False calls for the most part. False urge to defecate in women, men and children. Causes and treatment. Video: Elena Malysheva about choosing food products for colon health

Painful contraction of the intestinal muscles in the absence of feces is a false urge to defecate; the causes of this condition must be treated!

Why is it difficult to go big?

The situation is provoked by mismatched spastic contractions of the intestinal muscles. Normally, peristaltic intestinal waves gently move food through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), facilitating its transformation into chyme, then into feces and subsequent elimination from the body.

When spasms appear, the natural rhythm of contractions is disrupted. This usually occurs in the sigmoid or rectum - where the fecal bolus forms.


Heaviness, abdominal pain, sour belching, heartburn, false urge to defecate occur - only a doctor can determine the reasons for this behavior of the gastrointestinal tract.

Insufficient emptying is a consequence of many diseases and conditions. And it is possible to recognize why you “want to go to the toilet, but cannot”, after a comprehensive examination: MRI, ultrasound, X-ray, general and biochemical analysis blood.

Main groups of diseases-provocateurs

  1. Intestinal infections (salmonella, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa);
  2. Diseases gastrointestinal apparatus(dysbacteriosis, hemorrhoids and colon fissures, paraproctitis, polyps and tumors, ulcers, chronic constipation);
  3. Autoimmune inflammation (granulomatous enteritis, nonspecific ulcerative colitis);
  4. Central disorders (neuroses, depression, stress) or autonomic nervous systems ( VSD).

Symptoms associated with false urges

In addition to the inability to empty completely, signs of peristaltic failure are:

How to eliminate stool disorders

First, it is important to understand what caused the false urge to defecate; the reasons always dictate treatment.

As a rule, the doctor prescribes basic medications that fight the root cause of such urges: antibiotics, antiulcer or antimicrobial agents, sedatives, pro- and prebiotics.

And he adds symptomatic drugs that alleviate the course of the disease: sorbents against intoxication, medicines for gases, laxatives for constipation.

Why are rectal laxatives better?

Rectal laxatives (suppositories and enemas) have fewer contraindications and side effects. Oral laxatives enter the body by ingestion and, when taken long-term (therapy lasts from two weeks), can cause:

  • Laxative disease- dependence active substance;
  • Overstretching of the muscular walls of the gastrointestinal tract, atonic constipation.

In addition, laxative tablets, powders and suspensions have a vague response time - from 6 to 24 hours. Rectal suppositories begin to work within 10-15 minutes, which really makes life easier. RectActiv® candles are not addictive.

They contain natural ingredients - triglycerides and venotonic escin. A quarter of an hour - and the intestines are empty without rumbling in the stomach and loose stools. When used as a course, RectActiv® treats atony and restores regular bowel movements.

When a person wants to empty his bowels, he has the urge to defecate. There are situations when these urges turn out to be false. This happens because the intestinal muscles contract convulsively and cause pain. In people with some serious intestinal infection the urge to defecate may be false.

Causes of false urge to defecate

When the rectum becomes inflamed, a person experiences a false urge to defecate, pain, and diarrhea. If within three days a person has diarrhea, and feces Oh, blood and pus are noticeable. You should consult a doctor.

The onset of inflammation is usually characterized by very severe pain and diarrhea. Sometimes emptying is involuntary. Proctitis or inflammation of the rectum can occur due to damage to its mucous membrane, for example, during an enema.

Under no circumstances should you prescribe laxatives to yourself. Strong laxatives make bowel movements a blast.

The cause of false urge to defecate can be tumors, for example, of the rectum or colon. Stool often contains mucus and blood. Benign tumors rectal lesions, such as polyps, do not worsen the patient’s well-being. Malignant tumors provoke not only diarrhea, but also constipation. These two unpleasant phenomena constantly alternate. Blood in the stool is also a sign of cancer.

Sensitive people in stressful situations feel the urge to have a bowel movement. Everything will pass if you eliminate psychological stress.

Frequent urge to defecate

Frequent urge to defecate is medically called tenesmus. They can be real or false. Patients feel exhausted and develop erosions and cracks on the perianal skin. As a result of reflex stimulation of the activity of the colon, tenesmus appears. The reflex zone of the mucous membrane is exposed to mechanical stress or the influence of infections.

False urge to defecate

Frequent urge to defecate is accompanied by convulsive contraction of the sphincter and rectum. Since in this case the rectum is most often empty, the act of defecation does not occur.

False urges defecation may indicate the presence of the following diseases: enterocolitis, dysentery, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic colitis, salmonellosis, tumors of the sigmoid and rectum, as well as chronic paraproctitis. In order not to think and not to guess, but to know accurate diagnosis, you need to visit a doctor. And without explanation it is clear that this is not normal when a person, instead of quickly emptying his bowels, goes to the toilet just like that.

Urgency to defecate

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) lasts from 12 weeks to 12 months. This persistent set of disorders functional nature accompanied by abdominal pain, discomfort, flatulence and frequent urge to defecate.

With this disease, the nature of bowel movements changes over time. If you suffer from diarrhea, then attacks occur more often three times per day. If constipation occurs, a person may have bowel movements less than three times a week. The consistency and volume of stool also changes. The stool may be watery, unformed, thin, hard, or granular. With IBS, the abdomen swells and the process of defecation changes, that is, with a strong urge to defecate, there is a feeling that the intestines are not completely empty.

Irritable bowel syndrome is often accompanied by anxiety, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, sexual dysfunction and urinary problems.

Even doctors can't say exactly where IBS comes from. Why, in the absence of tumors and inflammations, is the physical activity digestive tract? Hard to tell.

Urge to defecate can be treated with medication and non-drug methods.

In order to reduce gas formation, you must follow a certain diet. There is no list of specific foods that should be avoided; it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

Psychotherapy works well for depression and tension. The patient learns to respond to stress and pain in a new way.

Concerning drug treatment. Antispasmodic drugs are used to provide short-term relief. They are not used all the time because they stop working. Urgent urge to defecate and flatulence are treated with Dicyclomine, Hyoscyamine and other drugs.

If the patient has neuropathic pain, he is prescribed antidepressants. Tricyclic antidepressants slow down the transit of stool, so they can be used for diarrhea. If a person is prone to constipation, it is better not to prescribe antidepressants.

Constant urge to defecate

Frequent urge to defecate occurs with diarrhea. If a person does not have fecal matter, or its quantity is too small, but there is a constant urge to defecate, then we can safely talk about false urges.

When the rectum becomes inflamed, the patient experiences diarrhea, pain, and a frequent urge to defecate. There are cases when the intestines empty involuntarily, and pus, mucus and blood are found in the stool. The rectum becomes inflamed various reasons, it can be damaged during an enema or anal sex. It heals quickly and without complications. If a person often uses laxatives, has hemorrhoids, or has some kind of infection in his body, he will be bothered by a constant urge to defecate.

No urge to defecate

If a person does not have the urge to defecate, he is most likely constipated. There are many ways to cope with this unpleasant phenomenon. One of effective methods is considered special gymnastics.

You need to start slowly, gradually increasing the pace. Starting position: sitting on a chair, you need to make sure that not only your buttocks, but also your hips are in the seat. Without looking up from the chair, you need to touch the table with your chest, arching your back at the lower back. Extend your arms to the sides. The position is fixed for five seconds. You need to do four approaches. The good thing about this exercise is that you can do it right at your workplace and you don’t need to waste time on equipping the exercise area.

There is one more thing good exercise, called “Bumps.” Your hands should be placed on the outside of your thighs, palms up. In your head you should imagine that you are driving along a broken road in an old cart. You need to shake for about ten seconds so that you feel like you are driving over bumps.

In order to gastrointestinal tract worked well, need to eat right. It is advisable to eat wholemeal bread, bran, cabbage, carrots, spinach, beets, soy, dried fruits, and so on.

A healthy person feels the urge to have a bowel movement when the volume of stool reaches 30–100 ml. Defecation occurs quite quickly and painlessly. There are times when the desire to go “big” becomes more frequent, but, despite all efforts, remains to no avail. What causes a false urge to defecate, and how to normalize bowel function? Read about it further.

Reasons for false calls

In medicine, a false urge to defecate is called rectal tenesmus. WITH Greek term translated as “vain desire.” This condition is very painful for a person. After severe tension of the pelvic muscles, a small amount of feces is released; blood, pus or mucus can often be seen in it. Discomfort is increased by bloating and changes in stool.

Tenesmus is formed at the level nervous system. Increased excitability leads to erratic contraction of intestinal smooth muscles. Spasms can occur both in a specific section and along the entire length, which makes it difficult for the movement of feces.

An ineffective urge to defecate occurs in the presence of certain diseases:

A false urge can occur as a result of prolonged stress or diseases of the nervous system. Very often this condition appears in patients who have undergone surgical intervention to any part of the intestine.

Associated symptoms

A false urge to defecate is rarely an independent disorder; other signs are usually present. The intensity of the syndrome can be very high and cause unbearable suffering to a person. The discomfort may last for several hours or days.

Additional signs of violation:

  • attacks of nausea;
  • periodic vomiting;
  • bloating and rumbling in the stomach;
  • weakness;
  • temperature increase.

With tenesmus, strong compression of the anal sphincter muscles occurs, it is injured, and cracks and painful erosions form on the surface.

If such attacks occur repeatedly and cause severe discomfort, you need to apply for medical care. Treatment is prescribed after studying the patient's medical history, analyzing lifestyle and symptoms.

The disease causing random spasms can be determined using laboratory and instrumental methods: stool and blood analysis, colonoscopy, rectoscopy, cytological examination mucous membrane.

Main directions of therapy

Treatment of tenesmus is carried out comprehensively. Without eliminating the underlying disease and provoking factors, it is impossible to get rid of false urges.

The primary task of the attending physician is to alleviate the patient's current condition. You can normalize the functioning of the intestinal muscles with the help of any antispasmodic. Usually they use No-shpa or Papaverine, when severe pain do intramuscular injections with these drugs. The course of taking antispasmodics can last several days, the dosage is calculated according to the weight and age of the patient.

Medicines that normalize peristalsis may cause dizziness, severe weakness, therefore the patient’s condition should be monitored by a specialist.

At home, you can make sitz baths with cool infusions of herbs, such as chamomile. They will relieve pain, soothe and help eliminate the inflammatory process in the intestines.

Preparing the liquid for the bath is very simple: pour a handful of crushed chamomile with one liter of boiling water, wrap the container in a towel and let it brew for 1-2 hours. Cool, strain, add 2 liters of boiled water. The duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes.

If tenesmus appears against the background of diseases or infections, then choose an appropriate course of therapy: prescribe antibiotics, absorbents, rectal suppositories or sedatives(depending on the cause of the syndrome).

If the examination reveals a tumor, surgery is prescribed to remove it.

Preventing tenesmus

It is quite easy to prevent a false urge to defecate. You need to adhere to the following recommendations:

If false urges to defecate occur, there is no need to try to eliminate only this syndrome. Tenesmus may be a sign of a gastrointestinal or nervous system disease. Early treatment and compliance preventive measures reduces the risk of complications.

Normally, the urge to urinate occurs from 5 to 7 times a day, provided there is a normal drinking regime. With infection or inflammation in the urinary system, this amount increases several times. At the same time, false urges to miction are also observed, which are characterized by incomplete devastation Bladder or no urine output at all.

How does the process of urination occur?

With normal patency of the urinary tubules, the urge to urinate is regulated by the bladder, which is a hollow organ. Its walls are made of muscle fibers.

Before urine enters the bladder, it enters the kidneys and undergoes a filtering process. All useful material Together with the blood, they spread throughout the body, and harmful ones are sent with excess fluid to the bladder. As soon as the organ is filled with urine, the nerve endings in its neck are irritated, and corresponding signals are sent to the brain. As a result, the walls of the bladder begin to contract, and the person has a desire to go to the toilet.

Reasons for false calls

Men and women may experience false urges to go to the toilet when drinking drinks containing alcohol, caffeine and thiamine. These substances have a strong irritant effect on the bladder.

Sweet carbonated drinks contain a substance such as nutrasvit (aspartame) - a sugar substitute. It also creates a false urge to go to the toilet. However, in all these cases, this symptom is observed for several hours, after which it disappears on its own.

If false urges last for several days or weeks, then the cause of their occurrence is inflammatory and infectious processes. They can be localized in organs such as the kidneys, bladder, prostate in men, vagina in women, etc.

home distinguishing feature inflammatory processes is that they are always accompanied by pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. In this case, emptying the bladder occurs with pain and burning.

Causes of occurrence in women

The reason for the appearance of false desires to empty the bladder in women may be:

  • drinking plenty of water;
  • taking medications and infusions that stimulate the urinary system.

IN in this case this symptom is normal. Its elimination is facilitated by reducing fluid intake per day and abolishing medicines. No special treatment is required.

There is no need to worry if a false urge to urinate occurs during menstruation or pregnancy. Causes the appearance this symptom physiological characteristics women: the uterus increases in size and puts pressure on the bladder, which causes discomfort.

As a rule, in all these cases, the process of emptying is not accompanied by pain, burning or stinging. The occurrence of such symptoms in women is the main sign of the development of pathologies of the urinary system, for example:

  • urolithiasis;
  • urethritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • uterine fibroids or prolapse.

With urolithiasis, the consistency of urine changes, it becomes sticky and viscous. In this case, frequent false urges to go to the toilet occur, and urine leakage is possible.

Urethritis in women is manifested by a burning sensation and pain when urinating and after emptying the bladder.

Pyelonephritis is accompanied by the same symptoms as urolithiasis disease. Cutting, burning, pain when urinating, urine just drips during urination. Leaks and discharge from the urethra are also possible, most often transparent, with an unpleasant odor.

Cystitis in women is quite common. This disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • burning and pain in the urinary ducts;
  • changes in the composition and consistency of urine;
  • Availability unpleasant odor urine;
  • nausea, vomiting.

With the development of uterine fibroids, the plasticity of the pelvic muscles decreases, as a result of which the location of nearby organs changes. This can lead to compression of the bladder, which causes a false desire to go to the toilet.

Daytime and nighttime diuresis with uterine fibroids is minimal. There is a burning sensation urinary tract during and after emptying the bladder. This pathology is also characterized by constant It's a dull pain in the lower abdomen.

All these pathologies in women require special treatment. Its absence can lead to serious complications.

Causes of occurrence in men

In men, a false urge to urinate can also be observed during consumption. large quantity liquids containing alcohol and substances that have a diuretic effect. In this case, there is no discharge from the urethra, no urine leakage, no pain in the urinary tract.

If during the process of emptying the bladder in men there are unpleasant symptoms(burning, stinging, pain, etc.), then this may be a sign of the development of:

  • prostate adenomas;
  • prostatitis.

Prostate adenoma is the most common pathology in men over 40 years of age. False urge to urinate occurs as a result of an enlarged prostate gland and its pressure on the bladder.

The clinical picture of this disease in men is as follows:

  • weak urine pressure;
  • the presence of impurities in urine;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate - is another disease often found in men. This disease is characterized by involvement in painful process urethra and bladder neck, which leads to the appearance of false urges. At the same time, there is a burning sensation in urethra and weak urine pressure.


The appearance of the described symptom in men and women is an urgent reason to consult a doctor. If left untreated, infection and inflammation spread to other internal organs, thereby provoking the development of serious pathologies.

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False urges to defecate are called tenesmus. They are manifested by pain in the abdomen, spasms of the intestinal walls and anterior abdominal wall. As a result, only a small amount of feces may be released. There is also a painful spasm in the anal area.

Reasons for false calls

The main cause of tenesmus is a violation of the excitability of the nervous system, which results in spasm of smooth muscles in some parts of the intestine. It contracts erratically, so the contents cannot move normally, causing prolonged pain in the abdominal area.

Digestive problems can arise from eating poor-quality foods, contaminated water, or by-effect when taking antibacterial drugs.

False urge to defecate often occurs with constipation when the contents of the intestines do not come out.

Inflammation of the rectal mucosa also manifests itself in the form of disturbances in motor-evacuation function, which is accompanied by the appearance of tenesmus.

What diseases may this indicate?

False urge to defecate can be symptoms of the following diseases:

Associated symptoms

Tenesmus manifests itself in the form of pain in the lower abdomen; they can be quite strong and frequent and cause suffering to a person. Muscle contractions are not coordinated, so the intestinal contents practically do not move, resulting in painful sensations can persist for a long time.

With a strong urge to defecate, a small amount of stool mixed with blood or mucus may be released. In addition, a painful spasm of the anus may occur, resulting in cracks and erosions in the anus.

Tenesmus may be accompanied by other symptoms. If the cause of false urge to defecate is infectious diseases, then the following may occur:

  • Temperature increase;
  • Dizziness;

In the presence of neoplasms in the intestines, tenesmus may be accompanied by stool disorders in the form of alternating bowel movements, flatulence and intestinal obstruction.

Treatment of tenesmus

If false urges to defecate appear frequently and are accompanied by other symptoms, you should consult a proctologist and gastroenterologist. In this case, a number of tests will be prescribed, in particular:

  • General analysis of blood, urine and feces;
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;
  • Anoscopy.

Treatment depends on what exactly caused the false urge to defecate.. If these are infectious diseases, then they prescribe antibacterial drugs from the nitrofuran group, such as Nifuroxazide, Furazolidone, Nifuratel. The dosage and regimen depend on the patient’s age and the severity of the disease.

If the cause of false urge to defecate is hemorrhoids, anal fissures or fistulas, then drugs are prescribed that improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, such as Detralex, and suppositories or ointment for hemorrhoids: Relief, Proctosan, Proctosedyl.

For quick removal spasms and relief of the patient's condition, antispasmodics are prescribed: , Drotaverine, Meteospasmil, Spasmomen. For severe pain, No-shpa is administered intramuscularly.

also in complex treatment Sitz baths with decoctions of chamomile, calendula or sage may be prescribed.

In order to prepare them, 20 g of dry raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water and allowed to brew for 40 minutes. Then filter and pour into a basin containing 2 liters warm water. Take such baths daily for 20 minutes.

If the cause of false urge to defecate is the presence of tumors in the intestines, then surgical intervention is necessary.
