Treatment with silicon water. Activated silicon water or AKV: benefit, application methodology and harm. Diseases of the digestive tract

Silicon water, and rather flint, is an ordinary water that was irrevocated on a stone called flint. Such water has great amount positive and therapeutic properties, it is very useful to take as medicine and just for prevention large number ailments.

The flock stone is a mineral substance that refers to chalcedons and quartz. By the way, this family also includes the following minerals: carnelian, jasper, mountain crystal, amethyst, opal and agate. That is why all the listed substances have almost the same structure - the so-called "silica", that is, silicon dioxide. However, the color and density of the substance differ from them.

With the beneficial properties of this stone, our distant ancestors who lived in Neolithic era were familiar. The first use is the manufacture of tips for guns for hunting. With it, they first learned how to produce fire. People from him and in later times were not refused. Them:

The walls of the cellars and basements were laid out to prevent damage and extend the shelf life of products, including meat;

Laid the walls of the wells;

Used for the manufacture of various devices, in particular millstone mills were exactly from this stone.

Medicine at that time did not know neither antibiotics or other medicines, except for those that gave nature. The stone powder was treated wounds and scratches to prevent infections. It insisted on it and water, which was also used for therapeutic purposes.

On the medical properties This ancient stone scientists began to pay attention only to the seventies of the last century and opened a lot of interesting things. Today it is used, ranging from medicine to food Industry And life. Silicon filters are considered one of the best.

Silicon - one of important minerals in the human body. It is worth recalling that silicon is in our nails, hair, adrenal glands and other organs. That is why the silicon content is very affected by our health. The disadvantage of this substance can reduce the digestibility of the useful elements to thirty percent. In addition, shortage of silicon can lead to a number of serious diseases:







Development of cancer cells.

He is responsible for delivering a person from harmful salts and metals. Bad immunity, insomnia, hormonal failures and many other states of health can cause a shortage of this element in the body.

The rate of silicon consumption for an adult is considered ten-twenty milligrams of substances, while ordinary consumption is only three. And this is considering that every day we lose all nine more! Not always, we can get it with food. Therefore, the use of silicon water can become one sources of replenishment of such an important mineral substance.

Silicon water than useful

Water infused on stone flint, has a certain utility for the human body. When silicon falls into the water, it very much changes its structure: softens, makes the taste very pleasant and deprives any visual impurities. In addition, he "sends heavy metals" to the sediment, relieves water and us from harmful microorganisms and bacteria that lead to fermentation and fluid rotation. By the way, if the water chlorides water - silicon will help to save it from this far from a tasty component. All radionuclides will also disappear in silicon water.

Water becomes clean and transparent, it can stay fresh longer.

Many people in private houses, summer houses use such filters or put flints on the bottom of the wells.

Therapeutic properties of silicon water

Such water has both therapeutic properties. No wonder the success of natural silicon sources, which are called sources of youth and love. The water in them is so soft that after bathing in it or wash it does not need any moisturizing or nutrient cream.

As for the influence of the body, it is the following: the process of forming amino acids, hormones and enzymes is enhanced. If you have problems with blood clotting, water in which silicon stayed five days, relieve you from them.

TO positive qualities Silicon water can be attributed:

Improving immunity;

Restoration of vascular walls;

Normalization of the intestinal tract;

Dissolving stones (in the kidneys, in bile and bladder bubbles, teeth);

Acceleration of healing of skin damage;

Help for sugar diabetes (reduction in blood sugar);

Reducing cholesterol;

Normalization of kidney, heart and liver functions;

Improved metabolic process.

Besides internal application still possible treatment in the form:

rinsing oral cavity and throat;

In the form of a mission;


It is very useful to wash this water - you can improve the condition of the skin of the face, slow down the aging of the skin, get rid of acne and acne. Washing head and hair with silicon water has extremely positive influence On the health of hair and scalp.

With regular use of irrefused water:

You can clean the body from slags and toxins;

Sediments of salts in the joints;

Improve the mobility of the joints;

Normalize hormonal background;

Normalize work thyroid gland;

Improve the pancreas;

Clear the walls of the vessels from cholesterol deposits;

Improve blood flow and blood circulation;

Normalize blood pressure;

Improve and normalize the work of the digestive tract;

Reduce weight due to the normalization of metabolic processes;

Improve the work of the prostate gland.

Who useful silicon water

Such water will be useful to everyone. Especially those who live in environmentally unfavorable zones, who have tough water, as silicon helps soften it. It is recommended for the use of those who have:

Heart and vessel diseases: arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, angina and so on;

High blood pressure;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including disorders of the intestinal microflora (water contributes to the development and growth of useful microflora);

Stones in the kidneys, bile and bladder;

Chronic constipation or often suffers them;

Liver diseases;

Frequent heartburn;

Diseases of the stomach and pancreas;

Gallbladder diseases;

Skin diseases;

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis and others.

Soft flint water well moisturizes and soften dry and irritated skin, will contribute to healing and cleansing the skin from acne.

As you know, with age, all processes in the body are slowed down, including exchange. Water, infused on silicon, will be useful for older people, whose body cannot fully complete everything useful material From food.

How to make silicon water

As already mentioned at the very beginning of the article, silicon or flint water - this is water that insisted with a stone called flint. You can buy it in any pharmacy. The cost of the stone is not very high, within 100 rubles. Package it in packages weighing 150 grams. This amount is enough to insist 6-8 liters of water.

To get silicon water, it is necessary to insist on stones in an enameled or glassware for 2-3 days.

Then it must be accurately pouring into another dishes, and the water layer, which is located on the bottom on the stones, should be poured, as there is a precipitate of heavy metals, stones are well rinsed with cold boiled water.

You can leave the layer of water and add a new one, insisting it for 8-12 hours. After a weekly use, the stones are thoroughly washed.

Some and the same stones can be used for 5-8 months. Depends on the degree of pollution of water and its rigidity. According to manufacturers, silica strengthens mountain quartz, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy. Agree, water will be so expensive.

How to apply flint water

This water can be used in the same way as the usual one. You can cook, brew tea, herbs, wash, water flowers, make masks and wash your head.

Application in everyday life

In everyday life can be used for:

Filling aquariums;

Watering room and garden plants;

Soaking seeds before growing seedlings;

Watering seedlings.

According to gardeners, seeds, clouded in flint water, not only give friendly shoots, but they are sick less, they are better leaving and fruit.

Many hostesses add it to preservation. You need to add 1-2 tablespoons on three liter bank to protect products from damage.

The aquarists know well that their inhabitants are healthy, water in the aquarium should always be clean. Silicon water will allow maintaining purity and freshness of water more for a long timewill save water from flowering.

Cleansing the water in the well

Once the wells laid out with this stone. Buy silicon to disinfect well water today is also not a problem. You can post a stone wall stone or make a filter.

For wells today you can buy both stone and quartz sand. Suppliers are recommended for 1 concrete Ring 25 kilograms of stone and sand. Consultation on the technology of the well device can be obtained from any manufacturer and supplier of this stone.

The use of silicon water in cosmetology

Silicon water is not found for "water of youth and a source of love." Silicon is one of the main elements responsible for the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Not without his participation in our skin is made by collagen - a substance responsible for maintaining connective tissue warning its savings.

Such water will make the skin elastic, elastic, smooth out small wrinkles, will remove inflammation and irritation.

Regular washing or rinsing with flint water hair will make hair strong, give them a healthy shine. In addition, it is useful for those who suffer from dandruff and no funds help get rid of it.

Prepare your cosmetic masks on it, make the baths for nails and legs.

Contraindications and harm

Fline water is very soft and damage to anyone will bring anyone. Who visited the resorts where there are sources of silicon water, such as Truskavets and others, knows in their own experience as such water on the body and skin acts. Therefore, silicon water does not have contraindications.

The benefits of a stone of silica and silicon water tells folk healer

Conversations about the dangers and benefits of silicon water arose after the influence of the chemical element on the human body was established. Some people argue that the liquid enriched with this substance allows not only to fill its reserves in the tissues, but also has therapeutic properties. Others are trying to prove that simple manipulations are not able to lead to the fact that silicon ions will be in water. Despite this, the popularity of silicon water is gradually growing. Reviews of people who tested the approach are preferably positive.

The benefits of silicon and the consequences of its deficit

The earth bark is about 27-29% consists of silicon, which can take a kind of different chemical compounds. In an ordinary person, it is associated with sand, shungite, quartz and some stones used in jewelry.

In addition, the substance in large quantities is contained in a number of food:

  • Rice and.
  • Raw sugar.
  • Currant.
  • Olive oil and.

In the pure form of silicon, the human body is necessary for the implementation of important chemical processes. It is part of the hair, nails and teeth, adrenal glands and thyroid gland. Takes part in the formation of bones, joints and cartilage.

The deficit of the product is characterized by such consequences:

  • About 70 types of vitamins and microorganisms cease to be absorbed by the body. This leads to the development of pathogenic processes, a failure in the work of organs and systems.

Tip: Silicon deficit takes a special kind of young children. They literally begin to eat land. When such a symptom appears, you do not need to try to wean the baby from the new "habit." It is better to reconsider its nutrition, including in it more productsrich in the element.

  • Signs of osteoporosis, avitaminosis, dysbacteriosis and atherosclerosis may appear.
  • They begin to fall out, teeth are destroyed, in an accelerated pace, cartilage and joints are wearing.
  • Sand is formed in the kidneys, stones are formed.
  • Violation of the silicon exchange process in the body is fraught with such conditions as arthritis, diabetes, cataract, tuberculosis, cancer.

For normal work Organs and systems man should receive at least 10 mg of silicon daily. Studies have shown that the diet ordinary people Does not overlaps this need and half. It turns out that most of them gradually develop a deficiency of the chemical element. To overcome the problem to use everything available tools. One of them is the use of silicon water.

Damage to silicon water

The use of silicon water allows to some extent to fill the needs of the human body in silicon. In addition, a natural and specific drink has several useful properties:

  • Mineral is known for mine antibacterial effect, ability to coal the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • He takes part in the synthesis of hormones and enzymes.
  • Regular use Silicon water removes extra sugar and cholesterol from the blood, strengthens immunity, increases the elasticity of the vessels.
  • Entering the reaction with water, silicon increases its quality. It eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, chlorine neutralizes, precipitates heavy metals.
  • No silicon is impossible synthesis of collagen responsible for youth and beauty.
  • The chemical element in the water composition allows us to normalize the weight, which can be used when complex approach To combat obesity.
  • The external use of fluid eliminates acne and guns on the skin. Rinsing the head slightly warm makes up dandruff and promotes hair strengthening.
  • Silicon water can rinse the throat if you need to get rid of inflammatory processes and gum diseases.
  • Summies with the composition facilitate the state of ulcers, proleells, manifestations of dermatitis.

Hospipes use the product and in the farm. Flowers put flowers into the activated liquid, seeds soaked in it, watering home plants. The liquid is consumed in its pure form, it is used to prepare food. Chemical research

Silicon Water Preparation Method

To prepare silicon water at home, you need to purchase silicon pharmacies and take clean drinking water. It is not necessary to search for the main ingredient independently. Stones collected in doubtful conditions, except harm, will not bring.

The procedure itself will look like this:

  1. For each liter of water we take 5-10 g of silicon. Buy it better in a pharmacy or special store "Health Products.
  2. Before applying silicon for its intended purpose, it can be soaked for half an hour in very weak solution vinegar or citric acid (no more than 0.5 teaspoon composition of 0.5 liters of water). The same manipulation is used in the future, if the pebbles begin to form a white flare.
  3. Motioned minerals are allocated, lowered into a jar or a bottle, pour water.
  4. The workpiece must be insist in place inaccessible to direct sunlight. After 3 days, the liquid will be ready to use.
  5. The finished product overflow into another container and dried in natural conditions. Pebbles can be used up to 6 months, after which they should be replaced.

Silicon water preparation recipes can be different. You should try a few and decide on the optimal one. First positive results It will be shown only in a few days or even weeks after the start of therapy. According to doctors, if chemical composition Such a drink will not give a healing effect, then at least the positive consequences of self-purification will appear.

There are no contraindications to the use of silicon water, but the increased biological activity of the composition should be taken into account. Doctors advise with caution to take a product with thrombosis, the availability of oncology in history, in the period of exacerbation vascular diseases. For chronic diseases Before starting therapy, consult with the doctor.

Silicon water brings considerable benefit to human body, strengthening immunity and restoring the right course of vital processes. There is a use for it and in the farm.

Water plays an important role in human life. Without it is impossible to exist, it must be present in daily diet. Undoubtedly benefit from the body contained in water minerals. Recently, popularity is gaining silicon water. It has a lot of useful and therapeutic properties, and is often used as the prevention of various diseases.

Silicon benefits for human body

Silicon is chemical elementwhich is part of the silica and other minerals, as well as silica. The flint is widespread in nature. It has a color from black, dark gray to Light and refers to the family of quartz and chalcedines, which also belongs to: Jasper, opal, carnelian, agate, amethyst, mountain crystal.

Since ancient times, people have known about the benefits of silicon for the body, studied his therapeutic properties and applied knowledge gained. They knew how to make it necessary to prepare with it, you need a healing agent.

Made from flint powder poured wounds to avoid blood infection. The walls and the bottom of the wells were frozen by this stone to obtain clean, healing water.

In the human body, silicon plays an indispensable role. It is observed in the composition of the hair, nails, bones, cartilage and vessels. It is found in the tissues of the thyroid gland, lymph nodes and hypophysies. Participates in the exchange of substances, the formation of hormones, enzymes. Thanks to him, the body is able to assimilate more than seventy various vitamins, as well as silicon participates in the work of the immune system and helps to fight viruses.

The lack of silicon in the body is able to lead to the following violations:

  • softening bones;
  • wearing cartilage in the joints;
  • diseases of eyes, skin, hair, nails and teeth;
  • the appearance of stones in the kidneys;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • niley inflammation.

It is also impossible to exclude a lack of silicon and the development of diabetes, hepatitis, tuberculosis, cardiovascular, oncological and a number of other diseases. For normal functioning The body needs to receive at least 10 mg of silicon per day, but, unfortunately, most people do not receive half of this, given that the loss of such an important element equal to about 9 mg daily.

Silicon water and her healing qualities

When interacting with water, silicon is able to change its properties, clean and saturate useful qualities. In this case, the taste of water also changes, it becomes much more pleasant. Silicon water contributes to the production of hormones and enzymes, and also increases blood clotting.

Also, water with silicon is capable of making the following benefit:

  • raise immunity;
  • strengthen and restore the vascular wall, as well as its functions;
  • restore intestinal microflora;
  • dissolve stones and relieve kidney, bile and bladder from them;
  • healing bruises, cuts and burns;
  • reduce blood sugar and cholesterol;
  • improve the work of the kidneys;
  • remove inflammation in the tract and gastritis;
  • normalize metabolism.

And this is not full list Useful properties that can bring water to water containing silicon and other minerals.

There is a myth that silicon completely cleanses and filters water. This is not true. Silicon perfectly enriches water, and even partially enriches.
But pre-need.

In addition to using fluid inside, it can be used and externally, which contributes to the following positive processes:

  • strengthens the gums, heals a runny nose and angina (when ringed her throat, oral cavity and washing of the nose);
  • reduces the risk of stomatitis and gingivitis;
  • eliminates or reduces various inflammatory processes on the skin: diathesis, allergies, dermatitis, etc.
  • helps with conjunctivitis;
  • used B. cosmetic purposes: eliminates wrinkles, acne, acne, tones the skin;
  • strengthens hair, improves their quality, promotes growth (when rinsed).

In everyday life, silicon water is no less useful. For example, it is used to watering plants and colors and extends their flowering time. Increases the yield of trees and vegetable crops, and seeds, clouded in silicon water, are better to rise. To protect plants from rotten, mold and fungus that cause harm, they should be made such water. If the flint is placed in the aquarium, then it will prevent water flowering.

In addition to useful properties in silicon water, there are also contraindications. For example, people prone to cancer should be abandoned by the use of such a fluid, it can harm. In general, the properties of this water are still not fully studied and therefore should not be diligent with its adoption without recommendations of the attending physician. But externally, as well as in economic purposes It can be used as much as you like.

Cooking method

The recipe for cooking such a water is pretty simple, it does not take a lot of strength. First of all, it is necessary to find a glass or enameled container and pour water there. Then it should be placed inside the stones (purchased in the pharmacy or on the Internet), cover the container of gauze and put into a bright place, but not under the right sun rays.

You need to insist such water two or three days, after which it can be used for drinking or cooking. If the preparation of water takes more than five days, it will not be just purified, but also acquires therapeutic properties. The finished water should be pouring into another container and close tightly with a lid. The fluid remaining at the bottom in the vessel with stones must be merged, as all heavy metals perfect with a silica accumulate.

Next I present the article O.V. Mosina "Silicon Water"
This is a silent scene, but not everything is so unequivocal. If the silicon had one use, its content in water was not limited to a maximum permissible concentration of 10 mg / l. Read and think.

Hobbating silicon and water, inspected based on it began quite recently. Silicone mineral silicon - black, dark gray or bright - quite often found in nature, and a person is familiar with him. But the healing properties of silicon became known quite recently: in the late 70s of the XX century.

Adept of silicon is the people's healer A. D. Tallchikov. They were noticed that at the bottom of the lake Light, located 150 km from St. Petersburg, in which many silicon water is always clean and visible on a ten meter depth. Fish does not live in it; There are no algae, there are no other representatives of bioflora. Local residents considered him dead and struggled him. But dumping and consuming water from it wounds and abrasions quickly heal, and the hair and nails grew better.

According to Pallikchikov silicon, allegedly activates and regenerates water and turns it into a liquid with unique properties. Funds mass media Picked up this thesis. "Silicon activated water - wrote newspapers, - practically no contraindications for use; compared to water, ionized silver, it cannot cause side phenomenasince silicon is an animal product and vegetable origin. Organic residues in silicon are nothing more than biocatalysts capable of processing light energy and tens thousand times accelerate redox reactions. Silicon water has an antibiotic, antiseptic, regeneration effect, improves metabolism, kidney function, liver, helps with gastrointestinal disorders, The presence of inflammatory processes. It stops bleeding, treats burns, breakdown, helps with otite, phlegmon, infectious hepatitis, periodontal disease, sarcoma, etc. Regular use of such water reduces blood sugar content in diabetics. "And many other diseases included our newspapers to this list. . Then the messages have become restrained, less often, and skeptical.

According to the views of the scientists of silicon, a truly powerful activator of water and has significant bactericidal properties. Water does not deteriorate, it is saved for a long time, cleared. But it is necessary to use it as medicine with great care. Doctors noticed that those who have a predisposition to cancer diseases, it is better to completely refuse it.

Silicon water has unique properties and can be used as medical agent. Silicon water can be treated to breakdowns, burns, wounds, diameters, acne, furuncula, runny nose, angina (like rinse). Such water in cosmetics is very useful: cleanses the skin, eliminates dandruff, promotes hair growth. However, there are no reliable scientific data configuring it. therapeutic action On the body, this water has contraindications, and you need to handle it very carefully.

Silicon water is preparing very simple. It is necessary to lower silicon into a glass or enameled container with crude or boiled water. The amount of silicon should be at the rate of 1-3 g per 1-5-liter jar. To protect against dust and natural air, the capacity must be covered with a clean marlevary napkin and put into room with room temperature and daylightBy defending it from direct sunlight. After two-three days, water can be washed, rinse the throat, lubricate the wounds. It is also very useful to water flowers, garden crops (tomatoes, cucumbers), fruit trees.
Purification of water silicon

Humanity became acquainted with silicon for a very long time. Flint is a stone, which marked the beginning of human civilization. On all over the stone age, the flint served material for the manufacture of tools of labor and hunting, the fire was mined with it. The healing properties of the silica is mentioned in the treatises of the ancient philosophers. It was used to cut warts, to finish the walls in the rooms where meat was kept, for the powder roughs in the form of a powder, which prevented Gangren, silicon mills on the mills allowed to get flour with excellent bakery and taste. Long-stayed silicon laid out the bottom and interior surface Wells, as it was noted that people who used water from such wells are less ill, and such water is unusually transparent, tasty, healing. When water interacts with water, flint changes its properties. Silpers activated Water acts detrimental to microorganisms, suppresses bacteria causing rotting and fermentation, there is active precipitation of heavy metals, water becomes clean in appearance and pleasant to taste, it for a long time does not deteriorate and acquire many others healing qualities.

In nature, silicon is found in the form of widespread minerals - quartz, chalcedone, opal, etc. The group of these minerals includes a carnelian, and jasper, mountain crystal, agate, opal, amethyst and many other stones. The basis of these minerals - silicon dioxide or silica, but density, color, some other properties are different. The composition of silica, in addition to silica, includes about 20 chemical elements, the main of which are Mg, Ca, P, SR, Mn, Cu, Zn, and others. From here and so many names. But the most famous among representatives of this family is undoubtedly flint. Most of The earth's crust consists of not organic compounds Silicon (28 vol.%).

Silicon (Silicium - Lat.) Chemical element, atomic number 14, IV Group periodic system. Silicon atoms make up the basis of clay, sand and rocks. It can be said that the entire inorganic world is associated with silicon. IN natural conditions Silicon minerals are in Calcites and Mel.

Silicon is the second after oxygen in terms of stocks in the earth's crust element and is about a third of its weight. Each 6 atom in the crust of the earth's shell is a silicon atom. IN sea water Silicon is also contained even more than phosphorus, so necessary for life on Earth.

In our organism, silicon is contained in thyroid gland, adrenal glands, hypophysies. SAMI high concentration It was found in hair and nails.

Silicon is also part of the collagen - the main protein of the connective tissue. Its main role is to participate in chemical reactionFastening individual collagen and elastin fibers, giving connective tissue strength and elasticity. Silicon is also part of collagen hair and nails, plays an important role in the blows of bones during fractures.

A special role in silicon in the life and health of people, as well as a vegetable and animal world. Silicon is absorbed by plants in the form of dissolved silicon acids, silicates and colloidal silica. The lack of silicon adversely affects the germination, growth and yield of grain, mainly rice, as well as sugar cane, sunflower, such crops, like potatoes, beets, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes. With vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and other products, a person should consume 10-20 mg of silicon daily. This quantity is necessary for normal vital activity, Growth and development of the body.

Scientific research on the role of silicon for the health of people is lit in the monographs of V. Krivenko and others. Litotherapy, M., 1994, E. Mikheeva "Healing properties of silicon", C-P, 2002, works of M. Voronkova and I. Kuznetsova ( Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Sib. Dep., 1984), A. Panicheva, L. Zardashvili, N. Semenova et al. It has been shown that silicon is involved in the exchange of fluorine, magnesium, aluminum, and other mineral compounds, but especially closely interacts with strontium and Calcium. One of the mechanisms of silicon exposure is that due to its chemical properties, it creates electric charged colloidal systems that have the property to adsorb viruses and pathogenic microorganisms, unusual people.

Some plants are capable of concentrating silicon. This is Topinambur, Radish, Olive, Currant, field Horst et al. The table shows% of dry content

topinambur (Earthwood Pear) 8.1
rEDUCH 6.5
olive (olives) 5.7
highlander bird (Speech) 4.5
smorodine black 4.0
horsetail 3,1
oats grain 2,6
dandelions 2,4.
barley grain 2,1
sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn, cauliflower 1,5
turnip 1,3.
salad 1,3.

Many silicon accumulates in grain crops, especially in a seed shell (bran): rice, oats, millet, barley, and. When grinding grains on the mill they are freed from the shell than deprive of silicon and they depreciate.

Rich in silicon I. mineral water. But the refined sugar is practically deprived of silicon. Only crude yellow sugar has silicon and therefore represents greater value.

High silicon is characterized by horships - widespread plants of domestic flora, applied increasingly recently in folk medicine. In this regard, the oil extract, the extract of the horsettle, organic compounds of silicon (ceramic), which are included in the medication called the oil of the ceramic with the extract of the cheering (with ceramic), have proven well.

Special studies have shown that this is a medicine:

nourishes and strengthens hair, restoring their structure, protects her hair tips from splitting;
stimulates hair growth (including when losing hair after chemotherapy rate);
significantly reduces hair loss;
eliminates dandruff.

Recommendations for use: with violation of the hair structure due to external or internal factors, as well as in thinning and dim appearance hair.
Method of application: Warm oil apply on the hair and skin of the head, gently and thoroughly rub at least 15 minutes (while avoiding sharp and intensive movements, since the hair breaks and outdo it), then evenly distribute the oil along the entire length of the hair. Appliqué is carried out within 1 hour, after which it was washed off with a soft shampoo.

Also silicon is responsible for providing protective functions, metabolic processes and disintellation. It works as a biological "crosslinking" agent involved in the formation of molecular "architecture" of polysaccharides and their complexes with proteins, gives elasticity of connecting tissues, is part of the elastin of blood vessels, gives strength, elasticity and impermeability to their walls and prevents the penetration of lipids in the blood plasma .

Studies have shown that in water silicon suppresses bacteria causing fermentation and rotting, precipitates heavy metals, neutralizes chlorine, sorbs radionuclides. In the living organism biologically active substances Silicon together with protein structures contribute to the formation of enzymes, amino acids, hormones. Silicon is especially necessary in the connecting tissue, it is contained in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, hypophysies. Many silicon in her hair. The highest concentration of it is detected in hair and nails.


strengthens the immune system and is part of various medicinal and cosmetic drugs;

cosmetics Specialists found that silicon-based products are very useful for hair, skin and nails;

about 70 elements are not absorbed if silicon lacks in the body. It is necessary for the assimilation of calcium, chlorine, fluorine, sodium, sulfur, aluminum, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt and other elements;

silicon contributes to the biosynthesis of collagen, participates in the metabolism of phosphorus and in lipid metabolism, as well as to maintain its equilibrium with calcium, which is closely related to the aging processes of the body.
Silicon shortage leads to:

osteomalysis (softening bones);
diseases of eyes, teeth, nails, leather and hair;
accelerated worn out of the articular cartilage;
silent skin inflammation;
stones in the liver and kidneys;

Detected relationship between silicon concentration in drinking water and cardiovascular diseases. Tuberculosis, diabetes, pumping, hepatitis, hypertension, cataracts, arthritis, cancer are accompanied by a decrease in silicon concentration in tissues and organs, or violations of its exchange.

Meanwhile, our body loses her silicon daily - on average per day with food and water we consume 3.5 mg of silicon, and we lose about 9 mg!
Causes of silicon deficiency:

insufficient consumption of fiber, and mineral water;
excess aluminum (for example, due to cooking in aluminum dishes);
period of intensive growth in children;
physical overload
Usually a decrease in the silicon content occurs against the background of general mineral failure and is accompanied by a magnesium and calcium deficiency.
Signs of silicon deficit:

violation of the state of connective tissue - diseases of bones, ligaments, development of osteoporosis, periodontal, arthrosis;
damage to vessels - early atherosclerosis, increase in cholesterol;
dry floating skin;
reliability and slow nail growth;
reducing the body resistance to infections, pulmonary diseases, upper respiratory tract

It is known that the biological age is determined by the rate of flow of metabolic processes, i.e. update speed as individual cells. And if the problem of moisturizing and protecting to one degree or another is able to solve many cosmetic drugs, the problem of the acceleration of metabolism requires a more intense change of the outer layer of the skin.

The slowdown in the processes of regeneration of the skin begins approximately 30 years. By this time the body is already beginning to feel a lack of silicon. Independently restored silicon deficiency Our body cannot, since the natural silicon compounds around us are mostly inactive and cannot participate in biochemical reactions inside the cell.

Silicon - beautiful cosmetic. It cleans the skin from guncrowders. It is especially useful to wash with silicon water, as well as take it inside with youthful acne. In the process of research, scientists have created a new class of organic compounds of silicon, capable of accelerating the exchange processes in the skin and, participating in the synthesis of proteins of the connective tissue of elastin and collagen, increase the elasticity of the skin and eliminate the formed wrinkles.

Silicon-containing compounds patented by WGN accelerate metabolic processes in cells, regenerate elastin and collagen fibers. Results of creation active compounds Nano-line was based on the basis of the development of the line of so-called "nanocreen" cosmetic drugs Newage. Bioactive manner penetrates deep layers of skin, cleanses them and provides protection that maintains the natural permeability and respiratory ability of the skin. Nonocremia, stimulating the processes of proliferation and regeneration, speeds up the update of the epidermis and restores the functions of the dermis cells - fibroblasts.

The advantages of silicon cosmetics are the dermatological compatibility of the components; Ability to use for any type of skin, including sensitive; High efficiency, soft stimulation of natural biochemical mechanisms Functional status of the skin.

When water interacts with water, flint changes its properties. Silpers activated Water acts detrimental to microorganisms, suppresses bacteria that cause rotting and fermentation, it takes active precipitation of heavy metals, water becomes clean in appearance and pleasant taste, it does not deteriorate for a long time and acquires many other healing qualities.

Flint Refers to the minerals of a family of quartz or chalcedines. The group of these minerals includes carnelian, and jasper, mountain crystal, agate, opal, amethyst and many other stones. The basis of these minerals - SiO2 silicon dioxide or silica.

The reasons and mechanism of the interaction of silica with water is not defined. Perhaps the healing effect of silicon is explained by the ability to form special associates with water - colloids, absorbing dirt and foreign microflora from the medium.

Speaking about the properties useful for the body, we first remember water. IN human organism About 70% of water, and therefore it is difficult to imagine life without it. And if we consider that all types of metabolism are carried out through an aquatic environment that it is water that is a conductor of the prevailing majority of physiological life processesThat no one is impossible without a single form of life - carbon, silicon or any other, it becomes clear that the water activated by Silpers acquires a special meaning.

"... in the silk system - aqueous solutions of inorganic salts occurs intensive sedimentation of a number of metals: aluminum, iron, cadmium, cesium, zinc, lead, strontium." - P. Aladeovsky, Head of the Laboratory of Central Research water resources, D.Kh.N. In other words, the flint huses harmful metals out of the water, cleaning it. They stay at the bottom, and the top is clean water.

"The water treated with silicon affects the adsorption capacity of radionuclides. This may allow it to be used to solve some radiochemical problems in the territory contaminated by radionuclides. " D.H.N. Yu. Davydov - Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Radiological Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus.

"Silicon water, starting from the fifth day of storage, has the ability to strengthen the hemostatic capabilities of blood, increases its ability to turn it out." E. Ivanov - Director of the Hematology Institute and Blood Transfusion of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, D.N. Hemophilia is immediately coming to memory - a disease in which blood turns badly. This means that a person who received even a small scratch may die of blood loss.

"For several years, I did not observe cancer in many patients who consumed activated by silicon water (AKB). We have established that by 5-6 days of acceptance of AKB (6-8 times a day) in patients with numerous trophic ulcers lower extremities The number of T- and B-lymphocytes increases. And this indicates the ability to resume lost and weakened immunity. In addition, AKB reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, especially when obesity. Thus, the ACB serves to prevent atherosclerosis "- M. Sinyavsky Professor of the Department medical training Mogilev State University. A.A. Kuleshov.

What is it - silicon water? Silicon water is a tincture on dark brown silicon, which is used inside and externally. The technique of making flint water is quite simple. In 2-3 liter containers, preferably glass, 40-50 g of fine silica, preferably intense-bright brown (but not black) color, pour water from a plumbing network, but better after normal filtration, and put it in protected from Direct sunlight place and outside the earth's pathogenic emissions. Such water for drinking will be ready after 2-3 days. Subject to the same technology, but if you start the neck of 2-3 layers of gauze and put water into a light place at temperatures above 5 ° C by 5-7 days, then this water can be used in its properties not only as drinking, but also for medical Preventive purposes. It is useful to use for cooking - tea, soups, etc. Driname water can be reduced without restrictions (normally 1.5-2 liters per day). If there is no possibility, then at least 3-5 times a day by half a compartment and always small sips and preferably in a cool form.

Applying flint, as already mentioned, only bright brown (not black) color.

Use only natural minerals. The fact is that in the silica contains the remnants of microorganisms, which in its time from the sludge and more ancient epochs formed flint.

After one-two-time use, the stone needs to be rinsed with cool water and 2 hours to air fresh air. When layers or raids appear on the surface of pebbles or raids, it is necessary to immerse them in a 2% solution of acetic acid or salted water for 2 hours; Then slip 2-3 times with conventional water and omit for 2 hours into a solution of drinking soda and to quickly.

Specific properties of silicon water allow the prevention of many diseases. Silicon water has a positive effect on general state The body as a whole.

If you drink a water activated water or cook food happens on it:

Strengthening the immune system, the amount of T - and Blood Lamphocytes increases;
- Improves the state of people suffering from liver diseases, because Water helps the outflow of bile;
-fire healing of burns, cuts, bruises, trophic ulcers;
- It comes with a stomach disorder, removes inflammatory processes in the tract and gastritis;
- reduction in blood sugar levels, as well as weights predisposed to the completeness of diabetics;
- reduction in blood cholesterol, especially in obesity, prevention - atherosclerosis and improved kidney work;
- normalizes the state of patients suffering from hypertension;
- normalizes metabolism;
- The overall tone increases.

In the external use of silicon water stimulates the processes of the body's restoration when:

Treatment of angina, runny nose, inflammation of adhesion (rinsing throats and mouth after meals);
-prise viral diseases oral cavity, stomatitis and gingivitis;
- treatment of allergies, furunculov, diathesis, dermatitis, various skin irritations (grazing and washing);
- when conjuctivitis removes itching and inflammation;
-making such water contributes to improving the condition of the skin, reducing the number of wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new, contributes to the elimination of irregularities, acne, acne;
- rinsing head and hair, rubbing into the skin of the head helps to strengthen and growth of hair;
- In some skin diseases (simple bubble, slimming and pink deprived).

With dropping and "split" hair, wash the head "flint" with water;
- to remove the after shaving irritation, rinse the face of the same water;
- with "youthful acne" wash and apply inside "water";
- Slices of ice wipe the skin of the face, frozen "flint" water;
- For the prevention of paradantose to rinse the guise of "water" when cleaning the teeth.

Application in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes of "silica" water contributes fast healing wounds, preventing the formation of tumors with regular water intake, improved blood composition, restoration of adrenal function, removal of inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal and with gastritis, normalization of blood sugar, weight reduction, curing with fractures (bones will grow faster and without complications), improving the work of the kidneys and the exchange of substances, separation and conclusion of bile. Silicon water kills viruses; For prevention during respiratory epidemics, "Water" is recommended to bury into the nose. It helps with insomnia.

In the household it is recommended to water flowers, which lengthens the flowering period; Accelerates the term of fruits fruit trees and vegetable crops; Increases yield by 10%. Kills mold, gray rot, in particular on strawberries, and other fungi. Soaking seeds in such water increases the germination. Flowers are better stored in the containers where silicon pebbles are located, their storage time increases sharply. In aquarium, flint prevents water flowering. It helps to clean the water in the campaign, which is important to know tourists, possibly a military.

Silicon water is also useful to drink in atherosclerosis (the vessels are cleaned from sclerotic sediments), various kinds of metabolic metabolic disorders, angina, influenza, pharyngitis (rinse with silicon water significantly reduces the duration of these diseases - because silicon acts as an antibiotic), rheumatism, Botkin's disease (silicon Pathogenic viruses kill), diseases of teeth and joints (for silicon restores the integrity of bone tissues).

And now very important momentcontraindications. Silicon water has contraindications, and you need to handle it very carefully. Doctors noticed that those who have a predisposition to cancer diseases, it is better to completely refuse it.

K.H.N. O.V. Mosin

Silicon and flint

Actually, the flint (Lat. Silicon) is a stone, a type of minerals - quartz, chalcedone, opal, etc., which include a silicon element (lat. Silicium) in the form of its oxide - SiO2 silica. In addition to silica, the group of these minerals includes a carnelian, and jasper, mountain crystal, agate, opal, amethyst and many other stones. The basis of these minerals - SiO2 silicon dioxide or silica. But silicon (silicium - lat.) Chemical element, atomic number 14, IV periodic system. Silicon atoms make up the basis of clay, sand and rocks. Most of the earth's crust consists of inorganic silicon compounds (28 vol.%). It can be said that the entire inorganic world is associated with silicon. In natural conditions, silicon minerals are also in Calcites and Mel. Silicon is the second after oxygen in terms of stocks in the earth's crust element and is about a third of its weight. Each 6 atom in the crust of the earth's shell is a silicon atom. Silicon seawater contains even more than phosphorus, so necessary for life on Earth. In our organism, silicon is contained in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, hypophysies. The highest concentration of it is detected in hair and nails. Silicon is also part of the collagen - the main protein of the connective tissue. Its main role is to participate in the chemical reaction, fastening individual collagen and elastin fibers, giving connective tissue strength and elasticity. Silicon shortage in the body leads to: Osteomalysis (softening bones); diseases of the eyes, teeth, nails, leather and hair; accelerated worn out of the articular cartilage; silent skin inflammation; stones in the liver and kidneys; dysbacteriosis; atherosclerosis. Detected the relationship between the concentration of silicon in drinking water and cardiovascular diseases. Tuberculosis, diabetes, pumping, hepatitis, hypertension, cataracts, arthritis, cancer are accompanied by a decrease in silicon concentration in tissues and organs, or violations of its exchange. Meanwhile, our body loses silicon daily - on average per day with food and water we consume 3.5 mg of silicon, and we lose about 9 mg.

Therefore, when I wrote about the properties of a silica mineral - I meant predominantly the properties of the essential element of silicon, since all the healing properties of the mineral are determined by silicon. What are these properties of silicon? It has been established, for example, that the silicon element in the body is involved in the exchange of fluorine, magnesium, aluminum, and other mineral compounds, but especially closely interacts with strontium and calcium. One of the mechanisms of silicon exposure is that due to its chemical properties, it creates electric charged colloidal systems with silicic acid and water, which have the property to adsorb viruses and pathogenic microorganisms, unusual people. Silicon is also responsible for providing protective functions, metabolic processes and disinfects. It works as a biological "crosslinking" agent involved in the formation of molecular "architecture" of polysaccharides and their complexes with proteins, gives elasticity of connecting tissues, is part of the elastin of blood vessels, gives strength, elasticity and impermeability to their walls and prevents the penetration of lipids in the blood plasma . Studies have shown that in water silicon suppresses bacteria causing fermentation and rotting, precipitates heavy metals, neutralizes chlorine, sorbs radionuclides. In the living organism, biologically active silicon substances together with protein structures contribute to the formation of enzymes, amino acids, hormones. Silicon is especially necessary in the connecting tissue, it is contained in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, hypophysies. Many silicon in her hair. The highest concentration of silicon is detected in hair and nails.

Therefore, in this context, the context of the physicochemical component of the structure of the mineral, its properties and biological effects, it was preferably about its main component of the element of silicon, but when we consider the effect of water activation with silicon it would be more correct to consider non-silicon, but the mineral flint. After all, according to the logic of things, when interacting with water, it is the mineral of flint that changes its properties, but again due to the same element of silicon in its composition.

It is due to silicon and its ability to form positively charged colloids with water (SiO2 x H20) Activated water acts destructive to microorganisms, suppresses bacteria that cause rotting and fermentation, it takes active precipitation of heavy metals, water becomes clean in appearance and enjoyable , it does not deteriorate for a long time and acquires many other healing qualities. For me, as a chemist, this is understandable and obvious and visible contradictions does not cause. And for the reader it may seem unusual. Therefore, probably in future popularization scientific knowledge About flint water should still distinguish these terms.

Yours faithfully,
K.H.N. O.V. Mosin

Sulnik Silicon (Slovakia).

The first motto of silicon work in the body is flexibility and elasticity!

In 1957, French scientists M.Lerper and J.Lerper confirmed that the patients with atherosclerosis are very low content of silicon in the tissues of the vessel walls.

In the case of silicon deficiency in the blood, its contents decreases in the walls of the vessels. The lack of silicon in the vessels is replaced by calcium, and they become solid. Calcium deposits begins to settle "bad" cholesterol, form cholesterol placas, develops atherosclerosis of vessels.

Due to the silicon deficit, "good" and the cholesterol necessary for the body is not fully absorbed, and is not used to form the membranes of new cells, and so, the aging processes are accelerated, damaged tissues slowly. Blood rises the level of fatty acids.

Vessel clearance narrows, the blood supply to the heart and brain deteriorates, such diseases are beginning to manifest angina, cardiosclerosis, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc.

The lack of silicon in food and water is a significant factor in the emergence of many diseases and, above all, cardiovascular.

If calcium is the main element of solid bone structures and musculoskeletal system silicon - an element that determines the property of flexible structures: connective tissue, tendons, periosteum, cartilage, synovivial fluid joints.

Science has proven "the highest" role of silicon in the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides in the formation of motor cartilage in connecting tissues. Especially many silicon contains in nails, hair and human skin.

But in fact, silicon is important for bones, as calcium is not absorbed, if there is not enough silicon in the body. Scientists argue that, in addition to calcium, silicon takes part in the metabolism of another 74 chemical elements.

Silicon deficit B. bone tissue leads to osteoporosis, arthrosis, weaknesses of joints and ligaments, periodontal disease, violation of posture, tendency to injury.

The second motto is "purity of a guarantee of health."

Silicon Thanks to its chemical properties, colloidal electrically charged systems are formed in the body, which are able to "gluitive" and neutralize viruses and pathogens.

In this case, it is interesting that useful microorganisms intestines, for example: bifi- and lactobacteriums are not characteristic of "sticking" with colloid systems Silicon, which is very important for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevention of dysbacteriosis.

For neutralization and removal of slags that come from the intestine to the blood, also need silicon colloids which are formed from certain concentrations of it in the blood.

Silicon imbalance is reflected on the immune system Reduced organism resistance to inflammatory diseases, infections. Since it detects an anesthetic and antiseptic effect, it can be used in inflammatory diseases.

In the urine of silicon, protective colloids, preventing crystallization of salts and thereby preventing the formation of urinary stones.

The next motto of silicon youth and beauty!

The expression "Sand raves from a person", has a biochemical meaning - the body loses silicon.
Especially rich in silicon leather, hair, nails, vessels, cornea and eye iris, adrenal glands, lymph nodes, thyroid gland.

Silicon is fairly called the element of youth, since the aging is largely due to a decrease in its content in the body. It is silicon that provides us smooth skin, beautiful teeth and nails, lush hair, healthy vessels.

The reduced level of silicon indicates a tendency to an increase in the thyroid gland (goiter), as well as diabetes,
Cataract, stone formation in the kidneys and a bile bubble.

To strengthen hair, it is recommended to moisten it well. silicon water and massage, So that the water penetrates hair roots. At the same time you need to drink this water daily. If you have wrinkles and acne, it is recommended to wash with silicon water or wipe the ice prepared from it.

One of the main terms of fullness breastfeeding It is the selection of food for nursing mother with sufficient silicon.

Full health your child can only be with full-fledged nervous system. The word "nerve" means communication. It will play a very important role in the implementation of the binding of the brain with the body, especially in the young organism.

Silicon really need small children for normal formation of the brain - body so that the child has developed correctly

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