Reduced body pressure. What does low lower pressure mean and how to raise it

Low blood pressure in everyday life refers to a condition that doctors call “arterial hypotension” (AH). It is believed that hypertension is characterized by arterial pressure below 100\60 mm Hg. Art. The lower limit of normal systolic blood pressure (BP) can be determined by the formula: the minimum normal BP for men is 65 + age in years, for women 55 + age in years. For adolescents, blood pressure above 85 mm Hg is considered normal. Art.

Types and causes of arterial hypotension

Low blood pressure (BP) is observed in both sick and healthy people. Therefore, hypertension is divided into physiological (normal) and pathological (a sign of a disease).

Physiological arterial hypotension

Physiological hypertension is often recorded in young people, especially girls and thin women. It is considered as a constitutional feature.

Athletes and people involved in physical labor often experience so-called high-training hypotension. It is quite often combined with a decrease in heart rate (bradycardia). Such hypertension reflects the restructuring of blood circulation to an economical mode.

Physiological hypertension does not affect the functioning of cardiovascular systems s. It is not accompanied by complaints about pathological manifestations and does not require treatment.

Pathological arterial hypotension

This form of hypotension is always a sign of vascular insufficiency. The main reasons for this condition:

  • , accompanied by a decrease in its contractility;
  • decreased peripheral resistance as a result of expansion small arteries throughout the body (regulatory disorders in diseases nervous system, adrenal glands, poisoning, drug overdose hypertension);
  • decrease in arterial blood volume due to dehydration, blood loss or stagnation in the venous bed (, pronounced).

Pathological hypertension can be acute or chronic.

Pathological chronic hypertension is divided into primary and secondary. Primary chronic hypertension is most often considered within the framework. Secondary chronic hypertension is a symptom of the following conditions:

Symptoms of arterial hypotension

The first signs of low blood pressure may be severe weakness and dizziness.

Physiological hypertension is not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations. Most of these people either do not know about reduced level blood pressure, or consider this condition normal for themselves.

Acute arterial hypotension

This form of hypertension develops during acute vascular insufficiency, that is, during collapse. It is accompanied by impaired blood supply to all organs, suppression vital functions body. Collapse is in many cases part of the picture of shock.

The main symptoms of acute hypertension:

  • rapidly developing weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • chilliness;
  • decreased visual acuity and tinnitus;
  • feeling of fear and melancholy.

The patient's consciousness remains, but he becomes indifferent to
to others. The skin is pale, sallow, covered with cold, sticky sweat. Breathing is rapid and shallow. The pulse is frequent, low filling and tension, blood pressure is usually below 80/40 mm Hg. Art. The amount of urine excreted is significantly reduced.

As the collapse progresses, a darkening of consciousness occurs, and disturbances often appear heart rate. Then reflexes disappear, pupils dilate, and without treatment death occurs.

Depending on the cause that caused the collapse, there are specific symptoms. If acute hypertension is caused by myocardial infarction or, it is combined with symptoms.

The patient cannot lie down, his breathing is severely difficult, and pink foam appears at the mouth. Very often the patient is bothered by severe pressing or burning pain in the chest.

Collapse can occur with a sharp decrease in body temperature during an infectious disease. It is accompanied by severe sweating and severe muscle weakness.

A decrease in blood pressure during poisoning is combined with vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and lack of urine.

Acute blood loss is accompanied by excitement, followed by apathy. Characterized by pronounced (“alabaster”) pallor of the skin.

Chronic arterial hypotension

Chronic pathological hypertension, unlike physiological hypertension, is accompanied by patient complaints. Typically, low blood pressure is combined with weakness, fatigue during exercise, and low productivity during mental work. Such patients often experience dizziness and fainting, and they get motion sickness in transport. Often these people have chilly feet and hands.

With primary hypertension, the patient is also concerned about other manifestations of autonomic dysfunction: palpitations, increased sweating, stabbing pains in the area of ​​the heart.

Secondary hypertension is observed in parallel with the symptoms of the disease that caused it. However, in some cases, a decrease in pressure is the first sign of illness. In cases of decreased blood pressure for unknown reasons, you should specifically look for symptoms of the underlying disease.

If a decrease in blood pressure is accompanied by weight loss, night sweats, and an increase in body temperature to 38˚C, it may be a sign of a chronic infectious disease, primarily tuberculosis. The combination of hypertension and a rare pulse, apathy, muscle weakness, skin pigmentation resembling a strong tan requires the exclusion of adrenal insufficiency. A drop in pressure when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position of the body () occurs due to low tone of the veins in diseases of the nervous system, and an overdose of certain medications.

Treatment of arterial hypotension

Physiological hypertension does not require treatment. The patient should be given general recommendations on a healthy lifestyle, recommended to periodically monitor blood pressure levels, and consult a doctor if any complaints occur.

Treatment of acute arterial hypotension

In case of acute vascular insufficiency, accompanied by a sudden decrease in blood pressure, urgent medical attention is required. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, which, after carrying out preliminary treatment and diagnostic procedures, will take the patient to the hospital. In any case, the patient should be laid down and his legs should be raised slightly, his shirt should be unbuttoned, the belt on his trousers should be loosened, and documents (passport, insurance policy) should be prepared.

Treatment for collapse depends on the disease that caused it ( acute blood loss, myocardial infarction, rhythm disturbance, and so on). Prescribed simultaneously with the etiological pathogenetic therapy, aimed at increasing blood pressure and compensating for blood deficiency. Oxygen is also used. At quick elimination causes of collapse, blood circulation is restored. If the underlying disease has caused irreversible changes in the organs, then therapeutic measures may not lead to the desired effect.

Treatment of chronic arterial hypotension

The main directions of therapy for primary chronic hypertension:

In case of secondary chronic hypertension, the underlying disease is treated. For adrenal insufficiency, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed; for tuberculosis, they are used antibacterial drugs. For orthostatic hypotension, elastic bandaging of the lower extremities can help.

Low blood pressure (BP, less than 100/60 mm Hg) is called a hypotensive state, which can be physiological or pathological change. The age factor does not play a role here; low blood pressure occurs in both young and old age. Let's consider the options and find your case low pressure...

Low blood pressure as a physiological norm

Many people under the age of 30 have low blood pressure (90/60 mmHg). At the same time, the person feels completely normal, no weakness or dizziness. Also, any person with normal pressure, it can drop sharply due to powerful nervous tension or weather conditions. In this case, the person feels sudden weakness, drowsiness, headache, nausea, dizziness (see: what to do if you feel dizzy).

Did you recognize your condition in these cases? What to do if your blood pressure is very low? First emergency help for you - a cup of strong and sweet tea or coffee. Eat a sandwich. Relieve headaches with a painkiller tablet. Someone can save themselves with a 5-minute contrast shower, but in this case an assistant should be with you. Be careful with coffee, because after a short-term effect, as a rule, the pressure drops even more. After this it is better to go to bed. Caffeine achieves its effect by using the body's reserves, and as a result - exhaustion.

Constant low blood pressure: what to do

If more and more often you feel abnormal weakness, headache, lack of air, drowsiness in broad daylight, it is difficult for you to concentrate, and the tonometer regularly shows pressure below normal, then it’s time to sound the alarm!

Contact your doctor, as all of the above symptoms are signs of primary hypotension. It is impossible to live with this without attaching importance to your low blood pressure and poor health, since such a condition is a signal of a persistent dysregulation of vascular tone. If you are careless about what is happening with your health, then after 45 years you can turn into a “complex” hypertensive patient from an ordinary hypotensive patient, which in the future threatens a stroke.

Please note that you should visit a specialist rather than just taking medications on a regular basis on your own. If you feel constant weakness and faintness, help yourself with medicinal plants. You can buy tincture of lemongrass and ginseng at the pharmacy; Rhodiola rosea and Leuzea will help. Take them for 3 weeks and then take a month off. These healing herbs have a tonic effect on blood vessels.

Low lower pressure: what to do

If you are concerned about low lower (diastolic) pressure and simultaneously elevated upper (systolic) pressure, you should urgently undergo examination by a cardiologist. Since such a symptom may indicate aortic valve insufficiency.

Low blood pressure as secondary hypotension

What to do if low blood pressure turns out to be an inseparable companion to your underlying disease? It often accompanies diseases of the adrenal glands, nervous system, thyroid gland, anemia and others.

If this is your case, main advice- Be sure to undergo medical examination once a year in order to notice the underlying disease in time and take measures to treat it. This is the only way to avoid the development of secondary hypotension.

Changing your lifestyle with low blood pressure

  • You need to sleep at least 8 hours at night.
  • Organize yourself good nutrition, whose diet will contain the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.
  • In the middle of the day you can drink a cup of strong sweet tea or coffee.
  • Accept herbal tinctures course of 3 weeks (schisandra, ginseng, eleutherococcus extract, for example).
  • Make sure that your body does not lack fluid, drink more water.
  • Treat yourself in the morning cold and hot shower for vascular training.
  • From time to time, perform acupressure, pressing on the pads of the little fingers, on the area between the nose and lips.

Blood pressure (BP) is one of the the most important indicators vital activity of the body. In fact, it demonstrates the performance of the heart muscle: the pressure with which it can “drive” blood through the circulatory system.

Let's delve a little deeper into the theory. The first value in the blood pressure indicator is systolic blood pressure. It refers to the pressure in the arteries as the heart muscle contracts and pushes blood into the arteries. The second value, diastolic blood pressure, is an indicator of the pressure in the arteries at a time when the heart muscle is relaxed. That is, this minimum indicator pressure in the arteries over the entire circulatory cycle. The difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure is called pulse pressure. According to accepted standards, it should be in the range of 35-55 mm Hg. Art. But this indicator is little known to the general public, since it is used quite rarely.

Is 110/70 mmHg. Art. This figure is quite arbitrary, since blood pressure is a purely individual indicator for each person. It depends on many factors: psychological state, time of day, intake of tonic products, individual characteristics or medications. Therefore, normal blood pressure is determined by the ranges: systolic from 90 to 140 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic from 60 to 90 mm Hg. Art. A blood pressure reading above this range is termed hypertension, while a blood pressure reading below the normal range is termed hypotension or hypotension. It is in the last two terms that we will understand in as much detail as possible.

In most cases, a sharp drop in blood pressure is caused by either external influence(often severe injuries or shock), or exacerbation of a third-party disease, which provokes blood loss, heart failure and dehydration. In such cases, low blood pressure is the cause of the development oxygen starvation brain and internal organs(hypoxia), which can result in insurmountable consequences.

A slight decrease in blood pressure does not have such a detrimental effect on the body, but at the same time significantly affects the patient’s quality of life. Hypotension causes constant feeling weakness, apathy and a number of other symptoms that constantly make themselves felt.

Classification of hypotension

We already noted a little higher that blood pressure can drop rapidly, or it can decrease slightly. Based on the nature of the decrease, hypotension is divided into acute and chronic.

The first is characteristic of injuries, shock states and collapses, when very low pressure is recorded and a very quick response to what happened is needed. Chronic hypotension is typical for people who have persistently low blood pressure due to individual predisposition or occupational costs. In particular, chronic hypotension is common among athletes and those whose work involves constant physical activity. Chronic hypotension is also sometimes called physiological. There is also an opinion that a number of people from birth have a predisposed body to lower blood pressure.

In turn, chronic hypotension is divided into primary and secondary. The first of them is an independent disease. Opinions regarding its origin vary. But, for the most part, doctors believe that primary hypotension is a neurosis-like disease of the vasomotor centers in the brain, which is preceded by emotional stress or a person’s prolonged exposure to stress.

Secondary hypotension is a consequence of the development of third-party pathologies and intoxication of the body, or by-effect from taking medications. The tactics to combat this pathology are built around treating the cause of its occurrence. And therapy aimed at normalizing blood pressure is symptomatic.

Causes of hypotension

We have already indicated that low blood pressure can be a consequence of occupational factors and individual characteristics of the body. Let's look at what exactly can cause acute and secondary hypotension.

Acute hypotension is caused by:

  • sharp allergic reactions(anaphylactic shock),
  • myocardial infarction and intracardiac blockade,
  • arrhythmias with a severe course,
  • large volume of blood loss.

This list is far from exhaustive. But the main thing to remember in case of acute hypotension is that the pressure in such cases drops to very low rates and the person needs urgent hospitalization. In most cases, the count is in minutes.

Secondary hypotension can be caused by many diseases associated, in fact, with all vital systems of the body. In particular, chronic hypotension often leads to diabetes, stomach ulcer, liver cirrhosis, diseases of the circulatory and respiratory systems. Specific disease, which causes low blood pressure, is diagnosed only through a set of studies, since only a correct history can eliminate the cause and return blood pressure to normal.

Causes of low blood pressure in women

Separately, it is necessary to consider the prerequisites that lead to a decrease in blood pressure in women. Because of them physiological characteristics, the list of reasons here is somewhat broader.

Cases of hypotension in pregnant women are quite common. At different stages of pregnancy this condition is caused various factors. In the first trimester, a decrease in blood pressure is the body’s response to a sharp jump in the production of the hormone progesterone. For more later low blood pressure occurs due to the physically growing belly. It makes it difficult to return to the heart venous blood, which is especially pronounced by hypotension during twin pregnancy. Also lead to hypotension during pregnancy Iron-deficiency anemia, polyhydramnios and inferior vena cava syndrome.

In addition, low blood pressure is typical for those women who are too keen on vegetarianism. Lack of essential vitamins and microelements is nutritional cause hypotension.

Hypotension is also likely to develop in women during menstruation. The same iron deficiency in the body, enhanced by the refusal to eat iron-containing foods (meat) during diets, becomes the cause of hypotension.

Symptoms of hypotension development

Low blood pressure can be easily diagnosed using a fairly easy-to-use device that almost everyone who experiences certain problems with blood pressure has at home. But the measurement itself will show only a one-time decrease in blood pressure, which may well be situational and not be considered hypotension. Therefore, this disease, in addition to regular blood pressure measurements, can be determined by a number of visual signs, most of which are, in one way or another, related to the general condition of the body.

First of all, general weakness indicates hypotension. It is expressed in constantly feeling unwell for no apparent reason, absent-mindedness, lethargy, unstable emotional state and general apathy. Hypotensive patients are characterized by poor sleep, a constant feeling of lack of sleep and difficulty waking up in the morning.
In addition, hypotension is often manifested by vomiting, shortness of breath and arrhythmia even with minor physical exertion, increased sweating and dizziness. Quite often, people experience slight dizziness when getting out of a chair or bed - this is a clear sign of low blood pressure.

Such symptoms are a clear reason to consult a doctor. This will allow you to timely find the cause of this condition, correctly develop tactics for its elimination and effectively get rid of hypotension. The main thing to remember is that self-medication of hypotension will only give results in the form of immediate normalization of blood pressure. But without eliminating the causes that led to this problem, it will not be possible to completely get rid of hypotension. And the only correct way out for hypotension is to contact a specialist who will determine the cause of low blood pressure and offer the correct comprehensive treatment.

Treatment of hypotension

Treatment of hypotension is sufficient interest Ask. In most cases, it is not treated, but the diseases that provoked low blood pressure. And in such cases, the tactics of therapy directly depend on what it is aimed at.
It’s a different matter when we consider primary chronic hypertension, or the state of acute hypertension, in which a person needs to quickly raise blood pressure to a normal level. In such cases, the treatment regimen is aimed specifically at normalizing blood pressure. Therapy in such conditions is developed in two directions:

  • drug treatment,
  • lifestyle modifications to eliminate the prerequisites for the development of hypotension.

Medicines for high blood pressure

Three groups of drugs are used to combat hypotension:

  • adaptogens,
  • alpha adrenergic agonists,
  • analeptics.

Let's bring them brief characteristics in table form:

Group of drugs Commercial names and price Description Nature of action
Adaptogens Pantocrine (from 137 rub.), Saparal, ginseng, pink radiola, lemongrass. Drugs of natural or artificial origin that increase the ability of life support systems to resist external influences. They are considered the mildest group of drugs against hypotension. Medicines in this group have a vasoconstrictor effect and tone the vascular center. In addition, adaptogens have a positive effect on a person’s general condition, eliminating fatigue and apathy.
Alpha adrenergic agonists Gutron (from 1100 rub.), Mezaton (from 82 rub.). Drugs in this group are used, in most cases, for acute hypotension, when a rapid and effective increase in blood pressure is necessary. They have an effect on alpha-adrenergic receptors, maintain a constant volume of blood circulating in the body, and have a vasoconstrictor effect.
Analeptics Cordiamine (from 77 rub.), Etimizol. Preparations with strong impact to departments medulla oblongata responsible for respiratory and vasomotor functions. Analeptics stimulate the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory systems, as well as a number of parts of the central nervous system.

The choice of a specific drug from this list is the prerogative of doctors. Much depends on the nature of hypotension, the individual characteristics of the patient and a number of associated factors. In any case, the effect of using medications from any of these groups, when used correctly, is sufficient to normalize blood pressure.

Behavioral factors to combat low blood pressure

Many doctors unanimously say that the key to fighting hypotension is healthy image life. First of all, this concerns emotional state. More positive emotions, pleasure from life, a sense of usefulness of oneself and one’s activities - in many cases are the fundamental factor in the normalization of blood pressure.

In addition, for people prone to hypotension, it is important balanced diet saturated with everyone necessary components, good rest after physical activity and physiological procedures aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels. These include massages, swimming, hardening the body with a contrast shower.

We must not forget about an active lifestyle. Regular physical activity stimulates more intensive work hearts that begin to throw out circulatory system large volumes of blood. Thanks to this, blood flow is normalized and the natural level of blood pressure is restored.

The complex of these behavioral factors is useful not only for those suffering from hypotension. Sticking to these simple rules, any person will always keep his body in good shape and forget about many health-related problems.

Dizziness in the morning, spots in the eyes. Let's talk about what to do when

Most often, hypotension occurs in women around 20-30 years of age who are sedentary lifestyle life. Systolic pressure in hypotensive patients is no more than 90-100 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic is in the range of 40-50 mm. Such low blood pressure can occur once or be permanent. The reason for this is low vascular tone. Most often, hypotension appears after neuropsychic stress, infectious diseases or due to insufficient nutrition. In some hypotensive patients, the general condition does not change, and they live calmly with this feature. The well-being of others leaves much to be desired, but these people are not afraid of diseases such as stroke, atherosclerosis, and heart attack. In order to decide what to do with low pressure, you need to remember one rule: if your working pressure is below the norm, then you don’t have to do anything at all, since this is your norm. Any measures to increase blood pressure may worsen the condition.

What to do if you have low blood pressure? Most hypotensive people start their day with an invigorating cup of strong coffee. Caffeine tones. It’s a pity that its effect is very short-lived: you will soon feel a loss of strength. There is a little trick: to prolong its effect, eat, for example, a sandwich with cheese, since fatty and salty foods increase blood pressure (the ratio of salt and fat in cheese is optimal).

A hypotensive person often likes to sleep. To feel cheerful, he needs a few hours more sleep. Therefore, do not rush to scold “Sonya”; perhaps a long sleep is physiological need.

Take care of your blood pressure in the morning. Don't get out of bed abruptly - this will help avoid dizziness in the morning. Drink 2 liters of liquid throughout the day. Eat well, let your diet be rich in vitamins and microelements, take a multivitamin complex. Pay special attention to smoked, fried and spicy foods: hypotensive people are predisposed to gastritis.

Statistical workloads are difficult for such people. To feel normal, they need to move (vascular and muscle tone increases). The cure for lethargy and apathy for hypotensive people is play sports and swimming. Will be useful water treatments: for example, a contrast shower or hydromassage. But you shouldn’t make too sudden temperature changes.

What to take for low blood pressure? There are no special drugs yet. As aids Adaptogens are widely used. In addition, if your blood pressure is low, you can drink a glass of port wine (at medicinal purposes- no more than 100 grams per day). When taking alcohol settings from herbs, the pressure also returns to normal. Enough good remedy is Healing effect This plant tones and strengthens the body, and also improves cardiac activity. To achieve the effect, you need to take approximately 20 drops of tincture for 2 weeks 3 times a day. Do not increase the dosage: this may cause headaches and overexcitability. The pharmacy sells a ready-made tincture prepared from You can also prepare it yourself by pouring the crushed roots with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. The tincture is taken 2-3 times a day, approximately 40 drops, and is contraindicated for hypertensive patients and patients with neurological pathologies.

What to do with low blood pressure is up to you, but it is better to seek help from a specialist who will tell you in detail how to correct this condition.
