A one-month-old baby hardly sleeps during the day. What should the parents of the baby do? main reasons for poor sleep in newborns

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 11 minutes


Last update articles: 04/05/2019

Newborn baby most eats and sleeps for days. He still spends little time studying the world. Baby who has reached one month old, sleeps a little less than the baby from the maternity hospital, is more active and examines the environment and people. But he should still sleep well. Growth and development occur in dreams child's body. Lack of sleep is dangerous to your health. In this case, we are talking not only about night sleep, but also about daytime sleep.

Sleep norms for a one-month-old baby

Babies sleep on average 18-20 hours a day. These hours stretch across day and night. Usually the child sleeps for 1.5-2.5 hours, waking up for feeding. He has to eat often, since his stomach is small, milk is absorbed quickly. Some parents face a problem when their month old baby doesn't sleep during the day. One of your relatives or friends may say that there is nothing wrong with this, and if the child does not sleep well during the day, he will sleep well at night. In reality this is not the case.

Children's sleep cannot be compared with adults. After all, during the first year of life a baby’s body grows and develops at a very high rate, quickly adapts to the world around him, and therefore needs large quantities sleep.

Sleep norms for children under one year old are presented in the table:

You should talk about sleep disorders if:

  • it is impossible to put the baby to sleep within 4-5 hours;
  • total sleep time per day is less than 15 hours;
  • sleep is accompanied by convulsions and breathing problems;
  • the child wakes up every 5-10 minutes.

If your one-month-old baby does not sleep well during the day, you should pay close attention to him. Perhaps he is sick. In any case, it is worth showing your baby to the doctor, since some diseases can pass without pronounced external symptoms.

Under no circumstances should you give your baby any sedatives or other medications without a doctor’s prescription. They can lead to serious violations in the developing organism. Even homeopathic remedies(based medicinal herbs) can cause a severe allergic reaction.

The main reasons why a baby may not sleep during the day

For comfortable sleep all conditions must be created for the baby. A one-month-old baby cannot independently eliminate the causes of his anxiety, so he screams or cries to let his parents know about their occurrence.

Why can a month-old baby not sleep all day? The most trivial reason- hunger. If his mother feeds him strictly according to the clock and does not keep him at the breast for a long time, he may simply not have time to eat enough. In this case, it is worth offering the baby the breast more often.

To find out if the mother has enough milk, you should weigh the baby before and after eating. A one-month-old baby should eat 90-100 g per feeding breast milk, and per day - about 600 g. If a child eats less than normal, then the reason for this is probably improper feeding. The mother should invite a consultant breastfeeding. If he cannot help, then the child will need to be supplemented with formula.

Overeating can cause stomach pain and, as a result, bad sleep . Breastfed children rarely overeat, but mixed or mixed artificial feeding often encounter this problem. The formula flows out of the bottle faster than milk from the breast, and in greater quantities.

After eating, the child should be kept in the “column” position for 10 minutes so that all the air swallowed during feeding can be released.

The second most common cause of sleep disturbance is wet diaper or nappy. In order for your baby to sleep better, you need to choose a high-quality and comfortable diaper that absorbs moisture well and does not cause discomfort to the child.

The baby may be bothered by it cloth. Some parents buy beautiful, but uncomfortable children's clothes made from synthetics. Children's clothing should be made of cotton, and the seams on them should be made outward. This way the child won’t have to rub or inject anything. Clothes should not be tight so that the baby can move his legs and arms freely.

A one-month-old baby may not sleep during the day due to an unsuitable environment:

  1. Bright daylight, not muffled by curtains or blinds.
  2. Sharp, loud sounds of a running music player or a switched-on TV, noise from the street (sounds of construction, passing cars, etc.).
  3. Poor air quality. If the room is rarely ventilated, then it may be dusty, stuffy, and musty. Dry air can interfere with sleep. Low air humidity often occurs in heated rooms.
  4. High or low air temperature. The child may be hot or cold.

High physical and mental activity deplete the children's nervous system. An overexcited baby cannot sleep. He does not calm down, moves his arms and legs, screams. In this case, swaddling can help. The limbs become immobilized, the center of excitement in the brain goes out, the child calms down and falls asleep.

A child's sleep is also affected by emotional condition moms. If she is nervous, worried, or in conflict with other relatives, then the baby may experience stress.

It takes the baby up to half an hour from the moment she falls asleep to fall into a deep sleep. That's why an attempt to quickly wean a sleepy baby from the breast and putting him to bed lead to him waking up and crying. Recognize the stage deep sleep You can use slow measured breathing, relaxed muscles of the face and limbs, unclenched fists.

Sometimes at night mommies confuse the phase of light sleep with awakening. The child may make involuntary movements, whine, breathe irregularly, and it is at this time that he has dreams. There is no need to rush to approach the baby and pick him up. After about 10-20 minutes, the baby can calm down and continue to sleep.

Unfortunately, some children regularly wake up during the dreaming phase and cannot fall asleep on their own. And since the baby has short cycles of alternating fast and slow sleep, then this happens every 30-40 minutes, which extremely exhausts parents at night.

Medical causes of poor sleep

To find out why a month-old baby does not sleep during the day, sensitive parents turn to a pediatrician, who examines and weighs the baby. If the causes of poor sleep remain unidentified, then the pediatrician gives a referral to a neurologist. He will be able to determine the presence or absence of a disturbance in the central nervous system.

Sleep disorder is one of the symptoms perinatal lesion nervous system resulting from:

  • difficult pregnancy and complicated childbirth;
  • infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy;
  • chronic lack of oxygen - fetal hypoxia;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • birth trauma.

Causes of occurrence neurological diseases are usually birth injuries. During a difficult birth, brain tissue can be injured, which leads to a lack of oxygen and inadequate development of the body.

You should urgently show the child to a specialist if the parents cannot put him to sleep, he cries and the area between his nose and lips turns blue.

Diseases not associated with neurological disorders are called somatic. Their presence is determined by the pediatrician.

A common cause of sleep disturbance in infants is rickets— a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism associated with a deficiency of vitamin D in the body. The baby becomes overexcited, restless, fearful, and irritable. He sleeps poorly, shudders when falling asleep, sweats a lot during sleep and feeding. In such cases, the doctor prescribes vitamin D drops, and the problem goes away.

But most often, at four weeks of age, the baby begins to worry intestinal colic . Their characteristic manifestation is an unexpected awakening, loud crying due to pain arising from a sharp contraction of the intestinal muscles. The baby is tense, kicks his legs, and has a swollen belly.

Colic is painful sensations in the intestines, caused by a large amount of gas. Mom can give a light massage to the tummy, stroking it clockwise. You can put a warm, ironed diaper on your tummy. This way the gases pass faster.

You can buy a special gas outlet tube at the pharmacy, but it is used only in extreme cases and with extreme care not to cause damage to the intestines. Instead of a gas outlet tube, you can take a small rubber bulb, cut into two parts so that gases can freely escape through it. The child can be given a special baby remedy for colic - Infacol, Espumisan, Bobotik or others.

Stomach problems may be associated with nutrition for a nursing mother. She probably eats foods causing gas formation(legumes, cabbage, carbonated drinks), fermentation (sweet confectionery and chocolate), allergies (citrus fruits, red berries and fruits). Mom's consumption of coffee and tea in large quantities leads to increased excitability of the baby, which negatively affects sleep.

Cold can ruin anyone's sleep, especially a baby's. Increased body temperature general deterioration well-being, nasal congestion - all this does not give the baby the opportunity to sleep normally.

Very rare, but there are cases when one month old children teeth begin to erupt. In addition to gum pain, they may experience symptoms that are easily confused with signs of a cold (fever, runny nose). During this period, a decrease in immunity occurs.

Sleep disturbances associated with manifestations of the disease can be distinguished from ordinary whims by prolonged monotonous crying, which is difficult to stop, combined with a change in skin color, muscle tension and motor excitement.

In order for the baby to sleep peacefully and sweetly, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions.

The air in the nursery should be clean, moist and fresh. To achieve this, daily ventilation and cleaning are carried out. You need to monitor the room temperature. It should not be higher than 22 degrees Celsius.

In accordance with the air temperature and the season of the year, there should be a blanket with which the baby is covered and clothes on him. The child should not be wrapped to prevent overheating. You should watch carefully so that it does not freeze.

To humidify the air, you can use a specially purchased device or place cups of water around the room or hang wet towels on the radiators during the heating season.

Most one-month-old babies fall asleep fresh air. If you can’t often walk with your baby, you can put the stroller on the balcony.

Full-fledged healthy sleep is important for an adult, and even more so for a baby, so young parents begin to worry if the child does not sleep during the day. Children draw strength for growth and rapid development in their dreams. To an adult, it may seem that children do nothing except have fun, eat and sleep. But it would be wrong to think so. Just imagine: a child under 3 years old masters a colossal number of things: learns to speak, read, walk, and generally becomes a small copy of an adult. Is this not enough to make you tired?

But if by the evening the baby can still be tired enough and fall asleep quickly and soundly, then the reluctance to sleep during the day can greatly worry mothers, since not everyone knows exactly when to put the baby to bed during the day and how much time he needs to sleep. As a result, parents themselves create all the conditions for violation nap baby.

How long should a child sleep during the day?

Should sleep approximately 17-20 hours a day, at certain intervals throughout the day and night, when the baby eats and “walks.” One-year-old children should sleep at least 10 hours at night and twice during the day, approximately 2.5 and 1.5 hours for each daytime nap. From one and a half years old, children sleep at night for 10-11 hours and once during the day for about 2-3 hours.

Several factors influence how much your baby sleeps during the day:

  • the child’s natural need for daytime sleep;
  • degree physical activity received during the day;
  • child's temperament.

If the baby is active, moves and walks a lot, then napping during the day will become a natural part of his daily routine and will not cause whims. But it often happens quite the opposite: your baby has walked around, eaten enough, read all her favorite books with you, but still refuses to go to bed. What should mom do in this case?

Why does my child sleep poorly during the day?

  • the baby is uncomfortable. One month old baby will not be able to tell you what is bothering him, so refusal to sleep may indicate that either the baby is sick, or hungry, or has a wet diaper or diaper. Carefully examine the child to see if he has a fever or nasal congestion. By eliminating possible reason your baby's worries, you will allow your baby to fall asleep faster.
  • increased temperature in the room. The infant does not tolerate it well high temperature in room. It is important to remember this and regularly ventilate the room in which he sleeps, while avoiding drafts. Normal temperature the room should be 19 – 21 °C.
  • there is no sleep mode. It is very important to put your baby to bed at the same time every day. This will form the child's habit of falling asleep at a certain time. Let it be immediately after a walk or play: fresh air and active activities will tire the baby faster and promote sound sleep.
  • overexcitability and hyperactivity. You should not force your child to sleep immediately after you return from a walk and have lunch. Let your baby take a little break from previous activities, calm down, read to him for a while or sing a song.
  • excessive capriciousness, nervousness, spoiledness. Often parents, and even more often grandparents, rush to calm the child as soon as he starts crying. It would be wiser to be patient a little; the baby will soon calm down and fall asleep.

Let's try to figure out how to put a child to sleep during the day.

  1. Have a nice long walk with your baby before lunch.
  2. If the child does not sleep during the day, short baths in cool water will be beneficial (besides, such procedures have a hardening effect).
  3. Come up with your own ritual for falling asleep: reading a book, a lullaby, a favorite toy nearby - let each mother determine what has a beneficial effect on her baby’s sleep. (For example, one baby, as soon as she learned to speak, asked her mother to cover her with a blanket and leave the room for a while. Five minutes later the child was fast asleep.)

As with everything else, when going to bed for a nap, you need to remember that every child is unique. Yes, a newborn should sleep almost 20 hours a day, and a three-year-old child should spend about 2 hours sleeping during the day. But don’t worry if your month-old baby doesn’t sleep well during the day; perhaps he gets everything he needs during a better night’s sleep.

If possible, do not scold your child if day after day you cannot put him to bed during the day. Watch his behavior, if he doesn’t become too capricious and whiny in the evening, eats well, then maybe it’s enough to just lie quietly with your child during the day for an hour or two, listen to an audio story or read your favorite book. And in the evening you can go to bed a little earlier.

In order for the baby to develop correctly and comprehensively, he needs a full day's rest. Often young mothers are upset because the baby refuses to sleep. How valid are parental concerns? Why does the baby sleep little during the day or not fall asleep at all?

Why do you need to sleep during the day?

Daytime rest is necessary for children for several reasons:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • helps the nervous system cope with new impressions and emotions received during the waking period;
  • improves concentration;
  • promotes mental physical development infants, prevention of hyperactivity.

How much sleep do you need?

The amount of daily rest is taken into account, not just daily rest. The norm immediately after birth and up to 4 months is considered to be 17-20 hours per day. The amount is distributed evenly throughout the day.

At four months the regime was established, duration daily sleep gradually decreases to 17-18 hours. By 6 months – 16 hours, by 9 – 15 hours. At the age of 1 year Small child sleeps approximately 13 hours per day. This amount of time is distributed between 2-3 daytime sleeps with breaks for wakefulness. By the year, this number is reduced to 1 time per day.

To determine whether a baby is sleeping normally, you need to know what is considered normal. Up to 4 months, children are in this state almost constantly, waking up to eat, or feeling discomfort. You should know - normal sleep children under one year old are intermittent and restless.

Considering that normal rest at night lasts 8 hours, during the daytime a newborn should approximately sleep:

Age (months) Day Number of falls asleep (times) In just one day
1 8-9 3-5 17-20
3 6-7 3-4 14-17
6 5-6 3 14-15
9 4-5 2-3 13-15
12 3-4 2 13-14
18 2-3 1 12-14
24 2 1 12-13

Most children tend to shudder, turn, cry, and open their eyes in their sleep. These movements are called the Moro reflex. By 5 months it disappears.

Sleep phases

There are four stages of sleep: falling asleep, superficial, deep, REM sleep. In infancy, each stage lasts 15 minutes, the full cycle is 45-50 minutes. The superficial prevails over the deep. At fast stage the child’s eyes are closed, the eyelids visibly tremble, eyeballs moving quickly, breathing unevenly. An infant can smile, twitch, or awaken from any rustle or sound.

When moving to the slow stage, breathing becomes deep, measured, the eyeballs are motionless, the muscles relax, and sweating is activated. It is difficult to wake up the baby.

What is a violation?

What to do when your baby doesn’t sleep well during the day or at night? These standards serve as a guide and depend on the characteristics of each individual baby. Often a mother, not knowing the differences between normal and pathological, worries in vain. To determine the background of what is happening and understand why the newborn sleeps poorly, it is important to understand what disorders indicate trouble.

Disorders are divided into primary and secondary.

Primary disorders

A primary disorder is said to occur when a child sleeps poorly and the sleep pattern is altered. There are no accompanying illnesses, obvious root causes of violations.

Secondary disorders

If sleep has become disturbed due to illness, they speak of secondary disorders. Changes appear due to congenital abnormalities of the nervous system and brain tumors.

What to do if you suspect possible problems? Immediately consult a neurologist and determine accurate diagnosis, start treatment. It is better to be overly suspicious than careless.

Consequences of lack of sleep

When a baby sleeps poorly after 4 months of life, this can negatively affect health and proper development. During the rest period, the baby’s body intensively produces growth hormone, and the neural connections of the brain improve. A baby who lacks sleep day and night is anxious, cries, and hyperactive due to exhaustion of the nervous system.

Possible causes of violations

Among the most common root causes of why a baby does not sleep well during the day are the following.

Unsuitable room temperature, humidity

In the room where the baby sleeps, it is important to create optimal temperature and humidity conditions. The desired temperature is 17 - 20 degrees Celsius, humidity 50-70%.

Hunger, thirst

If quite a lot of time has passed since the last feeding, if the baby does not eat enough due to a lack of breast milk, this can also cause the baby to cry and refuse to fall asleep. In summer and spring, children may be thirsty. Feeding a 3-4 month old newborn with salty foods before bedtime will most likely cause restlessness, frequent waking up, and whims.

Bright lights, loud sounds

In order to sleep peacefully during the day, you need a comfortable environment. Bright sunlight Due to loosely closed curtains, artificial lighting interferes with rest. A running TV, radio, car horns, dogs barking on the street, or loud knocking can disrupt day or night sleep.

Wrong clothes

Tight, uncomfortable underwear, tight seams, tight elastic bands, and laces cause discomfort to a newborn. Choose light, breathable fabrics, a simple cut of linen with a minimum of seams. It is advisable to select clothing appropriate to the ambient temperature.

A wrapped baby overheats and sweats, which can result in heat rash and diaper rash. Hypothermia leads to active movements, sneezing, skin become cool to the touch.

Wet diapers, uncomfortable diaper

Children's skin is sensitive and reacts to the slightest irritation. Diaper dermatitis, allergic rashes, other skin damage, a wet diaper can cause discomfort, irritation.

Unsettled routine

A 4-month-old baby may be reluctant to fall asleep during the day because she is simply not accustomed to going to bed at the same hours. Sometimes children confuse day and night, which causes a lot of trouble for their parents.

Emotional overload

Imperfect nervous system does not provide the necessary processes of excitation and inhibition. It is difficult for the baby to calm down and switch to falling asleep.

Painful conditions of the body

Accumulated in abdominal cavity gases and pain prevent you from sleeping peacefully and soundly. If you have intestinal problems or colic, do regular light massage belly, put a warm diaper on it, give the baby something to drink.

Incorrect parental bedtime behavior

Many parents place their baby in their arms. Others rock him night and day. The mechanism of “sickness” is simple - the newborn becomes dizzy, and quickly gets used to this state. When placed on the crib, the baby wakes up, refuses to go back to sleep, and asks to be held. Some people go to bed exclusively with a bottle or pacifier. In the absence of familiar objects, it is difficult for a child to fall asleep. Often, the prerequisites for such behavior are the mother’s overprotection and insufficient attention.

How to set up the process?

In the absence of somatic or neurological problems, in order to provide the baby healthy holiday day and night, follow these simple rules:

  1. Maintain good sleep hygiene. Create a comfortable temperature in the room, dim the bright lights, loud sounds. For the crib, choose a hard mattress. Give preference to comfortable, comfortable clothes;
  2. Plan your routine so that your baby goes to bed immediately after feeding. Adjust the hours of falling asleep according to the needs of the baby;
  3. Lay down when the first signs of fatigue appear. If he is tired and rubs his eyes, put him to bed early, do not wait for the allotted time;
  4. Create a bedtime ritual. Before each fall asleep, sing lullabies to your baby, stroke her head, kiss her;
  5. Use special cradles, cribs, “cocoons”, “nests” for motor motion sickness;
  6. Provide sufficient motor activity while awake. Take him for walks in the fresh air more often. Most children who have difficulty falling asleep in a crib do just fine outside in a stroller;
  7. If the baby moves and makes sounds during sleep, this does not mean that he is awake. You shouldn’t immediately take the baby in your arms and finally wake him up. The baby probably dreamed something and will continue to sleep;
  8. Use quality ones in size;
  9. With the permission of the pediatrician, it is recommended to give the newborn special children's supplements.

Daytime sleep is the key proper development baby. Show a little patience and persistence and everything will return to normal. Along with this, positive changes will occur in the baby’s mood.

Remember: healthy, normal developing child knows how much rest he needs. If you suspect that unhealthy sleep during the day is associated with illness, consult a doctor immediately.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Article last updated: 04/14/2019

When a baby is born in a family, the mother has many new worries associated with him. But, besides this, the same chores around the house, caring for a spouse, daily trips to the store and much more remain. Getting your baby to sleep during the day is not always easy. As the child grows older, he begins to refuse to go to bed, become capricious, etc. Even in the maternity hospital, every woman should be advised about the norm of daytime and night sleep.

Daytime sleep is important

Adequate sleep is one of the main components for the baby. If an adult only needs a night's sleep to rest, then infant must go to sleep both day and night. At this time, the baby rests, gains strength, and grows. To mental development And physical activity were normal, the newborn sleeps for quite a long period of time in the first months of his life.

Many psychologists argue that daytime sleep is not necessary for parents to take a break, but for the mental health of the little one. If a baby sleeps poorly during the day or does not sleep at all, this often leads to unpleasant consequences:

  1. deterioration of physical and mental development;
  2. overexcitement;
  3. rapid fatigue;
  4. weak immunity.

The amount of napping during the day gradually decreases as the child gets older.

Average sleep duration during the day

Each baby sleeps differently, but on average the number of hours per day spent sleeping until three months is about 18-20. Taking into account individual characteristics, 16-20 hours a day can be considered the norm. One newborn feels fine after sleeping for 17 hours, while another needs all of 20 to get enough sleep.

The infant has not yet had time to get used to the world around him, and he does not have a daily routine. Therefore, the baby sleeps approximately the same number of hours during the day and at night.

If the baby doesn’t sleep enough, this is noticeable in several ways:

  1. sleep duration per day is less than 16 hours;
  2. the newborn is fussy or crying;
  3. the child is too active before going to bed;
  4. going to bed is accompanied by protests and tears, sleep is superficial.

When the toddler gets older, the day's rest is divided into two times, each of which is approximately 2-3 hours. If sleep is an hour or an hour and a half, then this is not a deviation, but rather an individual characteristic of the body.

All signs of sleep disturbance have some basis. Discover the real reason Concerns are much easier if you consult your local pediatrician.

How to understand why a toddler does not sleep during the day

There are many reasons why a newborn does not sleep well during the day. For some children, several factors may be combined at once. The most common are:

  1. the room is bright or noisy;
  2. insufficiently humid air;
  3. uncomfortable temperature. Optimal humidity – 50-60%, temperature – 18-21°C;
  4. lack of daily routine;
  5. poorly made bed or uncomfortable clothes;
  6. defective digestive system.
  • The first months are the most difficult period, since the formation occurs normal microflora intestines. The baby gets used to new foods. Even during pregnancy, a breastfeeding specialist explains to a woman what needs to be done in order to prevent colic and abdominal pain in the baby. While waiting for the baby and during breastfeeding, the mother should give up everything fatty, salty, and spicy. Otherwise, such a diet may have a bad effect on digestive system toddler.
  • Wet diapers and nappies also cause the baby to have difficulty sleeping during the day. Be sure to check the diaper or diaper immediately before putting your baby in the crib. During sleep, a diaper is usually worn so that the baby does not wake up due to the fact that he is uncomfortable in wet clothes.
  • Natural needs, such as thirst and hunger, often disturb the baby’s sleep. At this time, the newborn cries or screams. Parents sometimes do not understand why the child does not sleep well, and perceive such a reaction as malaise. It is necessary to feed or give the baby something to drink, and he will sleep sweetly again. It is best to do this before installation.
  • When the child is already asleep, he may not notice any rustles or sounds. But the baby has trouble falling asleep if there is even slight noise in the room. Light can also disturb a toddler. Blinds or curtains made of thick fabric should be hung on the windows.

In the first months, the baby may experience a feeling of fear and anxiety when he is transferred to a separate crib. This is explained by the fact that in the mother’s belly the child is accustomed to hearing the mother’s breathing and heartbeat. At first, you can put the baby next to you, and as they grow older, you can accustom them to a separate sleeping place.

  • Some mothers mistakenly assume that if the baby sleeps little during the day, then he will go to bed earlier at night and sleep more soundly. Sleep during the day is simply necessary for children up to six years old. You need to go to bed at the same time, because the baby must have a daily routine. If the baby does not sleep during the day, then later he may become whiny, capricious and overtired. Night rest will also be disrupted.

What to do if your baby doesn't sleep during the day

The result of a child's sleep should always be his great mood, active behavior and wellness!

Daytime sleep is very important for children. Babies draw their strength from sleep; they need it for growth and full development. If a child gets enough sleep, he will always be cheerful, cheerful and active. He eats well, plays and enjoys making contact. It is believed that a child should sleep during the day until about 6-7 years of age. In addition, there are certain sleep standards. For example, for newborns the norm is sleep that lasts 16-20 hours, of which 6-8 hours (at least 4 times) are naps during the day; for one-year-old children this daily norm is reduced to 4-6 hours (2 times); and for children from one and a half to 7 years old - up to 2 hours (1 time). However, we must understand that these data have average values ​​and are only advisory in nature. All children are different and each baby's need for daytime sleep is individual. Some children sleep soundly during the day even in adolescence, some give up daytime sleep after 2 years, and some do not sleep even in a year.

At the age of two, children often refuse daytime sleep; this age is a turning point. At the same time, mothers’ concerns are often associated not with the fact that children deviate from accepted sleep norms and any opportunity for them to take care of personal affairs disappears, but rather with the fact that children who refuse lunchtime naps become disobedient and capricious. At the same time, in the evening they begin to whine and fall asleep, and when it is time to go to bed for the night, they again become restless and active. Therefore, today we will talk about why a child does not sleep during the day, and how to teach him to rest during the daytime?

The main reasons why a child does not sleep during the day:


Sound, healthy sleep is a natural need of the human body, however, not daytime sleep, but nighttime sleep is considered an indicator of normal and full-fledged life activity of a child! If the baby sleeps soundly and sweetly all night, falls asleep calmly and quickly in the evening, and wakes up without problems in the morning, there is no need to worry about him refusing daytime sleep. Why doesn't the child sleep during the day? Because he doesn’t need it. But we are talking here only about those children who do not have such things as: nervous breakdowns, bad feeling, inappropriate behavior, groundless whims, increased excitability or attempts to fall asleep earlier than usual. If you periodically encounter similar problems, then most likely the reason why the child does not sleep during the day is completely different.

What to do in this case?

You should not panic, but calm down and try to understand the specifics of your child’s body and come to terms with the fact that your baby does not need naps during the day. However, in this case, you still need to teach your baby to relax for a few minutes in the middle of the day. It is necessary that the child can lie quietly, even without falling asleep, for some time. This is especially important for those children who go to kindergarten.

Engage your baby with a story and conversation to get him to bed. And perhaps, to your delight, he will fall asleep after all.


In pediatrics, there is such a thing as “children with increased needs,” or, more simply put, children with neurological characteristics. This is not a disease, but a diagnosis that you are unlikely to get rid of, but to which you can adapt. Essentially these are hyperactive children. They are very emotional, impressionable, impulsive and overly active. At the same time, they get tired quickly, do not know how to relax and have difficulty falling asleep. As a rule, it is these children who have problems sleeping. They may suffer from insomnia, sleepwalking, nightmares, pathological drowsiness, enuresis and other diseases associated with sleep disorders, even in adulthood.

What to do?

Consultation, observation and, most likely, treatment by a neurologist are required. These children are shown strict regime day, emotional calm, love and patience of parents, as well as the absence of any nervous shocks. They are contraindicated computer games, watching TV for long periods of time and playing too much.


Here we mean one-time events: a trip to the cinema, circus, zoo, a long trip or some kind of strong shock, both positive and negative. This also includes accumulated fatigue - hyperfatigue. For example, if for some long time a child had to get up early or go to bed late, and also if for several days his life was too busy, active and emotional, then the reluctance to sleep is a response of the child’s body to overwork.

Try very hard to put your child to bed a little earlier than he wants to sleep. Try to take breaks between active actions child, play passive games and give your baby the opportunity to rest more.


This reason is also usually short-term. Children aged from one to 7 years have so much energy that any adult can only envy. Perhaps, for some time, due to some reasons, your child walked and played less than usual and, accordingly, did not use up his daily energy reserve.

Increase your time outdoors, send your child to a dance club, play sports or play outdoor games.


If yesterday you woke up at 9 am, skipped a lunch nap, went to bed at 10 pm, and today you got up at 7, went for a walk instead of a nap, and at 8 pm you already fell asleep for the night - it’s not surprising that your baby does not want to sleep at lunchtime, and also has difficulty sleeping at night.

In this case, it is necessary to create a daily routine for your child and be sure to stick to it!


Why doesn't the child sleep during the day? Remember, perhaps today he took a nap on the bus or closed his eyes for a couple of minutes in the car. Perhaps yesterday he slept late because of guests or got up very early in the morning to go to the clinic.

What to do in this case?

Try to distract your child in every possible way during trips and do not let him nap outside the bed. Observe the time and place of his night sleep and daytime rest, no matter what the circumstances in your life. Follow your child's bedtime routine. Lonely, repeated actions before bed: reading a book, singing a lullaby, massage, kissing, and similar things habitually relax the child and prepare his body for sleep. Try to ensure that your child always sleeps in the same room and in the same bed.


Bad weather, wind, heat, cold or stuffy room, clothes that are too tight or warm, uncomfortable bedding - all this can negatively affect a child's sleep. The reason for the child’s reluctance to fall asleep may be rearranging the furniture in the room, renovating or moving to a new apartment. Computer games and prolonged watching of TV also have a bad effect on the baby’s sleep. Perhaps he has seen enough horror movies, he is unfamiliar with the new environment, or he is simply afraid to be alone in bed.

What to do?

Make the moment your child falls asleep comfortable, and when the environment changes, stay with him. Talk to your child about what might scare him, and to calm him down, give him something familiar, such as a favorite toy.


The tummy hurts, the ear hurts, teeth are cutting – but you never know what can bother a child. Such sleep problems begin suddenly: the baby falls asleep, but suddenly wakes up, screaming and crying.

Find and eliminate the cause of the child’s discomfort.


Why doesn't the child sleep during the day? Perhaps this is a reaction to significant changes and events: you moved or divorced your husband, your second child was born or your baby went to kindergarten - something extraordinary happened in your life, which the child is not yet used to and because of which it may worry a lot.

If something has changed a lot in your life, be patient with your child, show him more care, affection and love. Show your child that no matter what, nothing has changed in your relationship with him and that you still love him.

The result of a child's sleep should always be his excellent mood, active behavior and good health. If your baby, despite the lack of daytime sleep, is alert, active and cheerful, you should not once again worry and wonder why the child does not sleep during the day. However, if the baby does not sleep well at night, wakes up hard in the morning, is capricious during the day, falls asleep in the evening, and a little later cannot fall asleep - try to find the reason for this behavior and teach him during the day, if not to sleep, then at least to rest.

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