How does a guinea pig allergy manifest and ways to get rid of the symptoms. Guinea pigs are a strong source of allergies Taking therapeutic and preventive measures

Many people believe that guinea pigs cause allergies because of their fur, but this is actually not the case. The main allergen is the dead “husk” on the skin of guinea pigs, as well as the animal’s saliva and urine. Allergy symptoms arise due to the fact that the husk comes into direct contact with the human skin and gets into it. Airways while inhaling air. An allergy to guinea pigs is provoked by an individual allergen - a specific immunoglobulin E6 produced in the epithelial cells of a guinea pig. The reaction occurs due to increased histamine production.

Typically an allergic reaction to guinea pig appears quite quickly - in the first days of coexistence with a rodent or direct contact with it. But for most allergy sufferers, exacerbation manifests itself in different ways. For example, some people experience severe discomfort due to itching (in most cases, a rash on the face) or swelling in the eye area. Others experience dry skin, followed by cracks in the skin. There have been cases when an allergic reaction manifested itself in the form of systematic attacks of severe suffocating cough.

Symptoms of a Guinea Pig Allergy

An allergy to guinea pigs manifests itself in the following symptoms:


Dry cough;

Hives, redness of the skin, itchy skin;

Itching and redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes;

Sudden runny nose;

Excessive tearing and sneezing.

If the above symptoms appear upon contact with a guinea pig or objects that it has ever touched (bedding, sawdust in a cage), it is necessary to take a blood test and skin tests for allergies. Special training these studies are not required. The results are not affected by taking antihistamines. If you are taking glucocorticoids, tell your doctor. Normally, the indicator should be less than 0.35 kU/L or negative.

A person who has been diagnosed with an allergy to guinea pigs at least once in his life must understand that this phenomenon can recur periodically and therefore it is imperative to get rid of the allergen.

Treating Guinea Pig Allergy

Treatment for guinea pig allergies should be prompt. The sooner it starts, the greater the likelihood of curing the allergy completely. After eliminating the pathogenic allergen, the allergist determines an alternative treatment regimen, which includes both external and internal use. Treatment is selected individually, but always includes complexes of minerals and vitamins that are necessary to strengthen the immune system.

Typically used the following drugs for the treatment of allergies: Suprastin (Chloropyramine), Pipolfen (Promethazine) and Tavegil (Clemastin).

Sometimes even such a cute-looking “animal” like a guinea pig can cause a serious anomaly in the human body, which is very difficult to cure, which is why it is necessary to be careful when choosing pets, so as not to think about where to place them later.

In the process of numerous medical studies, scientists are inclined to believe that the main sources of allergies are pets. Their waste products often play the role of an irritating factor for human body. Allergies to guinea pigs occur for the same reasons.

Often the first “bells” are not noticed or they are not paid attention to, thinking that pigs are not allergenic. But this is far from true.

You should be attentive to your health, otherwise you may end up in need. emergency assistance. According to medical statistics, mumps is quite allergic.

Guinea pig allergy in adults can cause different symptoms

Most often, an allergy to guinea pigs manifests itself on the skin, nasal mucosa or eyes, as well as problems with the respiratory system. Clinical symptoms like this:

  • allergic runny nose with copious discharge and nasal congestion;
  • there may be swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • skin rashes;
  • labored breathing;
  • cough and sneezing.

There can be one symptom of an allergy to a guinea pig or a combination of several; they appear on the first day of contact with the rodent. Also, such a reaction occurs not only to the animal itself, but also to objects that it touched. For example, sawdust in a cage, bedding.

How does rodent allergy manifest in children?

Clinical symptoms in children are the same as in adults. The only difference is that babies endure it more difficult.

A common manifestation is severe rhinitis. It is also called "Hay fever". It comes out of the nose a large number of mucus, difficulty breathing. There may be itching and discomfort in the eye area. Allergies can be immediately identified by the absence cold symptoms: temperature and muscle pain.

Guinea pig allergy in children is more complex than in adults

Parents should be careful. It often happens that after visiting friends who have a funny pig, a child comes asking for an equally cute friend. Please note if there are any reactions. Allergies can appear within a few days after touching someone else's guinea pig. This is a signal to promptly find out whether the child has a predisposition to allergies.

What causes allergies

It is often believed that the fur of a guinea pig is to blame. But this is a misconception.

The most important allergen that provokes allergic manifestations is dead particles of rodent skin.

Animal secretions, such as urine and saliva, also often cause allergies. Pig skin microparticles enter chemical reaction with human skin and also irritate the respiratory tract. It's all about an allergen called "immunoglobulin E6", which is produced in the epithelium of the animal. Allergic manifestations occur with increased production of histamine.

Is it possible to cure allergies and how?

Allergy treatment cannot be delayed. Symptoms may worsen and complications such as severe shortness of breath may occur. Unfortunately, if a certain allergen is present in the body, then you can’t get rid of it; you can only remove it unpleasant symptoms. So what to do?

First of all, contact with the animal and all objects it touched is excluded. Next, the allergist prescribes tests and skin tests.

Allergies are treated with antihistamines. They are practically safe and have minimal side effects. These drugs are used both to relieve symptoms in adults and children. Unpleasant manifestations are eliminated in a fairly short time.

The most effective drugs:


The product quickly relieves symptoms allergic urticaria, Quincke's edema. Children can take it from two years of age. The only contraindications are during pregnancy.


It is convenient because it is available not only in tablets, but also in drops. Babies can start from six months. Copes with conjunctivitis, urticaria, anaphylactic shock, allergic cough and sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion.


Effectively and quickly copes with rhinitis and allergic edema. Accepted strictly from the age of six.

What is important is that there are no sedative symptoms when taking it.

When using medications against allergy symptoms, one must take into account the child’s age and dosage.


Available in the form of syrup and tablets. This is convenient for using the drug in infants. There are no sedative manifestations.

Has a quick effect. Of the contraindications, only individual reactions to the body’s failure to accept certain components can be noted.


When using the drug, the production of histamine is blocked. Can be taken from the age of twelve. Rarely, but there are side effects in the form of: migraines, drowsiness, gastrointestinal disorders.

After the irritating factor has been eliminated and soaked medications, the allergy recedes. In rare cases it is necessary to additionally apply hormone therapy, along with creams and ointments to eliminate skin lesions.

Is it possible to leave a pet if allergic manifestations are not severe?

It happens that the pet manages to take root, and only then it turns out that one of the family members has an allergic reaction to the rodent. It may be weak, but it is there. For example, in the form of mild nasal congestion. What to do in this case. Is it worth parting with your pet?

If you have symptoms of an allergy to guinea pigs, you should clean with gloves.

In such cases, the rodent can be left. But there are a number of rules and recommendations, the implementation of which will help avoid more serious manifestations:

  • be sure to carry out daily wet cleaning of the house;
  • do not allow dirt in the cage and thoroughly sanitize it regularly;
  • clean the cage using gloves;
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after cleaning, and change your clothes for clean ones;
  • protect a family allergy sufferer from frequent personal contact with animals. Not everyone will follow this advice, but this effective way from allergic reactions. If a child with allergies wants to cuddle the pig, then before doing this he should put on an individual gauze bandage or mask;
  • A guinea pig should not be kept in the bedroom;
  • do not let the animal run on upholstered furniture;
  • Purchase an air purifier or air filter that will reduce the level of concentrated allergen.

It is very important to find out whether you are allergic to the animal or to the food. Thus, replacing it will resolve the problem.

Before getting a pet, you should find out if there are any allergies to wool, sawdust, or any types of feed that the rodent eats.

If, nevertheless, exposure allergic manifestations Yes, then it’s better not to risk it. Otherwise, the animal will soon have to look for a new owner. This is unnecessary stress for both the rodent and the would-be breeder.

Start up pet only possible if you are absolutely sure that family members do not have allergies

More important point: if a baby is expected in the family, then getting a rodent should be postponed - an allergy to guinea pigs often makes itself felt precisely during the period of bearing the baby.

Chronic allergy sufferers are given a special warning: close contact with this animal can lead to serious complications, which will subsequently take a long time to treat. Therefore, since with a negative response from the body, all the joy of communicating with a smaller friend will be ruined.

Video: Guinea pig allergy

How to Identify and Treat a Guinea Pig Allergy


How to choose the right guinea pig
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Guinea pigs are cute and funny animals that most often do not cause problems for their owners. However, the animal's fur and smell can become sources of an allergic reaction. You don't have to search right away new house for pet. Allergies can be cured only in the earliest stages of the onset of the disease.

Not all breeders know that guinea pig allergies actually exist. Many people think that rodents do not cause any allergic reactions. However, the specific smell of some animals and long wool can cause quite a bit of trouble. It is guaranteed that there cannot be an allergy only to hairless pigs.

Skinny pig does not cause allergies

The medical cause of allergies is immunoglobulin E, which is produced by specific proteins. The causative agents of allergies include those antibodies that cause hypersensitivity. An allergy is a natural immune reaction of a weakened body, which is accompanied by the production of antibodies. Under the influence of immunoglobulin E, the so-called mast cells and basophils are activated. Mast cells are located:

  • On mucous membranes,
  • In the subcutaneous tissue
  • Near the lymph nodes,
  • In the bone marrow
  • Near blood vessels
  • In the spleen.

Exactly mast cells responsible for the production of histamine. In people with allergies, mast cells produce too much of the enzyme.

Occurs due to allergies inflammatory process can lead to both safe, but unpleasant symptoms (runny nose), and deadly ones - Quincke's edema or even anaphylactic shock.

Most often, the cause of allergies to pigs is wool rich in keratin, as well as saliva, urine, and tiny dead skin particles.

Predisposition to allergies

It is impossible to say in advance whether there is an allergy to an animal or not, especially if this is the first a pet in family. To be sure and eliminate the possibility of an unpleasant situation occurring after purchase, you can take an allergic reaction test and determine whether a child or adult has a predisposition to this disease. People with various chronic diseases and weakened immune systems most often suffer from allergies. It is also not recommended for pregnant women to purchase an animal - during this period the risk of allergies is much higher, and the consequences can be sad. For families where there is infant You should also wait to buy a guinea pig.

Many people mistakenly believe that if you are allergic to cats or dogs, then you will definitely have the same reaction to a guinea pig. Animals have completely different fur texture, smell, and saliva.

Therefore, in case of allergic reactions to other animals - to a guinea pig or any other rodent, there may not be an allergy.

Allergy symptoms

An allergy to animals does not take long to develop and in the vast majority of cases it manifests itself after the first contact. The disease can also manifest itself when a person comes to visit an animal breeder. The body's first reaction to an irritant may be an itchy nose, runny nose, coughing, and shortness of breath. Most often, the eyes begin to water, and the skin becomes covered with a reddish rash. The area around the eyes, nose, and lips may swell, and the skin may become dry and cracked where it comes into contact with the allergen. The cough may be accompanied by severe bronchial spasms. Symptoms may appear individually, with different strength, and maybe all together.

Allergy treatment

Before you start treatment and buy medications, you need to see a doctor and get tested to determine one or more allergens. A person may have a negative reaction to the animal itself (fur, skin, saliva) and related products. Thus, people may be allergic to hay and the grass seeds, sawdust, dry food or vitamin premixes it contains. Most easy method Allergen determination is a skin test.

However, it is not taken if the person:

  • Exacerbation of a chronic disease,
  • Asthma,
  • Hives,
  • Sore throat or any cold,
  • heart disease,
  • Diseases of the blood, kidneys or liver, rheumatism,
  • If a person uses hormonal or antihistamine drugs.

Skin testing is also not performed on pregnant women. Usually the procedure is carried out on the skin of the forearm or back and no more than 15 tests are done with different allergens. Before the test, the skin is wiped alcohol solution and drip a histamine solution to determine the required reactivity of the skin. In most cases, an allergic reaction appears within a few minutes, but there are cases when the effects of the test can be noticed after 5-6 hours. After the test, it may become worse and chronic diseases- this also means positive result samples.

If the disease is detected in the early stages, then there is a chance to reduce unpleasant symptoms and avoid separation from your pet. If the allergen is not an animal, but food or bedding, everything is simple. You can replace the feed, try other filler options, replace the hay with fresh grass. If the allergen is an animal, then you will have to undergo a long course of treatment. It is important to remember that only an allergist can prescribe a course. Purchasing antihistamines on your own will help relieve symptoms, but will not cope with the problem. Most often, allergy treatment involves the use of drugs such as Suprastin, Zodak or Claritin.

The drugs are prescribed strictly with a complex of vitamins and minerals and immunostimulants.

However, treatment will not be successful if the allergy manifests itself in a severe form - it causes Quincke's edema, spasms in the bronchi and lungs, severe swelling skin bodies. In this case, you will have to part with the animal.

Human immune system – powerful protection from bacteria, viruses, harmful particles. Some people's bodies are overly sensitive. Guinea pig allergies are not as common as allergies to cats, dogs, or birds. And some even mistakenly consider rodents to be practically hyperallergenic pets.

Guinea pigs are absolutely charming, but they can also cause a violent immune response in both adults and children.

These rodents are incredibly popular, especially in families with small children or those who have not previously owned pets. Pigs are cute and funny, have a calm disposition, and are easy to care for. But allergies to them can be quite serious in all forms.

Although it is common to believe that allergies are caused by guinea pig fur, this is not true. Allergists have long proven that this is a myth and animal fur itself does not cause any reaction.

The body's defense system sees a threat not in the fur or its structure, but in specific animal proteins contained in saliva, feces, and microscopic particles of skin. Antigens are easily spread in space and are also transmitted through contact with a pet and its things.

Interestingly, breeders have bred several hairless breeds. And they assure that there can be no allergy to such guinea pigs. But most likely this is just a marketing ploy. The photo above is just such a guinea pig.

What to do if symptoms appear

What should pig owners do if allergies make themselves felt? The main thing is not to go to extremes and not make hasty decisions. Seek advice from an allergist as soon as possible to undergo tests and tests to identify the irritant.

Based on the results, it may turn out that the problem is not with the rodent itself, but with the food or filler, and the animal has already been expelled from the house. Or the owners make a “heroic” decision to endure the illness and not part with their friend, but research will show that long-term contact will lead to irreversible consequences, and they need to look for kind hands for the pig.

Important! You can’t do without doctors in the fight against allergies. Only they will competently prescribe treatment, taking into account its type, severity, chronic diseases And general condition patient.

How it manifests itself

There are 3 main options for how an allergy to guinea pigs manifests itself - breathing problems, skin itching, inflammation of the mucous membranes. Symptoms appear individually, less often in combination.

Respiratory allergies can affect any organ of the corresponding system. Nasal congestion or allergic rhinitis does not pose a serious threat, but rather causes discomfort. The reaction can affect the tongue, larynx, bronchi, and this is much more dangerous, since air access is blocked.

Skin allergies manifest themselves in the form of peeling, redness, and cracks. In contact with the irritant, atopic eczema develops, affecting the face and head and the entire body. Most often, children under 2 years of age suffer from this. Another common reaction is hives. It appears as itchy blisters, similar to nettle burns, that spread over the skin very quickly.

Allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, manifested by lacrimation or accumulation of pus, itching, swelling and redness. The condition is very unpleasant, but treatable.

Guinea pig allergy symptoms can appear at different times. U especially sensitive people the reaction occurs almost instantly and even without contact with the animal, just when you are in the room where the pet was.

The allergen can accumulate in the body, delaying the open manifestation of the disease. Sooner or later it goes into the active stage. Knowing the symptoms is half the battle in the fight against allergies. If you start treatment in early stage, it is easier to achieve a positive result.


It is impossible to completely recover from guinea pig allergy, since it is a hereditary tendency of the body. But if you seek the help of a competent doctor, he will prescribe a course of treatment and preventive measures that will reduce the manifestations of allergies to a minimum.


Swelling of the airways requires serious attention to avoid suffocation, loss of consciousness and anaphylactic shock. Usually used for treatment antihistamines. They must be used with caution due to side effects associated with weakness, increased load on the heart, kidneys, and nervous system.

Three generations developed antihistamines, the latter has minimal Negative influence on the body. In serious situations and at the time of exacerbations and attacks, it is prescribed hormonal drugs– corticosteroids.

If an attack occurs, before the doctors arrive, the patient needs to be given sedative(panic due to suffocation will worsen the situation) and place him in a safe position that does not allow his tongue to retract.

Allergic rhinitis is effectively treated with nasal sprays and drops during an exacerbation. Hygienic solutions for rinsing the nose can be used for prevention on a daily basis: regular cleansing of the respiratory tract reduces the manifestation of allergies. Antihistamines required. Accumulating in the body, they stabilize the condition.

When fighting skin allergies, much attention is paid to local impact on the affected areas with ointments and compresses. But in order for the treatment to progress, they are used in combination with antihistamines.

Attention! A progressive method of allergy treatment has been developed that provides a long-term effect. Immune system a person is “trained”: the stimulus gene is determined, then it is introduced into the body in small doses, gradually increasing the concentration. It may take at least a year to adapt, but in the end, allergies to guinea pigs are very rare.

If an allergy causes conjunctivitis, basic antihistamine treatment should be combined with local symptomatic treatment - drops to correct the work tear ducts anti-inflammatory lotions. Difficult flow eye allergies also corrected with corticosteroids, histamine blockers, but only under the supervision of a specialist.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine offers allergy sufferers many ways to get rid of the disease. Homemade recipes have their advantages and disadvantages. These drugs are safe, do not negatively affect other organs, are combined with basic medications and are suitable for prevention. But if the diagnosis is serious, there is a tendency to have seizures, then do not experiment.

Self-medication for children and pregnant women traditional methods contraindicated. An allergist will prescribe suitable medications.

Herbal infusions are taken orally for any manifestations of allergies to animals.

Dry herbs are first steamed with boiling water, then brought to a boil and filtered. You need to be treated with decoctions for at least one and a half months, some can be taken for six months, the main thing is regularity. Burdock roots, medicinal chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, dandelion - these plants relieve allergy symptoms and strengthen the immune system.

At skin allergies relieves itching and restores the epidermis with a herbal bath. The best option– a course of baths with the addition of a series. It is necessary to prepare a decoction, strain and add to water at a comfortable temperature. The good thing about this method is that it will not harm even small children with sensitive skin. Lotions from the series will enhance the effect of baths and relieve inflammation.

Based on decoctions medicinal herbs Soothing ointments and creams are prepared. A decoction of one plant or a complex collection is prepared, filtered, added to Vaseline or lard and mixed thoroughly. Ready product applied topically to allergy-affected areas

Important! Follow recommendations traditional medicine It is possible only if there is no reaction to herbs, pollen, honey. All these products themselves are natural allergens. For hypersensitive people, the described techniques will be harmful.

Eyes will be healed herbal infusions, used as drops. Aloe juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 will get rid of pus. Honey diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1 will relieve inflammation. Use it as drops or lotion.

Lifestyle change

Treatment can be selected competently and accurately, the most effective drugs, but a positive result will come only after revising your lifestyle.

Allergy sufferers should follow these recommendations:

  1. Regular physical exercise and hardening strengthen the body and increase its protective potential against irritants.
  2. Refusal bad habits required. Alcohol and drug use wears out all organ systems, smoking affects respiratory system, which is fraught with allergies.
  3. Bath or shower - daily, washing and washing hands - as often as possible during the day.
  4. At home there should be no thick curtains, fleecy carpets, or an abundance of soft toys. The fewer dust collecting surfaces, the easier it is to fight the allergen;
  5. Wet cleaning - on schedule. Every day it is necessary to dust, wash the floors and vacuum.

The most popular question asked by pet owners is related to the fate of their pet. Is it necessary to give away a guinea pig? Is it possible to adapt to living together with it? After all, the doctor’s first requirement is to neutralize the cause of the allergy.

If the owner has not encountered a severe form of intolerance, the rodent can remain in the family if strict rules are followed.

Attention! If you follow all the requirements for cleanliness and hygiene, the presence of an antigen carrier in the house may become invisible to the immune system, and it will stop giving alarm signals.


Guinea pigs do cause allergies. However, medicine in our time is developing confidently and does not stand still. Through the efforts of doctors and scientists people learned to treat allergies, it is no longer a death sentence. Even a hypersensitive allergy sufferer can afford to live full life and enjoy communicating with and watching your beloved pet. But with an irresponsible attitude towards regulations and boundaries, with an unwillingness to observe everyday discipline, the body’s reaction will not weaken and will exhaust the body. It is much easier to pull yourself together and resist allergies according to all the rules.

In contact with

A guinea pig is a wonderful little pet. Many children dream of owning one.

But this animal can be a major allergen. Doctors advise that before buying a guinea pig, find out if you are allergic to it.

The fact is that allergies can be caused not even by the pet’s fur, but by other factors.

Researchers have found that people whose bodies react positively to dogs, hamsters and other animals may experience an allergic reaction to pigs.

Therefore, you should not think that if you are not allergic to other animals, then you will not be allergic to a guinea pig.

It is very important to make sure that your guinea pig will not be a danger to you. Let's try to understand why such a small animal can cause so many big health problems?


Many people think that main reason allergies - pet fur. But this is not an entirely true statement. An allergic reaction of the body occurs due to the fact that the allergen, located in the dead skin cells of the pet, comes into contact with human skin.

As a result, the allergen enters the respiratory tract, thus causing an allergic reaction. In addition to dead cells, allergies can be triggered by urine, saliva, sawdust dust and even, no matter how strange it may sound, animal food. The reason may be individual or hereditary intolerance to guinea pigs.


  • Runny nose.
  • Cough.
  • Skin redness, itching.
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.
  • Tearfulness, redness of the eyes.


First of all, you need to seek help from a doctor who will examine your body and prescribe a course of treatment that is suitable for you. The initiative should also come from you, but try not to overdo it with self-medication:

  • Firstly, it is necessary to exclude any contact with the animal; unfortunately, you will have to say goodbye to it forever if you want to maintain your health. We can say that there are cases when the allergy was provoked not by the animal itself, but by its food or sawdust, in which case you should simply change them to other means.
  • Secondly, you need to take drugs such as: “Suprastin”, “Tavegil”, “Promethazine”. It is very important to follow the instructions to avoid side effects or overdose.
  • Thirdly, to ease your situation, you can use folk remedies. Take baths with chamomile or nettle infusions. If you have a stuffy or runny nose, rinse your nose at least five times a day with the herb; naturally, you should not be allergic to it.

When you cough, you can drink fennel tinctures, and also gargle with baking soda or herbs every hour during the day.

Wipe your skin with celandine tinctures once every two hours.

Treatment traditional methods should take place in two courses: the first 5 days we are treated, we rest for two days, and again we treat for 5 days.

If improvements do not make themselves felt, continue the course of treatment with traditional methods + use medications prescribed by your doctor.

Method of use of the drug "Promethazine"

  1. Take orally after meals.
  2. Adults: three times. During the day: 12-25 mg. At night: 25-50 mg.
  3. Children from 2 to 6 years: 12 mg 3 times a day.
  4. Children over 14 years of age: 25 mg 3 times a day.

Method of use of the drug "Tavegil"

  1. Take orally before meals.
  2. Adults and children over 12 years of age: one tablet morning and evening.
  3. Children from 6 to 12 years: half a tablet morning and evening.

Method of use of the drug "Zyrtec"

  1. For adults and children over 6 months.
  2. Adults and children over 7 years of age: 15 mg per day.
  3. Children from 2 to 6 years: 2.5 mg per day, twice a day.
  4. Children up to 2 years of age: 2.5 mg per day, twice a day.
  5. Children up to 6 months to one year: 2.5 mg per day, once a day.


Before you get a guinea pig, get tested so you know in advance if you have allergies.

  1. If you are a pregnant woman, then you should also not have a pet, because... allergies can occur during pregnancy and lead to serious complications your body and your baby's body.
  2. An excellent preventative measure would be wet cleaning (at least twice a week) and airing rooms (three times a day).
  3. If you still discover that you have an allergy, consult a doctor for a diagnosis. Follow your doctor's recommendations. Switch to a hypoallergenic diet and stick to healthy image life.
  4. Allergy sufferers should stop smoking and alcohol.
  5. In clothing, give preference to things with a natural composition.
  6. Carefully monitor the composition of the foods you eat. Pay attention to hygiene.
  7. Try to eat more fruits, because... they contain a large amount of vitamins that will help cope with weakened immunity during allergic reactions. Of course, fruits should not be allergenic foods for you.
  8. If you have pets other than a guinea pig, try to limit contact with them during treatment.

