The harm of smoking to the body of adolescents: the causes of smoking. Teenage smoking - the dangers of non-childish hobbies

If tobacco smoking is dangerous for the health of an adult, then for the child's body this danger increases several times. All systems and organs are still in the development stage, has its own characteristics and state of metabolism in the body. Therefore, a child, a teenager is much more sensitive, more vulnerable to the action of any harmful substances, including tobacco poisons than an adult.
Smoking negatively affects student performance. The number of underperformers increases in classes where there are more smokers. Smoking in schoolchildren slows down their physical and mental development... The state of health, undermined by smoking, does not allow you to choose an occupation to your liking.
Smoking and the student are incompatible. School years are years of growth both physically and mentally. The body needs a lot of strength to cope with all the stress. As you know, skills, habits learned in school age, the most durable. This applies not only to useful, but also to bad habits... The sooner children, adolescents, boys, girls get acquainted with smoking and start smoking, the sooner they will get used to it, and in the future it will be very difficult to quit smoking.
Teenagers who begin to smoke become irritable, anemic, do worse in school, lag behind in sports, and get sick more often. There are significantly more repeaters among schoolchildren who smoke. Usually the guys smoke secretly, hastily, and after all, with the rapid combustion of tobacco, twice as much nicotine passes into the smoke than with the slow one.
Consequently, the harm from smoking is further exacerbated. Teenagers, as a rule, smoke a cigarette to the end, often smoke butts, that is, they use exactly that part of the tobacco that contains the most toxic substances. Buying cigarettes, the guys partly spend the money that they are given for breakfast, and, thus, do not finish. Children can often be seen smoking the whole company the same cigarette, passing it from mouth to mouth. Smoking in this way promotes the transmission of infectious diseases... It is also more dangerous to smoke cigarette butts raised from the ground or floor or begged from adults.
Smoking teenagersv primarily affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems. At the age of 12-15, they already complain of shortness of breath during exercise. Such children, first of all, become easily excitable, hot-tempered, irritable, inattentive. In adolescents who smoke, metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, especially the absorption of vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, and vitamin C is destroyed. This is the reason , what slows down general development, growth slows down. As a result of smoking, anemia and myopia often develop. Appear inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Smoking in early age impairs hearing, therefore, children who smoke tend to hear lower sounds less well.
When smoking, a teenager has a pathology visual cortex ... Havesmoking teen paints can fade, fade due to changes in visual perception of color, and the diversity of perception can decrease in general. Then flickering and double vision begins, and, finally, a decrease in visual acuity, since arising from tobacco smoke tearing, redness and swelling of the eyelids lead to chronic inflammation optic nerve... Nicotine causes changes in the retina of the eye, as a result - a decrease in sensitivity to light, increases intraocular pressure.
Smoking teenagers activates the activity of many thyroid gland, as a result of which smoking teenagers the pulse quickens, the temperature rises, there is thirst, irritability, sleep is disturbed. Due to early exposure to smoking, skin lesions occur - acne, seborrhea, which is explained by disturbances in the activity of not only the thyroid, but also other glands of the endocrine system.
Smoking disrupts normal work and rest, especially atsmoking teenagers, not only because of the effect of nicotine on the central nervous system, but also because of the desire to smoke, which appears during classes. In this case, the student's attention is completely switched to the thought of tobacco. Smokingwith reduces the effectiveness of perception and memorization teaching material, reduces the accuracy of computational operations, reduces the amount of memory.
Smoking teens do not rest during recess, like everyone else, because immediately after the lesson they rush to the toilet and, in clouds of tobacco smoke and all sorts of harmful fumes, satisfy their need for nicotine. The cumulative effect of the toxic components of the absorbed tobacco smoke causes headache, irritability, decreased performance. As a result, the student comes to the next lesson at inoperative... It is found that too early smoking retards growth. When checked, it turned out that not only growth, but also the volume of the breasts in smoking adolescents is much less than in non-smoking peers. Nicotine reduces physical strength, endurance, impairs coordination and speed of movements. Therefore, sports and smoking are incompatible.
How to keep children from smoking?
To keep your child from being fatally dangerous habit to smoke, parents need to apply several rules.
1. Policy complete refusal from smoking - NO to any kind of smoking.
2. Monitor children and adolescents closely, look for different signs the fact that your children smoke. This can be the smell of tobacco from a teenager, burned areas on clothes, the presence of lighters, matches and cigarettes in children.
3. Take an interest in your children's friends. If friends smoke, then the likelihood that your child will try to smoke increases tenfold.
4. Many parents believe that playing sports can keep children from smoking. But this is a misconception.
5. Many adolescents think that smoking nicotine-free cigarettes and hookah is not hazardous to health - this is not the case. Dependence on the process arises and subsequently leads to the use regular cigarettes... Tell your children that no form of smoking is acceptable.
6. Do not smoke yourself and always tell your children about the dangers of smoking! Do not have bad habit to smoke .

There is so much talk and writing around about the dangers of nicotine that most people are already tired of it, especially against the background of smoking doctors, ministers of the law and movie stars and show business. Everyone has almost got used to the fact that the official propaganda, which has been painting the appearance of terrible lung smokers for more than one decade, and the realities of life are going in different ways... However, if spoiling your health is a conscious choice of adults, then in the case of children and adolescents, the situation is completely different. Indeed, firstly, the effect of nicotine on a growing body is ten times more harmful, and, secondly, acquiring a pernicious habit in adolescence, many people then all their lives cannot get rid of it, although they regret it.

- this is global problem especially inherent in the countries of the post-Soviet space, where quite late they realized the complexity of the situation and began to take at least some measures. Consider what problems lie in wait for a young body with nicotine addiction, as well as the main measures for the prevention of adolescent smoking.

We also recommend reading materials about the problems of child alcoholism and the problems of adolescent drug addiction. Articles will tell about the causes of addiction, methods of prevention and treatment.

Smoking in adolescence - a blow to the young body

The medical fact is that smoking from an early age causes irreparable harm to the body, the consequences of which are manifested throughout life, even if a person subsequently quits smoking. The main problems associated with nicotine addiction in adolescents:

  • Teenage smokers increase the risk of lung cancer by 10-15 times, and this risk persists even if the person no longer smokes. One of the signs of lung cancer is a prolonged dry cough.
  • Due to clogging of the lungs and changes in the work of the thyroid gland, the load on cardiovascular system... In a non-smoking teenager, after jogging a hundred meters, the pulse is about 120 beats per minute, in a smoker it reaches 180. Moreover, the normalization of the pulse in the latter case takes much longer. The vessels lose their elasticity and narrow, as a result, the load on the heart muscle increases, which leads to its faster wear.
  • With hasty smoking secretly from parents and teachers, adolescents often inhale more intensely, thereby accelerating the pyrolysis of tobacco and paper and getting several times more tobacco poisons. And when smoking a cigarette "under the filter" teenagers risk poisoning even more, plus burn their mouth and larynx.
  • Nicotine significantly increases intraocular pressure - therefore, an early and destructive smoking habit can lead to serious eye disease- glaucoma.
  • Also, during smoking, damage to the visual cortex gradually occurs - the eyes begin to get tired quickly, color perception falls, that is, the world for a teenager begins to fade over time in literally the words. Then the image may begin to double, visual acuity may decrease and as a result, tobacco amblyopia may develop, that is, a functional impairment of vision that cannot be corrected with lenses.
  • The auditory cortex is also inhibited, with some hearing loss in the lower frequency range.
  • Due to a disorder of the thyroid gland, thirst appears and the body temperature rises.
  • The nervous system and the brain are also attacked by poisons from tobacco smoke, the child's memory deteriorates, attentiveness decreases, irritability appears, and sleep disturbances occur.
  • Metabolism is disturbed. The assimilation of vitamins B1, B6, B12 and vitamin A deteriorates. In this case, vitamin C is generally destroyed, as a result, development is inhibited, the growth of the body slows down, myopia and anemia may appear.
  • The gums and larynx become inflamed, and the teeth turn yellow and weaken, from mouth goes unpleasant smell.

Additional problems associated with nicotine use include:

  • The child eventually begins to attend obsessive thoughts about smoking, which interfere with his normal study and rest.
  • Cigarettes tend to be pocket money for food and recreation.
  • Children look for nooks and crannies to smoke, worrying about being discovered by adults and often worrying about unpleasant symptoms that accompany smoking: cough, burning sensation, nausea.
  • Nicotine, when combined with alcohol, exacerbates the effects of the latter.
  • Deterioration physical condition and brain activity will hinder the achievement of success in sports and academics.

Smoking for children and adolescents - prevention and getting rid of a bad habit

Teenagers usually look down on the statistics of diseases and the moral admonitions of adults, and it is not surprising if many adults surrounded by children smoke themselves, and then try to conduct conversations about a healthy lifestyle. Children tend to inherit adult behavior rather than decency words. On this occasion, when Armen Dzhigarkhanyan spoke aptly, he said: “ Children do not remember words - they remember the actions of adults. If whole hour read a lecture to a child, and then blow your nose in front of him, then he will only remember how you blew your nose.»This idea fully reflects the essence of the problem of adolescent smoking. As long as smoking is associated with adulthood, as long as it is not just adults who smoke, but successful actors, politicians and businessmen, adolescents will perceive the process of blowing up smoke as a sign of "cool".

Hence the conclusion on how to prevent smoking or get rid of it from a child.

  • First of all, you need to build a system of values ​​in front of the teenager, he must understand that smoking can prevent him from doing what he wants to achieve. For example, become a cool programmer, buy your own car, take first place in a sports championship, etc.
  • Second, it is necessary to try so that among the people whom the teenager wants to imitate were those who lead a healthy lifestyle, perhaps who won the addiction and spoke out about it, or at least who declares negative attitude to smoking. Of course, this cannot always be achieved directly, because some adolescents are often addicted to asocial elements that are drowning in drugs, alcohol and nicotine. Protest moods are inherent in adolescents. Therefore, the task here is to transfer this protest from the level: “I smoke, I’m cool and I don’t care at all” into the category of overcoming our weaknesses, in reaching some kind of creative heights. And let it be a hobby for drums or a skateboard, but it must be linked to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Third, it is necessary to protect children from personal bad example adults. And if you already have someone in your family who smokes, for example, a grandfather or a father, then you need to focus as much as possible on Negative consequences this habit, and not on how "cool and grown-up" it is.
  • And fourth, your child must be self-sufficient, that is, he must be able to go against a crowd of peers, be able to say “no to cigarettes”, are not afraid of ridicule and be motivated by their prospects, which are much brighter than those who are drowning in cigarette smoke.
  • And, of course, do not forget and general points traditional propaganda, an explanation of the real harm of smoking, organizational methods to discourage the purchase of cigarettes, to engage a teenager in sports, etc.

Keep in mind that if a child already smokes, then in many cases scandals or boring lectures about the dangers of smoking will not help. At best, the child will hide for several days, and then continue to smoke with even greater caution. It is much more effective to understand the root cause of smoking, because very often the children themselves do not like it, because at first they feel unpleasant burning sensation, nausea, dizziness, dryness and sore throat, and then do not feel the active effects of nicotine at all, smoking for the company, out of habit or because of painful cravings. Often, a teenager himself is no longer happy that he has contacted cigarettes, but he does not have the willpower to quit them, and then the task of the parents is to actively help him, to push him by all means towards a healthy lifestyle.

Smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease. The earlier a person starts smoking, the more problems it causes in the future. According to statistics, teenagers who smoke more often than others begin to use alcohol and drugs. Fearfully? And to us. What can you do if your teen smokes?

The problem isn't just about cigarettes. Chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes and cigars is also not a safe alternative. Are considered no less harmful tobacco products with low content resins and no additives.

Another interesting fact is that young people who have not started smoking by age 18 are likely to never start smoking, because 90% of all adult smokers started in childhood.

Despite the constant reminders about the dangers of smoking,. In order not to become one of them and to warn your loved ones, it is important to remember what the dangers of smoking and chewing tobacco are.

  • Smoking is the number one preventable cause of death in the world, as well as heart disease and lung disease. Annually 3.5 to 5.4 million people die as a result of diseases caused by smoking.
  • Electronic cigarettes and vapes that have become popular in last years do not help to get rid of nicotine addiction, since the liquid that is used in the process of smoking also contains nicotine, only in combination with harmful flavors.
  • Chewing tobacco can lead to nicotine addiction, oral cancer, gum disease, and increased risk cardiovascular disease including heart attacks.

The influence of tobacco on the body of a teenager


During adolescence, the brain is still “under construction,” so the response to smoking can be very different from that of the adult brain. The developing brain is very sensitive to the addictive properties of nicotine. , the part of the brain responsible for "executive" functions (such as controlling impulses and weighing the consequences of actions). This can change the ability to make rational health decisions, such as the decision to quit smoking.

Exposure to toxic chemicals in smoke can permanently damage hearing nerve pathways and further hearing loss. Nicotine limits the production of rhodopsin, a chemical pigment needed for night vision, which can make driving at night dangerous.


Smoking dulls the taste buds and irritates the mouth, resulting in ulcers.

The combination of stress and smoking can be difficult to get rid of.


It works in a constant stressful mode. The blood becomes thicker and more viscous. The denser the blood, the stronger heart forced to work. Viscous blood forms deadly clots that block blood flow to the heart, brain, and legs.

Smoking increases cholesterol and unhealthy fats circulating in the blood. This can lead to fatty deposits on the walls of arteries and blood vessels.


Smoking causes inflammation in the airways and lung tissues and also, destroys tiny air sacs, alveoli, which are involved in the exchange of oxygen. The alveoli cannot be repaired, therefore, by destroying them, the growth and development of the lungs is slowed down, therefore, in teenage smokers, the lungs are smaller and weaker.


The body is made up of cells containing genetic material, or DNA, that act as a "manual" for the growth and function of cells. When the DNA is damaged, the cell can spiral out of control, which can lead to tumor formation.


Teenagers who smoke are more prone to an increase in the subcutaneous fat layer on the abdomen. Excessive accumulation of fat in the abdominal area increases the chances of getting type 2 diabetes.

Smoking lowers estrogen levels in women, which can cause dry skin, thinning hair, and memory problems.

erectile disfunction

Smoking increases your risk of erectile dysfunction or impotence. Tar and chemical substances in cigarette smoke cause damage to the blood vessels and arteries that carry blood to the penis.

Blood and immune system

When a teenager smokes, the number of white blood cells, the cells that protect his body from infectious diseases, are constantly on high level... This is a sign that the body is under stress and fighting the inflammation and damage caused by tobacco.

Muscles and bones

Lack of oxygen caused by smoking makes it difficult to build muscle mass and makes muscles weaker.

In adolescence, the skeleton is actively formed. Bones need to continually form new bone in order to stay strong and healthy. The ingredients in cigarette smoke disrupt the natural cycle of bone health. The formation of a healthy bone tissue, therefore, the body begins to destroy the existing one.

Smoking Facts

One of the reasons smoking and chewing tobacco pose a health hazard is due to the fact that they contain chemical nicotine. comparable to addiction to cocaine or heroin. This means that once a person starts smoking, it will be very difficult for him to stop. Many studies confirm that young smokers are more likely to experiment with marijuana, cocaine, heroin, or other drugs.

Hookahs and e-cigarettes

There is a myth that hookahs are safer due to the fact that the smoke, passing through the water, cools.

But take a look at the black, tarry deposits that build up in the hookah hose. From the same hoses, plaque enters the mouth and lungs of smokers. Experts agree that another disadvantage of hookah is sharing, which entails an additional risk of contamination with microbes through the pipe.

Equally Dangerous These battery-operated devices use cartridges filled with nicotine, fragrances and other chemicals and convert them into vapor for the user to breathe.

Tomalog researcher with over 18 years of experience in working with children.

Vapes, alcohol, drugs - all this teens try out of curiosity. Approximately the same thing happens as with a small child who is sure to burn himself or nail his fingers with the door, no matter how much his parents warn him. Another question is how often such curiosity will be present in his life ...

Reasons for smoking among adolescents

Teenagers can start smoking or chewing tobacco for a variety of reasons

  • To blend in with peers
  • To feel like adults
  • To lose weight
  • To feel more confident and independent

There are two most common reasons teenagers start smoking: they want to look older, and they try to relax, relieve tension. Usually in the families of such adolescents, there are rather tense relationships, the child thus tries to relax and get away from problems.

Can parents fight the addiction of children to cigarettes? .. Yes. But it is very important that the relationship between parent and child is trusting.

Tomalog researcher, over 18 years of experience working with children

The psyche of a teenager is very changeable, because he is on the verge adulthood, which seems to him full of opportunities and enchanting events. In fact, they very often find themselves in a depressed and depressed state. It seems to them that everything is fine and wonderful for everyone except them, therefore, in order to get rid of this state, they are addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and computer games.

  • Do not try to intimidate the child. He should not be afraid of punishment.
  • Talk to your children about the dangers of tobacco use. Even at a very young age, a child is able to understand that smoking is harmful to the body.
  • Play sports yourself and introduce your child to this.
  • Your child's opinion is valuable to you. It is so?..
  • Discuss ways to respond to peer pressure.
  • Tell us which behavior is correct and which is not. Explain your position. Self confidence - best protection child from peer pressure.
  • Encourage teenagers to avoid friends who do not respect their reluctance to smoke.
  • Explain to your child that smoking will change his daily life... Discuss the financial side of the problem and the psychological one: how will this affect your relationship?
  • Establish clear rules against smoking and chewing tobacco in your home, explaining why smokers look and feel bad.

Tomalog researcher, over 18 years of experience working with children

Parents today look at children through the prism of 20 years of experience, which is not always appropriate. It is impossible to influence the situation with moral admonitions and instructions from above. Teenagers need grown-up friends they can trust.

How to tell if a teenager smokes?

If you smell smoke from your child's clothes, try not to overreact. Ask first if he or she is spending time with friends who smoke. Many children at different ages try to try a cigarette, but still do not become smokers.

Other signs of tobacco use include

  • Cough
  • Throat irritation
  • Hoarseness
  • Bad smell from mouth
  • Decreased athletic performance
  • Frequent colds
  • Staining teeth and clothes
  • Shortness of breath

Teens need to understand that music videos and magazines do not suggest that most teens, adults and athletes do in reality.

However, despite the influence of film, music and television, Parents have the greatest influence on children's lives.

Friendship and trust are the basis of any relationship, of course, between parents and children.

Tomalog researcher, over 18 years of experience working with children

Give examples from your life where you made mistakes and broke a lot of firewood. But explain that it's okay to be wrong, that's the learning process. It is important for children to talk about their life observations and stories. This will help them synthesize their own experiences that will keep them out of the woods.

Even if you smoke, you can still make a difference. Of course, the best you can do is quit smoking. If you are not yet successful, do not use tobacco in the presence of your children, do not offer it to them, and do not leave it where it can be easily obtained.

  • Start a dialogue about tobacco use at age 5 or 6. Many children start smoking by age 11, and at the age of 14 they are already becoming addicted.
  • Discuss with the children false glamor of tobacco on billboards and other media mass media such as films, television and magazines.
  • Get involved in community activities
  • Vote with your wallet. Support businesses that do not sell tobacco to children. Go to restaurants and other non-smoking places.
  • Make sure all school activities (e.g. parties, sporting events, etc.) are smoking-negative.
  • Call your local health department or cancer, heart, or lung association to find out how you can help.

It is alarming for several reasons.
First, those who started smoking daily in adolescence, usually smoke all their life.
Secondly, smoking increases the risk of developing chronic diseases (heart disease, cancer, pulmonary emphysema).
Thirdly, although chronic diseases associated with smoking usually appear only in adulthood, adolescents - smokers are more likely to suffer from coughing, dysfunction respiratory tract, phlegm formation, shortness of breath and other respiratory symptoms.

Reasons for smoking teenagers

What are the reasons for smoking teenagers? For smoking teen There are many reasons, here are some of them:

  • Imitation of other schoolchildren, students;
  • Feeling of novelty, interest;
  • The desire to seem adults, independent;
  • Among girls, smoking is often associated with coquetry, a desire for originality, and a desire to please young men.

However, through short-term and irregular smoking at the beginning, a very real habit of tobacco and nicotine emerges imperceptibly.
Nicotine, which is a neurotropic poison, becomes habitual and, due to established reflexes, it becomes difficult to do without it. Many painful changes do not appear immediately, but with a certain "experience" of smoking (cancer of the lungs and other organs, myocardial infarction, gangrene of the legs, etc.)
Schoolchildren, due to the fact that they care little about their health, cannot, due to immaturity, assess the severity of the consequences of smoking. For a schoolchild, a period of 10 - 15 years (when symptoms of diseases appear) seems to be something very distant, and he lives in the present day, confident that he will quit smoking at any time. However, quitting smoking is not easy, you can ask any smoker about it.

Questionnaire smoking teenage girls... When asked why do you smoke? The answers were distributed as follows:

60% of female smokers answered that it is fashionable and beautiful.
20% of female smokers answered that they want boys to like it this way
15% of female smokers said they want to attract attention this way
5% of female smokers answered that they look better this way.

At smoking in a teenager memory suffers greatly. Experiments have shown that smoking decreases the speed of learning and memory capacity.
Also, the reaction in motion slows down, muscle strength decreases, and visual acuity worsens under the influence of nicotine.

It has been established that the mortality of people who started smoking in adolescence(up to 20 years), significantly higher than among those who first smoked after 25 years.
Frequent and systematic smoking in adolescents is debilitating nerve cells , causing premature fatigue and a decrease in the activating ability of the brain when solving problems of the logical-informational type.
When smoking in a teenager, a pathology of the visual cortex occurs... Have smoking teen paints can fade, fade due to changes in visual perception of color, and the diversity of perception can decrease in general. Initially observed fast fatiguability when reading. Then flickering and double vision begins, and, finally, a decrease in visual acuity, since tearing, redness and swelling of the eyelids resulting from tobacco smoke lead to chronic inflammation of the optic nerve. Nicotine causes changes in the retina of the eye, resulting in a decrease in sensitivity to light. The same as in children born to mothers who smoke, in young smoking teenagers the susceptibility first to green, then to red, and finally to blue disappears.
V recent times ophthalmologists have a new name for blindness - tobacco amblyopathy, which occurs as a manifestation of subacute intoxication with smoking abuse. Mucous membranes of the eyes are especially sensitive to contamination with tobacco smoke. children and adolescents.
Nicotine increases intraocular pressure. Smoking cessation in adolescence age is one of the factors in preventing such a formidable disease as glaucoma.
The state of the cells of the auditory cortex after smoking in adolescence absolutely clearly and indisputably testifies to the powerful suppression and oppression of their functions. This is reflected in auditory perception and recreation of the auditory image in response to sound stimulation external environment.
activates the activity of the thyroid gland in many, as a result of which smoking teenagers the pulse quickens, the temperature rises, there is thirst, irritability, sleep is disturbed. Due to early exposure to smoking, skin lesions occur - acne, seborrhea, which is explained by disturbances in the activity of not only the thyroid, but also other glands of the endocrine system.
Everyone knows that smoking leads to premature wear of the heart muscle. Exciting the vasomotor center and affecting the peripheral vasomotor apparatus, nicotine increases tone and causes vasospasm. This increases the stress on the heart, since it is much more difficult to push blood through the narrowed vessels. Adapting to increased load, the heart grows due to an increase in volume muscle fibers... V further activities the heart is also burdened by the fact that the vessels of adolescents who smoke lose their elasticity much more intensively than that of nonsmokers.
It is known that with an increase in the number of adolescents who smoke, lung cancer has also become younger... One of early signs this disease is a dry cough. The disease can manifest itself with minor pain in the lungs, while the main symptoms are fatigue, increasing weakness, and decreased performance.
Smoking disrupts normal work and rest, especially in smoking teenagers, not only because of the effect of nicotine on the central nervous system, but also because of the desire to smoke, which appears during exercise. In this case, the student's attention is completely switched to the thought of tobacco. Smoking reduces the efficiency of perception and memorization of educational material, reduces the accuracy of computational operations, reduces the amount of memory. Smoking teens do not rest during recess, like everyone else, because immediately after the lesson they rush to the toilet and, in clouds of tobacco smoke and all sorts of harmful fumes, satisfy their need for nicotine. The combined effect of the toxic components of the absorbed tobacco smoke causes headaches, irritability, and decreased performance. As a result, the student comes to the next lesson in a non-working state.
Smoking too early has been found to retard growth. When checked, it turned out that not only growth, but also the volume of the breasts in smoking adolescents is much less than in non-smoking peers.
Nicotine reduces physical strength, endurance, and impairs coordination and speed of movement. Therefore, sports and smoking are incompatible.
Such is the cost of smoking for young people... Unfortunately, by virtue of age characteristics adolescents do not fully understand the degree detrimental effects smoking tobacco .

Prevention of smoking in adolescents

Prevention of smoking in adolescents- the topic is quite relevant, not only in schools among adolescents but also all over the world. Basics of propaganda healthy way lives should be laid with adolescence, namely within the walls of the school.
Nicotine in the form of cigarettes is the most common (along with alcohol) psychoactive substance... Over the past two decades, adult smoking has declined significantly in developed countries, and in developing countries - increased. The situation in our country is unfavorable, the same as in developing countries, the number smokers not only grows, but is active and younger. In Europe and the United States, smoking prevention is being actively pursued: anti-smoking advertising is being carried out, advertising of a healthy lifestyle is doing everything to improve the health of the nation. And tobacco companies are forced to look for a sales market! Russia is exactly the country where smoking prevention not only forgotten, but on the contrary, there are active advertising campaigns for smoking. The worst thing is that even young girls are actively involved in such advertising of smoking. What is there smoking prevention? When crowds across the country are getting more and more busy smoking prevention, but on the contrary by the imposition of smoking! That is why the number of smokers among young people is steadily growing.
According to a survey among schoolchildren, smoking - serious problem adolescents: the overwhelming majority of schoolchildren smoked at least once in their life, 50-70% of boys and 30-40% of girls smoke by the senior grades.
All this determines certain requirements for the prevention of smoking. Today, school teachers notice such a tendency, if they used to give lectures on how not to start smoking, today there is a need to give lectures to schoolchildren on how easy it is to quit smoking !!!

Goals: identify and talk about the causes and dangers of smoking teenagers; to study the effect of nicotine on the body of a teenager.

Carrying out methods: story, conversation, explanation.

Location: classroom.

Time spending: 45 minutes


1. Introductory part:

  • org. moment;
  • survey

2.Main part:

  • learning new material


  • repetition;


That in recent decades average age starting to smoke has significantly decreased, and among them the number of girls and girls has increased quite noticeably, - irrefutable fact, which is very disturbing for hygienists, narcologists and society as a whole.

This raises a number of questions, for example: why do people start smoking. What is the reason for this smoking at an early age?

For example, in Norway, the Cancer Society surveyed a large group of young people and found that by the age of 13, more than half of boys and many girls smoke. In Ireland, 44% of high school students were boys and 33% of girls. At least 4.5 million schoolchildren smoke in the United States. Statistical analysis shows that more than half of smokers started smoking before the age of 16.

The desire to appear more mature, to feel like a “real man” is one of the main reasons for boys to start smoking. For some adolescents, smoking is a symbol of self-affirmation and protest against the smoking ban, which seems arbitrary to the adolescent. Girls and women most often start smoking in pursuit of "fashion", out of coquetry and imitation of men. Some girls justify smoking by the fact that it supposedly prevents them from gaining weight. Indeed, smoking sometimes leads to weight loss. This is due to the fact that nicotine has a negative effect on metabolic processes, impairs appetite. However, it should be borne in mind that there are more effective and safe methods reducing body weight, in particular moderate food intake and exercise.

At first, when a teenager starts smoking, the body prevents the introduction of poison (sore throat, nausea, coughing, dizziness). Then the smoking habit becomes so strong and irresistible that the adolescent becomes addicted and addicted.

Smoking is very harmful to the health of adolescents. Their nervous and cardiovascular systems are severely affected. The complexion is usually pale with an earthy tinge. A cough appears, anemia (anemia) often develops. General development is inhibited, growth is delayed, myopia is noted, memory weakens, intelligence and attention decrease. Teenagers become irritable, distracted, and do poorly at school.

It should be noted that teens usually buy the cheapest brands of cigarettes, in which the nicotine content is much higher than in the expensive ones. In addition, they smoke a cigarette to the end (and the largest amount of nicotine, as is known, is contained in its end), and they smoke quickly, as they often smoke in hiding. At the same time, due to the rapid combustion of tobacco, it is released into the smoke a large number of nicotine and other toxic substances. All this contributes to significant poisoning of the body. Sometimes adolescents pick up and smoke someone else's cigarette butts, which can lead to infection with helminths (worms) or infectious diseases.

The effect of nicotine on the body of a teenager.

Nicotine- one of the most strong poisons vegetable origin... Birds die if a glass stick moistened with nicotine is brought to their beak; for a person lethal dose- 2-3 drops; that's about 20-25 cigarettes. The smoker does not die because this dose of nicotine is introduced gradually (during the day), and not in one step, as well as as a result of partial neutralization of the poison with formaldehyde of tobacco tar.

It should be noted that smoking exists in two completely different clinical varieties: in the form of a smoking habit and in the form of tobacco dependence. In the second variant (let's call it "Thirst"), the smoker develops a pathological, painful attraction to tobacco, while in the first it is not formed. Because of outward signs addictions to tobacco are the same for all smokers (a gradual increase in the number of cigarettes smoked per day, attraction to the smell of tobacco smoke), the difference between the two types of smokers can be established only when they try to quit smoking. Those who smoke only out of habit can become non-smokers completely painlessly, without any medical care and eventually forget that they smoked. And those who have developed a tobacco addiction, with all their desire, cannot permanently quit smoking, even if their first days without tobacco pass relatively well. Sometimes, after a long break, they have a relapse. This means that smoking has left a deep mark on the mechanisms of memory, thinking, mood and metabolic processes in the body. According to the available data, out of 100 systematic smokers, only 7 smoke as a result of habit.

What is nicotine - the culprit in the formation of tobacco addiction?

Nicotine is an extremely strong poison, not inferior in toxicity to hydrocyanic acid. In small doses, it stimulates the nervous system, in large doses it causes paralysis: respiratory arrest, cessation of the heart. Repeated absorption of nicotine with frequent smoking forms nicotinism - chronic poisoning, as a result of which memory and performance decrease, there is persistent cough with phlegm. One of the devastating consequences of nicotine poisoning is: shaking hands, unsteady gait, a teenager is either hot or cold, while the heart is beating like a hammer, then it stops.

Nicotine is the main component of tobacco smoke that causes devastating changes v spinal cord, inflammation of the lumbosacral plexus. Due to its effect on the adrenal glands, after each smoked cigarette, the amount of corticosteroids circulating in the blood significantly increases compared to the norm, as well as adrenaline and norepinephrine, which are involved in the regulation of the most important physiological functions organism. Adrenaline, in particular, constricts blood vessels, as a result of which the blood pressure... Nicotine increases the stroke volume of the heart and the rate of myocardial contraction. And since coronary vessels heavy smoker, as a rule, are constricted and do not deliver the necessary portions of oxygen to the myocardium, arises oxygen starvation heart muscle ( ischemic disease hearts). The situation is aggravated by the fact that less oxygen is supplied to other organs and tissues. After all, part of the hemoglobin, instead of carrying oxygen to them, attaches carbon monoxide contained in cigarette smoke.


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5. V.V.Delaru "The disastrous cigarette". 2nd edition, 1987.

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