Throat medicines for infants. Technology to help. Causes of hyperemia of the throat mucosa

A red throat in a baby is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Looking for unprofessional advice on forums is an irresponsible decision for parents. Even doctors often refuse remote consultations. A sore throat needs to be seen with your own eyes to rule out such dangerous diseases, such as tonsillitis, scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, etc.

Infants get sick less often than children after one year. If the child is on breastfeeding, he receives protective antibodies from his mother. Also, children of this age get sick less often, because they do not yet have widespread contact with society. But if there are older children in the family who are in daily contact with the children's group, the baby's risk of contracting an infection increases significantly.

Causes of a red throat

Before treating the throat of a child under one year old, the pediatrician must determine the reasons that provoked the inflammation.

  • ARVI. In addition to a red throat, the baby may experience a runny nose and cough - typical for respiratory disease symptoms.
  • Complications after ARVI. A baby may have a red throat due to laryngitis and pharyngitis.
  • Volatile viral infections. These include measles, chickenpox, and rubella. Infants are difficult to tolerate these diseases.
  • Angina. Can be fungal, bacterial and herpetic. Most often in children of this age, bacterial tonsillitis occurs. Less common are cases of fungal (candidiasis), and even less often - herpetic.
  • Scarlet fever. With a red throat, high temperature and severe intoxication, a characteristic rash appears. One of the features of this bacterial infection is severe pain when swallowing. Scarlet fever is a highly contagious disease. If an older child catches it, the risk of infecting the younger one is quite high, as with flying viral infections.
  • Teething. Special treatment a throat is not required in these situations. The symptom goes away after teething. Sore gums can be lubricated with painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments and gels.
  • Allergic reaction. The throat may become red when food allergies, after taking the medicine. Also, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx can react to polluted, dusty air.

Hyperemia of the throat tissue can be observed in a baby who likes to cry often and loudly. Not because he is sick, but because he shows character already from early childhood. If there are no signs of ARVI or fever, the child eats and sleeps well, there is no reason to panic at the sight of a red throat.

How to understand that your baby is worried about his throat

It can be extremely difficult for mothers to figure out whether a baby has a sore throat or something else. What may indicate painful sensations in the throat?

  • Refusal to eat. The baby begins to suck, then suddenly drops the breast and cries. Then he starts sucking again and throws it away.
  • Symptoms of ARVI. If a suffocating cough or runny nose appears, it is possible that the baby has a sore throat.
  • Plaques on the tonsils. If mom noticed them, this is direct confirmation inflammatory process in the throat. However, this is not a reason to diagnose your baby yourself.

It is strictly forbidden to use systemic and local antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs without a doctor’s prescription. Infants should not irrigate and gargle, make compresses and hot inhalations. Some folk remedies for the treatment of the throat they begin to use from 7-8 months under the strict supervision of a pediatrician. If an allergic reaction to medications occurs, you should stop them immediately and inform your doctor.

What if it's a sore throat?

IN infancy Children rarely get bacterial tonsillitis. If it is diagnosed, the child is most often sent to a hospital for treatment. This is explained by severe intoxication of the body, as well as the risk of complications due to the baby’s immature immunity. What are the symptoms of a sore throat in a baby?

  • Severe anxiety, crying, breast refusal.
  • High temperature: from 39 to 40°C.
  • Signs of intoxication: vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions.
  • No runny nose.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

Such typical symptoms, such as redness of the throat, inflammation of the tonsils and yellow-white plaques on them, a doctor can detect during examination. It is usually difficult for a mother to see what is happening in the baby’s throat.

Treatment of the throat in an infant diagnosed with tonsillitis cannot be done without antibacterial drugs. Read more about antibiotics for sore throat in children in our other article.

Features of local treatment

How to treat a red throat in a baby? After all, the vast majority of sprays and solutions for treating the throat have age restrictions: they cannot be used before 3 years. Local treatment with spraying of drugs can cause in young children not only vomiting and coughing, but also laryngospasm, that is, suffocation. Often mothers are worried when the doctor still prescribes a throat spray for children under one year old that is not intended for this age. The pediatrician makes this decision based on personal experience, and takes into account the severity of the disease. What is taken into account in this case?

  • Frequency and course of administration. A reduced dose of the drug reduces the risk negative impact medications on the body and the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  • Method of application. Do not spray sprays directly onto the back of the throat. They are applied to the cheek or lubricated with a pacifier.
  • Lubricating the throat instead of irrigating and gargling. The rinsing procedure is not used for infants. Can be processed oral cavity, pharynx and tonsils antiseptic solutions using a gauze swab. This procedure must be performed carefully so as not to injure the mucous membranes. Among pharmaceutical solutions, Miramistin, Furacilin, and Hexoral are most often used. Solutions of chamomile, calendula, and sage will be irreplaceable.
  • Antiseptic lozenges and tablets. They are not used because babies do not have the skill of resorption, but they have high risk choke. Your doctor may recommend dissolving antiseptic tablets in water and lubricating your mouth with the mixture.

Read more about local treatment for a child's throat with antiseptic sprays, solutions and tablets, read our other article.

Principles of treatment

If the baby has a high temperature, then treatment should begin with taking antipyretics. Infants are allowed drugs based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor. What else can the doctor recommend?

  • Instillation into the nose. This is done using a pipette. The most commonly used are pharmaceutical saline solutions and a weak chamomile decoction. The effectiveness of this procedure is that the antiseptic flows down back wall pharynx and gets into inflamed areas.
  • Breast-feeding. You cannot stop feeding, even if the baby’s appetite has decreased. Breastfeeding should be more frequent and shorter. Breast milk - natural antiseptic. It is recommended to drop it into the baby’s nose for a sore throat. In addition to beneficial antibodies, when feeding, the baby will receive psychological support, which is no less important during illness.
  • Proper care. If a child is dressed warmly, he will sweat more, which will lead to drying out of the upper mucous membranes. respiratory tract. It is also important during illness to give plenty of warm drinks that are appropriate for the child’s age. With high fever, vomiting and diarrhea, the baby quickly becomes dehydrated. This must be taken into account for any type of infection.
  • Air parameters. It is important that the air in the child's room is fresh, moist and clean. It is recommended to install humidifiers, constantly ventilate the room, and do wet cleaning.

How else can you treat a child’s throat at 6 months old? To strengthen the immune system, your doctor may prescribe homeopathic medicines"Lymphomyosot" and "Tonsipret", which are good for diseases of the ENT organs.

How to treat a baby's throat? Only a pediatrician who has personally examined the baby can answer this question. For ARVI with a “red throat” symptom, an experienced doctor is unlikely to prescribe antibiotics. If the doctor recognizes signs of bacterial tonsillitis, scarlet fever, measles and other dangerous infection, may strongly recommend hospitalization of the infant.


    Kristisha 25/10/2010 at 18:03:22

    The baby is 3 months old. Red throat!!! How to treat?

    The child has snot, a red throat and this makes him cough. Pace. 37. Infected from my eldest daughter! The doctor listened - everything was clear. Prescribed oil chlorophyllipt. Does anyone know any other methods?

    • Another1 25/10/2010 at 20:38:09

      if necessary - vasoconstrictor drops(make sure it’s for infants and not just children), oil chlorophyllipt. You can also raise the mattress in the baby’s crib so that an angle of 10-15 degrees is formed (we placed books under the mattress), then the snot flows off more easily. In the room where the child is, you need to make the humidity at least 50% - place bowls of water, hang diapers moistened with water on the radiator if there is no humidifier.
      Temperature 37 is normal, don't worry.
      The doctor should come every day and listen to the lungs.
      Don’t worry, it was exactly the same with us, only the child was 2 months old when the eldest brought ARVI for the first time - chlorophyllipt and drops in the nose were enough.
      Please note: some illiterate pediatricians tend to prescribe expectorants, rubbing, warming, etc. to such young children. At this age, a child is unable to expectorate on his own, an incorrectly prescribed expectorant is a path to bronchitis and pneumonia ((The doctor prescribed marshmallow for us as a replacement (at 2 months!), but I asked our doctor on the phone, and she categorically forbade it. So if any problems arise If in doubt, it’s better to call another doctor.

      notika3 25/10/2010 at 20:12:19

      A pediatrician once diagnosed my son with “follicular tonsillitis” due to teething at 8 months.

      and prescribed Bioparox to spray in the throat + drink an antibiotic. The little one didn’t have a temperature, so to be sure, I went to see a doctor I knew at the hospital. She examined her throat and said that she knows better medicine for the throat than an antibiotic, when there is no fever: take 1% alcohol solution methylene blue (sold at the pharmacy) and dilute 1:1 with boiled water and lubricate the throat with this mash 3-4 times a day. I wrapped cotton wool around a pencil, diluted this stuff in a separate bottle and thoroughly lubricated the child’s throat and arms. After this, do not eat anything for 30-40 minutes. The doctor said that they even treat sore throats in hospitals with this thing. Now my son is almost 6 years old and I still, when I see that the snot and throat is a little reddish but without fever, I use this, bluing is used in dentistry and for thrush. Get well!

      • Another1 25/10/2010 at 20:41:39

        bluing is good if there is a bacterial infection, +

        For a sore throat, it’s a wonderful thing; in my experience, it works right on the first day. and when viral infection, unfortunately, is ineffective. In addition, it is now banned in pediatrics due to its high toxicity (it is, after all, an aniline dye), so I wouldn’t smear blue on a 3-month-old.

A child who, due to his age, may complain of a sore throat, greatly simplifies the task for parents and doctors. Breast baby does not know how to express his emotions in words, including painful sensations, and it’s not so easy to guess what’s bothering the baby. In this article we will tell you how to determine that a baby has a sore throat and how to help him.

Symptoms and signs

Despite the fact that an infant cannot directly indicate the source of discomfort, he will try in every possible way to make it clear that he is feeling unwell. In response to a sore throat, the baby's behavior will change. He will sleep worse, and his usual daily routine will be disrupted, if it was established by his mother. Sleep usually becomes episodic. Even if the baby falls asleep, after 30-40 minutes he wakes up again and begins to be capricious.

If inflammation in the throat interferes with normal swallowing, the child may refuse to eat altogether. At the same time, he will experience a feeling of hunger.

He will take the offered breast or bottle with formula willingly and greedily, but after a few seconds he will throw it away and begin to scream and cry shrilly. Feeding a baby with a sore throat is an incredibly difficult task.

The child will be capricious, cry and be indignant even outside of meals, because from time to time he needs to swallow saliva. If this process is quite painful, then it will certainly be accompanied by crying.

A symptom such as increased salivation is difficult to consider diagnostically important. Many babies begin to drool well before 4 months, when the first tooth is expected to appear, and this is an option physiological norm. Even if drooling began at 3 months, and the first tooth appeared at 7-8 months.

It should be noted that with inflammation in the throat area, the baby actually produces a slightly increased volume of saliva.

The fact is that saliva is the main antiseptic provided by nature for inflammation in the oropharynx. Therefore, the body, in response to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, reacts with increased production of saliva.

Sometimes a sore throat is preceded by a runny nose. U infant Nasal congestion is not always painful due to the narrowness of the nasal passages. But while nasal breathing is disrupted, the baby breathes through the mouth, the mucous membranes of the larynx and tonsils dry out, and inflammation begins.

It should be noted that in addition to weak immunity In infants there is another factor that contributes to the occurrence of ENT diseases. They have very loose mucous membranes. When viruses and bacteria get on them, they multiply faster, and the disease progresses rapidly.


If the changes described above have occurred in the baby’s behavior, the mother needs to conduct a preliminary examination of the baby to confirm or rule out a sore throat as a cause of concern. The only informative way is to examine the throat. It must be carried out carefully, with clean hands, using a medical spatula or a teaspoon. There is no need to press hard on the root of the tongue - the baby will reflexively vomit. It is best to lightly press the center or tip of the tongue and slightly tilt the baby's head back. For better review You should use a flashlight.

During the examination they evaluate:

    general view of the mouth and throat;

    color of mucous membranes;

    presence or absence of swelling and redness;

    size and color of tonsils;

    color of the posterior wall of the larynx.

Oral cavity and throat healthy child have a pale pink color. There may be a slight white coating on the tongue - this is normal for a baby who is predominantly on a milk diet. There is no normal swelling. Exceptions include gums if teething is expected soon. The tonsils are not enlarged, their color is even, pink. Not noticeable on the back of the throat blood vessels, redness.

If the cause of the toddler’s anxiety is a sore throat, then the mother will be able to see enlarged tonsils, a large number of plaque that covers not only the tongue, but also inner part cheeks, palate, back wall of the larynx.

Enlarged tonsils

Redness can be observed in the area of ​​the tonsils, both palatine and pharyngeal, at the back of the throat. The change in color may be accompanied by the appearance of ulcers, blisters, pustules, caseous plugs(popularly called kazios).

It is imperative to palpate the submandibular and occipital lymph nodes; they may be enlarged. The temperature can range from low-grade (37.0-35.7) to high (with sore throat - up to 40.0 degrees), in some cases the temperature may even be normal.

If the mother does not find such alarming visual signs, she and the child should visit the pediatrician and together begin to look for another cause of restless behavior, appetite and sleep disturbances. If the throat is really sore, a doctor should be called to your home to prevent the spread of infection if the baby has a contagious illness.

You can’t hesitate to contact - untimely treatment with ENT diseases can lead to chronic forms diseases, complications, impaired pulmonary respiration, which can cause suffocation. If a child wheezes, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Possible reasons

A newborn child has innate maternal immunity until about six months of independent life. After 6 months his own the immune system gradually begins to “learn.” And this happens when it comes into contact with viruses and bacteria. Nature has not come up with another, safer and more painless way.

Thus, the risk of infection by viral or bacterial infections increases after six months, but in the first half of the first year of life, anything can happen.

Most common cause sore throats in infants are respiratory viruses . It is quite problematic to “pick them up” while walking, especially in cold weather, but it is very easy - in crowded places - clinics, shops, etc. public transport. Viruses that enter through the nose can travel further, “settling” on the mucous tissues of the larynx, on lymphoid tissue tonsils

Viral sore throat

Healthy throat

Children under one year old learn about the world not only with their eyes, ears and touch, but also by taste. Partly for this reason, and partly because of the itching during teething, babies put absolutely everything that comes into their hands into their mouths. Together with a toy or other object, the baby may well introduce bacteria into the oral cavity, which live almost everywhere. Particularly dangerous are streptococci and staphylococci, which cause severe forms tonsillitis. Bacterial and fungal infections of the oropharynx can also occur as a result of contact with an adult who carries the bacteria or with food, such as water.

During teething, your baby may also develop a sore throat. It's work related local immunity. Since there is painful gum in the oral cavity during this period, if an infection occurs, the situation worsens significantly.

Allergies are another fairly common cause of oropharyngeal diseases in infants. Most often, an inadequate reaction of the body develops to chemical substances, which are contained in detergents and washing powders, which the mother uses to clean and wash the toddler’s diapers and bedding. Dry air and heat in the apartment are another factor in the appearance of inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs.


In all cases, a doctor must treat a child up to one year old. Self-medication is unacceptable, since the risks to the baby’s life are too great.

This is why it is important to consult a doctor immediately after discovering problems with your throat. He will be able to determine what kind of disease happened to the baby. Laboratory capabilities will help the specialist with this - a throat swab will be subjected to thorough examination in order to detect the specific causative agent of the disease.

Once the virus, bacteria, fungus or allergen is known, the child will be given appropriate treatment. Quite often, infants with serious infectious diseases, including sore throats, are recommended to undergo therapy in a hospital setting under round-the-clock medical supervision. If the reason is not so serious, and the pediatrician is sure that the mother will follow all the instructions, then the child can be left to be treated at home.

Viral throat infections

For such ailments, no special treatment is needed, although most pediatricians try to prescribe antiviral drugs “just in case” - "Viferon" in suppositories and other preparations in syrup or drops. These drugs do not have clinically proven effectiveness, and therefore they, together with homeopathic remedies antiviral effects are agents that, at best, do no harm. There is no need to expect benefits. After a few days, the immune system will cope with the virus on its own, and taking medications does not in any way affect the speed of recovery.” , pre-irrigated with an antiseptic "Miramistin". "Vinyl" can only be used if the child is not allergic to medications. For the youngest, pediatricians recommend mixing the drug with sea ​​buckthorn oil in a ratio of 1:5.

Bacterial and fungal diseases

In case of bacterial inflammation of the throat and oral cavity, the baby and mother will most likely be hospitalized, because the treatment of most such sore throats, candidiasis and even pharyngitis caused by bacteria requires the mandatory use of antibiotics.

Babies under one year of age usually begin treatment with a drug of the penicillin group. Additionally, they may recommend treating the throat with “Vinilin” or oil solution"Chlorophyllipt" which shows high effectiveness against staphylococcus, which, as is known, cannot be destroyed by every antibiotic.

Fungal diseases can be successfully treated at home, they will include treatment antifungal agents, such as "Hinozol" and reception antifungal drugs inside. You can find out what medications will be prescribed after determining the type of fungus.

    During periods of massive growth of respiratory viral infections, you should not visit with a child up to one year old, places where there are many people at the same time. Walking is useful, but only where there is a lot of fresh air, and there are almost no potential virus carriers - in the park, square.

    Wash baby's underwear and clothes with baby hypoallergenic powders. After washing, rinse items additionally. This will reduce the risk allergic inflammation oropharynx.

    To protect your baby's throat, you need to maintain sufficient air humidity. It should not exceed 70%, and should not be lower than 50%. Heaters in a child's room dry out the air greatly. There is no need to place them indoors.

    Should be done on time preventive vaccinations . Usually by 10 months the baby has already been vaccinated against most serious infections.

About how to treat sore throat, watch in the next video.

The only reaction to illness in a baby is to cry. Parents should try to understand what exactly caused their children's tears. Symptoms that may indicate a sore throat in a baby:

  • cry when trying to swallow breast milk or mixture;
  • refusal to eat;
  • fever, increased temperature;
  • sweating

In some cases, the baby nevertheless begins to suckle and calms down, but during the next feeding, at the first sips, he again begins to show anxiety.

How can you tell if your baby has a sore throat at home? To do this, you need to take a regular spoon and reverse side press the root of the child's tongue. The baby will start screaming at the same time, which will make it easier to see the throat. If the mucous membrane is red, then the cause of concern is a sore throat in the infant.

Not all young parents can understand whether a sore throat is red or not the first time. To decide, you need to compare the mucous membrane of a newborn’s throat with the mucous membrane of your own throat. If the throat is red and with films or purulent plaque, then you need to urgently call ambulance so that they would be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital.


There are not many reasons for a sore throat. The main diseases that can occur with inflammation of the throat mucosa:

  • pharyngitis - inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • acute respiratory viral infection;
  • flu;
  • tonsillitis or inflammation of the tonsils.

Children tolerate viral infections better than bacterial ones. If the pathology is caused by the persistence of microorganisms, then there is a high risk of complications.

Which doctor should I contact if my baby has a sore throat?

Young parents may be confused when they discover a red throat in their baby. In this case, you need to contact a specialist for advice and treatment. Even if there is no runny nose or fever, you still need to see your doctor if you have a red throat.

Children are usually treated by a pediatrician. If necessary, he can refer you to an infectious disease specialist or other related specialists.


The diagnosis is made primarily on the basis of an external examination. If the baby increased sweating, redness of the skin of the face and body, a painful expression in the eyes, then this indicates an inflammatory process.

Upon palpation (palpation lymph nodes under the jaw) their increase can be determined. When measuring body temperature, the thermometer will show numbers above 37.6 °C.

Diagnosis is usually made by examining the throat. External signs sore throat:

  • hyperemia - redness of the mucous membrane of the lateral surfaces and back wall of the throat;
  • swelling and swelling of the tissues in the throat.

If the listed symptoms are accompanied by a runny nose, fever, and cough, then we are most likely talking about an acute respiratory viral infection, which can be treated by taking anti-inflammatory drugs and using local antiseptics.

If available the following symptoms An infectious process may be suspected that will require treatment with antibiotics:

  • the presence of films or pus on the back wall or on the tonsils;
  • breathing problems;
  • blue skin around the mouth and fingertips;
  • hyperthermia above 39 °C.

If necessary, blood may be taken from the baby for clinical and biochemical tests, do a throat culture.

Help at home

If there is no temperature, and the baby’s throat is red and sore, then you need to consult a doctor. If the disease began over the weekend and it is not possible to visit a pediatrician, it is necessary to provide assistance to the child at home. Children under 1 year of age should not use throat antiseptics in inhalation form without the supervision of a pediatrician. Careless use can lead to bronchospasm and suffocation.

  1. If the baby is completely breastfed, then it should be put to the breast as often as possible. This will result in the infection site being constantly washed with milk. Breast milk contains immunoglobulins, which are not produced in children. These substances are necessary to fight infection and the child needs them most during illness.
  2. If the baby has already been introduced to complementary foods and is given water or is on artificial feeding, it is necessary to give all food warm, thoroughly chopped and homogeneous. Instead of water, you can give a light concentration of chamomile infusion, 2 teaspoons every 2-3 hours.
  3. You can lubricate the child's throat with antiseptics. To do this you need to wind on forefinger bandage, moisten it in Lugol's solution, or in and lubricate the throat. Repeat the procedure every 3 hours.
  4. Nasal congestion must be eliminated using saline drops and rinsing the nose with a small rubber bulb.
  5. If the baby is very restless, completely refuses to eat and has a fever, then it is necessary to give him children's paracetamol or ibuprofen. Dosages are calculated individually based on the child’s weight.

Such help can completely cure the baby, but a visit to the doctor is still necessary.


The treatment prescribed by the doctor depends on the severity of infectious process. IN severe cases Antibiotics may be needed.

Usually the doctor adds to all of the above using a nebulizer. An isotonic sodium chloride solution and various essential oils, for example, chamomile. Next, a mask is put on the child, and he breathes warm ethereal vapors.

Good healing effect provide . They can be made from scrap materials. It is necessary to boil the potatoes in their skins and mash them, cool slightly. Then place the potato on a few layers of cloth and put it on the throat and chest child. Be sure to first monitor the temperature of the potatoes so that there is no burn on the skin. Then you can wrap the child up for 20-30 minutes.

What can't you do?

Parents' inexperience can sometimes lead to disastrous consequences. Many, noticing a red throat in a child, think that it will go away on its own and there is no need to see a doctor. We should not forget that mucosal hyperemia is a symptom of an inflammatory process. As the infection progresses, the process may spread to the lower respiratory tract or surrounding organs.

The consequences of a sore throat may include the following diseases:

  • – inflammation of the sinuses of the skull;
  • - inflammation inner ear, is detected by pain when pressing on the tragus;
  • laryngitis - will manifest itself, in addition to pain, as hoarseness during crying;
  • tracheitis and bronchitis - inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, the symptom of which is cough;
  • pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs, dangerous condition for a newborn.

To avoid such consequences, you should immediately consult a doctor when the first signs of inflammation appear and strictly follow the treatment recommendations.


To prevent your baby from having a sore throat, it is necessary to ensure an appropriate hygienic regime:

  • The nursery should be thoroughly ventilated at any time of the year so as not to contribute to the accumulation of germs in the air;
  • if possible, you need to buy a humidifier, which is necessary so as not to dry out the mucous membranes of the throat and nose;
  • During the first year, it is recommended to breastfeed the baby, as this provides immunity;
  • Complementary foods should be introduced only in the form of homogeneous mixtures and pureed puree soups in order to eliminate the traumatic factor on the mucous membrane.

Care infant a sore throat will be relieved if you turn all the procedures into a game, then you will be able to cure the baby without tears.

Useful video about sore throat

Understanding what torments a child in the first year of life can be difficult even for a very good and attentive mother. When baby cries, is capricious, does not take the breast, sleeps poorly, this may bother him headache, intestinal colic, sore throat. The baby cannot say what is bothering him, and the parents do not know how to help him. Even if a mother has discovered a red throat in her newborn, she must first understand the causes of this phenomenon. It is best to apply for professional help. A pediatrician or pediatric otolaryngologist will find out the cause of the ailment and explain how to treat an infant’s throat.

How to perform a throat examination

The mother can see the red throat of the baby herself. True, the examination procedure is not simple, and many parents are lost in the face of the child’s stubborn resistance. You need to do the following:

  • Wash and disinfect your hands and a teaspoon with a straight handle. You should prepare a flashlight with a thin beam of light;
  • sit on a chair with a back, put the baby in your arms, calm him down;

Do not force the examination procedure, otherwise you can easily injure your throat.

  • When the newborn opens his mouth, you need to lightly press the tongue with the handle of the spoon. With this manipulation, the small patient will take a deep breath and open his mouth wider. At this moment, you need to shine a flashlight into the neck and examine the mucous membrane.

Therapeutic measures

Young children can get colds not only in the autumn-winter period, but also in the summer. For example, peak herpetic sore throat falls in the summer. It is in the summer that the Coxsackie virus, the causative agent of sore throat, rages about once every four years. Children aged six months and older are most susceptible to infection with this type of virus.

Treatment of the throat in children under one year of age requires integrated approach. Therapy is selected depending on the cause of the disease. A mother can treat a baby’s red throat at home, but only as prescribed by a specialist. If the course of the disease is mild, then you can get by with one proper care and folk remedies.

Traditional remedies

What to do if your newborn has a sore throat? Ventilate the room as often as possible. When airing, remove the newborn from the room. Do wet cleaning in the children's room at least twice a day, wash toys in hot soapy water, wash your hands, and maintain personal hygiene. Make sure that the air temperature is not higher than 20-22 degrees.

During the period of an infectious disease, the children's room should not be dry and hot, since this is the best environment for the proliferation of microbes.

The patient should drink a lot. If he refuses to eat, there is no need to force feed him, but keeping him hydrated is part of successful therapy. Drinking softens the mucous membrane of the throat, relieves irritation, and quickly removes germs and toxins. The liquid should be given warm and as often as possible.

To understand how to treat a baby's throat with a sore throat, you need to identify the causative agent of the disease - the doctor must take a swab from the throat. Treatment for bacterial tonsillitis cannot be achieved without the use of antibiotics. Before administering the drug, a sensitivity test must be done. At positive result another drug is selected. The faster acute tonsillitis will begin antibacterial therapy, the easier the course of the disease will be and the faster the recovery will come.

Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antitussive drugs, and nasal drops are prescribed. You need to make sure that mucus does not accumulate in your nose. To remove it, drop 2 drops into each nostril. saline solution. After a couple of minutes, when the crusts are wet, you need to remove them with cotton wool. In this case, you should not use matches, ear sticks or other hard objects. If observed heavy discharge from the nose, you can use an aspirator or a small rubber bulb.

Regular rinsing with antiseptic solutions helps to quickly cure a sore nasopharynx. However, a newborn cannot spit, so if parents decide to rinse, they need to do it as follows. Take the baby in your arms, tilt your head slightly forward and to the side, irrigate the throat with a stream of solution from a syringe so that the liquid drains from the mouth. For liquid, you can use a tray or a towel. Irrigate the mucous membrane of the oropharynx saline solution(2-3 grams of salt per 200 ml warm water) or a decoction of anti-inflammatory herbs.

Before going to bed, you need to rub your newborn's chest, back and heels medicinal products. This procedure not only helps relieve inflammation of the throat, but also helps to transform a dry cough into a wet one. Pulmex baby ointment is used for rubbing children under one year of age. You need to rub with soft, smooth movements. normal temperature at the patient.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine also knows how to treat a red throat in a baby:

Warming procedures can only be carried out when the patient has a normal temperature

  • give the baby something to drink warm water with honey and lemon juice, for 200 ml of water, 5 ml of juice and 8-10 grams of honey. This remedy can be used if the newborn is already given complementary foods and if he is not allergic to honey;
  • at night, pour dry water into cotton socks mustard powder, put on another warm socks on top;
  • An effective remedy for colds in children under one year of age is a curd compress. Heat fresh cottage cheese in a water bath, wrap it in cotton cloth, place it on the newborn’s neck, put a film on top and secure it loosely with a scarf or bandage. The procedure time is an hour and a half;
  • Instead of cottage cheese, you can use clay diluted in water for a compress. Exposure time – no more than three hours;
  • take baths with decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs;
  • if not allergic reactions for beekeeping products, rubbing with liquid honey will help. Carry out the procedure before bedtime at normal temperature. Spread a small amount of honey on the neck, chest, back, and immediately put on a cotton vest. Then rub honey on your heels and put on socks. Wrap the baby in a warm blanket. By morning the honey will be completely absorbed;
  • goat goat is used for rubbing, badger fat, butter. Melt the product and apply warm;
  • apply before feeding nipple mother or pacifier with propolis oil solution, cough syrup, if there is no allergy to medicinal components.

Normally, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is populated by microorganisms, so with weakened immunity, children under one year old often catch colds. But every cold is the formation of a strong immune system. You should not be afraid of infectious diseases, despite the fact that any illness in a baby brings great concern to parents. It is important to know how to treat the throat of a child under one year old, to have first aid supplies in the first aid kit, not to expose children to risks that can lead to infection and, of course, to contact specialists in a timely manner.
