Read the companion of the psychic Dubitsky online. Chumak treats over the phone, and Kashpirovsky secretly tours Russia. Calling a double for water treatment

Ray and Susan Peters woke up to find their Scottish terrier, Mac, barking. When he barked right in Ray's ear, he finally woke up and immediately smelled smoke. It was burning in the bathroom. A neighbor had already called the fire department after waking up to the sound of a dog barking and seeing fire and smoke in the neighbors' windows. “Thank God, your dog raised the alarm in time. I didn’t know that after Mac’s death you got another dog. By the way, where is she?” Susan and Ray felt cold; they hadn't had a dog since Mac died three months ago.

Trying to explain the appearance of messengers from the afterlife, biochemist Maria Valchikhina relies on the laws of physics, biology and mathematics. Rereading historical and literary works, containing descriptions of ghosts, she noticed that, in general, they repeat each other: it is something shapeless, swaying, transparent. Ghosts most often appear in art galleries, artists' workshops, castles in the dim light of a candle or the moon, or a smoldering fire in a fireplace, or a dying torch, in general, in fluctuating, dim light. At the same time, the one who sees a ghost, as a rule, is in a certain emotional state, most often in fear, anxious anticipation. From all this, Valchikhina concludes that the ghost is nothing more than an ordinary hologram.

The fact is that holograms can appear not only on photographic plates, but also on materials that are sensitive to temperature. This can be oil paints, varnishes, canvas impregnations and even blood. It is known that human internal organs are a source electromagnetic waves and, in particular, thermal radiation, which leaves a record on the canvas created by the artist. However, if the artist is in a calm, balanced state of mind, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to see his hologram later. The hologram recording will be clearer if the person staying close to heat-sensitive materials is in a state of emotional outburst. This may be intense joy, anger, fear. Only in this case, the energy emitted by it will have the frequency necessary to record a hologram.

To reproduce an image, radiation is also necessary, with a frequency close to that which contributed to the recording. This is why a balanced skeptic will never see a ghost, but a person who is in extreme excited state, will help the hologram “come to life”. This once again confirms Diderot’s statement: “Miracles happen where people believe in them.”

The thermal effect of a candle or other source of dim light only enhances the radiation emanating from such a person, superimposing it on him, and making the image clearer. Of course, you can see a ghost on a clear sunny day, but for this the light beam must pass through a light filter, for example, through stained glass. Then the hologram appears.

This theory may explain some things, but not everything. How, for example, can we explain that a ghost can influence a person and the surrounding physical world? After all, the owners of the dead animals heard their barking, a nurse from the hospital received a burn from the touch of a ghost, and the forester’s bed was rumpled.

Psychic Evgeny Dubitsky was faced with the fact that patients began to see him, hear his steps, when he was hundreds of kilometers away from them. He came up with the idea of ​​sending his “energy double” to the sick to help them during attacks of illness. The results exceeded all expectations. When calling the "double" the patients received relief. Moreover, some saw him, some felt his touch on the body, strong vibration, and thermal effects. Here, for example, is what N. Savchik, a doctor from the city of Kholmsk, Sakhalin region, writes:?

“When I called the Double, I felt him sit on my bed, and sit on my legs (I was lying on the bed), even my fingers began to hurt from such weight. I had a headache, it quickly went away, it became hot... then I fell asleep" .

Another letter from doctor U. Turymbetova from the city of Chimbaya:

"I have varicose veins veins, so I decided to call the Double. Evgeniy Anatolyevich appeared on air. I immediately fell asleep, having managed to feel a strong vibration in my legs. In the morning I woke up - my condition was good, my veins had become smaller." And Evgeniy Dubitsky receives a lot of such letters.

Of course, all this could be attributed to the phenomena mental nature, if not for the fact that, at the request of some patients, the “double” destroyed all the cockroaches in the house.

The psychic himself, when explaining this phenomenon, relies on the following theory: “...Around each object there is an energy-information field, which seems to store the main characteristics of the object. Merging, these fields form a single energy-information field around the Earth - something like the noosphere that he spoke about Vernadsky. And in principle, from this unified field one can obtain information about any living and inanimate object existing on the planet... So, by pronouncing the verbal formula for calling my double, a person, as it were, gets in touch with this unified field and comes into contact with my energy-informational phantom."

Well, this hypothesis also to some extent explains the nature of the mysterious appearances of ghosts. However, in in this case the phantom can be summoned at will. How can we explain the fact that ghosts often appear on their own, without asking permission? After all, this happens. It's good if the ghost appears with "good intentions." What if he wants to harm?

As you can see, there are still many mysteries. Until they are solved, be more polite with the ghost and, as Evgeny Dubitsky advises, do not forget to say hello and goodbye to him.


Prophets, predictors, clairvoyants... How much has already been written about this phenomenon of the human psyche! Again and again we read about the unusual abilities of psychics, healers who use the gift of clairvoyance. However, questions and mysteries are not decreasing. Who are these people? Why do they suddenly have this ability to read the past and future, like an open book? Are they becoming more numerous over time, or is this ability being lost with the development of science and technology? Is it allowed to an ordinary person to possess the gift of clairvoyance, or is this the destiny of the chosen few? Let's try to answer at least some of these questions.

The gift of clairvoyance and prophecy has been known since ancient times. Numerous priests, shamans, prophets, astrologers, blessed ones were an integral attribute of any society in the history of mankind. Let's remember the famous predictors of the past: Nostradamus, St. Basil, Count Cagliostro. However, our time is no exception. What are they, the current predictors?

Muscovite L.A. Korabelnikova has a pronounced gift of clairvoyance. Here is just one case from her practice. She worked in Armenia immediately after the devastating earthquake. Using only maps, she provided information about places where living people remained under the rubble. In Leninakan, holding her hand over the map, she indicated the area of ​​​​the largest concentration of people. There was a destroyed compressor plant, from the rubble of which more than one life was saved.

In the village of Bashaid, which is a two-hour drive from Belgrade, lives the fortuneteller and healer Nejbosa Bocevic. He is known not only in the area, but also far beyond. He is known for his predictions and ability to quickly and accurately make a diagnosis. So, they predicted an earthquake in San Francisco. His warning was ignored, but soon the radio announced natural disaster. A woman whose son was in San Francisco at the time called Neibosh to see if anything had happened to him. Neybosha reassured her, saying that in five minutes a person from her son would call her, and within 24 hours her son would make himself known. That's exactly what happened.

Vera Kochovskaya is from Bulgaria. She is not as famous as her famous compatriot Vanga, but she also has amazing gift clairvoyance, diagnosis and treatment at a distance. The reason for the emergence of these abilities was a car accident in which Vera got into an eleven-year-old girl. After this incident, she began to see people’s internal organs and guess facts from their past, present and future. Thus, from photographs, Vera unmistakably names names, professions, a range of diseases, and even some personal traits of people whom she has never met before.

And here are her predictions regarding the future of humanity:

"I am convinced that the 21st century will be the century of bioenergy. Over time, it will be found and effective remedy against AIDS." Well, time will tell.

Dubitsky E.A. – Psychic Companion


Psychic Companion


Editorial department of the regional press department 1991

Editor G. P. Kalinichenko

Dubitsky E. A.

D79 Psychic Companion.- Dnepropetrovsk:

RIO regional polygraphic data, 1991. - 240 p.

15YOU 5-7707-1103-5

The book is intended for readers who want to learn the secrets of traditional medicine, learn how to diagnose and treat diseases with the help of bioenergy-informational influence.

no announcement l.

(g) Kurmaeva A., introductory article, 1991

Preface 13

Chapter 1. Thoughts of the heart 17

Chapter 2. Phenomena of parapsychology 26

Telepathy and clairvoyance -

Dowsing, "skin vision" and telekinesis 37

Chapter 3. Introduction to acupuncture - the basis of bioenergy information

impact on humans 42

Chapter 4. The concept of bioenergy information

fields and chakras 59

Chapter 5. Autogenic training 69

Chapter 6. Introduction to Healing 71

The concept of karma. Concentration exercises.

Meditation. Energy set -

Exercises to gain energy using

rhythmic breathing 76

Preparing hands for healing practice.

Opening the energy systems in the fingers and palms of the hands. Increased hand sensitivity.

Energy Flow Management 78

Chapter 7. Some information about self-medication

using massage 82

Chapter 8. Diagnosis of diseases

in contact and at a distance. 87

Chapter 9. Self-medication using bioenergy information

impact 102

Chapter 10. Turning to the experience of the past: prayers, conspiracies Yu 4

Chapter 11. Treatment methods for the most common

diseases in contact and at a distance 1 th

Chapter 12. Diseases of the respiratory system. P 7

Acute and chronic bronchitis -

Croupous pneumonia 119

Lung and bronchial cancer 121

Bronchial asthma 123

Chapter 13. Diseases of the circulatory system 124

Hypertonic disease -

Hypotonic disease 127

Atherosclerosis 128

Angina 129

Rheumatism 130

Myocarditis 131

Pericarditis 132

Atrial fibrillation 133

Tachycardia 133

Acute vascular insufficiency 134

Acute heart failure 135

Trophic ulcer 135

Chapter 14. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract 137

Nephritis (glomerulonephritis) acute -

Chronic nephritis 138

Cystitis 139

Chapter 15. Diseases of the digestive system 140

Peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum

Acute gastritis 142

Chronic gastritis 143

Stomach cancer 144

Hemorrhoids 146

Inflammation of the appendix 147

Chapter 16. Liver diseases and biliary tract 148

Cholelithiasis -

Acute cholecystitis 151

Acute pancreatitis 152

Chapter 17. Diseases of the hematopoietic organs 154

Lymphogranuleomatosis 156

Chapter 18. Thyroid diseases 157

Toxic diffuse goiter -

Chapter 19. Diseases of the genital area in men 158

Impotence -

Infertility 160

Prostate adenoma 161

Prostatitis 162

Chapter 20. Gynecological diseases 164

Menstrual irregularities.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Salpingitis 165

Endometritis 166

Colpitis (vaginitis) 167

Genital cysts. Ovarian cyst 167

Uterine fibroids 168

Uterine prolapse 169

Mastitis 170

Mastopathy 170

Chapter 21. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat

Sinusitis, frontal sinusitis -

Otitis, acoustic neuritis 172

Chapter 22. Eye diseases 173

Glaucoma -

Retinal detachment 174

Hemorrhage in vitreous 175

Chapter 23. Other diseases 176

Umbilical and inguinal hernias -

Chapter 24. Mass sessions, television and radio sessions 1 77

Recording the session on tape and

video camera -

Chapter 25. Based on my own experience. Analysis.

Reflections 184

The first ever international experiment

on bioenergy information impact -

Why did the transmitter stall? 191

unusual story of one family 194

Materialization of the spirit, a phenomenon awaiting explanation 203

Conclusion 221

Glossary of terms 223

Bibliography 211

Appendix 231

The book by E.A Dubitsky “The Psychic’s Companion” is a large and varied experience in practical healing, and it is intended for readers seeking to learn the secrets of traditional medicine.

Unfortunately, our modern medicine Having gone through the stage of its development from spiritually sacrificial to pragmatically businesslike with a clear, cold mind and calm mind, studying more the effect than the cause, it turned into symptomatic. Focusing on treatment individual organs and human systems, generating a mass of narrow specialists, sometimes forgetting about the close interconnection of all life processes, she is unable to contain the surging flow of various diseases. Therefore, the created vicious circle - the development of narrow specialties - expands the range of more and more new chemotherapy agents, which naturally leads to immune imbalance and the development of immuno-endocrine insufficiency. The latter serves as a background for the development of pathology under such permissive factors as stressful situations, infectious effects, toxic effects of chemical products, etc.

In turn, there is a shortage of medicines in our country, low-quality medical diagnostics, the lack of highly qualified specialists exacerbates the helplessness of doctors in the fight against many modern ailments. Skepticism and distrust of people in the methods of our medicine is growing, and this is very dangerous, because the body’s rejection of healing methods actually leads to low effectiveness of treatment. The emergence of effective complexes of health-improving measures, new and at the same time ancient types of healing used in folk medicine, the development of mental hygiene not only do not contradict, but also significantly complement the modern arsenal medical supplies. The process of integration of official and traditional medicine is natural and necessary. The development and application of herbal medicine, reflexology, bioenergy-information therapy is a significant addition, and perhaps the main thing, in the future new medicine, which is just around the corner. And it is no coincidence that the popularity of theories based on the study of man not as a biological species, but as a complex spiritual system that is a unit of the universe, has increased.

Our difficult era of rethinking spiritual values, the era of searches and hopes stands at the turn of the second millennium - the era of fundamental discoveries of science, the formation of new worldviews, where a person can realize 93 percent of the capabilities of the mind that are not used to this day.

Academician V.P. is truly right. Kaznacheev: “For the emergence of “homo sapiens,” mutations are not required - further improvement of the work of the brain is necessary, which is associated with the development of the “field” form of life that exists in us and is almost unknown to us.” We have yet to realize the perfect logical and long-recognized concept that a person is an energy system, merged into the more general system of the Universe and receiving from it all the energy necessary for his life.The paradoxes of medicine are amazing - knowledge of the smallest details of the structure of many microorganisms, the rise of immunology, revealing the secrets of the genetic code - and... such timid assumptions about the possibility of the existence of a third regulatory system in the human body - at the level of bioenergy-information fields! Only recently have we begun to realize that we cannot categorically reject the difficult to explain, interrupt the movement of thought into the beyond just because “this can never happen.”

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

Healing with the help of a HEALER DOUBLE...


Chapter from the book “The Psychic’s Companion” - Dnepropetrovsk, 1991. Author E. A. Dubitsky

I came to the idea of ​​calling the Double a long time ago - seven or eight years ago. I came to her as if on a whim. At first I tried to charge the napkins from a distance, mentally, then the patient applied them to the sore spot. And then it seemed like it dawned on me. I asked one of the patients to call my Double to process these napkins.
He came up with the following scheme: “The patient mentally pronounces the words: “Eugene, please come to me.” Imagine that I have arrived and say hello. Then ask him to clean the napkins and leave the room. After half an hour, return to it, thank and say goodbye. All this, I repeat, is pronounced mentally.”
When the patient did this and applied the napkins, he felt very clearly that the napkin goes strong heat. The condition of his organ has improved. The next day he told about all this.
It didn't seem like much. What if you try to call the Double for treatment? I developed a scheme somewhat similar to the previous one.
Patients began to carefully call the Double, and the next day they informed me that they experienced the same sensations as during my face-to-face session and the effectiveness was no less.
That's where it all started. I began asking patients to call my Double to process cooled boiled water. I recommended drinking this water to patients not only for gastrointestinal diseases, kidney diseases, bladder diseases, but in general for all serious ailments.
It turned out that the Double is my wonderful assistant. The circle of people who needed help has expanded significantly, and, frankly, I saved a lot of time due to the fact that the napkins and water are now processed by the Double.
I suggest you familiarize yourself with the technique of calling a Double. I understand that some readers will find it difficult to believe the reality of the facts presented. But I ask you to take them extremely seriously, because they are all based on the observations of thousands and thousands of people, on numerous protocols that came to me from different parts of the country.
Calling the Double for treatment. It is advisable to be in the room alone. The challenge should begin with repentance and cleansing of your soul. You must ask for forgiveness from all those whom you have ever offended in word or deed in your life; you must also forgive all your enemies and wish them happiness and health from the bottom of your heart.
Then lie down or sit comfortably. You don't have to close your eyes. Mentally say: “Eugene, please come to me! Hello! Help me please!" It is not necessary to list diseases, since the Double knows everything about you. Stay in a relaxed position for 1-1.5 hours, while monitoring sensations and changes in health status. Do not order the Double under any circumstances, but only kindly ask him for help.
When calling the Double, you can immediately fall asleep. If you fall asleep, then the next time you call, set the alarm clock 1-1.5 hours in advance, and as soon as the time allotted for the session is over, say to yourself: “Thank you very much, goodbye!”
The double comes to people of any gender, age, nationality and religion. As practice shows, he can refuse help only if the person calling him is by nature evil, mean, treacherous, if he has a large trail of sins behind him, such as murder, violence, extremism, blasphemy, a large number of abortions, etc. Therefore, the only way to the Double is through repentance, through cleansing your soul, through love for the people around you,
If my spirit materializes, it appears at two ages: a little over 30 years old and at my current age - 52 years old. Clothes can be different: hoodie, rags, cassock, civilian, etc.
As practice shows, the Double can appear from a point, a white fireball, thick fog, lightning, blinding radiance, etc., or simply appear without any “intermediate” stage - a moment ago the chair was empty - and suddenly sits in the chair He. It happens that a glow, a fireball, lightning or something else does not turn into a person, but is present next to the patient throughout the entire session. In this case, the Double is with you in a different form.
The disappearance or departure of the Double can also be different. It can dissolve in the air, “collapse” into a point and disappear, and in its place will remain a light cloud of steam, which, rising, will dissipate.
The double most often comes invisible, but it happens that the patient sees him in an ethereal, translucent form or hears his breathing, steps around the room, feels the touch of his hands. True, such observations are extremely rare; the patient more often feels warmth, relaxation, so-called stirring in the internal organs, drowsiness, etc., but their absence does not mean that there is no therapeutic effect.
You can ask the Double to treat someone, say, a relative living in another city. The call should be made mentally; the address and diagnoses should not be indicated, only the name of the patient should be given. And after the session, thank the Double and say goodbye, just as you would do when calling the Double to you.
You can talk to the Double by voice, gesture, telepathically, etc. And if you have clairvoyance abilities, communicate with him using this gift of God.
A double can be called not only to treat people, but also animals. As practice shows, it can also be called to solve various household, industrial and social problems. And if the basis of your request is not self-interest, the desire to elevate yourself, or to humiliate someone, but there is only love and the desire for justice, then you can count on the help of the Double.
It is recommended to call the Double to process food (especially if the patient is allergic), as well as medications. In the first case they can be killed pathogenic microbes, the content of nitrates in vegetables or harmful substances in other products is reduced, and the processing of drugs increases their therapeutic properties.
IN in case of emergency You can also contact the Double when large cluster people, when, say, on the street or on a bus, a person became ill.
It happens that the devil appears in the form of a Double. Therefore, it is necessary to read a prayer and sign the Sign of the Cross (you can mentally) not only the materialized image of the Double, but also all its other incarnations. The devil, naturally, cannot stand prayer and the Cross; they cast him out right away. The double, in response to your actions, will only nod gratefully and smile at you.
As the Double himself says, I am his second, earthly essence, apparently, therefore, his character is so reminiscent of mine: I am sometimes touchy, and a little capricious, and very vulnerable when I encounter injustice, but in no case am I capable of evil, revenge, deceit, meanness, etc.
Calling a Double for processing drinking water or bath water. Boil 3 liters of water (you can use 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), cool, pour into a jar and put it on the table. There is no one in the room except you. Say to yourself: “Eugene, please come to me! Hello. Please treat the water!” After this, leave the room and enter it no earlier than 30 minutes later. Also say to yourself: “Thank you very much, goodbye!”
If, say, there are five people in your family and you want the Double to treat the water for each of them, then pour the water into five jars and on each one indicate the name for which this water is intended. This is necessary not for the Double, but for drinking water, since the water in each of the cans will have characteristics characteristic of a given person.
If the water has not changed its color during this half hour, but it may turn blue, green, red, yellow or some other color; if white flakes, sand, stones, pieces of wood do not appear in the jar; if, finally, unpleasant odors do not appear in it, for example, the smell of hydrogen sulfide; If you do not find an oily film on its surface, then this water is ready for use. Otherwise, pour out the water, boil a new portion and repeat.
Just above we took as an example a family consisting of five people. So, four jars can be clean, but the fifth, intended, say, for grandma, will have the anomalies that I just mentioned. Pour out the spoiled water and fill the jar with a new portion of water until it becomes clean after treatment with the Double. It happened that people repeated the call up to 10 times.
Normal water most often it has a spring taste with a slight metallic taste. Drink water before bed (50-100 g), after waking up (the same amount) and throughout the day in equal portions total number from 500 to 1500 g.
Water has a great effect on the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, on metabolic processes, etc. It can even be instilled into the eyes (2-3 drops) - it improves vision, brightens the lens, resolves a cataract, etc., water can be instilled into the nose - with this you will treat sinusitis and inflammation nasopharynx. If you have a sore throat, gargle with this water. The doctor recommended an enema - take water treated with the Double. If you burn your body, wet the burn area and there will be no trace left of it. If you cut, say, your hand and the blood flows like a river - moisten the cut site with treated water, the blood will quickly stop, and the cut site will begin to heal almost before your eyes. Water treated with Double kills even staphylococcus. Water is also useful for douching, just do not heat it over a fire, but keep it in a bowl of boiling water. Water removes inflammatory processes, helps to reduce and even completely disappear fibroids, erosion, etc. It is useful to wash your face with this water - pimples disappear, the skin becomes clean and beautiful.
I recommend calling the Double to treat the water in the bath. What does that require? Fill the bath with water; its temperature should be 1-2 tenths of a degree higher than usual. Then say to yourself: “Eugene, please come to me! Hello! Please treat the water!” Leave the bathroom and enter it after 30 minutes. Then say: “Thank you very much, Evgeny! Goodbye!" Undress and lie in the water for 15-30 minutes.
When treating bath water, incredible things can also happen. The water here can change its color, become cold or boiling water, white flakes, sand, stones, etc. can also appear in it. bad smell, notice an oily film or clots of fuel oil on its surface. In all these cases, drain the water and fill the bath with new water.
After bathing, the body may become covered with mucus with an unpleasant odor; this is the result of increased metabolic processes, which the body itself expels through skin covering toxins and poisons, that is, it is cleansed.
Baths are beneficial for children, especially those who suffer various disorders brain activity, nervous system, metabolic processes, as well as allergies, etc.
You can ask the Double to treat the bath water for another person.
I just ask you to remember that taking a bath is contraindicated in case of tumor processes, various types of bleeding, for example, uterine bleeding.
Calling a Double to process napkins. Take a stack of paper napkins with a total thickness of 3-4 cm. Place it on the table, first mark the bottom napkin with some kind of symbol, since the stack is applied to the body with its lower part. And say the challenge formula, but instead of the word “water” say the word “napkins”.
In case of frontal sinusitis or sinusitis, apply a stack to the affected areas; napkins work well for sore throat, otitis media, and any purulent process. The wipes are also good for restoring the functions of the auditory nerve. It’s convenient to put the piles in the evening for the whole night, just secure them with something so that they don’t fall off. Remove in the morning. Use a stack of napkins no more than 10 times. And remember, you need to call the Double before each new application of napkins.
Using this technique, it is easy to treat such unpleasant diseases as broronchitis and pneumonia. You just need to unfold the napkins so that they completely cover the lung area: place two piles on your back, one on your chest. It happens that double application of napkins relieves severe bilateral lobar pneumonia without any complications. And this without antibiotics or other drugs!
I recommend applying napkins to the kidney area for pyelonephritis and other kidney diseases, to the bladder area for cystitis, enuresis, etc. Applying napkins brings amazing results!
Instead of paper napkins, you can use gauze; it is softer and does not irritate the skin. And washed - the gauze is again ready for use.
In the same way, you can call the Double to process bedding. Give it a try. Just say thank you.
Soon after introducing my patients to the technique of calling the Double, I began to receive information that sometimes when calling, one feels fear from the presence of some person. People even felt a touch on the body, clearly audible breathing, etc. Is this not hallucinations? Of course not.
One day a patient told me a funny story. Unfortunately, I don’t remember now either her last name or her address (I started keeping track of patients much later). But I remember the diagnosis well: ovarian dysfunction and mastopathy. That woman lived alone with a child, without a husband. Along with face-to-face sessions, on my advice, she also practiced calling the Double. But since there was a child at home, she locked herself from him in the next room with a key that she took out of the keyhole. She asked her girl not to make noise, not to knock on the door, and to remain silent for at least an hour. And one day at breakfast the girl stunned her mother, saying: “And I know why you lock yourself in your room.” - Why? - the unsuspecting mother asked in surprise. “An uncle with a mustache and a beard comes to you,” she answered. The girl described my appearance in some detail. The mother almost fell out of her chair. And the next day I knew everything in detail. For my part, I recommended that she not take the key out of the keyhole anymore.
The overwhelming majority of patients took proposals to call my Double very seriously. There were cases when they even, on their own initiative, called the Double to treat cats and dogs. It helped a lot.
And in Bulgaria, knowing about my method, Dr. S. Danev and S. Dimitrov decided one day to test the effectiveness of calling the Double using instruments. They once invited a cardiac chronicler to the laboratory of a medical academy, took readings of his heart rhythms on a computer and asked the patient to sit for half an hour while they were away on business. The patient, as if nothing had happened, sat comfortably in a chair and began reading a magazine. And at this time, in the corridor, S. Danev pronounces the formula for calling my Double, already known to you, and asks him to come to that person for help. After that, they themselves went for a walk in the academy’s park.
After a specified time, they return to the office and offer the patient to take readings of his heart muscle again. He naturally agrees. And when the data was displayed on the computer, S. Danev even turned pale: it turned out that in all respects there was a sharp improvement in cardiac activity, which could not have happened at all according to the logic of things.
Slava Danev asked permission to conduct a whole series of experiments to summon the Double and to record its therapeutic effects. I hope that as soon as the situation in the country calms down, these unique experiments will begin.
Before presenting here several sensational protocols, I will offer excerpts from the written conclusions of students of the All-Union Seminar of Medical Workers, which I have already mentioned. Unfortunately, not all listeners left their observation notes when calling my Double. Here, in particular, there are no cases where the Double helped find stolen or lost things, etc. But from what I have, you can make a good selection of facts.
“After I said the agreed words, I heard footsteps and the creaking of floorboards. I felt the vibration of all my organs and was terribly scared. I no longer dared to call the Double Evgeniy Anatolyevich.” V. Koltunova, health worker, Kostomuksha.
“I called the Double. Suddenly a creak was heard. I shuddered. She closed her eyes out of fear and at that moment felt the vibration of all her organs. A pleasant warmth spread throughout my body. My legs were petrified, I couldn’t move them, as if someone was sitting on them. Then I said, "Thank you very much. Goodbye!" The double left, I managed to peek through my half-open eyelids and clearly saw the ethereal, translucent Double of Evgeniy Anatolyevich.” L. Bush, health worker, Kostomuksha.
“...That day at night I called the Double with a request to treat me. At 00.15 I got ready for bed. After 2-3 minutes I heard a noise, as if a door was opening. I checked - the door was closed. Again I close my eyes and again, after the same time, there is a noise that already resembles a blow from a rolled-up newspaper. The room was dimly lit and there was no one there. I close my eyes again. She placed both hands on her chest. This is my habit. After 1-2 minutes I felt the presence of someone in the room. I opened my eyes and then I felt my hands very slowly, as if in slow motion, rising above my chest a few centimeters (against my will), then they stopped for 20-30 seconds and just as slowly fell back. The condition was unusual. The body is airy, there is a feeling of emptiness in it and there is some kind of tension in the room. I got a little scared and forgot to thank the Double. After 10-20 minutes, she called him again, apologized, and said: “Thank you.” After about two minutes, I felt a breeze above my head, like a breeze. Then I fell asleep." N. Rudenko, local doctor, Marganets.
“When I called the Double, I felt him sit on my bed, and sit on my legs (I was lying on the bed), even my finger began to hurt from such weight. I had a headache, it quickly passed, I felt hot from the presence of the Double, then I fell asleep.” N. Savchik, doctor, Kholmsk, Sakhalin region
“I called my double when I felt very tired after class. My legs were just a little swollen. And literally 15 seconds later, when I lay down, I was hit twice very hard on my knees, like a palm. Then I felt a spreading warmth and instantly fell asleep.” L.Volynets, medical worker, Bratsk.
“I have varicose veins lower limbs, so I decided to call the Double. Evgeniy Anatolyevich appeared on air. I immediately fell asleep, having only managed to feel one strong vibration in my limbs. In the morning I woke up - my condition was good, and my veins had become smaller.” U. Turymbetova, cardiologist, Chimbay, KK ASSR.
“The three of us lived in one room. We decided to call a Double to treat the water. We poured tap water into a three-liter jar. Then they called the Double and left him with water in the room for half an hour. They went in, thanked him, and saw that the water had become clear, before that it was cloudy and tasted sour. We drank 1 glass of this water 3 times a day. We noticed an improvement in bowel function.” T. Eremeeva, L. Valdaeva, health workers, Alma-Ata; S. Borisenko, health worker, Tallinn.
“At 23.55 I read the formula for calling the Double Evgeniy Anatolyevich and immediately went to bed. And this is what I see in my dream. A Double appears from the side of the wall, I see Evgeniy Anatolyevich’s face very clearly, I especially remember the expression on his face. He climbed over me to the other side of the bed. I accidentally touched his forehead - he was sweaty. He told me something, but I don't remember what. Standing over the bed to my left, he waved his hands over me and sent such a flow of energy through me that my every cell boiled. Bliss! After that I woke up. The clock showed 1 hour 26 minutes.” R. Shirgazina, phthisiatrician, Kokand.
“At 23.10 I called the Double to relieve my headache. About 24 hours later I saw Evgeniy Anatolyevich completely materialized. He lay down on my bed, across it, right on top of me (I was lying down). She jumped out of bed out of fear. A few minutes later the Double disappeared.” F. Bogautdinova, general practitioner, Dimitrovgrad.
“I called the Double every day. I felt him coming. Warmth spread through my body and a sour taste was felt on my tongue. I cured my stomach with it. She asked the Double to treat the water and drank it. I felt the sour taste of the water. She asked the Double to treat the napkins and gave them to a boy who was sick with bronchitis. The next morning he had sputum discharge. And the next day (she put napkins on him again) the bronchitis was gone.” L. Kazakova, cardiologist, Chimkeit.
“I once tried to call the Double - the headache disappeared.” F. Yakhin, surgeon, Baymak, Bashk. ASSR.
“I called the Double twice and immediately fell asleep, I don’t remember how. I felt very good this morning.” G. Sheiko, general practitioner, Sokiryany, Chernivtsi region
“I called the Double according to the agreed formula. Evgeniy Anatolyevich came in ethereal form. After the phrase: “Thank you very much. Goodbye!” I clearly heard retreating footsteps.” N. Emelina, health worker, Yeysk.
“I didn’t see the double, but I felt him, heard his steps, the warmth of his hands above my head, after which the headache went away. After the challenge, I felt an extraordinary surge of strength.” G. Chuledkisova, head. therapeutic department, Iliysk.
Upon arrival in Moscow, feedback from my listeners continued to arrive.
The first to “break” the days of silence was the above-mentioned N. Savchik. Here's her message in a nutshell:
“I began to practice calling the Double on patients in my hospital. Moreover, she did not warn the patients about the upcoming call. The experiment began with pneumonia, and the diagnosis was confirmed in a group of patients with strict clinical examinations. Evgeny Anatolyevich! Two sessions are enough to relieve pneumonia.”
The second message came from Dnepropetrovsk from the doctor Mikhail M. Allow me to quote excerpts from his written report, which he gave to me already in Moscow.
“During the mass sessions of Evgeniy Anatolyevich, at his suggestion, I mentally presented in the assembly hall my most difficult patient, 82-year-old F., who was diagnosed with cancer tumor pancreas. The old woman began to experience acute intoxication, increasing jaundice, loss of appetite, severe itching, vomiting began. In the patient's tests, the amount of bilirubin exceeded the norm ten times, and hemoglobin decreased. The diagnosis was confirmed by Ph.D. N. Guseva and Professor V. Aslyaev, head. Department of Oncology.
Every day her condition worsened. On the day of departure for the seminar, the patient was already motionless and had great difficulty rising above the bedpan. The worst has begun. Dizziness, complete absence loss of appetite, jaundiced skin, dry tongue, lack of taste of food, noisy, shallow breathing, speaks with great difficulty.
From April 23, I began to practice calling F every day during sessions. Then I switched to calling the Double, whom I sent to Dnepropetrovsk, to the hospital to see F.
Upon arrival home, on May 10, I visited the patient, not really counting on anything. But to my joy, I was surprised by the changes that had occurred in her.
The jaundice decreased, a good appetite appeared, she began to think better, her movements became more active, and her mood improved.
The attending doctors removed all types of procedures, leaving only panzinorm. Beekeeping products were added to the health complex.
To consolidate the effect, the Double's calls to F. continued. And on June 6, repeated tests were carried out, which showed a clear improvement.”
Since we mentioned the city of Dnepropetrovsk, perhaps it’s time to give the floor to the protocols of the residents of this city, with whom I conducted mass sessions and gave lectures on bioenergy. And, naturally, I introduced them to the mysteries of my Doubles,
“Before your sessions, I suffered from severe diarrhea. After the front I have gastritis, colitis, zero acidity and much more. Using your method, I called the Double and asked him to treat the water. After processing I tried it - the water has a distinct taste of copper. The very next day everything stopped.
In addition, I ask the Double to treat the water in the bathroom. So, despite the fact that the water is barely warm, it makes me feel extremely hot.
I also approached him with other requests. So, my husband left his granddaughter. She sent a Double to him to “cleanse his brain.” Imagine having to resort to making peace twice.
In addition, she began to treat her granddaughter’s long-standing sinusitis using napkins treated with Double. And here the result is excellent.
I wish you health and happiness and during the sessions I cry for you so that envious people do not offend you. I lived a hard, lonely life. Long summer to you!” A. Mikheeva
“Yesterday at your session, I mentally called you to your son Yuri, whose temperature has risen to 39 degrees for 3 weeks after 18.00. I have the misfortune of having a leg amputated after sarcoma, and now there are metastatic lesions in the lungs and liver. And from that very moment his temperature did not rise above 37.5 degrees. He feels much better." A. Shevtsova
(Dear Yura and many of my other dear Dnepropetrovsk residents! Forgive me for the fact that I did not conduct a single individual session with any of you. And there were so many fervent requests! You perfectly saw how busy my schedule was. To be honest, I , it simply wouldn’t be enough!)
“My son is married; Unfortunately, he likes to drink heavily. One day I wanted to visit my granddaughter, but my son said that he would come late, he had a party at work. After such parties, he comes home almost insane. She asked the Double to influence him. And when my son came to his home, I was happy - completely sober. "What, there was no party." - I asked. “No, mom,” he answers, “for some reason I just didn’t have the desire to drink.” M.K.
“When I first called Double Evgeniy Anatolyevich to treat the water, I heard the kitchen door slam. After treatment, the water became tastier, cleaner, with a metallic taste. The children to whom I gave this and other (before treatment) water to drink pointed to the treated one as tastier.
During the sessions, I have the feeling that my blood is boiling and my body temperature rises to 40 degrees, my heartbeat quickens. At the end of the session everything stops. There are similar sensations when calling the Double. I feel great." N. Khokhlova
“After the agreed formula, I immediately felt the presence of the Double. The body filled with the same heaviness that appears at mass sessions. A white vision appeared and began to form into a person. I got scared and said that I believe you and don’t want to see anyone, I just want to be treated. And in general, due to the unusualness of the situation, my thoughts were confused. And then the white vision dissipated. But I began to receive a healing session.
At the beginning of the session, I heard a rustling sound. And suddenly my right hand rose and someone shook it. I answered the same. I heard a sigh. After the session ended, I asked the Double a few personal questions. He gave me the answer to them. The answer came telepathically.
There was a lot more interesting things, but you can’t tell about everything. And what happened to me is a fairy tale. A fairy tale that none of my family and friends believe in. I used to cry so much and ask: “Why do I have so much grief alone?” Now I'm the happiest." Olga M.
“My son is married and has a child. He lives poorly with his wife. He often drinks and offends his daughter-in-law. And he comes home when there is nowhere else to go. It pains me to look at all this.
During the next session, I called your Double and asked him to help normalize family relationships.
I returned home, Sasha was watching TV. Didn't leave! Then he went to the bedroom to sleep. I couldn’t sleep for a long time, because it turns out that his wife decided to go spend the night with her family. He fucked her.
Suddenly a son stands on the threshold. Very excited. There is a pillow in your hands. “What's in the bedroom? - he asked. “I can’t sleep there.” I started asking what happened. It turns out that as soon as he lay down, some force began to throw him out of bed. And so on several times until he, enraged with helplessness, grabbed a pillow under his arm and ran into my room. He lay in my room for a short time and returned to the bedroom again. And then literally a minute later the frightened one flies in again: “Someone... is squeezing me in a vice and throwing me out of bed onto the floor.” Eyes crazy with fear. He was already sleeping with me, waking up every hour.
In the morning he left for work. His wife returned home at 9.00 and said that yesterday she decided to leave the family for the first time, which she had never done.
In the evening, Sasha returned from work on time, caring, polite, and affectionate. I spent the whole evening at home. Lenochka, his wife, looked radiant and happy.
And another case. I have an old lady friend. Children visit her very rarely. I sometimes bring her groceries and somehow brighten up her loneliness. From here, from the hall, I sent your Double to her with a request to help the old lady and stroke her gently, tenderly. The next day I came to her. She tells me: “Someone came to me and stroked my hands so tenderly, as only you usually do.” Her health was very good. She spoke to me easily and her blood pressure was normal, which is very rare. Everyone is very grateful to you! “E. Matukhno.
“Today, during a walk, the dog severely cut its paw. Blood flowed in a stream. Immediately called your Double for help. And then the blood began to flow quieter and quieter until it stopped completely.” T. Zhuravleva.
"I have a stomach ulcer. Summoned your Double. I immediately felt a strong electric field and a tingling sensation appeared in my arms and legs. Then I felt its effect on my stomach. I often repeated in my thoughts: “Well, soon?” The answer was silence. It didn't hurt, but I couldn't move my arm, leg, or head. Finally, he came to the left, bent low over me and pulled the part of the stomach where the ulcer was. He pulled out the ulcer with the surrounding stomach tissue. I pulled it all, like tearing off a piece of dough, through the skin on the left, from under the left rib. Finally, I felt the desired moment of disconnection from the ulcer. I was still lying there with my eyes closed. The double came in from the right and blew in my face. After this, the electric field began to quickly disappear, finally I moved my hands, sweat appeared on my forehead and on my back. I sighed, it was a sigh of relief. I said goodbye to the Double according to the scheme. It seemed to me that I heard telepathically: “There will be a second stage.”
I became bolder and called Evgeniy the next night. I again felt his powerful electric field. He said: “Shall we begin?” A terrible fear gripped me before the second operation. Who can handle two surgeries within 24 hours? I started wailing: “Don’t, don’t!” The electric field has decreased. Evgeniy left through the balcony door, looking back twice. I felt his reproach.
The next day I asked you, Evgeny Anatolyevich, what should I do? I really need the Double's help, but I'm afraid of him. You told me not to be afraid of anything, he won’t do anything bad to me. Call him.
Then I became bolder. At night I repeated the call. He came, and again the field around me became powerful. I prayed: “Just, for God’s sake, be more gentle!” The field immediately became weaker and at that time some powerful jets of energy flowed from my hands. Gradually they decreased and I felt lightness throughout my body. I realized that I was flying. Evgeniy supported me in his arms from below. And like in a circus, without bending, I smoothly flew around the room at a height of 1.5 m. We exchanged short phrases. Then he smoothly lowered me onto the sofa. I asked him for help.
Suddenly my eyes began to water. And we had fun. Evgeniy took me in his arms, as one would take a bride, and began to carry me around the room again. I heard kind words. Soon I returned to the sofa. I was happy!” Lyudmila S.
“I am writing about how your Double helped my student son pass the exam. At one time he did not pass the exam because he was ill. The son was attacked by such apathy that he did not want to pick up textbooks. And in general I decided to take an academic leave.
She called your Double and asked him to help her son. Suddenly I was overcome with heat and began to sway. And the son began frantically looking for his textbooks. He got desire pass the session. And he passed the test!” V.Fishing
“It’s amazing, I can’t believe it myself. Our apartment is infested with cockroaches. I decided to call the Double to drive them away. Just don’t think I’m crazy, my psyche is normal! So, with next day The cockroaches have disappeared!” P. Boguslavskaya.
“I gave the Double the task of removing the cockroaches, which were causing trouble not only in our apartment, but throughout the entire house. Moreover, this task was given during a mass session. And when I came home, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Not a single cockroach! I searched the kitchen, toilet, cabinets - not a single one anywhere.
The cockroaches did not appear. Out of curiosity, I asked other neighbors - they also didn’t have these insects. “They left somewhere on their own,” said the surprised residents of the house. There were no cockroaches even in the cafe located on the first floor of our nine-story building!” L. Budovskaya.
“During your first session, someone immediately asked me: “Are you calm?” - I answered: “Yes!”
Then you started showing me your husband’s internal organs. When I looked at the stomach, I saw a small dark dot. You said that it was an ulcer and showed how it should be treated. My husband actually suffers from a stomach ulcer.
Then I started looking at my internal organs. And imagine everything in color. A real miracle!
I asked you about my son. He is very sick. You smiled softly and reassured me.
At one time I was forced to leave the conservatory (I am a singer). And two years ago, the ligaments became ill: the so-called compression of the singing apparatus occurred. And all these years I was unable to sing the top notes.
So, on that first evening, encounters with miracles continued. I suddenly wanted to sing. And you demanded that I start singing. Right now. I could barely contain myself. I was looking forward to returning home.
She has arrived. And I decided... While singing, I didn’t feel any pressure, my voice flowed smoothly, I didn’t feel any obstacles on either the upper or lower notes. Complete freedom!
I sang Leonora's aria from Verdi's La forza del destino. And she was happy. God bless you!" N.Balyantseva
“I didn’t really believe in the Double. Laughed at him. I decided to try to call anyway. I sat down on the sofa. Suddenly something fell heavily on me and I felt a powerful massage internal organs. This went on for about ten minutes. Then the sofa on which I was sitting rose with me and began to slowly move towards the window. I screamed in fear: “Where? Not out the window!” After that, the sofa stopped and slowly began to return to its original place.” Ya. Neroda.
In conclusion, I will give an excerpt from the protocol, which records the change in the composition of the water after calling my Double. The experiment was conducted by doctor N. Chernushchenko and her colleagues. The double treated the water for half an hour. And here are the results: water hardness decreased by 4 times, the content of ammonia and nitrates decreased by 2 times, and other significant changes occurred.
The second protocol was drawn up by the operator of workshop No. 60 of the YuMZ production association in Dnepropetrovsk L. Gaiko, who repeatedly called the Double to treat wastewater from galvanic production (they are not completely purified by practically any means, and toxic water is discharged into the sewer system, and then into the Sura and Dnieper rivers ). So, after treatment with Double, only traces of chromium and iron were found in the water. And outwardly the water was not yellow, as before, but clean, as if from a spring.
Tired of listing examples? If not, then let's continue the story about calling the Doubles. What happened near Tashkent and in Dnepropetrovsk can be considered flowers, all this happened in a rush, in a hurry, and some were simply afraid to make calls. But here are examples of a different kind. I never cease to be amazed at the courage of two women, beautiful women, who, having overcome fear, began to calmly and fruitfully communicate with my Doubles, as if they were ordinary people. And they repaid them a hundredfold. However, let the protocols speak again, which this time were already sent to Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences V.P. Kaznacheev at his urgent request.
“At the request of Evgeny Anatolyevich, I am sending you a short report on how the calls of the so-called Double are going.
After the conditional words (“Eugene, please come to me! Hello! Please help me!”) The double appears in conditions of complete silence, in the absence of other persons, usually at night, very rarely during the day.
In those cases when the Double appeared during the day in bright light, the surroundings seemed as if transparent, even oscillating. The very figure of the Double is dense, completely real. He does not move silently, I hear the rustling of his clothes, the touch of his soles to the floor, etc.
The double has the same appearance as Evgeniy Anatolyevich...


Psychic Companion


Editorial department of the regional press department 1991

Editor G. P. Kalinichenko

Dubitsky E. A.

D79 Psychic Companion.- Dnepropetrovsk:

RIO regional polygraphic data, 1991. - 240 p.

15YOU 5-7707-1103-5

The book is intended for readers who want to learn the secrets of traditional medicine, learn how to diagnose and treat diseases with the help of bioenergy-informational influence.

No announcements

(g) Kurmaeva A., introductory article, 1991

Preface 13

Chapter 1. Thoughts of the heart 17

Chapter 2. Phenomena of parapsychology 26

Telepathy and clairvoyance -

Dowsing, "skin vision" and telekinesis 37

Chapter 3. Introduction to acupuncture - the basis of bioenergy information

impact on humans 42

Chapter 4. The concept of bioenergy information

fields and chakras 59

Chapter 5. Autogenic training 69

Chapter 6. Introduction to Healing 71

The concept of karma. Concentration exercises.

Meditation. Energy set -

Exercises to gain energy using

rhythmic breathing 76

Preparing hands for healing practice.

Opening the energy systems in the fingers and palms of the hands. Increased hand sensitivity.

Energy Flow Management 78

Chapter 7. Some information about self-medication

using massage 82

Chapter 8. Diagnosis of diseases

in contact and at a distance. 87

Chapter 9. Self-medication using bioenergy information

impact 102

Chapter 10. Turning to the experience of the past: prayers, conspiracies Yu4

Chapter 11. Treatment methods for the most common

diseases in contact and at a distance of 1st

Chapter 12. Diseases of the respiratory system. P7

Acute and chronic bronchitis -

Croupous pneumonia 119

Lung and bronchial cancer 121

Bronchial asthma 123

Chapter 13. Diseases of the circulatory system 124

Hypertonic disease -

Hypotonic disease 127

Atherosclerosis 128

Angina 129

Rheumatism 130

Myocarditis 131

Pericarditis 132

Atrial fibrillation 133

Tachycardia 133

Acute vascular insufficiency 134

Acute heart failure 135

Trophic ulcer 135

Chapter 14. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract 137

Nephritis (glomerulonephritis) acute -

Chronic nephritis 138

Cystitis 139

Chapter 15. Diseases of the digestive system 140

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Acute gastritis 142

Chronic gastritis 143

Stomach cancer 144

Hemorrhoids 146

Inflammation of the appendix 147

Chapter 16. Diseases of the liver and biliary tract 148

Cholelithiasis -

Acute cholecystitis 151

Acute pancreatitis 152

Chapter 17. Diseases of the hematopoietic organs 154

Lymphogranuleomatosis 156

Chapter 18. Thyroid diseases 157

Toxic diffuse goiter -

Chapter 19. Diseases of the genital area in men 158

Impotence -

Infertility 160

Prostate adenoma 161

Prostatitis 162

Chapter 20. Gynecological diseases 164

Menstrual irregularities.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Salpingitis 165

Endometritis 166

Colpitis (vaginitis) 167

Genital cysts. Ovarian cyst 167

Uterine fibroids 168

Uterine prolapse 169

Mastitis 170

Mastopathy 170

Chapter 21. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat

Sinusitis, frontal sinusitis -

Otitis, acoustic neuritis 172

Chapter 22. Eye diseases 173

Glaucoma -

Retinal detachment 174

Vitreous hemorrhage 175

Chapter 23. Other diseases 176

Umbilical and inguinal hernias -

Chapter 24. Mass sessions, television and radio sessions 177

Recording the session on tape and

video camera -

Chapter 25. Based on my own experience. Analysis.

Reflections 184

The first ever international experiment

on bioenergy information impact -

Why did the transmitter stall? 191

unusual story of one family 194

Materialization of the spirit, a phenomenon awaiting explanation 203

Conclusion 221

Glossary of terms 223

References 211

Appendix 231

The book by E.A Dubitsky “The Psychic’s Companion” is a large and varied experience in practical healing, and it is intended for readers seeking to learn the secrets of traditional medicine.

Unfortunately, our modern medicine, having gone through the stage of its development from spiritually sacrificial to pragmatic and businesslike with a clear, cold mind and calm mind, studying more the effect than the cause, has turned into symptomatic. Focusing on the treatment of individual human organs and systems, generating a mass of narrow specialists, sometimes forgetting about the close interconnection of all life processes, it is unable to contain the surging flow of various diseases. Therefore, the created vicious circle - the development of narrow specialties - expands the range of more and more new chemotherapy agents, which naturally leads to immune imbalance and the development of immuno-endocrine insufficiency. The latter serves as a background for the development of pathology under such permissive factors as stressful situations, infectious effects, toxic effects of chemical products, etc.

In turn, the shortage of medicines in our country, low-quality medical diagnostics, and the lack of highly qualified specialists aggravate the helplessness of doctors in the fight against many modern ailments. Skepticism and distrust of people in the methods of our medicine is growing, and this is very dangerous, because the body’s rejection of healing methods actually leads to low effectiveness of treatment. The emergence of effective complexes of health-improving measures, new and at the same time ancient types of healing used in folk medicine, and the development of mental hygiene not only do not contradict, but also significantly complement the modern arsenal of medical products. The process of integration of official and traditional medicine is natural and necessary. The development and application of herbal medicine, reflexology, bioenergy-information therapy is a significant addition, and perhaps the main thing, in the future new medicine, which is just around the corner. And it is no coincidence that the popularity of theories based on the study of man not as a biological species, but as a complex spiritual system that is a unit of the universe, has increased.

Our difficult era of rethinking spiritual values, the era of searches and hopes stands at the turn of the second millennium - the era of fundamental discoveries of science, the formation of new worldviews, where a person can realize 93 percent of the capabilities of the mind that are not used to this day.

Academician V.P. is truly right. Kaznacheev: “For the emergence of “homo sapiens,” mutations are not required - further improvement of the work of the brain is necessary, which is associated with the development of the “field” form of life that exists in us and is almost unknown to us.” We have yet to realize the perfect logical and long-recognized concept that a person is an energy system, merged into the more general system of the Universe and receiving from it all the energy necessary for his life.The paradoxes of medicine are amazing - knowledge of the smallest details of the structure of many microorganisms, the rise of immunology, revealing the secrets of the genetic code - and... such timid assumptions about the possibility of the existence of a third regulatory system in the human body - at the level of bioenergy-information fields! Only recently have we begun to realize that we cannot categorically reject the difficult to explain, interrupt the movement of thought into the beyond just because “this can never happen.”

The process of forming new scientific worldviews is a long, painful process aimed at expanding its interactions with external environment and management internal environment human body. But, unfortunately, this interaction is not always organic. And therefore, and we cannot escape this, the flow of tragic events that are the result of natural disasters and environmental disasters. The instability of political and economic situations in the country gives rise to new medical problems and the need to develop such areas as anti-stress medicine and behavioral medicine.

The catastrophic increase in childhood morbidity is depressingly low level school medicine indicate the need to deploy energetic activities to improve the health of children not only by medical specialists, but also by teachers who form the younger generation. Who else but a highly qualified teacher with medical knowledge will notice the first signs of a child’s illness, relieve stress, give timely advice, provide first aid, and formulate the need for healthy way life, will raise the culture of health?

The need for proper and effective organization educational process at the Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines of the Pedagogical Institute using the knowledge of alternative medicine led me to attend the All-Union Seminar on alternative medicine, where more than a hundred doctors gathered. Practicing for many years scientific problems professional impact on the body biologically active substances, a dermatoallergist by profession, I, like most of my colleagues, was not without that touch of skepticism that usually accompanies researchers in the field of traditional medicine. The knowledge that was gained over the course of twelve days stunned me and forced me to look at many phenomena in a new way, to comprehend and think about the problems of consciousness and existence, and approaches to human health. Here I was lucky enough to meet the author of the book “The Psychic’s Companion”, which had not yet been published. Lectures on bioenergy-informational influence on humans through contact and at a distance were given by Evgeniy Anatolyevich Dubitsky, a senior researcher at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Scientific secretary of the Section for the Study of Physical Fields of Living Matter, NTO RES named after A.S. Popov and member of the All-Union Committee on Bioenergy-Information Exchange in Nature.

Knowledge of bioenergetics, general and medical astrology was imbued into our consciousness very intensively and firmly. Lectures were held for eleven hours a day with short breaks. Despite such titanic work of both our teachers-lecturers and listeners, we all felt as one - excellent. And we slept very little - four to six hours. Feel good we were obliged to E.A. Dubitsky, who conducted mass healing sessions with us. And what could be more convincing than your own feelings and introspection? From the very first days we understood - the skill of E.A. Dubitsky, formed over a decade of practical help to people, is enormous. Evgeniy Anatolyevich is always attentive and friendly. His desire to help an audience of not only doctors who have as many diseases as patients, but also the surging population of local villages was amazing. Twelve lectures, twelve wellness sessions - and fatigue and lower back pain subsided, colds disappeared within a day, and high spirits appeared. There was no trace of skepticism left. So there is a way out deadlock doctors, there are powerful reserves of medicine. You just need to develop them, improving your own capabilities, and then apply them correctly and in a timely manner! Further friendship with colleagues convinced of the “long-term consequences” of Evgeniy Anatolyevich’s influence on both the well-being of doctors and their professional activity. Many began to successfully and very effectively use healing methods in combination with therapeutic measures traditional medicine, especially herbal medicine using original and hitherto unknown to doctors folk remedies, carefully and meticulously collected into a collection by Evgeniy Anatolyevich. Some doctors have discovered the ability of extrasensory influence, in particular, they have learned to diagnose. During mass sessions, some had recorded facts of clairvoyance, including seeing organs in color and the ability to receive information from the past, present and future. The vast majority of listeners experienced a sharp increase in sensory sensitivity.

With the help of the department staff, I managed to approve curriculum, alternative to the generally accepted one and necessary for future teachers.

Evgeniy Anatolyevich’s book combines the knowledge that has been accumulated over many years in the process of numerous international experiments, as well as extensive healing experience. The book covers issues of parapsychology, a science that is still largely mysterious and little-known to us, and describes sensational phenomena that not only the author of the book encountered, but was also the direct cause of them. The value of the book, in our opinion, is that, based on the vast experience of healing, E.A. Dubitsky is trying to help the reader master the theory and practice of healing, which is complex in nature: extrasensory influence is combined with acupressure and herbal medicine derived from medicine. The book is permeated with the ideas of humanism, awakening in a person the highest ideals of goodness, help and compassion for one’s neighbor. Without faith in the best, love for one's neighbor, a strong desire to overcome the disease, without confidence in this, no highest skill can be effective - this is one of the main provisions of the teaching contained in the book. It is written in easy-to-understand language in the form of a lively dialogue with the reader.

On the pages of the book by E.A. Dubitsky argues, convinces and proves. It is apparently impossible to do otherwise: we are very mundane, weighed down by everyday worries, and filled with stereotypes. And there is so much new, sometimes phenomenal and sensational in the book...

The title of the book is apt. A novice specialist in “field” diagnostics and therapy needs a “companion” in everyday life, because he, as a healer, has a huge responsibility for human health, correct and timely diagnosis and effective treatment. Consequently, the "Companion" should contain not only healing methods, but also a description of the essence and main symptoms of common diseases that is accessible to the reader. The "Psychic Companion" is also convenient because it contains a list of terms, essentially - medical dictionary, necessary to introduce the reader to the world of medicine and parapsychology, as well as rich illustrative material.

Justifying the purpose of the book, E.A. Dubitsky on his by example, based on factual data recorded in scientific protocols of international experiments, shows the enormous reserve capabilities of a person called upon to fulfill the noble mission of a healer. Of course, controlling intracellular processes, changing the temperature of metals, ozonizing the air - and all this at a distance of three to four thousand kilometers is still within the power of individual, especially gifted individuals. However, by revealing the secrets of his phenomenal abilities, the author encourages us to liberate ourselves, to find in ourselves something not yet known that can lift us up an evolutionary step, to harmony and perfection.

The contents of the book make it possible to acquaint the reader with such well-known but difficult to explain phenomena of parapsychology as telepathy and clairvoyance, dowsing, telekinesis and “skin vision”. Dwelling on the modern interpretation of the essence of these phenomena, citing a number of scientific hypotheses, the author constantly emphasizes the possibility practical application these phenomena in the national economy. In order to treat, you must have basic knowledge, develop extrasensory abilities with the help of special exercises, which become more complex as you master them - this is the attitude of the teacher-author, which is implemented in several chapters of the Companion.

An idea of ​​the bioenergetics of the human body in modern science, although with great difficulty, it is already being formed. The doctor's statement is interesting medical sciences, Professor A. Medelyanovsky that researchers Ancient East, without having any instruments reminiscent of modern ones, they were able to create coherent theories of human bioenergy, confirming their validity by the most important criterion of truth - practice.

In his book E.A. Dubitsky presents a set of hypotheses suggesting the material essence of such phenomena as telepathy and biofield healing. When describing the facts of the “transscreen long-range action of the biofield,” the reader must understand that if the author is fluent in the possibility of bioenergetic influence on the body and objects of inanimate matter, then the results speak for themselves. Therefore, in the chapter “Concepts of bioenergy information fields and chakras” are given Not only theoretical aspects, but also data from practical experience: the healer warns and advises, explains and teaches field diagnostics, figuratively describing the sensations of a sensitive person when determining the biofield.

In the chapters describing the bioenergy-information training of the future healer, the initial, but very necessary stage in mastering self-regulation methods is discussed in detail - the stage autogenic training. The logical construction of the book requires the alternation of practical skills with theoretical concepts necessary for cultivating kindness and mercy. It is with this that the disclosure of the concept of karma, as a yoga teaching about complex action in the process of human evolution, causes and effects leading ultimately to righteousness and justice. Karma is fate, predestination, connected, however, with the depths of matter, which can be represented as a branched chain of dependencies.

There is extensive material on methods of gaining energy, preparing hands for healing practice, and increasing hand sensitivity. These methods are based on the development of our own complexes of bioenergy training exercises, refined over the years. Based on the firm belief that a healer, when starting treatment, must first assess and improve his own health, the author provides very valuable information on self-medication using self-massage and bioenergy-informational influence.

The chapter “Turning to the experience of the past: prayers, conspiracies” is unusually perceived. However, having studied it, we receive a completely material and convincing explanation of the use of prayers and conspiracies as a complement to bioenergy training. Turning off extraneous thoughts, feelings and desires, creating a certain rhythm of vibrations developed by humanity centuries with subsequent inclusion in energy flow, creates additional conditions for enhancing the effect of the healer’s energetic influence.

Of all the chapters presented in the book, I would like to highlight and characterize the chapter “Methods of treating the most common diseases in contact and at a distance” as the main one. It is written in accessible language, medical terms are adapted for a wide range of readers. Despite detailed description the main symptoms of the most common diseases, the principles of the development of pathology and possible complications, the author does not pretend to have a scientific style of presentation. His task

To convey to the reader the essence of the disease for subsequent successful treatment of the lesion.

A comprehensive, and most importantly, systematic approach to the patient and his illness is valuable. This is where lies the most characteristic thing that distinguishes E.A. Dubitsky from other healers. Based on the postulate that there are no isolated diseases, the author proposes his own technique, in which the treatment of any organ ends with the activation of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. It should be noted that E.A.’s healing effect on the body for a variety of diseases, including cancer. Dubitsky in no way opposes official medicine. It only significantly complements generally accepted methods therapeutic effects, calling on “not to give up” even with the most hopeless diseases today.

I think that when reading this manual, not only selected healers, but also readers will have a desire to confront their ailments. A chance to save your health is offered, and you must definitely take advantage of it. After all, it is very important to believe in your own strengths, to always hope for a successful resolution of our current misfortunes!

The healer’s findings during mass sessions are also valuable. The main thing is to do no harm - this is the main principle that guides the author, conveying to the reader his original experience of mass therapeutic effects and treatment at a distance.

“In one breath” the final chapters of the book are perceived, instilling in future healers a sense of mercy and compassion for others. They again sound the main motive of "Sput

Nika": with certain, universal treatment regimens for one or another class of diseases, if a systematic approach to any lesion is necessary, one should not forget that each patient and each disease is unique in its essence.

Perhaps the most sensational data is contained in the chapter “Materialization of the spirit. The phenomenon awaits explanation.” They encourage deep reflection, heated discussions and, of course, new searches. The author does not try to explain the phenomenon. Describing amazing, so far inexplicable, having no precedent in our observable history and therefore mystical phenomena, he poses big sign question: “What is this, a manifestation of the quantum properties of subtle matter? The “Para” area from the teachings of classical Ayurveda? Or is all this from the “unearthly” realm, are there too many voluntary and involuntary signs of this?” Each phenomenon has its own characteristics and

Let there be wide, but well-defined boundaries of possibilities. We need to study these possibilities in depth and understand the essence of today’s fantastic phenomena. We always have time to reject, as we do all the time. Today we do not have the right to say that we have comprehended all the secrets of Nature, studied all the manifestations of living and inert matter. And what prospects can open up for medicine when deciphering this phenomenon of the Double! And not only before medicine - science in general!

A. Kurmaeva,

Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor


The creatures of the Earth are the creation of a complex cosmic process, a necessary and natural part of a harmonious cosmic mechanism, in which, as we know, there are no accidents.


Now, perhaps, no one will refute the idea expressed by the great Russian scientist Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky. Indeed, a person is a piece of the Universe, and the implementation of the life program of the person himself depends on the extent to which he is in harmony with the world around him. Consequently, harmony between man and nature is the key to the successful coexistence of the living and the inert, because otherwise nature mercilessly takes revenge for the violation of its laws, its integrity.

Just remember how many seas, rivers and forests have disappeared from the map of our planet as a result of unreasonable human activity, how large the areas are contaminated with chemistry and radiation. How many new diseases have doctors recorded, what a powerful attack allergic, cardiovascular, oncological and other diseases have now launched. It’s time to declare a state of emergency on our mother earth.

It's a shame to the core that the vast majority of troubles come only from the person himself. Unfortunately, even in this situation, close to an ecological catastrophe, we cannot understand that man on earth is not the owner or the consumer, to whom Heaven allows everything and everyone, but only a piece of the Universe, equal among equals, which is obliged to live with everything around him in peace, love and harmony.

Exercising intensely economic activity, by uncontrollably developing science and technology, man seems to be crushing nature under himself and, as a result, every year he is increasingly losing the internal interconnection and harmony with it that was inherent in him earlier, many millennia ago. This relationship and integrity with nature has given rise to a number of phenomena in humans that are now

An extraordinary rarity. For example, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.

In our time, probably only in childhood the results of the former harmonization of man and nature appear. However, over the years, these invisible connections are severed for the vast majority of people, their abilities for supersensible perception become deaf, and their thoughts, feelings and desires are emasculated. Our amazingly carefree and self-confident world strives to turn a person into some semblance of the Divine, increasing his pride, his ego. We diligently bow to the well-known slogan: “We cannot wait for favors from nature; taking them from her is our task.” And no matter how some of us try to put new content into this slogan, to revive it, but... “the donkey’s ears still stick out from under the hat.”

And this slogan is implemented with fanatical tenacity at every step, in all types of our activities. However, fortunately, the number of people who have realized the absurdity of such an attitude towards nature is growing. The ranks of those who ring the bells are expanding, calling on humanity to come to their senses, to come to their senses before it’s too late, to think about the impending disaster that could lead to the extinction of the human race on earth. It is necessary for everyone to become imbued with concern for the fate of future generations.

I can give several examples of how great the scale of the tragedy is in our country right now. The territory, equal to area seven France, where almost sixty million people live. And all this is in addition to Chernobyl and its consequences. And there is hardly anyone who wants to see on their table products that came from these disastrous places. But people live there and they simply have nowhere to go!

Today, among high school children, only one in ten remains absolutely - physically and psychologically - healthy. A society living in a sick natural environment cannot help but be flawed!

These tragic breakdowns, which concern the relationship between man and nature, to a large extent also affect the relationship between people. And perhaps the first is a consequence of the second, it is its own child.

And vice versa, the violence against the individual that is still propagated in the world, the desire for power over one’s fellow citizens, gives rise, in turn, to a similar attitude towards environment. The person becomes not her friend, but a despot. This attitude also causes

the absence of genuine democracy in the parliament of countries, when concern for citizens is imaginary, when society lives with the concerns of only today...

Think about what has been said. Is the destruction of spirituality a lesser problem? Of course not! Therefore, we should not spare any effort or means to fight this evil, which also comes from the evil one.

Unfortunately, the success of the implementation of base programs is greatly facilitated by the use of phenomena that are potentially inherent in every person, but addressing which does not honor anyone. I mean the propaganda of magical and occult techniques, which were previously kept in the strictest confidence by priests, shamans and other clergy, and now they are available to almost anyone.

Even the press became an unwitting propagandist of this kind of devilry. They got to the point that they began to advertise the Orders of sorcerers that had appeared in our country, connecting radio and television to this. Moreover, in some places, for example in the Baltic states, temples of Satan are opening. As they say, we have arrived!

A peculiar polarization of forces occurs: while one part of people is freed from the slavery of human selfhood, strives for light, joy, spiritual freedom, the other part goes in the opposite direction: to exalt their “I”, to permissiveness, to the glorification of violence, incitement interethnic hatred, etc.

Sometimes the use of bioenergy-informational influence of a person on a person takes on ugly forms, which is no less sad. Now almost anyone can become a psychic and bravely offer their services to the patient. Not understanding the mechanism of this effect, not knowing the laws of medicine, it invades a living organism in the same way as a person invades the kingdom of nature, violating its unity and thereby naturally causing a negative result.

To our general misfortune, sometimes completely ugly forms of using this phenomenon are observed, when bioenergy-informational influence serves as a weapon of targeted violence against a person, up to attempts to destroy him. Agree, this phenomenon is like a scalpel: in the hands of a surgeon it brings life, but in the hands of a bandit it brings death. Therefore, there is no more honorable and responsible task than the illumination of a person’s soul.
