The smelliest gas. Why do farts stink? Insufficient hygiene and untimely washing of clothes

Sweating is normal physiological function the body of every person, which has great importance to cool the body during elevated temperature, stress, physical activity and emotional stress.

Moreover, sweating regulates metabolic processes in the body and also maintains optimal water-salt balance, participates in thermoregulation and removes dangerous toxins and substances from the body. It is worth noting that in hot weather and during severe physical stress, sweat is the only means that protects the body from overheating.

Types and structure of sweat glands

The glands are located in the middle layer of the skin, called the dermis. The ducts of the sweat glands come to the surface of the body and secrete a secretion - sweat. It is water-based, but it also contains a lot of salt and various metabolic products. Many may think that the sweat glands have the same structure and are absolutely identical, but this is far from the case.

Approximately 75% of sweat glands regulate body temperature, that is, when water evaporates, the upper layers of the skin cool, which is why they say that sweat protects the body from overheating. The activity of such glands is controlled by the autonomous nervous system, and it works even in an unconscious state, while controlling vital important functions body.

The other 25% of the glands, along with sweat, secrete special substances - pheromones. They are responsible for the sexuality of women and men, and arouse sympathy and attraction in each other. The activity of the glands is controlled by hormones.

It must be said that the location of sweat glands throughout the body is uneven. They are found in abundance in the armpits, forehead, palms, and feet. But those that secrete pheromones are located between the buttocks, around the mammary glands, a little around the eyes and behind the ears.

Causes of sweating

High emotionality. If a person is nervous, angry or experiencing strong fear he begins to sweat profusely. IN in this case It is possible to determine the cause without conducting an examination. However, such emotional sweating is limited to the feet, palms and face; sweating is less common in the armpits and chest area. If the whole body is covered with sweat, then physical reasons need to be considered.

Temperature is enough common cause profuse sweating. It is worth noting that whatever the cause of fever - pneumonia, cancer, influenza or various other infections, people sweat throughout the day and regardless of the environment.

Hormonal imbalance is also the cause of profuse sweating. It is worth noting that in people who suffer from this disease, the body can instantly turn from dry to wet. Quite often, such fluctuations can be observed in women in menopause, since during the day they can feel repeatedly approaching waves of sweating.

What medications and foods can cause excessive sweating?

First of all, you need to note such a drink as coffee. Many people today abuse this drink, not realizing how dangerous and harmful it is to the body. Among the medications, it is worth highlighting morphine, analgin with diphenhydramine and other antispasmodics.

Causes of unpleasant sweat odor

Sweat is odorless only if a person does not abuse garlic, coffee, alcohol and spices. The smell appears only after sweat comes into contact with the surface of the skin. This happens because sweat softens the keratin it contains. upper layer skin. In this state he serves as a beautiful nutrient medium for the reproduction of various bacteria. An unpleasant odor is a consequence of the decomposition of waste products of microorganisms.

Only specialists found the cause of sweat and unpleasant odor, many cosmetic companies began to look for all sorts of ways to neutralize it. Initially, deodorants appeared that had a strong odor that interrupted the “aroma” of sweat. Subsequently, antibacterial components began to be used in cosmetics.

Modern cosmetics can cope with the smell of sweat

But when using such products, the protective layer of the skin suffers, and bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor become resistant. Today there is only one effective remedy, which can fight unpleasant odors is an antiperspirant.

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat?

Of course, there are no medications that can rid a person of the unpleasant odor of sweat once and for all. However, you can independently support the body and organism in healthy condition, which will undoubtedly affect the amount of sweat produced and its smell. So, a few tips:

    It is necessary to limit consumption spicy seasonings, for example, garlic, pepper. These products can overload the body, causing substances to be released in sweat and create an unpleasant odor.

    It should be noted that those bacteria that live on the surface of the body can be sources of a very faint odor. But some of them, altered by antibiotics, can cause a strong unpleasant odor. Also for education strong odor is affected by humidity and a large amount of sugar in the human body, that is, the higher the humidity in the room, the stronger the smell.

    Some hormones promote the growth of bacteria, which in turn increases the unpleasant “aroma”.

    It is necessary to strictly observe the rules of hygiene, take a shower often and change things in a timely manner.

Following good personal hygiene will help get rid of sweat odor

    When taking water procedures, you should use soaps and various other body cleansers without medicinal additives.

    Observe whether the formation of odor is associated with eating certain foods, for example, garlic, onions.

    If a person has problems with the intestines, then mandatory the disease needs to be cured. Because the bacteria that live in the intestines produce toxins, which are subsequently excreted in sweat. As a preventive measure, you need to consume lactic acid bacteria on an empty stomach.

    When choosing clothes, give preference to things made from natural fabrics. They tend to absorb moisture well.

    During the day you need to drink a certain amount of water, at least 200 g for every 30 cm of height.

Folk remedies against profuse sweating

There are many ways that can combat sweating:

    If your feet sweat a lot, you need to sprinkle them with starch.

    You can also sprinkle your feet in areas of excessive sweating with a mixture of talcum powder and starch.

    To prepare the hand solution, you need to take 1 teaspoon of salt and one glass hot water, mix everything thoroughly and wash your hands 2 times a day.

    1 tablespoon of sage leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water. After preparing the solution, you need to let it sit for 20 minutes, then strain. Take 30 milliliters 3 times a day an hour after meals. This recipe is recommended for women during menopause.

    For hands, you can make a tincture of 4 tablespoons of chopped oats and 1 liter of boiling water. Leave the resulting solution for an hour and make baths.

    Oak bark must be ground into powder and sifted through a sieve. The resulting powder should be poured into socks and worn at night. Change the powder daily.

    To prepare the tincture you need to take 200 g of straw and 50 g of oak bark. Pour everything into 1 bucket of water and bring to a boil. Afterwards, leave for 30 minutes. Use the prepared solution for foot baths; the procedure should continue for 1 month for 20 minutes.

Teymurov's paste for the smell of sweat

In case you don’t want or don’t have time to prepare recipes from traditional medicine, then you can buy Teymurov’s paste at the pharmacy. For a long time it has been the most popular and effective remedy that helps get rid of unpleasant sweating in the shortest possible time.

The paste should be used no more than 1-2 times a week; moreover, the product should be applied only after taking water procedures. It is worth noting that Teymurov’s paste can be used for the armpits and feet. Almost immediately after applying it, a slight smell of sweat appears, but after 30 minutes it all evaporates and will not bother you for 4-7 days.

The paste should be applied in a thick layer and left on the surface of the skin for about 30 minutes. After which, rinse thoroughly with water without using detergents. The armpits can be lubricated with ordinary baby cream to avoid irritation.

Medical problem solving

If you cannot get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat on your own, then the best solution would be to consult a cosmetologist. Today there are several very effective methods:


Today there are a number medical supplies, which can significantly reduce sweating and neutralize unpleasant odors. However, these medications should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist, moreover, they can only be used under the supervision of a physician.

- Botox injections. If sweating is profuse and has a strong and unpleasant odor, the cosmetologist may suggest using Botox injections as treatment, which block the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the armpits.

Deodorant or antiperspirant – which is better?

Today modern cosmetology offers great amount various means, which in one way or another block the unpleasant odor of sweat. On store shelves and pharmacies you can see a wide variety of similar products - these are roll-on deodorants, gels, antiperspirants and aerosols various types and so on. But how to choose the right cosmetic product so that it not only has a pleasant aroma, but also helps fight the problem of unpleasant odor.

Many people think that antiperspirant and deodorant are two identical products that are identical in their properties. This is wrong.

First of all, deodorant has a disinfecting effect on armpits, that is, it destroys harmful bacteria which contribute to the formation of an unpleasant odor. However, you need to be very careful in choosing and using, since the alcohol included in such products can cause irritation.

What to choose is up to you. However, it must be remembered that excessive blockage of the sweat ducts and a strong decrease in sweating, especially on a hot day, can lead to heatstroke. However, achieving such an effect is, of course, very difficult, since an antiperspirant can only reduce sweating, and not completely neutralize it by closing all the ducts. If you do not wish to use cosmetical tools, then use folk medicines to reduce the unpleasant odor of sweat.

Hello dear reader. Do you smell your body odor? Probably not always. Do you smell someone else's smell? Much more often, right? Why an unpleasant bouquet appears and how to get rid of unpleasant body odor - read this article.

Age-related changes in smell

As you know, sweat has no obvious aroma. A sharp, unpleasant bouquet appears only due to the proliferation of bacteria, excessive secretory activity of the sweat glands, as well as neglect of hygiene.

An interesting fact: men, and women too, on a subconscious level, select a partner based on the fragrance of his body. Humans and animals secrete pheromones - substances that promote sexual arousal when they meet people of the opposite sex.

The aroma changes with age. Have you noticed that an elderly person emanates a not entirely pleasant fragrance? Why is this happening?

Because as it ages, substances are produced - nonenals, which are characteristic only of older people.

Often people in old age They wash little, they develop senile itching, metabolism is disrupted, and urinary and fecal incontinence occurs. Medicines also add a specific spirit, and there are other reasons.

We are leaving old age

How to get rid of the smell of old age?

  1. Reduce your consumption of fatty foods, and, strange as it may seem, fresh fruits and vegetables. The rotting of these products begins in the stomach, which is why people begin to smell. It is better for an elderly person not to include in the menu fatty foods, boiled, baked, stewed fruits and vegetables.
  2. In old age, it is better to take a shower, at least every other day, than a bath. It is better to use gel-cream that has a neutral PH rather than soap. After a shower, apply an emollient cream to the skin.
  3. Drink more clean water.
  4. For urinary and fecal incontinence, use special diapers.
  5. Carry out wet cleaning more often, as particles of exfoliated skin accumulate in the dust, which also begin to smell unpleasant.
  6. Perform aromatization of the room more often using sachets with herbs, let citrus peels lie everywhere.
  7. Use perfume only on a clean body.

What does the smell tell you?

If a person smokes, drinks alcohol, or eats a lot of garlic, then his skin begins to smell unpleasant.

Some people can smell the scent of acetone. This may be a symptom of diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, peptic ulcer stomach. Fans of protein foods can also exude an “ammonia” spirit.

If a person has a metabolic disease called "fish odor syndrome", then his body emits a fishy odor.

A sour bouquet, especially at night, indicates a tuberculosis infection, and can also be a symptom of inflammation in the bronchi or lungs; perhaps the person has problems with endocrine system.

Mouse scent of sweat indicates hereditary disease, called phenylketonurine, the smell of sheep wool - on hyperfunction of the adrenal glands.

If you feel sweaty spirit of rotten meat, then this could be a sign of cancer Bladder, a honey aroma is a sign of the development of an infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a sweetish, even cloying bouquet is a manifestation of diphtheria. The smell of sulfur is observed if digestion is impaired.

Techniques for getting rid of unpleasant odors

Sweat and odor don't always go together. The unpleasant stench is precisely due to the presence pathogenic microbes, which thrive in warm and moist microflora. Armpit hair only enhances the favorable microclimate.

If you smell a specific odor that we have outlined above, you should consult a doctor.

Try not to be nervous, because frequent psychoses, nervous breakdowns lead to increased sweating under the arms. If you are a fan of strong tea or coffee, you can also become the owner unpleasant sweat.

Women may sweat, often associated with dysfunction. The thyroid gland can turn you into a sweaty person in a second. A weak body with reduced immunity can also secrete this fluid abundantly.

A good way to get rid of sweat is personal hygiene. Try Dry Dry, which you can buy at the pharmacy. This liquid should be applied to dry armpits only once a week before bed.

It will serve you as protection for a whole week, while the functions of the sweat glands will not be affected at all. One bottle lasts for 5 months.

There are excellent pads that absorb sweat well. They simply attach to clothing and are invisible under a suit or blouse.

Special injections are in fashion, which are given in the armpits to suppress the activity of the sweat glands. Of course, it’s good when you never smell, but you also have to think about your health! Better add more vegetables and fruits to your diet.

Wipe your armpits with diluted or lemon juice. Vinegar gets rid of any odors. Add just a few drops of strong vinegar to a glass of water and the product is ready. Soak a napkin in it and use it for your health! If your clothes have an unpleasant odor, wash them in a vinegar solution.

Folk remedies for sweating

Radish juice is an excellent remedy. Grate the radish, squeeze out the juice, moisten the gauze, wipe cleanly washed armpits. Repeat the procedure every day. You can also use regular tea or infusion kombucha.

The usual one gives a good result. Dissolve one spoon of baking soda in a glass of water, moisten a napkin, and wipe the armpits.

Another remedy - rosemary or eucalyptus oil. Dilute the oil with water and lubricate sweaty areas.

Sage decoction is an excellent natural deodorant. Or simply apply raw potatoes to sweaty areas.

Effective recipe: decoction oak bark, 1 tbsp. mix with a spoon of lemon juice, wipe problem areas at night. Wash problem areas at night, it works great against bacteria.

But sweating can sometimes be a good thing. During the period of colds, it is simply necessary to sweat. In hot weather, this liquid relieves us from overheating.

Dear readers, as you can see, you can get rid of unpleasant body odor. There are also wonderful deodorants that should be applied to clean areas of the body. But best of all is a clean body!

The stench escaping from your anus can sometimes be so acrid and foul that it can knock out a moose. Birds begin to fall from the trees, and leaves and flowers wither. What is the reason why the stench of your fart is so strong? After all, there are times when you fart, but there is no smell at all or it is almost not noticeable. Well, in this article we will try to answer this question, which, by the way, interests a fairly large number of the human population. Why farts stink and what determines the intensity of their stench.

What determines the intensity of the stench of a fart?

Before answering this question, let's understand a little about the basics and processes. digestive system and some chemical reactions. The gases that appear in our body are produced directly within it and come from outside. When you talk or chew, air enters the esophagus. Also, as a result of digestion of food, they enter into chemical reaction With gastric juice and gases are released. Then the digested foods leave the stomach into the intestines, where the process does not end with just getting rid of the digested food. There, liquids are absorbed by the intestinal walls. The intestines also contain a fairly large number of bacteria, which during their life processes produce a significant amount of gases. We described the entire process of gas formation and release in more detail in the article.

The main part of the answer to the question - why do farts stink?

So, we found out where gases come from in our body. But initially the gases are odorless. Then where does it come from? Now about the main thing - why farts stink. The great science of chemistry will help us answer this question. The smell in our farts appears due to the content of gases such as mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide. Both of these gases contain a sulfur compound, which gives off an odor in the reaction. Hydrogen sulfide is known to smell like rotten eggs. It's precisely because of its contents that farts stink rotten egg. Also, the unpleasant smell of our farts is caused by substances such as indole and skatole. Skatole is also called fecal gas. Both of these compounds are present in human feces and the intestinal tract. These gases begin to form to a greater extent during the digestion of protein foods. As you can see, the stench of farts is caused by the content of caustic gases, the formation of which depends on the foods consumed.

It happens that before your fart did not stink of anything, but now Lately It stinks quite strongly. Some people begin to associate this with some diseases gastrointestinal tract. Although this may not be entirely true. Almost everywhere, when diagnosing faults, they check the most banal things, which primarily lead to the described diagnosis. For example, a computer technician, when asked why the computer does not turn on, may ask - did you plug it into the socket? And believe me, in some cases this is the reason or it lies somewhere in this area. We will follow the same path. First of all, remember if your diet has changed. You may have started consuming foods that contain large quantities of sulfur, which in turn, when reacting with other inert gases, causes an unpleasant odor.

How to get rid of the stench of farts or reduce it?

We already talked above about why farts stink - these are corrosive gases. And they, in turn, tend to be absorbed into the intestinal walls. If you don't fart right away, but delay your fart, it will come back. The gases, in turn, do not disappear anywhere. But since our fart contains caustic and inert gases. And corrosive gases, in turn, have the ability to be absorbed, they will be absorbed into feces and intestinal walls. As a result, only inert gases will remain, of course not in pure form, but the content of corrosive gases will be less. And if you hold back your farts for a while, they will eventually have a less smelly smell.

You can also use special underwear that absorbs odors. And if you fart in the presence of other people, they will not smell your stinking fart.

Why do quiet, warm farts stink more than loud farts?

First of all, let's answer the question why are farts warm? The answer to this question will entail the answer to why they stink more. Most likely, many of you have noticed the fact that smelly and quiet farts can be quite warm. What is this connected with? We have already said that the stench appears as a result of the activity of bacteria in our intestines. As a result of the activity of bacteria in our intestines, smelly and caustic gases are formed, and heat is also generated. The gas bubbles that form in the intestines are small in size and teeming with these same bacteria. That's why they are warm and smelly. Why are they quiet? As you already know, our farts contain an inert and caustic gas. Caustic has the ability to dissolve or be absorbed, while inert does not. So, a quiet fart stinks very much for the reason that it contains a lot of caustic gas, and less inert gas, which is responsible for the volume and force of pressure.

It follows from this that loud farts stink to a lesser extent due to the fact that they have a high content of inert gases and less caustic ones. Here's your answer. And if you will for a long time do not let the fart escape, then there will be quite a lot of inert gases, and caustic gases will be absorbed into the intestinal walls. After which, if you fart sharply, the fart will be loud and not smelly. But you can try.

This, dear reader, ends our fascinating journey into the world of smelly farts. We hope the information you read in our article will be useful to you, and you will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in the right direction. We wish you success. Relief!

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It’s a familiar situation when on a crowded bus or other crowded place you have to smell an unpleasant odor from a person’s body. What are the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon? Let's leave aside the reasons caused by insufficient hygiene: for adult business people, hygiene procedures are an integral part of life. A person takes care of himself, takes a shower on time, wears expensive perfume, but the stench continues to haunt him.

Attention! To get rid of discomfort, you need to understand that its cause lies not outside the body, but inside the body.

Causes of sweating

Before you radically decide how to remove unpleasant body odor, identify its true root cause. A person sweats with the help of special sweat glands, of which there are about three million in the body. Sweat glands are divided into eccrine glands, which are found throughout the body, and apocrine glands, located in the groin, armpits, and a small part near the ear.

The main task of the eccrine glands is to ensure normal regulation of body temperature. Apocrine glands have nothing to do with thermoregulation - they secrete a special odorous substance that determines human aroma. Most people have lost the ability to distinguish their relatives by smell, but in animals, especially wild ones, this function has been preserved. Human skin is home to a huge number of all kinds of harmful and beneficial microorganisms, without which it is impossible normal functioning body. Some of these bacteria absorb organic matter released together with sweat, resulting in a kind of amber inherent in every creature (dogs recognize their owners by it).

Know! Depending on gender, age, and many other factors, people smell completely differently.

Men produce a lot more sweat, which is why they have a stronger odor. A pubescent woman smells sour because she has a large number of saprophytic bacteria. Women's fragrance changes with the stages menstrual cycle: A woman smells especially attractive to men during ovulation (but they are not aware of this - everything happens at the level of consciousness).

In many patients, stench is the result of excessive sweating. Hyperhidrosis is a real disease when the glands function too actively, producing increased volumes of sweat. A malfunction in the body is felt by others as a nasty stench.

Important! Besides hyperhidrosis, there are other diseases that cause this kind of problem.

What does the smell say?

It is not at all necessary to conclude that a citizen does not wash when he smells. Often a stench indicates development pathological process. Some diseases change chemical formula sweat, so a specific, unusual aroma appears.

Attention! If a person is told or he himself has felt that his sweating has changed significantly, he should consult an experienced doctor.

Based on the nature of sweating, it can often be assumed that a malfunction in the functioning of which organs has occurred, which possible diseases the patient has:

  • smells like acetone - get tests characterizing the quality of liver function (it also doesn’t hurt to make sure that the patient does not have cancer);
  • a rotten odor indicates cancer genitourinary organs;
  • the aroma of vinegar from the patient makes one think that he has diabetes or tuberculosis;
  • the breasts begin to smell stronger, especially sour - consult a mammologist because of possible mastopathy, which occurs not only in women, but in 1% of cases in men;
  • the sensation of hydrogen sulfide indicates a metabolic disorder, which causes a number of diseases;
  • a sweet, cloying amber indicates possible diphtheria.

If a patient smells strongly of ammonia, then he has kidney disease. Sweat glands and kidneys belong to the excretory system. When the kidneys fail, the glands begin to function in emergency mode, releasing more toxins. There are also more exotic cases. The aroma of turpentine indicates that the stomach cannot digest fatty foods, and the aroma of musk indicates acute peritonitis. The aroma of fresh bread from a person appears during scarlet fever.

With scrofula it smells like sour beer, and with measles it smells like rotten straw. With scabies, the aroma of mold fungi appears. Stomach ulcers smell like hydrogen sulfide. With sarcoma, the smell of rotten fish is clearly felt. Smells like alcohol when acute alcohol poisoning. Disturbances in peristalsis lead to the appearance of wool aroma. This sometimes goes away without treatment if you exclude smoked and spicy foods from your diet.

Smell clues indirectly indicate diseases of the heart, blood vessels, stomach, and intestines. In teenagers puberty stage and women during the premenopausal period, hormonal changes occur, which also causes a change in the nature of the discharge. Except in cases where it is dangerous, body stench may not mean anything - it can be a genetically determined feature of the body that is passed on from ancestors. It is unreasonable to find out for yourself what disease or malfunction in the body caused the body stench.

Know! It is better to contact in a timely manner medical specialist, who will professionally diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment if necessary.

How to get rid of the smell?

Everyone has an individual body odor, but sometimes it is so unpleasant that a person is tormented by the question - how to get rid of the stench? In addition to the obvious answers regarding personal hygiene and the selection of deodorants, take care proper nutrition and treatment of certain diseases.

Tips for frequent washing banal, but that doesn’t make them any less relevant. Skin is an important part excretory system, dirt not only smells bad, but it prevents waste and toxins from leaving the body. Some people wash rarely, but this remains unnoticed by others. The Guinness Book of Records includes a woman who has never washed, but no one smells any special smell from her.

Important! For some people, it is not enough to shower only once a day, as is generally accepted: for many, it is advisable to do this twice a day, and for some, even more often with special antibacterial soap.

Please pay Special attention on clothes. Many fabrics easily absorb sweat, which only increases the nasty smell. Particular attention is paid to underwear that adheres to the body. Even if the underwear seems clean, you still don’t need to wear it for several days in a row - it is advisable to change it daily. A person rarely finds his own smell unpleasant, unlike those around him. Antiperspirant deodorants, which are effective if you shave your armpit hair, help reduce sweating.

Attention! If hairs are present, deodorant (or perfume) enhances the specific aroma.

Medical and home remedies

Excessive sweating is caused by internal reasons that should be identified and eliminated. Modern methods treatments successfully cope with hyperhidrosis using medications or surgery, aimed at excision of nerves approaching the sweat glands. After sweating has been normalized, the nasty smell disappears.

If hyperhidrosis is not severe, then cheap home remedies will help. We offer several simple recipes.

Tincture of horsetail or walnut

Wipe your armpits when heavy sweat You can use horsetail tincture. The plant is infused in strong alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 10. In addition to horsetail, leaves are used walnut. Before wiping, the tincture is diluted with water in equal proportions.


Excessive sweating of the palms is perfectly treated with compresses made from nettle and sage. To make a compress, take a tablespoon of herbs and pour a liter of boiling water over it. You need to infuse the mixture for about an hour; after cooling, you can make a compress or bath.

Willow bark baths

Before going to bed, take baths with infusion of willow bark. A lot of infusion is prepared in advance and stored in a cool place. To prepare, take a teaspoon of willow bark and pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water. The infusion is aged for eight hours, after which it is used for a bath.

Tea or milk

The usual brewing of black tea or unboiled milk can be used for washing when heavy sweating faces. Regularly drinking tea made from sage will reduce your sweating levels.

Mint infusion

When sweat appears over the entire surface of the body, wipe yourself with mint infusion. You will need a tablespoon of dry mint, a glass of boiling water, infused for thirty minutes. The solution is filtered, after which the sweaty areas are wiped with it.


Causes of unpleasant odor from human body a lot of. It is premature to draw conclusions without a full diagnosis. If medical examination did not reveal diseases, then hygiene rules, modern deodorants and folk recipes will help get rid of most of this problem. At serious illnesses completely curing them will help normalize body odor.

“Because of this disgusting damn sweat, my whole life is awry. I'm on the verge of insanity. For days on end I have one thought running through my head - why do I stink and how much is it noticeable to others..." (from the comments)

If you have Strong smell sweat, or you start sweating excessively, this may indicate a serious health problem. In the article: unpleasant odor of sweat, causes, symptoms, what diseases it indicates.

To understand why sweat changes smell, let's delve a little deeper into physiology.

Sweating is natural and necessary process. Even the ancient Romans, greeting each other, asked “How are you sweating?” Answer: “Good” meant that my health was fine.

Glands that secrete sweat

Depending on the tasks performed in the life of the body, they are divided into apocrine and eccrine.

Eccrine glands(internal secretion)

responsible for thermal regulation:

When overheating ( motor activity, increased temperature of the natural environment), sweat production increases, accompanied by dilation of skin blood vessels and energy consumption - one liter of sweat requires 2436 kJ.

In case of hypothermia sweating decreases, blood vessels constrict. The same thing happens if the surrounding air is saturated with water vapor. This explains bad feeling in hot, damp climates.

Eccrine glands cover the entire body and secrete up to 80% of sweat - a light liquid of water, salt and electrolytes that enters special excretory ducts and pores.

Apocrine glands

constitute only 25% of the total.

These glands are larger and located only in certain areas: in the armpits, genitals, perineum, on the skin of the forehead, around the nipples, etc.

Do not participate in heat exchange.

They are activated in moments of strong emotions, stress, pain, and intense physical activity.

The sweat of these glands is saturated with fats (20%), volatile fatty acids, proteins, hormones, and pheromones that affect potential sexual partners.

The sweaty liquid has a sticky milk-colored structure and enters the hair follicles, which facilitate the diffusion of aroma.

The glands begin to work during puberty, and fade away during menopause.

It is apocrines that, through their activity, form individual sweat odor..

Our body secretes sweat for different purposes:


Ensuring metabolism and water-salt balance.

Removal of waste and harmful elements outside.

Moisturizing and protective function.

Sweat and lard from sebaceous glands When mixed, they create a thin film on the body that protects the epidermis from drying out and damage.

Psycho-emotional reaction to reality.

When there is excitement, stress and without a tangible reason (for example, an alarming thought flashed through, we didn’t really notice it), the so-called emotional sweating- the result of the activity of apocrine glands, the activation of which is triggered by the sympathetic nervous system.


Regardless of its temperature, it causes sweating. Its dishes are enhanced by hot, spicy, hot dishes, with extractive substances (strong broths, for example), alcohol, and caffeine.

Sweat smell

usually neutral if there are no disturbances in the body and hygiene is maintained.

Unpleasant smell of sweat

from a medical point of view, they are called bromhidrosis, osmidrosis, apocrine osmidrosis, smelly sweat or foul-smelling sweat.

There are two types of foul sweat: apocrine (most common) and eccrine.

Apocrine bromidrosis

occurs when apocrine sweat glands function excessively. Bacteria living on the human body and clothes thrive in a humid environment. Up to 150 species of bacteria and millions of their individuals live in the armpits alone.

For their life activities (reproduction, nutrition), they use apocrine secretions, processing them into ammonia compounds and fatty acids. unsaturated acids, as gives sweat a disgusting scent.

Eccrine bromidrosis

appears under certain conditions: eating garlic, spices, alcoholic beverages, taking medications, diseases.

Symptoms of bromhidrosis

Excessive abnormal odor of sweat and body, perceived as burning, acrid, musty, sour or rancid.

The smell comes mainly from the armpits, legs, genitals or the whole body.

In areas where skin sweats, in good condition, excluding conditions complicated by the presence of erythrasma and trichomycosis.

With eccrine bromhidrosis, maceration (softening and loosening) of the skin may occur in constantly sweating areas due to the consumption of keratin by bacteria. On the soles of the feet, in fatty and other folds of the body where friction occurs, the effect of “bath skin”, “washer skin” appears.

Causes of bromidrosis

Genetic predisposition.


Insufficient body hygiene - main reason bromidrosis, if it is not complicated by other provoking factors.

Hormonal imbalance ( puberty, pregnancy, menstrual dysfunction, etc.).

Dermatological conditions:

Skin dysbiosis.

Diaper rash (inflammation) of skin folds.

Erythrasmas (chronically infected areas of the skin with the bacteria Corynebacterium minutissimum, usually located in large folds, groin, friction points, etc.)

Colonization of the body by various bacteria, including Sphingomonas paucimobilis.

Trichonocardiosis (Trichomycosis axillaris), affecting hair in the armpits, between the buttock and groin areas, on the chest. The causative bacteria are Corynebacterium.

Sweaty feet syndrome is a consequence of many reasons, including genetic ones. Constantly sweaty extremities are a breeding ground for pathogens, and as a result - dermatitis, mycoses, and stinking sweat.

Impaired metabolism (eccrine bromidrosis).



Laser hair removal (potential adverse effects).

Gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, colitis, intestinal obstruction, chronic constipation and etc.).

Taking medications (penicillin, antibiotics, antidepressants, sulfur-containing drugs, etc.).

Food habits: alcohol, onions, garlic, spices, fried, fatty and smoked foods.

Slagging of the body.

The smell of disease

In medical textbooks from the late 19th century, one can find guidance on how to recognize a painful condition by the smell that comes from the patient.

Below is a list: the smell of sweat is a disease.

IMPORTANT. This list is just a hint. Don't diagnose yourself!

Musty mouse spirit - phenylketonuria ( congenital disorder metabolism), the smell spreads from sweat, urine, body.

Unwashed socks or mouse socks - fungal infection legs

Fishy smell:

trimethylaminuria - rare genetic disease, heavy aroma from breath, sweat, urine. Sometimes it looks like rotting fish.

Sexually transmitted infectious diseases: HIV, gonorrhea, HPV (human papillomavirus), syphilis, chlamydia, genital herpes.

Problems with the liver.

Urine (sometimes the smell is similar to cat urine) - uridrosis.

Released into the blood large quantity toxins by the liver and/or kidneys.

This happens due to food intoxication, viral infection, hormonal imbalance, endocrine dysfunction, medication, kidney disease.

Vinegar, sour notes - tuberculosis or other infections.

Rotten meat - serious illnesses bladder or liver.

Ammonia-like - renal failure(the body removes nitrogenous wastes with sweat).

Acetone, rotten apples - prediabetes, critical level blood sugar. You need to urgently go to the clinic, because... This smell accompanies a precomatose state.

Rotten eggs or hydrogen sulfide - a stomach disease (even bleeding).

Chlorine - liver or kidneys.

Honey is a purulent inflammatory process.


As you can see, the causes of unpleasant sweat odor can be quite serious. If your sweat stinks and hygiene procedures do not help, go to a therapist, who in turn will refer you to a specialist.

You shouldn't treat this sensitive issue superficially, timely contact with doctors will help identify diseases that are concomitant or provoking the problem.

Take care of yourself!
