A child has laryngitis - what to do and how to treat? Fast and effective treatment of laryngitis in children stage. Stage of suffocation. Complete narrowing of the lumen of the larynx

Young children get sick very often due to the fact that their immunity cannot yet effectively counteract bacteria and viruses. The respiratory organs are especially affected. One of the most dangerous diseases for a child it is laryngitis.

What is the disease?

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of one of the sections of the respiratory tract - the larynx. The vocal folds are involved in the pathological process, therefore one of the characteristic signs of the disease is specific barking cough and voice change.

Most often, inflammation of the larynx occurs in children preschool age. The older the child, the less likely that he will get laryngitis. This is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics respiratory tract of babies - they have a very narrow lumen and a funnel-shaped larynx, as well as a loose mucous membrane, prone to swelling and weak respiratory muscles. In addition, young children have weak defenses and babies are very vulnerable to harmful factors environment and pathogenic microorganisms.

The disease in children rarely occurs in isolation; laryngotracheobronchitis or laryngotracheitis is most often diagnosed. Against the background of inflammation, children may develop a condition that requires emergency care - obstruction of the upper respiratory tract. This phenomenon is called false croup or stenosing laryngotracheitis. It is characterized by severe swelling of the mucous membrane, stenosis (narrowing) of the lumen of the larynx and suffocation. If the child is not provided medical care, he may die.

Classification of laryngitis

Laryngitis can be acute or chronic. Depending on the nature of the disease, it can be complicated or uncomplicated.

In very young children, especially infants, the disease occurs in an acute form, which is characterized by a rapid onset and pronounced symptoms. Chronic laryngitis most often develops due to untreated acute inflammation of the larynx or constant and prolonged exposure to the respiratory tract harmful factors(smoke, fumes, dry air). They occur in older children - junior schoolchildren and teenagers.

Depending on the cause and pathogen, the disease can be:

  • infectious:
    • bacterial;
    • viral;
    • fungal;
  • non-infectious:
    • allergic;
    • traumatic (mechanical trauma of the larynx, chemical, thermal burns).

Acute laryngitis is divided into the following types:

  • Catarrhal, in which the laryngeal mucosa becomes inflamed.
  • Stenotic, it is also called false croup or subglottic laryngitis - inflammation affects the vocal folds (ligaments) and the subglottic region, characterized by attacks of hacking cough, turning into suffocation, which occur at night, often in the morning.
  • Edema (infiltrative) - spreads to the submucosal layers, vocal folds and surrounding tissues.
  • Phlegmonous - a purulent process can affect not only the larynx and ligaments, but also the muscle layer, perichondrium, and cartilage of the larynx. This type of inflammation is most often a consequence of advanced catarrhal laryngitis. It has a very severe course and requires urgent treatment in a hospital.

Doctor Komarovsky about childhood manifestations of the disease - video

Not fully treated acute laryngitis can go to chronic form, which is characterized by a sluggish course and periodic relapses.

This disease can be of three types:

  • Catarrhal - symptoms during periods of exacerbation are similar to acute laryngitis;
  • Hypertrophic (hyperplastic) is very common in children; may be a consequence of insufficient therapy acute inflammation or develop independently due to constant exposure to harmful factors (inhalation of fumes, smoke, dry air), as well as increased vocal load (screaming, prolonged crying). This type of laryngitis is characterized by so-called screamer nodules - symmetrical formations (thickenings) on the vocal folds and hypertrophy (proliferation) of the mucous membrane.
  • Atrophic - practically never occurs in children. This species is characterized by atrophy (thinning) of the mucous membrane, the formation of mucopurulent crusts that are difficult to separate and viscous sputum.

Therapy and treatment of laryngitis in a child

Treatment tactics depend on the form of the disease and the reasons that caused it. If your baby develops symptoms of laryngitis, you should contact an otolaryngologist. After the examination, the doctor prescribes therapy.

Uncomplicated forms of the disease are treated at home, under the supervision of an ENT specialist or pediatrician.

Inpatient treatment is required in the following cases:

  • the child is less than three years old - at this age there is a high risk of developing laryngospasm;
  • the baby has a high temperature for more than a day;
  • have a tendency to allergies or congenital diseases, especially pathologies nervous system.

If a child has signs of laryngeal stenosis - breathing difficulties, barking cough, restlessness, pale skin and bluishness of the lips and nasolabial triangle, sweating, cardiopalmus, breathing becomes more and more difficult, then you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Treatment of acute laryngitis on an outpatient basis (at home) includes a set of measures:

  • are common;
  • medicinal;
  • diet;
  • physical therapy;
  • herbal medicine.

If you start treatment on time and follow all medical instructions, then within 2-3 days the child will feel relief. And you can completely get rid of laryngitis in 7–10 days.

At the initial stage, especially if the baby has a fever, it is important to follow strict bed rest and peace.

It is necessary to monitor the air condition. The child needs fresh and humidified air, so the room in which the patient is located must be regularly ventilated. Can be used to humidify the air special device or place open containers with water, hang a wet cloth, it is especially important to do these manipulations during the heating season, when the air is especially dry. The room needs to be wet cleaned daily.

Voice rest. The load on the vocal apparatus needs to be reduced as much as possible, this is especially important for young children, because their vocal cords are just developing and their damage can cause irreversible vocal defects. The child needs to be silent more, no matter how difficult it may be.

Parents should not allow their child to speak in a whisper, as this strains the vocal apparatus much more than during normal speech.

The baby's neck should be kept warm, wrapped in warm flannel or a soft scarf.

Walking during the acute period is prohibited. During the recovery period, on the contrary, it is recommended to walk if the outside temperature is suitable - not too hot and not too cold. For walks, it is better to choose places where there is no dust and gas pollution - away from the roadway.

Medicines - antibiotics, antihistamines, etc.

Antibiotics are used only for bacterial laryngitis, when there is severe intoxication of the body (fever, the child is lethargic, he has no appetite). In this case, laboratory diagnostics are carried out - determination of the pathogen in a smear from the laryngeal mucosa.

Most often used:

  • penicillin antibacterial agents:
    • Augmentin;
    • Flemoxin;
    • Amoxiclav;
    • Ecoclave;
  • cephalosporins:
    • Cefadox;
    • Cefix;
    • Suprax;
    • Ceftriaxone;
  • macrolides for severe course diseases:
    • Azitrox;
    • Macropen;
    • Clarithromycin.

During antibacterial therapy and after it, the baby is necessarily prescribed probiotics to prevent dysbiosis - Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform.

Antihistamines relieve swelling of the larynx and alleviate the baby’s general condition, normalize sleep:

  • Zyrtec (from six months);
  • drops Fenistil, Clarisens (can be used from birth);
  • Zodak, Cetrin - in syrup from 1 year, in tablets from 6 years;
  • Claritin - from 2 years;
  • Suprastin (in tablets from 3 years).

Cough medications include antitussives for nonproductive, obsessive coughs and expectorants (mucolytics) for wet coughs.

Antitussives central action for dry, non-productive (without sputum) cough, they can be taken only as prescribed by a pediatrician and in a strictly prescribed dosage, since they can have a depressing effect on respiratory center in the brain and cause respiratory arrest!


  • Cofex syrup is prescribed to children from 6 years of age;
  • Sinekod - in drops from 2 months, in syrup - from 3 years;
  • Glaucine from 6 years old.

Drugs plant origin with a dry cough and viscous sputum, they help to liquefy and remove it:

  • Althea syrup;
  • Gederin;
  • overslept;
  • Linkas;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Gerbion;
  • Pectolvan Ivy;
  • licorice syrup (from 3 years);
  • Tussin drops (from 2 years);
  • Stoptussin (drops - dosage is calculated by weight, syrup - from 3 years).

If a wet cough appears, you need to take other medications that help to better remove phlegm:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Amroxol;
  • Ambrobene;
  • combination drug Ascoril;

For laryngotracheitis or laryngobronchitis, Erespal and Inspiron in syrup are prescribed - anti-inflammatory drugs with antibronchoconstrictor (bronchodilator) properties.

It is important to remember that cough medications cannot be taken at the same time as mucolytics, which thin the mucus, as these medications have the opposite effect. The result of this combination may be the accumulation and stagnation of sputum in respiratory tract, which causes serious complications.

Antiseptics are used topically in the form of rinses, lozenges, lozenges, and sprays.
The herbal antiseptics Tonsilgon and Tonzipret, which are prescribed to children in drops, are effective for laryngitis.

Throat sprays are not prescribed to children under 3 years of age, as the spray of the drug can cause laryngospasm. Older children may be prescribed:

  • Hexoral;
  • Inhalipt;


  • Trachisan;
  • Efizol;
  • Decathylene.

Otolaryngologists try not to prescribe sprays and tablets to children, as due to sore throat and a dry cough, the child may choke and experience laryngeal spasm. ENT specialists prefer to recommend it to children.

You can gargle:

  • soda solution;
  • Rotokan;
  • Chlorophylliptom;
  • Furacillin.

Rubbing with anti-inflammatory balms and ointments is used externally:

  • Dr. Theiss (from 3 years old);
  • Doctor Mom (from 2 years old).

Antipyretic drugs are given to the child at a temperature above 38 degrees:

  • Paracetamol in tablets, syrup;
  • syrups Efferalgan, Panadol, Nurofen;
  • Viburkol, Tsefekon suppositories.
  • Naphthyzin;
  • Otrivin;
  • Nazol;
  • Vibrocil;
  • for moisturizing - Aqua Maris, Aqualor.

In case of airway obstruction (severe swelling, spasm, difficulty breathing), the doctor may prescribe Eufillin or Clenbuterol syrup, as well as inhalation of Berodual or Pulmicort. These drugs can only be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor and in individual dosages.
Some doctors argue that the use of these drugs is inappropriate, since they act selectively (selectively) on bronchial receptors. However, Pulmicort and Clenbuterol cope well with the symptoms of laryngospasm.

At severe forms For laryngitis, laryngospasm, hormonal drugs are used (in a hospital setting):

  • parenterally (intramuscularly):
    • Prednisolone;
    • Hydrocortisone;
    • Dexamethasone;
  • inhalation:
    • Flunisolide (from 5 years).

These drugs reduce capillary permeability, eliminate swelling and inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa.

For effective therapy chronic inflammation In children, it is necessary first of all to eliminate factors that irritate the larynx. Treatment of this form of the disease includes the use of anti-inflammatory, decongestants in the form of local antiseptics (tablets, rinses), inhalations, homeopathic remedies, immunomodulators, for example:

  • Derinat in the form of rinses;
  • Broncho-munal in capsules;
  • Thymogen-spray (from 1 year);
  • IRS-19 (from 3 months).

Gallery - syrups, tablets and sprays for the treatment of laryngitis

Prospan syrup is prescribed for dry cough Faringosept - a local anti-inflammatory drug Lazolvan syrup is prescribed for better sputum discharge Zodak - antihistamine, relieves swelling The homeopathic drug Homeovox is prescribed to restore the voice in laryngitis Suprastin - a strong antihistamine IRS-19 is prescribed for chronic laryngitis to stimulate the immune system Sinecode - an antitussive for debilitating dry cough Doctor Theiss ointment is used for rubbing the chest Hederin syrup is used for dry cough Tablets for resorption Strepsils is used as a local antiseptic
Lizobact for resorption is used as a local antiseptic. Ambroxol syrup is used for better sputum discharge during wet cough Panadol syrup is an antipyretic for children Antibiotic Sumamed is prescribed for bacterial laryngitis Pulmicort in the form of inhalations is used to relieve laryngospasm Miramistin is used to irrigate the throat as an antiseptic Broncho-munal is used as an immunomodulator for chronic forms of laryngitis Erespal in syrup is used to relieve inflammation, swelling and better expectoration


Physiotherapy is not used in acute period diseases. At the stage of recovery and in the chronic form, physiotherapy is prescribed to improve blood supply to the respiratory organs, eliminate swelling and signs of inflammation, restore the functions of the mucous membrane and stimulate local defenses.

At home, a good effect is achieved by using dry heat on the neck, warming (not hot!) compresses, mustard plasters on the chest and calf muscles, warm foot baths and inhalations.

In hospital and clinic settings, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • UHF on the larynx area to relieve spasm and inflammation;
  • electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory and absorbable agents;
  • magnetic therapy to eliminate symptoms of inflammation and improve blood microcirculation.


One of the most effective methods Treatments for various forms of the disease are inhalations.

Hot steam inhalations for laryngitis are contraindicated, as they can provoke even greater swelling of the mucous membrane or cause swelling of crusts, which can block the lumen of the larynx and cause suffocation. Doctors recommend inhalation using a nebulizer. If there is no such device, children from the age of three can be inhaled with warm steam.

When using an inhaler, you must follow the following rules:

  • control the temperature of the steam, it should not be very hot;
  • the child should be calm during inhalation, not talk during it and for another 30 minutes after it;
  • the procedure cannot be carried out immediately after a meal and you cannot drink or eat food for half an hour after it;
  • The steam should be inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the nose.

For inhalation treatment you can use the following:

  • soda solution (1/3 teaspoon of soda per 1 glass of water);
  • regular 0.9% saline solution;
  • mineral alkaline waters without gas:
    • Borjomi;
    • Essentuki;
    • Polyana Kvasova;
    • Svalyava;
    • Luzhanovskaya;
  • expectorants and mucolytics:
    • Lazolvan;
    • Sinupret;
  • herbal antiseptics:
    • sage;
    • chamomile;
    • St. John's wort in the form of decoctions;
  • essential oils (3 drops per 200 ml of water):
    • eucalyptus;
    • mint;
    • pine trees

The procedures are carried out 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes.

A nebulizer is the first assistant in the treatment of respiratory tract inflammation in children. This device is safe and easy to use. For inhalation with a nebulizer you can use necessary medications: antibiotics, antiseptics, antihistamines, expectorants, proteolytic enzymes. In the acute period, as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician, inhalations with hormones - Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Flunisolide, and adrenergic agonists - Adrenaline, Ephedrine can be used.

The medicine in the dosage recommended by the doctor is slightly heated in a water bath, poured into the nebulizer reservoir, diluted with sterile saline or water for injection. The air is inhaled and exhaled through the mouth through the mask for 5–10 minutes.

The disadvantage of nebulizers is that not all models can be used for inhalation with herbal decoctions or oil solutions, ultrasonic models cannot be used to nebulize antibiotics or hormonal agents.


If you have laryngitis, you should remove from your diet any food that irritates the mucous membrane of the larynx. Food should be warm, not too salty, not spicy, rich in vitamins, low-fat. Sweet soda, spicy snacks, sweets in the form of cakes and chocolate, smoked meats and pickles are excluded.

The child must be provided with a sufficient amount of healthy drinks:

  • non-acidic berry fruit drinks, fruit compotes, rosehip decoction:
  • herbal teas from mint, lemon balm, sage, chamomile, thyme;
  • mineral waters without gas - Borjomi, Essentuki.

The drink should be warm and not too sweet.

Traditional recipes for sore throat, dry cough and fever

Before starting herbal treatment, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to them.

With herbs you can rinse, inhale, take decoctions and infusions internally.

If your child knows how to gargle, you can cook for him:

  • rinsing with soda solution - 1/3 teaspoon per glass of warm water;
  • dilute honey in boiled water (1 small spoon per 200 ml of water);
  • Use freshly squeezed juice of raw beets, carrots or potatoes to irrigate the throat.

Gargling with oak bark has an anti-inflammatory, softening effect:

  1. Mix crushed oak bark with linden blossom and chamomile inflorescences in equal parts.
  2. Pour a large spoonful of herbs with water, boil for several minutes in a water bath, cool and strain.
  3. Gargle three times a day.

Rinse with expectorant effect:

  1. Brew 1 tbsp boiling water. spoon of marshmallow leaves, 2 tbsp. spoons of oregano herb.
  2. Leave for 2-3 hours.
  3. Strain, gargle 3-4 times a day, you can do inhalations with this decoction.

Inhalations can be done with linden, chamomile, coltsfoot, elderberry, thyme, and yarrow.

Older children can cook medicinal drink from milk with garlic:

  1. Boil 2-3 cloves of garlic in half a liter of milk.
  2. Drink warm in small sips of half a glass 3 times a day.

Ginger tea has strong anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties:

  1. A teaspoon of grated ginger root Brew with boiling water (200 ml), leave for 40 minutes.
  2. Dilute with boiled water by half, add a dessert spoon of honey and a slice of lemon.
  3. Drink 1/4 glass three times a day.

Gallery - how to treat diseases with folk remedies

Linden-chamomile decoction can be used in the form of gargles or inhalations Oregano has antimicrobial, expectorant, antiseptic, antispasmodic properties Ginger with honey and lemon is used as a general tonic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory agent Milk-garlic drink helps with dry coughs For laryngitis, it is useful to gargle with fresh beetroot juice


Homeopathic remedies should not be considered as independent method treatment for laryngitis, its use is possible only at the very beginning of the disease or at the stage of recovery.

The advantage of homeopathy is the absence of side effects.

Most often, the following drugs are used for inflammation of the larynx:

  • Aconite - can be used by children from 5 years old, the product has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect;
  • Homeovox is prescribed to children from the age of one year, the drug helps restore their voice.

Help with acute laryngospasm

When a child develops an attack of suffocation, the main thing is not to get confused. First of all, you need to call an emergency team as soon as possible.

  1. It is necessary to calm the child down, place him in a half-sitting position, free him from clothes, give him a warm drink - still mineral water, milk.
  2. Open the window to provide fresh air.
  3. Turn on the humidifier, if you have one; if you have a nebulizer, inhale with soda solution, Borjomi, Pulmicort or Prednisolone.
  4. Give your child one of the following medications:
    1. antispasmodic: No-Shpu, Papaverine, Platyfillin;
    2. antihistamine: Suprastin, Tavegil, Cetrin.
  5. If not the necessary drugs, before the ambulance arrives, you can help the child in this way: take him in your arms and turn on a strong pressure of warm or cold water(not hot!). The air in a small room will quickly become humidified and the child will breathe easier. A hot (33-38 degrees) foot bath will also help slightly reduce laryngeal swelling.

For young children, laryngitis is dangerous due to its complications, so treatment should be started as early as possible. With the right therapy, you can avoid serious consequences and make the disease quickly recede.

Despite the fact that inflammation during laryngitis may not be very pronounced, this disease poses a danger to humans. It can cause sudden suffocation and then death.

Often this complication occurs in children, so parents should know how first aid is provided for children.

At the first signs of a “barking cough,” and even more so if the child begins to choke, you must immediately call an ambulance!

While doctors are on their way to a call, you need to:

  1. Place the child so that his position is “half-sitting”.
  2. Open the window to allow fresh air into the room.
  3. Release chest baby from tight clothes.
  4. Carry out alkaline inhalation. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of soda in one liter of boiling water and let the child breathe over the resulting steam.
  5. Pour hot water into a basin (as much as the child can tolerate) and place the baby’s feet there. This procedure will help drain blood from the inflamed area of ​​the larynx and vocal cords and flow to the legs, thereby relieving the swelling.

Quickly completing the above steps will help save the baby.

Causes and types of laryngitis

Fever is the main symptom of the disease

Laryngitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the vocal cords and larynx. It can be both chronic and acute.

Acute laryngitis appears in children after severe hypothermia, as a result of which it weakens. Plus, a viral infection is added to everything. In addition, often the causes of laryngitis are recent burns or injuries.

The chronic form of laryngitis occurs due to untreated diseases, allergic reactions to external irritants and various harmful substances in the enterprise (dust, chemical components of the air, voice strain).

As a rule, the occurrence of an acute form of laryngitis begins with the appearance viral infection. First, the child begins to be bothered by a sore throat, severe dryness in the throat, etc. After this, his voice gradually becomes rougher, hoarse, and in some cases disappears completely. As for the vocal cords, at this time they begin to resemble red ridges.

In young children, this disease is usually very severe. This is due to the fact that the lumen of the respiratory tract in such children is still very narrow.

This may develop into a narrowing of the larynx (acute stenosis) or false croup. In addition, the child may develop symptoms of a respiratory disorder; in other words, the baby begins to choke. Some of the children have genetic predisposition to such a disease. Also, in most of them, laryngitis may recur.

How the disease progresses: symptoms

The disease appears from acute tissue (most often in children from 2 to 5 years old) in the area of ​​the glottis. It begins to narrow and at the same time does not allow air to pass further. At this time, the baby develops a specific cough that looks like barking. Also, shortness of breath occurs, which makes it difficult to breathe. The baby's nose wings begin to swell. At this time, the child prefers to stand or sit.

After this, the baby begins to wake up at night screaming, and then he experiences severe weakness, which can lead to death. Such awakenings at night can be repeated again and again.

The chronic form of laryngitis is divided into atrophic, hypertrophic and catarrhal. This type of disease develops very slowly. In some cases, one of the forms can smoothly transition into another.

Catarrhal disease is characterized by thickening and redness of the mucous membrane on the vocal cords and larynx. There is soreness, dryness, cough and sensation in the larynx area foreign body. Also, the baby's voice becomes hoarse.

The hypertrophic type of laryngitis appears independently, but can also form from catarrhal. It is characterized by the proliferation of the mucous membrane, most pronounced in the area where the vocal cords are located. In the larynx itself, mucus of a viscous consistency appears, since laryngitis disrupts the functions of its glands.

The atrophic form is characterized by symptoms such as cough, in which it is very difficult to pass. In addition, there is a feeling of a foreign body in the throat, soreness and dryness.

Any of the above forms of laryngitis requires mandatory treatment.

Correct treatment

It is best to treat acute laryngitis with alkaline drinks, which should be supplied to the child’s body in large quantities.

You can take foot baths and take a course of drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect, for example, but only if they are prescribed by a doctor. IN medical institution They may prescribe antihistamines that will effectively relieve tissue swelling, for example, Suprastin or Diphenhydramine.

In some cases, it is advisable to prescribe inhalations and other physiotherapeutic procedures. Patients must strictly follow the vocal regime; they should not strain their vocal cords.

Chronic laryngitis has more complex treatment. For this disease, local and restorative treatment is prescribed, as well as physiotherapy that has a beneficial effect on the ligaments and larynx.

This video is for all parents:

19 Feb 2017 408

During the day everything was fine, but at night the baby is already suffocating from a “barking” cough, gasping for air? These signs clearly indicate laryngitis. It is urgently time to take action and begin treating laryngitis.

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How often does it happen that a child happily played on the playground all day, was cheerful and healthy. And suddenly at night, a seemingly healthy baby begins to choke from coughing. Fear and panic grip parents. The baby also does not understand what is happening and at the same time he is in pain and lacks air.

You should act immediately. It's time to dial the ambulance number, because respiratory arrest is a very dangerous thing. The visiting doctor, as a rule, in 99% of cases with such signs makes a diagnosis of false croup.

In the medical encyclopedia, false croup or acute stenosing laryngotracheitis (laryngitis) is defined as an inflammatory process in the trachea and larynx, caused by an abundance of loose fiber. Irritation of fiber leads to swelling.

Emergence false croup can be provoked, for example, by adenovirus infection, influenza virus, parainfluenza, childhood diseases such as whooping cough, scarlet fever, measles.

Children with allergies are at risk of developing laryngitis. as the body may react sharply to the toxins released by the virus, leading to swelling of the larynx.

Childhood illness

Children often suffer from laryngitis due to the structure of the respiratory tract

Acute stenosing laryngotracheitis is predominantly a childhood disease.

False croup does not occur in children under 6 months of age.

The development of laryngitis is determined by the structure of the infant's respiratory tract.

Children's bronchi and tracheas are narrower than those of adults in terms of volume and are funnel-shaped.

The baby’s nasopharynx is not yet able to retain viruses that enter there, so pathogens quickly move down, going down to the larynx.

In children, the walls of the larynx have more lymphatic formations and blood vessels, which makes the child’s throat prone to swelling. Swelling, in turn, can cause spasms and asthma attacks.

So is it false or true?

In medicine, in addition to false croup, true croup (or diphtheria) is also distinguished. They have a lot common symptoms: difficulty breathing, barking cough, etc.

The main difference is that true croup (diphtheria) develops gradually. The progression of the disease begins with enlargement of the lymph nodes. Then you can observe difficulty breathing due to the fact that dense films block the larynx. At the end there is a characteristic cough.

An attack of false croup is sudden and caused by swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Symptoms of laryngitis

The main signs of laryngitis are difficulty breathing and dry cough.

Although attacks of false croup are always sudden and occur mainly late at night, when the baby is fast asleep, “rewinding the film back,” observant parents can remember that “ alarm bells"were already in the afternoon.

This includes weak, insignificant, barely perceptible hoarseness in breathing, lethargy in the evening, frequent tossing and turning of the baby in sleep, etc.

But parents do not need to tear their hair out, accusing them of indifference to their own child.

Tell me, what child doesn’t wheeze a little, especially after shouting? What kid doesn’t become lethargic in the evening, having chased all the neighbor’s cats in the yard and rolled down the hill a hundred times? What baby doesn’t toss and turn in his sleep after an active pastime?

You should not engage in self-flagellation; you need to carefully monitor the child’s further condition so as not to miss a critical moment.

As a rule, the progression of the disease is as follows: since swelling of the throat has already begun, then the child finds it difficult to breathe and begins to cough. The cough is very characteristic - “barking”, dry.

The baby breathes more and more often (about 50 breaths per minute, with the norm being 25-30 breaths at the age of 2-5 years). This is due to the body's attempts to compensate for the lack of oxygen. The temperature may also rise slightly (rarely up to 39–40°C).

The cough is gaining momentum. It's getting rougher. The child becomes more and more restless, cries, and the wings of his nose swell. The baby turns pale and nasolabial triangle takes on a bluish tint. Please note that All of the above symptoms can be observed in sleeping children.

If everything is as described above, and the baby does not wake up on his own, awakened by discomfort and his condition, then immediately lift your child upright and provide first aid, otherwise loss of consciousness and suffocation may occur.

Urgent measures

In the event of an attack of false croup, the parents of a sick child are required to take immediate correct action:

  1. Take the child to the bath, close the door and turn on hot water from all taps. It is necessary for the child to breathe hot fumes.
  2. If there is no temperature, make hot baths for your hands and feet. They will ensure the outflow of blood from the organs of the larynx to the extremities. This will relieve the swelling. Here it is important not to overdo it and monitor the water temperature, which should not exceed 40°C.
  3. If there is an inhaler in the house, then urgently inhale with warm vapors. You need to pour a little soda solution into the inhaler (after mixing 1 teaspoon of soda in a liter of water), mixing with mineral water.
  4. Give warm drinks to drink.

Where did he come from?

Parents waiting for a doctor always have the same question on the tip of their tongue: where did the child “catch” this “nasty”?

False croup syndrome is a consequence of respiratory tract diseases.

Laryngitis is especially common in the off-season. In autumn and spring, with the frequent vagaries of nature, it is very difficult for parents to navigate and dress their baby correctly for the weather. Sometimes it’s not warm enough, sometimes it’s the other way around: it’s getting warmer outside, but caring parents They wrapped the baby in a hundred clothes like going to the North Pole.

Cold air and excessive sweating contribute to the development of ARVI. And where there are respiratory diseases, there is laryngitis.

Drug treatment

Most often, for laryngitis, children are prescribed inhalations, cough syrups and antihistamines.

From my own “bitter” experience, I can say that the arriving doctor will advise you to purchase an inhaler if you still don’t have one in the house.

It will be necessary to carry out inhalations 2-3 times a day, a few hours before bedtime, and in the evening strictly until 19.00.

Inhalations are made on the basis of saline solution (NaCl - 0.9% aqueous solution sodium chloride) and "Berodual": 1 drop of medicine per 1 kg of child's weight, diluted to 3 ml with saline solution.

If attacks are no longer observed, then you need to gradually “leave” Berodual, doing inhalations only with saline solution.

An hour after the inhalations, the baby should be given cough syrup (eg expectorant, mucolytic agent Ambrovix).

Additionally assigned antihistamine against allergies (for example, Fenkarol). Such drugs not only block histamine receptors, but also destroy histamine in tissues, which helps reduce the manifestation of all types of allergies: food, pollen, medicinal and allergies to perfumes.

Also, antihistamines reduce the manifestation of ARVI - nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing, lacrimation.

When hospitalization is inevitable

If the arriving doctor, after carefully examining the child, does not prescribe a course of treatment at home, but insists on hospitalization, then arguing, claiming that “native walls heal better,” is at least stupid. Only a professional can assess the true condition of a sick child.

In severe cases of laryngeal stenosis, the above measures and drug treatment will not be sufficient. Even a mild attack can recur and be much more serious.

The consequences of such attacks can be extremely undesirable. It is better not to risk the child’s health, since respiratory arrest and asphyxia can be fatal.

Inhalations can be carried out at home, but tracheal intubation is a complex procedure that requires constant supervision by a specialist and special conditions.

That's why if the doctor insists on hospitalization, then it is better to go with him to the hospital.

Prevention of laryngitis

In addition to drug treatment for laryngitis, you will have to carefully consider other factors.


In the room where the child is, and there should be a constant throughout the house Fresh air. He is an important assistant in the treatment of laryngitis in children.

It is necessary to ventilate the premises as often as possible. Fresh air saturates the blood with much-needed oxygen for recovery.

Important! During ventilation, the child should be in another room. You can enter a ventilated room only after closing the windows.

It is necessary to monitor the freshness of the air, especially at night. Air purifying filters are suitable for this.


Avoid dry air in the baby's room: use a humidifier if possible

A serious preventive measure not only for false croup, but also for other diseases - damp atmosphere in the house.

It is ideal if parents make an important purchase before the baby arrives in the house - a humidifier. It must be constantly installed near the child.

If you don’t have it and you don’t expect to buy it, then you can use the means at hand.

Suitable containers with water in all rooms, aquariums/huge glasses (possibly without fish), wet rags on radiators, spraying tulle with water from a spray bottle.

Wet cleaning

It is important to wet clean the floor and other smooth surfaces daily.

Hypoallergenic life

Let's not forget that the cause of swelling of the larynx can be a situation in the house where there are a lot of dust collectors.

Revisiting our home:

  1. We unload the house as much as possible from unnecessary things that collect dust: animal skins, heavy curtains, high-pile carpets, etc.
  2. We put all clothes and linens in closed closets.
    Maybe it's time to recycle unnecessary books?
    No, then they should only be stored in closed cabinets/behind glass.
  3. We hide washing powders, cleaning products, and paints for repairs in safe places.
    The child should not come into contact with household chemicals.
  4. We use special coverings for pillows, blankets and mattresses that are impermeable to allergens.
  5. Reducing the number of fur toys in the house.
    We vacuum the remaining “plush” friends, chemically treat them and put them in the freezer at -20°C overnight.
    This will help reduce the number of mites.
    Important! Do not let your child sleep in his crib with fur toys.
  6. We send houseplants on the balcony or in the entrance.
    Molds - sources molds They develop in flower pots, so their presence in the house is extremely undesirable for the growing organism of the baby.

In addition, it is important to ensure that damp spots do not appear on the walls and ceiling in the house. The best floor covering in places where moisture accumulates - bathroom, toilet, kitchen - is tile, but not linoleum, under which mold often develops.

Parquet or wooden floors must be varnished.

Moms and dads should never use perfume, eau de toilette, or deodorants in the presence of a child, much less one with laryngitis.

“Gentle” nutrition

We remember that the baby’s larynx should not be subjected to any irritation. That's why it's so important to eat right.

Often the cause of false croup is food allergy. Therefore, when treating laryngitis in children, it is necessary to exclude allergenic foods and drink plenty of fluids (neither hot nor cold, but only warm).

Allergenic activity of products is not the same. They are divided into 3 groups. In the table we list products with low, medium and high allergic potential.

Short Average High
zucchinibuckwheatcow's milk
cucumbersoatschicken meat
green applesbeanschocolate, cocoa
white cherrypeasrye, wheat
white currantbeansmelon
watermelonpumpkina pineapple
bell pepperpomegranate
bananacitrus fruit
rose hipraspberries, wild strawberries, strawberries
cranberryblack currant
Red Ribescarrots, beets

And we repeat again: When treating laryngitis, very frequent, abundant warm drinks are necessary. You can give compotes from dried fruits (prunes, apples, pears), unfolded children's teas, and still mineral water.

Therapeutic inhalations

You can purchase an inhaler and carry out treatment at home

Modern parents from their childhood can remember trips to the clinic for healing procedures when aromatic mixtures were inhaled, and the disease subsided.

Today, you can either carry out therapy in a special room or purchase an inhaler and do the procedures at home yourself.

With false croup Eucalyptus inhalations have the desired effect, since the vapors of the plant are famous for their bactericidal effects.

To prepare the “miracle potion,” you need to pour 7-9 tablespoons of the herb into a large saucepan and pour boiling water over it. The pan should be placed next to the child. The air will be humidified, and the baby will breathe easier. It is important to ensure that the child cannot reach the container with hot contents.

The main advantage of inhalers is that therapeutic effect It appears exclusively in the respiratory tract, where the terrible disease originates. Tiny particles of active substances enter the nasal passages, oral cavity, trachea, pulmonary alveoli and bronchi, which helps cure laryngitis, as well as bronchitis and rhinitis.

Inhalations can be carried out with mineral water, saline solution, herbal decoctions, essential oils, etc. You will have to sit over the device for at least 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a day for 3-5-7 days.

There is a huge choice on the medical drug market: steam, glass, ultrasonic and compressor inhalers.

Modern devices - nebulizers more effective because it is useful remedy the baby inhales in the form of a light mist.

Advantages of ultrasonic inhalers, which transform liquid into tiny particles using vibrations, consist of a wide range of healing agents and their low temperature.

Compressor inhalers pump oxygen or air flow, converting liquid medications into aerosols. The advantage of such compressor inhalers is that they do not affect the functioning of other organs, acting only locally. With their help, you can perform inhalations both while sitting and lying down, which is especially important for infants under 1 year of age.

Inhalations are contraindicated when

  • high temperature,
  • Tendency to nosebleeds,
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system and breathing.

A few rules for home therapy

  1. Inhalations should be carried out one and a half hours after eating.
  2. It is important to sit the baby well in front of the inhaler and show how to breathe: to treat the upper respiratory tract, inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose.
    Until 2 years of age, doctors do not insist on correct inhalation and exhalation. The main thing is that the baby breathes for 5-10 minutes continuously.
  3. No drinking during the procedure.
  4. After inhalations, it is advisable to put the baby to bed, since deep breathing Vapors may cause dizziness.
  5. After the procedure, do not allow the child to eat for an hour. But warm tea will be very useful.

All these measures will help prevent attacks of laryngitis in subsequent nights. And in the future you will have to deal with ordinary ARVI.

Why do children suffer from laryngitis more often, what are the specifics of this disease, how to identify and treat it? The pediatrician answers all questions.

In contact with

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx. He is called following reasons: hypothermia, severe strain on the vocal cords, air pollution or infection from oral cavity, pharynx and nose. Let's talk about childhood laryngitis.

Laryngitis is an extremely unpleasant disease that causes hellish discomfort.

Symptoms and signs

It is very easy to distinguish laryngitis from a common ARVI - this disease is accompanied by hoarseness or loss of voice and a characteristic “barking” sound of cough. The child looks lethargic, and the temperature often rises. Pain occurs on the back wall of the larynx when swallowing, which immediately affects the baby’s appetite.

With laryngitis, breathing becomes difficult, whistling and wheezing appear.

The cough with laryngitis is initially painful and dry, but with gradually increasing secretion of sputum it becomes wet. It is heard as “barking” because the vocal cords are tense due to general swelling and viscous mucus on them. The cough gets worse at night - when lying down, mucus accumulates and interferes with breathing.

Like many diseases, laryngitis can be acute or chronic.

Types and causes of acute laryngitis

Acute laryngitis is the most common form of the disease among children. It is characterized by hoarseness, a dry cough that gradually becomes moist. Moderately elevated temperature is possible.

Laryngitis may be accompanied by fever.

With timely and correct therapy, it can be cured in 1-2 weeks.

Lydia, 32 years old:

“We encountered laryngitis when Sonya was 2 years old. Hoarse voice, frightening terrible cough. The doctor told me how to treat and how to help. They constantly ventilated the rooms and ran from one to another. They did inhalations and gave me mineral water. After 10 days, only mild hoarseness remained.”

Most effective means treatment is inhalation.

The mildest form of the disease is catarrhal laryngitis. Qatar is an uncomplicated simple inflammation of the mucous membranes. It can occur due to infection from other parts - the pharynx and nose. Laryngitis often affects children in families that have moved to renovated apartments - the child inhales air from chemicals, the mucous membrane of the larynx swells and becomes inflamed from exposure to allergens. Dust, soot and smoke can be irritating factors.

Phlegmonous laryngitis rarely occurs in children. This purulent inflammation mucous membrane and everything that is under it - muscles, cartilage and ligaments, can occur due to injury or complications of infectious diseases - measles and scarlet fever. When swallowing, the child experiences sharp pain, and breathing is very difficult. If pediatrician if there is a suspicion of a phlegmonous form of laryngitis, he will recommend that you immediately go to the hospital.

With phlegmonous laryngitis, the child is admitted to the hospital.

Diphtheria or streptococcal laryngitis arise due to the fact that the infection from the tonsils descends and affects the underlying organs. The mucous membrane of the larynx becomes covered with a white coating, which can separate and block the airways in the area of ​​the ligaments.

One of the forms acute illness - stenosing laryngitis (false croup). The child’s larynx is still narrow, and severely swollen mucous membranes block its lumen. The baby unexpectedly wakes up at night, begins to wheeze and choke. Nails and... In this case, it is important to immediately call an ambulance, and while waiting for the team to help the baby as much as possible.

Olesya, 25 years old:

“I don’t know why I woke up at night, maybe I felt something. The son lay in the crib - and did not cry at all, but looked into nothing and whistled almost inaudibly as he breathed. I realized that he couldn’t breathe and immediately called an ambulance. Thank God they arrived very quickly.”

Some doctors believe that to relieve an attack, you need to put a mustard plaster on the child’s larynx. But Dr. Komarovsky is against such measures; he recommends humidifying and cooling the air in the room.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that fresh air in the room is a guarantee of a speedy recovery.

The danger of false croup is that these attacks can be repeated many times if the mother does not see the onset of laryngitis in time and does not take action. correct measures. Over time, by the age of 6-8, the larynx increases to a size at which even severe inflammation mucous membranes no longer threaten to block its lumen. The child “outgrows” the disease.

Causes and types of chronic inflammation

Laryngitis becomes chronic due to repeated, but not fully treated acute forms inflammation of the larynx, the disease begins to be more serious and affects the organ deeper - to the tissues and cartilage. With heart disease, blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues decrease, which causes stagnation of blood in the upper respiratory tract and leads to shortness of breath and constant swelling of the mucous membranes. Chronic diseases of the ENT organs (rhinitis,) can also cause prolonged laryngitis.

At chronic diseases ENT organs, the baby is at risk.

At hypertrophic laryngitis swelling penetrates deep into the submucosal tissue, the vocal cords are blocked by the swollen surface of the larynx, tubercles form on their ligaments, and thickenings and polyps form on the mucous membranes, which give the voice a hoarseness. If traditional treatment does not remove these growths - they are cauterized with a solution of silver nitrate.

At atrophic laryngitis the mucous membrane dries out and crusts form on it. Breathing becomes painful, and with a painful cough, dry pieces of mucus with traces of blood come out. As a rule, children rarely develop chronic forms of the disease.

What medications will the pediatrician prescribe?

Laryngitis is the consequences of viruses entering the body or (rarely) the expression allergic reaction and damage by microorganisms.

The doctor will prescribe antibiotics only if he is sure that bacteria are the culprits of the disease. You will submit your sputum for culture, and the laboratory will identify the type of microorganisms and determine what medications can be used to kill them. Based on these data, the pediatrician will most likely prescribe Clarithromycin or Cefixime.

Only after the type of harmful microorganisms has been determined will the doctor prescribe an antibiotic.

The doctor will prescribe antihistamines (Tavegil) if allergic laryngitis is suspected or to relieve swelling of the mucous membranes.

Antiviral drugs are ineffective in treating this disease; they are taken to help the immune system

With this disease, you need to be careful when using expectorants, since with severe swelling of the mucous membranes, a sharp increase in sputum production can lead to laryngeal stenosis. Therefore, if you see the symptoms of laryngitis in a child’s breath, in order to avoid complications, you should stop using medications and folk remedies with expectorant effect.

What to do to alleviate the child’s condition?

To help your baby with laryngitis at home, you need to cope with the main symptoms - swelling and viscous mucus. It is also important to ensure vocal rest.

The most effective help will be to create sufficient humidity in the room. Dry air irritates the mucous membranes and makes it worse viscous secretion tighter. The child begins to cough painfully.

To alleviate the condition of the baby, it is necessary to humidify the air in the room.

Ventilating and maintaining a cool temperature in the room (Komarovsky considers the ideal temperature to be 18 degrees), due to the narrowing of blood vessels, will slightly relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, and fresh air will improve the secretion of sputum.

The body requires fluid to produce phlegm. make your child drink as much as possible.

A stuffy nose with a runny nose forces you to breathe through your mouth, drying out and irritating the mucous membrane, which will cause coughing attacks. Make sure that your nasal breathing is free. The pediatrician will prescribe vasoconstrictor drops that are appropriate for the child’s age (Otrivin, Nazol).

The biggest inconvenience for a child is a stuffy nose.

You can also gargle warm alkaline solutions- you can dilute soda in water or use heated mineral water.

Most effective way help with swelling and insufficient secretion of sputum - inhalation. Warm steam will gently moisturize the mucous membranes and help remove clots. The use of alkaline inhalations significantly reduces the degree of edema.

Breathing over hot steam over boiling water is unacceptable and dangerous! It can lead to internal burns, which will only increase swelling. The steam should be approximately room temperature, then the procedure will have the desired therapeutic effect.

They help to avoid burns and overheating. They spray substances in the form of steam without heating them. Thus, the necessary moisture and medicines go directly to the inflamed areas. To relieve swelling, solutions and Pulmicort are used, and as a mild expectorant - and.

Mothers appreciate the convenience and effectiveness of these devices and actively use them.

Evgenia, 25 years old:

“My baby is 3 years old, and this is the fourth time we have had laryngitis. The first time we had severe coughing attacks, the doctor advised us to breathe in steam. We didn't have an inhaler, so I just took a bath. hot water, added soda, and we stood and breathed until she stopped coughing. Only after this could my girl sleep peacefully. Then I read the reviews and bought a nebulizer and I couldn't be happier with it. With it, laryngitis treatment is faster. Severe attacks no more".

The main thing in the prevention of laryngitis is to create comfortable conditions for the laryngeal mucosa. To prevent the onset of illness, monitor the humidity and air temperature in the room, and also take your baby for walks more often.

Elena Ayukaeva

Panic grips parents when a healthy-looking baby, who has been playing carefree all day, suddenly wakes up due to suffocation: he coughs, cries, and gasps for air. And the no less suffering mom and dad either freeze in horror or are vainly looking for a “magic pill” in the medicine cabinet. But knowledgeable adults do not go to extremes, but methodically and consistently carry out the necessary manipulations - after all, they know exactly how to relieve an attack of laryngitis in a child.

Often laryngitis - inflammation of the vocal cords provoked by viruses or bacteria - in children takes obstructive form. It is dangerous because it causes closure of the swollen vocal cords and terrible attacks of asphyxia and suffocation. To understand how to relieve an attack of laryngitis in a child, you need to know the causes that provoke the disease. These include:

  • viral pathogens - if a baby has suffered laryngitis more than 1-2 times a year, most often it is of viral origin. Children who regularly suffer from diseases of the oro- and nasopharynx are at “risk group” for laryngitis;
  • allergic effects - provocateurs are both products and external irritants (poplar fluff, ragweed, animal hair, house dust);
  • bacterial and fungal microorganisms;
  • constitutional features child's body- the tendency of the mucous membranes to hyperemia in children is more pronounced than in adults, and the heterogeneity of the membranes themselves contributes to the rapid spread of the disease;
  • imperfection of the nervous system - stress, psychological pressure or fear cause a spasm that blocks breathing;
  • use of nasopharyngeal irrigation means - getting on back wall larynx, medications cause a coughing attack with laryngitis;
  • cold drinks, deep breaths of cold air, hypothermia.

Inexperienced parents are frightened by the clinical picture they observe in a child during an attack of laryngitis. Firstly, one should not panic in the situation, and secondly, it is necessary to accurately understand what kind of disease they are faced with, because diseases of the ENT organs have identical symptoms. To decide what to do with an attack of laryngitis and shortness of breath, we will determine what symptoms indicate the onset of the disease.

The first symptoms of laryngitis in children

A “barking” cough and an attack of suffocation during laryngitis occurs in a child at night and unexpectedly. These symptoms are considered to be the main manifestations of laryngitis. But if you analyze the previous 1-2 days, parents will notice atypical signs, which are the first symptoms of the disease:

  • weak wheezing in the voice when breathing;
  • uncharacteristic lethargy and fatigue at the end of the day;
  • restless sleep;

If these signs preceded an attack of night suffocation, children are diagnosed with the onset of laryngitis. At this point, swelling of the soft tissues of the larynx and inflammation of the vocal cords close the lumen - the baby begins to choke and cough with “barking” intonations. The need for oxygen increases due to an objective lack, the baby’s breathing becomes frequent (accelerates 2 times), increases to low-grade fever. The intensity of the cough increases, the child cannot clear his throat, which makes him restless and tearful. Skin turn pale and acquire a bluish tint in the nose area. In children 2-5 years old, an attack of laryngitis can occur while sleeping, but more often the baby wakes up from a hysterical cough, which turns into asphyxia.

So, a patient has laryngitis if a complex of symptoms is observed:

  • wheezing in the voice and its change - indicate hyperemia of the tissues of the larynx, vocal cords and closure of the lumen of the larynx;
  • constant dry, unproductive cough, which gets worse in the evening and prevents you from falling asleep;
  • feeling of heat and sore throat, slight pain that becomes stronger when swallowing food;
  • temperature rise to 38-39.5 degrees; in the case of viral laryngitis - up to 40 degrees;
  • rapid breathing and shortness of breath;
  • lethargy, irritability, refusal to eat.

If parents have an idea of ​​what to do if a child suffocates with laryngitis, they begin manipulations on time - the attack ends as quickly as it began. In the morning he will be irritable and hoarse, but his child-like activity levels will be normal. A coughing attack with laryngitis may recur in the evening next days, but this does not mean that every night the child will experience painful suffocation. In some children, the pathology occurs several times in their lives, but if it is difficult for a child to breathe due to laryngitis allergic origin, attacks will follow with every contact with the provocateur.

There are 4 degrees of severity of laryngitis:

  1. first: the narrowing of the lumen in the larynx is small, while the child is not active - breathing is stable and continuous; wheezing occurs with increased physical activity;
  2. second: increased breathing, shortness of breath, heart rate increases, when breathing there is a noticeable retraction of the intercostal spaces and the abdominal area;
  3. third: the gap closes significantly, breathing problems are observed both during exercise and at rest; with untimely assistance at this stage of laryngitis, the child may suffocate;
  4. fourth: the most severe and critical situation, in which breathing stops completely due to 100% closure of the lumen in the larynx; requires urgent hospitalization and intubation.

First aid for an attack of laryngitis in a child

Laryngitis is a common disease among children and primary schoolchildren, so parents should be prepared to quickly carry out the necessary manipulations in the event of an attack. If a child has an attack of laryngitis at night, the baby should be reassured, since excitement and stress themselves are provocateurs of asphyxia. Next, follow the instructions:

  • give the patient’s body a vertical position with the help of pillows and blankets, thereby facilitating breathing; It is recommended to remove from the baby things that limit the diaphragm; if he is able to stand on his feet, it is recommended to walk him around the room to restore breathing and calm him down;
  • if persistent choking is observed, insert a clean spoon into the mouth and press on the base of the tongue (as is done to induce a gag reflex); the meaning of the manipulation is that the vomiting center is located in the vicinity of the respiratory center and the excitation of one leads to the activation of the second;
  • ensure intensive air humidification in the room: for this purpose, factory-made humidifiers are used, but if there are none at home, it is recommended to transfer the baby to the bathtub after opening the tap hot water at full power and closing the door. You can achieve the humidification effect by heating ordinary water on a gas stove until it turns into steam; in winter, hanging it on radiators helps. wet towels, emergency wet cleaning, placing bowls of water in the room near the radiators; required humidity - at least 60%;
  • at normal temperature Foot baths and mustard applications on the calves help: the procedures provoke blood flow to the lower part of the body and make breathing easier;
  • if there is a nebulizer in the house, do urgent inhalation using essential oils medicinal plants, saline solution, Berodural or Naphthyzin preparations;
  • at elevated temperatures, inhalations and hot baths are contraindicated; antipyretic drugs Nurofen and Paracetamol are used in a dosage acceptable for the patient’s age;
  • A cough attack with laryngitis is relieved both with absorbable tablets (Strepsils, Faringosept) and with aerosols and syrups (Alteyka, Gerbion, Bronchomunal). The first relieves a sore throat, the second is useful for a productive cough
  • provide abundant alkaline drink- Borjomi, soda, chamomile decoction - warmed to room temperature. It is not permissible to use milk with honey, juice, or coffee during an attack of laryngitis, since the components of the drink are allergens and can provoke a worsening of the condition;
  • if the attack is allergic in nature, give the patient an antihistamine such as Zodak, Parlazin, Loratadine to relieve hyperemia of the mucous membrane and improve mouth breathing;

When the disease is mild, the first aid described for an attack of laryngitis in a child will be enough to calm him down, fall asleep, and feel kind and cheerful in the morning. But it is not always possible to stop an attack on your own, especially if we are talking about the 3rd and 4th degree of severity of laryngitis. Here you should call emergency services, which will determine the degree of threat and decide whether the patient needs hospitalization or not.


Today there is no specific drug that can stop all manifestations of the disease. For successful treatment A complex of medication and therapeutic prescriptions is used depending on the patient’s condition. If stages 1 and 2 of laryngitis are diagnosed, treatment occurs at home; in stages 3 and 4, hospitalization is recommended.

Medicines prescribed by otolaryngologists for children with laryngitis are divided into 6 categories:

  • relieving hyperemia of the mucous membranes (antihistamines) in the form of tablets (Cetrin, Parlazin, Tavegil), if necessary - intramuscular injections prednisolone or aminophylline;
  • eliminating discomfort in the larynx - absorbable tablets Linkas, Travesil, Faringosept, Septolete);
  • effectively fighting phlegm (mucolytics) - Alteyka, Bronchosan, Gerbion, and reducing cough syndrome - Libexin, Sinekod;
  • normalizing temperature (antipyretics), used when the temperature rises to subfebrile - Panadol, Ibuprofen, Efferalgan;
  • physiotherapeutic, carried out in a hospital for severe forms of the disease or as a preventive measures— UV irradiation, electrophoresis, microwave therapy;
  • gargling preparations - saline solution, Evcarom, Naphthyzin.

What to do if an attack of laryngitis in a child is caused by a bacterial pathogen? ENT specialists prescribe antibiotics wide range actions of Suprax, Amoxicillin, Azicin in order to protect the baby from complications. If the disease is caused by a virus, the use of antibiotics is unjustified.

Drugs for treatment of 1st degree of severity

The first degree of severity of laryngitis can be cured without hospitalization. The principles of therapy are as follows:

  • peace and absence of external stimuli for the patient;
  • inhalation using a nebulizer ( effective solutions- mineral water, Eufillin solution) - 2-3 inhalations per day;
  • tablets that relieve throat irritation (Strepsils, Septolete) - no more than 4-6 pieces per day;
  • regular exposure to fresh air.

Prednisolone effectively relieves swelling of the mucous membrane. But otolaryngologists are wary of prescribing this hormonal agent in the 1st stage of laryngitis, since, along with rapid effectiveness, the drug has serious side effects.

Treatment 2 3 degrees of severity

Laryngitis of 2-3 degrees of severity cannot be treated at home due to the progressive transition to stage 4 and complications. Hospitalization and specialist observation are recommended. Therapy consists of:

  • inhalations with prednisolone and aminophylline, if necessary, drugs are administered intramuscularly or intravenously through a dropper;
  • antipyretics in case of pyretic temperature;
  • anti-inflammatory protocol with drugs Orasept, Hexoral, Grammicidin;
  • tablets for a sore throat - Septefril, Carmolis, Homeovox;

Children under 3 years of age are hospitalized with their mother.

Treatment of 4th degree of severity

The most severe form of laryngitis is the fourth, in which the glottis closes completely and breathing stops. Hospitalization is immediate, home methods of help are ineffective, because... A tracheotomy is necessary to restore breathing.

After resuscitation procedures in the hospital, which amount to an incision of the trachea and the introduction of a tracheosome into it, the following treatment protocol is prescribed:

  • antibiotics of the penicillin and cephalosporin group (Augmentin, Bioparox, Cephalexin); with a correctly selected drug, positive dynamics are noticeable from 3-4 days of therapy;
  • inhalation with solutions of mucolytics (Mukolvan, Ambroxol), antihistamines hormonal drugs(Pulmicort, Prednisolone), alkaline solutions (soda, saline), antiseptics (Miramistin, Furacillin);
  • antipyretic drugs according to age;
  • physiotherapy (infrared lamp, wave therapy).

After completing the treatment protocol, the tracheosoma is removed and the child begins to breathe on his own.

Attacks of laryngitis plague a child until he is 5-6 years old, until the mucous membrane of the larynx and the respiratory system are finally formed. The older the baby gets, the faster the risk of a recurrence of the attack decreases.

Possible complications

Pathology not noticed in time or an incorrectly selected treatment protocol leads to serious complications of laryngitis in children:

  • transition of the disease to a chronic form;
  • closure of the lumen of the larynx (stenosis) and the development of breathing defects;
  • pathology of the vocal cords up to complete aphonia;
  • inflammatory processes in the chest area;
  • sepsis and phlegmon;
  • polyps and other neoplasms of various types on the mucous membranes;
  • tumors of the larynx, with malignancy - laryngeal cancer.

Fortunately, the latter complication is rarely diagnosed in children.

The pediatrician’s main advice is to make every effort to ensure that the disease is cured completely and does not become chronic. To do this, you must follow a number of rules:

  • the air temperature in the patient's room drops to 18 degrees, ventilation is carried out at least 2-3 times a day. In this case, the baby should be removed from the room to avoid hypothermia; optimally - use special air purifiers during illness;
  • indoor humidity is at least 60%; it is recommended to use factory-made humidifiers, as well as independently spraying water on window tulle, hanging wet laundry on radiators, placing aquariums and other water reservoirs in the room;
  • regular wet cleaning of the patient’s room, if necessary, using a washing vacuum cleaner;
  • exclusion of allergenic provocateurs: removal of fur toys from the baby’s room and crib; temporary transfer of living plants to other rooms (colonies of mold provocateurs settle in pots); treat favorite toys with chemical antiseptics, store textile ones in the freezer at night; to protect the patient as much as possible from contact with household chemicals;
  • During the illness of a younger family member, parents exclude perfumes, deodorants, eau de toilettes and other odorous products from use;
  • the treatment protocol is developed based on the pediatrician’s recommendations; self-medication and self-prescription are unacceptable, especially in children under 3 years of age;
  • Frequent and plentiful fluid intake is mandatory, preference is given to alkaline mineral water, soda, boiled, unsweetened teas;

How to avoid getting laryngitis

The main preventive measures include:

  • prevent hypothermia, dress the baby according to the season;
  • exclude communication and visiting the baby with a friend who has laryngitis;
  • temper the child in warm weather with street activities, switching to cold and hot shower in cold weather;
  • strengthen immunity vitamin preparations along with annual visits to seaside resorts, eating seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Despite the fact that an attack of laryngitis in children is not common and looks scary, parents should always have experience with surgical manipulations. It will allow you to calm the baby, relieve spasms, restore breathing and wait for emergency help to arrive.
