Study of sleep phases and their impact on proper rest. NREM and REM sleep: what does it mean and which is better? When REM sleep occurs

Night rest is divided into periods that differ in the processes taking place. Deep sleep is important, and an adult's rate determines how deeply a person sleeps. From the article you will learn the features and duration of the slow phase.

Night rest is cyclical and is divided into 2 phases: slow and fast. Slow is a deep period from which healthy person falling asleep begins. The functioning of organs slows down, they go into a state of rest, the body partially switches off, rests and recovers. Then comes the fast phase, during which the brain works and the sleeper dreams. There are muscle contractions, spontaneous movements of the limbs, movements eyeballs.

Night rest includes several cycles, each consisting of a slow and a fast period. Total cycles – 4-5, depending on the total duration of sleep. The first slow phase lasts maximum amount time, then it begins to shorten. Fast period, on the contrary, increases. As a result, the percentage ratio at the time of awakening changes in favor fast phase.

Duration and norms

How long should a person sleep deeply at night? Average duration within one cycle can range from 60 minutes to 1.5-2 hours. The normal duration of the slow phase is 40-80 percent rest. The fast period will last 20-50%. The longer the slow phase goes on, the better man If he manages to get enough sleep, he will feel more rested and alert.

It’s clear how long deep sleep lasts, but how to calculate the duration? It will not be possible to take measurements with a watch or other usual measuring instruments, even for a person next to the sleeper: it is difficult to determine when the slow phase begins and ends. Get accurate results An electroencephalogram will allow you to detect changes in brain activity.

Norm deep sleep depends on the age of the person. Average indicators for different age categories It’s easy to estimate if you make a table:

Age Length of night rest Duration of the slow deep phase
Newborn, one month old baby 16-19 hours 10-20%
Infant age (2-6 months) 14-17 hours 10-20%
One year old child 12-14 hours 20%
Child of two or three years old 11-13 hours 30-40%
Children 4-7 years old 10-11 o'clock Up to 40%
Teenagers At least 10 hours 30-50%
Adult aged 18-60 years 8-9 hours Up to 70%
Elderly man over 60 years old 7-8 hours Up to 80%

Good to know! In children, the brain goes through a formative stage, so biological rhythms and processes differ from those characteristic of adults. In infants, duration slow period is minimal, but gradually it begins to increase. Global changes occur until approximately two or three years of age.

Slow Phase Stages

The slow-wave period of sleep, called deep sleep, is divided into four stages:

  1. Drowsiness – the beginning of falling asleep, followed by severe drowsiness, obvious desire to sleep. The brain functions and processes the information received. Dreams are possible, intertwined with reality, repeating events seen during the day.
  2. Falling asleep, shallow sleep. Consciousness gradually turns off, brain activity decreases, but it continues to respond to external stimuli. At this stage, it is important to provide a comfortable, calm environment, since any sound can provoke awakening and prevent you from falling asleep and staying asleep.
  3. Deep sleep stage. Brain activity is minimal, but weak signals pass through electrical impulses. Reactions and processes occurring in the human body slow down and fade away, muscles relax.
  4. Delta sleep. The body is relaxed, the brain does not react to external stimuli, the temperature drops, breathing and blood circulation slow down.

Features and significance of the slow phase

How important is the slow phase? When a person falls asleep deeply, he is fully rested. Night is the time for the body to recover, which takes place in slow phase. The energy resources and reserves necessary for full life activity are replenished. Muscles relax and rest after long work, tension and intense loads. The brain practically turns off, which allows you to systematize the information received during the day and record it in memory. Cell regeneration occurs, which slows down the natural aging process.

If there is deep sleep, the brain stops responding to stimuli, including sounds. It is not easy to wake a person, which is important for proper rest. If the duration of the fast phase begins to increase, the sleeper will wake up from sounds, his own involuntary sleepy actions, or the movements of the person lying next to him.

A complete, healthy and normally occurring deep period of rest helps strengthen the immune system and improve functioning immune system. This is important for a frequently ill child, a weakened elderly person, during illness and during the recovery stage.

Important! The state of the human body, health and intellectual abilities depend on the duration of deep sleep. Therefore, a good night's rest becomes necessary before important events, during illness or during the rehabilitation period.

Changes occurring in the body

During deep good sleep A number of changes are observed in the human body:

  1. Restoration of body tissue cells. They are regenerated, renewed, damaged organs strive for a physiologically correct state.
  2. Synthesis of growth hormone, which triggers catabolism. During catabolism, protein substances are not broken down, but are formed from amino acids. This helps restore and strengthen muscles, form new healthy cells, for which proteins are building elements.
  3. Restoration of intellectual resources, systematization of information received during the waking period.
  4. Reducing the frequency of inhalations. But they become deep, which avoids hypoxia and ensures oxygen saturation of the organs.
  5. Normalization of metabolic processes, stabilization of those occurring in human body reactions.
  6. Replenishment energy reserves, restoration of the necessary performance.
  7. Reducing heart rate, helping the heart muscle to recover and contract actively during the next day.
  8. Slowing of blood circulation due to decreased heart rate. Organs are at rest, and the need for nutrients decreases.

Causes of deep sleep phase disorders and their elimination

Changes in the duration of deep sleep are possible. It lengthens with rapid weight loss, after intense physical activity, with thyrotoxicosis. The period is shortened in the following cases:

  • mild or moderate condition alcohol intoxication(heavy things make sleep deep, but disrupt it: it is difficult to wake up a drunk person, although rest is not complete);
  • stress experienced during the day;
  • emotional and mental disorders: depression, neuroses, bipolar disorder;
  • overeating, eating heavy food at night;
  • diseases that are accompanied by discomfort and painful sensations, worse at night;
  • unfavorable rest conditions: bright light, sounds, high or low humidity, uncomfortable room temperatures, lack of fresh air.

To eliminate sleep disorders, identify the causes and act on them. Sometimes a change in daily routine, a change in the area of ​​activity and normalization is enough emotional state. In case of illness, the doctor should comprehensive examination prescribe treatment. For severe mental disorders Antidepressants and psychotherapy are recommended.

To increase the duration of the slow phase and make deep sleep long, sound and healthy, somnologists recommend following the following tips:

  1. You will achieve an increase in the slow phase if you establish and follow a daily routine and maintain a balance of rest and wakefulness.
  2. Try to raise physical activity. Light exercise before bed would be a good idea.
  3. To increase the slow phase, give up bad habits.
  4. Provide comfortable conditions in the bedroom: ventilate it, cover the windows with thick curtains, close the door and protect yourself from extraneous sounds.
  5. To increase the duration of the slow phase, do not overeat before bed, limit yourself to light snacks.
  • In the slow phase, sleep disorders appear: nocturnal enuresis(involuntary urination), sleepwalking, sleep talking.
  • If a person who is fast asleep and in a deep sleep phase is suddenly awakened, he will not remember his dreams and will feel drowsy and lost. This is confirmed by people's reviews. At the same time, dreams can be dreamed, but it will not be possible to reproduce them and interpret them with the help of a dream book.
  • Experiments have proven that artificially eliminating the slow-wave sleep phase is tantamount to a sleepless night.
  • Each person has individual norms and sleep characteristics. So, Napoleon needed 4-5 hours, and Einstein slept for at least ten hours.
  • A relationship has been established between deep sleep, functioning endocrine system and body weight. When the slow phase is shortened, the level of the substance responsible for growth decreases. growth hormone, which provokes a slowdown in muscle development and an increase in fat (mainly in the abdominal area).

The norms for deep sleep depend on age and lifestyle. But following some recommendations and an optimal nighttime routine will allow you to sleep soundly and feel refreshed after waking up.

Why sleep doesn't always bring the desired rest. One time a person gets enough sleep, another time he gets up completely “broken.” For proper rest, it is important not just to go to bed early, but to take into account the deep processes occurring in the human body depending on the phases of sleep.

Research in the field of sleep physiology has established that this process is cyclical. One cycle lasts 1–2 hours and consists of two phases that replace each other throughout the night:

  1. slow sleep
  2. REM sleep

Sound, deep sleep is characteristic of the first.

Sleep phases vary in duration and have several stages.

Slow phase

Slow-wave sleep, also called deep sleep, is longer in duration than fast sleep (about ¾ of one cycle). Characterized by slowing down everyone physical functions necessary for their restoration. During this period, cells are renewed and energy reserves are replenished.

The slow phase consists of several stages.

  1. A nap is a short period (no more than 10 minutes) during which sleep begins.
  2. Light sleep, called “sleep spindles.” During this period, the pulse slows down, body temperature and muscle activity decrease, consciousness gradually turns off, but the auditory reflex remains (by calling a person by name, it is easy to wake him up)
  3. The third stage is actually slow or deep sleep, characterized by maximum depth. During this period, there is shallow breathing, lack of response to sounds and smells, almost complete absence movements of the eyeballs. During the NREM stage, most dreams are dreamed, but they are rarely remembered. During this period, energy consumption is restored and the body’s protective functions are activated. It is difficult to wake a person during this period; after waking up, he feels overwhelmed.

Fast phase

The REM sleep phase is shorter than the slow sleep phase (about 1/4 of the cycle) and occurs after it. Is different:

  • increased heart rate and breathing;
  • increased temperature;
  • sudden movement of the eyeballs;
  • activation of brain function.

During REM sleep, a person sees more dreams and remembers them.

The fast phase is characterized by the activation of all internal organs, braking in slow motion.

This dream consists of two stages.

  1. First by physiological characteristics resembles the second of the slow-wave sleep phase.
  2. The second one is actually REM sleep, indicating that the sleeper is approaching the threshold of awakening.

Given the cyclical phases, REM sleep repeats several times a night. In this case, the duration of the second stage increases each time from 15 minutes to an hour.

Sequence of sleep phases

Stages and phases of sleep in an adult, without any mental disorders transform into one another in a certain sequence. NREM sleep gradually progresses from drowsiness to deep sleep, then stages alternate in reverse order(excluding naps). After slow sleep, the fast phase begins. Considering that the second stage of the slow phase and the first fast phase are similar in their physiological and biological indicators, some researchers combine them into one.

The slow and fast phases are combined into one cycle. Their duration on average is about 2 hours (in a percentage ratio of 75% to 25%). The number of cycles can be repeated up to 6 times during the night.

The duration of stages and phases may vary in different cycles. This indicator depends on the emotional state of the sleeper.

For example, the stage of deep sleep in the first cycle is long, but in the last it may be completely absent.

To clearly understand what one sleep cycle is and how long it lasts, you should know the duration of each stage.

Slow phase

  1. Nap - 5–10 minutes.
  2. Light sleep - 20 minutes.
  3. Deep sleep - 90 minutes.

Fast phase

  1. Go to light sleep- 20 minutes.
  2. REM sleep - 40 minutes.

By compiling a table based on the data presented, it is easy to calculate the duration of one cycle and the entire sleep period.

Causes of disturbances in the sequence of sleep stages

The sequence of stages of sleep in healthy adults is unchanged, and in each of them the human brain goes through certain phases, during which the body experiences recovery processes. The following factors can lead to a violation of the sequence:

  • age;
  • emotional overexcitation;
  • stress;
  • depression;
  • psychical deviations;
  • injuries.

Rules for healthy sleep

Strong healthy sleep brings health, performance and positive mood. Insufficient night rest has a negative impact on well-being and leads to fatigue. Several rules will help improve your sleep quality.

  1. Follow the regime. Ideally, it is recommended to go to bed around 11 pm. Sleep duration should be at least 8 hours.
  2. The last meal should be at least 2 hours before bedtime. At strong feeling hunger, it is recommended to limit yourself to a glass of milk or kefir.
  3. A prerequisite should be sleep between midnight and five o'clock in the morning. Scientists have found that it is during this period that the longevity hormone, melatonin, is produced.
  4. An evening walk on the river will speed up the process of falling asleep. fresh air, ventilation of the bedroom area.
  5. A warm bath with infusions of herbs that have a calming effect will tidy up the nervous system and improve the quality of sleep.
  6. In the morning it is recommended to do exercises, jogging or swimming.
  7. Healthy sleep is possible only in a comfortable and healthy position (optimally on your back).

Scientists' discovery of sleep phases allows us to properly plan our night time. Data on the duration of each phase allows you to accurately calculate the time of awakening. To wake up in a great mood, well-rested and alert throughout the day, you must always wake up in the fast phase. To do this, follow a sleep schedule, which can be easily compiled taking into account information about the duration of sleep phases.

Now we know that night sleep is complex physiological process, including up to five cycles of fast and slow sleep. But more recently, in the 19th century, sleep was perceived by scientists as a phenomenon closed to study, in contrast to the waking state, which can be measured and observed.

You can evaluate the sleeping position, measure his physical indicators: pulse, arterial pressure, breathing rate, body temperature. But how to evaluate the fundamental processes of sleep itself?

First experiments were based on the awakening of the subject, that is, on the intrusion into the sleep process.

However, through these studies, the understanding has been gained that sleep occurs in successive stages.

Köllschütter, a German physiologist, established in the 19th century that sleep is deepest in the first hours, and later becomes more superficial.

A breakthrough in the history of sleep research was the discovery of electrical waves that originate in the brain and can be recorded.

Scientists have the opportunity to observe, record and study phenomena that occur in a person’s sleep using an electroencephalogram.

Thanks to numerous studies, it has been established:

Vegetative state nervous system different in both stages.

In slow-wave sleep, we grow faster: the growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland is produced more actively in this phase.

Dreams are of different nature.

In the fast phase, dream pictures are action-packed, brightly and emotionally colored, in the slow phase, the dream plot is calm or absent altogether.


If you wake a person in the middle of REM sleep, he will get up much easier and will feel much better than as a result of waking up in the slow phase.

Even if you've had enough time to sleep and you expect to feel a surge of strength and vigor, this will not happen if you wake up unsuccessfully at the beginning or in the middle of the slow-wave sleep cycle. In such a situation, you can hear: “Did you get up on the wrong foot?”

Apparently the cause of this condition is incomplete neurochemical processes that take place in slow-wave sleep.

When you fall asleep, breathing becomes less frequent and louder, but less deep.

It slows down even more and becomes irregular in delta sleep.

Breathing in REM sleep is sometimes slow, sometimes rapid, sometimes - this is how we react to the events of the dream we are watching.

Brain temperature decreases in slow-wave sleep, and in fast sleep, due to increased blood flow and active metabolism, it rises and sometimes exceeds the temperature during wakefulness.

Despite numerous differences, the stages of slow and fast sleep have a chemical, physiological, functional interdependence and belong to a single balanced system.

Falling asleep

Immediately before bedtime, a state of drowsiness occurs, a decrease in brain activity, characterized by:

  1. decreased level of consciousness;
  2. decreased sensitivity of sensory systems;
  3. a decrease in heart rate, a decrease in the secretory activity of the glands (salivary → dryness of the oral mucosa; lacrimal → burning of the eyes, sticking of the eyelids).

Sleep structure

The REM sleep phase lengthens from cycle to cycle, and the depth of sleep decreases. REM sleep is more difficult to interrupt than slow-wave sleep, although REM sleep is closer to the threshold of wakefulness. Interruption of REM sleep causes more severe violations mental health compared to slow-wave sleep disorders. Some of the interrupted REM sleep must be replenished in subsequent cycles.

REM sleep is hypothesized to provide functions psychological protection, processing of information, its exchange between consciousness and subconscious.

Sleep deprivation is a very difficult experience. Over the course of several days, a person’s consciousness loses clarity, he experiences an irresistible desire to fall asleep, and periodically “falls” into a borderline state with confused consciousness. It was not without reason that this method of psychological pressure was used during interrogations; currently it is considered as sophisticated torture.


see also

  • Flying in a dream
  • Hypersomnia
  • Syndrome sudden death children (SVS in infants)
  • Dream dictionary


In Russian

In English

  • It's the Little Things: Daily Routines. The Whole Child - For Early Care Providers. Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).


In Russian

  • Vein A. M. Pathology of the brain and the structure of night sleep. Materials of the symposium. "Sleep Mechanisms" - L.: Science, 1971.
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  • Rottenberg V. S. Adaptive function of sleep, causes and manifestations of its disturbance. - M.: Nauka, 1982.
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  • I. A. Protopopova. About dreams in ancient Greece// Russian anthropological school. Proceedings Vol. 2. M.: RSUH, 2004, p. 163-190

In English

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    The electroencephalogram is highlighted with a red frame, the REM sleep phase is underlined. REM sleep phase (synonym: REM phase or REM phase, from REM rapid eye movements, English ... Wikipedia

  • Electroencephalogram, REM sleep phase is highlighted with a red frame REM sleep phase (synonym: REM phase, from REM rapid eye movement) sleep phase characterized by increased activity brain. One of the signs... ... Wikipedia

    "SLOW" SLEEP PHASE- one of the two main phases of sleep, during which tonic (persistent) changes in autonomic and motor parameters are observed: muscle tone decreases, breathing slows down, heartbeat. At the stage of “slow” sleep, behavioral thresholds... ... Psychomotorics: dictionary-reference book Wikipedia

    DREAM - – mental condition, characterized by a person’s detachment from the world around him. Physiologically, sleep is a condition for restoring vitality and energy reserves in the human body. Psychologically, sleep is... encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

    - (σ rhythm, sleep spindles, fusiform activity, explosive or bursting activity, fusiform bursts, α-like rhythm of animals, barbiturate spindles) one of the main and most clearly expressed elements of spontaneous EEG, ... ... Wikipedia

    The request "Sleepwalking" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Somnambulism ... Wikipedia

Every day the human body requires night rest. Human sleep has its own characteristics and is divided into slow sleep and REM sleep. What is best for the human body was determined by scientists who proved that both cycles are necessary for proper rest.

Human sleep: its physiology

Daily sleep onset is a necessity. If a person is deprived of rest for three days, he becomes emotionally unstable, attention decreases, memory loss, and mental retardation occur. Psycho-neurotic overexcitation and depression predominate.

During sleep, all organs, along with the human brain, rest. At this time, people’s subconscious is switched off, and performance procedures, on the contrary, are launched.

To answer the question - slow sleep and fast sleep: which is better, you should first understand what is meant by these concepts

IN modern science the concept of sleep is interpreted as a periodic, functional period with specific behavior in the motor and autonomic spheres. At this time, immobility and disconnection from the sensory influence of the surrounding world occurs.

In this case, two phases alternate in a dream, with characteristic opposite characteristics. These stages are called slow and fast sleep.

Slow and fast cycle together restore mental and physical strength, activate the brain’s performance for information processing of the past day. In this case, the processed information is transferred from short-term memory to long-term memory.

This activity allows you to resolve problems accumulated during the day, as well as absorb the information that was received in the evening.

In addition, proper rest helps to improve the health of the body. When a person sleeps, he loses moisture, which is explained by slight weight loss. IN large quantities Collagen is produced, which is necessary to strengthen blood vessels and restore the elasticity of the skin.

That's why, To look good you need at least 8 hours of sleep. While a person sleeps, his body cleanses itself in preparation for the next day.

There is no clear answer to the question of whether slow or fast sleep is better - only ¾ of sleep time is spent on slow sleep, but this is enough for proper rest.

Slow sleep cycle, its features

Features of slow-wave sleep are:

  • increase and decrease in pressure;
  • preservation of average pulse rhythm;
  • decline motor functions organs of vision;
  • muscle relaxation.

During the slow phase, the body relaxes, breathing slows down, and the brain loses sensitivity to external stimuli, which is an indicator of a difficult awakening.

In this phase, cell restoration occurs due to the production of a hormone responsible for tissue growth and renewal of the muscular body. During the slow phase, the immune system is also restored, which indicates the importance of slow sleep for the physiological state.

The main components of slow-wave sleep

NREM sleep is divided into 4 phases with diverse bioelectrical characteristics. When a person falls into slow-wave sleep, the body's activity decreases, and at this time it is difficult to wake him up. IN deep stage During slow sleep, the heart rate and breathing increase, and blood pressure decreases.

Slow sleep rehabilitates and heals the body, restores cells and tissue, which improves the condition of internal organs; fast sleep does not have such features.


When a person falls into a state of drowsiness, there is conjecture and revision of those ideas that appeared during daytime wakefulness. The brain is looking for solutions and possible correct ways out of current situations. Often people have dreams in which problems are solved with positive result.

Often during the phase of slow sleep - dozing we find a solution to a problem that exists in reality

Sleepy spindles

After dozing, the sleep spindle rhythm begins. The disabled subconscious alternates with a threshold of significant hearing sensitivity.

Delta sleep

Delta sleep has it all character traits the previous stage, to which the delta oscillation of 2 Hz joins. The amplitude increase in the rhythm of oscillations becomes slower, and the transition to the fourth phase occurs.

Delta sleep is called the transitional stage to the deepest rest.

Deep delta sleep

This stage during slow-wave sleep is characterized by dreams, dull energy, and heavy lifting. A sleeping person is practically impossible to awaken.

The deep phase of delta sleep occurs 1.5 hours after going to bed. This is the final stage of slow-wave sleep.

Rapid sleep cycle, its features

REM sleep at night is called paradoxical or fast-wave sleep. At this time, changes occur in the human body. REM sleep has its own distinctive features:

  • clear memory of visible dream, which cannot be said about the slow-wave sleep phase;
  • improved respiratory rate and arrhythmia of the cardiovascular system;
  • loss of muscle tone;
  • the muscle tissue of the neck and oral diaphragm stops moving;
  • pronounced motor character of the apples of the visual organs under closed eyelids.

REM sleep with the onset of a new cycle has a longer duration, but at the same time, less depth, despite the fact that wakefulness approaches with each cycle, it is difficult to wake a person during REM sleep.

REM sleep has only two cycles: emotional; unemotional.

During the period of accelerated sleep, messages received the day before before rest are processed, data is exchanged between the subconscious and the mind. A quick night's rest is necessary for a person and the brain to adapt to changes in the surrounding space. Interruption of the sleep phase in question threatens mental disorders.

People who do not have proper rest are deprived of the possibility of rebirth protective functions mental health, as a result: lethargy, tearfulness, irritability, absent-mindedness.

Sequence of sleep stages

Slow sleep and REM sleep - which is better cannot be answered unequivocally, since both phases perform various functions. Slow cycle comes immediately, then comes deep rest. During REM sleep, it is difficult for a person to wake up. This occurs due to disabled sensory perceptions.

Night rest has a beginning - it is a slow phase. First, the person begins to doze, this lasts a little less than a quarter of an hour. Then stages 2, 3, 4 begin gradually, this takes about another 60 minutes.

With each stage, sleep deepens, and a fast phase begins, which is very short. After it there is a return to phase 2 of slow-wave sleep.

Changing fast and slow rest occurs up to 6 times throughout the night.

After completing the stages under consideration, the person awakens. Waking up occurs individually for everyone; the awakening process takes from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. During this time, clarity of consciousness is restored.

Scientific research has shown that a person who is frequently deprived of REM sleep can end up dying.

The reason why self-destruct occurs is unknown. Other studies show that in some cases, when there is a lack of the fast phase, treatment of depressive conditions is noted.

What is the difference between slow and fast sleep?

The body behaves differently during one or another phase of sleep; the main differences between the cycles are shown in the table.

Distinctive characteristics slow sleep REM sleep
Eye movementsInitially, the motor process is smooth, freezing, and lasts until the end of the stageThere is constant movement of the eyeballs
State of the vegetative systemDuring slow-wave sleep, there is a rapid, improved production of hormones produced by the pituitary glandSuppression of spinal reflexes, manifestations of a rapid amplitude rhythm, increased heart rate. REM sleep is characterized by a vegetative storm
DreamsNREM sleep is rarely accompanied by dreams, and if they do occur, they are calm character, no emotional plotsREM sleep is characterized by rich pictures, which is explained by vivid emotions, with a memorable color effect
AwakeningIf you wake up a person during slow-wave sleep, he will have a depressed state, a feeling of fatigue of a person who has not rested, and waking up will be difficult. This is due to incomplete neurochemical processes of slow-wave sleepDuring a quick night's rest, awakening is easy, the body is full of strength and energy, the person feels rested, well-slept, general state cheerful
BreathInfrequent, loud, shallow, with a gradual lack of rhythmicity occurring in delta sleepBreathing is uneven, changeable (rapid or delayed), this is the body’s reaction to dreams that are seen in this phase
Brain temperatureReducedIt rises due to the accelerated influx of plasma and the activity of metabolic processes. Often the brain temperature during sleep soon higher than during wakefulness

Slow sleep and REM sleep, which cannot be better defined, because there is a chemical, physiological, functional dependence between them, in addition, they participate in a single balanced process of rest of the body.

During a slow night's rest are adjusted internal rhythms in the brain structure quick rest helps to establish harmony between these structures.

When is it better to wake up: in the NREM or REM stage of sleep?

The general state of health and well-being of a person depends on the phase of waking up. The worst time to wake up is during deep sleep. Having awakened at this moment, a person feels weak and tired.

The best time to wake up is the first or second stage after REM sleep ends. Doctors do not recommend getting up during REM sleep.

Be that as it may, when a person has had enough sleep, he is cheerful and full of energy. Usually this happens immediately after the dream, he reacts to sound, lighting, temperature regime. If he gets up immediately, then his condition will be excellent, and if he still pokes, it will begin new cycle slow sleep

Waking up during slow-wave sleep, which usually occurs when the alarm clock rings, a person will be irritated, lethargic, and sleep-deprived.

That's why The best moment of awakening is considered to be the one when a person did it on his own, no matter what time is on the clock, the body is rested and ready to work.

It is impossible to judge which sleep is better; slow sleep is needed to restart, reboot and rest the body. REM sleep is needed to restore protective functions. Therefore, it is better to have a full sleep, without lack of sleep.

Video in sleep phases, slow and fast sleep

What is sleep, as well as what is meant by the concepts of “slow sleep” and “rapid sleep”, which is better - you will learn about all this from the video below:

Check out these tips on how to get good, healthy sleep:
