Specific diseases are called “venereal”. traditional treatment recipes. Herbal treatment of sexually transmitted diseases

There are many recipes, collected from
different places(the country is big).
*When choosing funds from
plants, focus on those
that are available in your region.
* The effect of any "method"
weakens with long-term use -
preferably periodically
change the "treatment".
Confidence and health (Admin)

General Recipes

* For sexually transmitted diseases, you should drink a decoction of burdock root.
Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. root, keep on low heat for 20 minutes.
and strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.

* For sexually transmitted diseases, brew 1 glass of boiling water 1.5 tbsp. l. dry crushed field grass, leave for 4 hours in a sealed container and strain. Take 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day.

* Rosehip flower water helps with sexually transmitted diseases.

Genital herpes,
useful tips
* Wash the affected genital area with baby soap and water twice a day. Dry carefully, blotting with a towel. Using colloidal soap or an oatmeal bath mixture can also soothe itching.
* Hot baths will help reduce the activity of the virus and affect recovery.
*You can use a sitz bath to soak the affected area. This device, which can be purchased at some pharmacies, is mounted above the toilet.

* To relieve inflammation and reduce itching, apply ice to the genital area for 5-10 minutes.

* During illness, wear loose underwear made from natural materials so as not to irritate the inflamed area.
* To reduce pain: spray the genital area with lukewarm water after urinating. Gonorrhea, useful tips* Take the medicine prescribed by your doctor.
* To avoid re-infection, your

sexual partner

should also be treated.

* Take hot baths from a decoction of calamus rhizomes. Make an infusion at the rate of 1 liter of boiling water per 30 g of rhizomes, leave for 1 hour.
Venereal diseases. Ethnoscience.
* Additional protection can be provided by sperm-destroying foams, jellies, creams (especially those containing Nonoxynol-9), as well as diaphragms used along with a condom.
*Do not use lubricants on oil based(for example, Vaseline) so as not to damage the rubber condom.
* Do not have sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol, unless in a monogamous couple where neither partner is infected with a sexually transmitted disease.
* Avoid sexual intercourse if one of the partners has signs and symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection.
* Wash your genitals with soap and water before and after sexual intercourse.
* For syphilis, brew 0.8 liters of boiling water with 20 g of dry crushed sandy sedge rhizomes, heat over low heat until half of the broth remains, leave for 2 hours and strain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day.


AIDS! Syphilis! Gonorrhea! Traditional methods.

Here are some folk remedies and recipes for sexually transmitted diseases based on the book by N.I. Maznev. "Healer" Traditional methods"You can read more

Ethnoscience. Folk remedies, recipes traditional medicine- table of contents

Please explain to me what this means (douching with garlic infusion, tampons with garlic water)???

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This plant has long been used to treat vaginal infections. They are usually caused either by those microorganisms that are normal microflora and present in the vagina healthy woman, but sometimes their growth increases for some reason, or by microorganisms that enter the vagina during sexual intercourse. Vaginal infections may cause redness, irritation, and itching. unpleasant symptoms may even be severe and spread to the vulva. IN severe cases possible suppuration.

It is very important to immediately consult a doctor at the first signs of illness, who will find out what kind of infection you have and determine whether you have contracted a sexually transmitted disease. In any case, you should listen to your doctor’s advice, and treat with garlic as a concomitant factor.

The most typical cases are when the causative agents of vaginal infections are Trichomonas, Candida or Gardnerella. Trichomoniasis is sexually transmitted, and if left untreated, infertility will follow. When such a disease is detected, it is necessary, as in the case of other sexually transmitted diseases, to treat not only one person in whom it is detected, but also his partner.

Garlic has the ability to kill germs and is therefore effective against all kinds of vaginal infections. The best remedy- this is to carefully peel the clove of garlic so as not to damage its shell (remember that the slightest cut or scratch can cause irritation in the vagina), lubricate the garlic clove with vegetable oil and insert this kind of candle into the vagina. Leave it there for the whole night. For those who do not tolerate garlic well or have a slight allergy to it, the indicated time should be reduced by half.

It is also good to use the following tampons for treatment: wrap a clove of garlic in sterile gauze soaked in vegetable oil, collect the gauze at the bottom and tighten it with thread. Leave one long end of the thread hanging freely. Insert the garlic tampon into your vagina. It is very easy to remove if you pull it with a string.

In between garlic treatment sessions, you can use acidophilus capsules or suppositories as a sedative.

In cases where vaginal infections are caused by the overgrowth of candida fungus (candidiasis), such garlic suppositories should be inserted not only into the vagina, but also into the anus. This is due to the fact that candida simultaneously appears not only in the vagina, but also in the intestines. That is why it is recommended to use not only garlic suppositories, but also use coated garlic capsules inside. The shell is destroyed only in the intestines, so garlic in it directly affects microorganisms.

To prevent the infection from spreading from the intestines to the vagina again, it is also recommended to regularly wash the space between the anus and vagina with garlic infusion. To do this, pour 1 liter of boiling water over the crushed clove of garlic and let it brew for an hour. Wash your genitals with this solution after each visit to the toilet.

You can also use a decoction of thyme or rosemary with the addition of garlic. It is very simple to prepare, just take a handful of dried herbs in 1 liter of water, boil, add 2 crushed cloves of garlic and let it brew for an hour. Strain and use for external washing of the genitals and for douching. Afterwards, wipe everything dry with toilet paper or a towel.

The infusion should be prepared every day, and there is quite a lot of fuss with it. For those who save their time, we suggest using an alcohol tincture made from garlic, chestnut peel, myrrh and calendula. You can use ready-made tinctures of these plants purchased at a pharmacy, then all these tinctures should be mixed in equal proportions. If you decide to make the tincture yourself, then you will need 1 head of garlic, 50 g of chestnut peel, 50 g of dried calendula flowers and 50 g of myrrh. The garlic needs to be peeled and crushed. Then pour it and the herbs into 1.5 liters of pure medical alcohol. Leave for 3 weeks, shaking every day.

To wash, take 1 tbsp. l. tinctures per glass warm water. These treatments are very effective in treating various vaginal yeast infections.

You should not insert garlic into the vagina for more than 12 hours. It will cause irritation. However, if you suddenly “lost” garlic there, do not worry too much; most likely, a clove of garlic simply fell out unnoticed when next visit toilet.

Also, at the slightest suspicion of infection or simply for prevention, it is useful to wash yourself from time to time with the following composition: chop 3 cloves of garlic in a mixer until mushy, mix with 3-4 tbsp. warm water and rinse the external genitalia with this water and douche. This mixture works wonders because when crushed, garlic releases allicin, which is a powerful antibiotic that can kill germs.

Useful for douching next remedy. Chop 3 cloves of garlic, add one and a half liters of warm water, stir, let sit for 5-10 minutes and strain. Add 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar.

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The story is told by a pharmacist, hereditary herbalist, member of the Society of Herbalists of St. Petersburg, author of the books “I Know About Herbs...” and “Hemlock - Healer of Oncological and Other Diseases” Lidia Nikolaevna Dyakonova.

What symptoms indicate the possible presence of a sexually transmitted disease?

L.D. Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, or as they say briefly medical workers, STD – sensitive topic concerning two partners. These diseases are caused large group pathogens that belong to protozoa, that is, single-celled living microorganisms. Symptoms of the disease may include discharge, itching, pain (especially during sexual intercourse), pain, as well as inflammation and swelling of the genital organs. If these diseases are left untreated, the infection affects neighboring, nearby organs of the genitourinary system, causing inflammatory processes. In women, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages, etc. may occur. In men, genital infections left untreated can lead to prostatitis, prostate adenoma and, ultimately, oncological diseases. For both women and men, untreated STDs can lead to infertility. Therefore, every cultural person, if alarming symptoms appear, should consult a urologist or venereologist for examination and timely treatment. Much attention, especially among young people, should be paid to the prevention of these diseases, which boils down to obtaining information about the spread of genital infections, as well as strengthening morality and ethics.
In addition to physical suffering, sexually transmitted diseases cause psychological trauma to a person, and sometimes lead to the destruction of a family.

Are genital infections usually treated with antibiotics?

What herbs are included in complex collection for the treatment of STDs?

L.D. This collection includes leaves and buds of birch, bearberry, calendula officinalis, common tansy, greater celandine, meadowsweet flowers, marsh grass, pine buds, valerian officinalis, toadflax herb, Icelandic cetraria, common cocklebur, immortelle flowers, mistletoe, European euonymus, bird cherry flowers, yarrow grass, as well as the roots of egg capsule, licorice, cinquefoil and calamus.
Prepare an infusion from this herbal collection as follows: in the evening, pour 0.5–1 teaspoon of the collection (without a slide) into 1 liter of water, bring to a boil. Then pour the solution into a thermos and leave to infuse overnight. The next day, drink the entire infusion throughout the day instead of tea, you can sweeten it with honey.
From the above herbal collection we also prepare medicinal oil, which is included in complex treatment diseases. It is recommended to instill this oil into the nose, 2 drops 3-4 times a day, and also place it under the tongue - 2 drops (and keep until completely absorbed) 3-4 times a day. At acute form For diseases, the oil should be used more often - up to 10 times a day.
At the same time, the oil is administered in the form of microenemas of 5 ml rectally after bowel movements; women can be administered vaginally in the form of tampons at night, using 5 ml of oil. Microclysters from infusion medicinal herbs, 50 ml of warm solution, should be carried out in convenient time, usually recommended 1-2 times a day.
Such treatment should be carried out simultaneously by both partners, as the urologist warns about. If there are children or other family members in the family, then the whole family takes this infusion. The course of treatment usually lasts one month. After which it is necessary to do the appropriate tests. If necessary, treatment course repeat.
Herbal healers help cope with the most severe sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. medicinal plants These include the already mentioned clematis erecta, woolly astragalus, field grass, as well as winter-loving umbrella and some others.

Please tell us about medicinal properties European euonymus, part of a complex collection for the treatment of STDs.

My article in the magazine People's Doctor

If you have any questions, you can ask them by contacting the address: St. Petersburg, st. Lev Tolstoy, 17, 1st floor of the nephrocorpus Medical University from 11.00 to 14.00 on weekdays or write a letter to the editor.

One way or another, treatment venereal diseases should be prescribed only by a specialized doctor and only after examination and receipt of the patient’s results. Incorrect treatment STIs can lead to serious complications, up to infertility in patients of both genders.

How to treat an STI

As a rule, STIs respond well to treatment, and therefore the question of how to treat sexually transmitted infections is not urgent. In most cases, the answer to treating STDs caused by bacteria is to take the following antibiotics:

  • with – penicillin;
  • with - ceftriaxone or ofloxacin;
  • when – tetracycline;
  • with - tetracycline or gentamicin.

The answer to the question of how to treat sexually transmitted diseases viral nature, are the following drugs:

  • with – acyclovir, famciclovir, valacyclovir;
  • with – timazide, retrovir, viramune, Videx, viracept.

For urogenital infections, antifungal creams, ointments, vaginal tablets and beads, the drugs used are clotrimazole, isoconazole, miconazole. If you have scabies, the question is how to treat venereal diseases of this kind, the doctor must also decide. As a rule, for head lice, drugs with permethrin are prescribed, and for scabies, an aqueous emulsion of benzyl benzoate is prescribed.

Treatment of STDs with folk remedies

Typically, treatment for STDs folk remedies justified exclusively in the case of uncomplicated treatment. This is done as follows. Take 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers, pour 400 milliliters of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The resulting infusion is used for douching.

Any other treatment of sexually transmitted infections with folk remedies is inappropriate; it can only be used as an additional therapy during drug treatment.
