Interesting facts about teeth. Amazing facts about teeth. Not all people lose baby teeth

What do we know about teeth?

"Teeth in hard to reach places" is an advertising slogan, to which people have not tired of coming up with new jokes for several years. In fact, bone formations can indeed be present in the most unexpected places of the body. For example, a cancerous tumor, called a keratoma, can, in addition to lymphatic and muscle tissue, even include tooth buds.

American surgeons have learned to use teeth to solve ophthalmonological problems. A clear example is successful operation, as a result of which they restored the woman’s vision by replacing the affected cornea with a piece of the patient’s fang with a built-in artificial lens.

Ancient texts describe that the founder of the world religion, the great Buddha, had 32 bodily signs. One of them is white, standing in an even row of teeth of the same length, devoid of the slightest gaps. According to the scriptures, Buddha had 40 teeth.

One of the teeth, like the greatest relic, is kept in a temple on the island of Sri Lanka. He is hidden under the lids of seven caskets, placed like nesting dolls one inside the other. The relics are credited with miraculous powers.

If we talk about the first man on earth - Adam, then he had only 30 teeth. An interesting fact is that, according to historical sources It was the number of teeth of the progenitor of the human race that served as the basis for determining the number of days in a month.

In modern dentistry, the fact of having a supernumerary number of teeth, like Buddha, is called hyperodontia, and its lack, like Adam’s, is called adentia. But even if you are the owner of a superfluous set, you should not rush to get rid of the excess. Indeed, according to research by scientists, those in our oral cavity bone formations are directly related to memory. By removing any of the teeth, we completely lose part of our memories.

The amazing thing about baby teeth

Babies are born without teeth, although they have tooth germs deep in the jaw. Only after a few months do the roots of their baby teeth begin to grow, pushing the crown out. For many, it will be a revelation that there are cases when children are already born with incisors erupting from the gums. According to one version, this is associated with genetic disease body. In such situations, in order to protect the baby from accidentally swallowing a tooth, and the nursing mother from injury to the breast, the incisors are removed. According to historical references Such later famous figures as Napoleon Bonaparte and Guy Julius Caesar were born with erupted incisors.

An interesting fact is that baby teeth got their name thanks to the great Hippocrates. The scientist sincerely believed that children's temporary teeth are formed from mother's milk.

The entire “set,” which includes 20 baby teeth, matures by the age of 6-7 years.

If you do X-ray during this period, it will be seen that the child has a “two-story” jaw:

  • the upper “floor” is occupied by milk teeth;
  • “basement” in the depths of the jaw – molar crowns.

Over time, the growing roots begin to push the crowns to the surface, and they, in turn, push out the milk teeth. By the time a person reaches adulthood, the second set that appears on the surface will already include 32 teeth. Although there are exceptions when individual milk teeth remain viable and biologically active until a person reaches old age. This pathology is called persistence.

Where to put the fallen milk? Norwegian scientists suggest donating them to the baby teeth bank at the University of Bergen. They use the material collected as a donation from the parents of the babies to research and determine which pollutants cause the greatest harm to the growing body. Today, thanks to donations, scientists have about 20 thousand copies at their disposal.

Fashion trends

Just a couple of decades ago, most people believed that braces greatly spoil a person’s appearance. Today, in countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia, braces are considered a sign of high status and wealth. And in fact, not many people can afford such pleasure. Especially when it comes to original systems with original design.

Enterprising manufacturers jumped into action and produced counterfeit braces at a relatively reasonable cost. You can install the system at home, without resorting to the services of specialists. But since 2012, the fashionable “accessory” has become banned. The reasons for this were several deaths that occurred as a result of people accidentally swallowing fallen-off parts of the system, as well as blood poisoning through wounds resulting from scratching the oral cavity with the sharp ends of metal structures.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the world was swept by the fashion of decorating teeth with flat small stones and plates - skyes. Surprisingly, the idea was actually not new. Hundreds of years ago, wealthy beauties of the ancient Incas, in an effort to make their smiles brilliant, decorated their crowns with precious stones. This is confirmed by the archaeological exhibits presented in museums. To this day, samples have been preserved thanks to tooth enamel - the most durable tissue human body, which perfectly resists mechanical stress and temperature fluctuations.

Human teeth are formations consisting of hard tissues; they are intended for primary mechanical processing of food. Teeth are also involved in the formation of speech sounds and are also an important part wide smile. We present to your attention 10 interesting facts about our teeth.

10 interesting facts about teeth

Human teeth are comparable in strength to shark teeth

The strength of human teeth is largely due to high content calcium (dental calcium makes up about 99% of the total calcium found in the body). However, that's not all. Latest research Scientists have proven that the structure of human enamel is the same as that of sharks.

The enamel covering the tooth is the strongest tissue of the human body and consists of crystals of the natural mineral hydroxyapatite, glued together by organic proteins. This unique structure prevents the formation of microcracks and makes teeth resistant to aggressive external influences.

Human teeth are comparable in strength to shark teeth

Why are dentists never out of work?

The main problem of human teeth is that their tissue is not capable of restoration. Therefore, a damaged tooth, at best, must be repaired, and at worst, replaced with a prosthesis. But, for example, elephants regularly change teeth (up to 9 times in 60 years of life). Shark teeth are even more practical - they grow as they are worn down.

Modern dentists will never be unemployed

What are baby teeth made of?

The father of medicine, Hippocrates, called children's teeth baby teeth because he was convinced that the first set of human teeth develops from the milk that babies drink. It should be noted that the ancient Greek doctor was not as naive as it seems at first glance.

Milk contains a large number of calcium, without which normal growth of teeth – both milk and permanent – ​​is impossible. In addition, baby teeth are indeed significantly different from permanent teeth - they are less durable and have a thin layer of enamel, so their condition greatly depends on the child’s nutritional pattern.

Milk contains a large amount of calcium, which is so necessary for the normal formation of teeth.

The muscles of mastication are the most powerful muscles in the human body.

The death grip is not limited to the jaws of fighting dogs. Chewing muscles a person is capable of creating pressure up to 3.5 centners. Such heavy load can damage tooth enamel and even break teeth, so Everyday life the forces of our jaws are rarely more than 10-15 kg.

The human chewing muscles can create incredible pressure.

Ancient dentists – the first transplantologists

Dentist is the oldest profession. Dentists were the first doctors to successfully use organs from living or dead people for transplantation. Thus, implants of human teeth (most likely from slaves or dead people) were discovered in the jaws of ancient Egyptian pharaohs. This practice was carried out until the beginning of the last century. Historians testify that after the Battle of Waterloo, the teeth of dead soldiers were supplied to many countries for the needs of dentists. Well, in our time, dental implantation is already a common operation to correct the bite.

One of the first dentures

It's not just delicious food that makes your mouth water

Our salivary glands work continuously 24 hours a day, seven days a week! On average, about two liters of saliva are released into the human mouth in one day. It is thanks to such tireless work salivary glands tooth enamel is preserved. With the so-called dry syndrome - a disease that occurs with sharp decline functions of the salivary glands, teeth can be completely destroyed in just two to three years.

Saliva not only moisturizes the surface of the teeth, but also stabilizes the acid-base balance. Increased salivation observed when food is too acidic or too alkaline - this is how saliva protects tooth enamel. In addition, salivary fluid contains bactericidal substances that prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, which contributes to the development of caries.

How much can one tooth cost?

The most expensive tooth in human history was that of the famous physicist Isaac Newton. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, it was bought by an aristocrat for an amount that, in modern terms, amounted to almost forty thousand dollars. The lucky buyer placed the scientist's tooth in his gold ring.

The most expensive tooth belonged to a great physicist

What material is used to make a drill bit for a drill?

Tooth enamel– the strongest biological tissue, so not every material can overcome it. Drill bits are traditionally made from diamond. This is one of the most durable materials on our planet.

Diamond is used to make dental drills

The most ancient artificial teeth

Teeth made from artificial materials, have also been known for quite a long time. Most often, skillfully ground animal bones were used for this purpose. Such artificial teeth were found in the jaws of ancient Egyptians and Etruscans.

Other peoples used products made from durable turtle shells as prosthetics. In those days, any material required great skill, so only a select few could afford such prostheses. An interesting find was discovered in South America– the jaws of the ancient Inca contained a full set of artificial teeth (32!), made of quartz and amethyst.

What example do political leaders set for us?

It is generally accepted that public people, including political leaders, take special care of their own appearance. The most popular procedure among them was professional whitening teeth. It is also worth noting that the most popular service these days is also pain-free dental treatment, which is carried out by Dentistry in Nizhny Novgorod.

For example, the famous Chinese leader Mao Zedong did not brush his teeth at all, because he believed this procedure a useless waste of your precious time. To maintain hygiene, rinsing his mouth was enough for him, and the great Mao used tea leaves to freshen his breath.

But the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II, on the contrary, was especially clean in this regard. He replaced his toothbrush at least twice a month and spent great amount tooth powder.

A modern politician simply has to take care of his teeth


Interesting facts about teeth:

1. According to legend, Buddha had forty teeth in his mouth. And the very first inhabitant of the Earth - Adam - had 30 teeth. The number of days in a calendar month is derived from this quantity.

2. It is a known fact that ordinary person During his entire life, his teeth change twice: initially 20 milk teeth appear, and then 32 permanent teeth. By the way, Hippocrates called teeth “milk”, who was sure that a child’s temporary teeth should be formed from milk.

3. Oddly enough, scientists have proven the fact that cocoa powder, which is part of chocolate products, contains substances that can prevent the formation of caries.

4. The first electric toothbrush was patented in Switzerland during World War II. It operated from the electrical network. Although this idea seemed incomprehensible to most consumers, the electric toothbrush began to gain more and more popularity every year. On this moment 12 percent of people worldwide use an electric toothbrush.

5. Using modern technologies In dentistry, 46 percent of Russian citizens have completely stopped being afraid of dentists. However, the other half—54 percent of dental clients—said they experience some prejudice when visiting the dentist.

6. The most expensive tooth in the world is that of Isaac Newton, which was sold in 1816 for more than $3,000. The rich nobleman who bought it inserted this tooth into his ring.

7. The snail has more than 25,000 teeth.

8. History is familiar with such a case when a lady of easy virtue revealed to the son of the writer Dumas the secret of white teeth: “You need to lie more, because this makes your teeth whiter perfectly.”

9. The Mayans painted their teeth with jade and turquoise and inserted them into their teeth gems. And the favorites of the pirates Caribbean Sea We couldn't get enough of teeth made from diamonds.

10. People who brush their teeth several times a day are less likely to gain excess weight. Japanese scientists came to this conclusion. They report that they studied the lifestyles of 15 thousand people.

11. Hockey has always been considered the most dangerous sport for teeth. More than 68 percent of professional players have lost at least one tooth during a match or practice.

12. Medical research has proven that the presence of strong teeth directly affects the memory of their owner.

13. 99% of the total amount of calcium in the body is contained in the teeth.

14. Have you ever wondered how often you can invent? toothbrush? In fact, according to statistics, more than 3 thousand toothbrush models have been patented since the middle of the last century!

15. The most exotic options for brushes for cleaning teeth:
- ionized brush (its work is based on the interaction of oppositely polar charges);
- a brush with several heads (allows you to brush your tooth from three sides at once);
- a brush with automatically injected dental solution;
- electric brush for brushing teeth with built-in timer.

16.V ancient Rome The upper classes of citizens hired specially trained slaves to clean their teeth.

17. As it became known, managers of various types of organizations fear dentists the most (67%), as well as housekeepers (72%). And military personnel are the least likely to tremble in front of the dentist (72% do not experience the slightest fear).

18. Sugar was first added to chewing gum directly as a dentist (in 1869 by William Semple). In addition, the electric chair was also invented by a dentist.

19. Teeth are preserved for a very long time, not being affected by alkalis, water, and can also withstand temperatures of about 1000 degrees.

20. Not long ago, dentures were the best wedding gift in Britain. People believed that they would soon lose all their teeth and themselves had teeth removed almost in infancy.

21. By law American state A Vermont woman cannot wear dentures without the written permission of her spouse.

22. In China there is even a national holiday: “Day of Devotion to Your Teeth”, it is celebrated annually on September 20th.

23. In 1999, a demonstration “For a healthy smile” was held in the American suburb of Phoenix. 1,280 American schoolchildren lined up in the shape of a toothbrush and brushed their teeth in unison for 3 minutes and 3 seconds.

24. German scientists have discovered that eating two grapefruits a day significantly reduces the risk of diseases developing in the oral cavity.

25. In the Middle Ages, to strengthen loose teeth, dentists advised tying a frog to the jaws.

26. Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue produced by the human body.

27. Toothpaste was invented by the Egyptians about 5,000 years ago and originally looked like a mixture consisting of wine and pumice.

28. The first brushes for cleaning teeth appeared in China relatively recently - about five hundred years ago. They were made from pig bristles, horse and badger hair.

29. As statistics prove, Russian men are much bolder than women, only 45% of them are afraid to visit the dentist, and among women this number reaches 60%.

30. Due to the persistent qualities of diamond, most of them are used in the production of dental burs. And only about 20% of diamonds are processed by jewelers.

31. American dentists use about 12 tons of gold per year to produce gold crowns.

32. Ancient Japanese dentists pulled out teeth with their bare hands.

33. The tooth is the only part of the human body that is incapable of self-healing. But new teeth in elephants can grow about six times, depending on the type of individual.

34. In the Chinese town of Kulang, there are 7 organizations for consolidating used toothpicks. This organization pays $1 per kilo of toothpicks.

35. Stores in the American city of Rhode Island are prohibited by law from selling toothbrushes on Saturdays.

36. If you are right-handed, you chew almost all your food with right side jaw, and if you are left-handed, then, on the contrary, on the left.

37. The absolute power of the masticatory muscles reaches a force of 390 kg. Of course, not every tooth can withstand such pressure, so the classic (standard) chewing pressure is equal to 9-15 kg.

38. If an identical twin is missing a tooth, as a rule, the other twin is also missing one.

39. Hard, regularly shaped teeth are considered a sign of a militant, energetic person. Small teeth are associated with greed and pettiness, while large teeth are associated with openness of character and boundless kindness.

As a rule, most people's knowledge about teeth comes down to basic principles caring for them: brush twice a day, preferably for two to three minutes, do not eat a lot of candies and nuts, eat less sweets. For you, perhaps this knowledge will be supplemented by commercial scripts. Do you remember the advertisement of one of the toothpastes, where with its help eggshell became strong as a stone? Well, how can we forget this? For plausibility, all that was needed was to break the steel door of the safe with this egg.

In general, if your knowledge about teeth is limited only to short text on toothpaste packaging and TV advertising, then BroDude is ready to fix that. We will tell you about some interesting facts related to teeth.

1. Teeth are the only part of the human body that does not have the property of regeneration. Unlike other tissues in our body, they do not repair themselves. And when dentists tell you to take good care of your teeth, they're not just pumping commercially lucrative talk into your ears. Therefore, we recommend that you respect the uniqueness of your teeth and do not neglect visits to the dentist.

2. The state of the bite has a close relationship with the musculoskeletal system. If the patient malocclusion, then in almost 90% of cases this means that he has back problems, and in various areas spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and so on. How is this related? The fact is that the human head has its own mass and center of gravity. When the center of gravity shifts, problems with posture begin, which is stabilized by compensatory mechanism muscles and ligaments of the maxillofacial system, which leads to an increase in malocclusion (the jaws move relative to each other). Modern medicine offers several ways to straighten your bite. The most convenient and aesthetically acceptable option is the use of a transparent aligner (aligner). With its help, orthodontic correction is painless and effective.

3. Since teeth have only one life, nature has endowed them with unique strength. Presence of calcium in human tooth so great that its strength is comparable to some types of steel. This allows the enamel to be resistant to external influences, food acids and remain intact throughout human life.

4. Saliva plays the role of protector of tooth enamel. It helps preserve acid-base balance. Well, since about 500,000 liters of saliva are formed in the oral cavity during life, our teeth are under reliable protection. By the way, with age, the amount of saliva produced decreases, which leads to vulnerable teeth in older people.

5. Another interesting fact is related to caries. This dental disease has always existed, but became most widespread in the 19th century. This is due to the sharp decline in the price of sugar, which has become much more often used in people’s diets. The historical fact I must remind you once again that eating a lot of sweets is harmful not only for your figure.

6. Perhaps the dental profession is much older than we think. At least this is indicated by evidence of dental prosthetics found during excavations in Ancient Egypt. The technology of the prostheses is reminiscent of today's dental bridge, and they were made of precious metals. Also, the use of dentures took place in Europe even before the birth of the Roman Empire.

7. British soldiers were among the first to use braces. It was metal structure, which was put on the teeth, but not for the purpose of straightening them. In this way, the soldiers tried to protect their teeth from enemy blows. Maybe it was worth giving the soldiers weapons so they wouldn’t be beaten?

8. The first case of using a protective mouth guard in sports dates back to 1913. Then the English boxer Gershon Mendeloff, for the first time in history, went into battle with a rubber plate in his mouth, which became the prototype of today's mouth guards. By the way, this method Dental protection is used not only in martial arts. Mouthguards are worn by players in American football, men's lacrosse, and hockey. The latter, by the way, is the most dangerous sport for teeth. According to statistics, 68% of professional hockey players have lost at least one tooth during their career.

Today, mouthguards are used not only to protect teeth. If you haven't heard anything about aligners, you'll find out now. An aligner is a clear aligner made from polymer material and designed to straighten dental bite. Currently, aligners are the best alternative braces, technologically leaving the latter far behind.

If you're thinking about straightening your teeth, you no longer have to be afraid of metal braces, whose vocation is to ruin any photo of their owner. The aligners are transparent and fit tightly around the jaw, making them invisible when worn. And you don’t have to prepare for a long and unpleasant period of adjustment, as is the case with braces, which cause great physiological discomfort. Once you put on the aligner, you will forget about it after a couple of hours. Additional convenience is provided by ease of use when putting on and removing the mouth guard. It is not a constant burden to be carried around the clock. The aligner can be removed before eating or brushing your teeth.

Since the process of creating aligners is responsible and high-tech, it is very important that they are created the best specialists. The experience of many of them has confirmed that, in comparison with the main suppliers, working with “ Star Smile» most reliably and simply. Star Smile aligners are presented in clinics in more than 70 cities of Russia. At the company you can choose a suitable clinic where you will receive free consultation from an orthodontist. He will make a conclusion whether aligners can solve your problem.

Treatment begins with diagnostic films, photographs and dental impressions. This data is sent to the laboratory for 3D bite modeling. The computer calculates the treatment process and demonstrates final result. You will immediately see what your smile will look like at the end of treatment. After developing a 3D model, a set of custom aligners is created. They will need to be changed every two weeks. After the specified period, which is determined at the modeling stage, you will receive the long-awaited beautiful smile.

One of the vital parts of our body is teeth, because without them a person would simply not be able to chew food. In addition, they are directly involved in the formation of speech sounds and are the main decoration of an attractive smile. The most interesting facts about teeth are collected in this article.

Incredible strength

Human teeth are bone formations located in the oral cavity that perform the functions of grasping and mechanically processing food. Their amazing strength is due to their extremely high calcium content.

Interesting Facts about teeth and their composition:

  1. Tooth enamel is the hardest compound the human body can produce.
  2. It is in the teeth that the bulk of calcium is concentrated. The concentration of this element in them is 99% of total number in our body.
  3. Scientists have proven that the structure of human and shark tooth enamel is completely the same.
  4. The main problem of human teeth is their inability to recover, which is why we have to turn to dentists.

It is cognitive what our saliva does protective function for teeth. And since its quantity decreases with age, the risk of dental problems increases markedly.

Facts from antiquity

Interesting facts about human teeth that came to us from the old days:

  1. We owe the appearance of the term “baby teeth” to Hippocrates himself. The ancient Greek healer was convinced that their growth was associated with mother's milk.
  2. Teeth were the first organs of the human body used in transplantation. In ancient Egypt, doctors used the masticatory organs of the poor and inserted them into the richer ones.
  3. For the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt, special artificial teeth were made, the material for which was Ivory.
  4. An ancient Inca jaw discovered in South America consisted entirely of implants made of quartz and amethyst.

Interesting statistics

Dentist is a noble profession that helps restore damaged teeth or completely replace them.

But even with the current progress in the field of anesthesiology, not every patient is calm when visiting this doctor:

  1. According to statistics, about 45% of the male population is afraid of dentists.
  2. Among women, this figure is slightly higher and reaches 60%.
  3. Smokers and people who have a weakness for carbonated drinks are most susceptible to the formation of caries.
  4. Exactly masticatory muscles are the strongest in our body. They are capable of creating pressure up to 350 kilograms, although the teeth themselves will not withstand such a test.
  5. Only 60% of the population over 65 years old can boast a full set of their own teeth.

Baby teeth

There are several interesting facts about babies' teeth. Not every adult knows them.

  1. Incredibly, there are cases when babies are born with several teeth. Most often they are removed to avoid possible injury the baby itself and the mother's breast during feeding.
  2. Not all people go through such a natural stage as changing baby teeth. This process usually ends by age 12. But there are unique cases when a person remains with baby teeth for life.
  3. Treatment of a child’s baby teeth damaged by caries is a necessity. Their condition directly affects not only the health of the permanent masticatory organs, but also the body as a whole.

Interesting facts about teeth for children will be very educational even for the little ones:

  1. One of the most mysterious mythical creatures, the tooth fairy, is quite young compared to other folklore characters. The first mention of it dates back to 1908.
  2. The Tooth Fairy especially encourages careful care and respect for your teeth.
  3. IN different times and in different countries in exchange for a child's lost tooth, the fairy left a completely different variety of gifts. Most often it is money, but sometimes she gives oral care products and even sweets.
  4. And in Mexico, a mythical creature that rewards children for losing their baby teeth is the tooth mouse.

One of the oldest professions is dentistry. The first doctors already in times Ancient Egypt successfully implanted teeth from one person to another. In our time, medicine has made great progress, and such an operation has become a common practice used throughout the world.

Interesting facts about teeth and dentistry:

  1. It is known that already in the 17th-18th centuries people learned to insert teeth. True, the material for this operation was the real teeth of dead soldiers.
  2. Since human enamel is very durable and designed to withstand fairly intense mechanical stress, drill bits are made from diamond.
  3. In dentistry, there is the concept of “hyperdontia,” which means an abnormality in the number of teeth. With this pathology, a person actually has an additional row of teeth, which can be hidden under the gums. Sometimes they erupt and interfere with the main row.

Famous people's teeth

Several interesting facts about teeth have reached our time. famous personalities:

  1. In 1816, a certain aristocrat bought Newton's tooth. The purchase cost him $40,000 in modern dollars and was used as decoration for a ring.
  2. Mao Zedong did not consider it necessary to brush his teeth. Instead, to get rid of unpleasant odor he preferred to drink green tea and just rinse your mouth.
  3. Russian Tsar Nicholas II had different beliefs. He was very clean and used large amounts of tooth powder. And I changed my toothbrush at least 2 times a month.
  4. Legends say that Adam had 30 teeth. And Buddha himself has 40.
  5. A difficult situation the first US President George Washington had teeth. Due to health problems, by the time of his election, he had almost completely lost his own teeth and was forced to wear dentures, which explains the slightly unnatural expression of the president’s face in the portrait used on dollar bills.

Maintaining oral hygiene can significantly extend the life of your chewing organs.

Interesting facts about human teeth and how to care for them:

  1. It is believed that the appearance occurred about 500 years ago. Pork bristles or horsehair were used as materials for their manufacture.
  2. A younger invention is pasta. It first became widespread only 100 years ago, and until that moment people used ash or chalk.
  3. And the invention of the first electric toothbrush occurred in Switzerland, where it was patented after World War II. At that time, few people thought the idea was amazing, but today about 12% of people use this invention.
  4. Japanese scientists have proven the connection between oral hygiene and slimness. In their opinion, people who have the habit of brushing their teeth at least 3 times a day are much less likely to suffer from excess weight.

Amazing facts

And a few more interesting facts worthy of attention:

  1. According to some data, about 70% of hockey players lose at least one tooth during the game. Therefore, hockey is rightfully considered a very dangerous sport for teeth.
  2. It is a mistaken belief that chocolate is one of the most... harmful products nutrition for Food that gets stuck between teeth poses a great threat, as it creates nutrient medium for bacteria. But the chocolate will still melt.
  3. According to observations, the dentition is as unique as fingerprints. That is, it is impossible to meet two people with the same dentition.
  4. There are several known cases where mature people, when they lost their masticatory organs, grew another set.