Causes of blood in a pregnant cat. Why does a pregnant cat have bleeding? How to deliver a feline birth to domestic cats

In most cases, the first thing an owner needs to do when bleeding is detected in a pregnant cat in the loop area is to show the animal to a veterinarian. At the same time, it is important to know that bleeding can be both a normal variant and a pathology. The owner’s main task is to give the cat maximum attention throughout pregnancy in order to notice dangerous symptoms in time, but accurate diagnosis And further treatment should only be trusted by a veterinarian.

In the first 3 weeks from the start of pregnancy, a cat may have pinkish or brown discharge from the loop, which can be confused with blood. In this way, unfertilized eggs are gradually removed from the body (from the uterus). They are dense, viscous secretions that even look like leeches. Further, until the very birth, a healthy pregnant cat should not have any bleeding or discharge, with the exception of the birth process. For this variant of the norm, the following criteria are:

  • The discharge appeared directly during childbirth, after the end of active contractions.
  • The color of blood is scarlet or red-brown.
  • Bleeding lasts no more than 8-10 minutes.
  • The total volume of blood discharge does not exceed 2 tablespoons.
  • There is no strong unpleasant odor.

Any other characteristics of bleeding or its occurrence over time early stages(especially in the second trimester of pregnancy) is a sign of physiological disturbances in the process of bearing offspring, which can be dangerous for the cat and future kittens. Possible pathological causes include:

  • Miscarriage, which can occur due to premature death of the fetus or injury to the abdominal area, in response to which the uterus reacts by rejecting the embryos;
  • Frozen pregnancy, when the development of fetuses stops and they remain in the uterine cavity, decomposing and causing inflammatory processes. This is one of the most dangerous symptoms during cat pregnancy, since unborn offspring provoke intoxication of the body. As a result, operation failure may occur different systems body, but the kidneys react especially quickly to this situation.

  • “Natural selection”, when even in the early (and sometimes late) stages of pregnancy the body rejects embryos with pathologies, which can also be accompanied by bleeding.
  • Placental abruption, which is accompanied by the appearance of discharge dark- Brown and poses a danger to the cat and future offspring. If detachment occurs near the end of pregnancy (8-9 weeks), the offspring has a better chance of survival. Urgent measures in this case, they are usually not undertaken, and the cat remains under observation until the birth process.
  • Inflammatory processes in the uterus, other organs of the reproductive or urinary system.

Cat behavior

Cats themselves are clean animals. Any discharge during pregnancy (including blood) may remain unnoticeable to the owner, since the pet will lick everything. In this case, remaining blood in the tail area and constant licking of this area may be a warning sign. Some owners perceive frequent licking of the loop as an indicator of the pet's cleanliness, but in reality, in this way the animal is trying to reduce the pain of the inflamed area. In addition, you should pay attention to other alarming symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargy and apathy;
  • depressed state.

If the bleeding is profuse enough, then traces of it may remain on the floor, in the tray or on pieces of furniture. This means that the pet is unable to cope with self-care due to copious amounts discharge or due to a state of weakness that does not allow maintaining hygiene, so you should show your pet to a specialist.

What to do

If blood is detected in a pregnant cat, prompt attention to a veterinarian is often critical. The life of the offspring and the animal itself may depend on this. The doctor will conduct thorough examination with ultrasound and complex analyzes. Based on the results obtained, he will advise what is best to do next: remove or maintain the pregnancy. Depending on its duration, he may also offer:

In addition, it is assigned rehabilitation therapy or antibiotics in case of inflammatory processes.

Attention! In the event of fetal death, the only way to save the cat is to induce premature labor or surgical intervention, supplemented by subsequent restorative treatment.

Precautionary measures

Simple precautions will help to significantly reduce the risk of bleeding in a cat during pregnancy and carry her healthy offspring. For this it is important:

  • Prepare your body for conception with balanced nutrition and vitamin supplements to support immunity (after consultation with a veterinarian).
  • Get your required vaccinations on time.
  • Avoid active and active games during pregnancy, during which injury to the abdominal area is possible.
  • Ensure a comfortable room temperature and absence of drafts.
  • Give your cat enough attention to notice changes in behavior and health in time.

Veterinarian advice for bleeding in a pregnant cat: video

Pregnancy and childbirth of a beloved pet is inevitably a very important and exciting event. In order not to panic over trifles, but also not to miss the moment when the animal needs help, the owner needs to have an idea of ​​how these processes should proceed. physiological processes, and what symptoms you should be wary of. Isolation of blood from the loop before childbirth is normal in some cases, but in others it may indicate a serious pathology.

A natural part of the birth process

During the first three weeks of pregnancy, a cat may periodically have a pinkish discharge from the loop. But after this period, nothing should stand out until the very birth. Only a day before birth, the first prenatal discharge appears: mucus of a yellowish or slightly greenish tint. After active contractions begin, just before birth, they become bloody.

There is no need to sound the alarm if:

  • discharge appeared just before childbirth;
  • they have a reddish-brown tint (not too dark, but not too light);
  • last no more than eight to ten minutes;
  • Dont Have strong smell;
  • their total volume does not exceed one tablespoon (sometimes there are very few of them, but this is not a cause for concern).

Such discharge before childbirth is natural and is an indispensable component of the labor process.

When is this a sign of problems?

In a pregnant cat, bleeding before giving birth can also serve as an alarm signal. Their appearance will help determine the severity of the situation.

Bright scarlet blood, released for more than ten minutes in a row in a volume of more than two tablespoons, indicates the presence of internal bleeding. The cause is damage to organ tissue. The cat should be taken immediately to veterinary clinic to quickly stop the bleeding, otherwise the animal may die.

Dark brown spotting, which begins not just before birth, but even in the eighth or ninth week of pregnancy, is a sign of placental abruption or fetal death. The cat needs to be examined at a veterinary clinic. Depending on the results, the doctor may:

  • suggest waiting for a natural birth with supportive drug therapy;
  • stimulate premature birth;
  • perform a caesarean section.

Greenish discharge from unpleasant smell– a sign of the death of one or more kittens. The process of decomposition begins in the cat's body, followed by intoxication and problems with kidney function.

The animal should be taken to a veterinary clinic for surgical removal of dead fetuses or to induce premature labor, followed by long-term restorative therapy.

Cat pregnancy is always a difficult and exciting event for both the owner and the pet itself. This is due to a fairly long period of waiting and being in the dark. Therefore, any deviation and if something goes wrong becomes a difficult test.

For example, if a pregnant cat is bleeding, this is a cause for serious concern. After all, the reasons may be different and not the most pleasant. Features of various discharges and their consequences are further in the article.

The danger of discharge according to the stages of pregnancy

On average, a cat's pregnancy lasts about 9 weeks. They are often divided into 3 main stages. This:

  • up to 3 weeks – early stage;
  • up to 6 weeks – period of fetal development;
  • up to 9 weeks - prenatal stage.

The most difficult are the first and last periods. At the equator of the term, a pregnant cat mainly satisfies its physiological needs, saving energy. At this moment, the kittens are just growing, starting to move and show signs of life. Of course, at this time Discharge in a pregnant cat cannot be considered normal. But they may be allowed in a number of situations.

The problem is that cats are too clean. They lick themselves so thoroughly that the owner may not even notice that something is wrong.

But the first stage of a cat’s pregnancy is often associated with light pink discharge. It is at this time that the eggs immerse themselves in the uterus and become attached to it. That's why small discharge acceptable during pregnancy. Already at 4 weeks the uterus closes. This can cause mucous formations in the pregnant woman that will be clear and watery. They are not so easy to detect, because they come out when urinating.

Up to 6 weeks, further discharge may indicate physiological disorders.

Slight watery masses of clear or yellowish color, but there should be no other discharge. At this moment, the uterus fills with water, which squeezes excess fluid out. Therefore, with small clots that do not cause discomfort to the animal, there is no need to panic and once again disturb the pregnant woman. However, in other cases you should immediately seek the help of a doctor.

Towards the end of the term, the pet begins its prenatal preparations. This is when a pregnant cat may have discharge before giving birth. Valid period– up to 1 day. If the owner notices that the mucous membrane begins to be rejected, this becomes the most reliable signal that labor has already begun.

After the pregnant woman has passed the stage of active contractions, you can notice almost clear liquid yellow color. Sometimes it gives way to more bloody clots. It is worth understanding that maintaining cleanliness is inherent in the cat’s instincts. That's why, if a cat has discharge, the animal refuses to wash itself, and the owner notices an accumulation of mucus in the pregnant woman’s loop and matted fur, the pet should be immediately shown to the veterinarian. There are several reasons for this unusual behavior. Among them:

  • fatigue;
  • intoxication;
  • painful sensations.

Therefore, you should not rely on chance and make a pregnant woman suffer. Veterinarian will quickly determine the cause of the problem and help ease the difficult period.

Normal discharge that you shouldn't be afraid of

You should not pay special attention to pinkish discharge from a pregnant woman after mating. If they correspond to the periodization of estrus, this cannot be considered serious symptom. It is, of course, worth assessing the abundance of these secretions.

In addition, they should not have a strong odor or blood. Otherwise, the pregnant woman should be shown to a doctor.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that until the uterus is completely closed, there may be extra eggs in the discharge. These are stringy brown lumps that can resemble small leeches. This is a completely normal process, which indicates the sterility of the flora in the pregnant woman’s uterus, which allows the embryos to undergo the process of mummification. Such cases indicate the absence of inflammation.

Dangerous discharge that can be considered symptoms

Everyone understands that main threat A pregnant cat may start bleeding. This is always a bad indicator. Special attention should be given to light red clots that take more than 10 minutes to come out and exceed 2 tablespoons in volume. Here we can talk about real bleeding, which should be stopped immediately, otherwise the pregnant woman may have complications, including death. Often the cause of such processes is uterine rupture.

In addition to the fact that bloody discharge poses a threat if the owner notices brown discharge in a pregnant woman in the middle stage, this may indicate that the placenta has separated. It can also be a symptom of the death of offspring. If detachment occurred at a later stage (at last week pregnancy), do not panic. In this case, the cat is monitored, she needs to have an ultrasound and pass all necessary tests. Such care will more likely save the life of at least the cat itself. If dead fetuses are detected, the doctor may make the following decisions:

  • enhanced therapy;
  • causing premature birth;
  • surgical intervention.

Having seen green discharge from a pregnant woman with a pronounced odor, we can draw conclusions about the death of one or more kittens. This symptom indicates the beginning of the decomposition process. Besides, this may indicate that internal organs pets are affected by intoxication, and her kidneys begin to fail. This can only be dealt with by urgent induction of labor or cesarean section. After this, the cat will need serious recovery and therapy.

Any purulent discharge a pregnant woman talks about inflammatory processes. This requires urgent consultation and taking serious measures to examine the cat’s body.

Depending on how far along the pregnancy is and what results the tests give, a decision is made to support the cat’s body or terminate the pregnancy. In this case, you should always rely on the advice of a doctor, who will determine the degree of danger of further childbirth for the pet.

The body of a pregnant cat is extremely sensitive and unpredictable. Therefore, the owner has a great responsibility. Only he can monitor the development of dangerous symptoms that can cost the life of the cat herself and her offspring. The main thing is to pay attention to your pet and, in case of complications, promptly conduct an examination at a veterinary clinic.

Like any mammal, pregnancy is a major priority for cats. biological process that happens to an animal. Naturally, this entire period is very stressful, both for the pet and for its owner, because only he can provide his animal with comfortable conditions.

Discharge in a pregnant cat

It is quite difficult for people who are faced with similar situations for the first time to navigate, so it is important to find out everything in advance possible options developments of events.

What kind of discharge can there be?

One of the most difficult problems is determining the nature of the discharge from the loop of a pregnant pet.

The point is that this event can be absolutely natural and normal process, and have completely the opposite meaning. In each situation, a person must be able to react correctly to what is happening.

Simple discharge (pinkish tint)

Let's look at the first situation: simple discharge .

They only appear on the first three weeks of pregnancy, when unfertilized eggs gradually leave the uterus.

This liquid has a pinkish tint and does not pose any danger since it is part natural process by the formation of a so-called “plug”, which lasts until the onset of labor.

This cat is 40 days pregnant and her discharge should have passed by now.

In cases where after initial stage If the discharge continues (it can be scarlet, dark red or even greenish), you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Bloody discharge

The second situation is .

Their appearance during pregnancy (not including the prenatal state) indicates the presence of serious problems with the course of this process in the cat.

Checking your cat at the veterinarian

As mentioned above, in case of such anomalies it is necessary to contact specialists as quickly as possible, since this can save not only the life of the animal, but also, possibly, its offspring. In addition, bleeding appears immediately before childbirth, which can have both positive and negative meanings.

Is bleeding before childbirth normal?

This process begins immediately before the onset of labor, that is, after the stage of active contractions. You need to examine the brownish liquid emerging from the cat's loop very carefully.

Traces of blood during childbirth. If a pregnant cat's discharge is like this, it means contractions have begun.

By general rule it is a normal and adequate physiological part of pregnancy, which accompanies the process of childbirth, although there are a number of nuances that can play a fatal role in the life of the pet and its offspring.

Such manifestations must be treated with extreme caution. Liquid bloody (reddish-brown) color is considered a natural phenomenon if its total volume does not exceed 1 tablespoon. In addition, they should last no longer than 8-10 minutes. The color of such discharge should not be too dark (close to brown) or light (close to pale pink). The absence of a strong odor is also a sign that your cat’s health is not in danger.

Dirty yellow discharge

You also need to be calm about discharge of a dirty yellow hue. The future fur baby is going through birth canal and comes out of the cat's vagina. Since these and other organs are associated and form a common genitourinary system, before childbirth, fluids with corresponding impurities of characteristic colors may appear.

The conditions for recognizing such discharge as normal coincide with those listed above.

How can you tell if bleeding before childbirth is a serious problem?

The process of giving birth in a cat. The kitten is visible, there is no bleeding yet.

However, such manifestations may indicate serious problems that arose during feline birth.

The thing is that not every domestic furry animal is able to independently give birth to its children due to a number of reasons: external factors, which in one way or another had an impact on the mother’s body in any of the. In such cases, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian as quickly as possible, which will save both the pet and its children.

You can determine that bleeding is abnormal by a number of signs:

  1. Color. The liquid may be too dark or light, or contain green tints.
  2. Smell. If the discharge has a sharp (in rare cases, putrid) odor, then this is a direct sign of problems with childbirth.
  3. Time. The prenatal state of the animal should be accompanied by discharge for no longer than 8-10 minutes. Exceeding this indicator is a cause for serious concern.
  4. Volume. The total liquid should be no more than 1 tablespoon (offhand, although if you are careful you can try to measure). If the volume turns out to be too small, then this is not a problem - each cat’s body is structured differently.
  5. In order for a cat to give birth to healthy offspring, you need to monitor its condition.

    We repeat that if any of these signs appear, you must immediately report it to the nearest available veterinary office to help your pet endure this important but difficult process. Careful monitoring of your own furry will help not only to avoid problems with childbirth (and pregnancy in general), but also to tie your pet even closer to you, because the animal will be grateful to you for this.

Cat pregnancy is a period when your pet needs increased attention and care. Any deviations in health at this time can end disastrously for both the pet and the offspring, so it is very important to note all changes in her behavior, and in case of symptoms of illness, take immediate action. Bloody discharge in a pregnant cat is one of the reasons to contact a veterinarian.

Symptoms and causes

Heavy discharge is difficult not to notice; it appears in the tray, on furniture, on the floor. But most often their volume is small, so this phenomenon goes unnoticed by the owner. The pet's changed behavior will help determine the problem. She licks her vagina more and more often, and wet fur can be found on her tail.

The causes of discharge depend on its consistency and the length of pregnancy in the cat, but it is usually associated with:

  • an inflammatory process that began in the uterus;
  • possible threat of interruption;
  • excess mucus when a plug forms in the cervix;
  • removal of excess eggs;
  • rupture of uterine tissue;
  • placental abruption;
  • death of kittens.

Often, discharge in a pregnant cat is accompanied by other signs: lethargy, apathy, loss of appetite, and depression. If a cat does not lick the vagina on its own, this does not mean that the pet is unclean. Such habits are inherent at the genetic level, but the problem is associated with the pet’s fatigue and feeling of pain, so you should definitely visit a specialist.

Types of discharge in a pregnant cat

Discharge may indicate serious abnormalities in the body or be normal, depending on its color, consistency and gestation period.

  1. A pregnant cat bleeding before giving birth is a bad sign if the bleeding lasts more than 10 minutes and its volume exceeds a tablespoon. Immediate relief required medical institution or urgently call a doctor, otherwise the cat may die.
  2. Clear discharge in the first 3 weeks is normal and is associated with the formation of a plug that prevents kittens from being born prematurely. Excess mucus is removed from the vagina.
  3. Brown discharge in mid-pregnancy is a symptom of placental abruption with subsequent death of the fetus. There is no treatment, the cat is closely monitored, tests are done and a decision is made to induce labor or continue the pregnancy.
  4. Green discharge with an unpleasant odor is evidence of the death of the kitten and the beginning of decomposition processes. The mother's body is subjected to severe intoxication and inflammation, which requires surgery and subsequent therapeutic treatment.
  5. Purulent discharge is a sign of inflammation of the uterus or other genital and urinary system, kidney problems, abnormalities in the functioning of other body systems.

Bloody discharge in a pregnant cat is one of the reasons to contact a veterinarian. Source: Flickr (fortunato_c._suare_jr)

Norm or deviation?

Which discharge is considered healthy for a pregnant cat and which is not? Pink discharge from a cat immediately after mating, even before the end of estrus, does not pose a threat. The main thing is that they are free of blood and odorless. In the early stages, dense brown discharge is normal in a pregnant cat - this is how dead eggs are released; in appearance they are similar to leeches. There is no danger if a cat has a discharge before giving birth. clear liquid(per day or several hours).

Any discharge with blood, unpleasant odor, or pus poses a threat. Don't ignore green and brown discharge, especially in the period from 3 to 6 weeks of gestation, when nothing like this should happen. Blood discharge in a pregnant cat before giving birth is also dangerous, but the chance of giving birth to live kittens is higher.

Treatment for pathology

Discharge in a cat itself is not a disease - it is only a symptom that your pet needs diagnosis. Self-medication is prohibited! The medications should only be prescribed by a veterinarian, otherwise the wrong choice of medications can lead to disastrous results for the kittens and their mother.

After passing all the tests, ultrasound, and examination, a decision is made to maintain or remove the pregnancy. Restorative therapy is carried out, and antibiotics are prescribed for inflammatory processes.

Disease Prevention

Bloody discharge in a pregnant cat is often not the norm, and treatment does not always give the desired result; sometimes it is not possible to save the lives of kittens, so it is important to prevent such problems by taking preventive measures:

  1. Discharge does not occur in healthy cats that do not have abnormalities or defects, so choose the right diet and monitor your pet’s health even before she becomes pregnant.
  2. Avoid injuries to your cat that could damage the tummy.
  3. Conduct all examinations on time and get vaccinated.
  4. Protect your cat from colds and colds.
  5. Carefully monitor the behavior and habits of your ward in order to notice the disease in time.

If a pregnant cat has discharge, this is a reason to contact a veterinarian who will help save the kittens and your pet. There are cases when such discharge is natural, but most often they indicate serious abnormalities, in which case surgical or therapeutic treatment will be required. However, a correct diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after passing all the tests.

Video on the topic
