Atopic dermatitis in children - treatment, causes, symptoms, drugs. Dermatitis in children: characteristic signs and quick treatment

Atopic dermatitis is a non-contagious chronic inflammation of the skin, often caused by allergic reactions and of genetic origin. Atopic dermatitis in children is usually called diathesis, but this name cannot be considered correct. It is known that a child can develop the disease with an 80 percent chance, provided that both parents had dermatitis. If only one parent suffered the disease, then the chances that atopic dermatitis will be passed on to the child are 50 percent. Let's look at this pathology in detail, give clinical recommendations, find out its types, and tell you what treatment is suitable for atopic dermatitis in infants.

Types of atopic dermatitis in children

There are several forms of this disease, characteristic of different ages:

  • Infantile - in newborns it manifests itself before the age of 2, the provoking factor is food. Features: exudative form of the disease. Expressed by redness, swelling, blisters and crusts form. Location: ears, cheeks, genitals.
  • Children - age of manifestation: 2 - 10 years. Features: the skin has a grayish tint, dryness, cracks, and scales form. The location of the disease is in the folds of the skin (in the neck, behind the ears, in the bend of the limbs). Among the provoking factors are food and medications.
  • Lichenoid form - age of manifestation: 5 - 15 years. Features: small plaques under the knees, on the elbows and hands.
  • Teenage. Age of manifestation: after 10 years. Formation of rashes on the skin of various parts of the body.

Cause of atopic dermatitis in children

Often the cause of atopic dermatitis in children is an allergic reaction. For the most part, the food product provokes the reaction. It can also be allergens that enter the body through the respiratory tract, that is, the causes of allergies can be animal hair or skin, dust, air freshener, fish food, and the like.

Areas of disease formation in children

If you come into frequent contact with an allergen due to particularly strong skin sensitivity, the irritants can be clothing or particles that fall on it, detergent powder, soap, fabrics, or even your own sweat secretions. Such allergens only intensify inflammatory processes.

With minor inflammation, small blisters appear on the skin. After some time, they open and a crust forms. All this leads to severe itching, which is very difficult to tolerate. It haunts me especially at night. The child begins to scratch the skin, which can lead to a new infection. This can lead to bacterial inflammation. We cannot exclude the factor of the climate in which the child is forced to live.

According to the popular pediatrician Komarovsky, children often develop atopic dermatitis during artificial feeding.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis in children

At the initial stage, children experience diaper rash. In children, redness appears in the buttock area, behind the ears, and in the folds of the skin. Sometimes they cause wet wounds. Peeling and roughness appear on the skin. A crust appears on the scalp. Gradually, the disease spreads from the skin of the face to the body.

Strongly severe symptoms diseases:

  • Itching (moderate to severe);
  • Redness (observed on the bends of the limbs - elbows, knees; in the folds of the skin, in the cervical region);
  • Rash.

Criteria for diagnosing atopic dermatitis

Consequences and complications of atopic dermatitis in children

The most dangerous thing is when a child begins to scratch the itchy area. This can lead to the formation of small wounds, which, in turn, become infected with fungus and other microorganisms, which can lead to a secondary infection (pyoderma). It is usually treated with antibiotics. All this affects both the skin and the child’s health. It is increasingly difficult for him to fall asleep, as a result he does not get enough sleep, and any body movements, bathing or clothing lead to uncomfortable sensations.

Often, fungi, viruses and bacteria can “attack” the baby immediately, as a result he will develop a purulent inflammatory process and a “cold”. At timely treatment With the right preventative measures, such difficulties can be avoided.

Only a doctor can identify atopic dermatitis in a child, and he will also prepare the necessary curative therapy. First of all, it is necessary to exclude what can provoke this disease and subsequent exacerbations. Although this disease cannot be fully cured, there are a number of remedies that reduce itching, redness and other symptoms. Treatment of atopic dermatitis in a child occurs by the following means:

  • Diet;
  • Moisturizing preparations (Emollients);
  • Creams and ointments;
  • Use of non-steroidal drugs;
  • Preparations for eliminating itching;
  • Antibiotics.

How can you cure atopic dermatitis in a child?

Diet for children

The famous doctor Komarovsky gives the following recommendations on diet for children:

  • The diet should not contain products that contain certain harmful substances. All this can only worsen the baby’s health;
  • The room temperature should be balanced, the child should not sweat;
  • Eliminate foods from your diet causing allergies(chocolate, honey, citrus fruits, nuts), and there should be no pets in the house, whose fur can cause an allergic reaction.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the child does not have constipation. If you notice the first such symptoms, you can give your baby a mild laxative, and then be sure to put him on a diet.
  • It is worth remembering that a nursing mother must follow a diet. It is better to exclude milk, butter, broth, and lard from the list of products.

According to Komarovsky, you should not overfeed your child. You also need to make sure that there is no excess protein in baby food.

Emollients for children

Emollient creams for children names

Additional treatment involves skin moisturizing. And here we will talk about emollients for atopic dermatitis in children. Emollients have softening properties for the skin and increase the amount of moisture. Moreover, emollients themselves do not moisturize, but only prevent the moisture that remains from decreasing. There are several types of emollients:

  • Bath emollients;
  • Emollients for application to the skin;
  • Emollients for washing.

It is possible to classify emollients in each of the above groups. But only a doctor can tell you which type is exactly right for your child. It all depends on inflammatory process, complexity, infections (if any) and so on.

Emollients should be applied a couple of times a day to children's skin, and once after washing.

It is necessary to bathe the child in warm water, but it is not advisable to continue the bathing process for longer than 10 minutes. Also, doctors do not recommend drying a baby or newborn immediately after washing. Firstly, the skin must receive sufficient moisture (and the emollient will retain this moisture), and secondly, minor injuries may form on it.

The list of emollients for children suffering from atopic dermatitis is very large:

  • Emolium;
  • Locobase Ripea;
  • A-Derma Exomega;
  • Losterol;
  • Mustela Stelatopia;
  • Topicrem.

It is worth remembering that baby cream cannot completely replace emollient. Based on research, it wears off quickly, can cause allergies in a child and does not have a wide range of therapeutic effects.

Creams for children

In today's pharmaceutical market there is a large arsenal of ointments and creams for atopic dermatitis in children. Here is a list of some non-hormonal drugs:

  • Protopic – it contains tacrolimus and is used for the treatment of Atopic dermatitis in children.
  • Exoderil is an antifungal agent, sometimes it shows results, provided that the origin of the inflammatory skin process or dermatitis has not been precisely determined.
  • Panthenol - this remedy is usually prescribed for the treatment of dryness with different types dermatitis.
  • Eplan - this remedy is used for various diseases skin (psoriasis, eczema, acne, etc.).
  • Gistan is a dietary supplement that contains herbal extracts.
  • Elidel is a drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect in atopic dermatitis. However, it refers to means with unproven effectiveness.
  • Naftaderm - has a resolving effect.

Nonsteroidal drugs for children

This technique has been used recently. TIC medications (Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors) provide long-term control of the disease, helping to cope with itching and redness. They especially help cope with the disease during an exacerbation and ensure remission.

Anti-itch medications

Doctors prescribe and antihistamines. Many of them have the side effect of drowsiness. Therefore, it is better to use it at night, before going to bed.

Antibiotics for children

For infectious skin diseases, antibiotics are prescribed to kill the pathogen and other pathogens. Just don’t overuse antibiotics, because after some time bacteria can adapt to them.

Folk remedies

There are many traditional methods that help cope with inflammation. At home you can prepare:

  • Therapeutic baths;
  • Ointments;
  • Herbs;
  • Compresses.

Let's share a few recipes medicinal baths points:

  • When bathing your baby, add 5 tablespoons of sea salt;
  • You can add 1 liter of milk and 100 ml of unrefined milk to the bath olive oil;
  • Birch buds are very effective. Pour 120 grams of the plant into 1 liter of boiling water. After tincture for 3 hours, the contents should be poured into the bath;
  • While bathing, add a decoction of burdock root, celandine, nettle, and violet. They are often used to treat this disease.

Prevention and prognosis of atopic dermatitis in children

With timely treatment, the prognosis for atopic dermatitis is often positive, but complete recovery is excluded. To improve the well-being and condition of a child, doctors recommend isolating him from allergenic foods, which include chocolate, citrus fruits, some berries (for example, strawberries, nuts, cocoa, etc. However, an allergic reaction may be individual in nature and will spread to that food, to which others are usually not allergic. Therefore, this issue needs to be discussed with the treating pediatrician separately. First, after detecting symptoms, specialists conduct an appropriate study: they take samples, do a blood test.

Let's sort it out preventive measures the points:

  • Eliminate factors that cause dry skin. It is necessary to maintain the correct climate balance (humid and cool) in the baby’s room, walk a lot, and do not overly wrap the baby. Make sure your baby drinks enough fluids, especially during the hot summer months.
  • The child should not overeat. Due to excess nutrition, the skin may become dry, redness may occur, and cracks may form. This way the toxins will act from within.
  • Don't go overboard with cleanliness. Many mothers try to wash their child as cleanly as possible, but this increases the risk of atopic dermatitis. The fact is that the skin lipid layer is destroyed, resulting in vulnerability. It is better to bathe your baby once a day, using special cosmetics for children. After a year, bathing can be done once every 2 days.
  • Make sure that your child’s clothes are made only from natural materials; they should not cause discomfort to the child and can be washed easily.

Atopic dermatitis in children refers to inflammatory diseases of the epidermis with characteristic hyperemic rashes and severe itching.

As a rule, dermatitis has an allergic nature of development and is quite often inherited. Atopic dermatitis that first appears in childhood can be present in the patient throughout his life.

Forms of atopic dermatitis

There are 3 forms of atopic dermatitis, each of which occurs with characteristic symptoms:

  1. INFANT - in this case, atopic dermatitis in children can be observed from the moment of birth to 2 years. Most often affected facial area(pictured), popliteal and elbow bends, as well as the abdominal area. This form is characterized by the appearance of crusts on the wet surface of the skin. Often the triggering factor for atopic dermatitis is improper introduction of complementary foods and teething. To treat infantile dermatitis, contact with the allergen should be prevented;

  1. CHILDREN - develops in children from 2 to 12 years old. The localization sites for atopic dermatitis are the elbow bend, back sides hands, neck and popliteal fossa, face (pictured). The hyperemic rash is accompanied by papular formations, which often burst and require specific treatment;

  1. ADULT - develops from 12 to 18 years. At this age, the area of ​​localization of rashes is significantly increased and can spread to the fingers, toes and other parts of the body (pictured).

Very often, the adult form of atopic dermatitis can progress in people of mature age. It is quite difficult to cure.

Causes of the disease

The cause of atopic dermatitis in a child is a combination of adverse external influences and hereditary predisposition.

These include:

  • complications during pregnancy of the mother, which have a negative impact on the fetus, contributing to the development of atopy in the baby after birth;
  • The appearance of diathesis in childhood is facilitated by the body's hypersensitivity to food allergens. The main reasons for this reaction are the mother’s abuse of highly allergenic foods, artificial feeding, and untimely introduction of complementary foods. In some cases, atopic dermatitis develops in a child after viral infections;

  • Quite often, the development of atopic dermatitis can appear against the background of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Most probable reasons this is expressed in gastritis, dysbiosis, enterocolitis and helminthic infestations;
  • There are secondary causes of the development of atopic dermatitis. These include various household irritants. They can be cleaning products, baby cream, wipes, cosmetics, diapers, etc.

In addition to the main causes of the development of atopic dermatitis, there are a number of provoking factors.

These include:

  • smoking (both active and passive). Passive smoking is the most dangerous for a baby, so it is necessary to give up this bad habit or not be in the same room with the child when smoking cigarettes;
  • The environmental background of the place where the child lives is of no small importance. The worst environmental situation is in large industrial cities, which leads to increased allergic danger and, accordingly, there is an increase in the number of atopic dermatitis;

  • It should be noted that relapses of atopic dermatitis can be triggered by increased nervous excitability and acute stressful situations.
  • In addition, it is recommended to wear clothes made from natural fabrics so as not to cause increased sweating, which, in turn, can provoke the development of atopic dermatitis in the baby.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis can include the following:

  • unbearable itching;
  • redness of the skin (pictured);
  • rash that may be weeping;
  • the appearance of a scab at the opening of the watery rash.

All these symptoms are very similar to allergic ones, but there are some peculiarities when atopic dermatitis develops in children.

Symptoms of atopic diseases are usually wave-like in nature, i.e. Having gotten rid of the rash, they may appear again after 3-4 days. The skin can be very itchy even in the absence of hyperemia, but all external manifestations are effectively relieved by glucocorticosteroids.

Another characteristic sign of atopic dermatitis is its development even after complete exclusion of highly allergenic foods from the diet.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in children

The main question for parents when visiting a doctor is how to cure atopic dermatitis in a child? It is important to note that getting rid of this disease requires long-term complex treatment.

As a rule, treatment of atopic dermatitis in children is carried out in 2 directions: medicinal and non-medicinal. Often, emollients are prescribed to alleviate the patient’s general condition.

Emollients are designed to moisturize the skin. In addition, emollients help restore lipid balance in the epidermis, while creating a protective barrier against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

The following emollients are most often used in therapy:

MUSTELA. This emulsion cream is designed to moisturize the skin with atopic dermatitis and can be used from the moment the child is born. The Mustela cosmetic line is one of the most popular. Mustela cream is used for newborn children, despite the fact that its price is quite high (from 500 rubles), this cream received the most positive reviews. In addition to Mustela diaper cream and emulsions, Mustela is available as a shampoo for newborns against seborrhea. This Brand includes many baby care products.

AVEN KzeraKalm A.D. This cream is intended for children from birth suffering from atopic dermatitis. The manufacturer of the drug is France. It is important to consider that the balm Aven KzeraKalm A.D. produces a greater effect in the development of atopic dermatitis than a similar cream, which is explained by deeper penetration into the epidermis.

TSINDOL. Tsindol is one of the safest drugs for infants. Tsindol contains zinc oxide, which quickly relieves the symptoms of inflammation, having a drying effect. Tsindol is prescribed for any inflammatory skin rash. For preventive purposes, Tsindol can be applied to areas of the body in contact with wet laundry. Tsindol suspension and shaker for the treatment of infants is used up to 3 times a day. In addition, it can be used in the treatment of skin diseases in pregnant women and children, since the drug has no side effects. Tsindol is prescribed only externally, its price is quite affordable and averages 150 rubles. for 125 ml of suspension.

TOPICREM. This cream for the treatment of atopic dermatitis has lipid-restoring properties and can be used in children from birth. In addition to Topicrem, triactive cream Emolium has a good anti-inflammatory effect.

LIPIKAR. The series of modern effective drugs for the treatment of atopic dermatitis includes cream and balm for babies from 1 year old, Lipikar. This drug contains only natural ingredients, which is why Lipikar received good reviews from patients. The cream actively replenishes the deficiency of lipid compounds in the fatty layers of the epidermis, so it is enough to apply Lipikar once to get rid of negative manifestations. Before applying Lipikar to the skin, you must first wash the skin with products that do not contain various additives and wipe dry. It is important to note that Lipikar does not contain aggressive components, due to which it can be used by all categories of patients.

As a rule, all emollients belong to the hypoallergenic group, but it is important to remember that a child has very sensitive and delicate skin, so emollients for atopic dermatitis should be used with caution, especially when they are used for the first time.

In addition to emollients, standard treatments can be used:

CORTICOSTEROIDS. Such products (emulsion, cream, gel or ointment) are prescribed to neutralize acute manifestations atopic dermatitis in children. It must be remembered that hormonal drugs can only be prescribed by a specialist. As a rule, Advantan and Elokom creams are used, which should be applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin.

ANTIHISTAMINES. These drugs (Cetrin, Zyrtec, Tavegil, Diazolin, etc.) are prescribed to relieve itching. For minor manifestations, it is recommended to use Fenistil ointment.

ANTIBIOTICS. In case of secondary infection, antibiotics are prescribed for external use (Levosin, Dvomikol and Bactroban).

ANTI-MYCOTIC AND ANTI-VIRUS MEDICINES. When diagnosing a viral infection, the use of Candida, Pimafucin, Nizoral is prescribed. In addition, Alpisatrin and Tebrofen ointment can be used to get rid of infections. Reviews about the effect of these drugs are mostly positive.

DRUGS FOR NORMALIZING DIGESTIVE FUNCTION. To normalize the regeneration processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract, the drug Creon, which contains dry Pancreatin, is prescribed. In childhood, Creon 10000 is used. Quite often it is recommended for dysbiosis and lactase deficiency. However, it should be borne in mind that the drug is prescribed only for true lactase deficiency, and for dysbiosis, Creon can be given to those children who are already given complementary foods.

It is important to remember that it is prescribed for a short-term course, since the less the baby receives this drug, the more actively his pancreas will function. The best option when Creon is taken during the first 5 days of infection or after antibiotic therapy. It is necessary to take the drug under the strict supervision of a doctor, since reviews about Creon are quite contradictory.

Treatment with folk remedies

Besides drug therapy Treatment with folk remedies has become widely used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. It must be remembered that treatment of atopy with folk remedies should be carried out only in combination with traditional treatment and compliance special diet. Taken together, a set of these measures allows you to relieve acute symptoms of the disease.

To remove negative symptoms, you can use the following folk remedies:

Therapeutic bath

  • taking medicinal baths with birch buds, which should be brewed hot water and boil for 5-7 minutes. After this, the broth is added to a non-hot bath (up to 37°C.). After the procedure is completed, the child is wiped dry and lubricated with medicinal cream;
  • in addition to herbs for atopic dermatitis, you can use starch for a bath (3 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water), as well as sea salt (5 tablespoons are added to the prepared bath for bathing the child);

  • There is another recipe for a bath called “Cleopatra”. To prepare it you need to take 100 grams. olive oil + 100 ml. fresh milk. The prepared mixture is poured into the bath before bathing and helps to quickly cleanse the skin of external manifestations as well as skin hydration.

Treatment with folk remedies, which are added to bathing water, helps moisturize the skin and relieve itching. As a rule, there are no contraindications for taking medicinal baths, with the exception of individual intolerance to additional components.

Homemade ointments for relieving atopic dermatitis

Acute symptoms of atopic dermatitis can be relieved with folk remedies such as ointments and lotions prepared at home.

The most commonly used recipes are:

  • For atopic dermatitis, lotions with freshly squeezed potato juice (aloe) can be applied to the affected area;
  • a good effect is achieved when using lotions with 15 g. clasp and borage. The prepared components are poured with 1 glass of hot water and left for 2-3 hours. After cooling, a sterile napkin is dipped into the solution and applied to the affected area;

  • An ointment prepared using propolis (10 g) and 250 ml has a positive effect. olive oils. The prepared substance is placed in an oven preheated to 150°C and heated for at least 40 minutes. After cooling, the mass is applied to the skin and can be stored in a cool, dark place;
  • folk remedies for the treatment of atopic dermatitis quite often use an ointment with the addition of baby cream. To prepare it you need to take 50 grams. baby cream, mixing it with 1 tbsp. l. fresh aloe, 1 tsp. valerian tincture and 5 g. olive oils. To obtain a therapeutic effect, the prepared ointment is applied 2-3 times a day to the affected areas of the body;

  • Another external treatment for atopic dermatitis in a child is an ointment with the addition of mumiyo and string. To prepare the mixture, take 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. dry string powder and 5 gr. mumiyo. All ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath for 1 hour, after which the mixture is filtered and poured into a clean transparent container. The ointment is applied 1-2 times a day to the affected areas of the skin.

It must be remembered that any treatment, including traditional recipes, should be carried out only after consultation with the attending physician.

Diet for atopic dermatitis

It must be remembered that with the development of atopic dermatitis in children the most important factor recovery is diet. Therefore, you should review your daily menu, eliminating all highly allergenic foods from your diet. For children under one year old, the most common allergens are eggs, cow's milk and gluten.

If a child under one year of age is bottle-fed, it is recommended to select a special formula, since the most common provocateur for the development of the disease is milk protein. If a child under one year of age has an inadequate reaction to formula milk, it is recommended to replace it with soy milk. In the case where there is increased sensitivity to soy protein, you can transfer it to hypoallergenic mixtures (Alfare, Nutramigen, etc.) or gluten-free cereals, which have received good reviews from parents.

The hypoallergenic mixture contains partially digested proteins, however, if atopic dermatitis worsens when consuming a hypoallergenic mixture, such nutrition should be reconsidered and switched to medicinal mixtures with a complete absence of cow protein. Such mixtures are considered medicinal and are given to the child as prescribed by the pediatrician.

It is important that the diet for atopic dermatitis in children is followed taking into account age and concomitant chronic diseases.


In order to avoid atopic dermatitis in a baby under one year old, it is necessary to follow the rules for introducing the first complementary foods. The well-known children's doctor Komarovsky recommends taking into account important nuances when introducing complementary foods to an atopic child:

Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend introducing complementary foods during exacerbation of dermatitis. Need to wait it out acute period rashes and choose the least allergenic foods, preferably green (broccoli, zucchini, green apple, cauliflower). Among meat products, preference should be given to turkey, rabbit, and horse meat.

It is important to remember that from six months of age a child needs complementary foods for full development. A baby may have an allergic reaction to a specific product, but by no means to everything. Therefore, if parents think that allergic rashes are observed on all types of products, it is necessary to look for the reasons for this in external factors.

Offering your child new complementary foods is allowed only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Diet for a nursing woman with dermatitis in a baby

In the case when the baby is breastfed or eats adult food, the diet must be followed by both the nursing mother and the child.

If a child under 1 year of age has manifestations of any form of atopic dermatitis, a nursing woman must observe certain dietary restrictions:

MilkBuckwheat, pearl barley, corn, rice
Chicken's meatCauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts
Exotic fruits and vegetablesZucchini, green beans
CitrusGreen peas, herbs, potatoes
ChocolateBanana, pear, plum, green apple
EggsLean pork, rabbit, turkey, horse meat
Fish and seafoodRye bread
NutsRice and corn crispbreads
BeefLingonberries, blueberries and red currants soaked in boiling water.
In case of severe development of symptoms, the consumption of fermented milk products is prohibited.In addition, sometimes cookies are allowed.

Also, it is necessary to exclude sugary drinks and candies. It is important to note that the list of permitted and prohibited foods is quite individual, which must be taken into account when creating a diet.

Famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky has been studying the problem of the development and treatment of atopic diseases in children for quite some time. Based on numerous studies, Dr. Komarovsky claims that disease prevention is mandatory, consisting of 3 steps:

  1. It is necessary to reduce the level of absorption into the bloodstream of substances that can cause an allergic reaction and atopic dermatitis.
  2. It is recommended to monitor your baby's sweating.
  3. Contact with allergens should be avoided.
  • Please remember that to improve performance digestive organs with atopic dermatitis, increased salivation is required, so it is recommended to make a small hole in the feeding bottle and remove it periodically;
  • When breastfeeding, it is important to reduce the fat content of milk. To do this, the mother needs to drink plenty of fluids and eat a minimum of fatty foods;
  • It is strictly forbidden to overfeed the baby, since excess weight aggravates atopic manifestations.

Atopic dermatitis refers to skin autoimmune disease, manifested throughout life in some way and having heredity.

The disease is not contagious, manifesting itself allergic rash. Atopy is a term proposed by American researchers in the first half of the 20th century, which united all hereditary diseases of an allergic nature.

People who are prone to the disease are called atopics.

The concept has been put forward that the main impetus for the development of the disease is the immune mechanism. Atypical allergies in children are manifested by unbearable skin itching, numerous rashes and increased levels of immunoglobulin E.

There is severe sensitivity to irritants of an allergic or non-allergic nature. It should be distinguished from psoriasis, seborrheic and contact dermatitis, urticaria, and prickly heat.

Atopic dermatitis in children is one of the common ailments that appears on the skin in the first 6 months after birth. Children under one year of age have a greater tendency.

Diffuse neurodermatitis, as it is also called this pathology, are often associated with other allergic diseases - bronchial asthma or, for example, allergic rhinitis.

In advanced stages, atypical dermatitis in children can lead to a bacterial infection caused by staphylococcus. Exists next classification ailment:.

  • infant;
  • children's;
  • teenage (adult).

Causes of the disease

A genetic predisposition to allergies and harmful environmental factors are the main causes of allergic dermatitis. In addition, it is worth highlighting a number of factors that favor the development of the disease:

The main reason for the development of atopic dermatitis in children is a genetic predisposition to allergies. Very often, along with eczema, a child also suffers from severe forms of allergies to pollen, dust, and pet dander. Predisposing factors or the so-called impetus for the development of the disease are:

The main causes of atopic dermatitis:

Allergists identify the main factor as heredity. Genetic predisposition influences the manifestation of negative symptoms when coming into contact with various allergens.

Other causes of atopic dermatitis in children:

  • Hereditary predisposition. A child develops a tendency to allergic diseases while still in the mother’s womb. If one of the baby’s parents was/is suffering from atopic dermatitis or allergies, then there is a high chance that the child will develop this disease.
  • Poor quality toys, hygiene products, clothing. Toys made from chemical components, synthetic fibers in clothing, unnatural composition of hygiene products can provoke dermatitis on sensitive skin baby.

  • Insect bites, touching plants. In case of insufficient protective function in a child's body, even a mosquito bite or contact with nettles can cause an atopic rash.
  • Food. The gastrointestinal tract of a child in the first year of life produces an insufficient amount of enzymes that facilitate the digestive process. Failure of a nursing mother to follow a diet, the presence of allergic foods in the child’s diet, or a change in nutrition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding can trigger the onset of the disease.
  • Against the background of other diseases. Other diseases are concomitant with atopic dermatitis - diabetes, anemia, gastritis, enterocolitis, bronchial asthma.

Stages and symptoms of the disease

In modern practice, there are 4 stages of atopic dermatitis:

  • Initial. Peeling, swelling of the skin on the cheeks, and hyperemia appear. Characteristic of children with exudative-catarrhal type of disease. It is noteworthy that at this phase the disease can be cured by following a special hypoallergenic diet.
  • Expressed. It is characterized by a chronic phase, when rashes appear on the skin with a certain sequence, and an acute phase. IN in this case the rashes become covered with crusts and scales.
  • Remission. All symptoms of the disease disappear or disappear completely. The duration of the stage is calculated in weeks, and in some cases, years.
  • Clinical recovery. The main signs of the disease at this stage may be completely absent or may not appear for years.

Manifestations of the disease depend on the stage of dermatitis:

Clinicians distinguish four stages of progression of atopic dermatitis in a child:

  • initial – the most striking manifestation clinical picture;
  • pronounced - transition of the disease from acute to chronic form;
  • remission - symptoms disappear partially or completely;
  • period of clinical recovery - symptoms of the disease do not appear for 3–7 years.

The disease has three stages, which appear in children in their first 12 years of life. These include:

  • infant. It affects babies between 2 months and 2 years of age. It is usually called diathesis. This stage of the disease affects the face, the folds of the limbs, and it can also spread to the scalp, buttocks, and the entire torso;
  • children's room It affects the skin of children aged 2–12 years. Rashes on the epithelium appear more often in the neck, on the hands, and on the bends of the limbs;
  • teenage. Rashes affect the skin of a teenager in the décolleté area, on the elbow fossa, and on the wrist. The most severe damage to the skin is observed on the face and neck.

In addition to the childhood form of atopic dermatitis, there is also an adult form. It is usually found in people over 12 years of age. This form of the disease is characterized by a completely different course.

Signs of atopic dermatitis

Each age of the child is characterized by its own manifestations of atopic dermatitis. Today, there are three periods of the clinical course of the pathology.

Infant form

The pathology is observed in a child aged 0-2 years. The following symptoms are characteristic:

  • red inflammatory spots on the child’s skin (diathesis) - especially pronounced on the forehead, cheeks, chin;
  • restless sleep;
  • severe itching, burning;
  • weight loss;
  • acute course of the disease;
  • the reddened areas become wet;
  • swelling;
  • crust formation;
  • focal inflammation in the buttocks, scalp, legs;
  • formation of papular elements against the background of reddened skin.

Children's uniform


The main signs of atopic dermatitis in babies under 1 year of age are eczema and severe itching. Older children suffer from irritation in the armpits and groin area, on the bends of the legs and arms, on the neck, around the mouth and eyes.

In cold weather, the disease begins to worsen in most patients. In children, features such as deep wrinkles on the eyelids, “winter foot” symptoms, and thinning hair on the back of the head can be identified.

As a rule, atopic dermatitis occurs in a child with periods of exacerbations and persistent remissions. The exacerbation is facilitated by the child’s psycho-emotional shocks, past illnesses and consumption of prohibited foods.

Neurodermatitis is characterized by seasonality: in autumn and winter, the skin condition worsens significantly, and in the summer, the disease ceases to bother the child.

So, the clinical manifestations of atopic dermatitis in children are:

  • peeling of the skin;
  • itching that gets worse at night;
  • weeping of combed skin areas;
  • increased skin pattern in affected areas;
  • thickening of the affected areas of the skin, roughening.

There are infant (from birth to two years), children's (from two to 13 years), teenage (from 13 years) atopic dermatitis, which has its own characteristics at certain age periods.

Symptoms of allergic dermatitis in children under 2 years old, 2-13 years old and adolescents

Children's age How does atopic dermatitis manifest?
Babies from birth to 2 years Dermatitis is localized on the face, bends of the arms and legs, and can spread to the torso. Diaper rash appears and scales form on the head. The skin of the cheeks and buttocks becomes red, crusty, flaky and itchy. Exacerbation of atopic dermatitis occurs during the introduction of complementary foods and teething.
Children from 2 years to adolescence Rash on the bends of the limbs, neck, pits under the knees and elbows. The skin swells, cracks appear on the hands and soles of the feet. Also characteristic symptom is hyperpigmentation of the eyelids, caused by constant itching and scratching, characteristic folds appear under the lower eyelid.
Adolescence and older Often the rashes disappear during adolescence, but exacerbation of atopic dermatitis is also possible. The number of affected areas increases: the face, neck, elbow fossa, the skin around the wrists, hands, décolleté, feet and fingers is affected. The disease is accompanied by severe itching, and a secondary infection may occur.

At any age, the constant accompanying atopic dermatitis is skin rashes, dry skin, severe itching, skin thickening and peeling.

The symptoms of atopic dermatitis vary slightly at different ages. The infant phase of the disease is characterized by the following signs: redness of the skin, development of dermatitis, reddish rashes on the skin of the face, neck, abdomen, buttocks, on the flexor surfaces of the limbs in the area of ​​the elbow and knee joints, and inguinal folds.

There are symptoms of atopic dermatitis such as dryness and flaking of the skin, severe itching in the area of ​​inflammation, the appearance of small yellowish-gray crusts, the formation of cracks and blisters with a clear liquid inside on the surface of the skin.

When the disease is in the childhood phase, the symptoms described above are supplemented by localization of manifestations in the area of ​​​​the feet, palms, and skin folds. A protracted course of the disease is possible, with periods of exacerbations and temporary disappearance of symptoms. The child suffers from itchy skin and may experience sleep disturbances.

Atopic dermatitis in infants can manifest itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • severe itching;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • formation of cracks at the site of redness;
  • rashes on the face, in places where the skin bends;
  • baby's restlessness, poor sleep;
  • almost complete lack of appetite.

Clinicians note that in more complex cases, the child’s temperature may rise to 38 degrees.

The rashes characteristic of this pathology are localized in the following places:

  • bends of limbs;
  • scalp;
  • ears, cheeks, chin.

Atopic dermatitis in a child age group from six months to 3 years it manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • skin redness;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • formation of pityriasis scales;
  • excessive peeling of the affected areas of the skin;
  • weight loss;
  • increased skin dryness;
  • formation of compactions (in places).

Elements of the rash are localized in the following places:

  • skin on the face;
  • mucous membrane of the airways;
  • elbows, feet;
  • neck area.

For children over three years of age, the following symptoms of progression of atopic dermatitis are typical:

  • increased dryness of the skin with the formation of scales that visually resemble bran;
  • redness skin;
  • the formation of cracks in places where the skin folds.

In some cases, the rash progresses to the stage of formation of crusts, which gradually dry out and fall off. It should also be noted that for all age categories, with the development of this pathological process, characterized by sudden weight loss and almost complete lack of appetite.

Clinicians note that in rare clinical cases, at the initial stage of development of the disease, symptoms may be absent. In addition, many parents who exhibit the symptoms described above do not promptly seek help. medical care, trying to eliminate symptoms through folk remedies.

This form of the disease has a seasonal nature of manifestation - in the summer there are practically no symptoms, while in winter time exacerbation is observed.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis can include the following:

  • unbearable itching;
  • redness of the skin (pictured);
  • rash that may be weeping;
  • the appearance of a scab at the opening of the watery rash.

All these symptoms are very similar to allergic ones, but there are some peculiarities when atopic dermatitis develops in children.

Symptoms of atopic diseases are usually wave-like in nature, i.e., having gotten rid of the rash, they can appear again after 3-4 days. The skin can be very itchy even in the absence of hyperemia, but all external manifestations are effectively relieved by glucocorticosteroids.

Another characteristic sign of atopic dermatitis is its development even after complete exclusion of highly allergenic foods from the diet.

With the development of atopic dermatitis, the patient notices the following signs:

  • dryness of the epidermis;
  • severe, annoying itching;
  • redness of the epidermis;
  • peeling skin on the cheeks.

A feature of the disease is a decrease, complete disappearance of redness when going out into the cold.

Each stage is characterized by special symptoms:

Atopic dermatitis is an allergic disease that manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the skin, excessive dryness, peeling of the skin in areas where redness, irritation, and blisters with liquid appear.

What symptoms can be used to determine the presence of atopic dermatitis in a child:

  • The rash is localized in areas of folds on the torso, buttocks, limbs, and face with equal frequency. It can appear on the back, scalp, in places of friction, contact with clothing - knees, elbows, neck, cheeks.
  • Initially, redness is observed on the skin area, accompanied by the appearance of an atopic rash, blisters with liquid and itching.
  • With prolonged scratching, the skin area swells, becomes crusty, and becomes very dry, forming cracks and bleeding wounds and erosions.
  • Diathesis – reddened cheeks, forehead, chin. The manifestation of diathesis, along with dermatitis, occurs in infants and children from 1 to 3 years old.
  • Increased nervousness, emotionality, hyperactivity.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  • Conjunctivitis, rashes on the lips, eyelids, nasal mucosa - with prolonged dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis occurs in stages of exacerbation and remission. An exacerbation is characterized by increased itching and scabies, as a result of which an infection can get into the wounds, developing pustular formations.

Remission and deterioration of the condition occur during cold and damp seasons, which create a favorable environment for the development of infection.


Conducting a visual examination of the skin is preparatory stage when making a diagnosis, after which a series of tests are prescribed. These include diagnosing blood for sugar and biochemistry, as well as a general urine test.

If a disease is detected, additional studies of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland may be prescribed. Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis in children can be done as testing to identify allergens.

The diagnosis is made based on a visual examination of the surface of the child's skin. As a rule, the favorite places for localization of atopic dermatitis are the elbows and knees, cheeks and buttocks.

To exclude a fungal infection, the doctor must take scrapings from the affected surfaces. In addition to a visual examination of the patient, a life history is important: the hereditary factor that served as the impetus for the development of the disease, the presence of allergies.

An important test when diagnosing childhood eczema is biochemical analysis blood for immunoglobulin E, the amount of which in this case is greatly increased.

At the first sign allergic disease consult your pediatrician. After examining a young patient and talking with parents, the doctor often gives a referral for consultation with specialized specialists.

Be sure to visit:

  • allergist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • pulmonologist;
  • immunologist;
  • pediatric neurologist.

Children undergo blood and urine tests, and undergo special tests to determine the irritant (or several negative factors).

Note! To prescribe a treatment regimen, a study of the causes and symptoms of atopic dermatitis in children, tests to identify the allergen, and the degree of sensitization of the body are required.

find out useful information about symptoms and treatment of other diseases of children. For example, read about prickly heat here; about diathesis - here; about jaundice - on this page. About diaper rash in babies it is written at this address; Find out about rickets here; We have a separate article about oral thrush. About the treatment of laryngitis is written here; pyelonephritis - here; bronchitis - on this page; gastritis - at this address; We have a separate article about allergic rashes.

Drug therapy

How to treat atopic dermatitis in a child? An integrated approach is important:

  • antihistamines. The doctor prescribes medications taking into account the child’s age, clinical picture, and cause of exacerbation. The drugs relieve symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause of the allergy. Effective means: Fenistil (gel/drops), Erius, Cetrin, Zyrtec, Diazolin, Claritin;
  • non-hormonal ointments and gels. Compositions with anti-inflammatory, soothing, antiseptic effects. Ointments moisturize inflamed areas and accelerate the regeneration process. Loserin, Zinocap, Bepanten, Solcoseryl, Desitin, Protopic and others are effective. Always use products according to the age of the young patient;
  • hormonal ointments. Potent drugs are allowed to be used in short courses. The funds have side effects, often cause problems with the kidneys and liver, and increase dry skin. For treating the face and neck, especially in infants, weaker drugs are suitable: Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone. Potent hormonal ointments for treatment severe forms dermatitis: Elokom, Advantan, Sinalar, Cutivate and others.

In newborns, the initial manifestation of atopic dermatitis is similar to a simple allergy to food or household factors. This is why many parents do not seek medical help in a timely manner.

At the first manifestations of the above-described clinical picture in a child, you should seek medical help. The doctor will conduct a personal examination, find out your medical history and prescribe additional tests. The standard diagnostic program includes the following:

Using these diagnostic methods, the doctor can not only accurately make a diagnosis, but also establish the cause of the development of the pathological process and prescribe the correct treatment.

It is unacceptable to treat a child on your own, using folk remedies. Such arbitrariness can lead to the development of complications.

If you suspect that a child is developing atopic dermatitis, you should visit the following specialists:

  • neurologist;
  • allergist;
  • gastroenterologist

There are no specific laboratory markers for diagnosing atopic dermatitis. Given this feature, diagnosis of the disease is performed by detecting characteristic clinical signs. The diagnostic algorithm of the disease consists of:

  • mandatory criteria. These include itching, the nature of localization, the morphology of the rash, the presence of a chronic relapsing course, atopy, the presence of a hereditary predisposition to atopy;
  • additional criteria. These include the following: Palmar ichthyosis, keratoconus, epithelial xerosis, nipple eczema, Denier-Morgan folds, anterior subcapsular cataract, recurrent conjunctivitis, erythroderma, rashes on the hands, feet, increased level immunoglobulin E.

The diagnosis of “atopic dermatitis” is considered clearly defined when the patient has 3 or more mandatory, additional signs. By the way, for solar dermatitis and childhood eczema, a differential analysis is performed with this type of dermatitis.

We will discuss below how to treat atopic dermatitis in adults and children.

Drug treatment

A pediatrician can treat atopic dermatitis, because this diagnosis has to be made during the examination of almost every second baby. In chronic, complicated forms, you should consult a pediatric allergist, dermatologist, immunologist, gastroenterologist, or neurologist. What treatment can a doctor prescribe for atopic dermatitis in children?


They are used in the form of external agents - ointments. The most famous drug is Fenistil-gel.

Also available in the form of tablets, solutions, drops and suspensions. These medications do not treat the cause of the disease, they only help neutralize histamine in the blood and relieve itching and swelling.

There are first and second generations of antihistamines. The first includes “Suprastin”, “Tavegil”, “Diphenhydramine”, “Fenkarol”, “Diazolin”, “Pipolfen”.

They have a pronounced sedative effect, so they should not be taken for a long time.

New generation antihistamines can be taken for several months. The most well-known drugs: “Erius”, “Cetrin”, “Claritin”, “Zyrtec”, “Terfen”.

They do not cause drowsiness or significant side effects. The effectiveness of antihistamines in some clinical cases is questionable, so the doctor cannot always prescribe these medications.

Hormonal corticosteroids for external use

All the information on how to treat atopic dermatitis in a child has long been collected by specialists and does not cause any difficulties for them. They note that to carry out effective treatment We need a common approach to the current problem. It includes:

  • Removing disease provocateurs from a child’s daily life
  • Healing of affected skin (local treatment)
  • Complete restoration of the body to eliminate all symptoms and prevent their occurrence in the future

Local treatment of the disease helps:

  • Reduce and then completely eliminate symptoms such as dry skin, inflammation and itching
  • Ensure normal functioning of skin cells
  • Restore damaged epithelium
  • Prevent skin re-infection

For treatment, the doctor uses various methods external therapy:

Representatives also know how to cure atopic dermatitis in a child and alleviate symptoms. traditional medicine. They argue, and this is confirmed by the opinion of experts, that the approach to treatment should be comprehensive.

Therefore, in addition to traditional drugs, it is also necessary to use folk remedies. They must be carefully selected so as not to cause an additional allergic reaction.

The use of herbal decoctions

To soften children's skin while eliminating existing itching, baths with the addition of herbal decoctions are widely used. To achieve the desired effect, the child should do them every day.

You need to carefully check the water temperature: it should not exceed +37 C. After completing the procedure, you need to carefully blot the baby’s skin with a towel and spread cream on it.

Examples of possible baths

The treatment of the disease is approached comprehensively. Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) is not used for atopic dermatitis, but bathing, on the contrary, is recommended because it can moisturize the skin.

When bathing and washing, you should use special soap. In addition to hypoallergenic nutrition and prevention, there are other methods for treating atopic dermatitis in a child:

  • drug treatment;
  • folk remedies;
  • homeopathy;
  • physiotherapy.

Drug treatment of atopic dermatitis

Claritin, Zodak, Zyrtec and other antihistamines (solutions or tablets) should be used to eliminate itching and relieve swelling. In addition, the following drugs are used for atopic dermatitis in children:

  • antibiotics for secondary infection (macrolides);
  • antihistamines;
  • cephalosporins;
  • vitamins;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • retinoids;
  • homeopathic medicines;
  • immunomodulators;
  • membrane stabilizing agents;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • enzymes;
  • antifungal agents.

How to smear atopic dermatitis in a child

When choosing the treatment of dermatitis in children with folk remedies, it is worth paying attention Special attention selection of components. The action of some drugs can cause an allergic reaction in the body, especially in young children.

Herbal treatment at home brings effectiveness to early stages. At later stages, you will have to additionally use medications.

Treatment of allergic dermatitis begins with eliminating the factor that provokes the appearance of rashes.

For severe skin cracks, oozing and infection of the affected areas, it is advisable to use antiseptic ointments that contain glucocorticosteroids.

However, it is important to understand that local application Hormonal ointments, although they will quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease, are by no means a method of treating neurodermatitis; moreover, abuse of hormones can lead to the development of bronchial asthma or worsening of the condition.

During the period of stable remission, the child is indicated for sanatorium treatment of atopic dermatitis. The basis of sanatorium treatment is climatotherapy, various baths (hydrogen sulfide, sodium-chloride, iodine-bromine, radon, pearl).

It is important to understand that only a child in remission can be referred for treatment. Contraindications to visiting the resort are atopic dermatitis in the acute and subacute stages, the presence of pustular rashes and weeping pathological areas.

Non-drug treatment

Treatment is prescribed after accurate confirmation of the diagnosis. It is impossible to treat a child without consulting a specialist, since a number of diseases may have similar symptoms, therefore, self-medication can harm the child’s health.

Treatment of the disease must necessarily be comprehensive and systemic, and begin with the elimination of all irritating effects (allergens) on the child’s body.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis is prescribed, to which it is certainly supplemented hypoallergenic diet, excluding all foods that can provoke an exacerbation: citrus fruits, chicken protein and broth, chocolate, cow's milk, nuts, etc.

products, mainly orange and red. The diet gives preference to fermented milk products, cereals, vegetable and fruit purees from green foods.

You should pay attention to the child’s clothes, be careful with clothes made of synthetic and woolen fabrics, which can cause an allergic reaction and complicate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

For drug therapy, antihistamines and local glucocorticosteroids (creams, ointments) are used. External preparations based on tar have shown their effectiveness.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed for those forms of the disease in which atopic dermatitis is severe and with complications. They are used with caution and only as directed by the attending physician. According to indications, phototherapy and psychotherapy are used.

IN severe cases the course of the disease requires hospitalization of the child.

The main question for parents when visiting a doctor is how to cure atopic dermatitis in a child? It is important to note that getting rid of this disease requires long-term complex treatment.

As a rule, treatment of atopic dermatitis in children is carried out in 2 directions: medicinal and non-medicinal. Often, emollients are prescribed to alleviate the patient’s general condition.

In addition to drug therapy, folk remedies have become widely used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. It must be remembered that treatment of atopy with folk remedies should be carried out only in combination with traditional treatment and adherence to a special diet.

Taken together, a set of these measures allows you to relieve acute symptoms of the disease.

To remove negative symptoms, you can use the following folk remedies:

Therapeutic bath

  • taking medicinal baths with birch buds, which should be brewed with hot water and boiled for 5-7 minutes. After this, the broth is added to a non-hot bath (up to 37°C.). After the procedure is completed, the child is wiped dry and lubricated with medicinal cream;
  • in addition to herbs for atopic dermatitis, you can use starch for a bath (3 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water), as well as sea salt (5 tablespoons are added to the prepared bath for bathing the child);
  • There is another recipe for a bath called “Cleopatra”. To prepare it you need to take 100 grams. olive oil + 100 ml. fresh milk. The prepared mixture is poured into the bath before bathing and helps to quickly cleanse the skin of external manifestations, as well as moisturize the skin.

Treatment with folk remedies, which are added to bathing water, helps moisturize the skin and relieve itching. As a rule, there are no contraindications for taking medicinal baths, with the exception of individual intolerance to additional components.

Homemade ointments for relieving atopic dermatitis

Acute symptoms of atopic dermatitis can be relieved with folk remedies such as ointments and lotions prepared at home.

The most commonly used recipes are:

  • For atopic dermatitis, lotions with freshly squeezed potato juice (aloe) can be applied to the affected area;
  • a good effect is achieved when using lotions with 15 g. clasp and borage. The prepared components are poured with 1 glass of hot water and left for 2-3 hours. After cooling, a sterile napkin is dipped into the solution and applied to the affected area;
  • An ointment prepared using propolis (10 g) and 250 ml has a positive effect. olive oils. The prepared substance is placed in an oven preheated to 150°C and heated for at least 40 minutes. After cooling, the mass is applied to the skin and can be stored in a cool, dark place;
  • folk remedies for the treatment of atopic dermatitis quite often use an ointment with the addition of baby cream. To prepare it you need to take 50 grams. baby cream, mixing it with 1 tbsp. l. fresh aloe, 1 tsp. valerian tincture and 5 g. olive oils. To obtain a therapeutic effect, the prepared ointment is applied 2-3 times a day to the affected areas of the body;
  • Another external treatment for atopic dermatitis in a child is an ointment with the addition of mumiyo and string. To prepare the mixture, take 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. dry string powder and 5 gr. mumiyo. All ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath for 1 hour, after which the mixture is filtered and poured into a clean transparent container. The ointment is applied 1-2 times a day to the affected areas of the skin.

It must be remembered that any treatment, including traditional recipes, should be carried out only after consultation with the attending physician.

Only after confirming the diagnosis will a specialist tell you how to cure the pathology. You should not treat atopic dermatitis on your own.

Similar symptoms may occur with other serious illnesses, such as seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis rosea, microbial eczema, contact dermatitis in children.

Inadequate treatment can endanger the baby's life.

Traditional medicine contains many methods that are actively used for children with dermatitis. For mild forms of the disease, baths with medicinal herbs such as string and chamomile will have a beneficial effect.

Before starting to treat the disease, it is important to discover the cause that provoked the regular exacerbation of the disease. If this is not done, the rash will appear on the skin again and again.

When diagnosing atopic dermatitis in a child, it is necessary to use complex treatment, prescribed after consultation with several doctors - an allergist, dermatologist, nutritionist, gastroenterologist, neuropsychiatrist.

Drug treatment

When prescribing treatment for atopic dermatitis with medications, the age of the child, the distribution of lesions on the skin, the presence of other diseases, and complications caused by dermatitis are taken into account.

Group of prescribed drugs:

  • Corticosteroid creams, ointments (lokoid, celestoderm, acriderm, sinaflan, diprosalik).
  • Antiseptics (fucarcin).
  • Antibiotics (bactroban ointment, levosin, fucidin).
  • Hyposensitizing (sodium thiosulfate).
  • Antihistamines (tavegil, suprastin, ketotifen, claritin).
  • Antibacterial (Lorinden C, lincomycin ointment).
  • Sedatives (herbal infusions, valerian, persen).
  • Enzymes (mezim, pancreatin).
  • Eubiotics (Linex, Lactiale).
  • Antiviral drugs (acyclovir, famvir).

Tavegil. An antihistamine whose active ingredient is clemastine. Available in the form of solution or tablets. Not intended for children under one year of age.

Elokom. Hormonal drug, is available in the form of ointment/cream and lotion. It has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, anti-exudative effects, reduces swelling of the skin.

Fukartzin. For external use. Has an antifungal and antimicrobial effect. Apply to wounds, erosions, cracks 2-4 times a day.

Lincomycin ointment. Contains the antibiotic lincomycin and has an antimicrobial effect. Apply 1-2 times/day externally to a clean area of ​​skin, after preliminary removal of purulent masses.

Acyclovir. Used when patients have the herpes simplex virus, to prevent the development of infectious diseases in reduced immunity. Available in the form of tablets, injection solution or ointment.

Linux. A preparation containing 3 types of viable lactic acid bacteria. It is used for disorders of the gastrointestinal microflora and dysbacteriosis.

Physiotherapy in the treatment of dermatitis in children

In parallel with medications, treatment of atopic dermatitis in young patients is accompanied by:

  • Using baths with salt, potassium permanganate, radon, herbs.
  • Applying wet-dry bandages to the affected areas.
  • Irradiation with an ultraviolet lamp.
  • Paraffin applications.

Decoction of birch buds. You will need 1 cup of birch buds, 2 cups of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the kidneys and cook in a steam bath for 20 minutes. Strain and wipe the affected areas of the skin.

Oak bark. To prepare the decoction, you need to take 2 tablespoons of oak bark and 1 liter of water. Grind the oak bark, add water, and cook in a steam bath for about an hour. You can drink the finished decoction or apply bandages to the atopic rash.

Chamomile, chamomile and sage. 2 tablespoons of each herb, pour a glass of boiling water, cook for 40 minutes. Let the broth brew in a cool place, then wipe the wounds and apply gauze compresses.

Cranberry juice. Take 400 grams of cranberries and pass them through a juicer. Mix 50 ml of freshly squeezed cranberry juice with 200 g of petroleum jelly. Apply externally as an ointment.

Aloe juice, Kalanchoe and honey. For one glass of Kalanchoe juice, take the same amount of liquid honey, mix, place in a dark, cool place for 1 week. Add half a glass of aloe juice to the finished tincture. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin.

Treatment with folk remedies

You can use traditional medicine only as prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, folk remedies help well only in tandem with basic drug treatment.

Folk remedies for atopic dermatitis are presented in the form of herbal decoction baths, which have antiseptic and soothing properties. However, it is better to use such traditional medicine after consulting a doctor.

This is due to the fact that the child may also be allergic to the product itself.

Clinicians note that in most cases, it is traditional medicine using herbs or other home-made remedies that significantly aggravate the situation. Therefore, you should not treat your child yourself.

Folk remedies

In case of exacerbation of the disease, baths with starch added to the water help to somewhat reduce itching of the skin. In the basin with warm water add 1 liter of boiled water with 1 tablespoon of potato starch dissolved in it, the duration of the procedure is at least 15 minutes, after which the affected areas only need to be lightly blotted with a flannel diaper.

It is not recommended to use medicinal herbs for these purposes, as they can only aggravate the skin condition and cause even more itching and irritation.


In order to prevent exacerbations of atopic dermatitis in children, it is recommended:

Parents should teach their child to properly care for their skin, use moisturizers and other topical medications, and also reduce contact with adverse environmental factors that can trigger an exacerbation of the disease.

Prevention of exacerbations of atopic dermatitis is:

  1. Diet and proper nutrition.
  2. Safe environment for the child.
  3. Using soaps and detergents with a moisturizing effect. Water procedures should be limited; you should wash in warm water for no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Wearing loose-fitting cotton clothing without the use of various dyes.
  5. New clothes must be washed and ironed before wearing.
  6. When washing, you need to use a minimum amount of powder, fabric softener, and also set the option for an additional rinse. It is better to dry clothes not in a house or apartment, but on the balcony or on the street.
  7. Contact as little as possible with allergens that cause exacerbation of the disease.
  8. Follow your doctor's instructions completely.

To avoid exacerbations, children suffering from atopic dermatitis should absolutely not:

  • use hygiene products containing alcohol;
  • apply antimicrobials without a doctor's prescription;
  • stay in the sun for a long time;
  • participate in sports competitions;
  • stay in water for a long time, take hot baths;
  • When washing, use harsh products (scrubbers, but it is acceptable to use a terry cloth sponge).

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When a diagnosis of atopic dermatitis is made, parents should reconsider their lifestyle and create a comfortable environment with a minimum number of irritating factors. While the baby is not strong enough, it is easier to readjust than to look at the endless suffering of your son or daughter. It’s hard to constantly go to doctors in the hope of a cure if there are no conditions at home to improve your health.

Prevention measures are simple, but require constant implementation:

Preventive measures to prevent atopic dermatitis in a child include the following procedures:

  • exclusion of all allergens;
  • washing children's underwear and clothes only using anti-allergenic powder and separately from adult clothes;
  • using only proven baby skin care products;
  • gradual introduction of complementary foods in small portions;
  • systematic consultations with a pediatrician and allergist.

At the first manifestations of the clinical picture, you should immediately seek medical help and not try folk remedies.

To avoid the development of atopic dermatitis, you must follow these rules:

  1. Moisturize the skin frequently.
  2. Limit as much as possible contact with irritants (household chemicals, detergents) that provoke the development of an allergic reaction.
  3. Take medications prescribed by the doctor.
  4. Do not scratch damaged areas.
  5. Frequently bathe your child in warm water.

To ensure that the problem of atopic dermatitis does not affect your children and does not require treatment, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • WITH early years use only proper nutrition. If the child is breastfeeding, the woman must follow proper nutrition - exclude the consumption of anything that can cause dermatitis.
  • For skin care, use hypoallergenic cream and soap.
  • After bathing, do not wipe your baby's skin, but pat it dry with a cotton towel.
  • Avoid using baby wipes as they can cause dermatitis. Whenever possible, it is best to wash your skin with soap and water.
  • Avoid children's prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • If you need to go on a long walk, keep all your baby's personal belongings in a separate case.
  • Clothing and bedding should be made from cotton or other natural fabrics.
  • Before vaccinations, consult your doctor to see if these medications can cause allergies.

If atopic dermatitis already exists, in order not to resort to treatment, it is necessary to prevent an exacerbation. You can also adhere to the above recommendations and additionally use folk recipes.

Note that dermatitis is not contagious; the child can attend school or kindergarten. Follow a diet, use digestive enzymes, vitamins, herbs, and then you can refuse drug treatment for dermatitis in a child.

To give you a complete picture of this disease, we recommend that you watch a video that talks about the features of atopic dermatitis in children, as well as treatment methods. But we will be glad if you share your experience of treating this disease by talking about it in the comments.

Hypoallergenic diet

Proper nutrition in the chronic form of the disease is an indispensable way to prevent the disease and increase the period of its recurrence. Therefore, if you want to reduce the risk of a return of unpleasant symptoms in your child, you should not neglect the therapeutic diet.

Nutrition for atopic dermatitis in children under 1 year of age

Compliance with the correct composition and diet helps overcome the manifestation of the disease. A diet for atopic dermatitis involves reducing the consumption of sugar and salt. The following list of products should be excluded from the menu:

  • chicken eggs;
  • products containing gluten;
  • milk;
  • chocolate;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries of red or bright orange color;
  • nuts;
  • dairy products;
  • all kinds of sauces;
  • smoking;
  • marinades.

For children under one year of age, complementary foods are introduced gradually, adding new foods no more than once a week. It is preferable to feed babies with formulas and products intended for baby food, which can be easily found on store shelves.

For children and adults, porridge can be cooked in vegetable or fruit broths; low-fat options should be chosen from dairy products. When buying meat, choose rabbit or beef.

Potatoes are soaked for a long time before cooking to minimize their starch content.

A hypoallergenic diet is one of the main measures for the treatment of allergic dermatitis during an exacerbation. The diet is aimed at improving skin condition and includes the following principles:

It is not advisable to treat such a disease with medications alone, since in many cases the cause of the pathological process is food allergy. Therefore, it is very important to review the child’s nutrition. If we are talking about a newborn, then you should pay attention to the mother’s nutrition.

During the treatment period, you should adhere to the diet prescribed by your doctor. The allergy-provoking product is completely excluded from the diet of the baby and the mother. The introduction of complementary foods should be carried out gradually, in small portions.

As for formulas and baby food, only hypoallergenic products should be used. Introducing something new into a child’s diet food product must be agreed with the doctor.

The use of folk remedies for such a disease is unacceptable, since it is impossible to establish without diagnosis the real reason development of the pathological process.

It must be remembered that with the development of atopic dermatitis in children, the most important factor in recovery is diet. Therefore, you should review your daily menu, eliminating all highly allergenic foods from your diet.

For children under one year old, the most common allergens are eggs, cow's milk and gluten.

If a child under one year of age is bottle-fed, it is recommended to select a special formula, since milk protein is the most common causative agent for the development of the disease.

If a child under one year of age has an inadequate reaction to formula milk, it is recommended to replace it with soy milk. In the case where there is increased sensitivity to soy protein, you can transfer it to hypoallergenic mixtures (Alfare, Nutramigen, etc.) or gluten-free cereals, which have received good reviews from parents.

The hypoallergenic mixture contains partially digested proteins, however, if atopic dermatitis worsens when consuming a hypoallergenic mixture, such nutrition should be reviewed and switched to medicinal mixtures with the complete absence of cow protein.

Such mixtures are considered medicinal and are given to the child as prescribed by the pediatrician.

It is important that the diet for atopic dermatitis in children is followed taking into account age and concomitant chronic diseases.


In order to avoid atopic dermatitis in a baby under one year old, it is necessary to follow the rules for introducing the first complementary foods. The well-known children's doctor Komarovsky recommends taking into account important nuances when introducing complementary foods to an atopic child:

Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend introducing complementary foods during exacerbation of dermatitis. It is necessary to wait out the acute period of the rash and choose the least allergenic foods, preferably green (broccoli, zucchini, green apple, cauliflower).

Among meat products, preference should be given to turkey, rabbit, and horse meat.

Foods that can cause allergies should be excluded from the baby’s diet. Infants under one year of age may be sensitive to cow's milk. It is recommended to use hypoallergenic mixtures: Nutramigen, Alfare, Nestle, Pregestimil.

When the disease worsens, the diet for children is strictly followed. Nutritionists recommend, in order not to provoke a neurosis-like state in the baby due to constant prohibitions, to slightly expand the diet without exacerbation.

It is not advisable for a child to use:

For atopic dermatitis, infants under one year of age are advised to limit the intake of cow's milk, replacing it with adapted formulas. After a year, the diet should include a minimum amount of eggs, cereals, nuts, and citrus fruits. Add corn, buckwheat or rice porridge - they rarely cause allergies.

It is necessary to continue to follow proper nutrition even after the child turns 3 years old. It will consist of eliminating fatty, hot and spicy foods; you will also have to give up semi-finished products, shelf-stable products and others containing preservatives.

Atopic dermatitis in infants is a chronic immune inflammation of the child’s skin, characterized by a certain form of rashes and their staged appearance.

Childhood and infant atopic dermatitis significantly reduces the quality of life of the entire family due to the need for strict adherence to a special therapeutic diet and a hypoallergenic lifestyle.

Main risk factors and causes of atopic dermatitis

A risk factor for atopic dermatitis is often a hereditary history of allergies and bronchial asthma. Factors such as constitutional features, nutritional disorders, and insufficient good care behind the child.

Understanding the pathogenesis of this allergic disease will help you understand what atopic dermatitis is and how to treat it.

Every year, scientists' knowledge about the immunopathological processes occurring in the body during atopic childhood eczema increases.

During the course of the disease, the physiological skin barrier is disrupted, Th2 lymphocytes are activated, and immune defense is reduced.

Concept of the skin barrier

Dr. Komarovsky, in his articles popular among young parents, touches on the topic of the characteristics of children's skin.

Komarovsky highlights 3 main features that are important in breaking the skin barrier:

  • underdevelopment of sweat glands;
  • fragility of the stratum corneum of the children's epidermis;
  • high lipid content in the skin of newborns.

All these factors lead to a decrease in the protection of the baby’s skin.

Hereditary predisposition

Atopic dermatitis in infants can occur due to a filaggrin mutation, in which changes occur in the filaggrin protein, which ensures the structural integrity of the skin.

Atopic dermatitis develops in children under one year of age due to decreased local immunity skin to the penetration of external allergens: biosystems of washing powder, epithelium and hair of pets, fragrances and preservatives contained in cosmetic products.

Antigenic loads in the form of toxicosis of pregnant women, intake by pregnant women medicines, occupational hazards, highly allergenic food - all this can provoke an exacerbation of an allergic disease in a newborn.

  • food;
  • professional;
  • household

Prevention of allergies in infants can include natural, long-term breastfeeding, rational use of medications, and treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

Classification of atopic dermatitis

Atopic eczema is divided according to age stages into three stages:

  • infant (from 1 month to 2 years);
  • children's (from 2 years to 13);
  • teenage

In newborns, the rash looks like redness with blisters. The bubbles break easily, forming a wet surface. The baby is bothered by itching. Children scratch out rashes.

Bloody purulent crusts form in places. Rashes often appear on the face, thighs, and legs. Doctors call this form of rash exudative.

In some cases, there are no signs of weeping. The rash looks like spots with slight peeling. Affected more often hairy part heads and face.

At the age of 2, sick children's skin is characterized by increased dryness and cracks appear. The rashes are localized in the knee and elbow pits, on the hands.

This form of the disease has the scientific name “erythematous-squamous form with lichenification.” In the lichenoid form, peeling is observed, mainly in the folds and elbow bends.

Facial skin lesions appear at older ages and are called “atopic face.” Pigmentation of the eyelids and peeling of the skin of the eyelids are observed.

Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis in children

There are criteria for atopic dermatitis, thanks to which the correct diagnosis can be made.

Main criteria:

  • early onset of the disease in an infant;
  • itching of the skin, often occurring at night;
  • chronic continuous course with frequent serious exacerbations;
  • exudative nature of the rash in newborns and lichenoid in older children;
  • presence of close relatives suffering from allergic diseases;

Additional criteria:

  • dry skin;
  • positive skin tests during allergy testing;
  • white dermographism;
  • presence of conjunctivitis;
  • pigmentation of the periorbital region;
  • central protrusion of the cornea - keratoconus;
  • eczematous lesions of the nipples;
  • strengthening of the skin pattern on the palms.

Laboratory diagnostic measures for severe atopic dermatitis, they are prescribed by a doctor after examination.

Complications of atopic dermatitis in children

Frequent complications in children include various types of infections. The open wound surface becomes a gateway for Staphylococcus aureus and Candida fungi.

Prevention of infectious complications consists of following the recommendations of an allergist regarding the specific use of emollients (moisturizers).

List of possible complications of atopic dermatitis:

  • folliculitis;
  • boils;
  • impetigo;
  • anular stomatitis;
  • candidiasis of the oral mucosa;
  • skin candidiasis;
  • Kaposi's eczema herpetiformis;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • genital warts.

Traditional treatment of atopic dermatitis

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in children begins with the development of a special hypoallergenic diet.

An allergist prepares a special elimination diet for a mother with atopic dermatitis in her baby. This diet will help you maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible.

An approximate hypoallergenic elimination diet for children under one year of age with atopic dermatitis.


  • breakfast. Dairy-free porridge: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, butter, tea, bread;
  • lunch. Fruit puree from pears or apples;
  • dinner. Vegetable soup with meatballs. Mashed potatoes. Tea. Bread;
  • afternoon tea Berry jelly with cookies;
  • dinner. Vegetable and cereal dish. Tea. Bread;
  • second dinner. Formula or breast milk.

The menu for a child, and especially for a child with atopic dermatitis, should not contain spicy, fried, salty foods, seasonings, canned food, fermented cheeses, chocolate, or carbonated drinks. The menu for children with allergic symptoms is limited semolina, cottage cheese, sweets, yoghurts with preservatives, chicken, bananas, onions, garlic.

Formulas based on goat's milk will also help in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in a child.

In case of hypersensitivity to cow's milk proteins, the World Organization of Allergists strongly does not recommend the use of products based on non-hydrolyzed goat's milk protein, since these peptides have a similar antigenic composition.

Vitamin therapy

Patients with atopic dermatitis are not prescribed multivitamin preparations, which are dangerous from the point of view of the development of allergic reactions. Therefore, it is preferable to use single preparations of vitamins - pyridoxine hydrochloride, calcium pathotenate, retinol.

Immunomodulators in the treatment of allergic dermatoses

Immunomodulators that affect the phagocytic component of immunity have proven themselves in the treatment of allergic dermatoses:

  1. Polyoxidonium has direct action on monocytes, increases the stability of cell membranes, can reduce toxic effect allergens. It is used intramuscularly once a day with an interval of 2 days. A course of up to 15 injections.
  2. Lycopid. Strengthens the activity of phagocytes. Available in 1 mg tablets. May cause an increase in body temperature.
  3. Zinc preparations. They stimulate the restoration of damaged cells, enhance the action of enzymes, and are used for infectious complications. Zincteral is used at a dose of 100 mg three times a day for up to three months.

Hormonal creams and ointments for atopic dermatitis in children

It is not possible to treat severe atopic dermatitis in children without the use of local anti-inflammatory glucocorticosteroid therapy.

For atopic eczema in children, both hormonal creams and various shapes ointments.

Below are basic recommendations for the use of hormonal ointments in children:

  • in case of severe exacerbation, treatment begins with the use of strong hormonal agents - Celestoderma, Cutivate;
  • to relieve symptoms of dermatitis on the torso and arms in children, the drugs Lokoid, Elokom, Advantan are used;
  • It is not recommended to use Sinaflan, Fluorocort, Flucinar in pediatric practice due to serious side effects.

Calcineurin blockers

An alternative to hormonal ointments. Can be used on the face and natural folds. The drugs Pimecrolimus and Tacrolimus (Elidel, Protopic) are recommended to be used in a thin layer on the rash.

These drugs should not be used in immunodeficiency states.

The course of treatment is long.

Products with antifungal and antibacterial activity

For infectious uncontrolled complications, it is necessary to use creams containing antifungal and antibacterial components - Triderm, Pimafucort.

To replace the previously used and successful zinc ointment a new, more effective analogue has arrived - activated zinc pyrithione, or Skin-cap. The drug can be used in a one-year-old child to treat rashes with infectious complications.

For severe weeping, an aerosol is used.

Dr. Komarovsky writes in his articles that there is no more formidable enemy for a child’s skin than dryness.

Komarovsky advises using moisturizers (emollients) to moisturize the skin and restore the skin barrier.

The Mustela program for children with atopic dermatitis offers a moisturizer in the form of a cream-emulsion.

The Lipikar program of the La Roche-Posay laboratory includes Lipikar balm, which can be applied after hormonal ointments to prevent dry skin.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis with folk remedies

How to cure atopic dermatitis permanently? This is a question that scientists and doctors around the world are asking themselves. The answer to this question has not yet been found. Therefore, many patients are increasingly resorting to homeopathy and traditional methods of traditional medicine.

Treatment with folk remedies sometimes brings good results, but it is better if this method of treatment is combined with traditional therapeutic measures.

When the skin gets wet during a severe exacerbation of allergic dermatosis, folk remedies in the form of a lotion with a decoction of string or oak bark help well. To prepare the decoction, you can purchase a series in filter bags at the pharmacy. Brew in 100 ml of boiled water. Use the resulting decoction to apply lotions to the rash areas three times during the day.

Spa treatment

Most Popular sanatoriums for children with manifestations of atopic dermatitis:

  • sanatorium named after Semashko, Kislovodsk;
  • sanatoriums “Rus”, “DiLuch” in Anapa with a dry maritime climate;
  • Sol-Iletsk;
  • sanatorium "Klyuchi" Perm region.
  • limit your child’s contact with all types of allergens as much as possible;
  • give preference to cotton clothes for your baby;
  • avoid emotional stress;
  • Trim your child’s nails short;
  • the temperature in the living room should be as comfortable as possible;
  • try to keep the humidity in the child’s room at 40%.

What follows Avoid for atopic dermatitis:

  • use alcohol-based cosmetics;
  • wash too often;
  • use hard washcloths;
  • take part in sports competitions.

The International Classification of Diseases previously defined this disease as diffuse neurodermatitis. Now, according to ICD-10, the disease is called atopic dermatitis and has code L20, which indicates a pathological effect on the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Atopic dermatitis is also called childhood eczema.

If the disease manifests itself in young children, its cause is most likely hereditary or related to the characteristics of pregnancy. Such children may also suffer from other types of allergies - asthmatic attacks, allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis, or lack of tolerance to certain nutrients. The onset of the disease at a later age is usually associated with the influence of external factors. Atopic dermatitis is more often found in children under one year of age and, without the necessary therapy, takes a chronic form with periodic exacerbations throughout life.

In addition to genetic predisposition, the prerequisites for atopic dermatitis in infants may be:

In addition to these reasons, risk factors for eczema in infants include various household allergens - from detergents and baby care products to pharmaceuticals.

Parents who themselves suffer from allergies should be especially attentive to the effects of adverse factors. If both father and mother have such hypersensitivity, the likelihood of childhood eczema in their heir increases to 80 percent. Is one parent hypersensitive to antigens? The risk is halved.

Atopic dermatitis in older children (2-3 years old) can manifest itself against the background of psycho-emotional stress, passive smoking, excessive physical activity, poor ecology in the place of residence, and frequent infectious diseases. These same factors provoke exacerbation of eczema in the chronic course of the disease.

But contact with pets can play a positive role. Italian scientists conducted a study and found that if there is a dog in the house, the risk of developing allergic dermatitis is reduced by a quarter. Communication between a pet and a child not only gives the immune system an impetus for development, but also relieves stress.

Main signs of the disease

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis in infants:

  • skin itching, worse at night;
  • the appearance of seborrhea scales on the head;
  • redness and cracks on the cheeks, in the area of ​​​​the eyebrows and ears;
  • loss of appetite;
  • poor sleep, due to itching.

In difficult cases, not only the scalp is affected. There may be atopic dermatitis on the arms, neck, legs, buttocks. Sometimes irritation is accompanied by pyoderma - small pustules, when scratching which the child can get a secondary infection, resulting in difficult-to-heal wounds.

In the process of growing up, if the disease cannot be stopped, the signs are modified or supplemented. So, if the baby is already 1 year old, the skin pattern may intensify and dry, flaky patches of thickened skin may appear under the knees, in the elbows, on the wrists, feet and neck. By the age of 2, almost half of the children, with appropriate treatment, get rid of the disease. But some children suffer even after two years: the infant stage of the disease passes into childhood, and then into adolescence. Painful areas hide in skin folds or are localized on the palms and soles. Exacerbations occur in winter, and in summer the disease does not manifest itself.

Such dermatitis in a child can become an “allergic march”, and subsequently add allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. Every fifth patient additionally develops hypersensitivity to bacterial microflora, which contributes to a complicated and protracted course of the disease.

Clinical picture and diagnosis of the disease

It is important to differentiate atopic dermatitis in children from other skin diseases. After all, the symptoms may be similar to those of scabies, pityriasis rosea, psoriasis, microbial eczema or seborrheic dermatitis.

The diagnosis should be made by experienced doctors: a dermatologist and an allergist-immunologist. Doctors carry out the following diagnostic studies: They collect a complete medical history, find out the possibility of a hereditary predisposition, conduct a thorough examination and send the baby for a general blood test. A high serum IgE concentration will confirm the diagnosis.

Mild form of atopic dermatitis in a child

Moderate atopic dermatitis with secondary infected wounds from scratching

Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis in children takes into account not only the patient’s age, but also the stages of the disease:

  1. Initial stage (signs): hyperemia (redness), swelling of tissues, peeling, most often on the face.
  2. Severe stage: Skin problems spread to other parts of the body, unbearable itching, burning, and small papules appear.
  3. Features of remission: Symptoms decrease or disappear altogether.

Therapy for allergic disease

Complete healing is possible with proper treatment at the initial stage. But we can talk about clinical recovery if an average of 5 years have passed since the last period of exacerbation.

Experienced doctors who know how to cure atopic dermatitis believe that only complex therapy is effective. It includes proper nutrition, strict control of the environment, taking medications and physical therapy. You may need the help of not only an allergist and dermatologist, but also a nutritionist, gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist, psychotherapist and neurologist.

Diet for atopic dermatitis in children

Diet therapy is extremely necessary: ​​it is food allergens that can cause a violent skin response. In first place are products made from cow's milk. If a “milk” allergy is detected in an “artificial” child, mixtures with soy substitutes will be preferable for him: “Alsoy”, “Nutrilak soya”, “Frisosoy” and others.

However, it may turn out that the baby does not accept soy. For children in the first year of life, hypoallergenic formulations with an increased degree of protein hydrolysis are suitable: Alfare, Nutramigen, Pregestimil, and others. If you have a reaction to gluten, you will have to eliminate cereals or replace them with gluten-free ones.

In difficult cases, the doctor may prescribe a complete hydrolyzate, for example "Neocate", along with "" therapy

For complementary feeding, you should not choose foods with high sensitizing activity, for example, citrus fruits, nuts, honey, strawberries.

Subsequently, when preparing a diet, you need to take into account that when reacting to milk protein, an allergy to beef is real. The baby’s body, which does not perceive mold fungi, will give a violent response to yeast products - from bread to kefir.

The diet for atopic dermatitis in children requires a special menu. Broths, mayonnaise, marinades, pickles, fried foods, and foods containing dyes and preservatives are not recommended.

Sample menu for this disease:

  1. Breakfast - porridge from soaked buckwheat with vegetable oil.
  2. Lunch – vegetable cream soup, some boiled chicken, freshly squeezed apple juice.
  3. Dinner – millet porridge with vegetable oil.

For a snack – gluten-free cookies, an apple.

You should choose artesian or still mineral water for drinking. It should be at least 1.5 liters per day so that toxins can be freely excreted in the urine.

The doctor may also make an appointment fish oil to strengthen the child’s immunity and strengthen cell membranes.

Environmental control

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky is confident that with atopic dermatitis in children, the main thing is to eliminate the effect of irritating factors on the skin. For this you need:

  • regular wet cleaning, washing of linen, covers on upholstered furniture;
  • keeping toys perfectly clean;
  • use of hypoallergenic detergent compositions;
  • refusal of washcloths and hard towels;
  • lack of electrical appliances in the bedroom;
  • selection of loose clothing made from natural fabrics.

You can only bathe your baby in dechlorinated, filtered water. Use baby soap only once a week. After washing, the skin is blotted with a gentle towel and an emollient preparation is applied, for example, Bepanten cream or Bepanten ointment in difficult cases, Lipikar or F-99.

It is important to avoid nonspecific factors risk - nervous and physical overload, passive smoking, infectious diseases.

Necessary emollients

How to treat atopic dermatitis? In acute conditions, your doctor may prescribe corticosteroids for external use. Compositions for softening and moisturizing are constantly needed. Emollients are ideal for atopic dermatitis in children.

Here is a list of the most popular means:

  • "Locobase lipicream." The same company produces another cream for atopic dermatitis in children - Locobase Ripea. In the first case active ingredient– liquid paraffin that softens the skin. In the second - ceramides, cholesterol and polyunsaturated fatty acid, promoting skin regeneration.
  • A series of “Topicrem” products for the care of atopic children. For kids, lipid-replenishing balm and Ultra Rish gel, which cleanses the skin, are suitable.
  • Milk or cream "A-Derma" is a good preventive measure, moisturizes and protects the skin.
  • Stelatopia series from the manufacturer Mustela. These are creams, emulsions and bathing compositions that soften the epidermis and help its regeneration.
  • Lipikar balm. It contains lipid-replenishing shea and canola oils, glycine to relieve itching and wound-healing thermal water. In addition, the La Roche-Posay pharmaceutical laboratory has created hygiene products “Lipikar surgra”, “Lipikar Sindet”, “Lipikar bath oil”, suitable for children with atopic dermatitis.

These products reduce peeling and inflammation, restore the water and lipid balance of the skin, cleanse the skin of impurities and prevent the development of bacteria. Emollients penetrate no further than the epidermis, which in principle eliminates side effects. Therefore, they can be used even for the youngest patients.

Systemic pharmaceutical treatment

Sometimes systemic therapy is also necessary. The course may include:

  • Antihistamines. Those with a relaxing effect (Suprastin, Tavegil) are useful if the baby cannot sleep due to itching. And new generation pharmaceuticals (“Cetrin”, “Zyrtec”, “Erius”) in all other cases - they do not provoke drowsiness and are very effective.
  • Antibiotics for secondary infections. For atopic dermatitis in children, antibiotic ointments (erythromycin, gentamicin, xeroform, furacilin, levomikol, others) are ideal. The drug “Zinocap” is good - it has not only an antibacterial, but also an antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect. In difficult cases, doctors prescribe antibiotic tablets. Antibiotics should be used only under medical supervision so as not to intensify the allergic process. Applications with Vishnevsky ointment can also be applied to wounds; this drug promotes rapid healing of wounds.
  • Anti-viral and fungal agents – if a corresponding infection has been introduced.
  • Immunomodulators prescribed by an allergist-immunologist and vitamin complexes with B15 and B6 to accelerate skin regeneration.
  • Drugs to improve digestion (“Panzinorm”, “Pancreatin”, “Creon”, “Festal”), as well as choleretic agents and hepatoprotectors (“Gepabene”, “Essentiale Forte”, “Allohol”, infusion of corn silk or rose hips).
  • Enterosorbents (“Enterosgel”, “”, activated carbon) to block intestinal toxins.

Therapy for allergic dermatitis performed on an outpatient basis. But if the skin is seriously damaged, hospitalization is indicated for the baby.

Treatment with folk remedies and physiotherapy

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in children traditional methods It is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. Healing decoctions and potions that abound in any forum about medicinal herbs and traditional medicine, in case of individual intolerance, can only harm the child.

The safest of these remedies are cleansing baths. They help relieve itching and discomfort.

They bathe the baby in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, in water with the addition of a decoction of celandine or string, chamomile, and calendula. It’s good to pour a mixture of potato starch and water into the bath (a small spoon of powder per liter). The water should not be too hot, and the procedure itself should not last more than 15 minutes. Bathing with the addition of oatmeal also has a very good effect on the condition of the baby's skin.

Ointments based on birch tar also have a therapeutic effect on inflammation.

Sanatorium-resort treatment and physiotherapeutic procedures are very useful for atopic children. During remission, pearl, sodium chloride, hydrogen sulfide, iodine-bromine baths, and mud therapy are suitable. If symptoms are severe, use electrosleep, magnetic therapy, carbon baths, and relaxation procedures.

Prevention of atopic dermatitis in children should begin when the fetus develops in the mother's stomach. It is aimed at reducing antigenic loads. In the first three months, the baby vitally needs breast milk to form immune system. In the future, mother and baby should eat properly, avoid stress and negative environmental influences.

Remember that only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis; do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis. qualified doctor. Be healthy!
