Boris greenblat in contact. The truth about vaccinations. An alternative view of vaccination. Boris Greenblat. Tenth myth. Government agencies involved in vaccinations are worried about us

Diagnosis of cancer: to be treated or to live? Alternative view on oncology, Boris Grinblat

Environmental medicine. The path of the future civilization + Video disc, Oganyan Marva Vagarshakovna, Oganyan V.S.

Naturopathic doctor and alternative oncology researcher Boris Grinblat talks about the dangers of vaccinations and some consumer goods made with components hazardous to human health.
MedAlternativa project website:


This is our internal toxicity. And it's getting stronger. There were times when religion kept man in check. Then the USSR, as a society of moral atheism, did not allow demons/neuroses/psychoses based on egocentrism/pride, as they pleased, to feel at ease. And now - go wild raspberries. Any chernukha in the soul and on the mind. And especially among young people, yes, what’s surprising here.
All illnesses are of a mental/mental nature. And even more so, cancer. It seems even strange today not to know this.
This, of course, does not eliminate the problem of toxic products. But the reason is not food, it’s just an additional factor.
The Bible even has a literal phrase on this topic. It’s not what goes into the mouth that poisons a person, but what comes out of it (close to the meaning).

Yes, in the 50s (judging by the regional city where I lived), cancer diseases were extremely rare, strokes, heart attacks were only a few cases, but now, although the population has halved during Independence, people suffer from these diseases en masse. There is a lot of nasty stuff in modern products - waffles, ice cream, sausages, fish, mayonnaise, etc. cause irreparable harm to health. Only your own subsidiary farming will help you maintain your health. Everything is correct about vaccinations, that’s what the doctor is talking about biological sciences Ermakova says.

All this is understandable. You have only added more details and subtleties, but there is no constructiveness. What solution is proposed? How to replace soap, shampoos, bottled water, etc. Is there anything to replace all this and where can I buy it?

I read Boris Greenblat's book. Very well written, outlined the problem from the very root. Readable in one go. Articles in his group and on the website helped to understand many medical aspects. Many thanks to Boris for his educational and quality work(and these include articles and video translation) and making this material freely available.
I strongly recommend that you read his book and publications in the group and on the website. You will learn a lot.

Comrade LISITSYN voices the exact opposite point of view. What goals do YOU ​​pursue by agitating people to refuse vaccinations for children? What alternative do YOU ​​have to vaccinations? After all, you have to be an absolute idiot to stop vaccinating your child against tuberculosis, smallpox, meningitis and hepatitis. Are you in favor of reducing the population or what?

Estimated reading time: 68 min. No time to read? This article is available for audio playback. Click on the headphones icon to go to the player and start listening. (What is this?)

This article is a text version on our website of Boris Greenblat’s speech, recorded as part of the “Academy of Conscious Moms” project (2016).

Topic: Vaccination as a method of limiting the physical, mental and spiritual abilities of children. Its connection with oncology and other chronic conditions.

For reference: Boris Grinblat – naturopathic doctor, founder of the project, author of the book, participant in the international project (The Truth About Cancer)


When it comes to children, there are no unimportant topics. All topics are important, including this topic. I won't bother you today scientific facts and arguments, but would like to talk to you more as a parent and as a researcher.

When I speak at conferences, seminars, or when I talk with individual patients and their parents, I have long noticed that if you start a conversation with argumentation, start citing some facts, then they can be so shocking that even at the beginning or middle of the conversation, people may have their “curtains closed” and not be able to perceive this information. And at the end of the conversation the question follows: “How is it that doctors don’t know this? Are they pests? Of course not. Questions like this indicate that people cannot perceive this information without the right approach. Therefore, instead of overwhelming with facts, I start a conversation about vaccines or oncology (oncology is my specialty) with an excursion into the history and political-economic reasons for the situation that exists today. And on this basis the facts, which are then announced, fall completely differently. This no longer causes such an emotional reaction, after which the rational perception of facts is closed.

Why is there a situation of almost complete monopoly of allopathic (pharmaceutical) medicine today? Why is alternative medicine persecuted and discredited? Why do political and economic factors influence medicine, medical education, and treatment protocols so strongly and deeply? After all, this shouldn’t happen in principle.

Let's start with a little history. In order for the postulates of modern allopathic medicine to be convincing, certain myths are first needed. A certain mythology is created. We grow up with these myths, undergo education, hear from experts and over time perceive it as a fact. It seems that Goebbels, the main ideologist of fascist propaganda, said that if you repeat a lie very often, people will then believe it.

One of these myths is that people used to live very little: that just 100-200 years ago people lived 30-35 years on average, and almost half of the children died from childhood diseases. This is not true, and it is easy to prove or find evidence if you just do it. I also grew up with these myths - I received a medical education. And I also used to believe that people used to live 30-35 years. But one day about 15 years ago, an acquaintance of mine who lives in the north of England invited me to the christening of his child. It was a small village - there was a small church and behind the church an old cemetery. I arrived a little early and decided to take a walk around the cemetery. It was a cemetery from the 18th - early 19th centuries. I walked around, looked at the tombstones, read the names, and was surprised to discover that the inhabitants of this small village in the north of England lived on average 80 to 90 years. It was 200-250 years ago and they lived for such a long time. Then I checked this in other villages and found the same thing. People lived from 75 to 90 years, sometimes even more. And this cast the first doubt about the correctness of official ideas. Then I began to do research, and discovered that not every child died from the disease, as the official myths convince us of, but we will talk about this later.

Now let's touch on the political and economic reasons. Now it’s no secret that the pharmaceutical industry and pharmaceutical corporations are practically the master of modern medicine. Today this is the most successful business from the official ones. If you take a list of the 500 most successful companies in the world, the first 10 are pharmaceutical. And in order to be successful corporations in today's world, you need to conduct business quite harshly. Considering that these corporations actually own medicine and education, we give them a very large resource of our trust. And here the first conflict arises. In order to successfully run a business, they need to make certain compromises with their conscience. And these are the companies we trust.

Now I will tell you how allopathic medicine came to a monopoly, where it began. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, there were many directions in medicine - homeopathy and osteopathy were very strong, allopathic medicine and surgery, which emerged from military field surgery, already existed. Several entrepreneurs, including the Rockefellers, Morgans, and Rothschilds, decided to take medicine into their own hands. At that time they already owned the chemical industry, some of which later became pharmaceutical. It was an ambitious plan, spanning several decades. They created the Rockefeller Foundation, which helped very poor medical schools. Medicine at that time was a craft, not a business, so there was no regulation - there were charlatans and there were different approaches. And that's what they did - they began to give grants to medical schools, which were very large at that time, up to a million dollars. But they were given on the condition that education in these schools would change, and it would be aimed specifically at pharmaceuticals, at symptomatic treatment with pharmaceuticals. At the same time, they demanded that one or two of their people be included in the management of these schools. At the same time, they created a regulatory institute that was responsible for accrediting these schools. And it is clear that only schools that switched to a new pharmaceutical focus were accredited. Thus, other schools could no longer compete, they had no accreditation, no money, and within 20-30 years almost all medical schools in America became allopathic. There were literally a couple of homeopathic schools left, which later also closed. And somewhere around the 40s, allopathic medicine was already dominant throughout the world. Since then, the monopoly of allopathic medicine has remained. She managed to squeeze out all the other schools, which, if there are any left, are at a very disadvantage. They are constantly attacked by the press.

Allopathic medicine deals mainly with pharmaceutical treatment symptoms and works on the principle that illness is business. She is interested in more diseases.

Stakeholders in medicine include patients, physicians, government regulators, and pharmaceutical companies. Now, these pharmaceutical companies, as I said, regulate the curriculum. Those. doctors who train follow a program approved and in line with the interests of pharmaceutical companies. For example, during the six years of my education, we had practically nothing on proper nutrition. We had a very narrow concept of immunology. It was always taught from one specific angle, which I will talk about later. Almost all alternative methods have been discredited. The belief in vaccinations was inculcated, that this is an absolutely necessary thing and that anyone who does not believe is either an illiterate or a religious person. In addition, education itself is very difficult, and doctors have the opinion that if they were not taught this during the training period, then at the very least it does not deserve attention, and at most it is incorrect. That's why I say that doctors are not provocateurs, not saboteurs, but they are simply taught that way.

The pharmaceutical industry influences not only education, but also medical protocols and who works in the government agencies that control it and how. There is a concept called “revolving door policy.” This is when, if employees of regulatory institutions “work well” (that is, do what they are asked), they receive invitations to high positions in corporations, where they can receive very large sums of money. Or when a pharmaceutical company needs to promote some law or protocol or vaccine, they often put their senior employee on high position at a regulatory institute, he works there, promotes what is needed, and then returns again. This is called the revolving door policy. Here in the West, this policy is so obvious and widely applied that there is no doubt about how things work.

Consequently, corporations control government structures and the education of doctors.

In order to believe in this official version, the version of the medical establishment, a whole matrix is ​​created. Those. deception does not only occur in the medical field; Medicine is just one of the elements (puzzles) in the overall mosaic. That is why we need to talk about the economic and political side. It’s just that otherwise it will be difficult to understand the whole situation, because the establishment is not limited only to medicine, it covers many aspects of our lives. This point also needs to be understood.

An alternative view of vaccination

Now let's move on directly to vaccines - the main topic of our conversation today. People who support vaccinations often react emotionally to any claims that vaccines are harmful. Why is this happening? The establishment understands that there is so much information about the dangers of vaccines and that they should not be taken that it is impossible to remove or discredit it all. Therefore, it works to make people resistant to this information, i.e. it prepares people so that they do not perceive this information. This is achieved in various ways - for this purpose, mythology is promoted (about the benefits and necessity of vaccines), the media is involved, and most importantly, certain programs are laid down for people - trigger words are introduced that trigger the necessary emotional reaction. For example, when people hear phrases like “complications from vaccines,” then the signal from the auditory stimulus goes not to the cerebral cortex, but to limbic system. With such phrases, the cortex turns off, and the person reacts emotionally and at the same time loses the ability to perceive factual information. And in fact, it is already very difficult to explain anything to such a person. That's why I try to start the explanation from afar.

Another important point. People who are pro-vaccine and argue with anti-vaxxers, like me, don't take this thing into account. Almost always, people who oppose vaccines know two “sides of the coin.” Once in the past they were convinced of the correctness of vaccination, and then for some reason they changed their point of view. And as a rule, this is done on the basis of one’s own research. Unfortunately, this often happens after some accident with a child that occurred after vaccination, and only then parents begin to research the topic of vaccination. Sometimes people just become very concerned about this topic. Those. people always become opponents of vaccines consciously, they always become so after research. This is how it started for me too. Several years ago I was offered to work as a clinical coordinator at the Harley Street Clinic in London, where Russian children were brought to oncological treatment. While working, I talked with their parents (at that time I was already interested in the topic of alternative oncology), and several factors were very indicative for me. I saw there several dozen children aged from one to fifteen years, each of them, without exception, was vaccinated. And most of them could remember (either themselves or their parents) about any complications immediately after vaccination. This already led me to think that there might be some connection between vaccines and oncology. In addition to alternative oncology, I began to study this issue. And over time, I became an opponent of vaccination, because when you learn and understand this information, it becomes impossible to remain silent about it.

Two concepts of understanding diseases: allopathic and naturopathic

The next important point that needs to be clarified before moving directly to vaccination. This needs to be understood. We talked about allopathic medicine. What's wrong with it? Allopathic medicine has its own concept of understanding the disease. Naturopathic (or natural) also has its own concept. Very often, parents, starting to study the issue of vaccines, wander from one side to the other. For example, they will talk to doctors - and the doctors will convince them that vaccines need to be done. They agree. They will talk to opponents of vaccines - their arguments also seem true to them. What to do? So, often people find it really difficult to understand until they understand the concept of understanding diseases. The allopathic concept approaches man as an imperfect creature whose immunity needs to be strengthened by vaccines: because a person is not able to live with microbes, they constantly attack him, and therefore the immune response needs to be strengthened. Also, the human body develops certain symptoms, which are called pathological - certain symptoms are grouped into diseases and “treated”, i.e. suppress symptoms. It is also believed that our body absolutely requires synthetic pharmaceuticals in order to recover or maintain itself in a normal state.

Naturopathic medicine has the exact opposite concept. She believes that our body is a perfect self-regulating system, and it can not only live with microbes without harming itself, but even lives with them in symbiosis. There are no pathological symptoms in our body. A symptom is an indicator that our body is recovering, so there is no need to fight it. And of course, our body does not need any synthetic pharmaceuticals. For normal functioning and self-healing, our body needs normal food, a non-toxic environment, positive mood and certain physical exercise. This is the minimum that is necessary for the body to exist and function normally. And when symptoms arise, there is absolutely no need to eliminate them. It even needs to be stimulated, it just needs to be controlled so that it does not go beyond certain limits.

As you can see, two completely different approaches. And this is very important to understand.

Next, I want to tell you about one interesting story about which I wrote an article (it can be found on our website). I very often began to see mention of one very interesting case in Western alternative and even official sources. In America, in the summer of 2015, 12 fairly well-known alternative naturopaths, doctors who practiced alternative medicine, died within two months. At the moment (2016) there are already more than twenty of them. They were all connected by working on the same topic: immunity problems that arise as a result of vaccinations. They discovered a substance in vaccines - an enzyme called nagalaza. And this substance has an amazing effect - it specifically attacks a certain center in our body that produces a protein called GcMaf (GcMaf). This is a unique protein that activates macrophages - i.e. cells that kill bacteria and cancer cells. So, the nagalase substance completely disrupts the synthesis of this protein. This turns out to be such a high-precision weapon that one can draw the following analogy: it’s like if a missile is fired from a distance of 10 thousand kilometers and it hits a given target, for example, a specific bench in a specific park. Such an accurate hit. Those. This nagalase substance hits so precisely the most important link of the immune system - the gcmaf protein, which activates macrophages. These doctors discovered that children at birth had no nagalase at all. And that after the first vaccinations the level of nagalase becomes very, very high. And nagalase is synthesized by viruses and cancer cells. These scientists were convinced that nagalase gets into the vaccine deliberately, i.e. this is done on purpose. What does this give? Children develop a very weakened immune system, they become very vulnerable to oncology and other diseases, since the main link of their immunity does not work (which means they are guaranteed to become “clients” of the pharmaceutical industry). They also noticed that autistic people have very high amounts of nagalase. They (one of them was Dr. Bradstreet, who was one of the first to be killed) began treating children with autism with this GCM protein, and 80% of the children had a very positive response, and up to half completely lost all signs of autism. So, these people were going to speak publicly with the results of their research. But we didn’t have time. First, several laboratories that synthesized this protein were raided with machine guns, and Dr. Bradstreet had a similar raid a few days before his death. Also, the only laboratory of this protein in Europe was closed for a completely far-fetched reason. This factor shook up the entire alternative community. And this can be found even in official media. We are on our website. I say this to show how serious the war is between the medical establishment and the people who are trying to convey the correct information. When, on the one hand, there is a lot of money and a complete absence of any moral and ethical standards, this does not even stop us from injecting millions of children with this nagalase, while depriving them of immunity and dooming them to future illnesses. This is without taking into account other negative aspects of vaccination, which we will talk about later. This is so you understand how serious it is that people even die in this war.

The connection between oncology and vaccines

In our Medalternativa project, we are translating a very interesting documentary series called. In one of the episodes, American experts talk about the connection between oncology and vaccination. And before we start talking directly about vaccinations and the myths on which vaccination is based, I would like you to watch an episode from this film now and listen to the specialists, who, by the way, are mostly doctors. Because one of the arguments that anti-vaccine advocates make when it comes to the idea that vaccines can cause harm is that there is no scientific evidence This is the opinion of ignorant people, figuratively speaking, “Baba Lyuba said.” So, this is not “Baba Lyuba said,” but all these people, mostly and very often, are famous scientists, doctors who saw all these consequences themselves, they understood this issue and they had the courage to declare it publicly. And now you can listen to several specialists who talk about the connection between oncology and vaccines.

Before continuing, I want to briefly answer the questions that have been received.

– Question: what to do if you have already been vaccinated?

It is possible to restore the child’s body. This can be done through a healthy diet, detoxification of the body and micro-habitat (see links at the end). Those. so that there are as few toxins as possible and harmful factors affected the child's body. Heavy metals For example, spirulina and chlorella are very good for removing. You can also do coffee enemas, they are good for activating the liver to remove toxins. In the morning, it is good to drink warm lemon water with wild unpasteurized honey (organic) on an empty stomach. Food should contain a lot of fruits and vegetables because... they have a lot of fiber. Fiber absorbs, i.e. absorbs toxins and removes them from the body. And still very important factor– so that the child’s diet contains a lot of probiotics, both in the food itself and in the form of good dietary supplements. Because vaccines greatly damage the microbiome, it needs to be restored. And when it is restored, many beneficial bacteria will be able to break down toxins themselves, because The microbiome is responsible for 80% of all immunity. So, let's summarize what needs to be done: you need to restore the microbiome with the help of probiotics; detoxify the body with the help of chlorella, spirulina, large quantity fiber in food. And reducing any other toxic and harmful effects on the child, because they weaken his immune defense. There are a lot of them, I will list only a few: these are plastic and aluminum dishes, junk food and drinks, electromagnetic radiation, such as wi-fi, because children are very susceptible and any of these factors can become the last straw and some serious illness may begin. And vice versa, if good conditions are created for the child, the body will recover itself.

– Question: can atopic dermatitis be caused by vaccinations?

In principle, vaccinations can cause a wide variety of diseases - these can be skin and autoimmune diseases– due to the deep systemic damage that vaccines cause. Namely, as I already said, they greatly worsen the microbiome. The microbiome is a community beneficial microorganisms who live in us. There are up to 50 trillion of them and they are part of our body. Not only do they help digest food, but they actually affect our immunity, aura, overall electromagnetic field, vibrations and even behavior. Through these vibrations, our body receives the information it needs. Vaccines greatly weaken the immune system. Imagine very complex system immunity, which has many levels. The first level is our skin and mucous membranes. To put it simply, if some harmful microorganism gets to our mucous membrane, a leukocyte is sent to it, recognizes it, then goes to Bone marrow, into the lymph nodes and “tells” about him there. There, a specific response is prepared, and then a team of flags (antibodies) run towards the offender. Now all violators have these flags. That's what antibodies do. And only then do killer cells, macrophages, come out, see the flags and kill the intruders marked with the flags. This is how it all happens. What do vaccines do? Vaccines are a huge number of check boxes. When there are a lot of flags, this is the humoral phase of immunity. And there is also a cellular one, this is when macrophages directly kill intruders. So, when there are a lot of checkboxes, i.e. a very strong humoral response, then the cellular response suffers. Those. if there are many flags, there will be few killer cells. Or another disadvantage: macrophage cells are trained specifically for these flags. Then there are not enough of them for other diseases, for other offenders. This is the second harmful thing that vaccines do: in addition to killing the microbiome, they also shift and disrupt the immune response. At the same time, we know that if a vaccine is administered, the virus does not enter naturally, through the mucous membranes, but directly into the skin, and from there the vaccine immediately enters the blood. This is simply a shock for the immune system. There is an unnatural response, the immune system gets confused. And besides this, as was indicated in the video you watched, almost the greatest harm from the vaccine is the substances that are in it. These are stabilizers, antiseptics, adjuvants that irritate the immune system so that the effect is long-lasting. All of these additives are extremely toxic. Some are simply carcinogenic, some are neurotoxins, some are just very toxic. And what’s most interesting is that no studies have been conducted on the safety of these additives specifically as part of vaccines. We all know that formaldehyde, formaldehyde, aluminum, and mercury salts contained in vaccines are harmful. But there have been no studies on the dangers of their action specifically as part of vaccines.

As you can see, there are combined negative actions that the vaccine provides. And this is not to mention the fact that very strange substances get into the vaccine, the need for which is very difficult to explain, such as the one I talked about, or which is a sterilizer, i.e. causes infertility. There was a scandal in Israel: they were giving vaccines to displaced women from Ethiopia. And there they discovered this sterilizing component. Naturally, this was all hushed up, but the example itself confirms the idea that vaccines can be used for some very bad purposes. Those. in fact, they can be seen as one of the instruments for carrying out genocide. Those. Vaccines cause multi-layered harm.

Now let's get back to the myths.

10 main myths on which vaccination is based

The first myth is that vaccinations are absolutely safe.

This is actually not true, and there is a lot of research on this topic. The problem is that negative reactions to vaccines are very rarely taken into account. Doctors are taught this way, and there is such an attitude that doctors either do not recognize complications from the vaccine or do not like to talk about it. Because otherwise they will be blamed. It is believed that only 2-3% of complications from vaccines are reported. But even these 2-3% that are registered are already enough to cause very serious concern among parents and serious lawsuits in the West. There are special organizations here that pay huge compensation for damage caused by vaccines. (For example, in the USA there is the so-called Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund, which has already paid 2.6 billion dollars in compensation - note And what’s most interesting is that these compensations are not paid by pharmaceutical companies. Taxpayers pay for this. Pharmaceutical companies have what is called immunity from vaccine claims. And some even joke that the only immunity that vaccines provide is the immunity of pharmaceutical companies from lawsuits. Those. Taxpayers pay for all the complications. This is to say that some vaccine advocates like to say: since vaccines are free, what is the profit from them? Yes they as if are free for end consumers, but in reality, consumers pay through taxes to the state, and the state pays pharmaceutical companies huge amounts of money for vaccines. And if suddenly complications arise, then compensation to the victims is paid from a fund that is created at the expense of taxpayers’ taxes.

One of the main arguments of vaccination supporters is that yes, complications do occur, but there will be many more problems if you do not get vaccinated, and many more children will get sick and die. Actually this is not true. Studies have been conducted that have revealed that vaccinated people get sick more, and the number of people dying from vaccines, for example, from the whooping cough vaccine, is greater than before the vaccination campaign. And when, for example, some kind of epidemic occurs, up to 80 or even more percent of those who become ill are among the vaccinated. Despite this, doctors and the media are trying to put it all in a different light and blame unvaccinated children. For example, recently it was and almost 90% of those who became ill were vaccinated. And if you approach this without emotion and look at the research, it turns out that vaccinations are not at all safe and, moreover, they cause a significant number of deaths. Such facts can also be easily found.

The second myth is that vaccinations are very effective.

And here the main argument is that with the help of vaccinations, the incidence rate has dropped greatly, and some diseases have been eradicated. This is wrong. What really happened? About 20 years ago, WHO concluded that the main reason for the significant decrease in childhood diseases in the 20th century was improvement in sanitary and economic conditions. Those. even before the start of mass vaccination, which began in the late 50s. Looking back to 1900 and before mass vaccination, major childhood diseases have declined by 80-98%. No vaccination. And already at the very end of the schedule, mass vaccination began. But when pro-vaxxers make this argument for vaccination, they cite data from 1900, and don't look at those 50 years.

Let me give you a few numbers about the effectiveness of vaccinations.

In Japan, for example, the incidence smallpox has increased annually since the introduction of compulsory vaccination laws in 1972. And in 1992 there were already 30,000 deaths among vaccinated people. The Philippines had the country's worst smallpox epidemic in the early 1900s, after 8 million people were vaccinated with three doses each and the vaccination rate reached 95%. In England there were approximately 2,000 deaths from smallpox in the late 19th century. After vaccination began, there were 23,000 deaths from smallpox in Wales alone. And there are a lot of such examples, when precisely after the introduction of vaccination, the incidence of the diseases for which they are vaccinated increased. But since the pharmaceutical industry owns both politicians and the media, it can always be turned in the light they need. There are a lot of such facts.

Therefore, this myth can be summed up this way: Evidence supports the fact that vaccinations are an unreliable means of preventing diseases, but on the contrary, they cause these diseases.

The third myth is that vaccinations are the main reason for the current low incidence in the world

Above, we have already touched upon this topic a little and found out that these diseases were already on the wane at the time of the introduction of vaccinations, and with the introduction of vaccinations, the incidence increased. And in order to hide this, the authorities and the medical establishment simply changed the diagnostic criteria. For example, when polio was already dying out, in the 50s, vaccination against polio, the Salk vaccine, was introduced in America. And as a result, there was a very strong outbreak of morbidity - hundreds of thousands of people in America alone fell ill with polio. But the authorities and the medical establishment simply changed the diagnostic criteria. Thus, one of the common complications of polio – encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) – they identified in separate category, and thereby eliminated 90-95% of all cases. And it turned out that the incidence of polio decreased. And this story was then repeated in Romania, when they began to vaccinate against polio, there was a very strong outbreak of polio, which was tens of times higher than the natural incidence. Also, just a few years ago there was a case in India when 47 thousand people fell ill with polio after the introduction of vaccination. Therefore, the real state of affairs is completely opposite to what official medicine tells us.

Myth Four: Vaccines are based on sound immunization theory and practice.

It is very difficult to imagine that this is not actually the case. First, there has never been the gold standard of medicine, the so-called double-blind placebo study, to prove that the vaccines work. And it was not carried out allegedly for ethical reasons, because, as we are told, you cannot take two people - one vaccinated and the other not, and infect both with the disease. But there are tens of thousands of unvaccinated children in every country, and this research could be done indirectly. However, it has never been carried out direct research which would prove the advantage of vaccination when comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

(Comment from we are talking about studies covered by official circles. But in reality, such studies exist. Details are in the articles: And .)

Another fact that medicine cannot explain. There are people with a condition called agammaglobulinemia - such children are unable to form antibodies. However, they recover from infectious diseases as quickly as other people.

Studies have also been conducted showing that There is healthy people who do not have antibodies to the disease, and there are patients who have many antibodies. This goes back to what I told you: antibodies are not immunity. Although they are a criterion for the effectiveness of vaccines: they administered the vaccine, then found antibodies - hurray, the vaccine works. But this is not a criterion for the functioning of the immune system. But at the same time, in medicine this is the most important postulate: if antibodies are produced to the vaccine, then there is immunity. Well, many studies do not confirm this, they confirm the opposite.

What other arguments do doctors give in defense of vaccination? There is such a thing as herd immunity. According to which, than more people get vaccinated, the less likely you are to get sick. And according to this logic, an unvaccinated child poses a danger to vaccinated children. But think about the absurdity of such a concept! If children are vaccinated against a certain disease, then they should be protected against that disease by the vaccine. However, this is one of the main arguments in defense of vaccination - that unvaccinated children pose a danger, so they are often not allowed into kindergartens, schools, etc. This defies any logic at all and there is no scientific evidence of herd immunity.

Another very important point is that Vaccine dosages are basically the same for everyone: both for those babies who have just been born, who weigh 3.5 kg, and for older ones, who weigh more. The dosage is the same for everyone. But it's perfect different mass bodies, immunity is at different levels - and yet children are vaccinated with the same dosage. Also, the same vaccine from the same manufacturer can be different dosage, differing by three times. This is a very important factor.

Another important point. Very Parents are often asked to administer several vaccines to their child at once.. And what’s interesting is that there have been no studies on the effect of several vaccines at the same time. But it has been noticed that the strongest, the most terrible and the most frequent complications occur precisely when several vaccines are administered at once. Because the toxic components in vaccines add up*, and their effect on a child can be simply terrible. For example, the amount of mercury or formaldehyde, for which there is simply no a priori safe amount, is exceeded tens of times during the simultaneous administration of several vaccines, causing irreversible damage.

(In addition, the so-called effect may occursynergies , when the combined action of two or more factors significantly exceeds the simple sum of the actions of each of these factors - note

Fifth myth: childhood diseases are extremely dangerous

This is an exaggerated statement. Children's diseases, in addition to being easy, many pediatricians believe that they are even very necessary, because they are certain stages in the development of the immune system and the development of the child as a whole. Parents often notice that the child had one level of development, and after he was ill, a certain leap occurred. Maybe some of you remember, in Soviet times their friends were taken to see children who got sick, for example, with measles or chickenpox, because the parents knew that if their children also got sick, they would carry the disease to mild form and will receive immunity for life. This was immunization. This is real immunization. Therefore, the dangers of childhood diseases are greatly exaggerated, the mortality rate from them is exaggerated, and moreover, there is another very interesting fact op.

Many experts also believe, based on research, that if a child gets sick with certain diseases, he will then have less likely diseases of other diseases. For example, people who have not had measles have a higher incidence of some skin diseases, degenerative diseases of bones and cartilage, and some tumors. And those who have not had mumps have more high risk development of ovarian tumors. Those. This reinforces the idea that childhood illnesses actually protect us in many ways. And although this is a rather difficult concept to understand, nevertheless, there is such a point of view that having recovered from the disease, the child not only receives immunity for life, but also receives protection from many other diseases.

Myth #6: The defeat of polio was one of the biggest vaccine victories ever.

We have already touched upon the topic of polio vaccination earlier, when we said that the symptoms and complications of polio were simply isolated into a separate group, and thus a decrease in incidence was proven. Another fact that specialist Sherry Tempeny spoke about in the video I watched is that the polio pathogen is grown on the kidney tissue of monkeys, and when this was done in the late 50s, a lot of viruses got into the vaccine, and one of them was the simian virus SV40, which caused several types of tumors, in particular non-Hodgin lymphoma and several types of sarcomas. And, if I’m not mistaken, approximately 90% of women with breast cancer had this virus in their cells. Some experts in the 60s said that in a couple of decades there would be a very large outbreak of oncology, and so it happened.

Those. Viruses for vaccines are grown on living tissues, and then they cannot be separated from these tissues. And besides the fact that these tissues may have their own pathological viruses and bacteria that should not be there, it can also happen cross reaction, from which autoimmune diseases arise. Imagine a virus grown on kidney tissue, or on aborted human embryos. And imagine that such tissue entered the human body, for example, into the tissue of the adrenal gland or kidney. The body will perceive it as foreign and develop antibodies to it. These antibodies will not only attack parts of the kidney that came with the vaccine, but will also then attack their own kidney. And here you have an autoimmune disease of the kidney or other organ on which they were grown. This is where autoimmune diseases arise, of which there are extremely many now. Those. this is another dangerous aspect of vaccines that I haven't mentioned yet.

And another interesting fact is that polio, like other diseases, also continued to decline after the use of vaccines in those countries where didn't do it universal vaccination. Those. this fact gives very good understanding that even without vaccination these diseases have already gone away. It is enough to compare a country where they did universal vaccination and where they did not. Where they did, an outbreak began, which had to be eliminated by various methods, and where they did not, polio was on its natural course. And by the way, it is believed that many modern diseases are actually supported by vaccines, otherwise they would have gone away long ago. Because 80 to 90% of diseases occur in populations of vaccinated children.

Another very important factor that many people do not know about. What many vaccines are now live. In the past, vaccines used a dead microbe, or used a specific toxin from those microbes. Now many vaccines are live, i.e. there is a living weakened microbe. And what happens. It is generally accepted that unvaccinated people pose a danger. But in fact, vaccinated people pose a danger. There are already many studies where it has been proven that up to several weeks, children vaccinated with live vaccines can and do infect the children around them. Plus, these microbes in vaccines can be modified to become more active and more virulent. Therefore, it is children vaccinated with live vaccines who pose the danger, and not unvaccinated ones. I have many friends who are “in the know” and protect their children. They have to protect them not only from vaccines, but also from recently vaccinated children. They come to a kindergarten or school and ask: “Has anyone been vaccinated recently?” Or if a new child appears on the playground, his parents are also asked if he has recently been vaccinated. Because they know that this is the danger - in children who have recently been vaccinated with live vaccines.

Myth #7: My baby didn’t have a reaction to vaccines, so there’s nothing to worry about.

There can be many problems here, and some arise quickly, within a few days, and they are more noticeable. It may also be sudden death - the so-called syndrome sudden death, which many people now associate specifically with vaccines. Because in fact, very severe encephalitis occurs, and the child dies very quickly from cerebral edema. The so-called “shaking baby” syndrome also occurs, i.e. Shaken baby syndrome. Some mothers and nannies in the West were even imprisoned because their child died and microhematomas were found in his brain. And in order to hide the fact that this was actually the effect of the vaccine, they came up with the idea that the child was shaken violently, and the blood vessels in his brain burst and a cerebral hemorrhage occurred. This is one type of very quick complication. Many children immediately have convulsions. Those. Some complications are visible immediately, but most complications are not immediately visible and take weeks, months, or even years to complete. Many toxic factors act this way. If these are neurotoxins, then flaccid encephalitis occurs, lasting weeks, and after it certain parts of the brain are affected. It could be epileptic seizures, increased irritability, autism - whoever has what. Those. many complications take some time to develop. Some complications cause demyelination of nerve fibers. To make it clear, imagine that the nerve fibers are wires wrapped in plastic insulation so that there is no short circuit, and then imagine that they do not have this protection. Then they begin to short out and will not work properly. Constant irritation occurs, which means functions are disrupted. Those. many complications occur later, many parents do not immediately notice them and that is why they are no longer associated with vaccines. Therefore, it is wrong to think that there were no complications immediately after vaccination, which means everything is fine. This is wrong. Even if there are no diseases, it still happens decrease in normal vibrations in a child. I will dwell on this in a little more detail.

Every organism, every organ, every cell has its own vibrations. The healthiest ones are high-frequency vibrations. When the body is healthy, when a person thinks positively, when no negative factors affect him, he emits these high vibrations and he receives them. Those. it is like a radio receiver tuned to a good wave - when the receiver is tuned to high-frequency FM waves, then good sound quality is obtained. If something happens in the body - poor nutrition, stress, toxic environment, vaccinations, antibiotics - the body has low vibrations. He no longer receives the information necessary for his normal existence. It exchanges information worse with the so-called information field. And that's exactly what vaccines do - they disrupt these high vibrations. And what happens. Now we know that the Earth’s vibrations have increased, and over the past 10-20 years, children have begun to be born with increased vibrations. These are already special children. This was noticed by everyone, the establishment too. And my belief is that mass vaccination, when more and more vaccines are being added to the schedule, is precisely connected with lowering the vibrations of these children. Otherwise, they will be smart, independent, creative, and impossible to control. Those. Vaccination is one of the methods to reduce these vibrations. I have already touched a little on the mechanism itself - due to the microbiome and due to diseases that will appear due to vaccinations.

But the body has amazing ability to self-healing. Those. The body may recover after some time. Therefore, vaccinations are done in several rounds, new vaccinations are invented, outbreaks of bird flu, etc. – so that people constantly add substances to themselves that prevent them from moving to higher vibrations.

Nikola Tesla, an even greater genius than Albert Einstein, said this: “If you want to understand the Universe, you need to think in terms of energy, vibration and frequency.” The fact is that information about how we should live, how our body should work, does not come from our genes, it is not there. Genes contain only information about which proteins need to be made on demand, in response to a certain stimulus. All information is around us, in the information field. How do we get this information? We extrapolate this information from this field due to a certain frequency. I will speak exaggeratedly. For example, if you need information on how to survive until tomorrow (and for this you need to eat something), then low vibrations are enough to receive it. If you have higher goals, that you need to achieve something in this life, engage in creativity, be healthy, then you need high vibrations. And you can reach them when your body generates these vibrations. Let me give you an example. Imagine a guitar - if it is filled with a lot of garbage, if it is dirty, it will not play as it should, no matter what virtuoso plays it. And when it is clean and well-tuned, it will play well. Those. through vibrations we receive the information we need not only for health, but also for happiness and for our fulfillment in this life. Which, apparently, does not suit the ruling elite, and therefore vaccines are one of the methods of influencing these vibrations. I digress a little - I just wanted to explain why I mention these vibrations so often.

We are now talking about the seventh myth, that if a child did not have immediate reaction for vaccinations, he will be healthy. In addition to the fact that there may be chronic complications that will develop later, this will also affect the child’s quality of life because he will have low vibrations.

Eighth myth. Vaccinations are the only way to prevent diseases

One of the questions was whether the effects of vaccinations could be corrected by homeopathy. Yes, it is possible, and homeopathy can also be one of the methods of increasing immunity and protecting against diseases. If homeopathy is chosen correctly (a good homeopath selects a remedy not for the disease or symptom, but for the person), it can help both with recovery after vaccination and with immunity. There is now a new direction in homeopathy, it is called homotoxicology. If classical homeopathy gives one drug, then homotoxicology makes a mixture of drugs. Such mixtures are very strong. And in particular for recovery after vaccination, if you manage to find a good specialist in homotoxicology.

Prevention is also hardening and healthy image life. But vaccinations are not her thing.

The ninth myth. Vaccinations are required by law, so they cannot be avoided.

This is wrong. I am more familiar with the laws in the West, but I know that in Russia this is not universal, that it is possible not to get vaccinated, and that it is even possible to punish those organizations that require universal vaccinations. The situation is more complicated with government employees and some services. In England, for example, all firefighters, all nurses must be vaccinated, and many government workers. But I think that Russia has its advantages, which protect people who do not get vaccinated.

Tenth myth. Government agencies involved in vaccinations are worried about us

This is wrong. I already talked about this at the beginning of the conversation. First of all, they protect the interests of large corporations. But let me clarify that I say this from my experience of research in the West. In Russia the situation is much better. In the West, they are “tightening the screws,” and much fewer people are even interested in whether to take the vaccine or not. And as far as I follow what is happening in Russia, it seems to me that in Russia there is a much more pleasant situation in this regard.


So we briefly went through the main myths on which vaccination is based. If I haven’t convinced anyone of the need to address this issue and that vaccines are harmful, then I ask you to at least do the following things. If possible delay vaccinations until two years, by this time the child’s immune system will already be strengthened and there will be much, much fewer complications. And second. Do not get multiple vaccinations at once. I repeat once again that my conviction is that vaccinations are harmful, they are completely unnecessary, and there is no need to be afraid to explore this topic. But if you still cannot take this step, then delay vaccinations until at least two years and do not do several vaccinations at once.

There is an English-language website, it contains more than 25,000 works on the dangers of vaccines and the benefits of natural substances, and that pharmaceutical drugs are inferior to natural substances. And what’s interesting is that all these studies were done by the pharmaceutical industry itself, for itself. They do these studies, but they don’t publish them. But there were good people who published it all. Therefore, if someone speaks English (or you can use a browser with an auto-translation function), you can go to this site and find the necessary scientific works on the topic, for example, “vaccines”, or “cancer”, or some drug, for example, turmeric (turmeric) by entering the desired query in the search bar. And you will receive dozens and hundreds of scientific papers on the topic you need. Therefore, if someone tells you, as they usually say, that “there is no evidence”, “that’s all Grandma Lyuba said,” then there are 25 thousand scientific papers and you will find work there on absolutely any topic, you will find it on any disease natural remedies that will be better pharmaceuticals and vaccines.

Now I can answer the questions.

– I don’t know what they have in Russia, I use the local ones. But in general, the best probiotics are usually the ones that are stored in the refrigerator, not on the shelf (in the store). They come in powder form, which is diluted in water. And there are so many of them and I would recommend that there be large selection probiotics, not just lacto- and bifidobacteria, but much more. Now there is a direction in medicine that treats diseases not with antibiotics, but with probiotics. Moreover, specific probiotics. And there are even studies that certain diseases are treated with specific probiotics. Even epilepsy is treated with probiotics. Those. in the future, a certain type of probiotic will treat a certain type of disease. Therefore, probably, the more different types of these bacteria, the better. At least that's my opinion.

– How do you feel about the hepatitis B vaccine?

The hepatitis B vaccine is one of the most toxic vaccines. I treat her very, very badly. Almost the biggest complications are from hepatitis vaccines. I think this is a very, very harmful vaccine and should be abandoned.

– Do you have children and have they been vaccinated?

I have three children, the first girl is fully vaccinated, because that was a long time ago and I had not yet dealt with this issue. And having received my medical education, I thought that this was normal. The second boy is partially vaccinated; he began receiving vaccinations after two years. And the last baby is not vaccinated at all. For the three of them, of course, the difference in health is very noticeable. Visit our website, there are several very interesting articles about vaccines and there are. On average, it turns out that vaccinated children get sick five times more often than unvaccinated children. And these are just ordinary diseases, not to mention complications. See everything on our website.

– Can a child get sick from the disease for which he is vaccinated?

A child can, and most often, unfortunately, gets sick with the very disease for which he is vaccinated. IN Lately outbreaks of diseases occur precisely among vaccinated children. There may be different factors here, but one of them is that the vaccine is live, and therefore it can mutate in the body and become more virulent and cause disease. In addition, the immune response that vaccines cause, i.e. The presence of antibodies does not mean immunization or protection at all. These are flags, not immunity itself. Because antibodies can be produced, but the child can still get sick. Vaccination is not protection.

– What then to replace vaccinations with?

I believe that vaccinations can be replaced by a healthy diet and the elimination of all toxins and carcinogens found at home in our micro-habitat, and there are a lot of them. We have an article. Many of the factors described there not only cause cancer, but also other serious conditions in children, especially when their immunity is already overloaded and distorted by vaccines. Therefore, it is very important to provide a healthy, clean environment at home, as well as provide healthy food. And by healthy eating, I mean truly healthy eating, because many people think that healthy eating means switching from plain Coca-Cola to Diet Coke. Those. It is very important here to understand what this means. Healthy eating is a very serious topic that needs to be studied. I would recommend that, if possible, children switch to everything organic, i.e. eco-friendly or rustic. Because everything that is made industrially: milk, meat, vegetables* is harmful. An industrially grown vegetable will not only be grown with pesticides, herbicides and all sorts of rubbish, but it will also be grown with fertilizers, which will contain only 3-4-5 elements. And for normal functioning we need 65 elements. Therefore, to get the benefits of, for example, industrially grown carrots, we need to eat a kilogram of them. But for a grandmother raised in the village, one will be enough. This is why it is important to buy organic or locally grown fruits and vegetables. They will not only be environmentally friendly, but they will also contain nutrients as much as nature intended. And industrially grown ones will be practically empty or there will be much less of these substances. That's why you can eat a lot of them, but still be deficient in important elements and vitamins.

(* Note from it should still be understood that store-bought fresh vegetables and fruits contain orders of magnitude less chemicals than store-bought animal products or industrially processed products based on plant raw materials. Therefore, if it is not possible to get organic products, then even store-bought fresh vegetables and fruits should be consumed, because they are still much healthier than other store-bought food. Listen to what naturopathic doctor Mikhail Sovetov says about this. Of course, if we are talking about the fact that you or your child is very sick, and you want to limit the entry of unnecessary chemicals into the body as much as possible, then you need to try to find the cleanest possible products).

– Can fasting and switching to a specific diet relieve the consequences of vaccinations?

Yes. Of course, with a child it is more difficult, but in general the formula is this: from ordinary nutrition you need to switch to vegetarianism, veganism, raw food, juice nutrition, fasting. This is as a treatment. The best thing is when our self-healing mechanisms turn on. Fasting just turns on all self-healing mechanisms. At the same time, self-purification occurs, and the immune system is restored, stem cells are turned on for regeneration. Therefore, if a person can do fasting, then this is the most ideal natural approach. Anyone who cannot fast can use the so-called intermittent fasting, when done long breaks between meals: for example, only breakfast and dinner. Or just have lunch a day. Or wake up in the morning and eat nothing until lunch. Such short intervals are also very useful, as the body recovers. And another important point - the less we load our intestines during working hours, the better. It is optimal for the intestines to work 8-10 hours a day, no more. And the longer the hungry period, the bigger body cleansed and restored.

– Can taking dietary supplements replenish missing vitamins and microelements?

Yes, taking dietary supplements can replenish missing vitamins and minerals, but they should be considered as a second choice. The first is proper nutrition. The difficulty with dietary supplements is this: you need to do a lot of work to study, obtain and use the correct dietary supplement. Firstly, there are a lot of them that are empty or even harmful - a lot of them are synthetic, a lot of them are made from sources that are poorly absorbed. Many have the wrong dosage. Those. This requires a lot of research work. But if they are chosen correctly, then it is possible, and in some cases they are necessary with age. For example, magnesium, iodine, omega 3, vitamin D - practically everyone needs this.

To the point:

Materials about vaccinations (composition, safety, effectiveness, consequences):

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Attention! The information provided is not an officially recognized method of treatment and is for general educational and informational purposes only. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the authors or staff of This information cannot replace the advice and prescription of doctors. The authors of are not responsible for possible Negative consequences using any medications or using procedures described in the article/video. The question of the possibility of applying the described means or methods to their individual problems should be decided by readers/viewers themselves after consultation with their doctor.

Estimated reading time: 15 minutes. No time to read?

In his interviews with world experts on natural approaches to cancer treatment, the author of the project “The Truth about Cancer. Search for treatments" Ty Bollinger increasingly encounters the idea integrated approach, which covers all aspects of illness and recovery. While working on the continuation of his sensational documentary series, Ty Bollinger met in London with Boris Greenblatt, a Russian naturopath, researcher, founder of the project and author of the book “Cancer Diagnosis: Treat or Live? An alternative view of oncology." Boris Grinblat is one of the adherents and practitioners of such a comprehensive integrated approach to treatment. Both Boris and Tai admit that there is no panacea, i.e. any one treatment method that would help in all cases with cancer, therefore, to ensure maximum success in treatment, a comprehensive natural protocol is necessary. We bring to your attention the first episode of this meeting.

Text version of the video

– Boris, I am very glad that you were able to meet with us today.

– I’m very happy too.

– Did you come from Moscow, from Russia?

- Yes it is.

– We are surrounded by green leaves, and your surname Greenblat is very appropriate to the situation, because... it means “Green Leaf”, doesn't it?

- Yes, and I feel at home.

- Yes, sure. But first I should clarify that I worked there in an administrative, not a medical position.

- However, having a medical education, I understood perfectly well what was happening there,

and I was amazed that the same situation was repeated over and over again. I worked with Russian children who were brought for treatment paid for by the state charitable organization. It was a lot of money, on average £300,000 per child. And their story was as follows: while still in Russia, local doctors at some point stopped treating these children because it was unsuccessful and it became dangerous to continue it. After which the parents asked this organization for money for treatment abroad. This is how these children ended up in London. But when they came to the clinic, they were largely treated with the same standard three as in Russia: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. And after the next chemotherapy, children often ended up in intensive care, because... their condition was terrible. They needed several days, and sometimes weeks, to recover, only to then receive another round of chemotherapy. And eventually, usually within a few weeks or months, these children died.

– That is, It turns out that the treatment almost never worked, right?

– Yes, during the 3 years that I was there, the treatment never worked.

- Never?

- Yes, never. The situation repeated itself again and again.

– It is worth noting that the children entered very in serious condition, but they all died and died precisely from the treatment. But there was one case with me that was extraordinary, because... mother brought the girl on the very early stage diseases. She herself was a neurosurgeon and therefore she was able to see and recognize the early symptoms of cancer. They arrived in London, where the girl was diagnosed with brain glioma. The girl received the full spectrum official treatment, and yet she died a few months later. This was the only case where the patient was admitted at such an early stage, but despite this, the girl died from the treatment used, which also made her last months very painful. You wouldn't wish this on any parent. In general, you wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

- This is because side effects?

- Absolutely right. In addition, she was also on steroids and her weight tripled as a result. It was terrible. I was amazed that such a sad outcome was repeated again and again, but despite this, oncologists continued to treat with the same methods without success. I worked there for a little over three years and it was very hard for me to watch all this, but the oncologists have been working there for years and using the same protocols with the same disastrous results.

“This is reminiscent of Einstein’s famous phrase: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

- Absolutely! But there is one more problem.

I knew one decent oncologist who allowed parents to use natural drugs in treatment when they asked him to do so. However, he could not offer them himself when prescribing treatment. And when I asked him why, he replied: “I can’t do this, because otherwise I will lose my job and maybe even my license.” This means that oncologists here in England, and I'm sure in many other countries as well, cannot offer really good effective treatment because they are very limited in their choice of treatment protocols.

– And in Russia, specialists who deal with cancer are also called oncologists?

- Yes, oncologists.

- Clear. Apparently, in Russia oncologists do not go as far in applying the methods of official medicine as in other countries?

- Yes it is. Because they are required to adhere to a certain strictly limited number of chemotherapy cycles during the treatment protocol. And if it is no longer possible, then those who can afford it or who can raise funds go abroad to continue treatment, because they think that Russian doctors are not able to continue treatment because they do not know how to treat further. This is the main reason why Russians go abroad to continue treatment. But unfortunately, the result is almost always the same.

– It turns out that in fact it is a blessing that in Russia the patient has less chances

receive more chemotherapy than prescribed, and thereby be treated to death.

- Absolutely right! And many of the patients I try to help are just such patients - they have been through all types of formal treatment and after it has ended unsuccessfully, they are trying to find alternatives. So, I agree that this is a good thing, at least the patients still have at least some chance.

- Yes. What cancer treatment methods do you know that really work?

– Are you talking about official methods?

- Do they really help?

- No one?

– With rare exceptions* – none.

– Then are there any alternative treatments? When I say alternative, this is not entirely true, they should not be called that, since they are the most effective.

- Totally agree with you! Since I am not only a practitioner, but also a researcher, according to my research, only alternative or natural methods work.

– Are you a naturopath?

- Clear. Then tell us about natural treatments that work.

– More than 600 such methods are already known. However, it should be emphasized - and this is the key to the success of treatment - that they must be used fully. medical complex, covering all the main aspects natural treatment. And if it is done in this way, then the chances of treatment success are maximum.

As I said, there are over 600 alternative methods known today, but there is no need to know them all. The main thing is to understand the principles of treatment themselves, and if you understand the very concept of the naturopathic approach, then you can create such a protocol from what will be available to a particular patient.

– According to your observations, what are the basic principles that make cancer treatment successful?

– By and large, these methods are similar to those you talk about in your films. These are detoxification, immunomodulation, antimicrobial measures, antitumor measures, alkalization and oxygenation. Working with the psyche is also very important, physical exercise and of course diet. And all these measures must be applied in combination, i.e. treatment must be comprehensive.

However, which drug or method to use will depend on the patient: his condition, his capabilities and also on you.

– Does it really depend on the patient’s capabilities? And as you say: treatment should be comprehensive?

- Absolutely right!

– But, as you know, there is no panacea that would defeat cancer in all cases?

– We can say that a panacea exists – and it is called a comprehensive treatment protocol.

– Comprehensive treatment protocol – I love it!

– This is precisely the key to success. But the specific composition of this protocol will depend on a number of factors: the psyche and character of the patient, his financial capabilities or even his place of residence. Because Russia is a huge country and some patients will be able to get certain drugs, while for others it will be very difficult. So all of this is taken into account when I help them create a treatment protocol.

– There is one popular antifungal protocol developed by the Italian doctor Simoncini. It uses sodium bicarbonate or regular baking soda. I heard that now in Russia they use it with a certain addition. Can you tell us anything about this?

– Yes, I think that Dr. Simoncini’s protocol is quite popular in Russia, but some patients combine it with the protocol of Professor Neumyvakin, who is a proponent of the use of hydrogen peroxide. And I know about one person who was cured - his name is Vladimir Luzay and, as far as I know, he was the first to combine these protocols - the protocol of Dr. Simoncini and the protocol of Professor Neumyvakin. He used baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and in addition he used detoxification, dietary supplements, and he also changed his diet. He had pancreatic cancer, which is considered virtually incurable. Initially, after his diagnosis, he underwent several chemo treatments and then decided to take a different path. This a common person, a truck driver who spent several evenings researching the issue while sitting at his computer on the Internet and chose these protocols for his treatment.

– So he combined hydrogen peroxide with soda?

- Yes, that's exactly what he did.

– Did he mix them together? What kind of hydrogen peroxide solution was this?

– It was a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, which in Russia can be freely purchased at any pharmacy. No, he didn't mix them together. He drank peroxide with water, about 15 drops in half a glass of water 3 times a day. And he also used the full Simoncini protocol, i.e. drank soda and did intravenous infusions 500 ml of 5% soda solution.

– It turns out that this protocol really doesn’t require a lot of money?

- Absolutely right! This is a very inexpensive protocol. He chose it because... didn't have much money. Although the protocol was inexpensive, it was very effective. But pancreatic cancer is considered one of the most difficult to cure.

– Is this guy alive now?

– Yes, and for more than two years now. Now he helps other patients by making videos of himself and explaining his protocol in them. And so he became quite famous. I think his protocol is actually very good. Dr. Simoncini himself has a rather narrow or limited approach, using only soda. And Vladimir Luzai expanded it and, in general, now it can be called a comprehensive protocol.

– Which, as you said earlier, is the key to success.

- Exactly!

– The success of treatment is that you attack the disease from all directions, right?

- Absolutely right!

(to be continued)

* Comment on the phrase “With rare exceptions, none,” in response to the question whether official methods help with cancer. This rare case occurs when the growth of a tumor causes an acute danger to life. This may be the closure of a gastrointestinal tract tube by a tumor, compression of vital vessels, a tumor medulla oblongata. Here, urgent surgical intervention is indicated. (Boris Greenblat)

Attention! The information provided is not an officially recognized method of treatment and is for general educational and informational purposes only. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the authors or staff of This information cannot replace the advice and prescription of doctors. The authors of are not responsible for the possible negative consequences of using any drugs or using the procedures described in the article/video. The question of the possibility of applying the described means or methods to their individual problems should be decided by readers/viewers themselves after consultation with their doctor.

According to the World Health Organization, cancer is one of the ten leading causes of death worldwide. In countries with high level income situation is even worse: oncological diseases are second only to coronary disease heart and stroke. Millions of people receive this diagnosis every year and millions die, because official medicine, despite all the modern and very expensive methods of diagnosis and treatment, is powerless to prevent this bitter fate for the majority of patients. WHO forecasts are also disappointing - ​mortality from cancer will only increase every year. That's why cancer diagnosis usually perceived as a terrible sentence. The genetic theory of cancer, generally accepted in medicine, according to which anyone can get it quite suddenly, only strengthens people’s fear of this disease. And this idea of ​​cancer in our society is considered generally accepted and beyond doubt.

Book " Diagnosis of cancer: to be treated or to live?"changes this idea in the reader to a radically opposite one, destroying the stereotypes imposed in this area. Author Boris Grinblat(naturopathic doctor and alternative oncology practitioner) reveals the reasons for failure traditional methods treatment of cancer and offers an alternative view on the nature of cancer, the causes of its occurrence, and also introduces the reader to natural methods of treating it, which have proven their effectiveness in practice. The book is intended for a wide range of readers, and not just cancer patients or oncologists. For cancer patients who can get rid of the imposed false stereotypes, it will not only give hope for healing, but will also become a kind of guiding map that will open the door to a new life, free from the disease, and will also indicate simple steps in this direction that are available to anyone. regardless of physical and financial condition. For oncologists, if they really would like to follow their calling (to successfully help patients recover from their disease, and not to make a business out of their illness), this book can be the impetus for a deeper study of the issue and the search for truly effective and safe methods cancer treatment. And for all other readers who do not belong to the above categories, the book will allow them to understand what health is from the point of view of naturopathy, and this, in turn, may encourage them to take responsibility for their health and the health of their loved ones, and thereby preventing not only the occurrence of cancer, but also any other diseases.

The diagnosis is cancer. Treat or live?

In this book, the author reveals the reasons for the failure of traditional oncology methods and introduces the reader to an alternative view of the nature of cancer, the causes of its occurrence, and also provides natural treatment methods that have proven effective in practice.

    • 1. List of alternative cancer treatment clinics and the methods they use
    • 2. List of used literature and other sources of information

From the editor

According to the World Health Organization, cancer is one of the ten leading causes of death worldwide. In high-income countries, the situation is even worse: cancer is second only to coronary heart disease and stroke. Millions of people receive this diagnosis every year and millions die because... official medicine, despite all the modern and very expensive methods of diagnosis and treatment, is powerless to prevent such a bitter fate for the majority of patients. WHO forecasts are also disappointing - cancer mortality will only increase every year. Therefore, a diagnosis of cancer is usually perceived as a terrible death sentence. The genetic theory of cancer, generally accepted in medicine, according to which anyone can get it quite suddenly, only strengthens people’s fear of this disease. And this idea of ​​cancer in our society is considered generally accepted and beyond doubt.

The proposed book changes the reader’s perception to the radically opposite one, destroying the stereotypes imposed in this area. In it, the author (a naturopathic doctor and practitioner of alternative oncology) reveals the reasons for the failure of traditional cancer treatment methods and offers an alternative view of the nature of cancer, the causes of its occurrence, and also introduces the reader to natural methods of treating it, which have proven effective in practice.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers, and not just cancer patients or oncologists.

For cancer patients who can get rid of the imposed false stereotypes, it will not only give hope for healing, but will also become a kind of guiding map that will open the door to a new life, free from the disease, and will also indicate simple steps in this direction that are available to anyone. regardless of physical and financial condition.

For oncologists, if they really would like to follow their calling (to successfully help patients recover from their disease, and not to make a business out of their illness), this book can be the impetus for a deeper study of the issue and the search for truly effective and safe methods.

And for all other readers who do not belong to the above categories, the book will allow them to understand what health is from the point of view, and this, in turn, may encourage them to take responsibility for their health and the health of their loved ones, and thus thereby preventing not only the occurrence of cancer, but also any other diseases.

Author's warning

The purpose of this book is purely educational. None of the information or treatment methods described in this book should replace communication with appropriate medical specialists and implementation of their recommendations. The author hopes that this book will improve understanding, assessment, and selection of proper treatment.

Some of the treatments described in the book are by definition, i.e. They are not recognized by official medicine. National and local laws may treat these methods very differently from officially recognized methods. Therefore, this book cannot be used as a manual for treatment by both a specialist and an individual.

Use the information in this book wisely - research, analyze, check it for consistency with common sense, and do not perceive it as dogma. Remember, your main goal is health! Consult your doctor about alternative treatments described in this book. It is important that the reader takes full responsibility for his own health and how to use the information in this book.

about the author

Boris Grinblat

  • Naturopathic oncologist, researcher, author.
  • Founder of the project “”,
  • author of the book “Diagnosis of Cancer: Treat or Live? An alternative view of oncology.”
  • Participant of the project “The Truth about Cancer. Search for treatment methods”

Education: Moscow Med. Institute named after Semashko 1985-1991; School of Natural Sciences 2011-2014: Holistic Nutrition (advanced), Homoeopathy, Herbalism

Interests: sports (running, martial arts), yoga, alternative history and science, healthy lifestyle. Vegan.

(born 1964), now a naturopathic doctor, practicing specialist in alternative oncology. At the beginning of his career, having given 10 years of his life to official medicine and being deeply disillusioned with how the modern medical system works, he radically changes his career and becomes a successful businessman. Years later, fate again brings him closer to medicine, but now with its other side - the alternative.

Having graduated from the European School of Natural Medicine, the author decides to understand the reasons for the total dominance of modern allopathic medicine, despite its obviously low effectiveness, as well as why many natural treatments, despite their obvious success, are simply ignored, discriminated against or even are persecuted by law.

The author's greatest interest is in oncology, to the study of which he devotes several years of his life, as a result of which he discovers the reasons for the complete failure of official methods of cancer treatment (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy). Also, the result of these studies is the discovery of many disproportionately more effective treatment methods, alternative to traditional ones, which have proven their success in practice.

A certain dramatic event in the author’s recent life (it is described in the proposed book) convinces him that as many people as possible should know about the results of these studies, especially cancer patients, as well as all those who want to protect themselves from this disease.

The author's acquaintance with two medical systems(Soviet and English), as well as with two sides of medicine (traditional and alternative), allows him to comprehensively approach the problems associated with official methods of treating chronic diseases and oncology in particular. This picture is complemented by the author's passion for alternative politics and history.

Thank you, my Angel, for being there
with me during the most difficult period of my life.
Thank you for your faith in me and support.

I am deeply grateful to Rafael,
my virtual friend and like-minded person,
for their help in creating this book.

Dedicated to Vlad Kitaisky (2005–2013).


London. February 2013,
Russian Orthodox Church in Kensington.

I stood behind everyone and looked at this small coffin lying in the center of the huge dark church hall. The flickering lights of the candles and the sounds of the choir, periodically interrupted by the bass of the priest singing the funeral service, made this picture mystical. People stood like shadows, silent, almost motionless. A woman in a black scarf, hugging a coffin, said something and sobbed, but for some reason I didn’t hear it. Following the mother, other people began to approach, who lingered a little, saying goodbye to the dead boy, and stepped aside, giving way to the next.

I stood still, immersed in a strange state that completely enveloped me. I could not move, because at that moment I did not feel myself physical body. I felt that I was watching this tragedy not only with my own eyes, but also with some new, unknown feeling that paralyzed me physically, giving me amazing clarity of sensations and thoughts. Somehow I felt the significance of what was happening for my life. I understood that this would change my life, but I still didn’t know how.

A tear rolling down my cheek brought me back to the physical world. At that very moment, the decision came that I must promise this little hero, who lived only eight years, to do everything I could to protect others from the same fate, even if I had to change a lot in my life. If I manage to save at least one person with the help of those purchased for last years knowledge, then it short life will make even more sense. I made a promise and left without waiting for the end of the service.

Walking from the church to the parked car, I already realized that I had become different. I had a surprisingly clear idea of ​​what I had to do. A feeling of completeness and integrity overwhelmed me, as if a link had suddenly been found and completed a chain that had remained unfinished for a long time.

That boy, whose funeral I then attended, during his lifetime was very different from other doomed sick children whom I saw during my work in the pediatric oncology department in one of the private clinics in London. He really was a little hero. Steadfastly enduring the hellish torments of treatment, he found the strength to smile and inspire hope in his victory over the disease to those around him, even when it abandoned the adults.

He spent half of his eight years of life being treated for cancer. When he was five years old, doctors in Russia refused to continue treating the boy and thereby gave him several months to live. His mother, being an amazingly strong woman, was able to find funds and brought him to England for treatment.

He was loved by all the department staff, as well as other children and volunteers. He was the “oldest” patient in the department, and everyone watched his fight against the disease. Everyone but me. I followed his struggle with treatment.

When I first saw this strong boy, it was hard to believe that he had been ill for a long time and had gone through the “fire, water and copper pipes” of official treatment. He not only survived the prognosis that Russian doctors gave him, but also endured so many cycles of very toxic therapy that even the attending doctors in England were surprised at this.

However, as soon as the baby recovered from the next “chemo”, he was given a new dose, often simply changing one toxic drug in the protocol to another. This lasted for a year and a half while I worked there as a medical coordinator for Russian-speaking children who came to England for treatment.

Having a higher medical education, it was not difficult for me to understand what actually happened in the treatment of such patients and, in particular, this child. It was obvious to me that what helped the boy survive his prognosis was not chemotherapy and other aspects of traditional oncological treatment, but his mother, who simply did not let him go.

During his illness, she became acquainted with a lot of information about proper nutrition for cancer patients and about some natural drugs that helped in the fight against this disease, restoring the body after crippling treatment. Only thanks to her efforts and perseverance, as well as the originality of the boy, who, despite his age, understood that he needed to be persistent, he managed to fight the disease for so long and survive such difficult treatment.

However, the boy gradually faded away - the toxic treatment was killing him faster than the disease. He had already crawled out of intensive care many times and recovered, thanks to the efforts of his mother, and each time - only to end up there again after the next cycle of treatment. One of these regular visits to the intensive care unit was the last.

It was obvious that the child died from complications of treatment, and not from his illness. Although his mother suspected the true cause of his death, she, being overwhelmed with grief, did not look into it. It was obvious to me that the poor guy had no chance of recovery from the very beginning aggressive treatment in England.

I also began to think about why people do not know anything about more successful methods of treating cancer, which, although not accepted by official medicine, are nevertheless well known big circle persons Why are those who were able to find and understand this information indoctrinated by the system to such an extent that they use it only as an addition to treatment, and do not refuse official treatment in favor of it? Why can oncologists, observing the futility and, even more so, the harm of their treatment, not change anything in the therapeutic approach to patients?

Indoctrination is the uncritical acceptance by a person of other people's ideas (doctrines) and the elevation of these ideas to the rank of implied truth. We are talking about a mental phenomenon that characterizes special condition psyche, a specific mechanism and at the same time the process of identifying an individual with a group through the adoption of group values, ideas or doctrines.

I tried to give answers to these questions in this book, as well as to substantiate my belief that traditional treatment, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery, significantly weakens the patient’s chances of recovery, and often causes the patient’s death.

I think it would be correct to explain here what my reasons were for writing a book on a similar topic.

My life a few years ago was very far from oncology, and from medicine in general. Having arrived in England, due to circumstances, I decided to leave my career as a doctor and went into business. As the years passed, the business grew, but I received less and less satisfaction from what I was doing. I felt like I was only using half my mental capacity.

This untapped part of my brain inspired me to become seriously interested in politics and economics. I began to voraciously read books by Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Greg Palast. Soon, I began to understand that the generally accepted official model of the structure of our society was very different from reality. The alternative view of politics and economics that these authors presented made it possible to clearly understand all those aspects of these disciplines that had previously remained difficult to understand. I became acquainted with the official version of economics when I studied for an MBA at the University of Westminster, and with the official version of politics - being indoctrinated by two systems: socialist (in former USSR) and capitalist (over the years of life in England).

With the help of the new information received, I began to put together a “puzzle” or “mosaic” of a new, previously unknown to me, picture of real life. However, politics and economics could not provide all the pieces of the puzzle to reproduce the full picture. I knew that to do this I would need to be exposed to alternative views on other important aspects of our lives, such as history, science and, in particular, medicine.

Of course, it was impossible to study both sides of each direction in a few years, however, a lifetime would not be enough for this. I needed to make sure (and I managed to do this quite quickly) that the official version of each direction is an artificial and often fictitious selection of facts aimed at maintaining the existing concept of our life. And that in fact our reality is an artificially created “matrix” for us, the image of which is shown in the form of a metaphor in the film “The Matrix”. And that real world, which the “matrix” hides from us and makes inaccessible, is the real reality. Moreover, this “matrix” covers absolutely all aspects of our lives, it is global and has been built for a very long time.

"The Matrix" is a famous Hollywood film trilogy that shows the lives of people in an artificially designed environment for them. virtual reality, creating the complete illusion of life in the real world. The purpose of creating this artificial reality is to hide the real state of affairs, which is that people are only power sources (batteries) for the computer system - the Matrix. The main characters of the film, disconnected from the Matrix, actively fought for the liberation of humanity from this system that enslaved people.

Without understanding all these issues, it will be difficult to understand why official medicine does not aim to treat people, but only to maintain them in a state of illness, often achieving temporary symptomatic improvements. At the same time, the disease invariably progresses, and the number of patients and new diseases is constantly increasing, despite visible scientific and technological progress.

If you try to understand the question of what official medicine is in isolation from other aspects of our life in today’s world, and without understanding that it is only part of that “matrix” artificially created for us, then it will be similar to a child looks at one piece of a mosaic (puzzle) and does not understand which toy it is part of.

After several years of self-education, I already fully understood what the finished version of the mosaic I had assembled was. I was filled with conflicting feelings. On the one hand, I realized that I had very important information, thanks to which my life began to change dramatically. My worldview also changed dramatically. My values ​​have also changed. I wanted to do good for people again, like at the beginning of my medical career, and not fight with others for my own survival, as the system teaches. I also began to realize that this information can change the life of any person to whom it is available. On the other hand, I noticed that most people are not able to see the obvious, regardless of their level of education and intelligence.

I could probably live on without worrying too much about others who live in this “matrix,” but the cruelty of this artificially created world, in which people die in the millions simply because they are unable to see the obvious, did not give me peace. Easily preventable and curable diseases kill more and more people, while we are told that this is the price for progress and for increasing life expectancy.

I set out to find practical application for my new knowledge and began to consider various ways to implement my plan. Now medicine again seemed to me a very interesting and noble occupation, to which I had been drawn since childhood, and in which I had become so disappointed during the years of my study and work that I subsequently chose a different career for myself. I decided to return to medicine, but not to the official one, but to its less recognized direction - natural medicine, in order to obtain the education of a naturopath. In two years I completed a course in herbal medicine, nutrition and homeopathy. My main interest was discoveries in medicine and science that contradicted the official concept of medicine and therefore were not accepted by it.

I discovered that such work and research are united by a single concept - that our body is perfect, and for its own sake normal operation it must be in a state of balance (energetic, biochemical and spiritual). According to this concept, disease is a loss of such balance in the body, and in order to overcome it, this balance must be restored. In contrast, the concept of official medicine was aimed at correcting the “imperfections” of the body (eliminating its protective reactions, such as temperature, etc., “strengthening” the immune system with vaccines, etc.) and eliminating the symptoms of diseases, which invariably led to progression the cause of the symptom.

Even at the beginning of my “alternative path,” I often came across various works and articles on alternative methods of oncology, and gradually I was completely fascinated by this. The more I did this, the more clearly I understood the essence of what was happening. My past medical training greatly helped me in understanding the explanations of new theories of cancer, as well as the factors influencing the cancer process, and made available the rationale for alternative cancer treatment protocols. On the other hand, studying in med. Institute gave me an understanding of the limitations and lack of knowledge of a doctor regarding the understanding of the etiology of diseases, their treatment and, in particular, the attitude of medicine to the problem of cancer. About the reasons for this condition in honey. education and its result, which is expressed in the disproportionate use pharmaceuticals in treatment, I will go into more detail later in the book.

When in 2011 I was asked to help work with Russian children in the pediatric oncology department of one of the most famous private clinics in London, I readily agreed. I was not familiar with the practical side of official oncology at that time and decided that this experience would complement my knowledge. What I saw there shocked me to the core. People with with the kindest hearts and with intentions they did everything in order to make another small sacrifice to the insatiable Moloch of official oncology.

Moloch is an ancient pagan deity. The worship of Molech was characterized by the sacrifice of children through their burning.

This picture was repeated with constant constancy. Child after child died from complications associated with treatment, and doctors continued to prescribe combinations of poisons (which are all chemotherapy drugs), only changing one for another. At the same time, the attending doctors were highly qualified specialists and pleasant people who were convinced that although their treatment had no practical positive results, but they, nevertheless, do everything possible and use everything necessary in the treatment of children with cancer. In reality, these doctors were indoctrinated biorobots, as their medical education made them. Even when I talked to them about other approaches to treatment, their attitude was that if they weren’t taught it, then it simply couldn’t happen. The attitude of the parents was also surprising. Their faith in medicine was unconditional and they all expected a miracle, not realizing that the treatment was organized in such a way that there could be no other outcome other than a sad one.

Many parents became interested in alternative cancer treatments, and many supplemented their treatments with natural remedies or dietary changes, but no one was able to understand that traditional cancer treatments were the biggest barrier to recovery. Such a radical paradigm shift in approach to treatment is almost impossible to make in such difficult conditions, being indoctrinated by the system, so in no case should the poor parents be blamed. Moreover, no amount of argumentation can break through this psychological barrier. What was obvious to me was incomprehensible to others.

I began to wonder what prevents people from accepting information that can save the life of their child or take the only correct solution about the approach to treatment? Not only my medical education, the knowledge of a naturopath, and years of research into an alternative approach to oncology helped me answer this question, but also the “mosaic” I assembled, in which medicine was only one of the elements of the overall picture of the world.

In addition to hundreds of scientific papers and articles, I re-read about two dozen books by the most famous authors on the issue of alternative oncology and thus became familiar with various aspects of this topic. Some authors expose the falsity scientific research, on which official medicine relies, and describe the mechanism for combating successful methods that are not accepted by medicine and ways to discredit doctors, scientists and specialists who promote these methods. Others catalog the most effective treatments with detailed protocols explained. There are authors dealing with the origin of cancer, taking into account the latest advances in science and the failure of the official mutagenic theory of cancer. Some experts describe the treatment protocols they have invented and their effectiveness. In fact, you can find a book on any aspect of an alternative view of oncology. Any of these books can radically change the way you look at this disease and its treatment. However, you should approach this information with an open mind that is not blocked by official propaganda. Unfortunately, most people will simply dismiss this information as not worthy of attention and justify it with the standard arguments that they have so often heard on TV or read in newspaper headlines. With the help of this book, I want to try to help the reader free himself from the psychological block that prevents him from perceiving this information and direct him to independently study this topic.

This book is not a guide to treating cancer. My goal is to try to explain clearly what is the main obstacle in choosing the right path in treatment, and also to make short excursion into the world of alternative oncology. Now you can find a lot of correct information on this topic on the Internet, as well as good specialists who deal with alternative methods of treating cancer. I hope that the information gleaned from this book will help the reader to right choice concepts of cancer treatment (traditional or alternative) and understand the main principles of an alternative approach to treatment, and can also help in finding information and specialists.

I am convinced that in 10–20 years, people will look at today's oncological methods official medicine is like the medieval Inquisition. Just 50 years ago, lobotomy was a common treatment for mental illness, including depression, until it was banned. The traditional triplet of oncology (surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy) is a “lobotomy” today, which also needs to be banned. But many millions of people will die from cancer over the years without waiting for this. I cannot live calmly with this thought and that is why I wrote this book. If it helps at least one person make the right choice and find their path to recovery, then I will consider my promise made then in church fulfilled.

I wish everyone Health and Goodness.

Boris Grinblat

Attention! The information provided is not an officially recognized method of treatment and is for general educational and informational purposes only. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the authors or staff of This information cannot replace the advice and prescription of doctors. The authors of are not responsible for the possible negative consequences of using any drugs or using the procedures described in the article/video. The question of the possibility of applying the described means or methods to their individual problems should be decided by readers/viewers themselves after consultation with their doctor.

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