pros and cons

It is rare for a pregnant woman to boast of having no bowel movements. And it’s not even about diet or limited activity. No, nature itself has not yet taken care of maximum protection born child, temporarily weakening the reflexes of the mother's body.

This manifests itself in weak muscle contraction internal organs, as well as active production of progesterone.

It is not surprising that a woman, experiencing a colossal load on her body, is afraid of constipation. Especially if carrying a baby is accompanied by the threat of miscarriage or premature birth. In such cases, glycerin suppositories can only aggravate the condition and harm the ongoing pregnancy. After all, by stimulating the intestines, they can also contribute to contraction of the uterus. We should also not forget about hemorrhoids, inflammatory processes, individual intolerance, kidney disease, bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen as the main contraindications to the use of glycerol.

If bearing a child is not accompanied by any complications and the only ailment of the expectant mother is constipation, you can use rectal suppositories with glycerin. Just remember to consult your doctor and do not take the drug for more than 7 days.

Glycerin suppositories for constipation in children

The main confirmation of the safety of the drug is “ green light» for its use against constipation in young children.

Such carelessness is justified, first of all, by the principle of action of glycerol: it is not absorbed in the intestines, but only irritates its walls. Therefore, if the child is generally healthy, there cannot be any side effects.

However, we should not generalize about small children and newborn babies. Yes, and from the first days there may be constipation, especially if the baby is on artificial feeding, has individual characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract or goes through one or another drug therapy. And the problem definitely needs to be solved, just not with glycerol. After all, both the instructions and doctors do not recommend using glycerin suppositories to relieve constipation in children under three months of age.

Although for an older child this is good remedy to facilitate the act of defecation. Just do not use the drug too often, as it eliminates constipation itself, and not its cause. A long-term treatment rectal suppositories will minimize the sensitivity of nerve endings and intestinal contractions.

Instructions for use

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in using glycerin suppositories, but, nevertheless, there are several recommendations:

  • Be careful when choosing the dosage of the drug for adults and children. It is written on the packaging and indicated in the instructions.
  • Place a glycerin suppository better in the morning, before breakfast or 20 minutes after it.
  • Before the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly and prepare the drug. You can also take Vaseline oil to facilitate insertion of the suppository.
  • Place the patient on his left side and bend his knees closer to his stomach. After this, you can administer the medicine by lubricating the anus with oil or Vaseline the day before.
  • It is recommended not to change the horizontal position for several minutes.
  • The effect can be observed both after 3 minutes and after half an hour. Therefore, you should start the procedure if you have about an hour of free time.
  • In some cases, the candle may cause burning or pain. This means that this drug is not suitable for you and you should not use it without consulting a doctor.
  • Glycerin suppositories can be placed no more than once a day and no longer than 7 days. If your bowels still haven't started to move, ask your doctor for a different medication.

And remember, glycerin suppositories for constipation are an effective remedy, but if the cause of the lack of bowel movements is not eliminated, positive result will disappear very soon. Otherwise, the malaise will even lead to a chronic condition...

Video: Constipation in a baby. Enema, glycerin suppositories or microlax

Almost half of all pregnant women suffer from bowel dysfunction. When faced with this problem, future mom is actively looking for a solution that would not harm the baby or affect the course of pregnancy. The easiest option for getting rid of constipation is glycerin suppositories.

Effect of the drug

Glycerin suppositories are a well-known laxative. Their name is consonant with the active substance of the drug. Glycerin gently irritates the rectal mucosa, and petroleum jelly, also included in the composition, has a softening effect. Under the influence of these components, stool softens and intestinal motility is stimulated. The effect occurs within 20–30 minutes after administration.

Substances that are used in the production of glycerin suppositories are not absorbed into the blood. Due to this property, the medicine can be used during pregnancy. This is also stated in the instructions.

Constipation during pregnancy and the use of suppositories

Many factors can lead to difficulty in bowel movement:

  • An increase in the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood leads to a relaxation of the muscle tone of internal organs, resulting in a decrease in physical activity digestive tract and constipation is provoked;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of fluid;
  • strong emotional experiences;
  • sedentary lifestyle later pregnancy;
  • taking iron and calcium-containing drugs, as well as uterine tone regulators.

Constipation while pregnant is dangerous. Decomposition products found in the intestines long time, are absorbed into the blood and negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the baby. The need to push can activate the tone of the uterus and provoke a miscarriage. In addition, there is a possibility of toxic rotting waste from the intestines entering the cervical canal, and this is dangerous for the baby to become infected during labor.

Constipation during pregnancy can be dangerous

Glycerin in early and late stages

It is important to treat constipation on time. As a solution to this problem, the doctor may prescribe glycerin suppositories. But in the first trimester, their use is undesirable due to the tonic effect on the uterus, which during this period is located in close proximity to the rectum. In the third trimester, the drug should be used carefully for the same reason. If there is a risk of premature birth, their use is not recommended between the 30th and 36th weeks of pregnancy.

Manufacturers offer two options for candles:

  • children (1405 mg of glycerin in 1 suppository);
  • adults (2100 mg glycerol in 1 suppository).

Expectant mothers do not need to use the children's dosage. Suppositories containing a standard amount of glycerin for an adult are quite suitable for them.

Constipation during pregnancy - video

Contraindications specified in the instructions

Contraindications to the use of glycerin suppositories are:

  • Availability inflammatory processes, cracks and tumors in the anus and rectum;
  • hemorrhoids in the acute stage;
  • intolerance to individual components of the composition.

If a woman, after inserting a glycerin suppository, feels itching or burning in the anus, it means that allergic reaction. In this case, treatment should be stopped.

How to use glycerin suppositories

The drug is not used in courses, but through a single administration as a emergency assistance. After stool normalization, suppositories should be abandoned to prevent addiction. If you have long-term problems with bowel movements, the safety of using suppositories should be discussed with your doctor.

If there are difficulties with bowel movements, the suppository is administered once a day 15–20 minutes after breakfast. Symptoms of constipation include:

  • absence of stool for more than two days;
  • feeling incomplete emptying intestines after defecation;
  • reduction in the volume of excreted feces;
  • hard stool;
  • abdominal pain (usually on the left);
  • if constipation is accompanied by hemorrhoids, then burning and itching in the anus are possible.

How to replace glycerin suppositories if necessary

If, due to an individual reaction or the presence of contraindications, expectant mothers cannot use suppositories to normalize stool, there are medications in other forms of release with a similar effect.

Characteristics of drugs that can replace glycerin suppositories - table

Name Active substance Release form Contraindications Use during pregnancy
  • sodium citrate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfoacetate;
  • sorbitol solution.
solution for rectal administrationhypersensitivity to the components of the compositionThere have been no adequate and strictly controlled studies in pregnant women. Since the drug is likely to be absorbed into the systemic circulation to a small extent, undesirable effects on the fetus are not expected to occur when used as recommended during pregnancy.
Defenormpsyllium huskhard capsules
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • water-electrolyte imbalance;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • esophageal stenosis.
Approved for use during pregnancy.
Transipegmacrogol 3350powder for preparing solution
  • severe intestinal diseases;
  • dehydration;
  • heart failure;
  • phenylketonuria.
Use during pregnancy is possible - the drug does not have negative influence on fetal development.
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the composition;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • galactosemia;
  • suspicion of appendicitis;
  • colostomy/ileostomy (artificially brought to the anterior abdominal wall part of the large/small intestine);
  • bleeding from anus;
  • diabetes.
Safe during pregnancy.

Normalizing your diet and drinking more fluids - all this works, and helps cope with constipation. But the effect of this method is still cumulative. If the problem needs to be solved quickly, then medications come to the rescue. Inexpensive product with high efficiency - glycerin suppositories for constipation.

Glycerin suppositories are among the most popular drugs prescribed by doctors to solve the problem of constipation. Their popularity is justified not only by their cheapness. They are harmless. They can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Let's figure out why glycerin suppositories are the easiest way to get rid of problems with bowel movements.

The principle of action of glycerin suppositories for constipation

The main component of suppositories for constipation is glycerin. It works as a laxative due to its local irritant effect. Once in the rectum, the glycerin suppository begins to melt, and the following happens:

  • mild irritant effect stimulates peristalsis of the lower gastrointestinal tract;
  • glycerin acts on hard feces, softening them;
  • it also lubricates the walls of the rectum, making it easier for stool to pass.

The positive effect of the suppositories occurs within half an hour after their use.

The effectiveness of glycerin suppositories for constipation is their drawback. They are introduced into the anus, but their effect is too limited (only in the anorectal parts of the intestine). If feces have stagnated above the rectum, then glycerin suppositories, alas, will not help with this type of constipation. This happens if there are tumors, scars in the intestines, or with spastic constipation. As an emergency, it is better to use laxative drops or tablets.

Most often, constipation occurs directly “at the outlet”, which is why it is called proctogenic. If you feel heaviness, fullness in the anus, there is pain syndrome, and attempts to defecate do not bring results, then, most likely, glycerin suppositories will help you.

When you can and when you can’t use glycerin suppositories for constipation

Glycerin suppositories are used both to relieve constipation and to prevent it. They are often prescribed even to people with chronic diseases rectum and anus. They don't provide harmful effect on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus, therefore they are used even by expectant mothers. Full list indications for the use of glycerin suppositories are as follows:

  • treatment of proctogenic constipation of various types;
  • prevention of constipation in patients with contraindicated physical stress in the intestines:
    • accumulation of pus in the rectum;
    • history of anal fissures;
    • thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins;
    • stenosis (narrowing) of the rectum;
    • history of myocardial infarction.

Of course, the thoughtless use of any medicines(even something as harmless as glycerin suppositories) is fraught with complications. If the problem of constipation has visited you for the first time, it is better to consult a doctor before starting self-medication. You should take into account the contraindications of glycerin suppositories to avoid health problems. The latter include the following:

  • individual intolerance, hypersensitivity to suppository components;
  • tumors in the rectum;
  • proctitis and paraproctitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • renal failure (the kidneys excrete up to 14% glycerol, removing it from the body unchanged);
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • unhealed anal fissures;
  • diarrhea;
  • acute form of hemorrhoids.

Pregnant women independent use Glycerin suppositories are not recommended. A consultation with a gynecologist is required to avoid individual reactions.

The use of glycerin suppositories is completely harmless in the absence of the above contraindications. Long-term use of this remedy is not recommended: the rectum “gets used” to the action of glycerin, and accordingly, without its help, it is no longer able to perform normal bowel movements. In some cases, suppositories with glycerin for constipation provoke side effects:

  • local itching, burning of the mucous membrane and skin;
  • allergies;
  • irritable rectal syndrome.

But all this can be avoided if you do not get carried away with using glycerin suppositories, and also follow the recommendations of your doctor and instructions.

Correct dosage of glycerin suppositories for constipation

In pharmacies you can find glycerin suppositories in “adult” and “children’s” forms. They differ only in dosage active substance. “Adult” suppositories contain 2.11 grams of glycerol, “children” – 1.24. It is important to use baby suppositories to treat constipation in children, because the intestines of children (especially newborns) are very delicate and, accordingly, react more sharply to irritation.

The general dosage rules for glycerin suppositories are as follows:

  • for adults and children over 7 years old – 1 “adult” suppository 1 time per day;
  • for pregnant women and women during lactation, 1 “adult” suppository once a day will be optimal;
  • Children from 3 to 7 years old are recommended to take 1 “children’s” suppository once a day;
  • newborn babies and children under 3 years of age are prescribed half a “children’s” suppository once a day.

Glycerin suppositories for constipation in newborns and young children

Constipation in newborns is a common problem. Gastrointestinal tract is just starting to work at full capacity, not always coping with the amount of food, even if the child is exclusively on breastfeeding. In order not to cause disturbances in the baby’s intestines, the softest and most delicate means are needed.

Glycerin suppositories can be used even for infants. According to pediatricians, for newborns and small children, suppositories with glycerin are the surest remedy to get rid of constipation. Despite irritant effect, glycerin does not affect the developmental processes of the baby, and with the correct dosage it also has no side effects.

Even a completely inexperienced mother can cope with the introduction of a suppository into the baby’s body. The main thing is to be careful and maintain hygiene:

  1. wash your hands thoroughly with soap or wear sterile gloves;
  2. lay the baby on his back, while calming him down if necessary;
  3. glycerin suppositories should be cool, so first keep them in the refrigerator;
  4. cut half from the “children’s” candle;
  5. lubricate the tip with water-soluble lubricant or simply moisten it with cool water;
  6. slowly insert half of the candle into the baby’s anus to a depth of no more than 2.5 cm;
  7. hold the baby’s buttocks closed for 3-5 minutes;
  8. The child will have a bowel movement within 5-10 minutes after the medication is administered.

As with adults, prolonged use of glycerin suppositories is undesirable for children. If abused, an incorrect habit may form in the intestines: it will not be capable of independent stool from an early age.

Instructions for the use of glycerin suppositories for constipation in adults and pregnant women

The use of suppositories with glycerin in adults, pregnant women and children over 7 years of age follows the same scheme. The suppository is inserted into the patient's body rectally, 20 minutes after eating.

Preparation for using glycerin suppositories:

  1. wash the perineum thoroughly warm water with by special means for intimate hygiene;
  2. wash your hands with soap and hold them in cold water or wear sterile gloves;
  3. keep candles in the refrigerator (this will make them easier to use);
  4. After removing the candle from its individual packaging, use a water-based lubricant or cool water to lubricate the tip.

When all preparations are completed correctly, you can proceed directly to introducing the suppository into the body:

  1. lie on your left side, straight and relaxed left leg, and press your right one to your chest, bent at the knee;
  2. lift your right buttock to open your anus;
  3. insert the candle into the anus to a depth of 2.5 to 5 cm;
  4. squeeze your buttocks, while remaining in a lying position for at least 5 minutes to prevent the candle from “slipping out” of the anus;
  5. the result will appear within 20-30 minutes (depending on individual tolerance to glycerin and the volume and amount of feces).

Stagnation of feces in the intestines is fraught not only with discomfort, but also with other complications (including intoxication of the body). Of course, this problem must be solved comprehensively: with diet, exercise, and not just medicines. But in the fight against proctogenic constipation modern medicine I have not yet discovered a simpler and better remedy than glycerin suppositories. Use them wisely and be healthy!

Many people suffer from constipation. A poorly functioning intestine negatively affects the body as a whole. If the condition does not improve within several days, you can speed up the process. Glycerin suppositories are very helpful for constipation. But before you go to the pharmacy for them, you need to figure out what causes constipation and how to deal with it. Do not forget that you cannot constantly provoke stool mechanically - with the help of suppositories or taking laxatives. Most likely, you will need to adhere to a certain diet and plan for yourself proper diet. It is important to determine the type of constipation - whether you simply cannot go to the toilet on time, or whether this process slows down and makes hemorrhoids painful. Glycerin suppositories provide relief from constipation local action, that is, they only affect the rectum. Usually the effect is achieved almost immediately after their use.

Effect of glycerin

Glycerin suppositories for constipation are used quite often, because almost everyone knows that glycerin has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. In addition, it perfectly softens and helps prevent fecal impaction. They are used by children, adults, and nursing mothers. Because of this, the drug is released in different dosage. Please note that suppositories are contraindicated in such cases. unpleasant illness, like hemorrhoids, in various inflammatory processes.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that candles cannot be used constantly, they can be used several times, they are not suitable as a regular remedy.

Glycerin suppositories can be used for newborns. The main thing is to use children's suppositories, the dosage of which is suitable for children. IN as a last resort, if the pharmacy does not have children's candles, you can give the little one a quarter of a regular adult one.

The drug should only be used emergency measure. For a laxative effect, introduce foods such as prunes and beets into your baby’s diet. When breastfeeding, the baby may not go to the toilet for a week, if this does not bother him, then there is nothing to worry about. When bottle-feeding your baby, choose a suitable formula for him. Constant constipation, tight and green feces- a sign that the food is not suitable for him.

Glycerin suppositories for children, instructions for which are included in each package, are good for constipation and usually act immediately or within half an hour.

Nutrition for adults with constipation

Foods such as semolina and rice porridge, pureed food, jelly, chocolate, strong tea and coffee. These products should be kept to a minimum. Food containing fiber should be in your diet constantly. Peas and legumes will help you cleanse your intestines, and raw fruits and vegetables are also good for combating constipation. Raisins and prunes have a laxative effect. If there are no problems with your kidneys, drink about 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Try to adjust your diet and you will have regular bowel movements. If you have persistent constipation, you should consult a doctor, and glycerin suppositories for constipation should only be used in emergency cases.
