Where is the best place to get a girl's ears pierced? When to pierce a girl's ears: expert advice

Many parents are touched when they see small earrings on their children, so piercing children’s ears is this moment very relevant. Many mothers are waiting for the day when it is better to pierce their child’s ears. There is a widespread belief that a girl needs to have her earlobes pierced as early as possible, then she can completely forget the stress of this event and just enjoy beautiful view earrings What could be easier than piercing a child's ears with a gun? But children perceive even such a procedure with hostility, they may start crying or be offended for a long time.

Is it worth getting your child's ears pierced?

Sometimes ear wounds take too long to heal, and then you have to use medicine. However, in most cases everything goes away without complications. There are many parents who are wondering whether to pierce their child's ears. Therefore, they wait until the last minute so that the child can make the decision to make a hole completely independently.

It is not always worthwhile to pierce children's ears; sometimes it is better not to do it at all or to wait independent decision children about this. Sometimes the mother herself has to make a decision on this issue if the girl has not yet grown up enough. When it is better to pierce a child's ears, parents make their own decision. However, in some cases it is necessary to wait until the age of 5-7 years.

You may encounter the following problem: older girls decide to postpone ear piercing because they are already afraid of this procedure. If you explain to the baby that thanks to the earrings she can become even more beautiful, then there is a chance to overcome all the fears associated with this unpleasant procedure.

Each parent must decide for themselves whether to pierce their children's ears or not. This is influenced not only by the aesthetic perception of jewelry or fear of a puncture, but also by the presence of allergies and diseases endocrine system. Parents should not only take into account optimal age for ear piercing, but also trust your intuition, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child’s character and health.

At what age can a girl's ears be pierced?

Most parents believe that children need to have their ears pierced from the age of 3. Before this age, the procedure is considered too dangerous. This opinion is explained by the fact that from the age of 3, children already begin to understand that their ears need to be looked after and protected after wounds.

You also need to explain to the child that it is forbidden to pull the jewelry; you should play carefully, since wearing earrings leads to great responsibility due to the possibility of injury. It is necessary to check that the child already has coordinated movements, otherwise there will be a risk of falling, getting caught in the earring and injuring the ear. It is even more dangerous if there is a possibility that the child will swallow the earring by accidentally unfastening it from the ear. Many of these nuances should be taken into account when deciding to quickly and painlessly pierce your ears for up to a year. On the other hand, early piercing ensures rapid healing processes and the absence of moral injuries.

Best age to get your ears pierced

If parents cannot decide whether to pierce their ears or not, then there is no need to rush. You need to remember that a child’s ears can be pierced at any age. When there is a desire to do this as early as possible, it is even permissible to give birth in a specialized maternity hospital, where the girl’s ears will be pierced and earrings will be inserted according to all the rules, and they will also make sure that no complications arise from this action. Many psychologists claim that piercing a child’s ears before six months is guaranteed to help remove all negative impressions from this process.

The best time of year to get your ears pierced

When parents decide that it’s time to put earrings on their child, they need to decide what time of year is most favorable for this. Many doctors and parents themselves believe that it is advisable to pierce children’s ears in the fall or spring. This is necessary for the most active and painless healing of wounds. In the cold season, this will be hampered by constantly wearing a hat.

When summer comes, a lot of dust rises, so dirt that gets on your ears can lead to inflammation of the wounds. It is advisable to choose a comfortable time of year with a minimum of clothing; you also need to adjust the procedure to the weather when strong winds are not expected. In addition to the criterion of good weather, a girl needs to pay attention to other factors before getting her ears pierced, for example, bad feeling or disorders in the body.

When is it prohibited to pierce ears?

Ear piercing is a 100% successful procedure that, if carried out correctly, does not cause complications. There are several contraindications, which are mostly temporary. It is prohibited for children to have their ears pierced if they have any health problems that are significant to them. later life. If there are any diseases, they can multiply or negatively affect the healing of wounds.

Diseases for which ears should not be pierced

The following ailments are identified:

  1. Any blood diseases, including its temporarily altered composition.
  2. Diabetes mellitus even in a practically undetectable form.
  3. Inflammation of the ears, including not only otitis media, but also any irritation, allergic reactions to the skin.
  4. Allergy to a large number of substances not even related to the ear piercing procedure.
  5. Presence of neurological disorders. It is advisable to play it safe even if the mental problems are not too pronounced.

You should not pierce a child’s ears when the first teeth appear, during a cold, or a few days before and after vaccination. When there is a long journey ahead, it is also not recommended to pierce children’s ears, since during departure the wounds will heal more slowly. If you have any doubts about the appropriateness of wearing earrings, you should consult your pediatrician. When enrolling in a kindergarten, the question “Is it possible to pierce a child’s ears” is inappropriate - at such a time it is strictly prohibited. If the child's behavior and health are stable after a few weeks, the procedure can be undertaken.

Where to pierce a child's ears?

When a date has been set for ear piercing, you need to find a competent specialist who can make this procedure as painless as possible and carry it out according to all the rules. You should also make sure that both punctures are made in appropriate places and symmetrically. It is advisable not to go to any hairdresser, but to find a salon or clinic where professional specialists who will carry out the procedure according to all the rules can pierce a child’s ears. This is important for the child’s health and the appearance of the earlobes, decorated with decorative earrings.

How do you pierce a child's ears?

In ancient times, almost all people pierced their ears with an ordinary needle. This procedure brought a lot of inconvenience and was not reliable in terms of antiseptics, so at the moment such manipulations are strictly prohibited.

Then where can you get your child’s ears pierced? At the moment, the procedure is carried out in special salons. This is done by professionals who undergo training before performing such manipulations. Ear piercing causes minimal pain and sometimes goes away almost unnoticed. So piercing a child’s ears will not be difficult. Mothers should not be afraid to bring even very young children to the salons.

To create a hole, a special gun is used and the procedure is performed under sterile conditions. These instruments are divided into disposable and reusable. To provide 100% protection against infection, it is preferable to use a disposable tool to successfully pierce a child’s ears with a gun, but it is quite expensive.

This instrument contains a sterile earring, which is made from specialized steel that is not capable of causing an allergic reaction. It can be worn as a decoration, but it is intended for mandatory use during the first time after the procedure to ensure quick and successful healing of the wound. The entire procedure lasts less than a second. The earring is almost instantly placed on the ear using automatic latching.

Treating pierced ears

Sometimes wounds heal more slowly because some problems arise. The speed of regeneration is determined by the child’s immunity, the presence of inflammatory processes in his body, as well as proper care of wounds. Much also depends on the parents’ decision about the place where their child’s ears can be pierced.

Immediately after the puncture, you need to treat the wounds with peroxide. This procedure must be repeated every day for a week. You should not get your ears wet around this time, and if liquid gets in, you should wipe them immediately. If the tissues near the wounds begin to swell or suppuration appears, it is necessary to use potassium permanganate. A weak solution should be made, as it is enough for rinsing, but a large concentration can cause a burn.

When is the best time to pierce a child's ears? Actual question for young parents. Earrings make the little creature cute and feminine. Every mother is in a hurry to realize her idea. Ear piercing in young children requires a special approach due to the risk of complications. IN ancient world the sages believed that the ear is not only an organ that perceives sounds, but also the center of the plexus of nerves and active points, which is confirmed by the sciences of reflexology and neurology.

Is it possible to pierce a child's ears?

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question at what age and when you can pierce your ears, since there are different points of view. The decision is made by parents individually. Before going to a cosmetologist, you should consider the pros and cons of the procedure. early age.

Arguments against piercing:

  • Development risk allergic reactions on nickel alloys contained in metals.
  • Infection of the wound. This scenario can occur even if sterility is maintained.
  • There is a danger of rupture of the lobe as a result of careless removal of clothing or active play.
  • On the ear there are active biological points responsible for the development and thought processes person.
  • The baby may lose his jewelry.

There are few arguments for piercing the ears of young children, but they are significant:

  • Children up to a certain age have high pain threshold, often does not even respond to pain during the procedure and after.
  • Earrings on small ears look cute and beautiful.
  • After reaching the age of 11, a person’s tendency to form keloid scars increases.

Taking into account all the factors, parents will have to decide for themselves whether it is possible to pierce their child’s ears or wait until he grows up and consciously takes this step.

When choosing a period, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Winter is the worst option, as warm clothes, knitted hats and sweaters increase the risk of snagging your jewelry.
  • The beginning of spring or the end of autumn are not suitable due to the dangers described above.
  • Summer - there is a risk of infection of a fresh wound due to dust, sweat, and heat.
  • The beginning of autumn or the end of spring is the optimal period, since there is no intense heat and there is no need to warm the ears with hats. The hole heals quickly and without complications.

Which tool to choose for this?

There are two ways to choose which one is best to pierce a girl’s ears, the doctor and parents decide. Consider the opinion of a specialist so as not to harm your health.

Most salons offer to carry out the procedure with a special gun. The method has the following advantages:

  • The gun simultaneously makes a hole and secures the earring.
  • All manipulations take a few seconds, the baby does not have time to feel pain and get scared.
  • Absolute safety, all actions are controlled by a master, the instrument is sterile.

During the work process, make sure that disinfectant compounds and tools are used, and that each earring is disinfected in an autoclave.

How to pierce ears with a gun:

  1. Decoration selection. The most commonly used are cloves, with in different forms heads and a pebble in the center.
  2. The ear is lubricated with an antiseptic to reduce the likelihood of infection.
  3. The location of the future hole is outlined. A dot is placed on the lobe with a marker.
  4. An earring is inserted into the gun.
  5. With one press the nail pierces the skin and the lock is secured.
  6. Re-treat the wound with a solution and apply a healing ointment.

At what age should a child's ears be pierced with a gun? It's painless and quick method used from a very early age. The main thing is that the specialist correctly identifies the points and observes safety precautions when working with the tool.

If you don’t trust modern cosmetology, then the option of puncture with a needle remains. Carrying out the procedure at home is prohibited, since the lobe contains a large number of nerve endings that can respond to damage with an unpredictable reaction.

Before going to the doctor, wash your baby’s hair so that dust and dirt from the head do not get into the fresh wound.

How to properly pierce your ears with a needle:

  1. Ice or an ointment with an analgesic effect can be used to reduce the pain threshold.
  2. The lobe is lubricated with alcohol or disinfectant.
  3. A mark is made.
  4. Using a sterile needle, a hole is carefully formed.
  5. An earring is inserted into the hole.
  6. The damaged area is treated with alcohol or an antiseptic.

The technician must insert the needle quickly and evenly to avoid unnecessary damage.

  1. How to remove stud earrings from ears after piercing with a gun
  2. Places for ear piercing: where you can and cannot pierce

Wound care and contraindications for piercing

After ear piercing with a gun, healing is quick and there are rarely any complications. Average recovery period takes 3 months. To make the process go faster, it is necessary to regularly carry out treatment and follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist:

  • For the first month, lubricate the ears twice a day. disinfectant solution, hydrogen peroxide or alcohol mixed with clean water. To speed up healing, ointments and creams are prescribed.
  • If signs of inflammation appear, wipe the lobe weak solution potassium permanganate and immediately show the child to the doctor.
  • In the first 7 days after the procedure, avoid contact of the wound with water, do not visit swimming pools and open bodies of water.
  • Try not to touch or catch the earrings with your hands or clothes.

By reading the instructions, you can determine at what age it is better to pierce a girl’s ears so that she can carry out necessary care for piercings and avoid negative factors.

When making a decision, consider contraindications. Do not hide your child’s health problems from your doctor to avoid serious consequences. He will explain why you should not pierce your ears in the current situation and when the favorable moment will come.


  • weakened immune system;
  • prohibition from an ophthalmologist due to eye problems;
  • a viral disease in the recent past;
  • predisposition of the skin to the formation of keloid scars;
  • blood diseases;
  • eczema;
  • allergic reactions;
  • high sensitivity to pain;
  • bad feeling.

Breastfeeding is not prohibited, but on the contrary, getting closer to your mother will help you recover faster and forget about the discomfort caused.

At what age is it not advisable to pierce a baby's ears?

At what age can children wear jewelry? From a medical point of view, it is better to postpone this procedure until the child reaches 3 years of age. By three years of age, the risk of damaging the nerve plexus, which can have a serious impact on the development and growth of a small person, decreases.

Psychologists do not advise delaying this moment and injecting as quickly as possible. When should a child's ears be pierced in this case? Experts have a specific figure - 8-10 months. What is this connected with? The girl will not remember the pain and negative information will not be imprinted in her memory.

In fact, parents themselves decide at what time to pierce their child’s ears, focusing on his individual developmental characteristics and readiness for such an unusual test.

In what places can a puncture be made?

The earlobe has about a thousand nerve endings and active biological points, so it is impossible to determine on your own where to inject. Experts select a location using a special map.

The master must be familiar with reflexology in order to perform manipulations on the child as safely as possible.

You cannot make a hole in the middle of the lobe. This is dangerous for the development of nervous system functions.

The article contains detailed information on the issue of piercing a child's ears, including descriptions of the basic techniques that are used for this, contains recommendations for caring for pierced ears, helps determine the appropriate age for the procedure, and answers many other questions.

The dilemma of ear piercing sooner or later occupies the thoughts of almost all parents of girls. Many doubts and questions arise. On the one hand, every mother is driven by the desire to make her princess even more beautiful and sweeter; on the other hand, there is a fear of making a decision without the conscious will of the child; on the third, there are health issues and the risk of undesirable consequences. How to find a middle ground, and when is the best time to decide on this procedure?

At what age can a child's ears be pierced?

girl with earrings

Naturally, there is no clear universal age for ear piercing.
First of all, you need to honestly answer the following questions:

  • Why do you want to pierce your child's ears?
  • What are you most afraid of?


  • Perhaps you remember how scared you were and want to pierce your child’s ears as soon as possible
  • I'm tired of how many people often ask whether you have a girl or a boy
  • Everyone you know to your kids has already had their ears pierced, and you don’t want your child to fall behind in anything.
  • the child asks very much himself

The most common fears:

  • hurting a child
  • negative consequences of a puncture
  • making decisions for the child that he will not approve of at a conscious age

baby with pierced ears

If you are driven by the first three reasons, you must realize that you are doing this primarily for yourself. Think about it: if you were a child, you would approve of the same behavior of your parents. If you are sure that your baby will only thank you in the future for pierced early childhood ears, if done responsibly, ear piercing will not cause harm. But if there are still doubts, it is better to postpone the procedure. You can get your ears pierced at any age if you wish.

The simplest case is when you are interested in ear piercing at the request of a child. All you need to do is study the issue from a medical point of view. Fortunately, there are few restrictions here either. Almost all representatives of medicine will recommend your age from 3 to 11-12 years. And if a child has made a decision on his own and asks to have his ears pierced, most likely he falls into this age range.

child trying on earrings

Age from three years is explained by the following:

  • A younger child is more susceptible to inflammatory processes, which is possible during the piercing procedure. Many medications have an age limit of up to 2-3 years, so difficulties may arise with medical care in case of complications
  • It is difficult to explain to a small child that during the healing period the ears should not be touched; the child grabs everything in sight, can bring in dirt, get caught in the earring or try to remove it
  • Treating the ears after piercing can bring discomfort to the child, and a little restless stubborn person may rebel against unpleasant procedure
  • Children's ears undergo changes; the final formation of cartilage and auricle occurs according to different estimates by 4-6 years
  • After three years, the child can already talk about his feelings and desires

Regarding concerns about pain, psychologists say that a child under 1.5-2 years of age most likely will not understand what happened to him and will not feel fear or pain. In contrast to older age, when children often want, but are afraid to get their ears pierced.

fear of ear piercing

However, it should be noted that in the first case, you will get rid of the problem of fear, but you risk showing selfish tendencies and imposing your desires on the child, and you will also have to approach the choice of a specialist and caring for the puncture as responsibly as possible due to the vulnerability of a very small person.

In the second case, the child’s choice will be conscious, but he will have to face a feeling of fear and anticipation of pain. IN adolescence(after 12 years) you will still have to go through a complex and longer healing process.

In fairness, I would like to note that modern technology piercings are much less painful than the ones our parents used to pierce our ears, but this did not stop those who really wanted to see beautiful stones in their ears.

How to prepare for your child's ear piercing?

girl wants earrings

The first stage has been completed: the decision to pierce the ears has been made. Your next steps:

  • study contraindications, consult a doctor if necessary
    choose a piercing method
  • decide on the location of the procedure
  • wait for the right time
  • if the child is not an infant and is already able to understand, you should first tell him, without intimidation, what awaits him so that he is psychologically prepared, but you should not “get too hung up”, since the child may become more nervous than the puncture procedure itself lasts
  • provide proper aftercare
  • buy the “right” earrings

When should children not have their ears pierced?

Exclamation point

Despite all the great desire, there are situations when ear piercing is undesirable or even contraindicated:

  • if there are any ear diseases(only with the permission of the otolaryngologist)
  • in case of diagnosing chronic and systemic diseases ( diabetes, asthma, hepatitis, lupus, epilepsy, etc.)
  • for dermatological problems (eczema, dermatitis, crusts behind the ears, etc.)
  • with an abnormal structure of the auricle or the presence of voluminous moles on the earlobe
  • if you are allergic to nickel (as a rule, nickel is used in the production of earrings, even in small quantities) or other metals
  • if blood clotting indicators do not meet the standards
  • with a pronounced predisposition to scar formation, etc.

Where is the best place to pierce a child's ears: at home or in a salon?

In most cases, this question can be answered unequivocally - in a beauty salon or medical center/clinic. You should pay particular attention to this issue when piercing the ears of a very small baby.

ear piercing in salon

Advantages of carrying out the procedure in special conditions are obvious:

  • professionalism and experience of specialists
  • availability of necessary tools
  • sterile conditions
  • qualified care consultation

However, the service of having a specialist visit your home is becoming popular. This may be justified if, for example, the child is small and you are afraid of once again V public place, or the child reacts sharply to an unfamiliar environment, and you are worried that this will become additional stress for the baby. In this case home furnishings will help psychologically ease the child’s ear piercing procedure.

The main thing is to make sure that the specialist has medical education and has the right to carry out such procedures, and is also equipped with all the necessary sterile instruments.

An experienced cosmetologist will make the piercing symmetrical, painless and safe.

Painless ear piercing for children: how to pierce ears without pain

ear piercing with a gun

The main methods of ear piercing currently are:

  • manual piercing with a needle
  • pistol piercing
  • piercing with System 75

The natural desire of parents is to protect the child from pain. Therefore, a “gun” is usually used to pierce the ears of children. The improved gun technology using System 75 is the most painless.

The procedure for piercing a child's ears with a needle, pros and cons

piercing needles

A long-used method of piercing involves manual piercing with a special catheter needle.


  • the needle is selected taking into account the size of the earlobe
  • there is no restriction on the choice of earrings (you can wear any earrings at once, including gold ones)

IMPORTANT: Please remember that gold may contain impurities which often cause allergic manifestations, rejection of earrings, etc. That is why, during the healing period, preference should be given to earrings made of special medical materials or 999 gold (without impurities)


  • the sight of a needle can really scare a child
  • the procedure is relatively painful and lengthy
  • often accompanied by the appearance of small droplets of blood, which can cause fear in the baby

It is for these reasons that needle piercing is not recommended for children. Although this method is becoming less popular among adults.

The procedure for piercing a child’s ears with a “gun”: pros and cons

ear piercing gun

The most common method of ear piercing is the use of a reusable “gun”.

  • Before piercing, the “gun” and earlobe are disinfected
  • Sterilely packaged earring studs chosen by you on the spot are inserted into the “gun”
  • The stem of the earring acts as a needle
  • In an instant, the earring is shot into the earlobe using a pistol and is automatically fastened


  • rapidity
  • painlessness
  • sterility
  • the processes of piercing, inserting and fastening the earring occur simultaneously
  • the use of special earrings made of medical steel, which practically do not cause allergies and promote good healing

As time passes, earrings can be exchanged for gold or silver

ear piercing with a gun


  • a reusable “gun”, despite disinfection, still carries a small risk of infection
  • when pierced, the device makes a sound that can frighten the child and discourage the desire to pierce the second ear
  • relatively limited selection of earrings
  • The “gun”, like any automatic device, may not work or “stick”, which can cause an unpredictable reaction from the child

However, the probability of implementation negative consequences The “pistol” is very small, and therefore it is popular, especially for piercing children’s ears.

Ear piercing for children using System 75

We are talking about new equipment from the American company STUDEX Co. USA. Professional ear piercing device SYSTEM 75 (System 75) is:

  • disposable sterile cartridge with a pair of sterile containers with earring needles
  • reusable tool

Immediately before the puncture:

  • sterile containers with earrings are opened
  • the cartridge with earrings-needles is installed on top of the instrument
  • the device is brought to the ear with the sterile part - the cartridge
  • puncture is carried out
  • the earring is in the ear when closed

Pros and cons of ear piercing using System 75


  • rapidity
  • absence of noise, unlike a regular “pistol”, which is important so as not to scare the child
  • maximum sterility due to disposable cartridges
  • the needle is very thin and specially sharpened, which ensures virtually no pain
  • neither the earring nor the clasp come into contact with the reusable part of the device, which increases the level of sterility of the procedure
  • the design of the device virtually eliminates the risk of a mistake and does not require additional settings, since the earrings are already installed in the required way custom sizes into cartridges
  • there is a possibility of ear piercing different time due to the fact that each earring is individually packaged in a sterile container
  • needle earrings are made of medical hypoallergenic steel, titanium, bioflex

ear piercing with System 75

Significant cons System 75 does not, except that:

  • the earring needle is ultra-thin, which means that at first you can only wear earrings with a thin bow
  • the choice of first earrings here is also limited to those specially produced for System 75
  • the likelihood of an automatic device malfunctioning or jamming is practically reduced to zero, but it still exists

By selecting suitable option When piercing a child's ears, pay attention to the time of the procedure. At high temperature air, the healing process is more complex and lengthy, often accompanied by inflammatory processes. In addition, during the hot season, the child may express a desire to swim in a river or other body of water, which is not recommended until the punctured canal heals. Therefore, summer is not the best time to get your ears pierced.

As for the winter period, the risk of infection is low. But keep in mind that your child will often be wearing a hat, which can cause unwanted chafing and prevent proper healing.

girl with pierced ears wearing a hat

Perhaps the most successful period will be the off-season. In any case, focus not on the calendar month, but on weather conditions. The colder it is, the better the wound will heal.

How should you care for your child’s ears after a piercing?

The most important part of ear piercing is organization. proper care. As a rule, the basic recommendations that will probably be given to you in the salon/clinic after piercing are as follows:

1. Do not remove the earrings during the healing time, which is approximately 1-1.5 months. Sick exact time Depending on the piercing method, you can check with the specialist
2 . Treat puncture sites daily (see below)
3. On the 2-3 day, begin the procedure of twisting the earrings in the ears, which is necessary to prevent stagnation, overgrowth and for the purpose of natural expansion of the pierced holes, since when piercing with a gun, in particular System 75, they are very narrow for standard earrings

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to scroll in both directions, and you can also move the earrings back and forth without unfastening them and strictly keeping your hands clean.

child with earrings

4. For the first few days, it is better to refrain from any water procedures and excessive physical activity.
5. Adhere to enhanced sanitary and hygienic measures: avoid contact with any potential sources of irritation and infection: telephone, dirty hands, tight hats and scarves, etc.
6. It is best to also temporarily eliminate the risk of hair getting caught with new earrings by braiding your hair up (high ponytail, bun)
7. After the healing period is over, temporary earrings made of medical alloys can be removed and replaced with gold or silver ones. Wearing the original earrings more long time also not forbidden

Treating a child's ears after piercing

hydrogen peroxide

To carry out antiseptic manipulations at puncture sites, it is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide (3%), chlorhexidine, miramistin And similar drugs. Lobes can be treated alcohol solutions, but preferably in older children. It is not recommended to use alcohol for small crumbs. In addition, when piercing with System 75, you may be offered to purchase special lotions and treatment solutions from STUDEX.

products from STUDEX

Sometimes, immediately after a puncture, a specialist treats the wound with medical glue. In this case, the maintenance process is greatly facilitated; there is no need for daily processing and twisting of the earring until the glue disappears on its own.

Otherwise, it is necessary to apply an antiseptic at least twice a day for a month. cotton swab on the pierced hole. In this case, you should not remove the earring; you must carefully move it away from the earlobe and treat the puncture site on both sides (and on the clasp side too).

Consequences of piercing a child's ears

The presence of slight redness and mild pain during the first two days after the piercing should not be a cause for concern. This is a normal reaction of the body. The only thing you can check is how the clasp fits against your earlobe. If it is too pressed, it is better to loosen it a little to prevent compression and provide air access to the wound.

ear after piercing

One of the fears that plague those who decide to have their ears pierced is the incorrectly chosen point for the piercing and, as a result, dysfunction of certain organs, in particular visual impairment. The ears are indeed actively used in acupuncture to treat many ailments due to the presence of many projection points. Thus, on the lobe there are projections of the organs of vision, tongue, jaw, etc.

However, there is no reliable evidence of harm to health from ear piercing. Therefore, if you turn to professionals with extensive experience, there is no reason to be afraid.

Possible consequences of ear piercing may include:

  • Inflammation
    If the redness does not decrease, the child complains of pain, the earlobe is swollen or pus is already visible, it means that an infection has entered the wound and inflammatory process. In this case, it is better to immediately seek medical help. At timely treatment(usually the application of ointments such as Levomikol is added to the standard treatment) the source of inflammation can be quickly neutralized

IMPORTANT: It is not always necessary to remove the earring if there are signs of inflammation; it can act as drainage. Otherwise, there is a risk that the hole will close on the outside, leaving purulent formations inside.

Therefore, do not take any measures (except for antiseptic treatment) before consulting a doctor or a specialist who pierced your ears, if he has a medical education

puncture inflammation
  • Rejection
    Quite a rare occurrence, but the possibility exists. In this case, the tissues reject the material from which the earring is made, pushing it out of the lobe. In the initial stages, you can notice how the earring goes down. If you suspect rejection, consult your doctor immediately
  • Allergic reaction
    The metal of earrings, as mentioned above, can cause allergies. Therefore, if your child is prone to allergies, choose earrings made of titanium or bioflex.

How to eliminate the risk of infection after a child’s ear piercing?

An important condition for successful healing of a punctured hole is sterility. Of course, achieving absolute purity in a child is very difficult. But it is possible to reduce the risk of infection to a minimum level.

  • You should talk to the child (meaning an older child) and explain the consequences of poor hygiene and infection of the wound on the ear
  • If the child is too small, you should carefully monitor his hands, do not allow him to temporarily go into the sandbox or dirty water
  • It is necessary to responsibly follow all recommendations for caring for pierced ears.
  • It is advisable to review the child’s wardrobe during the healing period, eliminating items of clothing that may injure the earlobes
  • Avoid touching your child's ears with your hands.

Features of ear piercing for children under one year old

infant with earrings

Infants, in particular up to six months, spend a lot of time in a lying position, both on their back and on their side, rubbing against the sides of the bed, against the back of the stroller, etc., which can become an obstacle to fast healing and cause unwanted damage to the earlobes.
Therefore, subsequent care and monitoring of babies’ ears requires more vigilance from parents.

In addition, infants may accept without much enthusiasm daily ritual treating the ears, especially with alcohol solutions. And parents will have to suffer to apply antiseptic to the resourceful baby.

However, it is becoming increasingly common to see three-month-old babies wearing earrings. Therefore, the final decision remains with the parents.

Features of ear piercing for older children

Compared with younger age the wound will take longer to heal than small child. In addition, children often experience fear of punctures at an older age.

older child's ear piercing

How to choose your child's first earrings? Rules for choosing earrings

Basic requirements for the first earrings:

  • ease
  • small size
  • no curls, convex parts, sharp edges
  • hypoallergenic materials
  • strong clasp

star earring

When piercing ears with a gun or System 75, the earrings offered usually meet these requirements. In addition, there is a selection of earrings with stones, including Swarovski, pearls, gold plated, surgical steel, varieties of Teflon RTFE, titanium, etc.

The shape of earrings can be varied: hearts, circles, stars, triangles, etc. The main thing is miniature and neat.


The earrings in the “pistol” are “studs”, i.e. provide a reliable, short clasp that will not interfere with the child and prevents spontaneous opening.

stud earrings

Besides, possible option for children's earrings, an “English clasp” is considered, which is difficult to open, and the advantage of which is the absence of squeezing the earlobe. But you need to choose the right size so that the earring does not dangle or hang forward.

earrings with English clasp

What earrings should children not wear?

You should not choose gold or silver earrings as your first earrings. Gold contains impurities causing allergies, silver oxidizes when it comes into contact with an open wound. Earrings made from these metals can and are preferably worn after pierced ears have healed.

girl with heart earrings

Children should not wear:

  • cheap jewelry
  • massive earrings
  • earrings with a protruding stone without secure fixation
  • long earrings

Better to give preference specialized stores and beauty salons, and also choose earrings for a child, taking into account the safety criterion, and only then pay attention to aesthetics. However, completely exclude from the calculation appearance no earrings. They should serve as a source of pride for the girl and, first of all, please the child.

mother and daughter with earrings
  • The decision to pierce your ears should be balanced and thoughtful.
  • It's important to choose good specialist and carry out the procedure under sterile conditions
  • Modern methods of ear piercing are practically painless and do not take much time.
  • Be prepared that after the first ear is pierced, the child may refuse to repeat the procedure on the second. Don't insist, give the child some time
  • Aftercare plays an important role in the success of ear piercings.
  • When choosing your first earrings, give preference to safe and non-allergic options

Earrings are one of the first attributes of a girl’s introduction to the world of beauty. A responsible approach to ear piercing and choosing the first earrings will be the key to developing a child’s good self-esteem, and will allow the little girl to feel equal to her main idol – her mother.

Video: When to pierce ears - Doctor Komarovsky?

Earrings in the ears look feminine and beautiful, and we are talking not only about adults, but also about children. Mothers of many girls dream of raising their daughters to be real princesses, so they often ask the question: when is the best time to pierce a child’s ears? After all, shiny stud earrings in small ears will turn any baby into a little lady.

Is it possible to pierce a child's ears?

Is it even worth getting your child's ears pierced? Or is it better to wait until the baby grows up?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. In this situation, as in many others, everything depends on the girl’s mother. However, there are different opinions for and against early ear piercing.

Opponents of this procedure at an early age give the following arguments.

  1. This is unsafe - no matter how sterile the conditions of the procedure, there is a risk of infection. In addition, there are special points on the earlobe that affect the development and thought processes of the child.
  2. This can cause allergies - it's all about nickel, which is found even in the best earrings.
  3. This is ugly - earrings “suit” adult children and teenagers, but not one and a half year old babies.
  4. The child may not be prepared for such a procedure - children often run, fall, and get caught on objects. Many mothers do not risk piercing their little children’s ears for fear that their daughter might catch the earring on something and tear the ear.
  5. Another reason is that the baby may lose an earring. It’s good if it’s an ordinary medical “stud,” but what if you’re planning to insert gold into your daughter’s ears?

There are not many reasons for early ear piercing, but they are quite significant.

  1. It is beautiful! – Why else, if not in pursuit of beauty, do mothers reward their babies with bright bead earrings?
  2. The pain threshold in children is higher than in adults. Of course, the baby will cry after the unpleasant procedure, but very soon he will forget everything.
  3. After 11 years of age, the risk of developing keloid scars increases in a child.

Based on the above “pros” and “cons,” the parent will have to decide for himself whether it is worth piercing his little daughter’s ears or whether it is better to wait.

When is the best time to pierce a baby's ears?

  • Doctors tend to believe that piercing should be postponed until at least three years. At this age, the risk of touching the nerve ending in the earlobe is reduced and thereby slowing down the child’s development.
  • Psychologists recommend carrying out the procedure as early as possible, namely up to a year. This way, the child will not have bad memories of ear piercing. Some experts call a very specific age - 8-10 months.
  • Most mothers and grandmothers decide to pierce their baby’s ears when “she asks.” This can happen in a year, or three, or ten.

When deciding at what age to give your daughter earrings, think about how neat the child will be. Some children, while fiddling with their ears, may accidentally unfasten an earring and... swallow it.

What time of year is best to get your ears pierced?

It would seem - what does the time of year matter? Whether it’s winter or spring, earrings on your baby’s ears will look great in both hot and cold weather. However, when it comes to the child and his health, it is better to take all factors into account in order to avoid bad consequences.

  • In winter, it is better to postpone the piercing procedure. Think for yourself: frost, sweaters and knitted hats... There is a high probability that the baby will inadvertently catch her clothing with an earring and injure herself.
  • Early spring and late autumn are also not particularly suitable for piercings for the reasons given above.
  • It's not summer either better time for piercing. Heat and dirt increase the risk of infection and also prolong the healing period.
  • The best time is considered to be late spring and early autumn. At this time it is not as hot as in summer, but it is still too early to wear knitted items. The healing process is faster and the risk of infection is minimized.

Moms' opinion

During surveys and questionnaires, women give completely different answers about the age for piercing their babies’ ears. Below are the most common opinions and reviews.

  • “I’ll wait until my daughter asks me about it!”
  • "The earlier the better! Got my ears pierced at 2 years old. My daughter hardly cried, and everything healed much faster than in adults.”
  • “I think there is no need to rush. It’s better to wait until 6-7 years.”
  • “When a child has no hair, pierced ears look funny and strange.”
  • “Inserting earrings for a child? This is silly!"

When not to pierce: contraindications

The most important and significant contraindication to piercing a child’s ears is the child’s lack of desire. Often mothers naively assume that it is better for them to know what will be beneficial for the baby and what will not be beneficial. This is true when it comes to warm clothes on a frosty day or healthy eating. But earrings in ears are a personal matter. If for some reason the baby does not want to have her ears pierced, it is better not to force her to do it.

Also contraindications are:

  • eczema;
  • refusal of the ophthalmologist (vision problems);
  • allergy;
  • blood diseases;
  • predisposition to keloids;
  • diabetes;
  • weak immunity;
  • recent viral disease;
  • bad feeling;
  • low pain threshold.

Where to pierce a child's ears? Only in a special clinic or a well-known, trusted salon! Ask your friends, get information from your local pediatrician. The baby’s health comes first, so you can’t take risks, much less save, on the ear piercing procedure.

The salon must have a master specialist, sterile conditions, and disposable needles. Be sure to ask to see certificates and licenses.

The procedure for piercing a child's ears is no different from an adult's. The master makes a puncture in the very center of the earlobe. It is very important to make a puncture exactly in the center - any deviation threatens to hit the area important points related to speech, hearing, vision, teeth.

The puncture is carried out with a special pistol. There are two options: a reusable gun and a disposable one. Of course, the latter option is much more sterile and safer, but it costs more. However, you should never save on your child’s health.

Unfortunately, there are no silent guns for ear piercing, so warn your baby in advance so that she is not afraid of the loud click, much less moves.

A special earring made of a medical alloy - titanium or steel - is inserted into the ear. The baby should wear it for a month without taking it out. In addition, adults bear the responsibility for treating the wound.

Healing time ranges from 1 to 3 months.

Caring for pierced ears

This point is very important, because even if the piercing was successful, neglecting the proper treatment of the wounds can lead to dire consequences.

  1. For the first two to three weeks, starting from the day of the piercing, treat the girl’s ears with antiseptics. This could be diluted alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or another remedy that will be recommended in the salon. Often special creams and ointments are prescribed for treatment.
  2. If inflammation occurs, wipe your earlobes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or better yet, consult a doctor.
  3. Follow all instructions given by the technician in the salon.
  4. Do not wet the puncture site for at least the first week. Avoid the pool and full baths.
  5. Put your daughter's hair in a ponytail or braid so that it doesn't get caught on the earrings.


When to pierce a baby's ears, each mother decides for herself. It all depends on the desire of the child and his physical and psychological readiness to change. Discuss the procedure with your daughter in advance - tell her that it may hurt a little, ask her not to be scared loud sound when piercing. If the baby is a coward, cheer her up and promise that immediately after the procedure you will go to the park together to ride the rides.

  • Daytime nap
  • Hysterics
  • All parents want to see their children older and more beautiful, and therefore it is not surprising that mothers and fathers of girls (and sometimes boys!) have a question at what age it is safe to pierce a child’s ears.

    This question is often addressed to Dr. Komarovsky, a pediatrician. highest category and TV presenter.

    Best age

    Dr. Komarovsky claims that medicine in general does not impose any strict restrictions for the timing of ear piercing. But most doctors still do not consider it wise to pierce a child’s ears before he is one year old.

    Thus, the question of when to pierce a girl’s ears should be decided exclusively within the family circle. Different families have their own ideas about what is acceptable. Some pierce their daughter’s ears just a few months after her birth, believing that this way they save the child from unnecessary stress, because children of a conscious age are afraid of such manipulations. Others postpone this moment until adolescence, when the girl consciously makes a choice and asks to have her ears pierced.

    Evgeniy Komarovsky emphasizes that earlobe piercing is a minor, but still traumatic manipulation. Therefore, when making a family decision, it is imperative to take into account that the procedure may have unpleasant consequences: inflammation, infection, suppuration, swelling.

    Quite often you can hear the opinion that what younger child, the less psychological trauma he will receive. To some extent this is true. But there is also an impressive “army” medical specialists who claim that it is best to pierce ears after 3 years.

    The arguments are as follows:

    • after three years of age, local and general immunity becomes stronger, and therefore healing proceeds faster;
    • up to the age of three, it is difficult for a child to control his own actions - the baby will cling to earrings, touch them with clothes, toys, which can lead to injury to the earlobe;
    • earrings can come unfastened, the child is able to pull them into his mouth and choke; after 3 years, children are less inclined to try everything;
    • The younger the child, the stronger the allergic negative reaction to the materials from which the jewelry is made may be.

    When making a decision, Komarovsky advises adhering to the principles of reasonableness. Unfortunately, most often the mother is driven not by the desire to make the child healthier and better, but by the need to conform to the norms of society. If the neighbor's girl has had her ears pierced since the first months, then why not get her own daughter pierced?

    In order to prevent the substitution of values ​​and interests, Komarovsky still recommends patiently waiting for the moment when the child himself asks for earrings. This will be his personal and completely conscious choice.

    The piercing technique is the same at any age; it makes absolutely no difference to the piercer how old or months old the child is, whose parents decided to pierce the child’s ears.

    Evgeniy Olegovich points out that there are certain Scientific research, which indicate that piercing a daughter’s ears after the age of ten is fraught with the formation of unsightly scars on the earlobe. Sometimes parents try to speed things up just because they have also heard about similar effects of late piercing. In practice, research is not confirmed - both girls whose ears were pierced in adolescence, and girls who decided to do this after adulthood, do not complain about scars on their lobes.

    The right attitude to the choice of time and place

    If pediatricians are not advisors in matters of age, then pediatricians do not stand aside and give recommendations regarding the choice the right day and places for the procedure. These are issues of child safety, and Komarovsky advises taking them very seriously.

    Following simple recommendations will help you avoid negative consequences.

    • At the time of the manipulation, the child must be completely healthy. If you are teething, have a runny nose, cough, or there are signs of diathesis, you need to solve these problems first so as not to overload the child’s immune system with another task.
    • It is better if the important day is scheduled for the beginning of autumn or the second half of spring. In winter, the child wears hats and scarves, which can cling to jewelry, which increases the risk of earlobe injury. In summer it is hot and dusty, there is a possibility of infection and infection joining the wound.
    • You should not pierce a girl’s ears at home yourself. It is best to contact special offices or clinics that provide piercing services. Parents must make sure that the clinic or office is clean, the instruments are sterile, that the specialist is able to give detailed and detailed recommendations about how to care for your earlobes after a piercing. If, apart from the price list for services, the office cannot provide anything, it is worth finding another one, Evgeniy Komarovsky is sure.

    All this, combined with careful ear care after the procedure, should reduce the risks of possible complications.


    Modern children are spared the pain of having their earlobes pierced with a thick gypsy needle, as happened with their grandmothers during their youth. Today, puncture is a very quick and almost painless procedure, in some cases bloodless.

    Today there are three main ways to do ear piercing:

    • you can use a silent device - the “stapler” STUDEX SYSTEM 75 (which is optimal for small children who won’t even have time to get scared);
    • use the so-called pistol, which is noisier, but also quite fast and safe;
    • in the old fashioned way, agree to a manual puncture using special piercing needles.

    Most often, parents give preference to the first two methods; they naturally cost more, but fully meet the goal - to pierce the baby’s ears quickly, painlessly, without blood and suffering, fright and long subsequent healing.


    Piercing needle

    Stapler STUDEX SYSTEM 75

    How to care?

    You need to bathe your child no earlier than 3-4 days after the puncture, so that bacteria or viruses do not get into the wound with water. You can wash the girl, but you need to make sure that during this water procedure water did not get into the wounds on the earlobes. Swimming in a river or sea, or in a public pool, is prohibited for the entire first month after piercing.

    It is important to ensure that the child does not sweat during games, activities, and walks. Sweat is a salty and aggressive environment; if it gets into a wound that is in the healing stage, it can be painful for the child.

    The girl must be carefully combed, her hair cannot come into contact with the injured lobes. It is best to collect them in a ponytail or bun. It is allowed to change the earrings that were installed at the time of the puncture to others after about a month and a half - the edges of the wound should tighten and heal completely.

    Your child’s earlobes should be treated three times a day. For home processing, ordinary hydrogen peroxide, which is found in every home medicine cabinet. Do not use compounds containing alcohol. It is enough to drop peroxide in front and behind the inlet hole and turn the earring back and forth several times (if the earrings are “studs,” then clockwise and back). If there is no peroxide, Miramistin and Chlorhexidine are suitable. If the wound begins to become inflamed and fester, it can be treated with antibiotic ointment, for example, Levomekol.

    Make sure that the child does not touch the earlobes with his hands or touch the earrings.
