Useful properties of sunberry berries, features and contraindications. Sunberry (sumbury) berry: useful properties

People from the countryside of the generation of the 40-50s will definitely remember grandmother's pies "with elderberry". The black nightshade berry was eaten fresh, although it could not boast of taste. But it grew on its own, requiring neither care nor space on the site.

The berry is small, but the benefits are great

Today, doctors agreed that this plain-looking and not so delicious berry pretty helpful. And her sister - bred a century ago by Luther Burbank from large-fruited American nightshade and our small, but high-yielding and cold-resistant - is completely recognized as a medicinal plant:

In short, this plant is just a godsend for those who want to maintain their health and stay young longer!

General description of culture

Sunberry is an annual plant. But it grows over a meter tall. And it can produce fruits from 10 to 20 kg per bush! The black berries of the hybrid are large, the size of a cherry.

The plant blooms throughout the summer, from June until frost. Therefore, you can pick berries almost daily. Flowers collected in clusters, reminiscent of potatoes, look very beautiful next to green and already black berries.

As an adult, sunberry easily tolerates drought, heat and frost. The next year, it is quite possible to get a lot of shoots from the self-sowing in the old place. It is enough for the gardener to simply choose the strongest and tallest sprouts and remove the extra ones.

Sunberry cultivation

The seeds of this plant are very similar to tomatoes. They are quite small.

Seed treatment before planting

The disadvantage of sunberries is that the seeds hatch with great difficulty. Therefore, first they need to be held for 20 minutes in a warm solution of potassium permanganate. Then, carefully with a blade, you need to make an incision in the place where the seed sprout usually appears.

Some gardeners offer a different way. They advise not to cut the shell of the seed, but only to make notches along the peel with a needle. And then the seeds are put in a jar with large washed and calcined river sand. They should fill the container halfway. With vigorous shaking of the jar, the integrity of the seed coats is broken, and the kernels remain intact.

This should be done very carefully so as not to damage the kernel inside the seed!

The operated seed is placed on a damp cloth, covered with a film or glass and placed in a warm place so that it hatches. This process may be slightly delayed when compared with sunberries and peppers.

Sunberry seeds are planted at the end of February so that the plant has time to give a good harvest.

Growing seedlings

Sunberry is not much different in agricultural technology from tomatoes and. You can even plant them in the same box with them. To obtain seedlings, neutral land is required. Therefore, it is not necessary to add peat to the soil.

Expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the box to provide drainage. A layer of soil is poured on top of it - 10 centimeters. A hatched seed is placed in it to a depth of half a centimeter. The soil is moistened and covered with glass or polyethylene.

The mini-greenhouse should be regularly ventilated so that the earth does not become moldy. Shoots will appear in three months. After the plants throw out the third real leaf, they dive and put them in a well-lit, warm place.

Seedlings are not watered very often, but it is impossible to allow the earth to become “stone”.

Planting in open ground and caring for sunberries

Sunberries are planted along with tomatoes and peppers. Only the distance between the bushes should be at least 70 centimeters, as they grow very much.

During the summer, it is enough to feed the sunberry with mullein a couple of times and water it in a day or two - and very soon the gardener will be rewarded for his work!


Fresh sunberry fruits are not very tasty, but they are simply amazing in the form of jam. And yes, it makes amazing wine.

It is important to remember that in order to preserve the beneficial properties, black nightshade fruits should be boiled for no more than 5 minutes! And to improve the taste, you need to put lemon in the jam.

Preparing nightshade raisins

Berries are dipped in boiling water for 2 minutes. sugar syrup. Then they are taken out with a slotted spoon and regaled. You can put these "raisins" in pies, decorate them with cakes and pastries, ice cream and add to cereals (not dairy).

Sunberry Healing Jam Recipe

300 g of sugar are poured into 1 kg of berries, put on fire and brought to a boil. Lemon chopped or ground in a meat grinder is also added there. Jam is boiled for 5 minutes and poured into jars. Store in the refrigerator, as with normal room temperature it will ferment.

You should consume 5 tablespoons daily, you can with tea or spread on a bun.

Video about sunberry at their summer cottage

The plant is unpretentious, can tolerate frost, resistant to diseases and insect pests. It is enough to plant three young plants grown in spring from seeds in order to make jam or preserves from ripe berries. In order to enjoy these blanks, you need to cook them correctly.

Features of sunberry berries

These large, strange, cherry-sized, black-colored berries are also called sun berries. In 1905, this plant was obtained by the American Luther Burbank as a result of crossing African and European nightshade. From the African nightshade sunberry they took large-fruited, decorative look and productivity, and from the European small-fruited, creeping "parent" - edibility and specific taste after additional processing (preparation of various dishes). By the way, this amazing self-taught breeder also managed to create white blackberries, pitted plums, blue poppies, yellow strawberries ... At the time of ripening, sunberry bushes look like small trees strewn with clusters of shiny black large juicy berries. The height of the plant is from a meter to one and a half, its stem is thick, tetrahedral, supporting the weight of powerful stepchildren. From the bush you can collect about a bucket of large berries. In the summer, some of our friends, noticing berries unknown to them on a bush, immediately strive to try them. But after tasting, some are disappointed, wince or even spit. And the thing is that maturation is uneven. It lasts from August to October. Black color does not even mean that it's time to pick the fruit. Their ripeness is best determined by touch: they should be elastic, like small balls, soft. It is acceptable that the berries "reach" the desired condition and ripeness in room conditions. And yet they taste fresh.

Attention! To improve the taste, before processing, pour them with boiling water, and after 3-5 minutes this water must be drained.

What is the use of sunberry?

It is noticed that these berries can improve visual acuity, have a diuretic, antiseptic, anthelmintic, hemostatic, laxative effect. If you take 3 parts of juice and part of water, mix, you get good rinse for , .

The berries contain a lot of pectin, anthocyanins, flavonoids, vitamins, selenium, silver. They help with liver diseases, gastrointestinal problems. To normalize blood pressure, you need to eat 6 berries every day for a month.

You can make an elixir from ripe berries to improve health. Pass the washed berries through a meat grinder, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Take 2.5 liters of juice, add 2.5 liters of boiled water, 1.5 kilograms good honey, mix everything. Then pour the elixir into clean jars, seal, and refrigerate. Dosage: 30 ml before meals (two tablespoons). Such a remedy eliminates, high blood pressure, treats rheumatism, gout, asthma, improves memory, vision, removes toxins.

Juice from leaves and stems is advised to treat annoying eczema, running forms, seborrhea. For 100 ml of juice squeezed from stems and leaves, take 2 tablespoons of juice from berries and two proteins raw eggs. Mix everything thoroughly and do it with a bandage mixture.

For medicinal purposes, you can dry the leaves or grass for the future. In the future, they can be used to make an infusion for the treatment of headaches, rheumatism, neuralgia, and skin ailments. A glass of boiling water will require 2 teaspoons of raw materials (crushed). Cover, wrap, leave for 2 hours. Take the filtered remedy 15 minutes before meals four times a day for a tablespoon. This infusion lowers the content, which is important for diabetics.

Some find it more convenient to take the tincture. For her, take 50 grams of fruits or grass (crushed) and pour 0.5 liters of vodka in a jar. After two weeks of infusion in a dark place, you can start filtering. This tincture should be taken from 20 to 30 drops three times a day, before meals, washed down with water.

MirSovetov offers several options for processing ripe berries. Do not forget to just pour boiling water over them first, we mentioned this earlier.

  1. Gentle way. Take washed sunberries and ranetki (in equal amounts). Pass everything through. For a kilogram of the resulting homogeneous mass, take a kilogram of granulated sugar, mix. Leave for five hours in the room so that the grains of sugar dissolve. Transfer everything to sterile jars, send them to the refrigerator. This useful mixture you need to eat 100 grams a day.
  2. Ripe fruit jam. Take sunberry berries (1 kilogram) and Japanese quince fruits (grate 5 pieces on a coarse grater). Instead of quince, it is allowed to take one of the following components:
  • small lemon (peeled and finely chopped)
  • 5 medium apples of the Antonovka variety (they must first be peeled and then finely chopped);
  • a handful of barberry berries.

Put everything in a saucepan or basin, sprinkle with granulated sugar (in the amount of 1.5 kg), leave for five hours to infuse. Then add 200-300 ml of water. Put on fire, let the mixture boil slightly, then reduce the gas, stir the mixture for another twenty minutes. Turn off the gas. Let the mixture stand after being removed from heat for about 12 hours. Then boil it until ready. The jam will have a pleasant aroma if you add ginger or a little vanilla to it. Instead of the above, you can take cherry leaves, lemon balm(in a small amount).

  • Another way to make jam. For 2 kilograms sunny berries take the same amount of sugar (or 1 kilogram of fructose). Add finely chopped lemon, previously peeled. Cook this mixture for approximately 30 minutes. It remains only to decompose the finished jam into sterilized jars and put it away for storage.
  • Vegetable caviar. To prepare it, take a kilogram of sunberry fruits, 300 grams of turnips, 500 grams of carrots, 70 grams sunflower oil, salt, spices. Cut the sunberry into halves. Cut the onion too, and rub the carrots using a large grater. Then fry everything separately. Pass the warm ingredients through your meat grinder, the resulting vegetable puree heat in a pan, adding salt, a little sugar, spices (for example, ground allspice), herbs.
  • A few caveats

    Do not believe unscrupulous garden crop sellers who sometimes try to pass off small sunberry plants as "tall blueberries". The taste of these berries is still fresh, fresh, they are unlikely to cause your delight. Do not give leaves to pets, there is a risk of food poisoning. If you eat a lot of berries, they will have a strong laxative effect, which will lead to diarrhea. For the same reason, do not eat jam along with cereals, various dairy products. And one more rare undesirable effect - there are people in whom sunny berries cause allergic manifestations.

    How to grow a sunberry

    And now MirSovetov will reveal several features of growing this plant in the country. Cultivation is carried out seedling way from seeds. But they don't grow fast. Therefore, first soak them for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (warm). Then rinse them with water and wrap them for three days in a piece of damp cloth. Sow the hatched seeds in cups filled with nutrient soil in advance. This is done at the same time when you are engaged. bell pepper or tomatoes.

    Sunberries grow on any soil, but if they are acidic, then it is worth adding dolomite flour before planting. The site must certainly be sunny to get good berries. To prevent cruciferous fleas from "running" on plants, do not place plantings in those places where you grew radishes, cabbage and other representatives of cruciferous plants last year. But the Colorado potato beetle does not feed on this plant, although it, like potatoes, is from the nightshade family. seedlings in open ground send in the same time frame as tomatoes. Leave 80 cm between plants - as the bushes grow, they spread under the weight of berries. In the first week, small plants can be covered with cut plastic bottles for better survival.

    Sometimes growing bushes should be spudded, substituted for supports. Pasynkovanie is not required. But in the fall, pluck out new stepchildren and flowers to enable the berries already on the bush to gain weight and ripen. Make sure that the berries do not come into contact with the soil. Even with rare watering, a single top dressing, you will still get a good harvest. Usually, the mass collection of multiple brushes is carried out at the very end of September or in early October.

    And do not forget to collect seeds from the largest fruits for planting them next season, because this plant is an annual.

    With a minimum of effort on your site, you can grow an ornamental bush with a large number of healthy berries. Even in a dry summer, you can make jam, pies, and candied fruits from sunberries.

    Do you want blueberries? But not simple, but Canadian - a harsh northern berry with a restrained taste and luxurious color. Then take note - sunberry, as well as sunberry and garden nightshade. The mysterious berry appeared in North American gardens a little over 100 years ago, and our summer residents and gardeners are just mastering the overseas guest sunberry.

    A bit of history

    Sunberry is considered to be the birthplace of South America. A variety of these berries was bred at the beginning of the twentieth century by an American scientist, a follower of Darwin, Luther Burbank, who also had a very stubborn character. parent form plants is African nightshade and a representative of the European continent - creeping nightshade.

    The resulting berry hybrid was called sunberry, which in English meant "sunny berry". The new kind inherited from African nightshade fruits that are about the size of a large cherry, undemanding to grow, and also quite high yielding qualities. And here are excellent taste qualities as a result of selection, they were obtained from a European relative - creeping nightshade.

    The berry bush grows quite high, sometimes its height reaches 2 meters. This plant has a thick stem, resembling a tetrahedron. The berries are large, shiny, similar in color to our blueberries, but they ripen in clusters, about 15 pieces each.

    From the bush you can remove up to a bucket of these sunny berries. The advantage of sunberries over other berries is their continuous flowering, as well as ripening until autumn.

    A relative of tomatoes and potatoes

    Not only our native biologist and breeder Ivan Michurin worked miracles for the benefit of science. His American colleague Luther Burbank (the "author" of a special variety of french fries) introduced the sunberry plant to the world in 1905. This is a hybrid of a huge Guinean nightshade and a small European nightshade, more fragrant and quite edible.

    The sunberry's closest relatives are tomatoes and eggplants; it bears fruit with black berries that are collected in clusters. On one brush can be located up to 10 pieces the size of a cherry, the color is like that of a blackcurrant.

    According to its biological characteristics, the plant resembles tomatoes, and its main advantage is its great resistance to cold and drought. Gardeners joke: a kettle is enough to grow Canadian blueberry seedlings at home. And in the greenhouse and in the garden, she will already cope on her own - even without extra feeding and with moderate watering.

    Sunberry came to Russia quite recently, and is already actively pushing tomatoes and zucchini in our gardens, and on the table - vases with cherries and raspberry jam. The mystique and assertiveness of the American blueberry has given rise to various myths and a lot of conflicting information regarding the properties and uses of the Canadian blueberry.

    Sunberry can hardly be called the richest storehouse of vitamins: beneficial features and its contraindications are due for the most part to the mineral complex.

    Potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc and chromium - all these essential substances for humans are in one modest berry. Canadian blueberries are saturated with tannins, valuable bioflavonoids and pectin - it contains about 15%.

    One of the popular names for sunberry is blueberry forte. Many say that it is she who is part of the popular supplement of the same name.

    These are shaped nonsense (just look at the composition of vitamins to see “blueberry extract” there, and not nightshade), but the fact is the fact. Canadian blueberries are really very good for the eyes. What else is Sunberry famous for? medicinal properties which is being actively studied today?

    • has a mild laxative effect and improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
    • is effective tool to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
    • strengthens the eye muscles and supports vision with permanent job behind the monitor
    • normalizes pressure;
    • helps in treatment colds various etiologies;
    • relieves the condition with angina;
    • calms the nerves and helps to cope with constant insomnia;
    • relieves pain in the joints;
    • copes with edema and improves the condition of the kidneys (due to the diuretic effect);
    • relieves headaches;
    • helps in the treatment of skin diseases (including psoriasis).

    Nutritionists advise eating no more than two handfuls of sunny berries per day. It is not recommended to give sunberries to small children, due to the fact that children's body only formed, and the berry can cause rashes and itching. Sunberry is actively used in traditional medicine recipes.

    1. How to recuperate after illness. Three glasses of sunberries are mixed with a glass of pine nuts and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mixture is mixed with honey. Store the product in the refrigerator. Take one tablespoon before meals.
    2. As a gargle for sore throats. To do this, the sunberry is pre-squeezed. Repeat the rinsing procedure 2-3 times a day.
    3. To reduce pressure plant stems and flowers are used. Do it during the flowering period. Grind the greens with a blender and squeeze the juice. Add honey with the calculation of 2 tablespoons per half liter of juice. Take one tablespoon in the morning and afternoon.
    4. For the treatment of diseases thyroid gland . To prepare a mixture that will make up for the lack of iodine, you can use sunberry, honey, and feijoa. For cooking, you need to take 2 parts of berries, one part of honey and feijoa.
      All components must be mixed in equal proportions. Leave the resulting mixture in a dark place for 40-80 minutes. This consistency must be taken twice a day (in the morning and lunch), 2/3 cup.
    5. The use of sunberry for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Contained in berries useful material and elements contribute to the renewal of blood and improve its composition. In addition, this plant has a positive effect on blood vessels, increases their elasticity and prevents “brittleness”.
    6. Benefits for vision. Vitamin A found in fruits positive influence on vision, maintaining its sharpness. Therefore, for those who already have vision problems or constantly keep their eyes on their toes, it is recommended to take an extract from sunberry berries.
    7. Treatment of prostate adenoma. 5 g dried berries sunberry and the same amount of licorice roots placed in half a liter of water heated to 40 degrees. Leave for 10 hours in a closed container. Infusion (necessarily fresh) taken before meals (10 minutes) 1 tbsp.
    8. From abscesses and purulent wounds use crushed gruel from berries. After adding to it a little sour milk or kefir, it is applied to wounds.
    9. For the treatment of gastritis 100 g of a mixture of berries, leaves and stems is poured into 3 liters. boiling water. Insist 3 hours. Filter. Take several times a day, half an hour before meals, 3 tbsp.
    10. At acne, various boils prepare a mixture of crushed fresh leaves and sunberries. It is the fresh mixture that retains all the beneficial properties of the plant.
    11. Treatment of skin diseases(psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea). Mix 2 egg whites, 100 g of sunberry juice pressed from the leaves and 2 tablespoons of berry juice. The mixture is used as a lotion.
    12. With iodine deficiency. If you brought home feijoa from a vacation or an ordinary supermarket, do not miss the chance. An exotic medicine will not only replace a full-fledged dessert, but also support the thyroid gland. For 2 cups of garden nightshade we take 1 cup of feijoa, grind with a blender and pour a glass of honey (preferably acacia). This medicine is stored in the refrigerator, taken before breakfast and lunch. One tablespoon is enough.
    13. From insomnia. The juice from sunberry leaves is mixed with flower or linden honey. Take it half an hour before bedtime, one tablespoon.
    14. For a headache brew stems with berries and insist 12 hours. The infusion is used for lotions that are applied to the head for 20 minutes. I repeat the procedure every day until the pain subsides.
    15. For joint pain, rheumatism- it is necessary to mix 200 g of horseradish passed through a meat grinder with 250 g of honey. Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp with a glass of juice from the stems and leaves of the sunberry. In addition, it is necessary to take a thirty-minute bath before going to bed, in which add 50 grams of grated horseradish and 150 ml of freshly squeezed juice from the stems and leaves of the sunberry.
    16. For asthma should be used in equal proportions dried flowers and unripe sunberry berries, as well as the stems of flowering lungwort. All thoroughly grind and mix. 1 st. l. mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, brew in a thermos. Strain after 2 hours. Take 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp.

    Women who dream of pushing back their old age a little can prepare a real elixir of youth. For its preparation you will need berry juice, which is diluted with water and honey (for 5 liters of water you need to take one liter of honey).

    The resulting consistency should be poured into jars and put in a dark place. Every day you should take 2 tbsp. before every meal. This tool not only preserve youth, but also strengthen memory / improve vision and immunity.

    At age spots The sunberry mask helps a lot. To do this, you need to take the main component and knead it well with a fork (2 tablespoons), add a teaspoon mashed potatoes in a warm form, chopped parsley (tsp) and lemon juice (tbsp).

    This mixture must be applied to the skin of the face / neck / body for 20-30 minutes. After this period of time, the consistency must be washed off warm water.

    Product storage features

    The leaves of the berry bush are stored for a long time in a dried form. They are harvested during the summer and dried, laying out a layer of 3-5 cm. But the berries for harvesting for storage will have to wait. They close the season of twists and conservation.

    To fresh berries stored for a long time, they are cut in clusters and sent to the refrigerator. So, the berry can be stored for a long time due to its elasticity. If you want to keep fresh nightshades for the winter, freeze them after rinsing them. Use special dryers or an oven.

    Features of the collection and harvesting of useful berries

    Nightshade can be stored in a cool place for a month.

    Berries have a specific nightshade aftertaste, which is not to many tastes. In order to remove it, it is necessary to scald the fruits with boiling water.

    Important! The sunberry plant absorbs from the soil heavy metals, which then end up in berries. For this reason, they are not grown in the city, but only in summer cottages - away from roads.

    • Dried fruits. The nightshade is sorted out, washed, when the moisture drains - spread on the fabric in one layer. The fruits are stirred from time to time for better drying of the berries. In places well lit by the sun, nightshade is not dried, as it loses its useful qualities.
    • Frozen fruits. Washed and well-dried berries are laid out on a flat surface and frozen. Frozen nightshade is packaged in batches. You can store in this form for no more than a year.
    • Freeze with sugar. Clean and dried sunberries are covered with sugar (ratio of 1 kg of nightshade: 300 g of sugar), mixed, laid out in portions in bags or containers.

    Sunberry, or sunberry, is a useful garden plant, and there will always be lovers to feast on it. But it, like the others medicinal plants, requires sensible application.

    What's the harm?

    On forums and on gardening sites, there is a constant debate about sunberry - the benefits and harms of the American berry are told by each person in their own way. Many lovers of traditional garden delicacies have one argument against Canadian blueberries - "tasteless". Scientists and doctors are free from sweet stereotypes, but they warn: you need to be very careful with sunberries.

    1. Sunny berry is a powerful allergen. If you are trying nightshade for the first time, be sure to eat a couple of berries for a test and wait for the reaction of the body. But even if there are no negative reactions, doctors do not advise eating more than a handful of berries a day. No one has canceled the laxative reaction yet.
    2. The pectins in the composition of the sunberry have the property of intensively “dragging” lead and other heavy metals from the soil. Therefore, it is generally forbidden to plant garden nightshade within the garden, and in dachas and villages, the same principle of a handful must be observed.
    3. During pregnancy, you will also have to stop at ordinary blueberries - Canadian is strictly impossible. There are substances in nightshade that can increase uterine contractions and even provoke a miscarriage.
    4. Sunberry has a mild sedative effect, so you should not drive if you have actively eaten an overseas berry. But a couple of spoons of Canadian blueberry jam or jam will not harm your driving skills - these are still not tranquilizers, but ordinary nightshade.

    Sunberry berries have a weak, tart taste, not at all like the usual sweetness and richness of raspberries, currants or cherries. Some solar berry lovers describe its taste as “a unique bouquet of sour currants, tart gooseberries and sweet blueberries with a hint of freshly cut grass,” but most frankly do not like it.

    But almost everyone who has tried Canadian blueberries admits that its taste changes surprisingly in jam, and at the very better side. The color is also amazing - dark purple, similar to the color of rich ink, funny coloring the tongue and lips.

    Not only jam is prepared from garden nightshade - also jams, stuffing for pies and dumplings, marmalades and jelly, even dried for the winter for tea.

    But do not forget: jam is a rather high-calorie product, the “Canadian” one has as many as 220 calories per 100 g. Therefore, one or two spoons of tea will be enough to keep the figure and fully enjoy the benefits of sunberry.

    Sunberry jam with lemon

    You will need: 1 kg of ripe sunberries, 1 kg of sugar, a glass of water, juice of two lemons and 2-4 sprigs of mint (to taste).

    Sunberry jam with ginger

    You will need: a glass of sunny berries, a third of a glass of sugar, a teaspoon with a slide of grated ginger, juice of half a lemon.

    Combine the sunberry, sugar and ginger in a saucepan and cook for 10 minutes (you need to stir constantly!). Adding lemon juice, remove from the stove - and in a jar. Then we put the jar in a saucepan with hot water so that it does not reach the lid by 1-2 cm. After 10 minutes, you can take it out, cool and hide in the refrigerator.

    Sunberry or garden nightshade is an annual plant similar in stem structure to a tomato, and in appearance berries - with blueberries. unique plant was born thanks to the efforts of a breeder from the United States, who crossed close members of the nightshade family: Guinean tall blueberries and creeping European nightshade. In the vastness of our country sunberry is known as sunberry, garden nightshade, blueberry forte or canadian blueberry. Moreover, all names are of equal importance, and equally common.

    It should be noted that reviews on sunberry are quite contradictory. Scientists, breeders and amateur gardeners, when using garden nightshade, have repeatedly noted both a clear positive effect on the body and complete absence any results. Therefore, in order to remain as objective as possible, we will consider not only useful properties, but also possible harm sunberry.

    Beneficial features

    The berries of garden nightshade contain an impressive amount of biologically active compounds: ascorbic and galacturonic acid, galactose, steroids, lipids, carotene, tannins, anthocyanins, pectin, fructose, saponins. In addition, solar berries are rich in calcium, iron, selenium, potassium, sodium, silver.

    Such an impressive and varied composition has a rejuvenating and tonic effect on the body. Berries normalize metabolic processes, bring into harmony the work of all organs and systems. With regular intake, they slow down aging, strengthen the spirit and body.

    sunny berries used for:

    Treatment of diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract
    Normalization blood pressure
    Elimination of chronic headaches
    Treatment of rheumatism, joint diseases
    Strengthening the eye muscles and relieving fatigue during long work at the computer
    Body cleansing
    Prevention of constipation and hemorrhoids
    Relief of pain in tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, etc.

    Sunberry has pronounced antiseptic properties, helps the body cope with infections, has an anti-inflammatory effect. If you eat a handful of berries daily during the season, you can cleanse the blood well, remove toxins from the body. Quite often, sunberry is used as an excellent diuretic instead of chemical drugs.

    Thanks to the presence a large number pectin compounds, garden nightshade soothes the pain of inflammation of the stomach and intestines. At food poisoning works like sorbents, normalizing the work of the digestive tract and facilitating the digestion of food. Regular consumption of solar berries is indicated for hemorrhoids, problems with stool, kidney disease.

    Why are sunberry berries harmful?

    Among ignorant people, one can often hear the opinion that sunny berries are poisonous. In fact, there is some truth in this. Sunberry belongs to the nightshade family, many subspecies of which are really unsuitable for food use. In the fruits and ground parts of such plants dangerous chemical compounds: lead, arsenic, mercury and cadmium. However, in sunberries, these substances are in negligible dosages, so it is impossible to get poisoned by berries (unless you very much exceed the recommended daily allowance reception).

    However, Canadian blueberries should not be abused. Naturopaths and nutritionists it is advised to limit yourself to a maximum of two handfuls of sunberries per day. This amount is enough to get all useful biologically active substances from sunny berries, but not to provoke the development allergic reaction. Otherwise, due to the abundance of antioxidants and plant flavonoids, sunberries can cause skin rashes or itching. For the same reason, berries should not be given to young children whose bodies are just being formed.

    Who is contraindicated for solar berries?

    Those who suffer from individual intolerance
    Pregnant women
    Children under twelve
    Drivers, if they have planned long journeys

    Before driving, drivers should limit their consumption of sunberry, because they can cause drowsiness and somewhat disorientation, which is unacceptable while driving. However, it is also better for passengers not to lean on sunberries on the way, since in an amount of more than 200-300 grams per day, berries can have a pronounced laxative effect.

    It should be noted that blueberries forte are quite high in calories: one hundred grams of berries contain more than two hundred kilocalories. Therefore, they are not advised to be used by people who are obese or follow a diet.


    Wild species of nightshade should not be eaten. Even if outwardly the berries are completely similar to sunberries, they can radically differ in chemical composition and, moreover, contain toxic substances. As a result, taking such fruits will not bring any benefit, and in some cases will even cause serious food poisoning.

    What do sunberries taste like?

    Remember the juicy sour currant. Add to this some pleasant tastelessness and astringency of blueberries with their characteristic sweetish aroma. Now try to combine all these characteristics in sunny sunberries, adding a little bit of the smell of freshly cut grass. This is what garden nightshade will taste like.

    Sunberry, or as they like to call it - a sunny berry - is a plant of the nightshade family. Like other popular representatives of this family - tomato and potato - sunberry appeared in the first from South America. Nevertheless, the media has a lot of conflicting information about this extraordinary berry.

    Some sellers of grains of this strange berry advertise this plant as "large and tall garden blueberries." But in fairness, I would like to say that it is rather difficult to compare this fruit with traditional Russian berries. In addition, fresh sunberries can be said to be far from tasty, usually people add it to various dishes, so to speak, for greater usefulness.

    This plant was bred a very long time ago by the American scientist breeder L. Burbank from black California nightshade. Unlike most other nightshades, this plant is not poisonous at all. The fruits of this berry are often part of herbal preparations for healing various diseases liver and just to support this organ while eating a significant amount of fatty foods.

    Composition of sunberry

    The nutritional value

    Vitamins and minerals

    Samberi also contains valuable minerals that the body needs for full-fledged work and prevention of diseases of the nervous, digestive, and vascular systems.


    100 grams of sambury berries contain 220 kcal (9% of the daily requirement).

    Useful properties of sunberry

    Reasonable and moderate use sunny berries will give new taste sensations, diversify the menu and provide the body important vitamins and valuable minerals. Sambury is an unusual but tasty food item. If you do not abuse these berries and eat them little by little, then you can extract extremely useful properties from them.

    • The benefits of sunberry for the treatment of colds and viral diseases. The berries are saturated with vitamin C and substances that have antimicrobial properties, which is why they are so effective for treating acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. It is recommended to gargle with sore throat with sunberry juice diluted with water 1: 3. And leaf juice is effective for treating the common cold, even chronic;

    • The use of sunberry for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system The useful substances and elements contained in the berries help to renew the blood and improve its composition. And the use of fresh berries or sunberry fruit jam normalizes blood pressure. In addition, this plant has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, increases their elasticity and prevents "brittleness";
    • Vision benefits Vitamin A contained in the fruits has a positive effect on vision, maintaining its sharpness. Therefore, for those who already have vision problems or constantly keep their eyes on their toes, it is recommended to take an extract from sunberry berries;
    • The external use of this berry has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and helps to heal skin diseases.

    In addition to all this, sunberry berries and leaves slow down the aging process of the body, lower blood sugar levels, relieve insomnia and even prevent the occurrence of cancerous tumors.

    Contraindications to the use of sunberry

    The rich composition of the berry inevitably leads to the appearance of some contraindications. There is nothing too terrible in them, but if they are present, it is advisable to be more careful about using the product. The most important contraindications include the following.

    • Individual intolerance. For many components present in the composition of the solar berry, it can be observed;
    • Tendency to upset stomach. Sunberry has a slight laxative effect, so sometimes the berry causes not the most pleasant consequences;
    • Activities that require a lot of concentration. In some people, eating sunberries causes drowsiness;
    • Pregnancy. Sunberry stimulates uterine contractions, which can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

    Like other products, sunberries must be strictly dosed when consumed. A sunny berry can lead to the development of hypervitaminosis, in which there is definitely nothing good. If you consider the dangers associated with taking sunberries, you will increase your own chances of improving health.

    The use of sunberry in traditional medicine

    For joint pain, rheumatism- it is necessary to mix 200 g of horseradish passed through a meat grinder with 250 g of honey. Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp with a glass of juice from the stems and leaves of the sunberry. In addition, it is necessary to take a thirty-minute bath before going to bed, in which add 50 grams of grated horseradish and 150 ml of freshly squeezed juice from the stems and leaves of the sunberry.

    Skin diseases (psoriasis, seborrhea) mix 100 ml of sunberry leaf juice and two raw fresh chicken eggs. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. juice of garden nightshade berries, mix everything thoroughly. Using the mixture, lotions should be made on sore spots. Lotions have healing properties.

    For asthma dried flowers and unripe sunberries should be used in equal proportions, as well as stems of flowering lungwort. All thoroughly grind and mix. 1 st. l. mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, brew in a thermos. Strain after 2 hours. Take 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp.

    With anginae a mixture of lungwort stems, 4 grams of leaves, 4 grams of sunberry berries are poured with a glass of boiling water, steamed in a thermos. After 2 hours, cool slightly to make the temperature comfortable, and gargle.

    With angina, they also gargle with sunberry juice, diluted with warm water, in a ratio of 1: 3.

    Rheumatism and skin diseases can be treated by taking baths with the addition of sunberry infusion. To do this, the leaves, stems and berries of the plant in equal proportions should be carefully crushed. 4 tbsp the resulting powder pour 1 liter of boiling water. After 2 hours, strain the infusion and pour into a bath with warm water. Take a bath for about 30 minutes.

    For the treatment of gastritis 100 g of a mixture of berries, leaves and stems is poured into 3 liters. boiling water. Insist 3 hours. Filter. Take several times a day, half an hour before meals, 3 tbsp.

    With acne, various boils prepare a mixture of crushed fresh leaves and sunberry berries. It is the fresh mixture that retains all the beneficial properties of the plant.

    With bronchitis, pain in the stomach, neurosis prepare the following decoction: 100 gr. fresh raw materials from the stem, leaves and sunberry berries are poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Insist until completely cooled. Take 150 ml, several times a day.

    Good to drink once or twice a week sunberry tea for disease prevention. To make tea, you need to pour 3 gr. dry raw materials (stem, leaves, berries) - 5 liters of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour and take hot all day instead of regular tea. The properties of tea are an increase in immunity, a calming effect.

    Sunberry in cooking

    To make sunberry jam, you will need to follow the following recipe:

    To make candied sunberries, strain the jam through a colander to remove the syrup. The berries should be laid out in a single layer on a dish to dry. Dried fruits can be stored long enough in a cool place in a glass container with a lid.

    The homeland of the sunberry is considered to be South America. The variety of these berries was brought out at the beginning of the twentieth century by the American scientific breeder a follower of Darwin, Luther Burbank, who also had a very stubborn character. The parent form of the plant is the African nightshade and the representative of the European continent - creeping nightshade.

    The resulting berry hybrid was called sunberry, which in English meant "sunny berry". The new species inherited from the nightshade from Africa fruits that are about the size of a large cherry, undemanding to grow, and also quite high yielding qualities. But excellent taste qualities as a result of selection were obtained from a European relative - creeping nightshade.

    The berry bush grows quite high, sometimes its height reaches 2 meters. This plant has a thick stem, resembling a tetrahedron. The berries are large, shiny, similar in color to our blueberries, but they ripen in clusters, about 15 pieces each. From the bush you can remove up to a bucket of these sunny berries. The advantage of sunberries over other berries is their continuous flowering, as well as ripening until autumn.

    Sunberry storage features

    The leaves of the berry bush are stored for a long time in a dried form. They are harvested during the summer and dried, laying out a layer of 3-5 cm. But the berries for harvesting for storage will have to wait. They close the season of twists and conservation.

    To keep fresh berries for a long time, they are cut in clusters and sent to the refrigerator. So, the berry can be stored for a long time due to its elasticity. If you want to keep fresh nightshades for the winter, freeze them after rinsing them. Use special dryers or an oven.
