Can a child have a fever or have a concussion? When a child has a concussion, the temperature rises: causes and consequences. High temperature may be a manifestation

Your child hit his head and you suspect he has a concussion?

  • Temporary loss of consciousness. It can be so short that the baby won’t remember it, and you won’t have time to notice it while you’re examining him. You can ask the baby what he remembers before and after the impact. U infant There may not be a loss of consciousness; all signs in infants are more smoothed out and less pronounced.
  • Nausea and vomiting after impact. U one month old baby this is more difficult to track, as he often burps after feeding, so you need to pay attention to the frequency of regurgitation, pallor skin or flushing of the face, sweating. Older children may have the following symptoms: vomiting once, headache, dizziness and tinnitus.
  • Inability to focus your eyes. Eyes "ran" in different sides or the baby cannot look at one point. Such symptoms appear in all children, regardless of age. In older people, these signs may not be as noticeable as in younger ones.
  • Sleep disturbance. The baby becomes capricious, cannot fall asleep for a long time, and sleep is constantly interrupted. The opposite picture is also possible: increased drowsiness and excessive lethargy. It is necessary to pay attention to these symptoms.
  • Temperature. During a concussion, the body temperature does not increase. It may increase in a day or two if prompt measures were not taken and vascular disorders brain
  • Bloody discharge. In children it may go or ears. Later in stool you can detect black blood streaks, these are signs of internal hemorrhage.


The child must be shown to a neurologist. It is advisable to call a doctor immediately after a concussion, since after three days all the symptoms disappear and a seemingly sharp improvement occurs.

But in small children it is impossible in everyday life to distinguish a concussion from a bruise, which has a much more serious serious consequences, and which requires immediate treatment. Therefore, only a specialist should deal with the problem.

What you can do yourself - traditional methods

Apply a cloth moistened to the injury site cold water or small pieces of ice. This will stop the swelling that inevitably forms after an impact. If your child falls asleep immediately after an injury, keep him awake for an hour, otherwise you will not understand the severity. Distract him with conversations, ask simple questions, monitor his reactions and answers. Provide him complete rest, bed rest, limit all movements to the maximum, this is also treatment. If the child feels relatively normal, give him some very sweet tea. Saturating the blood with glucose will relieve tension and reduce pain.

After three days, it seems to children that all signs of the disease have already passed, and they try to lead a normal active lifestyle. You can explain to older children why this cannot be done, that the treatment with sleep and rest is not completed, and the kids need to be occupied with something interesting. Read him fairy tales, let him listen to calm music, but not through headphones. You should not watch cartoons, as frequently changing pictures can irritate the brain and cause vomiting. Bed rest can last for one week (if mild form concussion), up to three weeks (with concussion moderate severity) and more than three weeks (if the injury is severe) until the symptoms of the disease finally go away.

What will the doctor do?

The doctor will determine the severity and nature of the injury. Treatment usually takes place at home, but if there is a suspicion of hematoma or cerebral edema, hospitalization may be required. In the hospital, all symptoms are summarized and prescribed drug treatment which includes sedatives and sleeping pills, which improve brain metabolism, vascular, painkillers and diuretics.
IN mandatory During treatment, vitamins are needed, especially C.

To exclude or detect hematoma, swelling of brain tissue in children under one and a half years old, neurosonography is performed. This is an ultrasound of the brain. It allows you to detect the focus of the injury, the presence of intracranial hematomas and hemorrhages. The procedure is absolutely painless, harmless and very reliable. It is performed only on young children who still have a fontanel.

Older children may undergo echo-encephalography or computed tomography. A computer study is more in-depth and allows you to diagnose any damage to the bones of the skull, the focus of a bruise, the possibility of hemorrhage, hematomas and foreign body in the cranial cavity. The accuracy of this procedure is very high. If the results are good after treatment and examination, children are discharged within a week.

Consequences of injury

The unpleasant consequences of a concussion may appear some time after the child has recovered. The most severe of them include epilepsy. Also in children, the consequences of a concussion can manifest themselves in weather dependence and frequent headaches. Children can get motion sickness in transport. Often there is a repetition effect, when the child may be bothered by the same symptoms as during the injury. In this case, visiting a doctor is mandatory to rule out pathological changes in the brain and begin treatment.

Children may experience the following symptoms for a long time: irritability, increased fatigue, weakening of attention, memory, which can negatively affect educational process. Do not scold your child so as not to cause anxiety and depression. After a year, such symptoms should disappear.

Very often, people are admitted to the hospital with a concussion that occurs due to a blow or fall. This condition refers to a traumatic brain injury and is either mild, moderate, or severe form. Most often, the symptoms may disappear after a few days, but the consequences of a concussion, which are reflected in disturbances in energy metabolism inside the head, disappear only after a year or more.

Causes of injury

Our brain is protected by a hard skull, and despite this, this injury is the most common. Therefore, you need to know what causes a concussion, symptoms, treatment and possible consequences this problem. So, during sudden movements, falls, traffic stops, jolts and blows, our brain hits the bone, receiving injury of varying severity. This usually happens during an accident or when falling from a bicycle or other means of transportation. Athletes also often suffer similar traumatic brain injuries. But such incidents happen both at home and at work.

Symptoms of a concussion

What to do if a concussion occurs? Symptoms, treatment and severity, of course, are determined and determined by the doctor, but on our part it is important to be able to distinguish the condition in order to provide first aid.

The first and natural phenomenon is pain. There is also a feeling of nausea, and in certain cases vomiting occurs. For some time, a person loses consciousness and comes to his senses at different intervals of time - from two seconds to several hours. After the blow, coordination is impaired or there is simply a feeling that the head is spinning very much. Confusion and slurred speech are also consequences of a concussion. Sometimes the victim begins to have convulsions. You can also check your pupils to clarify the diagnosis. Different shape speaks of the fact of a concussion. Also, a weak response to light (almost do not change shape if you shine a flashlight) indicates a craniocerebral disorder.

These symptoms may not appear at once, but appear gradually, even after several days. And in some situations, not all signs of a concussion may be present. Over time, these symptoms become weaker and weaker. But sometimes they may not calm down for a long time, which usually indicates the formation of a hematoma or edema.

Mild concussion. Symptoms in an adult

You need to know that if your condition was determined to be mild, this does not mean the injury is insignificant. All the same, the brain neurons were disabled and require treatment. But what are the signs of a concussion in adults? It should be noted that the symptoms of damage to all forms (severe, moderate, mild) are very similar. The intensity of these signs plays a role here. But only after examination by a doctor can the degree of severity be determined for sure. Light stage You can treat it at home, of course, after consulting a doctor.

How to Determine If There Is Serious Damage

When dealing with an injury, it is important to determine more than just whether the symptoms indicate a concussion. Treatment simply may not give results, because there is serious violations. To exclude such suspicions, the doctor can use the palpation method, do x-rays and tomography. In this objective way, the presence or absence of damage to the skull and spine is accurately determined. But if the patient experiences a prolonged loss of consciousness or serious memory impairment, it is important to establish for sure the state of the brain; perhaps there is a serious injury. To do this, the doctor must prescribe an additional MRI.


Also, some time after the impact, the consequences of a concussion may appear. This list is quite diverse, but there are complications that are most often observed in patients. Usually, a little time after the injury, a person notices the appearance of regular headaches. Sometimes they are very painful and interfere with normal life. The victim is unable to concentrate, and his head feels like it’s splitting. This condition leads to sleep disturbances, irritation and fear. Due to a change in mental state, a person may unexpectedly experience intense rage and anger. Here only drug treatment and painkillers are suitable; a psychotherapist will not correct the problem.

In addition, when physical activity Your health may deteriorate, fatigue may set in quickly, headaches may begin, and sweating may suddenly increase. But the consequences of a concussion can also be of a different nature. Sometimes seizures occur that cannot be controlled. Even less often, patients are diagnosed with psychosis, which manifests itself in incorrect perception of the external situation, disorientation, memory is confused, and hallucinations occur.

Sometimes headaches may not subside for many months. They are also accompanied by sleep disturbances, irritability, and dizziness, which significantly affects the quality of life. For treatment, the doctor prescribes pills for concussions, which include powerful painkillers. Therefore, there is a danger of becoming dependent.

What to do to avoid complications

It is important to remember that you cannot endure an injury on your feet, otherwise there is a risk that even a slight concussion will develop into severe complication in the form of epilepsy or neurosis. About 35% of people who were injured were convinced of this. Therefore, for any degree of concussion, it is important to maintain bed rest. Also, one should not neglect the supervision of a neurologist, who will monitor the condition for about a year.

What is first aid for a concussion?

When faced with this problem, you need to immediately call a doctor. The longer you delay, the greater the chance of complications. When meeting with doctors, you should retell how the injury occurred, even if it seems to you that it is just a mild concussion. The symptoms you describe and the circumstances will allow the doctor to prescribe correct treatment. Before the victim receives specialist help, his situation can be alleviated by applying a cold object to his head. He also needs peace. It is better if there is a pillow under your head that will raise it a little higher than your body. It is also advisable not to allow the patient to drink (temporarily), much less eat. In addition, there must be enough fresh air, for example, you can open a window.

If a person has lost consciousness, first aid for a concussion is simply necessary. First, the patient is placed on the right side, the left limbs are bent to an angle of 90 degrees. The head is also tilted down to improve air access to respiratory organs. And if vomiting occurs, this position will help the person not to choke.

Having come to his senses and being at home, the victim should not disturb his peace by walking around the apartment. In addition, watching TV, “wandering” on the computer, listening to music and the like recreational activities are prohibited. Also, for speedy rehabilitation, herbs from sedative mixtures are brewed for the patient, which are taken in the morning and before bed. But alcohol tinctures are contraindicated because they aggravate the condition.


For an accurate diagnosis, an X-ray must be taken in the hospital. The doctor must prescribe bed rest for at least two days. Next, medication treatment begins. Basically, concussion pills are needed to relieve dizziness and pain, as well as reduce anxiety and improve sleep.

Often the drugs Analgin, Pentalgin, Baralgin and other similar tablets act as painkillers. But still, the most suitable ones are prescribed for the victim, taking into account his condition. In addition, if vomiting does not stop, the patient is recommended to take the medication "Cerucal".

As sedative doctor usually prescribes motherwort or valerian. The drugs Corvalol and Valocordin may also be prescribed in this role. Also, one of the tranquilizers is prescribed for everything - "Sibazon", "Phenazepam", "Elenium" or others.

Also, after two weeks, if necessary, a course of vasotropic therapy is prescribed, which the doctor can combine with another treatment option. To tone the body, you may be prescribed to take Eleutherococcus extract.

Is the temperature rising?

Almost always, when describing the symptoms of a concussion, fever is not listed. Therefore, the question may arise as to whether such trauma really does not change. In fact, most often this is true. It is important to remember that a concussion is the mildest type of head injury, so fever is quite rare. But at the same time it is not excluded. A fever with a concussion can occur if the injured area is inflamed, or if the person has other diseases along with the injury. But if in your case there is an increase in temperature, this indicates a more serious problem that a doctor must supervise.

Brain damage is an unpleasant problem that leads to nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. After injury, body temperature can sometimes rise. Victims wonder if this is typical for a concussion.

Reasons for rising temperature

Hyperthermia or increased body temperature is characteristic of infections, inflammatory diseases. With (TBI), there may be death of individual cells and inflammatory phenomena, but they are very weakly expressed in the first hours. Elevated temperature after a concussion occurs due to the following processes:

  1. Impaired thermoregulation of the body due to swelling of the hypothalamus.
  2. Because of autonomic disorders vasodilation occurs, which increases heat transfer.

Can there be a temperature at? The hypothalamus contains vomiting centers, which provoke the corresponding symptom after TBI. This subcortical formation of the central nervous system also contains nuclei that regulate heat transfer from the body. When concussed due to swelling, they become excited and their activity is disrupted. The consequence is hyperthermia, redness of the skin, increased sweating.

The functions of the central nervous system responsible for autonomic reactions are affected after TBI. Therefore, with traumatic brain injuries, the vessels often dilate, which causes increased heat transfer, and there may be a low-grade fever. The patient sweats and his skin becomes red due to the release of acetylcholine.

Can a concussion cause a fever? Often, hyperthermia after TBI is a thermoneurosis, which, unlike inflammatory low-grade fever, is not eliminated by taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin.

Important! In adults, the temperature may rise if the injury is quite severe. Therefore, hyperthermia is a reason to consult a doctor. Treatment in an inpatient facility may be necessary.

In addition to hyperthermia, symptoms such as nausea and confusion often occur with a concussion. The patient complains of blurred vision. The child cannot focus his gaze on any object and often burps.

There is another reason why fever occurs during a concussion. The victim may have become hypothermic and developed acute respiratory distress. viral infection. Therefore, in addition to the concussion, low-grade fever or low-grade fever occurred. If the process is infectious, then a tablet of the anti-inflammatory drug Paracetamol or Ibuprofen relieves this phenomenon.

Provoking pathologies

Sometimes body hyperthermia is caused by the following diseases and conditions, which may not be directly related to the injury, but are present in the patient:

  1. Hyperthyroidism – increased function thyroid gland.
  2. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  3. Inflammation of the lungs, since perhaps the victim lay unconscious on the street after the injury and caught a cold.
  4. Alcohol intoxication preceding a fall and TBI.
  5. Stressful situation during injury or state of shock after her.

At inflammatory process in the lungs the patient's condition is at risk. Pneumonia requires treatment antibacterial drugs in the hospital. Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to deliver the patient to a medical facility.

Important! If you have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or loss of consciousness, you must consult a traumatologist as soon as possible.

A stressful situation is one of the possible reasons hyperthermia. At this time, norepinephrine is released, which dilates the blood vessels of the body, causing profuse sweating. Taking large doses of alcohol contributes to overheating of the body for the same reason.

Hypertension that the victim already has, as well as vegetative-vascular dystonia By hypertensive type cause hyperthermia because there is more blood, cardiac output increases, heat transfer increases.

Diagnosis of elevated temperature after concussion

Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain is used for examination, which will show organic disorders. Electroencephalography is used to assess electrical activity nervous tissue.

If necessary, they are tested for thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine, thyroxine) and pituitary TSH.

Important! To distinguish thermoneurosis from other causes of overheating of the body, an aspirin test is performed.


Treatment of TBI and manifestations intracranial hypertension carried out using diuretic therapy. Diuretics, such as Furosemide, eliminate swelling of the brain, nausea, and vomiting. Cerebrolysin and Cortexin are also used to speed up recovery. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the likelihood of secondary damage nerve cells after traumatic brain injury.

Eliminate headaches with the help of non-narcotic analgesics: Analgin, Tempalgin, Baralgin. Nausea and vomiting central genesis Metoclopramide, tea with lemon, lemon balm weakens somewhat.

The victim needs rest good sleep, lack of emotional overexcitation. Watching TV and working on a computer during recovery is not recommended to avoid an increase in symptoms.

traumatologist or neurologist?

Why is there an opinion about what and what not to do after an injury.

For rest, the patient is provided with a room without noise and bright light, as these factors provoke increased pain and increased sensitivity to irritants. Communication should also be limited.

For thermoneurosis they are prescribed psychotropic drugs, reducing the manifestations of overheating of the body. Are used soothing herbs, such as motherwort, valerian. This condition can last long after a TBI, so it is used various methods, including physical therapy. Acupuncture and massage can calm the overexcited nervous system.


Body temperature during traumatic brain injury does not increase immediately, but increases over a period of time, when vascular disorders and damage to brain cells occur. Sometimes the cause of hyperthermia is a late visit to the doctor and lack of timely treatment.

Below is a list of concussion symptoms in children.

  1. Brief loss of consciousness.
  2. Headache in older children or restless behavior in infants.
  3. Nausea and vomiting.
  4. A sleep disorder can manifest itself as either insomnia or hypersomnia.
  5. Temporary loss of vision is rare.
  6. Inability to focus vision.
  7. Children compensate for the injury for a long time, feel satisfactory, but then develop a rapid deterioration in their condition.
  8. Sometimes the temperature rises.

Watch a video about the symptoms of concussion in children:

In adults clinical manifestations generally similar. Below is a list of the main symptoms of a concussion in an adult.

  1. IN acute period Characterized by loss of consciousness from several minutes to half an hour.
  2. Amnesia for events preceding the trauma or for those occurring immediately after.
  3. Headache.
  4. Nausea and single vomiting.
  5. Possible increase in temperature.
  6. Visual impairment in the form of temporary blindness.
  7. Lethargy, sweating, decreased performance, absent-mindedness.
  8. Nystagmus in the direction of damage.

Attention! If symptoms from the above lists appear, you must contact a traumatologist to diagnose the pathology and provide assistance.

Watch a video about the symptoms of a concussion in an adult:

Can there be a fever with a concussion?

Let's consider whether the temperature can rise during a concussion. As can be seen from the symptoms, a rise in temperature may accompany a concussion. To understand the mechanism of hyperthermia, you need to understand that in human body There are clusters of nerve cells called nerve centers. They are part of the structure of the central nervous system.

During a concussion, brain detritus does not form, but its structures can be displaced and damaged without cell death. The hypothalamus is the center of thermoregulation. When it is damaged, the function of body temperature control is impaired. The hypothalamus can be damaged as a result of edema.

There is another variant of the etiology of fever. Autonomic disorders caused by concussion. In this condition, the blood vessels dilate, which contributes to an increase in body temperature.

Also hyperthermia is possible when the victim is exposed to cold air for a long time. In this case, hypothermia occurs with subsequent expansion of the capillaries or the addition of an infectious pathology.

Another reason is mental state sick. Doctors distinguish the concept of thermoneurosis, in which non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have no effect, but they manage to cope with the infectious version of hyperthermia.

Important! When hyperthermia occurs, there is always damage to the hypothalamus, which contains other important nerve centers. In the event of an increase in temperature, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this in order to diagnose the phenomenon, correct treatment or hospitalize it in specialized hospitals.

The temperature rises to a subfebrile level; neurologists note that it usually takes about a week to restore connections between neurons and normalize the temperature. At this time, the patient needs peace, absence of emotional excitement and sleep for at least 8 hours.

First aid for TBI

If you receive a TBI, you should consult a doctor. The danger of self-medication is that the clinical picture is often blurry; a concussion in children is confused with an ordinary bruise, especially considering the length of time the child has been compensating for the pathology. Adults may also have no symptoms. With an increase in temperature, during or after a brain injury, as noted above, swelling of the hypothalamus is possible, and due to the lack of adequate diuretic therapy, severe complications can occur.

We invite you to watch a video about first aid for a concussion:

The temperature that appears after a concussion cannot be brought down with pills!

  • This is a diagnostic criterion.
  • Possible allergies, which will only worsen vascular reactions And general state patient.
  • If the victim vomits, a drop in temperature can cause a new attack and asphyxia is possible.
  • Treatment

    If you receive a concussion, they contact a neurologist, traumatologist or surgeon, the doctor decides on hospitalization and prescribes treatment. If the rise in temperature was caused by an infection, carry out antibacterial or antiviral therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Be sure to include in treatment in the acute period.

    Concussion in a child - mild degree traumatic brain injury (TBI), which is caused by a strong physical or mechanical impact on the child’s head. It should be noted that in this case injury is implied without violating the integrity of the skull.

    Clinical picture of this pathological process pronounced, but the symptoms are rather nonspecific, so diagnosis of concussion in children is carried out only qualified doctor through laboratory and instrumental methods. A physical examination alone is not enough in this case.

    Despite the fact that injuries of this type are considered moderate or moderate in severity, hospitalization of the child is required. Treatment is based only on integrated approach, with sedative and nootropic therapy.

    Provided that parents promptly seek competent medical help and treatment is started in a timely manner, complications can be avoided and full recovery child.


    The main cause of a concussion in a child is trauma. In general, we can identify the following etiological factors that can lead to the development of this pathological process:

    • up to one year - inattention of parents or rough treatment of the child;
    • excessive physical activity baby;
    • lack of control on the part of parents during games, movement around the house (special attention is required at the time when the baby has just learned to walk and falls are inevitable);
    • insufficient development of coordination of movement and motor skills;
    • sudden braking or acceleration - in preschool age, such sudden movements can also lead to a concussion;
    • bruises, blows to the head when falling;
    • “shaken baby syndrome” - careless movements of parents while rocking the baby, carrying them in their arms or during games.

    In addition, one important factor should be noted, which concerns preschool and younger children school age(mostly) - a child may deliberately hide the fact of injury from his parents for one reason or another, so the initial symptoms are often interpreted incorrectly and a doctor is not consulted in a timely manner.


    The generally accepted classification involves dividing the pathological process into several stages according to the nature of severity:

    • first degree (mild) - consciousness is present, symptoms are observed within 15 minutes;
    • second degree (moderate) - a pronounced clinical picture lasts more than half an hour;
    • third degree (severe) - loss of consciousness may be present at any time (that is, it implies the fact that unconsciousness can occur after a couple of hours after the injury). The clinical picture lasts up to a day, in some cases more.

    Even if a child exhibits symptoms that are characteristic of a mild degree of development of the pathological process, consultation with a doctor is required. This is due to the fact that only with the flow clinical picture it is impossible to determine the nature of the injury, and therefore ignoring symptoms or self-medication can lead to extremely negative consequences further.


    The nature of concussion symptoms in children will depend on the severity and age of the child. Thus, it is extremely difficult to diagnose such an injury in a newborn baby, since the child cannot explain the nature of the symptoms, and the outward clinical picture can only be characterized by moodiness, crying, and short-term disruption of the sleep cycle. However, for injuries of moderate and severe form the following symptomatic complex will be present:

    • regurgitation during feeding occurs more often than usual;
    • swelling of the fontanel;
    • single vomiting for no apparent reason;
    • lethargy;
    • poor appetite or its complete absence.

    In younger children preschool age The first signs of a brain injury can be characterized as follows:

    • loss of consciousness;
    • pale skin;
    • increased sleepiness or, on the contrary, baby long time can't sleep;
    • headache, dizziness;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • slow pulse;
    • increased sweating.

    In the event that the cause of the traumatic brain injury was swipe, then a short-term decrease in visual acuity is possible. It should be noted that temperature during a concussion is not decisive clinical sign. Its increase or decrease may be due to psychosomatics.

    Signs of a concussion in an older child are characterized as follows:

    • severe headaches for no apparent reason;
    • nausea with repeated vomiting;
    • dizziness;
    • momentary loss memory. It is because of this that the child often cannot explain why he lost consciousness and what kind of injury was inflicted on him;
    • impaired coordination of movements, problems with motor skills.

    In addition, the clinical picture may also contain signs external character- bruise, hematoma, abrasions in the area of ​​impact. Therefore, if such factors are present, you should consult a doctor rather than engage in self-treatment. Only a doctor can diagnose a concussion.

    It is very important for parents to understand the following - due to the fact that the clinical picture of this type of injury is non-specific, in no case should you independently compare symptoms and treatment, this can lead to extremely negative consequences.


    Only a doctor can determine a concussion in a child. In this case, diagnosis is carried out in two stages - physical examination and instrumental methods examinations.

    The initial examination of the child, regardless of his age, should take place together with the parents. During the physical examination, the doctor should determine the following:

    • were there any bruises or injuries in the head area the day before;
    • how long ago the symptoms began to appear;
    • the nature of the clinical picture - the frequency and intensity of manifestations of signs of TBI.

    Instrumental diagnostics involves the following activities:

    • neurosonography - in most cases prescribed to children under two years of age;
    • X-ray examination;
    • CT or MRI of the brain;
    • Echo-encephalography.

    Concerning laboratory methods diagnostics, they are used only when necessary, since they do not have informative value in diagnosing this pathological process.

    Based on the results of the study, the doctor can determine accurate diagnosis and, accordingly, prescribe effective treatment.


    In most cases, treatment of concussion in children is carried out in a hospital setting, since observation is required on the first day to exclude complications. In addition, parents themselves, before contacting doctors, should provide first medical care baby - you should provide him with complete rest, and, if possible, question him about the nature of the injury. It is strictly prohibited to give any medications to determine the diagnosis without a doctor’s prescription.

    Treatment should only be comprehensive, namely:

    • drug therapy;
    • compliance bed rest;
    • proper nutrition.

    The medicinal part of treatment may include drugs with the following spectrum of action:

    • antihistamines;
    • diuretics;
    • sedatives;
    • painkillers;
    • to eliminate nausea;
    • to improve cerebral circulation.

    As a supplement, the doctor may prescribe a vitamin and mineral complex.

    In most cases, a concussion is not dangerous to the child’s health, but only if all necessary therapeutic measures are taken.


    The consequences of a concussion may include the following:

    • chronic headaches;
    • periodic vomiting, without apparent reason etiological factor;
    • weather dependence;
    • sleep cycle disturbance.

    Overall character possible complications will depend on the severity of the injury, the child’s health and age.


    It should be noted that even if the preventive recommendations For parents, it is almost impossible to exclude a concussion in a child. You can reduce the risk of injury by following these rules:

    • do not make sudden movements while rocking, playing, or walking in a stroller;
    • monitor your child as he learns to walk;
    • talk with the child about how his day is going without his parents (in kindergarten, at school) in order to promptly establish the fact of injury.

    In addition to this, in for preventive purposes You need to visit your pediatrician periodically.

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    Diseases with similar symptoms:

    Brain edema – dangerous condition, characterized by excessive accumulation of exudate in the tissues of the organ. As a result, its volume gradually increases and increases intracranial pressure. All this leads to disruption of blood circulation in the organ and to the death of its cells.
