How to brush your baby's teeth. How to brush teeth for a one-year-old child? Oral Care Products

The baby's first teeth appear, and parents immediately think about how to keep them healthy. The question of when a child should start brushing their teeth is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Much depends on the individual characteristics of a son or daughter, and on the correct psychological attitudes of adults.

Dads and mothers are often surprised when pediatricians tell them that it is necessary to start caries prevention in a child from the age of three months. Indeed, why defend something that does not yet exist? Nevertheless, there is a sense in this, and even what.

The oral cavity of the newborn is sterile, but every day more and more microbes enter the baby's mouth.

Photo: Children love to pull toys in their mouths

With every feeding, every toy tasted during play, every teat that is not rinsed well enough is contaminated with microorganisms. In the future, they can cause tooth decay.

Is it possible to somehow, if not prevent, then slow down this process?

Separate the baby from exposure environment impossible, and it is not necessary. It is enough for parents to give increased attention own hygiene, often wash hands, pacifiers, dishes from which the child eats. The latter must be separate.

Moms love to kiss their sons or daughters. This is very important for psychological contact, however, it is better to limit yourself to kisses on the chubby cheek, and not on the lips, so as not to transmit their own microbes to the child.

Photo: It is better to kiss small children on the cheek

Direct oral care in children can be carried out using dental wipes. They are made of non-woven fabric and are impregnated with xylitol with fragrances.

Photo: Toothbrushes - xylitol-soaked napkins

Xylitol is a child-safe polyhydric alcohol that has antiseptic properties.

It can be used both at the early "dozubal" stage, and later for remineralization of the enamel of the erupted teeth.

The use of napkins is not difficult. Forefinger with a napkin put on it, the cheeks and tongue of the baby are treated from the inside twice a day.

The gums are also treated, but the moment when they begin to swell should be closely monitored. Then the movements should become more careful and gentle in order to facilitate pain the baby. Be sure to cleanse your mouth after an overnight feed.

Video: hygienic oral care in children

When to start?

When a child's first teeth erupt, he begins to gnaw and bite everything that he can reach. Naturally, pieces of this variety remain in oral cavity get stuck in the teeth.

You need to get serious about cleaning. A one-year-old child is not able to do this on his own, so all responsibility still rests with the parents.

As soon as a son or daughter has two or three teeth, it is time to purchase a special silicone fingertip brush with a fleecy or ribbed surface. The first one is more suitable for babies, since it allows you to massage the gums at the same time as cleaning the teeth from plaque.

Rinse thoroughly before use. warm water... Then, putting it on your finger, without pressing, slowly process the gums, and only then - the erupted teeth.

The procedure should be carried out twice a day: after the morning meal and before the child goes to bed.

But even when babies start brushing their teeth, the nightly napkins are still relevant.

Video: how to clean the first teeth in children

Teeth brushing technique

There are many of them, but if the child does not have any specific diseases gums and oral cavity, you can get by with the usual method.

First - the outer surface of the teeth upper jaw starting from the left edge. The brush is parallel to the floor and moves like a broom in short strokes from the gum downwards.

Then comes the turn of the chewing surface (reciprocating movements are used), after which the turn of the palatine part of the teeth comes.

You don't have to scrub hard or, as you get older, have your kids do it themselves. It costs nothing to damage the still weak enamel, and even cause negative emotions it is easy for a son or daughter after such a procedure.

Any discomfort during cleaning will only result in the fact that it will become psychological torment for both children and parents.

The same applies to cleansing the surface of the tongue - many dads and mothers, trying to do this once and calling vomiting reflex in a child, in the future they are afraid to repeat the manipulations. And in vain, because many microorganisms nest right here.

The lower jaw is cleaned in the same manner as the upper.

When the process is complete, it is necessary to invite the baby to clench his teeth - or help him with this - and massage them along with the gums in a circular motion from left to right.

The cleaning ends by rinsing the mouth with warm boiled water. Care must be taken that the son or daughter is attentive to this final stage, because Toothpaste, even for children, is still a fruit chemical technology, and leave it in your mouth for long time it is forbidden.

It is clear that it makes no sense for a child to explain all the subtleties listed above in words. Parents brush their teeth for the smallest, and older children need to be shown on own example several times until the procedure is understood.

It will be especially difficult at the beginning. For example, it is very difficult to teach children not to swallow mouthwash.

For children with gingivitis, there are special methods of brushing teeth, but this disease often manifests itself in adolescence, when there are no longer any problems with explaining to the boy or girl all the details of the movement of the brush in the mouth.

Video: how to brush your teeth correctly

Choosing a toothpaste

In the first years of a child's life, it is unacceptable to use any means other than toothpaste.

Special pastes for babies have pleasant taste and are safe if accidentally swallowed.

Photo: Toothpastes for children Splat and ROCS

Dental hygiene gels can be administered from the age of two. There are practically no abrasives in their composition, which allows you to keep the enamel intact, cleaning it with surfactants.

Fluoride is toxic, and its excess in the body (it occurs, in particular, with frequent swallowing of the paste) can cause hypofunction thyroid gland, fluorosis and some other diseases.

An antibacterial paste (such as triclosan or chlorhexidine) should only be purchased if your child has severe gum disease. They disrupt the microflora of the oral cavity, which is not good.

Requirements for children's toothpaste

The main task of the paste at the age when the child is just starting to use it is to respect the baby's tooth enamel.

It is better if it is a paste specially adapted for early age- even if swallowed, it will not harm. It should be free of fragrances and dyes, and the abrasiveness index (RDA) cannot exceed 20 units.

Fluorine, as already mentioned, should be absent. It is good if linden extract is added to the paste, which gives an anti-inflammatory effect during the period when the remaining teeth erupt.

If sodium lauryl sulfate is indicated on the label, it should be noted that such a product has a much sharper irritating effect on the oral mucosa than pastes containing sodium laureth sulfate.

The same applies to preservatives: some doctors consider propylparaben a carcinogen, and propylene glycol (or PEG) is used in everyday life as a deicing agent. The presence of saccharin in the paste is undesirable.

Video: toothpastes for children

The age at which the child begins to brush his teeth himself

Of course, there is no single term from which a son or daughter will suddenly take and start brushing their teeth.

Most often, the first attempts begin at about two years old. First comes the imitation of mom or dad. Therefore, it is not bad if the child periodically sees the parents brushing their teeth.

Photo: Mom and baby brush their teeth together

You can also give him a brush. And even if at first he will not succeed - everything will come with time.

The best helper in this matter is praise for even the smallest progress.

Most children enjoy gurgling water in their mouths. There is no need to hinder this. Simultaneously with a cheerful gurgle, the baby will learn to spit water.

When this happens, you can start applying the toothpaste: squeezing it out a little on the baby's brush and monitoring how it is used.

You should not scare the child too much with the consequences of swallowing, otherwise he will be afraid of the paste as such. It is enough just to constantly explain that you do not need to do this.

A child aged two or three can be carried away with little tricks. Let him try to brush Mom and Dad's teeth. Or your favorite doll.

Psychologists say that watching cartoons in which your favorite characters do the same thing helps in instilling the skills of self-cleaning.

In a word, it is not so important at what age a son or daughter will begin to own a toothbrush. The main thing is that the preparation process for this is fun for the child.

You should not set yourself any time limits: for example, if a child does not start brushing his teeth in a month, it means that somehow I am teaching him the wrong way. Have you seen at least one healthy teen who wouldn't have the cleaning skill? This is the point: sooner or later, everyone learns.


What should be your baby's first self-cleaning brush and how often should it be changed?

A child's brush must have natural soft bristles with a working part of 1.8 cm. Since the child's hands are still poorly developed, the brush handle must be thick enough to be comfortable to hold.

Most of the products sold in Russia and neighboring countries comply with these standards.

The brush should be changed at least every two months. In the presence of inflammation in the oral cavity, this period may be even shorter - the product is changed immediately after the treatment.

What if the child does not want to brush his teeth?

Much depends on the appearance of the cleaning items. Children perfectly perceive brushes with multi-colored bristles or a handle in the form of their favorite cartoon hero, beautifully designed tubes of toothpaste.

Photo: Beautiful toothbrush makes it easier to get used to brushing your teeth

The taste and smell of the pasta are also important. If you turn the process of brushing your teeth into addicting game, the child himself will not notice how the use of the brush will become a habit with him. You can try any method other than coercion.

Caring for the baby's oral cavity is a serious matter that requires increased responsibility from the parents. The first children's teeth are very fragile and sensitive. How not to be mistaken in choosing a toothpaste and teach a child to brush their teeth on their own?

All parents, without exception, want their children to be healthy, therefore, adults should monitor the child's health. The parents are responsible for taking care of the condition of the first milk teeth. Daily oral hygiene is essential from early childhood. It will depend on this correct formation molars and the absence of dental problems throughout life.

Why is brushing milk teeth important?

Some parents show carelessness when the question comes about milk teeth. Mistakenly believing that such teeth will soon fall out, they often ignore caring for them. The danger of such delusions lies in ignorance possible consequences... Temporary teeth also need to be cared for, as caring for them is a key factor in the appearance of strong and healthy molars. If you do not heal the damaged baby tooth, then you can harm the rudiments permanent teeth located at its root system.

In addition, healthy baby teeth are responsible for the correct development of the jaw bones and contribute to the formation of the bite. The child pronounces the first words thanks to milk teeth. They also help him develop the speech apparatus. Chewing food occurs with the help of milk teeth. By forming a lump of food, they preserve the health of the baby's stomach. When a child chews food, he trains the chewing muscles, and the development of the jaw bones affects the formation of harmonious proportions. lower zone faces. Do not forget about the aesthetic side - beautiful a smile is important for mental state and behavior in society. Measures aimed at early prevention of caries are the key to dental health at any age.

At about the age of three, a child should have 20 baby teeth. From this point on, it is recommended to visit the dentist at least twice a year. Visit dental office will help reduce the risk of developing caries, while the doctor will monitor the condition of the gums.

The pediatric specialist is obliged to identify a sore tooth, as well as check the areas of molar eruption. An adult should consult a doctor about which hygiene products suitable for a certain age. It is necessary to discuss how to properly care for teeth and gums, which toothpaste will not harm.

By the age of 6–8 months, the first erupted teeth can be observed in the baby's mouth. At the first stage, two lower and two upper incisors, and already by the age of three, the formation of twenty milk teeth ends. The body of each child is individual and it happens that the first rudiments of teeth are found only after a year of life, in this regard, the entire process of dental development is inhibited.

Minor deviations should not cause alarm among parents, but if the child is already a year old, and there is no hint of teeth, or by the age of three, the eruption has not been completed, an in-person consultation with a specialist is necessary, who examines the baby and sends it for an X-ray in order to exclude possible pathologies.

When to start brushing your child's teeth?

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of when to start brushing your baby's teeth. Eruption is individual, and for each child, the process of tooth formation occurs in its own way. The appearance of a white strip in the gum indicates that the crown is extruding outward. Parents should closely monitor her condition, it will be useful to draw up a calendar for brushing teeth, which indicates when to start brushing milk teeth.

Among other things, soft tissue wounds can become infected, which cause suppuration... The use of children's fluoride pastes at this stage is not encouraged.

Most doctors agree that parents should take care of the baby's oral hygiene. A breastfeeding mother transfers microorganisms to the baby that can provoke gingivitis and stomatitis.

How to clean the oral cavity of a child under 6 months and older?

Before the formation of milk teeth, parents can wipe the child's mouth including the gums and uvula. In this elementary way, pathogenic plaque is removed and the mouth gets rid of bacteria. Because of hypersensitivity the first teeth are also advised to wipe them, so as not to cause unpleasant sensations with a toothbrush. Suitable for wiping:

By about six months of age, the baby will part with the push-out reflex. From this period, you can brush your teeth using the following means:

  • Silicone finger brush. Applied from 3 months to a year. At this age interval, the child's hands are unable to hold firmly toothbrush and perform the necessary movements, so using such a device will facilitate the task.
  • Toothbrush. A child's toothbrush must have soft bristles and a small handle. The size of the cleaning surface should not exceed the area of ​​two children's teeth.

In addition to a toothbrush, you need pick up toothpaste according to the age of the child:

  • For children who have not yet received complementary foods, gel toothpaste is suitable. It is best to buy such a paste with a neutral or milky taste, as they will not cause rejection in the baby. The absence of abrasive components in it will not cause painful sensations child when they brush their teeth.
  • Fruit toothpaste. Banana, raspberry, or strawberry flavored pasta can be purchased for babies on complementary foods.

Cleaning technique

You need to start brushing your teeth twice a day: in the morning and before bedtime. The duration of the procedure should take at least three minutes, but for a start, even one minute is enough for the baby to gradually get used to the new activity.

It is not the formal observance of the procedure for brushing your teeth that is important, but its competent implementation. Main points proper cleaning children's teeth practically do not differ from the recommendations for adults:

  • The toothbrush is applied to the teeth at a 45 degree angle. Then circular movements are made from the gums to upper bound tooth.
  • Cleaning is carried out both from the outside and from the inside.
  • The chewing surface is cleaned with progressively circular brushing movements.
  • Don't forget about the language. To cleanse it, it is intended back side brushes.

With the appearance of the long-awaited baby in the family, parents begin to worry about the questions: how to take care of milk teeth? At what age should a child start brushing their teeth? How to teach a little man to independently carry out oral hygiene? Many turn to their mothers and grandmothers for experience, but we will try to answer all your questions in this article.

There is an opinion among parents that caring for milk teeth is not at all necessary, they say, they will change, they will fall out, and that's it. However, dentists named this statement erroneous.

It should be understood that the enamel of the first teeth of the child is weakened and soft, therefore, it is elementary exposed to stone and caries. Even if your child is on breastfeeding without eating complementary foods, the teeth may suffer, because all fermented milk mixtures include sugar.

Caries of early teeth contributes to the spread of infection through the oral cavity throughout the body. Sometimes poor hygiene can cause the development of pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, and mass dental diseases(candidiasis, cyst, etc.).

Poor oral hygiene can cause a variety of diseases.

Also, tooth damage causes an unfamiliar and rather severe pain, can provoke hyperthermia, prevents the baby from chewing food. If you start the process, even a baby tooth will have to be removed from the dentist, which, by the way, is undesirable, because it can adversely affect the formation of bite, cause speech pathology, curvature of the entire row.

That is why it is important for parents to take up the hygiene of the baby's oral cavity in a timely manner.

When to start brushing your teeth

So when should you start brushing your baby's teeth? The beginning of oral care coincides with the time of the first appearance of milk teeth. As a rule, this period falls on half a year or a year, but in each family individually.

Of course, the appearance of slightly erupted teeth weakens the immune system, there is a risk of infection and microbes. But at the same time, the gums of the little one become inflamed, swollen and sore, microcracks and wounds may appear in them, therefore, it is not recommended to start cleaning during this period.

Many dentists also believe that oral hygiene should be started before teeth appear. They attribute this to the fact that in the process of feeding on the baby's mucous membrane, bacteria and microbes, fungal microorganisms accumulate, which, as a result, can cause the development of candidiasis, gingivitis and stomatitis. In addition, early manipulations rather accustom the child to sensations, develop the habit of regularly monitoring the condition of the teeth. That's why the right time When you can start brushing your child's teeth, the age is 3-4 months.

Suitable products for the hygiene of children's teeth and gums

Parents should understand that hygiene practices differ depending on the age of the child, the presence of teeth, etc.

For example, before teething, the baby's gums and tongue should be gently wetted to remove plaque and pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. The very first teeth should also be wiped soft means. To do this, you can use the following tools:

We figured out before a year how and how to brush a child's teeth, however, at 1 year old, what kind of hygiene is necessary?

As a rule, after 6 months of life, the baby's natural pushing reflex disappears, which makes it possible to perform hygiene by other methods:

  1. Finger brush. At this age, a little man will not be able to hold a full-fledged brush himself, and even more so to perform the necessary movements. A silicone soft brush is put on the parent's finger, which makes it possible to clean teeth in the most inaccessible corners.
  2. Children's toothbrush... It differs from the standard very soft bristle, rubberized and non-slip short handle. The cleaning surface of such a brush usually does not exceed the area of ​​two teeth of a child.

Before use, the brush should be thoroughly steamed in boiling water, which will kill possible "production" microbes, excess odor, and will additionally soften the bristles.

In addition to the brush, you must use a suitable paste, which is also produced according to the age category.

  1. Gel paste(tasteless, milk-flavored) is used for infants who do not receive complementary foods. In no case does it contain active cleaning agents, abrasive components that can negatively affect young enamel.
  2. Plain baby pasta... Suitable for older toddlers who have switched to adult food elements. Typically also has a gel base and a pleasant fruity flavor.

How to brush your baby's first teeth correctly

Teach your baby that hygiene should be done at least 2 times a day - in the morning after eating and in the evening before going to bed. The duration of cleansing manipulations should be 2-3 minutes, but in infants, the procedure may take less time.

What are the technical points proper cleansing teeth:

Learning to brush your teeth on your own

How to brush your child's teeth at 2 years old? At this age, you can begin to show how to brush your teeth yourself.

Of course, you can introduce a baby to hygiene only by personal example, because they try to imitate us in everything.

Take the little one into the bathroom in the morning, hand him a bright and beautiful brush, help squeeze out the fragrant baby paste and, of course, sit by the mirror. Children are curious to observe their movements, as well as to control the process.

Children are curious to watch their movements in the mirror.

It is very easy to introduce a child to the procedure using the following tricks:

  1. Find your favorite song or counting ritual for your little one and teach him how to perform cleansing movements to the beat. Or you can come up with a rhyme yourself about the benefits of brushing your teeth and tongue, and how they will be grateful to the baby for the care rendered.
  2. Brushing teeth can become an act of destruction for the child of evil carious monsters that attack the mouth and cause disease.
  3. Demonstrate the process on your favorite doll, soft toy or even a child's typewriter. Let him know that oral care is very important in the fight against germs. Therefore, he must watch the teeth himself and "help" the toys.
  4. Also, children are very fond of sports. Go to the bathroom with the whole family and race to brush your teeth. But, of course, parents should give in and lose.

Remember that early oral hygiene has a positive effect on the formation of the dentition and instills healthy habits in your baby.

Milk teeth begin to appear in babies at the age of 6 to 8 months. The lower 2 incisors are cut first, followed by the 2 upper incisors. By about 2.5 years of age, all 20 teeth are finished.

Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. For example, a case is known when a child with six teeth was born in Germany in 1961! It also happens the other way around: the first teeth appear only at the 12th month of life and the entire eruption process, respectively, is also delayed.

If the deviations are insignificant, they should not cause concern for the parents, but if the baby is one year old, and the teeth have not yet appeared, or by the age of three they have not erupted completely, you need to consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and do X-rays to determine if there are any tooth buds in the jaw at all.

We start to brush our teeth

The answer to the question often asked by parents, when to start brushing their teeth, is unambiguous: as soon as they erupt! First with a piece of gauze soaked in boiled water, then special brushes, which the parent puts on his finger and brushes the child's teeth himself.

After a while, the baby can be given a toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles, and given the opportunity to brush his teeth on his own. He should do this twice a day, like an adult, but using a special children's paste, which is strictly appropriate in its composition to the age of the child. In particular, for children under 3 years old, such a paste should not contain fluoride compounds, since at this age the child completely swallows it.

The R.O.C.S. paste fully complies with the safety requirements for hygiene products for babies. Baby. Thanks to the special tests that this paste has passed, we can also recommend it to children prone to allergies.

Due to imperfect motor skills, the baby is still unable to clean his teeth properly on his own. Therefore, parents must do this again in order to completely remove plaque. Such repeated brushing should be done regularly for 1-2 years, until it is sure that the child is brushing his teeth correctly and well. And be sure to teach your child to rinse their mouth after every meal!

It is very important to teach your baby how to properly care for his teeth, so that it becomes a habit as early as possible and becomes an obligatory part of self-care.

Few facts and figures

Sad but true: more than 90% of children in our country need dental care... With age, the prevalence of dental caries in children increases, on average, according to a number of researchers, from 60-65% at the age of one to three years, to 70-75% at the age of four to seven years, and reaching its peak by the age of 15-16 - up to 95% of the surveyed. It is also alarming that the susceptibility to caries in children is younger age(up to three years) is growing steadily.

One of the main reasons This problem is that parents underestimate the importance of early prevention of dental diseases and start taking care of their child's teeth too late.

What is tooth decay and what are its causes?

The main pathology of the teeth in childhood, arising from non-compliance with the rules of hygiene - well-known caries. The danger of caries exists even when the baby tooth has just emerged from the gum.

Caries itself is pathological process in the hard tissues of the tooth, manifested first by demineralization (the release of the main structural elements- calcium and phosphates) and the subsequent destruction of hard tooth tissues and the formation of cavities. A tooth affected by caries is not only the cause of pain, but also a source of infection for the body as a whole.

More than 40 scientific theories of caries occurrence are known. But the most common and logical one is microbial. According to her, the main culprits of tooth decay are bacteria (the main microorganism that causes tooth decay - Streptococcus mutans) and sugars (carbohydrates).

Caries is considered infectious disease... Most often, infection occurs from the caregivers of the baby. For example, from mom, grandmother, nannies... These bacteria are transmitted through saliva, which can remain on a teaspoon, which was used to taste the porridge prepared for the baby. Those who are directly involved should pay attention to their personal oral hygiene Special attention and as much as possible to avoid situations in which it is possible to transmit the bacteria to the child.

But the most important reason for the appearance of an amount threatening the teeth pathogenic bacteria associated with the hygiene of the baby himself. Insufficient cleaning of the surfaces of the teeth from food debris, especially sugars, leads to the fact that bacteria begin to multiply on their surface, for which carbohydrates are a nutrient medium. By processing sugar, bacteria release acids that destroy tooth enamel... The scheme is simple and unforgiving.

And in general, the nature of the diet - candy cakes, soft refined food, sweet carbonated drinks weaken the tooth enamel, contributing to its destruction and interfering with the process of self-cleaning of the teeth. The introduction of raw fruits and vegetables into the diet improves self-cleaning of the oral cavity.

Why is the care of baby teeth so important?

The careless attitude of many parents to the "milk" teeth of their children is always very surprising. Often, the first teeth are considered as a temporary phenomenon, they say, since they will soon fall out anyway, there is no need to take care of them.

This is an extremely dangerous delusion! It is very important to take care of the temporary teeth, because they are the ones that initially determine the correct position of the permanent teeth. A "milk" tooth not cured in time can damage, and sometimes even completely destroy the rudiments of permanent teeth, which are located at its roots.

In addition, healthy baby teeth contribute to correct development jaws and the formation of a correct bite. With the help of milk teeth, the child learns to speak, and also chews food, keeping his own stomach healthy as well. And the chewing process itself helps chewing muscles and jaw bones develop correctly, which forms harmonious proportions of the lower part of the face. Don't forget about appearance child - his smile should be beautiful, which is important for his psyche and social behavior. In this situation, it is absolutely certain that early prevention caries in children is a guarantee of the health of their teeth for life.

After your baby has all 20 deciduous teeth erupted (at about three years of age), start regular - twice a year - visits to the dentist. These meetings will help not only to prevent the development of caries in time, but also to monitor the condition of the gums.

The doctor will check if there is a sore tooth in the mouth and, which is very important, will notice and eliminate violations in the timing and places of eruption of permanent teeth in time. Discuss with your doctor how best to care for your baby's teeth and gums, the specialist will choose the right hygiene products for a given age of the child, this is especially important in relation to toothpaste - after all, at different age periods, a child needs different active ingredients toothpastes.

The basis of everyone's health is prevention. Disease is easier to prevent than to cure. And the first crucial step on the way to the prevention of dental diseases is the daily brushing of teeth with a toothpaste and a toothbrush.

Akulovich Andrey Viktorovich,
Lecturer at the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry
St. Petersburg State
Medical University (St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov),
Member of the National Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (NAES)
Editor-in-chief of the all-Russian newspaper "Stomatology Today"
Deputy Editor-in-chief of the scientific and practical journal "Periodontology"
Editor of the section "Dentistry"
medical Internet portal "Embassy of Medicine"


how does the first tooth appear

We started brushing our teeth with the first appearance (at 8 months). I believe that you need to start caring for your teeth as early as possible in order to avoid problems in the future. While we are not using a brush with paste, we are buying toothpicks. We clean the teeth with them and massage the gums.

08/06/2010 10:15:42 AM, Rimma003

I'm terribly afraid of the moment when my son will have caries and we will go to the dentist (saa I'm terribly afraid of them). Therefore, with the appearance of the first tooth, she began to clean it with toothpicks San Herbal and t-t-t while there are no pathologies on the teeth.

07/25/2010 15:15:56, Vivaz

Our first tooth came out recently - oh, and it was all with difficulty. I bought such a fingertip .... I don't know how to read it correctly, like Muskew. I put it on my finger and put it on my gums, Anyutka really likes it .... like a toy. this way we get used to the first brush. Now the second one is climbing.

07/24/2008 19:40:25, Nina

Thank you very much for the article, it was very interesting to read. But we have a problem of how to rinse the teeth after brushing. We have to run around the apartment and catch the child!

03/06/2008 19:31:13, Natalyna

Thank you very much Andrey Viktorovich! But you, as a great professional in your field, pay attention to scientific and well-known facts. Which do not require a doubt. And I, as a mother, and a specialist in the field of dentistry, can recommend how to teach a baby to brush his teeth.
(when he was washing in the bath). Then he was presented with a beautiful toothbrush. And we brushed our teeth one after another (of course I brushed him myself). He liked to imitate and for some time he brushed with pleasure. Then the moment came when the child was tired, then the urge to insist (to persuade to open your mouth and brush your teeth. a short time the child got used to it and began to open his mouth himself, seeing a toothbrush. Now the baby is 1.4 and we switched to an electric brush, which is the most convenient for parents, as it spends the least effort and time of the parents.

03/29/2007 03:02:59, Marina

Caries develops not because the teeth were brushed poorly, not because the bacteria got from the mother and not from the fact that they eat sweets, these are just predisposing factors. A the main role play heredity and lack of protein in food. As far as I know, this is the official theory.
I think that early start brushing your teeth is not hygienic, but educational. My son is one year old - and the fact that he himself, like a big one, brushes his teeth, he is very encouraged :)

02/09/2007 21:41:52, tatiana

I cannot understand in any way why a child should brush his teeth in the morning, if he does not have breakfast at home, but in kindergarten... There the teeth are not brushed or rinsed after eating. In the evening while bathing, we brush our teeth, but before going to bed, the child often asks for something else to eat.

02/09/2007 12:34:44, Lyoka

It is not said what to do for those who already have caries, how and when to treat. I brushed the baby's teeth, but it didn't help. Now we go and silver them. And he just ate pasta.

The health of molars cannot but depend on oral hygiene in early childhood... To avoid frequent meetings between the baby and the dentist, it is recommended to regularly brush your teeth.

Parents often have a question - at what age do children brush their teeth? The baby's teeth should start this procedure as early as possible, after the first incisor appears. They usually appear between 3-10 months of age.

If hygiene procedures start at about three months of age, the baby will quickly get used to manipulation. A little pressure on the gums, will serve as a massage, relieve itching during. And it will also be prevention, because it is from this age that the baby tries to taste the hands and rattles.

Many parents associate the beginning of the procedure with the appearance of the first incisor. An easy way to determine if a tooth has erupted is to tap it with a spoon. But leaving during this period must be postponed. Awkward touching of an inflamed gum can cause pain.

Does the child need to brush their teeth?

In parenting circles, there is an opinion that there is no need to care for milk teeth. Substantiating their opinion with the phrase “they will fall out anyway,” adults are mistaken.

The mouth is an ideal place for bacteria to live and grow. Lack of hygiene leads to diseases of the gums and oral mucosa. With saliva, some of the microorganisms enter the stomach, sometimes causing inflammation and diseases of the internal organs.

Food leftovers are nutrient medium for microorganisms that form plaque in the process of their vital activity. Acids are released from it. Exposure to acids released by plaque destroys fine enamel.

This leads to education. A carious tooth is a source of bacteria and infections that can lead to stomatitis, pain or discomfort in a child.

Teeth affected by caries are not only ugly. They can lead to infection of the roots that are in the gums. And the early loss of milk teeth sometimes leads to incorrect eruption of permanent, curvature and asymmetry of the bite.

Cleaning rules

As the baby grows up, the attributes of hygiene also change. Their choice is not an easy task.

But even the safest brush can be harmful if you do not adhere to simple rules:

  1. The chewing surface is cleaned in a circular motion, and the front part - only in vertical movements.
  2. The tongue also needs cleaning.
  3. Thoroughly wash the brush and remember to regularly replace it with a new one (every 3 months).
  4. Dentists advise twice a day.
  5. The duration of the procedure should not exceed three minutes.

First year of life

Hearing ringing sound spoons on the first cutter, do not rush to run after the brush.

For babies under one year old, there are their own care products:

  • silicone fingertip;
  • sterile bandage;
  • dental wipes.

The advantages of the listed funds are that they are worn on the finger. This allows you to feel the gums and regulate pressure.

The most budgetary way is the use of a bandage or gauze soaked in water or soda solution... A small amount of the bandage is moistened, wrung out and wound around the finger. Gums, tongue and inner surface cheeks.

The purchase of dental wipes will hit your pocket much more. They are intended for single use, treated with a special antiseptic solution, which is safe for the crumbs. Neutral in taste, will not leave unpleasant sensations the baby.

There is a huge selection of silicone fingertips in children's stores. For the first manipulations, it is better to choose a smooth attribute.

The grown-up baby can be offered fingertips with silicone bristles. They are more like a toothbrush and massage the gums better. After each use, they are washed in running water. Boil before first use.

Second year of life

The child grows very quickly and already in a year can firmly hold a toothbrush in his hands. Of course, adults will have to manage clumsy hands. Rinsing the mouth for a baby is also a daunting task, therefore, it is necessary to use a fluoride-free paste.

At this age, the main criterion for choosing a brush is its safety. What to look for:

  • stiffness of the bristles;
  • anti-swallow handle, non-slip;
  • the size of the working part (head).

The little man is chosen an attribute of hygiene with soft but elastic bristles. Coarse hairs can scratch loose enamel and injure the gums. Preference is given to models with the same bristle height (about 10 mm), in 3-4 rows.

The size of the working surface should not exceed 20 mm (approximately the size of two teeth). The rounded head will prevent injury to the gums.

Bright handles with cartoon characters attract a child's eye. It is inconvenient to use an accessory with a massive handle at such a young age. To prevent the brush from slipping, manufacturers provide a rubberized or ribbed coating.

A protective ring must be required.

At what age to clean with a paste?

The toothpaste must be rinsed out thoroughly. Babies can cope with this procedure closer to two years. At first, the amount of paste should be about the size of a pea.

The composition of the paste for children under 3 years old does not contain fluoride. And also, for daily use, products with antiseptic components (for example, or triclosan) are not suitable. They are detrimental to local immunity and violate the microflora.

But it's okay if the baby swallows some baby paste. The composition is absolutely harmless to health.

The renowned doctor Komarovsky recommends starting the oral care process as early as possible. But do not make violence out of this procedure.

The process should give the little one pleasure, be a game. If the child resists, then you can wait until a more conscious age, up to 2-3 years. It will take up to 7 years to take care of your baby's teeth, until he learns how to properly take care of them himself.

The task of parents is not to force, but to interest and teach them to hygiene.

But for the health of the mouth, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Diet (do not overeat at night, do not feed 24 hours a day).
  2. Clean cool air in the room, do not let saliva dry out.
  3. Drink clean water at night.

Each parent has the right to decide when to start teaching the child to the daily oral care routine. Timely started oral hygiene is a guarantee of health and a beautiful smile.

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