Can I drink Riboxin? Antiarrhythmic drug Riboxin - principles of action and instructions for use

What is Riboxin prescribed for? Indications for the use of this remedy, its side effects and contraindications will be described in detail in this article. We will also tell you about what forms of release the mentioned tool has, we will present it pharmacological characteristics, dosage, etc.

Forms of release of the drug and their composition

In what forms is Riboxin produced? The indications for the use of this drug can vary. In this regard, pharmaceutical companies began to produce several forms of the drug. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • Riboxin tablets. The indications for use and dosage of this form will be described in detail below. Such a medicine is coated and contains active substance called inosine (0.2 g in each tablet). This drug is marketed in cartons of 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 pieces.
  • Solution for injections "Riboxin" (ampoules). Indications for use include diseases requiring immediate administration of the drug into the bloodstream. This medication also includes the active substance inosine (in an amount of 20 mg). In addition, it also contains such auxiliary elements as sodium hydroxide, propylene glycol, water for injection and anhydrous sodium sulfite. The drug comes on sale in ampoules of 10 or 5 ml. As a rule, the package contains 10 ampoules.
  • Riboxin capsules. This product contains the active substance inosine in an amount of 200 mg. A carton can contain 50 or 10 pieces.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

In what cases do doctors prescribe Riboxin? Indications for the use of this remedy are capable of giving an exhaustive answer to the question posed.

This drug is a metabolic agent that is very often used for complex treatment ischemic disease hearts.

As mentioned above, the active substance of the drug "Riboxin" is inosine. It is he who, getting into the human body, contributes to the regulation of all metabolic processes. Due to its composition, the mentioned medicine has antihypoxic and antiarrhythmic effects.

So to which patients is Riboxin prescribed? Indications for the use of this medication include diseases that require accelerated metabolic processes in the myocardium. After using this drug, it has a positive effect on all metabolic processes in the heart, and also promotes adequate relaxation of its muscles, especially during diastole.

The active substance of the drug takes part in glucose metabolism, improves blood circulation in the vessels (coronary), and also stimulates the restoration of ischemic tissues. It should be said that the use of the drug "Riboxin" helps to reduce hypoxia internal organs.

Absorption and excretion of the drug

The presented medication is metabolized in the liver, forming glucuronic acid. Subsequently, the drug undergoes oxidation. A small amount of the drug is excreted along with the urine.

The drug "Riboxin": instructions, indications for use

According to the instructions attached to the drug, the drug "Riboxin" is prescribed for adults with the following deviations:

  • in case of violations heart rate;
  • with coronary insufficiency;
  • in case of myocardial infarction.

In what other cases is Riboxin prescribed (injections)? Indications for the use of this remedy include the following deviations:

  • coronary atherosclerosis;
  • open-angle glaucoma (but only under the condition of normal ocular pressure);
  • heart defects (acquired and congenital);
  • dystrophic changes in the heart muscle, which were caused by heavy physical exertion or endocrine pathology;
  • chronic and acute hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • liver damage of various origins and urokoproporphyria.

It should be said that any form of the drug "Riboxin" should be used for the treatment of these diseases only after consulting a doctor.

The dosage of the drug and the method of its administration

The dose and method of application of the said agent depend not only on the type of disease, but also on what form of the drug is used for treatment. Let's consider the instructions in more detail.

The drug "Riboxin" intravenously (indications for the use of this medication were presented above) should be injected slowly in a stream or drip (45-55 drops per minute). Treatment with this agent begins with the introduction of 200 mg once a day. If the drug is well tolerated, then the dose is increased to 400 mg (that is, up to 20 ml of a 2% solution) twice a day. The duration of such therapy is 10-14 days.

It should also be noted that the jet injection of the drug is possible in case of acute disturbances in the work and rhythm of the heart - in a single dosage equal to 200-400 mg.

How is Riboxin Bufus administered? Indications for the use of this medication are similar to those for Riboxin, since this is just its trade name.

To protect the kidneys that have been subjected to ischemia, the drug is injected intravenously in a single dose of 1.2 g (that is, 60 ml of a 2% solution) 6-16 minutes before the artery is clamped (renal). After the restoration of blood circulation, the patient is injected with another 0.8 g (that is, 40 ml of a 2% solution).

If a drip injection of the drug into a vein is required, then a 2% solution is preliminarily diluted in a 5% dextrose solution (that is, glucose).

Capsules and tablets "Riboxin" are prescribed orally before direct meals. First, the patient should take 0.2 g of the drug four times a day, and then increase the dose to 9.4 g 6 times a day. The course of such therapy should last about 1-3 months.

Side effects after using the drug

There are few cases indicating that the drug "Riboxin" has side effects. So, some patients claim that after using the drug they showed such allergic reactions like flushing of the skin, urticaria and pruritus. In this case, it is better to cancel the medication.

It should also be noted that with prolonged use of the drug in human blood, increased concentration uric acid as well as exacerbate gout.

Drug interactions

With the combined use of the drug "Riboxin" with cardiac glycosides this medicine can prevent the occurrence of any failures in the work of the heart, as well as enhance the inotropic effect.

With simultaneous use with heparin in patients, an increase in the effect of the latter is observed and its duration is noticeably increased.

If the drug "Riboxin" should be used in the form of injections, it must be remembered that it is incompatible with alkaloids. When such medicines are mixed, insoluble compounds are formed.

Riboxin tablets and injections can be safely taken together with drugs such as Nitroglycerin, Furosemide, Nifedipine, and Spironolactone. This medicinal product is incompatible with vitamin B6. When applied simultaneously, both components are deactivated.

It should also be said that the Riboxin solution (for injection) is highly undesirable to mix with other drugs (except for the above solvents) in one syringe or infusion system. If this advice is neglected, it can easily lead to unwanted chemical interactions of substances with each other.

Riboxin is medical drug which has a positive effect on metabolic reactions in human body... If we talk in simple words, then Riboxin helps to improve metabolism in the cells of organs and tissues. The manufacturer of this medication also claims that the use of the medication contributes to the elimination oxygen starvation, as well as normalization of the heart rate. The effectiveness of the drug is so high that it is even used to increase endurance and physical strength.

Forms of drug release

Riboxin is available in the form of a solution for injection, and inosine is the main component of the drug. It is a substance that is in the form of a white powder with yellow tint and odorless, contained in one milliliter in an amount of 20 mg. Riboxin in the form of injections for injection is available in 10 ml ampoules.

Riboxin injections are intended to be injected into a vein. Most sources claim that the medication must be applied exclusively to the vein. Instructions for the use of Riboxin injections states that the solution is intended for intravenous administration by jet or drip... About the prohibition to intramuscular use nothing is said, therefore its introduction into the muscle is ineffective and irrational. The drug is available in various pharmaceutical companies countries such as Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

It's important to know! In addition to the injection form, Riboxin is also available in the form of tablets. In what form to use the medication, it is exclusively a specialist who decides. The difference between these forms of release lies in the speed of delivery of the main component of the drug inosine to the internal organs.

In addition to the main component of inosine, Riboxin injections include:

  • caustic soda;
  • hexamine;
  • sterile liquid.

The packages of the drug contain 5 or 10 ampoules of the drug, the volume of which is 5 or 10 ml.

Features of the drug Riboxin

Riboxin is anabolic, that is, it has antiarrhythmic and antihypoxic effects. The main component inosine is actively involved in glucose metabolism, as well as in stimulating metabolic processes.

Through the components of the solution, cell respiration is normalized even with ATP deficiency. After using the medication, the substances of the agent act on the enzymes involved in metabolic processes.

Due to the positive effect of inosine, the process of platelet joining is inhibited, as a result of which the likelihood of blood clots in the lumens of blood vessels is significantly reduced. The use of Riboxin intravenously allows for the prevention of diseases of thrombosis and thromboembolism. In addition, under the influence of the components of the drug, the processes of degeneration of the tissues of the myocardium and the digestive system are launched.

It's important to know! Immediately after the introduction of the drug intravenously, it is transported to the tissues that need ATP. The excess amount of the drug is excreted natural ways through urine, feces and bile.

Advantages and disadvantages of Riboxin

Riboxin has many advantages due to its positive effect on the body for various ailments and diseases. The benefits include:

  1. Increased energy balance muscle cells hearts.
  2. Prompt formation of nucleoside phosphates.
  3. Acceleration of the renewal of the tissues of the heart muscle.

Through this medication the contractile activity of the heart muscle is normalized. In spite of positive influence of the drug on the human body, Riboxin also has disadvantages. The disadvantages include:

  1. Such a property of a medicine as a change in the natural sequence of the metabolic cycle is negatively reflected on a person. This means that inosine affects metabolic processes, carrying out their arbitrary correction.
  2. Arbitrary correction of metabolic processes can negatively affect human physiology, therefore, the development of serious complications is not excluded.
  3. The drug should not be used for a person who does not have pathological abnormalities for prophylactic purposes.

Riboxin is designed to help people avoid death during development. pathological processes... For correct application Riboxin, the need for its administration intravenously or intramuscularly should be decided medical specialist after examining the patient.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of the drug Riboxin are as follows:

  1. Ischemic heart disease. The medication is used regardless of the stage of the disease. It is also prescribed after a heart attack has occurred.
  2. Myocardial damage. If the reasons for the development of the myocardium are not identified, then the medication is prescribed for use over a long period.
  3. With congenital porphyria. This is a disease that is a violation of pigment metabolism.
  4. Arrhythmia. Allows you to quickly normalize the heart rate.
  5. For the normalization of vision in the diagnosis of open-angle glaucoma.
  6. Diseases: cirrhosis, steatosis and hepatitis. Used in composition complex therapy.
  7. During pregnancy. The need to use a medication is prescribed by a doctor.

A more detailed list of indications for the use of the medication in question can be found in the instructions attached to it. When buying a medication, there is no need to present a prescription from a doctor.

Contraindications for injections

In addition to the fact that Riboxin is prohibited to use in the absence of indications, there are also contraindications to its use in the presence of one of the above diseases. Contraindications include:

  1. Individual intolerance to the substances that make up the medication. It is for this that it is important to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product before using it.
  2. With an excess amount of urea in the blood and urine.
  3. With problems with the kidneys and liver, if there are malfunctions in their functioning.
  4. It is forbidden to administer the drug to children under the age of 3 years.
  5. When carrying and breastfeeding. It is used for individual indications and only as directed by a doctor.
  6. In the presence of diseases of the joints and tissues, for example, with gout.

In addition, experts do not recommend administering the drug to people who are ill. diabetes mellitus... If there are contraindications about the need or possibility to use the medication, the doctor decides. In most cases, the medication is used only in cases where the benefits will exceed potential risk... Before the introduction of the medication into mandatory the patient needs to donate blood.

Features of the use of Riboxin

Injecting Riboxin in a jet is allowed only during development acute disorders heart rate in a single dosage. This dosage ranges from 200 to 400 mg or 10-20 ml of solution. In a jet method, the medication is used to ensure the pharmacological protection of the kidneys.

Parenteral administration of the drug is carried out slowly and drip at a rate of 40 to 60 drops per minute. Therapy begins intravenous administration Riboxin with 200 mg once a day. If the drug is well tolerated by the patient, then the dosage increases to 400 mg 1-2 times a day. The course of such treatment usually lasts from 10 to 15 days.

It's important to know! Before injecting the drug by intravenous drip, it is diluted in 5% dextrose (glucose) solution. Instead of glucose, you can use saline in an amount of not more than 250 ml.

The instructions for use do not say anything about the fact that Riboxin can be injected intramuscularly. Nothing is said about the prohibition of such use, therefore, if necessary, such a method can be carried out, however, only according to the doctor's prescription and appropriate indications. It should also be noted that for intramuscular injection the drug will develop pain syndrome... Usually, the indication for the use of the drug intramuscularly is to increase endurance and build up muscle mass.

Development of side symptoms

Indications for the use of Riboxin do not mean at all that after the injection, there will be no side symptoms. In most cases, side effects after injection are manifested as the following:

  1. Development of allergic reactions.
  2. The appearance of a rash on the skin.
  3. An increase in the level of blood flow, manifested in the form of pronounced redness of the skin.
  4. Hives.
  5. Soreness of the injection site and palpitations.
  6. Headaches and dizziness.
  7. Vomiting and nausea.
  8. Excessive sweating.
  9. Excess acid in the urine.
  10. Weakening of the body.
  11. Skin irritation and burning.

If side symptoms occur, then you need to warn the doctor about this. The doctor will identify the cause of the occurrence side symptoms, after which he will decide on the need for further therapy.

Effect on the body during pregnancy

Studies on the effect of Riboxin on pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted. To exclude the development of side symptoms and complications, it is not recommended to use the medicine during these periods. The exceptions are cases when the positive effect of the funds will help save a woman's life. The decision on the need to administer Riboxin to a woman is decided by the strictly attending physician. During breastfeeding should transfer the child to artificial feeding, and then inject the medication.

It's important to know! Riboxin is prohibited for use in children under 3 years of age, as its effect on the action child's body has not been investigated.

Interaction with other means

Riboxin is allowed to be used in combination with other medical means... Some joint application drugs improves the therapeutic effect. These drugs include:

  1. Heparin. When used together, the effect of Heparin is enhanced, and the duration of exposure is also increased.
  2. Cardiac glycoside. Joint use contributes to a positive inotropic effect.
  3. Beta-blockers. Joint use does not have any negative effect of medicines on each other.

V exceptional cases it is allowed to use Riboxin together with nitroglycerin, furosemide and spironolokton. Joint administration of Riboxin with alkaloids, acids and heavy metal salts is contraindicated.

It is also important to note the fact that the combined use of Riboxin with alcohol can cause the development of side symptoms, as well as lead to a variety of complications and pathological abnormalities. The word "alcohol" means all types of alcoholic beverages, ranging from low alcohol.


In case of an overdose, side symptoms will not be long in coming. The injection must be strictly controlled by a specialist, so the slightest overdose can cause itching, allergies, redness skin as well as heart heaviness.

The drug is removed naturally so in most cases you just have to wait. The exception is allergic reactions, in the event of which it is required to immediately resort to the use of antiallergic drugs.

It's important to know! Medical studies have not revealed a single case of Riboxin overdose.

Cost and storage features

On average, the cost of Riboxin in the form of injections is 100-150 rubles per package. The package contains 10 ampoules of a 2% solution. There are packs of 5 ampoules of the medication. The cost of such a package ranges from 50 to 80 rubles, which depends on the manufacturer of the medicinal product.

Riboxin does not contain strains of live bacteria, so it can be stored outside the refrigerator, but it is important that the storage temperature does not exceed 25 degrees. This storage allows you to extend the life of the medication.

The shelf life of Riboxin from the date of production is 4 years, but if a sediment is found on the bottom of the ampoules, it should be disposed of. After the expiration date, the medication is prohibited to use.

Riboxin for animals

The non-specific origin of Riboxin indicates that it can be used even in veterinary medicine. It is used to treat heart ailments in pets: cats and dogs. The main indications for the administration of Riboxin for animals are:

  1. Myocarditis.
  2. Insufficiency of the heart muscle.
  3. Myocardosis.
  4. Endocarditis.
  5. Heart defects.

Such ailments are often inherent in aged pets. For animals, Riboxin is administered exclusively intramuscularly. The dosage is adjusted by your veterinarian. The course of treatment should not exceed 4 weeks. Taking a course of treatment with pets allows you to correct metabolism, as well as exclude dystrophic disorders.

It's important to know! The veterinarian must inform the pet about the need to administer the medication.

Riboksin's analogs

If the drug Riboxin was not in the pharmacy, then the possibility of replacing it with analogues should be clarified with the attending physician. If the doctor allows you to replace the medication with analogues, then you need to pay attention to the following drugs:

  • Adexor;
  • Vasonat;
  • Kardazin;
  • Metamox;
  • Metonate;
  • Mildronate;
  • Nuklex;
  • Mildralex.


Riboxin- a drug that has a positive effect on the metabolism and energy supply of body tissues. Reception this tool leads to a decrease in tissue hypoxia, and therefore Riboxin is often prescribed to women during pregnancy.

The drug has an antiarrhythmic effect (normalizes the heart rate), normalizes coronary circulation, and also helps to increase the energy balance of the myocardium. Riboxin is involved in glucose metabolism and stimulates metabolic processes in the absence of ATP and in the presence of hypoxia.

The use of Riboxin leads to a decrease in platelet aggregation (an indicator that determines blood clotting) and promotes active tissue regeneration, which is especially pronounced for the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract mucosa and myocardium.

In its pure form, the substance is a white or slightly yellowish odorless powder with a bitter taste. Riboxin is insoluble in water and poorly soluble in alcohol.

Indications for use

The doctor may prescribe the patient to take Riboxin in various dosages the following reasons:
1. For the treatment of coronary heart disease, the drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy. Moreover, the use of this drug is indicated at any stage of the disease, as well as in recovery period after the patient's myocardial infarction.
2. Long-term intake the drug is indicated for the treatment of myocarditis and cardiomyopathies.
3. To normalize the heart rate (arrhythmia treatment). Moreover, the greatest effect can be achieved in the treatment of arrhythmias caused by an overdose of certain drugs.
4. For the treatment of patients diagnosed with uroporphyria (problems with metabolic processes in the body).
5. As part of the complex therapy of a number of liver diseases. Riboxin can be prescribed to patients with cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty degeneration, as well as those who have been diagnosed with toxic damage to liver cells caused by taking any medications or exposure to harmful factors associated with professional activities.
6. As part of the complex therapy of diseases of the organs of vision (open-angle glaucoma).
7. Riboxin is often prescribed for cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy malignant neoplasms internal organs. This drug may help reduce the severity of adverse reactions given radiation therapy and facilitating its course.

8. In cases of excess physical activity that can negatively affect the human body as a whole.

In each case, the dosage of Riboxin and the duration of the course of taking the drug are determined on an individual basis.

Contraindications to use and adverse reactions

In any case, even if the patient knows him accurate diagnosis, Riboxin's instruction does not constitute a permit for self-medication with this medicinal product. Any assignment must give qualified doctor individually.

The main contraindication to the use of Riboxin is the presence hypersensitivity organism to this drug or its components.

Riboxin is contraindicated in patients with gout, as well as in those who have a violation of the metabolic processes of uric acid and purine bases.

Current research shows that the benefits of long-term treatment this drug is doubtful, and it is better to refuse long courses. However, the reviews about Riboxin and the opinions of doctors with experience are still unanimous: there is effectiveness from long courses.

Like any other drug, Riboxin should be used according to the instructions, doctor's prescription and not exceed acceptable standards... In case of an overdose, it is possible that itchy skin, redness of the skin and rash, heaviness in the chest, increased heart rate and others discomfort... In the vast majority of cases, such symptoms are not dangerous and with a decrease in blood concentration active substance pass quickly enough.

Method of administration and dosage

Riboxin tablets are taken orally before meals.

In the first days of treatment, the drug is taken 1 tablet 3-4 times a day (0.6-0.8 g). If there are no negative reactions of the body, then the daily dose is increased, up to 2.4 grams per day (on the 2nd or 3rd day from the beginning of the intake).

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor and can range from 4 weeks to 3 months.

Patients diagnosed with urocoproporphyria take Riboxin in an amount of 0.8 g per day for 4-12 weeks.

With urokoproporphyria daily dose is 0.8 g (200 mg 4 times a day). The drug is taken daily for 1-3 months.

In addition to the tablet form, you can also buy Riboxin in pharmacies in the form of a 2% solution for injection.

Riboxin solution is administered intravenously. You can enter both drip (40-60 drops in 1 min) and jet. In the case of the jet method, the solution should be injected slowly.

On the first day of taking the drug, the patient should be injected with a solution only 1 time in an amount of 10 ml (which corresponds to 200 mg of the substance). If, after the first injection during the day, no negative side reactions were detected and the patient's body tolerates the drug well, then the dose can be increased to 20 ml of the solution 1-2 times a day.

To perform drip injection, the required dose of the drug should be dissolved in a solution of glucose or sodium chloride 5% (up to 250 ml).

The duration of the course is 10-15 days.

Riboxin during pregnancy

Riboxin is prescribed to many women during pregnancy. Many patients are frightened by the fact that in the instructions for the drug you can often find information that the drug is contraindicated for pregnant women. However, you should not be afraid of this, since the contraindication is based on the fact that clinical researches in this area have not yet been carried out. And this is despite the fact that today there is a lot of experience with the successful use of Riboxin during gestation. The medicine does not have a pathological effect on either the fetus or its mother, so there is no reason for fear. The only contraindication here can be only individual intolerance to the drug or its components.

Riboxin is an antihypoxant, antioxidant, and good remedy improving metabolic processes in tissues, which is especially important during the period of bearing a child.

The drug is prescribed to prevent heart disease and support cardiac activity during the period increased load... Often, Riboxin is administered directly during childbirth, since the load on the heart at such a moment is especially great.

Doctors often prescribe a medicine if a pregnant woman has gastritis and liver diseases in order to treat existing problems. The drug helps to normalize gastric secretion and reduce unpleasant symptoms.

The doctor may prescribe riboxin during pregnancy if fetal hypoxia is detected. By normalizing metabolic processes in tissues, the drug reduces the degree of oxygen starvation of the fetus.

With good tolerance, expectant mothers take the drug orally 1 tablet 3-4 times a day for 1 month. Despite the harmlessness of the drug, as in any other case, Riboxin should be prescribed by a doctor strictly on an individual basis.

Riboxin in bodybuilding

Riboxin is used today not only for the purpose of treatment various diseases, but also as food additive for athletes. This drug is often used by bodybuilders seeking to build muscle mass. Moreover, it is the supporters of steroid-free and atidoping sports that use Riboxin, since it does not provide negative impact on the body.

Riboxin is a precursor to ATP, i.e. a source of energy for the cells of the body. The drug acts as an activator of restorative and oxidative processes, thanks to which the metabolism and energy supply of tissues improves, as well as their oxygenation.

Riboxin has a complex effect on the body and as a result of its use:

  • improves metabolism in the body and energy processes;
  • the risk of tissue and organ hypoxia is significantly reduced;
  • increased tissue regeneration at the cellular level;
  • improves blood flow and tissue respiration;
  • improves and maintains the work of the heart muscle, reduces the risk of myocardial ischemia.
Riboxin is directly involved in the synthesis of proteins, which is especially important for the growth and development of muscle mass.

Thanks to the correct intake of the drug, the bodybuilder becomes more enduring and stronger. It is easier for such an athlete to do heavy physical activity.

An athlete should start taking Riboxin with small doses in order to check the reaction of his body to this drug. In the first days, you should take (before meals) no more than 3-4 tablets during the day (1 tablet at a time). If within three days of negative side effects is not felt, the number of tablets can be gradually increased up to 14 tablets per day. In this case, the maximum duration of the course should be no more than three months, after which a break of 1-2 months should be taken so that the body can rest from the medication.

Interaction with other drugs

With the simultaneous use of Riboxin with cardiac glycosides, the drug can prevent the occurrence of heart failure (arrhythmia) and enhance the inotropic effect.

When used simultaneously with heparin, an increase in the effectiveness of the latter is observed, as well as an increase in the duration of its effect.

If Riboxin is to be used as an injection, it should be remembered that it is incompatible in the same volume with alkaloids and, when mixed, leads to the formation of insoluble compounds.

Riboxin injections and tablets can be safely taken together with drugs such as: furosemide, nitroglycerin, spironolactone, nifedipine.

Riboxin is incompatible with vitamin B 6. When used simultaneously, both compounds are deactivated.

Riboxin solution for injection is not recommended to be mixed with other drugs(except for the specified solvents) in the same infusion system or syringe, as mixing can lead to undesirable chemical interaction of the components with each other.

Energy metabolism is the most important component of the functioning of living cells, since without this substrate, not a single chemical reaction, which means that the tissues will not receive nutrition, the heart will stop, and the brain will die from starvation. That's why the most important source energy in our tricarboxylic acids (otherwise the "citrate cycle" or "Krebs cycle"), is activated every microsecond of the present time, and the metabolic drug "Riboxin" appeared in medicine. For what it is prescribed and what is its mechanism of action, we will figure it out further.

Energy value

And for the implementation of energy metabolism, a constant is necessary, because a person receives substrates for reactions with respiration (primarily oxygen) and nutrition (all organic and inorganic compounds). Therefore, changes in these most important turns affect the state of our body, and vice versa. So, this happens when serious illnesses leading to damage to internal organs, primarily the heart and liver. Therefore, in addition to treating the underlying pathology, drugs are needed to improve metabolism in cells, one of which is the Riboxin drug. What is he appointed for? To improve metabolism, since its active substance - inosine - is a precursor of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), practically the only energy molecule in our body.

Heart indications

The first-line organs responsible for metabolism are the heart and liver. First, because the rate of blood circulation in our body depends on the level of its work, and as a result of this, its saturation with oxygen in the lungs, filling nutrients v small intestine, neutralization of toxins in the second most important organ in metabolism - the liver. And if the heart has undergone dystrophic changes, then improvement of its work is required due to the drug "Riboxin". What it depends on, let's figure it out further. First, the myocardium (muscular layer of the heart) of its three layers is much more likely and easier to suffer from external influences as it works tirelessly every second of our lives. And therefore, his dystrophy occurs after frequent heavy physical exertion, heavy infectious diseases, he undergoes heart attacks, myocarditis, changes due to lung pathology (the so-called " cor pulmonale"). Therefore, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease and reinforce the effect with the drug "Riboxin", for which it is prescribed even if the patient has congenital or acquired heart defects.

Other indications

In addition, the expressed metabolic disorders occur in our body and when endocrine pathologies, liver, kidney and gastrointestinal tract... Some of them are also indications for the use of Riboxin. Why is it prescribed in this case? The indications remain unchanged - restoration of metabolism, disturbed by cirrhosis of the liver, its alcoholic or drug damage, as well as fatty degeneration, in addition, with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenal ulcer, urocoproporphyria, medical poisoning, chronic alcoholism, the influence of radiation and operations associated with the temporary isolation of the organ from the general circulation. As a rule, Riboxin is administered intravenously, but there are other forms of it - capsules and tablets (more for outpatient use).

Pharmacological properties

The main effects of this drug are antihypoxic, antiarrhythmic and metabolic. Thanks to this, it significantly improves the heart's own blood circulation (in coronary arteries), as a result of which the myocardium becomes more resistant to stress, increases its relaxation in diastole and the number of contractions. In the case of hypoxia or ATP deficiency, when the body experiences oxygen and energy starvation, the drug "Riboxin" is also recommended, for which and how it works in this case, we will understand a little more. The fact is that the main source of ATP is glycolysis, the exchange of glucose in cells. And this drug directly affects it, activating and accelerating its enzymes, pyruvate metabolism, launching xanthine dehydrogenase, nucleotide synthesis. In addition, it “thins the blood” by reducing and also improves tissue regeneration, especially the myocardium and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Special cases

In addition to therapists, obstetricians-gynecologists also often recommend Riboxin to their patients during pregnancy. For what and what is the effect of this, let's figure it out together. First, it must be remembered that during the development of the fetus, its tissues are provided with oxygen and nutrients exclusively from the mother's body. Therefore, if a mother has anemia or diseases of internal organs, her own metabolism cannot cope with the needs of both of them - her and the baby growing inside. And then it is worth resorting to the drug "Riboxin" during pregnancy, for which it is recommended by doctors. Since, first of all, it is necessary to provide comfort for the correct laying of organs and the development of the child, because it will depend on how he is born and grows up. Therefore, if the obstetrician-gynecologist allows you to take this drug and sees you have indications for its use, then you should not be afraid, because the health of the baby is in your hands, especially when it is still developing inside you, dear future mothers.


In general, the drug is quite safe, but it is necessary to refuse to take it if the patient has hypersensitivity to its components, renal failure and gout. This is because side effects even when taking a therapeutic dose (and even more so, an increased one), there are allergic reactions (hyperemia and / or itching of the skin), hyperuricemia (an increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood), which leads to exacerbation of gout and kidney damage. In other cases, the drug is safe and is actively recommended by doctors.

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