Why does black wax appear in the ear and how to get rid of it? Black, brown, light or red wax in the ears

Hygiene rules oblige us to regularly clean our ears, removing wax accumulated in them. However, performing a simple and the required procedure to remove the sticky yellow-brown mass, many do not suspect that this is not just dirt accumulated on the walls of the outer ear, but a valuable and extremely necessary secret that our body produces for a specific purpose. Moreover, according to modern scientists, earwax can be a real barometer of our health, telling about the state of the body through changes in the color and smell of the secretion.

Are you already interested? Then let's learn about the functions in detail earwax, as well as what it can tell about our health.

Composition and functions of earwax

You will be surprised, but earwax does not enter the ears from the outside. It is produced by more than 2,000 serous glands located on the inner part of the outer ear canal. Moreover, this lubricating secretion is produced for a specific purpose, namely, to clean the ear canals, as well as to protect the ears from fungi, bacteria and insects. Incredible, isn't it?

Earwax consists of proteins, sticky fat-like substances (lanosterol, cholesterol), mineral salts And fatty acids. A little later, when this secretion appears on the surface of the skin, it is joined by surrounding dust, dead skin particles, tiny hairs, sebum and many other substances.

Earwax is a very sticky substance, allowing any dirt or germs that enter the ears to stick to it. Sulfur becomes a reliable barrier to penetration harmful microbes, thereby protecting the ears and eardrums from inflammation and the development of deafness. Moreover, without wax, not only germs, but also insects can penetrate deep into the ear, causing serious infection.

In this cunning way, nature took care of protecting the human hearing organs. Moreover, this is by no means the only function of the secretion produced by the body. Here are two more equally important functions:

  • Sulfur is an excellent lubricant for the skin of the external auditory canals. Thanks to this feature, the skin on the ears is protected from drying out and inflammatory processes. Interestingly, residents of the northern hemisphere have more moist earwax, while Asians and representatives southern hemisphere– dry. Scientists attribute this to the low production of lipids in the body of representatives of southern countries.
  • Sulfur helps the ears self-clean. It turns out that doctors are categorically against cleaning ears with cotton swabs. According to doctors, in this way we only push earwax deeper into the ear canal, contributing to the formation of ear plugs. The wax that appears on the surface of the ears dries over time and leaves the auricle on its own, for example, when moving or chewing.

Earwax color and smell

Having found out the functions of ear secretion, we can move on to discussing its color, smell and consistency. It turns out that these qualities can tell a lot about your health.

IN in good condition Earwax has a waxy, viscous consistency. If the secreted secretion becomes liquid and begins to flow out of the ear, this clearly hints at the development of an inflammatory process. You should also be concerned if the sulfur is too dry. This may be normal, or may indicate the development of an infection, dermatitis or fungal disease.

Now let’s talk directly about the color of earwax. Normally, the secretion in question has a yellow-brown color and a honey tint. But if its color begins to change, it may be a symptom of a developing disease. Here are some examples, characteristic change the color of earwax.

1. Darkening of sulfur

Darkening of earwax in itself means absolutely nothing. Well, maybe it means that you find yourself in a room filled with soot. However, if frequent nosebleeds are added to this symptom, you should consult a doctor. It may turn out that both symptoms hint at the development serious illness– Randu-Osler syndrome. It's heavy hereditary disease associated with the inferiority of the vascular walls and the development of bleeding. Darkening of earwax can promptly inform a person about a problem in the body, thanks to which he will more quickly diagnose the disease and begin to fight it, preventing stomach bleeding which may be life threatening.

2. Milky yellow liquid sulfur

This color of ear secretion clearly hints at the development of a purulent process in the organ of hearing. As a rule, this is the very first symptom, which is very soon supplemented by fever, weakness of the body, enlarged lymph nodes and pain when touched. Having discovered similar symptoms, you should immediately see an otolaryngologist. Qualified doctor will be able to quickly identify the causative agent of the infection, and therefore prescribe antibiotics or antiviral drugs in order to prevent the development and spread of suppuration. Sometimes a timely visit to a doctor with this symptom saves a person’s hearing!

3. Black sulfur

If you notice black wax in your ears only once, this is not a cause for concern. This often occurs due to normal contamination. However, if the color of the ear secretion does not change over time, there is serious cause for concern. According to doctors, sulfur is colored black by the spores of some pathogenic fungi. Usually with development of this disease added to the appearance of black wax in the ears severe itching in the ear.

However, there are cases in which the appearance of black wax in the ear is accompanied by a rise in temperature, decreased hearing and pain in the ear canal. All this may indicate an infectious process that requires urgent treatment. A particularly severe infection may be indicated by a rotten or fishy smell. By the way, infectious processes in the ear can be the result of damage to the skin of the ear canal with a cleaning stick, an attempt to insert headphones of the wrong size, or listening to music too loudly.

But there are cases in which sulfur turns black and flows out with clots of baked blood. All this indicates the presence of bleeding due to damage to the eardrum.

4. The secret of gray

The reason that sulfur has acquired pronounced grey colour, as a rule, it becomes ordinary city dust. This symptom is most often observed in people living in megacities and major cities, where dust often rises and smog is present, as well as for people who work in dusty and smoky rooms. This color of earwax should not be a cause for concern.

5. White sulfur

If wax in the ears suddenly begins to develop White color, there is some cause for concern. The fact is that such a symptom indicates a lack of certain minerals in the body, in particular copper and iron. In this case, when you contact your doctor, do not be surprised if he makes an appointment for you vitamin complexes and diet with high content iron and copper in food.

Sulfur plug and its health hazards

Speaking about earwax, one cannot fail to mention the ear plugs that periodically occur in humans. There may be several reasons for the formation of wax plugs. First of all, these are infections that cause increased production of sulfur and change the consistency of the secretion, making it too thick, greasy and sticky. In this case, the wax does not have time to dry out and leave the ear canal. naturally. It simply accumulates in the ear canal, gradually clogging it.

This process can be facilitated by the person himself, who, having decided to clean his ears, uses cotton swabs for this. Using a cotton swab does not help, but only makes the situation worse. Some of the ear secretion ends up on the cotton wool, but most of the accumulated wax moves towards eardrum, thereby increasing the likelihood of a dense ear plug forming. By cleaning your ears over and over again in this way, you bring the moment when a plug of wax appears in your ear.

With the appearance of a plug, a person’s hearing decreases, discomfort and pain appear in the ear where a dense plug has formed. Moreover, over time, this can lead to motion sickness, nausea, and even poor coordination of movement, because the vestibular apparatus, which is responsible for coordinating movement, is located in the inner ear, just behind the eardrums.

You should not try to remove the plug yourself. This will only make the situation worse, pushing it even deeper into the eardrum. It is also impossible to ignore going to the doctor in such a situation, because the accumulated sulfur will become excellent nutrient medium for pathogenic microbes, which can cause inflammation, which very quickly penetrates into the body, primarily into the brain. Fortunately, by consulting a doctor you can quickly and painlessly solve this problem. The doctor will simply wash out the cork, relieving the person of a lot of problems and discomfort, returning him to normal hearing and restoring the functioning of the sulfur glands.

In order not to provoke the appearance of ear plugs, remember that you can only clean your ears with cotton swabs, removing accumulated wax at the edge of the hole auricle. If the need arises to cleanse the ear canals at home, simply drop a few drops of heated water into your ear. room temperature 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, and after a minute, remove the liquid from the ear simple tilt head and wiping the ear with a cotton swab.

Keep an eye on the condition of your earwax and don't hesitate to contact your doctor if you notice changes in the color, consistency, or odor of your earwax. In some cases, this will help maintain your health and protect you from hearing loss.
Good health to you!

Sometimes a person encounters black wax in the ear. Under normal conditions, the discharge is yellow or light brown in color and has a pasty consistency. Sulfur is released in small quantities and does not cause any inconvenience. The appearance of black sulfur can be caused by a number of factors that require careful study and choice of treatment.

The glands, if functioning fully, help ensure hygiene of the organ cavity and protection. The ear mass performs the following functions:

  • a specific substance contained in sulfur ensures disinfection of the organ cavity;
  • prevents drying of the ear canal by lubricating it;
  • pushes out dead skin and small dust particles;
  • serves as protection against the penetration of bacteria and dirt into distant parts of the organ.

With the help of earwax, a person's ear canal is kept clean naturally. This means that the body does the main work of cleansing the organ on its own.

At the same time, every person should periodically clean out wax from the ear canal. This event is recommended to be carried out twice a day - morning and evening.

Why does sulfur turn black?

Under the influence of various factors, the substance may acquire a dark or black color. This phenomenon is observed when:

  • otomycosis;
  • mechanical damage;
  • excessive pollution;
  • availability foreign body in the ear.

The most harmless cause of accumulation dark sulfur there is excessive contamination in the ear. A large number of dust affects not only the color, but also the structure of sulfur. It becomes dense. Builders and miners often encounter this pattern, since they have to work in a dusty environment.

Fungal infection

Diseases that are fungal in nature can also change the color of earwax. If black plaque appears in the ear canal, this indicates the active development of a microcolony. An examination helps to identify a disease such as otomycosis. The life process of bacteria is accompanied by the release of dark spores.


The clinical picture of otomycosis is nonspecific. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out exclusively by visual examination of the ear canal. In this case, the doctor uses special ENT instruments. Laboratory analysis determines the type of microorganism that was found in the black sulfur and how to combat it.

In addition to the darkening of sulfur, fungal disease accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain;
  • hearing impairment;
  • severe itching;
  • feeling of fullness in the ear.

The fungus that causes otomycosis loves a moist environment. People living in coastal or marshy areas are at risk. Cases of the disease have been recorded in the southern regions. Working in areas with high humidity also causes the development of fungus and the appearance of black sulfur.


After identifying otomycosis in laboratory conditions, an individual treatment regimen is selected. The specialist prescribes a course of antifungal drugs, which are taken orally and instilled into the ear canal. The doctor regularly removes the accumulated masses.

Treatment tactics are based on increasing hygiene measures. It is important not only to cure the disease, but also to prevent the spread of otomycosis to neighboring healthy areas of the auditory organ.

So that the treatment brings positive effect, it is recommended to control the level of humidity in the ear cavity. Stop listening to music on headphones for a while or have your own and not use others. It is forbidden to use for a long time antibacterial drugs. Strengthen the protective properties of the immune system.


The appearance of black plaque in the ear canal may be the result of damage to the skin. If the integrity of the skin is broken, slight bleeding occurs. It quickly stops and the person does not have time to notice it. After some time, dried blood comes out of the ear canal along with wax, coloring it dark color.


The damage is accompanied by stabbing pain. After some time, the patient notices itching. The two symptoms are often accompanied by a sensation of a foreign body in the ear canal. Some people don't pay special attention on symptoms until they become very severe.


If pain and itching persist long time, it is necessary to understand the reason for their appearance. Patients make a mistake when they try to figure everything out on their own. Thus, they further injure the skin, worsening the situation. To clean the ear canal of dirt, it is recommended to consult an otolaryngologist. He will prescribe the appropriate treatment and assess the condition of the skin under the accumulated wax.

Heavy pollution

Earwax changes its usual color to black under the influence of other factors. environment. Most often this is due to increased air pollution.

People whose work involves constant exposure to dusty environments encounter a similar phenomenon. We are talking about storekeepers, builders and miners.


The only symptom that torments a person is itching in the ear canal. Accumulated dirt turns the sulfur black. The itching can be constant or occur in waves. In this case, the person constantly wipes the ear canal with his finger.


This condition is not considered to be a pathology. This is the body's reaction to working in a dusty room. To solve the problem, it is necessary to protect the ear canal from ash, dust and dirt. A number of industries require wearing earplugs while working. If prohibited, a lightweight knit cap will filter out dirt and keep your ears clean.

Presence of a foreign body

Darkening of plaque occurs after a foreign body enters the ear canal. Most often, the role of such an object is an insect.

If a living organism gets into the ear cavity, it is forbidden to remove it yourself. This will not only deepen the location of the object, but will also cause damage to the ear canal.


After an object hits a person's ear, he experiences:

  • notices the presence of slight noise;
  • foreign body sensation.

In some cases, the patient experiences pain and discomfort in the ear area. The more time there is no treatment, the worse a person feels. His hearing decreases, causing him to become irritable. To restore work hearing aid you need to visit a doctor.


If, after examination, a specialist identifies a foreign body, it is removed in one of the following ways:

  1. Washing. The procedure softens sulfur and helps remove plugs and insects. If there is a hole in the eardrum or a thin and flat object has entered the ear canal, rinsing is prohibited.
  2. Instrumental removal. Special forceps or a hook are used, depending on the object caught in the ear cavity.
  3. Surgical intervention. The type of treatment is last resort, if more gentle methods turned out to be ineffective.

In turn, if you cannot get a foreign object surgical instruments, the doctor performs a rinse.

What can happen if left untreated?

Black plaque in the ear in many cases remains unattended, and in this main mistake person. The reason for its appearance may be different, which entails various complications. Pollution can cause disease. In turn, the pathology subsequently spreads to healthy tissue.


Black earwax can be caused by various factors. Considered the most dangerous fungal infection. To ensure that the ear secretion remains unchanged and complications do not develop, it is recommended to follow simple rules.

Earwax has a number of important protective functions that few people know about. When naturally produced, it envelops the ear canal, thus protecting the ear from dust and small foreign objects. But in case of trauma to the ear or improper hygiene, wax can accumulate in the ear canal and cause a feeling of stuffiness, painful sensations when eating or communicating, as well as loss of hearing acuity.

In rare cases, sulfur may turn an unnatural brown or black color. This symbolizes disturbances in the structure of the hearing organ. In this article we will examine in more detail the question of why earwax is dark in color.

With natural production sulfur has yellow tint and soft consistency. It is secreted in a small amount in the ear canal and lubricates the walls, thereby protecting the hearing organ. At normal functioning wax does not flow into the ear and does not cause discomfort.

Sulfur plug.

If black discharge appears in a person's ear, you should think about the state of your hearing, since this is the first signal about the inflammatory process. It is necessary to understand the causes and factors of occurrence this symptom and choose a thorough course of treatment.

It is known that wax plug can cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. It blocks the ear canal and because of this, a person experiences congestion and hearing impairment. When plugs form, the walls of the ear canal give in to pressure, causing a painful reaction.

In addition, sulfur in large quantities can lead to hearing loss or.

In addition, a person experiences a burning sensation and itching, which can interfere with sleep. Therefore a person feels fatigue and loss of ability to work.

Among side effects An increase in wax production marks the appearance of inflammation in the outer and inner ear or.

Why is there black wax in the ear?

Main function of sulfur
– protection of the middle and inner ear. It is known that the human ear is located near the brain.

As a result, the human body must protect the hearing organ from the penetration of viruses and bacteria, since this arrangement is dangerous for the condition of the head.

So, if inflammation has penetrated into inner ear, the likelihood of disease of the cerebral cortex increases significantly.

To protect this organ There are sebaceous and wax glands in the human ear.. They coat the ear canal with a specialized lubricant that eliminates bacteria, fungi or viruses.

And also this the secretion traps dirt, dust and promotes natural hydration of the ear canal.

In addition, the smell of sulfur scares insects.

Sulfur is eliminated from the human body on its own by eating or communicating. The old lubricant is replaced with a new one. To prevent wax from accumulating near the outer ear, it is necessary to clean it once a week. by specialized means And

Increased activity of the sulfur glands can lead to an excess amount of secretion. Usually, it simply does not have time to leave the ear naturally. Thus it happens the formation of sulfur plug.

In the narrow ear canal there is a large accumulation of glands, which over time hardens and hardens. To remove it, simple cleansing is no longer enough, but the help of medical professionals is necessary.

Active work of the glands may be associated with improper cleansing of the hearing organ or various diseases. To find out the causes and eliminate the blockage, you need to consult an otolaryngologist.

You should know that people whose professional activity associated with places where large amounts of dust and dirt accumulate, sulfur plug appears regularly.

As the body protects the ear organ, it produces more wax, which mixes with dust, hardens and turns black.

Another reason for the appearance of brown or black wax plugs can be water getting into the ear. So, when diving, water enters the ear canal and pushes wax further down the canal.

At this time the person experiences severe pain, and sometimes perforation of the eardrum.

Most often, sulfur plug appears in children. This is due to improper cleansing of the hearing organ and excessive work cotton swab. Using additional methods cleansing, inexperienced parents can only push the sulfur further down the tube, causing plugs to appear.

Over time it stagnates and becomes black or brown.

Symptoms of inflammation

You can understand that a person has a sulfur plug by studying the following symptoms. But its symptoms vary, depending on the location, its size, consistency and color. So, when sulfur stagnates, it takes on a dark color. Therefore, upon external examination, there is a feeling of blackness in the ear.

Most often with sulfur plugs the person experiences the following symptoms:

  1. Significant hearing impairment.
  2. Resonance of your own voice.
  3. Shooting pains.
  4. Feeling of irritation in the ear.
  5. A person experiences a sensation foreign object in the ear canal.
  6. Congestion in one ear or two ears at once.

If a sulfur plug has formed near the tympanic area, the patient feels pressure on this area. At this time, the patient experiences dizziness, nausea, a feeling of pressure, and imbalance.

It's pretty dangerous symptoms, since if inaction a person may lose the ability to hear.

Black wax in the human ear - treatment

If you notice black discharge from your ear, do not take it. independent decision about treatment, but consult an ear doctor. When sulfur plugs form, it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment, softening the sulfur and removing it from the body.

Entrust the removal of black plug to a specialist. Otherwise you can only push the plug further down the passage and cause perforation of the eardrum.

Do not try to remove the cork using sharp objects or other inept manipulations.
An experienced doctor after an external examination and necessary examination quickly determine the cause of ear pain and black discharge.

In case of wax plug formation The ear is washed.

This procedure takes about thirty minutes for both ears.

To rinse, the doctor draws a solution into a special syringe. medicines, which soften the hard black plug and introduce one milliliter into the external passage. A saucer is applied to the patient's ear, into which the liquid flows. The doctor's actions should be smooth.

After the ear has been prepared, and sulfur has acquired a softer structure, the specialist uses a Janet syringe to rinse the ear canal with strong pressure. The black plug should separate from the walls and flow out along with the solution.

After this procedure, the ear swells slightly. However, The patient almost immediately feels significant relief and improvement in condition.

It should be noted that syringe rinsing is an outdated technique and Modern clinics have special equipment for washing ears.

You can remove sulfur plug yourself at home.

However, this operation can only be carried out if soft and loose cork, not dark in color, using drugs such as "" or "".

In case of black or brown sulfur plug, self-removal is strictly prohibited.


If you feel a foreign object in your ear or the formation of wax plugs, you should consult an otolaryngologist. Thus, you can make your life much easier and eliminate unpleasant processes in a timely manner.

Any discharge from the ears requires attention from the patient. Delay in seeing a doctor and delay in selection adequate therapy leads to the progression of pathology and may result in deafness.

Natural causes

The appearance of ear discharge is unusual under normal circumstances. Doctors call a variant of the normal occurrence of a sticky and thick brown liquid the hyperfunction of the sulfur glands against the background elevated temperature external environment.

The corresponding structures produce a secretion that protects inner surface ear canal from negative factors external environment. Excessive discharge of wax from the ear in adults may be an individual characteristic of the body. Against the background of high ambient temperatures, the secretion softens and is excreted in the form of a brown liquid.

Pathological causes depending on the nature of the discharge

The progression of otorrhea most often occurs due to the development pathological process in the outer or middle ear. Depending on the root cause of the pathology, the nature of the fluid that forms in the ears and flows out changes. When assessing the corresponding secretion, the doctor determines the main pathogenetic factor that caused the problem.

The following points are taken into account:

  • Color.
  • Aroma.
  • Quantity.
  • Presence of accompanying symptoms.

Establishing the cause of pathology in a person is carried out after basic diagnostic procedures and analysis of droplets or streams that are released from.


White cheesy masses are more common in infants and are a signal to parents that they need to visit a doctor. Causes of ear discharge in this case can be called:

  • Fungal infection. The nature of the secret changes. White liquid sometimes located throughout the ear canal and is accompanied by additional symptoms.
  • Spinal cord damage. In this case, the children are very restless; at the same time, there is a high temperature and constant painful pulsation in the ear.

If a baby or adult patient begins to discharge white creamy masses, then as soon as possible you need to see a doctor.


Appearance clear liquid may not be perceived by people as something bad. The symptom sometimes occurs without pain. However, the sign indicates the progression of the pathological process with a violation of the integrity of the eardrum.


  • Exudative otitis media. Aseptic inflammation of the ear, which is accompanied by the secretion of fluid with its pressure and subsequent perforation of the corresponding membrane.
  • Allergic reaction. Bubbles with serous contents form in the ear and burst. A clear discharge appears in the auricle.
  • Fracture of the base of the skull. The colorless secretion in this case is cerebrospinal fluid.


Light or dark yellow discharge traditionally indicates the progression of an infectious process of bacterial origin. Typical reasons Doctors call the corresponding problem:

  • Purulent otitis. The middle ear is damaged by microflora.
  • Chronic otitis media. A sluggish variant of the previous disease.
  • Furuncle in the area of ​​the auricle. When opening the inflamed hair follicle pus is released.

Yellow discharge from the ear of a baby requires immediate medical attention to prevent the development of complications.


Brown fluid indicates possible local bleeding. Appearance heavy discharge earwax from the ear against the background of the ingress of the contents of the vessels determines the characteristic color of the secretion.


  • Injuries.
  • Cholesteatoma benign tumor, which is accompanied by damage to the middle ear and can develop with vascular damage.
  • Bullous otitis. Refers to complications of influenza. Accompanied by the formation of bloody blisters, which burst and turn the sulfur brown.


Black discharge from the ear - rare symptom. It occurs due to the activity of mold or yeast in the ear. Their waste products turn sulfur black.


The reasons for the appearance of bloody purulent discharge from the ear are the same factors as in the case of brown and yellow liquid. In this situation, an infectious lesion of the mucous membrane is combined with vascular trauma.

Sucrose pink

The pink nature of the discharge indicates local hemorrhage. Pale color and an admixture of ichor are a signal of possible cerebrospinal fluid entering the liquid. In this case, it is necessary to exclude a fracture of the base of the skull, allergic reactions and exudative otitis media.


The yellowish color of the discharge mixed with green indicates the activity of the bacterial flora. Microorganisms produce exo- and endotoxins, which color the ear secretions and negatively affect the body.


Excessive discharge of white, gray, yellow or any other color should be a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. A large amount of fluid indicates high activity of the pathological process.

With an unpleasant odor

If the discharge stinks, then this means that there are bacteria in the ear, which in the process of life produce hydrogen sulfide or other gases. Normally, ear secretions have virtually no odor. To combat unpleasant smell use antibiotics.

If the discharge is not accompanied by pain

The absence of pain is not always positive symptom the course of the pathology. Some processes develop without causing the patient any corresponding discomfort. Examples could be:

  • Cholesteatoma. In the early stages, the tumor goes undetected.
  • Chronic infection.
  • Allergic reactions. There is itching, but no pain.

Associated symptoms

The nature of ear discharge is one of the key aspects that doctors focus on when making an appropriate diagnosis. The pathology is often accompanied additional symptoms which help to clarify the cause of the disease.

Auxiliary signs:

  • Pain.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Hearing impairment.
  • Attacks of dizziness.
  • Local redness.
  • Edema.
  • Enlargement of nearby lymph nodes.

Which doctor should I contact?

To verify any diagnosis related to the ears, you must contact an otolaryngologist (ENT). A family doctor can conduct an initial appointment, but in the vast majority of cases he redirects the patient to a specialist.


An otolaryngologist conducts comprehensive examination patient to accurately establish the final diagnosis and selection optimal option treatment. The following methods are used in practice:

  • Otoscopy. A visual assessment of the condition of the ear canal and eardrum occurs. The doctor determines the presence of yellow, white, dark-colored discharge and others, the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Microscopy of the ear. During the examination, magnifying optics are used, which allows you to examine pathological areas in more detail.
  • CT scan. An X-ray diagnostic method that is used to exclude the presence of injuries to the skull bones.

Based on the patient's complaints, clinical picture and data instrumental methods the doctor makes a final diagnosis of the relevant disease that caused the ear discharge.


Treatment of ear discharge involves the use of medication, physiotherapy, and sometimes surgical intervention. It all depends on the root cause of the pathology.

In children

Children suffer from otitis media more often than adults. This is due anatomical features skulls The following drugs are used:

  • Antihistamines. Effective in the presence of itching and swelling.
  • Antibacterial drugs. Needed for purulent forms of otitis.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops. Reduce swelling and improve fluid circulation in babies' ears.
  • Hormonal agents. Rarely used in severe cases and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Particular care should be taken when treating a newborn child. Independent choice medications may cause the situation to worsen. Ear drops can only be used after permission from an ENT specialist. He checks the integrity of the eardrum. If it is damaged, drops are injected into the baby's nose.

In adults

In adult patients, the same groups of medications are used, but in appropriate doses. Infection of the ear with fungi requires additional use of antifungal agents. Pain syndrome eliminated by analgesics.

Among the physiotherapeutic procedures used to treat ear diseases, doctors distinguish:

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Dry heat.
  • Inhalations with appropriate medications.

Untimely treatment of ear diseases can be accompanied by complications in the form of adhesions between the auditory ossicles. To eliminate the problem, surgery is performed.


Prevent occurrence pathological discharge from the ear is possible. To do this you need:

  • Minimize contact with ARVI patients.
  • See a doctor promptly if you have ear problems.
  • Avoid hypothermia, water and other liquids getting into the ear canal.
  • Delete sulfur plugs at the doctor's.
  • Wash your ears regularly and do not use cotton swabs to clean them.

Preventing a disease is always easier than treating it. Discharge from the ears is only a symptom of pathology. It is not worth treating it in isolation. It is necessary to consult a doctor and engage in comprehensive healing of the body.

Useful video about purulent otitis media

The secretion secreted by the sulfur glands of the auditory canal performs a caring, cleansing and protective function: lubricates the skin, regulates the optimal pH, removes dust, sebum and desquamated epithelium, and prevents the penetration of insects, bacteria and fungi. Its color normally ranges from yellow to light brown, so the appearance of black wax in the ears is often a cause for concern and is an important signal of hearing problems.

When dark brown or black sulfur is found in sinks or on a cotton swab, you should definitely undergo an examination by an otolaryngologist, because the etiology of this phenomenon can be different, and the consequences can be very serious.

The first and most harmless reason for the sudden darkening of ear secretions is the accumulation of dirt. This often occurs in people who come into contact with industrial dust or live in places with unfavorable environmental conditions. In this case, there is no need to panic, because the sulfur itself removes small foreign particles out.

The appearance of black wax may indicate mechanical damage to the outer or middle ear. Thick, coagulated blood gives the discharge a specific shade and is serious reason for concern. Internal wound recognized by the following characteristics:

  • pain at the site of injury;
  • hypersensitivity of the area behind the ear;
  • itching and swelling.

If the listed symptoms coincide, measures should be taken immediately, since tissue with compromised integrity can become infected, which leads to inflammation, suppuration and, in advanced cases, blood poisoning.

Dark sulfur secretion is also released when a foreign body, including a living one, enters the ear canal. An insect or small object usually does not go unnoticed, but noise, itching and an unbearable desire to remove the irritant from the ear should not become a reason for independent intervention in the cavity of a vulnerable organ. Otherwise, the foreign body risks getting even deeper and damaging the eardrum or ear canal.

The last and most serious reason why black discharge occurs in the ears is otomycosis. This fungal disease is provoked by candida, penicillium or aspergillus and usually develops against the background of decreased immunity.

The likelihood of diagnosing otomycosis increases if black wax in the ears is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • watery discharge;
  • feeling of fullness in the affected ear;
  • pain;
  • autophony;
  • redness;
  • slight burning, tingling, skin irritation in the ear canal.

At severe course illness appears headache, fever, cough, partial hearing loss. Aspergillus infection can add to general symptoms blockage of the ear canal with plugs of dense sulfur and rejection of crusts.

Make an appointment with a mycologist


A person suffering from this unpleasant phenomenon has several treatment options, all of which depend on the diagnosis.

A secret stained with industrial dust is only an aesthetic problem. To hide it from others, it is enough to monitor the hygiene of the auricle and the outer edge of the ear canal, promptly cleaning the black wax with a cotton swab. It is important not to go deep into the canal, as this can disrupt the natural cleansing functions and push contaminants towards the eardrum. Globally cosmetic defect can only eliminate such radical methods, like a change of job or place of residence.

If you suspect open wound in the ear, you need to urgently contact an otolaryngologist. A specialist will examine the damage site and treat it. antiseptic drugs, after which he will prescribe treatment at home. Severe, health-threatening damage or purulent complications require more serious medical intervention: extraction of blood clots, opening of hematomas, sanitation, abdominal or reconstructive operations.

If a foreign object or living organism gets into the cavity of the outer ear, you should absolutely not try to get it out on your own. This can deepen the location of the object and cause damage to the ear canal.

When visiting a doctor, a foreign body is removed using several methods:

  1. Washing - suitable for softening and removing plugs and insects. It is prohibited if a thin flat object penetrates or there are holes in the eardrum.
  2. Instrumental removal using a special hook or forceps is applicable to various foreign bodies.
  3. Surgical intervention is performed if it is impossible to remove it using more gentle methods.

Otomycosis, as the cause of the production of dark secretion, is the most difficult to eliminate, since in addition to directly suppressing the activity of pathogenic fungi, correction of predisposing factors is required.

In such cases, the patient is prescribed antifungal drugs and strengthening vitamin therapy, specialists regularly remove mycotic masses. It is also recommended to control the level of humidity in the ear cavity, refuse to use other people’s headphones, earplugs, hats, and not use antibacterial drugs for a long time local action, monitor your health and immune system.
