What medications are prescribed for a concussion? Medications for concussions

Head or neck injury may result. The health hazard is not so much the incident itself as the consequences that manifest themselves over time. A common way to fix this is functional disorder- complete peace. In severe cases, drug therapy is prescribed - anti-concussion pills. Sometimes hospitalization and treatment in a hospital setting are required. Drugs are selected in accordance with clinical picture, age and medical history of the patient.

Concussion in an adult

The human brain is located in a cerebrospinal fluid substance, which maintains it in a suspended state, which minimizes the effects of dynamic loads and sudden movements. If the impact is strong, the contents of the cranium are displaced and come into contact with hard bone tissue. This is called a concussion. Functional disorder is temporary and accompanied by damage small vessels, nerve tissues. In most cases, the injury does not pose a threat to the health of an adult.

However, without proper therapeutic measures the consequences can be severe, including the development of pathologies and inflammatory processes. Properly selected anti-concussion pills taken in the doses prescribed by the doctor allow you to restore functional state organ. List and severity of trauma symptoms on the basis of which the complex is prescribed medications, depend on the location of the damage, the strength of the dynamic load and the individual characteristics of the body.

The clinical picture of traumatic brain injury in adults is:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • aching and bursting pain;
  • dizziness, lack of coordination, problems with orientation in space;
  • short-term amnesic (the victim does not remember the moment of injury and what happened immediately after it);
  • lethargy, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • increased heart rate, breathing and pulse.

The set of signs depends on the degree of damage received and the age of the victim. In older people, the main symptoms are often throbbing pain in the head, decreased vision, and disorientation in space and time.

Concussion in children

The clinical picture of a functional disorder is determined by the age factor. In the brain in infants and children under seven years of age, changes in impaired consciousness do not appear. Only observed:

  1. Paleness of the face.
  2. Rapid breathing and pulse.
  3. General weakness of the body.
  4. Drowsiness.

Infants have disturbed sleep for 2-3 days, exhibit restlessness, regurgitation during feeding, and other behavioral disorders. At this age, children cannot explain their own condition, so parents should be careful. Children are especially prone to such injuries due to their hyperactivity. Impaired coordination (for example, a child ate independently with a spoon, but at some point was unable to pick it up normally) is a reason to contact a neurologist. Often in children, concussions are asymptomatic.

If a child receives any head injury, it is important to immediately consult a doctor, at least for preventive and advisory purposes. If this is not done, the consequences can be hidden and severe. These include:

  • disruption of cellular metabolism;
  • microscopic tears in the gray matter in the cerebrospinal fluid;
  • damage blood vessels;
  • dysfunction of transport of oxygen, minerals and nutrients
  • hemorrhage, etc.

Any medications for a concussion should be given to a child only according to the decision of a neurologist and strictly in the indicated doses.

Drug therapy

Despite the relatively favorable prognosis and mild nature of the course, there are situations when it is necessary to take medications with a concussion. If a person who has suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) has persistent pain and bleeding from the ears and nose, he is offered to undergo a course of therapy at home or in a hospital setting. The following are pre-assigned diagnostic procedures:

  1. Radiography.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging.
  3. Ophthalmological examination.
  4. Electroencephalography.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor selects effective drug therapy. Are used different drugs: from analgesics to potent diuretics and tranquilizers. The main goal of treatment is recovery normal condition brain matter. Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating headaches, increased irritability and other abnormal conditions characteristic of vertigo. Sedatives and sleeping pills, which must be taken only according to the decision of a neurologist.

The course of therapy may include neuroprotectors - biologically active compounds whose action is aimed at minimizing or completely eliminating pathophysiological and biochemical disorders in the functioning of nerve cells. They alleviate the condition of the victim, prevent the development of complications and restore the functions of the injured organ. Typical medications for concussion of the brain and adjacent tissues in elderly people - anti-sclerotic tablets.

These medications are used to treat acute conditions, which are observed after an injury and are accompanied by headaches of varying strength, nature and location. They can cause irritability, which significantly slows down the recovery process. Common pain medications for concussions:

  1. Analgin. Used for mild discomfort.
  2. Baralgin.
  3. Pentalgin.
  4. Maxilgun. An alternative to the usual Analgin.
  5. Sedalgin. Used for moderate pain syndrome

Ketorolac and Diclofenac effectively relieve headaches - non-steroidal drugs anti-inflammatory action. To reduce discomfort and stop vomiting, you can drink Papaverine (an antispasmodic medicine) or Tanakan during a concussion - herbal preparation, pharmachologic effect which is due to the ability to stimulate metabolic processes in nerve cells. Baralgin is prescribed only to adults and children over 15 years of age.

It has a three-component combined composition and is able to effectively eliminate pain, as well as spasmodic conditions. It's more potent remedy than Analgin. Therefore, for concussions, doctors often prescribe Baralgin. The tablets are quickly absorbed into the blood and begin to act. Maximum concentration achieved after 30 minutes. A distinctive feature due to which it has become widespread is the absence of side effects.


Drug treatment with nootropic drugs is aimed at reducing the discomfort caused by the trauma. Such medications eliminate dizziness and restore coordination of movements. Nootropic tablets for concussion are prescribed when it is necessary to normalize blood circulation, stimulate metabolic processes in tissues and cells, and improve the supply of nutrients to nerve fibers and neurons.

At the rehabilitation stage, they help strengthen memory, normalize coordination of movements and improve attention. The answer to the question of what pills to take for a concussion largely depends on the severity, location and nature of the injuries received. A combination scheme is often used drug therapy, which includes nootropic agents that improve mnestic and cognitive functions of the brain.

Reception medicines This category gives good results for both young people and elderly patients. Common, frequently used and inexpensive nootropic medications:

  1. Piracetam.
  2. Glycine.
  3. Pantogam.
  4. Stugeron.

Piracetam enhances the synthesis of dopamine (a regulator of the wakefulness and sleep cycles) in the brain and increases the content of norepinephrine, an important neurotransmitter. Effective in the treatment of concussion Glycine tablets. This drug performs the function of regulating the intensity of metabolic processes in the central nervous system. It reduces irritability and has a calming effect. Another medicine with nootropic activity is Pantogam. It helps strengthen memory, improves thought processes, and increases the body's resistance to hypoxia.

Neurologists often prescribe Stugeron for concussions. It is especially effective for vestibular disorders. The cinnarizine contained in it stops calcium channels and inhibits the delivery of ions of this trace element to the smooth muscles of blood vessels, reducing their tone and thereby having a spasmodic effect and stimulating the blood circulation process. The most pronounced effect is on the arteries of the brain and the cervical spine, which is what is required in case of a concussion.

Taking medications with vasotropic action allows you to:

  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • give lost natural elasticity to the cerebral arteries;
  • normalize blood viscosity;
  • activate metabolism.

An effective cure for concussion is Vasotropin tablets, which neurologists prescribe to most patients with similar symptoms. It is a powerful donor of nitric oxide, restoring coordination of movements and eliminating discomfort caused by injury. When taking medication, it is especially important correct dosage, which can only be calculated by a doctor. Instenon is widespread, the effectiveness of which is determined by a combination of characteristics active ingredients.

This complex drug, consisting of hexobendine dihydrochloride, etophylline, etamivan and several auxiliary components. The first stimulates metabolism in the brain and heart muscles, which normalizes blood circulation. Etophylline has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Etamivan promotes activation of cortical and autonomic functions. It should be remembered: what medications to take and their dosage are determined only by the attending physician.

Oxibral, which improves cerebral circulation, also belongs to the category of vasotropic tablets. It stimulates the metabolic process by accelerating the oxidation of glucose, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body and increases the amount of oxygen entering neurons, thereby reducing the level of hypoxia caused by TBI. It is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and begins to act within minutes of administration.


Often the impact load on the bones of the skull leads to a sharp jump pressure in the brain cavity. In this case, diuretics are prescribed - drugs that help avoid serious consequences in the form of tissue swelling. Such concussion medications effectively reduce intracranial pressure by increasing urinary function. Diuretics should be taken only as prescribed by a neurologist and under medical supervision. There is a risk of disturbing the water-salt balance in the body.

Common tablets in this category are Veroshpiron, which is a specific antagonist of the mineralocorticosteroid hormone of the adrenal cortex of the prolonged action of aldosterone. The drug has a potassium-sparing effect and differs from other diuretics in that it does not interfere with water-salt balance, but stabilizes it.

Furosemide is often used in the treatment of concussions, which has a hypotensive effect by intensifying the excretion of sodium chloride and reducing the tone of vascular smooth muscles. Diuresis begins within an hour after oral administration of the medication. In elderly patients therapeutic effect may be lower than in young people.

Many patients experience sleep disturbances, causeless anxiety, and spontaneously arising fears. These conditions can be eliminated with sedative drugs. Such drug therapy:

  1. Reduces nervous tension.
  2. Helps stop the development of neuroses and neuropathic conditions.
  3. Restores the functions of the central nervous system.
  4. Enhances the effect of painkillers.

Many medicinal products This category is made from natural ingredients of plant origin and contains only components that are safe for health. Only a neurologist can determine which sedative medications are best for a concussion. At home, you can drink a decoction of chamomile and green tea, which have a calming effect and relieve unmotivated emotional outbursts. Potent sedatives are available in different dosage forms.

These can be tablets (Corvalol, Miolastan), capsules (Apo-Closeropat, Geminevrin, Validol), drops (Barboval, Valocordin). Such medications have a mild effect, do not have many side effects, are not addictive, and are well tolerated by any organism. They are often prescribed to older patients. While taking medications in this category, you should refrain from driving vehicles and operating dangerous machinery.

Treatment of concussion with tranquilizers is prescribed in cases where it is necessary to quickly relieve pain, restore sleep function, and improve the psycho-emotional state of a TBI victim. These are potent medications, the use of which must be coordinated with a neurologist. Do not exceed prescribed doses.

Tranquilizers have a depressing effect on the psyche. Their overdose can be fatal. It is prohibited to use such drugs during pregnancy and lactation. This category of medications includes a large number of heavy psychotropic synthetic compounds. For example, Phenazepam, which is prescribed in particularly difficult cases. This is a highly active tranquilizer, superior in potency to other drugs in this category.

For a concussion, it is prescribed if the patient’s condition is characterized by emotional lability, the occurrence of phobias and other severe psychological consequences of the injury. Phenazepam has a stable anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant effect. Used for depression mental state patient due to trauma Elenium, Phenobarbital, Nozepam and a number of other medications of similar action. These drugs should be treated with extreme caution.


Vitamin support is used for a speedy recovery. If you have a concussion, you should take:

  1. Thiamine.
  2. Pyridoxine.
  3. Nicotinic and folic acids.

You should replenish your body with vitamins C. In combination, they will ensure rapid restoration of brain cells and their protection from the effects of a concussion. Helps improve tissue conductivity and regeneration damaged cells Vitamins of the “neurological” group B. Multivitamin complexes should be taken after a concussion for a long time. They are effective not only for medicinal purposes.

Comprehensive vitamin support is needed for prevention and improvement general condition body. Restore immune status who have suffered as a result of trauma and stress, products will help with high content phosphorus and magnesium.

Among all ailments, head diseases are the most dangerous. Most skull injuries result in a concussion. It will not go away on its own and you definitely need to contact a specialist: a neurologist, traumatologist, or neurosurgeon.

After examination, he prescribes injections or pills for concussions. Since this diagnosis is serious, treatment must be carried out responsibly.

IN different situations a person may be injured: ice, car accident, loss of consciousness followed by a fall, domestic injuries, dangerous work, state of drug or alcohol intoxication.

The brain consists of soft tissues and with a sharp blow it shifts in the direction of the push, and then a return movement is created. As a result, the brain can be damaged by contact first with one side of the skull, then with the opposite. During the displacement process, vascular rupture, hematoma, hemorrhage, swelling and similar troubles can occur.

Even if you have a minor injury, you should get checked by a doctor to ensure a healthy future. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to give a person pills due to vomiting during a concussion.

Symptoms and stages

It's easy to overlook the symptoms. Especially if the patient mild degree concussions. But paying close attention to your own health will help you identify the disease in time and take action. The main symptoms are the same for everyone and continue for some time after the patient begins to use the medicine for a concussion. Here are the main symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • disorientation in space and time;
  • reduced brain activity;
  • negative reaction to harsh light;
  • headache, often pulsating;
  • pallor;
  • loss of consciousness (fainting);
  • amnesia;
  • floaters, ripples before the eyes;
  • high body temperature;
  • feeling of fear, panic.

Depending on the force of the impact, the age and health of the victim, three stages of concussion can be distinguished. Based on the degree of damage, different treatments are prescribed.

Stage 1

With a minor injury, most often the patient does not lose consciousness, but if this happens, the fainting lasts no longer than 5 minutes. Such people experience dizziness, blurred vision, and pallor. Medical assistance definitely needed.

Stage 2

For medium degree The lesion is characterized by loss of consciousness for 10-15 minutes, vomiting, numbness of the fingers, ringing in the ears, and severe headache. You don't have to decide for yourself which medications to take for a concussion. Leave this to the discretion of the doctor - he has the knowledge and experience.

Stage 3

With significant injury, a person vomits, feels dizzy, and has loud noise in the ears. Fainting can last up to half an hour. Memory cannot recall recent events; This is practically shell shock.

Concussion in children and adults: similarities and differences

In adults and children, the diagnosis and course of the disease, as well as the frequency of injury, differ.


Kids cannot explain their feelings. Therefore, parents need to be attentive to the child and his behavior. If he is vomiting, refuses to eat, cries more than usual, there is a deterioration in coordination (for example, the baby has already eaten with a spoon himself, but at a certain moment he could not pick it up properly) - this is a reason to consult a doctor.

In addition, children are more prone to injury, because they are restless, active, but still have poor control of movements and calculation of strength. If a child suffers a head injury in the presence of his parents, there is no need to wait for symptoms to appear; immediately take the victim to the emergency room.


More often than not, adults behave carefully, but no one is immune from injury. At the first suspicion of a concussion, you should contact a neurologist or an emergency room. Enduring pain and taking pills to relieve symptoms during a concussion is very harmful.

Aged people

This category of people gets injured less often, but tolerates them worse. After a concussion, older people may develop dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and amnesia. Therefore, treatment for concussions in grandparents includes anti-sclerotic drugs. The dosage is calculated taking into account the age, weight and condition of the patient.

First aid to the victim

If a person suffers a head injury on the street, only a doctor can prescribe medication for a concussion. Therefore, it is necessary to provide first aid, but not to aggravate the situation. Here is a list of actions for a person without medical education.

  1. Place the patient on his side. Thus, a person will not choke on vomit, and his tongue in an unconscious state will not block the airway.
  2. If the head injury is open or other significant injuries are noticeable (fracture of a leg, spine, etc.), you should not move the victim of misfortune. Simply turn the victim's head to the side and monitor his breathing.
  3. Treat wounds on the head with an antiseptic and the edges with iodine (if you have a first aid kit with you).
  4. Call “ Ambulance” and wait for her arrival. Tell the doctors under what circumstances the injury occurred, how long ago, what medications the person is taking, whether he is intoxicated, how long he has been unconscious, and the like. Even unimportant details can play a leading role in the choice of prescribed drugs and which treatment to choose.


To get a complete picture, doctors send a patient with a suspected concussion to comprehensive examination and only then are medications prescribed for concussions.

A man undergoes an x-ray computed tomography, less often MRI, since it is not always informative in the case of concussion in children or adults. Consultation with an ophthalmologist, EEG examination, and ultrasound are recommended.

Drug treatment

For any person, a concussion is an injury for which you will have to receive medication in the form of injections or IVs. In mild stages, take medications orally, in tablet form.

Treating a concussion is a long process. It may take 2-4 weeks. During this entire time, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to each prescribed medicine, understand the name, read the instructions and take it correctly. The patient must be hospitalized and receive basic treatment in the hospital under the supervision of specialists. After a concussion at home, you need to stick to the regime, get more rest and not overexert yourself.

If a patient is diagnosed with a concussion, treatment must begin; the doctor selects medications for each specific case and calculates the dosage. But there are general instructions and recommendations on which pills to prescribe.

  1. Firstly, we need nootropic drugs with a concussion. They will restore health to the brain: Piracetam, Stugeron, Glycine, Nootropil.
  2. To strengthen blood vessels, vasotropic agents are prescribed: Instenon, Cavinton, Teonicol.
  3. To reduce swelling and reduce intracranial pressure diuretics with a diuretic effect are used: Veroshpiron, Diakarb, Uregit.
  4. To reduce headaches and stop vomiting, Papaverine, Belloid, Tanakan are suitable.
  5. To normalize sleep and the general condition of the patient, tranquilizers are prescribed: Phenazepam, Dormiplant, Phenobarbital.
  6. Next are medications to prevent seizures and epilepsy. Such drugs are prescribed only if, according to research results, a person has a predisposition to epileptic seizures. But for older people, these drugs are prescribed in any case.
  7. Antisclerotic agents for the elderly.
  8. Vitamins.
  9. Sleeping pills.
  10. Sedatives, sedatives also required: valerian, Corvalol, motherwort.
  11. Can be assigned separately.

Of course, it is not enough to undergo medical treatment for a concussion and forget about the injury.

During treatment and for a long time Afterwards you need to be careful and follow simple rules:

  • Full sleep. The first month after injury – at least 8-10 hours a day.
  • High-quality and varied food.
  • Eliminate coffee, chocolate, alcohol, nicotine, drugs.
  • Ventilate the living space.
  • Avoid reading, watching TV, playing games on the computer or phone, and even listening to music.
  • Study mild physical exercises with the permission of a doctor.
  • Regularly take medications prescribed by your doctor for a concussion. Strict adherence to doses and time of administration guarantees quick recovery and no complications.

Despite a long stay in the hospital and taking medications, every person needs to take care after discharge. Treatment should not be abruptly stopped after a concussion. A gentle regime, sufficient rest and sleep are recommendations for every former patient. Try to always be careful and careful. But if an injury occurs, follow the advice of doctors and follow their instructions. Faith in a speedy recovery and patient responsibility - necessary condition for effective treatment.

Statistically, concussion comes out on top among severe injuries skulls not only in children, but also in adults. However, it is not the incident itself that is dangerous, but its consequences, which can arise over time. In order to prevent the development of any possible scenarios, it is necessary to understand which drugs should be taken, in what quantities, and what they lead to afterwards.

According to data obtained by the Center for Disease Control in the United States, approximately 3.8 million people suffer a concussion every year.

What is a concussion?

The causes of this injury can be either a domestic accident or an accident. A concussion can occur as a result of carelessness, after a fight, sports competitions, and it occurs at any age. But it is especially dangerous in the elderly, since it is almost impossible to predict the consequences. In older people, a concussion leads to dementia, Alzheimer's disease, problems with blood pressure, and amnesia. In children, as a rule, amnesia does not occur, but the injury itself is much easier to obtain. Even as a result of a shock, after a long trip, or landing on your feet from a great height, you can get a concussion, albeit in a mild form.

So when do they talk about such a disease? Does damage to brain tissue occur from contact with something or not? Since our brain is made up of soft shells and tissues, as well as the entire one is filled with cerebrospinal fluid, a sudden movement, shake, or blow causes literally"fluttering". In addition to changes in the structure of the brain, there is a risk of hematoma, rupture of blood vessels and interruption of normal blood supply. That’s why, in order to prescribe what medications to take, the doctor conducts a comprehensive diagnosis and identifies every single consequence of a concussion.

Cartoon characters often see “stars in their eyes” when they hit their head. And this is a direct symptom of a concussion that occurs when vision is impaired.

Therefore, first of all, at the slightest suspicion of injury (headache, dizziness, problems with coordination, vision, hearing, nausea, etc.), you need to contact a neurologist or traumatologist at the department. We have already written in detail about the symptoms and first aid for a concussion. If the person next to you has suffered a traumatic brain injury and has lost consciousness or is in a stunned state, you should not give him pills yourself. Call an ambulance, wait for the doctor to arrive and try to describe the incident in detail.

Treatment with medications

After hospitalization and initial examination The doctor will prescribe a number of examinations for the patient to confirm the diagnosis:

  • CT and magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Electroencephalogram.
  • Examination by an ophthalmologist.
  • Ultrasound examination.
  • X-ray of the skull and cervical region, etc.

First and foremost, medications used to treat concussions should include neuroprotectives. Most Popular dosage forms– nootropil and piracetam. The dosage for an adult is a maximum of 1200 mg once, taking the drugs 2-3 times a day. Doctors also often prescribe:

  1. Cerebrolysin or Somazina - administration in the form of saline solution intravenously.
  2. Antioxidants - for example, intravenously administered drugs Actovegin, Mildronate.
  3. Dehydrants in tablet form, such as Diacarb.
  4. Cavinton and other vascular stabilizing drugs.
  5. Vitamin complexes, with the obligatory inclusion of B vitamins, folic acid, phosphorus.
  6. At severe pain, disorders, insomnia - sedatives. The most adequate of them are Adaptol, Dormiplant and their analogues.

Above we have listed remedies for the treatment of concussion, but we should warn you: doing it yourself, selecting dosages at random, is life-threatening. The first thing to do is to be completely examined in a professional clinic.

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Subject: Got rid of headaches!

From: Olga M. ( [email protected])

To: Site Administration/

Hello! My name is
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And here is my story

When I turned 30, I felt these feelings for the first time unpleasant symptoms like headache, dizziness, periodic “compression” of the heart, sometimes there was simply not enough air. I chalked it all up to sedentary image life, irregular schedule, poor nutrition and smoking.

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Who wants to live a long and energetic life without headaches, strokes, heart attacks and blood pressure surges, take 5 minutes and read this article.

It is possible that after a concussion a person will be plagued by periodic headaches. They can be localized, pulsating, but if their nature does not relate to vascular pain, migraines, or neoplasms, ordinary painkillers will help relieve them. For example, the drugs Analgin, Pentalgin, Citramon, depending on the effectiveness of action, are selected individually.

The same goes for choosing tablets to treat dizziness. For example, Belloid, Papaverine, Tanakan. As for natural-based sedatives, it is recommended to drink ordinary tinctures of motherwort and valerian after a concussion, combining them with tranquilizers.

In addition to drug treatment, the doctor will definitely prescribe a course of vascular and neurological therapy to speed up metabolic processes, neuronal regeneration, and restore lost functions. Often, after an injury, asthenic manifestations occur, for which Pantogam can be prescribed at a dosage of 50 mg three times a day, Cogitum at a dosage of 20 ml once a day, or Vasobral at a dosage of 2 ml twice a day. As for tonic drugs, for example, ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass, saparal - they can also be taken, but in extremely small quantities so as not to cause headaches.

People who have suffered a concussion are strongly discouraged from drinking strong coffee, alcohol, nicotine, and especially drugs.

To prevent the development of sclerotic processes in older people and those who have suffered a concussion in old age, the doctor often prescribes therapy against sclerosis. In parallel with the treatment of injury, it is necessary to monitor the course and, if necessary, eliminate concomitant chronological diseases.

Important: if a person has a tendency to epilepsy before or after the injury, he should be constantly under medical supervision! In general, after an injury, it is recommended to take a long-term vacation and devote time to recovering from brain disease. It is recommended to rest more often fresh air, commit hiking, sleep as much as you should (but don’t “oversleep” for more than 8-9 hours a day).

People often injure their heads when they fall. This often leads to a concussion. In order to reduce the consequences of an injury, doctors prescribe special medications to patients that improve blood circulation, reduce psychological stress, and relieve pain.

Types of pills for concussions

This type of injury is considered mild, but to quickly restore the body, neurologists prescribe certain medications to patients. The choice of medications depends on the patient's condition. In case of severe head injuries (cranial cracks, extensive hematomas, etc.) due to a concussion, the victim is hospitalized for 8–10 days. If there are no complications, the patient will be able to continue treatment at home. Doctors give next pills for concussion:

  • painkillers;
  • nootropics;
  • vasotropes;
  • diuretics;
  • symptomatic drugs;
  • sedatives;
  • tranquilizers;
  • vitamins.

Pain pills

When injured, patients experience discomfort in the head area. Doctors prescribe painkillers to eliminate them. This category of medications includes Analgin, Baralgin, Pentalgin, Maxigan, Diclofenac, Ketorolac. They block pain receptors, relieve vascular spasms, so the discomfort goes away. Painkillers should not be taken for a long time, as they are very toxic to the liver. Distinctive features of the drugs:

  • relieve pain 10–15 minutes after administration;
  • eliminate spasm of smooth muscles;
  • slightly reduce body temperature;
  • contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the main active components of medications, inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis, angina pectoris, chronic heart failure, tachyarrhythmia, intestinal obstruction, angle-closure glaucoma, pronounced violations liver and kidney functions.

The victim should not prescribe painkillers on his own. Pain syndrome is important in the first hours of diagnosing the disease before brain imaging. Based on the location of the pain, the doctor can determine the presence of collateral injuries resulting from a concussion. If the patient calls an ambulance and then takes painkillers, the doctor will not be able to timely identify associated injuries.

In patients with concussion and hematopoietic disorders, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia often occur after taking medications of this type. These conditions are manifested by chills, sore throat, stomatitis, and difficulty swallowing. More often side effects are of a lighter nature. Patients experience itching skin rash. A slight decrease in pain is considered normal when taking painkillers. blood pressure and dizziness. Patients with problems of cardio-vascular system may experience arrhythmia.


The drugs in this group form the basis of the treatment of patients admitted with concussion or head injuries. They improve blood circulation, reduce dizziness and nausea. The bulk of nootropics are intended to normalize metabolic processes in the brain. The group of neuroprotectors includes Piracetam, Nootropil, Cinnarizine, Glycine, Ceraxon, Pantocalcin. General properties medicines:

  • improve metabolism, enhance nutrition of brain cells;
  • help cope with emotional stress;
  • practically do not cause side effects, but if the recommended dosage is exceeded, weakness and drowsiness may occur;
  • suitable for long-term use.

Glycine for a concussion helps get rid of increased irritability and reduces psychological stress caused by a head injury. These tablets normalize blood pressure in the brain, but can cause drowsiness in patients with arterial hypotension. Cinnarizine and Piracetam during concussion increase coronary and peripheral blood circulation and reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of arterioles.

Vasotropic drugs

Medicines of this type directly affect the condition of the vascular wall. When taking the pills, patients experience vasodilation (relaxation of the muscles of the blood vessels). Under the influence of vasotropic drugs, vascular spasm of the brain is eliminated, blood viscosity and the oxygen transport function of red blood cells are normalized. They are prescribed to strengthen the walls of arteries, capillaries and veins, and improve metabolic processes in neurons. Vasotropic drugs include Vazotropin, Cavinton, Teonicol. Their distinctive features:

  • counteract pressure from the hematoma;
  • restore the elasticity of the vascular wall;
  • contraindicated for people suffering from hepatic and renal failure and in case of individual intolerance to active substances;
  • suitable for long-term (more than 1 year) use;
  • If the recommended dosage is exceeded, headache, nausea, dizziness, and a short-term increase in blood pressure may occur.

Like nootropics, vasotropic drugs are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of a particular person’s body. It is not advisable for hypotensive patients to take pills that reduce smooth muscle tone, as this will lead to a further drop in blood pressure and increased nausea and vomiting. With cardiovascular diseases, it is not recommended to use drugs that increase all types of blood circulation at once.


When a concussion occurs, fluid stagnation often occurs in the brain structures, and slight swelling is observed, so doctors prescribe diuretics. During a concussion, Diacarb helps remove excess fluid from the body. Tablets should not be taken when diabetes mellitus, in the first trimester of pregnancy, during lactation, with renal or liver failure. Diuretics include Uregit, Furosemide, Veroshpiron, Lasix, Arifon. Their features:

  • lower blood pressure;
  • remove excess fluid from the body;
  • eliminate idiopathic, lymphatic edema, ascites;
  • if the recommended dosage is exceeded, diuresis increases, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, convulsions, and confusion may occur;
  • diuretics are contraindicated in severe renal failure, renal encephalopathy, hypersensitivity to the active ingredients, hypokalemia.

Diuretic tablets for concussion are prescribed with caution to people with chronic hypotension ( low blood pressure). With this diagnosis, taking even the lightest diuretics will provoke dizziness, fainting, and prolonged loss of consciousness. Doctors try not to prescribe synthetic diuretics for children under 12 years of age, as they can negatively affect the development of the body. For young patients with a concussion, doctors prescribe herbal infusions based on chamomile, dandelion, nettle, sage, mint and other herbs.

Symptomatic treatment

Concussion pills are not always designed to improve neuronal function. After receiving an injury, a patient often experiences nausea, dizziness, and experiences increased anxiety due to the release of adrenaline. In such situations, doctors prescribe medications that will eliminate these symptoms. Frequently used medications include Tanakan, Platiphylline, Papaverine, Microzer, Belloid. Their distinctive features:

  • Antihypertensive (pressure-lowering) drugs reduce the tone of the smooth muscle framework of all organs and blood vessels. The tablets are taken to reduce the accumulation of fluid in the brain, reduce total pressure lymph. One of the representatives of this class of medications is Platiphylline. It is effective for duodenal ulcers, hypertension, colic, bronchial asthma. Platiphylline is not prescribed for chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system.
  • Improvement pills cerebral circulation restore the rheological properties of blood, normalize the tone of arteries and veins. Drugs of this type have an antihypoxic effect on tissue. These include Tanakan.
  • Histamine analogues (Mikroser). Tablets of this type are prescribed when patients experience severe and persistent dizziness, nausea, and tinnitus. Histamine analogues improve blood microcirculation, normalize endolymph pressure in the cochlea and surrounding structures, and increase the amount of serotonin in the brain stem. One of the side effects of this drug is considered to be increased secretion. gastric juice, which can lead to abdominal pain when increased acidity.
  • Sedatives (Belloid). These tablets are indicated for increased mental excitability, neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia. Sedative medications help stabilize the patient's condition without having a strong effect on the central nervous system (CNS). nervous system).
  • Painkiller pills. In case of concussion due to injury or slight damage vessels, patients experience pain. Mild anti-inflammatory drugs do not always help eliminate discomfort, then doctors prescribe opiates. The most common of them is Papaverine. The tablets eliminate spasm of smooth muscles, spasm of cerebral vessels, and angina pectoris. In old age and with hypersensitivity to opium, the medication is not prescribed.

Sedative tablets

In 30% of patients after a concussion, insomnia occurs due to increased psycho-emotional excitability. Doctors prescribe sedatives to help patients relax. Patients are often recommended to take tablets based on plant extracts of valerian or motherwort. If they do not give any result, then doctors can prescribe more potent medications: Novo-Passit, Valocordin, Persen, Corvalol. General properties of the listed medications:

  • help cope with stress and emotional overstrain;
  • help reduce central nervous system excitability;
  • have a vasodilating effect;
  • contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, not prescribed for individual intolerance to the components included in their composition;
  • if the dosage prescribed by the doctor is exceeded, they cause drowsiness, apathy, and impaired coordination of movements.

There are no serious side effects when using mild sedative medications. After taking the pills, patients sometimes develop a skin rash, hyperemia, allergic dermatitis, peripheral edema. With long-term use listed drugs cause persistent relaxation of smooth muscles gastrointestinal tract, which leads to constipation. In rare cases, use sedative tablets after a concussion it provokes bronchospasms.


Victims in a state of nervous overexcitation are difficult to treat. To reduce irritability and eliminate tearfulness, they are given tranquilizers. The dosage of drugs is calculated based on the patient’s age. For very young children (up to 4–5 years old), tranquilizers are given only for convulsions caused by an injury. Tranquilizers include Phenazepam, Elenium, Rudotel, Nozepam, Dormiplant, Adaptol, Phenobarbital. General properties of drugs in this group:

  • have anticonvulsant, central muscle relaxant, sedative, hypnotic effects;
  • have a depressant effect on the central nervous system;
  • with a moderate overdose, the therapeutic effect and severity of side effects increase; with a strong increase in the dose, depression of cardiac and respiratory activity and loss of consciousness are observed;
  • tablets should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation, in childhood and adolescence(up to 18 years), with increased sensitivity to the main components of tranquilizers, acute respiratory failure, predisposition to angle-closure glaucoma, myasthenia gravis.

Tranquilizers have many side effects, so they are not suitable for long-term use. Tablets can cause a feeling of fatigue, problems with concentration, slowed mental and motor reactions, disorientation, ataxia (impaired coordination of muscle movements), and confusion. These side effects are more pronounced in older people.

There are no contraindications to taking vitamins. For patients who have difficulty recovering from a concussion, it is better to replace pyridoxine tablets with injections. To enhance the effect of use, it is recommended to combine vitamin B6 with riboflavin (B2). Both of these substances take an active part in metabolism, maintain the balance of sodium and potassium in liquids, increase brain performance and improve memory.

