Manic fear. How to stay calm and healthy? Eliminate depressive behavior. How is manic depression treated?

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression in the past, is mental illness, which causes the patient to have sudden mood swings, from depressed depressive to overly excited. People with this disease, feeling happy and joyful, abruptly fall into excessive feelings of sadness and depression, and vice versa. Because manic depression is characterized by mood swings - or mood polarities - it is called bipolar disorder, or bi-polar disorder. Between episodes of mood swings, the patient may be in normal condition and mood.

The word "mania" describes the state of the patient when he is in an overly elated and agitated mood and feels self-confident. These feelings quickly develop into distraction, irritability, anger and even anger. The word "depression" describes the state of depression and sadness of the patient. Because the symptoms are similar, it is sometimes misdiagnosed as acute depression.

In most patients, attacks of the depressive phase occur much more often than mania.

ICD-10 code

F30 Manic episode

F30.8 Other manic episodes

F30.9 Manic episode, unspecified

Who has the most common manic depression?

According to the data National Institute mental health problems of about 2 million US residents suffer from such a disorder as manic depression. It usually starts at young age, up to 35 years old. If children fall ill, then it will proceed in a more complex form and together with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Some studies have shown that manic depression is hereditary due to its frequent occurrence within the same family.

This disease affects both men and women equally, but women suffer from more frequent mood swings - that is, bipolar disorder cyclical. This course of the disease can be caused by the fact that women have more frequent changes in hormone levels, impaired function thyroid gland and they are more likely to be prescribed antidepressants. Women are also more prone to frequent bouts of depression than mania.

As a result of studies, it was found that about 60% of patients with bipolar disorder also suffer from alcohol or drug addiction. In addition, studies have shown that manic depression is more common in people with seasonal affective disorder or PTSD.

What causes manic depression?

The inability to say with certainty what caused the depression or bipolar disorder, but the reasons include genetic predisposition, changes chemical elements brain or environment such as stress or life changes. More and more research is being conducted to establish the link between these causes and the onset of bipolar disorder, how to avoid its first episode, and what role these causes play in treatment.

How does manic depression manifest?

Manic depression is characterized by changes in mood phases that do not follow a specific order, and depression does not always follow mania. The patient can experience an attack of one phase several times in a row, when suddenly he develops an attack of the opposite phase of the mood. The mood phase can change at intervals of weeks, months, or even years.

The severity of an attack of depression or mania in each case is strictly individual.

Mania symptoms include:

  • Excessive feelings of happiness, optimism, and excitement.
  • Sudden change from joyfulness to irritability, anger, and hostility.
  • Restlessness.
  • Fast speech and inability to concentrate.
  • Increased energy and decreased need for sleep.
  • Increased sex drive.
  • The tendency to draw up grandiose plans and impossible tasks.
  • A tendency to misjudge, such as a decision to quit new job.
  • Alcohol or drug abuse.
  • Increased impulsivity.

Manic depression is also characterized by psychopathic attacks, for example, people see or hear non-existent things, believe in them, and it is impossible to convince them otherwise. In some cases, they believe they have supernatural powers and powers, or consider themselves God-like.

Symptoms of depression include:

  • Sadness.
  • Prostration.
  • Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
  • Complete indifference to the once favorite pastimes.
  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Increased tearfulness.
  • Difficult to make a decision.
  • Irritability.
  • Increased need for sleep.
  • Insomnia.
  • Change in appetite causing recruitment excess weight or its loss.
  • Suicidal thoughts.
  • Attempted suicide.

How is manic depression diagnosed?

Manic depression is diagnosed accurately only when the symptoms of the disease, the complexity of their manifestation, their duration and frequency are monitored. The most common symptoms are mood swings, which are always different. Keeping a diary of your symptoms in your family and friends will help your doctor put accurate diagnosis and distinguish acute depression from bipolar disorder.

If you or someone close to you have manic depression, it is best for you to seek the help of your family doctor or psychiatrist. He, in turn, will give you a referral to the appropriate specialist.

At the time of diagnosis, the physician must conduct careful medical examination... The doctor will ask about mental health problems in your family. If a patient experiences four or more episodes of mood swings per year, it will be more difficult for him to recover. For bipolar disorder, medication will be the main treatment, but attending psychotherapy at the same time will help the patient avoid future attacks.

How is manic depression treated?

Exists a large number of medications used in the treatment of a disorder such as manic depression, including lithium and depakote.


Lithium is a mood-stabilizing agent and the most commonly prescribed medication for treating bipolar disorder. It is effective in treating mood swings from mania to depression and vice versa. Lithium can relieve the symptoms of mania as soon as two weeks after starting it, but it may take weeks or months for the patient to fully control the situation. Therefore, for a faster effect, it is possible to use drugs such as antipsychotics or antidepressants.

Lithium side effects:

  • Frequent urination
  • Weight gain
  • Slight hand shake
  • Nausea

Lithium tends to affect the functioning of the kidneys and thyroid gland, therefore, while taking it, the doctor will monitor your health and control the level of lithium in your blood. Any factor that affects blood sodium levels, such as a diet with low level Salt consumption, increased sweating, fever, vomiting, or diarrhea can cause blood lithium levels to rise. Be careful with lithium and see your doctor as soon as you develop symptoms of the conditions described above.

Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the symptoms of a lithium overdose and advise you to immediately consult a doctor if:

  • Vision impaired
  • An arrhythmic pulse is heard
  • Heartbeat is too fast or too slow
  • It became difficult to breathe
  • Absent-mindedness appeared
  • Convulsions appear
  • Dizziness
  • Strong trembling
  • Increased urination
  • There was an uncontrolled eye movement
  • My eyes began to double
  • Bruising and bleeding for no apparent reason


Depakote is anticonvulsant which is also used in the treatment of manic attacks. It is highly effective in treating bipolar bipolar disorder. This drug has a number of side effects, which include inflammation of the liver and a decrease in platelets in the blood (the blood cells responsible for blood clotting), so you will be under medical supervision while taking it.

TO side effects depakote include:

  • Increased calmness.
  • Stomach cramps.
  • What to expect after your manic depression is over?

    In most cases, a good treatment plan will help patients cope with an attack and control their symptoms. If the treatment is continued as supportive, then in this way the patient can save himself from repeated attacks. If the patient simultaneously suffers from alcohol or drug addiction, then he will need much more time to relieve the symptoms of the disease.

    The first signs of suicidal behavior

    • The presence of a large number of symptoms of depression (change in appetite, sleep disturbance, etc.).
    • Social isolation.
    • Conversations about suicide, helplessness and hopelessness.
    • A vivid expression of subconscious feelings (sexual, behavioral).
    • Behavior, dangerous for life.

Manic-depressive psychosis (MDP) refers to severe mental illnesses occurring with a sequential change of two phases of the disease - manic and depressive. Between them there is a period of mental "normality" (light interval).

Table of contents:

Causes of manic-depressive psychosis

The onset of the development of the disease can be traced most often at the age of 25-30 years. For common mental illnesses, the TIR level is about 10-15%. There are 0.7 to 0.86 cases of the disease per 1000 population. Among women, pathology occurs 2-3 times more often than in males.

Note:the causes of manic-depressive psychosis are still under study. A clear pattern of inherited transmission of the disease was noted.

Period of expressed clinical manifestations pathology is preceded by personality traits - cyclothymic accentuation... Suspiciousness, anxiety, stress and a number of diseases (infectious, internal) can serve as a trigger for the development of symptoms and complaints of manic-depressive psychosis.

The mechanism of development of the disease is explained by the result of neuropsychic breakdowns with the formation of foci in the cerebral cortex, as well as problems in the structures of the thalamic formations of the brain. The dysregulation of norepinephrine-serotonin reactions caused by a deficiency of these substances plays a role.

Violations nervous system at the TIR, V.P. Protopopov.

How does manic-depressive psychosis manifest?

Symptoms of manic-depressive psychosis depend on the phase of the illness. The disease can manifest itself in a manic and depressive form.

The manic phase can proceed in the classic version and with some peculiarities.

In the most typical cases, it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • inadequately joyful, exalted, and improved mood;
  • sharply accelerated, unproductive thinking;
  • inadequate behavior, activity, mobility, manifestations of motor excitement.

The beginning of this phase in manic-depressive psychosis looks like a normal surge of energy. Patients are active, talk a lot, try to take on a lot of things at the same time. Their mood is upbeat, overly optimistic. The memory is sharpened. Patients talk and remember a lot. In all the events that take place, they see the exceptional positive, even where there is none.

Excitement gradually builds up. The time allotted for sleep decreases, patients do not feel fatigue.

Gradually, thinking becomes superficial, people suffering from psychosis cannot focus their attention on the main thing, they are constantly distracted, jump from topic to topic. In their conversation, incomplete sentences and phrases are noted - "language is ahead of thoughts." Patients have to constantly return to an unsaid topic.

The faces of patients turn pink, facial expressions are too lively, active hand gestures are observed. There is giggle, heightened and inadequate jocularity, those suffering from manic-depressive psychosis talk loudly, shout, breathe noisily.

Activity is unproductive. Patients simultaneously "grab" on a large number of cases, but none of them are brought to the logical end, they are constantly distracted. Hypermobility is often combined with singing, dancing, jumping.

In this phase of manic-depressive psychosis, patients seek active communication, intervene in all matters, give advice and teach others, and criticize. They show a pronounced reassessment of their skills, knowledge and capabilities, which are sometimes completely absent. At the same time, self-criticism is sharply reduced.

Sexual and food instincts... Patients are constantly hungry, sexual motives are clearly visible in their behavior. Against this background, they easily and naturally make a lot of acquaintances. Women begin to use a lot of cosmetics to attract attention.

In some atypical cases, the manic phase of psychosis proceeds with:

  • unproductive mania- at which there are no active action and thinking is not accelerated;
  • sunny mania- the behavior is dominated by a super-cheerful mood;
  • angry mania- the foreground is anger, irritability, dissatisfaction with others;
  • manic stupor- the manifestation of fun, accelerated thinking is combined with motor passivity.

In the depressive phase, there are three main features:

  • painfully depressed mood;
  • sharply slowed down the pace of thinking;
  • motor retardation up to complete immobilization.

The initial symptoms of this phase of manic-depressive psychosis are accompanied by sleep disturbances, frequent nighttime awakenings, and inability to fall asleep. Appetite gradually decreases, a state of weakness develops, constipation appears, pain in the chest. The mood is constantly depressed, the face of the sick is apathetic, sad. Is growing depressive state... All present, past and future are presented in black and hopeless colors. In some patients with manic-depressive psychosis, ideas of self-accusation arise, patients try to hide in inaccessible places, experience painful experiences. The pace of thinking slows down sharply, the range of interests narrows, symptoms of "mental gum" appear, patients repeat the same ideas, in which self-deprecating thoughts are highlighted. Sufferers of manic-depressive psychosis begin to remember all their actions and give them ideas of inferiority. Some consider themselves unworthy of food, sleep, respect. It seems to them that doctors are wasting their time on them, unreasonably prescribing medicines for them, as unworthy of treatment.

Note:sometimes it is necessary to transfer such patients to forced feeding.

Most patients experience muscle weakness, heaviness throughout the body, they move with great difficulty.

In a more compensated form of manic-depressive psychosis, patients independently seek out the dirtiest jobs for themselves. Gradually, the ideas of self-incrimination lead some patients to thoughts of suicide, which they can fully translate into reality.

Most pronounced in the morning, before dawn. By the evening, the intensity of her symptoms decreases. Patients mostly sit in inconspicuous places, lie on beds, like to lie under the bed, as they consider themselves unworthy to be in a normal position. They are reluctant to contact, they respond monotonously, with a slowdown, without wasting words.

On their faces there is an imprint of deep sorrow with a characteristic wrinkle on the forehead. The corners of the mouth are down, the eyes are dull, inactive.

Depressive phase options:

  • asthenic depression- in patients with this type of manic-depressive psychosis, ideas of their own soullessness in relation to loved ones dominate, they consider themselves unworthy parents, husbands, wives, etc.
  • anxious depression- proceeds with the manifestation of an extreme degree of anxiety, fears, bringing patients to. In this state, patients can fall into a stupor.

In almost all patients in the depressive phase, the Protopopov triad occurs - a rapid heartbeat, dilated pupils.

Symptoms of disorders withmanic-depressive psychosisfrom the internal organs:

  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • lack of appetite;
  • in women, disorders of the menstrual cycle.

In some cases, TIR is manifested by dominant complaints of persistent pain, discomfort in body. Patients describe the most versatile complaints from almost all organs and parts of the body.

Note:some patients try to resort to alcohol to alleviate their complaints.

The depressive phase can last 5-6 months. Patients during this period are inoperable.

Cyclothymia is a mild form of manic-depressive psychosis

Allocate both a separate form of the disease and a lightweight version of the TIR.

Cyclotomy proceeds with phases:

How the TIR proceeds

There are three forms of the course of the disease:

  • circular- periodic alternation of the phases of manic and depression with a light interval (intermission);
  • alternating- one phase is immediately replaced by another without a light gap;
  • single-pole- the same phases of depression or mania are in a row.

Note:usually the phases last for 3-5 months, and the light periods can last for several months or years.

Manic-depressive psychosis at different periods of life

In children, the onset of the disease can go unnoticed, especially if the manic phase is dominant. Young patients look hyper-agile, cheerful, playful, which does not immediately allow us to notice unhealthy traits in their behavior against the background of their peers.

In the case of the depressive phase, children are passive and constantly tired, complaining about their health. With these problems, they quickly get to the doctor.

V adolescence in the manic phase, symptoms of swagger, rudeness in relationships dominate, disinhibition of instincts is observed.

One of the features of manic-depressive psychosis in childhood and adolescence is the short duration of the phases (on average 10-15 days). Their duration increases with age.

Manic-depressive psychosis treatment

Therapeutic measures are built depending on the phase of the disease. Expressed clinical symptoms and the presence of complaints requires treatment of manic-depressive psychosis in a hospital. Because being depressed, patients can harm their health or commit suicide.

The difficulty of psychotherapeutic work lies in the fact that patients in the phase of depression practically do not make contact. An important point treatment during this period is the correct selection antidepressants... The group of these drugs is diverse and the doctor prescribes them, guided by his own experience. Usually we are talking about tricyclic antidepressants.

When the inhibition status is dominant, antidepressants with the properties of analeptics are selected. Anxious depression requires the use of drugs with a pronounced sedative effect.

In the absence of appetite, the treatment of manic-depressive psychosis is supplemented with fortifying drugs

In the manic phase, antipsychotics with pronounced sedative properties are prescribed.

In the case of cyclothymia, it is preferable to use milder tranquilizers and antipsychotics in low dosages.

Note:quite recently, lithium salt preparations were prescribed in all phases of TIR treatment; at present, this method is not used by all doctors.

After exiting the pathological phases, patients must be included in different types activity, it is very important to maintain socialization.

Explanatory work is carried out with the relatives of the patients about the need to create a normal home. psychological climate; a patient with symptoms of manic-depressive psychosis in light intervals should not feel like an unhealthy person.

It should be noted that in comparison with other mental illnesses, patients with manic-depressive psychosis retain their intellectuality and performance without degradation.

Interesting! From a legal point of view committed crime in the phase of aggravation, TIR is considered not subject to criminal liability, and in the phase of intermission - criminally punishable. Naturally, in any condition, those suffering from psychosis are not subject to military service. V severe cases disability is assigned.

Manic depression is a mental illness characterized by constant change mood in a person: from severe depression to incredible elation and hyperactivity.

With manic depression, the person is unable to control their emotions. People with this disease in everyday life are very shy and calm. Sometimes their behavior carries elements of bigotry or religiosity. In many patients, depressive phases recur more often and longer than mania. The prevalence of this disease among men and women is the same. Women are more likely to develop a depressive phase than mania.

A change in the patient's mood can occur within a week, month or even a year. In the "light" period of the disease, a person is calm and balanced, it can be observed general weakness and drowsiness.

The severity of symptoms of mania or depression varies from person to person.

Symptoms of manic depression are first observed in patients under 35 years of age. If this disease debuts in childhood, it is accompanied by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The psychotype of a person plays an important role in the development of the disease. Most often, manic depression is observed in persons with a psychasthenic and cycloid disposition.


  • Genetic predisposition. Most often occurs in people whose relatives suffered from various mental illnesses: epilepsy, schizophrenia, depression;
  • Biochemical disorders in the brain. Depressive symptoms due to low production of serotonin;
  • Hormonal changes. Most often, the signs of the disease are due to sharp decline estrogen levels or thyroid malfunction. Changes in mood phases most often occur in women in the pre-site and climacteric periods, during pregnancy, after childbirth;
  • Acute and chronic stress;
  • Trauma;
  • Infectious lesions of the brain.


Manic depression is characterized by the seasonality of the manifestation of symptoms - spring and autumn. At the very beginning of the disease, a person has a mild mood change.

Manic phase of the disease

This phase of the disease manifests itself in the form of symptoms elevated mood and hyperactivity.
A person unexpectedly experiences a feeling of happiness and well-being. It seems to the patient that he loves the whole world. He is excited, his eyes are "burning". A person feels an extraordinary surge of strength - physical and moral. The patient is optimistic about the future, believes that all the problems he can handle. He makes grandiose plans in his head, sets before himself big and sometimes impossible tasks. At this moment, a person is able to commit many rash acts: quit a new job, divorce from a spouse, move to another city. A person removes all internal "clamps" and complexes from himself and begins an active sex life with a new partner.

Increased activity and talkativeness leads to the fact that a person makes new acquaintances.

Some patients in this phase of the disease discover unusual talents and inventions. The patient talks a lot, sings, is very mobile. Sometimes he himself admits that his language does not keep up with his thoughts.

In the manic phase of the disease, a person has a fast speech, he cannot concentrate on trifles. He is fussy. The patient manifests excessive importunity and intolerance towards other people.

Manic depression manifests itself in the form of increased impulsiveness of a person, which sometimes leads to scandals with relatives and friends. It seems to him that everyone underestimates his capabilities and does not understand his plans. He takes on several tasks at the same time, but does not bring one to the end.

During this period, patients are prone to the use of alcohol and drugs. A person is constantly in a hurry somewhere, his need for sleep and food decreases. During this period of the disease, the patient does not feel danger, is not careful in his actions and deeds, which can lead to trauma.

Some patients begin to actively engage in healthy way life, run in the morning, drenched cold water... A man in a manic phase believes that he must develop himself, learn to sing, paint, dance. Patients begin to actively attend circles and sections, groups of personal growth. Some patients try to "infect" other people with their positive attitude, try to find like-minded people in their plans and ideas.
The patient's speech is loud, expressive. He is playful, feels like an erudite, but his judgments are superficial. During this period, patients can abruptly change their image, start dressing and wearing bright colors, and visit entertainment establishments.

The patient in the manic phase is observed positive attitude for life. It seems to him that he is starting his new life, which is very different from the past, that he is "a completely different person."

The patient's emotional upsurge is accompanied by incorrect judgments and conclusions. A person discovers unusual abilities in himself. He hears and sees only what he considers necessary for himself. Some patients consider themselves God-like.

Depressive phase of the disease

The person has a low mood. He feels sadness, loss of strength. It seems to him that his life has no meaning. He spends all days at home, does not communicate with people. Women cry, remembering their past life, they cannot find anything good in it. They are pessimistic about the future.

For such patients, the slowness of mental reactions and movements becomes characteristic. Some patients begin to blame the people around them for their "uncomplicated" life. Some patients have suicidal thoughts.

The patient shows complete indifference to all activities. Many people feel helpless and hopeless during this period. The person is irritable, confused in thoughts, cannot concentrate on trifles. He has a great need for sleep and rest. It seems to the patient that he is very physically and mentally tired.

For many women during this period, a depressed mood is accompanied by increased appetite, they eat a lot of sweet and starchy foods, gain weight a lot.

Some patients in the depressive phase of the disease suffer from anorexia.

Patients cannot sleep at night. Sleep is superficial, with nightmares. The patient shows signs increased anxiety... He is constantly worried about the life and health of his loved ones.

The face of such patients is tense, the gaze does not blink.

In many patients during this period of the disease there are complaints of somatic pathology: arrhythmia, angina pectoris, stomach pains, constipation. In women, a violation is possible menstrual cycle... Life is presented to a person in a "gray" color. He is not smiling, not talkative, completely immersed in his inner experiences.

Some patients may become numb, sit for hours and look at one point. There is another extreme of this disease, when the patient starts rushing around the apartment, crying, screaming, asking for help. At this moment, he is capable of rash acts and suicide.


Very often, patients themselves cannot adequately assess the degree of manifestation of symptoms of manic depression. A sudden change in mood is usually noticed by the patient's relatives, who advise him to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. In order to correctly diagnose the patient, it is necessary to keep a diary of his psycho-emotional state. Women need advice from a gynecologist and an endocrinologist. Before starting treatment, some patients need to know the blood for thyroid hormones and estrogens, and conduct an ultrasound examination.


The patient is shown complex treatment, which includes medication and non-drug methods... When prescribing psychotropic drugs, it is necessary to exclude the use of alcohol and drugs in patients.

Treatment of the symptoms of manic depression depends on the patient's age, comorbidities, and the severity of the phases of the disease.

Patients are prescribed psychotherapy and drug treatment. In the depressive phase of the disease, hypnotics, sedatives, antidepressants are prescribed to a person. In the manic phase, the use of normomitics (valproate) and lithium preparations is indicated.

Antipsychotic drugs help to eliminate arousal in the patient.

If signs of manic depression are due to hormonal disorders, then they drug correction endocrinologist. Pregnant women and postpartum period no treatment indicated psychotropic drugs, vegetable sedatives... At the time of hormonal changes female body(menstruation, menopause, pregnancy), it is necessary to observe the regime of sleep and rest. Women are recommended moderate physical exercise (morning exercises, yoga, swimming) and walks in the fresh air.

This mental illness is known to the general public under different names... We are talking about manic depression, which in Lately occurs more and more often.

The commonly used term "manic depression" refers to bipolar affective disorder and manic-depressive states, accompanied by a complex of symptoms with pronounced, alternating phases of mania and depression.

This condition is accompanied by increased emotional lability (unstable mood).

Manic depression. What it is?

This is an endogenous (based on hereditary predisposition) mental illness, which manifests itself in the following phases (states):

  1. Manic.
  2. Depressive.
  3. Mixed.

With this disease, the patient experiences an abrupt phase change. The mixed state is characterized by a combination different symptoms this disorder. There are a wide variety of options for this phase.

Manic-depressive disorder often takes on severe and pronounced forms. It requires compulsory professional therapy or correction.

Who suffers

Before today in psychiatry, there is no uniform understanding of the boundaries and definitions of this type of mental disorder. This is due to its pathogenic, clinical, nosological heterogeneity (heterogeneity).

Difficulties in accurately assessing the prevalence of manic depression are due to the variety of its criteria. So, according to some estimates, the proportion of sick people is about 7%. With a more conservative approach, the figures are called 0.5-0.8%, which is 5-8 patients per 1000.

The first signs of such conditions are characteristic of young people. At the age of 25-44, about 46% of patients suffer from this disease. After age 55, bipolar disorder occurs in 20% of cases.

This disease is more common in women. At the same time, depressive forms are more characteristic of them.

Very often, MD patients (about 75% of cases) suffer from other mental disorders... This disease is clearly differentiated (distinguished) from schizophrenia. Unlike the latter, manic depression of any severity practically does not lead to personality degradation.

A person suffering from bipolar disorder, most often, himself realizes that something is happening to him and goes to the doctor.

Bipolar Disorder in Children

This disease in childhood is much less common than, for example, schizophrenia. In this case, most often all manifestations are absent, which are built into a typical picture of manic and depressive attacks.

Manic depression in children over the age of 10 is quite common. It is most pronounced. In practice, there have been typical cases even in babies 3-4 years of age.

One of the main features of bipolar disorder in children is more frequent attacks than adults. They are reactive in nature. Experts note that what less child, the higher the likelihood of bipolar disorder being manic rather than depressive.


Manic depression is a disease in which a person has a depressive-anxiety state. More often than not, the feeling of anxiety has no basis.

This disease can be easily distinguished from melancholy. Patients withdraw into themselves, speak little, and are extremely reluctant to talk with a doctor. Man with symptom anxiety does not tolerate long pauses.

Patients also have various violations health. They manifest themselves in the form of a lack of appetite, bradycardia, constipation, weight loss, and chronic insomnia. Such people often generate crazy ideas and express suicidal thoughts.

The patient is identified by a running gaze, constantly moving hands. At the same time, he constantly corrects or fiddles with something. His pose often changes.

Severe cases manifest in 2 stages:

  1. Loss of control.
  2. Numbness.

In these cases, you need to call ambulance and hospitalize the patient in a special medical institution... In this state, a person is capable of terrible deeds.


In bipolar disorder, states of mind, called phases, alternate periodically. Distinguish between them and "bright" periods of mental health. They are called intermissions. At this time, even after a long illness and many suffered different phases mental functions people practically do not decrease.

During the period of intermission, personal qualities and the human psyche completely restore normal functioning.

The manic phase of bipolar disorder is characterized by:

  • too excited mood;
  • talkativeness;
  • overestimated self-esteem;
  • a state of euphoria;
  • motor excitement;
  • irritability, aggression.

The manic phase is replaced by a depressive one, which is characterized by:

  • a state of longing, sadness, apathy;
  • anxiety, anxiety;
  • feeling of hopelessness, emptiness;
  • loss of interest in favorite activities;
  • guilt;
  • lack of concentration and energy;
  • intellectual and physical retardation.

If a person detects several signs of a manic-depressive symptom complex, it is necessary to immediately contact a psychotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist. Without the necessary drug treatment and psychocorrection in the patient may develop severe forms of this disease.


With bipolar disorder, treatment is required. It should be carried out by an experienced specialist, since there are often cases of remission this disease.

As a rule, MD therapy is carried out in stages. In this case, the following are carried out:

  1. Medical treatment with special drugs, selected on an individual basis. When inhibited, drugs are prescribed that stimulate activity, and when excited, soothing the nervous system.
  2. Electroconvulsive therapy in combination with special diets and therapeutic fasting.
  3. Mental correction.


Provided that the patient has only manic-depressive syndrome without concomitant diseases, the patient responds well to therapy. After a short time, he can return to his normal life.

The most effective treatment is when a person turns to a specialist after identifying the first signs of bipolar disorder.

The advanced forms of this disease can lead to irreversible personality changes. In this case, therapy will be very long and often unsuccessful.

Manic depression is not a "judgment" for a person. Timely started treatment can return the patient to normal life in the vast majority of cases.

Video: How to identify depression

Everyone has mood swings. These are the normal ups and downs that we all go through from time to time. But if you are suffering from manic depression, mood swings can be extreme and symptoms can be severe, but the condition is curable. Today, manic depression is called. The term "bipolar" is used because the person with manic depression experiences moods that swing uncontrollably between the two extremes, the "pole" of depression and the "pole" of emotional arousal.

Manic depression is a long-term illness that usually begins before the age of 25. The disease affects about three million Russian adults, but can also develop in children. People with typical depression, or clinical depression as it is called, have similar symptoms, but they do not experience the highs that people with manic depression have.

Common Symptoms

Similar symptoms include:

  • Sadness for a long time
  • Crying for no reason
  • Feeling worthless
  • Feeling very low energy
  • Loss of interest in enjoyable activities

Because some of the signs are similar, approximately 10 to 25 percent of people with manic depression are initially diagnosed with clinical depression.

Distinctive symptoms

The "manic" symptoms of bipolar disorder that make it different from clinical depression include:

  • Feelings of excessive happiness, excitement, and confidence
  • Feelings of irritability, aggressiveness, and "tightness"
  • Uncontrollable thoughts or speech
  • Reflecting on yourself as a very important, gifted, or special person
  • Weak judgment
  • Dangerous behavior

Children and adolescents with manic depression may display hyperactive behavior. Adolescents are prone to antisocial or socially dangerous behaviors such as sex, alcohol, or drugs. Unlike people with manic depression, they are less likely to be able to engage in normal activities and are more likely to think about suicide.

Classification of bipolar disorders

Low periods of manic depression are sometimes referred to as "unipolar depression." High periods are generally less experienced than low periods, and people are more likely to seek help to get out of low periods. Types of manic depression include:

  • Bipolar I Disorder... This term refers to manic depression, which includes high or mixed periods that last for at least, seven days or are extremely serious. Patients usually have depressive periods that last about two weeks.
  • Bipolar II Disorder... In this type of manic depression, the person has depression, but high periods are less extreme.
  • Cyclothymic disorder... This term refers to a form of manic-depressive psychosis in which both high and low mood swings are milder than other types of manic depression.

Manic Depression: Getting Help

If you have any symptoms of manic-depressive psychosis, the best thing to do is see your doctor. Although there is no blood test or brain scan that can show if you have manic depressive disorder. It is important that your doctor makes sure your symptoms are not caused by other medical conditions. Other illnesses and health problems that are common with manic depression include:

  • Alcohol or drug abuse
  • Post-traumatic stress
  • Hyperactivity
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland
  • Headache
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Diabetes

Whether it's manic depression or bipolar disorder, it's a lifelong condition. If you have bipolar disorder, you will need long-term treatment to help yourself control your mood swings. The good news is that a combination of psychotherapy and medication is usually effective.

Most importantly, know that manic depression is not a weakness of character - it is a treatable disease. If you think you might have manic depression, the first step is to seek help.

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