Treatment with medical cups: instructions for use, benefits and harms. Beneficial properties of back cups and their possible harm to the body. Cupping on the back: health benefits: treatment and prevention

Cupping has been used in medicine for a long time. The Chinese were the first to use them; they believed that cupping increased resistance to harmful effects, activated blood circulation and vital energy"qi". When the jar touches the patient's body, the skin is sucked inside. This leads to increased blood flow to the area. Banks actively stimulate blood circulation, renewal of body cells, and improve metabolism. Moreover, not only bronchitis and pneumonia were treated with this method. Cupping treatment was believed to help with headaches, abdominal pain, back pain, lower back pain, and joint pain. They were used to treat (and still treat in Chinese medicine) coughs, asthma and even diarrhea.

And today the so-called vacuum therapy is in fashion, which uses cans of different volumes and configurations. They say that even ordinary mayonnaise containers, as well as half-liter and seven-hundred-gram containers, are used (if treated at home). Supporters of vacuum therapy have no doubt that with the help of cups it is possible to cure the most various diseases: osteochondrosis, muscle spasms, radiculitis, lumbago, bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma; diseases of cardio-vascular system, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum etc.

Doctor Pavel Mikhailichenko, who, in fact, developed and put into practice vacuum gradient therapy (a method of deep tissue treatment), says that these are not hematomas, but “blood effusion through the walls of blood vessels.” According to him, this “exudation” contains “not only blood elements, but also protein substrates of blood plasma, physiologically active substances such as histamine, prostaglandins, neurotransmitters, hormones, etc.” That is, “slags” that are removed only in this way.

Moreover, by the color of the spots after the procedure, you can tell how far the disease has gone and how clogged the body is with toxins. You can be treated with vacuum therapy at home (if we are not talking about complex diseases). Cupping will help eliminate pain that occurs in the neck, back, lower back, high blood pressure, insomnia, headaches, and fatigue.

Of course, not everyone can bet on pots. It is forbidden to do this when serious illnesses heart (acute inflammatory processes in the myocardium, endocardium, pericardium, heart defects, grade 3-4 hypertension, myocardial infarction in the acute period, frequent attacks angina pectoris, acute cardiovascular failure); for acute infectious diseases, sclerosis and vascular thrombosis; with significant depletion of the body; loss of skin elasticity and a number of other diseases. That is, before self-medication, you need to consult a doctor.

Used for treatment medical banks for a number of diseases bronchopulmonary system, for neuralgia and neuritis, for myositis, etc. Despite their former popularity and fairly high efficiency, in recent medicine, jars are a rather original invention of ancient doctors (mankind knew jars even before they knew glass; the first jars were made from hollow horns large cattle) are used less and less. This is probably due to the emergence of more and more effective and easier-to-use products.

The mechanism of action of cans can be called twofold. On the one hand, medical banks have a pronounced distracting effect; they cause a rush of blood and lymph to a certain area of ​​the body, which cannot but improve the nutrition of this area, and cannot but speed up the process of resorption of inflammation, if any, in this area; In addition, the rushing blood warms the tissues, and we know that heat reduces pain. On the other hand, under the influence of negative pressure, a section of skin is sucked into the cavity of the can and subcutaneous tissue; under the same negative pressure, many small blood vessels, having expanded extremely, they rupture, which leads to multiple small hemorrhages (the place where the medical jar stood is a purple spot due to small hemorrhages); We can consider these hemorrhages as a kind of autohemotherapy that stimulates the immune (defensive) forces of the body.

For treatment, medical cups are placed near the source of inflammation, on areas of the skin under which the subcutaneous fat and muscle layers are visible, since in areas where there are bony protrusions, the cups simply will not hold. For diseases of the bronchi and lungs (in pediatric practice, cups are used mainly for these diseases), the cups are placed on the back - along spinal column, under the shoulder blades, on the chest - under the collarbones and in the area of ​​projection of the lung on the right; Cans cannot be placed on the heart area.

Before using for treatment, medical jars must first be prepared. They wash themselves in warm water, rinse in cold and wipe thoroughly dry, put on a tray. In addition to the cans themselves, for the procedure you will need a metal probe with threads or a forceps (metal tongs with serrated inner surface jaws), a little cotton wool, matches, a bottle of alcohol, Vaseline (or Vaseline oil, or any vegetable oil; Turpentine ointment is quite suitable).

The patient should be placed on his stomach, apply a very thin layer of Vaseline to the skin, or wipe the skin with a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil(the fatty layer provides better adhesion of the can to the skin); then with your left hand we take the probe with a cotton wool soaked in alcohol wrapped around it, light it, right hand we take a jar, quickly bring fire into the cavity of the jar and place the jar with the neck on the body - at the same time we see how the skin is immediately drawn into the jar; Without wasting time, put in a second jar, a third, etc. - as much as necessary. After all the jars have been placed, cover the patient with a blanket and wait 8-10 minutes. At this time, you can rub your soles with turpentine ointment; You need to rub actively until you feel warmth in your palm; in combination with cups, rubbing the soles with turpentine ointment gives good therapeutic effect- sometimes it completely relieves the cough... After the specified time has elapsed, we remove the cans one by one; This is done in the following way: you need to press your finger on the skin near the edge of the can - at this point the adhesion of the can with the skin is broken, air enters the cavity of the can, and the can disappears by itself. When the cups are removed, wipe the patient's skin with a dry towel and cover with a blanket. Banks can be placed every day.

Under no circumstances should ether be used instead of alcohol. It is recommended to lightly moisten the cotton wool with alcohol; if the cotton wool has absorbed too much alcohol, it is better to squeeze out the excess alcohol; otherwise, a drop of burning alcohol may escape from the cotton wool and cause a burn.

Children can be given cups every other day, every two days; better evening before bedtime so that the child can sleep immediately after the procedure.

Note that children have different attitudes towards banks. Small child may be afraid of the procedure, especially if he has not had this procedure done before: everything looks very mysterious, impressive, and unusual - shiny jars, a sparkling probe (or forceps), matches, fire, some excitement from the parents, etc.; therefore, it is better to arrange everything so that the child does not see the actual procedure - the baby lies on his stomach, the mother distracts the child with conversations, and the father does everything that is necessary at this time. If dad has never had to place cups before, he should try to place them on one of the adults, and after acquiring the skill, apply his skill in treating the child. A good therapeutic effect is obtained by alternating the use of cans and mustard plasters: today mom puts mustard plasters, tomorrow dad puts cans, etc.

There is a lot of talk about medical banks, it’s boring, and everyone is not too lazy. They say that American doctors do not welcome them, they see them as evil for all humanity. So, is it possible to use medical cups, are they beneficial or harmful, how are they used in medicine? Are there any indications or contraindications for using vacuum cans? We will try to answer these questions in this article. In addition, you can watch a video on how to install vacuum jars yourself.

Even somewhere out there, on the edge of the Earth, because of cans, something inside someone broke and never grew back together. American experts have only one conclusion: apart from their wonderful creations of the pharmaceutical industry, there is nothing that can really save the world! Like, buy their cough remedies, and not only will your cough go away, but new teeth will grow. And the fact that banks were used for hundreds of years all over the world by doctors who, by the way, in their Middle Ages understood more about medicine than some do now does not count.

Dear people! Let's turn to our national medical knowledge base! Talk to old pediatricians, physiotherapists and therapists, they will tell you about their many years of experience. Ask old people who went through the war what they were treated with and how the military doctors treated them. They say correctly that there is no prophet in his own country. How many years have we used cups, analgin, paracetamol, baths, mustard plasters, etc. And now all we hear is that our methods of treatment are either terribly harmful or obscenely outdated. And only their tablets are tasty, beautiful and healthy for our livers. Have you ever heard of someone dying after using cans!? No! And there was no such thing. Everything is wonderful for all of us snotty childhood My parents treated me with cupping and we grew up so that you can’t kill with a stick and a nail! We can manage this issue just fine without America.

How to be treated with medical cupping?

Vacuum therapy is a type of medical treatment on the human body that has been used since ancient times to cause therapeutic effect. Previously, hollow horns of various animals, pots, bowls made of clay, glass, bronze, and ceramics were used for procedures. Millennia have passed, but the method has not lost its healing essence, the only difference is that today glass medical jars are used.

Jars are round glass vessels with a thickened edge with a capacity of 30-70 ml. Banks are one of the means local impact on blood and lymph circulation, causing local and reflex expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels, they have a resolving, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. During the first hour after cupping, some changes in the composition of the blood are noted, a decrease blood pressure and slow heart rate. This is not dangerous! By the color of the spots after the procedure, you can tell how far the disease has progressed and how high the intoxication is.

One thing must be said in defense of the cans, but very important word. Readers, dear! Banking, like mustard plasters, and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed at the resolution stage inflammatory diseases organs of the respiratory system. When the disease is just beginning (dry painful cough, elevated body temperature), cupping is contraindicated! They are used with therapeutic purpose When the cough becomes productive, that is, accompanied by the discharge of sputum, the body temperature does not have significant and long-lasting rises.

Indications for the use of medical cups:

  • inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, lungs, pleura in the stage of resolution (recovery)
  • congestion in the lungs (without increasing body temperature)
  • inflammatory diseases of muscles and nerve trunks
  • headache
  • intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis, acute and chronic myositis
  • moderate increase in blood pressure

Contraindications to the use of medical cups:

  • inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, lungs, pleura at the onset of the disease
  • inflammatory skin diseases where you want to place the jar
  • general exhaustion
  • pulmonary tuberculosis in any variant
  • neoplasm in the chest
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels: acute inflammatory processes in the myocardium, endocardium, pericardium, myocardial infarction in the acute period, ischemic disease heart, hypertension 3-4 degrees
  • heart defects
  • body temperature above 38.0

Places for applying vacuum cans, where to put them?

  • the anterior surface of the chest, except for the area of ​​the sternum, heart and mammary glands
  • back, excluding the spine area
  • lower back, excluding the spine area
  • back of thighs, along sciatic nerve

Instructions for using medical glass jars

To set up the cans you will need:

  • rinsed and wiped dry jars
  • cream or Vaseline
  • bottle with flammable liquid (alcohol, cologne)
  • tweezers or knitting needle
  • matches

The procedure for placing cans:

  • the patient goes to bed, exposing the corresponding part of the body. The skin at the site where the cups are applied should be clean and free of hair.
  • cream or Vaseline is applied in a thin layer and rubbed well into the skin.
  • Place a tray with all the items necessary for the procedure next to the bed.
  • Dip tweezers with cotton into alcohol, squeeze well and set on fire.
  • V left hand(if you are right-handed) take 1-2 jars and, leaning over the patient with a quick movement, make a circular motion with the burning cotton wool inside the jar on the tweezers. The flame burns oxygen and creates a vacuum. To create a vacuum, 1-2 seconds of the flame remaining inside the jar is enough.
  • quickly apply the jar to your body.
  • Cover the patient with a warm towel and leave for 5 minutes.
  • repeat the procedure every other day, increasing its duration to 10 minutes.

Complications when using medical cups

  • formation of burns on the patient’s skin due to prolonged overheating of a jar over a fire or burning liquid dripping from cotton wool
  • When the cups are left on the skin for a long time, bubbles filled with pink liquid form. They must be protected from mechanical injury by clothing. The blisters should be lubricated once a day with a pink solution of potassium permanganate for drying or with alcohol.

With a healthy attitude towards the issue of placing cups and certain manual skills, cups will benefit you.

How to put video banks

We hope that everything will be fine for you and our theoretical material will remain only a theory for you for the rest of your life! Be healthy and successful!

Banks in medical practice have been used for a long time. They were first used in China: it was the Chinese who believed that banks would increase resistance to various harmful effects, will normalize blood flow, stimulate the flow of energy and improve the condition of the human body.

How effective are they in treating certain diseases? Is it possible to harm your health by using cups? How to put cans on your back? What types of banks are there? You can get comprehensive answers to these questions.

In what cases are jars placed on the back?

Medical cupping is classified as a non-medicinal treatment method. They are considered by experts to be a means nonspecific therapy, the main purpose of which is to increase the effectiveness of the drug course of treatment. They increase the body's natural defenses, improve blood circulation in organs and tissues located under the skin, enhance metabolic processes in them, and accelerate the resolution of inflammation.

Cupping is possible only after consultation with a doctor, who will make a diagnosis and be able to accurately determine whether a person has contraindications to this therapy. Proponents of this treatment have no doubt that this method helps in the fight against a wide variety of diseases.

Operating principle

After installation in jars a vacuum arises. The skin underneath will retract slightly with further enlargement and deformation of the lumens of the blood vessels. Thus, the volume of blood that circulates deep in the tissues increases. The body will begin to work hard to supply these places with more oxygen and nutrients. Minor surface damage will speed up the metabolic process.

When a person develops a tumor, cupping therapy will help change the location of the tumor, which will lead to easier treatment or simplified surgical intervention- the tumor can be easily removed from organs that are not vital.

Increasing blood flow to certain parts of the body will relieve inflammation, pain, and spasms. There will be a gradual regeneration of body cells.

Stories from our readers!
"I cured my bad back on my own. It’s been 2 months since I forgot about the pain in my back. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, Lately I couldn’t really walk normally... How many times did I go to clinics, but they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

And now it’s been 7 weeks, and my back joints don’t bother me at all, every other day I go to the dacha to work, and it’s a 3 km walk from the bus, so I can walk easily! All thanks to this article. A must read for anyone with back pain!"

Efficiency and rules for placing cups on the back

So, if there are no contraindications, you can start placing cups.

This must be done by following some simple rules:

  • Skin - only healthy and without damage, because after them bruises form. We should not forget that hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water before the procedure.
  • So that the cans can stick more firmly to the body, apply a thin layer of Vaseline or cream (preferably for children) on your back.
  • The air inside the jar needs to be discharged, this is the only way she can stick to her back. To do this, you should make a small torch. Take a stick about 10 cm long, wrap it in cotton wool and soak it in alcohol or cologne. Light it and add it to the jar.
  • Quickly remove and place the can against your body, directly to the area of ​​skin indicated by the doctor.
  • Most often they are placed in the back, chest, lower back and sides.
  • Try to put the can down quickly, otherwise air will get into it and it will not stick to the patient’s body.
  • You need to extinguish the wick in a jar filled with water.
  • Newly delivered cans can be covered with a diaper to maintain warmth and cover the patient.
  • After all the jars are removed, remove any remaining Vaseline oil from the skin. using a small amount of dry cotton wool or cotton wool with alcohol.
  • A person is recommended to lie down after the procedure for at least half an hour in a comfortable position.
  • Wash jars and dry after use.

On what areas of the body can cupping not be placed?

  • In the area of ​​the kidneys and heart.
  • For women - too close to the mammary glands.
  • Along the line of the spine.

Depending on the age of the patient, from 6 to 14 cans can be used at the same time. The first procedure should take only a few minutes, gradually this time increases up to 10-15 minutes. During the procedure, the person should feel warm.

When sharp pain no need to be forced to endure, you should immediately remove the can. This is done without much effort: lightly press the skin near the jar with your fingers, let the air enter inside. Then it will disappear on its own. Make sure that the jars adhere well - after all, the benefits obtained as a result of the procedure depend on this.

If there is a need to repeat the setting, remember that you cannot set the jars every day! You need to take a break for at least a day, maybe 2-3. It is not recommended to put them in the same places.

Read about it here.


  • Use extreme caution when placing jars so as not to burn the patient when the wick is lit.
  • Do not use ether as a flammable substance., it is an explosive substance.
  • If the exposure time of the cans is increased for one reason or another, this may result in the appearance of bubbles, inside of which there will be serous fluid. They will need to be carefully cut using sterile scissors, and then apply a 5% solution of potassium permanganate to the skin.
  • Vaseline oil is suitable as a substitute for Vaseline, any fatty cream or oil (technical mixtures cannot be used).
  • The wick rod must be metal- this will help prevent fire.
  • A jar of water must be kept within sight- this way you can quickly extinguish the wick.

Pain and crunching in the back over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete restriction of movements, up to disability.

People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedy which orthopedists recommend...


Experts have formed two diametrically opposed opinions regarding vacuum therapy. In the environment modern specialists It is generally accepted that cupping does not have a significant effect on the body and only medical supplies promote complete recovery.

But still, it’s worth saying a few words about the advisability of using cans. They, along with mustard plasters and other physiotherapeutic procedures, are prescribed only at the stage of resolution of diseases respiratory tract. On initial stages(for dry cough, elevated temperature bodies) they are not prescribed! Use only when sputum begins to come out when coughing, body temperature does not rise.

In particular, banks are placed on the back when:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, pleura or lungs.
  • Congestion in the lungs (at normal body temperature).
  • Inflammation in muscles and nerve trunks.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • , radiculitis, acute and chronic myositis.
  • Moderate increases in blood pressure.

We covered the topic here.

In case of pneumonia, it is dangerous to use cups for treatment - this can result in pneumothorax (rupture of lung tissue). This fact does not mean that this can happen to everyone. But experts insist: if such a disappointing outcome occurs in even one patient out of a hundred, human life cannot be risked.


You cannot install them when:

  1. Increased skin sensitivity, inflammation of the skin.
  2. A state of general exhaustion of the body.
  3. Tuberculosis of any form.
  4. New developments in the field chest.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Heart defects.
  7. Body temperature exceeding 38 degrees.
  8. Thrombosis or vascular sclerosis.
  9. Acute infections.
  10. Pneumonia.
  11. State of mental excitement.

There is no need to self-medicate. Before using cups, be sure to consult with your doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications. Can be used to treat children over 3 years of age. It is not recommended to use if the patient's age exceeds 60 years.

Installation of medical vacuum cans with a cylinder

Vacuum jars with a balloon continue to be used to improve the health of the body (massage). It has been scientifically proven that a unique therapeutic effect can be achieved through improved blood flow. The dynamics of processes is influenced by pressure, which is achieved artificially, arising between the vacuum and the external environment.


  • Stagnation is eliminated.
  • Metabolic processes are enhanced.
  • Skin respiration of massaged areas increases many times over.

It has been noted that such procedures significantly increase the skin’s resistance to mechanical and even chemical influences. Mechanisms for restoring the skin and adjacent organs are launched.

A rush of blood leads to an increase in metabolism depending on the place of application, productive work lungs and bronchi, more complete liver circulation, increased functional absorption of fluid by the kidneys, nerve impulses begin to send signals at a normal speed. The presence of a small pump increases the difference between the pressures on the outside and inside of the can, which leads to an increased effect on the subcutaneous tissue.

Air is removed from the cans using a special pump to create a negative pressure of 0.06 MPa, providing 10 full cycles of pressing. The vacuum effect created by the cans at the moment of pumping out air masses provides positive influence on cells, normalizes blood circulation.

In inner part jars, you can place a magnetic attachment so that a weak magnetic field has an effect on the body. It penetrates deep into the cells by about 7-9 centimeters. The level of oxygen in the blood and in the heart muscle and brain increases, which increases the protective and restorative properties in the body.

Massage cups with a balloon are used for various ailments, in particular:

Medical cups are used for inflammatory processes in the chest organs (bronchitis, pneumonia), intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis, myositis. Typically, cups are placed on the back, lower back and front right of the chest. Cups should not be placed on the heart area, shoulder blades, mammary glands, or areas of damaged skin.

Cupping is used for a local flow of blood and lymph from deep-lying tissues to the skin, as well as for the purpose of changing the movement of bad juices in the body. Wherein small vessels overflow with blood, burst and a hematoma is formed, which subsequently resolves. This has an irritating and distracting effect. The organ heated by the cups can attract blood or return it to its natural place from which it was displaced, for example, due to a hernia.

It is recommended to place jars in the middle or at the end of the lunar month, preferably in the second and third hours after sunrise. It is not advisable to do this after a bath for those suffering from hemophilia and anemia. In this case, after visiting the bathhouse, they need to rest quietly for 1 hour and only after that put the jars on.

How are banks placed?
Before the procedure, to soften and better fit the cups, wipe the skin and lubricate it with Vaseline or cream. Wash and dry jars before use. Wrap a piece of cotton wool around the end of a stick or knitting needle and secure it carefully. Hold the jar with one hand with the hole down next to the surface of the skin, and with the other hand momentarily insert a lighted swab moistened with alcohol into the jar, being careful not to touch its edges, so as not to burn the patient.

After removing the burning tampon from the jar, immediately press it tightly to the skin with its entire circumference. The burning tampon creates a vacuum inside the can, so that the can is suctioned to the skin and held on it by atmospheric pressure, while simultaneously drawing the skin within the circumference of the can inward. Cover with a towel and leave the jars on the skin for 5-15 minutes. The patient should lie still.

To remove the can, tilt it with one hand and lightly press on the skin at the very edge of the can with the other hand, allowing air to enter, after which the can will immediately come off. If the can is difficult to remove, you should take a rag or sponge that is almost wet hot water, and pre-steam the area around the jar.

Why and for whom are banks needed?

# Children can be given cups starting from the second year of life. After 60 years, banks should not be used.

# For excruciating pain in the abdomen and uterus that occurs during menstruation, especially in girls, cups are placed on the navel.

# For inflammation of the sciatic nerve, cups are placed on outside hips.

# Banks on inside hips help with pain in the hips and heels, with hemorrhoids, hernia and gout.

# Attaching a jar to anus diverts blood from the whole body and head, it is good for the intestines and cures disorders menstrual cycle.

# Banks to the occipital cavity help with a feeling of heaviness in the eyebrows and eyelids, and are also beneficial when the eye itches and bad smell iso. mouth

# Cupping between the shoulder blades relieves pain in the shoulder and head.

# Cupping on one of the jugular veins helps with head tremors and pain in the face, ears, eyes, throat or nose.

# Cupping placed on the calves of the legs purifies the blood and intensifies menstruation.

# Banks on the protrusion of the back of the head and crown are useful for mental disorders and dizziness, but you can put them in this place only occasionally and for a short time.

# Cupping under the chin is good for the teeth, face and throat - this procedure cleanses the head and jaw.

# Cupping on the front of the thighs helps with tumors of the testicles and abscesses on the thighs and legs, and in the back - with tumors and abscesses on the buttocks.

# Cupping under the knee relieves shooting pain in the knee.

# Cupping on the heels helps with delayed menstruation, inflammation of the sciatic nerve and gout.

  • Dear doctors and healers! Many are convinced that traditional and alternative medicine uses the experience of the past, but I believe that they are the future! After all, it has been noticed that numerous medications that advertising insistently suggests buying in pharmacies sooner or later force people to talk about side effects, but I have never heard that folk way treatment harmed someone.
  • I’m writing about this because I recently saw a report on TV from an Indonesian clinic where many diseases are treated with cupping. Yes, yes, the same cups that many were given by their parents in childhood in cases of bronchitis or pneumonia. And now it turns out that this remedy, as they say today, wide range actions. True, it was difficult to understand all the intricacies of the treatment method from the program, but it interested me very much. Therefore, I ask you to tell me how to use cups for treatment and health promotion?

Those who use cupping for treatment forget about their illnesses

Modern jars are shaped like those used by the Roman physician Galen. The effect of cupping was described by a doctor medical sciences, Professor E.S. Velkhover: immediately after the procedure, systolic (upper) pressure decreases by approximately 25 mm Hg. column, the pulse rate slows down by 20 beats. The blood picture changes - the number of leukocytes decreases by 15%, the number of lymphocytes increases by 20%!

There was a period in my life when my daughter jokingly called me Leopardina, because my entire back, legs, chest, stomach and arms were covered in circles of medical cups.

She cured me with the help of cupping one healer from common osteochondrosis , so much so that she crawled out of bed on all fours, and just straightened up and slowly paced, sweating from pain.

I received dozens of injections, did gymnastics constantly, but 2-3 times a year it still overtook me.

Somehow I was bent over again (you walk like a hook, with your stomach forward and cannot straighten up): my back, legs and lower abdomen hurt. I made an appointment with three doctors at once: a therapist, a neurologist and a gynecologist (in case the abdominal pain is not related to the back). In the morning I was getting ready to leave, and then a neighbor ran in and said that a very knowledgeable Healer had agreed to see me. I was ready for anything (I already know what awaits me in the hospital), so I went.

Antonina Petrovna [that was the name of the healer] put me on a massage table and let me put medical cups on my back, legs and buttocks (I never thought that such a quantity could be put on a person), and in the meantime she grumbles at the neighbor, saying that she should have told me earlier that the person feels so bad.

At first it hurt, but gradually the pain subsided. The first session pleased me with the results, and after eight performances I was already running. That’s when my daughter nicknamed me Leopardina.

Banks have saved me more than once. They are used not only for colds.

The Secret of Galen's Treatment

IN folk medicine healers used vacuum effects using a clay pot “umbilical disease”, bronchitis, pneumonia, “dispelled bad blood”, treated mastitis, purulent wounds, radiculitis, baldness, etc.. In the sixties of the last century, the method was tested, researched and found to be necessary and effective, and then it received its name.

What happens during vacuum therapy?

The effect of cupping was described by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.S. Velkhover: immediately after the procedure, systolic [upper] pressure decreases by approximately 25 mm. column, the pulse rate slows down by 20 beats, the blood picture changes - the number of leukocytes decreases by 15%, the number of lymphocytes increases by 20%. This increases blood clotting. It was then that the extremely beneficial effect of vacuum therapy on the body was proven.

When using vacuum cups, a pressure difference occurs in the placement area - the result is blood flow. The circulation of interstitial fluid improves. The procedure allows you to get rid of congestion, swelling, promotes rapid withdrawal harmful substances from the human body.

The method of treatment using cupping has a name - vacuum therapy, it is very ancient. Modern jars are shaped like those used by the Roman physician Galen. By placing them on the patient’s body, he left traces that he called healing seals of a person.

Vacuum cans do not injure the skin: dark spots after staging, these are not hematomas (they appear when the walls of blood vessels rupture), but an “effusion” of blood elements through the walls of blood vessels, unstable, worn out, essentially waste. Next, the process of renewal of blood, lymph, and tissue fluid begins with redoubled force.

Cupping allows not only treatment, but also diagnostics: the darker the spots (dark purple and bluish-violet), the greater the stagnation process in the depths of the tissues. With reddish spots with little swelling, changes in the deep tissues are superficial. After several sessions, the resulting spots become dimmer and after a few sessions do not appear at all - the work of cleansing the body of toxins has been completed.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the technique of cupping for osteochondrosis

You can use not only small medical jars for treatment, but also ordinary household jars with a capacity of 0.25; 0.35; 0.4; 0.5; 0.6 or more liters. Check that the edges of the jars are free of chips and nicks.

For the procedure you will need cotton wool, alcohol or cologne, scissors with long handles or a medical clip, and a mug of water. Make a tampon out of cotton wool, hold it with the ends of scissors, soak it in alcohol, squeeze it out, and set it on fire. Take the jar in your left hand, hold it over the area of ​​your back where you need to apply the jar, in your right hand - scissors with a burning wick and bring it inside the jar for 1 second (if the jar is 0.5 liters, the torch is brought in three times) and quickly put the jar to the body.

Touch the jar from the sides quietly: if it doesn’t “stick”, it will bounce off. Before performing the procedure, you can lightly lubricate the body with vegetable oil or Vaseline (but it is better not to lubricate it). Make sure that the edge of the jar is not overheated, otherwise the patient may get burned.

When all the jars are placed, the wick must be extinguished in a mug of water. Cover the patient carefully with a blanket or blanket. The session lasts 20-30 minutes.

Then remove the cans like this: hold the can with your left hand and quietly try to tilt it to one side, and at the same time press with your right finger on the body next to the neck on the opposite side - the can should come off.

Cupping should be applied not only in the area of ​​pain, but also nearby, and should be used to cover as large a surface as possible.

What happens if cupping is used to treat osteochondrosis?

With this disease, they are damaged (by various reasons) joints of the spine, the spinal nerves emerging from the spine and the muscle tissue adjacent to them are injured. Inflammation, pain occurs, and the movement mechanism is disrupted. Sometimes pain occurs in other organs that are “controlled” nervous system inflamed part of the spine.

The purpose of cupping is to remove muscle tightness, relax muscles, restore blood flow, and cleanse toxins. We apply cups on both sides of the spine from the neck to the tailbone, then on both sides of the placed ones, as long as it takes, if the pain spreads to the legs and arms, then along the path of the pain and around. In the first minutes it happens nagging pain, gradually she becomes dull and goes away. Relief comes from the first procedure.

After removing the cans, wipe off the sweat and go to bed or rest for at least half an hour. Avoid hypothermia! It is better to place cups every other day, up to 10 procedures. Each time, move the placement locations slightly relative to the previous one, so you can work out and improve a larger area of ​​the body. After treatment, I had a lasting effect of recovery, and I wish the same for you.

Forgotten old?

Modern medicine is increasingly using time-tested treatment methods. Take, for example, the story of banks. This classical method has been widely used since ancient times in the countries of the East. Initially, jars were made of various materials and various shapes from bamboo wood, clay, horns, and later from glass.

The most modern cans are made of plastic. They are easy to use. You can dose the vacuum yourself. They do not require fire, which helps overcome psychological stress for people who are afraid of fire or burns.

But, despite the innovations, in many countries, for example in Vietnam, jars made from animal horns are still popular to this day. We are talking about rural areas.

Chinese certified bamboo jars can also be purchased. They are quite popular not only in China, but also far beyond its borders. The silicic acid contained in bamboo has a beneficial effect on the skin and horny processes: hair, nails. These cups help to avoid fever, used forcough, treatment of epilepsy as a general tonic for the body. They can be used in 3 ways: by fire, by brewing in herbal infusions, and by installing hot steam.

Tangible effect

Cupping is useful for treatment circulatory system and the whole organism as a whole.

I will give a list of diseases that can be cured by using cups correctly.

Infectious diseases:

pneumonia (pneumonia), indigestion (stool), urinary incontinence (enuresis).

A number of internal diseases:

spicy and chronic gastritis and gastroenteritis, bloating and abdominal pain (flatulence), hypertension, migraine, diabetes, pyelonephritis, acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, colds, atherosclerosis, diaphragm spasm, renal colic, vomiting on nervous soil, allergic colitis, neurasthenia, sexual neurasthenia, facial paralysis, neuralgia trigeminal nerve, obesity, cystitis, acute pan ­ creatite , biliary colic, hyperthyroidism, prostatitis, impotence .

External diseases:

lumbago, cervical osteochondrosis, humeroscapular periarthritis, intoxication due to a bite, intercostal neuralgia, lower back pain, sciatica, rectal prolapse, acute mastitis, rheumatoid arthritis, torticollis, fibrosis of the neck and shoulder joint, hemorrhoids, nausea and vomiting in the morning in pregnant women, erysipelas and a number of others diseases.

In the field of gynecology

climacteric syndrome, amenorrhea, painful leukorrhea, chronic pelvioperitonitis, weak lactation, genital itching.

ENT diseases :

chronic rhinitis, acute tonsillitis, spicy catarrhal conjunctivitis, cataract, stye, optic nerve atrophy, toothache.

Skin diseases:

neurodermatitis, measles, psoriasis, herpes zoster.

As I mentioned above, healing occurs due to the outflow of blood and lymph from the deepest tissues through vacuum action, which has a positive effect on the vessels of the internal organs.

Medical practice has proven that cupping massage(vacuum therapy) is one of the effective methods of non-drug treatment. This method makes it possible to prevent diseases and relieve their pain syndromes.

Cupping eliminates congestion in the muscles, leading to the development of osteochondrosis and spondylosis.

After the procedure, due to changes in the structure of the vessel wall, marks usually remain in place of the cups. But the integrity of the capillaries is not compromised. Traces and their color indicate the condition of a particular organ.

Let's heal at home!

The vacuum space in modern plastic cans is created by a special pump. The pump is placed on the valve of the can and pumps out the air inside it by squeezing the lever in your hand. After which the pump is carefully removed for further work with other cans.

To remove the can from the body, just open the valve slightly. The kit includes a special hose - an adapter for the ability to install cans in the required places.

For those who want to perform cupping (vacuum) massage on their loved ones at home, I can recommend the following:

  • Let's begin with massage must be performed on a clean body . The area of ​​the body to be massaged must be lubricated with massage oil or cream.
  • Usually 1 or 2 cans are used for massage. Skin sensitivity should also be taken into account. Carry out the massage, making uniform and smooth movements with the jar along any trajectory.
  • The massage should be completed when characteristic red marks appear. . Perform massage daily for 5 to 10 days. This is very individual and entirely depends on the condition of the person to whom you are giving a massage.
  • At the end of the massage, rest is recommended, at least 30 minutes in a warm room.

For certain ailments, use the following massage recommendations


treated with sliding massage movements from the waist to the neck. Movements should be straight, with moderate upward pressure and no force when moving down. Pay special attention to massage along the entire spine.


cured by fugue movements of the cup in the area of ​​the seventh vertebra. The massage is performed clockwise, without touching the seventh vertebra itself. After this, be sure to massage the trapezius muscles from the head towards the shoulders.


cured by chest massage in the area of ​​the xiphoid process, bottom corners shoulder blades Massage of the lateral plane of the chest. After the massage, the temperature decreases, mucus drains from the lungs, and breathing becomes easier. At the end of the massage, the patient should be covered with a warm blanket and given a drink. Herb tea with lemon, honey or raspberries.


cured by massage along the lower back. For muscle myositis shoulder joints massage the back of the neck and back.


can be cured by massage of the lumbar region, and if the pain radiates to the leg, a massage of the back surfaces of the legs is applied from the popliteal pit to the gluteal fold.


It can be cured by performing a daily massage for 3-4 weeks using circular and zigzag movements on the thighs and buttocks. This will help get rid of deposits under the skin. In this case, physical rupture of fat cells occurs. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to use anti-cellulite cream.

Unlike mustard plasters, jars are not an allergen; they can be safely used by allergy sufferers.

Dr. A. S. Zalmanov said: “Make the skin speak, and it will inform you better than most studies using the most modern devices! The skin is a giant “peripheral brain”, a tireless watchman, which, being always alert, constantly notifies central brain about every aggression, every danger!

Doctors have found that after the procedures the rate of blood microcirculation in the brain increases. The general condition improves, the mood improves. If the patient starts to howl after the session, this indicates a strong healing effect. I advise you to take 2 preventive courses of 10 procedures each year - in early spring and autumn - this is mandatory.

From medical practice

Anna, 62 years old.

She often suffered from headaches. She was weather dependent and started getting headaches when the weather changed. The husband began placing cans on her shoulders and back. After the second procedure I fell asleep (signal strong action, recovery). Took 9 sessions. Her mood improved and she felt a surge of strength.

4 months have passed since then - no headaches. The cups that were placed on her shoulders improved blood circulation in the brain. I decided to repeat the treatment. The spots were much weaker and went away the next day. I noticed that the red marks from the cans were only on right side backs. The ego spoke of slagging in the liver.

After using cans it decreases slightly upper pressure and the gtuls slows down. However, if the pressure is above 180, you cannot use cups.

Victor, 64 years old.

He has hypertension, blood pressure 160/100. Takes herbal decoctions. The pressure becomes 150/95. As a child, he suffered from pneumonia. Therefore, any cold caused a complication - a prolonged cough.

They started giving him cans. After the first session (1 minute), the pressure increased slightly. After the following sessions, the upper pressure decreased by 10 units. After the third session, I started having a runny nose and started sneezing. Obviously, he was not treated well before. After the eighth session, the cough that had plagued me for several months disappeared. Completely cured.

