The child has colitis in the left side. Pathology of the pancreas and stomach. Girdle pain, which is combined with discomfort on the left

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Pain in the left hypochondrium

General information

Why the left side hurts can be explained by the development of many diseases and pathologies. Discomfort and pain associated with diseases of those organs that are located in the left hypochondrium. These are the spleen, the left part of the diaphragm, part of the stomach, pancreas, bowel loops, pole of the left kidney. If the functions of these organs are dysfunctional, cramps, spasms and pains occur in this area.

Pain in the left side of the abdomen - what is it like?

Initially, the boundaries of the hypochondrium region should be determined. This left-hand side abdomen - the left quadrant at the top, which is located under the ribs. Accordingly, what exactly hurts in this part of the abdomen in a man, woman or child, and which doctor should be consulted, can be determined by the nature of the pain, the period and circumstances of its occurrence. If the pain manifests itself in the upper abdomen in the center and radiates to the left side, we can talk about the development of various diseases.

Stitching pain that manifests itself during exercise

Those who are interested in why pricks when running, and whether it is dangerous, should take into account that a similar symptom is observed in healthy people. If the tingling sensation only develops periodically during movement, that is, during active physical activity, then this phenomenon can be considered normal. Such symptoms quickly disappear and they only indicate that an adult or a child did not warm up enough before the start of sports activities and moved very sharply.

Before starting classes, it is necessary to conduct a thorough warm-up so that the body gradually adapts to the activation of blood circulation. Stabbing pain sometimes develops with too active walking, which can be prevented by slowing down the pace.

This condition is not dangerous if colitis is only during exercise and it happens to healthy people who do not suffer from heart ailments. However, even healthy people who strain too much, with the development of such sensations, you need to stop and relax, breathe deeply. When exhaling, press the palm of your hand on the place where the pain develops and lean forward sharply. You can repeat these steps several times.

It is also important to ensure that when the lesson takes place, breathing is deep, since with shallow breathing, small excursions of the diaphragm occur.

Strong sharp pain on the left can also be noted if a person starts training after eating. It is important that at least an hour and a half have elapsed after a meal before class begins, as the digestive system must cope with the digestion process.

Dagger sharp pain

If the burning sensation develops sharply, and it is not associated with the load, then you need to seek medical help. A sharp burning sensation under the ribs, as well as a burning sensation in the lower abdomen, may be evidence of rupture of the spleen, renal pelvis, perforation of the stomach wall and loops small intestine... Also likely in this case acute pancreatitis and abdominal myocardial infarction.

Acute pain after injury

If the occurrence of pain in this area is noted during inhalation after an injury, accident, fall, then there is a possibility that the person's internal organs are seriously damaged. In this case, it is important to immediately contact a specialist, as there is a likelihood of a threat to life.

Dull aching pain in the left side

Spilled, aching pain, which manifests itself for a long time and occurs periodically, may be a sign of the development of a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Probably inflammation in the stomach - gastritis, as well as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc. To determine what may hurt in the left side, or to exclude the development of pathologies, it is important to consult a gastroenterologist, conduct tests and studies. Also nagging pain in the left hypochondrium develops with some blood pathologies, bacterial infections, sepsis, systemic diseases.

It's a dull pain

If in the hypochondrium it constantly whines, pulls, then the causes of heaviness under the ribs may be associated with the development of duodenitis or sluggish colitis. If, at the same time, the patient immediately has nausea and vomiting, then we can talk about the likelihood of gastric ulcer.

If the pain is not associated with problems in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, one can assume a pre-infarction state, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease.

Causes of pain in the hypochondrium on the left

Thus, answering the question of what can hurt in the left hypochondrium, the following reasons should be mentioned:

  • cardiomyopathy, heart damage, heart attack;
  • gastrointestinal diseases - cholecystitis, ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, colitis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • enlargement or rupture of the spleen;
  • tumors internal organs;
  • spleen infarction due to arterial thrombosis;
  • rheumatic manifestations;
  • diaphragm injury, diaphragmatic hernia;
  • left-sided pleurisy, as well as left-sided pneumonia, which develops in the lower part of the left lung.

Organs abdominal cavity

It should be taken into account what a person has in the hypochondrium, as well as the nature of the pain (radiating to the back, aching, stabbing, just heaviness or discomfort), as well as factors that could determine the development of such pain (after eating, when inhaling during physical exercise and etc.).

The hypochondrium in front of a woman can hurt during pregnancy. In this condition, pain is also manifested in the left hypochondrium from behind from the back due to strong pressure enlarged uterus to internal organs. Sometimes expectant mothers complain that they periodically prick in their side.

Pain in the left hypochondrium in front can also be associated with previous injuries - in this case, one may feel both discomfort in the front or dull pain in the front, and severe, diffuse pain. In this case, the reasons must be immediately determined by the doctor.

Pain in the left side under the ribs, the mechanism of occurrence

Why it hurts on the left side under the ribs depends on the mechanism for the development of such pain. This indicator serves as an additional sign in the diagnostic process, when the doctor is trying to determine what hurts in the left side under the ribs, what is on the right and causes such sensations.

The following subdivision of pain in this area is known:

They develop with intestinal spasms or in case of impaired gastric motility.

Also, visceral pain is characteristic of a stretched condition. muscle fibers organs of the digestive tract. A person may complain that he has a stomach ache, if the disease progresses, the pain can be felt in the center, as well as on the right side. The patient sometimes complains of gurgling in the stomach, pulling on both sides.

In the case of flatulence in the side on the left and right, there may be a dull aching pain.

In case of intestinal colic - cramping pain, moreover, a person may have complaints that pricks in other, near parts of the body - between the ribs in the middle, on the side, etc.

Despite the nature of the pain that can cause such attacks under the ribs, a doctor should diagnose. Determining the reasons, the specialist, first of all, takes into account what is on the left under the ribs, is interested in the nature and mechanism of pain. He also finds out some important points - for example, whether there is pain in the ribs when coughing, whether the rib hurts when pressed. Which organ is in this area and where the pain develops will help to determine the studies prescribed by a specialist.

Pain in front of the left hypochondrium

If there is pain in the left side at the waist level, then most likely we are talking about damage to the spleen or stomach tissues. However, if pain occurs at the waist level, then the doctor makes a differential diagnosis with myositis, myocardial infarction, colitis. If there is a displacement of pain upward, and it manifests itself in the center, then it is likely that stomach diseases are combined with diseases of the duodenum and gallbladder.

When the pain is behind

If a person complains that the left side hurts from the back, and this part hurts constantly, then a lesion is likely in the left kidney. In this case, the back pain is strong.

If the kidney hurts, the symptoms may be troubling all the time. What to do in this case, the doctor determines after the diagnosis. Signs of the disease can be determined on an ultrasound scan, and urine and blood tests are also needed.

It also hurts under the left scapula behind or slightly lower with osteochondrosis. The causes of pain in the back of the scapula may be associated with palpation of the paravertebral processes. Discomfort from the side of the scapula can be noted with myositis.

Girdle pain, which is combined with discomfort on the left

A pulling girdle pain that appears where the left lower rib is located, from behind passes to the front abdominal wall, then it can be suspected that the pancreas has become inflamed and pancreatitis develops. Typically, with pancreatitis, girdle pain in the stomach and back is worse when inflammation develops. Then she is sharp, giving in the back. It becomes a little easier for a person to sit or lean forward.

Causes associated with diaphragm pathologies

Severity and constant pain develops with pathologies of the diaphragm, as well as diaphragmatic hernia... The opening in the diaphragm separates the chest from the abdominal cavity. If there is a weakening of the muscle tissue that regulates this opening, the lumen expands and the upper stomach is trapped in the chest cavity. Accordingly, the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, as a result of which this area constantly aches - aching, dull pain develops, nausea, heartburn worries.

Diaphragmatic hernia develops during pregnancy, in people with overweight, with strong physical exertion. Also, similar diseases often occur in people in old age against the background of a weakening of the muscular apparatus. In some cases, the stomach is pinched, then there is a sharp cutting pain in the stomach and in the left hypochondrium, sometimes the pain in the stomach radiates to the back.

Pain with intercostal neuralgia

Against the background of the development of neurological diseases, irritation or compression of the intercostal nerves can occur. When nerve cells are affected, in patients with intercostal neuralgia, pain can have a very wide spectrum: cramping, pulsating, piercing, sometimes sharp or aching, dull or burning pains develop. A person complains that in the lumbar region, under the ribs, he presses, twitches, grows numb, whines, bakes. Such sensations intensify when breathing - sighing, when inhaling, exhaling, as well as when coughing, pressing on some points on the back, chest, spine, with tension, changing the position of the body.

With attacks of neuralgia, tingling under the breast, periodic muscle twitching, pallor or redness of the skin, and severe sweating are noted.

Patients with neuralgia are often interested in doctors what is on the left side of a person, since pain often radiates under the scapula, is felt under the heart, in the abdomen on top, in the upper back under the scapula, and also in other places when pressed. There is a feeling that it cuts, "interferes" and twitches in different places.

Pain sensations appear at any time of the day, and in those places where they were damaged nerve pathways, numbness is noted.

Left pain with cardiac pathologies

In the area of ​​the heart, burning pain is not always associated precisely with cardiac pathologies, because a person can be disturbed by organs from those under the heart. However, if aching pains appear on the left, under the left nipple, simultaneously with shortness of breath, nausea, fast heartbeat, and this happens both during exercise and at rest, the development of heart disease can be suspected. The patient may feel heaviness and burning under the breastbone. Similar symptoms can appear with coronary heart disease. If the coronary arteries are affected, the blood supply to the heart muscle is impaired, provoking the development of ischemia.

What hurts in the left side below the ribs is of interest to those who suffer from cardiomyopathy. This is a number of diseases in which the function of the heart is impaired, but is not noted. arterial hypertension, pathology of the valve apparatus, diseases of the vessels of the heart. In patients with cardiomyopathies, the heart muscle changes structurally. As a result, a person gets more tired, colic and a feeling of pain develop during physical exertion.

Left pain with diseases of the spleen

With the manifestation of pain on the left, one can suspect that the spleen is bothering the person.

Where is this organ located and how does it hurt? The spleen is fragile, easily torn, so pain develops with any pathological condition of this body. If the spleen hurts, symptoms of a slight increase in it are difficult to detect, especially in overweight people, since a person's spleen is located deep in the hypochondrium on the left.

The location of the spleen in the human body

Splenomegaly (that is, an enlarged spleen) occurs when infectious mononucleosis and other diseases, the causes of which are an infectious lesion. But with this disease, the patient also exhibits fever, fever, muscle pain, intoxication, swollen lymph nodes and liver.

In the body, the spleen performs various functions, being the largest lymph node, the thinnest blood filter and the largest conglomerate of reticuloendothelial tissue.

Spleen hypertrophy occurs if it performs its functions in an enhanced mode due to infectious diseases, hemolytic anemias, diseases of immune complexes. As a result of this, its increase in size is sometimes the answer to the question of what the spleen hurts in a person.

In addition, there are other reasons why the spleen hurts. The reasons for this may be swelling, trauma, infiltration, developmental defects. The most acute pain sensations occur after an injury or blow, which leads to the rupture of this organ. What to do if this happens should be determined by the doctor as soon as possible. When the spleen ruptures, cyanosis of the skin near the navel is also noted, the pain is given in the back area. After such symptoms have been noted, you must immediately call emergency help.

Left pain in diseases of the pancreas and stomach

It should be remembered: if the left side of the abdomen hurts, it may also be a symptom of ailments of the stomach and pancreas.

The location of the pancreas in the human body

Most people experience gastritis. The gastric mucosa is very sensitive to the action of irritants, which are very large in modern food products.

With gastritis in the hypochondrium, aching pain, belching, nausea develops, sometimes the stomach growls, rages, pulsation is felt. Pain in the epigastrium, vomiting, a feeling of pressure, heaviness develops. The listed signs appear in a child and an adult most often after eating. With gastritis, the patient is also worried about pallor, dry mouth, feeling of weakness, constipation, diarrhea, gas, and bloating.

With gastric ulcer

The symptoms of this disease are similar to those of gastritis. The symptoms depend on how severe the disease is. But with stomach ulcers, pain usually occurs after eating.

With an ulcer, the patient is disturbed not only by severe colic, but also by vomiting, poor appetite, belching, heartburn, rumbling and gurgling in the stomach.

With a perforated ulcer, colic in the lower abdomen and in the hypochondrium turns into sudden dagger pain, why man may lose consciousness.

For diseases of the pancreas

What is in a person's left side under the ribs worries people with pancreatitis. With this disease, strong girdle pain occurs on the left under the ribs above and slightly below. This condition is characterized by vomiting with bile, bitterness in the mouth, nausea. Sometimes the pain is so intense that the person has to sit bent over. Feces may lighten and urine may darken.

If the disease turns into chronic form, the pains are mainly worried after the abuse of junk food and alcohol. It is very difficult to establish oncological processes in the pancreas, since at the onset of the disease the symptoms are almost invisible.

With oncological diseases of the digestive system

In the early stages, oncological processes can proceed with mild symptoms. Therefore, we should be alarming different symptoms especially if they develop frequently or in older people. Intermittent tingling - if throbbing and tingling in the lower abdomen or higher, weakness, constant lack of appetite, anemia, rapid satiety, constant bubbling and recurrent stomach pains, regular alternation of diarrhea and constipation - all this is cause for concern. It is also necessary to immediately consult a doctor if a seal, a lump appears in this area.

But if any of these symptoms appears constantly, only a doctor should draw conclusions about the disease and prescribe treatment.

Pain in the hypochondrium in women

Unlike men, in women, such sensations can be a consequence of physiological processes... Sometimes pricks in the left side during pregnancy, in the period before menstruation.

Why it pricks in the left side in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is easy to explain by physiology future mother... A number of organs located in the left side of the lower abdomen are subjected to the pressure of the enlarging uterus. Therefore, during pregnancy, especially in the last stages, periodic pains are noted, both in the upper and in the lower part of the hypochondrium. Sometimes the pain gets worse when the fetus moves. But, as a rule, it is easy. It can also be disturbed by a bubbling in the intestines, in the stomach often rumbling.

It happens that in women, before the onset of menstruation, a lot of sex hormones are produced in the body, as a result of which a spasm of the bile ducts occurs. The woman notes nausea and distention, pain in the left abdomen. In this case, you need to consult a gynecologist.

What should be done when pain appears?

If pain in the left hypochondrium bothers the patient, and the diagnosis has not yet been established, initially you need to contact a therapist who can determine which specialist should be consulted next.

Sometimes a call is required emergency care and subsequent hospitalization. This should be done in the following cases:

  • with sudden acute pain;
  • with aching pain that does not go away for one hour;
  • with stitching pains during movement, which does not pass for about 30 minutes;
  • at dull pain and vomit with blood impurities.

Self-medication practice is unacceptable. It is especially important not to warm the hypochondrium with a heating pad, since such actions can aggravate the course of the disease. Drugs that relieve spasms can disrupt the overall picture and complicate the diagnosis. The use of a cold compress is allowed.

The left side hurts under the ribs in front - what to do? For what reasons can the left side hurt under the ribs in front

Abdominal pain is ubiquitous in medical practice.

Rhythm modern life, the peculiarities of the human diet cause all kinds of malfunctions in the work of organs gastrointestinal tract.

In other cases, there are pathological processes affecting the female reproductive system.

It is not easy for the average person to understand the causes of uncomfortable feelings: they are too numerous.

The more difficult it is to distinguish harmless conditions from pathologies, life threatening and health.

In order to identify the dangerous manifestations of various conditions in time and not get confused when the question concerns further actions, you need to arm yourself with some knowledge.

The left side hurts under the ribs in front: reasons

Pain in the left side is an informative symptom. However, it can be due to a huge number of reasons. In the vast majority of cases, we are talking about problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In women, the situation is more complicated: pathology of the reproductive system cannot be ruled out. What reasons can we talk about:

Diseases of the stomach. First of all, we are talking about the notorious gastritis. Gastritis is an inflammatory lesion of the gastric mucosa. The pain syndrome with gastritis is intense, the discomfort is localized in the epigastric region (in the center, just below the chest) and on the left side. Peptic ulcer has similar manifestations. They can be distinguished only with the help of endoscopic examination.

Large intestine diseases. First of all, it is the "trendy" irritable bowel syndrome. Strictly speaking, IBS is not organic defeat intestines. It is conditioned psychosomatic reasons, but accompanied by a lot of uncomfortable sensations. Pains are often localized in the area sigmoid colon(on the left under the ribs). Intense pains accompany inflammation of the sigmoid colon (sigmoiditis), colitis (inflammation of the colon mucosa), organ neoplasms (not always malignant), colic, etc.

Pancreatitis Inflammation of the pancreas. It is not always easy to distinguish pancreatitis from gastritis, however, pain in inflammatory lesions of the gland is much stronger.

Kidney pathology. Left kidney located in anatomical proximity to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, the localization of pain can not always be accurately determined. Kidney pathologies can "give" reflected pain. Among them: glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, etc.

Pneumonia. It may seem strange, but pneumonia (especially lower lobe) is accompanied by pain in the left side.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Dull or burning pains in the left side and behind the breastbone may indicate a heart attack, an attack of angina pectoris, the development of coronary heart disease.

As you can see, the list is impressive. In women, there are even more reasons why the left side hurts under the ribs in front. Many problems with the reproductive system are characterized by pain:

Ovarian lesions. Inflammation, ovarian rupture, torsion. All lesions of the ovaries are accompanied by pulling intense pain (with damage to the left ovary, the pain radiates to the left side).

Endometriosis It is the proliferation of tissues of the endometrial layer of the uterus outside the organ. It occurs mainly in older people.

For obvious reasons, it is impossible to independently figure out the sources of the problem. You need to have special medical knowledge. However, you need to know how certain diseases manifest themselves and serious conditions to react in time.

The left side hurts under the ribs in front: accompanying symptoms

You need to listen carefully to your own body so as not to miss important signals. Fortunately, pain never remains without companions. This facilitates diagnosis and enables the patient to determine that there is something wrong with the body.

Diseases of the stomach are almost always accompanied by dyspeptic symptoms: heaviness in the stomach, indigestion, also heartburn, belching. Pain in stomach diseases pressing, bursting. Stool disorders are rare. However, it is not easy to distinguish a stomach ulcer from gastritis, as already mentioned.

Bowel pathology. Accompanied by characteristic manifestations... The leading manifestation is stool disorders. In this case, there can be both diarrhea and constipation (and sometimes their alternation). There are streaks of blood, white ribbon-like mucus, or pus in the stool. Flatulence proceeds without stool disturbances, but with intense gas. Unfortunately, the only thing that can be done, having found such symptoms, is to ascertain problems in the work of the intestines. It is possible to determine a specific disease only with the help of an endoscopic examination.

Kidney disease. It is difficult to define them because renal pathology in the early stages, they can disguise themselves as other diseases. They are accompanied by urination disorders.

Pain in the jaw left hand- this is a reason to be wary. This is how heart disease (including heart attack) manifests itself.

The left side hurts under the ribs in front: diagnosis

The first thing a patient should do when he finds discomfort in his left side is to see a doctor. On your own, you can only drown out the symptoms, but not cope with the root cause. With pain of high intensity, if the pain is "dagger" in nature, do not hesitate to call an ambulance: it may be a heart attack, perforated ulcer, acute pancreatitis, etc. Many conditions pose a direct threat to life and are fraught with death. In all other cases, there is no urgency, but it is recommended to see a doctor as soon as possible. Whom to contact:

Therapist (first person to contact).

The diagnostic strategy is developed by the doctor based on the symptomatic complex.

In general, diagnostics include:

Taking anamnesis (interviewing the patient). The doctor asks standard questions regarding the patient's well-being, his complaints, etc. It is especially important to collect anamnesis when diagnosing gynecological diseases, so there is no need to hide anything: this is not the case when you can be shy, embarrassed, etc. The doctor should know about the patient's condition all.

Palpation. The doctor "probes" potentially problematic areas to identify pain reaction determining the size and structure of organs.

Contrast radiography of the stomach, intestines.

Endoscopic examinations. EGD for assessing the state of the gastric mucosa (allows you to accurately exclude gastric neoplasms, to determine the degree and nature of damage to the mucous membrane of the organ). Colonoscopy is the only possible and most informative method for diagnosing intestinal pathologies (from colitis to tumors). Laparoscopy - prescribed for suspected ectopic pregnancy (only if indicated).

Ultrasonography. It is used to assess the state of organs for all probable diseases.

Laboratory research. A general blood test makes it possible to identify the presence of an inflammation focus: leukocytosis and an increase in ESR are characteristic of almost any inflammation, eosinophilia accompanies autoimmune (including allergic processes). In children allergic reactions may manifest intestinal disorders, therefore, a general blood test is especially important in examining young patients. Also, a general blood test allows you to distinguish an ectopic pregnancy from pathological processes of a different kind: an increase in the level of leukocytes, ESR is not characteristic of pregnancy. A general urinalysis, blood biochemistry are necessary to assess the condition of the kidneys, liver and pancreas.

Cardiogram, ECHO KG.

The left side hurts under the ribs in front: treatment

If the left side hurts under the ribs in front, it is not the pain that should be treated, but its cause. It is in the patient's hands to help oneself, but it is important not to overdo it: pain can be relieved with antispasmodics (No-shpa, Drotaverin, Duspatalin, etc.). In exceptional cases (if the pain persists), you can take an analgesic. But that won't solve the problem. A specialized specialist should deal with the treatment.

Depending on the specific disease, treatment can be both conservative and operative.

Conservative treatment comes down to taking several groups of medicines:

Antispasmodics. They are used to relieve spasm (muscle contraction) of the smooth muscles of the organ. Among them: Maksigan, Baralgin, Spazgan, No-shpa, Duspatalin, etc. Let's admit an independent reception (within reasonable limits).

Analgesics. Designed to relieve pain: Maxikold, Kolfarit, Novalgin, etc. Can not be taken uncontrollably.

Anti-inflammatory drugs. Appointed when inflammatory lesions internal organs: Ketorolac, Nise, etc.

Antibacterial drugs. They are used if the disease is caused by an infectious lesion. Specific names are selected by a specialist.

Antacids. The task of antacid drugs is to reduce acidity gastric juice with gastritis. Some names: Gastrofarm, Gastal, Rutacid, etc.

Carminative agents. Designed to combat increased intestinal gas production. The problem of flatulence is especially relevant for children and persons suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Appointed: Almagel, Espumisan, etc.

Diuretics They are also called diuretics. They are prescribed for confirmed renal pathologies. Self-administration of diuretics is unacceptable: side effects develop frequently and are dangerous.

Surgical treatment is prescribed in a limited number of cases:

With tumors (benign, malignant).

If the cause of the pain is a hernia (for example, a hernia of the diaphragm).

With the majority gynecological pathologies(ovarian torsion, ectopic pregnancy). Besides traditional abdominal operations, in recent years, endoscopic, minimally invasive interventions have been increasingly practiced.

In case of violation of the anatomical integrity of an organ (with a rupture of the spleen, stomach, perforated ulcer, etc.).

The left side hurts under the ribs in front in children

The causes of pain in children are the same as in adults. There are no major differences in either diagnosis or treatment strategy. However, according to medical statistics, pain in children is due to three leading reasons:

The development of appendicitis (oddly enough, in children, pain often radiates to the left side).

The rest of the reasons are less common, but they cannot be ruled out. Fortunately, many gastrointestinal diseases in patients younger age are easier and are more often treated on an outpatient basis.

There are many diseases that provoke pain in the left side. Many are life-threatening. There is no chance to understand such a variety of pathologies without special medical knowledge, therefore, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. Timely referral to a specialist is the key to a favorable outcome for any, even the most serious disease.

Why does the left side hurt?

The pain that bothers the left in the side can overtake at the most unnecessary moment. What is this symptom? Our internal organs are constantly exposed to the bad effects of environmental factors - ecology, junk food.

When the left side hurts, it is first important to identify all the accompanying symptoms, and already from them find out what exactly worries.

There are many organs and tissues on the left, so it is impossible to unequivocally establish the cause. To understand why it appeared, you need to establish its specific place. It happens that discomfort can occur in several areas at once, for example, ribs and lower abdomen. From where the pain occurs, and on what nature it depends, which organ has suffered. Often it is the stomach, or the pancreas, or the liver, or the intestines. The rest of the organs are by no means excluded.

There is severe pain for completely different reasons:

  1. pathology of the genitourinary organs;
  2. spleen diseases;
  3. damage to the respiratory organs;
  4. cardiac pathology;
  5. diseases of the peritoneal organs;
  6. hernia;
  7. nervous diseases;
  8. blood pathology;
  9. endocrine disorders.

In pregnant women

During pregnancy, it is necessary to react to this immediately. Pregnant women need to visit a doctor urgently if:

  • an acute attack of pain in the background wellness;
  • if the discomfort lasts more than thirty minutes;
  • if the pain sensations increase;
  • if it is accompanied by pallor, lethargy, fainting, bleeding from the uterus.

All of the above symptoms in pregnant women may indicate the threat of a pregnancy failure. In the first weeks of gestation, such a slight pain can be caused by the growth of the uterus, which is trying to move adjacent organs. For example, the adjacent intestine may hurt. However, it is best to discuss this with your healthcare professional.

Diseases of the stomach, which can manifest themselves in this way:

For him, pulling pains, gag reflexes, nausea, bouts of heartburn are possible. The symptoms are felt more strongly in the acute form. With this disease, it can hurt on the left, often after eating or during. Then in the stomach there is a feeling of compression and heaviness of the stomach, belching. A number of general symptoms appear: lethargy, nervousness, heartbeat failure, drowsiness, increased sweating after eating, anemia, decreased sensitivity of the extremities.

The strength and severity of symptoms depends on the duration of the course of the disease. An ulcer makes itself felt in case of heartburn with sour belching. People who are sick may notice weight loss and may vomit or vomit after eating. A perforated ulcer is especially threatening. If it is present, an opening appears in the wall of the stomach. This situation requires urgent medical attention.

There are no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. Then there are chronic pain sensations, but they are not associated with snacks. Swelling can be suspected if there is no appetite, aversion to meat appears, weight loss occurs, anemia, saturation occurs too soon, constant sensation overeating.

The most harmless problem of all. Occurs more often from overeating.

If the left side of the abdomen hurts, it is important to consider that the abdomen is not a separate body rather denotes an anatomical body part. Inside there are many organs, various tissues, so any of them can be the pathogen.

When a person has severe intolerant pain in the left abdomen, you need to take it seriously. A person urgently needs medical attention, as there is a threat to his life. There are the hollow organs of the peritoneum. As a result of their damage, inflammation, complications of patency, clogging of organs will occur or, on the contrary, their rupture. Without medical assistance, in this case, the patient may die. Therefore, if acute pain on the left or in the entire abdominal area does not pass thirty minutes, an ambulance must be called urgently.

Even if the patient has own versions why his stomach may hurt, it is better to discuss them with the doctor or in the ambulance. Such pain can be a symptom of acute surgical diseases of the peritoneal organs and require urgent surgery.

In the lower abdomen in women

This symptomatology is common to many female diseases... Its character can be sudden or physiological. You need to take it especially seriously if it lasts a long time or if acute pain has arisen sharply, a feeling of "sharp abdomen" has appeared. Each of these signals in a woman is alarming and needs immediate medical attention. It is urgent to undergo ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs and the female reproductive system.

The place and image of pain play a significant role in establishing the correct diagnosis. The attack is acute, also aching. In men, this can spread to the entire peritoneum, back and genitals. Left in the groin can bother with inflammation of the genitourinary system, renal colic, tumors in genitourinary system, intestinal obstruction.

Also, urolithiasis can cause similar pain.

As with left-sided pain, from below in women, the problem may be with the gastrointestinal tract, problems with the genitourinary system. In other cases, seizures and sharp pains in the groin area may indicate lead poisoning, disorders of lipid metabolism.

Left back pain is one of the most recurring symptoms. Sometimes it is provoked by both spinal problems and pathologies of internal organs. They are primary and secondary. Primary seizures cause spinal problems.

The causes of secondary pain can be attacks:

  • angina pectoris,
  • pneumonia,
  • pleurisy,
  • aneurysms
  • pancreatitis,
  • renal colic
  • pyelonephritis,
  • diseases of the reproductive system.

There are quite a few diseases accompanied by this symptom. Some can be life threatening. Therefore, you should not take pain relievers, it is better to contact a therapist and identify the true cause.

This kind of pain after eating under the rib warns of problems of the heart, stomach, pancreas, spleen. It can be cutting, dull, sharp, spasmodic. It is important to define character and strength. This information will help the doctor make a correct diagnosis. There are also quite explainable reasons for the onset of pain on the left after eating:

More serious reasons such pain after eating;

  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • dysfunctions of the diaphragm.

Frequent attacks after snacks indicate problems in the patient's lifestyle, this is a consequence of his bad habits and constant stress. So that they do not recur again, you should eat well and monitor your health.

What to do? The resulting pain in the left side can be the sum of all conditions that could cause pain in this area. All of them require urgent medical attention, especially if a child has it. You shouldn't even try to heal it yourself.

Self-medication can be not only useless, but also life-threatening.

What causes pain in the left side in men?

There are situations when even the stronger sex of humanity is faced with painful sensations in the left side, which is pretty exhausting and unsettling. The causes of pain can be banal overeating or not entirely healthy diet, alcohol abuse and sedentary image life. If the intensity of the discomfort is constantly increasing, it is likely that the reason lies in a serious illness that requires immediate treatment. Why can the left side and hypochondrium hurt in men, with what pathologies it is associated, and in which situations an immediate one is required medical assistance, we will analyze further.

Causes of pain in the left hypochondrium

There are two groups of factors that provoke pain in the left side:

External reasons that are enough long time adversely affect the body, provoking pain and discomfort. This includes:

  • frequent smoking;
  • unhealthy diet and abuse fatty foods which is harmful to the pancreas and liver;
  • work in a hazardous enterprise where there is direct contact with toxic substances;
  • a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which obesity develops, and the load on the entire body increases.

Pathological diseases that cause acute shooting pain in the left side have the following reasons:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholecystitis;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • oncological diseases of the digestive tract;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hernia different etiology.

At initial examination the doctor conducts palpation of the patient, assessing the location of the pain, as well as the reaction of the body at a certain pressure. Insofar as common reasons the occurrence of painful sensations in the side is more common in the reference literature, then we will not dwell on them, having considered in more detail the purely male diseases that provoke pain in the left side.

The main diseases of men that provoke pain

Among the "purely male" diseases that can provoke pain and discomfort in the left side, there are 10 most common. Let's consider them in more detail.

Acute prostatitis

This disease is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process of the prostate gland, caused by an infectious lesion, as a result of which purulent foci of lesions are formed, provoking pain. There are several types of prostatitis, different from each other in the nature of the infection and the site of localization.

The patient may experience manifestations such as:

  • dysfunction of urination: it is difficult or completely absent due to an extensive inflammatory process and swelling of the prostate;
  • pain in the perineum during bowel movements;
  • increased body temperature;
  • symptoms of intoxication;
  • shooting cutting pains in the lower abdomen, which radiate to the left hypochondrium;
  • sexual dysfunction, lack of erection.

The following categories of men fall into the risk group for getting acute prostatitis:

  • leading a predominantly sedentary sedentary lifestyle;
  • having chronic diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious nature;
  • do not have a permanent sexual partner;
  • with hormonal dysfunctions against the background of the development of obesity or diabetes mellitus.

Prostatitis on early stages can manifest itself in the form of minor pains in the lower abdomen, which many men tend to endure and wait until "goes away by itself." But in some cases, when the inflammatory process of the prostate has reached its climax, the pain becomes unbearable, after which a strong half of humanity goes to a doctor for help.

Chronic prostatitis

The disease develops against the background of progressive prostatitis, which remains for a long time without proper treatment. The inflammatory process becomes chronic, periodically exacerbating. At chronic prostatitis pain can occur suddenly, having for this the preceding factors: hypothermia of the body, respiratory diseases, rare sex life. There is an aching pulling pain in the lower abdomen, as well as in the perineum. Pain increases during bowel movements, and can also radiate to the left hypochondrium. Most often, it is the left side that hurts.

The danger of the chronic stage of the course of this disease is that the inflammatory process can spread to all organs of the genitourinary system, causing extensive pain. In this case, the therapy is intensive, aimed at destroying the pathogenic microflora of the urinary tract.

Inflammation of the testicles

An inflammatory process in the testicles, called orchitis, is a consequence of the presence of an extensive infection of the genitourinary system. Most often, orchitis develops against the background of other infections: mumps, gonorrhea, typhoid, influenza, the causes of which are varied (from infection to weakened immunity).

Also, there are secondary causes of the development of orchitis:

  • trauma to the genitals and lower abdomen;
  • hypothermia of the legs and penis;
  • allergic inflammatory processes;
  • genetic predisposition, if the father has chronic infections genitourinary system.

The primary symptoms of orchitis are as follows: the patient notes mild pain in the scrotum, which increases with palpation. After a few hours, with an acute course, the scrotum acquires a bluish tint, increases in size. All this is accompanied by acute shooting pain not only in the testicles themselves, but also in the lower abdomen and left hypochondrium. The left side hurts more than the right. The body temperature rises, general weakness and a feeling of fullness in the genitals are observed.

In the absence of timely treatment, orchitis can develop into an abscess of the testicles, in which the inflammatory process partially affects the lymphatic drainage system, after which it begins irreversible processes required complete or partial removal of the scrotum.

By itself, the inflammatory process in the testicular area is difficult to treat, therefore, if primary signs and pain in the scrotum appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and start treatment as early as possible.

Testicular torsion

Occurs due to bloat spermatic cord, as a result of which the natural blood flow of the testicle is disrupted. In this case, the patient notes an acute severe pain in the scrotum, which spreads throughout the abdominal cavity, giving to the left lobe.

In most cases, testicular torsion occurs suddenly, characterized by an acute course with the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • pronounced pain syndrome;
  • pain in the hypochondrium, as well as in the lumbar region (left lower section);
  • redness or blue discoloration of the scrotum and penis;
  • swelling and swelling of the testicles;
  • painful shock.

In the first hours of the onset of the disease, it is important to provide medical assistance, which in most cases consists of surgical intervention. A small incision is made on the scrotum, through which the spermatic cord is truncated, normalizing the local blood supply. In the case when the torsion is insignificant, it is eliminated with the help of external manual detorsion. Experienced surgeons, under the control of an ultrasound machine, carry out certain manipulations with their hands to return the cord to its anatomical position.

People of the following categories fall into the risk group for the occurrence of such a pathology:

  • often experiencing genital trauma;
  • with existing inguinal hernias;
  • with oncological diseases in the peritoneum and hypochondrium;
  • with a predisposition and congenital pathologies(elongated cord).

There are several types of torsion, which differ in severity from each other. A slight torsion or its primary signs, when the blood supply to the scrotum is only partially disturbed, provokes moderate pain, which tends to intensify in the first hours. It is important not to endure the pain and drown it out with painkillers, but to go through full diagnostics and to establish the causes of such sudden pains of the genitals, which can radiate to the left hypochondrium.

Inflammation of the epididymis

The disease is called epididymitis, characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in the epididymis. This is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling and spastic throbbing pain in the scrotum (given to the left side);
  • an increase in one testicle in size relative to the other (asymmetry);
  • hyperemia skin in the scrotum and their cyanosis.

General symptoms can also be observed:

  • an increase in body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • diffuse pain in the left side;
  • sometimes painful shock (with rapid inflammation).

Inflammation of the epididymis occurs against the background of the development of an active inflammatory process of the genital organs: ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea and syphilis. For patients with tuberculosis, this ailment in most cases is chronic, constantly giving relapses.

The danger of the disease is that it completely disrupts reproductive functions, making men infertile. Also, this ailment can provoke sepsis - blood poisoning, in the absence of treatment, which is fatal.

Inflammation of the spermatic cord

Pain in the scrotum is caused by an extensive inflammatory process of the spermatic cord, which is provoked by bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms that enter here along with the blood. In most cases, funiculitis is a consequence of an extensive inflammatory process of the entire scrotum, which has remained untreated for a long time, or has a chronic course.

The patient experiences aching pains in the scrotum itself, as well as in the lower abdomen. If the inflammation is ascending (through the penis up the urinary canals to the kidneys), shooting sharp pains may occur on the left side of the abdominal cavity. The nature of the pain directly depends on the severity of the funiculitis. Chronic funiculitis provokes persistent, but less severe pain.

The disease is marked by inflammation of the seminal vesicles located near the prostate. The role of these bubbles in the body is enormous. They are a kind of reservoir for storing prostate secretions, which, in turn, when ejaculated, are combined with sperm, providing sperm motility. The bubbles are located deep in the prostate, so their inflammation is extremely rare. The main reason is an extensive inflammation of the prostate or the presence oncological diseases, against the background of the progression of which decrease protective functions organism.

Men experience dull, diffuse pain in the lower abdomen and in the perineum, which is aggravated by palpation of the perineum and the act of defecation. Pain can radiate into left side peritoneum and hypochondrium, since the prostate itself is densely dotted with nerve endings that are articulated with the nerve endings of the abdominal cavity.


It is characterized by varicose veins of the spermatic cord, in which there is a violation of natural blood flow. As a result, one testicle outwardly looks larger than the second. This pathology is not fatal, and can also accompany men throughout their lives. The pain that occurs suddenly has a restrained character, localized strictly in the area of ​​the scrotum. In rare cases, when varicocele has extensive dimensions, pain can be given to the peritoneum, mainly to the left side.

Stones in the prostate gland

Establish exactly why stones are formed in prostate impossible. Several factors have an impact on their formation:

  • chronic inflammatory processes in the prostate;
  • congestion in the pelvic organs due to prolonged sitting in one place;
  • systematic intake of drugs of the sulfanilamide group.

The symptomatology of the disease is completely similar to the manifestation of prostatitis: moderate pain, aching, sometimes with colic. The only difference is the presence of bloody inclusions in the semen, which occur due to injury from ureteral stones.

The first sign of stones in the prostate gland is difficulty urinating, which is accompanied by severe pain. Immediate treatment is required, as the stones can, with difficulty, but still move through the channels, blocking them.

Prostate cancer

In the prostate, malignant neoplasms appear that disrupt the activity of the prostate gland. There is moderate pain that spreads to the lower abdomen and is capable of giving into the abdominal cavity. Analgesics and antispasmodics do not reduce pain, therefore, if you have difficulty urinating and pain in the genitals, you should immediately seek help from specialists.


You cannot tolerate pain, therefore, at the first signs and suspicions of a disease, you should immediately consult a urologist who will assess the condition male health, and also find the causes of ailments using several research methods:

  • palpation and external examination;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate;
  • urethral culture smear;
  • ejaculate research;
  • cystoscopy.

Early diagnosis of pain in the hypochondrium and genitourinary system will avoid chronic diseases and will also accelerate the chances of a full recovery.

In most cases, if the disease is diagnosed in acute stage, conservative methods of treatment can be used: drug therapy and physiotherapy. At chronic course the likelihood of surgical intervention is high. Recipes traditional medicine, which help to eliminate the inflammatory process, are appropriate only as an auxiliary means (but not the main one) in complex therapy... High likelihood of development adverse reactions indicates the need preliminary consultation with a specialist.

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, the victory in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not yet on your side.

Have you already thought about surgery? This is understandable, because the stomach is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Frequent abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, stool disturbance. All of these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? Here is the story of Galina Savina, about how she got rid of all these unpleasant symptoms. Read the article >>>

Almost all parents are familiar with the situation when a child has a pain in the left side or a stabbing sensation in the left side of the abdomen. A harmless syndrome is considered when the baby performs physical exercises - a long run after the ball, fast walking or active exercises. Short-term one-time events should not be a cause for concern. But with the systematic occurrence of pain in the side, they require parental attention and medical advice.

Physiological explanation of flank pain

The physiological cause of discomfort in the left side is spasm of the abdominal muscles. An unpleasant feeling arises from oxygen starvation diaphragm. With a deficit enough nutrient the muscle septum cannot fully function, so the child says that he has pain in his left side. In other words, the discomfort is caused by twitching and relaxation of the abdominal muscles or diaphragm.

You can prevent side pain while exercising by doing a pre-workout. Benefit muscular apparatus will bring exercises that help to stretch the fibers, strengthen them and increase elasticity. It is very important that physical activity is a constant hobby of the child, and not a one-time event that causes pain.

It is best to develop an optimal training program with an experienced instructor or physical education teacher. Exercise should be appropriate for the child's age and ability and should not cause fatigue.

Functional disorders, resulting in pain

In addition to the physiological factor, the answer to the question of why a child may have pain in his left side is diseases of the internal organs. On the left side of the trunk lie such important organs as the spleen and pancreas, as well as the intestinal loops and part of the diaphragm. When a child complains of colic or pain in the left side, the parents will not be able to identify the culprit themselves. The diagnosis will be made only by a doctor who will examine the baby as a whole, manually examine the problem area and study the test responses.

  1. Heart. Pain in the left side from the back, radiating to the arm or under the shoulder blade, indicate problems of the cardiovascular system. A cardiologist deals with their decision.
  2. Stomach and adjacent gland. If the child points to the center of the abdomen and says that there is colitis near the navel on the left side of the cavity, the symptom should be considered as a signal of dysfunction of the stomach or pancreas. Pain and colic with gastrointestinal anomalies are accompanied by heartburn, flatulence, nausea, belching. The diagnosis is confirmed by the responses of ultrasound and other studies of the gastric sac.
  3. The ovaries. Pain in the lower abdomen on the left signalizes diseases of the reproductive system in girls or the preparation of the body for menstruation. Hypothermia in childhood is fraught with adnexitis - inflammation of the ovaries. Recommendations for health improvement will be given by a gynecologist.
  4. Kidneys. Painful sensations at the waist level on the left side of the body warn of renal impairment... The paired organ becomes inflamed, filled with stones, or descends. The disease is diagnosed by ultrasound and urinalysis.
  5. Spleen. When falling from a height and / or strong blow on the left side, the child may suffer from acute sharp pain associated with rupture of a delicate organ. Blue skin around the navel is a sign of hemorrhage.
  6. Intercostal neuralgia. The onset of pain under the ribs is associated with squeezing or irritation of the nerves that run in the left hypochondrium. The nature of the discomfort is varied. The pains are sharp, burning, shooting, dull, etc.

Symptoms of pain in young children

Newborns, babies and children who cannot speak will not talk about their problems. Parents only have to carefully monitor their behavior and record any changes in their well-being. What are outward signs will help you understand what the baby has stabbed in the left side? The following points will definitely attract the attention of caring parents:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • refusal to eat;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • unreasonable crying and capriciousness;
  • lethargy or low physical activity.

Soreness forces the child to take atypical postures that alleviate the condition. Usually babies curl up, pulling their knees to the stomach or chest.

Famous doctor talks about abdominal pain in a child

Abdominal pain is common in children. Many questions cause painful sensations in children in the left side under the ribs from parents, which can be expressed as acute attacks or prolonged discomfort.

Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation. How to understand why a baby's side hurts? What actions should be taken to relieve pain? Every adult should know that treatment of children without preliminary diagnosis can cause irreparable harm to their health.

Possible causes of pain in the left side in children

If a child has a pain in the left side or lower abdomen, then first of all, the cause of the pain should be established. The most common source of discomfort can be muscle spasms belly. Babies often experience unpleasant painful sensations when the diaphragm malfunctions. She makes movements during the respiratory act, but in the case of insufficient oxygen supply, the work of the diaphragm is disrupted. At the same time, the baby feels sharp pain in the left or right side under the ribs. Most often it occurs as a result of intense physical activity, for example, after exercise or jogging.

For painful symptoms that occur during sports, treatment is not required. To prevent the occurrence of diaphragm spasms, you need to warm up before starting classes.

Sports activities should be carried out daily, this will significantly reduce the likelihood of cramps in the right side, left or lower abdomen. Constant exercise helps to develop and strengthen muscles. In this case, the level of physical activity should correspond to the age of the child.

The source of discomfort in the lower abdomen or in the side can be not only physiological factors. Sharp or aching pains sometimes flare up when the structure of internal organs is improper, their activity is disturbed or infectious lesions.

The following important internal organs are located on the left side of the abdominal cavity:

  • pancreas;
  • diaphragm (its left lobe);
  • spleen;
  • part of the intestine.

To identify the cause of the pain symptoms in the abdomen, you need to examine the baby. To do this, the doctor must examine the patient using the palpation method and prescribe required analyzes. Medical diagnostics allows you to detect:

If adults understand that the baby's side hurts not because of physical exertion, then it should be shown to the doctor. Only a medical examination will help determine the real cause of the pain in the left side. Special attention need to pay attention to pain:

  • does not pass after bowel movement;
  • accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • intense, having a paroxysmal character;
  • not disappearing for three hours.

Diagnostic methods

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To correctly determine the source of pain in the left side, you need to take the baby to the nearest department of the clinic or hospital, where he will undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. Results only medical examination can serve as a basis for the diagnosis.

The doctor prescribes a general analysis of blood and urine for the child, conducts an ultrasound scan of the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity. A visual examination of the baby allows you to assess the condition of his skin and mucous membranes. The doctor, using palpation, analyzes the localization of pain and its intensity. For the final diagnosis, sometimes an examination by other specialists is required:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • nephrologist;
  • surgeon.

In some cases, a CT or MRI examination is prescribed, as well as an endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract. When determining the examination methods, not only the symptoms of diseases are taken into account, but also the age of the baby.

Child treatment options

After a comprehensive examination of the patient, the doctor determines what treatment is needed. If the pain is due physiological factors, then there is no need for treatment, in this case the doctor can prescribe only an analgesic to relieve the pain symptom.

However, the causes of abdominal pain in a 5-10 year old boy or girl may be more serious. Depending on the nature of the pathology and the source of the problems, the baby may be assigned one of the following the following types medical assistance:

When diagnosing chronic pathologies the doctor recommends the child to visit the sanatorium annually. General recommendations for serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are to limit physical activity, change the diet and daily diet of the baby, avoid stressful situations and overstrain. Systematic walks in the fresh air will also benefit.

How to relieve pain in the left side?

Before starting treatment for pain in the left abdomen, you need to examine the child to find out what causes these symptoms. Self-administration of drugs to a baby without diagnostics can worsen his condition, therefore, self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited. If the stomach hurts so much that the child cannot bear this pain, then the mother can give him a medicine that will reduce the pain. After this, you should immediately seek medical attention.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will determine which of the types of treatment is most appropriate for the baby in this situation. Sometimes surgery may be required, in other cases it will be sufficient conservative treatment, which consists in the course of taking medications. For the treatment of a baby, the following can be used:

In addition to medications, physiotherapy methods can be used to treat pain in the child's left side, physiotherapy, massage.

If the diagnosis showed that the crumbs had a hernia, then an operation is needed. Surgical intervention is also required for the detection of benign and cancerous neoplasms, disorders in the structure of internal organs.

Treatment with folk remedies can be used as auxiliary methods. For example, with gastritis, it is recommended to eat green apples, if there are liver pathologies, then corn silk will help, for the treatment of the spleen, an infusion based on propolis is used.

After the course of treatment, the pain should disappear. If the pain continues to bother the child, is constantly present or occurs periodically, then the parents should consult a doctor again so that he can carry out additional diagnostics. You may need a complete examination of the baby in a hospital setting.

What cannot be done?

Parents should be aware that some of their actions in this case can seriously harm the child. With pain symptoms in the left abdomen, it is prohibited:

  • apply a heating pad and make a warming compress on the stomach, as there is a threat of peritonitis;
  • use drugs that eliminate pain sensations that knock down the temperature, as this will complicate further diagnosis;
  • use an enema to cleanse the intestines;
  • give your child drugs to thin the stool;
  • give any food or drink (the baby can only drink water), since if emergency surgery the baby's stomach and intestines must be clean.

Only a doctor can determine the source of pain in the left side, therefore, if the baby complains of abdominal discomfort, you should immediately contact your local pediatrician or call an ambulance. The specialist will examine the child, identify the source of the discomfort, determine the need for additional diagnostics and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Not a single parent is safe from the fact that their child may suffer from pain in the left side. Most often, this manifests itself during various physical activities, for example, when running. If such cases are isolated, there is no reason to worry. But if the pain in the side is systematic, you should definitely contact a medical facility. After all, only a doctor, after conducting a thorough examination of the child, can establish its causes. You may need to pass the necessary tests.


It often appears in children who have not yet begun to speak and are not able to say what worries them. To determine this, parents should know the signs of this negative manifestation.

If a child has a pain in his left side, the symptoms are as follows:

  • anxiety;
  • sudden crying for no apparent reason;
  • low mobility and lethargy;
  • diarrhea or vomiting;
  • poor sleep and refusal to eat.

In addition, if the child has a pain in the lower left side, he can take a position, in which the pain stops or becomes less severe. In particular, this is a "ball" pose, when the baby sits tightly with his knees pressed to his stomach or chest.

Symptoms of pain in the left side also include protruding cold sweats, pale skin, and muscle weakness. abdominal... The last is the most important! If the parents notice that the child's abdominal muscles are weak, an ambulance should be called immediately.

It is necessary to clearly understand that if a child regularly has pain in his left side, be sure to contact the appropriate specialist. After all, in order to cope with it, it is necessary to accurately establish its causes and undergo a course of treatment.

What organs are in the left side?

The left side contains the lung, heart, pancreas, diaphragm, spleen, part of the stomach and other important organs. Due to a malfunction of one of them, pain may occur.

Of course, it is impossible to find out exactly which organ has a pathology without conducting appropriate medical research. This can be determined only by passing the tests prescribed by the doctor.

Causes of pain

If a child has a pain in his left side, then you need not only to know the location of the pain, but also its nature. There are three main types:

  • chronic;
  • sharp;
  • false.

Chronic flank pain is characteristic of any disorder digestive system... In particular, diarrhea, gastroduodenitis, gastritis. Similar pain can be associated with various stressful situations. For example, with overeating or starving a child, changing the diet or timing of his meals. In such cases, the pain is short-lived. Parents are required to closely monitor how many times a day and at what time the child eats.

Acute pain is paroxysmal and sharp. It can be caused by various injuries, infections or pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the cause is a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, then the intestinal muscles are stretched or compressed, and the child has a sore left side in the lower abdomen. A similar phenomenon is a direct signal to immediately contact a medical facility for surgical intervention... Of course, before this one should put accurate diagnosis... Please note that in no case should you hesitate in such a situation, since in a short time the baby's condition may worsen.

If a sharp pain in the baby's left side is caused by an infection, you should see a doctor right away. It can be caused by a hernia, colitis, or diverticulitis. Quite often, the latter is typical for children with excess weight... This is due to the fact that the intestines are able to "get confused". This can happen unexpectedly for no apparent reason. It also stops suddenly. After pain in the left side caused by an infection, the baby may experience loose stools and vomiting.

False pain in the side is associated with malfunctions of organs located in the abdominal cavity. It can also be called "mirror" or reflex. If a child has a pain in his left side, then this may be a sign of pyelonephritis, pleurisy, diabetes mellitus, various diseases of the esophagus or an insect bite.

Pain in the left side after eating

Quite often, it can appear after eating. If a child has it, it may be caused by pancreatitis, low-acid gastritis, or stomach ulcers. When a parent with a child visits a doctor, you will need to describe in as much detail as possible when the pain appears. For example, it can be caused by food intake, physical activity, hunger. This information is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.


If the child has a pain in the left side, then this may be caused by various reasons, and her character can be different. If it is not isolated, but regular, you should immediately contact a medical facility for a thorough examination of the child, diagnosis and treatment.

If a child complains of abdominal pain, this is a reason for parents to be wary. In the abdominal region (the area of ​​the body from the lower ribs to the groin) there are about 10 vital organs; and discomfort can be caused by problems with any of them. What measures should be taken caring parents to help your baby? First of all, adults have to find out from the crumbs where the main focus of his pain is located - on the right or on the left.

Causes of abdominal pain on the right or left

Weak periodic cramps in the sides and abdomen are the norm for those who play sports and regularly receive physical activity. Sometimes cramps of a similar nature occur with overeating or after taking certain medications.

When a child complains of abdominal discomfort or tingling sensations under the ribs, parents should remember in detail what the baby did during the day. If the child has not been overly active, overeating, or taking medications, adults should be alert. Cuts in the abdomen may indicate problems with the internal organs.

Abdominal pain may indicate problems with one of the internal organs.

Acute conditions

Acute is a condition that requires immediate medical attention. This category can include any pathology of the abdominal cavity organs outside the remission stage, but most often a recent injury becomes the cause of the crisis. The symptoms of "acute abdomen" are traditionally considered:

  • cramping pain;
  • tension of the muscles of the peritoneum, clearly visible on palpation;
  • a sharp change in the nature of the chair.

What exactly worries the child and what pathology should be suspected in the first place is determined by additional signs. You can get acquainted with them in detail in a specialized medical literature... Especially carefully, young parents should study articles about diseases that more often than others cause acute abdominal pain in children under 8 years of age:

  • appendicitis and peritonitis (we recommend reading :);
  • cholecystitis;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • intestinal obstruction (we recommend to read:);
  • hepatic and renal colic;
  • urolithiasis in the acute stage.

Chronic diseases

It is customary to classify as chronic any diseases the symptoms of which bother a person for 3 or more months. As for the cuts in the abdominal cavity and in the left or right side under the ribs, there are only a few pathologies that contribute to the long-term manifestation of the symptom:

  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • cholecystitis.

Each of these diseases implies a complex comprehensive treatment and long-term follow-up by specialists. If you suspect one of these problems, adults should immediately discuss their concerns with a pediatrician.

Neurotic (functional) pain

Children under the age of 5 are more likely to feign pain than actually suffer from any serious illnesses... Why is this happening? By telling that they have pain in the right or left side, the kids attract the attention of adults, or try to get what they want from them.

The classic example is paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen and in the boy's scrotum, spontaneously arising every time the baby does not want to go to kindergarten, and suddenly passing away when the parents decide to leave the child at home. Convincing complaints of pain in the left hypochondrium, often mistaken for heart problems, are not uncommon.

Simulation by a child feeling unwell not always aware. Against the backdrop of stress, many young boys and girls actually begin to experience abdominal pain every time a traumatic factor appears on the horizon. Fortunately, these neurotic conditions are completely curable. The main thing is to seek help from a qualified child psychotherapist in time.

Diagnosis of pathologies for abdominal pain

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How are abdominal pathologies diagnosed? What does the phrase “the child has a pain in the left side” say to the doctor? Surprisingly, even such scant information will be enough for an experienced pediatrician to navigate exactly where to look for a problem.

Depending on what hurts the baby - the left or right side or the lower abdomen - the baby will be prescribed appropriate tests and additional examinations. If there are difficulties with the diagnosis, the doctor may ask the child's parents for help in taking anamnesis. Adults will be instructed to keep a diary for a couple of weeks, where they need to describe in detail:

  • daily regimen and diet of the child;
  • the frequency of manifestation and the nature of the symptoms of the disease (for example, how often the left side hurt and whether the right side bothered, etc.);
  • measures taken to alleviate the condition of the crumbs.

To help doctors make a correct diagnosis, parents should monitor the nature of pain and the frequency of occurrence.

Emergency parenting assistance

What should parents do if a child complains of unbearable pain in the side under the ribs and clearly cannot wait for a doctor's visit? Emergency situations when to immediately call an ambulance will be indicated and discussed in detail below. To begin with, it is worth talking about folk remedies that allow you to quickly relieve an attack of pain in the abdominal cavity:

  • Homemade yogurt. Discomfort in the lower abdomen can be a sign of problems with the intestinal microflora. Natural fermented milk products will help replenish the number beneficial bacteria in organism. Yogurt is no less useful for those who have pricks in their side. Rich in vitamins and trace elements, this product will help the body to gather internal resources to fight any infection.
  • Ginger. The root of this plant stimulates metabolism and is good for pain and heaviness in the intestines caused by overeating. Due to the specific properties of ginger, it is strictly forbidden to give this product to children under 2 years of age. If necessary, you can replace it with a similar but safer apple cider vinegar.
  • Chamomile tea. The drink should be prepared in proportions of 1 tablespoon of herbs to a glass of boiling water. Take a couple of sips three times a day. Chamomile, along with lemon balm and mint, has a relaxing effect and relieves abdominal cramps well, regardless of the cause of their occurrence.
  • Hot water bottle (more in the article:). Bottle with hot water lying on your stomach will speed up blood circulation and help relax muscles in case of spasm, and ice can be used for quick pain relief.

Chamomile tea is safe and effective remedy against abdominal pain of various etiologies

It is worth using any of the named means with caution. For example, warm heating pads should not be used for inflammation, but for foodstuffs or herbs, the baby may even have an allergy.

“Is it worth the risk using traditional medicine? Isn't it better to give your child a pharmacy analgesic? " - most parents will naturally take an interest in this situation. "No, not better!" - answer the pediatricians.

The use of medication for self-relief from abdominal cuts is one of the strictest taboos imposed by specialists. At a wrong time taken pill analgesics can create enormous difficulties in the further diagnosis of the disease, so parents should refrain from giving their child any medications without a doctor's prescription. The same applies to laxatives used to relieve overeating.

Doctors generally do not recommend self-medication for abdominal cramps. Severe discomfort in the abdominal cavity may indicate the presence of a serious illness (in particular, colitis and other problems with the intestines are detected precisely for this symptom), requiring immediate attention to a specialist (see also:). It is important for parents not to get too carried away with folk remedies and to make an appointment with a doctor on time.

Even the most effective methods traditional medicine cannot compete with qualified medical care

When is medical attention required?

Pain in the side or abdomen (on either side) is in any case a reason to see a doctor. Especially if the spasms are sharp, difficult to bear, and the attacks themselves are repeated many times. Which specialist should you sign up for with similar symptoms?

First of all, responsible parents should show their child to a pediatrician. In most cases, the matter will be limited to a one-time examination of a small patient and the appointment of an appropriate treatment for him. If the doctor suspects the child serious problems with the organs of the abdominal cavity, then he will give the parents of the crumbs a referral for an appointment with another specialist (surgeon, gastroenterologist, etc.).

There are, however, situations when it is not possible to wait for a scheduled visit to a pediatrician. Such cases are classified as urgent and involve the immediate call of the ambulance brigade.

In particular, parents of a preschooler should immediately seek professional help if the baby has:

  • the temperature has risen sharply;
  • you have problems with bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea) and vomiting;
  • traces of blood can be seen in the stool;
  • at the same time as cramps, symptoms uncharacteristic of abdominal problems appear (for example, headache);
  • recently had an abdominal trauma.

There are also so-called "risk groups". These patients should immediately receive specialized medical attention, even if they have no other abdominal cramps. alarming symptoms... In particular, babies under 3 months old, as well as children with cancer of all ages, can apply for an immediate emergency call.

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