Treatment and prevention of conjunctivitis in dogs. Causes of eye inflammation. Features of typical and rare eye diseases in dogs

On early stages It is almost impossible to identify eye diseases in dogs, but in modern hospitals it is possible to diagnose retinal detachment, cataracts, glaucoma and treat them effectively. They mainly ask for medical assistance with blepharitis, conjunctivitis and keratitis, diseases of an inflammatory nature.

Eye diseases in dogs are difficult to recognize in the early stages

The dog's eyeball is covered from above and below by eyelids that have eyelashes, and is covered by a mucous membrane (conjunctiva), which forms the third eyelid. U healthy dog tear fluid flows directly into nasal cavity through tear duct. When sick or due to the characteristics of the breed, tears flow outward, forming wet stripes on the face.

Symptoms of the disease

  • Cloudy, profuse, purulent, unnatural discharge from the eyes, redness and swelling are the first signs of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Don't forget that some small breeds have physiological feature- lacrimation is not a cause for concern unless the dog is worried about it.

  • Redness of the mucous membrane, lacrimation and squinting eyes indicate a foreign body.
  • Cloudy surface of the eye, spots white and depressions indicate directly eye disease, keratitis, cataracts or glaucoma. These disorders cause gradual loss of vision and complete blindness. It is very difficult to determine its development, because dogs have a developed sense of smell, but greyhound breeds are guided precisely visually.
  • Photosensitivity is manifested by squinting, tears and itching. This symptom indicates a foreign body in the eyes, dust ingress, the development of conjunctivitis and damage to the cornea.


All eye diseases in dogs they are divided into:

  1. Congenital - manifests itself in the form of abnormal development of the eyelid and eye. They are usually corrected with surgery
  2. Infectious - are a consequence of complications after a viral or bacterial disease.
  3. Non-infectious are the consequences of injuries, tumors, inversion and inversion of the eyelid, defect in eyelash growth.


Eyelid disease in dogs. It appears after injury, burns and infection of the eye or due to demodicosis. Blepharitis can also be caused by inflamed sebaceous glands on the eyelids, it is often accompanied by keratitis.

Blepharitis affects the edges of the eyelids

The edges of the eyelids in the areas where eyelashes grow become inflamed and swollen, and ulcers and crusts from dried pus gradually appear. If treatment is not carried out, the eyelids thicken, the skin on them becomes rough, eyelashes fall out, and inversion and inversion of the eyelid may appear.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane that surrounds the dog's eye and is very often diagnosed by doctors. It has different origins, types and forms of flow. The main symptoms are swollen and red conjunctiva and profuse purulent ocular discharge.

Often, conjunctivitis is caused by injury or a foreign object getting into the dog's eye, as well as severe viral or infectious diseases. Another factor in the development of this disease is problems with metabolism and damage to internal organs.

According to the nature of discharge from the eyes, conjunctivitis occurs:

  • Purulent - yellowish or greenish thick discharge with subsequent formation of crusts on the edges of the eyelids.
  • Catarrhal - the discharge is gray, viscous and thick.

According to the course of the disease:

  • Acute - the dog’s condition is feverish, lethargic and depressed. The eyes are closed and photophobia is pronounced.
  • Chronic - the discharge thickens and acquires a mucous consistency.

The causative agents of the disease can be bacteria and viruses, or it can be triggered by allergens and trauma.

Acute form of eye disease in dogs with adequate treatment goes away after a few days full recovery, or becomes chronic. One of the most frequently diagnosed chronic forms Conjunctivitis is follicular with damage to the lymphatic follicles of the third eyelid. This is an indolent form in which the outer surface of the conjunctiva is red and contains a small amount of pus. With periodic exacerbations, it takes on an acute form.

In order to prevent the disease from becoming chronic, the doctor prescribes a test to determine the pathogen and the necessary antibiotic. The medicine is taken until complete recovery.

Cloudiness of the inflamed cornea of ​​a dog's eye is often a consequence of chronic forms of blepharitis and conjunctivitis, and eversion or entropion of the eyelid. With constant inflammation, the cornea of ​​the eye becomes damaged and becomes infected.

Superficial keratitis, which can be cured in a few hours or a day, is the most mild form eye diseases in dogs. It is only important to correctly diagnose and treat the dog.

If keratitis is complicated by conjunctivitis or entropion, then there is a risk of a purulent inflammatory process. This is very dangerous for the eyes of a sick dog, because the cornea is damaged, swelling and a lot of purulent exudate appear, photophobia and heat. The animal behaves very restlessly, rubbing its eye with its paw, which ultimately leads to the formation of a corneal ulcer.

Keratitis is the most light form inflammation of the cornea

Purulent keratitis can provoke growth pigment cells And total loss corneal transparency.

Dry keratitis develops with weak production of tear fluid, with disease of the glands, which leads to damage to the dry cornea.


A disease that, as a result of frequent increased intraocular pressure destroys optic nerve and the retina of the diseased eye, leads to loss of vision. This serious illness Only a specialist can diagnose eyes in dogs.

Primary glaucoma develops when congenital pathology blood circulation of the organs of vision. After injuries and inflammation of the cornea, secondary glaucoma may appear.

Symptoms of this disease are: hardening and enlargement of the eyeball, cloudy cornea of ​​a bluish-gray color, deformation of the pupil, lacrimation. During the examination, the doctor reveals an increase in intraocular pressure. Correct treatment eliminates the cause and promotes recovery.


Cloudiness of the lens located behind the pupil. With this eye disease, the dog can become completely or partially blind.

The causes may be senile changes in the body or congenital. Still exists dangerous look cataracts of toxic origin.

If an ordinary cataract develops over several years, then a swelling (toxic) cataract develops very quickly and severely. Intraocular pressure rises sharply and death occurs optic nerve which leads to blindness. It is also possible for the eyeball to rupture and lose the eye.

Eversion and inversion of the eyelid

Develops after ulcers and wounds have been treated. There is a weakening of the muscle tone of the eyelid. When the eyelid turns inward, the eyelashes rub against eyeball, damage the cornea and, as a result, keratitis develops. Eversion of the eyelid makes the eye susceptible to infection.

Such defects can only be treated surgically. For congenital pathology in some dog breeds, surgery is performed at 2-3 months.

Adenoma of the third century

Inflammation or swelling of the lacrimal gland. Drug treatment not subject, surgery to remove the formation is indicated.

Dogs' eyes are very sensitive and require careful treatment. All medications should be used only after prescription veterinarian.
If the doctor has prescribed drops, then it is enough to drop one into the eye, 2-6 times a day. The ointment has therapeutic effect half an hour, so it is used several times a day.

Protect your dog from eye diseases, monitor its health, and for many years your most faithful and devoted friend will be by your side.

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Eye diseases in dogs are difficult to recognize; the manifestation of pathologies in the early stages is not always noticeable. An ignorant, inexperienced, or simply inattentive amateur dog breeder may miss the first signs indicating a disease. With proper care and periodic examination of the dog (it is necessary to examine the ears, mouth, eyes, paws), you should definitely note copious discharge from the eyes, redness of the mucous membrane of the eyelids and other symptoms that clearly indicate that not everything is all right with the pet. If such signs are detected, you should contact your veterinarian.

Eye diseases in dogs are invisible at first

Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine farsightedness or myopia in dogs, but the symptoms inflammatory diseases, including cataracts, is pronounced. Conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, cataracts – frequent illnesses eyes in dogs, symptoms of similar diseases:

  1. Discharge from the eyes.
  2. Redness of the membranes of the eyes, mucous membrane of the eyelids.
  3. Ocular discomfort, accompanied by itching, protrusion of the third eyelid.

As cataracts develop, the dog's pupil becomes gray or whitish due to clouding of the lens. Cataract is a disease of senility, observed in older dogs. Causes of cataracts - disorders immune system, metabolism, exposure to toxic substances. Treatment of cataracts is unpromising; through drops that help improve metabolism in the eye, it is possible to delay the development of the disease.

Pugs and Chihuahuas - specifics of eye diseases

Certain eye diseases in dogs are characteristic of certain breeds, for example, pugs and Chihuahuas are often affected. Due to the structural features of the skull and eye sockets, the eyes of pugs and Chihuahuas are bulging, large, and often dry out. Pugs are susceptible to “chronic corneal erosion,” and Chihuahuas are susceptible to the development of keratoconjunctivitis.

Untreated keratoconjunctivitis can (like any other advanced eye disease) lead to vision loss. The first signs of inflammation:

  1. Dullness, dullness of the eyes.
  2. A dog trying to rub its eyes with its paws.
  3. Thick green discharge.
  4. Frequent blinking.
  5. Corneal ulcers.
  6. Deterioration of vision is not always noticeable at first; dogs adapt and compensate for vision with their sense of smell (which is much more developed).

Corneal erosion in pugs manifests itself in clouding of the eye, accompanied by profuse lacrimation, even cramping of the eyelids. Corneal erosion and keratoconjunctivitis can be diagnosed by a veterinarian who prescribes the necessary treatment.

There are different types of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is a common disease and varies in nature: symptomatic conjunctivitis becomes an accompanying complication of the disease or an independent ailment. In both cases, they distinguish: acute, chronic, purulent and catarrhal conjunctivitis.

The causative agent of the disease is a virus, bacteria, microorganisms (chlamydia). The disease can be triggered by allergens and mechanical stress.

Conjunctivitis causes hyperemia choroid eyes. Manifestations of the disease: redness of the mucous membrane of the eye, profuse lacrimation, photophobia (expressed in involuntary closing of the eyelids, the so-called squinting), accumulation of exudate in the corners of the eyes. Purulent conjunctivitis accompanied by purulent thick discharge. During diagnosis, the doctor whom you turn to for help is obliged to find out whether conjunctivitis has become an independent disease or a symptom of another disease.

A dog can have quite a few eye diseases. Some occur more often with puppies, others appear with age.

Symptoms of eye diseases in dogs

  1. First of all, the dog owner should be alarmed by the appearance of unnatural discharge from the pet’s eyes, as well as abnormal excessive tearing. Most often it occurs in puppies and young dogs, as well as representatives of certain breeds.
  2. The eye itself may also change - inflamed tissue and swelling, depressions on its surface, cloudiness or white spots may appear.
  3. There may be an unusual growth around or in the eye or noticeable shaking of the iris.
  4. The owner may also notice that the dog has photophobia, and it cannot look at the light normally and hides in dark places. Loss of vision is also possible.

It happens that puppies are born with an inversion of the eyelid (usually the lower one). The eyelashes of this century rub against the cornea of ​​the eye and irritate it. Tearing occurs, and even corneal cancer can develop. Dogs with facial skin that hangs loosely often experience ectropion, where the edge of the lower eyelid turns outward from the eyeball. This may be a birth defect or the result of injury, or may occur with age due to loss of muscle tone.

If the eyes swell and discharge appears, first transparent and then purulent, then conjunctivitis can be suspected - inflammation of the membrane that covers part of the eyeball and lines the eyelids. By the nature of the discharge one can judge the cause of the disease. If they are transparent and liquid, then the cause is wind, a foreign body or an allergy.

If the discharge is thick, pus-like, then conjunctivitis arose due to bacterial infection. U German Shepherds Pannus (a form of keratitis) is common, visible as a pinkish-flesh film on the eyes. In addition, your dog may develop diseases such as:

  • adenoma of the third century,
  • glaucoma,
  • corneal ulcer,
  • lens luxation,
  • dislocation of the eyeball,
  • PRA - progressive retinal atrophy.

Treatment of eye diseases in dogs

  1. If lacrimation occurs, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the source of irritation.
  2. It is necessary to rinse the eyes and nasolacrimal duct.
  3. If your eyes are irritated by the extra eyelashes that some dogs are born with, it's best to remove them surgically, otherwise, with age, they will annoy the animal more and more.
  4. With enpropion (entropion of the eyelid), as well as with eversion of the eyelid, plastic surgery is necessary surgery to prevent eye infection.
  5. with eliminating its cause. Treatment usually requires eye antibiotics, either dropped or applied as an ointment. So, tetracycline ointment is popular.

Adenoma of the third eyelid is treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, although in most cases surgery is necessary, as with glaucoma, cataracts, and lens luxation.

In some cases, even the most attentive owners are not able to protect their pets from injuries or diseases, including the eyes. Most often, eye problems are recorded in hunting dogs. Damage may occur during hunting or as a result of a conflict with another representative of the breed.

Types of eye damage in dogs

It also happens that an eye injury in a dog may go unnoticed, although it can lead to serious consequences.

In the worst case scenario, the pet may completely lose its organ of vision. Damage and its causes are varied, which will be discussed below.

Mechanical injury

Reason mechanical injury It could be a run-in with another dog, an unfortunate encounter with a cat, or the pet could simply stumble upon a branch or sharp object. The severity of the damage also varies.

Most dangerous situation- this is an injury to a dog’s eye with a sharp object, when damage to the cornea occurs, penetration of various bacteria and microbes into the wound, which, as a result of their vital activity, can provoke complete loss of vision.

It is worth paying attention if the dog begins to squint or has completely closed its eye, purulent or bloody discharge occurs from the corners, and the pet does not allow itself to be examined, prevents the opening of the eyelid, and is clearly in pain - it is necessary to promptly show the animal to a veterinarian-ophthalmologist. There is a chance to prevent vision loss, but surgery may be required.

At traumatic injuries with blunt objects the danger is lower, but nevertheless high.

Damage may be internal and invisible. Blunt trauma eyes in a dog can cause rupture or detachment of the retina, internal hemorrhage, and swelling of the optic nerve. So if there is a suspicion of injury, it is better to show the animal to the doctor, it will be easier to avoid complications.

Redness of the eyes

The causes of redness vary. Perhaps it got under the third eyelid foreign object, scratching the cornea and causing irritation. Foreign body should be removed and the animal shown to a doctor to ensure that it is completely removed and there is no risk of developing other problems.

It is especially important to take a closer look at the nature of the redness, if it looks more like a pinkish film - there is a risk that the pet has developed the so-called pannus - clouding of the surface layer of the cornea. If you do not see a doctor in time, there is a risk of vision loss.

By the way, another cause of redness and irritation of the organs of vision may be an inversion of the lower eyelid, which is not an injury, but significantly interferes with the comfortable existence of the pet. The eyelashes of the rolled eyelid scratch the cornea, causing irritation and increased tearing. The issue is resolved surgically.

It could also be caused by high blood pressure or an allergic reaction.

Purulent discharge

If transparent ones are found first and then purulent discharge accompanied by swelling of the eyelid - this is a sign of conjunctivitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyelid. In the case of thick, cloudy discharge, the cause is most likely an infection, although the development of the disease may be associated with injury. For example, with the entry of a foreign body.

It happens that conjunctivitis develops as concomitant disease as a result of a general decrease in immunity. Despite the fact that conjunctivitis is not so difficult to cure, the dog should be shown to a doctor in order not only to make a correct diagnosis, but also to find out and eliminate the cause of the disease.

Eyeball prolapse

In some cases, an eye injury in a dog can provoke a very unpleasant consequence - apple loss. A similar situation often happens with representatives of brachycephalic breeds (Pekingese, bulldogs, pugs, etc.) A peculiarity of representatives of such breeds is a flattened muzzle and bulging eyes.

If such a situation occurs, the main thing is not to panic. Nai the best option- Replace the apple as carefully as possible and, to save your pet’s vision, immediately take him to an ophthalmologist or surgeon. Apply a damp gauze bandage and do not allow it to dry until the animal reaches the doctor.


Sometimes it happens that one eye becomes enlarged, and occasionally both. This is also a reason to sound the alarm, grab the animal in your arms and rush to the veterinarian.

The cause of this phenomenon is highly likely to be an increase in intracranial or intraocular pressure. The latter happens due to inflammatory processes, lens dislocation, and even kidney failure.

In this situation, the doctor will measure the pressure, examine the fundus of the eye, and most likely conduct a blood test. Based on the test results, the cause of the increase in pressure will be determined.


If a red swelling appears, do not panic; in most cases it will not be a tumor or adenoma. Most likely, this is an inversion of the lacrimal gland or lower eyelid that needs to be realigned.

Otherwise, there is a risk of developing “dry eye syndrome,” which will then have to be treated for the rest of your pet’s life. Also there can develop quite unpleasant consequences: corneal ulcer, keratitis or conjunctivitis.

First aid

If a dog has an eye injury, treatment should be carried out by a veterinarian, and it is better to do this as soon as possible. But first aid must be provided until the pet is delivered to the clinic.

It is necessary to prevent the animal from scratching the damaged organ on the way to the veterinary clinic. If possible, use a specialized collar or simply hold the dog by the paws when trying to scratch.

If a dog does not allow its eyes to be opened, you should not force it open, even to administer anesthesia. Otherwise, you can only injure him more; such a task should be left to a specialist.

As an exception, if it is not possible to immediately show your pet to a doctor, you need to instill eye drops for the dog, these are antibiotics (Tsiprovet, Gentamicin, Torbex). The dose must be calculated according to the instructions for the drugs based on the body weight and size of the dog.


Any treatment should be carried out only after examination by a veterinarian, examination and a clear diagnosis. In particular, if a dog has an inflamed eye, the doctor will tell you how to treat it; you should not self-medicate.

Examination by a specialist

The first thing to do is, if possible, carefully deliver the animal to a clinic where you can entrust your dog.

Ideally, show the dog to an ophthalmologist. However, such specialists of a narrow profile do not work in all clinics, so in some situations you can turn to surgeons or general practitioners.

The examination may include full general tests to detect infections, mandatory examination. You may need to measure intraocular pressure and even prescribe surgery.

It is important to identify the problem based on the results of tests and examination and make the correct diagnosis. The owner must strictly follow all recommendations received.

Eye drops

Sometimes it is enough to bury eye drops if your pet has an eye injury, this also applies to inflammatory diseases such as conjunctivitis.

Owners can get confused because they don’t always know how to put drops in their dog’s eyes. You need to follow some simple recommendations.

First, you need to wash your hands thoroughly to avoid infection, which will aggravate the inflammation process. Then carefully clean off pus and secretions, and also rinse the area around the eyes.

As a rule, dogs do not like such procedures and can behave very nervously, but under no circumstances should you scold them or raise your voice. Calming intonations, some encouragement, and affection will help you cope with the animal and make the procedure as painless and comfortable as possible from a psychological point of view. Although large dogs To avoid injury to the owner, a muzzle should be worn.

Drops for eye injuries are instilled in strict accordance with the prescribed dosage and doctor's prescription.


There is no one hundred percent guarantee that a pet will never be injured, but loving owners are responsible for it and must make efforts to minimize such risks.

It is important to choose the right places for walking with your animal, to avoid abandoned construction sites and overgrown paths in park areas.

Hunters need to choose the right breed of dog, since much depends on what animal is being hunted and what is required from the dog.

During play, you should follow safety precautions when working with an animal and not expose it to unnecessary risk of injury.

It is also worth excluding contacts with strangers as much as possible, and even more so stray dogs. It is necessary to limit possible meetings with representatives of felines (if this is not best friend dogs). Otherwise, your pet may suffer from sharp claws.


Watch our video on how to properly care for your pet's eyes.

There are many dog ​​diseases that owners may not be aware of until the disease develops and manifests itself as serious symptoms. Such diseases include most pathologies affecting the animal’s organs of vision. What eye diseases in dogs should you pay attention to in order to find out as early as possible that the dog is not healthy? After all, early diagnosis allows you to treat your pet in a timely manner before complications arise.

If your pet begins to blink quickly and without stopping, then this is a sure sign of blepharospasm - an accelerated and unconscious contraction of the muscle tissue of the eyelids. In addition, the following symptoms are present:

  • the eye and the inflamed area around it may swell;
  • palpation causes pain;
  • the pet exhibits photophobia, that is, it avoids looking at the light;
  • Inflammatory fluid is released from the eyes - exudate.

Given in itself pathological condition is not dangerous, but its manifestation should alert the owner, since blepharospasm is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of inflammatory or infectious processes eyes, for example, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

There is no separate treatment for blepharospasm, since it disappears only after the root cause is eliminated, that is, the disease that caused this condition is cured.

For pain relief, special drugs used in ophthalmology are used, for example, Ledocaine. Without certain skills, such tools cannot be used! Most of them, due to high content toxins, is used only in this area and when wrong dosage may poison your pet.

Third eyelid prolapse: symptoms and treatment

This disease has another name - “cherry eye”, it is due to the fact that the eyeball really becomes like an overripe cherry berry. With this pathology, the dog's third eyelid leaves its usual place and ends up in the corner of the eye. In most cases, only one eye is affected, but bilateral prolapse also occurs.

Modern medicine has not yet fully figured out the reasons for this condition, but most often it goes away due to the weakness of the tissues that hold it. There are breeds of dogs in which this condition is congenital and all representatives have a tendency to exhibit “cherry eye.” These include: bulldogs, hounds.

Research has shown that the disease can be hereditary. If the dog’s parents, or at least one of them, have a predisposition to this pathology, then it will certainly manifest itself in subsequent generations. If, when purchasing a pet, such a diagnosis is written down in the card, then it is better to refuse the purchase.

The disease does not threaten the life of the animal, but there are several negative aspects:

  • the pet's appearance deteriorates;
  • dogs with this disease are not the best option for breeding;
  • prolapse affects activity lacrimal glands, which provokes frequent inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva () and cornea of ​​the eye ().

Definitely this disease requires timely treatment and most often it consists of surgical intervention. This is due to the fact that once the eyelid falls out, it will constantly leave its place.

The operation itself is not complicated, but it leads to dysfunction of the lacrimal gland. The pet owner will need to carry out maintenance therapy throughout his life - use eye drops or saline solution to moisturize the mucous membranes of the eyeball.

Clinical manifestations and therapy of eyelid dermatitis in dogs

This disease cannot be called an eye disease, but the pathology often develops into an eye disease. Among the main features are the following:

  • develops inflammatory process on skin eyelids, they turn red;
  • wet areas appear;
  • pus may appear;
  • the dog has an unpleasant, nauseating odor;
  • eyes turn sour;
  • Exudate (inflammatory fluid) is released from the eyes.

In such conditions, it is quite logical that over time pathogenic microorganisms extend to the conjunctiva. More often this disease diagnosed in pets with long hair and floppy ears.

Antibiotic drugs that have wide range actions. The hair from the affected areas must be cut off, and a special ointment with an antiseptic effect is applied to the skin. Antimicrobial drugs should be instilled into the eyes; it is advisable to rinse them before doing this. saline solution must be sterile.

In order to prevent your pet from scratching the sore eyelids, a medical collar is used.

Symptoms and treatment of conjunctivitis

Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes is the most common eye disease in both humans and animals, which in most cases is infectious in nature. In addition, the causes of the disease may be:

  • viruses;
  • inflammatory process in the tear ducts or their blockage (in this case, the conjunctiva remains without the necessary moisture);
  • getting a foreign object into the eye;
  • irritant substances that have penetrated the area of ​​the conjunctival cavity;
  • irritation resulting from inversion of the eyelid (eyelashes damage eye tissue);
  • mycoses.

The clinical picture looks like this:

  • the mucous membranes of the eyes become pink or red;
  • the tissues of the eyes and eyelids may swell;
  • discharge appears from the eyes - this can be clear tear fluid, watery exudate or purulent clots;
  • Part of the third eyelid may appear in the inner corner of the eye - dog owners who have no experience may think that this is a bulging eye.

Your pet may have squint or constant blinking. The last sign can be painful, the dog in this case will be restless, often rub its eyes and whine pitifully.

Often conjunctivitis is accompanied by the same symptom as with keratitis - clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye.

If we talk about the treatment of the disease, it depends on the cause of inflammation of the conjunctiva. Most often, therapy involves the use antibacterial drugs– drops, ointments and other forms medicines. Among external medications, the most popular is tetracycline ointment.

But before prescribing treatment, the veterinarian must conduct a thorough diagnosis, study tests, and only after receiving the results decide on therapy.

Ectropion and entropion: symptoms and treatment

If we talk in simple language, then we are talking about eversion and inversion of the eyelids in dogs. These pathologies can be called truly canine ailments, since they are diagnosed extremely rarely in other animals.

The diseases are hereditary, and representatives of the following breeds are especially susceptible to them: Staffordshire Terriers, Shar-Peis, Great Danes, Ridgebacks, Dachshunds, Newfoundlands, some types of spaniels, and St. Bernards.

When considering these ailments (volvulus and eversion), they can be combined, since they often develop in parallel. Of course, turning up the eyelids leads to more serious consequences, however, their eversion leaves the eyeball without any protection from pathogenic pathogens.

Except pathological change appearance of the eyes, these diseases are accompanied by the release of fluid, constant blinking, and when pressure is applied, the animal feels pain.

With ectropion, the conjunctiva is deprived of moisture and dries out, which can cause the development of keratitis and other serious disorders.

Sometimes inversion of the eyelids leads to ingrowth of eyelashes into the eye tissue and this ailment is already considered an independent disease.

Treatment of eversion and entropion of the eyelids is most often carried out surgically, and it can only be carried out in adults whose growth has stopped. Conservative therapy takes place, but only if the pathology is in initial stage development.

To eliminate the symptoms and causes of the disease are used antibacterial agents, antiseptics, hormone therapy and other medications.
