Treatment for brown discharge from eyes in cats. Discharge from the eyes of cats. Eye wash

If you have a little fluffy at home, or you took him from the street, the first thing to do is take care of his eyes. A kitten that is insufficiently watched over by its mother cat often looks at the world through a veil of tears. Help your pet: take a cotton swab dipped in boiled water or chamomile infusion and gently wipe his eyes. If you see that they are clean and clear, then everything is in order. If the appearance does not improve, call a veterinarian ophthalmologist.

When the cause of purulent discharge from the eyes of a kitten has already been established, you will have to treat it according to all the rules. Usually the doctor prescribes therapy for the underlying disease (injections, droppers, tablets), as well as solutions for local application. You will have to get pretty creative to do a good rinse. After all, an obstinate pet is unlikely to like this procedure. It is more convenient to wash the cat’s eyes together with an assistant.

  1. Hold the animal in one position by squeezing its paws.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in a warm Chlorhexidine solution.
  3. If the eyelids are stuck together from pus, you should moisten them and open them slightly.
  4. Squeeze the liquid from the swab into your pet's eye.

Causes of eye discharge in a kitten

In normal healthy condition a cat has a little light color coming out of its eyes clear liquid during the day. Increased lacrimation in animals, as in people, can be caused by external irritants: dust, strong wind, spray aerosols, bright light. As the irritant is eliminated, the tears disappear.

But sometimes the cause of discharge from the eyes in cats is diseases and disruption of the tear ducts. The nature of the discharge can tell about the possible cause.

Conventionally, factors that provoke discharge can be divided into two types:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases and disorders of non-infectious etiology.

Purulent discharge

Purulent secretion from a cat's eyes has a characteristic white, yellow or greenish color. The symptom indicates a bacterial infection. There are quite a lot of pathogens around that cause a purulent inflammatory process in the mucous membranes. Bacterial conjunctivitis treated with drops, antibiotic ointments, rinses antiseptic solutions. To find out exactly which drug will have a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms, you need to take an eye swab for a “culture tank”.

If only one eye of a cat festers, it is possible that a foreign body has entered it, which has led to an inflammatory process and the development of bacterial flora.

In any case, the pet should be shown to a veterinarian; self-treatment may worsen the situation.

Brown discharge

When adult cat or a kitten brown discharge from the eyes, most likely the problem is non-infectious.

The following factors can provoke brown secretion:

  • Uevitis (inflammation of the blood vessels of the eye).
  • Keratitis (inflammatory process in the cornea).
  • Trichiasis (location of eyelash bulbs in an atypical place).
  • Iridocyclitis (inflammation of the iris).
  • Glaucoma.
  • Turning of the eyelids.

Brown tears can occur when exposed to tear ducts foreign, irritating particles, with tumors compressing the ducts. In rare cases dark discharge may be associated with a viral or bacterial infection.

Another one, rare, but still possible reason why brown liquid flows from a cat's eye is nutrition (a mixture of natural food with cat food). It is highly recommended not to combine food from your table with food designed specifically for cats. This disrupts the animal’s intestinal microflora, impairs digestion and provokes various symptoms.

Various diseases of the organs of vision are characterized by discharged fluid different color, thickness and even smell. With the development of certain inflammatory, infectious processes tears “take on” a brown or reddish tint. All this is thanks to the pigment included in their composition.

In order to assign correct treatment, the doctor needs to figure out what is causing the brown discharge from the cat’s eyes. The reasons may be different, but two main groups can be distinguished: diseases associated with impaired tear production and excessive production of tears as a result of eye irritation.

* Our table is for informational purposes only. The final diagnosis will be made by a veterinarian-ophthalmologist.

** Please note that there are cat breeds (for example, Persian) for which brown discharge is normal. Due to their characteristic flat muzzle, their tear ducts are arranged in a special way.

Pus is an unpleasant substance and there are many varieties of it. Veterinarians distinguish:

  • serous;
  • slimy;
  • bloody;
  • and the actual purulent nature of nasal discharge.

As for baby kittens, they have purulent discharge from the nose often appear due to:

  • hypothermia;
  • malnutrition;
  • poor living conditions;
  • infections.

As you can see, dangerous diseases Cats that are not vaccinated on time are susceptible. When picking up a kitten on the street, be prepared for the fact that he will have a whole bunch of diseases. The sooner you show your foundling to the veterinarians, the better.

Exudate from the eyes is characteristic of several ophthalmological diseases:

  • Inflammation of the mucous wall of the eye -conjunctivitis. The disease manifests itself as redness of the conjunctiva, sometimes they become red with a brown or bluish tint. Conjunctivitis also causes photophobia, itching in the eye sockets, and profuse mucous or purulent discharge from the eyes. In this case, the conjunctival mucosa has varying degrees damage (wounds or ulcers).
  • Increased production of tears – epiphora. This pathology is usually a consequence of an allergy to any irritant or an instinctive reaction aimed at quickly eliminating foreign body, penetrated into visual organ. In pathological cases, epiphora occurs when the lacrimal duct is obstructed.
  • Inflammation choroid eyes – uveitis. The disease develops as a result of various infectious and/or invasive infections and is characterized by discharges of different consistency and color.
  • Inflammation of the cornea - keratitis. Viscous yellowish or greenish discharge is indicative of it. At the same time, the eyes run, the eyelids often stick together and become overgrown with crusts.


Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must establish an accurate diagnosis. To do this, he conducts a visual inspection, a series of laboratory research, and also interviews the owner about the condition of the pet.

It is necessary to provide the veterinarian with information about when the first discharge appeared, what consistency, color and smell it was, and what it is like now. And also, were there any injuries in Lately. What illness did the cat have, and how long has it been taking antihelminthic medications?

During the examination, the doctor performs a Schirmer test, which shows the amount of tears produced by the eye. Measures intraocular pressure. Using special preparations, it checks for damage to the cornea.

IN laboratory conditions a blood test is performed. This is necessary to determine the presence of viral or bacterial infections, cytological studies scrapings taken from the cornea of ​​the eye.

If necessary, carry out additional research: blood and secretions for PCR, nasal endoscopy, ultrasonography of the eye, dacryocystorhinography (study of the tear ducts), x-ray of the skull.

The veterinarian needs to determine the causes of the disease based on the data initial examination and laboratory results.

It is especially important for the doctor to obtain the following information:

  • At what point did the discharge appear?
  • Exudate parameters (transparency, color, viscosity, volume and frequency of discharge).
  • Presence of injuries to the eye or the area around them.
  • When were deworming activities carried out?
  • What has your pet been sick with lately?

To determine the pathogen, it is necessary to undergo tests (exudate from the eyes). Great value Medical history plays a role in determining the diagnosis. Any owner must have a passport for their pet, in which everything that happens is recorded by the attending physician.

Types of exudate

Exudate may differ in color and consistency, which says a lot about the causes of the disease:

  • Purulent exudate comes in a variety of shades, usually from white to yellow color, but sometimes green or brown exudate is also found. Sometimes the pus hardens; hard pus often retains its color.
  • Liquid discharge Brown They talk about epiphora - blockage of the nasolacrimal duct. This state can be distinguished by the expirations. They are more liquid, watery (thick pus) and at the same time abundant, observed in the corners of the eyes.
  • Red-brown exudate is also purulent. It occurs when a lot of red blood cells accumulate in the pus, which indicates a violation of the permeability of the capillaries of the conjunctiva or its mechanical damage.


The doctor will prescribe full treatment after an accurate diagnosis has been established. Because brown eye discharge in cats can be the result of a bacterial or viral infection, antibiotics or antiviral drugs. For external use, use antibacterial or antiviral ointments and drops. Eye washes are carried out.

In some cases, the cat is prescribed physical therapy. If the cause of the discharge is a tumor or abnormalities in the development of the eyelids, then it is possible surgical intervention.

If it is not immediately possible to show the animal to a specialist, it is necessary to cleanse the eyes of the released exudate yourself. The procedure can be performed using cotton pads soaked in saline solution, antiseptic, or herbal infusion of chamomile, calendula or sage.

You should wash your eyes up to 6 times a day, this will help relieve inflammation and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. It will also prevent secretions from lingering in the corners of the eyes and contributing to the development of infection. It should be remembered that even if manifestations of the disease arise from only one eye, both should always be washed.

Eye diseases in pets are quite common. Brown discharge from the eyes in cats may indicate serious problems with health. To preserve your vision, you must consult a doctor on time and carry out the prescribed treatment.

Sometimes for staging accurate diagnosis it takes time (for example, you need to culture microflora from the eyes). But treatment must be started immediately to avoid complications. When the diagnosis is clarified, the therapy is changed. First of all, eye rinsing is prescribed to alleviate the pet’s condition; the owner purchases the drops based on the doctor’s prescription.

To clean the eyes, you need cotton pads or sterile gauze pads, disinfectant or other medication prescribed by the doctor, as well as a treat for the kitten (to reward him after unpleasant procedures). The owner of the animal can carry out such procedures at home, since the procedure is simple.

Cleansing the animal's eyes is carried out in several stages:

  • The animal is securely restrained; at home, this will require the help of a second person.
  • Napkins or cotton pads are moistened with a medicinal or disinfectant solution.
  • With one hand you need to gently push your eyelids apart.
  • With the other hand, also gently remove debris and exudate from the eyes, moving to the inner corner of the eye from the outer one.
  • After the procedure they put medicinal ointment under your pet's sore eyelid.
  • So that the pet is not afraid of the next procedures, it is petted and treated with treats.

Sometimes physiotherapy (warming) is prescribed. In some cases, surgical intervention is required. In case of bacterial infection, you need to wash your eyes antibacterial agents. Systemic antibiotics may also be prescribed, which must be administered intramuscularly or given orally with food.

The treatment prescribed depends on the underlying cause identified. So, in case of systemic infections, the problem is dealt with by administering antibiotics to the animal. wide range actions and others antimicrobials. Tumors, dermoids, entropion, etc., are eliminated by resorting to surgery.

The owner himself can also help his pet. To do this, it is necessary to regularly remove the released exudate using a cotton pad soaked in warm saline solution. This should be done as often as possible, preventing the exudate from drying out with the subsequent formation of hard crusts. It will also not hurt to put tetracycline ointment into the conjunctival cavity, since this drug relieves inflammation and promotes accelerated regeneration of the affected organ.

Prevention of eye diseases in cats

We have listed the types of eye discharge. As you can see, they often arise as a result of poor animal care. Employees of cat shelters, looking for newborn kittens in basements and entrances, often encounter these problems. Persistent treatment, as a rule, gives good results, and healthy eyes can be restored.

But unpleasant discharge from the eyes they also occur in cats that live with their owner. If vaccinations against major infectious diseases are not carried out on time, animals can become victims of eye diseases. Therefore, veterinarians strongly advise vaccination on schedule. You also need to follow basic hygiene rules - periodically do wet cleaning and ventilate the room. By the way, this will benefit not only the pet, but also its owner!

Call the veterinarians of the Hermes clinic to your home in Moscow to make the correct diagnosis and carry out effective treatment.

To prevent your pet from suffering in the future, you need to follow some rules:

  • Regularly feed your pet vitamins
  • Maintain hygiene (clean the potty and bowl).
  • Carry out deworming annually.
  • Prevent contact with stray animals.

Any experienced breeder knows perfectly well that a cat’s health can be judged with confidence by its appearance. If the pet is disheveled, its fur is dry and lifeless, and its eyes are sluggish and clouded, there is no need to talk about “heroic” health. In addition, brown discharge from the eyes of cats in themselves often indicates that the animal has dangerous pathologies. The sooner you take your pet to the vet, the more likely the specialist will be able to help him.

It is important to understand that almost everything, somehow affecting the condition of the eyes, can lead to the appearance of brown exudate. A characteristic symptom this sign is not: any of hundreds of systemic pathologies can cause this phenomenon with equal probability.

At best, the appearance of brownish exudate is a sign of debris getting into the eyes with subsequent development. Therefore, high-quality, timely diagnosis plays a very important role.

The pet owner himself can help with this. His task is to closely monitor the pet. It is necessary to promptly notice signs indicating deterioration pathological process, promptly informing the veterinarian about this. Minor quantities brownish discharge in the corners of the eyes indicate that the treatment is working and in good condition sick animal, otherwise it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible. Therapy depends on the identified root cause of inflammation. We will talk about some of them below.

Predisposing factors

In veterinary practice it is more often detected following reasons, under the influence of which brownish exudate can be released from the cat’s eyes:

  • Congenital or acquired disorders of eyelash growth. So, in some animals, eyelashes from birth grow not outward, but inward. There are also rare cases when throughout inner surface the fur begins to appear in the eyelid. Of course, in such animals the cornea is constantly wounded and damaged, and develops chronic inflammation, which is accompanied by the release of large volumes of exudate.

Read also: The kitten is sneezing: reasons, what to do at home

  • Acquired or congenital anomalies anatomical structure century The most typical is their inversion. The result is the same as in the previous case. The eyelashes are in direct contact with the surface of the cornea.
  • Inflammation of the eyelids () or inflammation of the Meibomian glands. As we have already said, any systemic infection can lead to this result.
  • Prolapse (protrusion) of the lacrimal gland. The pathology is also known as “cherry eye”.
  • Benign tumors and oncological diseases.
  • third century.
  • Congenital and acquired anatomical defects of the lacrimal ducts. If they are clogged or crushed, the surface eyeball not wetted by tears. This leads to its drying out and the development of pathogenic (or conditionally pathogenic) microflora.
  • . They are quite common in dogs. Even if this pathology is suspected, it is necessary to urgently visit a veterinarian, since in advanced cases the entire eyeball has to be removed.
  • All forms, as well as injuries to the conjunctival membrane itself and the eyelids.

Of course, these are not all possible reasons. Below we list not so typical cases that are nevertheless encountered in world veterinary practice:

  • Eyes “flow” due to abrasions, scratches and other damage to the cornea.
  • Inflammation of the cornea (keratitis).
  • Congenital defects of the cornea and conjunctiva. In dogs, in particular, dermoids are often detected. This is what they call cystic benign formations, which contain epithelial mass, sebum, and hair. It happens that they are hard to the touch, but more often they reveal elastic or “plastic” neoplasms.
  • . This is an inflammation of the choroid of the eyeball. It is quite rare in dogs.
  • . The pathology is accompanied not only by inflammatory phenomena, exudate and pain, but also by a sharp increase intraocular pressure, which under certain conditions may lead to the need surgical removal eyeball.
  • Pathologies of the lens.
  • Chronic periodontal diseases. In such cases, brown discharge develops due to an infection that has ascended through the nasolacrimal duct into the conjunctival cavity.

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Diagnostic techniques

Since all eye diseases are potentially fraught with complete or partial loss of vision, the veterinarian, using the diagnostic algorithm below, strives to find out about the root cause of the pathology as quickly as possible:

  • Complete medical history and physical examination.
  • A Schirmer test is required. It helps to identify initial stage keratoconjunctivitis. To detect surface defects, ulcers and erosions of the cornea, the latest fluorescent compounds are applied to the surface. Tonometry is also indicated to determine intraocular pressure. If possible, all these tests should be performed by a veterinary ophthalmologist who can accurately interpret the test results.

  • Cytological examination of scrapings from the cornea and conjunctival cavity.
  • Carrying out a complete blood test and serological reactions. These techniques make it possible to identify systemic infections, provided they are present in the animal.

In doubtful and complex cases, when the above methods did not allow obtaining an unambiguous result, you should use narrower diagnostic methods:

  • Growing a pathogen culture on nutrient media.
  • Carrying out PCR reactions, as well as ELISA. They help make an accurate diagnosis if viral infections are suspected.
  • Microscopic examination of scrapings from the cornea and conjunctiva.
  • Selection of aspirates from neoplasms, if any, near the animal’s eyes.
  • It is useful to perform deep endoscopy of the nasal cavity. We have already said that infections from the sinuses of the skull can “make their way” into the eyes, so it would not be a bad idea to examine them.
  • Ultrasonography of the eye and surrounding soft tissues.
  • X-ray of the skull to identify fractures, sinus diseases and bone tumors.
  • Dacryocystorhinography. A method used to assess the condition of the tear ducts.
  • In ideal cases that are difficult to achieve, MRI is performed.

IN cat's eyes there is some kind of magical mystery involved. They attract with their depth and unusual pupil. Pet owners may encounter such a nuisance as cat discharge from the eyes. There can be several causes for a symptom, and in order to choose the right treatment, you need to find out what is causing the problem.

Causes of discharge

In a normal, healthy state, a cat will secrete a small amount of light, clear fluid from its eyes throughout the day. Increased lacrimation in animals, as in people, can be caused by external irritants: dust, strong wind, spray aerosols, bright light. As the irritant is eliminated, the tears disappear.

But sometimes the cause of discharge from the eyes in cats is diseases and disruption of the tear ducts. The nature of the discharge can tell about the possible cause.

Conventionally, factors that provoke discharge can be divided into two types:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases and disorders of non-infectious etiology.

Some cat breeds, such as Persians, small discharge dark (brown or reddish) color are considered normal. This is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the tear ducts due to the flattened muzzle.

Purulent discharge

Purulent secretion from a cat's eyes has a characteristic white, yellow or greenish color. The symptom indicates a bacterial infection. There are quite a lot of pathogens around that cause a purulent inflammatory process in the mucous membranes. Bacterial conjunctivitis is treated with drops, antibiotic ointments, and rinsing with antiseptic solutions. To find out exactly which drug will have a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms, you need to take an eye swab for a “culture tank”.

If only one eye of a cat festers, it is possible that a foreign body has entered it, which has led to an inflammatory process and the development of bacterial flora.

In any case, the pet should be shown to a veterinarian; self-treatment may worsen the situation.

Brown discharge

When an adult cat or kitten has brown discharge from the eyes, the problem is most likely non-infectious.

The following factors can provoke brown secretion::

  • Uevitis (inflammation of the blood vessels of the eye).
  • Keratitis (inflammatory process in the cornea).
  • Trichiasis (location of eyelash bulbs in an atypical place).
  • Iridocyclitis (inflammation of the iris).
  • Glaucoma.
  • Turning of the eyelids.

Brown tears can occur when foreign, irritating particles enter the tear ducts, or when tumors compress the ducts. In rare cases, dark discharge is associated with a viral or bacterial infection.

Another, rare, but still possible reason why a cat has brown liquid flowing from its eye is nutrition (a mixture of natural food with cat food). It is highly recommended not to combine food from your table with food designed specifically for cats. This disrupts the animal’s intestinal microflora, impairs digestion and provokes various symptoms.

What to do

Before treating brown discharge, you need to figure out what the cat is sick with. If the animal has uevitis or trichiasis, ordinary rinses will not help. Special medications are required, and for trichiasis, surgery is required. You should not self-medicate, it can harm your pet. The cat must be taken to veterinary clinic and undergo examination.

Copious clear discharge

The kitten's eyes are running, a lot of clear or cloudy fluid is released - a symptom may indicate a viral infection. Viruses do not cause suppuration, but provoke inflammation. The disease is dangerous because at first it can be easily confused with a banal eye irritation. If the virus is not treated, it can cause serious pathologies in the lacrimal duct system.

One of the common viral diseases cats have calcivirus. The infection has the following symptoms:

  • Transparent copious discharge from the eyes, nose.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Red ulcers appear on the mucous membranes in the mouth.
  • The cat loses its appetite and becomes lethargic.
  • There is sneezing and heavy breathing.

The pet owner often does not pay attention to the first signs, which leads to a severe form of the disease.

Treatment for a cat's eyes due to a viral infection is prescribed by a veterinarian. If treated in a timely manner, the disease responds well to treatment.


Discharge from the eyes of cats can be harmless and can be easily gotten rid of with rinsing. herbal infusions or antiseptic solutions. But the reason may be quite serious illnesses threatening the animal with blindness. Don't delay visiting the veterinarian. Only a specialist can identify the etiology of the discharge and prescribe proper treatment.

Yellow, green, brown discharge from the eyes of cats occurs due to purulent inflammation of the tissues. Discharges can be observed when the whites of the eyes, conjunctiva, and lacrimal apparatus are damaged. All these diseases are dangerous. Self-treatment pet can lead to very severe consequences, the result may be blindness. Purulent inflammation always caused by bacteria, so antibiotics are widely used in treatment.

Exudate from the eyes is characteristic of several ophthalmological diseases:

  • Inflammation of the mucous wall of the eye -. The disease manifests itself as redness of the conjunctiva, sometimes they become red with a brown or bluish tint. Conjunctivitis also causes photophobia, itching in the eye sockets, and profuse or discharge from the eyes. In this case, the conjunctival mucosa has varying degrees of damage (wounds or ulcers).
  • Increased production of tears – epiphora. This pathology is usually the result of an allergy to some irritant or an instinctive reaction aimed at the speedy elimination of a foreign body that has penetrated the visual organ. In pathological cases, epiphora occurs when the lacrimal duct is obstructed.
  • Inflammation of the choroid of the eye - uveitis. The disease develops as a result of various infectious and/or invasive infections and is characterized by discharges of different consistency and color.
  • Inflammation of the cornea - keratitis. Viscous yellowish or greenish discharge is indicative of it. At the same time, the eyes run, the eyelids often stick together and become overgrown with crusts.

Factors causing pathology

Since several diseases can lead to purulent discharge from the eyes, then causing reasons so many:

  • infectious diseases. In particular, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, calcivirosis, chlamydia and others;
  • invasive diseases. Toxoplasmosis is most often detected, but other helminthiases are also possible;
  • for dust, pollen, chemical vapors;
  • chronic non-infectious pathologies: diabetes, damage to the liver, kidneys, digestive organs;
  • mechanical damage;
  • penetration of hair into the eye (registered in long-haired pets);
  • breed predisposition;
  • old age.


The veterinarian needs to determine the causes of the disease based on the initial examination and laboratory results.

If the discharge from the eyes is brown, yellow or green, this indicates a bacterial infection.

It is especially important for the doctor to obtain the following information:

  • At what point did the discharge appear?
  • Exudate parameters (transparency, color, viscosity, volume and frequency of discharge).
  • Presence of injuries to the eye or the area around them.
  • When were deworming activities carried out?
  • What has your pet been sick with lately?

To determine the pathogen, it is necessary to undergo tests (exudate from the eyes). Medical history plays a huge role in determining the diagnosis. Any owner must have a passport for their pet, in which everything that happens is recorded by the attending physician.

Types of exudate

Exudate may differ in color and consistency, which says a lot about the causes of the disease:

  • Purulent exudate It comes in various shades, usually from white to yellow, but sometimes green or brown exudate is also found. Sometimes the pus hardens; hard pus often retains its color.
  • Brown liquid discharge They talk about epiphora - blockage of the nasolacrimal duct. This state can be distinguished by the expirations. They are more liquid, watery (thick pus) and at the same time abundant, observed in the corners of the eyes.
  • Red-brown exudate is also purulent. It occurs when a lot of red blood cells accumulate in the pus, which indicates a violation of the permeability of the capillaries of the conjunctiva or its mechanical damage.

Treatment of the disease

Sometimes it takes time to make an accurate diagnosis (for example, you need to culture microflora from the eyes). But treatment must be started immediately to avoid complications. When the diagnosis is clarified, the therapy is changed. First of all, eye rinsing is prescribed to alleviate the pet’s condition; the owner purchases the drops based on the doctor’s prescription.

To clean the eye, you need cotton pads or sterile gauze wipes, a disinfectant or other drug prescribed by the doctor, as well as a treat for the kitten (to reward it after unpleasant procedures). The owner of the animal can carry out such procedures at home, since the procedure is simple.

Cleansing the animal's eyes is carried out in several stages:

  • The animal is securely restrained; at home, this will require the help of a second person.
  • Napkins or cotton pads are moistened with a medicinal or disinfectant solution.
  • With one hand you need to gently push your eyelids apart.
  • With the other hand, also gently remove debris and exudate from the eyes, moving to the inner corner of the eye from the outer one.
  • After the procedure, a medicinal ointment is placed under the pet’s sore eyelid.
  • So that the pet is not afraid of the next procedures, it is petted and treated with treats.

Sometimes physiotherapy (warming) is prescribed. In some cases, surgical intervention is required. In case of bacterial infection, you need to wash your eyes with antibacterial agents. Systemic antibiotics may also be prescribed, which must be administered intramuscularly or given orally with food. The duration of the course of treatment is determined and prescribed by the doctor; usually for a bacterial infection it lasts from 5-7 to 14-20 days, it all depends on the type of pathogen.


To prevent your pet from suffering in the future, you need to follow some rules:

  • Regularly feed your pet vitamins
  • Maintain hygiene (clean the potty and bowl).
  • Carry out deworming annually.
  • Prevent contact with stray animals.

One of the most vulnerable organs in animals is the eyes. They, like a mirror, reflect the state of health pet. Discharge from the eyes may indicate that pathology is developing in the body. At the same time, you need to understand that there is a difference between the usual dry crusts that appear in a pet after waking up and purulent discharge.


Festering eyes are not an independent disease, but only a symptom, and veterinarians identify many causes.

One of the most common is ophthalmological pathologies:

  1. Conjunctivitis is a harmless disease that is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  2. Keratitis - damage to the cornea due to trauma, burns chemicals, infections, allergies.
  3. Blepharitis is an inflammation of the edges of the eyelids caused by bacteria.
  4. Injuries to the mucous membrane. Minor damage heals on its own. In large wounds caused by sharp objects (claws, branches), an inflammatory process with suppuration of the eyes may occur.

Often kittens are born with pathologies of the organ of vision. The defects cause watery eyes and discharge of pus. So, the baby may have no lacrimal punctum, the lower eyelid may be wrapped in inner side, eyelashes grow in several rows, etc. Other reasons causing suppuration include:

  • poor quality care, lack of hygiene;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • decreased immunity;
  • colds caused by drafts and hypothermia;
  • allergy;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • chlamydia;
  • heredity.

The eyes can fester in any animal, regardless of gender and age. Breeds such as Scottish, British, and Persian are especially susceptible to this pathology. This is explained anatomical features skulls


It is impossible not to notice that a cat’s eyes are festering. As a rule, suppuration is accompanied by other signs. Cats are very clean, so waste causes them severe discomfort. The animal blinks frequently and constantly rubs its muzzle, trying to get rid of dried crusts.

The eyes become red, swollen, watery, and yellow, green or brown pus is released from them. The fur near the eyelids darkens and a dense crust forms around it, preventing the cat from opening them completely.

A previously active and cheerful pet becomes lethargic, apathetic, refuses to eat, and tries to hide in a dark place, away from the light. In some cases, the temperature rises.

If you notice purulent discharge from your four-legged pet, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. If this is not possible, then you need to rinse the eyes, but still show the animal to a specialist.


First, the doctor examines the animal for injuries, collects information about its state of health, and finds out what chronic diseases available. Next, to make a diagnosis, the veterinarian needs to carry out a series of diagnostic studies, including studying the frequency and consistency of discharge.

In some cases it is necessary to carry out ultrasound examination of the affected eye and x-ray of the skull.

Treatment, prognosis

There is no single treatment for purulent eyes in a cat. The veterinarian develops an individual regimen depending on the disease, with the elimination of which the problem of purulent discharge will disappear.

Must be registered eye drops and ointments, which are divided into three groups:

  1. Antiseptic (bactericidal). The composition includes polysept, anesthesin and other components that help eliminate painful sensations. The most effective are drugs such as Oftalmosan, Lakrikan.
  2. Antibacterial. Shown when bacterial infections. Tsiprovet, Dekta-2, Lacrimin aseptic have proven themselves well. They relieve inflammation and successfully treat chronic diseases of the organs of vision.
  3. Immunomodulatory. Appointed when inflammatory processes And viral infections. As a rule, the veterinarian prescribes Anandin and Maxidin. They strengthen immune system, accelerate wound healing and suppress viral activity.

The medicine and dosage are determined by the veterinarian. Before applying ointment or instilling drops, the eyes must be cleaned of pus and crusts using a disinfectant solution.

Congenital anomalies are corrected surgically.

What to do at home

The owner must follow the veterinarian's instructions. Self-medication is dangerous and can make the situation worse.

You can wash your cat's eyes with chamomile decoction, a solution boric acid, furatsilina. The pet is unlikely to accept this manipulation with delight, so it is advisable to perform the procedure together: one person holds the cat, the second treats its eyes, and then instills the drug.

The solution used must be warm. Rinsing is carried out with a cotton pad, twisted into a tourniquet, until the pus from the eye is completely removed. Only after this the drug is used.

Do not use a dry disc cotton swabs, as they can injure the organs of vision.

Prevention measures

Any disease can be prevented, and ophthalmic pathologies are no exception. In order to detect the disease in time, you need to regularly examine your eyes and contact a specialist at the first symptoms. The fact of purulent discharge cannot be ignored, because the disease can take chronic form and it will be more difficult to cure it.

Measures to prevent eye pathologies include compliance with hygiene requirements, proper care, balanced diet, application anthelmintic drugs, injury prevention, limiting contact with stray animals.

If your pet is scratched in the eye area, the wound must be treated immediately to prevent infection. He should not be allowed to scratch the damaged area.
