How to delay ejaculation and get rid of rapid ejaculation. Premature ejaculation (ejaculation) - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and effective treatment

Early ejaculation is one of the most common types of sexual disorders. Because of it, millions of men cannot satisfy their partners and enjoy sexual intercourse. However, this disease will not pose a great danger to intimate life couples, if a man turns to modern medical supplies. Because medications for the treatment of premature ejaculation will help solve this delicate problem in a short time.

Definition of the term "Premature ejaculation"

Over the years, scientists havecharacterized premature ejaculation. Some of them did not consider it a sexual dysfunction at all, since all higher animals, which include humans, ejaculate almost immediately after penetration of the penis into the vagina. World Health Organizationdescribed early ejaculation as “...constant or repeated ejaculation with minimal stimulation before, after, or shortly after penetration and before the man desires it, over which the patient has little or no ability to control its occurrence.”

Over time, minutes were chosen as the unit of definition for early ejaculation. Some experts believe that early ejaculation is that which occurs 1 minute after penetration into the vagina. Others have different opinions, believing that ejaculation becomes early if ejaculation occurs through:

  • 5.4 minutes;
  • 6.5 minutes;
  • 4.3 minutes;
  • 3.7 minutes.

That is, there is no consensus regarding the time that would mean that ejaculation has become premature. The above definitions confirm three main factors that are key in determining the term “premature ejaculation”:

  1. short periods of sex;
  2. lack of control over ejaculation;
  3. lack of sexual satisfaction.

In 2009, the International Society of Sexual Medicine issued its guidelines for the diagnosis and management of premature ejaculation. The organization defines early ejaculation as male sexual dysfunction if:

  • ejaculation always (or almost always) occurs before or within about 1 minute after vaginal penetration;
  • a man is unable to delay the onset of ejaculation in all or almost all vaginal penetrations;
  • a man feels negative emotions about such sexual intercourse (disappointment, anxiety, suffering, decreased self-esteem, anxiety), has no desire to have sex often, has difficulty in interpersonal relationships with women.

The latter definition is considered the most reliable to date due to its evidence-based nature; it has largely replaced previous definitions and is the standard definition of the term “premature ejaculation.”

Extent of early ejaculation

This disease is one of the most common male sexual disorders. According to various estimates, it is diagnosed in 4-39% of men in the world. So, in the study, carried out in 1986, it was stated that 35% of men had early ejaculation.

Research conducted in 1990, the Department of Psychology at Syracuse University of New York (USA) answered that 36-38% of men had this sexual dysfunction. In the US, the prevalence of rapid ejaculation was 31%. In the study took part 1410 men whose ages ranged from 18 to 59 years. Early ejaculation in Australia present in 21-31% of men.

Causes and classification of premature ejaculation

There are 2 main types of early ejaculation:

  1. lifelong (exists from the beginning of sexual activity and does not depend on the conditions or environment in which sexual intercourse takes place);
  2. acquired (develops in a man who previously could control the process of ejaculation. This type can appear either suddenly or develop gradually).

The reasons for early ejaculation remain unclear. Some experts call them psychogenic in origin, others – physiological. Psychogenic factors are associated with the following situations:

  • anxiety before sex;
  • a new partner or sexual intercourse in new conditions;
  • low regularity of sexual activity.

TO physiological reasons early ejaculation include:

Sometimes another cause of sexual dysfunction is identified - biogenic. It is associated with the following circumstances:

  • a man’s use of certain substances (alcohol, opiates);
  • disruption of the activity of the glands of the endocrine system;
  • chronic prostatitis.

Recommended medications for the treatment of premature ejaculation

Purpose of a certain type treatment is a bit of a problem for the doctor. This is due to the fact that the pathophysiology of premature ejaculation is not fully understood. Have been used for many years various methods treatments - some have been proven effective, while others have done nothing to help prolong sex. I bring to your attention the best drugs for the treatment of premature ejaculation, the effectiveness of which has been officially proven.

This remedy is the only licensed treatment for premature ejaculation. It was approved for sale in:

  • Spain;
  • Italy;
  • Portugal;
  • New Zealand;
  • Germany;
  • Finland;
  • Austria;
  • Sweden.

Dapoxetine is a drug specially designed specifically for the treatment of early ejaculation. Its effectiveness has been proven over fiveclinical trials , in which more than 6,000 men took part. In addition, the medicine helped the man get rid of from discomfort and difficulties interpersonal communication(which were caused by this sexual dysfunction) and also improved the psychological state.

During the tests, it was found that the side effects from using Dapoxetine were:

  1. dizziness;
  2. nausea;
  3. headache;
  4. insomnia;
  5. diarrhea.

However, such reactions were minor and gradually disappeared (after 2-3 weeks).

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Dapoxetine is a type of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) maximum concentration the drug in the blood is observed approximately 2 hours after use. The effect lasts for about 6 hours. The drug was recognized effective remedy for the treatment of moderate and severe premature ejaculation. This was proven during a study that spent specialists from the University of Minnesota (USA). Over the course of 12 weeks:

Patients used these drugs 1-3 hours before sexual intercourse. As a result, it was found that Dapoxetine significantly prolonged the time of sex (a dosage of 30 mg by 3.48 minutes, a dosage of 60 mg by 3.68 minutes), placebo tablets prolonged sex by 2.21 minutes. Side effects from using Dapoxetine were as follows:

  1. nausea (8.7% for the 30 mg dosage, 20.1% for the 60 mg dosage);
  2. diarrhea (3.9% and 6.8%, respectively);
  3. dizziness (3% and 6.2%);
  4. headache (5.9% and 6.8%).

Dapoxetine is also effective in the treatment of early ejaculation with concomitant erectile dysfunction. During research 429 men took placebo tablets and Dapoxetine 30 mg for 12 weeks. and 60 mg. In parallel, the experiment participants used phosphodiesterase inhibitors to treat erectile dysfunction. Based on the results of the study, it was established:

  1. in men who took Dapoxetine, the time of sexual intercourse increased by 5.2 minutes compared to those who used placebo tablets;
  2. men who took Dapoxetine were able to better control the process of ejaculation (56.5%) than those who took placebo (35.4%);
  3. Side effects from taking Dapoxetine included nausea (9.2%), headache (4.4%), diarrhea (3.6%), dizziness (2.4%).

Thus, Dapoxetine provided a significant therapeutic effect and was generally well tolerated.

This drug should be taken no more than once a day, 1 hour before sexual intercourse. The initial dose of Dapoxetine is 30 mg; if necessary, it can be increased to 60 mg, but only after permission from a doctor. The drug is prohibited for use in the following situations:

  • epilepsy;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • anatomical deformation of the penis;
  • allergic reaction to product ingredients;
  • severe disorders of the kidneys and liver.

In addition, Dapoxetine should not be taken together with:

  1. Ritonavir;
  2. Ketoconazole;
  3. Saquinavir;
  4. Atazanavir;
  5. antidepressants.

With the help of Dapoxetine, you can extend the time of sex 3 times longer. The advantage of the drug is the fact that eating food does not affect the rate of absorption of Dapoxetine. And although its concentration in the blood decreases slightly after eating a high-fat meal, this effect does not have any effect on the action of Dapoxetine. It is noteworthy that one of the side effects, nausea, is reduced after eating a high-fat meal.

Antidepressants for premature ejaculation

Some types of antidepressants have the property of delaying ejaculation. But you need to remember that this action refers to their side effects, so these drugs can only be used under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to cause harm to sexual function. Such antidepressants inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, as a result of which it accumulates in the synaptic structures of the central nervous system and leads to increased physiological activity.

The most common antidepressants that help fight early ejaculation are:

  • Paroxetine;
  • Sertraline;
  • Fluoxetine.

However, the dosage and regimen of antidepressants for the treatment of early ejaculation have not been carefully designed. That is, they can be taken only with the approval of a specialist who will determine the portion needed for an individual person and the time of its intake.

Unlicensed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

The effect of SSRIs on delayed ejaculation was first noted in 1993 while treating people with depression. Similar drugs include:

  • Escitalopram;
  • Fluoxetine;
  • Fluvoxamine;
  • Paroxetine;
  • Sertraline;
  • Citalopram.

Their main difference from Dapoxetine is that the above-mentioned drugs were not created for the treatment of early ejaculation. Their main purpose is to treat depression and anxiety disorders. That is, these drugs are classified as antidepressants. They have a certain list of side effects, one of which is delayed ejaculation. In addition, SSRIs can cause erectile dysfunction.

However, through scientific experiments, the high effectiveness of these drugs for the treatment of early ejaculation has been proven.

Treating premature ejaculation with Paxil

Thus, Paroxetine is the most effective SSRI in delaying ejaculation.It increases the time of sexual intercourse by approximately 8.8 times. This was proven by specialists from the Sydney hospital complex (Australia). In the study took part 68 men.

In the first group there were 26 patients, average age which was 39.5 years. Half of the group took placebo tablets, the other half took Paroxetine 20 mg. The drugs were taken 3-4 hours before sex. The second group included 42 men, their average age was 40.5 years. Half the group took 10 mg every day for 3 weeks. Paroxetine, the second - placebo tablets for 4 weeks. All participants in the experiment had early ejaculation.

The average ejaculation delay time was 0.3 minutes before the start of the experiment. After 3 weeks of regular use, the ejaculation latency time was already 3.2 minutes for those who took Paroxetine daily and 5.8 minutes for those who used this drug as a necessary phase. As for the placebo pills, the ejaculation delay time for them was 0.9 minutes.

Side effects from Paroxetine were found in 7 of 42 men and included:

As a result, experts came to the conclusion that daily use of Paroxetine helps a man better control the process of ejaculation.

The drug Paxil belongs to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and is an antidepressant. Its main purpose is to treat depression, panic attacks, anxiety disorders of various origins. Please note that delayed ejaculation after taking Paxil is one of the side effects of the drug. Therefore, medication can be used to treat premature ejaculation only with the permission of a doctor.

The main ingredient in Paxil is a substance called Paroxetine. Paroxetine is sold under many trade names:

  • Paxil;
  • Paroxyl;
  • Paroxetine;
  • Seroxat;
  • Plizil and others.

Therefore, Paxil and Paroxetine are the same drug.

Paxil is available in the form of biconvex tablets, the dosage of which is 20 mg. You can use the drug no more than 1 time per day. The tablet should be taken with water in the morning; it should not be chewed.


  • joint use of Tryptophan, Pimozide, Thioridazine, MAO inhibitors;
  • minor age;
  • lactation period in women;
  • increased sensitivity to Paroxetine.

Side effects:

  • swelling of the face;
  • dry mouth;
  • tremor;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • rhinitis;
  • aggression;
  • fainting;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • sweating

Thus, Paroxetine prolongs sexual intercourse, but can cause problems in the psycho-emotional sphere. Paxil can be used to treat rapid ejaculation only under the supervision of a doctor, who will determine the required dosage and duration of treatment.

Treatment of premature ejaculation with Stimuloton

This is another drug from the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The main ingredient is Sertraline, which is sold in pharmacies under different names:

  • Stimuloton;
  • Zoloft;
  • Misol;
  • Surlift;
  • Emoton;
  • Serenata and others.

The main purpose of Stimuloton is the treatment of depression, panic attacks, and social phobias. As in the case of Paxil, Stimuloton delays the time of ejaculation, but only as one of the side effects.

The medicine comes in the form of tablets that can be taken no more than once a day. Sertraline should only be used under the supervision of a physician.


  • epilepsy;
  • use of MAO inhibitors;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to ingredients.

Side effects:

  • psychosis;
  • fatigue;
  • weakening libido;
  • vomit;
  • tremor;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased sensitivity during sexual intercourse (delayed ejaculation);
  • convulsions;
  • itchy skin;
  • anxiety.

The use of Sertraline also helps to prolong the time of sex. It was proven specialists from the same Sydney hospital complex. The experiment involved 37 men whose ages ranged from 19 to 70 years. They took 50 mg daily. Sertraline for 4 weeks. The drug extended the time of sex by 3.2 minutes. Side effects included anorexia, slight drowsiness and mild gastrointestinal upset. Therefore doctors consider him useful drug in the treatment of premature ejaculation.

Specialists from Firat University (Türkiye) during the experiment have proven that Citalopram has the ability to have a beneficial effect on men with early ejaculation. 26 men were divided into 2 groups. The first group of 13 people received Citalopram, the second group received placebo tablets. According to the results of the study, it became clear that men taking Citalopram had longer time for sex, compared with those taking placebo. Also, 5 men from the first group described their feelings from using the drug as “very good”, 4 men – “considerably good”.

Fluoxetine and premature ejaculation

Fluoxetine is used as a medicine against:

  • depression;
  • difficult experiences in the past life situations(violence, stress, bulimia nervosa);
  • psychosis;
  • bipolar disorder.

But besides this, Fluoxetine can also be used to treat early ejaculation. However, it is worth noting that delayed ejaculation is one of the side effects of this drug. In addition, Fluoxetine can:

  • cause the development of erectile dysfunction;
  • cause loss of interest in sex;
  • reduce the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

These antidepressant side effects are reversible, meaning they go away over time. But this requires time, which is calculated in months, up to 1 year. Therefore, fluoxetine can only be used to treat early ejaculation under the close supervision of a physician. On the other hand, there is more optimistic news at the scientific level.

Fluoxetine can be considered safe and effective drug for the treatment of premature ejaculation - such a statement done Turkish specialists from the University of Van. 17 patients with premature ejaculation were divided into groups. In the first group, Fluoxetine was taken every day for 1 week, 20 mg, in the second - 40 mg, in the third - 1 placebo capsule once a day for 1 week, in the fourth - 2 capsules. According to the results of the experiment, it was found that this medicine significantly extended the time of sex. The following side effects were found:

  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • nausea.

This way you can approve that SSRIs can be used to treat early ejaculation. However, delayed ejaculation will not be observed immediately, but after about 5-10 days. maximum effect from the drugs will be observed after 2-3 weeks of regular use. Side effects are mostly mild and disappear over time. These include:

  1. mild nausea;
  2. diarrhea;
  3. fatigue;
  4. yawn;
  5. sweating;
  6. slight weakening of erection;
  7. decreased sperm motility.

Contraindications for use:

  • glaucoma;
  • severe forms of liver and kidney failure;
  • minor age.

You can take any of the SSRIs only after your doctor's permission. As for the daily dosage, it is as follows:

  • Paroxetine – 20-40 mg;
  • Sertraline – 50-100 mg;
  • Fluoxetine – 20-40 mg.

Anesthetic drugs

These are creams, gels and aerosols, which include:

  1. Benzocaine;
  2. Prilocaine;
  3. Lidocaine.

By their composition, these are anesthetic substances that reduce sensitivity of the penis and prolong the time of sex. So, usage an aerosol based on lidocaine-prilocaine, according to research at the Royal Belfast Hospital (UK), allows a man to have much better control over the process of ejaculation.

Emla cream is highly effective. It should be applied in a small amount to the genital organ 20 minutes before sex. However, the drug can reduce the sensitivity of the female vagina, so it is advisable to use a condom. STUD 5000 spray, made with lidocaine, should be sprayed onto the head of the penis 10 minutes before sex.

Side effects from the use of anesthetics may include allergies to the ingredients of the drugs. They manifest themselves in the form of burning and itching. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse the genital organ with water 5-10 minutes after treating the penis with them.

Wipes to delay ejaculation

According to these data, in the US and UK, more than 40% of men experience premature ejaculation. To solve this problem, special wipes were created that reduce the sensitivity of the skin on the genitals and allow a man to have sex longer. This is reported by experts from Cornell University. PREBOOST is a disposable wipe pre-moistened with benzocaine.

Benzocaine is a local anesthetic that slows the passage of nerve impulses to the brain. This gives a man the opportunity to have sex for 5 minutes longer. The effectiveness of PREBOOST wipes was proven in a study in which 21 men suffering from premature ejaculation took part.

15 men used PREBOOST wipes, while the remaining 6 used placebo wipes without benzocaine. After 2 months, men who used PREBOOST reported significant improvements in ejaculation control.

However, benzocaine can be uncomfortable for women because it is absorbed through the vaginal wall. Therefore, after using napkins, it is advisable to use a condom. In addition, benzocaine can cause weakened erections because it makes the penis numb.

How to use PREBOOST wipes

Wipe the head and shaft of the penis with a napkin. After this, after 10 minutes you can rinse the penis warm water and enter into intimate relationships. You can also use a condom to prevent vaginal numbness. Benzocaine is a safe substance for health. However, it may cause skin rashes or irritation. If these reactions persist for a long time, you should seek help from a doctor. Be careful not to get benzocaine in your eyes.

Diprofen for rapid ejaculation

Diprofen is prescribed for spasms blood vessels and smooth muscles internal organs. He belongs to the type cardiovascular drugs. The drug can be used to treat early ejaculation. This became possible because Diprofen blocks the passage of a nerve impulse through clusters of nerve cells.

To extend the time of sex, this drug must be taken orally 2 times a day, 0.025 g. Gradually, the portion can be increased to 3 times a day, 0.05 g. Contraindications for taking Diprofen:

  • high level sensitivity to ingredients;
  • glaucoma;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • organic heart lesions.

Side effects:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • numbness of the oral mucosa;
  • headache.

Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors


  • Cialis;
  • Levitra.

And although these drugs were created to treat erectile dysfunction, some experts point to theirhigh efficiency in terms of eliminating early ejaculation. They attribute this to the fact that such drugs give a man the opportunity to quickly restore strength after sexual intercourse and continue having sex again. Particularly effective will be drugs that include:

  1. one of the selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors;

On this moment There are several drugs of this type:

  • Super P-force (one tablet contains 60 mg of Dapoxetine and 100 mg of Viagra);
  • Super Zhewitra (60 mg Dapoxetine and 20 mg Levitra);
  • Super Tadarise (60 mg Dapoxetine and 20 mg Cialis).

Thanks to them, a man gets the opportunity to solve two problems at once:

  1. cure early ejaculation;
  2. get rid of erectile dysfunction.

You can take no more than one tablet of any of the drugs per day. And the drug You can purchase on our website.

Natural drug for the treatment of early ejaculation

One of best products This category is Laveron. It includes:

  • horny weed extract;
  • American raspberry fruits;
  • mango fruit;
  • ginkgo biloba leaves;
  • Eucommia vyazolifolia bark;
  • cinnamon tree bark.

With its help, a man has the opportunity to:

  1. prolong the time of sexual intercourse;
  2. increase potency;
  3. improve sensations during sex.

The dosage of the tablet is 250 mg. You can take no more than 1 tablet per day with water. Laveron is taken 50 minutes before sex. The duration of action of the drug is about 8 hours. However, there is no proven data on its effectiveness for treating early ejaculation.

Maca Peruviana

Available in powder form, which is made from only plant ingredients. So, the composition of the dietary supplement includes:

  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • fatty acid;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • calcium.

Peruvian Maca helps a man:

  • strengthen erection;
  • extend the time of sexual intercourse to 40-45 minutes;
  • improve metabolism;
  • strengthen protective functions body.

The dietary supplement must be consumed 2 times a day. To do this, the powder in the amount of 1 teaspoon should be mixed in a glass with any non-alcoholic drink and drunk.

Peruvian Maca should not be taken in quantities of more than 1 teaspoon, because the drug has a pronounced stimulating effect.

Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of early ejaculation

The most famous homeopathic medicine to help a man with early ejaculation is Impaza. Its advantages:

  • no side effects;
  • non-toxic;
  • does not complicate existing diseases.

The medicine increases blood flow to the genitals, gives a man the opportunity to quickly restore strength after sex and improves sensations.

Treatment for rapid ejaculation consists of a course of Impaza. For 3 months, a man needs to take 1 tablet of the drug every other day. It is advisable to consult a doctor before use.

Thor's Hammer - a Russian drug for the treatment of premature ejaculation

This tool also allows you to:

  1. strengthen erection;
  2. increase libido;
  3. improve sensations during orgasm.

Product ingredients:

  • red root extract;
  • vitamin C;
  • pantohematogen;
  • Antarctic krill.

The drug is available in capsule form. To treat early ejaculation, you need to take 1 capsule of Thor's Hammer every day for 2 months. This product has almost no side effects, except for the body's allergic reaction to the ingredients.

How much will it cost to cure early ejaculation?

The course of treatment for rapid ejaculation is strictly individual. It aims to eliminate the factors that led to the onset of the disease:

  • anxiety;
  • nervousness;
  • irregular sex life;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • hypersensitivity of the head of the penis and others.

In modern clinics, the course of treatment for premature ejaculation includes:

  • comprehensive examination;
  • specialist consultations;
  • doctor's appointments;
  • recommendations.

Its cost may vary depending on the complexity of each individual case of illness and the patient’s health condition. The doctor names the final price after examination and diagnosis. The table below shows the average prices in Moscow for the treatment of premature ejaculation.

Fast ejaculation - reviews from men and women

Victor: Do these drugs, like dapoxetine, help at all if I finish quickly? How to deal with this disorder?

Igor: I know for sure that Cialis helps. I have personally used it more than once.

Alexander: In the early stages, I used discharge 2 hours before sex. As for the drugs, almost all of them are effective. This is written about them everywhere, but the manufacturers won’t lie.

Tolik: I used Levitra a week ago. I had problems with potency, I did not have an erection. All due to stress at work. And then quick ejaculation said “hello.” I took a Levitra tablet, and in 1 hour there was only 1 ejaculation. And before that, the orgasm was a maximum of 10 minutes. I'm still impressed. I could control the progress of sex very easily. But my head felt heavy, as if I had drunk cognac.

Valentin: I have about the same thing - I use Levitra and Cialis. A 5 mg tablet is enough. But I haven’t taken Viagra yet.

Natalya: My husband and I had a problem, sex lasted 3 minutes at most. And there was no way they could correct the situation. And he’s only 26. The second time he simply didn’t have the strength left. Although my husband works a lot, he sleeps no more than 6 hours. Cialis helped my husband. The drug is effective, but expensive. It’s also not very pleasant to buy at a pharmacy.

Irina: Yes, my boyfriend also took Cialis. My sex was quick and my erection was weak. But we did not buy at the pharmacy, but via the Internet. Now there are a lot of analogues, and they are cheap. The Cialis that we bought worked just very well - my husband could not shoot for about 30 minutes.

Veronica: The guy had a problem in bed, he couldn’t satisfy me for a long time. And then I noticed that sex became longer. I started asking him how this happened. He said that Dapoxetine helped him. He thought that I would be offended by him or laugh at him. I don’t understand men who do nothing to improve their abilities. And I don’t understand some women who look at drugs that are intended for men as something disgusting. And then there are those who say “if you take Viagra, that means you’re not a man.”

Premature ejaculation is quite common. It prevents partners from living a normal sex life. Men do not always like to seek help from doctors with such a diagnosis. However, they must remember that modern drugs for the treatment of premature ejaculation will always come to their aid to solve such sensitive issue.

What is early ejaculation - all the details of the problem

Ejaculation is a complex physiological process that consists of 2 phases: emission and ejaculation. The emission phase is a reflex response from the nervous system, the onset of which is influenced by erotic stimulation.

During the emission phase, contractions of the seminal vesicles, vas deferens, and prostate gland lead to sperm entering the lumen of the urethra. The man feels the sensation that orgasm is approaching; in parallel with this, the degree of his volitional control decreases and he approaches a point at which it is no longer possible to stop the onset of ejaculation.

After the emission phase, the phase of sperm expulsion from the urethra occurs, that is, ejaculation. Internal sphincter Bladder closes to seminal fluid didn't get back. Then the external sphincter opens and sperm is released under the action of contracting muscles. pelvic floor comes out.

If the process of ejaculation occurs even more closely, from the point of view of biochemistry, then it is an even more complex process. We will not analyze it in detail so as not to go into details that are very difficult for most people to remember.

The cause of early ejaculation may be:

  • increased levels of female sex hormones in a man’s body;
  • flaw male hormone testosterone;
  • malfunctions thyroid gland(an excess of its hormones causes premature ejaculation, while their deficiency impairs erection).

When does ejaculation become premature?

But the truth is how to distinguish normal ejaculation from premature ejaculation, if for one man 30 minutes is not enough to obtain pleasure, while for others 4 minutes is quite enough. Medical literature offers several different terms for "premature ejaculation."

For example, B. Shapiro in 1943 made a proposal to divide premature ejaculation into primary and secondary (acquired).

The primary type refers to the onset of ejaculation in the interval from 30 seconds to 2 minutes after penetration of the penis into the vagina. Moreover, this is typical for every sexual contact from the very beginning. sex life.

In turn, secondary premature ejaculation does not appear immediately, but several years after a normal intimate life. The development of acquired premature ejaculation is influenced by the following reasons:

  • psychological difficulties in communicating with a partner;
  • prostatitis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • lack of testosterone;
  • use of medications or psychoactive drugs that disrupt the mechanisms of ejaculation.
  • the onset of ejaculation within the first minute after penetration into the vagina;
  • the inability of a man to delay the moment of ejaculation either in all or almost all cases;
  • the appearance in a man of negative reactions as a result of this disorder (anxiety, stress, refusal of sexual intercourse).

How common is premature ejaculation?

In Italy, Germany and the USA, as a result of a survey of 12,000 men aged 18 to 70 years, experts came to the conclusion that rapid attack ejaculation is typical for every 4th man. To be even more precise, 22% of the experiment participants had premature ejaculation.

In addition, it was found that men with this problem also face:

  • weakening of sexual desire;
  • impotence;
  • depression;
  • anxiety;
  • orgasm disorder.

Only every 10th man seeks medical help. Of this number of men, about 90% were dissatisfied with the results of treatment.

At what age does a man have problems with ejaculation?

Based on a survey of 12,133 men, it became known that this sexual disorder can appear in men at any age. Only men aged 18 to 24 experience premature ejaculation slightly less frequently.

Does marital status affect the disease?

Research has revealed that married men (or those with a regular partner) are more likely to experience rapid ejaculation (by about 7%). However, they live longer.

The influence of lifestyle on premature ejaculation

If a man plays sports in the form of regular physical education several times a month (or even less often), then he has a high probability of developing the disease. Therefore, we can conclude that it is weak physical activity negatively affects a man's sexual health.

Smoking contributes to the appearance of premature ejaculation. Smoking marijuana is especially dangerous.

Does prostate adenoma affect the appearance of premature ejaculation?

According to statistical data, no, no such influence was found.

Are premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction the same disease?

According to statistics, men with rapid ejaculation are 3 times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction. Therefore, if a person has all the factors that cause weakening of erection ( diabetes, excess weight, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure), then the risk of “quick sex” increases. In this regard, it is necessary to prevent the appearance and development of impotence.

How to start treating premature ejaculation?

There are a few simple tips that will help a man solve his sexual problem:

  • give an answer to the question “When exactly did I feel that I could not control the process of the onset of ejaculation”? If a man from the very beginning of his sexual life could not delay the onset of orgasm, then this is most likely the primary type of premature ejaculation. IN in this case consultation with a sex therapist is necessary;
  • with the secondary type of premature ejaculation, it is necessary to look for answers to the following questions: “What has changed in my life?”, “What is the relationship with my partner?”, “Do I have excess weight?”, “How often and how much do I move?”, “Do I smoke a lot of cigarettes”? If the answers are mostly positive, the first thing you need to do is not take medications, but just change your lifestyle;
  • if the above circumstances are not typical for a man (or he has eliminated possible factors risk), then you need to seek medical help. In this case great importance The doctor's qualifications play a role. If he talks about the use of expensive drugs during treatment, most likely you need to change the doctor;
  • Before starting treatment, the doctor must do certain laboratory tests (primarily to determine hormone levels), conduct a general examination and a special one (examination of the prostate gland and genitals), and refer for tests;
  • treatment of premature ejaculation, including the use of tablets.

Are there any medications against rapid ejaculation?

The main cause of the disorder is a lack of serotonin in the body. Due to this the best drugs For the treatment of premature ejaculation, many experts call antidepressants from the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

They increase the level of serotonin, due to which the moment of ejaculation is inhibited. SSRIs include:

  • Paroxetine;
  • Sertraline;
  • Fluoxetine.

They can only be purchased with a prescription and should not be taken on your own.

If premature ejaculation develops under the influence of a weak erection, then the latter problem must be solved first. Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors are best suited for this purpose. These are Viagra, Levitra, Cialis. But it is better not to use dietary supplements (dietary supplements) to treat impotence.

Is it advisable to use phosphodiesterase inhibitors to treat early ejaculation if erections are normal?

These drugs are designed to treat impotence, but not rapid ejaculation. However, you can try them for the reason that the strong erection that occurs under the influence of these drugs makes it possible to extend the time of sex.

What to do if low testosterone levels are detected?

In this case, you need to increase its concentration in the body. However, this can only be done under the supervision of a doctor. For this purpose, testosterone-based drugs are used.

Why don't doctors always prescribe SSRIs to treat early ejaculation?

These antidepressants have a completely different purpose - the treatment of anxiety situations, depression, nervous breakdowns. In turn, delayed ejaculation is one of the side effects these drugs. Therefore, you simply cannot use a side effect of a drug to treat any disease or disorder.

However, both the American Urological Association and their European colleagues recommend using SSRIs as the main drugs to prolong sex. Side effects of these antidepressants include insomnia, headache, nausea, fatigue, tremor, and drowsiness.

But their main danger is that a man’s erection may weaken and his libido level may decrease. Therefore, not all doctors prescribe SSRIs to eliminate early ejaculation.

What to do if the doctor still prescribed an SSRI?

In this case, you need to follow absolutely all the specialist’s recommendations. As a rule, he first prescribes minimum dosage drugs, which needs to be increased over time. Usually the course of such treatment does not exceed 3 months. This period is due to the fact that after 3 months the effect of using the drug will no longer increase.


Sexual disorders can manifest themselves in different ways and occur at absolutely any age. Isolated situations where premature ejaculation occurs usually do not cause alarm and are not taken seriously. However, if this happens constantly, the man begins to panic; in some cases, such failures lead to the development of chronic depression, which develops into prolonged depressive state.


Rapid ejaculation can be caused by various factors. They can be divided into 2 groups.

Physiological prerequisites for the disorder:

  • Lack of magnesium in the body;
  • Short frenulum of the genital organ;
  • The presence of inflammation and trauma to the genitals;
  • Increased ;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system that negatively affect the functioning of the pelvic organs;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Consequences of taking medications;

Psychological reasons premature ejaculation:

  • A reflex formed during youthful masturbation;
  • Beginning of sexual activity in;
  • Excessive excitement;
  • Obsessive fear that arose after several failures;
  • Neuroses that developed as a result of regular “punctures”;
  • Minimal experience of intimate relationships with women;
  • , depression, constant exposure to stress factors;
  • Concerns related to possible infection infectious diseases;
  • Big break;
  • Subjectively, the partner is too beautiful and exciting.

Symptoms and signs

Despite the fact that clinicians have not yet precisely defined it, it is generally accepted that ejaculation is premature if frictions during intimacy lasted no more than 2 minutes.

Signs that can also help determine the presence of a violation:

  • The release of ejaculate occurs within a few seconds or even before the start of sexual intercourse;
  • Ejaculation of semen occurs at the sight of female genitalia.

Less commonly, symptoms of premature ejaculation include a situation where a man achieved orgasm before his partner did.

How to treat premature ejaculation?

There are several correction methods to eliminate premature ejaculation. Treatment includes psychotherapeutic techniques and the use of. Including herbal medicine, physical activity, and unconventional practices may also help. In case of severe severity of the disease, surgical intervention is resorted to.


Medicines include creams, sprays and that are used topically and for oral administration, directly affecting the problem of premature ejaculation.

Also used for therapy are drugs that were originally developed for the treatment of depressive and anxiety conditions, which, as a side effect, contribute to delayed ejaculation.

Topical products

The main principle of the method is the use of products containing anesthetic components. When applied or sprayed onto the genitals, it blocks the nerve endings of the penis. Due to this, orgasm and ejaculation occur later.

The main active ingredient is lidocaine, or substances with similar action. It is recommended to use them under a condom, otherwise contact with the walls of the female vagina may deprive the partner of orgasm. Emla gel, SS cream, Stud 5000 spray are the most popular drugs that can be used for anesthetic treatment of ejaculation disorders.

The disadvantage of such therapy is that many people are allergic to lidocaine and analogues. In this case, you need to look for alternative way prolongation of sexual intercourse.

Dapoxetine and Ogoplex

Drugs whose clinical trials have confirmed their high effectiveness in the treatment of rapid ejaculation. You can start taking it only after consulting a doctor; the drugs have side effects and can cause negative physiological reactions in the body.

Dapoxetine slows down the rate of ejaculate release and prolongs sexual intercourse. Currently, tablets are considered the most effective in treating the disease. The drug is prohibited for use by men with kidney and heart pathologies. Also, they cannot be combined with alcohol and tranquilizers.

Ogoplex capsules delay ejaculation, as well as:

  • Improves spermatogenesis;
  • Activate prostate metabolism;
  • Increase physiological arousal;
  • They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

This drug is safer for male body. The only reason for refusing therapy is hypersensitivity to the components.


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors belong to the group of antidepressants. The main indications for the use of SSRIs are the treatment of disorders and a number of mental illnesses.

In the process of tests and studies, it was found that an additional effect of the drugs is the ability to delay ejaculation. It has been proven that treatment with this group of antidepressants results in a high percentage of recoveries, which is why similar look therapy is considered a promising way to correct rapid ejaculation.

The most well-known drugs: Paxil, Sertraline, Fluoxetine. Given the specific composition and indications for use, it is impossible to purchase these drugs on your own; they are under strict control.

However, some clinicians are opponents of this method of treatment. They believe that the use of side effects to correct the problem is fundamentally wrong, moreover, SSRIs can cause difficult to tolerate associated reactions:

  • convulsions;
  • tremor;
  • confusion.

Moreover: taking antidepressants can lead to the opposite effect, disrupting sexual function and. Therefore, despite the proven effectiveness of such a technique, it is considered quite controversial, and before resorting to it, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons along with.

dietary supplements

The instructions for many indicate that they can be used to treat premature ejaculation in men.

According to reviews from professionals and patients, the most effective and proven are Sealex, Vimax, Neurodoz.


The pharmaceutical drug Sealex is a dietary supplement with complex effects. In addition to its main purpose - delaying ejaculation, with its help it is possible to increase stamina and sexual activity, strengthen immune system and give the orgasm brightness and richness.

The dietary supplement contains only plant components: extracts of eurycoma, creeping palm and extracts from licorice roots and sativum. The drug does not work for everyone, but side effects are extremely rare.


A herbal remedy that ranks first in the ratings of dietary supplements that can cure premature ejaculation. Capsules have a prolonged effect; therefore, a course of treatment is required for several weeks.

With the help of the drug, sexual intercourse becomes longer, the release of sperm slows down, and it is ensured. Natural formula includes:

  • ginseng and eurycoma;
  • Dodder seeds;
  • Creeping Tribulus;
  • Water chestnut.


Neurodose is another example of a natural complex that successfully copes with the problem of premature ejaculation.

Designed specifically for the correction of impaired completion of sexual intercourse, it can also be used as an additional source that the male body needs.

The product consists of 2 amino acids, magnesium, vitamin B6, L-glutamine and phenylalanine. These components inhibit the process of ejaculation, fight anxiety and the effects of stress.

Physical exercise

An alternative method for controlling your own ejaculation is one developed by Kegel. From his point of view, the basis of the disorder is a violation of the mechanism of innervation of organs located in the pelvic region.

The basic exercise consists of tensing and then relaxing the pubococcygeus muscle 2-3 times a day. At the beginning, you can limit yourself to 15 times, but gradually you need to increase the number of repetitions to 50 times.

Muscle contraction should occur during inhalation, then you need to wait 2-3 seconds and relax as you exhale. There are no special requirements for breathing, it must be free.

Other techniques and tricks

Due to the fact that half of the prerequisites causing premature ejaculation are psychological character, many men are recommended to undergo a full course of psychotherapy. In the process, the main cause that led to the disease is found, and the patient, together with the psychotherapist, is engaged in its correction.

There is also a special technique that allows you to control ejaculation, called “Start-Stop”. Its essence is as follows:

  • At the moment of ejaculation, the man removes the sexual organ from the vagina;
  • Strongly compresses it at the base of the head, blocking the release of sperm;
  • As soon as the feeling of approaching orgasm subsides, sexual intercourse can be continued;

In this way, you can gradually extend the time of intimacy.

Simmans’ technique is also effective provided there is a trusting relationship with a regular partner. It is built on the principle of masturbation without orgasm. First, stimulation is carried out independently, then with the help of a woman. Another way is to press 3 fingers on a point located between the scrotum and anus. Its activation must be carried out before the climax.

Acupuncture, eastern spiritual practices, and breathing also help. A successful method is to count frictions in combination with breathing control. The man focuses on the counting process, thereby inhibiting the onset of ejaculation.

Herbal medicine is another unconventional method that can help prevent premature ejaculation. Products based on motherwort, oregano will be effective if they are collected and prepared correctly according to the instructions listed in the recipe. Sometimes supporters of the occult may accompany similar treatment conspiracies and rituals. Such methods are still popular in remote villages and remote areas of the country.


To avoid disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system, it is important to adhere to a number of principles:

  • Timely prevention conflict situations, provoking stress;
  • Avoiding hypothermia;
  • Having sexual intercourse only with a regular partner;
  • Maintaining the correct regime;
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: regular walks and visiting the gym;
  • Minimizing glasses of alcohol and smoked cigarettes.

It is also very important to regularly visit a urologist for preventive examinations and not ignore the primary symptoms of any disease. Advanced pathology can give various complications, in particular, to the genitourinary area.

Quite common in modern world such a pathology as premature ejaculation, the treatment of which should be comprehensive and begin as early as possible so as not to start the disease and not lead to surgical intervention. Early ejaculation begins due to psychological and emotional problems, and this can be fraught with erectile dysfunction. It is necessary to recognize this pathology in time, consult a doctor and begin treatment with appropriate medications and exercises.

What is ejaculation and types of early ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is pathological condition male genitalia, in which ejaculation occurs very early. This situation has happened at least once in the life of any man, and in isolated cases no one attaches much importance to such failures. But if early ejaculation occurs constantly, then this indicates a serious disorder, and it is urgent to see a specialist. Often, representatives of the stronger sex are embarrassed by such situations, the patient begins to panic, withdraw into himself, and he may develop depression, which will lead to a worsening of the condition.

Modern medicine identified 3 features of this disease:

  1. Ejaculation of semen occurs before the phallus enters the vagina, or when attempting to restrain this process. In this case, it is necessary to take into account age, concomitant pathologies, general physical state.
  2. Premature ejaculation brings family and personal life men's discord and inconvenience can cause anxiety and frustration.
  3. Problems in the sexual sphere can occur regardless of taking various medications.

What are the symptoms of early ejaculation? Main symptom- this is a short sexual intercourse in which the man does not receive proper pleasure, not to mention the partner. In this case, male ejaculation occurs 1-2 minutes after insertion of the penis into the vagina.

The main symptom is short duration of sexual intercourse

Important: the duration of genital contact does not always indicate violations in this area. A symptom of malaise is dissatisfaction of both partners after sexual intimacy.

The main sign of a serious disorder is the onset of ejaculation before the penis is inserted into the vagina.

Why might early evacuation develop? Types of premature ejaculation depend on several reasons:

  1. Primary early ejaculation is congenital and is associated with disrupted functioning of certain parts of the brain that are responsible for the proper functioning of the male reproductive system. Such a disorder is rare, it is caused by a violation intrauterine development or trauma during childbirth, but it manifests itself as a malfunction already during the first sexual experience.
  2. Secondary early ejaculation is the result of the influence of various pathogenic factors: trauma, infectious diseases, and taking certain medications. If you follow adequate therapy, sexual function completely restored.

What are the reasons for the discord?

Before starting treatment, you need to find out the reasons for rapid ejaculation in men. There are 5 groups of reasons why a man begins to feel inferior:

  1. Organic reasons, i.e. there is something going on in the body pathological process. It can be urological diseases, prostatitis, phimosis, lumbosacral injuries, hormonal disorders, intoxication of the body, etc. Vesiculitis or inflammation spermatic cords is common cause early eruption.
  2. Premature ejaculation of semen can be caused by taking certain medications: Amitriptyline, Elenium, Methadone, Ephedrine, Haloperidol
  3. Physiological factors: individual increased sensitivity of the glans penis, long absence intimate relationships, new partner, lack of magnesium in the body.
  4. Psychological reasons: lack of trust between partners, fears, stress, anxiety, lack of understanding of the partner.
  5. Genetic predisposition. If any of the men in the family had similar sexual dysfunctions, then the likelihood of developing early ejaculation on a regular basis is high.

Often the reason why rapid ejaculation occurs is fear of sex. This happens due to ignorance of the process itself: the couple does not know how long sexual intercourse should last, the partners do not take into account each other’s individual characteristics. It happens that intimate intimacy brings suffering, and this happens due to ignorance of the peculiarities of sexual relationships.

In addition, young people often masturbate and try to achieve ejaculation and orgasm faster, not paying attention to caresses and pleasant sensations. A quick eruption is achieved by the inability to control one’s feelings and to treat one’s partner; sex “on the go” also leads to early evacuation. Sometimes rapid ejaculation can be triggered by overstimulation from the partner’s actions.

How to treat the disease?

What to do if there is a disorder of normal ejaculation? These malfunctions in the male reproductive system can be cured only with an individual approach to the patient and his problem. First of all, they find out the reasons that provoked this disorder, and only then prescribe appropriate therapy.

Special techniques and exercises

How to cure rapid ejaculation? If premature ejaculation in a man occurs in rare cases and there are no significant violations, then sexual intercourse can be prolonged using special techniques.

A popular and effective technique is the “Start-Stop Method”. It involves the man catching the moment before ejaculation occurs and removing the penis from the vagina, and then using his fingers to squeeze well at the base of the head. Then sexual intercourse can be prolonged. The next time ejaculation approaches, this technique must be repeated. Thanks to this technique, sexual intercourse can be slightly prolonged.

Another technique is Kegel exercises. It consists of a disruption of the innervation of the pelvic organs in men with early evacuation. Kegel developed a system special exercises to pump up the muscles of the perineum, which are simultaneously aimed at regulating the ability to control ejaculation.

Exercise for early ejaculation consists of tensing and relaxing the pubococcygeus muscle 15 times, 2-3 approaches per day with calm breathing. The load is increased gradually, up to 15 squeezing and unclenching per session. Over time, you need to complicate the exercise: as you inhale, tense and hold the muscles in this position, and as you exhale, relax.

The “Lift” exercise is also effective. You need to gradually strain the muscles of the perineum, as if you were climbing stairs or an elevator, from minimal tension to maximum. And then vice versa. Breathing is easy.

Drug therapy for the disease

Treatment of premature evacuation can be carried out by therapeutic methods using medications that have long proven themselves in this area. It is recommended to combine drugs to achieve the fastest possible therapeutic effect. If the act does not last even 2 minutes, then it is better to use drug therapy.

The following groups of drugs can be used:

  1. Creams and gels with anesthetic - Lidocaine, Emla, Instilagel. The products are applied 5-10 minutes before the start of sexual relations. But with a weak erection they are not used.
  2. Antidepressants. Used to treat early ejaculation in psychological and emotional problems.
  3. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - Fluoxetine, Paxil, Dapoxetine. These are drugs for regulating the level of serotonin in the blood, quite effective and common means of solving the problem of early eruption.
  4. Drugs to stimulate erection - Viagra, Jenagra, Levitra.
  5. 5-Hydroxytryptophan is a dietary supplement.

These medications help prevent premature ejaculation. It is necessary to carry out therapy comorbid disorders body. If infection is present genitourinary system, then you need to be treated antimicrobials. If there are problems with the spine, then neuroprotectors, drugs for blood vessels and vitamin complexes.

How to treat psychological disorder? Often the spouse decides to go to see a psychologist and thus solve the problem with depression, depression and emotional imbalance. Often this method helps a man find harmony. A psychotherapist may prescribe medications to treat the nervous system.

If the head of the genital organ is sensitive, you can use a condom; it will dull the sensation. It can also be used in combination with anesthetics.

How to prevent an early eruption

Premature ejaculation can be avoided if you have a trusting relationship with your partner. In this case, it’s worth trying L. Simmons’ method:

  1. A man needs to masturbate with a dry hand for about 15 minutes without ejaculation (3 times).
  2. A man should masturbate for 15 minutes with lubricant without ejaculating (3 times).
  3. Masturbation should be done with the partner's dry hand to maintain an erection, but without ejaculation.
  4. The partner should masturbate with her hand with lubricant.
  5. Sex in the “cowgirl” position, possible with breaks, duration of the act is 15 minutes without ejaculation. You must try to complete 3 attempts.
  1. Use a condom with an anesthetic lubricant.
  2. Training to retain urination will help to avoid an imminent eruption; for this you need to train the urethral sphincter muscles.
  3. You can avoid premature ejaculation if you distract your thoughts, and in order to maintain an erection at this time, you need to think about something neutral.
  4. You should not squeeze the urethra with your hands, this can provoke the development of stagnant processes.

It is also important to eat well without overeating, do gymnastics and sports, get enough rest and sleep, have regular sexual relations, carry out prophylaxis with drugs to enhance potency, do not drink alcohol or smoke, and, if necessary, consult a psychologist.

It is also possible to solve the problem and surgical method. But operations are carried out in extreme cases; they are not always safe and can lead to sexual dysfunction.

There are two types of premature ejaculation. They directly depend on the causes of this male disease.

Primary ejaculation. This type is congenital. It is associated with incorrect operation nerve centers brain, which are responsible for the process of semen. This type of disorder is rare. Another cause of premature ejaculation may be birth trauma. In this case, problems with ejaculation appear from the first sexual experience.

Secondary ejaculation. This type of premature ejaculation occurs as a result of the action of pathogenic factors. These could be infections, previous injuries, or the use of certain medications. In this case, as a rule, the man already has sexual experience, the ejaculatory reflex is formed and can be restored during treatment.

In order to get rid of it, you need to undergo an examination and find out the cause of the disorder. The reasons can be very different.

One of the most common reasons is increased sensitivity of the glans penis. It can be either congenital or acquired as a result of balanoposthitis or.

Chronic vesiculitis, an inflammation of the seminal vesicles in which sperm accumulate, can also be the cause. The vesicles become sensitive and any sexual stimulation can cause ejaculation.

Hormonal imbalance is also one of the reasons. The disorder can occur not only due to a lack of testosterone. Increased production also has an effect.

The reasons may be related not only to physiology. Don't forget about male psychology.

The development of problems of an imminent ending can be influenced by memories from the first sexual experience. They may stem from partners’ fear of being noticed, for example by parents. Such fears include the fear of possible inability to satisfy a partner, of being ridiculed or rejected. Only a psychologist can cure a psychological disorder.

Lack of trust between partners and chronic stressful conditions of a man are also considered psychogenic factors.

Treatment for premature ejaculation

To get rid of this delicate problem, you need to contact a specialist who can suggest the use of condoms with prolonged lubricant and ointments that prolong sexual intercourse.

If a man has increased sensitivity of the glans penis, then the most suitable method The treatment is removal of the foreskin. As a rule, after this procedure, the duration of sexual intercourse increases by 2-3 times.

To prevent premature ejaculation, you can use the drug “Super P-force”. This medicine contains dapoxetine and sildenafil. The first will delay ejaculation, and the second will significantly improve the quality of erection. Therefore, a man will have the opportunity to have sex 4 times longer than usual.

Also, a man himself can control ejaculation using the pubococcygeus muscle. It needs to be trained in order to be able to delay ejaculation at the right moment.

Kegel exercises can help with this. It needs to be done several times daily. First, find this muscle. This can be done by holding back urination. Tighten and relax it 15-20 times. After 1-2 months, when it becomes trained, you will need to contract the muscle for 3-5 seconds, then relax.

Premature ejaculation(ejaculation) is a disorder in the male reproductive system in which ejaculation occurs too early. This condition is one of the most common male diseases in different countries peace. Every man has experienced early ejaculation at least once in his life, and, as a rule, none of them attached any importance to a one-time failure. But if premature ejaculation occurs regularly, then men fall into panic, even aggravating the course of the main pathological process.

Types of premature ejaculation in men

Depending on the causes of premature ejaculation, medicine distinguishes two types of this male ailment:
  1. Primary early ejaculation is congenital and is associated with the malfunction of some nerve centers of the brain responsible for normal functioning male reproductive system. This disorder is rare, often caused by pathology of intrauterine development or birth trauma, and manifests itself as problems already during the very first sexual contact.
  2. Secondary early ejaculation is the result of exposure to pathogenic factors (trauma, some medications, infections). With adequate treatment, sexual function is restored.

Causes of premature ejaculation

All causes of this dysfunction can be divided into 4 groups:
  • Organic, that is, based on some organic (pathological) process (chronic vesiculitis, urological diseases, trauma of the lumbosacral spine, phimosis, balanoposthitis, hormonal disorders, poisoning harmful substances and so on.).
  • Physiological (individual increased sensitivity of the skin of the head of the penis, long-term sexual abstinence, a new partner, sex with a very beautiful woman, lack of magnesium in the diet).
  • Psychological (lack of trusting relationship with partner).
  • Genetic (if this disorder was noted in the male line, then the risk of regular early ejaculation increases).


For a long time there were problems in diagnosing premature ejaculation, since there were no uniform criteria for this disease. Some authors considered the duration of sexual intercourse important, others - specifically during intercourse, while others focused on the harmony of relationships in a couple. There is only one thing everyone agrees on: the onset of ejaculation before insertion of the penis into the vagina should be considered obvious early ejaculation.

Often men invent this pathology for themselves, based on their own fears and complexes or on the opinion of an incorrect partner. Fear of another failure disrupts normal sex life and leads to conflicts in the family, while the man is in a state of constant stress.

Andrologists and sexologists deal with the problem of premature ejaculation. Treatment for ejaculatory dysfunction usually involves both partners. The man is carefully examined for concomitant pathologies that may provoke or aggravate existing disorders. It is also important to establish the cause of premature ejaculation in a given man because treatment is prescribed purely individually, with monitoring and correction if necessary.

To date, the following criteria for this pathology have been identified:
  • The occurrence of ejaculation before inserting the penis into the vagina or when trying to hold it back. This takes into account age, concomitant pathology, physical condition and other factors.
  • Early ejaculation causes discomfort family life men, causes him unpleasant experiences.
  • The disease arose independently without taking or stopping any medications.

Treatment of premature ejaculation (how to prolong sexual intercourse for a man)

Treatment of this “scourge” is possible only with a purely individual approach to the patient. To begin with, the reasons that provoked the appearance of this dysfunction are determined, and then treatment is prescribed.

Rare failures for no apparent reason

It is possible to increase sexual stamina, if early ejaculation in a man is rare without any particular reason, by using special techniques to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

One such technique is "Start-Stop Method". In this case, the man “catches” the moment of ejaculation, removes the penis from the vagina and squeezes it tightly with his fingers at the base of the head. Then sexual intercourse can be continued. When premature ejaculation approaches again, the technique is repeated. Thus, the duration of sexual intercourse gradually increases.

Another technique for controlling ejaculation is Kegel method, which is based on the doctrine of impaired innervation of the pelvic organs in men suffering from rapid ejaculation. .

Exercises for premature ejaculation include: contraction and relaxation of the pubococcygeus muscle fifteen times, two to three times a day with free breathing. The load is constantly increased to fifty exercises at a time. You can do a complicated exercise by holding the muscle in a state of tension while inhaling, and resting while exhaling. Exercise "Elevator" is performed in several stages from minimum voltage to maximum and vice versa. Breathing is free.

Drug treatment for premature ejaculation

Drugs for the treatment of premature ejaculation include the following proven remedies, some of which are sometimes combined to achieve a quick effect:

  • anesthetic creams (Instilagel, Katajel, lidocaine, Emla, lidocaine-prilocaine gel 5-10 minutes before sexual intercourse).
  • antidepressants.
  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Fluoxetine, Diprivox and Paxil).
  • tablets (Levitra, Cialis, Viagra).
  • food supplement 5-hydroxytryptophan.
  • "Dapoxetine."
  • Ecado drug, developed and patented by Dr. N.E. Chernobaev.

These drugs are used to delay the onset of premature ejaculation in men. Concomitant pathology may require additional treatment. At genitourinary infection appointed antibacterial therapy. For the treatment of diseases spinal column neuroprotectors, vitamins and vascular drugs are prescribed.

Often, to get rid of premature ejaculation, a married couple turns to a psychologist, who can help cope with depression in the early stages, anxiety, self-doubt, fear. Achieving psychological harmony in itself is the result of healing.

Your partner will help you avoid premature ejaculation

In a trusting relationship with a partner good effect achieved from application Simmans methods:

  • Masturbate with a dry hand for about fifteen minutes without ejaculating (three attempts).
  • Masturbate with lubricant (Vaseline) for about fifteen minutes without ejaculating (three attempts).
  • Masturbate with your wife's dry hand for about 15 minutes to maintain an erection without ejaculation.
  • Masturbate with your wife's hand with lubricant.
  • Sexual contact in the “Cowgirl” position with possible breaks, the duration of sexual intercourse is 15 minutes without ejaculation, up to three attempts.

Important: After each stage there should be ejaculation.

Alternative medicine in the fight against premature ejaculation

Acupuncture, massage, physiotherapy, yoga, breathing exercises, medicinal baths and spa treatment help get rid of premature ejaculation.

Infusions help some medicinal herbs, for example, hops and motherwort or periwinkle, cooked in a steam bath, coriander, lemon balm, medicinal capsules and a number of other medicinal plants. Such treatment must be agreed with your doctor.

Orgasm Control Methods

Came down to us from ancient times Indian book Kama Sutra, in which all possible positions of lovers and types of kisses are described, and the art of love is extolled and placed above all. In addition, it describes techniques that allow you to achieve the duration of sexual intercourse that is necessary for both partners to achieve orgasm.

Tips on how to go longer without ejaculating can also be found in ancient Chinese teaching about Tao(method of deep and superficial frictions), and in many other countries of the East.

Three finger method consists of applying moderate pressure with three fingers to a point located in the middle of the perineum between the anus and testicles, before the climax. The fingers should be slightly bent.

Alternating types of caresses with sex allows you to somewhat reduce your arousal and.

Counting the number of frictions: Enter shallowly nine times and deep once, shallowly eight times and deep twice, shallowly seven times and deeply three times, and so on.

Surgical treatment for rapid ejaculation

Surgical treatment of premature ejaculation, which consists of neurosurgical transection of the nerves responsible for the sensitivity of the glans penis (selective neurotomy, conventional or microsurgical), often leads to a complete loss of sensitivity of the penis, and consequently to a deterioration in erection and weakening of orgasm. These operations are recognized as mutilating and are not used.

An improvement in the condition and an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse is achieved after treatment in patients with phimosis. In these men, premature ejaculation occurred due to inadequate sexual stimulation.

In conclusion

Treatment methods for premature ejaculation are not applied all at once. In each case, the doctor chooses the optimal combination of these drugs for each specific patient.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you should provide yourself with a rational regime of work and rest, and nutrition. Promiscuous sexual intercourse must be excluded at least temporarily for the period of treatment.

To prevent such disorders, you should try to avoid prolonged stress and maintain healthy image life. Food should contain large amounts of magnesium and zinc. Regular physical exercise not only improve the functioning of all organs and systems of our body, but also help relieve nervous tension.
