When complete sensitivity occurs after epidural anesthesia. Influence on the fruit. Video about epidural anesthesia during childbirth

Generic pain belongs to the hardest and not only in physical indicators. Births have a serious pressure on the psyche and completely change the perception of a young mother. From nature, a woman belongs to the weak floor, but only she is able to endure all the stages of pregnancy and the process of childbirth. European scientists have proven this with an unusual experiment.

In a special laboratory, several cabins created, which fully allow all the feelings and feelings of a pregnant woman. For testing in the cabin defined men of different ages. Test time for each was selected individually. Each man was examined before the test, which caused laughter from most subjects. In their opinion, from such cheerful tests it was possible only to suffer from laughter. The results of the experiment impressed even the scientists themselves. Almost 90% of men received a severe psychological trauma, barely reaching the imitation phase of the first fights. The remaining 10%, which managed to transfer the phase of birth, took assistance to the group of doctors. Some of the tested on a short time Lost sexual attraction.

But the pregnancy process is severe and does not always proceed without complications. Even with a positive course of pregnancy, there is no guarantee that the cesarean section does not need during childbirth. This cause can be the wrong position of the fetus, and weak generic activity. At such critical moments, the threat of life is created by both and therefore doctors have to use epidural anesthesia during childbirth.

Material from Wikipedia

Epidural anesthesia, it is "peridural" - one of the methods of regional anesthesia, in which medications Entered into the epidural spinal space through the catheter. Injection leads to loss of pain sensitivity (analgesia), loss of general sensitivity (anesthesia) or to muscle relaxation (muscle relaxation). The mechanism of action of epidural anesthesia is mainly connected with the penetration of drugs through the fool couplings into the subarachnoid space, and as a result, the blockade of the passage of nerve impulses (including pain) on the root nerves and further in the spinal cord. Wikipedia.org.

Epidural anesthesia in childbirth means the introduction of painkillers in the region spinal cord. Anesthetic is introduced into the epidural space that surrounds the spinal cord. Epidural space is located in the free gap in the kore of the spinal cord.

The procedure of epidural anesthesia during childbirth does not apply to the category of complex, but can cause complications. Much depends on the qualifications of the specialist itself. In essence, epidural anesthesia with cesarean sections and heavy childbirth is comparable to such a procedure as a puncture of the spinal cord. It takes a lot of practice and experience in epidural anesthesia, so that the consequences do not make a young mother with disabilities after childbirth.

A catheter is inserted into the lower back of the back, the drugs for the generic process are introduced through it. Medicines, getting into the spinal cord, "catch" and block pulses that transmit nerve fibers. Depending on the flow of childbirth and the state of the mother, anesthesiologist decides on the degree of generic anesthesia. For some cases of epidural anesthesia, a small amount of drugs are introduced, even so that the woman can give birth to independently. But she will not feel the former violent pain, but will save all his feelings.

In more severe situations, during childbirth, the woman is increasing in epidural anesthesia, the woman completely loses sensitivity. It is usually done in those moments when childbirth is too dangerous for life and a young mother need a cesarean section. It is not necessary that the epidural anesthesia will be used in the clinic. In most serious cases, the usual common anesthesia is used during childbirth, not epidural anesthesia.

The decision on the likely use of anesthesia or epidural anesthesia during childbirth, to discuss all the "for" and "against" should be appropriate before the attack.

Young mothers suffer unbearable pain in childbirth, some are ready to pay for epidural anesthesia, just not to suffer. It should be understood that childbirth can last a few hours, and a day. But doctors will take all measures to the latter to ensure that the girlfriend is allowed from the burden (gave birth) natural way And they will not apply epidural anesthesia during childbirth. Only so the body is subjected to less risk, so much less risk for mother and baby. Births can stimulate, influence the contraction of the uterus, but the decision to apply epidural anesthesia will be the latest tool.

Epidural anesthesia is carried out under childbirth childbirth. Anesthesia relaxes muscles, especially small pelvis, which allows you to reduce the load on the child's head. Thanks to this, it is much easier to go to the generic paths and less likely to injury. And my mother herself feels better without having strong pain in childbirth.

With long kinds without epidural anesthesia, a woman is very exhausted, it will be weakened by a contractile ability and activity decreases. She physically can not be stirred at the right moment, because it was already tired for many hours of bumps. In this case, epidural anesthesia is needed immediately to give the opportunity to relax from overloads and partially return its strength. Without this, a threat may appear for both.

Additional readings for epidural anesthesia during childbirth

It also happens that the uterus during childbirth loses the necessary coordination. Normally, all uterine departments should be reduced with the same activity, which provides normal generic activities. But sometimes this consistency disappears and this completely violates the generic process. More often, the cause of such a complication in the heavy psycho-emotional state of the woman in labor. Epidural anesthesia blocks pain, slows down the production of oxytocin to reduce the cutting of the uterus. Often it helps to quickly restore the normal flow of childbirth and lead the uterus in the natural course.

If pregnancy proceeded with complications, strong toxicosis, threat of miscarriage or there are signs of the inflammatory process, specialists can use epidural anesthesia to normalize childbirth. Even with the guests strong edema or high pressure Epidural anesthesia is simply necessary. Sometimes epidural anesthesia is carried out with some chronic diseases.

But the time when it is necessary to apply epidural anesthesia in the generic process, each clinic depends on medical policies. In one clinic, epidural anesthesia do immediately, barely generic bodies began. This is preserving the forces to a woman for normal childbirth. In the other centers, anesthesia is carried out only under the condition that the cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed at least 4 cm and the generic activity is critical. This is due to the fact that anesthetic in epidural anesthesia slows down the activity of labor, epidural anesthesia can almost stop generic activities.

The main contraindication to such anesthesia is an infection in the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine, where the catheter must be installed. Also, anesthesia does not apply with weak generic activity, so as not to reduce all the pleasant rooms for zero. Bad blood coagulation can be a contraindication to epidural anesthesia during childbirth.

In the course of the flow of labor, gynecologists can identify another number of individual prohibitions to epidural and any anesthesia, based on the situation. It happens that the pelvis of the mother is too narrow or the kid is too large. Significantly complicate the situation when the guinea simply does not tolerate the components or at all anesthesia. Additionally, restrictions on anesthesia and epidural anesthesia in childbirth may occur in the presence of tumors in the spine.

It is necessary to understand that in general, epidural anesthesia during childbirth is based on the introduction of narcotic substances for anesthesia. According to the general risk scale, this procedure is not as dangerous, medications should not harm neither the mother nor the fetus. But the body and pregnancy in each case are unique, there are no repetitions and templates in nature. Main omission can consist in the main thing: specialists do not take samples on the tolerability of anesthesia and substances that are used in epidural anesthesia. Therefore, to predict the reaction of the body for childbirth and the consequences is impossible.

For and against epidural anesthesia

Epidural anesthesia has several positive momentswhich significantly affect the course of childbirth and the state of the female in labor. The most important thing is that epidural anesthesia allows you to give the Mother's time to restore the lost strength. Any pain, especially in the fights, seriously ruins the body and CNS. With strong pains that a woman experiences during childbirth, it ceases to breathe normally, oxygen ceases to flow into the blood in the desired quantity. Cardiac activity rises to a critical indicator, especially when problems with the cardiovascular system. The burden on the body and stress from birth increases in arithmetic progression Without epidural anesthesia.

On the background strong pain The muscles of the uterus can lose coordination, the generic activity will decrease. Epidural anesthesia allows to reduce such manifestations by reducing the aggressiveness of bouts. The woman continues to be horn and give birth, but her pain receptors react not so acute to the process of childbirth. This is the main task of epidural anesthesia.

Under the action of epidural anesthesia, the cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed smoothly and smoothly during childbirth, giving the opportunity to child calmer to pass the way along the generic paths. In any blood pain, the level of negative adrenaline is growing. The greater the pain, the more and the stronger the excessive activity of the uterus tone is growing. In such conditions, and without epidural anesthesia, the guinea cannot control itself, the baby is born with great difficulty, the birth is caused by severe stress. And the mother itself gets significant breaks and damage, which then have to sew.

If experts are competent and have good experience in epidural anesthesia, the chance of the consequences and even with a cesarean section, almost insignificant. Normally, the substance introduced into the body does not fall into the blood and cannot harm. More often there are negative moments of local manifestation after epidural anesthesia. After childbirth and transferred flour for a woman, they almost do not matter:

  • small pain in the field of catheter;
  • headaches:
  • in the place of the puncture, a small hematoma is formed (it passes with time).

There are cases when a woman is partly losing sensitivity for a while lower extremities. This happens in cases where the catheter itself, when epidural anesthesia, was installed incorrectly and hooked the nerve endings. More often all these consequences are held within a week, and normal condition Restores.

Far comprehensive situation With epidural anesthesia, when the catheter takes damps the spinal cord root. Or specialists ignore the need for practical inspection on the tolerability of drugs when applying epidural anesthesia. In some centers, they simply ask about the presence of allergic reactions to drugs. And limited to this. Therefore, you need to think well about and against epidural anesthesia.

Some experts confidently say that epidural anesthesia has a negative effect on the very flow of delivery in that it reduces the generic activity of the uterus. This complicates the state of the feminine, and creates a threat to hypoxia for the baby. It is also believed that such anesthesia leads to Cesarean cross section. This is explained by the same reduction in the activity of the uterine contractions at the moment of battles.

Scientists of the world created a special commission and its main task was to determine the actual risk for feminine and chance cesarean section When using epidural anesthesia. The conclusion of the commission was quite ambiguous. Specialists issued a conclusion in the periods of childbirth. Regarding the first period and the use of epidural anesthesia, it is said that it is impossible to determine the degree of impact of epidural anesthesia during the birth in this phase. In conclusion, it is said that each body reaction to epidural anesthesia is individual so much that it is just stupid to predict the result.

The second period of childbirth and the conclusion of the commission

It is understood that epidural anesthesia acts in different ways and there is no guarantee that it will actually have its own action at childbirth. A lot of cases when epidural anesthesia simply had no effect. Only a significant gain of the dose gave some results. But an increase in the dose of anesthesia of any kind automatically creates additional risks for the health of the spine and the entire back of the fever. An unequivocal opinion in the first period of childbirth did not express the Commission.

Regarding the second period and epidural anesthesia, when the bouts are already following the climax, the Commission issued a conclusion about the slowdown in generic activity. But the Chairman of the Commission did not agree and summarized his own conclusion on the basis of his observations over 13 years of applying epidural anesthesia. According to his conclusion, epidural anesthesia can cause a slowdown in certain moments of childbirth. But this can be avoided if at the very first signs add a Gennian oxytocin. The drug stimulates the activity of the uterus and restore its contractile activities.

Conclusion and conclusions of domestic professionals about epidural anesthesia

Russian specialists are also divided into the influence of epidural anesthesia for childbirth. This is clearly noticeable in time of application in each specific clinic of such anesthesia. Can assign immediately and may wait for a long time Natural process completion by the forces of a woman.

But most specialists say that in reality it is not necessary to argue about the utility of epidural anesthesia. Epidural anesthesia is applied in cases where the pain prevents the woman in labor to continue attempts or it is simply unable to give birth. If she can not give birth to herself, automatically it means that she has narrow pelvis Or her child is too big for her. And this becomes an indicator for conducting cesarean sections. It also happens that the baby lies wrong and obstetres cannot turn the baby. And at such moments, there is absolutely no meaning in the effect of epidural anesthesia, since the need for cesarean section is already obvious.

And if the childbirth go well, but for a long time, then it is necessary to decide on the feasibility of epidural anesthesia individually, based on the state and forging forging. Birth requires the exhaust tension and if a young mother is clinically healthy, anesthesia will not cause any harm and childbirth will be safely.

Fears of young mothers in front of epidural anesthesia

Many women are afraid that epidural anesthesia will damage them to the baby or harm them. Some are sure that it is impossible to interfere with natural process And it is necessary to give birth as nature ordered, without epidural anesthesia and other injections. It all just sounds beautiful and right. When it comes to childbirth, the feminine will understand his misconception, because it happens that the young mother simply does not withstand such an excess of pain and suffering. Sometimes epidural anesthesia saves life to both.

It is difficult without epidural anesthesia and those who give birth prematurely. The uterus is not ready for childbirth, the body is not ready for childbirth to the end, and the generic process is already running. A woman is experiencing strongest pain, but without the help of a doctor, she simply cannot barrier. Without epidural anesthesia, it is difficult and in the case of the preservation of the baby.

No one encourages the use of caesarean cross-section or epidural anesthesia as a means of getting rid of pain. Before the birth of the baby, the mother does not belong to himself, she thinks only about the child. But if a leading obstetrician gynecologist offers anesthesia or epidural anesthesia, you need to think well and calculate my strength. When the anesthesia and stimulation is already offered by the specialist himself, it means that there is already a risk of complications and consequences for both. Long delivery Minimally create hypoxia conditions for the child's brain. Epidural anesthesia can reduce risks and facilitates the state of the mother.

It is only necessary to decide individually, but you need to trace the problem to be taken on the anesthesia in epidural anesthesia and choose good clinic For childbirth. Then the risks will be significantly less and the childbirth will be safely.

Epidural anesthesia is the process of introducing the needle to the area around the spinal cord. Through the catheter passes the medicine that blocks the tingling pulses of the lower body, making it so that the woman does not feel anything. Many pregnant girls are solved on such manipulation, referring to the fact that everything will pass without problems and quickly.

Reviews of people who have experienced this very much: one is delighted with manipulation, others - try to forget about such experience as a terrible dream.

Spend epidural anesthesia for childbirthit is possible if there are no contraindications and complications or when other painkillers do not help properly. She is prescribed by B. obligatoryIf there is one or more of the following factors:

  1. Minor fever.
  2. Premature contractions.
  3. Woman waiting twins.
  4. Provides caesarean section.
  5. There are anomalies.
  6. The pronounced threshold of sensitivity.
  7. Elevated blood pressure or vessels.
  8. Hypertension.
  9. Stimulation is needed.

How is the procedure

  1. First, the lower back smell special antiseptic solutionTo remove all bacteria and microbes.
  2. A needle is introduced into the place that the doctor chose. A catheter is inserted into the needle, an anesthetic is supplied through it.
  3. The procedure is fast and operational: 5-10 minutes.
  4. The effect of anesthetic comes not to lightning, you have to endure 15-20 minutes.
  5. Over the time of entering the drug, there is numbness of the legs, weakening the fights, tingling in the limb area.
  6. Mom absolutely does not experience pain, only feels a cut in the uterus.
  7. If there is a need for rest, Momchka is allowed to relax and gain strength, even sleep a little.
  8. At the end of the drug, the sensations come into a normal state.
  9. If the effect falls, the dose increases and an additional amount of substance is introduced.

When the woman has no contraindications or recommendations for manipulation, but only own wish, It is necessary to think thoroughly by weighing everything "for" and "against".


Only from the decision of the doctor depends, whether this manipulation will be carried out. Even when highly desire Mother and unbearable pain, there may be good reasons for refusal.

Cases and reasons for which it is categorically impossible to carry out a procedure:

  • Intracranial pressure is increased.
  • Injection infections.
  • Vices of the heart.
  • Blood blood clotting.
  • Septis, pyelonephritis, chorioamnionit.
  • The presence in the blood of bacteria.
  • Bleeding.

Apply with caution if:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • There is neurology.
  • There is a scar in the region of the uterus.
  • There are no contractions.
  • The cervix is \u200b\u200bopened wider than 7 cm.

Very careful worth applying this method Anesthesia, if the patient suffers from epilepsy or diabetes.

Pros and cons at childbirth

If the decision was taken aside by the manipulation, the mother is experiencing a number of advantages:

  1. Reducing unpleasant sensations.
  2. Reducing the feeling of anxiety.
  3. Reducing the level of "stress hormone" - Catecholamine.
  4. The condition becomes calm and favorable for the birth of the baby.
  5. The risk of increased pressure is eliminated for those who suffer from hypertension.
  6. The girl is able to relax or even sleep, if very tired and the process lasts pretty for a long time.
  1. Pressure may fall too sharply, in suffering hypertension.
  2. Births differ in duration.
  3. The anesthetic effect of the procedure can be minimal or completely absent.
  4. It is possible to increase body temperature.
  5. Back pain after Injection.

Cons after delivery

Even with successful implementation the consequences of epidural anesthesia The course of childbirth, the feminine and the condition of the child is very strong. Possible:

  • Difficulties in breastfeeding.
  • Headaches.
  • Fetal heartbeat.
  • Increases the risk of bleeding.
  • Maybe frequent urinary incontinence.
  • Nighting and uncomfortable feelings in the field of the lower back.
  • After epidural anesthesia hurtsspin after insignificant physical exertion.
  • Separate sections of the whole body may experience tingling and numbness.
  • Possible ringing in ears and impaired skin sensitivity.
  • Emotional I. is lost psychological communication Mother and child laid out by nature, which can lead to indifference in relation to the baby.

Children that have emerged using this procedure, more sluggish and weakened, their activity is significantly reduced, they are more often susceptible to the emergence of infections. Such a child can cry a lot, to be apathetic and not even want to eat.

Probability of complications

Complications after epidural anesthesia Meet too rarely to pay sharpened attention to them. But to explore real casesstill worth it.

  1. Anesthetic will fall into the venous direction. The woman feels weakness, nausea, dizziness, numbness of the tongue and a specific taste in the mouth.
  2. Allergic reactions appear. The chance to face allergies increases, if earlier the woman did not come across the admission of painkillers. A strong reaction causes anaphylactic shock, swelling and choking. To exclude this, it is necessary to carry out samples for the product.
  3. Labored breathing. It is rare as a result of a specific impact on the nerves.
  4. Pain in the back and head. Unpleasant symptoms can pass during the day or continue for several months. Eliminate the problem is easy with medication or radical way, when a single woman's own blood is introduced into the place of puncture from anesthetic. Wherein unpleasant symptoms Blocked.
  5. There is a feeling of dizziness, ripples in the eyes, the attacks of nausea or even vomiting. For avoidance such symptom, after the procedure is recommended bed regime And dropper.
  6. Paralysis legs. The most detrimental complication after epidural anesthesia after childbirth.

In some cases, the procedure may not give proper effect: do not work out at all or only partially. The doctor does not always succeed in the desired zone. The reason may be inexperienced, the overweight of the patient or if the vertebral pillar has violations in its structure. By increasing the concentration of the product or the number of punctures, the anesthesiologist is able to eliminate the problem.


Having a number of positive moments epidural anesthesia after childbirth can call unexpected consequences both for mom and for her baby. Eliminating the torment yourself, there is probability to harm the baby. The pain that the girlfriend and the baby are tested together, forever connects them, establishing a solid connection for life.

If there are no symptoms, except for fear, it is recommended to attend courses for pregnant women, study the techniques of breathing, read special literature, engage in light sports, stretch the muscles. It is useful to walk a lot and move, there are fruits and vegetables, drink citrus juices and clean water: It will save from excess weight And troubles later. The correct lifestyle of the mother leads to the normal weight of its crumbs and easy childbirth.

Epidural anesthesia is currently gaining increasing popularity among doctors and patients. And not in vain: such a procedure gives good efficiency and has enough contraindications.

Epidural anesthesia is considered modern method in medical practiceHowever, it was known for a long time ago. Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, experts were found that if the cocaine was introduced into the epidural space, then an excellent analgesic effect is observed. But, despite such an important scientific discovery, anesthesia for many reasons did not become widely used in medicine. Near the century in the post-Soviet space, many doctors continued to use "General anesthesia", ignoring for a long time more gentle and light method anesthesia.

On the this moment We can safely count on epidural (synonym - peridural) anesthesia, which is extensively used in abdominal surgery, oncology, traumatology and orthopedics, obstetrics, gynecology, urology and quite often - in pediatrics. So let's find out and consider what epidural anesthesia is, how to perform this procedure, which one has it side effectsIs it hurting and why this anesthesia is, not a common?

Today, this method is considered the most common in anesthesiology. How many patients choose such modern view Anesthesia, like epidural anesthesia?

If you believe the statistics, then in developed countries in Europe and the USA, they are used in 75-80% of cases.

Technique implementation

The most important task for anesthesiologist is to correctly put the catheter in epidural (peridural) space. Under the epidural space there is a spinal cord, which is also surrounded by a shell (it is in this place that it is necessary to get a needle to obtain such anesthesia as spinal anesthesia).

Peridural anesthesia is carried out using a special needle (needle of touoi), which has a certain diameter (1-2 mm) and length (9 cm). Local anesthetic.Finding into epidural space, blocks conducting nerve fibers that are directly related to the spinal cord. Thus, there is peridural anesthesia of one or another, depending on the level of anesthesia, the body site.

Needle Tuoi

To perform an anesthetic procedure, you must have a set for epidural anesthesia, which includes the following (additional components are possible):

  • needle Tuoi (epidural needle);
  • epidural catheter;
  • low resistance syringe;
  • connector
  • bacterial filter;

1 needle touoi. 2-connector with catheter. 3-bacterial filter. 4-syringe of low resistance

How do epidural anesthesia make?

Manipulation is performed by the doctor anesthesiologist and medical sister. Before the start of the procedure, the set for epidural anesthesia is laid out in a sterile tray or a sterile diaper.

The patient is in the sitting position, although the position on the side with the legs bent to the chest is allowed. The patient is asked to abnounce the back of the arc, or the "kitty" in order to make it more convenient to felt the desired benchmarks and get a needle to the necessary area. At the same time, the doctor recommends the patient not to make any movements in order to correctly and quickly perform his work.

The installation site of the catheter depends on the surgical manual (operation). This is most often a lumbar, lower chest or high chest level. The task of the doctor at this stage is a palpation method (touch with hands) to choose the desired location where the needle is entered.

The injection site is placed sterile material (pelleys, sheets, disposable aprons), only a small window in the spine area is left, which is then processed by an antiseptic. Either just spin is widely processed by antiseptic solution. It all depends on the materialities medical institution. Since the procedure can deliver pain in the patient, then the place first frozen the one is planted with a local anesthetic (most often it is Lidocaine). In this case, a patient can say that he cuts a little in the zone of the injection, can feel a light burning sensation that lasts long. The doctor then begins to "search" the desired space by the needle of Tuoi and the syringe low pressureand installation in this space of the epidural catheter

This step of manipulation is considered the most important and painless for the patient: under the action of the previous anesthesia, the puncture of the needle, as a rule, is practically not felt or not felt at all. Proper technique Performing requires big medical mastery to successfully conduct such a procedure as epidural anesthesia.

When the needle fell into the necessary area, a catheter is introduced through it. Through this thin tube, a drug will be supplied to perform anesthetic action. The patient at this stage also does not feel any discomfort.

After installing the catheter in the spine, the needle is extracted. Further, the connector (adapter) is connected to it so that you can enter the desired drug with a syringe.

Before entering a complete dose of anesthetic, the doctor introduces a "test dose". This is one of additional methods To confirm the correct location of the epidural catheter. For this, several milliliters of the drug are introduced and its impact is made. At this time, the doctor will ask questions, ask for certain actions. It is very important that the patient gives clear answers and performed all the actions of the doctor. From this will depend on the quality of anesthesia. The catheter is reliably fixed with a sterile dressing and leucoplasty. Many patients ask: "How much time passes before I feel the action of medication and anesthesia?". Anesthesia action is manifested in 15-25 minutes.

Indications for epidural anesthesia:

  • performing operational interventions on breast cavity, abdominal cavity, on the lower limbs;
  • in complex therapy Some diseases (for example, pancreatitis)
  • treatment of chronic and protracted pains;
  • anesthesia of childbirth;
  • obstetric readings;

Contraindications for peridural (epidural) anesthesia.

So, the contraindications can be absolute (do not allow the patient to anesthesia in 100% cases) and relative (at the discretion of the doctor).

Absolute contraindications:

  • patient failure;
  • skin diseases of the back with severe membrane jackets and formations at the point of puncture (injection);
  • allergic reaction to local anesthetic;
  • pronounced deformation of the spinal column (for example, Bekhter's disease);
  • violation of blood coagulation (coagulopathy);
  • Clinically significant hypovolemia (dehydration, blood loss);
  • Violation of the conductivity of the heart (AV-blockade, sinus node weak syndrome);

Relative contraindications:

  • developmental anomalies and light deformation of the spine;
  • psychiatric diseases;
  • Low level of intellect in the patient;
  • Treatment with disaggregants and anticoagulants - drugs "thinning blood" (clopidogrel and its derivatives, warfarin, etc.);
  • Transferred early operation on the spine;
  • The presence of a tattoo at the point of puncture (injection);

Pros and Cons Anesthesia

As mentioned above, peridural anesthesia today has a high relevance. This species Anesthesia has much less side effects on the body, unlike general anesthesia (anesthesia)

However, each medal has back side. It will be about complications

Complications of epidural anesthesia:

  • epidural anesthesia does not bring the desired effect, so partial blockade may be observed or it will not be at all (there will be no pain relief);
  • the formation of hematoma in epidural space-rather rare complication;
  • infection in the peridural space is rarely found;
  • toxic effect of drugs due to unintentional in \\ in the introduction of a local anesthetic or an overdose of the drug due to the exceedable dose of the drug;
  • Head pains of different intensity. This may occur with an unintentional puncture of the spin-mode spinning space. Needle Tuoi (most frequent complication)
  • Various neurological disorders - from the lungs (partial paralysis / numbness, pain in the legs) to coarse (damage to the spinal cord) - are very rare;
  • Catheter cutter (as the catheter is a plastic tube, then it can be broken hypothetically! Depending on the level on which the catheter broke out, it may be necessary surgery According to his "capty". For example, if it happened at the level of the skin. In other cases, the catheter is left, as it is absolutely compatible with the surrounding tissues);
  • Back pain (due to the fact that anesthesia causes muscle relaxation and tensioning of ligaments, occurs approximately 40% of patients, passes after 1-2 days, cases of a longer presence of pain are described, which is due to the exacerbation of existing spinal problems) ;
  • Error Introduction Not intended for epidural administration drug (no matter how strange it did not sound, but it takes place, although quite rarely)

Epidural anesthesia in the "Maman" circles is customary to call the epidural. The phenomenon, though new, but very popular and, judging by the reviews, is "saving". Who gave birth to Epiduralka - in full delighted, who did not give birth at all and childbirth is afraid of a fire, too, for her who gave birth to successfully without pain and anesthesia - as usual: neither "for" nor "against". However, each woman needs to still know what is what and how it is eaten.

Epidural anesthesia is performed only before the start of dyuch, during the period of painful contractions, because its main purpose is to block pain, while the woman feels like and that much important is that it remains with consciousness.

The place of puncture (injection) is the epidural space of the spine (where the spinal cord ends). With the help of a needle to the back, the catheter is attached through which so many injections are introduced as safe and necessary for the "suffering" guinea. Local anesthetic blocks nerve impulses that transmit pain signals into the brain. And after 20 minutes you will not feel any pain, and sometimes the whole bottom of your body.

Epiduralka - the need ...

Definitely, the feminine itself makes a decision - to prick or not prick "magic" injection. Usually, a woman decides how she to do, long before the birth. After all, strict medical indications There is no epidural anesthesia. It is usually used only with severe pain in vaginal delivery. Also can be used instead of common anesthesia with cesarean section. It is considered better if operation will pass With the full consciousness of the mother, naturally without pain. Epidulil is used in postpartum manipulations.

In addition to the fact that this anesthesia facilitates the "silent" pain, so it also reduces the period of revelation of the cervix and absolutely does not affect the newborn, because the blood of the child gets into very small doses.

Most often, the epiduralka is offered with severe gestoses, fetoplacentar insufficiency, arterial hypertension, diseases respiratory system, severe heart defects and other states.

... or whim?

Many women, not even feeling generic pains, are obviously planning to anegize the process of bouts. It is easy to say that this is a female whim, but doctors assure that if a woman is catastrophically afraid, even small pain people are able to cause stress not only with her, but also not born while the baby. And the stress flow of childbirth can not bring anything good. That's why they do not dissuade the obstetricists-gynecologists of "fellow" moms from Epidurilka.

Women who gave birth, using epidural anesthesia, are absolutely no different from those that gave birth, as they say, the "natural" way. They felt the contractions, and the fact that the pain was minimal, only plus, because the process of childbirth was left only positive emotions. Psychologists argue: after the "epidural labor", women agree to repeated childbirth.

Epidural anesthesia during childbirth: contraindications

However, not every woman may not take advantage of such a seductive painkillers. Epidural anesthesia has multiple contraindications, which must certainly consider during childbirth, otherwise there is a big risk to get the opposite effect: instead of facilitating the complications.

Contraindications to the conduct of epidural anesthesia are:

  • generic bleeding;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • reduced blood platelet content;
  • non-corrosioned hypovolemia (decrease in circulating blood);
  • defeat skin Pokrov in place for injection;
  • tattoo at the point of puncture;
  • tumors or infections in the place of the intended injection;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergies to the administered anesthetic;
  • increased body temperature;
  • organic diseases of the central nervous system ( multiple sclerosis, muscle atrophy);
  • heart defects;
  • cardiovascular collapse;
  • traumatic shock;
  • posthemorrhagic collapse;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • spinal cord diseases;
  • diseases and violations of the spine, etc.

Relatively last: epidural anesthesia is contraindicated with scoliosis, lordose high degree, tuberculosis spondylitis, some injuries of the spine or transferred in this area of \u200b\u200boperations, when displaced and falling out intervertebral disks in the area of \u200b\u200bthe intended puncture. But the curvature of the spine absolute contraindications to the conduct of epidural anesthesia is not, although it can cause some difficulties.

In addition, 12 hours before the epidural can not be injected by Klechant.

It should be understood that contraindications for epidural anesthesia can be absolute (that is, excluding its use in any case) and relative (which come into force only in specific cases), which necessarily knows a qualified specialist. For instance, relative contraindications Epiduril are obesity, a reduced, young age of feminine.

The consequences of epidural anesthesia in childbirth

And now about all the advantages and minuses in brief. The most important thing in successful epidural anesthesia is an experienced anesthesiologist. It is from him that all sorts of consequences are dependent as pleasant and not very.

Also an important point is the use of high-quality tools and especially drugs. Most often, domestic medicine offers all familiar Lidocaine, the action of which is very short, and security wishes the best (they say that this drug can coherent the generic activity). Only Bupivakain and Ropivakain and Ropivacaine give a truly good and safe effect, and we have tugged with them.

It is impossible not to say about the explicit disadvantages of epidural anesthesia. The most important disadvantage and common complication is a headache that can last a very long time after childbirth (sometimes up to 3 months!).

Also, due to the anesthesia, arterial pressure may decrease, the spin is rare, but allergic reactions to the injected drug occur. Yes, and the ability to move after such an injection sharply decreases, the feet and legs often swell.

You can scare other more dangerous consequences Epiduranki. They even say about meningitis and paralysis of the girlfriend, and even the asphyxia of the fetus is attributed here. But if you believe everything, what they say, so in general, it does not want to live. And in childbirth? Right! Positive mood! Therefore, cute puzatati, do not worry about anything. I am sure that you are strong, and you will not need epiduralka!

Especially for - Tanya Kivezhdiy

From the guest

I gave birth to the first with epiduralka, instead of the legs of the numbers .. I wanted to nice anesthesiologist, who released the eye from shock and spread his hands saying "In the story it is possible, but in practice I have not seen this." Thank God by the end of the birth, everything went .. But I did not feel relief from the labor pain !!! Now I'm going to give birth to second and I will refuse this procedure !! But everyone has their own head that should decide on their own. Just want to warn that sometimes it can not go according to plan (((

From the guest

I gave birth 2nd times with epiduralka, the fights passed with a minimal pain, when I had already lay down to give birth at all, I did not feel anything, only a feeling of vegetation, and another plus gave birth for an hour. It is almost no painful. Only a good memory compared to the first time without a injection, I will not wish anyone to bring this whole pain. So future moms do not be afraid of the injection is not at all noticeable and give birth to him!

From the guest

Did Kesevo with the epirograph, but did not feel anything, but after, already 6 months passed, pain in the spine, I can't stand it, and I can't walk with your child, the spine starts to whine, as well as if any Square on the back. And everyone I know, the same problems. So what a trail give birth to God without it.

As often happens in such cases, these contradictions are associated with a lack of knowledge about Epiduril and are based mainly on delusions and speculation. We will analyze the most common myths about this method of kindness of childbirth to help future parents understand that they are valid, and what is just a fiction.

Myth number 1. Birth is a natural process, and it is not necessary to anesthetize

There are various individual features of the health of the health of women in labor or the flow of generic activities, aggravating pain future mom During battles. Sometimes doctors have to face the so-called pathologically low threshold of pain sensitivity of the fever. Such a term designate the high reactivity of the central nervous system in response to minimal pain stimuli. The owner of a low pain threshold is much earlier to experience pain in childbirth, and the degree of discomfort they have much more intense than women with conventional pain sensitivity. At the same time, the intensity of pain during the battles is so significant that the woman in labor can not tolerate it. In such cases, one psychological preparation for childbirth and self-adhesive skills may not be enough. In those situations where the use of physiological measures of anesthesia in childbirth (massage, respiratory techniques, aquaterapy, active behavior in childbirth) turns out to be ineffective, modern medicine Offer medical anesthesia childbirth with epidural anesthesia.

Myth number 2. Anesthesia in childbirth is needed only for anesthesia

Epidural anesthesia in childbirth is applied not only to the aims of pain relief, it can be corrected with it various pathology development of generic activities. There are a number of clay complications in which epidural anesthesia is the only effective method of treatment, which allows to normalize the generic process, to avoid the need for surgery and maintain the health of the mother and fetus. So, this type of anesthesia is used to treat the discoordination of generic activities - pathology, in which the uterus is reduced painfully and unsystematic, and the dynamics of generic activity - the disclosure of the cervix - is absent. This complication is most often associated with an increased psycho-emotional excitability of the female in the background of fear before childbirth. Because of the pathological emotional excitement, the activity of the cerebral cortex increases, and signals coordinating generic activities come to the uterus randomly and unevenly. As a result, instead of a focused reduction in the myometrium (muscle wall of the uterus), which should ensure the disclosure of the neck and promotion of the fetus, a lot of ineffective focal abbreviations occurs in the uterus wall.

In addition to such muscular activity is unproductive, that is, it does not cause disclosure, it represents the danger to the health of the fever and the fetus. As a result of permanent focal contractions of the myometrium, blood flow in uterine and placental vessels carrying oxygen to the fetus are disturbed. If for several hours, generic activity is not ordered, such contractions can lead to acute intrauterine hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) Fetal. For mom, discoordination is dangerous with the pair of placenta and even the tip of the uterus. Epidural anesthesia helps to quickly normalize nervous regulation Miometric contractions due to a pronounced painkillery effect. As soon as anesthetic begins to act, painful sensitivity disappears in the woman in labor. After having ceased to feel the fight, the woman no longer fear and calms down, which, in turn, means a decrease in the pathological activity of the cerebral cortex. In the future, the nervous impulses come to the uterus evenly, it begins to shrink productively, and the childbirth continues naturally.

Another pathology of generic activity, in which "Epiduralka" is used, is associated with dotition of the cervix. This complication is characterized by the lack of cervical disclosure against the background of intense incremental structures due to biological immaturity. generic paths. This term denote the inconsistency of the state of the cervix and the walls of the vagina period of pregnancy. Normally, before childbirth, the cervix is \u200b\u200bgradually shortened and begins to open, the tissues of the vagina and neck become soft and elastic. If at the time of the start of regular generic activity of the cervix remains dense and long, as in the middle of pregnancy, and the cervical canal is closed, the disclosure does not occur, despite the active contractual activity of the uterus. Such a variant of the development of childbirth, of course, is pathology and is dangerous to health mom and fetus: Against the background of enhanced killers, cervical breaks can occur, the neck of the cervix from the body of the uterus, and the separation of the lateral walls of the uterus. These complications are extremely dangerous, they are accompanied by massive bleeding, require emergency operational intervention and can lead to the death of the guinea (from blood loss) and the fetus (from acute hypoxia). Epidural anesthesia is the most effective method of correction of such an unsuccessful scenario. If there is strong fights "Epidurack" works, as a powerful spasmolytic that promotes the rapid softening of the cervix and its non-massive disclosure.

Epidural anesthesia is also used for artificially maintaining normal level arterial pressure in childbirth in women suffering various forms arterial hypertension. In addition, "Epiduralka" is completely indispensable in cases where it is required to minimize or even completely eliminate the wave period, without resorting to the operational delivery. We are talking about diseases in which the future mother can give birth to herself, but full participation in the process in the process can harm her health. An example of such a situation is the vices of the heart or violation heart Rhythm feminine, problems with the retina, high blood pressure eye bottom varicose disease, thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the vascular wall with the formation of blood clots, the same arterial hypertension (high blood pressure). In these cases, to facilitate the waving period, the effect of epidural anesthesia is extended almost to the head of the head of the head (the appearance of the head in the lumen of the perineum during the contraction). Then a crotch incision is made, and the baby is born with minimal physical effort from the mother, while maintaining its health and not subject to risks associated with the need for operational intervention.

Myth # 3. For epidural anesthesia use drugs dangerous for the future mother and baby

This opinion is an absolute relation: neither drugs or other potent drugs in this embodiment is just used. This is the main advantage of epidural anesthesia and makes it the most preferred embodiment of childbirth. Preparations used for "epidural", familiar to most future parents ... by visiting dental Cabinet: It is these drugs that are used for "freezing" in the treatment of teeth. These are drugs of a novocaine series: lidocaine and more modern derivatives, for example, Sovpocine and Merkocaine. These medicines do not penetrate the placental barrier and, thus, do not directly affect the fetus. In addition, when conducting epidural anesthesia, these drugs do not have time to get into the overall bloodstream: drugs are introduced into the spinal channel and dissolve in spinal fluid. However, this does not mean that anesthetics are completely safe: individual intolerance is often encountered to drugs of this group, so before conducting anesthesia, the doctor always carefully asks for a future mother about allergic reactions to medication drugs And first introduces a test dose of medication, carefully watching her well-being.

Myth number 4. When conducting epidural anesthesia in the back is constantly the needle, which can damage the spinal cord

This is the most common fear associated with the use of "Epiduraki" in future parents. In fact, it is completely bustned: the medicine is not introduced into the spinal cord, but in the spinal channel, which contains a liquid, a liquid, washing the spinal cord, and it does not receive through the "needle in the back", but on a special catheter, which anesthesiologist establishes carrying out the manipulation of pain relief in childbirth. In order to understand everything, we will tell you more about the methodology for epidural anesthesia. Future mom is asked to occupy an initial position that facilitates the doctor holding the manipulation. There are two options for the initial position of the patient, depending on its well-being, a phase of generic activity and anatomical features The structure of the spine. In the first case, the fever put his back to the doctor and asking to tilt their heads to the knees. In the second version, the future mother takes the same "embryo pose" in the position lying on the side with his back to the doctor. After the surface anesthesia of the skin in the field of intervention, the doctor makes a puncture between the vertebrae using a special needle that does not remain in the back in the patient, but only serves as a conductor. Then, through this needle, a soft flexible tube is introduced into the place of the puncture - the finest catheter, according to which the medicine will flow into the spinal channel. After the introduction of the needle catheter is removed, and the future mother can move freely, change the position of the body, lying on the back or turning with the side on the side. The outer part of the catheter is attached to the skin sticky plaster, and a aseptic bandage is superimposed on the place of the puncture. During the childbirth, the doctor can add anesthetic dose on the catheter.

Myth number 5. If the need for caesarean sections arises, epidural anesthesia will have to interrupt and do anesthesia

In contrary: in modern obstetrics, epidural and spinal anesthesia are the main and most preferred method of anesthesia under various operational interventions, primarily with operational delivery using the cesarean operation.

Myth number 6. Epidural anesthesia affects the consciousness of the women in labor

And again delusion: "Epiduralka" does not affect the patient's consciousness, does not mist, it does not cause artificial drowsiness or apathy, keeps the clarity of thinking, cutting out only pain. As a result of such anesthesia in the genus "cut off" pain signals from the uterus to the brain. That is, in fact, the pain remains, but the "distress signal" sent by painful receptors during the cuts of the uterus does not reach the pain of the brain, since the introduction of anesthetic in the spinal channel is blocked by the transmission of the nerve pulse. The well-being of a future mother, is inthibhered in this way, differs significantly from the effect of ordinary painkillers. This has its advantages and its cons. The pros is the absence of negative influence On Central nervous system. Medicines used for anesthesia do not possess slying effect, in no way change the consciousness of the future mother, do not cause a vomit reflex. During the anesthesia, the fever still feels the fight, but only as muscular abbreviationBut there is no pain. The minuses include the forced position of the feminine: after the introduction of the drug, it can not get up - the sensitivity is lost below the injection site, sometimes not only painful, but any other.

Myth number 7. Anesthesia does not affect childbirth

Unfortunately, this is also invalid statement. Another problem associated with the use of "Epidurilka" is related to its influence on the rate of development of the generic process. In some cases, after applying anesthesia, the fights are weakening, the disclosure of the cervix and the promotion of the fetus by the generic paths is delayed, and in further doctors you have to use medication relay (enhancing the bouts). Sometimes, on the contrary, immediately after the start of the epidural anesthesia, generic activities are developing too rapidly, and childbirth occur within the next few hours. Such kinds are considered complicated, since too fast the birth of the baby is associated with the danger of serious breaks of the genital pathways and generic injuries of the fetus. In addition, when using anesthesia, it is difficult to accurately calculate the end time of the drug; But it is important that the sensitivity has restored at the time of the female in labor and she could control the press muscles to fully sleep.

Myth number 8. Epidural anesthesia can be done by all women in labor

In fact, it is not. There are a number of women's health features, in which the use of this type of pain relief is contraindicated. Here is an example of the most common contraindications to the use of epidural anesthesia during childbirth for the health of the future mother:

  • high intracranial pressure due to injuries, tumors, aneurysm (extensions of vessels) and brain hemorrhages;
  • pronounced osteochondrosis in the zone of the intended puncture;
  • the presence of hernia or protrusions (protruding) of the spinal cord in the zone of manipulation;
  • the curvature of the spine, which violates its normal anatomical structure and preventing the puncture of the intervertebral space;
  • infectious processes On the skin of the back in the zone of the intended puncture (furuncular, rash, eczema).

Due to the fact that last years significantly expanded the testimony for the use of epidural anesthesia in childbirth, during pregnancy to all future mothers it is advisable to consult a neuropathologist for identifying possible contraindications. This allows you to significantly reduce the risk of complications from anesthesia.

What is the epidural anesthesia better than general anesthesia?

The advantages of this method of anesthesia in childbirth before total anesthesia are obvious:

  • there is no pathological influence on the fruit (with general anesthesia, drugs have a narcotic effect on the fruit, the newborn is born with the inhibited reflexes and heavier transfers the period of postpartum adaptation);
  • does not affect life functions Rozhenicians (unlike general anesthesia, there is no need to carry out the ventilation of the lungs using the apparatus artificial respiratory and in medication maintenance of work of cardio-vascular system);
  • during the operational generics, the guinea remains conscious, sees the child immediately after his birth, can immediately listen to the assessment of his state of health;
  • there are problems with "output from anesthesia", often when using common anesthesia and artificial ventilation lungs when the patient does not come into consciousness for a long time and do not breathe independently;
  • in postoperative period Significantly shortening the period of stay in the ward intensive therapy. The woman is much earlier regenerating the strength, is activated and can independently care for the newborn.
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