Pain in a suplocked area. Hurry abdomen in a woman - why, reasons, symptoms

Loboch in medicine is called a lard joint or symphysome. The pubic symphim is cartilage, which is a place for connecting two pubic bones.

It is attached symphiz to the bones using ligaments. Normally, this connection is fixed, but during pregnancy (under the action of the relaxin hormone), the bundles are relaxed, and the process of discrepancies of the pelvis bones occurs, after which the redundant mobility of the bones of the Lonatic joint, inflammation and increasing may be observed. owl syndrome.

It is necessary to pass an ultrasound (preferable during pregnancy!) Or make the pentgen pubic to determine how much the bones of the Lonnoy Menuance. When the bones are discrepanged at 10 mm and more diagnosed with pubic symphysit (symphysiopathy or dysfunction of pubic symphiz).

Normally, the distance between the two pubic bones is 4-5 mm, but during pregnancy, the pelvic bones diverge, and this distance increases by 2-3 mm, accounted for 6-8 mm (permissible to 10-15 mm).

This is considered the 1st stage of the disease, although, in fact, this phenomenon is not hazardous if it does not progress. Just pregnant needs a more thorough observation by doctors, in order to take the right decision in the future in the future, if the dice is still very disperse.

The distance between the LONA bones from 1 cm to 2 cm speaks of the 2nd stage, and from 2 cm and more - about the 3rd stage of the symphysitis.

With any pain at the bottom of the belly in women, experts should eliminate changes in the genitals. Therefore, women are sent to consultation, and in the hospital looks at the place.

The pubic is called a soft-tissue area directly above the genital organs. It is separated from the hips, and from the belly - the pubic furrows. The structure of this body includes both soft and bone fabric, Therefore, if the pubes are hurting in women, the doctor considers the reasons associated with the pathologies of the following nature:

  • inflammatory processes in the sexual and urinary system;
  • damage to bone tissues (bruises, fractures);
  • congenital bone abnormalities.

Mechanical damage

The reasons

All possible reasons can be classified into 2 main categories. About them in the table.

Table. Reasons for pain at the bottom of the abdomen

In some cases, the reason for the appearance of discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen can be spoiled products. If a medicationsintended for cleansing the body not brought positive effectthen contact the gastroenterologist.

Most often hurts the bottom of the abdomen during pregnancy due to stretching the walls of the uterus. This pain can be called physiological. It does not require treatment.

When attaching a fruit egg, usually on 10 days of ovulation, some women can feel the attack croupling pain At the bottom of the abdomen. She runs about a day.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, sensations can remind the tingling at the bottom of the abdomen.

Only a small number of women notes that from the very beginning of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen. Such pain is mesmer and disgraceful, which distinguishes it from painful syndrome in the threat of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

The main difference between physiological and pathological pain: sensations have no clear localization.

Starting from the third month, the uterus goes beyond the upper border of the pelvis. As a result, the ligament, fixing the uterus, begin to stretch.

Tensile ligaments can cause a woman a sense of accuats of acute pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin on both sides. The pain passes alone and enhanced when driving.

Such a condition also does not require treatment and should not disturb.

On the late time An unpleasant feeling can cause the bladder squeezing by the urine. In this case, a pulling or sharp pain appears downwards. Passes after emptying the bubble.

Functional call problems in the operation of sexual and urinary systems.

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle - Algodismenorrhea, bleeding of the uterus.
  • Painful sensations in the process of ovulation.
  • Blood clots for menstruation - hematomer, binding of the uterus.

A common cause of malaise before the monthly serves algodismenorea. It is more common in adolescents and young girls, is associated with the regulation of hormonal background and the development of the genitourinary system.

Also unpleasant sensations before menstruation gives bend, endometriosis, PMS and inflammation of the small pelvis organs. Postmenstrual Oly often testify to endometriosis of the uterus, a cyst in endometrial, chronic form of endometritis.

Also unpleasant sensations that are tied to the menstrual cycle can produce previously transferred operations, abortions, childbirth, and a modified form of uterus after them, the presence of scars.

1) very often cause is menstrual cycle. It happens both in the middle of menstruation and when ovulation. These pains can manifest themselves with blood discharge.

After menstruation, unpleasant feelings appear through increased blood circulation in the uterus near the cyst, which increases after the cycle.

2) Not the most pleasant feature can be a threat of miscarriage. Symptoms in this case will be pains similar to the uterus spasms that are characteristic of the fights. Also observed strengthened blood discharge from the vagina of a dark brown or during the week, the weed branches.

Pains are also unsiler, but at the same time pulling. Often on such a kind of pain complaining after sexual intercourse. They are unbearable, which leads to moral dissatisfaction from the process of the Socia.

3) During pregnancy, the pain is possible when the uterus is breaking, untimely detachment of the placenta, early childbirth or miscarriage. Such states are very unsafe.

Pregnant women need special attention. When they even began to hurt the belly and it all accompanies with blood sediments, they need a perfect peace, silence and sleep.

4) With an ectopic pregnancy, the egg can not get to the uterus, through the narrowed lumen of pipes. At the same time, all other signs of pregnancy are available.

The reasons for this symptom are:

  • functional
  • organic

- Myoma of the uterus


The pubic is called a tubercle formed by soft tissues and located at the bottom of the abdomen, above the outdoor genital organs. Under the pubic, in the depths of the body, there is a LONA joint (Symphiz) formed by two pubic bones and connecting their cartilage disk. usually caused by the pathological process not in soft tissues, namely in the bone-cartilage of the Lonnoye.

Causes of pain in the pubic area

  • injury (injury, fracture) of one or both pubic bones;
  • stretching of the LONA joint with pregnancy - symphysit;
  • the gap of the symphiz in childbirth is symphysiolysis;
  • anomaly of the development of pubic bones;
  • urinary bubble cancer (pain in the pubic pain in this case are "reflected" character);
  • infectious diseases (osteomyelitis pubis, symphiz tuberculosis).

Pain in Lobke during injury

For symphysitis are characteristic the following symptoms:

  • acute ("shooting") pain when walking, it hurts and get up, breed legs to the sides, turn over the side, cross through the threshold;
  • chromotype or a fallen "operator", which minimizes pain;
  • there is a pain when pressed on the pubis;
  • clicks, crackle or grinds when moving legs can be heard.

Pains can spread to the femoral, inguinal, lumbar, sacral (cochior) area.

Within the norm in the second half of pregnancy, a pulling or novice pain in groin is considered, in the pubic and clitoris area, turning on interior surface Beer. So the pelvis is pregnant. But if in the position of the leg "on the back" it hurts a straight leg up, then this is a sign of symphizitis, and it follows with this complaint to contact the district akuster-gynecologist.

The reasons for the development of excessive discrepancies of the bones of the pelvis are not defined for sure. Scientists suggest that symphyzit is developing at:

  1. Hormonal disorders, for example, with excessive production of Relxin hormone. Relaxing contributes to the softening of the ligament, so that the pelvis is heard and the baby is easier to wade through generic paths.
  2. Tooling a large fetal or large quantities Acidwater waters, as well as low location of the child's head. An increase in the load on the bone of the Lonnoye leads to stronger discrepancy.
  3. Bad calcium digestibility due to vitamin D3 deficiency or with an imbalance in the body of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  4. Predisposition to diseases of bones and joints (due to old injuries pelvis, excessive loads on the musculoskeletal system, etc.).


Men very hurt the pubic bones traumatic damage (bruises, closed and open fractures). This occurs mainly after traffic accidents in a collision of a pedestrian with a large transport (truck, minibus, tram or trolleybus).

Also damage to the LONA bone occurs in the following situations:

  • when falling from a high height;
  • in high-speed sports (auto racing, cycling, ski descent);
  • with the usual fall in people of old age.

In women except injuries, the appearance of pain in the pubic area can provoke gynecological reasons:

  • softening intercepical articulations in the second half of pregnancy (symphysiilization syndrome);
  • the discrepancy of the pubic bones or their separation in the process of childbirth (symphyzit);
  • anatomical features Building of small pelvis organs.

Unpleasant, and sometimes unbearable symptoms are justified by irritation of nervous receptors due to damage or illness. Dysfunction serve as an explanation of the ailment internal organs.

Pain in the lower back and belly in men most often indicates organs of organs reproductive system - seed bubbles and prostate gland, less often - about general pathologies (acute appendicitis, urethritis, renal colic, defeat sigmid gut):

The exact cause of the development of this state of doctors cannot be called, but there are prerequisites that may cause the development of this state:

  • Large fruit - if the weight of the child in combination with the accumulation waters is quite impressive, the load on the pelvic bones is large. Under this weight of the bone can begin to disperse.
  • Allocation of a large number of Relxin hormone - in this case, the bundling machine is very softened, bringing the mother pain in the pubic. But in this case, the child will be easier to go through the birthway.
  • The predisposition of a woman to diseases of the musculoskeletal tract - during an interesting position of the bone test large load and may be subject to deformation.
  • The lack of vitamin D3, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium imbalance leads to the fact that calcium, so the necessary pregnant woman for the bone fortress, begins to absorb well.

6 etiology associated with the spleen

There may be tumors, the wandering of the organ, its conversation, abscesses, etc. With many of them, the pain is exactly characteristic of its localization on the left below:

  1. 1. Lymph and myelolomicosis - malignant tumors with the development of the process in lymphatic tissue. From symptoms can be noted: temperature increase, decreased appetite and weight, many pain At the bottom of the belly on the left side, in groin, bones of the pelvis and joints, lymphangitis, splenomegaly, etc. Such pathology is striking both children and adults.
  2. 2. The abscess of the spleen develops the secondarily against the background of infections in other organs and systems, the infection enters the spleen hematogenic path blood vessels. With small sizes and, in the case of its single, they can be immacing themselves, in other cases they can be opened into other cavities, including the abdominal. In these cases, pain become spilled and peritonitis develops.
  3. 3. The cause of the soldier of the spleen is the injuries of the spleen, when stretching the detesting spleen of fascial ligaments occurs. At the same time, the pain sharp, reaches a groin, from other symptoms you can call constipation, flatulence, vomiting, nausea. The more you twist, the sharp pain.

Types of pains, their symptoms

Frequent cause Such pains are inflammatory processes in small pelvis organs in women and men. But it is necessary to distinguish the unpleasant feeling not only in nature, but also at the place of distribution.

The important characteristics of pain include its intensity, localization associated with clinical symptoms. First of all, it is worth determining what exactly the pain (with pregnancy, menstruation, etc.) is connected with. Pains localized by the bottom of the belly of women can be divided into several types:

  • acute and sharp pain;
  • attacking;
  • pulsating;
  • constant;
  • stupid.

Pains in the abdomen are different: pulsating, permanent, paroles, localized in a specific part, reaching the lower back, anus, the region of the clavicle, leghemical.


Preventive measures to prevent symphizite development

It would seem that there is no pores wonderful than pregnancy. Pains over the pubic, however, can darken it much. Preventive measures To prevent the discrepancy of pubic bones, simple:

  • During pregnancy, take high-quality vitamins.
  • We regularly engage in sports, attend the pool. It is clear that the strong physical exertion in the "interesting" position is prohibited, but not to forget about them. Good shape The muscles will help not only prevent the symphysit, but also to ease the process of childbirth.
  • Change body position more often, especially when learn. Try not to sit in the post "foot leg" - it makes it difficult to blood flow.

Pain from the pushes of the child

In the second half of pregnancy, the kid grows very quickly. Now he is not so spacious in the uterus, as it was before.

The child moves less intensively, but the power of its movements increases, sometimes very significantly. For Mom, the jolts of the baby in the region of the hypochondrium or in the lower part of the abdomen (especially if bladder Full) may not be too pleasant, and sometimes just painful.

But they should not cause concerns because they are quite natural.

If especially strong jolts appear, you can change the position: lean forward, get up, lie on the side. It is necessary to relax, make some deep breaths, you can stroke the belly and talk to the baby - ask him to calm down a little. This is enough to change his behavior.

Causes of pain in men

Pains at the bottom of the abdomen in women most often indicate gynecological diseases - diseases of the urine-sex system.

The pain at the bottom of the abdomen can be different: sharp, strong and barely noticeable, sharp or pulling. Pains are often accompanied by sexual discharges, weakness, increased fatigue

If the pain at the bottom of the abdomen is growing, grasp, and sudden sharp pains are possible, which increase when moving, dizziness is felt, weakness, there may be bleeding when a monthly delay up to 1-2 weeks - pain may be associated with ectopic pregnancy or spontaneous abortion. Refer to the gynecologist immediately, when bleeding and acute pain, the challenge is needed

Strong, sharp pain after sexual intercouction together with weakness, possible fainting and bleeding can be a sign of a ware in cysts or the presence of a tumor. Call ambulance.

Pain at the bottom of the abdomen in the center above the pubic

Non-permanent, painful pain at the bottom of the abdomen, accompanied by general weakness or chills, which are in the crotch - a sign of gynecological diseases, such as endometritis, adnexitis (including infectious nature), endometriosis, etc. requires a consultation of the gynecologist.

The appearance of unpleasant painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen can occur by different reasons, whose number applies acute adnexitis, salpingitis, inflammation pelvic organs et al. If the abdominal abdominal hurts strongly, which is happening during menstruation, there is an increase in temperature. Accurately establishing the cause of pain, it appears a chance to eliminate it.

Causes of pain at the bottom of the belly in women

Prostate diseases in men are manifested by pronounced pains at the bottom of the abdomen.


Gynecologists consider pain at the bottom of the belly of the most common complaint in practice. Easy pain syndrome:

  • acute and chronic;
  • associated with pregnancy and non-associated;
  • cyclic (with menstruation) and acyclic.

Can the near abdomen be sowed during pregnancy? According to the mechanism of education, such a symptom is associated with a tension of the ligament. Typical for first and late pregnancy. A woman feels drawing pain when driving. A greater alertness of specialists cause sharp pain. They can signal a disadvantage.

Sudden pain during pregnancy

This can lead to premature harvester of the bones of the skull of crumbs, which is fraught with generic injuries. To the third trimester, it is recommended to even reduce the consumption of products rich in calcium, and stop the reception of the "tableted" calcium so that the genus passed without possible complications.

If you do not pay attention to pain in the area of \u200b\u200bgroin, pubis and scrotum, the infringement of the hernial protrusion threatens with a painful shock, and even a coma and death. At this moment, the woman feels very strong and sharp ("darge") pain at the bottom of the abdomen, then begins internal bleeding.

In order to prepare a mixture of propolis for treatment, it is necessary to evaporate a gram 40 of propolis in 200 ml of alcohol. This article examines in detail the drawing pain in the abdomen, right or left, the reasons for the formation of such uncomfortable sensations.

This is not a joke! I had the same thing. The doctor said it was in the order of things! And it turned out quite terrible. In men, pain in this area is most often a sign of chronic prostatitis. And if there is a pubic swelling due to the existing inflammatory process, the drugs such as chondroxide gel or betalgon ointment are prescribed (it is necessary to apply the means above the affected area).

If the pelvic bones diverged more than 1 cm, the doctor will not allow a woman to give birth natural way. In this case, a complete bundle breaks may occur. So that this does not happen, make the woman in labor cesarean section.

With symphysis of II degree doctor will offer a woman either natural childbirthor surgery. The doctor must warn a woman about all possible consequences.

If the childbirth is unsuccessful, women's pelvis can put in the gypsum for three months. With a successful trust of the hips of the femoirs, rewind the elastic bandage.

It will have to wear a corset of about six months. The result of labor depends on the strength of the ligaments and it is very difficult to predict it.

Therefore, even at the II degree of symphysitis, doctors often offer cesarean cross-section.

In recent months, do not suffer from strong pain, perform simple recommendations. They can significantly relieve discomfort.

8 Pains for pregnancy

The pain at the bottom of the abdomen during the baby tooling is always very anxious symptom, threatening Life Mother and child.

During pregnancy, many women also celebrate the appearance of pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Nonal, pulling pain is considered a normal phenomenon for any period of pregnancy. They should be informed about the doctor, but, as a rule, there is no serious reasons for concern. If the pain becomes strong, sharp or grapple, should immediately apply for medical help.

The reason may be the threat of abortion. If this happens until the 22nd gestation week, then the abdominal pain is characterized as pulling or also new.

The reason is that the uterus is reduced. This can provoke and isolating blood.

The purpose of therapy in such cases is preservation of pregnancy. The doctor prescribes medicines from spasms, hormonal drugs.

In this case, the patient must observe bed regime.

The second possible cause of pain at the bottom of the belly in a pregnant woman is a premature detachment of the placenta at normal location. The pain at the same time the abdominal is strong when detaching the placenta in the lower area.

There may be outdoor bleeding greater or less intensity. It is likely to bleed inside the abdomen of the patient, then the retrezentar hematoma is gradually growing.

In such cases, urgent genera are carried out by cesarean sections.

A woman "in an interesting position" is characteristic of experiencing some painful sensations caused by various factors. With normally proceeding pregnancy and the absence of complications, pain can be attributed to the category of normal, that is, who do not threaten the baby to the baby and the future milf.

And if the woman's bones hurt during pregnancy, first of all, it is explained by the restructuring of the body to future birth and changes in it.

Perestroika - Important factor

The pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Lonatic articulation in pregnant women is becoming an increasingly common symptom - the manifestation of the previously existing disease, exacerbated during pregnancy, or a specific problem caused by pregnancy.

During pregnancy in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis, many physiological changes occur explaining this symptom:

  • an increase in the mechanical impact on the pelvis due to an increase in the mass of the body's body;
  • relaxing bundles and fibrous-cartilaginous compounds as a result hormonal changes;
  • changing posture B. late time Pregnancy.

In diagnosis of symphizitis great importance Has collection of anamnesis and complaints characteristic of the disease. Attention is focused on when and under which movements the patient feels increased pain in the pubic area.

Normally, pregnant women can have moderate pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe area - under the influence of the relaxin hormone, the process of softening the pelvic bones. With excessive softening of the bones of the Lonnoy Articulation, they are talking about the developing disease - symphiz. A woman is experiencing an unpleasant feeling when the lifting-up or change of body position is shutter, but after the birth of a child, everything comes back to normal.

For pathological gods The discrepancy between the pubic bones may occur or even the joint rupture is symphysiolysis. A woman suffers from harsh pain, she needs peace and rigid band fixation.

They can be divided into natural and pathological. About physiology it comes when the embryo is attached to the left side of the wall of the uterus, on early timing In the body is produced increased quantity Hormone pregnancy - progesterone, which relaxes the uterus.

The uterus itself, with an increase, is also capable of projecting pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen. But if the drawing pain is replaced by sharp, there are blood discharge from the vagina, it can be about the threat of miscarriage.

In the threat of miscarriage to 22 weeks, pain become cutting, stitching, they appear from the contractions of the uterus. Pain can appear in the back.

Almost unpleasant feelings are present in all pregnant women from different sides. This is due to the growth of the fetus and its pressure on the surrounding space - these all pains can be attributed to the obstetric.

Another group of pain does not assocbiate with the fruit - these are non-achesive causes. These include: ectopic pregnancy, premature detachment of the placenta, threat of miscarriage; Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, stretching supporting bundles of uterus, surgical pathologies.

When tensile, the bonds of pain are pulsing, tingling, they appear with sharp movements, body turns. Usually they pass soon and independently.

In the second trimester, the woman begins the hormonal restructuring of the body, there is an increase in relaxin production, which contributes to the softening of the pubic joint and pelvic bones. Usually this process proceeds to be misliminary, but individual pregnant women are possible the development of symphizitis, which is the main reason why publishes hurts during pregnancy.

Pain symptoms

To properly assign a survey and diagnosis, the accompanying symptoms have a significant meaning. They help accurately determine the place of finding the disease, its character and seriously save time in search of reasons, especially in emergency situations.

You can define the type of illness, looking at the character of symptoms.

1) cholecystitis. If pain in the field of right hypochondrium, they will give them to the right lower back, shoulder, under the blade, half of the right chest. A rescue character and, as it were, compressing is about them.

Feeling bitterness in the mouth, bile vomiting, after which it becomes easier and temperatures rises. This is due to the fact that there was a strong shaking in a motor transport or a person abused acute and fat food. Make sure there are no stones in the bustle bubble.

2) abdominal pain - acute pancreatitis. They happen after the abuse of alcohol, acute or greasy food happened.

They are in the lower back and accompanied by dry mouth, bad defeatMulti-sized vomiting, after which it only gets worse and the pressure rises. If urgently do not consult a doctor - you will suffer from the derivation of the pancreas.

3) Pain near the navel - intestinal colic. Appear suddenly, reinforced, sharp and by combat. The person visible weakness and freezes it.

This occurs as a result of the use of such products that are rich in fiber - strong coffee, chocolate, and overeating.

4) Pain on the one hand in the center of the abdomen. There are so strong that it is impossible to lie and do not moan. They are felt in the crotch and lower back. In this case, a person has multiple urination.

These symptoms appear as a result of great use. mineral water or watermelon. Can move the kidney stone. Treat it with the help of a heating or hot bath with painkillers.

5) pain with right side belly. They pass to the area under the spoon, then they become stronger over time. Below are able to the rectum, intensify during walking.

6) When pains throughout the abdomen - can occur peritonitis, with a possible fatal outcome. It hurts without stopping and is accompanied by nausea, weakness, temperature lifting, dry over the mouth area.

Pacific pain, over the pubic or near the navel testify to the pathologies of the small pelvis organs. Manifestations can be expressed by localized spasms or give lumbar department, stomach, leg. In addition to painful syndrome, reinforcing when pressed and movement, concomitant diseases appear.

Signs of pathologies in women

Often, the symptoms of indisposition in women are caused by infectious or inflammatory processes of the reproductive system.

To avoid complications, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and describe characteristic manifestations.


The symptoms of this disease are difficult to confuse with something else. Pain in the pubic area causes the following states. On a large gestation, a woman suffering from symphitis begins to move "in duck". It rolls out of side to side, sometimes even starting to lick to reduce pain when walking.

Gradually, any movements for the future mother become painful: there is a problem that is becoming problematic, the leg divorce to the side, turning from the sides on the side. A woman is hard to lift the leg, stand up and sit down. The brightest sign of the state is the sharp pain when trying to raise the straight leg, being in a lying position.

Pain in the pubic also accompany the crackle and shortcuts of the joints when walking, sometimes quite loud. The future mother should be known that by the 20th week of pregnancy, pulling pain in groin, pubis and hips appear almost always. But this condition is not a symptom. If the pain becomes stronger, walking is problematic - please contact your doctor!

Diagnosis and treatment

To establish the cause of pulling pain, the following methods are usually assigned:

  • general analysis on leukocytes and blood coagulation, which allows to detect the presence of inflammatory processes, assuming the cause of bleeding;
  • urine analysis on leukocytes, protein and bacteria;
  • Ultrasound of a small pelvis;
  • cytological research mucus from the vagina and cervix (smear);
  • blood tests for hidden sex infections (chlamydia, gonococci, mycoplasma, candidate candy and others);
  • biochemical analysis blood for antibodies to different infection pathogens.

Depending on the location of pain, their nature and assumptions about the disease, other methods of examination are also used: tissue biopsy, colposcopic examination of the uterus. When tumors are detected, computer (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used.

After clarifying the diagnosis, if necessary, the doctor appoints medication drugs Antibacterial, hormonal or antispasmodic action. In some cases, only the surgical operation (scraping of the uterus, cackting, tumor removal, cystic formations) helps to eliminate pain.

Diagnostic techniques with complaints of pain at the bottom of the abdomen are quite numerous and diverse in charge of the fact that the disease may be affected by a large enough organs and it is necessary to exclude all the false options.

Blood test is assigned:

  • General - contains mass useful information About the composition of blood, identifies surface signs of the body's work out.
  • On leukocytes - their promotion testifies to inflammatory processes.
  • The coagulation is checked by the body's ability to independently fight bleeding, the methods of impact on the body are determined, the possibility of surgical intervention.
  • The hidden sex infections - determines chlamydia, gonococci, mycoplasma and other infections, which in chronic form will not show cytology.
  • Biochemical - shows the presence of antibodies to infectious pathogens.

At the same time, they are sent to urine analysis, in which:

  • leukocytes - show inflammatory processes;
  • protein is especially important for pregnant women, with an increase in protein, miscarriages are possible.
  • various bacteria - in large quantities can provoke many diseases and inflammatory processes.

At the inspection of the gynecologist, the third standard analysis will take a smear (it is also conversationally called cytology). It examines mucus from the cervix and vagina to the presence of inflammatory processes and various bacteria.

Also, the diagnosis is rarely delivered without an ultrasound of a small pelvic organs - it can visually show the problem of inflammation to various formations, their localization, size and evaluate the potential health threat to the patient. Only ultrasound will confirm the presence of pregnancy, its term, the correctness of the flow, the place of attachment of the fetal egg and other important factors.

A colposcopic examination of the uterus, biopsy, CT or MRI can also be appointed - it depends on the nature of the pain and the possible diagnosis.

After confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor may assign spasmodics, antibacterial or hormonal drugs, diuretics, physiotics, warming up or absorbing ointments. Sometimes it will help to get rid of pain surgical intervention, especially in emergency cases.

To which doctor to appeal when the appearance described above unpleasant symptoms? First of all, it is necessary to visit his gynecologist-obstetrician, then a surgeon and traumatologist. The diagnosis must be confirmed. The diagnosis is hampered, most often it is put, based on the patient and palpation of the painful place.

Under the period of pregnancy, no more than 16 weeks, a specialist will send you to x-ray. Need I. ultrasound procedure. In strong pains can be shown and magnetic resonance or cT scan.

Evaluation of the degree of discrepancies of bones is important for choosing the right tactics of childbirth.


If the abdominal pain does not cause strong discomfortYou can apply some actions that will reduce pain:

  1. You should lie on a flat surface and bend legs in the knees. Such an action will help to relax the muscles of the abdomen;
  2. Attach an ice compress for the abdominal area. Do not keep ice on skin Pokrov more than 20 minutes;
  3. Put under your feet roller or towel, it will help improve blood flow.

In such a situation, as mentioned earlier, it is impossible to deal with independent treatment, as this can provoke serious irreversible consequences, even to death.

It is better to immediately contact a specialist and pass a thorough examination. The treatment will depend on the nature of the pain and the cause of provoking pain. Independent reception medicines may disrupt clinical picture And to prevent putting the correct diagnosis.

It is not recommended to drink water or taking a great time before the arrival of ambulance. In such a situation, you can take some antispasmodic or make a cold compress. Stomach warming is prohibited, as this can provoke even greater exacerbation.

When the symphosis is discrepanted, more than 10 mm pregnant shows wearing a special bandage or corset, which allow you to strengthen the pelvic belt, reduce the severity of pain syndrome. The method of choice for childbirth in such patients is a cesarean section. With pronounced pain syndrome and unnecessary anti-inflammatory agents are prescribed to reduce the progression of softening of the symphimity.

Regardless of the severity of symphizitis, patients advise special physical exercisesthat allow you to strengthen the pelvic muscles:

  1. Pregnant lies on the back, bends his legs in the knees and pulls the heels to the buttocks. Next, it is necessary to slowly and carefully breed your knees on the parties, detain them for 15-20 seconds and reduce it back.
  2. In the lying position on the back, lift the pelvis on 2-5 cm from the floor and try to keep the body in this posture for a while. Heels are at some distance from the torso (30-40 cm).
  3. Exercise "Cat". Position - a support for knees and palms, the back should be straightened. Slowly push back and raise your head. At the same time, abdominal and femoral muscles are involved.

Treatment of pain syndrome at symphetic

Unfortunately, there is no full-fledged treatment of this disease, and the woman will have to tolerate the pain in the pubic to the birth. After the birth of the child, the problem is independently eliminated, since the bones will rise to their place. but future mom can facilitate its condition.

Tablet "Nosh-Py" will help to relieve spasms and pain. Inflammation can remove the solution of "Menovazin", you need to be confused onto the pubic area. If the tumor is observed - the gel "Chondroxide" will help. If the body is detected in the body of calcium, then it is necessary to drink a course of vitamins with its content. Be sure to consult a doctor before taking such vitamins.

After childbirth, the doctor will write you the course of antibiotics. They will help relieve inflammation and come back as soon as possible.

Pain in the pubic area during pregnancy is often a signal of the body about the shortage of any substances. Diverse your diet, add more dairy products, legumes, green vegetables to it.

With intense pains, try to move less, do not sit long, try to avoid stairs. The doctor may write a pregnant special bandage, recommend a set of exercises.

Possible consequences

With absence adequate treatment And late appeal to the specialist, the discrepancy of pubic bones is dangerous by the following complications:

  • pronounced having pains at the slightest movements lower extremities;
  • long loss opportunities to walk.

Symphysize difference correction for more than 2 cm after childbirth often spend surgically. Such patients require a long period of recovery with the attraction of rehabilitologists. In the future, they are contraindicated with a new pregnancy due to the risk of recurrence of the disease.

Prevention of symphizitis

To avoid pain in pakhova region It is necessary to carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene, to eat and handle products.

It is also necessary to use clean drinking water (at least 1.5 liters per day). In a timely handling of the gastroenterologist, pain in the stomach will not lead to serious complications.

To date, specific methods for the prevention of symphysitis are not developed. Pregnant women who have risk factors (symphysit in the past, the anomalies of the pelvis structure, degenerative bone Diseases) Give the following recommendations:

  1. When planning pregnancy, it is desirable to reset the excess body weight.
  2. Follow full diet Food in which greens, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurts, low-fat types of fish, meat, nuts should be included.
  3. From the second trimester of pregnancy for risk groups, preventive reception of calcium preparations and vitamins of group V. are prescribed
  4. With the appearance of pain in the pubic area, in no case will not be taken independently without consulting analgesic doctor, since there is a significant part of them forbidden to use during pregnancy.
  1. Sufficient number time is in the fresh air under the influence of direct sunlight. This contributes to sufficient products in the skin of Vitamin D. The recommendation is particularly relevant for residents of the northern regions with low level Insolation.
  2. Limit excessive physical exertion, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  3. Strengthen the muscles of the pelvic region with special exercises, swimming, gymnastics.
  4. Coming regularly to surveys to the gynecologist.

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The painful sensations in women at the bottom of the belly are a pretty nonspecific symptom, which may be present with a variety of diseases of the small pelvis.

Most often, women associate it with diseases of the female sexual area and are addressed for consultation to.

As a rule, the occurrence of pain at the bottom of the abdomen is associated with inflammatory and infectious processesoriginating in a small pelvis.

Diseases may be different in gravity and their manifestation, so it is very important not to delay the visit to the doctor.

Of course, these pains may be connected with surgical pathology, but it is important to diagnose and begin treatment in a timely manner.

In our clinic, patients with acute pain we accept without recording to provide emergency, Diagnose, conduct laboratory and diagnostics, if necessary, hospitalize or prescribe treatment. Also in our clinic we can treat in a day hospital.

Possible causes of pain at the bottom of the abdomen associated with gynecological diseases

The factors provoking the appearance of pain can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  • organic - inflammatory diseases, neoplasms of the organs of a small pelvis of benign and malignant nature, obstetric problems, etc.;
  • functional - various, painful.

Varieties of pain

An important characteristics of pain include its intensity, localization associated with clinical symptoms. First of all, it is worth determining what exactly the pain (with pregnancy, menstruation, etc.) is connected with. Pains localized by the bottom of the belly of women can be divided into several types:

  • acute and sharp pain;
  • attacking;
  • pulsating;
  • constant;
  • stupid.

Depending on the accompanying symptoms, one or another can be suspected pathological statein which pain is characterized:

  • dull pain at the bottom of the abdomen in aggregate with bleeding, non-communications with menstruation, most often occurs during inflammatory processes of the female sexual system;
  • if the pain is accompanied by an increase in temperature - most likely, we are talking about infectious diseases of the small pelvis. The presence of infection is also indicated by pathological discharge from sex tract;
  • on pathology urinary tract Indicates pain at the bottom of the abdomen along with urination impairment;
  • about pathologies gastrointestinal tract says pain in combination with nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • strong pain at the bottom of the belly on the right, the intensity of which pokes, it increases, is typical symptom Appendicitis.

The frequency and duration of pain episodes indicate the acute or chronic nature of the existing disease. So, the emergence of attacks of acute pain, which continues for several hours, can talk about the exacerbation of chronic disease.

Common diseases accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen

As already mentioned, women have pain at the bottom of the abdomen can appear for many reasons, but most often simplicity indicates the presence of gynecological or. The most common pathologies of the women's urogenital system include:

Inflammation of the uterus and appendages

It begins almost always acute and accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain and signs of general intoxication of the body.

  • If there is a place adnexit, then the pain is localized at the bottom of the abdomen on the side.
  • When pain is localized in the middle.
  • For chronic SalpingoForite. Pains have a permanent character.

A benign disease characterized by the formation of a tumor, which, when achieving large sizes, can put pressure on the nearby organs, causing pain.

Complications for the ovarian cyst: if on the ovary there is cystic education, Acute pain can talk about its break or twist. In this case, emergency treatment is required.

Inflammation of the bladder, in which cutting pain in the region above the pubic, while urination becomes painful.

Ectopic pregnancy - Another pathological condition of a woman, in which the attached pains that may be accompanied by bleeding are arising at the bottom of the abdomen. If the uterine tube breaks, the pain will become very acute and sharp. Such a state requires immediate surgical treatment.

Pain at the bottom of the abdomen during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women also celebrate the appearance of pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Nonal, pulling pain is considered a normal phenomenon for any period of pregnancy. They should be informed about the doctor, but, as a rule, there is no serious reasons for concern. If the pain becomes strong, sharp or grapple, should immediately seek medical help.

Why hurts the bottom of the belly in a woman, what causes causes? We need not only in work, communication, pleasure, but in good health.

After all, this is a deposit and a successful life (because healthy is a strong, hardy person), and good mood (When you smile and friendly - people are drawn to you).

Often we come across discomfort - pain in the bottom abdominal cavity . Especially often women get acquainted with her. It's up to bunting unpleasant pain. Every woman knew that the belly would just hurt so, but only when something was wrong.

It is impossible to endure painful feelings and it is very unpleasant. Therefore, you need to immediately begin to be treated, and then there will be problems.

Do not delay the visit to the doctor if it hurts for the first time, and not as it hurt before. The gynecologist will determine whether it is connected somehow with menstruation or with pregnancy.

First find out the reasons for such pain. They are organic and functional. The most basic reasons include:

  • Diseases of genital organs.
  • Introduces inside the uterus spirals to avoid pregnancy.
  • Acute pathology of the blade, gallbladder.
  • In connection with the interruption of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, with the threat of miscarriage.
  • Draised menstrual cycle: bleeding or painful periods.
  • Pain in connection with ovulation.
  • Blood stagnation when menstruation proceeds badly.
  • Pain after sexual intercourse.

What is important to pay attention to

First you need to examine yourself. Recognize exact pain. To correctly understand where it hurts, attach the palm to the wall of the abdomen and very gently press with your fingers, with an attempt to turn inland.

Remember where most of all such pressing caused you pain. It should be done, you need to lie on your back, because the muscles relax and easier to pressed on the stomach.

Expand what character is pain. It is very acute, either pulling; As a dagger cutting, or as if the tightening, noving, inflating.

Carefully look at what accompanies discomfort. Perhaps when driving it is enhanced or when coughing, go, bend, lean, sigh.

There may also be a state of nausea, increase the temperature or appear stool. It is very important factors For diagnosis.

Try to remember how this pain began to appear and develop. She could come unexpectedly after stressful situationsLarge load or strong cold. Remember how the first pain attack has occurred.

What was he first: light and gradually increasing, sudden? Was the pain then intensified, and how did it happen, very quickly or over time? Did the pain change your location? All this is important to note for yourself.

1) Very often the reason is the menstrual cycle. It happens both in the middle of menstruation and when ovulation. These pains can manifest themselves with bloody discharges.

After menstruation, unpleasant feelings appear through increased blood circulation in the uterus near the cyst, which increases after the cycle.

2) Not the most pleasant feature can be a threat of miscarriage. Symptoms in this case will be pains similar to the uterus spasms that are characteristic of the fights. Also observed strengthened blood discharge from the vagina of a dark brown or during the week, the weed branches.

Pains are also unsiler, but at the same time pulling. Often on such a kind of pain complaining after sexual intercourse. They are unbearable, which leads to moral dissatisfaction from the process of the Socia.

3) During pregnancy, the pain is possible when the uterus is breaking, untimely detachment of the placenta, early childbirth or miscarriage. Such states are very unsafe.

Pregnant women need special attention. When they even began to hurt the belly and it all accompanies with blood sediments, they need a perfect peace, silence and sleep.

4) For ectopic pregnancy The egg cell can not get to the uterus, through the narrowed lumen of pipes. At the same time, all other signs of pregnancy are available.

After 2-3 weeks, such a pregnancy is disturbed. Following the right or left at the bottom of the abdomen, the sharp pain is felt. The pain, localized by the abdomen, moderately increases, and is a precursor of nausea state.

5) Pains are and when feeding a newborn in the first days. When nipples irritate, oxytocin is thrown into the blood.

This hormone acts in a stimulating manner on the uterus, and also does it so that it is reduced. Such pains die over time and disappear at all.

6) In the event that a woman is blurred, pain may also occur. The expression they have in the form of liquid white discharge in the pelvic area.

Scientists call this process endometritisWhen the cells similar to the endometrium apply beyond the uterus. Pains begin in front of the cycle and increase after it. The course of menstruation is completely violated.

7) - painful urination, also causes pain. After urination, heavy sharp cutting pain can be with blood discharge.

There are no symptoms - these are diseases with intestines, etc. When the bladder and kidneys are inflamed, the temperature rises, the problem appears during urination and bad urine tests.

8) Do not forget that oncological diseases affect pain in the stomach.

9) often causes abortion. After them, women begins pains with bats of different duration and strong bleeding. Also pain arises and the second time after the fruit was not completely removed. Symptoms are: pain, bleeding, temperature raising.

10) When the pain at the bottom of the abdomen is accompanied from the right side, especially sharply coming and leaving - this is most likely appendicitis.

If the pain is sharp, then there may be internal bleeding. In addition, it can feel unwillingness to eat and nausea, vomiting, bad chair, fever. In the event that the sensations are periodic - the disease passes into the chronic phase.

11) Intestinal acute obstruction There may be such signs as strong contractions, constipation, bloating and a vomit.

You can define the type of illness, looking at the character of symptoms.

1) Cholecystitis. If pain in the field of right hypochondrium, they will be given to the right lower back, shoulder, under the blade, half of the right chest. A rescue character and, as it were, compressing is about them.

Feeling bitterness in the mouth, bile vomiting, after which it becomes easier and temperatures rises. This is due to the fact that there was a strong shaking in a motor transport or a person abused acute and greasy food. Make sure there are no stones in the bustle bubble.

2) Pains around the abdomen - acute pancreatitis. They happen after the abuse of alcohol, acute or greasy food happened.

They are given to the lower back and are accompanied by dry mouth, poor taste, multiple vomiting, after which it becomes only worse and the pressure rises. If urgently do not consult a doctor - you will suffer from the derivation of the pancreas.

3) Pain near the navel - intestinal colic. Appear suddenly, reinforced, sharp and by combat. The person visible weakness and freezes it.

This occurs as a result of the use of such products that are rich in fiber - strong coffee, chocolate, and overeating.

4) Pain on one side in the center of the belly. There are so strong that it is impossible to lie and do not moan. They are felt in the crotch and lower back. In this case, a person has multiple urination.

These symptoms appear due to the use of mineral water or watermelon. Can move the kidney stone. Treat it with the help of a heating or hot bath with painkillers.

5) Pain on the right side of the abdomen. They pass to the area under the spoon, then they become stronger over time. Below are able to the rectum, intensify during walking.

6) When pains across the entire belly - May occur peritonitis, with possible fatal outcome. It hurts without stopping and is accompanied by nausea, weakness, temperature lifting, dry over the mouth area.

7) Pain over the pubic on both sides or in the middle. They may seem dramatizing and occupy is inconvenient. Purge into the crotch or side sides of the abdomen. They occur as a result of hypothermia, consumption of acute, large stress.

8) Above the pubic on the left or on the right. There are sharply, suddenly and very manifest. They are in the rear pass and lead to dizziness or weakness, even fainting is possible.

More often after sexual contact or after 7-14 days with lagging menstruation. Call an ambulance, because these symptoms show that you have a rupture of the ovary cyst.

9) If the pains appeared under the spoon, in the center from above - Perhaps the appearance. Not always, but barbed, sharp, cutting pain, can give to the chest area. The belly seems to be cut.

The cause can be nerves, because constant release in the stomach of hydrochloric acid appears.

10) Pain in the right rear at the level of the belt - renal colic. Accompanied by cutting pain, and gives up the abdomen and side of the genital organs. Such pain is similar to the wave - it accelerates and hurts much, it subsides. The reason is our desire to lose weight.

When the woman did not give birth, there is still an extra thin, then the kidneys are descended. Through this in the body lacks abdominal fat, which helps organs always be in their places.

In the case of painful sensations, primarily ligerge for 20-30 minutes on the bed. If the pain is not subsided, it is serious, and there may be a chronic disease. In any case, do not make sharp movements.

Make useful charging for the abdomen: breaths and exhalations, lying on the left and slightly pressing his knees to the stomach, holding hand.

Girls who are sitting on a zinc diet - never know about the painful premenstrual period. These are products where there are all vitamins, required organism: Fish, cabbage, vegetables and fruits, porridge without additives.

Even too cold or hot food can lead to such pains. If the body is used to a specific mode - gradually go to another, but never do it sharply.

On sitting work, you must do physical discharge every hour so that there is no stagnation in the blood.

Do not be nervous on trifles - our brain is also poorly reacting to the state of all health. Remember that forever well-being and health depends on the supply and from a wise approach to difficult situations.

Never make long-playing conclusions, and if nothing is sense in treatment - consult a doctor. Self-medication can also worsen the position. One disease can resemble another. Each of them needs to use individual treatment.

Appreciate your health, because everything happens to us - does not depend on the neighbor or passerby, but only from us!

The pain of the crotch pubic area in a man can be acute, stupid, sharp, pulling or nourishing. At the same time, it is localized in different ways: on the right, on the left or in the very center of the pubic bone. In addition, unpleasant sensations can be given in the scrotum, the rectum, crotch or dick. Each of these signs is a symptom of a separate disease, to determine which is only an experiencing urologist.

The pain at the bottom of the abdomen (pubic area) most often indicates the presence of a serious disease of the internal organs. The article presents only some possible causes of this condition. reference Information presented with one goal: to prove that the pain in the pubic area in men is serious symptomwhich requires immediate consultation of the urologist!

Sharp pain in the pubic area

Strong pain in the pubic area speaks of exacerbation chronic diseases, as well as the appearance of inflammations of the internal organs:

  • cystitis - inflammation of the bladder;
  • urolithiasis (exacerbation);
  • prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate;
  • renal colic;
  • egg inflammation (appendage of eggs);
  • delay of urine outflow as a result of inflammation;
  • infection of sexual infections.

In this case, pain in the pubic area appears spontaneously and does not pass for a long time. It can be intensified or, on the contrary, becoming weaker during urination or act of defecation, as well as to give an anus, crotch or testicle.

Pain in the pubic area on the left

The reasons for the appearance of pain on the left in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin are usually:

  • pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys;
  • packing hernia and its infringement;
  • acute inflammation of one of the divisions of the large intestine;
  • inflammation of the testicles;
  • renal colic in acute stage.

These are just some of the diseases, the symptom of which are pain in the pubic area, groin on the left. Staging exact diagnosis It is possible only after survey at the urologist.

Pain on the right area of \u200b\u200bpubis

Sharp, cutting or making pains in the pubic area on the right cause serious concerns, as they indicate serious problems. The most common reasons are:

  • appendicitis is the acute inflammation of the appendix (a cumulative traveler of the colon);
  • pyelonephritis is a serious kidney inflammation;
  • aggravation of urolithiasis;
  • inflammation of one of the divisions of the thick or small intestine;
  • venereal diseases.

The appearance of pain at the bottom of the belly in men is often a sign of pathology. Signaling about the problem can one of the organs of the urogenital system, undergoing intestinal deposits, prostate. Preliminary self-diagnosis will help to navigate in the choice of a doctor.


In men, pain in the lower belly most often provokes prostate. The organ is located immediately under bladderTherefore, the pain is felt in the area from the navel to the groin. Can give to the rectum, on the inner surface of the hips, in the lower back. Confirm the suspicion of prostate disease can such symptoms as a rapid painful (often difficult), a liquid chair accompanied by spasms.


The degree and nature of pain depends on the type of gland damage. With the pain lasting, stupid, pulling, can periodically subside. The symptom is enhanced when the bladder is filling, overheating, exercise, Acceptance of alcohol. When relapses, pain often acquires cutting character, intensifying at night.

Fully cure adenomose conservative methods It is impossible, but there are means to curb its growth. With a large volume of tumor, it is partially or completely removed by minimally invasive or open surgical methods.

Seed bubbles

Seed bubbles (vesicles) are located on the sides of the prostate on the rear side of the bladder. Seed duct binds these glands with eggs.

Inflammation of seed bubbles (vesiculitis) is accompanied by sharp painwhich are localized above the pubic folder. Sparely arises in the testicles. During ejaculation, urination or defecation, the pain is significantly enhanced. It is sharpened and when filling the bladder.

Vesiculitis is sometimes accompanied by a fever, an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees. Muddy may appear gray discharge From the urethra. Without timely therapy, there is a risk of the development of purulent foci, then pain acquires a shooting, pulsating character.

Disease is able to take chronic formAt which each sexual contact is accompanied by tangible discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen. As a result, sexual dysfunction develops.

Chronic vesiculitis often becomes infertility.

Treatment is carried out by antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory means. During the recovery period, physiotherapy is used, vitamins are prescribed. When the abscess of the gland is removed.

urinary system

The urinary system is subject to attacks of pathogenic microorganisms, the reproduction and activity of which provokes the emergence of uncomfortable sensations.

Pain in the suplocked area, in ureyeing canal Can be provoked, specific and nonspecific. Inflammation of the urethra is accompanied painful urinedischarge. The pathogen is determined by the results of the analyzes, then the course of treatment with antibiotics is carried out. Discovers during therapy helps to remove painkillers.

Urolithiasis disease

Food can be formed in various organs The urogenital system, but most often they are found in the kidneys. Under the influence of a number of factors, the concrections begin to migrate. During their progress from the kidneys along the bottom third of the ureter, a cutting pain in the field of groin, which can be given to the head of the penis and testicles. When the stone stops, the pain attack slightly weakens, and strong calls for urination appear at the same time. In case of damage to the walls of the urethra urine is painted with blood.

The kidney concreters are still allowed to know about themselves to know the pains of a pulling nature, localizing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt.

Acute pains in the lower abdomen, arising after exercise, can be caused by stones in the bladder. Especially often their education occurs against the background of the prostate adenoma. The main danger lies in the blockage of the urethra, what are the strong crack pain Not only at the bottom of the abdomen, but also in the lower back. Such a state requires urgent medical intervention.

Removal of large stones is made endoscopic or open method, Small can try to dissolve drugly or crush (ultrasound or laser).


With inflammation of the testicles (orchit) and their appendages (epididimitis), a man is pain not only directly in the semenniki, but also in the pubic area, a sacrum, lower back. Also felt general weakness, nausea, temperature increase. The testicles (one or both) are incremented in size, the skin is tensioned and the bugs. Any touch causes acute pain.

Deletion with the treatment of inflammation of the testicles can lead to irreversible infertility due to the destruction of their tissues.

Treatment is carried out by antibiotics or antiviral drugs (Depending on the cause of inflammation).


At the bottom of the belly there are several intestinal sectors at once, various pathology which also cause pain. The most harmless cause of discomfort - spasms with strong excitement, supercooling, power impairment. Such phenomena are quickly eliminated by the reception of spasmolitics, stimulation of defecation, sometimes enough just to lie down. But in some cases, pain signals more serious violations.


If acute point pain suddenly appeared at the bottom of the abdomen on the right, then the development of appendicitis ( inflammatory process in a blind intestine). When moving the cutting is enhanced, in the lying position they subside. Additional symptoms:

  • vomiting;
  • increased temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • pallitude of the skin;
  • total weakness.

The doctor's intervention is necessary, otherwise the peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) will develop.


The sigmoid gauge is located at the bottom of the belly on the left. Her inflammation can be provoked ulcerative colitis, infections, feast due to chronic constipation, sticking the walls (diverticulas) or tumor. This area of \u200b\u200bthe intestine is movable, so stupid, but tangible pain can wander from the left side of the abdomen to the center (in the navel area). If the inflammation affects the rectum, then the proctoigmith is diagnosed.

Treatment methods depend on the reasons: neoplasms are removed, constipation are corrected by laxative, diets and stimulating peristaltics with drugs, and infections are blocked by antibiotics.

Crohn's disease

The disease is a chronic inflammatory process (ulceration, granulomatous growth), which can develop in any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, young men suffer, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat is usually limited to thin intestine (There is pain in the lower abdomen). Pathology is accompanied by diarrhea, subfebrile temperature, critical reduced appetite, weakness.

The causes of the disease are not fully studied, the most likely factor is the immune violation. The treatment is carried out against the background of a strict diet, aminoalcylates, corticotropic drugs are used, antibiotics are introduced with infectious complications.

Inguinal hernia

Groin hernia in some cases makes itself felt pulling pain In the field of pubis and testicles arising or reinforcing during walking or other physical activity.

The infringement of the part of the intestine will lead to its necrosis, a fatal outcome is possible. If the pain accepted the cutting character, nausea and vomiting appeared, then the doctor should immediately call.

Summary Table

The table shows the most frequently diagnosed causes of pain at the bottom of the abdomen:

Basic Localization Captured areas (not required) Character of pain Additional symptoms Cause
Centered from the navel to the groin Cross, Anus, Eggs, Lesnik, Whole Low Belot Cutting Increase temperature, weakness, cutting when urination Acute prostatitis
Night, periodically fading Difficult, No. frequent urination, weak jet Chronic prostatitis
Sharp pains when clustering urine, urination, erection and ejaculation. In position lying and rest BPH
Above the pubes Eggs Acute Strengthening pain in urination, defecation Vesikulit
Above the pubic, in urethra Head of penis Noye Selection of urethra, burning during urination, strengthening pain after it Infections, urethritis
Low belly on the right Navel area Acute, cutting Nausea, vomiting, temperature rise Appendicitis
Low belly on the right below the navel At the beginning of the development of the process, the pain is episodic, is stupid. Then it becomes constant intense, enhanced after eating and pressing the stomach Loss of appetite and weight, diarrhea (foaming fence), swelling, pain in the joints, conjunctivitis Crohn's disease (iliac)
Crohn's disease (skinny intestine)
Low belly slightly above navel on the left
In the navel region, can go to the right Crohn's disease (subtle intestines)
Low belly, all left side Crotch, bladder, front of the thigh Stupid, periodically exacerbating Constipation, meteorism, diarrhea, excretion of mucus from anus Sigmoiditis, proctosigmoid
Lobok, testicles The inner surface of the hip Nobling, episodic An increase in the egg in size. Strengthening pain during exercise, alcohol reception, constipation Inguinal hernia
Eggs Lobok, Cresan, Lesnik Acute, constant. May be pulsating An increase in eggs in size, soreness when pressing, elevated temperature and redness of the skin Orchitis, epidididimit
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