Follicles in the ovaries: normal number, treatment of folliculogenesis deficiency. Reasons why the egg does not mature

INTERESTING! A dominant occurs most often, but with artificially stimulated ovulation it grows on both. And in this case, the chance of conceiving twins increases.

Why is it missing?

When the dominant does not appear, a woman becomes pregnant. The causes of this pathology are as follows:

  • ovarian cyst;
  • "sleeping" ovaries;
  • disturbances in the development of the dominant.


When There is not enough progesterone and luteotropin in the body, the follicle, having assumed the desired size, cannot rupture and release the egg. In this case, it is called persistent, and the pathology is called persistence. Her signs are:

  • behind uterine cavity no liquid;
  • the amount of estrogen is very high;
  • and the amount of progesterone is too low;
  • the corpus luteum does not develop.

ATTENTION! With persistence, the dominant remains on the ovary throughout the entire menstrual cycle, and sometimes it can be fixed even after the end of the cycle. Thus, the body seems to be ready for ovulation, but it does not occur.


When the follicle fails to rupture and release an egg, but instead continues to grow, it turns into a cyst on the ovary. This cyst is benign education, which occurs due to hormonal imbalance.

The risk of its occurrence is increased by factors such as:

  • chronic diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • frequent abortions;
  • genitourinary operations;
  • wrong diet.

Such a violation affects menstrual cycle women, affecting its duration and regularity. Thus, the cyst interferes with the creation of a new dominant follicle. However, it rarely needs treatment, and usually goes away on its own within two, sometimes three, cycles.

"Sleeping" ovaries

In this case, we are talking about ovarian dysfunction, in which there are simply no follicles, none at all. They don't grow at all. And ovulation never occurs.

Does not ripen for other reasons

Developmental disorders are a pathology in which the follicles stop at one of the stages of development and suddenly begin to regress. In this case, a dominant can be formed, however the right size will not reach the ovulation phase.

IMPORTANT! For developmental disorders hormonal analysis does not show any pathologies, completely corresponding to the norm.

What to do?

If there is a suspicion that the dominant is missing, need to see a doctor and undergo a series of examinations. After this, the cause of the pathology will be determined and necessary treatment. Self-medication should not be done so as not to aggravate the condition.

In the hospital the doctor will examine you on the gynecological chair. And since the most common reason for the absence of a dominant is hormonal disbalance, will prescribe a blood test for hormones.

Moreover - on different stages cycle, because for the formation of a dominant in each phase you need different quantities hormones. And the doctor needs to know at what stage and which hormones are not enough.

Also prescribed folliculometry - a procedure that includes ultrasound diagnostics throughout the entire cycle. This allows you to track the work of the ovaries in each phase.

In addition, the doctor will pay attention to the duration of the cycle, because if it is longer or shorter than normal, this is a sign of ovulation disorder.

ATTENTION! The cycle when the dominant is not formed occurs several times a year in absolutely healthy women. This is normal and means that the body is, as it were, resting.

Prevention methods

Preventive measures are aimed at supporting the process of creating follicles and preventing disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries.

These include:

  • quitting smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  • full-fledged sex life with regular sexual intercourse;
  • active lifestyle, nutritious diet;
  • if possible, avoid stress and excessive physical activity;
  • taking measures to protect against STDs;
  • exclusion of abortion;
  • control of hormone levels in the blood.

And in mandatory must be taken regularly preventive examination in the antenatal clinic.

What treatment is prescribed?

Since most often the reason for the absence of a dominant follicle is hormonal imbalance, treatment is prescribed using hormonal drugs . The schedule for their intake is drawn up by the doctor, depending on how saturated the woman’s body is with estrogen.

A week before menstruation, progesterone may be prescribed in the form of a 1% solution by injection. To stimulate the ovaries to grow and develop follicles, doctors recommend estrogen medications such as Estradiol or Hexestrol. However start on your own hormonal treatment it is forbidden– this will further increase hormonal imbalance.

In addition, if necessary, the doctor can prescribe treatment inflammatory diseases urogenital area.

In conclusion, we can add, What healthy image life - best prevention problems with ovulation. And if the absence of a dominant follicle has already been diagnosed, do not despair: modern medicine can help in recovery.

What are follicles in the ovaries in women? The ovaries are the paired organs of the female reproductive system. They produce an egg every month that is suitable for fertilization by sperm. However, you can often hear from a doctor about the maturation of the follicle in the ovaries. What does it mean?

The fact is that the number of eggs is limited and is individual for each woman. Immature forms are in a special protective shell, a kind of pouch. This is the follicle. It performs the following functions:

  • Protecting the embryonic egg from the effects of negative factors.
  • Hormone production. Participates in the synthesis process female hormone estrogen.
  • Ensuring the maturation of the egg. Inside the follicle, the egg matures monthly, and also ensures its release into the fallopian tubes during ovulation.

Note. It is impossible to say exactly how many follicles there should be in the ovary. It is generally accepted that their number is from 50 to 200 thousand.

Features of the maturation cycle

The number of female germ cells is formed at the stage embryonic development. They are evenly distributed throughout the body of the ovary and, with the onset of puberty, the girl begins to mature.

The formation of follicles in the ovaries occurs during each menstrual cycle. Gradually, this sac increases in size, and by the middle of the cycle it ruptures, which is accompanied by the release of a mature egg and, possibly, its subsequent fertilization. If conception does not occur, it is observed menstrual bleeding. This process is normally repeated every cycle.

When the follicles in the ovary mature, a woman may experience minor discomfort. This is due to an increase in the size of the organ and subsequent rupture of the sac. Initially, several follicles are formed in the ovaries. The quantity norm is up to 10 units per cycle.

By the middle of the cycle, single follicles remain in the ovary. Usually only 1 follicle reaches the end of the maturation cycle. It's called dominant. The remaining formations gradually resolve. If 2 follicles mature simultaneously in one or each ovary, the chance of conceiving twins increases.

Important! During artificial insemination or egg donation, artificial stimulation of multiple maturation of follicles in the amount of 6-30 pieces is performed.

What could go wrong

The process of egg development does not always occur normally. A situation may occur when in a particular menstrual cycle there are no follicles in the ovaries. What does it mean? In this case, the egg does not mature, which means conception naturally becomes impossible. In addition, the menstrual cycle fails, and there is a lack of menstruation on time.

The absence of follicles can be either a temporary phenomenon or a sign of infertility. This is also one of the symptoms of the onset of menopause, when the resource of germ cells embedded in prenatal period, turns out to be depleted, or their ripening fails.

Disorders associated with the maturation of an empty follicle are also often observed. In this case, pregnancy is also impossible.

The situation is somewhat different - the growing follicle in the ovary does not burst or does not open completely, that is, it becomes persistent. Such a violation also provokes cycle disorders, and the accumulated fluid in the sac can transform into a follicular cyst. Over time, when the process normalizes, the cyst resolves on its own, but with frequent failures of this kind, polycystic ovary disease develops.

Reasons for violations

To eliminate deviations, it is important to find out what exactly triggered their occurrence. The reason why follicles in the ovaries do not mature may be the following factors:

  • Diseases gynecological sphere. Most often we are talking about ovarian pathologies, for example, polycystic disease. Various inflammatory processes and oncology can also have an impact.
  • Hormonal fluctuations. A disruption in any hormone can have an effect. But greatest influence provides prolactin, which is involved in the process of stimulating lactation.
  • Reception hormonal contraceptives. Especially if the means were chosen incorrectly, or the order of taking birth control pills was violated.
  • Diseases thyroid gland. Similar pathologies endocrine system negatively affect the functioning of the entire body.

A sign of disturbances can be not only an increased menstrual cycle, but also its shortening. Possible availability painful sensations and secretions in different periods cycle.

Diagnosis and treatment

To diagnose in such cases, it is necessary to undergo a complex of laboratory and hardware tests. With their help, it is possible to identify follicles suitable for development in the ovaries or the causes of deviations in these processes. Diagnostics include:

  • blood tests (general and biochemical);
  • tests for thyroid hormones;
  • tests for sex hormones;
  • gynecological examination;
  • Ultrasound of the ovaries.

The normal size of follicles in the ovaries is about 6-8 mm at the beginning of the cycle. Gradually their number decreases and their size increases, and a large dominant formation can be seen.

Only a doctor can explain the situation, why there are no follicles in the ovaries, and give recommendations on how to eliminate this problem. Treatment is selected individually and is generally aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • normalization of hormone levels;
  • elimination of cystic formations;
  • stimulation of ovulation;
  • restoration of the menstrual cycle;
  • elimination of diseases of the endocrine system;
  • improvement of metabolic processes.

Most often, treatment is limited to the use of hormonal drugs. IN severe cases may be required surgical intervention, in particular, puncture in the formation of cysts that threaten a woman’s ability to conceive and bear a child. When there is an accumulation of immature follicles, cauterization of the ovary is performed.


In order to maintain the normal maturation of follicles in the ovaries and generally prevent the development of problems with women's health, it is recommended to follow a number of preventive measures. Their essence is as follows:

  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • avoiding excessive emotional and physical stress;
  • maintaining a fulfilling sex life;
  • protection against sexually transmitted infections;
  • prevention of abortions;
  • control of hormone levels;
  • selection of funds oral contraception together with a qualified doctor;
  • timely treatment of diseases of any kind;
  • regular medical examination by a gynecologist.

Important! Pregnancy, to a certain extent, is also prevention women's problems with health.

If you experience menstrual irregularities, pain in the lower abdomen or other suspicious changes, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. It is necessary to be regularly examined by a gynecologist to prevent the development of such health problems.

Every woman who has at least once been interested in the features of the reproductive system that nature has endowed her with, knows about the most important role of follicles. It is they, ripening in the ovaries, that lead to ovulation and make it possible to get pregnant.
You have also most likely heard that the number of follicles in the female body is limited - this is why, after reaching a certain age, women can no longer have children (at menopause, the ovaries stop stimulating the development of follicles).

How should follicles mature in the ovaries?

As we said just above, the supply of follicles given to each woman by nature is not only individual (some may have higher or lower fertility than others), but, alas, it is also limited. Moreover, this amount is laid down even before the birth of a girl (during the formation of the fetus in the mother’s womb) and it is impossible to change it throughout life.

On average, this number can be about half a million cells, but you shouldn’t delude yourself - not all of them are used. By the time puberty ends, a girl has no more than 40 thousand left (give or take), but not all of them will have time to mature throughout her life.

On average, only half a thousand follicles out of the entire innate reserve go through all the stages of maturation in the ovaries - the rest “fade out” even before the start of the active growth phase (this phenomenon is called atresia).

The maturation of follicles is a very complex and multi-stage process. The slightest hormonal imbalance can disrupt harmony. But more on that later.

Stages of follicle maturation:
1. First week of the menstrual cycle.
Under hormonal influence at the same time, a dozen follicles begin to mature, of which subsequently only the strongest (dominant) remains, which, during ovulation, will give birth to an egg ready for conception. Follicles of several millimeters are clearly visible on ultrasound at the end of the first week of the cycle.
2. Growth of the dominant follicle.
It gains 2 millimeters in diameter every day.
3. Ovulation.
After the follicle reaches a diameter of about 2 centimeters, it bursts, releasing a mature egg, which is ovulation.
If the cycle is stable and without interruptions, then ovulation occurs approximately on the 13-15th days of the menstrual cycle. At this time, the chances of pregnancy are highest during unprotected sex.

Knowing your cycle (if it is regular, of course), it is easy to independently trace the stages of follicle maturation to determine ovulation and identify deviations in order to consult a doctor in time for a comprehensive examination.

It is also useful for women planning to conceive and calculating the timing of ovulation to know some typical signs its onset. However, remember: all the signs listed below are individual and may not be observed in all women.

Signs of ovulation:
- When measuring rectal temperature daily, you can notice that on the day of ovulation itself it may decrease, and then increase again.
- The level of luteinizing hormone (LH) rises sharply in the blood. Its level can be determined using special tests for determining ovulation, which are sold in pharmacies and are similar in principle to tests for determining pregnancy.
- The amount of mucous discharge from the vagina may increase.
- It may hurt or pull in the lower abdomen (but the pain should never be acute!).

Possible pathologies of follicle maturation in the ovaries

If the maturation process is disrupted, unfortunately, this often means infertility. However, in many cases this is a process amenable to hormonal correction and medical care, so don’t be so quick to lose heart.
But you shouldn’t delay contacting specialists (gynecologists and endocrinologists), who will definitely find out the causes and eliminate them.

Possible reasons for the absence or defects in follicle maturation:
- Ovarian dysfunction.
- Endocrine disorders.
- Inflammatory processes pelvic organs.
- Sexual infections.
- Neoplasms (not only in the pelvis, but also in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland).
- Early menopause.
- Emotional instability caused by constant stress or depression, can also cause a hormonal surge and, as a result, cause reproductive dysfunction.

Due to one of these reasons, it is even possible that there are no follicles in the ovaries. With defects in the maturation process, the follicle freezes at some phase of growth or, moreover, begins to “fade out” before the end of maturation, or cannot grow to the required size, or does not even burst, not releasing the mature egg out. Also considered a pathology is too early or, conversely, late maturation of the follicle.

As we wrote, by the time of ovulation only one follicle matures. However, in rare cases, two follicles may mature at the same time. This is not a pathology, since it increases the chances not only of the success of conception itself, but also of the birth of two children at once.

By the way, this often happens during the IVF procedure. Many of the defects in follicular maturation (and therefore infertility) are treated with hormone therapy, which stimulates ovulation, causing follicles to grow in the ovaries.
However, in order to choose the right drugs, the doctor will first have to conduct a comprehensive and comprehensive examination of the patient. Health to you, dear readers!

In a woman’s body, complex processes are constantly repeated that help the birth of a new life in her. The egg grows inside a special capsule that protects the organ from negative external influence. The development of the follicle helps to understand whether successful fertilization can occur and what changes await hormonal background and prevent the occurrence of possible diseases.

Follicles are small sacs that contain immature eggs. Each woman has her own supply of the latter, which is laid down at the stage of embryonic development. This occurs around the sixth week. The development of follicles in the ovaries is completed at the moment a person is born. According to scientific research, the number of such bags sometimes reaches 500 thousand. All of them will play their role for 35 years, because this is how long the reproductive period usually lasts. If they do not have time to ripen, they will subsequently die.

The so-called sacs are present in the body to perform two functions:

  • estrogen production;
  • protection from damage.

The process of follicle maturation

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the hormone that stimulates the development of follicles (FSH) is actively active in the body. Under its influence, they begin to increase. Over time, the volume of liquid in the capsule constantly increases, and its walls tend to stretch. On the day of possible fertilization, the latter bursts, and the formed one moves into the uterine tube, where it can actively interact with the sperm.

At full maturity, in each cycle the follicle matures, but only one. As for the rest, they produce estrogen, which is responsible for the endometrium. In most cases, it is the dominant follicle that matures.

The liquid present in it contains salts, proteins and other compounds that help the egg grow.

IN medical practice There are three main types of follicles:

  • dominant (main). It is he who stretches on the day of possible pregnancy. Rarely do two appear at once. If this happens, then there is a chance of twins being born.
  • persistent. Doctors begin to talk about its formation if the capsule does not rupture and the egg dies inside it. Then an anovulatory cycle occurs.
  • antral. It grows at the beginning of the cycle under the influence of FSH. One of them, with development, becomes the main one, and the rest die.

Follicle maturation is very complex with biological point process view. It is influenced by many factors. When the menstrual cycle is regular, around day 7, an ultrasound will show the size of the follicle to be a few millimeters in size. If further research is carried out, the growth trend of the shell will be monitored.

There is an increase of approximately 2 mm per day. The maximum size can reach 20 mm. When it comes to high rates, you should wait for the follicle to rupture during ovulation. It is often accompanied by the following sensations:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the presence of mucous secretions;
  • increase in LH in the blood.

The most optimal follicle size for the release of an egg and the onset of ovulation is 20-24 mm.

If the follicle is not mature

Today, the problem of infertility is quite common. The reason for unsuccessful conception is often the immature membrane containing the egg. A doctor will help solve this problem. We are usually talking about:

  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • presence of a tumor;
  • frequent stress;
  • improper functioning of the endocrine system;
  • early menopause.

Delayed or premature formation of the egg is also considered a deviation. Additional examination will help identify the problem.

What happens after ovulation

After this phase ends, production begins important hormone progesterone. The latter helps prepare for the entry of a fertilized cell. The empty shell, in turn, begins to shrink. If conception does not occur, the levels of progesterone and estrogen decrease markedly. In this case, the lining of the uterus peels off. This situation indicates the beginning of a new cycle.

What to do if maturation has occurred, but there is no ovulation?

To understand how a follicle bursts, you need to observe what happens before. It happens that nothing comes out of the capsule. Then there is a possibility of existence follicular cyst. The reasons for its formation are as follows:

  • oversaturation of the body with estrogen;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • constant change of sexual partners;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • unbalanced diet, including exhausting diets;
  • abortions;
  • stress.

Sometimes, in order for the egg to be released, it is enough to rest and include it in your diet. healthy food. To maintain a balanced amount of hormones are prescribed medical supplies. In particular, in the second half of the cycle, doctors prescribe progesterone. By the way, it is not canceled in case of successful fertilization.

According to doctors, the growth of the follicle can already be considered good news. However, for the egg to be released, the space needs to be helped to open. There are unique mechanisms for this. Sometimes you have to resort to using medications.

Ultrasound monitoring

This method of analysis is called folliculometry. It helps to track changes in dynamics.
Positive aspects of this method:

  • it becomes possible to assess the condition of the uterus as a whole;
  • you can track the growth of the pouches;
  • possible violations are identified.

By the way, if ultrasound is performed by an unqualified specialist, use this method doesn't make sense. Computer examination does not help assess the patency of the tubes.

If a woman has a 28-day cycle, then the first ultrasound can be done on day 8, when the bleeding. It is recommended to repeat the study after a couple of days. The next visit to the hospital is determined by the doctor, based on the results of the previous examination.

It is worth noting that clear visualization of 15 mm dots on the screen does not indicate the exact occurrence of ovulation. Also, this will not be confirmed by a single ultrasound.


The development of the follicle helps determine whether everything is normal with fertility. Violation of this process indicates the presence of failures in normal operation female body. When the development of one follicle has occurred, but the capsule has not ruptured, it is time to contact a specialist.

Helpful information

Women's reproductive system It has specific features, ensuring monthly maturation of the follicle. This process makes it possible to conceive. How it happens normal process follicle maturation? Why do follicles not mature in pathology? All physiological processes in the female body depend on the coordinated work of the endocrine apparatus and other systems.

Even in the prenatal period, 1-2 million embryonic follicles are already formed in the girl’s body. It is characteristic that before puberty only 400-500 follicles remain, and the rest are atretic. From the remaining amount, several follicles begin to grow every month. difficult process maturation

Follicle maturation: basic physiology

Difficult physiological process Follicle maturation occurs under the influence of many factors. It begins with the beginning of each menstrual cycle. Follicle-stimulating hormone starts the process of maturation of several (about 10) follicles. Only one, the dominant follicle, reaches the final stage of development; the rest undergo atresia.

As follicle cells grow, they produce estrogens. Before ovulation, the concentration of these hormones increases significantly. High concentrations of estrogen cause a sharp release of luteinizing hormone, resulting in rupture of the follicle. In this case, the egg is released into abdominal cavity, from where it enters fallopian tube. The release of an egg from the follicle is called ovulation.

When a follicle ruptures, it turns into a corpus luteum, which begins to actively produce progesterone. It is under the influence of progesterone that the endometrium is prepared for the implantation of an embryo into it.

The egg is capable of fertilization only within 24 hours. If at that time there is contact with the sperm and fertilization, the corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone, which prevents detachment of the functional layer of the endometrium (menstruation).

If fertilization does not occur, atresia occurs corpus luteum, and menstruation occurs - detachment of the internal (functional) layer of the endometrium. The cycle begins again.

It is important for many women to know exactly when the egg is released from the follicle. This allows you to determine the optimal day for conception.

With a normal menstrual cycle, there should be no delays in the process of follicle maturation. When the follicle reaches a diameter of about 21 mm, this means that ovulation will soon occur.

The following signs may indicate imminent ovulation:

These signs allow you to determine when ovulation will occur. To do this, they need to be tracked over several months. But their accuracy is not absolute, and you can only rely on such symptoms if you have a regular menstrual cycle.

Why don't follicles mature?

Quite often, when wanting to conceive a child, a woman is faced with the fact that the follicles do not mature. It is very important to know the reason for this deviation.

The most common causes of impaired follicular maturation are:

Such processes can lead to disruption of maturation processes, as well as to the fact that the follicle does not burst. What to do in such a situation? Be sure to consult a doctor. Impaired follicle maturation and ovulation can lead to infertility. With the right timely treatment this condition is successfully treated. If the follicle does not come out, that is, ovulation has not occurred, fertilization is impossible.

IVF: follicle puncture

When conducting an in vitro fertilization program, a successful pregnancy requires follicular puncture, during which several eggs are obtained at once. But in a normal cycle, only one follicle matures. How to grow follicles? How to get several eggs in one menstrual cycle? For this purpose, hormonal stimulation of superovulation is used. From the beginning of the menstrual cycle, a woman receives specific hormone therapy, the action of which is aimed at the maturation of several follicles at once. When gonadotropins are administered, several dominant follicles. When the follicles reach a certain size, follicle puncture is performed.

Follicle puncture, reviews of which women leave on forums, is absolutely painless procedure. Before puncturing the follicles, a short-term general anesthesia. Using a needle, the ovaries are punctured through posterior arch vagina. After puncture of the follicles, the woman does not experience discomfort. In the first days, there may be some pain in the lower abdomen.

How many follicles mature in one cycle?

In most cases, only one follicle matures during one menstrual cycle, and only one egg is released. After ovulation occurs high concentration progesterone inhibits the maturation of other follicles, so exit is impossible more eggs. In rare cases, two follicles ovulate at the same time, resulting in a twin pregnancy.

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