Diagnosis of squamous metaplasia of the glandular epithelium of the cervix. Background and precancerous diseases of the cervix Squamous metaplasia of the integumentary epithelium


Cervical metaplasia often leads to the appearance of cancerous tumors. In case of untimely diagnosis and absence drug therapy possible Negative consequences. The presented pathology in most cases develops in women over 45 years of age. But sometimes patients at a young age also turn to doctors.

With the progression of cervical metaplasia, there is a possibility of malignancy in the future, so it is important to identify the disease at the initial stage. That is why it is necessary to visit your doctor regularly for examination.


Main factor of progression cervical metaplasias are pathogenic bacteria.

In most cases, patients are diagnosed with papillomavirus, which can be transmitted to the female genital organs. As a result of such exposure, papillomas and condylomas of the cervix develop.

The infection can last for a long time cervix without obvious signs. After bacteria penetrate the body, they can cause the development of ureoplasma, gonococci and chlamydia. The latter penetrate the cells and remain in them for a long time.

The causes of cervical metaplasia are difficult to determine, but scientists have proven that the main factor is infection by the human papillomavirus. It plays an important role in the progression of changes in cell tissues.

Risk factors

Are common

These include bad habits, alcoholic drinks, unhealthy diet, poor environmental situation and consumption of carcinogenic products. During pathological changes in the body, activity and protective reactions decrease. Morphological and functional changes occur inside the body.


This group of risk factors includes early start sexual life, promiscuous sex life, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, frequent mechanical abortions, disruption of normal hormonal levels and traumatic injuries.


Pathological changes are observed in patients of different ages, therefore, when the first signs appear, it is important to immediately seek help from a doctor. The healthy epithelial layer of the cervix has the following structure:

  • flat stratified non-keratinizing epithelium - it is located near the vaginal canal and is its continuation;
  • intermediate zone - this layer is located near the cervix;
  • columnar epithelium - it lines the entire cavity of the cervix and cervical canal.

If pathogenic bacteria do not affect the cervix, then all the layers do not mix with each other, and a clear boundary is clearly visible.

After penetration of the viral agent, a disease such as cervical metaplasia begins to develop. Pathogenic bacteria penetrate inside the cells and the integrity of the nuclear membranes is disrupted. They begin chaotic division and epithelial cells with nuclear atypia appear. It is for this reason that it is important to start treatment on time.

Affected cells will not be able to ensure normal protein synthesis within the body, so dysplastic processes develop. Due to such disorders, cervical metaplasia appears.


In most cases, metaplasia in the cervix occurs without obvious signs and symptoms. But every woman should know the common clinical manifestations to detect in time pathological changes in the body and begin treatment.

Cervical metaplasia means dangerous condition and the presence of morphological changes in the body.

For this reason, it is important for women to undergo regular screening. As cervical metaplasia progresses, sexual intercourse becomes painful and discomfort appears. This is due to the fact that the dysplastic epithelium begins to be injured and bleed. During menopause, the symptoms are less pronounced and women often confuse this disease with menopause, so they do not seek help from a doctor.

Metaplasia causes the appearance of condylomas, infectious diseases and cervical erosions. In women, discharge begins to increase, having a milky tint and a cheesy consistency. At the same time, a specific and characteristic odor appears.


There are several forms of cervical metaplasia:

  • immature;
  • squamous;
  • squamous metaplasia in combination with dyskaryosis.

To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to take smears from the vagina. During diagnosis, specialists note the small size of the cells and blurred boundaries. Cells of the cytoplasm are distinguished by their disturbed structure and the presence of structural elements.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnose cervical metaplasia possible during preventive examination at the gynecologist.

A biopsy is required to confirm the diagnosis and identify malignant lesions. Doctors carefully examine all histological types of tissue. If there are no signs of malignant transformation in the epithelial tissues, then doctors may not prescribe treatment.

Treatment is prescribed exclusively on an individual basis and after a comprehensive diagnosis. It is also important to take smears to assess the condition of the cells and their boundaries. Colposcopy may be required for additional examination. The doctor will thoroughly examine the structure of the cervix using special device, which displays the image on the monitor screen. Thanks to this diagnostic method, the specialist will be able to examine in detail areas of metaplasia that cannot be seen during a routine preventive examination.

Treatment methods

After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment to prevent the development of cancerous tumor.

Therapy can be conservative or surgical, Therefore, it is assigned exclusively on an individual basis.


Metaplasia of viral origin is treated medicines who have antiviral effect. The drugs suppress the activity of viruses and prevent them from multiplying.

If bacteria are present in the smear, it is advisable to prescribe treatment with antibacterial drugs. Patients take complex preparations are antibiotic and antifungal agents. Squamous metaplasia treated with vaginal anti-inflammatory suppositories and medications that increase immunity.


If drug treatment doesn't bring positive results, then the doctor makes a decision about surgical intervention. It includes laser vaporization, cone exposure, electrocoagulation and cervical curettage. The choice of treatment depends on the doctor’s testimony and the results of the diagnosis.

Metaplasia refers to serious illnesses which develop in the cervix. This pathology requires treatment initial stage development to prevent the appearance of cancer. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to regularly visit a gynecologist for examination.

Metaplasia. The essence of metaplasia is that cambial cells of tissues under unusual conditions begin to differentiate into structures that are not characteristic of a given organ, i.e. one differentiated tissue is replaced by another differentiated one. At the same time, metaplastic tissue and its cells do not have signs of atypia, and metaplasia itself is reversible, which characterizes it, unlike dysplasia, as a benign process. Metaplasia is usually a response to damaging influences and allows the tissue to survive in unfavorable conditions. For example, the appearance of phylogenetically more ancient intestinal epithelium in the stomach is regarded as an adaptive mechanism in response to infection of the stomach with H. pylori.

It is generally accepted that in most cases there is no direct connection between metaplasia and cancer. However, in metaplastic foci, signs of neoplastic development - dysplasia - may subsequently appear, which constitutes an increased risk of cancer. From these positions, metaplasia is usually considered as a background condition.

Dysplasia . According to WHO experts, precancerous changes include dysplasia, which is characterized by insufficient and incomplete differentiation of stem cells and impaired coordination between cell proliferation and maturation. In most organs, dysplasia develops against the background of previous hyperplasia associated with chronic inflammation or dyshormonal disorders, but it can also occur de novo, those. immediately as such.

The term “dysplasia” refers to deviations from the normal structure of the entire tissue complex (and not just the appearance of cells with signs of cellular atypia).

In all organs, with epithelial dysplasia, an expansion of the germinal zones is always observed, accompanied by a violation of the histostructure and proliferation of cambial, immature cells with varying degrees of atypia. Based on this, WHO experts defined epithelial dysplasia as a triad: 1) cellular atypia; 2) impaired cell differentiation; 3) violation of tissue architectonics.

In normal epithelium there is a clear stratification, i.e. the cells are arranged in ordered layers, and the germinal zone - the basal layer of epithelial cells - is of insignificant width.

For grade I dysplasia the epithelium differs from normal only in the tendency to proliferation of the basal layer of cells (i.e., expansion of the germinal zone), and the cells only show signs of atypia. Epithelial cells begin to lose their polar orientation in the architectonics of the integumentary layer, which leads to a change in stratification.

With II degree dysplasia proliferating basal cells occupy more than half the height of the epithelial layer, cell atypia is observed mainly in its middle layers, i.e. stratification is aggravated and the epithelium in such foci acquires a multirow-multilayered structure. Ill degree of dysplasia characterized by the replacement of immature cells from the basal layer of almost the entire epithelial layer. Only in its upper row are mature cells preserved. Pathological mitoses are observed. Cellular atypia increases, the stratified epithelium loses its zonal structure, acquiring “architectonic anarchy.” The disruption of cell stratification and the transformation of the epithelium into a multi-row, multi-layered layer progresses. The basement membrane is preserved. These changes are close to the level of carcinoma in situ,

With dysplasia, distinct changes in the activity of all regulators of intercellular relationships are detected: adhesive molecules and their receptors, growth factors, proto-oncogenes and oncoproteins produced by them. Moreover, genetic rearrangements can significantly precede morphological changes and serve as early signs of pretumor changes. Over time, dysplasia can regress, be stable, or progress. The dynamics of the morphological manifestations of epithelial dysplasia largely depend on the degree of severity and duration of its existence. A low degree of dysplasia has virtually nothing to do with cancer. The reverse development of mild and moderate dysplasia is observed everywhere. Therefore, grade I-II dysplasia is often classified as an optional precancer.

Stages of tumor formation : 1) hyperplasia ≫ 2) benign tumors≫ 3) dysplasia ≫ 4) cancer in situ≫ 5) invasive cancer. Often in this chain one of the links may be missing, most often the second. This chain of successive changes is also called morphological continuum.

The term “early cancer” was first proposed for gastric cancer. Later the main criteria were formulated early cancer any localization. Basically, it is a well-differentiated tumor in

within T1, most often with an exophytic form of growth, without regional and distant metastases, that is, this is cancer that does not extend beyond the mucous membrane, epidermis of the skin, or other tissue on which it arose. In practice, the tumor should not extend beyond T1NOMO.

Early cancer is a clinical and morphological concept, based on a careful study of operational data and the removed specimen. The exact characteristics of early cancer depend on the organ affected, but The main symptom of early cancer is that the tumor is limited to the mucous membrane. For some

localizations (mucous membranes of the lips and oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, bronchi, cervix, etc.) early cancer is carcinoma in situ. For cancer internal organs lined with glandular epithelium (stomach, intestines, endometrium) and parenchymal organs (breast, thyroid, prostate gland, etc.), the concept of “early cancer” may be somewhat broader and may not coincide with the concept of “carcinoma in situ” due to the peculiarities of the architectonics of the mucous membranes these organs. In principle, early cancer could be called stage I of the disease - a tumor within the parenchyma of an organ without metastases. However, due to the lack of uniformity in the biological behavior of neoplasms of different localizations, as well as the difference in diagnostic capabilities, the term “early cancer” must be clarified in each specific situation. In one case it may be only carcinoma in situ, in another - minimal or small cancer without metastases, in the third - T1N0M0.

Small cancer is an invasive cancer, the smallest tumor (usually 1 cm in diameter), confidently determined by clinical research methods.

The term “early” implies a certain stage of malignancy, when the tumor is localized, there are no metastases, and a favorable outcome of radical treatment can be predicted with great certainty.

For example, carcinoma in situ of the stomach, which is an example of early cancer, can occupy an area of ​​up to 10-12 cm in diameter; metastases, as a rule, are absent, long-term results of treatment are the most favorable. On the other hand, very small stomach cancer can have invasive properties and be a source of extensive metastases (lympho- and hematogenous).


Cervical pathologies affect more than 80% of women who are in reproductive age. However, pathology is different from pathology. Some may not pose a threat to a woman’s life, while others inevitably lead to cancer. This article will discuss cervical metaplasia. Let's talk about how dangerous this disease is and how to cure it.

What is cervical metaplasia?

The very concept of metaplasia implies changes in the cells of the cervix, which lead to pathology. Simply put, cervical metaplasia is a precancerous condition. If you do not urgently treat this pathology, then in almost 100% of cases it will develop into cancer.

This disease most often occurs in patients who have reached the age of fifty. Metaplasia is very rare in young girls. On late stage This disease is quite difficult to cure; it is easier to eliminate it in its infancy. This is why all women undergoing menopause are advised to regularly visit a gynecologist.

Let's discuss in detail all the nuances of cervical metaplasia, so that when faced with it, we have a complete understanding and plan of action. See below for a photo of this pathology.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Most possible reasons the formation of cervical metaplasia are viruses and bacteria that live in genitourinary system women. The most dangerous is the oncogenic type papillomavirus. After all, it is the one that precedes cancer formations.

In addition to this virus, other infections also cause cervical metaplasia:

  • herpes;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasma;
  • gonococci;
  • toxoplasma.

By themselves, they do not cause changes in cells, but their long-term presence in the body will lead to chronic inflammatory process. And it, in turn, will cause changes in the cells of the cervix, which will lead to oncology.

Indeed, everything in our body is interconnected. Without noticing a minor problem, you can lead to incurable consequences. How important it is to do everything on time!

Risk factors

There is a group of patients who are at risk of developing cervical metaplasia. These are patients who are predisposed to cancer. What can indirectly contribute to the development of such a pathology. There are two groups.

General factors. These include things that weaken the immune system and cause changes in the body.

  • Smoking tobacco;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • poor environmental living conditions;
  • constant work in hazardous industries;
  • food containing carcinogens.

Local factors. These are the factors that are inherent specific organism and its changes. For example:

  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • mechanical damage to the genital organs;
  • constant inflammation;
  • frequent abortions;
  • promiscuity.

All these reasons are not capable of independently causing cervical metaplasia. However, having additional diseases, together all these factors can contribute to the development of pathology.


The main danger of cervical metaplasia is that it often occurs without any clinical manifestations. The woman is not worried about anything, so she will not go to the doctor. But in fact, she began to develop pathological processes in the cells of the cervix. If left unnoticed, they will develop into dysplasia and then into cancer. Be sure to visit your gynecologist once a year and get screened for metaplasia.

Still sometimes this pathology makes itself felt. Symptoms usually appear as a combination with another pathology. For example, cervical metaplasia often accompanies the following diseases:

  • erosion;
  • papilloma;
  • condyloma;
  • infection.

With such concomitant problems, the patient experiences the following problems:

  • failure of the menstrual cycle (too long or too short intervals);
  • constant pain during sex (this is caused by the fact that the integrity of the epithelial coating is damaged);
  • discharge (cheesy, brown, milky, bloody);
  • changes in hormonal levels (sharp increase or decrease in body weight, rash).

Women going through menopause often attribute these symptoms to menopause. They believe that all this should happen during menopause and therefore do not go to the doctor. However, this is not correct.

Forms of the disease

The disease has three forms. They do not in any way affect the process of the disease, but they have different forecast to recovery. Another point that led to the division of metaplasia into types is that the epithelium in the cervix has different types.

  • Immature metaplasia of the cervix. This form is the least favorable for the patient's health. It is very difficult to attribute these pathological cells to a specific type of epithelium. In the smear, the doctor observes pathological cells that are small in size and randomly located in the epithelium. The cytoplasm of the cervical cells is disrupted.
  • Squamous metaplasia of the cervix with dyskaryosis. Dyskaryosis is a phenomenon of abnormal division in the nucleus in the form of mitoses. This type is more differentiated compared to immature metaplasia.
  • Squamous metaplasia of the cervix. The epithelium has the characteristics of a normal cell. Only the arrangement of the cells is abnormal. Problem cells are located in the cervical canal area.


The main thing in examining a woman for metaplasia is the correct work gynecological smear. IN smear epidermal cells are located. If the material is not collected in full, it will be impossible to track the development of pathology. For what reasons is the material for analysis considered inferior?

  • Negligence when collecting material;
  • The cervix is ​​difficult to see in the mirror;
  • All conditions for collecting material for examination for metaplasia have not been met;
  • The smear was taken thin or thick;
  • The material is not colored enough for research;
  • Presence of blood in the smear;
  • The smear is poorly distributed on the laboratory glass;
  • There are foreign substances in the smear (lubricant, sperm, gel, cream, etc.)

In addition to the smear, you should carry out additional methods diagnostics

Colposcopy. This is an examination of the cervix using a special magnifying colposcope. The cervix is ​​preliminarily stained with a solution, which allows visualization of damaged areas of the cervix. With help this method diagnostics, it is possible to detect cervical metaplasia, even if it was not visible during examination on the mirror.

Scraping. The uterine cavity is scraped to examine its contents for the presence of atypical cells.


This disease is treated by two methods. First apply conservative treatment drugs, and then, if it does not bring results, they begin surgery. Let's start looking at the treatment regimens in order.

Conservative method. It includes treatment with medications. These drugs will be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the metaplasia. Since this is the main cause of viral etiology, treatment will be aimed at eliminating viruses and bacteria. If metaplasia is caused by human papillomavirus, then active drugs are Panavir and Genferon.

Panavir Available in the form of suppositories, tablets and injection solutions. The usual regimen for taking suppositories is 1 suppository twice a day. Reception time is 30 days. The course can be repeated in a month. The cream is applied to the external genitalia twice a day for two weeks.

Genferon. 1 suppository in the vagina twice a day for 10 days. The course can be repeated in a month.

If metaplasia is caused by bacteria in the vagina, then a course is prescribed antibacterial therapy. Several drugs are effective.

Terzhinan. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina once a day for 10 days. These drugs eliminate itching and other associated unpleasant manifestations of metaplasia. After passing the tests, the course can be repeated.

Neotrizol. These are suppositories that need to be inserted into the vagina at night. The course of treatment is about 8 days. If after eight days the unpleasant symptoms do not go away, then the course should be continued.

Surgical method of treatment. If metaplasia has reached heavy level, and conservative treatment has not yielded results, then they resort to surgical method treatment. It includes:

  • Canal curettage is a rather crude method of treatment. It is used when other methods are not available.
  • Cone cutting is cutting off a piece of the cervix with the affected area. The advantage is complete removal affected area. However, the method is still invasive.
  • Electrocoagulation is the effect of non-metaplasia with electric current.
  • Laser therapy – pathological cells are evaporated by laser.


The main thing is to exclude factors that may affect the process of metaplasia development. And this:

  • Smoking and drinking;
  • Binge eating;
  • Use of GMO products in food;
  • Unsanitary conditions in caring for the genitals.

Not standard method prevention is vaccination against cervical cancer. The question of whether to take it should be decided by a woman individually with her doctor.

So, cervical metaplasia has a positive prognosis for treatment if it is noticed in time and treatment is started in a timely manner. The main thing is to prevent the development of cancer.

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Cervical metaplasia seems to be a frightening diagnosis. Women over 50 years of age are more susceptible to the disease. The pathological process can be detected during a routine gynecological examination, but for proper differentiation it is necessary to perform a detailed examination.

Cervical diseases occupy a leading place among all pathologies of the pelvic organs in women. While some of them do not pose a serious danger, others can lead to cancer.

Squamous metaplasia of the cervix - what is it?

Metaplasia in women on the cervix does not appear unexpectedly. This disease develops over time and represents a change in the epithelial layer of the mucous membrane.

Metaplasia– the process of replacing differentiated cells of one type with others while maintaining the type and affiliation of the tissue.

Metaplastic epithelium of the cervix is ​​formed as a result of pathological processes occurring in the pelvic cavity of a woman. Normally, the cervix is ​​divided into two main parts: squamous and columnar epithelium.

Metaplasia means their mixing, whereas in the normal state they have clear boundaries. Pathology can develop due to layering squamous epithelium to cylindrical.

Also, as a result of uncontrolled cell division, replacement of part of the squamous epithelium with cylindrical epithelium can occur. The disease is benign tumor processes, but malignancy cannot be ruled out.

Types of metaplasia

Squamous metaplasia has several types of cervical lesions. The type of pathology can only be reliably established based on diagnostic results. The nature of the disease does not affect the course, but plays a decisive role in the choice of treatment tactics.


It is difficult to diagnose and for this reason poses a serious threat, since the risk of malignancy is not reduced. During examination, cells are found different shapes and with different boundaries. The difficulty of diagnosis lies in the difficulty of determining the identity of the detected epithelium.


Accompanied by the replacement of cells, which at first glance do not differ from those natural for this area. The main feature that attracts attention is the unusual location. This disease is characterized by the extension of squamous epithelium beyond the intermediate zone.

Squamous with dyskaryosis.

It is the easiest to differentiate. Being a mature form, the pathology is characterized by abnormal division in the nucleus and cell formation same shape.


Metaplasia of the epithelium on the cervix occurs as a result of exposure to aggressive agents, which are usually bacteria and viruses. The latter pose a particular danger.

Human papillomavirus and virus herpes simplex certain types lead to malignancy of the mucous membrane, and this, in turn, can be fatal. Among the bacteria that can provoke a pathological process are:

  • Chlamydia;
  • Ureaplasma;
  • Toxoplasma;
  • Gonococci.

The risk group includes women who have had any interventions in the uterine cavity (abortions, curettage, diagnostic procedures). The disease can also be triggered by unfavorable factors: bad habits, frequent change of sexual partners, non-compliance intimate hygiene.

Diagnosis and clarification of diagnosis

Squamous metaplasia is not difficult to detect on the mucous membrane of the cervix. During gynecological examination Using a mirror, the doctor is able to determine that the epithelium has an unnatural structure, and its boundaries are broken or displaced.

Nothing more can be learned about the pathology during examination. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an examination, which includes the following list of manipulations:


The mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​studied with multiple magnification, processed chemical compounds, allowing the reaction to determine the location increased risk malignancy.


A portion of the epithelium is collected and histologically studied, which provides accurate data on the nature and stage of the pathology.

Cytological examination.

Biomaterial is taken from several areas of the cervical mucosa, which makes it possible to determine the pathological process.

Bacteriological research.

Reveals presence pathogenic microorganisms in a smear.

Comprehensive diagnostics allows you to find out maximum information about the type of disease and differentiate it from others with similar clinical manifestations: leukoplakia, cervicitis, polyps and the like.

The clinical picture of metaplasia is characterized by the appearance of colored discharge, breakthrough bleeding and pain during mechanical action on the cervical mucosa.

Can metaplasia be cured?

For the treatment of cervical metaplasia, it is initially used medicinal method. It involves the use of drugs whose action is aimed at eliminating the provocateur of the pathology.

If defined viral infection, then medications are prescribed Panavir, Genferon and Kipferon. If bacterial pathology is detected, apply Terzhinan, Neotrizol, Macmiror and others. The course of treatment combines oral medications and local medications.

If conservative therapy did not bring the desired result, the patient is prescribed surgical treatment, which involves:

  • Curettage of the cervical canal and uterus;
  • Conical removal of the affected area;
  • Electrocoagulation with cauterization by current;
  • Laser exposure and evaporation of unnatural cells.


With timely detection and treatment, metaplasia has a favorable prognosis. After identifying the cause of the pathology and eliminating it, the mucous membrane is able to recover on its own.

Carrying out surgical treatment requires mandatory drug therapy in the future. In the absence of treatment and progression of the pathological process, the prognosis will be disappointing.

The disease is prone to malignancy, especially when viral etiology. Therefore, patients should not leave it to chance.

Cervical metaplasia is not a life-threatening pathology, but it is considered precancerous condition Therefore, targeted therapy helps prevent the development of a malignant tumor of the cervix. Treatment of cervical metaplasia is a prerequisite for restoration of work reproductive system.

Metaplasia is a pathological condition characterized by the replacement of one type of tissue by another, but with the preservation of the original epithelial histotype. As a rule, the new tissue type is more predisposed to existing ones. harmful factors microenvironment. Most often, the process of tissue replacement affects the connective and epithelial layer of tissue.

In this condition, foci of dysplasia are often observed. It is these areas with low differentiation tissues that often become the focus of proliferation malignant tumors. Squamous metaplasia of the cervix is ​​a pathological condition that is characterized by the replacement of the normal existing single-layer columnar epithelium with stratified squamous epithelium. It is squamous metaplasia that most often becomes a springboard for the appearance of cancerous tumors.

Etiology and pathogenesis of metaplasia development

Metaplasia is a common pathological condition that occurs in approximately 30% of women of childbearing age. Not in all cases such changes lead to the appearance of malignant tumors. Provoke development pathological condition can many external and internal factors, including:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • inflammatory processes of various etiologies;
  • smoking;
  • taking alcohol and drugs;
  • violations of personal hygiene rules;
  • taking certain medications;
  • contact with harmful chemicals;
  • performing abortions;
  • injuries;
  • uncontrolled use of contraceptives;
  • infectious lesion;
  • erosion healing process;
  • chronic diseases of the reproductive system.

It is worth noting that epithelial replacement is long-term.

A special role in the development of this condition is played by reserve or so-called stem cells, which do not have clear differentiation at the initial stage of their existence, and then acquire certain features inherent in one or another histological type.

Most often, the single-layer prismatic epithelium that usually characterizes the cervical canal is replaced by squamous epithelial cells, which are normal in the vagina. At normal operation reproductive system there is a clear boundary between these two species epithelial tissue. Disturbance in the arrangement of epithelial cells is characteristic feature metaplasia.

Considering that metaplasia is still largely not pathological process, but physiological, developing as a result of adaptation of the woman’s body to the existing unfavorable conditions, in the vast majority of cases the development of tissue replacement in the cervix is ​​not accompanied by the appearance of obvious symptoms.

Methods for diagnosing and treating metaplasia

Metaplasia of the epithelium is not a cause for particular concern, since during normal operation of all body systems, such replacement of one type of epithelium by another type in most cases does not provoke the appearance of obvious abnormalities and symptomatic manifestations. At the same time, this condition requires constant monitoring, since in the future it can lead to the appearance of areas with undifferentiated tissues, which can become the focus of the formation of a malignant tumor.

As a rule, metaplasia is diagnosed when gynecological examinations to identify other diseases of the reproductive system in women. If there are suspicions of the presence of foci with malignant degeneration of epithelial tissue, a biopsy may be prescribed to determine the histological type of tissue.

In the absence of signs of malignant transformation of epithelial tissue, doctors can take a wait-and-see approach and do not prescribe any treatment for the pathology.

When determining the process that triggered the development of epithelial tissue replacement, targeted drug treatment is required specifically primary disease. Both mature and immature metaplasia require constant monitoring by a gynecologist, so women with this pathology are recommended to undergo a preventive examination at least once every 3 months. Constant monitoring of the condition allows for the timely detection of malignant formations that can develop against the background of such changes in the tissues of a woman’s body.
