What is living and dead water. Treatment with living and dead water. Why is “living” water so important for our body?

Since our blood has a pH within the range of 7.35 -7.45, it is very important for a person to drink water with an alkaline pH every day. Such water has health-improving effect and resists oxidation of the body and diseases that are accompanied by oxidation. After all, almost all diseases have one cause - an overly oxidized body. Water with negative ORP values ​​and alkaline pH has pronounced healing properties and is recommended for daily use. Activated water actively used in Japan, Austria, USA, Germany, India, Israel. It is not surprising that in Japan such water is actively promoted by the state health care system, because “living” water can easily save a person from many diseases.

Sergey DANILOV - Living and dead water

Kratov. Directory-medicine on folk and alternative medicine

At the beginning of 1981, the author* of a device for preparing “living” to “dead” water fell ill with kidney inflammation and adenoma prostate gland, as a result of which he was admitted to the urological department of Stavropol medical institute. I spent more than a month in this department. When he was offered surgery for the adenoma, he refused and was discharged. While still ill, within 3 days he completed the device for obtaining “living” and “dead” water, about which an article by V. M. Latyshev was published in the magazine “Inventor and Innovator” for 1981 - 2 under the title “ Unexpected water", and an interview in - 9 of special correspondent Yu. Egorov with Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR Vakhidov under the heading "Activated water is promising."

He conducted the first test of the resulting water on a wound on his son’s hand that had not healed for more than six months.

The treatment trial exceeded all expectations: the wound on my son’s hand healed on the second day. He himself began to drink “living” water, 0.5 cups before meals, 3 times a day, and felt cheerful. P. Zh.’s adenoma disappeared within a week, the radiculitis and swelling of the legs went away.

To be more convincing, after a week of taking “living” water, he was examined at the clinic with all the tests, which did not reveal a single disease, and his blood pressure returned to normal.

One day his neighbor scalded her hand with boiling water, causing a 3rd degree burn.

For treatment, I used the “live” and “dead” water he received, and the burn disappeared in 2 days.

The son of his friend, engineer Goncharov, had festered gums for 6 months and an abscess formed in his throat. Application in various ways treatments did not give the desired result. For treatment, he recommended water, gargling the throat and gums with “dead” water 6 times a day, and then taking a glass of “living” water orally. As a result - full recovery boy within 3 days.

The author examined more than 600 people with various diseases and they all gave positive result during treatment with activated water. At the end of this material there is a description of a device that allows you to obtain “living” (alkaline) and “dead” (acidic) water of any strength. A test of water in the laboratory of the Stavropol Vodokanal ("live" - ​​strength 11.4 units and "dead" - 4.21 units) showed that the strength decreased by hundredths of units over the month, and temperature does not affect the decrease in water activity.

The use of activated water by the author on himself and on family members and many people enabled the author to compile a practical table of procedures for treating a number of diseases, determine the timing of treatment and track the progress and nature of recovery.

The use of “living” and “dead” water to treat a number of diseases

No. Name of the disease The order of procedures Result
1 Adenoma present. glands For 5 days, 4 times a day for 30 minutes. Before meals, take 0.5 cups of “F” water After 3-4 days, mucus is released, there is no desire to urinate frequently, on the 8th day the swelling goes away
2 Angina For 3 days, 5 times a day after meals, gargle with “M” water and after each gargle drink 0.25 cups of “F” water The temperature drops on the first day, the disease stops on the 3rd day
3 Pain in the joints of the arms and legs 3 times a day before meals, take 0.5 glasses of “M” water for 2 days Pain stops on day 1
4 Liver inflammation For 4 days a day, take 4 times 0.5 glasses of water. Moreover, on the 1st day - only “M”, and on the subsequent days - “F” water.
5 Inflammatory processes, closed abscesses, boils For 2 days, apply a compress to the inflamed area, moistened with warmed “M” water Healing occurs within 2 days
6 Haemorrhoids For 1-2 days in the morning, rinse the cracks “M” with water, and then apply tampons with “W” water, changing them as they dry Bleeding stops, cracks heal within 2-3 days
7 Hypertension During the day, take 2 times 0.5 cups of “M” water The pressure is normalizing
8 Hypotension During the day, take 0.5 cups of “F” water 2 times The pressure is normalizing
9 Purulent wounds Rinse the wound with “M” water, and after 3-5 minutes moisten “W” with water, then moisten only “W” with water 5-6 times a day Healing occurs within 5-6 days
10 Headache Drink 0.5 glass of "M" water The pain goes away within 30-50 minutes.
11 Flu During the day, rinse your nose and mouth with “M” water 8 times, and at night drink 0.5 cups of “J” water The flu disappears within 24 hours
12 Foot odor Wash warm water feet, wipe dry, moisten “M” with water, and after 10 minutes “W” with water and let dry Unpleasant smell will disappear
13 Toothache Rinse the mouth "M" with water for 5-10 minutes. The pain disappears
14 Heartburn Drink 0.5 glass of "F" water Heartburn stops
15 Cough For 2 days, drink 4 times a day, 0.5 cups of water after meals. Cough stops
16 Colpitis Heat “M” and “F” water to 37-40°C and syringe “M” with water at night, and after 15-20 minutes syringe “F” with water. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days. After one procedure, colpitis goes away
17 Facial hygiene In the morning and evening, after washing your face, wipe your face, apply “M” with water, then “J” with water Dandruff and acne disappear, the face becomes softer
18 Ringworm, eczema For 3-5 days, moisten the affected area with “M” water and let it dry, then moisten “W” with water 5-6 times a day. (In the morning, moisten “M”, and after 10-15 minutes, “W” with water and another 5-6 times “W” during the day) Cured in 3-5 days
19 Hair washing Wash your hair with shampoo, dry it, wet your hair with “M” water, and after 3 minutes “W” with water. Dandruff disappears, hair becomes softer
20 Burns If there are blisters - dropsy, they must be pierced, the affected area should be moistened with “M” water, and after 5 minutes “W” with water. Then, during the day, moisten “F” with water 7-8 times. Procedures take 2-3 days Burns heal in 2-3 days
21 Swollen hands For 3 days, take water 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals: 1st day - “M” water, 0.5 cups; 2nd day - 0.75 cups "M" water, 3rd day - 0.5 cups "J" water The swelling goes down, there is no pain
22 Diarrhea Drink 0.5 cups of "M" water, if diarrhea does not stop within an hour, repeat the procedure Abdominal pain stops after 20-30 minutes
23 Cut, prick, rupture Wash the wound "M" with water and bandage the wound
24 Neck cold Make a compress soaked in warm “M” water on your neck and drink 4 times a day, 0.5 cups before meals. The wound heals within 1-2 days
25 Radiculitis Drink 3/4 glass of water 3 times before meals during the day. The pain goes away within a day, sometimes after 20-40 minutes.
26 Dilated veins, bleeding from ruptured nodes Rinse the swollen and bleeding areas of the body “M” with water, then moisten a piece of gauze “F” with water and apply to the swollen areas of the veins. Take 0.5 cups of “M” water orally, and after 2-3 hours. start taking 0.5 glasses of "F" water at intervals of 4 hours 4 times a day. Repeat the procedure within 2-3 days
27 Sterilization and disinfection Any objects, vegetables, fruits are moistened or wiped with a swab dipped in “M” water
28 Removing dead skin from the soles of your feet Soak your feet in soapy water and wash them in warm water, then without wiping, wet your feet in heated “M” water, rubbing areas with growths, remove dead skin, rinse your feet in heated water, wipe dry
29 Improving well-being, normalizing the body In the morning and evening after meals, rinse your mouth with “M” water and drink 0.5 cups of “J” water with an alkalinity of 6-7 units.

"W" - Living Water. "M" - Dead water

Note: when only “F” water is ingested, thirst arises; it must be quenched with compote or acidified tea. The interval between doses of “M” and “F” water should be at least 2 hours.

Alkaline water

Diagram of a device for obtaining living and dead water

Liter jar, 2 electrodes from of stainless steel, the distance between them is 40 mm, they do not reach the bottom. Stainless steel size 40x160x0.8 mm.

The process of preparing water lasts 3-8 minutes depending on the required strength. After cooking, unplug from the mains and remove the device, quickly pull out the bag and pour “M” water into another container.

Living water (alkaline) (-) -- Dead water (acidic) (+)

Sketch. - A device for obtaining “living” and “dead” water. Electrode - 2 pcs. stainless steel 0.8x40x160 mm. Capacity - 1 liter. Time - 3-8 minutes.

“Living” and “dead” water - life without disease!

Almost all of us were read fairy tales in childhood and we remember well the stories about “living” and “dead” water. Secretly, every child dreamed of finding out where these magical liquids come from in order to collect at least a few drops and use them in their life when needed. But it’s not for nothing that people say, “The fairy tale is a lie, but there’s a hint in it!” A lesson to good fellows,” because “living” and “dead” water actually exist.

Since school, we have known the formula of water - H2O. However modern research showed that water has much more complex structure, which, if desired, can be changed using electrolysis.

Why is “living” water so important for our body?

What is the difference between ionized water and plain water?

Two parameters: pH and redox potential (oxidation-reduction potential).

What does the pH parameter show?

Almost 80% of the foods we eat are acid-forming. And it's not about how they taste. Simply, when they are broken down, the body produces more acids than alkalis (bases).

"Living" and "dead" water (electrolysis 25 minutes)

Whether a product is an acid or an alkali is determined by its pH value.

Alkalis have a pH above 7

Acids have a pH below 7

Neutral products have pH=7

Acid-forming products: beef, pork, lamb and chicken meat, sausage, white flour products, sugar, coffee, black tea, everything alcoholic drinks, pasteurized juices, fish and seafood, cottage cheese, cheese, nuts and seeds, cereals, bread, buns and cakes, ice cream, eggs, lemonade, Coca-Cola, etc.

What about alkaline-forming food?

If we look, we will see that there are not so many of them: fruits (with the exception of canned ones), vegetables, herbs, natural yogurt, milk, soy, potatoes.

What about the drinks we drink? Which drinks predominate in our diet: sour or alkaline?

pH of some drinks. Comparative data

Please note that most juices mineral water, coffee, that is, all the drinks we drink daily, have an acidic pH.

Since our blood has a pH within the range of 7.35 -7.45, it is very important for a person to drink water with an alkaline pH every day.

This water has a healing effect and resists oxidation of the body and diseases that are accompanied by oxidation. After all, almost everything Diseases have one cause - an overly oxidized body.

Secrets of the century: Muldashev. Living dead water

Eg: When acidic waste accumulates near the pancreas and there are not enough alkaline calcium ions to neutralize it, a person develops diabetes.

What does the redox potential parameter show (oxidation-reduction potential )?

Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) shows whether a particular product is an oxidant or an antioxidant.

If any product, for example water, is saturated with electrons and is ready to give them away, then it is an antioxidant. ORP is measured in millivolts using special devices: redox testers. The water that people drink has long ceased to be drinkable. As a rule, we drink tap water, bottled water with a positive ORP (+200) - (+400MB). Large positive values hundreds of MW mean that such water not only “does not want” to give up electrons, but also takes them away when it enters the body. This process promotes the formation of free radicals and is the cause of many serious diseases - cancer, diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, etc.

Secrets of the world with Anna Chapman. Living and dead water

Is it really dead and living water found not only in fairy tales, but also in real life?

What are their properties? Can they be used to treat diseases?

On the contrary, negative ORP values ​​mean that when such water enters our body, it itself gives up electrons.

Water with negative ORP values ​​and alkaline pH has pronounced healing properties and is recommended for daily use. Activated water is actively used in Japan, Austria, USA, Germany, India, and Israel.

It is not surprising that in Japan, activated water is actively used by the public health care system, because “living” water can easily save a person from many diseases. Regular intake normalizes digestion and improves function internal organs. At the same time, it does not “load” the body with additional chemicals what are the common sins of tablets and synthetic medications. Drinking water, the acid-base balance of which is in harmony with the fluids inside the body, is an excellent preventive measure for most modern diseases. The ancient Slavs knew very well that natural springs help increase life expectancy, so they actively searched for “living” water. Today you can get it at home.

Device for preparing “living” and “dead” water - Iva-1

You can prepare “live” and “dead” not only in specialized laboratories, but also in your own kitchen. The water activator “Iva-1” is already known to many who are engaged in treatment with the help of “fairytale” water.

It is produced by INCOMK LLC spruce trees, which were awarded a Silver medal in 2004 and a Bronze medal in 2005 by the International Salon of Innovations and Investments.

Using a water activator is quite simple; the developers have made sure that the process of liquid electrolysis becomes as accessible as possible to the general public. “Iva-1” has a built-in timer that allows you to turn off the power to the device after the activation process is completed, and the owners will be notified that the water is ready for use with a sound signal.

The use of unique water-insoluble electrodes makes it possible to obtain liquid without foreign impurities. Iva-1 is a multifunctional device that allows you to both improve the health of the body at home and use it to purify water from heavy metals.

By becoming aware, we can more intelligently approach what our body needs, what is beneficial and what is harmful. Doing correct elections, we make our lives cleaner and brighter, we live, not exist.

Living and dead water. Vadim Zeland. Part 1

Living and dead water. Vadim Zeland. Part 2

Living and dead water. Vadim Zeland. Part 3

Every person dreams of a long and happy life which is not overshadowed various ailments. And traditional medicine has always sought to fulfill this desire. She has accumulated vast experience in studying medicinal plants and many recipes have been created to relieve various diseases.

One of the proposed traditional medicine The miracle cure is water, which is called living and dead. Do you remember how in fairy tales, when they used this method to resurrect a dead hero? First he was sprinkled with dead and then living water.

History of application

The gifts of nature have long been used by man in medicinal purposes. One of them that deserves special attention, - “life-giving water.” Even in ancient manuscripts, researchers found a mention that during his military campaigns along the mountain ranges of the Pamirs, Caucasus and Tien Shan, Alexander the Great found a source healing water. He collected the liquid into a jug, but his daughter stole it and poured it on herself. As a result of this, she became invisible and immortal.

There is also information that many Popes, Chinese emperors and others the mighty of the world This is why expeditions were organized in search of an elixir that would allow one to obtain immortality. All these fairy tales and legends are clear confirmation that our ancestors knew about the existence of living and dead water.


Today you can make living and dead water with your own hands. And in ancient times, people took it from natural sources.

The dead one was in stagnant lakes and swamps. This liquid was not consumed internally. It was used only by healers for various external potions. The water of mountain rivers, glaciers and waterfalls is considered alive. It was drunk and also used in the preparation of various medicines.

Modern research

Today, to obtain healing liquid there is no need to search for its sources. To do this, it is enough to make the device alive and dead water at home. When used as a result of hydrolysis, so-called activated water is obtained.

Soviet scientists were busy studying the properties of this liquid back in the 80s of the 20th century. However, the results of all experiments and experiments for general public were simply kept secret. However, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. After some time, doctors and traditional healers learned about the results of the experiments. And here the work of Western researchers played a big role. Their results could be read in published scientific articles.

Research has proven that living water, also called catholyte, becomes negatively charged due to hydrolysis. This transformation helps it obtain high regenerating and immunostimulating properties. This makes it possible for a liquid that has undergone the hydrolysis process to become healing and be used to get rid of many ailments.

The unique properties of such water were confirmed by the USSR Pharmacological Committee. At the same time, it was said about its absolute harmlessness not only for external, but also for internal use.

The water that accumulates near the positive electrode after electrolysis is called anolyte. Her unique properties have been known to folk healers since time immemorial. Thanks to this water, people managed to escape from rotting wounds and bedsores.

Obtaining healing liquid

In order to get activated water, you do not need to look for some distant and sometimes inaccessible sources. To do this, just open the tap and use a special device.

Based on the basic concepts of chemistry, living water has alkaline properties. They contribute to the healing effect. The properties of dead water are acidic. That is why it exhibits a disinfecting effect.

Electric current, when passing through ordinary water, radically changes its internal structure. At the same time, it erases harmful environmental information contained in the liquid. After such treatment, the water is divided into living and dead. Moreover, each of these two fractions has medicinal qualities.

Experiments on the use of activated liquid

The first apparatus of living and dead water in our country was invented by N. M. Kratov. The idea of ​​creation of this device It didn’t come to the author by chance. In 1981, Kratov was treated in hospital. There he was diagnosed with prostate adenoma. Simultaneously with this pathology, he suffered from an inflammatory process in the kidneys. The course of treatment in the hospital lasted for a month, but did not bring any tangible results. That is why doctors offered Kratov surgery. From surgical intervention he refused and was discharged home.

At the same time, Kratov's son suffered from long-term non-healing wound. And the author, who created the apparatus of living and dead water, began to test the properties of the healing liquid on the affected area on his son’s skin. The results were not long in coming. The wound healed within two days. Such success inspired the inventor. He began to take this water himself, and soon his health improved. Along with the adenoma, radiculitis and leg swelling went away.

Application area

Besides Kratov healing properties similar water was studied by G.D. Lysenko, as well as a number of other authors. As a result of the research, it became obvious that water, both living and dead, can save a person from almost fifty types of various diseases, starting with tonsillitis and ending with stomach and duodenal ulcers.

This list also includes such common diseases as colds and flu, runny nose and radiculitis, hypertension, etc.

Making at home

In order to use the healing liquid, it is enough to make a device of living and dead water with your own hands. Of course, such devices are not difficult to find on sale. Buying and delivering them will not be difficult.

However, the purchased apparatus for obtaining living and dead water, when examined in detail, has a rather simple design. This makes me think about saving money. After all, the price of such a device is not so low. It is much easier to make a living and dead water apparatus with your own hands. It will only require a little time and a small amount of materials. The skill of our masters is always present.

Main details

In order to build a living and dead water apparatus with your own hands, you will need:

Glass jar;
- diode bridge that rectifies the mains voltage;
- a bag made of waterproof fabric;
- two electrodes;
- power cord.

With the help of skillful hands, all these parts can easily turn into a homemade apparatus of living and dead water.


This part must be made of food grade stainless steel. Salad bowls left in the house from Soviet times are perfect for this role. But if they are not there, then any utensils made from stainless steel will do. A graphite rod can be used for the anode.

If the apparatus for preparing living and dead water is assembled using a half-liter jar, then the length of the electrodes should be 100 mm. However, this volume can be increased. In order to create a device for living and dead water with your own hands, you can take a three-liter jar. In any case, the electrodes can be extended. Their size should be such that the distance between the metal and the bottom of the glass container is at least 5-10 mm.

Stainless steel sheets suitable for the manufacture of the anode and cathode should be 0.8-1 mm thick. Some craftsmen claim that they created the apparatus for producing living and dead water using aluminum electrodes.


This part will be needed to separate the resulting water fractions. As a rule, a tarpaulin is used to make a bag. This could be a piece from a fire hose or a gas mask bag. But in any case, the material for the bag should not contain any impregnation. In order to ensure that there are no foreign substances, the prepared piece must be placed in water and boiled. The components used in impregnation will manifest themselves when heated.

The length of the finished bag must be in full accordance with the height of the glass jar used to create the apparatus. When cutting this part, cut off the required length of the tarpaulin. The bottom of the bag is sewn up with a piece of the same material or food-grade plastic is inserted.

Device assembly

The diagram of the apparatus that receives living and dead water is quite simple, and you can familiarize yourself with it in the article. To assemble the device, a U-shaped cut is made on the positive electrode. It is necessary to place a cloth bag on the anode. It will collect dead water. There is no need to make such a cut on the cathode.

Both electrodes are attached to the jar using an ordinary nylon lid. However, here it is worth using one trick. Due to the fact that such covers have little mechanical strength, it is best to attach the electrodes to them using an insulating sealing gasket. This will avoid unpredictability of their behavior during work. Such gaskets are made of fiberglass (without foil) or any plastic. This part has the appearance of a rectangle with rounded ends. Two holes are cut out on it, the diameter of which coincides with the diameter of the electrodes. The gasket is installed on the plastic cover. During operation, when living water and dead water are formed, the device releases gases from the liquid. For their exit, an additional hole is provided in the lid.

Next, a rectifying diode bridge is attached to the electrodes. It is important to mark the positive and negative outputs to the plate (“+” and “-”). For safety reasons, the bridge can be covered with a lid. When using a threaded diode, the thread must be attached to the positive electrode.

There is another way to assemble a similar circuit. It can be performed with a rectifier bridge. In this case, living and dead water will be produced even more intensively. The device (reviews from craftsmen confirm this) will become four times more powerful. Accelerating the process of preparing healing liquid is especially important when using it systematically.

A power cord with a plug is connected to the diode bridge. Its length must be at least 500-700 mm. At the same time, it is important to insulate all open electrical connections, because for the process that results in living water and dead water, the device consumes AC voltage at 220 V. Next, the electrode, which is marked with a minus sign, is placed in a canvas bag, water is poured into the jar, and the whole structure begins to work when connected to the electrical network.

Preparing water

Getting the healing liquid is quite simple. To do this, pour water into a cloth bag. Next, a positive electrode is placed in it. This entire structure is immersed in a jar of water. And here there are also some nuances. The water in the jar should not be filled to the brim. It should be slightly below the top edge of the bag.

The whole process lasts no more than 5-10 minutes. Next, the electrodes are removed from the jar. This must be done very carefully. Otherwise, a mixture of the two resulting fractions will occur. At the end of the process, the water from the cloth bag is poured into a separate bowl.

Assembling a device with a different design

Due to the need for careful handling of the resulting fractions this device is not very convenient. In addition, certain safety precautions must be observed when the live and dead water apparatus is operating.

The instructions for it warn that all manipulations of pouring water and removing the final product must be done without plugging the device into a power outlet.

A device whose design does not include the use of a fabric bag is considered more convenient. In this case, you will need to take two containers. However, banks are not suitable for this. Such containers are distinguished by the absence of a neck and steep, straight edges. The design of the electrodes in such a device remains unchanged. The only difference between such a device is that the anode and cathode must be installed in separate containers. Electrical contact must be ensured between the electrodes. To do this, they are connected with a cotton band wrapped in gauze, which is pre-soaked in water. Such a part will allow ions to move freely. As a result of the operation of the device, both living and dead water will be produced. Moreover, each of them can be seen in a separate container. This allows you to simply disconnect the installation from the network at the end of the work and obtain anolyte and catholyte immediately, and in equal volumes.

In the scheme of this design, as in the previous version, it is advisable to use a light bulb with a power of 15 W. They are usually used in sewing machines and refrigerators. If the electrodes are short-circuited, the light bulb will play the role of a fuse, and if the process does not have any failures, it will act as an indicator. At the beginning of water production, the light from it will be quite bright. Towards the end of the process, the light will begin to dim. The signal about the end of the production of activated water will be its complete shutdown.

Rules for using healing water

The catholyte prepared in the device is an alkaline solution with a bluish tint. It is a clear, soft liquid with an alkaline taste with a pH of 8.5 to 10.5. Catholyte, or living water, is able to retain its medicinal properties at least two days. Only in this case it is important that the storage conditions are met. Living water should be kept in a closed container and in a darkened room.

The analyte has a yellowish tint. In addition, the difference between dead water and living water lies in its astringent, sour taste and somewhat acidic aroma. Anolyte retains its properties for half a month. But this only happens when it is stored in a closed container. The acidity of such a liquid is from 2.5 to 3.5 pH.

Activated water should be heated before use. However, some caution must be exercised. Water should be poured into a ceramic or enamel bowl and heated over low heat. Using an electric stove will cause it to lose useful properties. It is strictly forbidden to bring such water to a boil. In this case it also becomes useless.

If both dead and living water are used at the same time, then between their doses you need to take a break of at least one and a half hours. When local application the pause is much shorter. It is only 10 minutes. This dosing regimen can be explained by the fact that when the analyte and catholyte are mixed, they are neutralized. As a result, the healing liquid simply loses its activity.

(Note: about the device itself, which makes living and dead water, read here - Electric water activator (filter) "Zhiva-5" (5.5 liters). Activator of "Living" and "Dead" water )

The following description is divided into two parts. The first part presents our own experience, as well as the experience of our friends and clients who happily shared their results using activated water. The second part contains well-known recommendations, which are numerously presented on the Internet on sites dedicated to the use of activated water.

Remember the main thing: “dead” water is a bactericide = disinfectant, “living” water is an energy source. After using “dead” water, whether internally or on the skin, you always need to use “living” water after 15-30 minutes. We disinfect the “dead”, and give the “alive” energy for regeneration!

Apply the following rule to all of the following recommendations: Drink water only 20-30 minutes before meals. or in the interval between meals, you should never drink any liquid after eating for 2 hours, as dilution occurs gastric juice, the acidity concentration drops, digestion stops, undigested food enters the intestines and begins to rot. This is one of the main reasons for acidification and aging of the body. If you feel thirsty after eating, this means that you need to drink water before eating, preferably 20-30 minutes before. Before eating, drink “live” or plain water (not “dead”), then the body does not want to drink after.

“Dead” water suitable for treatment should taste noticeably sour. If, before activation, you add 1/4-1/3 level teaspoon of salt to a medium container for dead water, the properties of the “dead” water will increase.

(When you click on the photo, it will enlarge.)

Slagging of the intercellular space is the main cause of all diseases and aging of the body. In order for more toxins to be removed from the body than it enters, a person needs to drink 30 milliliters of water per 1 kg per day. weight. That is, for example, if you weigh 70 kg, 70 * 0.03 l = 2.1 liters of water per day. Well, if you drink “living” water, the body cleanses faster. Since “living” water is a powerful antioxidant, if you first start drinking “living” water and the intercellular space of your body is heavily polluted, then since “living” water causes intensive leaching of toxins, the body may not have time to remove them through the urinary system. As a result, partially washed toxins can temporarily accumulate in those places of the body where there is a large degree of slagging, most often in the legs, and pain in the joints may appear. In such cases, it is recommended to temporarily stop drinking “living” water. It is necessary to take breaks for 2-3 days or more in especially severe cases. The cleansing process must be approached with understanding and patience. For example, water can be activated a day before use, so the charge will expire and the water will simply become purified, and without antioxidant properties. When the body is cleansed, “Living” water can be drunk daily.

Our experience in using “Living” and “Dead” water

Colds, flu, etc.:

Drink 50-100 grams of dead water 3-4 times a day. 15-20 minutes after the dead water, drink 200-300 g of living water.

Runny nose:

Before activation, add 1/4-1/3 level teaspoon of salt to the middle container for dead water.

Rinse your nose, throat, and mouth with heated “dead” (warm) water.

Use a cotton swab moistened with dead water to drip your nose, so that you can suck in more water through your nose. If you instill it with a pipette, then you need to instill not a few drops, but so as to thoroughly moisten the nasal cavity.

Drink 50-100 grams of dead water 3-4 times a day. 15-20 minutes after the dead water, drink 200-300 grams of living water. A common runny nose goes away within one or two doses.


Carefully treat the burned area with “dead” water. After 4-5 minutes, moisten them with “living” water and then continue to moisten them only with it. Try not to puncture the bubbles. If the blisters break or pus appears, start treatment with “dead” water, then with “live” water. Burns heal and heal in 3-5 days.

Cuts, abrasions, scratches,open wounds:

Rinse the wound with “dead” water. Then apply a tampon soaked in “living” water to it and bandage it. Continue treatment with “living” water. If pus appears, treat the wound again with “dead” water. The wounds heal within 2-3 days.

Stones in the kidneys:

In the morning, drink 50-70 g. “dead” water, after 20-30 minutes drink “Living” water 150-250 g. Then during the day drink “living” water 3-4 times a day, 150-250 g. The stones gradually dissolve.

Pain in the joints of the arms and legs, salt deposits.

2-3 days, 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, drink 50-70 g. “dead” water, after 15 minutes drink “Living” water 100-250 grams, apply “dead” water to compresses on sore spots 3-4 times a day. Heat water for compresses to 40-45 degrees. Celsius. Usually relief is felt immediately after the compress. Blood pressure decreases, sleep improves, and the state of the nervous system normalizes.

Stomach upset, diarrhea, dysentery:

It is better not to eat anything on this day. During the day, drink 50-100 g 3-4 times. "dead" water.

For more strong action“Dead water” before activation, add 1/4-1/3 level teaspoon of salt to a medium container for dead water. Often, the disorder goes away within 10 minutes. after the reception.

Dysentery goes away within a day.

Gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers:

30 minutes before meals. drink 50-70 gr. “Dead” water, then after 10-15 minutes drink 200-300 g. "Living" water. Stomach pain goes away, appetite improves and general health.


Before meals, drink 100-200 grams. "living" water. The heartburn goes away.

Hair care:

After washing your hair, moisten your hair with “dead” water and wait 2-5 minutes.

Rinse off with “living” water. If you let it dry without wiping, the effect will be brighter. Dandruff disappears, hair becomes soft and silky.

Conjunctivitis, stye:

2-3 times a day, lubricate the barley with a cotton swab soaked in “dead” water!

High blood pressure:

Morning and evening, before meals, drink 50-100 grams. "dead" water. The blood pressure normalizes and the nervous system calms down.

Low pressure:

Morning and evening, before meals, drink 150-250 grams. "living" water. The blood pressure returns to normal and a surge of strength appears.

Anti-aging procedures:

Daily procedures of washing with “dead” and “living” water showed a strong effect of skin rejuvenation and smoothing out wrinkles. Wash your face 2-3 times a day, first with “dead” water prepared with the addition of 2-4 pinches of salt to a medium container, do not wipe your face, let it dry. Afterwards, wash your face with “living” water and let it dry too.

The effect is noticeable within a few days in people leading healthy image life and nutrition.

Experience in using “Living” and “Dead” water from open sources

Prostate adenoma:

The entire treatment cycle is 8 days. 1 hour before meals, drink 100g 4 times a day. “living” water (fourth time - at night). If blood pressure normal, then by the end of the treatment cycle you can drink 200 grams. Sometimes a repeat course of treatment is necessary. It is carried out a month after the first cycle, but it is better to continue treatment without interruption. During the treatment process, it is useful to massage the perineum, and at night put a compress on the perineum with “living” water, having previously moistened the area with “dead” water. Enemas made from warm “living” water are also desirable. Cycling, jogging, and candles made from a bandage soaked in “living” water are also useful. The pain goes away after 4-5 days, the swelling and the urge to urinate decrease. Small red particles may come out in the urine. Improves digestion and appetite.


For three days in a row, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with “dead” water. After each rinse, drink 100-200g after 10 minutes. "living" water. Moisten skin rashes (if any) with “dead” water. The disease usually goes away in 2-3 days. It is recommended to repeat the procedure for prevention.

Sore throat and upper catarrh respiratory tract, ORZ:

For three days, 6-7 times a day, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with warmed “dead” water. In 10 minutes. After each rinse, drink 100-200g. "living" water. The temperature drops on the first day. The disease itself goes away in 3 days or less.

Bronchial asthma, bronchitis.

For three days, 4-5 times a day, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with warmed “dead” water. In 10 minutes. After each rinse, drink 100-200g. "living" water. If there is no noticeable improvement, do inhalation with “dead” water: heat 1 liter of water to 70-80°C and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a day. The last inhalation can be done with “living” water and soda. The urge to cough decreases and overall well-being improves. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

Liver inflammation:

The treatment cycle is 4 days. On the first day, drink 50-100g 4 times before meals. "dead" water. On other days, drink “living” water in a similar manner. The pain goes away inflammatory process stops.

Inflammation of the colon (colitis):

It is better not to eat anything on the first day. During the day, drink 50-100g 3-4 times. "dead" water with a "strength" of 2.0 pH. The disease goes away within 2 days.

Hemorrhoids, anal fissures:

Before starting treatment, visit the toilet, carefully wash the anus, lacerations, nodes with warm water and soap, wipe dry and moisten with “dead” water. After 7-8 minutes, make a lotion with a cotton-gauze swab dipped in “living” water. Repeat this procedure, changing tampons, 6-8 times during the day. Drink 100g at night. "living" water.

During the treatment period, avoid eating spicy and fried foods; it is advisable to eat easily digestible foods, such as porridge and boiled potatoes. The bleeding stops and the ulcers heal within 3-4 days.

Herpes (cold): Before treatment, rinse your mouth and nose thoroughly with “dead” water and drink 50-100g. "dead" water. Tear off the vial with the contents of herpes with a cotton swab moistened with heated “dead” water. Next, during the day, apply a tampon moistened with “dead” water to the affected area 7-8 times for 3-4 minutes. On the second day, drink 50-100g. “dead” water, repeat rinsing. Apply a tampon soaked in “dead” water to the crust that has formed 3-4 times a day. The burning and itching stop within 2-3 hours. Herpes goes away within 2-3 days.

Worms (helminthiasis):

Make cleansing enemas, first with “dead” water, and after an hour with “living” water. During the day, drink 50-100g every hour. "dead" water. The next day to restore health, drink 100-200g. “live” water half an hour before meals. You may not feel well. If recovery has not occurred after 2 days, then repeat the procedure.

Purulent wounds, fistulas, postoperative wounds, bedsores, trophic ulcers, abscesses:

Rinse the affected areas with heated “dead” water and allow to dry without wiping. Then, after 5-6 minutes, moisten the wounds with warm “living” water. Repeat this procedure only with “living” water at least 5-6 times during the day. If pus continues to be released again, then it is necessary to treat the wounds again with “dead” water, and then, until healing, apply tampons with “living” water. When treating bedsores, it is recommended to place the patient on a linen sheet. The wounds are cleaned, dried out, and their fast healing, usually within 4-5 days they are completely healed. Trophic ulcers heal longer.


If your head hurts from a bruise or concussion, then moisten it with “living” water. For a common headache, moisten the sore part heads with “live” water and drink 50-100 grams. "dead" water. For most people headache stops within 40-50 minutes.


First wash the areas affected by the fungus thoroughly. hot water with laundry soap, wipe dry and moisten with “dead” water. During the day, moisten with “dead” water 5-6 times and allow to dry without wiping. Wash socks and towels and soak them in “dead” water. Similarly (you can disinfect shoes once) - pour “dead” water into them and leave for 20 minutes. The fungus disappears within 4-5 days. Sometimes the procedure needs to be repeated.

Foot odor

Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry and moisten with “dead” water. Let dry without wiping. After 8-10 minutes, wet your feet with “living” water and, without wiping, let them dry. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days. Additionally, you can treat socks and shoes with “dead” water. The unpleasant odor disappears.


Moisten all rashes and swelling with “dead” water and allow to dry. Then make compresses with “living” water for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. The affected areas heal in 2-3 days.

Jaundice (hepatitis):

3-4 days, 4-5 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, drink 100-200g. "living" water. After 5-6 days, see a doctor. If necessary, continue treatment. Your well-being improves, your appetite appears, and your natural complexion is restored.

Constipation: Drink 100-150g. "living" water. You can make an enema from warm “living” water. Constipation goes away.

Toothache. Periodontal disease:

Rinse your teeth after eating with heated “dead” water for 15-20 minutes. When brushing your teeth, use “live” water instead of ordinary water. If there are stones on your teeth, brush your teeth with “dead” water and after 10 minutes rinse your mouth with “living” water. If you have periodontal disease, rinse your mouth with “dead” water several times after eating. Then rinse your mouth "live". Brush your teeth only in the evening. Perform the procedure regularly. In most cases, the pain goes away quickly. Tartar gradually disappears and gum bleeding decreases. Periodontal disease gradually goes away.

Colpitis (vaginitis), cervical erosion:

Heat activated water to 30-40 degrees Celsius and douche at night: first with “dead” water and after 8-10 minutes with “living” water. Continue for 2-3 days. The disease goes away within 2-3 days.

Swelling of the arms and legs:

For three days, 4 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals and drink at night:

On the first day, 50-70g. "dead" water;

On the second day - 100g. "dead" water;

On the third day - 100-200g of “living” water.

Swelling decreases and gradually disappears.

Polyarthritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis:

The full cycle of treatment is 9 days. Drink 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals:

In the first three days and 7, 8, 9 days, 50-100g. "dead" water;

4th day - break;

5th day - 100-150g. "living" water;

Day 6 – break.

If necessary, this cycle can be repeated after a week. If the disease is advanced, then you need to apply compresses with warm “dead” water to the sore spots. Joint pain goes away, sleep and well-being improve.

Neck cold:

Make a compress of heated “dead” water on your neck. In addition, drink 100-150g 4 times a day, before meals and at night. "living" water. The pain goes away, freedom of movement is restored, and your well-being improves.

Prevention of insomnia and increased irritability:

Drink 50-70g at night. "dead" water. For 2 - 3 days, 30-40 minutes before meals, continue to drink “dead” water in the same dosage. Avoid spicy, fatty and meat foods during this period. Sleep improves and irritability decreases.

Prevention of acute respiratory infections, colds during epidemics:

Periodically, 3-4 times a week in the morning and evening, rinse your nose, throat and mouth with “dead” water. After 20-30 minutes, drink 100-200g. "living" water. If you come into contact with an infectious patient, perform the above procedure additionally. It is advisable to wash your hands with “dead” water. Vigor appears, performance increases, and overall well-being improves.

Psoriasis, scaly lichen:

One treatment cycle is 6 days. Before treatment, wash thoroughly with soap, steam the affected areas at the maximum tolerable temperature, or make a hot compress. Then, moisten the affected areas generously with heated “dead” water, and after 8-10 minutes begin to moisten with “living” water. Next, the entire treatment cycle (i.e., all 6 days) must be moistened with only “living” water 5-8 times a day, without prior washing, steaming or treating with “dead” water. In addition, in the first three days of treatment you need to drink 50-100g before meals. “dead” food, and on days 4, 5 and 6 - 100-200g. "alive". After the first cycle of treatment, a week-long break is taken, and then the cycle is repeated several times until recovery. If during the treatment the skin becomes very dry, cracks and hurts, you can moisten it several times with “dead” water. After 4-5 days of treatment, the affected areas of the skin begin to clear up, and clean pinkish areas of the skin appear. Gradually the lichen disappears completely. Usually 3-5 treatment cycles are enough. You should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, spicy and smoked foods, and try not to be nervous.

Radiculitis, rheumatism:

For two days, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, drink 150-200g. "living" water. Rub heated “dead” water into the sore spots. The pain goes away within a day, in some people earlier, depending on the cause of the exacerbation.

Skin irritation (after shaving):

Moisten the skin several times with “living” water and let it dry without wiping. If there are cuts, apply a tampon with “living” water to them for 5-7 minutes. It irritates the skin a little, but heals quickly.

Vein expansion:

Rinse the areas of varicose veins and bleeding areas with “dead” water, then apply compresses with “living” water for 15-20 minutes and drink 50-100g. "dead" water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure. Painful sensations dulls. Over time, the disease goes away.

Diabetes mellitus, pancreas:

Constantly drink 100-200g half an hour before meals. "living" water. Massage of the gland and self-hypnosis that it secretes insulin is useful. The condition is improving.


After each meal, and additionally 3-4 times a day, rinse your mouth with “living” water for 2-3 minutes. The ulcers heal within 1-2 days.

Removing dead skin from the soles of your feet:

Steam your feet in hot soapy water for 35-40 minutes and rinse with warm water. After this, wet your feet with warm “dead” water and after 15-20 minutes, carefully remove the layer of dead skin. Then wash your feet with warm “living” water and let them dry without wiping. This procedure must be repeated periodically. The “dead” skin gradually peels off. The skin of the feet softens, cracks heal.

Acne, increased peeling of the skin, acne on the face:

In the morning and evening, after washing, 2-3 times at 1-2 minute intervals, rinse your face and neck with “living” water and let dry without wiping. Apply compresses to wrinkled skin for 15-20 minutes. In this case, the “living” water should be slightly heated. If the skin is dry, then first it must be washed with “dead” water. After 8-10 minutes, perform the above procedures. Once a week you need to wipe your face with this solution: 100g. "living" water, 1/2 tablespoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of soda. After 2 minutes, rinse your face with “living” water. The skin smoothes out, becomes softer, minor abrasions and cuts heal, acne disappears and peeling stops. With long-term use, wrinkles practically disappear.

Relieving alcohol hangover.

Mix 150g. "living" water and 50g. "dead" Drink slowly. After 45-60 minutes, repeat this procedure. After 2-3 hours, your health improves and your appetite appears.

Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder):

For 4 days, drink 100g 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. water: 1st time - “dead”, 2nd and 3rd times - “alive”. Pain in the heart, abdomen and right scapula pass, bitterness in the mouth and nausea disappear.

Eczema, lichen:

Before treatment, steam the affected areas, then moisten them with “dead” water and let them dry. Next, moisten it 4-5 times a day only with “living” water. Drink 100-150g at night. "living" water. The course of treatment is a week. The affected areas heal within 4-5 days.

Technology for preparing tea, coffee and herbal extracts:
Tea and herbal extracts are prepared using “live” water, heated to 60-70°C, which is poured into tea, dry grass or dried flowers. Let it brew for 5-10 minutes and the tea is ready. For those with low acidity, it is recommended to add sea buckthorn, cranberry, currant or lemon jam to the tea to neutralize the alkalinity of the water. Those who like very hot tea can then heat it up to the desired temperature. It is not recommended to heat water above 70°C.
This technology allows you to obtain a more saturated extract of tea or herbs. It contains less destroyed “living” cells of protein, enzymes, vitamins and other substances than when exposed to boiling water. With conventional technology, these substances only contaminate the drink, so the result is not tea, but tea “dirt.” Green tea on “living” water it turns out Brown and with the best taste.
Coffee is prepared using “live” water, heated slightly more: up to 80-85°C (this temperature is necessary to dissolve caffeine).
Infusions from medicinal plants for medicinal purposes should be infused a little longer (in accordance with the recommendations of pharmacies or traditional healers).

Living and dead water(catholyte and anolyte) are used in many areas of life, including treatment and prevention of diseases, crop care, disinfection, etc. On this page you will find methods for using catholyte and anolyte in alphabetical order.

Living and dead water: treatment of diseases

    BPH. The treatment cycle is 8 days. 4 times a day, an hour before meals, drink half a glass of “live” water (4th time - at night). If your blood pressure is normal, then by the end of the treatment cycle you can drink a whole glass. Sometimes, a second course of treatment may be required. It is carried out a month after the first course, but it is much better to continue treatment without interruption. You can make enemas and compresses from warm “living” water. The pain disappears after 4-5 days, swelling, swelling and the urge to urinate decrease. Improves appetite and digestion.

    Allergy. If you have allergies, rinse your throat, mouth and nose with “dead” water for three days in a row after eating. After each rinse, drink half a glass of “living” water approximately 10 minutes later. The rash on the skin (if there is one) needs to be moistened with “dead” water. The allergy usually goes away within 2-3 days.

    Arthritis, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis. The full cycle of treatment with activated water is 9 days. Drink 3 times a day, half an hour before meals: the first 3 days and on days 7, 8, 9 - half a glass of “dead” water; Day 4 - break; Day 5 - half a glass of living water, day 6 - break. If necessary, this cycle can be repeated after a week. If the disease is already advanced, then it is necessary to apply warm compresses with “dead” water to the sore spot. Pain in the joints and lower back goes away, sleep and health improve.

    Insomnia, irritability. Before going to bed, drink half a glass of “dead” water. For 2-3 days, half an hour before meals, you should continue to drink “dead” water in the same dose. Spicy, fatty food and meat are excluded during this period. Improved sleep and decreased irritability are observed.

    Joint pain, salt deposits. Two or three days, three times a day, half an hour before meals, drink half a glass of “dead” water, make compresses with it on sore spots. The water needs to be heated to 40-45°. Joint pain usually goes away within the first 2 days. Blood pressure decreases, sleep improves, and the state of the nervous system normalizes.

    Bronchitis and bronchial asthma. During three days, 4-5 times a day, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with warmed “dead” water. 10 minutes after rinsing, drink half a glass of “living” water. If you do not notice any improvements, do inhalation with “dead” water: heat 1 liter of water to 70-80 ° C and breathe in steam for 10 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a day. The last inhalation can be done with “living” water and baking soda. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated.

    Varicose veins. Rinse the affected areas with “dead” water, and then apply compresses with “living” water for 15-20 minutes and drink half a glass of “dead” water. This procedure must be repeated. The pain goes away, and over time the dilated veins disappear.

    Inflammation of the liver. In this case, the treatment cycle is 4 days. On the first day, drink half a glass of “dead” water 4 times before meals. In the following days, you need to drink “living” water in a similar manner. The pain goes away, the inflammatory process in the liver stops.

    High arterial pressure. In the morning and evening, before meals, drink half a glass of “dead” water with a pH of 3-4. If it doesn’t help, then drink a whole glass after 1 hour. The pressure comes in normal condition, the nervous system calms down.

    Gastritis. For gastritis, take “living” water 3 times a day for three days, half an hour before meals. On the first day, a quarter glass, the 2nd half a glass. If necessary, it is possible to continue taking it for another 3-4 days. Abdominal pain goes away, acidity decreases, well-being and appetite improve.

    Helminthiasis (worms). Do cleansing enemas, first with “dead” water, and after an hour with “live” water. During the day, drink two-thirds of a glass of “dead” water every hour. The next day, to restore the body, drink half a glass of “living” water 30 minutes before meals. Your health may not be good. If after 2 days recovery has not yet occurred, then repeat the procedure.

    Haemorrhoids, anal fissures. Before starting treatment, go to the toilet and thoroughly rinse the anus, cracks, nodes with warm water and soap, wipe and blot with “dead” water. After 7-8 minutes, make lotions from cotton-gauze swabs soaked in “living” water. Repeat this procedure, changing tampons, 6-8 times during the day. Before going to bed, drink half a glass of “living” water. During treatment, avoid eating spicy and fried foods; it is advisable to eat easily digestible foods, such as porridge and boiled potatoes. The bleeding stops and the ulcers heal in about 3-4 days.

    Hepatitis (jaundice). 3-4 days, 4-5 times a day, half an hour before meals, drink half a glass of “living” water. After 5-6 days, consult a doctor for diagnosis. If necessary, treatment continues. You will feel better, your appetite and healthy complexion will be restored.

    Herpes. Before treatment, you must thoroughly rinse your nose and mouth with “dead” water and drink half a glass of “dead” water. Tear off the “bubble” of a herpes ulcer with a cotton swab previously moistened with “dead” water. Then, during the day, apply a cotton swab moistened with “dead” water to the ulcer for 3-4 minutes 7-8 times. On the second day, drink half a glass of “dead” water and repeat the rinsing procedure. Use a swab dipped in “dead” water to moisten the ulcer 3-4 times a day. The burning and itching stops after 2-3 hours. Herpes goes away within 2-3 days.

    Headache. If you have a headache from an injury or concussion, then moisten it with “living” water. For chronic headaches, drink half a glass of “dead” water. For most people, the headache stops after 40-50 minutes.

    Fungal diseases. Wash areas affected by fungus thoroughly with hot water and soap, wipe dry and moisten with “dead” water. Moisten with “dead” water 5-6 times a day and leave without wiping. Socks and towels need to be washed and soaked in “dead” water. Disinfect shoes in the same way (possibly once) - pour “dead” water into them and let stand for 20 minutes. The fungus should disappear within 4-5 days. Sometimes the procedure must be repeated.

    Flu. Rinse your nose, throat, and mouth with warmed “dead” water 6-8 times a day. At night you need to drink half a glass of “living” water. It is recommended not to eat anything on the first day of treatment. The flu usually goes away within a day or two.

    Diarrhea. Drink half a glass of “dead” water. If diarrhea does not stop after an hour, drink another half glass of “dead” water. Diarrhea usually goes away within an hour.

    Diathesis. Moisten the rash and swelling with “dead” water and allow to dry. After this, make compresses with “living” water for 5-10 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. The affected area heals within 2-3 days.

    Dysentery. On the first day of treatment it is better not to eat anything. During the day, drink half a glass of “dead” water with a pH of 2.0 3-4 times. Dysentery goes away within a day.

    Pancreas diseases, diabetes. Always drink half a glass of “living” water 30 minutes before meals.

    Foot odor. Wash your feet in warm water and soap, wipe dry and moisten with “dead” water. Let dry without wiping. After 8-10 minutes, moisten your feet with “living” water and let them dry without wiping. The procedure is repeated for 2-3 days. In addition, you can treat socks and shoes with “dead” water. The unpleasant smell will disappear.

    Constipation. Drink half a glass of “living” water. It is recommended to make an enema from warm “living” water.

    Toothache. Inflammation of the gums. Rinse your teeth after eating with heated “dead” water for 15-20 minutes. Teeth cleaning is done using “live” water instead of ordinary water. If there is tartar, brush your teeth with “dead” water and after 10 minutes. rinse your mouth with “living” water. If you have periodontal disease (inflammation of the gums), rinse your mouth with “dead” water several times after eating. Then rinse your mouth with “living” water. Brush your teeth only in the evening. Do the procedure regularly. In most cases, gum pain goes away quickly. Bleeding gums decrease and plaque disappears.

    Heartburn. Before eating, you need to drink half a glass of “living” water.

    Qatar of the upper respiratory tract, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections. For three days, 6-7 times a day, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with warmed “dead” water. 10 minutes after rinsing, drink a quarter glass of “living” water. The temperature drops on the first day. The disease itself goes away in 3 days or less.

    Colitis, or inflammation of the colon. On the first day it is better not to eat. During the day, drink half a glass of “dead” water with an acidity level of 2.0 pH 3-4 times. Colitis goes away in 2 days.

    Colpitis (vaginitis). With activated water heated to 30-40 ° C, douche at night: first with “dead” water and after 8-10 minutes with “live” water. Continue the procedures for 2-3 days. The disease goes away in 2-3 days.

    Low blood pressure. In the morning and evening, before meals, drink half a glass of “living” water with a pH of 9-10. The blood pressure returns to normal and a surge of energy is felt.

    Burns and frostbite. Thoroughly treat damaged areas with “dead” water. After 4-5 minutes, moisten with “live” water, and then continue to treat the affected areas only with it. Try not to puncture the blisters. If the blisters are damaged or pus appears, treatment should begin with “dead” water, and then with “live” water. Burns and frostbite last and heal within 3-5 days.

    Swelling of the arms and legs. 3 days, 4 times a day, half an hour before meals and before bed, drink: on day 1, half a glass of “dead” water, on day 2 - three-quarters of a glass of dead water, then half a glass of living water. Swelling decreases and gradually disappears.

    Peeling of the feet. Steam your feet hot water with soap for 40 minutes and rinse with warm water. After this, moisten your feet with “dead” water and after 20 minutes, carefully remove the layer of dead skin. Then wash your feet with warm “living” water and let it dry without wiping. This procedure must be repeated periodically. The rough skin on the feet gradually peels off. The skin of the legs becomes healthier, the cracks on it heal.

    Hangover. Mix two-thirds of a glass of “live” water and one-third of a glass of “dead” water. Drink slowly. After 45-60 minutes the procedure is repeated. Within 2-3 hours you will feel better and have an appetite.

    Neck cold. Apply a compress with heated “dead” water to your neck. In addition, four times a day, before meals and before bed, drink half a glass of “living” water. The pain goes away, neck mobility is restored, and health improves.

    Prevention of acute respiratory infections, colds during epidemics. 3-4 times a week, morning and evening, rinse your nasopharynx and mouth with “dead” water. After half an hour, drink half a glass of “living” water. After contact with sick people, do the above procedures separately. It is advisable to wash your hands with “dead” water. Vigor appears, performance increases, and overall well-being improves.

    Pimples, excessive peeling of skin, acne. After washing your face in the morning and evening 2-3 times at 2-minute intervals, wash your face and neck with “living” water and let it dry without wiping. Apply compresses to wrinkled skin for 15-20 minutes. In this case, the “live” water should be slightly heated. If your skin is dry, wash it first with “dead” water. After 8-10 minutes, perform the above procedures. Once a week, wipe your face with a solution: half a glass of “living” water, half a tablespoon of salt, half a teaspoon of soda. 2 minutes later, rinse your face with “living” water. The skin is significantly smoothed out, becomes softer, minor scratches and cuts heal, acne disappears and peeling stops. With long-term use of activated water, wrinkles practically disappear.

    Skin irritation after shaving. Several times to moisturize the skin, moisten it with “living” water and let it dry. If there are cuts, apply a tampon with “living” water for about 5-7 minutes. The skin becomes healthier and heals quickly.

    wounds, surgical wounds, boils, bedsores, ulcers. Rinse the affected area with heated “dead” water and let it dry without wiping. Then, after 5-6 minutes, moisten the wound with warm “living” water. Repeat this procedure only with “living” water at least 5-6 times during the day. If pus continues to come out of the wound, treat the wound again with “dead” water, and then apply a tampon with “living” water. When treating bedsores, the patient should lie on a linen sheet. When using activated water, the wounds are cleaned and begin to heal quickly; as a rule, within 4-5 days they are completely healed. Trophic ulcers take a little longer to heal.

    Rheumatism, radiculitis. Two days up to three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, drink three-quarters of a glass of “living” water. IN pain points rub in “dead” water. The pain disappears within a few days, some earlier, depending on the extent of the lesion.

    Rhinitis (runny nose). Rinse your nose with “dead” water, drawing water into your nose. Children can drop water with a pipette. Repeat 3-4 times during the day. A runny nose usually goes away within one hour.

    Stomatitis. After any meal, and additionally 3-4 times a day, rinse your mouth with “living” water for 3 minutes. Ulcers disappear within 1-2 days.

    Ringworm, eczema. Before treatment, treat the affected areas with steam, treat with “dead” water and allow to dry without wiping. Then moisten the affected areas only with “living” water 4-5 times a day. At night, drink half a glass of “living” water. The course of treatment is one week. The affected areas heal within 4-5 days.

    Improved digestion. If you overeat, drink a glass of “live” water. After 15-20 minutes, active digestion begins in the stomach.

    Hair care. Once a week after washing, wipe wet hair with heated “dead” water. After 8-10 minutes. Rinse your hair with warm “living” water and, without drying, let it dry. During the week, in the evening, rub the scalp with warm “living” water for 2 minutes. The entire course of treatment is 1 month. To wash your hair, you can use either baby soap or yolk shampoo. After washing, you can rinse your hair with a decoction of birch leaves or nettles, and only then, after 15-20 minutes, apply activated water. The course of treatment is recommended to be carried out in the spring. The hair becomes soft, dandruff disappears, abrasions and scratches disappear. Itching and hair loss stop. After 3-4 months of regular care, new hair begins to grow.

    Bruises, cuts, scratches. Rinse the wound with “dead” water. Then treat it with a swab moistened with “living” water and apply a bandage. The treatment continues with “living” water. When pus appears on the wound, it is washed again with “dead” water. Wounds heal in 2-3 days.

    Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). For 4 days, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, drink half a glass of water: the first time - “dead”, the 2nd and 3rd time - “live”. "Living" water should have a pH of about 11 units. The pain in the heart and stomach goes away, the bitterness in the mouth and nausea disappear.

    Lichen squamosus, psoriasis. One treatment cycle is 6 days. Before the procedure, thoroughly wash the affected areas with soap and water, treat with steam at maximum permissible temperature and apply a hot compress. Then, the affected areas need to be moistened generously with heated “dead” water, and after 8-10 minutes, begin treatment with “living” water. Then repeat the treatment with live water for the entire treatment cycle (all 6 days) 5-8 times a day. In addition, during the first three days of treatment, you need to drink half a glass of “dead” water before meals, and on the 4th, 5th and 6th days, half a glass of live water. After 1 cycle of treatment, a break of one week is needed, and then the treatment cycle is repeated until complete recovery. If during treatment the skin becomes very dry, cracks and wounds appear, you can moisten it several times with “dead” water. After 4-5 days of treatment, the affected areas begin to clear. Gradually, lichen and psoriasis disappear. Usually 3-5 cycles of treatment are needed. Avoid smoking, alcohol, spicy and smoked foods, try not to be nervous.

    Cervical erosion. Before going to bed, douching is heated to 38-40 degrees. "dead" water. After 10 minutes, repeat the procedure with “living” water. Then repeat the procedure with “living” water several times a day. Uterine erosion disappears within 2-3 days.

    Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. For 4-5 days, an hour before meals, drink half a glass of “living” water. After 7-10 days, repeat the treatment. Pain and nausea stop on day 2. Acidity decreases, ulcers heal.

    Barley, conjunctivitis. Rinse the affected area with warm water, and then treat it with heated “dead” water and let it dry without wiping. Then for two days, 4-5 times a day, make compresses with heated “living” water. Before going to bed, drink half a glass of “living” water. The affected areas heal within 2-3 days.

Use of living and dead water: making tea, coffee and herbal infusions

Tea and herbal extracts are prepared using “living” water heated to 60-70 ° C, into which tea, dried herbs or dried flowers are placed. Let it brew for about 5-10 minutes and the tea is ready. For those people who are suffering low acidity, it is recommended to add jam from cranberries, sea buckthorn, currants or lemon to tea to neutralize the alkalinity of the water. Those who like very hot tea can then heat it to the desired temperature.
This technology allows you to extract useful material and do Herb tea more saturated. There is less disruption of cellular protein, enzymes, vitamins and other substances than from contact with boiling water. With conventional brewing technology, these substances only contaminate the drink, so the result is tea “dirt.” Green tea in “live” water turns brown and tastes more pleasant.
Coffee is prepared using “live” water, which is heated to 80-85 ° C (this temperature is needed to dissolve coffee). Herbal infusions for medicinal purposes should be infused a little longer.

Use of dead and living water for agricultural purposes

    Activated water can be successfully used both for internal use and in gardening and at home

    Control of insects (moths, aphids) in the house and garden

    Disinfection (disinfection) of linen, bedding, etc.

    Sterilization of canning jars

    Disinfection of premises

    Stimulation of rapid plant growth

    Refreshment of wilting plants

    Production of mortars from lime, cement, gypsum

    Washing clothes in activated water

    Poultry Growth Stimulation

    Extending battery life

    Increasing the productivity of pets

    Increasing the shelf life of perishable vegetables, fruits and other products (meat, sausage, fish, butter, etc.)

    Reducing scale in a car radiator

    Removing scale from kitchen utensils (kettles, pots)

    Acceleration of seed growth and disinfection

Please note that anolyte and catholyte ("living" and "dead" water) must be used within 9-12 hours after their preparation. These water structures are of the metastable type: their activity decreases over time.

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: "treatment of joints live and dead water".

Arthritis, arthrosis

For two or three days, 3 times a day, 1/2 hour before meals, drink 1/2 glass of dead water, apply compresses to sore spots. Water for compresses should be heated to 4045 °C.

The pain usually goes away within the first two days. Blood pressure decreases, sleep improves, and the state of the nervous system normalizes.

Swelling of the arms and legs

You need to drink water for three days, 4 times a day, 30–40 minutes before meals and at night according to the following scheme: on the first day - 1/2 cup of dead water, on the second day - 3/4 cup of dead water, on the third day - 1/2 cup of living water.

Swelling decreases and gradually disappears.

Polyarthritis and osteochondrosis

The full treatment cycle is 9 days. You should drink water 3 times a day 30–40 minutes before meals according to the following scheme: in the first three days, as well as on the 7th, 8th and 9th days - 1/2 cup of dead water, on 4 1st day - break, on the 5th day - 1/2 cup of live water, on the 6th day - break. If necessary, this cycle can be repeated after a week.

If the disease is advanced, then you need to apply compresses with warm dead water to the sore spots.

Joint pain goes away, sleep and well-being improve.

Radiculitis, rheumatism

For two days, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, you need to drink 3/4 cup of living water, and rub heated dead water into sore spots.

The pain goes away within a day, in some people earlier, depending on the cause of the exacerbation.


Osteoporosis is one of the most common diseases in the world, which leads to disability for thousands and millions of people. Meanwhile, this disease is easily treated with activated water. After all, the cause of osteoporosis is that naturally strong bones (healthy femur withstands a load tens of times greater than the weight of the person himself) lose their strength, thin out, becoming brittle and brittle. This happens because the body loses special minerals that are responsible for bone health: calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These losses occur especially quickly during menopause and chronic metabolic diseases. Low activity of the cells that make up the bone tissue and support her.

Dead water with the addition of minerals in the form of dietary supplements, solutions and tablets provides significant assistance in the treatment of the disease.

You should take a glass of dead water 3 times a day after meals. Add 1/2 teaspoon to each glass calcium chloride. Instead of calcium, you can use minerals in capsules or tablets, which should be washed down with dead water.

The course of treatment is 2 months.

Oncological diseases

Methodology of G. A. Garbuzov

Living water has alkalizing properties. It is obtained using devices for activation or electrohydrolysis of water. It is often used externally in the form of applications over the area of ​​a sore or ulcerating tumor that has emerged externally, or in the form of tampons for gynecological tumors. Also drink half a glass 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals. It is acceptable to drink in cycles of 10–20 days, then take a break for 3–10 days. Can be combined with salt or calcium water.

In some cases, they alternately drink dead and living water and use it if oxygenation or acidification methods do not provide adequate relief from cancer pain, and general process continues stubbornly. Sometimes it happens that cancer pain begins to subside after acidification, but tumor growth is not inhibited enough. In this case, alkalization methods act as a counterweight, a balancer, enhancing the effect of the first method. Only in the case of a violent, extremely active negative result from the action of the first method (oxygenation) can one switch to alkalization completely. Ultimately, the second technique enhances the effect of the first.

Due to the fact that dead water dissolves salts and toxins and kills infections, in the first days of drinking water the patient may experience an exacerbation and deteriorate their health. In some cases, the temperature may rise, headaches, heart ailments, nausea and even crisis conditions may appear.

There are cases where tumors, after three-month courses of treatment with living and dead water, began to shrink or even resolve. Such treatment sometimes lasts a year until the tumor completely disappears. But even after the final disappearance of the tumor, they continue to preventive treatment within 1–3 years.

Next chapter >

Miracle treatment with living and dead water

Since our blood has a pH within the range of 7.35 -7.45, it is very important for a person to drink water with an alkaline pH every day. This water has a healing effect and resists oxidation of the body and diseases that are accompanied by oxidation. After all, almost all diseases have one cause - an overly oxidized body. Water with negative ORP values ​​and alkaline pH has pronounced healing properties and is recommended for daily use. Activated water is actively used in Japan, Austria, USA, Germany, India, and Israel. It is not surprising that in Japan such water is actively promoted by the state health care system, because “living” water can easily save a person from many diseases.

Sergey DANILOV – Living and dead water

Fragment from part 1 Sergey Danilov – Psychic time(3 parts)

Kratov. Directory-medicine on folk and alternative medicine

At the beginning of 1981, the author* of a device for preparing “live” to “dead” water fell ill with kidney inflammation and prostate adenoma, as a result of which he was admitted to the urology department of the Stavropol Medical Institute. I spent more than a month in this department. When he was offered surgery for the adenoma, he refused and was discharged. While still ill, within 3 days he completed the device for obtaining “living” and “dead” water, about which an article by V. M. Latyshev was published in the magazine “Inventor and Innovator” for 1981 - 2 under the heading “ Unexpected water,” and an interview in – 9 by special correspondent Yu. Egorov with Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR Vakhidov under the heading “Activated water is promising.”

He conducted the first test of the resulting water on a wound on his son’s hand that had not healed for more than six months.

The treatment trial exceeded all expectations: the wound on my son’s hand healed on the second day. He himself began to drink “living” water, 0.5 cups before meals, 3 times a day, and felt cheerful. P. Zh.’s adenoma disappeared within a week, the radiculitis and swelling of the legs went away.

To be more convincing, after a week of taking “living” water, he was examined at the clinic with all the tests, which did not reveal a single disease, and his blood pressure returned to normal.

One day his neighbor scalded her hand with boiling water, causing a 3rd degree burn.

For treatment, I used the “live” and “dead” water he received, and the burn disappeared in 2 days.

The son of his friend, engineer Goncharov, had festered gums for 6 months and an abscess formed in his throat. The use of various treatment methods did not give the desired result. For treatment, he recommended water, gargling the throat and gums with “dead” water 6 times a day, and then taking a glass of “living” water orally. As a result, the boy recovered completely within 3 days.

The author examined more than 600 people with various diseases and all of them gave positive results when treated with activated water. At the end of this material there is a description of a device that allows you to obtain “live” (alkaline) and “dead” (acidic) water of any strength. A test of water in the laboratory of the Stavropol Vodokanal (“live” - strength 11.4 units and “dead” - 4.21 units) showed that the strength decreased by hundredths of units over the month, and temperature does not affect the decrease in water activity.

The use of activated water by the author on himself and on family members and many people enabled the author to compile a practical table of procedures for treating a number of diseases, determine the timing of treatment and track the progress and nature of recovery.
