What is the best position to sleep in during pregnancy? Healthy sleep for pregnant women

Women wonder how to sleep during pregnancy starting from the first weeks. At the end of pregnancy, a woman may suffer from heartburn, insomnia, and night cramps. calf muscles. Therefore, the choice of posture is very important for normal sleep, as well as for the comfort of mother and fetus. How to sleep correctly so as not to harm the child? Sometimes you have to radically change your habits, especially in the 9th month of pregnancy, for this you can use the help of special sleeping pillows and other devices.

Daily routine and proper preparation sleep has a positive effect on normal condition pregnant woman in the morning. A broken state, as well as insomnia and lethargy negatively affect physiological processes that are happening this difficult period in a woman's body.

  1. You can't get overtired. Future mother She must take care of herself, because her fatigue affects the baby too. In addition, the result of such fatigue can be insomnia. Those who are tired also sleep poorly.
  2. Try not to sleep during the day. This is necessary so that it is not violated night sleep. It is important that the woman understands that not only I am sleeping, but also my child.
  3. Physical exercise. Taking care of yourself does not mean sitting in one place all day. It is necessary to move, but for this it is advisable to choose moderate physical activity. Special exercises for pregnant women, as well as gymnastics and swimming, are suitable. A mandatory walk in the evening will help you relax before bed.
  4. Proper nutrition. There is no need to eat heavy and fatty foods, and before bed it is better to eat an apple or a glass of kefir - this good food. A full stomach does not contribute to normal sleep.
  5. Taking a warm bath. Ideally, add essential oils or calming herbs.
  6. Do not drink liquids. While pregnant, a woman has to defecate more often. bladder. So that this doesn't become the reason bad sleep, try drinking less before bed, more in the morning.
  7. Massage. A foot massage before bed is especially effective if you suffer from cramps.

As long as you maintain a normal sleep schedule and follow healthy image In life, sleep problems may not arise. Towards the end of pregnancy, inconveniences appear more often, but they are also easy to deal with. The main thing is that if you cannot sleep, go to the doctor and do not prescribe sleeping pills yourself. This can negatively affect your baby's health.

Sleep is the key to the health of both mother and child. Therefore, it is important to establish it well and follow all parts of a healthy lifestyle; you can do light gymnastics to raise your tone and mood. The best option may be yoga for pregnant women. It is important to know how not to sleep during pregnancy; this knowledge will help keep the body in good shape.

Each trimester of pregnancy is marked by its own characteristics. Therefore, sleep proceeds differently. Body position also affects the fetus differently, because the fetus itself grows and can be located in different sides. The position in which you successfully fell asleep and slept soundly before may not be suitable for you during pregnancy. How to sleep during pregnancy depends on the trimester.

  1. First trimester. Until 12 weeks pregnant, a woman may not even know she is pregnant. In the first trimester, no special changes occur, at least visible ones. I don’t even think about how to sleep. During pregnancy early stages The uterus is not yet so enlarged as to interfere with sleep. The size of the fruit is also very small. True, breast sensitivity may already appear. In any case, you can sleep in any position; it will not harm your baby in any way. But, nevertheless, if you are a big fan of sleeping on your stomach, you need to wean yourself in the early stages, as it will be more difficult to do later. It is worth noting that the period of the first three months is characterized by constant drowsiness, because the nervous system oppressed.
  2. Second trimester. In this trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is already enlarged and the belly is visible. This means that the size of the fetus increases. This begins to happen at 15 weeks of pregnancy. Wherein general health expectant mother getting better. The nausea goes away, the mood returns to normal, and there are still no problems with weight or pain in the spine. In order not to crush the baby with your weight, you need to stop sleeping on your stomach. How can you lie on your stomach, realizing that your baby is inside? For many women, this position itself becomes uncomfortable, and they easily abandon it. In the second trimester, the ideal position is on the back, since the weight of the fetus does not yet cause discomfort to the mother. When the 2nd trimester ends, with a strong increase in the baby’s weight, as well as with the appearance of the first movements, you should lie on your side.
  3. Third trimester. How to sleep at 9 months? The most inconvenient period for a woman in terms of sleep. It is no longer advisable to sleep on your back, so you need to sleep on your left side. Sleeping on the right side may be uncomfortable for the fetus. Therefore, we sleep, which is good for both of us. Sleeping on the back is contraindicated, since the heavy weight of the child can lead to back pain and the development of hemorrhoids in the expectant mother. Mom falls asleep more and more difficultly and often wakes up. Also decreasing arterial pressure and problems with the intestines and digestion may appear. This happens due to compression of a large vein on the back while sleeping. You should also focus on the fetal reaction. If the child begins to push intensely, it means that he is uncomfortable or lacks oxygen. This is an indicator that the pregnant woman should roll over. Most often happens this situation if you sleep on your right side. At 33 weeks of pregnancy, the baby may well be born. These will be premature birth, but the child can be born quite healthy. At 33 weeks of pregnancy, children appear in multiple pregnancies. In order not to provoke this process yourself, you should be careful. At 35 weeks of pregnancy, training contractions may begin, which are preparation for childbirth. This may interfere with sleep. Also, at the 8th month of pregnancy, heartburn, lower back pain, anxious thoughts. All this leads to poor sleep quality and frequent waking up. This characterizes the eighth and ninth months. At 35 weeks of pregnancy, childbirth can already lead to the birth of a completely healthy baby.

What position to sleep in during pregnancy should depend on the position of the fetus. If the fruit lies across, then you should fall asleep on the side where the head is located. If the baby has a breech presentation, it is also advisable to sleep on the left side. How to sleep when pregnant with twins? Exactly the same, only a little longer. In such a situation, recovery time is required. Is it possible to sleep in a familiar position? Intuition will answer you, since in most cases a woman herself feels correct posture, depending on the position of the baby, for example, on the right or left.

In any case, when you go to sleep on your side during pregnancy, it is important to consider not only your comfort, but also the safety of the baby. Your well-being also depends on the correct position of your body. It is better to sleep on your side during pregnancy, preferably on the left, but if you are more comfortable sleeping on your right side, this will not hurt either.

Sleeping in early pregnancy is not as difficult as sleeping late in the 33rd week of pregnancy. Most mothers say: “I can’t” in the last weeks.

In order for you to be comfortable in any trimester of pregnancy and to get used to sleeping in comfortable position, you can choose a special pillow. You can sleep with such accessories, and then use them during the day to rest and feed your baby.

They come in several forms, each of which is convenient in its own way:

These pillows can not only help you control your sleeping position, but will also be a great help when feeding your baby after childbirth. If towards the end of pregnancy there are problems with heartburn, then it is advisable to sleep in a semi-sitting position. This is convenient if you have a high pillow.

Pay close attention to the mattress you rest on. Firstly, it should be of medium hardness, and secondly, for pregnant women it should be orthopedic so that you can get maximum sleep and relaxation. If during an interesting situation the expectant mother continues to sleep with her husband, then when choosing a mattress you need to pay attention to its filling. When the spouse moves, the mother should not feel uncomfortable.

Sometimes for a good night's sleep you just need to choose the right accessories, including clothes made from natural materials. This is quite enough to relax as much as possible.

For proper development fetus, as well as full recovery the mother's strength and preparation for childbirth, it is necessary to rest. How can you sleep better these nine months?

To do this, you should follow several basic rules:

A walk, a warm bath, and a lack of stress before bed will help you get a good night's sleep. The main thing is not to use fatty foods, but don’t go to bed hungry either. At the end of pregnancy, you may experience problems falling asleep, and even insomnia. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Proper sleep management will help you get enough sleep and contribute to the full development of your baby.

Pregnancy is a joyful event, but for the proper development of the child, you need to monitor nutrition and sleep, as well as adherence to all the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

During pregnancy, the load on the entire female body sharply increases, and its systems and organs work in an intensified mode to produce resources for two: both the mother and the baby. That is why even with light loads a woman feels overworked. Doctors advise expectant mothers to give Special attention work and rest schedule and give advice on how to sleep better during pregnancy in order to restore strength and not harm the baby.

Healthy sleep very important for the expectant mother. Experts recommend that pregnant women sleep 8-11 hours a day, distributing this time between daytime and nighttime sleep. But during pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes significant changes, so finding a comfortable position for sleeping can be problematic: either your back hurts, or enlarged breasts interfere, but your legs ache. And a comfortable position for the mother is not always safe for the baby.

How can an expectant mother sleep better in the first trimester?
In the first trimester there are no restrictions on sleeping positions. Since the fetus is still very tiny, and the uterus is located within the small pelvis, a woman is allowed to sleep in her usual positions, even on her back and stomach. But even your favorite position lying on your stomach can cause discomfort due to enlarged breasts, the slightest touch of which can cause not only discomfort, but also pain. But if such a dream is not accompanied by discomfort, then feel free to sleep on your stomach until the 12th week, that is, until the end of the 1st trimester.

Second trimester: comfortable sleeping positions
In the second trimester, the embryo begins to actively grow and develop, and the result of this is an increasing belly. Although the baby is protected by the uterus and amniotic fluid, experts do not recommend that the expectant mother sleep on her stomach in the second trimester. This is not only inconvenient, but also very dangerous, as there is a risk of injury to the fetus. Therefore, the expectant mother should in every possible way refrain from the desire to lie on her stomach. But immediately after giving birth, a woman will be able to fully enjoy sleep in a position lying on her stomach, since doctors recommend this position for better reduction uterus.

Recommended sleeping positions in the third trimester
Starting from 25-28 weeks you will have to stop sleeping on your back. The belly is already quite large, but the fetus is squeezing internal organs future mother. If a woman allows herself to rest in such a position that the fetus will put pressure on the intestines and the inferior vena cava, which carries oxygen from lower limbs to the heart. If it is squeezed, the pregnant woman may become dizzy and experience an acute lack of oxygen. As a result, the woman may lose consciousness. If you stay in this position for a very long time, the risk of fetal hypoxia increases.

Doctors consider the best position for sleeping to be on the left side. It is in this position that normal blood circulation occurs, back pain is not bothered, and the heart works better. But it’s impossible to sleep the whole night in one position, but it’s also not necessary, doctors say. The expectant mother can roll over from one side to the other as many times as she sees fit.

Doctors believe that sleeping on the left side is also a prevention of breech presentation of the fetus. If the fetus is in a transverse position, experts recommend sleeping more often on the side where the baby's head is located. This will help the fetus take the correct position.

Miracle pillow for mother and baby
Placing pillows under your stomach, back and legs is good, but it is better to purchase a special ergonomic sleeping pillow. It has the shape of a horseshoe, moon or banana and is used to make it easier for a woman to find a comfortable sleeping position. You can hug her and throw your leg over her, and the expectant mother will not experience discomfort. If you purchase a pillow in the shape of a horseshoe, it will not allow a woman to accidentally roll over onto her back while sleeping. Such pillows are sold in large children's supermarkets and stores for expectant mothers. Ergonomic sleeping pillows are about two meters in length and about half a meter in girth.

Of course, a woman herself can choose a sleeping position that is comfortable for her and her baby. When choosing one, the expectant mother should listen to her feelings and monitor the child’s reaction. If he is not comfortable, he will begin to move his arms and legs intensively, telling his mother that it is time to change her position and lie down more comfortably.

Cramps. From about 5 months the problem of choosing a position for night rest is added.

The breasts become full and painful, and the fetus develops quickly and the stomach grows rapidly (especially starting from the second trimester). Therefore, it is very difficult for a woman to find a comfortable position that would guarantee a good night's rest to recuperate.

Choosing a place to sleep

About, How to sleep during pregnancy, many pregnant women think. However, few people know that you need not only to monitor your posture, but also to provide an optimal surface for a comfortable position of the body.

Choose a mattress of medium firmness. Surface sleeping place should completely follow the contours of your body, maintaining the spine in a natural physiological state. This effect is best achieved orthopedic mattresses.

When choosing a mattress Keep in mind that your future dad will sleep on it with you. Therefore, make sure that the bed does not spring too much, as this may cause strong vibrations on the surface during a night's rest when one of the sleepers turns over. And such movements on the surface often cause discomfort to both mother and fetus.

Pay attention to the size of the sleeping bed: it should be comfortable for the expectant mother, so that she has enough space for proper rest and comfortable sleep.

Choosing a sleeping position

As for the correct position, then It's best to sleep on your side. Stop sleeping on your stomach for another early stage pregnancy.

Also Night rest on your back is contraindicated, since the fetus puts pressure on the internal organs (liver, kidneys, intestines). As a result, the pregnant woman develops difficulty breathing, worsens blood pressure, and lowers blood pressure.

In mother's pose on the back the baby in the womb may be compressing the inferior vena cava, which runs along the entire spine, which can lead to a decrease in blood flow. As a result, the expectant mother feels unwell.

A if the compression is prolonged and regular, then this can negatively affect the condition of the fetus: due to insufficient blood supply, and therefore nutrients, the baby's heart rate decreases. And the consequences of such violations are sad and irreversible.

Try first of all to think not about your preferences (how you want to sleep during pregnancy), but about the health of the baby.

Monitor your health and if you notice any deterioration during sleep, change your position to the correct one. To avoid automatically turning over on your back at night, place a large pillow that will not allow you to change your body position.

Doctors advise sleeping on your left side, since lying on right side may cause compression of the kidney. And in correct position not only the blood flow to the placenta will improve, but also the functioning of the kidneys, which will significantly reduce the size of the arms and legs, and the pressure on the liver, which is located on the right, will be reduced.

This also makes it easier for the body to get rid of waste and excess fluid, and the heart can function fully. You can also practice an intermediate position: pillows will help you take it, which will prevent you from completely turning over onto your back.

About special pillows

If your baby protests mom's position, even if you're lying on your left side, place a small, flat pillow under your belly. And to reduce the load on the pelvis, place another pillow between your legs.

Can buy special pillow for pregnant women, which is shaped like a banana and has the most suitable filling.

For transverse presentation of the fetus, doctors recommend sleep on the side where the baby's head is. But you can’t just lie in this position all night. Therefore, change positions.

With breech presentation You should turn over from side to side 3-4 times.

If none of the suggested positions suits you, use pillows to try to achieve a semi-sitting position.

To ensure that you sleep soundly at night during pregnancy, even despite a new, unusual position for you, during the day you are pregnant should do something that will force her body to completely shut down for the night's rest.

Eat correctly, fully and in a timely manner. Don't overeat: eat often, but in small portions.

Between a night's rest and last appointment After eating, at least 3 hours must pass so that all the contents of the stomach have time to be digested and do not distract the body from sleep.

Before bedtime give up drinks with high content caffeine, give up carbonated sweet water. It is better to drink a glass of warm milk with before going to bed.

Perform special exercises regularly physical exercise for pregnant. They will provide falling asleep quickly and sound sleep.

Just do gymnastics during the day, because a lot of time should pass before resting at night for complete relaxation and calmness after exercise.

Before bedtime give up intense mental activity, including from books with TV.

It’s better in the evening to listen to a calm, quiet, pleasant song that will put you in the right mood, allow you to relax and prepare for bed.

Stick to your daily routine. A certain schedule will set the body to fall asleep and wake up at the same time.

Don't sleep during the day so you don't suffer at night.

Walk more fresh air . Hiking outside before going to bed, as well as ventilating the bedroom, sleeping with an open vent or window in the warm season will make your sleep deep, calm and sound.

In the evening, take warm water, but under no circumstances hot bath. And after 20-30 minutes you can go to bed and rest. Sleep won't take long to arrive.

Helps improve sleep aromatherapy. Place a herbal bag on the pillow with lemon balm, hops, thyme, immortelle flowers, hazel or laurel leaves, hop cones, pine needles, rose petals, geranium herb. Drop a little onto the aroma lamp essential oil lavender. It has a pronounced calming effect.

Wear comfortable and pleasant clothes for the night. Be sure that pajamas or a nightgown must be made of high-quality and natural material, for example, knitwear.

Don't accept any sleeping pills without preliminary consultation with a doctor. After all, most of these medications are contraindicated during pregnancy.

While pregnant, you may be recommended a tincture

An important part of our life and an integral element for maintaining health is good sleep. It is during sleep that we restore energy, “reboot” our brain and help all body systems prepare for a new day.

Think back to any day when you woke up without sleep. The feeling of fatigue and weakness accompanies us throughout the day, concentration is impaired, any little thing can cause irritation, and the simplest work becomes significantly more complicated in our eyes.

Prolonged neglect of sleep can cause serious violations health. To avoid such consequences, doctors recommend that adults sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. But pregnancy changes a woman’s lifestyle very significantly, and these changes also affect the duration of sleep.

Duration of sleep. Why do pregnant women sleep a lot?

To feel good during pregnancy and create all the conditions for normal development unborn baby, mothers begin to carefully monitor their health, try to avoid stress, eat better, walk more in the fresh air and, of course, get proper rest.

Many people are surprised that pregnant women sleep a lot. But actually, there is nothing strange about this. Female body begins to work “for two”, the load on almost all systems and organs increases, so expectant mothers get tired faster and more often feel the desire to sleep. In addition, drowsiness is often caused by low blood pressure, which often happens during pregnancy, as well as decreased immunity and a lack of vitamins.

In order for sleep to be beneficial and have a beneficial effect on the health of a pregnant woman, it is recommended to sleep about 12 hours a day. It doesn't have to be a one-time dream. It is much better not to lie in bed until lunch, but to set aside a couple of hours for a nap during the day.

Optimal time for mommy's rest night sleep from 22.00 to 7.00, that is, 9 hours to restore the body after the day's worries. After lunch, it is useful to set aside hours for sleep from 14.00 to 16.00 to “reboot” and regain some strength.

Some pregnant women claim that not used to sleeping during the day, so this system is not suitable for them. Of course, every body is different, but even if you don't get enough sleep, just resting and relaxing for a couple of hours after lunch will give you an influx of energy and significantly improve your overall condition.

Sleep problems

As already noted, expectant mothers sleep much more than non-pregnant girls. However, often even long sleep does not relieve the feeling of fatigue. Why is this happening?

First of all, during pregnancy the stage of drowsiness increases, when consciousness is still sensitive to even the most insignificant external stimuli.

In the first months of pregnancy, sleep problems may be associated not only with hormonal changes in a woman’s body, but also with psychological problems. This is especially typical for the first pregnancy. Upcoming changes in life give rise to worries and fears, which, in turn, negatively affects the quality of sleep. Often women complain of nightmares that interfere with proper rest.

The following months may also be accompanied by insomnia. The development of the fetus increases the load on the mother’s body, all systems begin to work in increased mode, and it seems that they simply refuse to rest.

During this period, sleep problems are provoked physiological reasons: appear painful sensations in the back, lower abdomen, legs, may occur night cramps in the muscles, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, and indigestion often occurs. In addition, there may be dermatological problems(itching, inflammation).

Yes and growing belly can cause problems with choosing a comfortable sleeping position, which also makes it difficult to relax.
In the last months of pregnancy, the baby's activity may interfere with proper rest, but this may be a signal that the sleeping position is chosen incorrectly. We will tell you below how to choose the optimal sleeping position during pregnancy.

It is not advisable to eat heavily before bed; it is best to avoid eating altogether two hours before bedtime. But considering that the desire to snack can be irresistible, and sleep on an empty stomach will also not be of high quality, you can allow yourself to drink a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, eat fruit (banana, apple), or a small piece of meat. It is preferable to choose turkey, because... it contains natural lung hypnotic.

It is also advisable not to consume a lot of fluids in the evening to minimize the urge to urinate, which interrupts sleep.

Give it to your body physical activity. Natural fatigue from a walk or light exercise is a great way to promote healthy sleep. If weather conditions permit, do not deny yourself a walk before bed. If this is not possible, then replace the walk physical exercise.

But they should be performed during the day, and not before bedtime, because the body, excited by the warm-up, will definitely refuse to fall into a healthy sleep. To prepare for bed, you can perform several relaxing exercises offered by a yoga course for pregnant women. This will help you get in the right frame of mind.

It will be useful to develop a certain sleep schedule so that the body itself knows when it is time to rest. Any rituals performed daily before bed can help form a routine. For example, you can take a warm bath with lavender oil or drink a cup of chamomile tea. Choose what you like.

It is advisable not to overload the body in the evening. All tasks that require stress (both physical and mental) are best done before evening.

Create conditions for comfortable sleep. Ventilate the room so that it is not stuffy, choose comfortable clothes for sleeping.

Choose the right pose.

Correct sleeping position during different periods of pregnancy. Sleeping on your back and stomach

One of the keys to healthy sleep and quality rest is right choice poses. Probably, everyone has their own preferences: someone sweetly falls asleep on their side, grasping the blanket with their knees, someone sleeps on their stomach, hugging a pillow, someone on their back. But when a woman becomes responsible not only for herself, but also for the unborn baby, she even has to choose a sleeping position taking into account her “position.”

Choosing a sleeping position in the first trimester

Let's first look at what happens to a woman's body during this period. In the first months, the uterus increases slightly, and the visually pregnant belly is still completely invisible. The fetus in the uterus is protected by the pubic bones. But already during this period, the sensitivity of the breast increases, as swelling of the mammary glands occurs.

What sleeping position should you choose? Almost any. However, doctors have differing opinions regarding the possibility of sleeping on the stomach.

Some experts argue that even in the early stages, the expectant mother should stop sleeping on your stomach, even if this position is familiar and comfortable for her. This is explained by the fact that body weight transferred to the stomach during sleep can harm the development of the fetus.

But there are doctors who do not place any restrictions on the choice of sleeping position in the first trimester, arguing that the main thing is keep healthy and good rest for woman.

Who should you listen to? Of course, consult your doctor, because you trust this specialist. But if you want to get an outside opinion, we recommend choosing a middle ground.

When sleeping on your stomach does not cause discomfort, and this often happens due to hypersensitivity breasts, you can safely sleep as comfortably as possible. However, it should be taken into account that in the future this position will still have to be abandoned. Therefore, you can take advantage of the moment and begin to relearn little by little.

Choosing a sleeping position in the second trimester

At this time, the tummy begins to grow, as the uterus gradually enlarges. Now the baby is protected only directly by the walls of the uterus and amniotic fluid.

However it still exists freedom in choosing a sleeping position. Again, only sleeping on the stomach raises doubts. The protection of the unborn child is no longer as reliable as in the first trimester, so the pressure of the mother’s body weight on the tummy will be sensitive. But often, problems with sleeping on the stomach do not arise during this period, because many women simply find it uncomfortable to sleep like that and change their position voluntarily.

Choosing a sleeping position in the third trimester

In the last months of pregnancy, the tummy becomes quite large, so it can cause some discomfort when choosing a comfortable sleeping position.

What do the doctor's say? It's obvious that sleeping on your stomach becomes physically impossible. It is not only unsafe, but also simply uncomfortable for the expectant mother.

Many women try sleeping on their back. However, it should be warned that during the last trimester the uterus, having increased significantly, in the “lying on your back” position compresses the inferior vena cava. This is quite dangerous, because it disrupts normal blood circulation and lowers blood pressure.

During sleep, a woman may even lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen reaching the brain. In addition, sleeping on your back later is fraught with vein diseases such as varicose veins and thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.

An already grown baby puts pressure on the internal organs, so sleeping on the back can lead to impaired kidney function, gastrointestinal tract, liver. In addition, such a sleeping position is harmful not only to the expectant mother, but also to her baby, because he will also feel the lack of oxygen. Therefore we recommend give up this provision during sleep.

What sleeping position should you choose in the last months of pregnancy?

Here experts are unanimous - the optimal choice is sleeping on your side.

As an alternative, you can use a special pregnancy pillow, which is made to support the expectant mother's body in the most comfortable position.

Does it matter which side you sleep on?

Yes, it has. Doctors recommend sleeping on the left side to facilitate the functioning of the kidneys, gall bladder, and also reduce swelling of the extremities. However, some mothers feel discomfort and pressure on the heart. If this happens to you, then you are allowed to sleep on your right side. Doctors recommend this same position for women with oblique presentation of the fetus.

Finally, I would like to note that if you still can’t fall asleep, you don’t need to torment yourself with thoughts about the need for sleep and count how many minutes you still have to rest. Take a break, do something you enjoy. For example, read a book, listen to your favorite music. There is no need to try to solve the problem of insomnia with pills. Such drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Take care of your health and your unborn baby. And let good sleep help you with this.
