What is local fluoridation? Methods and stages of fluoridation of teeth, fluoridation of enamel at home. Conditions for successful fluoridation

Deep fluoridation of teeth is most often performed on children, but this procedure can also be extremely beneficial for adults. In just one visit to the dentist Using this technique, you can solve a lot of problems with tooth enamel.

What is fluoridation of tooth enamel?

Fluoridation is saturation upper layers tooth with active components. Eat different types techniques, but the principle of their action is always the same: a special preparation with a high content is applied to the patient’s teeth active substance, fluoride ions in contact with enamel form calcium fluoride, the process helps strengthen hard tissue and prevent the development of a number of diseases.

The procedure is safe and requires minimum costs time and painless, so it is actively used in pediatric dentistry.

Indications for dental fluoridation

The main task of fluoridation is to strengthen the enamel. This effect is necessary in the treatment huge amount diseases, for their prevention and even to improve the appearance of your smile.

Dentists prescribe the procedure in the following cases:

  • Increased sensitivity, strong reaction to hot or cold.
  • Presence of external enamel defects: scratches, chips.
  • Prevention of caries development in children and adults.
  • Treatment initial stage caries on children's teeth.
  • Strengthening enamel after wearing braces.
  • Prevention of hypersensitivity after professional cleaning or bleaching.
  • Increasing the strength of a composite restoration or filling.
Most often, fluoridation is used to prevent problems with enamel, less often - to strengthen it. Fluoridation itself will not be able to restore the protective enamel layer, but in combination with other measures it gives good results.

When treating baby teeth, the procedure is also not a panacea. If a child’s enamel is actively deteriorating, then first of all you need to reconsider his diet and oral care. Fluoridation is only an additional measure.

Contraindications to dental fluoridation

Fluoride is a beneficial component for dental tissue, but if used incorrectly, it can be very dangerous. Excess fluoride in the body leads to fluorosis, With this disease, teeth are especially affected: stains appear on the enamel, and its sensitivity increases.

It turns out that fluoridation of enamel can lead to the opposite of the expected effect. Therefore, the procedure is prohibited if:

  • The patient has already been diagnosed with fluorosis.
  • A person consumes water with a high fluoride content.
  • The patient uses oral care products containing this component.

Another contraindication to the procedure is diabetes. This is explained by the fact that fluoride can negatively affect the absorption of sugar, and in diabetes this is already a problem. However, people with this disease still undergo enamel strengthening with fluoride. An element can harm her only if there is too much of it in the body.

Types of fluoridation

Relatively recently, fluoridation meant coating the enamel with a special varnish, but today there are several options for carrying out the procedure:

  • rapid fluoridation;
  • use of fluoride varnish;
  • deep fluoridation;
  • electrophoresis.

The effectiveness and indications for different procedures differ, and you will also have to pay differently for each service.

Rapid fluoridation

If you calculate all the time spent, it turns out that the name of this technique does not suit it at all. One procedure takes 5–10 minutes. Compared to other methods, it really doesn't last long. But to achieve the same result as after the same deep fluoridation, you need to undergo a course of 10 procedures - one every week.

Quick or simple fluoridation is more gentle than other methods. Therefore, it can be carried out even at home without the supervision of a specialist.

This treatment is usually done after wearing braces or recent whitening. Some experts recommend the procedure after professional plaque cleaning if it was unsuccessful and damaged the surface of the tooth.

To carry out rapid fluoridation, mouthguards and a special gel with an average content of fluoride and other useful components. After gentle brushing of the teeth, a tray with gel is placed in the oral cavity. After 5–10 minutes, it is removed, and the remaining product is removed with water.

Express fluoridation of tooth enamelcan be carried out in dental office and at home. In the second case, a drug with a lower content of active substances is used so that the patient cannot harm himself.

Application of fluoride varnish

The simplest and quick method restoration of enamel is the application of fluoridating varnish , with its help you can treat all teeth in just 2-3 minutes. The varnish not only strengthens the enamel, but also creates a protective layer on its surface that lasts on the teeth from several days to several weeks. All this time, the product protects the teeth from irritants and dyes, and in the same way it acts on filling compounds.

Most often, dental coating with fluoride varnish is carried out as an addition to other procedures:

If there are no contraindications, the dentist always uses fluoride varnish after in-office cleaning. This has become so commonplace that the procedure is not even paid for separately.

Deep fluoridation of tooth enamel

The greatest effect in strengthening and restoring enamel is provided by deep fluoridation of teeth. Electrophoresis also bears fruit, but it has many contraindications, and the procedure itself causes discomfort to the patient. Therefore, deep saturation of enamel with fluoride firmly holds first place among all similar techniques.

During this procedure, beneficial substances remain not only on the surface, but also penetrate far into the enamel. If the patient has hypersensitivity, such fluoridation can be performed once every 6 months - discomfort from cold or hot will not be felt until the next procedure.

Deep saturation with fluoride takes the most time, as it is carried out in several stages:

  1. Professional cleaning is required. Choice between accessible methods depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. Most often, specialists resort to ultrasonic cleaning.
  2. The teeth are well dried with a stream of warm air.
  3. The enamel is coated with a preparation containing a high content of calcium and magnesium fluoride, then dried again. This time they use special lamps.
  4. Finally, a varnish with calcium hydroxide is applied to the enamel. It seals the first compound inside and allows it to restore the structure of the protective layer of the tooth even after the procedure is completed.
Deep fluoridation of tooth enamel takes 30–40 minutes; teeth cleaning is usually paid for separately.


This procedure is also carried out in two stages, at each of which different active substances are used. It is aimed not only at saturating the enamel with fluoride, but also at deep penetration of this substance. For this purpose, minimal electrical discharges are used. An electrode with a pad soaked in a calcium solution is placed on the patient’s teeth. The device delivers weak current discharges, which may be unpleasant for the patient, but it would be difficult to call the resulting sensations pain.

The duration of the current is selected individually and depends on the health of the enamel and the number of fluoridation procedures performed previously. The first time the effect lasts only a few minutes, then the time is gradually increased.

When the first stage is completed, the electrode pads are changed. This time a 2-4% sodium fluoride solution is used. After exposure to this substance, active reactions begin in the enamel. chemical processes, helping to strengthen it, and a protective layer is formed on the surface.

Fluoridation of teeth at home

After pastes with a high fluoride content became available in regular stores, dentists sounded the alarm. The number of people suffering from fluorosis has increased significantly. However, even today such products are still the only way to fluoride teeth at home. Only when using them you will have to follow some rules:

  • You need to choose toothpastes that contain sodium monofluorophosphate, tin fluoride or aluminum fluoride. These active ingredients are the most effective and safe.
  • The amount of active substance should not exceed 0.15%.
  • Fluoride-containing paste alternates with conventional products at least every other day.
  • A course of home fluoridation lasts no more than one month.
  • Between courses there is a break of 1.5–2 months.
In addition to pastes, for fluoridation of enamel at home, special medicines in the form of a gel are suitable, which contain quite a large number of active fluorine. These gels should be applied to all teeth immediately after cleansing.

Prices for fluoridation of teeth

Fluoridation of teeth is usually carried out comprehensively for the entire row. In Moscow, a quick procedure with mouth guards will cost 2.3–3 thousand rubles. for the entire course, deep fluoridation - from 2.7 to 4 thousand rubles. depending on the clinic. Electrophoresis usually costs 2–2.5 thousand rubles.

Coating enamel with fluoride varnish is the cheapest procedure. Usually it costs from 1 to 2 thousand rubles. for all the teeth. Treatment of one tooth costs from 100 to 400 rubles.

The cost of the procedure is very affordable, and the benefits from it can be colossal, so it doesn’t hurt to carry out fluoridation at least once a year.

A beautiful smile is the key to success in society. Dental health also affects the health of the entire body, which is why many dentists recommend dental fluoridation. What it is? This procedure is a process of ridding teeth of yellowness - fluoride coating, which significantly improves appearance smiles.

The cause of yellowing of teeth is frequent consumption of coloring drinks - tea, coffee - and weakened enamel structure. Over time, it becomes more fragile, and the person begins to experience painful sensations, and teeth lose their attractive appearance and whiteness.

Fluoride for teeth whitens problem areas and strengthens the enamel surface.

The following factors can also cause problems with enamel:

  • Increased acidity levels in oral cavity.
  • Too frequent problems with teeth, which lead to frequent visits to the dentist and disruption of the natural structure of the tooth surface.
  • Violating hygiene rules or using too harsh toothpastes that damage your teeth.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like every operation, the fluoride varnish coating procedure has benefits/harms:

Dental hypersensitivity will be completely eliminated and the person will be able to eat and drink hot and cold foods and drinks again.The patient's body's ability to absorb sugar is somewhat reduced.
The appearance - whiteness and shine - and the functions of the enamel will be restored after applying fluoride.If an excessive amount of fluoride is applied, fluorosis and some damage to the bone by the elements that are part of the bleaching agent are possible.
The procedure is completely painless.
The cost of the procedure is very low, and the effect is excellent.

Indications for the procedure

Fluoride cleaning is carried out in the following cases:

  • Caries on the crown of the tooth.
  • Pain that occurs when brushing or rinsing the mouth.
  • Painful sensations from eating food at excessively high or low temperatures.
  • Yellow plaque in the gum area.
  • After removing structures aimed at straightening teeth - braces, plates.

It is attractive that surgery is not prohibited during pregnancy. Pregnant women often suffer from dental problems due to the fact that all elements from the body are used to support the fetus.



Before the procedure, you should consider the following contraindications:

  • Too much fluoride contained in the water that the patient constantly drinks.
  • Allergy to one of the components included in the fluoridating drug.
  • The presence of certain diseases, including diabetes.


There are several types of procedure:

Normal (simple)This procedure can be done at home. For this purpose, special fluoride-containing preparations are purchased. The solution must be applied to the teeth. Even at home it doesn’t take much time.
Can be combined with mouth guards. Mouth guards are made for each person separately, a fluoride-containing preparation is poured into the device, the mouth guard is put on the teeth and is kept in place for about fifteen minutes. The course consists of ten to fifteen procedures.
ElectrophoresisThe procedure is performed using electric current and calcium gluconate. To consolidate the effect, about ten sessions with a dentist are required.
Deep fluoridationThis type has features that mean that only an experienced dentist can perform such an operation.

There is also silvering of teeth. Many people are interested in whether silver plating or fluoridation is better? The second option is more profitable, since the fluoride solution does not stain the teeth, while silver leaves a colored mark on them. However, fluoridation gel can fight caries only at the stage when the disease is still an ordinary stain, while silver plating is more effective in this matter.

How is the deep fluoridation procedure performed?

The deep fluoridation method is the most effective. This enamel processing is done step by step. First step– thorough cleaning of the surface of the teeth. Further– drying and applying the first layer. The procedure uses a special fluoride gel. Next step– repeated drying and application of the next layer of the preparation and consolidation of the results of the work.

Many people ask how long the varnish lasts and whether it is harmful to often use fluoride-containing preparations.

The procedure should not be performed more often twice a year, as well as overusing fluoride-containing toothpastes and rinses.

In addition to improving the appearance and condition of the enamel, a similar method is used to defeat caries. The result before and after fluoridation will please every patient who decides to take such a step: the teeth will have a more attractive appearance, and the problem of excessive sensitivity will disappear.


Children's dental fluoridation

Fluorogel can be applied even to children - both for dairy and for permanent teeth the procedure will be extremely useful, as it will significantly strengthen them.

What age is best to start? Ideal age is two to four years old, when children are still little receptive to doctors and little afraid of them. This is for the tooth perfect time to be strengthened, since that is when it is most vulnerable to sugar and various acids.

Doctors may also advise performing the procedure in children immediately after replacing baby teeth with permanent ones. First five years Teeth are unstable and quite weak, so providing them with protection is extremely important.

Treatment for children should only be performed by an experienced dentist, who will first diagnose the condition of the teeth and determine whether the fluoridation process is necessary at all, and what type of surgery is most suitable.

The dentist may attribute a regular fluoride rinse that may do the job without coating the teeth with fluoride.


The cost of fluoridation depends on the complexity of the work. Let's consider the cost of such a service in different cities:

Prices are per unit.



Deep fluoridation method.ProposedA. Knappvost ’om (university professor, doctor of physicochemical and medical sciences. Institute of Physical Chemistry with the Department of Biophysical Chemistry and Scientific research in dentistry", Hamburg, Germany)


Thanks to the so-called deep fluoridation, which initiates a strong and long-lasting remineralization process, including in problem areas, not only prevention, but also non-invasive or mildly invasive therapy has become possible. This therapy is based on the developed theory of caries remineralization, initially called the theory of the protective layer, which has now received such great development that it makes it possible to give clear characteristics of remineralization as a process opposite to demineralization.

Microstructure of the softening zone of tooth enamel

Let's imagine the structure of enamel in an area measuring 1000 angstroms - 1 angstrom is approximately equal to the diameter of 1 atom. The data was obtained using the X-ray method using a radioactive isotope (Ca 40). Let's imagine a tiny section of an "enamel prism". The enamel is permeated with keratin fibers, to which prismatic apatite crystals about 250 angstroms long and about 50 angstroms thick are attached chemically and epitactically on one side. There is reason to believe that all apatite crystals of enamel are thus fused with keratin fibers. This means that with an average apatite crystal thickness of about 50 angstroms, the distance between the fibers is 100 angstroms (2 apatite crystals). According to the results of our research, the acidic agents of dental plaque do not act on the enamel frontally, but diffuse into the fibers and laterally peel off the apatite from them. The result is a very narrow corrosion funnel with a maximum entrance diameter of about 100 angstroms. With prolonged exposure to acids, the sides of the funnels collapse. As measurements have shown, the depth of the funnels is 10 microns. The corrosion funnels are extremely narrow and become even more tapered with distance. This surface zone, about 10 microns thick, is the softening zone. In it, the processes of dissolution and remineralization occur more or less periodically in such a way that in the remineralization phase, physiological restoration of the enamel occurs with the assistance of fibers as centers of crystallization.


According to the theory we developed, remineralization occurs if the saliva in dental plaque is oversaturated with ions that form apatite (calcium, phosphate, hydroxide or fluorine). As observations show, the concentrations of Ca and PO 4 ions in saliva remain fairly constant at a sufficient level, while the concentration of OH - ions can decrease 1000 times, for example, at pH 4 in the interdental region. The processes of remineralization - demineralization are regulated by OH - ions. Fortunately, they can be replaced by structurally similar fluorine ions. As measurements show, at the usual concentration of fluoride in saliva, therefore, at a fluoride content in drinking water of about 0.2 to 0.3 mg per liter, the limiting pH value in saliva in dental plaque is 5.5 (critical pH of remineralization). Above this boundary, the process of remineralization occurs, below - demineralization. When the pH of saliva in dental plaque is below this value, it is possible to direct the process towards remineralization by compensating for the lack of OH ions with fluoride ions. The resulting apatite has a significantly higher fluorine content. Using radioactive phosphate, it was proven that the anti-caries preventive effect of fluorine is carried out only according to this scheme, and is not the result of replacing OH-ions with fluorine ions in solid apatite.

Evaluation of different fluoridation methods

Fluoridation of drinking water, often considered as an effective measure worthy of widespread dissemination, can, together with food fluoride, increase the concentration of fluoride ions in saliva to a maximum of 10 to the minus fifth power of mol/l, which is equivalent to OH ions pH 9. This concentration of fluoride can In the best case, compensate for the deficiency of OH ions in a very thin layer of dental plaque on the smooth surface of the tooth. To compensate for the deficiency of OH-ions in thicker layers of plaque in problem areas, for example, in the interdental space with pH4, oral fluoride intake is insufficient and the intake of iodized table salt is absolutely insufficient. At first glance, the so-called local fluoridation with simple fluorides, such as sodium fluoride or amine fluoride, seems much more attractive. (This does not, however, apply to slightly soluble calcium fluoride). Treatment of enamel with these salts, which are part of varnishes or gels, leads to a chemical reaction with the enamel and the formation of relatively coarse-crystalline calcium fluoride, which lies freely on the surface of the enamel. Due to its very low solubility, the saturation concentration of ions on the enamel surface is 10 to the minus third power of mol/l. It is sufficient to compensate for the deficiency of OH-ions at pH4. However, since these crystals are loosely located on the surface of the enamel, they are quickly removed by abrasion or rinsing of the mouth. The crystals do not penetrate inside the funnels of the softening zone, since they are much larger than the diameter of the funnel entrance. The effect of these fluorides is therefore too weak and short-lived to effectively stimulate the remineralization process.

Deep fluoridation

Deep fluoridation is understood as the chemical formation of highly dispersed calcium fluoride with an average particle diameter of 50 angstroms and having a significantly higher solubility in the pores of the softening zone. When treating enamel with sodium fluoride, no deep fluoridation occurs. Deep fluoridation is observed only as a result of sequential wetting of the enamel with a weakly acidic solution of magnesium fluoride silicate and subsequent quenching with an alkaline suspension of copper-calcium hydroxide. Subsequently, the fluorosilicate complex spontaneously decomposes to form crystals of fluorosilicate and polymerized silicic acid. Crystals of calcium fluoride lie deep in the pores in the silicic acid gel, protected from leaching. They release fluoride in high concentrations for a long time (more than 1 year), which promotes reliable remineralization, including in problem areas. In this case, apatite is formed, clearly enriched with fluorine, which, if the keratin fibers are intact, leads to full restoration carious area. If demineralization has gone so far that the edges of the corroded funnel are erased, the resulting defect reaches medium wavelengths of visible light (about 5000 angstroms). This is how the famous chalk spots arise. With keratin fibers still existing, even in these cases, remineralization apatite may grow on them. After deep fluoridation, the disappearance of chalk spots is often observed. As a result of the studies, a significant difference was noted in the effect of deep fluoridation with an enamel-sealing preparation with copper-calcium hydroxide from local fluoridation with a fluoridating preparation based on sodium or calcium fluoride.

The role of copper ions

Inorganic copper compounds play a very important, but unfortunately very little known role in dentistry, for example as an additive to phosphate cements. Among other aspects, its use in endodontics during depophoresis with copper-calcium hydroxide is relevant. According to Effinger research, copper ions exhibit strong bactericidal properties, especially against anaerobes. In addition, they extremely powerfully suppress the proteolytic activity of microorganisms. Particularly important is the longevity of their action, due to the catalytic oxidation of the resulting copper sulfide. How great the activity of copper ions is against microorganisms that cause caries of enamel and dentin is evident from the vast experience gained in the use of copper amalgam (Rebel), which was especially widely used in pediatric dentistry. Currently, amalgam is not used due to the release of metallic mercury. In these amalgams, metallic copper in solution was a base component in relation to mercury and formed with saliva a sparingly soluble alkaline salt of copper, which protected not only the tooth with a copper amalgam filling, but also adjacent teeth from caries. Copper ions also protected dentin from caries. Today, due to the negative attitude of people towards metals, it is necessary to draw the attention of patients that copper, like iron, although it is heavy metal, but at the same time, it is an essential trace element that plays an important role in metabolism. The concentration of copper in serum is approximately the same as iron, and it is an equally weak allergen. The liquid used for deep fluoridation of enamel contains copper fluoride silicate. The liquid for deep fluoridation of dentin contains copper in a significantly higher concentration. The combination of the effects of deep fluoridation, namely strong long-term remineralization and protection of keratin fibers from proteolysis, represents a non-invasive or, in case of advanced caries, mildly invasive caries therapy. This is especially important for baby teeth - gentle treatment of the dental substance and effective protection of the pulp.

Fluoridation of teeth among dental procedures is gaining popularity, although many patients do not know what it is. The reviews and photos presented in the article will help you understand the essence of the procedure, as well as verify its effectiveness.

Every person strives to have a beautiful and healthy smile. However, the predominance of carbohydrates in the diet, soft foods, lack of nutrients, and poor hygienic status lead to the destruction of enamel and the formation of caries. Fluoridation allows you to saturate dental tissues with essential minerals and strengthen them.

What is dental fluoridation?

Fluoridation is the saturation of hard tooth tissues with fluoride compounds by applying various liquids to the enamel. The procedure has proven its effectiveness both when performed on baby teeth and in permanent dentition.

The advantages of using fluoride-containing products make this method popular both among doctors and patients of all ages.

  • enamel resistance to acids and the destructive action of microflora increases;
  • the service life of dental restorations increases;
  • hypersensitivity decreases;
  • the likelihood of caries formation decreases;
  • The maturation of enamel in children is accelerated.

Types of procedures

Fluoridation can be deep and simple. Regardless of the chosen technique, certain steps must be carried out to increase efficiency and also reduce the risk of formation carious cavities.

  1. Professional teeth cleaning, which includes the removal of soft plaque and mineralized deposits, followed by polishing the tooth surface.
  2. Filling defects.
  3. Training in individual dental care and selection of hygiene products.

Good results are shown by preliminary saturation of the enamel with calcium.

Simple fluoridation is carried out in two ways: applying fluoride varnish and using drugs together with mouth guards:

  • Individual mouth guards are made by a dental technician using an impression. A fluorine-containing substance is placed in it for 10-15 minutes, the course is 12-15 procedures. The advantage of the technique is that it creates tight contact between the enamel and the active components, and also prevents the drug from leaking into the oral cavity;
  • use of fluoride varnish - varnish is applied to teeth that have been previously dried and isolated from saliva; the course is performed 2 to 4 times a year. This depends on the properties of the enamel and the activity of caries.
  • step 1 - cleaning your teeth not only with a brush and professional paste, but also with an ultrasonic scaler;
  • step 2 - drying the enamel from water-air plaster;
  • Step 3 – applying a sealing fluid containing fluorine. After this, the tooth surface is thoroughly dried again;
  • Step 4 – the composition from the second bottle, which contains calcium hydroxide and copper, is applied to the cotton wool. The product is rubbed into the enamel with a swab, after which the mouth should be rinsed with water.

The benefits of applying fluoride-containing varnishes or gels are significant, because these substances help restore and strengthen the enamel. Preparations based on fluoride compounds are used in the following situations:

  • preventive procedures to reduce the likelihood of cavities forming, especially in areas where the content of fluoride ions in water is reduced;
  • multiple caries;
  • after completion of orthodontic treatment with braces;
  • the final stage of tooth restoration;
  • relieving hypersensitivity;
  • after teeth whitening.


  1. Allergic reactions to components included in fluoride-based drugs.
  2. Endemic mottling of teeth.
  3. Increased concentration of fluoride compounds in water.

It is important to note that during pregnancy it is allowed to prevent caries by applying fluoride-containing preparations, with the exception of the cases listed above. Often during this period, women note a deterioration in the condition of their teeth due to the return of many minerals the child’s body, so timely fluoridation will preserve the beauty of the expectant mother’s smile.

Photo: before and after

The cost of procedures to strengthen enamel with fluoride compounds is high, especially considering that to achieve positive effect A one-time course will not be enough - you need to take a course.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to apply fluoride-containing varnish themselves at home, because purchasing a bottle of the drug will cost much less than in-office fluoridation.

The use of this medication should be done under the strict supervision of a dentist, because excess fluoride into the body can lead to unpleasant effects, and also cause serious poisoning. At independent use increases the risk of the drug getting into soft fabrics, as well as its ingestion, so you should not risk your health to save money.

TO home use Some means are allowed:

  1. Fluoride toothpastes.
  2. Fluoride-based gels.
  3. Rinse aids.

Elmex-gel contains amino fluoride, which is the most effective fluorine-containing compound, which is maximally integrated into the crystal lattice of the enamel, and also forms a film on the tooth surface. Thanks to her active ingredients are able to act for a long time and penetrate into the deep layers of enamel. You need to brush your teeth with the gel like a regular toothpaste once a week, avoiding swallowing it.

Dental elixirs not only freshen your breath, but also wash away food debris from hard-to-reach places, and also enrich the enamel. useful substances. The percentage of fluorine for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes is 0.15%. Rinse your mouth twice a day after meals every day.

Video: fluoridation of teeth at home.

I have weak tooth enamel. Apparently it's hereditary. I am very attentive to the condition of my oral cavity, regularly go to the dentist, and buy expensive toothpastes. But caries still does not bypass me. At the next examination, when another initial caries was discovered, my dentist advised me to undergo deep fluoridation. I agreed, which I don’t regret, because the stain on the enamel was significantly reduced. 5 months have passed, and a carious cavity has not formed in this place. To maintain the effect, the doctor suggested that I perform this manipulation once a year.

Svetlana, 35 years old

A beautiful smile is important to me, so I never spare money on my teeth. After the next bleaching, I developed hypersensitivity, and if usually it disappeared on its own after 5-6 days, this time I was tormented by discomfort for the third week. I went to the doctor, after an examination he suggested fluoridation. I immediately agreed, because I was tired of enduring the pain. The dentist applied fluoride varnish to me five times, the procedures were performed every other day. And at home, he advised me to use Elmex gel once a week. I don’t know what gave the result, but mine increased sensitivity disappeared over time.

My son is very bad teeth, although I closely monitor his diet and oral hygiene. I read on a forum for moms that children can apply fluoride-containing medications to their baby teeth, which will strengthen the enamel. My child and I made an appointment with the dentist, where I inquired about the feasibility of this procedure. He suggested making mouthguards in which a special substance is placed, after which they are fixed on the teeth for 10-15 minutes. The treatment was carried out in a course - we performed 12 procedures. I can say that I have not noticed any new caries in the child over the past three months. We will continue to carry out fluoridation every 6-12 months.

Additional questions

How much does fluoridation cost?

The price for the procedure depends on the method: simple or deep fluoridation, as well as on the drug used to apply to the teeth. Domestic fluoride varnishes have a lower cost compared to imported analogues. On average, coating one tooth with varnish will cost from 50 to 400 rubles, and deep fluoridation costs 120-600 rubles per tooth.

Fluoridation of baby teeth – from what age?

The main criterion for fluoridation is the child’s ability to sit still for more than 15 minutes. open mouth. Usually, children from the age of 6 can do this without difficulty, but there are exceptions. The procedure is effective for the maturation of enamel in the primary occlusion, during the period of tooth change, as well as in cases of increased sensitivity.

Is there any harm from the procedures?

Fluoridation is completely harmless if the doctor follows all the manufacturer's instructions. Using a saliva ejector removes excess saliva and prevents solutions from being swallowed. At home, you should not use preparations for professional use, because it is impossible to ensure high-quality isolation of the mucous membranes from fluoride varnish or fluoride-containing gel.

Which is better: fluoridation or silver plating?

Fluoridation has several advantages over silver plating. Firstly, when fluoride compounds are used, there is no change in the shade of the enamel, and when silver is applied, the teeth are permanently stained black, which does not disappear until the physiological change occurs. Secondly, silver plating stops the development of caries; when the tooth is enriched with fluoride, the enamel is strengthened. However, fluoridation as a treatment for caries is only effective at the spot stage.

How often should it be done?

Deep fluoridation is done once every 1-2 years, and fluoride varnish application courses are recommended to be repeated every six months.

Strengthening teeth with fluoridation: reviews and nuances

The development of bacteria and the release of acids during their vital activity is the cause of caries. If tooth enamel is predisposed to destruction, it is necessary to further strengthen it.

To reduce tooth sensitivity and prevent caries, a fluoridation procedure is prescribed.

What is fluoridation - what are the features of the procedure?

A set of measures for the treatment of enamel destruction, including saturation with fluoride ions, is called fluoridation. If elements such as fluorine and calcium are insufficiently ingested into the body, demineralization of the teeth and loss of tissue hardness begin.

They become loose and lose their strength, and these are ideal conditions for caries.

Fluoridation of teeth is a modern painless technique that is prescribed to both children and adults. Special solutions are applied and microglobules of calcium fluoride are formed on the surface of the tooth, which replenish fluoride reserves.

The main function of this type of fluoride prophylaxis is everyday protection against acidic environment, which is produced by bacteria.

Indications for the procedure:

  • refinement of enamel;
  • prevention during the development of caries at the white spot stage;
  • hypersthesia (increased sensitivity);
  • harmful effects of chemical bleaching;
  • treatment of marginal periodontitis.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • individual intolerance or allergy to the components of fluoride varnish;
  • epidemic fluorosis caused by prolonged consumption of water or food with a high fluoride content.

Mechanism of local fluoride prophylaxis

The teeth of all living creatures contain three types of apatites:

  • carboxyapatites - easily ground off and erased (in rodents);
  • hydroxyapatites – medium permeability (in humans);
  • fluorapatites are the strongest (in sharks).

The procedure ensures the interaction of fluorides with hydroxyapatite and the formation of fluorapatites. A stable connection reduces the permeability of the enamel and increases its resistance.

To increase acid resistance, partial conversion of hydroxyapatite to hydroxyfluorapatite is sufficient.

Fluoride inhibits enzymes that break down carbohydrates and inhibits the growth of microflora in the mouth. In addition, during the formation of teeth in childhood, fluorides are involved in the metabolism of enamel protein. At the same time, resistance to caries increases.

Conditions for successful fluoridation

The following rules must be followed:

  • exogenous (external) contact of the drug with the surface of the teeth;
  • holding for a certain time;
  • avoiding ingestion or penetration of the drug into the body through the mucous membrane;
  • increasing the intensity of diffusion of medicinal components into the tooth structure.

Features of the procedure in childhood

Children's baby teeth are often damaged due to a passion for sweets. Maintaining oral hygiene and proper diet It's not always enough.

When fluoridating baby teeth for children at a young age For 1–3 years, apply the gel separately to each tooth. Seniors undergo the procedure in the same way as adults throughout the mouth; it is completely harmless to the body.

Since children do not like frequent visits to the dentist, it is easier to do deep fluoridation. This method will allow you to remineralize tissue in one go. The frequency of fluoride prophylaxis for adults and children is once every six months.

Depth matters

Deep and regular fluoridation of teeth is used. When examining the patient, the doctor assesses the complexity of the enamel condition and determines the required technique.

Application of conventional technique

Simple fluoridation involves regular administration of fluoride and replenishment of its reserves in the form of microcrystals. An impression-spoon is individually prepared and filled with material containing high content fluorine

A tray with gel is applied to the teeth and left for 10–20 minutes. The preventive course lasts 10–15 procedures. The first procedures are carried out by a dentist; later manipulations can be performed independently at home.

With this method, it is possible to use the same impression to repeat the express method after a break.

There is another option for conventional fluoridation - coating the surface with fluorine varnish. The drug contains a composition of resins, cedar balsam, and sodium fluoride. Apply the varnish with a brush to all teeth, and then dry it with a stream of air. The course lasts 4 times a month.

A thin film that does not refract light forms on the teeth, which is invisible to others.

All at once

Deep fluoridation was invented by the German professor Knappvost. The option is more reliable and effective than simple fluoridation.

The method allows for deep migration of fluoride ions into the crystal lattice of the tooth. There they are converted into a molecular state and deposited as complex conglomerates.

Experts say that calcium fluoride incorporated into hard tissues is a potential protective barrier against caries.

This impregnation increases the strength of teeth by 10 times, due to a higher concentration of ions. Unlike the usual one, this method is quick and one-time use. Dentists recommend repeating the procedure once a year.

How is deep fluoridation carried out?

Before the process of deep fluoride prophylaxis, there is a need to clean the teeth from plaque and stones, which can delay the penetration of fluoride. The interdental spaces are also thoroughly cleaned.

The procedure includes several stages:

  • drying teeth;
  • applying an enamel sealing agent (hold for 2 minutes);
  • air drying;
  • quenching with a solution of copper and calcium hydroxide;
  • mouth rinse.

Happening chemical reaction And high concentration ions in solution provokes the precipitation of hydroxyapatite. The growth of fluoride microcrystals begins, which fill microcracks in the enamel. In the depths of the pores, crystals are retained for 6 months. up to 2 years and continue to release fluoride ions.

Fluorapatite is formed, providing optimal recovery enamel structures. At the same time, copper has a permanent bactericidal effect, which increases anti-caries protection.

There are many advantages, minus one - the price

Successful fluoridation gives a person the following bonuses:

  • outbreaks initial caries completely remineralized;
  • not only enamel is protected, but also dentin;
  • clinical effectiveness provides prolonged action;
  • Fluoridation of a carious cavity before filling reduces the incidence of secondary caries.

The only disadvantage of fluoridation is the cost of the procedure. But the cost of fluoride prophylaxis is much lower than the cost of dental treatment.

The dentition before and after fluoridation - not so noticeable from the outside, but the result is there

A few words about harmfulness

Fluoride ions are found in earth's crust, they may fall into The groundwater. Depending on the region of residence, a person receives fluoride mainly from drinking water.

Excess fluoride causes intoxication of the body. Fluorosis can cause damage to teeth serious problems. But the fluoridation procedure itself is absolutely harmless and cannot cause fluorosis.

The chemicals in fluoride-containing material only bring benefits, restoring the hardness of the enamel. Doctors advise fluoridation with childhood, and then problems with caries can be avoided. Dental tissue strengthening can also be done during pregnancy.

Saturate your teeth with fluoride at home

Toothpastes with fluoride are also capable of locally saturating the enamel with fluoride ions, but to a much lesser extent.

The use of such pastes has the ability to combat stone and plaque deposits.

After applying and spreading the paste, you need to hold it in your mouth for 1 minute, then spit it out and rinse your mouth a little. Then fluoride is concentrated in saliva and the oral cavity, and salivary enzymes release fluoride within another hour.

After using fluoride-containing toothpastes, it is advisable not to eat for an hour.

Another method that can be used at home is to use a fluoride gel mouthguard. A ten-time daily procedure takes only 15 minutes, and the effect helps eliminate the possibility of developing caries for at least a year.

Authentication of teeth at home using fluoride varnish:

What people say

Fluoridation of teeth is gaining popularity, as confirmed by numerous reviews.

After fluoridation, tooth sensitivity has decreased significantly. The reaction to the winter cold has completely passed, and I don’t even have a sore taste for apples.

Alina, 33

The remineralization procedure performed by fluoridation really gives positive results. Previously, my child developed caries in the interdental space, but now we have not thought about filling for several years.

Karina, 24

How much is it?

The cost depends on the technology used and the desired effect:

  1. For fluoride varnish application in different clinics you will have to spend from 50 to 400 rubles per tooth.
  2. Deep fluoridation the most expensive, but a single procedure gives a long-lasting effect. The price of the technology ranges from 120 to 600 rubles. But do not forget that disease prevention costs much less than treatment.

Efficacy varies depending on the technique, the fluoride carrier, its clearance, the concentration of active ions, duration and frequency of application. Dental care and preventive measures to prevent caries are an integral part of the life of a successful person.

Dental gel GC Tooth Mousse Strawberry cream reminalizing tooth enamel - review

Fluoridation at home

I asked my dentist to give me fluoridation procedures because of sensitivity in my teeth. The teeth are all in good condition, but some have sensitivity, perhaps the reason was the braces that I wore for a long time as a student.

Fluoridation should be done in a complex of 6-10 procedures, depending on the condition of the teeth. And it’s better to start after professional cleaning by a hygienist. But it’s clear that it’s difficult to travel across the city to the dentist every day, so my doctor bought me fluoride for home use.

The procedure is extremely simple, especially since you don’t need to go anywhere.

The only thing is that you need to find or ask your dentist for mouth guards. Any hygienist will be able to provide them for you.

How to act. It is better to do this procedure at night. Since after it you won’t be able to drink for 40 minutes.

First, we brush our teeth, then take a mouth guard and squeeze fluoride into it from a tube (as in the photo), you can carefully distribute it with your shoulder blade. The mouthguard indicates which side is for upper jaw, insert carefully and make chewing movements, then squeeze the mouth guard and hold for exactly three minutes. Then we take out the mouth guard, spread the remaining fluoride over the teeth with our tongue and DO NOT SWALLOW, wait another two minutes (at this time we are washing the mouth guard). I used a disposable one for myself, but washed it after the next milking procedure. When two minutes have passed, spit everything out, but DO NOT RINSE! And we wait 40 minutes! We don’t drink, we don’t rinse, we let the fluoride absorb.

This fluorine has different tastes, there are also ones without taste. We have strawberry, very nice. I don’t know what the price is on the market, I gave the dentist 500 rubles. Considering that in a doctor’s office one such procedure will cost you the same amount, and you need to do at least 6 of them, decide for yourself whether it is profitable or not.

Fluoridation of teeth at home

A beautiful smile is the key to success in society. Dental health also affects the health of the entire body, which is why many dentists recommend dental fluoridation. What it is? This procedure is a process of removing yellow stains from teeth - a fluoride coating that significantly improves the appearance of your smile.

The cause of yellowing of teeth is frequent consumption of coloring drinks - tea, coffee - and weakened enamel structure. Over time, it becomes more fragile, and a person begins to experience pain, and the teeth lose their attractive appearance and whiteness.

The following factors can also cause problems with enamel:

  • Increased level of acidity in the mouth.
  • Too frequent problems with teeth, which lead to frequent visits to the dentist and disruption of the natural structure of the tooth surface.
  • Violating hygiene rules or using too harsh toothpastes that damage your teeth.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like every operation, the fluoride varnish coating procedure has benefits/harms:

Indications for the procedure

Fluoride cleaning is carried out in the following cases:

  • Caries on the crown of the tooth.
  • Pain that occurs when brushing or rinsing the mouth.
  • Painful sensations from eating food at excessively high or low temperatures.
  • Yellow plaque in the gum area.
  • After removing structures aimed at straightening teeth - braces, plates.


Before the procedure, you should consider the following contraindications:

  • Too much fluoride contained in the water that the patient constantly drinks.
  • Allergy to one of the components included in the fluoridating drug.
  • The presence of certain diseases, including diabetes.

There are several types of procedure:

There is also silvering of teeth. Many people are interested in whether silver plating or fluoridation is better? The second option is more profitable, since the fluoride solution does not stain the teeth, while silver leaves a colored mark on them. However, fluoridation gel can fight caries only at the stage when the disease is still an ordinary stain, while silver plating is more effective in this matter.

How is the deep fluoridation procedure performed?

The deep fluoridation method is the most effective. This enamel processing is done step by step. First step– thorough cleaning of the surface of the teeth. Further– drying and applying the first layer. The procedure uses a special fluoride gel. Next step– repeated drying and application of the next layer of the preparation and consolidation of the results of the work.

Many people ask how long the varnish lasts and whether it is harmful to often use fluoride-containing preparations.


Children's dental fluoridation

Fluorogel can be applied even to children - the procedure will be extremely useful for both milk and permanent teeth, as it will noticeably strengthen them.

What age is best to start? The ideal age is two to four years, when children are still little receptive to doctors and have little fear of them. This is for the tooth perfect time to be strengthened, since that is when it is most vulnerable to sugar and various acids.

Doctors may also advise performing the procedure in children immediately after replacing baby teeth with permanent ones. First five years Teeth are unstable and quite weak, so providing them with protection is extremely important.

The dentist may attribute a regular fluoride rinse that may do the job without coating the teeth with fluoride.

Every person strives to become the owner beautiful smile. But today without dental care, it's getting more and more complicated. In the diet modern man carbohydrates predominate, mostly soft food is consumed, plus a poor environment and a lack of vitamins and minerals. All this leads to the destruction of enamel and the formation of caries, which does not beautify the smile. Teeth fluoridation can help prevent such problems. Let's consider the features of this procedure.

What is fluoridation?

During fluoridation, hard dental tissues are saturated with fluoride compounds. The procedure is characterized by the application of special products to tooth enamel. This method of protecting teeth from caries is very effective and is used both for children’s teeth and for adult patients.

This technique is very popular among both patients and dentists.

Let's consider the main advantages of using fluoride-containing products:

  • enamel increases its resistance to acids and the action of pathogenic bacteria;
  • teeth subject to restoration last longer;
  • there is a decrease in hypersensitivity;
  • the risk of occurrence is significantly reduced;
  • Enamel matures faster in children.

Types of fluoridation

The procedure for saturating dental organs with fluoride-containing substances can be divided into the following types:

  1. Simple fluoridation - painless procedure, which can be carried out in several ways, which makes it more popular among other types. In order to strengthen tooth enamel, a special spoon is used, filled with a fluoride-containing preparation, which is used for 15 minutes. For best results, this procedure is carried out 15 times. A special varnish applied with a brush can also be used. With this procedure, 3-4 repetitions are enough, and calcium fluoride is not deposited on the enamel.
  2. The mineralization procedure is also fluoridation. It is carried out by covering the previously cleaned surface of the teeth with fluoride varnish and drying it using a special lamp. Repeat this method at least four times for the effect to be at the highest level.
  3. used when it is necessary to significantly enrich teeth with fluoride. To do this, take drugs with enamel-sealing abilities. Before the procedure, your teeth must be cleaned at the dentist. The surface of the teeth is dried, and a special preparation is applied to them using a cotton swab. Then dry again and fix. At the same time, the teeth are not only enriched, but also their structure is strengthened.
  4. Children's fluoridation is done depending on the desired effect. It can be simple or deep. This strengthens the enamel and minimizes the risk of caries. But, in addition to this procedure, it is also important for the child to resort to other preventive measures in dentistry and at home.


Fluoride-containing products are very useful for teeth, as they can strengthen and restore enamel.

  1. How preventative measure in order to reduce the likelihood of cavities. This is especially true for residents of regions with low content fluoride in water.
  2. With multiple caries.
  3. After removal.
  4. On last stage dental restoration.
  5. In order to relieve hypersensitivity.
  6. After a dental whitening procedure.

There are frequent cases of using fluoridation for baby teeth. With weak dental tissue, it is possible to use endogenous or exogenous prophylaxis. As a result of fluoridation courses in children, the enamel becomes stronger and can disappear.


Fluoridation is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • if the patient has allergic reactions on the components present in the drugs used or fluorosis (fluoride intolerance);
  • in the presence of endemic mottling of teeth;
  • if the patient lives in a region where there is a high fluoride content in the water;
  • with diabetes mellitus.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects of fluoridation are as follows:

  • reduces sensitivity;
  • reduces the risk of caries formation;
  • the procedure is painless;
  • prevents the growth of harmful bacteria;
  • can be used for children;
  • strengthens and heals enamel.

Negative sides:

  • if this method is abused, there is a risk of damage to bone tissue;
  • the ability of the body to absorb sugar is reduced.

Why is enamel destroyed?

Let's look at the main causes of tooth enamel destruction:

  • use of aggressive toothpastes;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • presence of increased acidity in the mouth;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • excessive consumption of sweet and sour foods;
  • frequent dental interventions.

How to identify problems with enamel?

Symptoms that the patient's enamel coating is not in order are as follows:

  • high sensitivity to cold and hot foods;
  • bad breath;
  • the occurrence of microcracks;
  • painful sensations when brushing teeth;
  • plaque accumulated near the gums;
  • caries.

Features of fluoride saturation of teeth in childhood

Fluoridation is safe, which makes its use possible even for children. This procedure in children only has positive reviews. And the kids’ passion for sweets only emphasizes its necessity.

The most favorable age for this procedure is children aged 2-4 years. At this time, children do not yet experience fear of the dentist and sit calmly, and teeth at this age are most sensitive to sugar and temperature changes.

The best for children is deep fluoridation. With its help, you won't have to visit the dentist often. One visit every 6 months will be enough.

It is important to know: It is important to entrust the procedure only to an experienced doctor who has already performed fluoridation on children more than once. He will examine bone tissue and will select the most suitable type of procedure.

In order to independently enrich children's teeth at home, parents can use children's fluoride-containing pastes, and if there is a lack of calcium and fluoride, they can give their child dietary supplements.

Don't forget about daily thorough oral hygiene. This way, the results from fluoridation will last much longer.

You can find out more about fluoridation of baby teeth.

Fluoridation for pregnant women

Fluoridation involves artificially saturating the patient’s teeth with the minerals they need: fluoride, calcium and phosphorus. Fluoride binds firmly with other components of dental tissue, helping the enamel to most effectively resist the effects of negative factors.

There is no threat to health in this procedure. Therefore, it can be used and even recommended during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, you can, in addition, use elixirs and whitening toothpastes, which does not pose a threat to either the pregnant woman or the unborn baby.

Drugs used

The main preparations that saturate teeth with fluoride are:

  1. Dentin-sealing liquid is used to demineralize enamel and for.
  2. Enamel-sealing liquid is used during the treatment of cavities and crowns.

It is important to check with a specialist which drug will be used, especially if you brought a child to the procedure.

Procedure depth value

Fluoridation can be regular or deep. Which type should I use? in this case determined by a specialist after a thorough diagnosis of the condition of the enamel.

Conventional (simple) fluoridation

With simple fluoridation, fluoride is administered regularly. The doctor prepares an impression tray, individual for each patient, and fills it with a special fluoride-containing composition (gel).

Place these trays on your teeth for about 15 minutes. For reliable prevention, 10 to 15 procedures will be required. First, the dentist does this, then the patient can do it himself at home.

One impression can be used several times.

Another option for simple fluoridation is coating the enamel with fluoride varnish. It contains resins, sodium fluoride and cedar balsam. The composition is applied to all teeth with a brush and then dried. The procedure is repeated 4 times.

Deep fluoridation

The most reliable and effective, relatively simple.

As a result, fluoride ions move deeply into the crystal lattice of the dental organ, where they are converted into molecules and deposited as complex conglomerates.

According to experts, calcium fluoride contained in hard tissues becomes a protective barrier against caries.

Teeth that have received such impregnation are strengthened 10 times with the help of a high concentration of ions. From simple fluoridation this method differs in speed and disposability. It is recommended to do it once a year.

Stages of the deep fluoridation procedure

Let's look at the step-by-step steps:

  1. Teeth are cleaned of tartar and plaque to prevent fluoride from being delayed in penetration.
  2. Thorough cleaning of the spaces between teeth.
  3. Drying the tooth surface.
  4. Application special means for two minutes.
  5. Air drying.
  6. Extinguishing with a solution of copper-calcium hydroxide.
  7. Rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Fluoridation at home

The procedure for saturating teeth with fluoride-containing substances is not cheap, but you need to know that one procedure will not give the desired effect and you will need to complete the entire course.

For many patients, the possibility of carrying out such a procedure at home is interesting, because a special product for this can be purchased at a pharmacy, and its price will be much lower than the procedure in a dentist’s office.

But the fact is that such a medication can only be used under the strict supervision of an experienced specialist, because if too much fluoride enters the body, problems may arise. unpleasant consequences or happen severe poisoning. If the patient uses the drug himself, there is a high risk of ingestion and contact with soft tissue. This speaks of a senseless risk to one’s health while chasing savings.

At the same time, at home you can use such remedies as:

  • toothpastes containing fluoride;
  • gels based on this mineral;
  • special rinses.

When choosing a toothpaste, it is important to pay attention to the fluoride dosage indicated on the packaging, which is measured in ppm units. For prevention purposes, adults can use a paste containing 1500 ppm, and for children, pastes with an element concentration of no more than 800 ppm are suitable.

The most common is Elmex gel containing amino fluoride. It is used once a week, cleaning your teeth like a regular toothpaste. It is important not to swallow this product.

Using dental elixirs, you can freshen your breath, as well as wash out pieces of food from hard-to-reach places, and enrich the enamel with the substances it needs. The fluorine content in the elixir is 0.15%. They should rinse their mouth twice a day after eating.

Is fluoridation harmful?

Fluoridation is a harmless procedure and the safest option for caries prevention. But it is important to know that this method cannot be used for patients who live in regions with increased content fluoride in water.

In general, fluorine is one of the essential minerals. It is responsible for all the properties of tooth enamel. If its content in the body is low, it has a negative effect on the teeth. Thus, in order to strengthen teeth and protect them from negative impacts, you need to constantly replenish the reserves of this mineral in the body. And most safe way, pursuing such a goal is precisely fluoridation.

What do you get after the procedure?

A course of fluoridation procedures allows you to smooth the surface of the enamel, improve (whiten) the color of teeth, and reduce the risk of caries and other diseases and inflammations. As a result, the enamel hardens significantly and performs a protective function much better.

After the procedures, the patient will not have to go to the dentist often, in addition, he will smile more often and wider. The effect of the fluoridation course lasts for several years.

How much does the procedure cost?

Fluoridation is quite affordable, so it is a common procedure. It is used at any age and in almost all clinics, because without extra costs you can protect your teeth from harmful influences.

The cost of enriching one tooth with fluoride starts from 100 rubles, depending on the method used to carry out the procedure. It is very important for parents that for this low price, they can protect their child’s baby teeth.



- What is the price of dental fluoridation?


The cost of the procedure depends on the chosen method (regular or deep fluoridation) and on the drug used. Fluoride varnishes produced in the CIS countries are cheaper imported analogues. To cover one tooth with varnish you need approximately 50-400 rubles, and for deep fluoridation you will need to pay from 120 to 600 rubles per tooth.


- At what age can the procedure be used for children?


The main criterion for performing the procedure on a child is his ability to sit with his mouth open for about 15 minutes. Children as young as six are already capable of this, but there are exceptions. The procedure for strengthening the enamel of baby teeth is very important, as well as during the period when they are replaced by permanent ones or in cases of severe sensitivity.


- How to carry out fluoridation at home and is it harmful?


The procedure is absolutely harmless, it is only important to trust it a good specialist, which will comply with all instructions of the manufacturing companies. Swallowing the solution during the procedure is prevented by a saliva ejector. But you cannot use professional preparations at home, because they can damage the mucous membrane or be swallowed.


- Is fluoridation inferior to silver plating?


Fluoridation has more than one advantage over silver plating. It does not change the color of tooth enamel, whereas silver plating turns them black, which cannot be removed. In addition, with silvering, the development of caries stops, and with fluoridation, it is prevented by strengthening the enamel. But for the treatment of caries, fluoride enrichment can be used only at the initial stage of the disease.


- How often should the procedure be performed?


With deep fluoridation, it is enough to repeat it once every 1-2 years; usually it is better to do it at least once every six months.
