Interesting articles about beauty. Beauty and health of women. What will help you lose weight

4145 2018-10-09

Intestinal microflora in a broad sense is a collection of various microorganisms, a complex community with very subtle interactions between participants. Modification of quantitative ratio and species composition normal microflora organ, mainly the intestines, accompanied by the development of microbes atypical for it, is called dysbiosis - this is a condition caused by a violation of the intestinal microflora associated with a change in the species composition of bacteria. Most often this happens due to poor nutrition. But microflora disruption can occur not only due to poor nutrition, but also due to the use of various antibiotics.

Essential oil is a true gift of nature, an extremely popular and multifunctional fragrant volatile substance released from flowers, seeds, roots, leaves, fruits, wood or resin of plants, and has unique notes that, like music, have their own tonality. Essential oils actively used in cosmetology to improve quality skin, V medicinal purposes and for prevention various diseases. In addition, they are actively used in aromatizing rooms, baths, for aromatherapy and improving psychophysical health and emotional state(to invigorate, calm, relax, increase potency, etc.).

Since ancient times, people have used cold to harden the entire body, to prolong beauty and active longevity, because in reasonable doses cold has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. ABOUT healing possibilities cold is mentioned in the writings of Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna and other ancient doctors. The end of the twentieth century was marked by a qualitative change in the approach to using the rejuvenating effect of cold on the human body, replacing regular ice And cold water, procedures based on the use of extreme low temperatures— cryotherapy (cryodestruction).

Most modern cosmetic products cause immune disorders precisely because the body does not know what to do with all the chemicals that make up these products. Having studied the nature of the effects of the main components of cosmetics, it is easy to understand that it is almost impossible to continue using them, and you should not choose products based on a beautiful label.

The skin is the largest organ, occupying almost 2 square meters bodies. It protects us from germs, participates in the regulation of body temperature, and allows us to feel touch, warmth and cold. But it itself needs to be protected from chronic damage. sunlight is important for general health our body, but it can also cause harm.

Immunity (lat. immunitas) is the main defense system of our entire body, a system of resistance to infections that accompanies us throughout our lives. If your immune system is in order, then even if infectious agents enter the body, they are immediately neutralized. The immune system should not be too active, since with intense work immune system, it can begin to react to its own cells - this is how allergies and autoimmune processes develop, when the system fails and begins to attack even healthy cells.

the main role Hygienic massage is not a treatment for existing problems, but a prevention of their occurrence and a means of caring for your body, a pleasant and useful procedure. Hygienic massage is used to improve health, care for the body, increase blood circulation, prevent diseases, when overworked, etc. The procedure is effective for nervous breakdowns that negatively affect the condition muscular system. Massage allows you to quickly recover after a long illness, nervous breakdown or physical stress.

Dreadlocks, braids and other types of Afro hairstyles have long been a part of our lives. Nowadays, few people can be surprised by crazy colored dreadlocks or chic long braids. These hairstyles attract looks, create a shocking image, and most importantly, they are very unpretentious: no daily styling is needed, lots of special means, to give the hair volume and the desired shape. Afro hairstyles can now be seen not only among those who consider themselves to be members of any alternative movements, clans, or parties. They are worn by students, actors, singers.

Long wearing uncomfortable shoes wearing heels often leads to pathological processes in the foot. Ligaments and muscles weaken, bones diverge - this deviation is called hallux valgus deformity, which is popularly called a “bone” or “bump” on the foot. Subsequently, this process can affect the remaining toes, so it is highly recommended not to let it take its course. Today there are many effective techniques to combat this problem.

Pressotherapy as a form of rehabilitation in a sanatorium

Sanatorium-resort treatment takes modern medicine important place, being one of the directions rehabilitation medicine. At the rehabilitation stage of any chronic disease, the priority in treatment is the use of natural therapeutic factors, which have a powerful influence on restorative capabilities human body. But today, in addition to natural restoration factors, new technologies based on modern achievements science and technology. Combination latest technologies in the field of restoring health and natural factors has a particularly powerful effect on strengthening the body's defenses.

How to restore youthful skin

Phototherapy (or light therapy) is a hardware technique for restoring, moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin using light sources with different spectral and wave characteristics.

What will help you lose weight

It's no secret that a beautiful figure is based on two cornerstones: proper nutrition and dosed physical exercise. For recent years they are successfully helped, and sometimes replaced, by a third: aesthetic medicine. “Aesthetic” - because we are talking about beauty. “Medicine” - because beauty implies health.

Health leave

Health tourism, known for hundreds of years, modern world has become extremely common. Thousands of people around the world resort to it every year. The tour operator "VEDI TOURGROUP" occupies a leading position in this direction: the company's holding includes host offices in Karlovy Vary, Heviz (Hungary) and Rogaska Slatina (Slovenia), and its own bus fleet. The company offers wide range medical and health tours to resorts in the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Baltic countries, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Israel, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey, Croatia, Montenegro, Switzerland and South Korea.

Perpetually red face

What is rosacea? This is facial redness, which can develop into inflammatory changes (rashes, peeling, itching, soreness).

What to do if your hair is falling out

Hair loss can be a sign of a number of diseases. To understand the situation and solve this problem, you need a doctor who treats hair - a trichologist.

"Unclear" formation on the skin: what to do

Almost all people have small cosmetic defects on their skin different types and size. Some of them are safe, although not very aesthetically pleasing, while others are better to get rid of quickly.

Treating problem skin correctly

Problem skin does not tolerate creams with a dense texture, since the mouths of the glands immediately become clogged with the fatty base of the cream. At the same time, alcohol and other drying “rubs”, “burners” and cleansers severely dehydrate the skin.

Hair loss can be stopped

The fight against hair loss is a serious process; in this matter, the most reliable ally is a trichologist.

What is food intolerance

The consequences of intolerance are difficult to treat chronic diseases, including skin diseases and digestive tract, nervous disorders and overweight... People have been undergoing treatment for years, not suspecting that the root of all problems lies in food.

How to become beautiful for the New Year

As you prepare for the New Year, pay attention to your beauty. She will stay with you long after the holidays.

Rejuvenating the skin around the eyes: best methods

Some people are at risk of hernias, others have dark brown circles around their eyes, others “ crow's feet" An experienced cosmetologist will immediately see your “ weak spots» and advise what to pay attention to.

Four misconceptions about plasmapheresis

Ten years ago, plasmapheresis was considered exclusively medical procedure and was prescribed only for certain diseases. Today it is offered on every corner and is called “blood cleansing.” With the help of plasmapheresis, they promise to rejuvenate us, rid us of “toxins” and, in general, “cleanse us at a deep cellular level.”

7 facts about the benefits of coniferous trees

IN big cities coniferous trees you don’t see it often: perhaps at the Christmas tree market before the New Year or in front of government buildings. At the same time, residents of the metropolis especially need them: for wellness and even to fight diseases.

Plastic surgery terminology

Dermabrasion and mammary reduction, rhinoplasty and abdominoplasty... How not to get confused in the variety complex terms plastic surgery and cosmetology?

Mathematical beauty

Despite differences in cultures and times, there are certain standards of beauty that are recognized by everyone. And a person would not be a person if he did not try to understand where they came from and what they are.

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Banana peel saves you from depression

A mild form of depression is rarely diagnosed, but it brings a lot of trouble. And if you ignore the condition, it will certainly transform into something more fatal. How to understand that you are not ok, and how to deal with it?

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How to stay healthy in the office

Working in an office seems to be the most comfortable for your health. However, clerks suffering from poor eyesight, depression, liver problems and other related ones. How to stay as healthy as possible in the office?

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Moles: what is important to know about these neoplasms?

On every person's body you can find a large number of moles or nevi. From a medical point of view, a “mole” is a congenital or acquired formation on the skin consisting of nevus cells. Moles vary in color, shape, density and can be located at skin level or rise above it. In most cases, these neoplasms do not manifest themselves in any way and do not require specialist intervention, but in some situations it is better to see a doctor.

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Do you want to lose weight? Up to “-4 cm” on the Accent device in one procedure!

The Accent system is a cosmetology device, the action of which is a patented two-stage technology that affects the skin and subcutaneous fat tissue of two various types waves - ultrasonic and radio frequency.

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Laser resurfacing: fighting post-acne, pigmentation and wide pores

Our skin is the largest organ, its mass reaches up to 20% of the total body weight. The skin performs many useful and irreplaceable functions- participates in the processes of respiration, heat exchange, and also protects important vital structures from external influences. Beautiful and smooth skin is a sign of youth and health, but, unfortunately, modern conditions, which are filled with stress, poor nutrition and the climate of the metropolis negatively affect her condition.

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How to deal with hair loss and thinning

A person is born with a certain amount of hair ( hair follicles) on the head. During life new hair follicles do not appear, but in each follicle there are alternating life cycles. The hair grows (the growth phase lasts several years), then freezes, and finally falls out.

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Treatment of varicose veins: effective, safe, painless

What do you think of first when you hear the phrase “ varicose veins veins"? Most likely, many of us are talking about a “frivolous” problem that does not require an immediate solution, to which almost every second person is exposed. But varicose veins are not cosmetic defect, and in most cases serious illness, the treatment of which should not be delayed.

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The secret to feeling great

Vitaminology as a science originated in the 30-40s of the 20th century. But the benefits of certain vitamins were known to ancient people. Information about the positive effects of a particular product often appeared by chance.

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How to get rid of dandruff

The Swedish cosmetic brand Dry Dry has been known in Russia for more than 8 years. Russian consumers appreciated Dry Dry preparations for getting rid of excessive sweating: medical antiperspirants against hyperhidrosis of varying degrees and different localizations.

Most girls and women know that in different seasons the skin requires different approach. After all, in summer it is more exposed to the hot sun, and in winter to cold, especially in very coldy. 24NSP has made a selection for you proper care for skin in the fall, just in time.

There are many rumors that lipstick is harmful. There is no clear answer to this question, because there are various factors, influencing the answer. And the main factor in this matter is the manufacturer. Today’s article will cover this issue a little, this is especially important for those who care about their health and do not want to poison it with various harmful substances.

Every summer provides a great opportunity to show off your cute legs. And with the help of modern open shoes, you can emphasize your beauty even more: leather sandals with ribbons and rhinestones, with fabric inserts, bright and neutral colors, with chains, straps, etc. I want to wear every one of them at once! However, you should know that your heels should always be smooth and well-groomed, and your pedicure should be beautiful and neat.

Full and healthy sleep is the best way get a great view all day. During sleep, the muscles of our face relax, blood microcirculation accelerates, and during this period the division of epidermal cells occurs most actively. It is for this reason that the skin of a well-rested and rested person looks healthy and glowing.

Dandruff can't ruin your career or personal life, however, can provide a bad mood. It’s very unpleasant when there are white crumbs with a grayish tint on your hair, and it also leads to self-doubt. Thoughts appear that the interlocutor is looking not at you, but at your head and dandruff. For many people, this problem is very relevant. Most people have been trying to get rid of dandruff for years without success. Let's first look at the reasons for its appearance, and then consider ways to get rid of it.

Beauty and health depend only on ourselves, and this is an indisputable fact! In order for our health and beauty to please us, we need to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, watch our diet, and most importantly, smile more often and enjoy life. More positive and positive mood and you will be surprised how your beauty and health will begin to return to normal!

March 22, 2016

“Hey, beauty...” Every woman blossoms when she hears such words addressed to her. A compliment for a representative of the gentle sex is like a magic medicine - it cures all ailments and bad mood. A woman loves with her ears, that's true. But natural data alone is not enough. To make them sparkle with bright colors, a lot of painstaking work is required. Which? Read below.

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March 15, 2016

Beautiful and well-groomed hands are always attractive and add confidence to a woman. But, unfortunately, due to household chores, bad weather and poor condition the body as a whole, nails become brittle and not beautiful. It is quite possible to restore them at home if you use all kinds of baths and ointments.

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March 11, 2016

How is this cold always at the wrong time! There's a rush at work, the weekend is just around the corner, when you want to go for a walk fresh air, and here... my nose is running, my throat is sore and I’m generally in a broken state. But! If you connect heavy artillery in the form folk remedies, you can get rid of a cold in just a couple of days.

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September 8, 2015

I shared with you some secrets of self-care. If you systematically make masks every week and take care of your skin, also monitor your diet and lead an active lifestyle, then by the age of 80 you will remain in great shape!

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April 22, 2015

Nothing ruins your mood more than a pimple. Especially the day before important event, which is what happens most often. May many readers of our portal confirm this! In order not to depend on the vagaries of the skin, you need to take care of it regularly, especially if you are prone to acne. You can cope with the problem with the help of face masks for acne.

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January 26, 2015

How often in pursuit of beautiful figure We ourselves, without knowing it, make mistakes and stand still in achieving our goals. It turns out that under the power of myths we are doing something wrong. For example, we starve ourselves, train until we drop on the machines, and then wait impatiently in the morning to eat. But in order to have beautiful body need to eat! The main thing is to know “what” and “when”.

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June 21, 2014

To restore the former beauty and health of the skin around the eyes, you need to follow some rules. The rules are essentially simple and can be followed in no time. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to treat your appearance negligently. Getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes is much more difficult than preventing them. It is better to start delaying aging indefinitely from a young age.

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June 21, 2014

The beauty of a woman is in her hands. Undoubtedly, ecology and heredity matter, but if a girl does not take care of herself, she neglects the rules healthy image life, often experiences stress, then no genes can save you. AND beautiful flower threatens to quickly turn into a weed. Nowadays it is not difficult to be beautiful. What kind of creams and procedures are not offered to women! Enjoy using the achievements of the beauty industry, including those that it has for combating body hair.

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June 21, 2014

Spring is a wonderful time, a time of renewal, new emotions, fresh impressions. She heals mental wounds and gives peace and happiness. Every woman strives to look especially attractive in spring. This is not surprising, because Nature itself awakens and shines with bright colors. Therefore, in the spring, representatives of the fair sex are in a hurry to update their wardrobes and change their hairstyle. Do you want to meet the new season even more fully equipped? Then take care of your skin.

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June 21, 2014

Homemade cosmetics are experiencing a real boom right now. She is in great demand. Even in stores there were departments selling products from natural products: honey, oatmeal, fresh fruit. Of course, such cosmetics are more useful for personal care, because they do not contain preservatives, dyes or other similar ingredients. Therefore, actively use the gifts of the folk beauty pantry, for example, prepare body scrubs with your own hands.

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June 21, 2014

Autumn and winter are the time of colds, so throughout the cold period you need to actively improve your health and improve your immunity. Of course, first of all we need walks in the fresh air, morning exercises and hardening. But our nutrition is also very important, with the help of which we can as soon as possible activate the body's reserve forces, allowing you to fight any cold.

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June 21, 2014

In winter, everything slows down, we seem to hibernate. We walk less, we get more tired, and more often we don’t want to do anything. And we spend much less time taking care of ourselves in winter. But in order to meet spring fully armed, you need to take care of your skin, hair, and nails today. Almost a month has passed of winter. Therefore, there is still time. Create a beauty program for yourself this winter and arrange spa evenings every weekend. You will not only cheer yourself up, but also preserve and increase your beauty!

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June 21, 2014

The beauty and health of the skin depend
only on the degree of proper care for it. If you want to save your gift
nature's beauty for a long time, then you should choose cosmetical tools And
procedures based on age. In this article we will share the main
secrets and subtleties of facial skin care after 30. Applying them regularly on
practice, you will always not only look charming, but also be in great

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June 21, 2014

Well, who among us doesn’t want to have a beautiful and healthy, smooth skin? Radiate health for many years, regardless of age. If you are ready to devote a little time to yourself and not be lazy, then you need to start using anti-aging cosmetics on time. There is no need to be afraid of such cosmetics; it is important to prevent signs of aging that have not yet begun. How to choose the right products for yourself, and how to properly care for yourself after 30, read in this article.

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June 21, 2014

How to become beautiful if the skin on your face does not look healthy? In order to become beautiful, you need healthy skin. And for beautiful skin on the face, at least two parts of the equation must be met. The first is healthy eating. And the second is face masks. And it’s better to make face masks at home, then at the same time you can relax, relax in a homely atmosphere, and then cosmetic procedures no need to go or drive anywhere. In general, our home is our strength, beauty and health!

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