Suture after abdominoplasty. Common and rare complications of abdominoplasty What results from unsuccessful abdominal liposuction

The larger and larger the plastic surgery, the more undesirable consequences and side effects it has. In the case of a tummy tuck, a separate problem is the long surgical incisions, after which the skin will never be completely smooth.

Suture after abdominoplasty heals under conditions of strong tissue tension - because of this, in the first months the scar looks extremely unsightly, takes a long time to mature, and even after a long time it can break apart or become inflamed. Is it true that the scar will remain for life and will have to be hidden from prying eyes? What to do if outwardly he turns out to be completely inappropriate? Is it possible to speed up and facilitate the healing process? the site provides details for those who are ready to make the necessary sacrifices for their beauty:

What marks will remain on the stomach after abdominoplasty?

The total volume and technique of the operation depend mainly on the number excess skin and fatty tissue, as well as the patient’s presence of concomitant surgical diseases anterior abdominal wall (muscle discrepancy, inguinal or umbilical hernia, etc.) The more tissue the surgeon needs to remove, the longer the incisions will be, and the more difficult it will be for the patient during the rehabilitation period.

Type of abdominoplasty
Where and what will the seam be?
Classic abdominoplasty The skin is incised horizontally across the entire abdomen - at the level of the pubis and protruding pelvic bones. If there is significant sagging, you will need an additional incision around the navel to move it to a new place - it may look like a circle, an inverted Y or U (the latter option is the least noticeable).
Vertical This technique is used when the patient has significant excess skin after severe weight loss. For best results in in this case you will need two cuts. One is horizontal, just like with classic abdominoplasty. The second is vertical, along midline belly to sternum.
Lateral Here, too, there will be a main horizontal seam along the lower abdomen, but in addition to it there will be two additional ones, they are located on the sides. This technique allows you to remove excess fatty tissue around the entire circumference of the body (except for the back), as well as from the “buns” area on the lower back and tighten the outer surface of the thighs, due to which the waist becomes more pronounced and clear.
Extended In this version of the operation, the entire hip area is additionally tightened. The basic incision extends from the abdomen to the sides and may extend well beyond the prominent portions of the ilia.
Circular The most difficult option for a tummy tuck for both the plastic surgeon and the patient. It involves the removal of excess skin and fat not only from the anterior and lateral abdominal wall, but also from the outer surface of the thighs, and from the back in the lumbar region. The scar remains circular, running along the abdomen, sides and back of the torso.
The incision is made in suprapubic region(along the bikini line), horizontally. It will be somewhat shorter than with a classic operation: usually its length does not exceed 20 cm, and this is enough to remove a small excess of tissue and perform liposuction of the abdomen, sides and upper third of the thighs.

Approximately 1 year after abdominoplasty, the correct, healed suture without complications looks like a fairly thin thread light color. It won't be very noticeable, but it won't be completely invisible either.

Features of scarring after abdominoplasty

Surgical incisions in the lower abdomen heal in the same way as any other soft tissue injuries (for more details, see the article “”). But there are several factors that inevitably complicate this process:

  • Drainage tubes may remain in postoperative wounds for several days;
  • flaps of skin and subcutaneous tissue are under great tension (in many “before and after” photos of abdominoplasty you can see that the final scar in the middle looks wider than on the sides - the reason is precisely that closer to the center it stretches with the greatest force);
  • muscles are located in close proximity to the injured area abdominals, even small contractions of which can lead to divergence of seams;
  • due to the overall complexity of the operation, the likelihood of suppuration, tissue necrosis and the development of other complications increases.

The greatest problems are usually caused by tissue tension, which will be especially strong in the first 1-2 months. For abdominoplasty, this condition is the norm, since a flat tummy is obtained only by excision of excess skin and fat in a sufficiently large amount. As a result, the postoperative scar is formed under very unfavorable conditions:

  • At the stage of epithelization there is high risk discrepancies between the edges of the wound. In addition, tight skin and soft fabrics, and sometimes the suture material puts pressure on the vessels, which creates a risk of developing necrosis (death) of large areas, and also slows down the formation process connective tissue and fusion of skin flaps.
  • At the stage of a “young” scar (it begins approximately 2 weeks after tummy tuck), blood flow is more or less restored, but new problem: Constant tension on the skin flaps leads to excessive formation of fibroblasts and connective tissue fibers, due to which the scar often grows wide, convex and hard to the touch. Here, physiotherapeutic procedures or the use of special ointments/gels are almost always necessary, otherwise gross scarring will easily reduce the overall aesthetic result of the operation to zero.

To reduce the likelihood of suture dehiscence and facilitate its healing, for at least a month after surgery you will need to:

  • walk slightly bent over and sleep with your legs crossed;
  • avoid any physical activity, especially those that require contraction of the abdominal muscles;
  • do not lift anything even remotely heavy;
  • exclude any foods that can cause bloating and flatulence;
  • give up any sports activities.

Return to physical activity and usual sleeping positions will need to be done extremely carefully and only after the approval of your surgeon.

How to care for a seam so that it becomes as invisible as possible

Normally, changes in the appearance of the scar after tummy tuck will occur as follows:

Time after plastic surgery
What's happening
1 month By this time, the wound should be completely healed. Due to increased blood flow and active collagen production, the scar will appear swollen, ranging in color from bright red to dark burgundy. It is worth preparing for the fact that in the next few months its appearance will not improve at all, moreover, there may be a tendency to worsen.
6 months The color remains red and the shape remains convex, but by this point positive changes should begin. Part fibrous tissue is destroyed, the blood flow is reduced, due to this the seam should gradually begin to lighten and become flatter.
1 year By this point, the scar is considered mature, it becomes much paler and thinner than in the first months, and is no longer so striking. Over the next few years, its color and texture will continue to improve, although not as intensely.
5 years or more The shape and size are finally stabilized, but the scar’s tone may become a little lighter, due to which it will blend even more with the surrounding skin.

The final appearance will depend on many factors: skin tone and texture, the patient’s genetic characteristics, the tendency to form keloids and connective tissue hypertrophy, as well as individual regeneration speed (some scars remain bright red for up to 1.5-2 years, and only then gradually fade). But highest value depends on how correctly and carefully the patient monitors him in the process of maturation:

1. First days after surgery

The edges of the wound are secured with suture material and protected with a bandage. Even just touching them is extremely undesirable, not to mention any specific care. However, there are already enough problems: the stomach hurts and pulls, ichor and a small amount of blood can be released from the wound, brownish liquid constantly flows through the drainage tube, swelling and hematomas increase - the latter can spread far beyond the abdominal area, incl. go down to your hips. You just have to endure all this: it’s normal after a few days discomfort and symptoms gradually decrease. Painkillers will help, and you will most likely have to take a course of antibiotics to prevent purulent complications.

2. First 2 weeks

During this period, the postoperative wound is monitored by a doctor or nurse during planned dressing changes (usually they are done daily, in a day hospital setting). To prevent the formation of a rough scar, the following are carried out:

  • treatment with antiseptics and regular dressing changes to prevent purulent complications;
  • observation of the incision area for timely detection of foci of possible necrosis, as well as areas where tissues are strongly tied with threads or tucked inward;
  • drainage - so that the constantly increasing volume of tissue exudate does not lead to divergence of the edges of the wound;
  • measures to reduce edema - limiting fluid intake, etc.

Bed rest for 10-14 days after abdominoplasty is the best choice for those who want their incisions to heal without “surprises.” How more people will rest, the lower the likelihood of overstretching, divergence of wound edges and other problems complicating scarring. From hygiene procedures Only showers are allowed, but any thermal effects on the area of ​​the postoperative wound should be avoided.

After two weeks, the state of the body and subjective well-being will noticeably improve. The only thing that will still bother the patient is a feeling of tightness in the sutured muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

3. Young scar stage (first month after surgery)

Sutures placed after a tummy tuck are removed within 10-14 days. In the absence of complications, by this time the surface of the wound will be covered with epithelium (the first, not yet very strong connecting layer) - which means you can begin to use promoting correct formation scar. When choosing the appropriate remedies, it is better to listen to your doctor. Most often, experts recommend:

  • special silicone patches and gels that can be used individually or in combination;
  • hormonal ointments;
  • products based on heparin and other absorbable components.

Among the physiotherapeutic procedures, pressotherapy is indicated - it does not in any way threaten the fragile surface of the scar, while it allows you to activate blood circulation and lymph outflow, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of injured tissues.

4. Caring for the scar at the stage of its maturation

This period lasts about 1 year, during which you can and should continue to take care of your stitch. Usage silicone patches And various ointments They are not limited in time and do not cause harm to health, so many patients prefer to use them throughout the entire period of rehabilitation. With your doctor's permission, you can begin performing simple physical exercises, gradually increasing the intensity. But from ultraviolet rays the stomach will have to be protected: no one forbids sunbathing and spending time in the sun, but the operated area will need to be carefully covered to avoid hyperpigmentation. Physiotherapeutic procedures include dermotony, ozone therapy, and magnetic therapy.

It is advisable to arrange regular check-ups with your surgeon or other specialist to monitor the healing process and ensure that it is proceeding without complications. Preliminary conclusions are usually made 6 months after abdominoplasty: if at this point the scar still remains rough and protruding, with no tendency to improve, the doctor may decide to inject corticosteroid hormones or drugs based on hyaluronidase (in no case should you do them yourself is not possible, since there is a risk of sunken areas and other negative consequences appearing at the injection sites).

What to do if the edges of the wound are separated

Plastic surgeons know how much the tissues on the abdomen are stretched during a lift, so for their part they do everything necessary measures to hold them in a given position:

  • use special threads and special suturing techniques;
  • carry out thorough hemostasis and antiseptic treatment wounds;
  • give the patient clear recommendations regarding the rules of behavior for the first postoperative days (avoid physical activity, walk slightly hunched over, sleep with legs tucked, etc.)

However, no one is immune from seams coming apart. This should be remembered, monitor the condition of the wound and seek help in time if something goes wrong. The problem may be caused by the following factors:

  • Unnecessarily active work muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Surgeon mistakes when choosing threads and/or suture methods.
  • Suppuration is accompanied by redness of the skin, an increase in its temperature, and the appearance of copious exudate. As a result, the edges of the wound open up, and it will not be possible to stitch them back right away. First, you will have to treat and treat the wound to neutralize the inflammatory process. Only after this will it be possible to tighten the tissue again and apply sutures.
  • Necrosis (death) of areas of skin pinched by threads so much that blood circulation in them is disrupted. Accompanied by pain, subsequent numbness and blackening of the affected areas. The necrosis zone can only cover the wound edges, but sometimes it has a much larger volume and requires transplantation of viable tissue from the lateral surfaces of the body to the place of dead tissue.

Whatever the reason, you should refrain from amateur activities and V as soon as possible consult a doctor, in this case:

  • continue to treat the wound according to the instructions you received from your plastic surgeon;
  • avoid contracting the abdominal muscles;
  • we use plasters to relieve the load from areas located on both sides of the split seam;
  • V mandatory We wear compression garments, even if it seems that they have no effect;
  • Avoid getting water and dirt into the scar area.

Depending on the clinical picture and the reasons for the opening of the wound on the abdomen, the doctor will prescribe the necessary therapy and give recommendations on home care. The most problematic cases are inflammation and necrosis; their treatment can be long and quite expensive.

Is it possible to improve the appearance of the formed seam?

In about 12 months, the scar on the abdomen finally matures and subsequently remains virtually unchanged, even with regular use of ointments and other external agents. If the patient is still not satisfied with its aesthetic characteristics, additional measures can be planned:

  • Surgical excision of excess scar tissue. Unlike volumetric plastic surgeries, it is performed under local anesthesia and does not involve complex rehabilitation. However, the mark that will remain after such manipulation will also be quite large, so it is advisable to carry it out only to correct the roughest and thickest scars.
  • If the main problem is too bright, saturated color, then a fractional laser will give the best result. It seals the capillaries adjacent to the surface, the blood flow through them stops and the scar noticeably turns pale.
  • When it is necessary to slightly improve and “tune” a normal, neat seam, abrasive salon procedures such as or are used.
  • For complete camouflage, you can apply a colored tattoo to the operated area.

It is worth remembering that if positioned correctly, the main horizontal scar will always be hidden under clothing: a swimsuit and underwear will reliably cover it. To be completely sure, some surgeons even suggest that their patients bring a swimsuit of their own style to the consultation in order to take all measurements on site and make sure that the fabric will be above the planned incision line. And those who are still worried about appearance Your stomach may be comforted by statistics: the vast majority of patients after abdominoplasty are confident that its aesthetic result is worth the marks that will remain on the body as a memory of the operation.

After any plastic surgery There is a risk of complications; abdominoplasty is no exception.

2. Hematoma

Hematoma is a more or less extensive collection of blood that occurs during or after surgery internal bleeding in tissues subjected to surgical aggression.

Signs of hematoma:

  • Sharp pain;
  • The presence of a tumor at the site of the hematoma;
  • Increased temperature in the area of ​​the hematoma;
  • Change in skin color;
  • Impaired mobility and normal functioning muscles;

Treatment of hematoma:

For small hematomas, it is enough to apply ice to the location, apply a pressure bandage and, if necessary, drink an analgesic. It is also possible to prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures.

With an extensive hematoma, especially if the tissue at the site of the hematoma becomes dense and poorly mobile, it will require removal. The surgeon releases the sutures, removes the hematoma, thoroughly rinses the cavity with an antiseptic solution, cauterizes the bleeding vessel and always leaves active drainage.

A hematoma removed in time does not have any effect negative influence on the result of the operation.

Prevention of hematoma:

  • thorough stop of bleeding;
  • suturing the wound without leaving cavities;
  • drainage of wound space;
  • avoiding injuries and bruises;

3. Infection

The development of infection can be caused by two factors:

  • non-compliance with antiseptics during surgery
  • improper care of the wound surface in the postoperative period.

There are five signs of wound infection:

  • increased temperature at the site of inflammation
  • redness in the area of ​​inflammation
  • pain at the site of inflammation
  • tumor at the site of inflammation
  • dysfunction

In addition to these local signs of inflammation, general weakness and fever appear.

At the site of inflammation, pus may be released through the wound. Danger purulent inflammation with abdominoplasty cannot be underestimated.

The extensive wound surface allows inflammation to quickly spread to the entire operation area, which, in turn, can lead to a serious condition for the patient.

Prevention of this formidable complication is careful adherence to the rules of asepsis during surgery.

4. Necrosis of the wound edges

Abdominoplasty surgery is accompanied by large detachment of skin and fat flaps, which leads to deterioration of blood supply.

Considering that most of arteries that take the main part in the blood supply are crossed, the risk of developing irreversible is quite high.

Causes of necrosis:

1. Necrosis can develop as a result of insufficient blood supply to the edges of the flap on the anterior abdominal wall;

This occurs when the flap is too large (the flap is too wide and a key blood supply is damaged).

2. Reduced nutrition of the edges of the flap due to strong tension when applying sutures;

3. The presence of additional scars on the anterior abdominal wall;

For example, with a previously performed cholecystectomy, the blood supply from the branches of the intercostal arteries may be disrupted. Scars impair blood flow to the edge of the formed flap.

4. As a result of untreated seroma or hematoma;


As a rule, when signs of necrosis appear, a focus of suppuration, removal of necrotic tissue, as well as general and local drug treatment are performed.

5. Numbness and loss of sensitivity of the operated area

Very often, due to the intersection of the nerve fibers of the skin during surgery, the operated area loses sensitivity for some time. This complication goes away on its own after a few months.

6. Complications caused by anesthesia.

Currently this complication very rare due to the qualifications of the anesthesiologist and the use during surgery modern drugs for anesthesia and high-tech equipment.

7. Scar

Those at risk for impaired wound healing include:

  • smokers
  • patients with poor circulation

If the blood supply to the edges of the wound is disrupted, there is a danger of death of the edge areas of the skin, leading to expansion postoperative scar.

The desire to have a perfect body, ideal forms is common to every person. Modern plastic surgery offers its patients more and more methods for correcting body lines and proportions that have lost their attractiveness and are not restored through exercise. is a modern revolutionary method of effective body correction, in which tissue trauma occurs to a minimum extent.

The peculiarities of the rehabilitation period should be taken into account by patients, since the effectiveness of the effect and the duration of maintaining the result largely depend on compliance with all the doctor’s recommendations.

Possible complications and consequences

For large quantities positive characteristics After it is carried out, there is a certain risk of a number of side effects. Their manifestation depends on the body’s ability to quickly self-heal, the absence of a hereditary tendency to, if the rehabilitation period is carried out correctly. Complications that arise in patients after the type in question surgical correction specific area of ​​the body may become:

  • the appearance of extensive bruises, which most often occur in places where the skin is cut and sutures are applied in these places;
  • which, if the recovery period is successfully completed, goes away on its own, but in some cases persists long time;
  • in the field of surgical intervention;
  • divergence of cosmetic sutures that were placed at the skin incision sites during the operation;
  • the appearance of rough scars and scars - they most often occur at the site of cosmetic sutures;
  • appearance of signs inflammatory processes in organism;
  • tissue necrosis - most often this unpleasant manifestation is observed in the navel area and can be triggered by the presence of such a bad habit as smoking.

The large amount of work during the operation in question also increases the risk of developing side effects. When abdominoplasty and removal of excess fat deposits are performed simultaneously (), some flatness of the skin may appear, and this is often noted when there is a lack of practical experience plastic surgeon. Also like this by-effect observed when there is an uneven distribution of subcutaneous fat tissue. Sometimes surgical sutures become inflamed, which is noted when they are not sufficiently treated with disinfectants. At severe pain the doctor usually prescribes Ketonal,.

This video will tell you what unforeseen consequences may occur after abdominoplasty:


Retention of excess fluid in the tissues can be caused by a violation of the kidneys, with a hereditary tendency to mechanical damage the skin reacts with stagnation. Edema most often resolves on its own, but if it persists for a long time, especially in places of incisions and sutures, there is a high probability of developing inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous fat.

To eliminate edema, your doctor may recommend the use of decongestants that have a diuretic effect. However, due to the active removal from the body of such important microelements as potassium, magnesium and sodium during their long-term use, in parallel with their intake, you should include in your diet foods rich in these substances, or take ready-made mineral complexes. and Essaven, help with bruises and swelling.

Seam divergence

If physical activity is too early or tissue healing is poor, the cosmetic suture may come apart. This is fraught with the penetration of infections into the body, the appearance of inflammatory processes, which aggravates the weakening of the body after the intervention and requires an immediate response from the doctor. When there is a discrepancy surgical sutures The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, the duration and frequency of which is prescribed by the doctor.

Usage hormonal drugs with or (type) in combination with will help reduce the time for complete healing of the suture. Also good in this case.

Hematomas and seromas

Often, any surgical intervention is accompanied by the appearance of bruises and hematomas, which, with proper care of the skin and damaged areas, resolve on their own. However, in some cases, for example, when hypersensitivity skin they last for a long time.

In case of numerous bruises, hematomas and seromas, the doctor may recommend the use of absorbable ointments and gels, which promote faster blood circulation and eliminate these unpleasant manifestations.

Necrosis of the navel

With such bad habit, like smoking, tissue necrosis may occur, and the navel area is considered the most vulnerable area. Even with minor changes in the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor, who will make a diagnosis and prescribe the use of special medications. Their action is aimed at eliminating inflammation and reducing skin infections.

You can see your belly a week after abdominoplasty in the video below:

Rehabilitation period and recovery after abdominoplasty

Rehabilitation recovery period after implementation of the considered surgery body correction has a number specific features. The tissue healing process after completion of any type of abdominoplasty is quite short. This is due to the lack of impact on internal organs: surgical manipulations are performed exclusively in the layers of the upper epidermis and subcutaneous fat. For this reason, the healing process of damaged tissue is not long.

Principles and rules

To speed up the recovery of damaged tissue, you should regularly disinfect the suture area and monitor the healing process of the skin. The following recommendations from doctors for the recovery period will help to achieve healing faster:

  • a significant reduction in physical activity, which is important especially in the area where surgery was performed;
  • limiting visits to the solarium, swimming pool, bathhouse and sauna - this is where exposure to humidity and high temperatures, which negatively affects the healing of sutures;
  • regular treatment of suture sites with disinfectant solutions prescribed by a doctor.

The tips provided will help shorten the duration of the rehabilitation period and prevent the likelihood of developing side effects.

Compression underwear

Wearing special underwear that has a supportive effect will allow skin lesions to heal faster with minimal risk of scarring. Compression underwear copes with this task perfectly: eliminating unnecessary stress on the seams, it provides the necessary rest to the skin and eliminates the risk of stagnant processes in the subcutaneous tissue.


The rehabilitation period must be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor. For the first time after the operation, it is necessary to completely abandon any physical activity, it is preferable to observe bed rest for at least the first two days after the operation.

The recovery stage after abdominoplasty is a long and responsible process. It includes medical supervision throughout the entire postoperative period and implies the active participation of the patient himself in it.

The rehabilitation period consists of several stages and lasts from 3 months to six months from the date of surgery.

This period depends on the extent of the surgical intervention: it implies complete healing of the sutures, the absence of complications and functional restoration of the muscle layer.

Patients return to their normal lifestyle and ability to work earlier – after 3-5 weeks.

Subtleties of the postoperative period

    Surgical intervention is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia (depending on indications) and lasts 2-3 hours, after which the patient is transferred to the ward intensive care for 1 day. Do not be alarmed - this is a common practice in which all surgical patients are for the first time after surgery under round-the-clock supervision of specialists to exclude various “surprises”.

    On the second day, the patient is transferred to a regular ward of a surgical hospital, where he remains for 2-4 days, after which he is discharged to day hospital.

    On the 12th day after surgery, if the surgical site has healed favorably, the patient has the suture material removed and the drainage that was installed for the outflow of blood and fluid is removed. Postoperative suture for a long time may differ in color from nearby fabrics. Over time, the color evens out and the scar becomes almost invisible against the background of the skin.

    In the early postoperative period, the patient will experience swelling of the soft tissues and hematomas, which can develop not only at the site of surgery, but also along the anatomical pockets and formations - in the abdomen, lower back. At this stage, therapeutic and preventive actions, aimed at preventing the development of complications: relieving postoperative pain, antibiotic therapy. This period lasts up to 3 weeks from the date of surgery.

    After the sutures are removed (the first 1.5 months after abdominoplasty), it is recommended to wear a special compression corset or underwear, which is necessary to prevent the development of complications: first of all, the formation of blood clots and improper tissue fusion.

    During the entire rehabilitation stage, loss of skin sensitivity in the abdominal area may be observed. There is no need to be scared, this is a common reaction after such operations (the so-called surgical and postoperative disorder innervation of the peritoneum), which disappears 2-4 months after surgery.

How is rehabilitation going?

First stage of recovery

Abdominoplasty is a full-fledged surgical manipulation with tissue trauma. Therefore, in the early postoperative period, pain may spread throughout the entire abdominal wall.

Pain relief occurs with the help of narcotic (in the first day with severe pain) and non-narcotic analgesics.

There may also be pain muscle fibers with a feeling of tightness (associated with the presence of a postoperative scar), which goes away on its own 2-3 weeks after surgery.

At this stage, soft tissue swelling and minor hemorrhages - hematomas - appear, which disappear over time.

Recovery at home

After completion of inpatient treatment, the patient is transferred to a day hospital and visits medical institution according to the testimony of a personal physician.

This stage requires the patient’s attentive and careful attitude to his condition: scar care, limiting physical activity, correct mode nutrition.

Activities that will help you successfully complete the home stage of rehabilitation must be coordinated with your doctor.

Usually they come down to a standard list of recommendations:

    Must wear compression garments for proper fixation of muscles and tissues in the operated area. For the first two weeks after surgery, it can be removed only when taking a shower, then, over the next month, you can do without it while sleeping or resting.

    Recovery depends on the work you do. If your position does not involve physical labor or stress, then you can begin performing professional duties 2-3 weeks after the operation; in other cases, the rehabilitation period must be increased by at least a month.

    For the first 3 months after abdominoplasty, you should perform a set of exercises recommended by experts for speedy recovery. Physical activity should be very “dosed”; it is necessary to completely avoid strength exercises, lifting weights of more than 3 kg, as well as fitness and athletic sports.

    It is necessary to adhere to a diet: you need to eat in small portions, foods that provoke the formation of gases in the intestines should be completely excluded from the diet, since during the operation not only the upper skin layer was affected, but also the muscular belt of the anterior abdominal wall was damaged.

    The use of medications not related to rehabilitation must be coordinated with the attending physician who supervises the patient’s care. restoration process, because side effects some pharmacological agents may affect recovery time.


For achievement effective result abdominoplasty, you need to follow a few tips on what NOT to do:

    In the early postoperative period - bed rest, a minimum of any physical activity, sudden movements, especially those associated with tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. In order to prevent the seams and soft fabrics from coming apart, it is necessary not only to avoid stress at first, but also to prevent tension on the skin on the abdomen, walk and move in an almost bent position. You need to sleep with your legs bent.

Important!!! Physical exercises are important during recovery; they must be GRADUALLY included in the rehabilitation process, with increasing intensity and load, which is determined by the doctor.

    Diet: exclude hard-to-digest foods and especially alcohol consumption from the diet. Alcoholic drinks affect the intestinal flora and blood formula. If these indicators are violated, tissue regeneration processes can increase over time.

    Water procedures. Until the stitches are removed, you can only shower. For one and a half months, the seam must be protected from exposure to too humid and hot air (you should forget about the sauna and steam bath during this period), this contributes to improper formation of the scar. You will have to refrain from sunbathing and visiting a solarium for a longer period (about 6 months).

For a faster and more correct recovery after abdominoplasty, doctors recommend the use of physiotherapeutic techniques using various medicinal ointments and gels.

A tummy tuck involves a fairly large scar. After removal suture material the scar is dense to the touch and differs in color from the neighboring skin.

Usage hormonal ointments(hydrocortisone) or heparin-based gels (contractubex) in combination with ultrasound physiotherapy can reduce the time for complete healing of the suture: the scar becomes elastic, soft to the touch and acquires a normal color.

Therapy with ointments and gels begins after primary healing scar and suture removal.

Application to an immature scar gives good results. Silicone applicators impregnated with medicinal substances are used.

The effect of this treatment is double: by increasing the pressure on the scar (in combination with wearing compression garments), it becomes less convex and, accordingly, almost invisible, and the medicinal component of the plate promotes faster tissue regeneration in the scar area.

To obtain a similar effect, you can use another cosmetology method - press therapy. When using this physiotherapeutic method, pressure is created on the anterior abdominal wall, and the movement of blood and lymph through the vessels improves, which is very important at the first stage of recovery, when the patient is limited in movement.



How long do I need to stay in the clinic?

Treatment in the clinic depends on the volume of the operation, the type of anesthesia and the individual characteristics of the body. At surgical intervention the patient stays in the clinic for 2-3 days, after which he is discharged home, remaining under outpatient observation until the scar is completely healed and the general condition is normalized.

With mini tummy tuck, inpatient treatment is not indicated: the patient can leave the clinic on the day of surgery.

When can you play sports?

The start of sports depends on the progress of rehabilitation. If the scar healing process goes well, there are no complications, physical exercise can be used from the second month after surgery: start with gentle types, gradually increasing the load.

During development postoperative complications(hernias, for example) sports should be postponed until the condition normalizes.

Video: A week after abdominoplasty

In the rehabilitation process after abdominoplasty, the patient plays a large role. Before deciding on this procedure, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. If you are ready to go under the surgeon’s knife and undergo a long recovery period, then the result will certainly give you a lot of positive emotions: a beautiful abdominal shape, excellent health, self-confidence and attractiveness.
