Naphthyzin: overdose. Overdose of vasoconstrictor drops in a child: symptoms and treatment

Naphthyzin is the most popular and accessible remedy For complex treatment rhinitis from the group of vasoconstrictor drugs. The massive prevalence of Naphthyzin is associated not only with the rapid therapeutic effect, but also low cost: the price for a bottle without a dropper dispenser in pharmacies starts from 4 rubles. The drug is sold without a prescription, so many people use it on their own without consulting a doctor. Such frivolity can cause serious consequences, since the constant and unreasonable use of Naphthyzin not only causes resistance (resistance) to the active substance, but also provokes serious systemic reactions, for example, problems with the heart or pathologies from the side. nervous systems s.

In more severe cases An overdose of the drug, as well as poisoning, is possible if a person accidentally ingests the medicine. Most often, this picture is typical for younger children. age group who do not understand the dangers of unfamiliar substances and “taste” everything. An overdose of Naphthyzine in children is dangerous due to acute hypotension, bradycardia and other work disorders the most important organs, therefore, the drug can be used only as prescribed by a doctor and strictly in the indicated dosage.

Briefly about Naphthyzin

Naphthyzin is a vasoconstrictor medicine in the form aqueous solution, which is used for symptomatic treatment acute rhinitis and facilitating nasal breathing with severe swelling of the nasal mucosa. The drug is available in the form of nasal drops and spray and pharmacological properties belongs to the group of adrenergic agonists and anticongestants. The active ingredient in the drug is naphazoline, a crystalline powder of white or yellow-white color to constrict blood vessels.

With frequent use, Naphthyzin can cause not only physical, but also psychological dependence, as well as a special type of runny nose, which is an independent nosological unit - medicinal rhinitis. The content of naphazoline in 1 ml of the drug is 1 mg - this is a safe therapeutic dose, which, with short-term use, does not cause dependence and does not have a pronounced effect. side effect on the patient's body.

Indications for the appointment of Naphthyzin are:

In some cases, a one-time use of the drug is indicated if it is necessary to examine the nasal cavity using a rhinoscope.

What dosage is considered safe?

Naphthyzin is only suitable for local application with severe swelling and hyperemia of the nasal mucosa. It can be used in adult patients for no longer than 5-7 days. For children, the maximum duration of therapy is 3 days (in exceptional cases this period can be extended to 5 days).

The dosage depends on the age of the patient and is usually:

  • children under 12 years old – 1-2 drops 3 times a day;
  • adults and adolescents over 12 years old – 3 drops 3-4 times a day.

The drug is not prescribed to children under 1 year of age.

Important! The lethal dose of Naphthyzin for an adult is 10-15 ml. This is approximately 1 bottle of the drug. In childhood, the lethal and sublethal rate is almost 2 times lower and amounts to 5-7.5 ml.

What complications can occur during treatment with the drug?

Many patients during treatment with Naphthyzin experience frequent headaches and dizziness, which completely disappear after stopping the medication. Some patients complain of nausea, lack of appetite, and in exceptional cases, a single mild vomiting is possible. In patients at risk for pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, changes were recorded blood pressure and increased frequency heart rate.

If any complications from the heart muscle are detected, treatment with Naphthyzin should be discontinued.

Causes of overdose and poisoning

  • using the drug without a doctor’s prescription;
  • long-term instillation (more than a week) and violation of the dosage regimen;
  • failure to comply with the prescribed interval between medications.

Naphthyzine poisoning in children can occur through accidental ingestion when the drug is in a visible place that the child can reach without assistance.

To prevent this from happening, all medications, even the most harmless ones, must be stored in a special case in the upper cabinets or drawers. Systemic poisoning is also possible in elderly people suffering from Alzheimer's disease, dementia syndrome and other severe pathologies of the nervous system, in which the patient is not aware of his actions and cannot control them.

Approximately 5% of cases of poisoning with Naphthyzin and its analogues occur in patients leading an antisocial lifestyle and using narcotic substances. The low cost of the drug allows it to be used as a substitute for toxic products, which often ends in acute intoxication and death.

Clinical picture of overdose and poisoning

With a local overdose, the consequences for the body are not as serious as with internal poisoning, but some of them can take chronic course. One of these consequences is atrophic rhinitis - a pathology caused by thinning of the nasal mucosa and weakening of its functions, including protective ones. Therapy atrophic rhinitis often requires surgical intervention, therefore, you should not use vasoconstrictor drugs for longer than the recommended period, as this may lead to even more serious health problems in the future.

Symptoms of local overdose may also include:

  • increased swelling up to complete nasal congestion, when the patient is forced to breathe through the mouth;
  • severe hyperemia of the mucous membrane (redness, accompanied by a burning sensation and severe itching);
  • drying out of the mucous membrane;
  • jet burn.

Treatment includes air humidification, inhalation with saline solution, frequent ventilation of the room and immediate discontinuation of the drug.

Symptoms of poisoning

In case of poisoning, the symptoms are more serious. The patient's blood pressure may drop sharply, and the heart rhythm may be disrupted (mainly towards a slower rate, but in some patients the opposite reaction develops). A common reaction in Naphthyzin poisoning is hyperthermia - an increase in temperature within the subfebrile range. The skin becomes pale, and some areas may appear blue (cyanosis). Breathing is difficult, the surface of the palms and face is covered with cold, profuse sweat, which has a sticky consistency. Other signs of pathology include:

  • convulsive syndrome;
  • tinnitus;
  • severe headache;
  • involuntary muscle twitching;
  • drowsiness;
  • nervous excitability;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Important! In severe cases, when the amount of a single dose of the drug exceeds 7-8 ml, pulmonary edema, asphyxia and a heart attack are possible, so you should not try to cope with the problem yourself: if any symptoms are detected, you must immediately call “ ambulance».

Basic therapy for poisoning

Regardless of quantity taken medication The patient undergoes gastric lavage. The procedure is performed in a hospital setting using a gastric tube. To remove toxic products and cleanse the blood, enterosorbents are used: Polysorb, Neosmectin, Papidol. To replenish the water-electrolyte complex, the victim is prescribed "Hydrovit" - a drug for providing emergency detoxification and rehydration assistance.

In case of severe poisoning, the use of glucocorticosteroid hormones, for example, Prednisolone, as well as neurotransmitters (Dopamine), is indicated. To normalize the heart rate, atropine sulfate is administered intravenously.

Naphthyzin is inexpensive and effective drug to eliminate swelling of the nasal cavity and restore respiratory function, but failure to follow the instructions can be dangerous not only to health, but also to life.

With a common runny nose and nasal congestion in children, not all parents consider it necessary to seek medical help. They use proven and inexpensive medicines that have been used for treatment for more than one generation. Among them, the most popular are naphthyzin drops. Meanwhile naphthyzine poisoning in children is quite common. The situation of poisoning is further aggravated by the fact that parents do not always associate taking naphthyzine with a deterioration in the child’s well-being.

Let's consider how dangerous naphthyzin is, in what cases poisoning occurs and what to do if it does happen.

Causes of poisoning

Naphthyzin belongs to vasoconstrictor drugs. It is effective in the treatment of rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis and other diseases of the nasal cavity. The use of the drug eliminates swelling, constricts blood vessels, allows air to enter nasal cavity and make the baby's breathing easier. Naphthyzin is effective for chronic conjunctivitis, allergies, and nosebleeds. The medicine contains the main component naphazoline and auxiliary ingredients: boric acid and distilled water.

Despite all the effectiveness of the medicine, statistics inexorably show frequent poisoning in children. To answer the question whether naphthyzin is harmful and how justified its use is, it should be remembered that children are more sensitive to the effects of this medicine. Naphthyzine is prohibited for use in infants. When treating older children, the dosage must be strictly observed.

A well-known factor is that long-term use The product is addictive and somewhat addictive. Therefore, even adults are not recommended to take the drug for more than five days.

It is a mistaken belief that poisoning occurs only if a child drinks naphthyzine. When taken as usual, an overdose of naphthyzine leads to rapid entry of the drug into the blood through the developed vascular system mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. This causes general intoxication of the baby’s body.

Thus, we can distinguish following reasons Naphthyzine poisoning in children:

  1. Inappropriate childhood percentage of solution. Often parents use a 0.1% solution. In adults, this dose does not cause side effects, and for the baby it can become dangerous. Recommended solution for children is 0.05%. On the recommendation of a doctor, a 0.025% solution can be used. To obtain it, 0.05% of the product is diluted with distilled water.
  2. Uncontrolled use of the drug or its use to treat children under one year of age.
  3. Insufficiently thought-out form of release of the drug. Naphthyzine is produced in plastic vials, which does not always allow you to accurately measure the required number of drops.
  4. Over-the-counter sales of the product, adults’ attitude to the drug as “innocent” drops.

The low price of the drug and its popularity are often the main factors in parents’ choice. Having decided to use naphthyzin, not all parents are aware of what the consequences of poisoning may be. Since naphthyzin is characterized by a short action (approximately 4-6 hours), it requires frequent use. By dripping the product into our child 4-6 times a day, parents, without even realizing it, bring the concentration of the active substance in their baby’s body to a dangerous point.

10 mg of naphthyzine can be fatal in children in the first two years of life!

In some cases, poisoning occurs when using an expired product. Parents should be very careful with packaging and throw away the medicine immediately after its expiration date.


In case of poisoning with vasoconstrictor drugs, parents first pay attention to extreme weakness and lethargy in children. Most children fall asleep quickly, and the duration of sleep is much longer than usual. But these signs may not always be alarming; sometimes they are regarded as symptoms of an underlying disease. Parents begin to sound the alarm when, in addition to weakness and increased sleepiness, children exhibit the following symptoms:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • a sharp decrease in body temperature (up to 35 C and below);
  • cold and damp skin;
  • blue lips, heavy breathing;
  • decreased appetite;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • profuse sweating;
  • reduction in heart rate.

There are 3 stages of naphthyzine poisoning: mild, moderate and severe.. With a significant overdose, the pulse and pressure drop to a critical level, and coma is possible.


If there are even minor signs of poisoning, urgent health care. Of particular danger are cases when a child, due to the neglect of adults, drinks naphthyzine or other vasoconstrictor drugs. Before doctors arrive, you need to rinse your stomach with boiled water and enterosgel.. Manganese solution is contraindicated in these cases. You can give your child activated charcoal.

The baby must be wrapped in a warm blanket, calmed down and provided with drinking plenty of fluids. You should not give milk, as it helps accelerate the entry of the drug into the blood.

At mild degree poisoning, hospitalization is not necessary. Symptoms of intoxication of the body disappear after discontinuation of the drug. A moderate, and especially severe, overdose of naphthyzine requires treatment in a hospital.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease and normalize the well-being of children, in the first minutes of doctors’ arrival, the antidote naphthyzine is used. The victim is administered atropine sulfate, taking into account the weight and age of the child. Children also need subcutaneous injection prednisone. The dosage of medications is prescribed by the doctor. In order to exclude Negative consequences poisoning, all manifestations of intoxication of the body must be stopped within 40-60 minutes. Further course of treatment and recovery in medical institution ranges from one to three days.

In some cases, doctors prescribe naphthyzine inhalations for children. They are indicated for complicated laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis. To carry them out, 0.05% naphthyzine is diluted with saline solution. The safe duration of inhalation is 3 minutes when carried out no more than 3 times a day. The procedure is quite effective if the prescribed dosage is followed. If you have a runny nose and nasal congestion, inhalations with naphthysine will not bring the desired result, so the risk in carrying them out is absolutely not justified.

How to prevent poisoning

If parents, for one reason or another, still decide to use naphthyzine to treat their children, they must observe the following precautions:

  • use only the solution intended for children, warn pharmacists about this before purchasing;
  • drip the drug no more than once every 6-8 hours;
  • use a pipette to avoid errors in maintaining the exact dose;
  • alternate the drug with other vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • do not use the drug in infants, limit its use in preschool children;
  • In case of a negative reaction of the child’s body, immediately call emergency medical assistance.

Instead of instillation, naphthyzin can be used for lotions. Cotton swabs are soaked in a 0.05% solution and placed in each nostril for 2 minutes. A new swab is used for each sinus.

Doctors recommend using naphthyzine analogues. Its main active ingredient is included in such drugs as Sanorin (regular and based on eucalyptus oil) and Naphazoline Ferein. The drugs relieve swelling and inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, facilitate breathing and eliminate signs of intoxication during infectious and viral diseases. Eucalyptus oil provides an additional anti-inflammatory effect.

For the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, chronic rhinitis, and the prevention of influenza, the Aqua Maris Baby spray is used. The drug is made on the basis of natural sea ​​water sterilized. The nasal passages are washed with Aqua Maris twice a day. The drug can be used for a long time. Provided that the instructions are followed, manufacturers guarantee the absence of side effects.

Another effective and safe means is "Aqualar Baby". Its main advantage is that it can be used from the first days of children’s lives. The release form of the product is a spray in a bottle, equipped with a convenient tip with a limiter. The medicine is also available in the form of drops. The drug has no contraindications or restrictions on use.

The listed drugs belong to more expensive drugs, but their relatively high price is compensated by their safety and effectiveness.

Wanting to alleviate the baby’s condition, parents must weigh everything possible risks and be extremely careful! The ability to purchase a vasoconstrictor without a prescription and at a low price cannot justify its uncontrolled use without preliminary consultation doctor and compliance with the instructions for use.

Colds are the most common ailments that accompany people during the cold season. They are often accompanied coughing, malaise, fever, as well as nasal congestion and runny nose, which, in the absence of timely treatment is fraught with serious complications, such as sinusitis, otitis, sinusitis, etc. To get rid of a runny nose in time and prevent the development of negative manifestations, they resort to the use of vasoconstrictors medicines. One of these is the famous medical drug Naphthyzin.
Detailed information about Naphthyzin is located

Main characteristics of the drug

The medication is a special solution based on naphthyzine of varying concentrations. Thanks to this composition, the medicine has an anti-edematous and vasoconstrictor effect, which is achieved when the drug acts on the receptors of the nasal mucosa and reduces blood flow. This effect is reflected in the elimination of swelling, easier breathing, and a decrease in the production of mucus. The medicine is prescribed for both children and adult patients, is available without a prescription and has an affordable price.

However, over-the-counter access and reasonable price do not mean that the drug can be used uncontrolled and for a long period, since Naphthyzin has quite a lot of adverse reactions, especially when long-term treatment. It is also necessary to take into account that prolonged use not only causes serious symptoms, but also develops addiction, which has a practical effect. complete absence desired effect.

Main manifestations of drug overdose

An overdose of Naphthyzine can be caused by exceeding the specified standards in the instructions, prolonged use, and also side symptoms may occur when using expired medication. You need to know that for children from 1 year to 6 years old, Naphthyzin is instilled 1 drop 2 times a day, over six years of age and adults are prescribed 1-3 drops 3 times a day, treatment course no more than 5 days. Exceeding this dosage and treatment period, as well as accidental ingestion, which is strictly prohibited, can lead to very serious consequences. The main ones are:

  • Attacks of nausea and vomiting
  • Constriction of the pupils of the eyes
  • Sudden rise in temperature
  • Blue in the face skin and mucous membranes
  • Development of tachycardia, disruption of heart rhythm
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Various types of mental disorders.

In the case of a severe form, with high doses of the drug, significant depression of the nervous system is observed, respiratory function and vasomotor centers are impaired. For the most part, this is reflected in the following symptoms:

  • Increased drowsiness and lethargy
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • By demotion temperature regime body
  • Breathing disorders
  • Decreased heart rate
  • Development of coma and pulmonary edema.

This condition is extremely dangerous and seriously threatens the patient’s life and can even result in death due to cardiac and respiratory failure. Therefore, in such a situation, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Naphthyzine overdose in children

Exceeding the norm is especially dangerous in children (medication is strictly prohibited for children under 1 year of age). It happens that even a single failure to comply with the dosage can cause very serious consequences, and a dose of 10 ml for children of the first years is considered fatal. The main factors that can lead to the development of negative symptoms are: non-compliance with the attached instructions, wrong dosage when using a plastic bottle, use a 0.1% solution instead of 0.0.5%. Large doses of Naphthyzin easily penetrate into children's body, stimulates the brain centers, reduces heart function, disrupts heart contractions and causes severe disorders.

Naphthyzine poisoning in children causes the following manifestations:

  • Mild degree. In this situation, children complain of malaise, lethargy, constant drowsiness. The child may experience pale skin, decreased appetite, moodiness, and a slight decrease in heart rate. Blood pressure remains normal.
  • Degree moderate severity. At this stage, there is pronounced weakness, a tendency to sleep, complete failure from eating, bradycardia, decreased temperature and blood pressure. The pupils react.
  • Severe form. At this degree, children develop a coma, the heart rate and blood pressure decrease significantly, the child is in critical condition, requiring immediate assistance from doctors.

In any case, if you discover signs of drug poisoning in a child, you should immediately call an ambulance and get professional help.

Treatment and first aid

At the first symptoms of Naphthyzine poisoning in children and adults in mandatory you need to stop taking the medicine and call a doctor. The doctor needs to be informed in what doses the medication was taken and how long the therapy lasted. Before the ambulance arrives, the following procedures must be carried out:

  • Place the victim in bed and cover him with a blanket to keep him warm.
  • Carry out gastric lavage, that is, the patient needs to drink several glasses warm water and induce vomiting.
  • You can also take a few tablets activated carbon, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  • Check your pulse and breathing regularly
  • Observe heart rate.

It should be noted that gastric lavage is not carried out in a state where a person is unconscious and in infants.

IN inpatient conditions healing process aimed at eliminating cardiovascular disorders and pathologies from respiratory system. In many cases, initial therapy consists of administering the antidote Naphthyzine, atropine, to the patient, taking into account the patient’s weight and age. Children are also given special doses of prednisolone. At serious problems carried out with breathing artificial ventilation lungs, treatment of edema, and certain intramuscular and intravenous injections. In case of suspension of breathing and heart function, all necessary resuscitation measures are carried out.


At mild poisoning Naphthyzin, accompanying symptoms almost always disappear within 1-2 days. In the case of a severe form, serious pneumonia may occur, sharp jumps blood pressure, the risk of stroke or heart attack increases in older people. Moreover, unfortunately, too high doses of the drug, especially in children, can even lead to death.

In order to avoid all negative manifestations of Naphthyzin, in any case you must strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage, do not exceed the prescribed treatment period, and use the product only as prescribed by the doctor.

Most people are accustomed to using vasoconstrictor nasal drops at the slightest manifestation of a runny nose in a child or adult. At the same time, there are ardent opponents of these drugs who refuse to treat a runny nose with them. Who is right? Indeed, uncontrolled spraying into the nose vasoconstrictor sprays can lead to severe consequences in adults and children. In this article we looked at the reasons why an overdose may develop. vasoconstrictor drops, symptoms and treatments for this condition.

In what cases are vasoconstrictor nasal drops used?

Vasoconstrictor drops or sprays are prescribed to treat certain diseases of the nose and ears. Just like that, for any runny nose, you shouldn’t use them neither in children nor in adults.

They are available in the form of drops or spray. They need to be instilled into both nostrils. The dosage, frequency and duration of treatment are discussed with the treating doctor.

Remember that a therapist or otolaryngologist should prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs. It is very dangerous to use them on your own; they can cause the development of chronic rhinitis, atrophy of the nasal mucosa, or drug poisoning.

Indications for the use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops:

  • Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle parts of the ear. Drops accelerate the removal of inflammation and swelling from the internal structures of the ear;
  • Eustachitis is an inflammation of the auditory Eustachian tube, in which the flow of air into the structures of the middle ear is disrupted. This disease is almost always accompanied by severe hearing loss. Vasoconstrictor drugs relieve swelling and clear ear congestion.
  • difficult nasal breathing for inflammatory bacterial or viral diseases accompanied by a runny nose.

Causes of poisoning with vasoconstrictor drops

Intoxication with these drugs most often develops as a result of their improper and independent use. Exceeding the dosage vasoconstrictor drops very dangerous and can lead to disruption of the entire body.

The causes of poisoning with vasoconstrictor drops are listed below:

  • Frequent nasal drops to improve nasal breathing. Sometimes, during acute viral processes, it is not possible to completely decompress the nose, and free breathing does not return after instilling a dose of the drug. But this does not mean that it is necessary to re-inject the medicine.
  • Incorrect dosage selection. For example, an adult dose of a vasoconstrictor drug is toxic to a child and can cause acute poisoning.
  • Parallel use of several different vasoconstrictor drugs. Only one nasal spray can be used at a time during treatment. drug group. Combining several different drops with a similar effect or the same active substance leads to the development of an overdose.
  • Accidental ingestion of nasal drops can occur in a child who finds the drug. All medications should be kept out of the reach of children.

With prolonged use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops in normal dosage, chronic rhinitis. People become dependent on a bottle of vasoconstrictor drops and carry it with them all the time.

Examples of drugs

You can find it in pharmacies a large number of a variety of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. They all have a similar effect, may differ from each other in dosage rules and active substance. Examples of drugs:

  • "Rinazolin";
  • "Naphthyzin";
  • "Otrivin";
  • "Nazol";
  • "Nesopin";
  • "Lazolvan Rino."

Overdose symptoms

The severity of intoxication directly depends on the amount of the drug injected into the nose. The larger it is, the worse condition sick. Signs of intoxication appear within the first hour after the drug enters the body.

Vasoconstrictor drops in large dosages have a direct effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Symptoms of an overdose of these drugs are listed below:

  • Constriction of the eye pupils, they become like a small dot. In this case, the pupils practically do not react to changes in light.
  • Severe dryness in the nose. Nosebleeds may develop.
  • Heart rhythm disturbance. With mild intoxication, tachycardia is observed - rapid heartbeat. Severe poisoning is accompanied by the development of bradycardia - slowing of the pulse.
  • Changes in blood pressure levels. Depending on the severity of the patient's condition, it may decrease or increase.
  • Pale and blue discoloration of the skin develops due to hypoxia and insufficient blood supply.
  • Nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief. These symptoms develop due to hypoxia and damage to the central nervous system.
  • Drowsiness and lethargy. The person feels dizzy severe weakness. A headache may develop.
  • Slow breathing.
  • Hypothermia is a decrease in body temperature below 36 degrees.
  • Impaired consciousness, up to the development of a deep coma.

First aid and treatment for overdose

What to do in case acute poisoning vasoconstrictor drops? The first thing you should do is call an ambulance. Briefly tell the dispatcher about what happened by phone and give the exact address.

If a person takes nasal drops, the stomach should be rinsed immediately. To do this, the patient needs to drink several glasses of water in one gulp and induce vomiting. Then you should drink some kind of sorbent, for example, activated carbon.

If an overdose has developed as a result of excessive instillation of the drug into the nose, rinsing the stomach or drinking sorbents is pointless. Before the doctors arrive, try to calm the patient down; you can give him plain water or sweet, weak black tea.

First aid will be provided to the patient by the doctors who arrive on call. They will do a quick examination of the patient and administer necessary medications to stabilize work of cardio-vascular system and breathing.

In case of poisoning with vasoconstrictor drops, hospitalize in toxicological or intensive care unit. There is no specific antidote. All treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms, removing the drug from the body and regulating heart function.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops help treat acute inflammatory diseases nose and ears. They help restore breathing when the nasal passages are congested. Before using these medications, you should consult your doctor. In large dosages, they can cause severe poisoning, accompanied by disruption of the heart and breathing. When the first signs of an overdose appear, you should call an ambulance. Treatment of this condition is carried out in a hospital setting.

Some vasoconstrictor nasal drops (naphthyzin, naphazoline, sanorin), often called in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and uncontrolledly used by parents as a harmless remedy, in their opinion, can cause a number of complications and even negative consequences if used incorrectly.

Some vasoconstrictor nasal drops (naphthyzin, naphazolin, sanorin), often called in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and uncontrolledly used by parents as a harmless, in their opinion, remedy, if used incorrectly can cause a number of complications and even poisoning, as it happens that children drink the medicine . The peak of accidents occurs between the ages of one and three years. How to help a child in case of poisoning. First you need to call an ambulance. Before help arrives, the child must be put down, warmed, and given a warm drink. The first signs of poisoning appear 30-40 minutes after contact with the drug. Lethargy, drowsiness, loss of appetite, pale skin, and cold sweat appear. The heart rate also decreases. Body temperature decreases. In case of severe poisoning, in addition to the above, consciousness is impaired, up to coma, and blood pressure decreases to critical levels.
To avoid such terrible consequences, use only those medications prescribed by your doctor. Do not drip more or more often than prescribed by the doctor or written in the instructions, but in general - no more than 3-5 days. Buy the drug according to age, and do not try to treat the child with the available “adults”. Keep nasal drops, like any medicines, out of the reach of children.
Be as careful and attentive as possible, because your child’s health is at stake!
