Drug treatment of nervous tics in children. Reasons for the development of nervous tics in children and methods of treating the pathology. Possible causes of tics in children

Nervous tics are obsessive, involuntary and repetitive muscle contractions that can be random or mimic targeted movements and vocalisms. This disease occurs by various reasons, but always has a neurological nature.

The first symptoms usually occur in childhood or adolescence. This disease is diagnosed in 6-10% of children aged 6-7 years. The most common manifestations of the disease are blinking, coughing and sniffling. Boys are prone to tics more often than girls.


Most often, this pathological condition manifests itself in a child during crisis periods of life (at 5-7 and 10-11 years). Often occurs as a result of acute emotional experiences, sometimes it is a consequence of damage to the central nervous system or lack of magnesium in the body. Facial muscle tics can be caused by inflammation on the face.

Main reasons:

  1. Psychogenic. This nervous tic occurs in children between five and seven years old; at this age they are most emotionally vulnerable. Psycho-emotional trauma (family quarrels, dislike of parents, feelings of loneliness, increased demands on the child) often causes tics.
  2. Symptomatic. The disease is provoked by birth trauma, tumor or cerebral ischemia, or previous viral diseases.
  3. Hereditary. Tourette syndrome runs in families, although its manifestations may vary.

Contributing factors:

  1. Disorders of the central nervous system. Tics often affect hyperactive children, children with attention deficit disorder and minimal brain dysfunction.
  2. Stress. In cases of nervous shock (death of relatives, divorce of parents, etc.), the risk of tics reaches 80%.
  3. Start of school. Neurologists call this the “September 1st tick.” It occurs in first-graders when they adapt to school.
  4. Influence external factors. For example, conjunctivitis can cause repeated blinking.


Depending on the causes of occurrence, tics are divided into:

  • organic;
  • psychogenic;
  • neurosis-like;
  • reflex;
  • tic-like hyperkinesis;
  • idiopathic.

Depending on the number of muscles involved, there are:

  • local - one muscle group is involved;
  • generalized - several muscle groups are involved.

Depending on the number of elements, ticks are:

  • simple - consist of one movement (twitching of the eye muscle);
  • complex - a whole group of coordinated, uncontrolled movements (bouncing) is involved.

By nature of manifestation:

  • facial expressions - winking, blinking, smacking;
  • motor - clapping hands, jumping, stamping, shrugging;
  • vocal - coughing, grunting, sniffling, sniffling, phrases, words, curses;
  • ritual - walking in a circle, from side to side.

By duration:

  • temporary - last no more than a year;
  • chronic - appear regularly over several years.

Tick ​​eyes in children

Usually the cause of the disease remains unclear.

Before contacting a neurologist or psychotherapist, parents can independently provide all possible assistance:

  1. Soothing herbal tinctures with plantain, mint, nettle.
  2. Vitamin complexes containing magnesium and calcium.
  3. An ordinary cold compress, which is placed on the eyes for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Review your child's diet:
  • add: nuts, soy, bran, watermelon, blueberries, black currants, dairy products, fish and herbs;
  • exclude: coffee, strong tea, chocolate, carbonated drinks.

There are simple and complex eye tics:

  1. In simple cases, the reflex movement of the eye muscle occurs once.
  2. In case of complex eye pain, double or prolonged muscle contraction is observed, accompanied by additional movements.

Features of the disease in adolescents

The peak manifestations of nervous tics occur at 10-12 years of age, then the symptoms become less pronounced. In adolescents, these symptoms often occur against a background of unrecognized depression and increased anxiety. Therefore, it is very important to find out the cause and, if possible, eliminate it.

Tics in adolescents most often occur due to:

  • puberty;
  • psychotraumatic situation;
  • violations of the emotional-volitional sphere;
  • contradictory upbringing and despotism of parents;
  • high school load (in private schools and gymnasiums).
  • increased anxiety.


Symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately, and sometimes the child may not be aware of them. People around you usually notice strange behavior. Then the sick person himself begins to feel the onset of an attack and can briefly suppress it through an effort of will.

Tics often begin with a growing feeling of tension that you want to get rid of. This feeling intensifies if the child tries to restrain himself. Afterwards there comes temporary relief.

Expressiveness pathological condition depends on many factors, such as time of year, time of day, psycho-emotional state of the child. Vivid emotions (anger, joy) increase the frequency of attacks. And with concentration and during sleep, they can completely disappear.


The diagnosis is made by a neurologist, excluding mental disorders and brain damage. Sometimes vocal tics are mistaken for promiscuous behavior, so a doctor's diagnosis is very important.

Parents can observe the following features of the disease:

  1. If a child tries hard, a weak tic can be stopped by force of will.
  2. Nervous tics in children can migrate, changing their location.
  3. Tics never bother a child when he is sleeping, but they become stronger from excitement.

A psychotherapist can diagnose:

  • decreased memory and attention;
  • decreased mental performance;
  • movement disorders;
  • depression;
  • restlessness.


Treatment depends on the causes of occurrence, and is carried out only under the supervision of a neurologist with the involvement of other specialists.

  1. If a nervous tic is caused organic process in the central nervous system, treatment is aimed at the underlying disease.
  2. Treatment of this condition, which arises due to stress, is aimed at relieving the child’s external and internal stress. For this purpose, sedatives and restoratives, baths and massage are prescribed.
  3. A psychotherapist can help the child with light suggestion, and also work with the whole family.
  4. To normalize the disturbed emotional background, mild sedatives are used.
  5. Some children benefit from close contact with horses and dolphins.
  6. Neurosurgical intervention is used only in the most severe cases. However, such treatment is practically not prescribed to children.

Temporary tics are usually mild and do not require treatment. They can gradually either go away completely or become almost invisible.

Prevention and prognosis

The prognosis of the disease is favorable in 90% of cases. The severity of symptoms will decrease significantly if parents lower their demands on the child and do not focus on his shortcomings. Regular exercise, long walks in the air, and a daily routine agreed with a neurologist have a very positive effect.

Every mother dreams that her little miracle will grow strong and healthy child. Alas, no matter how hard she tries, sooner or later the baby gets sick. While many are prepared for viral infections and various acute respiratory infections, a nervous tic in a child can frighten even the most experienced parents. To provide timely assistance, avoid complications and simply save your own nerves, it is enough to know basic information about the disease: symptoms, causes, types and treatment.

Nervous tics can occur not only in an adult, but also in a child - parents should pay attention to the symptom Special attention

What is a nervous tic and how to distinguish it from other similar disorders?

A nervous tic can be described as a sudden and involuntary brief movement of the face or limbs caused by muscle contraction. In certain cases it is accompanied by sounds. Externally you can observe in a child:

  • blinking;
  • twitching of the corners of the mouth or cheeks;
  • wincing and shrugging;
  • raising eyebrows;
  • head throwing and more.

Tics can appear in children between the ages of 2 and 18, but most often they can be found in children aged 3 and 7-11 years. According to statistics, 20% of children under 10 years of age suffer from a tic disorder - this is every fifth child.

It is important to be able to distinguish a nervous tic from a convulsive one muscle contractions that may accompany another disease. These signs include:

  1. A child's ability to produce, partially control, and temporarily suppress tics.
  2. The dependence of the frequency of tics on the child’s mood, activity, time of year and even time of day.
  3. Absence of tics during voluntary movements (drinking from a cup, eating with a spoon, etc.).
  4. Change of localization. For example, twitching of the corners of the mouth over time can turn into a shrug or blinking. You need to understand: most likely, this is a new attack of an old disease, and not another disease.

When a child is focused and highly engaged in an interesting activity, nervous tics may weaken and sometimes stop completely. After finishing playing, drawing, reading or other activity, symptoms return with new strength. Also, the child’s prolonged stay in the same position can intensify the manifestation of tics.

Children susceptible to this disorder have noticeable impairments in attention and perception. Their movements cease to be smooth and coordinated; difficulty in performing habitual motor acts can be noted. In particularly severe cases, the child may suffer from impaired spatial perception.

When a child draws or does something else that interests him, the tic often temporarily recedes

Classification of nervous tics

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Firstly, there are two types of tics:

  • simple;
  • complex.

The first type includes tics that affect only one specific muscle group: the eyes or head, arms or legs. Complex tics are a combined contraction of several different muscle groups at once.

Secondly, tics are divided based on their external manifestation:

  • motor;
  • vocal;
  • rituals;
  • generalized forms.

The first type includes: blinking, shrugging shoulders, throwing back the head, twitching the corners of the mouth or cheeks and other involuntary body movements. Vocal tics got their name as a result of their sound - sniffing, sniffing or coughing. Constantly repeating actions of the same type - walking back and forth or in a circle - are referred to as so-called rituals. With the latter form of tics, the child exhibits several variants of them at once.

The literature describes the classic path of symptoms: first blinking, then sniffling, coughing, then shoulder movements and complex repetitive movements of the arms and legs, plus speech stereotypes that arise several years after the disease (“say no” - “no, no, no”) "). However, in practice such a picture is rare. So, if the onset of a tic coincides with a cold, then during this period overstimulation of the nasopharynx will lead to coughing or sniffling, and blinking will join later. In this case, one symptom can transform into another, single signs are replaced by their combinations. In the absence of qualified assistance and delay in treatment, a severe form of tic disorder may develop - de la Tourette's syndrome - a combination of voice and multiple voices. movement disorders, plus hyperactivity with attention deficit and obsessive fears.

From a medical point of view, the following forms of nervous tics are distinguished:

  • transient, in other words transitional;
  • chronic.

In the first case, the child develops complex or simple varieties of tics, which are repeated every day for a month, but not longer than a year. It is very difficult for a child to control such mannered and rapidly repeating movements. The chronic form of the disorder can last more than a year with almost daily, but not simultaneous, repetition of different types of nervous tics.

Causes of the disease

Before you begin to treat a disorder in your baby, you need to find out its cause. These could be:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. The likelihood of the disorder occurring in children increases in a family where one of the close relatives suffers from a similar disease.
  2. Parental behavior and family atmosphere. Of course, genetics and the environment play an important role in the formation of a child’s personality, his character traits and the ability to adequately respond to external stimuli, but the family and its internal state play a primary role in this. Bright pronounced violation in the relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication between parents and children and among themselves, it provokes unnatural behavior and anomalies in the child’s character. Constant prohibitions and comments, strict control and tension, endless screams can lead to inhibition of physiological activity, which, in turn, can result in one of the forms of nervous tics in the future. The situation with permissiveness and connivance can end in a similar way, so in raising children it is necessary to find a middle ground, which is individual for each child, depending on his temperament and personal qualities.

The causes of tics refute the widespread myth that only restless and excitable children are susceptible to this nervous disorder, because at a certain period of their lives absolutely all children are nervous, capricious and uncontrollable.

Factors that provoke tics

What exactly can trigger the appearance of tics? The answer is obvious - psychological stress caused by the child’s inability to independently cope with a problem or a difficult situation for him.

Quarrels or strained relationships between parents are acutely felt by the child, even if he does not see confirmation of his guesses. This may be one of the causes of tic condition

For parents, the situation may remain mundane and they may well not notice that their child has suffered psychological trauma. As a result, the baby begins to demand more attention, does not want to stay and play alone, then facial expressions change, unconscious movements and gestures begin to appear, which are especially noticeable when the baby is emotionally excited or worried. It is they who subsequently turn into nervous tics. Also, severe long-term ENT diseases such as tonsillitis, ARVI or eye diseases can also cause tics.

Diagnosis of the disease

You should start treatment immediately after your doctor makes a diagnosis. This will require an examination by a neurologist and mandatory examination mental and emotional state of the little patient. The latter will help to find out the causes and factors that caused the appearance of tics, find out their nature and adjust future treatment.

Sometimes it may be necessary to make a diagnosis additional measures: psychiatrist consultation, magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography. They should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Stages of treatment

First, you need to eliminate the influence of factors that cause tics. At the same time, it is important to adhere to sleep and nutritional regimes, to ensure that physical exercise the babies were adequate. There are several stages of treatment for such a nervous disorder:

  1. Family psychotherapy. First of all, it is necessary for families in which the internal tense situation directly affects psychological condition child. This practice would also be useful for families in which the child grows up in a favorable and harmonious atmosphere - this will only benefit relationships within the family and prevent possible mistakes in future.
  2. Correction with a psychologist. In individual lessons, using a variety of psychological techniques, the child is helped to cope with internal feelings of anxiety and discomfort and increase self-esteem. With the help of conversations and games, they stimulate the development of lagging areas mental activity: memory, self-control, attention (see also:). On group classes there are children with similar diseases or disorders, and the main idea of ​​the classes is to create conflict situations V game form. Thus, the child learns to behave in conflicts, to look for possible solutions and draw conclusions. Additionally, the sphere of communication and communication with others is developing.
  3. Drug treatment. You should resort to the last method of treatment only if all the previous ones did not have the desired effect. Appoints medications pediatric neurologist based on data from all examinations.

You should be seriously concerned about this disease if symptoms appear before the age of three - this may indicate the presence of another mental illness. If tics appear later, then you should not panic ahead of time, as Dr. Komarovsky often recommends. Tics that appear at the age of 3-6 years decrease over time, and those that appear at the age of 6-8 years can be completely cured without consequences.

Every parent dreams of their child growing up healthy and happy. But no baby is immune from the disease. And if most mothers are prepared for viral infections or colds and cope with them successfully, then a nervous tic in a beloved child can frighten even very experienced parents. To help your child, restore his health and prevent complications, you need to have information about what causes nervous tics and how to behave in this situation.

What is pathology

Nervous tics can be characterized as arrhythmic, repetitive, sudden movements of certain parts of the body. In fact, this is a type of hyperkinesis, that is, involuntary muscle contractions. There are no obsessive movements during sleep; the child suffers from them only while awake. A nervous tic may not be recognized by children or may be perceived as a physiological need.

Psychologists say that it is possible to stop an obsessive tic, but this is tantamount to interrupting the act of sneezing, that is, it leads to significant internal discomfort.

Tics themselves do not cause significant discomfort to the baby; he may not even notice them. Concerned parents who see “abnormal” repetitive movements most often perceive them as bad habit and try to wean the child away from it, constantly making comments or pulling back. This is also facilitated by the fact that several different muscle groups can be involved in the process at the same time, and this gives the pathology the appearance of purposeful and conscious movements.

Through an effort of will, the baby is able to suppress obsessive hyperkinesis for some time. But internal tension in such a situation grows, and after a certain time the tics return, and more pronounced.

A nervous tic is a type of hyperkinesis, involuntary muscle contractions.

According to researchers, about a quarter of all children of preschool, primary and secondary school age are susceptible to tics. This phenomenon is often observed at 3–4 years and at 5–7 years - at the stage of adaptation in children's preschool institutions and schools. Boys are affected approximately three times more often than girls. In most cases, tic hyperkinesis does not cause serious harm to health and disappears without a trace with age, therefore medical assistance The parents of only a small proportion of these children apply. But sometimes tics are very pronounced, appear in late adolescence and cause significant harm to the psycho-emotional and physical state of the child.

In children under one year old, mothers often notice the so-called tremor (shaking) of the chin, limbs, lips, which is a physiological condition and goes away over time - by 3-4 months. If this does not happen and the trembling begins to be accompanied by stereotypical twitching, then we may be talking about congenital pathologies nervous system. Then urgent consultation with a specialist is required.

Up to two years of age, nervous tics appear extremely rarely, but if this phenomenon is present in an infant, then most likely the cause is a congenital disorder of the nervous system

The severity and duration of the disease is influenced by the age of the child at which it manifested. At the same time, the timing of the onset of the disease often indicates its cause:

  • in children under three years of age, nervous tics indicate a serious neurological problem, usually congenital;
  • From 3 to 10 years, children suffer from tics of a psychogenic nature, while at puberty, as a rule, regression of symptoms is observed.

Doctors say that tics are a borderline condition, so the phenomenon should be considered from the point of view of several specialists: a neurologist, pediatrician, psychologist and psychiatrist.

Video: tics in children

Classification of nervous tics in children

Nervous tics in children have various forms and manifestations. Even an experienced specialist is sometimes unable to quickly understand the situation. The classification of pathology is primarily based on the state of the child’s nervous system, that is, the presence or absence of organic brain damage. In this regard, hyperkinesis is divided into primary (idiopathic or functional) and secondary.

Nervous tics are said to be primary if they are the only manifestation nervous disorders. This type of tics usually occurs after 5 years. When hyperkinesis appears before the age of five, it is necessary to consider the possibility that it is secondary, that is, against the background of another neurological disease.

Tics are motor (muscular, motor) and vocal (phonic, that is, vocal).

According to the strength of manifestations, primary tics are:

  • single, or local, in which only one muscle or a whole group is involved in the process, but during the entire period of the disease it is precisely this obsessive movement that dominates;
  • multiple (widespread), which appear simultaneously in different muscle groups.

Both phonic and motor hyperkinesis can be complex or simple.

Tics can be simple and complex, motor and vocal, sometimes combined

The generalized form is a collection of complex vocal and motor tics of a widespread nature. This complex symptom is manifested by a hereditary pathology - Tourette's syndrome.

Tics can vary in duration. In this regard, they distinguish:

  • A transient (transient) form, which can last from 2 weeks to 1 year, and then disappears without a trace. After some time, the tics may return.
  • Chronic, characterized by a duration of more than a year. In this case, hyperkinesis can be of a different nature, over time pass in one part of the body and begin in another.

Causes of pathology

Secondary and primary tic hyperkinesis have different provoking factors. But the development mechanism is always similar.

The basis is a deficiency of the dopaminergic system. The subcortical nuclei (basal ganglia) and frontal lobes, whose activity is regulated by the neurotransmitter dopamine. The lack of this substance causes an increase in the activity of the basal ganglia, which entails an excess of nerve impulses. The latter are carried out to the skeletal muscles. At the points of contact between muscle and nerve fibers, acetylcholine is released excessively and uncontrolled muscle contractions occur.

The appearance of tic hyperkinesis is based on a disruption of the normal functioning of the dopaminergic system

Various provoking factors can lead to primary tics:

  • Strong psycho-emotional shocks. This is the most common reason obsessive tics in children. The source can be either acute psychological trauma, for example, severe fear, or chronic stress: a dysfunctional family environment, insufficient parental attention, or, on the contrary, excessive control and demandingness on the part of older family members.

    An unfavorable family environment can provoke a nervous tic in a child.

  • Adaptation period in kindergarten or school. This is the so-called “September 1 tick”. An unusual environment, new rules, a change in lifestyle and daily routine are always a significant shock for a child.

    Nervous shock when entering school can provoke a nervous tic in the baby

  • Poor nutrition. A lack of magnesium and calcium in the body can lead to convulsive muscle activity, since these microelements are involved in the functioning of the muscular system. This point also includes a passion for psychostimulants. Energy drinks, strong tea or coffee lead to exhaustion of the nervous system, which can be expressed by emotional lability, irritability and nervous tics. Of course, teenage children suffer more often from such manifestations.
  • Constant overwork due to chronic lack of sleep, large study loads, prolonged work at the computer, frequent reading in a poorly lit room leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the extrapyramidal system and, as a consequence, to tic hyperkinesis.

    Heavy loads lead to chronic fatigue and can provoke the appearance of nervous tics

  • Hereditary predisposition. If one of the parents suffered from tics, then the pathology will be transmitted to the child with a 50% probability.

    If a close relative of the child suffered from tics, then the baby may have the same problem with a 50% probability

Secondary tic hyperkinesis occurs against the background of existing pathologies of the nervous system. It can be:

  • congenital and hereditary syndromes accompanied by brain disorders, for example, Tourette's syndrome or Huntington's chorea;
  • traumatic brain injuries, congenital and acquired;
  • brain neoplasia;
  • encephalitis of various origins;
  • infectious lesions - cytomegalovirus, streptococcal or herpes infection;
  • poisoning with opiates, carbon dioxide;
  • taking certain medications - anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, antidepressants, stimulants.

Ticotic hyperkinesis in childhood often accompanied by nervous system disorders such as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), cerebrasthenic syndrome, various phobias, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Phobias in childhood may be accompanied by tic hyperkinesis


Typically, nervous tics first appear in children under 11 years of age and are expressed by blinking; in a third of cases, vocal tics are observed, both individually and in combination with motor ones. Phonic tics are initially manifested by sniffing or coughing or grunting. Usually, with tic hyperkinesis, the symptoms intensify and reach a maximum at 10–12 years, then the manifestations begin to decline. At the age of 17–18, half of all children with tics are completely freed from the pathology.

Manifestations of motor tics

Motor tics can be manifested by the following movements:

  • frequent blinking of one or both eyes;
  • closing your eyes;
  • wrinkling of the forehead or nose;
  • stretching or biting the lips, pulling them out with a tube;
  • turning the head or shaking, nodding;
  • twitching of a limb or head;
  • bending fingers, clenching and unclenching fists.

All these movements can be combined with each other.

Motor tics can manifest as various grimaces

Signs of phonic hyperkinesis

Phonic tics manifest themselves as follows:

  • sniffling or sniffling;
  • slight coughing, clearing throat;
  • hissing, groaning;
  • snort;
  • sobs, screams;
  • grunt;
  • squeals.

Complex tics

  • active gestures;
  • jumping;
  • squats;
  • tilting;
  • obsessive touching of objects.

Phonic complex tics are manifested by repeated repetitions of certain words or syllables, phrases, in some cases even swear words. The child may also constantly hum a certain melody.

If complex motor and sound tic hyperkinesis are combined, then we are talking about a generalized form of pathology.


A pediatric neurologist makes a diagnosis and provides therapy. It is to this specialist that the child should be taken if the following factors are present:

  • obsessive movements have not gone away for more than a month;
  • tics are very pronounced;
  • have a multiple complex nature;
  • hyperkinesis causes serious physical discomfort;
  • the child has problems with social adaptation.

The doctor will ask the parents in detail about the onset of the disease, the main manifestations, whether relatives had tics, whether there have been stressful situations, what medications the baby is taking, whether there have been injuries or infections.

During the inspection, an assessment is made of:

  • general development of the child’s nervous system and muscular system;
  • motor and sensory functions;
  • reflexes.

At an appointment with a neurologist, parents are interviewed and the child is thoroughly examined.

Additional examinations include:

  • laboratory:
    • clinical blood test - allows you to identify inflammatory process (high ESR, leukocytosis);
    • blood for biochemistry - helps to diagnose pathologies internal organs which can cause brain damage and lead to hyperkinesis; pay attention to the level of cholesterol, glucose, bilirubin, various enzymes, uric acid and creatinine;
    • ionogram - determination of the level of magnesium and calcium in the blood serum;
    • examination of stool for helminth eggs;
  • hardware:

An electroencephalogram makes it possible to assess the functional activity of individual areas of the brain

Consultation with other specialists is often required:

  • a child psychiatrist or psychologist if the tic appeared for the first time after severe stress;
  • infectious disease specialist - if there is a possibility of infectious brain damage;
  • toxicologist - in case of poisoning with drugs or chemicals;
  • oncologist - in case of suspected brain tumor;
  • genetics - if relatives have tic hyperkinesis.


Therapy for nervous tics may include different methods:

  • lifestyle correction;
  • psychological support;
  • medicines;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk remedies.

Non-drug methods

Non-drug methods are mainly used for primary form pathology or for secondary tics as part of complex treatment.

The goal of such therapy is to restore normal functioning of the central nervous system, metabolic processes, and normalize the child’s psycho-emotional balance. For this purpose, a course of individual psychocorrection is carried out, work with parents is aimed at creating a calm family environment.


A course of individual psychotherapy significantly improves the child’s emotional state, leads to normalization of sleep, elimination of anxiety and completely relieves tics or reduces their intensity.

Individual sessions with a psychologist or psychotherapist can completely free a child from tics

Work is also carried out with parents, who must understand that tics are not bad habit and not pampering, but a disease. Therefore, a child should not be scolded, punished or forced to control himself. The wrong attitude of parents towards the problem can greatly aggravate it.

Particular attention should be paid to the daily routine: the child should get enough rest and not overwork. Sleep must be of the correct duration, since it is at this time that the nervous system is restored.

Child nutrition

A properly formulated diet and diet is an integral part of the comprehensive treatment of tics. It is advisable to teach a child to eat at certain hours, but in no case should he be left hungry if he wants to eat ahead of time, or forced when it is time for lunch and there is no appetite.

The main rules of nutrition are regularity, balance and completeness, that is, food must contain everything necessary for the normal growth and development of a child. nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

It is especially necessary to ensure that the diet contains foods rich in calcium, because the lack of this element contributes to the appearance of tic hyperkinesis. Therefore, the menu must include:

  • hard and processed cheese;
  • milk, cottage cheese, sour cream;
  • cabbage;
  • black bread;
  • dried fruits;
  • black chocolate.

Dairy products as a source of calcium must be present in children's diets.

We must not forget about magnesium and glycine, which also play a significant role in neuromuscular transmission. Magnesium is found mainly in plant foods, and glycine in protein foods. The diet should contain foods containing these substances:

  • leafy vegetables, beets;
  • bran bread;
  • cereals (especially buckwheat);
  • sesame, nuts;
  • dried apricots;
  • red fish;
  • eggs;
  • turkey, rabbit, chicken breast, veal.

You should not offer strong tea and coffee to your child.

Drug therapy

If the doctor comes to the conclusion that psychotherapy, physiotherapy and decoctions alone medicinal plants is not enough, then the child is prescribed medications, starting with the easiest ones in the minimum dosage. To combat primary and secondary tics, medications of different groups are used, mainly sedatives, antipsychotics, which improve metabolism and blood supply to the brain.

In the treatment of primary tics the following is used:

  • sedatives:
    • Novo-passit, Glycine, Tenoten - relieve anxiety, improve sleep;
  • nootropics:
  • complexes containing B vitamins, minerals:
    • Magne B6, Neuromultivit, Pentovit, calcium gluconate - optimize neuromuscular transmission, strengthen the body.

For complex tics, the drugs of choice are antipsychotics:

  • Eglonyl;
  • Tiapride;
  • Risperidone;
  • Pimozide;
  • Fluphenazine.

These drugs are highly effective in the treatment of tics of various origins; they have anticonvulsant, analgesic, antihistamine, antiemetic, sedative, and antipsychotic effects. By blocking certain processes in the brain, antipsychotics normalize neuromuscular transmission and improve the emotional state of the child. The drugs have a lot side effects, therefore, in no case should you prescribe them to a child yourself, or violate the regimen and duration of use.

Drugs from other groups that can be prescribed for the treatment of tics:

  • antidepressants: Prozac, Anafranil, Clominal;
  • tranquilizers: Atarax, Diazepam, Relanium, Sibazon, Seduxen.

Photo gallery: medications for the treatment of tics

Haloperidol is an antipsychotic drug of choice for complex nervous tics in children. Tenoten - depressant to normalize sleep and emotional background in children Magne B6 - a complex preparation containing magnesium and pyridoxine, reduces the excitability of neurons and inhibits neuromuscular transmission Novopassit - herbal preparation with a calming and relaxing effect Atarax is an anxiolytic (tranquilizer) with pronounced sedative properties Glycine (aminoacetic acid) is a regulator metabolic processes in the central nervous system Sonapax - antipsychotic drug to normalize the functioning of the nervous system Calcium gluconate is necessary to replenish the level of calcium ions in the blood Pantocalcin - nootropic agent, used as part of complex therapy for extrapyramidal disorders


Properly selected physical therapy can significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease and improve the condition of the little patient.

Electrosleep therapy has a good effect: it calms, normalizes the emotional background, metabolism, improves blood supply and nutrition to the brain. As a rule, 10–12 sessions of 60–90 minutes are prescribed.

Electrosleep has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the brain

The following procedures also apply:

  • applications with ozokerite (mountain wax) on the collar area;
  • galvanization or iontophoresis with calcium, bromine;
  • aerophytotherapy - inhalation of essential oils;
  • hirudotherapy - the use of medicinal leeches;
  • medicinal baths with motherwort and pine needles.

A special method of magnetic therapy is highly effective - transcranial brain stimulation, aimed at balancing the activity of all brain centers. This is a selective procedure that affects only the hyperactive areas of the brain.


Relaxing massage affects children's body approximately the same as physiotherapeutic procedures: relieves tension, improves cerebral circulation, normalizes muscle tone. A massage of the back, head, and legs is recommended. It is not recommended to massage areas prone to tics, so as not to create additional irritation and worsen the disease. Well therapeutic massage must be at least 10 sessions.

Massage for hyperkinesis is aimed at relaxing muscles, improving tissue nutrition and blood supply to the brain

For infants, massage for the treatment and prevention of tics is prescribed from one and a half months. Procedures performed by a specialist normalize the functioning of the peripheral and central nervous systems. The duration of the session depends on the age of the child: up to 3 months, the procedure should last no more than 5–7 minutes, gradually it is increased to 20 minutes. During the massage, you need to observe the baby’s behavior: if he shows anxiety, the session is ended.

Stone therapy (massage with warm stones) is a method that is rarely used in childhood. It can be done from 7–8 years old. The benefits of the procedures are effective relaxation and general strengthening of the child’s body.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky about massage


To normalize metabolism, improve brain nutrition, and stabilize the nervous system, a doctor may recommend acupuncture. The method consists of a reflex effect on biologically active points, due to which the balance of the nervous system is restored and emotional stress is relieved. Typically, reflexology is used in combination with herbal remedies that normalize neuromuscular transmission. Osteopathy

Osteopathy is widely used in the treatment of tic hyperkinesis. An osteopathic doctor acts not on the effect of the disease (muscles), but on the cause itself - through special techniques he helps restore cerebral circulation, reduce the activity of certain centers, and restore normal neuromuscular transmission.

Osteopathy is based on the healing effect of the doctor’s hands on problem areas, thanks to which metabolic processes are normalized and functional disorders are eliminated

Traditional methods

Decoctions and infusions of herbs with sedative effect have a beneficial effect on nervous system child and reduce the manifestations of tic hyperkinesis.

Infusion of motherwort herb:

  1. Dry crushed raw materials (2 large spoons) pour boiling water (200 ml).
  2. Leave for 2 hours.
  3. Strain through cheesecloth and squeeze.
  4. Store the product for 24 hours in a dark place at room temperature.
  5. Give to the child half an hour before meals three times a day for a month:
    • from 7 years - 1 teaspoon;
    • from 14 years old - 1 dessert spoon.

Valerian root - infusion:

  1. Grind the root of the plant, pour a tablespoon of raw material hot water(250 ml).
  2. Soak for 10 minutes in a water bath.
  3. Filter the cooled product through cheesecloth.
  4. Store in a cool, dark place.
  5. For a month, give the product to the child every day, half an hour after meals and before bedtime, 1 teaspoon (4 times in total).

Calming tea with chamomile and mint:

  1. Mix 3 parts flowers pharmaceutical chamomile, 2 parts each of mint and lemon balm leaves.
  2. Brew a large spoonful of the mixture with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 40 minutes.
  4. Strain and give the child 30–50 ml three times a day, half an hour after meals.

Hawthorn infusion:

  1. Pour boiling water (250 ml) over dried fruits (1 tablespoon).
  2. Leave for at least 2 hours, strain.
  3. Give a child over 7 years old a tablespoon three times a day, half an hour before meals.
  4. The duration of treatment should not exceed 3–4 weeks.

Geranium compress to eliminate tic:

  1. Fresh leaves Grind homemade geranium and apply to the area affected by hyperkinesis.
  2. Place gauze folded in several layers on top and wrap soft cloth(scarf, handkerchief).
  3. Leave the compress on for 60 minutes.
  4. Wash the area where the compress is applied with warm water.
  5. It is recommended to carry out such procedures 1–2 hours before bedtime for a week.

Photo gallery: herbs for treating nervous tics

Chamomile infusion has a stabilizing, anti-inflammatory and calming effect Valerian root relieves nervous tension Fresh geranium leaves can be used as compresses for tics Peppermint effectively calms the nervous system Hawthorn fruits have a pronounced sedative effect
Motherwort herb is a long-known effective sedative.

The author of these lines happened to encounter the problem of increased nervousness of a child after transition from kindergarten to school. My daughter's sleep was disturbed, she became restless and whiny. A lifesaver in this situation was a phyto-pillow stuffed with dry mint, chamomile and motherwort, and essential lavender oil. A small herbal pillow was placed at the head of the bed for the whole night, and the oil was applied drop by drop to the pillowcase. A calm family environment combined with herbal medicine did its job: within a week, the child’s sleep became calmer, anxiety went away and his mood normalized.

Prognosis and consequences of pathology

Nervous tics do not pose a threat to the child’s life. If tic hyperkinesis is a consequence of organic brain damage, the primary disease may pose a danger.

The prognosis depends on the form of the disease: for local tics it is favorable in 90% of cases; for widespread tics, complete regression of symptoms is observed in half of the cases.

A predisposition to nervous tics can be inherited. If someone in the family suffered from this disease, then it is quite likely that the child will develop tics in the presence of provoking factors.

Tic hyperkinesis, especially in adolescence, significantly reduces the quality of life. The child may have problems with social adaptation and develop numerous complexes, which, in turn, further aggravates the course of the disease.

A child with nervous tics may experience serious problems with social adaptation

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky claims that nervous tics, once they occur, most often go away without any intervention. To prevent the phenomenon from becoming chronic form, it is necessary to provide the baby with support from the family. There will always be a solution, and in each specific case it must be individual.

Psychologist's advice to parents:

  • You cannot focus the child’s attention on the problem of nervous tics;
  • always treat the baby as a full-fledged person;
  • maintain a calm, cozy atmosphere at home;
  • try to quickly solve emerging problems that may cause stress in the child;
  • when hyperkinesis appears, you need to distract the child - by playing, drawing, dancing, any hobby - in order to create a zone of activity in his brain that can drown out the pathological impulses leading to tics;
  • do not delay visiting a specialist.

Prevention of nervous tics

The main preventive measure is to avoid nervous tension, limit stress as much as possible and learn how to respond correctly to it. It is important to provide the child good rest, sleep, nutrition, encourage physical activity, sports, daily walks in the fresh air.

It is necessary to minimize factors that can cause pathology:

  • daily long TV watching;
  • computer games and the habit of listening to loud music, especially before bed;
  • reading in low light, lying down or in transport;
  • stimulating drinks, especially in the evening;
  • chronic lack of sleep.

Engaging in an interesting hobby contributes to psycho-emotional relief, so it’s worth helping your child find something he likes.

Tic spasm in children is a neurological disorder that is a type of hyperkinesis (uncontrolled body movements). Today, almost every fifth baby suffers from this pathology.

The disease occupies one of the leading places among neurological disorders. It increasingly affects newborns, although most cases occur in children over two years of age. How to recognize and treat this disease? How serious is he? What are the main reasons for its sudden appearance?

What is a nervous tic and how does it manifest itself in children?

Spasmodic movements of the same type that occur spontaneously and cannot be controlled are called nervous tics. Such reflex muscle contractions occur mainly in stressful situations. Most often, tics are observed on the neck and face in the form of twitching of the lips or eyelids, blinking, sniffing, shaking of the shoulders and head. Less commonly, tic affects the arms and legs. In some cases, the spasm may first manifest itself as a twitching of the eyelid, and then move to the lips.

About 25% of children are susceptible to tic movements younger age. Most often, tic symptoms appear between the ages of 6 and 7, when children become first-graders and have to adapt to a new team.

In children, this disorder can manifest itself in the form of teeth grinding, pulling out hair on the head, swinging legs and arms, noisy breathing, sneezing, grunting, etc. This disease is more common in boys.

Classification of ticks

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The main types of nervous tics in children:

  • motor;
  • vocal;
  • generalized;
  • ritual.

According to etiology, nervous tics are:

According to the nature of the flow:

  • transient;
  • chronic (remitting, stationary, progressive);
  • Tourette's syndrome.

According to symptoms:

  • local;
  • common;
  • vocal;
  • generalized.

Depending on the severity of the pathology:

  • single;
  • serial;
  • tic.

Main types


Vocal tics (or sound tics) in children are expressed in the form of coughing, sniffing, shouting obscene words, and repeating the same words and expressions over and over again. This type Muscle spasms are divided into simple and complex tics. The first type is represented mainly by low sounds: noisy breathing, coughing, grunting, “clearing the throat.” Sometimes there are also high-pitched sounds such as whistling, squealing, “ugh”, “ay”, “i”, “af”.

The second type of vocal tics occurs in 6% of children suffering from Tourette syndrome. Patients repeat curses, shout the same words, and say something quickly and unintelligibly.


Motor tics include muscle spasms of the upper and lower extremities: stomping and shuffling, high jumping, clapping, rocking, knocking, and various movements of the head and shoulders.

If a child turns his head to the side or throws it back, blinks quickly, grimaces, sniffles, taps his fingers on the table, opens his mouth wide, or makes other body movements that are beyond his control, then this means that the child has a motor muscle tic.

This type of tic pathology is divided into:

  • simple (uncontrolled head movements, tension of the abdominal muscles and retraction, squinting of the eyes, etc.);
  • complex (vulgar gestures, jumping in one place, hitting one’s own body, repeating the same gestures).


If nervous tics involve several muscle groups in one child at the same time, for example, the child purses his lips, jerks his shoulders, blinks frequently and at the same time makes repeated sounds, then we are talking about a generalized form of tics. The main reasons for the simultaneous contraction of all muscles in a child are:


The group of ritual nervous tics includes muscle spasms associated with any action. For example, involuntary monotonous walking from one side to the other or in a circle, winding hair around a finger, straightening it, biting nails, twitching the earlobe, etc. Some children begin to develop complexes due to the fact that they do not notice such behavior in themselves.

Classification according to the nature of the flow

Transient tics

Most often they occur on the neck, arms, torso, and in the eye area. They do not last long and are not dangerous to the child’s health. Manifest in the form:

  • frequent licking of lips;
  • blinking, twitching and blinking of the eyes;
  • tongue sticking out;
  • frequent grimacing.

Transient tics are characterized by:

  • high frequency of manifestation;
  • lack of rhythm;
  • short duration;
  • spontaneity of manifestation.

Chronic tics

Tics that do not go away for more than one year are called chronic. This pathology is quite rare. It is sometimes called a mild form of Tourette's syndrome, but is still identified as a separate group.

This type of tic disorder is characterized by facial expressions (nervous tic of the eye) and motor disorders. The disease is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission of varying durations.

Tourette's syndrome

This pathology is characterized by a combination of vocal and motor tics. Tourette's syndrome affects children as young as 5 years old and can last until they are 15 years old, after which the symptoms begin to subside.

The pathology first affects the face, then the muscles of the arms, legs, neck, and torso are involved. In some patients, muscle spasms disappear without a trace, in others they remain for life.

A child with Tourette syndrome is distracted, restless, and too vulnerable. Half of adolescents suffering from Tourette's pathology develop obsessive-compulsive disorder. It manifests itself through groundless fears, thoughts and actions. These phenomena are beyond the control of the patient, so he cannot suppress them.


The main causes of tic movements in children:

Tic movements can also occur due to:

  • taking certain medications;
  • skull injuries;
  • intoxication;
  • infectious brain damage;
  • neoplasms (malignant or benign) in the brain;
  • genetic pathologies.

Features of the course of tics in children

Tic disease in children occurs in different ways. A problem may appear suddenly in a child's life. It can just as suddenly disappear without requiring treatment. However, there are cases when the disease drags on for several years and is accompanied by pronounced symptoms and changes in the child’s behavior.

Children with tics are very irritable, constantly in a state of anxiety, it is difficult for them to concentrate on anything, and they have impaired coordination of movements and sleep. Such children do not like to travel to public transport, cannot tolerate stuffiness, have difficulty falling asleep and sleep restlessly.

The disease makes itself felt when the child begins to worry about something. As soon as the baby's attention switches and he concentrates on something else (for example, a game), the tics go away on their own. The severity of the pathology depends on the child’s mood and psycho-emotional state, as well as on the time of year and time of day.


In order to diagnose a child with a nervous tic, he must be examined by a neurologist, psychologist and psychiatrist. Comprehensive examination includes the following activities:

In about 15 cases out of 100 primary signs diseases go away on their own without requiring therapy. Other cases require immediate treatment to prevent undesirable consequences.

Treatment of tics

First of all, after diagnosing a nervous tic in a child, it is necessary to exclude the factors that provoke it. You can get rid of the problem by:

  • creating a favorable psychological environment in the family;
  • eliminating excessive physical and psychological stress;
  • rational nutrition;
  • limiting time spent at the computer, listening to loud music, reading books in a supine position;
  • good sound sleep.

If the pathology is severe, the child is prescribed medication. However, in some cases, nervous tics can be cured using methods traditional medicine.


At the core drug treatment lies in the use of sedatives and sedatives. The type of drugs prescribed by the doctor depends on the duration of the disease and its symptoms. These can be weak (motherwort, valerian) and very strong (even psychotropic) drugs. Groups of drugs prescribed against tic:

Folk remedies

If the disease is mild, then positive effect can be achieved using traditional medicine methods. Such therapy is usually aimed at reducing nervous tension. Before treating your child with home remedies, you should consult your pediatrician to prevent complications. Folk recipes that help overcome nervous tics in a child:

  1. Hawthorn decoction - 2 tbsp. fruits pour 1/2 tbsp. hot water and let it brew for 15 minutes. You should drink the resulting tincture 15-20 minutes before meals.
  2. Chamomile tincture - pour a handful of the plant’s petals into a glass of hot boiled water and let it brew for about 15 minutes. The finished decoction should be drunk every 4 hours, half a glass at a time.
  3. Valerian root decoction - 1 tsp. the crushed root must be boiled for 15 minutes in 1 tbsp. water. The resulting medicine should be given to the baby before bedtime or 30 minutes after meals, 1 tsp.
  4. Bath with pine needles and sea ​​salt has a relaxing effect.

Famous pediatrician Komarovsky E.O. believes that nervous spasms in children are psychogenic in nature. For this reason, treating them with medications is not recommended. Evgeniy Olegovich emphasizes that in most cases this pathology disappears without outside help. All responsibility for the rapid improvement of the baby’s condition rests with the parents.

What should moms and dads do if their child is diagnosed with a nervous tic? The main task is to eliminate the disease through confidential conversations with the child. The sooner the cause of muscle spasms is discovered, the sooner the child will get rid of the habit of transforming the pathology into a nervous tic.

Children who have nervous tics, are absolutely no different from other babies, for this reason parents do not immediately notice this disease. The child often blinks or coughs - it’s okay, it will pass. Over time, parents still keep baby see an ophthalmologist or ENT specialist. However, all indicators are normal. In this case, the doctor may report that these signs are characteristic of a nervous tic, and it is necessary to make an appointment with a neurologist. The alleged diagnosis is very frightening parents, so they immediately go with the child to the doctor, who confirms the presence of this disease in the baby and makes an appointment medications. Ultimately, the course of treatment does not bring the expected results. In this article we will try to understand what tics are, why they appear and how to help your child cope with them illness.

What is a nervous tic?

A tic is a reflex contraction muscles, which occurs spontaneously and cannot be controlled. In most cases, this is observed on the face and neck. It manifests itself in the form of blinking, twitching of the eyelid or lips, sniffing, movements of the head or shoulders, and is very rarely observed in the arms and legs. Moreover, in some cases baby First there is a twitching of the eyelid, and then it is replaced by movement of the lips.

Types of ticks.

Experts divide tics into several species:

Local – one muscle group is involved;

Common – affects several muscles;

Generalized – almost everything is involved body.

Tics can also be motor and vocal. Motor tics are repetitive movement a certain part of the body or several at the same time. Coughing, sniffing, grunting, etc. are considered vocal sounds. Quite a complex manifestation vocal tic Repeated repetition of words and even phrases is considered.

What is a tick according to doctors?

Based on the classification of diseases, tics are divided into three types:

Transient tic - such a tic lasts no more than a year;

Chronic motor – can last more than a year;

Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, in which the child exhibits a large number of motor ticks and one vocal.

Tics are the most common disease in children. According to statistics, about 20% of children have this neurological problem. Moreover, in boys they manifest themselves much more often and more severely than in girls.

When does a tic occur?

Experts say that the “critical age” for the appearance of tic is 3-4 years and 7-8 years. This is due to the fact that in this age For the first time, the child faces crises in his development: acquiring skills, changing behavior, and so on. But what is most important is that during each crisis child passes new stage independence. It is for this reason that these periods are so dangerous for the child’s psyche.

However, today it is impossible to clearly say about temporary borders these crises, and, consequently, about the period of occurrence of tic disorders. Today, a crisis of independence can manifest itself at two years of age, and tics also occur in infants.

The causes of this disorder.

Many parents are primarily interested in why tics occur. As a rule, identifying certain events, which led to the appearance of tics, is very difficult, since this disease is caused by a whole range of reasons.


This is the very first cause, which doctors talk about. If one of the relatives was susceptible to psycho-emotional illness, then this also affects the child. However, there are several caveats:

This does not mean that the child will 100% have a tic. It's just predisposition, which may not turn into a disease;

It's quite difficult to figure out whether it's actually heredity, or maybe it's upbringing.Many experts say that if the mother has psychological problems, she contacts the child appropriately without controlling her negative emotions, which as a result affects the child. And these are no longer genes, but a way of reacting.


This reason is quite difficult to understand, since for parents and the baby himself stress There may be completely different events. For example, a quarrel with a friend in kindergarten is regarded by a child as stress, while for parents this situation is quite ordinary. In addition, stress can have not only a negative connotation, but also a positive one. For example, special impression A trip to the zoo or a wild birthday celebration can also become stressful.

Spending a lot of time near the TV or computer.

This can be explained by the fact that a bright, flashing light causes a change in the intensity of work nerve cells brain. And if this happens constantly, then as a result the “alpha” rhythm, which is responsible for peace and tranquility, gets lost.

Lack of physical activity.

Simply put, the child has an excess of intellectual load and lacks physical activity. Almost all parents want their child to be smart and smart, so they force the child to pay most time for activities that develop intelligence But at the same time, they completely forget that the child also needs physical activity. Remember that a tic is a reflex contraction of various muscles of the body. And often the reason for this contraction is that energy the child is not wasted in everyday leisure. It accumulates and as a result forms disease.

Factors of education.

Let's highlight the main features character parents who can influence the development of a nervous tic in a baby:

Mom's anxiety. Externally mother may look calm, but usually every mother worries about her baby, about his health, and so on;

Restraint in manifestation feelings.In most cases, parents tend to control their feelings and emotions towards the baby;

- control mother. Many mothers are accustomed to controlling not only their actions, but also the actions of the child, as well as the events that occur at one time or another. When everything is under control, the mother does not have to worry. Otherwise, she is tense and anxious;

High requirements to the baby. This trait manifests itself in the fact that parents want their baby to be the best and be able to do everything that they once could not do. Therefore, they have high hopes for the baby, and he, in turn, tries not to disappoint them. And all this is accompanied by a special fear, which can cause tics.

Treatment of the disease.

If you notice nervous tics in your baby, you need to seek help from neurologist, and then to a psychologist, since tics are classified as psychosomatic diseases.

In most cases, after confirmation diagnosis, prescribes pills for the child. Such treatment is simply necessary, especially if the tics do not go away for a long time. However, pills alone are not enough to achieve results. The causes of this disease are varied, so multifactorial treatment is necessary correction And in some cases it is effective even without taking medications.

What to do:

Reduce the amount of time your baby spends near the computer and TV;

Increase physical activity;

Observe mode day;

Pay close attention to factors such as stress and upbringing, analyze them, and then develop a strategy to eliminate the identified ones errors;

Remove anxiety state child. Soothing baths, relaxing massages, long walks outside the city are ideal for this;

At the physiological level, anxiety can be relieved through sand therapy or sculpting;

If your child uses facial muscles during tics, come up with fun exercises, where the child can make faces. Tensing and relaxing muscles will help relieve nervous tics;

Do not draw your child's attention to the manifestation of tics, as the child will try to control them. As a result, the muscles will tense up and the tics will get worse. Control always means voltage. In addition, reminding a child that something is wrong with him destabilizes confidence and increases the baby’s anxiety;

Don't blame yourself or those around The problem is that the baby has developed tics. Direct all your efforts to correct the problem, and soon everything will fall into place. We wish you good luck.
