Bad breath. Rotten taste and smell from the mouth: causes and treatment of discomfort in women and men

    1. You can run a clean teaspoon along the back third (root) of the tongue, and after 20-30 minutes smell the dried spoon. The smell emanating from it comes from you about 2 times more intensely when talking with your interlocutor.

    Chronic bad breath, causes and treatment

    Why does my mouth smell?

    As mentioned earlier, the reasons bad smell from the mouth can be divided into general (systemic) and local (dental).

    1. Common causes of halitosis

    These can be diseases of the digestive system, namely: peptic ulcer stomach and small intestine, liver hepatosis, chronic inflammation of the pancreas.

    Quite often, the cause of halitosis is diabetes especially during periods of unstable blood glucose levels.

    A strong smell from the mouth occurs as a result of a disease of the ENT organs, especially chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis. Frequent purulent tonsillitis and pharyngitis are also sources of ozostomy. Forced mouth breathing also contributes to dry mouth and bad breath.

    1. Local (dental) causes of halitosis

    In the oral cavity, the most common causes of bad breath are diseases of the teeth and gums. These are carious teeth, gangrenous or hypertrophic version of pulpitis, periodontitis, root cysts of teeth, tartar above and below the gums.

    Another cause of halitosis is not regularly cleaned dentures, dental crowns, dental implants, acrylic dentures and clasp.

    Insufficient salivation over a long period of time leads to dry mouth (in other words, xerostomia), which also leads to bad breath. oral cavity.

    Germs and bad breath

    Directly the process of "damage to the air" in the oral cavity is carried out different types microbes that, in the process of fermenting carbohydrates, produce sulfur compounds (hydrogen sulfide and others), which determine bad mouth odor. Particularly successful in this are anaerobic microorganisms that are located on the root of the tongue and in the depth of periodontal pockets or in the region of the transitional epithelium of the periodontal sulcus. The number of "without - oxygen dirty tricks" increases with poor oral hygiene and the presence of carious teeth, especially against the background of periodontitis. Anaerobes can also live in the pores of acrylic and nylon removable dentures. Thus, one of the significant reasons why bad breath is the poor hygiene of removable dentures.

    Accordingly, high-quality removal of dental deposits, including in the subgingival region, along with cleaning of removable and non-removable dentures, can significantly reduce or even eliminate unpleasant odors from the oral cavity.

    How to get rid of bad breath

    What to do if your breath smells? What and how to remove the smell from the mouth? What can be done to prevent bad breath? For those patients who suffer from halitosis, these questions are far from rhetorical.

    Treatment of bad breath can take from several days to several months. Efficient removal bad breath is possible in the vast majority of cases. To get rid of bad breath, you need a comprehensive solution to the problem, which consists in treating systemic diseases, if any, as well as eliminating local causes leading to unpleasant oral odors.

    Based on this, the patient undergoes treatment of endocrinological and other systemic diseases with specialized specialists, but the treatment dental reasons halitosis, we will now discuss.

    1. Adjusting the super-meat diet

    An excess amount of meat products contributes to the accumulation of their residues in the oral cavity, and protein decomposition increases the amount of hydrogen sulfide, which leads to the creation of "fragrant amber" from the mouth.

    1. Improving oral hygiene

    In addition to complying with all standard procedures on personal hygiene, it is necessary to use an oral irrigator every day, use a properly selected dental mouth rinse, and clean the back of the tongue. All this in combination reduces the number of pathogenic oral microbes that produce odorous sulfur compounds.

    1. Regular visits to the dentist will allow you to timely do professional removal of dental plaque using the "Air - flow" method and ultrasound, which again reduces the chances of halitosis. Regular examination of the mouth will allow for early stages recognize periodontitis and other "mouth sores".
    2. Regularep and proper cleansing removable and non-removable dentures significantly reduces the intensity of bad odors emanating from the oral cavity.
    3. To eliminate the smell from the mouth in the composition complex therapy methods can be used to remove unpleasant odors traditional medicine, in particular, freshly brewed infusions of parsley, mint, strawberries, dill, sour leaves.

Approximately 80-90% of the adult population suffers from fresh breath. If in most cases this is a physiological phenomenon, eliminated with a toothbrush, then in 25% of patients halitosis is persistent and indicates the development of diseases of the teeth, mucous membranes or internal organs. The problem is not insoluble, but requires examination by specialists. Why does an unpleasant "aroma" appear?

Causes of bad breath

There are two types of halitosis: physiological and pathological. The first type is caused by an improper diet and poor hygiene, and the second by dental problems and diseases of the internal organs.

The main reasons for the appearance putrid smell:

The appearance of a persistent odor in a man or woman should force the patient to undergo an organism diagnosis. In 8% of cases, the cause of the unpleasant aftertaste of rot is diseases of the bronchi, lungs, nasal mucosa and polyps.

Why does it smell like rot?

The occurrence of an unpleasant aftertaste is often associated with personal hygiene. Incorrect brushing of teeth, insufficient amount of time allocated for morning and evening care, leads to the multiplication of bacteria, the waste products of which are deposited on the teeth, tongue and mucous membranes.

Sometimes a person can identify a problem in the body by the type of smell. So with diabetes it smells like acetone, with liver failure it smells like fish, and kidney dysfunction is accompanied by a sharp and heavy smell (we recommend reading:). In this case, you may need complex treatment.

Dental causes

The bacteria that cause bad smell, live on the tongue, between the teeth, on the gums:

  1. The reason for the appearance of a discomfort-causing "aroma" may be caries. Microbes and food debris accumulate in the cavities of tooth enamel, which decompose over time. With the help of hygiene products, holes in the teeth are almost impossible to clean.
  2. With periodontitis, microorganisms actively develop under the gum, which is accompanied by the release of a sulfurous odor.
  3. Other diseases can also serve as a cause: stomatitis, periodontal disease, dysbacteriosis, disruption of work salivary glands.
  4. A common problem is improper care for constructions - caps, prostheses. The accumulation of saliva and food particles leads to an intensive multiplication of bacteria during their use.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

By the nature of the smell, you can independently calculate the problem:

  1. Sour smell (we recommend reading:). Appears when acidity increases gastric juice. May be due to pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis.
  2. The smell of feces. Appears with intestinal obstruction, dysbacteriosis, poor absorption nutrients. "Aroma" can be disturbing in violation of the digestive process, when the products are slowly digested, which causes fermentation.
  3. The smell of hydrogen sulfide. Occurs with gastritis or a decrease in acidity in the stomach. It can also be the result of food poisoning.

Contributes to the development of bad breath protein food: meat and dairy products. Substances break down and form alkaline compounds that change the acid balance in the mouth. Microorganisms begin to multiply actively, causing an unpleasant odor.

Other reasons

The smell of rot can be caused by other factors:

Rotten mouth odor in a child or teenager

A toddler or teen can have bad breath for a number of reasons. The main factor is development pathogenic microorganisms on the tongue or in the tonsils due to an imbalance in the microflora. This is due to the appearance of dry mouth, the causes of which may be:

Other factors that cause a putrid taste are less common - the appearance of caries or diseases of the stomach and intestines. The child will need to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Diagnostic methods

To identify the presence of plaque in the mouth that causes bad breath, you can independently carry out the procedure with a sanitary napkin or dental floss. If there is a coating on the material yellow color and the smell appears after 30-45 seconds, it is worth contacting a specialist.

In medicine, different methods are used to detect halitosis and its causes:

If the breath stinks, the doctor can analyze the history (when the smell appeared, whether there are diseases of the internal organs, whether the problem is related to eating). An important part of the study is to perform a detailed analysis of a person's blood to determine the level of sugar, kidney and liver enzymes.

The patient is being examined by an otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist and pulmonologist. This will identify diseases of the nasopharynx, as well as exclude or confirm systemic diseases liver, kidneys, the presence of diabetes, problems with the respiratory system.

Methods of treatment

Patients are wondering what to do if there is bad taste in the mouth? Treatment depends on the cause of the problem.

  • ENT diseases require a visit to an otolaryngologist, chronic diseases require consultation of individual specialists.
  • If the cause of bad breath is diseases of the oral cavity, it is necessary to remove the destroyed teeth, seal the areas damaged by caries. Doesn't hurt to pass professional cleaning deposits (stone, plaque), which can only be done in a dental clinic.

Preventive measures

Bad breath appears mainly due to diseases of the digestive system. But this problem can be dealt with, since the methods for eliminating it are quite simple and effective - you just need to correctly diagnose the cause of bad breath. As a rule, it occurs in connection with reproduction. anaerobic bacteria on the tongue, in the space between the teeth, around them.

Causes of bad breath

Why does bad smell occur? The main cause of bad breath is substance white , which covers the root of the tongue, it is in it that bacteria live. Along with this, an unpleasant odor is caused by the accumulation of microorganisms in other parts of the oral cavity.

What determines the intensity of an unpleasant odor? It is usually associated with the following factors:

  • The activity of bacteria living in the mouth.
  • Conditions that stimulate the growth and number of these microorganisms.
  • Poor oral hygiene, due to which their accumulation is observed.

Pungent smelling food

Other causes of bad breath include the consumption of strong-smelling foods. Some of them, such as onion or garlic, enjoy the glory of the perpetrators of the occurrence of an unpleasant odor. Their molecules are absorbed by the body during digestion, then they are excreted from it with the help of blood.

Some, which have a characteristic unpleasant odor, enter the lungs with the blood stream. From there, they are expelled when you exhale, which becomes the problem of bad breath. Usually the smell caused by pungent-smelling foods goes away on its own after a while, as soon as these particles leave the body. To eliminate bad breath, you just need to avoid such products or limit their consumption.


Surely each of us has had occasion to communicate with smokers whose breathing is different specific smell. The main causes of bad breath in smokers are nicotine, tar and other substances that make up cigarette smoke. They tend to accumulate in the mouth and attach to the teeth, gums, tongue, and cheek tissues. To completely get rid of such influence tobacco smoke need to quit smoking.

It is worth noting that smokers suffer from dehydration of the tissues of the oral cavity, which makes the moisturizing and disinfecting properties of saliva become weaker, and this is fertile ground for the vital activity of bacteria. Smokers are also more prone to periodontal disease than others. Gum disease occurs due to the growth of bacteria.

Dry mouth

Surely you have noticed that in the morning, as soon as we open our eyes, our breath is not fresh. This is due to the fact that at night the body produces less saliva than during the day, from this dryness occurs. Dry mucous membranes are often found in people whose work is related to speech, for example, teachers or lawyers have to talk a lot, because of this they often feel dry mouth.

This is with regard to professional dry mouth, but there is also a disease called xerostomia, which causes a chronic lack of moisture. Those suffering from this disease have difficulty in the struggle for fresh breath. Since moisture contributes to the natural cleansing of bacteria. Saliva is made up of special substances that have antiseptic properties, therefore, leads to the death of microorganisms and neutralizes the remnants of their vital activity.

cause xerostomia side effects from some medical preparations. The onset of the disease can be caused antidepressants, antihistamines, diuretics, narcotic substances. Dry mouth can get worse with age salivary glands no longer able to work with the same strength, changes are taking place with its composition. Cleansing properties weaken. People with xerostomia are more likely to experience gum problems, so it needs to be treated.

Periodontal disease

Why else is there an unpleasant odor? Gum disease also causes bad smell in the mouth. Periodontal disease is the second most common cause of its occurrence after bacteria. They affect people over 35 years of age, and the older the age, the higher the risk. Periodontal disease occurs due to infection of the soft tissues surrounding the tooth.

If they are not treated in time, this can lead to bone damage to which the teeth are attached. With the progression of the disease in the place between the teeth and gums, tissue leaves, forming pockets in which bacteria multiply. The deeper the pocket, the more difficult it is to clean out, so it lives a large number of microorganisms that cause putrefactive odor.

Other diseases

Allergies and diseases of the upper respiratory tract lead to the formation of mucous secretions that descend from the nasal cavity into the mouth, causing an unpleasant odor.

Sinus diseases, accompanied by nasal congestion, force breathing through the mouth, which leads to drying of the mucous membrane and bad breath. With it, patients often take antihistamines, which also cause dry mouth.

Often the causes of putrefactive odor from the mouth are diseases of the oral cavity. Any inflammatory process, caused by an infection, may be the reason for this, for example, this situation is observed with a tooth abscess, cutting a wisdom tooth. If there are untreated carious teeth in the mouth, then a lot of bacteria and food debris accumulate in them, causing bad breath. Diseases of the oral cavity must be treated promptly.

Diseases of the internal organs can cause putrid odor from the mouth. If the patient has tried all means of removing bad breath, but there was no effect, then it is necessary to pay a visit to the therapist. Your doctor will most likely have an idea of ​​your health condition and can point to a possible cause of bad breath. For example, bad smell can be associated with diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.


The main source of the appearance of putrid odor from the mouth are sulfur compounds secreted by microorganisms living in the oral cavity. To reduce the risk of developing diseases of the oral cavity and get rid of bad breath caused by uninvited guests, it is necessary to carry out treatment, which consists in high-quality hygiene. It is as follows:

  • Bacteria are not allowed to feed.
  • Reduce their number.
  • Do not create conditions for their development.

How to deprive microorganisms of nutrients?

Bad breath is caused by waste products that bacteria release when proteins are digested. Therefore, vegetarians are less likely to suffer from bad breath than those whose diet consists mainly of protein foods - meat. After each meal, particles of food remain between the teeth and on the root of the tongue, which provide nutrition for anaerobic bacteria. To deprive them of this opportunity, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the oral cavity after each meal by rinsing the mouth.

To remove the waste products of bacteria that settle in the form of plaque on the teeth and along the gum line, you need to use a toothbrush and floss. To eradicate bad breath, you should daily qualitatively clean the spaces between teeth using dental floss, since it is not accessible to a toothbrush.

Visit the dentist

Seeing a dentist will help if self-treatment to combat bad breath fails. This must be done for the following reasons:

  1. Not everyone knows how to effectively brush their teeth with a brush and floss. At the consultation, the doctor will definitely conduct a master class on the manipulation of these objects.
  2. To effectively brush your teeth, you need to remove the formed tartar, which the dentist will remove.
  3. To detect periodontal disease, causing damage teeth and surrounding bones. If the disease is present, the doctor will prescribe treatment. In addition, in the advanced stages, it is effectively impossible to clean the formed pockets on your own.
  4. During the examination, the doctor can detect other diseases that provoke bad breath and prescribe treatment.
  5. If a doctor in his specialty does not find problems, he can refer you to a general practitioner for examination, explaining possible problems.

To clean the surface of the tongue from accumulated bacteria, use a toothbrush or a special item for cleaning it. Move forward from the root of the tongue. For effective tongue cleaning, use toothpaste that neutralizes sulphurous secretions. Breath freshness will give a paste with chlorine dioxide or zinc.

Use conditioners

Liquid mouthwashes can effective action to protect fresh breath when used in conjunction with regular brushing and flossing, and tongue cleansing. The following properties can be used as a treatment for bad breath:

  • Antibacterial.
  • Neutralizing volatile sulfur compounds.

Rinsing agents contain substances that can neutralize bad smell:

  • Chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite.
  • Zinc.
  • antiseptic action.
  • Cetylpyridone chloride.

So, main reason The appearance of bad breath is an accumulation of microorganisms that feed on protein particles, leaving waste from their vital activity. To expel uninvited guests and reduce their population, you should carry out high-quality cleaning of your teeth and tongue using dental floss and rinses.

The success of a person in our world is determined not only by the mind and quickness of thinking, purposefulness, charisma and efficiency. Self-confidence, charm, energy play a significant role in this. We are embarrassed by bad breath in the morning or at the dentist. We are worried about bad breath at the time of important negotiations or romantic meetings, distracting from work or not allowing us to express our thoughts at the right time. Halitosis - medical definition this problem. Bad breath is for some people already psychological problem and it is not only possible, but necessary to solve it.

Are the reasons always the same?

Sometimes the smell from the mouth is heard by others only during close contact with a person, and he, in turn, greatly exaggerates the scale of the problem.

Bad breath can come on suddenly, appear intermittently, or be a constant companion throughout the day. There are different types of halitosis:

  1. True halitosis (when objectively others notice unpleasant breathing in a person). The reasons for it can be both in the peculiarities of physiology, human metabolism, and act as a symptom of diseases.
  2. Pseudogalitosis (there is a subtle bad breath felt on close contact with a person, to a large extent the patient himself exaggerates the scale of the problem).
  3. Halitophobia (the patient is dominated by fear and the belief that he has bad breath, and the dentist does not find obvious evidence of this).

Depending on whether the patient complains of “morning” breath (lack of freshness in the mouth upon waking up) or “hungry” breath (unpleasant smell on an empty stomach), the doctor may suggest possible reasons his appearance.

The main culprits of physiological halitosis are plaque on the teeth and the back third of the tongue, tartar, food debris in the oral cavity, “odorous” foods that a person ate the day before, microorganisms, tobacco, and alcohol. Saliva normally cleans the surface of the teeth and tongue, constantly reducing the activity of microbes due to its composition.

With poor oral hygiene and the accumulation of plaque, microorganisms (mainly anaerobic bacteria) as a result of active life produce hydrogen sulfide, which gives the exhaled air an unpleasant shade. During sleep, a person long time is at rest, saliva production and movement in the mouth decreases, bacteria take advantage of this and, as a result, stale breath in the morning. After brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth, all processes set in motion, the smell disappears.

Pathological halitosis can occur as a result of diseases of the teeth, gums, tonsils (oral), or be a symptom of diseases of other organs and systems (gastrointestinal tract, liver, respiratory organs, etc.).

We are looking for the cause in the oral cavity

The main causes that are in the human oral cavity and are associated with the appearance of bad breath are the following:

  • carious cavities in the teeth;
  • accumulation of plaque in pathological gingival pockets, formation of tartar (with periodontitis);
  • the formation of a gingival "hood" over the erupting wisdom tooth and the ingress of food debris under it;
  • stomatitis of various etiologies;
  • diseases of the salivary glands, in which the viscosity of saliva and its cleansing ability are sharply reduced;
  • tongue diseases;
  • the presence of orthopedic structures in the oral cavity (crowns, dentures, plates and braces in children);
  • increased sensitivity and exposure of the necks of the teeth with a decrease bone tissue and atrophy of the gums, which makes it difficult to care for the teeth and contributes to the accumulation of plaque.

Temporary effects on the composition and properties of saliva can have both medications taken (antibiotics, hormonal preparations, antihistamines) and stress. Saliva becomes viscous, viscous, it is produced much less, which causes the development of xerostomia (dry mouth).

Halitosis as a symptom of diseases

Bad breath can be a symptom various diseases. In ancient times, doctors could diagnose an onset disease by assessing breath and smell.

Allocate extraoral causes of the development of halitosis, i.e., not directly related to the oral cavity.

These include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastroduodenitis, gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, insufficiency of the gastric sphincter, in which food is thrown back into the esophagus, which is accompanied by belching and heartburn);
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract ( liver failure, hepatitis, ). They are characterized by a "fishy", "fecal" smell from the mouth, the smell of rotten eggs;
  • chronic infections of the nasopharynx and areas adjacent to the oral cavity (, rhinitis, adenoiditis, tonsillitis, sinusitis);
  • respiratory infections;
  • (the smell of ammonia in the exhaled air);
  • metabolic diseases (diabetes).

How to evaluate breathing?

Many people who have unpleasant repulsive breath are not even aware of the problem. Well if close person or a friend points it out. But this is not always possible, relatives are afraid to offend a loved one, and colleagues prefer to reduce communication with him to a minimum. But the problem remains.

There are several ways to test yourself:

  • ask someone close to evaluate the smell of the mouth;
  • lick the wrist (spoon, napkin), let dry and smell;
  • clean the gaps between the teeth with odorless dental floss, dry, evaluate the smell;
  • use a pocket apparatus (halimeter) to measure the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in exhaled air. Evaluation is made on a scale from 0 to 4 points;
  • if you want to know exactly the degree of bad breath, you can be examined on special ultra-sensitive equipment by a specialist.

How to treat bad breath?

To get rid of bad breath, first of all, due attention should be paid to oral hygiene.

First of all, take care of oral hygiene. Regularly brush your teeth according to all the rules, using not only a brush and paste, but additional funds: dental floss, scraper for cleansing the tongue, rinses that reduce the concentration of bacteria in saliva. Many people do not suspect that the main accumulation of plaque occurs at the root of the tongue, on the back third of its back.

You need to clean your tongue every day. You can use a toothbrush for this reverse side heads which have a rubber studded pad specifically for this purpose. But for some people, such cleaning causes a strong vomiting reflex. Specialists have developed special scrapers for cleaning the tongue for such patients. As an option to reduce vomiting at the time of cleansing, use toothpaste with a strong mint flavor or hold your breath while the scraper comes into contact with the root of the tongue.

Even the familiar rinsing of the mouth with water after eating has a significant effect, removing food debris from the folds and preventing microbes from converting them into acids and hydrogen sulfide.

Rinses and toothpastes

For people suffering from halitosis, it is recommended to use products containing antiseptics such as Triclosan, Chlorhexidine, as well as baking soda. It has been proven that a 0.12-0.2% solution of Chlorhexidine reduces the number of anaerobic bacteria by 81-95% for 1.5-3 hours. good effect gives the use of rinses and toothpastes with Triclosan (0.03-0.05%). Antihalitic effect is exerted by toothpastes and gels, which contain 3-10% carbamide peroxide. But alcohol-containing rinses with constant use cause dryness of the mucous membranes in the mouth and a decrease in saliva.

Help from nature

To combat bad breath, even our ancestors actively used preparations of plant and animal origin - propolis, alfalfa, chamomile, echinacea, myrtle, fresh dill infusion, decoction of tansy with wormwood and yarrow (brewed for 15 minutes). A good, but short-term deodorizing effect is given by freshly brewed strong tea. Essential oils (essential) reduce bad breath for 90-120 minutes (mint oils, tea tree, cloves, sage, grapefruit seed extract). Application chewing gums gives in this case an even shorter result, masking the smell itself, but not eliminating the cause of its appearance.

Removal of stones and plaque

On their own, a person can clean soft plaque, and more dense formations can be removed only by a doctor using special tools. It's done mechanically or using ultrasound. At the time of cleaning above and subgingival stones are simultaneously washed pathological pockets formed along the roots of the teeth during periodontitis.

Treatment of common diseases

If the smell from the mouth is a symptom of any chronic disease internal organs or systems, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment. The dentist fixes everything causal factors in the oral cavity (plaque, stones, chronic inflammation gums), selects hygiene products and items, and the treatment of the underlying disease is carried out by the therapist together with other specialists.

The problem of bad breath is a common phenomenon familiar to many. But more often we pay attention to another person and do not suspect the presence of bad breath in ourselves. Do the smell tests yourself, it's not hard at all. It is possible that an attentive attitude to your health will return to you a hundredfold. Halitosis that suddenly appeared in a person may be the first symptom serious illnesses and a person who notices it in time significantly increases the chances of early detection of the problem. Hence, its timely decision. Love yourself and take care of your health!

Bad breath can nullify the whole impression of a person, even if he looks well-groomed and presentable.

An unpleasant odor from the oral cavity (in medical terminology, defined as halitosis) that appears after waking up is a normal phenomenon, from the point of view of physiology.

The problem is easily solved by the usual hygienic procedures - thorough brushing of the teeth, and breathing is in order.

Most often, the reason for its appearance is rather banal - the “bouquet” is created by certain products that a person ate the day before.

However, every fourth inhabitant of the planet suffers from halitosis, which has a completely different nature, and it can be extremely difficult to get rid of such a scourge. All modern facilities give only short-term results.

There are several ways to determine the quality of breathing yourself:

  1. With a spoon- for testing it is better to take a plastic one. Carefully collect plaque from the back of the tongue and after a minute evaluate the contents for smell. So you can not only understand how breathing is normal, but also understand the area of ​​localization of pathogenic microorganisms that are the cause of the phenomenon.
  2. Using the wrist- lick the area in the area so that fragments of saliva remain. Mentally count to ten and smell the area being tested. At the same time, it is important to understand that the level of smell that the interlocutor feels will be several times sharper than that, which you can independently feel with the help of such a test.
  3. Buy a special device in the pharmacy network- halimeter tester. The device will calculate the level of freshness on a five-point scale. It has an external similarity with a breathalyzer.

    In order for the diagnosis to be as accurate as possible, you need to blow on the device several times, and it will give a result almost immediately. The principle of its operation is based on the amount of exhaled fumes. This procedure can also be done at most dental clinics.


As we have already found out earlier - the cause of all troubles lies in the waste products of bacteria - they then exude a smell, poisoning the freshness of breath. It remains to determine their nature and places of accumulation.


The most common situation provoked by diagnoses of the oral cavity. infectious processes associated with dental pathologies (abscess, anomalies in the eruption of wisdom teeth, neglected manifestations of caries).

All these factors, if not eliminated in time, create optimal conditions for the development of microbes. Actively multiplying, they will "spoil" a person's breath.

excellent prevention in this case There will be regular visits to the dentist, who will identify the problem in time and prescribe treatment.

Periodontal anomalies can also be the culprit this phenomenon. At the same time, the smell is very specific and allows the specialist to easily determine its cause, even without resorting to initial examination oral cavity.

Generally, people of middle and older age suffer from periodontal disease. age group. As the disease progresses, the smell will only intensify and take on a sharp, rotting hue.

bacteria in the mouth

Bacteria in the oral cavity are the main culprits of all the troubles associated with the quality of breath. Even if a person does not have any diseases associated with teeth, gums, he can still smell bad.

If oral care is performed improperly or irregularly, germs linger in the "secluded" corners of the mouth. It will take a little time, and they will cause the diagnoses described above.

Often, poor salivation, the product of which is designed to act as a purifier that adversely affects pathogens, does not cope with its task and is also considered a provoking factor in the development of this anomaly.

Not the last role in the degree of breath freshness can be played by prosthetic structures. Bacteria, accumulating in hard-to-reach places for product care, provoke a bad smell.

Other diseases

The cause of a bad smell can also be diseases of organs that are not directly related to the oral cavity:

  1. Airway dysfunction, allergic manifestations contribute to increased flow of mucous fluid from the nasal cavity into the oral part of the body.
  2. Consequences of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, congestion maxillary sinuses - an unpleasant rotting smell. Bacteria accumulate at the same time, mainly in soft area upper sky.
  3. Patients with sinusitis, cannot fully breathe through the nose, and the mouth is connected to the process. In this case, the cavity dries up.
  4. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs can also increase the dryness of the mucosa.
  5. Malfunctions of the digestive organs adversely affect the freshness of breath. Launched pathologies of the stomach and intestines will certainly cause a persistent odor that is difficult to correct until the cause of this phenomenon is eliminated. Heartburn and a characteristic, smelly eructation are often associated phenomena.

Persistent, well perceptible aroma of ammonia speaks of serious problems with the kidneys, and the taste of acetone with a similar smell - about the development of diabetes.

General Factors


Whole list food products can be attributed to the culprits of bad breath. The notoriety of garlic and onions alone is worth something!

The remains of food in the process of digestion are first completely absorbed by the body, and then they are removed from it through the blood arteries. Bad-smelling bacteria infiltrate the upper Airways enter the lungs.

From there they go out through respiratory movements causing an odor. The bad odor will spontaneously disappear after a few hours (based on anatomical features structure of the body, this period of time is individual for each).

The panacea for this problem is extremely simple - do not use such products when you have to communicate with other people.


Everyone knows the specific "odor" exuded by smokers with experience. Despite the fact that in this "bouquet" several root causes are involved, the main one is nicotine, which is found in high concentrations in tobacco smoke.

In the process of smoking, nicotine constantly settles inside the oral cavity - on the cheeks, gums, tongue, giving it an unhealthy, gray tint.

In addition, cigarette smoke strongly dehydrates and dries the mucous membranes. Natural disinfection is not carried out in full, saliva poorly neutralizes bacteria and removes food particles, which often causes periodontal tissues.

Poor quality care products

The reasons for the development of halitosis can be very commonplace. Regular use in progress hygiene procedures low-quality care products (bad or old Toothbrush, cheap, not fulfilling the functions assigned to it, pasta) is not the most in the best way affects the health of the oral cavity.

More details about the causes of halitosis and its treatment are described in the video.

Methods of disposal

An unpleasant smell is a delicate problem and many do not like to talk about it, trying to solve it without outside help. In some cases this succeeds.

But if the reason is serious diagnoses malfunctions in the work of internal organs, then well-chosen treatment is indispensable.

Until the source of the anomaly is eliminated, the situation cannot be corrected.

A lot has already been said about oral hygiene, but, nevertheless, it is the regular implementation of these simple rules that can get rid of this misfortune (unless, of course, everything is in order with health).

You should not save on funds that help maintain this important organ clean. The choice of modern and practical accessories that will become reliable assistants in the fight for cleanliness is quite large.

They are specially designed for high-quality care and cleansing of soft and hard tissues, where bacteria most often accumulate. Tongue scrapers, flosses, ultrasonic brushes, dental floss and rinses.

And a large assortment of toothpastes will help not only keep your teeth in order, but will also healing effect as a complex therapeutic agent.

It should be added that the frequency of hygienic manipulations during bad breath should be more frequent than normal.

Folk recipes

Folk medicine is symptomatic treatment odor pathology. While its causes are being clarified, and general therapy, don't waste your time.

It is necessary to help the body with simple, proven in practice, ways to deal with this trouble.

Consider the most effective means, showing stable positive dynamics from the first days of application:

  • Anise seeds. After waking up, eat a handful of anise seeds or sugar-coated nuts - these foods produce an oily enzyme that blocks odors. Your breath will stay fresh for hours.
  • A mixture of salt and vegetable oil - combine the components in a ratio of 1: 2, mix thoroughly and rinse twice a day, trying to keep the mixture in your mouth for a while. Do not eat or drink for at least 30 minutes after the procedure. The result is 3-4 days after the start of treatment.
  • Gingeraffordable way, allowing you to control the situation outside the walls of the house. It is enough just to carry powdered ginger root with you and use it after a meal, half a teaspoon, slowly dissolving in your mouth. Ginger perfectly neutralizes odors almost immediately.
  • Decoction of wormwood. Pour two tablespoons of dry grass with boiling water, insist for half an hour and strain twice. Rinse several times a day. Well refreshes and disinfects the surface of soft tissues.
  • Medicinal fee. Take equal amounts of chamomile flowers, nettle leaf, birch, St. John's wort and oak bark. Brew and drink like tea. It helps well in situations where the pathology is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Mint and lemon- add a little mint to the pharmacy tincture lemon juice. Use as a rinse aid. The tool strengthens the gums, refreshes;
  • Sorrelfresh leaves plants diluted in half with water. During cooking, avoid contact with metal objects. Rinse as needed. Pronounced, lasting effect after several procedures.

Quick ways to refresh

Quickly eliminate the smell will help:

  • fresh parsley;
  • fennel seeds;
  • coffee beans - just chew a couple of pieces and your breath will become noticeably fresher;
  • tinctures from bay leaf(in last resort, you can just chew it - the procedure is not very pleasant, but the result is tangible);
  • the use of refreshing industrial products - sprays, rinses, mint drops, chewing gum.

Watch the video to learn how to get rid of bad breath.


Once you get rid of such a problem, you should not neglect its prevention, so you can avoid recurring relapses.

Preventive measures include:

  • use of special mucosal moisturizers soft tissue - means will eliminate dryness and normalize moisture exchange in the oral cavity;
  • timely treatment of diseases, preventing their transition to a chronic form;
  • nutritional adjustments in favor natural products , vitamins and easily digestible dishes;
  • use enough water;
  • rejection bad habits - alcohol, nicotine addiction.