Organization of medical care in Israel. Health care system in Israel. Advantages of contacting agencies in the field of medical tourism

There are talented doctors in different countries. There are well-equipped hospitals everywhere. But only a few countries can boast that large numbers of people from abroad come to their clinics for treatment. Israel occupies the leading place in the ranking of countries with a developed sector. The system for organizing the stay of foreign patients is well established here, but high-quality service is far from the most important thing. A look from the inside will answer the question of why Israeli medicine is so in demand. Let's try to understand the reasons for the popularity of treatment in.

Leading clinics in Israel

Israeli medicine: a view from the inside

Good health care starts with. That's why vocational training future specialists in Israel are given increased attention. IN medical University random people simply don’t get in: not only does the applicant have to withstand a huge competition for admission (seven hundred people per place!), but also during the first year of study, incapable or lazy students are eliminated. Having received the long-awaited diploma, the former student does not receive the right to immediately begin independent work. medical practice: for several years he is required to undergo an internship under the supervision of experienced colleagues, and only then he receives the qualification of a general practitioner. Another five years of continuous practice and improvement - and the doctor is allowed to take the exam, after which he receives a specialist license (oncologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, etc.). By the way, not everyone passes this exam successfully.

Getting a job in a clinic is also not easy - to do this you need to prove to employers your level of professionalism. But even after starting work, the doctor constantly undergoes testing.

For an Israeli specialist, engaging in research activities is not a whim, but a necessity. One gains a name in the profession not only through practical work, but also through scientific publications, speeches at medical conferences, and so on.

In conclusion, let's say that the percentage medical errors in Israel it is one of the lowest in the world. This became possible thanks to the excellent training of doctors, and due to the fact that the country has introduced criminal liability for doctors for incompetence.

People wondering why Israel has good medicine should know that there is healthy competition in the country. Both public and private medical institutions have the right to accept foreign patients. And the latter, in turn, carefully choose where to undergo treatment, so a high rating for the clinic is simply necessary. A medical institution that claims a prestigious place in the ranking strictly monitors the quality of the services provided. medical services, they are constantly checked government bodies. The Israeli Ministry of Health regularly publishes ratings of clinics, which evaluate not only the quality of treatment, but also the attitude of doctors towards patients, the quality of conveying information about treatment to them, the atmosphere in the clinic, and its comfort.

Another indicator that Israeli clinics are fighting for is JCI accreditation, international organization, which monitors the quality of medical services. If a clinic is recognized by JCI, patients can be sure that the highest level of treatment and service awaits them here.

Considering the above, it is hardly surprising that, according to the international organization Medical Tourism Index, Israel ranks first in the world in terms of the quality of medical services.

Leading Israeli doctors

Medicine of tomorrow

This is what Israeli medicine is sometimes called, and for good reason: local clinics introduce advanced treatment methods earlier than in other countries. Israel is a leader in many areas: oncology, cardiology, neurosurgery, and so on. What's the secret? The fact is that research centers have been operating in the country for a long time, closely cooperating, and even opened on the basis medical institutions. Scientists have the opportunity to conduct research directly in the clinic, and doctors have the opportunity to participate in the development of new drugs and therapy methods. Patients can choose to participate in experimental treatment programs, which greatly accelerates innovation.

Israeli doctors see their task not only in effectively coping with diseases, but also in ensuring that treatment does not have any impact side effects. That is, the methods they use have the most gentle effect on the body. For example, in Israeli clinics they use the latest equipment for radiotherapy for cancer: linear accelerators destroy cancer cells at minimum radiation exposure on healthy tissues. Robotic installations are used to perform operations - the latest achievement of medical technology. The latest techniques, such as biotherapy and treatment with monoclonal antibodies, have already become daily practice for Israeli clinics, while in some countries they are known only in theory.

National Health Insurance Law

Patient's Rights Act

Medical confidentiality law

Procedure for filing and consideration of complaints

3) Healthcare:

Complex of medical services

Mandatory services

Additional insurances

Health insurance funds

4) Conclusion

5) References


So, before I begin, I would like to clarify what the purpose of my essay is. In considering this topic, I first of all want to understand what the health care system in Israel includes, how patients are cared for, what rights patients have, and what services are provided to them free of charge. But my main goal is to understand why the health care system in Israel is considered one of the most advanced in the world.

The main feature of the Israeli health care system is that it is based on public health insurance, which guarantees all residents of the country the right to receive health care through hospital insurance funds.

Membership in health insurance funds gives you the right to purchase medicines at reduced prices, but most importantly, the health insurance fund pays for hospitalization, except in special cases.
As a rule, members of health insurance funds have the opportunity to contact any doctor from the extensive list offered by the insurance fund.
All Israeli residents over 18 years of age pay for health insurance in the form of a health tax (mas shave). According to the Universal National Health Insurance Law, new repatriates are insured regardless of age and health status.

For the first six months of their stay in the country, non-working repatriates are exempt from paying health care taxes.

If, after this period, they have not started work and they have no income other than benefits from the Ministry of Absorption, then they are exempt from paying for health insurance until the end of the first year from the date of receiving repatriate status.

Those who start working before the end of six months pay health care tax in accordance with their income.

In addition to health insurance funds, the Israeli health care structure includes: state and municipal medical institutions, ambulance stations, networks of mother and child consultations and school health centers, as well as private medical institutions.

National Health Insurance Law

To better understand how the Israeli health care system works, you should familiarize yourself with the country's health laws. The main one is the Law on State Health Insurance. I would like to briefly review its main provisions:

Health insurance in Israel is compulsory.
The state health insurance system guarantees the provision of medical care to all residents of the country.
The Government of Israel assumes responsibility for covering the costs of medical care required by law.
The range of medical services provided under health insurance is the same for everyone.
Responsibility for health care for all residents of the country rests with health insurance funds.
Control over the activities of health insurance funds is exercised by the state.
For getting medical care Every resident of the country must be insured by one of the health insurance funds.
Every resident has the right to choose the health insurance fund they wish. Health insurance funds are prohibited from refusing admission to anyone.
The collection of health tax is carried out by the National Insurance Institute. The tax amount is set according to income.
Employers are prohibited from making employment conditional on membership in any health insurance fund.
Medical care must be provided without humiliating the patient’s human dignity and in compliance with medical confidentiality.
A member of the health insurance fund whose rights have been violated can file a complaint with the appropriate authorities. The health insurance fund is prohibited from restricting his right to lodge such complaints.

Patient's Rights Act

In addition to the law on state health insurance, there is also a law on health rights. It defines the legal framework within which Israeli residents receive medical services.

In some countries, the approach has been adopted that the patient is a passive party in the treatment process. He seeks medical help, and the health care system provides him with this help. Moreover, often without paying attention to the patient’s wishes or his state of mind.

In Israel it is believed that the patient is the central figure healing process. He clearly knows what he is “supposed to” and builds his relationship with the healthcare system on the principle of reciprocity, being an equal partner in developing a treatment strategy.

If the patient does not agree with the decision of the attending physician, he has the right to turn to independent experts so that they give their opinion on this issue (khovat-daat shneya). The health insurance fund is obliged to provide the experts with all the necessary documentation at its disposal.

Medical confidentiality law

The Health Insurance Fund is responsible for maintaining medical confidentiality regarding the persons insured by it. Medical personnel are obliged to respect the medical confidentiality of each patient. For example, it is known that some organizations, institutions and employers are not interested in hiring people suffering from certain diseases. Therefore, they would like to have information about the health status of the future employee. However, according to the Law on Preserving Medical Confidentiality, health insurance funds do not have the right to make public data from medical card patient.
This data can be transferred to an outsider only on the basis of a written application from the insured, submitted on a special form “refusal to maintain medical confidentiality.”

When refusing to maintain medical confidentiality, you must clearly understand to whom and for what purposes information about your health is being transferred, and whether there is a danger of using this information to the detriment of your interests.

In some cases, when dangerous or infectious diseases are detected in patients, doctors are required to report this to the appropriate medical authorities.

Procedure for filing and consideration of complaints

To ensure the rights of members of health insurance funds, there is a complaint inspector service, which any citizen has the right to contact if a conflict arises between him and the health insurance fund. Reasons for filing a complaint against the health insurance fund may include:
denial of insurance, limitation of this insurance, imposition of any additional conditions of admission;
refusal to provide mandatory medical services declared by the cash fund;
demanding unreasonably high fees for certain type services;
violation of a patient's medical confidentiality or use of information about the patient to the detriment of his interests.

There is a difference between a complaint and a lawsuit: a complaint is intended to correct a deficiency in care, while the purpose of a lawsuit is to obtain monetary compensation for damage caused to the patient's health due to negligence.

All medical institutions have employees responsible for handling patient complaints. They can be contacted directly, either in writing or orally. If you can't figure out who to direct your complaint to, contact the head of the institution where the conflict arose directly.


We have covered all the basic laws and regulations of Israeli healthcare. Now let's move directly to the healthcare system itself.

So, the healthcare system includes 3 points:

- mandatory services

- additional insurances

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Mandatory services

Diagnostics and outpatient treatment

Laboratory tests and checks

All health insurance funds have laboratories for various analyzes and checks prescribed to the patient by his attending physician. If the health insurance fund's laboratory is unable to perform a test, the patient is referred to another laboratory, along with the health insurance fund's obligation to pay for the test.


Scanning various organs and other tests using radioactive elements;
radiotherapy malignant tumors;
tomography, computerized tomography, etc.

Particular attention in Israel is paid to the early diagnosis of breast cancer. Mammography is widely used for this purpose - X-ray, with which you can determine the initial malignant changes. This test allows you to detect the disease at a very early stage, which gives a very high chance of cure.

Calling a doctor to your home

If the patient cannot attend a doctor’s appointment, it is possible to invite a doctor to your home. It is customary to call a doctor to your home only in exceptional cases, and not for reasons of convenience. These services are partially paid for by the patient himself.


The patient has the right to significant discounts when purchasing medications listed on the list of the health insurance fund and prescribed by the attending physician.

First aid

Emergency stations (Magen David Adom) are located in almost all populated areas of Israel. An ambulance can be called by calling 101.

Disease Prevention

Prevention of cancer, cardiovascular and other dangerous diseases: Members of health insurance funds can undergo various types of preventive checks related to these diseases. Some checks are partially paid for by the patient, others are fully covered by the cash register.
Vaccinations for newborns, as well as preschool and school age Various vaccinations are given according to special programs prepared by the Ministry of Health.

Adults who need certain vaccinations receive them for a fee, full or partial, according to published rates. If any disease threatens the life of the insured and can be prevented by vaccination, the health insurance company will provide it free of charge - as part of a set of mandatory services.


Some patients suffering from acute diseases require a certain diet or therapeutic diet. A diet is also necessary for those who want to lose weight or gain weight. Dietitians work at health insurance funds, to whom patients are referred by their attending physicians.

Additional insurances

As noted above, the range of services included in the “health basket” does not cover all types of treatment and medications that may be needed.

To provide members of health insurance funds with the missing types of medical services, a system of additional insurance has been developed for a separate monthly surcharge.

We list just some of the services provided by various health insurance companies as part of additional insurance:
Organ transplants, surgeries and treatment abroad.
Some types of analysis.
Assistance in paying for private operations
Security medical care for the sick.
Complementary health services, including specific treatments as well as alternative medicine.
Discounts on dental treatment.

Health insurance funds

In my work, I often used the term health insurance funds. Let's take a closer look at what it all is.

So, medical care in Israel is provided mainly through health insurance funds. There are four of them in the country: Clalit, Leumit, Maccabi and Meuhedet.

The largest and oldest health insurance fund in Israel is Clalit. It was founded in 1911 by the Agricultural Workers' Union. The first clinic serving patients was organized near Petah Tikva and was housed in an ordinary tent. Currently, Clalit owns dozens of hospitals and thousands of clinics throughout Israel. More than 50% of the Israeli population is insured by the health insurance company. Until 1993, Clalit was part of the Histadrut.

The Maccabi Health Insurance Fund was founded in the 1940s as an alternative to the trade union Clalit Health Insurance Fund. She served patients in big cities Israel and was practically not represented on the periphery. Since the early 90s, Maccabi has become the second largest health insurance company in Israel by the number of insured patients. Maccabi acquired the Asuta network of private clinics and serves more than 1.5 million citizens.

Short description

The main feature of the Israeli health care system is that it is based on public health insurance, which guarantees all residents of the country the right to receive health care through hospital insurance funds.
Membership in health insurance funds gives you the right to purchase medicines at reduced prices, but most importantly, the health insurance fund pays for hospitalization, except in special cases.


Laws and rules:
- Law on State Health Insurance
- law on the rights of the patient
- medical confidentiality law
- procedure for filing and consideration of complaints
3) Healthcare:
- complex of medical services
- mandatory services
- additional insurances
- health insurance funds
4) Conclusion
5) References

The desire of most people to improve their health abroad can be called completely justified. It is generally accepted (and this fact has long been confirmed by many patients) that foreign medicine is more developed, better technically equipped and has all the necessary resources to put even a hopelessly ill person back on his feet. Treatment in Israel is in great demand. A priori, it is generally accepted that getting into the hands of local doctors is great luck. How this opinion is supported and how much observation in one of the local clinics might cost, we decided to look into the details.

Health care system

It will not be a revelation that even those who live in developed countries and where the state allocates decent funds for medicine come to the Promised Land for treatment. What is the secret of such trust in Israeli medicine?

The successful functioning of the Israeli health care system, the key figure of which is the patient, is ensured by the state law. In addition, the country has a well-established system of monitoring not only the work of doctors and service personnel, but also the functioning of medical institutions in general.

State insurance provides all citizens living in the country with the right to receive medical care through health insurance funds specially created for this purpose. All citizens over 18 years of age have health insurance, represented in the form of an official health care fee. Membership in one of these hospital insurance funds is a mandatory condition of insurance.

As members of the health insurance fund, local residents have the opportunity to receive the following types services:

  • diagnostics;
  • hospital treatment;
  • ambulatory treatment;
  • hospitalization of women in labor;
  • full service seriously ill patients, including with chronic course illness;
  • unlimited medication provision;
  • rehabilitation;
  • assistance from psychologists in the recovery process for drug addicted patients and people suffering from alcoholism.
  • There are 4 health insurance funds in the country:

    • Clalit is considered the most numerous, including 14 hospitals (geriatric, general, psychiatric hospitals, rehabilitation and children's centers).
    • Maccabi was once considered the best health insurance company in the country. But, as often happens, such a reputation did not play into her hands: after the adoption of the law on compulsory insurance, streams of patients rushed here, which led to her devastation. Today she is forced to save on the most basic things.
    • Leumit – ideal for patients suffering chronic diseases. IN Lately began to attract private practice doctors, which significantly improved its position and status.
    • Meuhedet – her distinctive feature is the complete absence of queues. Designed mainly for those who need immediate help. Famous for the quality of the service provided.
    • Israelis are allowed to choose a medical facility at their own discretion. Moreover, they can determine for themselves which doctor they want to see.

      It should be noted that local health care institutions successfully provide medical care through the “family doctor” system.

      Please note that doctors who received their education abroad cannot begin work unless they have a special permit to medical activities in Israel. And in order to become the owner of such a document, they will have to pass a special exam.

      Why is treatment in Israel in such demand?

      To understand the reasons for the enormous popularity of Israeli medicine, it is necessary to turn to the history of the state. For a country deprived natural resources, with a population of just over 8.5 million people, where the life of every citizen is of great value, the only correct strategy turned out to be a bet on the global development of the medical sector and high technology.

      Every year the Israeli government allocates about 8.3% of total share GDP is in this area, which provides favorable conditions for finding new solutions in the treatment of many diseases. Equipped with last word technicians, medical centers in Israel offer the most modern high-quality medical care, a comfortable environment and an individual approach to the patient. Not by chance high level medical services in Israel attracts patients from many countries around the world.

      Advantages of Israeli pediatrics

      This area can be called one of the most developed in the Israeli healthcare system. This is evidenced by several factors:

      • equipping all departments with the latest equipment of the latest generation, which allows diagnostics and treatment within the walls of one medical institution;
      • Pediatrics in Israel is represented by specialists highest category who were educated in domestic universities and reinforced the acquired knowledge in clinics in Europe and the USA;
      • a large selection of medical institutions for children throughout the country;
      • Treatment in Israel for children takes place in conditions as close as possible to home, in comfortable rooms that are completely different from hospital wards;
      • friendly and friendly staff;
      • no language barrier.

      In addition, children's specialists constantly take part in international forums and conferences aimed at exchanging best practices. Pediatric oncology, orthopedics, and hematology are considered the pride of local medicine. Pediatric surgery occupies a special place in Israel, actively practicing microsurgery, arthroscopic and minimally invasive surgery.

      Diagnostic medicine

      The first thing a patient who comes to Israel for treatment will have to do is comprehensive examination, which is prescribed on a purely individual basis, based on the disease. For this purpose, there is a specially developed check-up program, which takes at least 4 hours and allows you to see a complete picture of the patient’s condition. You can also undergo examinations in Israel using narrow-profile packages, for example, gastroenterology, neurology, infertility, diabetes, cancer, psoriasis, epilepsy, leukemia, arthritis, hepatitis and others.

      Concerning oncological problems, then this state rightfully occupies a leading place in the ranking of countries that are able to detect cancer at the most early stages. Equipment that is used in Israel in medicine, as well as latest developments in area medical technologies allow for the most accurate diagnosis and almost completely eliminate errors.

      On average, the cost of an examination in Israel can cost approximately 3 thousand US dollars. However, in order to deliver more accurate diagnosis, may be needed additional research. By the way, it was here that such advanced techniques as capsule endoscopy, used to examine the digestive system, or the FibroMax test, which can detect cirrhosis and hepatitis, were developed.

      If there is a need to conduct virtual coronary angiography, mammography, biopsy, etc., the price of diagnostics in Israel may increase by another 100-1500 dollars in American currency.

      What diseases are successfully treated in Israel

      For those who are ready to try the most different ways treatment, it will be interesting to know that alternative medicine in Israel it is very common and popular. However, it should be remembered that the state does not control this sector and does not issue licenses for the activities of such specialists. This means that anyone can call themselves a doctor and open a clinic.

      If you prefer traditional methods treatment, it would be useful to find out what diseases it makes sense to go to this country with in the hope of healing. The list of such diseases is quite extensive:

      • oncological problems of all degrees of severity;
      • orthopedics, complex fractures and severe injuries, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
      • cardiovascular diseases, including radical cardiac surgery;
      • skin diseases;
      • chronic asthma, cerebral palsy;
      • infertility;
      • endocrine diseases;
      • hematological diseases: aplastic anemia, leukemia, etc.

      In addition, they perform implantation of heart valves and artificial joints, organ transplant operations and bone marrow and much more.

      Many patients who have undergone treatment are also interested in rehabilitation programs. Exactly because of this reason rehabilitation center in Israel, in most cases, it is a mandatory component of any clinic.

      How to go for treatment?

      The development of medical tourism in this country is greatly facilitated by the interest of local authorities in the influx of foreign patients. But before enjoying all the benefits of the Israeli healthcare system, it is necessary to clearly understand what the organizational process is.

      Direct request to the clinic

      This method cannot be called too complicated - almost every clinic has an entire department that works with foreign clients. Department staff will help potential patients go through the registration procedure, set a date for hospitalization, draw up a schedule for examination by specialized doctors.

      If you are interested in VIP medicine in Israel, then it is better to refuse this method of treatment, since it has a number of disadvantages:

      • the presence of a huge queue, which is explained by the significant workload of popular medical institutions in the country;
      • independent resolution of all issues prior to departure to Israel: search for accommodation, plane tickets and other nuances;
      • cooperation with only one medical center. If you are planning your visit for the first time, it is very difficult to plan for the specialist advice you may need. Unfortunately, such doctors may simply not be available at the institution you choose;
      • most of hospitals provide their services only upon full prepayment;
      • The cost of treatment when applying directly may be lower than through intermediaries, but do not forget about the nerves and time that you will have to spend resolving issues that arise during the treatment process.

      Working with providers

      When contacting providers, who are the link between you and the clinic, most of the worries fall on their shoulders. However, such companies should not be confused with ordinary intermediaries, who most often simply connect you with the desired medical institution. So, the provider provides the following services:

      • selection of specialist consultations from several clinics at once;
      • ensures complete independence from the chosen center: if any difficulties arise during the treatment process, you can always change the institution;
      • support of a coordinator who solves all problems that arise;
      • ensuring a comfortable stay in the country: meeting at the airport, accommodation, etc.;
      • advice on how to overcome difficulties associated with the work of the local health care system.

      Advantages of contacting agencies in the field of medical tourism

      Specialized companies that organize medical tourism accompany the patient at all stages of his stay in the country - from entry to rehabilitation. This service becomes possible due to several factors:

  1. The presence of a wide network of clinics in Israel.
  2. A clearly planned diagnostic and treatment program.

The symbiosis of these two components makes it possible to make the client’s stay in the country as comfortable as possible.

The advantages of this service also include:

  • resolving most issues related to stay in the country, including translation of documents;
  • language support during your stay on Israeli territory;
  • provision of transfer;
  • booking accommodation;
  • high level and speed of service;
  • legal protection;
  • saving time.

Only after carefully studying all the pros and cons can you make an adequate decision regarding the method of organizing your trip.

Medical institutions in Israel

The total number of clinics in this state is about 373 institutions, which are located throughout the country. However, the largest multidisciplinary hospitals located in the very center - in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The choice of a clinic for treatment in Israel depends on the nature of the disease. To make your task easier, we list the leading medical centers:

Yitzhak Rabin Clinic, Tel AvivSecond largest in the country. The best place for the treatment of cancer. About 70% of all kidney and liver transplant operations in Israel are performed here. The center includes the most famous hospitals: Schneider Children's Hospital, Beilinson, Golda Hasharon.
Hadassah, JerusalemOne of the most expensive and most popular clinics among citizens former USSR. Offers treatment in 18 areas (oncology, ophthalmology, nephrology, urology, cosmetology, aesthetic medicine). The staff speaks fluent Russian.
Ichilov, Tel AvivIt is part of the Sourasky Center, the second largest medical institution in Israel. Includes more than 150 outpatient departments: cardiology, neurosurgery, orthopedics, neurology.
Assuta, JerusalemMany people know it as one of the leading centers in the Middle East. Innovative operations and diagnostics are carried out here in all areas of medicine.
Sheba, Tel HashomerA public hospital on which the Safra Children's Hospital operates, including rehabilitation facilities. It provides services in the field of geriatrics and psychiatry.
"Schneider" Petah TikvaIf you need to choose the best institution for treating a child, then you need to give preference to this particular hospital. It is the only highly specialized pediatric center in the Middle East.
Ramat Aviv, JaffaOne of the largest private clinics in the country. Urological, oncological, and ophthalmological diseases are successfully treated here.
Rambam, HaifaState multidisciplinary science Center, which has an international department for patients from abroad. One of the latest developments of Israeli scientists, the Da Vinci robot, is successfully used here, and complex spinal surgeries are also performed.
"Herzliya", HerzliyaThis institution is in particular demand among employees of embassies and consulates, which indicates its high status. Here you can undergo diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the area vascular surgery, gynecology, proctology, pediatrics, ophthalmology.

Please note that these medical institutions arranged in random order, not by popularity.

Cost of treatment

Most actual question A concern that concerns patients concerns how much treatment costs in Israel. After all, when choosing a medical center, it is also necessary to take into account the principle of financial accessibility of its services. For convenience, we present the approximate prices for basic services in the table:

Name of serviceStarting price (in US dollars)
Doctor consultation450-1500
1 day of hospitalization in a regular ward700
1 day in intensive care1400
General blood/urine test150
Doppler of internal organs400
Full CT scan of the body1300
CT scan of one area650
Angioplasty of cardiac vessels12500
Coronary artery bypass grafting32000
Heart valve replacement surgery32000
Treatment of varicose veins7000-10000
Artificial insemination ShMA8500
Joint replacement (hip)22000
Removal of herniated vertebral discs17000
Treatment of prostatitis5500
Lens replacement surgery5500
Treatment of retinal detachment8000
Removal of tumors34000
Surgery to remove breast tumors7500
Removal of a tumor in the brain22000
Bone marrow transplantation100000
Breast implants9000
Eyelid surgery8500
Liposuction (one zone)4600
Wrinkle correction800

Prices for treatment in Israel in the table above do not include the services of intermediaries.


Sanatorium treatment in this small state can be called one of the most effective methods restoration and maintenance of health. Israel is one of the few countries that successfully combine physiotherapy and nature. Everything for this is here:

  • comfortable climatic conditions;
  • sufficiently humid, oxygenated air;
  • healing composition of the Dead Sea waters;
  • mineral springs;
  • mud.

The first thing patients are interested in is cost. Spa treatment in Israel, prices depend on many factors: location, range of services provided, use of natural opportunities, areas of treatment.

The riches of nature that fill this country make it possible to treat such types of ailments as:

  • skin diseases;
  • musculoskeletal problems;
  • damage to the respiratory system;
  • neuralgia;
  • ENT pathologies.

Each establishment of this order is guided by its own profile of work. And here it is important to know where to go:

  1. Tiberias - in this region there are Israeli sanatoriums with treatment of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, and neurological disorders.
  2. Arada – establishments that help you get rid of respiratory diseases, treat nervous system disorders.
  3. Ein Bokek – near this place there is a stream with water containing selenium. This substance strengthens the immune system well and plays the role of a natural antioxidant. Joints and dermatological problems are treated here.
  4. Ein Gadi - famous for its sulfur baths, which allows for healing the following diseases: ENT pathologies, cardiovascular diseases, diseases gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs.
  5. Dead Sea area - children's sanatoriums in Israel, which provide rehabilitation for young patients suffering from paralysis, motor functions And skin diseases, concentrated here. Many establishments are of a combined nature, i.e. designed for both children and adults.

Considering the fact that as medicinal drugs natural resources are used here, the cost of sanatorium services is relatively low. In 2019, the price for Israeli sanatoriums with treatment ranges from 1.5 to 8 thousand US dollars.

Dead Sea Sanatoriums

Hospitals located near the Dead Sea are in particular demand. There are more than 10 institutions here that deal only with dermatological problems, not to mention other diseases.

In general, sanatoriums in Israel on the shores of the Dead Sea with treatment are indicated for diseases:

  • skin;
  • joints;
  • spine;
  • bronchopulmonary system;
  • ear, throat, nose;
  • endocrine system;
  • genitals.

Here they will also provide help to those who suffer from depression, insomnia, and those who cannot get rid of the effects of stress.

In addition, at the Dead Sea in Israel you can quite successfully combine treatment and relaxation. Almost all sanatoriums are equipped like hotels and offer their visitors a full range of services.

The following establishments are very popular:

  • boarding house "Rachel";
  • "Hot Springs of Gaasha";
  • Dead Sea Clinic;
  • Help Clinic.

Even if you decide not to do so as part of a treatment program, it is still worth visiting the shores of this miraculous lake. Moreover, treatment in the Dead Sea is possible even in Jerusalem if you decide to stay in this city, since the distance between the two points is only 116 km. Tel Aviv is located a little further - 170 km, and the farthest is Haifa - 258 km. Those wishing to get here can use the services of one of the many carriers that offer discounts to those who intend to make several trips.

However, one should not forget that waters of the Dead The seas are not beneficial for everyone, so it is better to consult your doctor first.

Medicine in Israel: Video

I have heard the statement many times that Israeli medicine is the best. Therefore, when I was in Tel Aviv, I decided to examine my heart again. Everyone knows that I had serious problems: atrial fibrillation, cardiac arrest and full shift course on healthy lifestyle. Of course, I trust my clinic 100 percent, but since the opportunity presented itself, why not. A second opinion never hurts.

In general, in Israel there are three options for medical care. The first is insurance medicine. They are also called health insurance funds. The employer collects a health tax and a contribution to the health insurance fund from every working Israeli. 95% of Israelis are members of one of the 4 health insurance funds.

The second option is private insurance. Used as a complement to the first option. Among other things, it can give a person the opportunity to receive medical services abroad in difficult cases. This may be necessary, for example, when a person needs organ or bone marrow replacement, and there is no suitable donor in Israel.

Well, there is always private medical care. This is for those Israelis who, for various reasons, are not members of the health insurance funds (for example, they live permanently abroad and do not contribute to National Insurance) and for those who want to see a doctor who does not accept through the health insurance funds or wants to speed up the queues .

What to do if you are a tourist?

There are two options: contact private clinic, or to a medical tourism company. There are quite a few such companies and agents, and as in any market they are divided into large and small, experienced and inexperienced, honest and dishonest, professional and pretending to be so. Therefore, in order not to risk it, I chose the first option and found a good private clinic for Israelis, which also accepts foreigners - Tel Aviv Medical Center...

The center is located right on the waterfront in Tel Aviv:


The main thing for me is that there is a powerful Cardiology Department here. Before the examination, we talked for half an hour, studied my notes and medical history, and then performed stress tests (stress ECG, echocardiography and stress echocardiography). This was especially important because I am constantly drawn to the mountains, to any extreme, and it is important to understand the limit of my heart. What it can forgive me and what it can’t:


First of all, they shaved my very hairy chest to stick a bunch of sensors:



They put me on my side to do an ultrasound of the heart, a cardiogram, etc. The clinic has excellent equipment - for example, an ultrasound machine costs $140,000, each attachment on it costs $9,000:


The procedures were performed by a specialist, and my doctor monitored the readings and wrote everything down:


After that, the brutality began: they put me on a track and forced me to run. I love to run and do it often, but the doctors began to push me literally to the point of exhaustion.

When I started to say that I couldn’t, the doctors said: “Great! Give me five more minutes!” In general, the point of the test was to make me literally fall off the path onto the couch:


Immediately they began to re-examine me and study the behavior of the body under load:



Having come to my senses a little, I got dressed, washed myself and went to talk with the doctor:


Based on the results of the examination, the doctor advised me to replace two drugs in my course of treatment. One is not critical, but the second is very useful - it is worth having on hand in case of sudden arrhythmia away from clinics and specialists:


After that, they took me around the hospital:


The clinic has a neurological department with all the necessary advanced equipment. And of course, all the experts:


This is a cozy waiting room, used in the same way as a telemedicine room:


There is a TV with a camera for conferences and remote consultations:


The same owners as Tel Aviv Medical Center own another Matzpen clinic, which is located across the wall. This clinic is already highly specialized: treatment of psychiatry, neurology, addictions. The clinic is very rare of its kind - even those patients who initially go to large public hospitals in Tel Aviv end up, on the recommendations of doctors, in Matzpen.

Why? Firstly, public hospitals do not accept patients with psychiatric problems for outpatient treatment. Secondly, psychiatry is not as profitable as, for example, operations. Psychiatry requires a lot of patience and time. And the operation takes 2-3-4 days - and the person is sent home. In just a few days of psychiatric treatment, it is impossible to even relieve symptoms, let alone treatment. It is necessary to monitor the patient's response to the medication and adjust if necessary. It is necessary to ensure that the patient does not stop taking medications. Psychotherapy and sometimes social rehabilitation are required:



Doctors' offices are designed like ordinary living rooms. Here you talk to the doctor, and all procedures take place in special rooms:


Eye test equipment:


Finally, I would like to add that the clinic is international; they speak three languages ​​fluently: English, Hebrew and Russian. The real luminaries of medicine work here; Tel Aviv Medical Center provides services for health insurance companies and insurance companies. An excellent option when you need to be examined quickly, efficiently and confidentially:


By the way, any questions about the clinics can be asked to their director

Medicine of the 21st century is a unique combination of high technology and creative approach, and for last years it has made a huge step forward along the path of scientific and technological progress. Over the past 50 years, there has been a rapid breakthrough in the development of oncology, immunology, genetics and molecular biology. This has made it possible to find the most optimal therapeutic approaches to many diseases that until recently were considered incurable. Much of the credit for these achievements belongs to Israeli medicine.

Why is there good medicine in Israel?

State of health care system and level scientific research in this area depends on many factors. Personnel composition, the amount of funding, and the degree of involvement of national science in the world community also play a role. All this and much more is harmoniously combined in Israeli medicine.

Healthcare is a priority for the Israeli government, in fact, not on paper. A large percentage of GDP is allocated to medicine; Moreover, biomedical research has always been and remains a desirable object for investment from outside public organizations and individuals.

Another reason why Israel has good medicine is the great integration of doctors in scientific work. Indeed, in contrast to the general situation in the CIS countries, Israeli specialists more often have academic degree and participate in any research, than are simple “servants of Asclepius.” During the training process, future doctors undergo internships in the largest clinics in Israel, Europe and the USA, and this is the normal order of things. Finally, the vast majority of Israeli doctors regularly participate in national and international congresses.

Israeli medicine is available to patients from all over the world due to its openness. There are no restrictions on treatment in the country foreign citizens, making it a desirable destination for medical tourism.

Moreover, prices for services from public and private clinics are regulated at the state level, which is why the cost of treatment in Israel is 2-3 times lower than in centers in Europe and the USA.

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Treatment in Israel: miracles of Israeli medicine

Israeli doctors regularly participate in major international scientific projects and conduct their own research. Together with the excellent material and technical support of clinics, this naturally leads to great achievements Israeli medicine. Many patients who despaired of being cured in their home country found a solution to their problem in Israel.

In the largest private and public clinics countries successfully diagnose and treat even the most complex diseases and pathological conditions, including:

  • Malignant neoplasms in children.
  • Problems of infertility, family planning, health of the female and male reproductive system.
  • Chronic diseases of the central nervous system, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis and others.
  • Mental disorders and cognitive impairment.

For medicine in Israel, all the most modern laboratory and instrumental methods research that is widely used in everyday life practical work. This allows you to as soon as possible After hospitalization, make an accurate diagnosis of the disease and begin competent treatment.

Thanks to the high professionalism of Israeli specialists, the use innovative technologies and, most importantly, the availability of medical care for all patients, it is quite possible to actually fight such serious diseases as:

  • Infertility.
  • Congenital malformations.
  • Cardiac ischemia.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Chronic viral hepatitis and many others.

There are countless numbers on the Internet positive feedback grateful patients who were finally able to recover from their illnesses under the strict guidance of Israeli specialists.

Is everything so rosy?

On websites and forums dedicated to medical tourism, there are also negative reviews about Israeli medicine. Many patients who are planning treatment abroad read these messages and abandon their intentions. As a result, a great chance to solve your problem is lost, and the prognosis of the disease worsens.

Unfortunately, in a number of cases, such refusal of treatment abroad is provoked by false preconditions. Since medicine in Israel has truly reached unprecedented heights, and many patients continue to be treated in this country, achieving very good results, this poses a big problem for private medical centers in the CIS countries, which are simply losing customers.

Indeed, most negative reviews about Israeli medicine do not correspond to the real state of affairs. They talk about some outrageous situations of inhumane treatment, deception and a direct threat to the life and health of patients. One gets the impression that the authors of these reviews are not describing Israel, but some third world country.

Patients who want to undergo treatment abroad and make their final decision in accordance with information posted on the Internet should be aware that most negative reviews about doctors and clinics in Israel are, to say the least, fictitious. In the worst cases, these messages are bought by private medical organizations because, in their opinion, if treatment abroad is discredited, patients will go to them.

Treatment in Israel: what decision to make?

There are at least two ways to get treatment in Israel. The first option is the most expensive - go directly to the clinic. However, in this case the patient is often at great risk because:

  • There are no guarantees that a person will receive the full range of medical services and the quality of treatment that he expected.
  • You will have to independently look for a place to live, prepare documents to enter the country, and so on.
  • If the doctor gets sick or another force majeure event occurs, you will need to urgently look for another clinic.

The second option is to contact an intermediary company, which will become a link between the patient and the Israeli medical organization. This also has its pitfalls, because there is a possibility of deception and fraud. In order for the treatment experience in Israel to be the most positive, you need to contact only those companies that have gained extensive experience and value their reputation.

IsraelHospital Coordination Center is a large intermediary company that has been organizing treatment in Israel since 2005. Hundreds of patients who contacted us were able to choose the most suitable specialist in the largest clinics in the country without any difficulty and undergo a full course of effective treatment.

The best way to find out accurate information about Israeli medicine is to contact a company that has been cooperating with the country's leading clinics for many years. Contact IsraelHospital and get advice on treatment in Israel right now!

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