The importance of proper nutrition. Why do you need a diet Diet and its importance for the body

Why do we need a stable diet?? Have you ever thought how much depends on the correctness of admission? useful substances into your body? The healthy functioning of our body very much depends on the correct consumption of food and the mechanisms of its preparation. So why does a person need a balanced diet:

To get the right amount of nutrients

Your body needs a certain amount of essential elements that can only be provided by the system healthy foods that you consume. Not only do you need fats, carbohydrates and minerals in your diet, but you also need adequate amounts of protein, vitamins, dietary fiber and. A healthy combination of these components is...

For bodily growth, development and care

From the moment of birth, children should consume all types of healthy foods to support their correct height. Minerals lead to proper development bones and teeth, and also take care of our skin. All nutrients together are responsible for the proper functioning of all parts of the body and metabolic processes.

Poor nutrition can make your body weaker. You also need to remember to follow your meal schedule and eat regularly at equal intervals. If you constantly change the time of eating, then the body will malfunction.

To avoid illness and support the immune system

A balanced diet and proper nutrition reduces the risk various types diseases in humans, supports optimal functioning of your body and immune system. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables helps in the fight for your blood pressure, reducing your intake of saturated fat protects your heart. Also, food rich in fiber supports low level cholesterol and reduces the likelihood of diabetes or obesity. By choosing foods high in phosphorus and fatty acids, you stimulate your brain. Thus, each component of food plays its own important role in the proper functioning of your body. Use balanced diet will make you strong and healthy as you will get everything necessary components in the right quantity. If you make an effort, develop a meal plan that suits you, think about healthy diet, then your body will work like a clock.

Why do you need a diet?

An important role in the efficiency and rhythm of the digestive system, physical and mental activity, plays power mode

A man like any other biological system subject to rhythms. Biological rhythms are periodic changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes in the body under the influence of internal and external factors. The body needs biological rhythms for efficient, coordinated work with the least energy expenditure. The body's biorhythms are synchronized with the external rhythms of nature: the change of day and night, the seasons; external rhythms also include social rhythms, such as work schedules.

There is a general biorhythm of the body and a biological rhythm of each organ, organ system and even individual cells: heart rhythm, breathing rhythm, gastrointestinal rhythm, etc. The central nervous system controls internal biorhythms and synchronizes them with each other, as well as with external rhythms.

If the heart has an independent rhythm, then the rhythm of the gastrointestinal tract directly depends on the diet. When a person adheres to a diet day after day, the processes of digestion and assimilation of food proceed normally. This mode adjusts the digestive system to salivation, separation of digestive juices and metabolic processes for a certain time. This is why diet is so important for a person.

The diet must be followed by everyone without exception. The optimal frequency of meals is 3-4 times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Another question is how you distribute the daily amount of calories between breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are no strict rules here; individual characteristics of age, gender, lifestyle, nature of work, characteristics of the body and other factors are taken into account. Everyone chooses the option that best suits their individual needs.

As a rule, the morning meal cannot be plentiful and high-calorie, since the concentration nutrients in the body after a night's rest is quite high. In addition, human physiology is such that eating and digesting food automatically switches the body to rest and relaxation mode. Blood flows to the digestive organs and flows away from the brain and skeletal muscles, mental and physical performance decreases, which is completely inappropriate at the beginning of the working day. Therefore, breakfast should be relatively light, consist of easily digestible food - it can be a drink and 2-3 slices, and usually a person does not feel hungry until 12-13 o'clock.

Lunch (about 13:00) should also not overload the body due to the known effect caused by energy expenditure on digestion and blood redistribution. Therefore, it can be recommended for lunch vegetable salad or a couple of fruits, a drink and a sandwich.

Dinner is the last meal of the day, and the result working day may be the most plentiful and satisfying. During dinner, the missing calories are supplied. A hearty dinner transforms the fatigue of a working day into relaxation.

It is unacceptable to go to bed feeling hungry, since the food dominant existing in the central nervous system makes it difficult to fall asleep.

We should not forget about the drinking regime. Everyone knows that water is very important for the functioning of the body. Daily requirement about two liters in water.

It should be noted that the proposed daily distribution of food is of a general nature and does not take into account the above-mentioned individual and professional features person. So, for a person employed in production with high costs of manual physical labor, the diet should be different, as well as for a person working in shifts, etc.

The concept of diet is quite broad and includes the following components:

  1. Number of meals or frequency of meals.
  2. Meal times and intervals between them.
  3. Distribution of diet by energy value (calorie content), chemical composition, by weight and food set for individual meals.
  4. A person's pattern of action or behavior while eating.

Number of meals and intervals between them

Due to failures in hunting, the most ancient people ate approximately three to four times a week.

The ancient Greeks, like the ancient Romans, adhered to two meals a day.

As time passed, the number of meals increased. Breakfast first appeared among noble ladies who took chocolate in bed.

The food practice of holiday homes, sanatoriums, and pioneer camps is four meals a day.

Different nutrition systems and programs may offer two, three, or four meals a day.

A little about healthy eating

IN in this case We will look at rational nutrition, which is based on the principles of balance and calorie theory.

The word "rational" translated from Latin language means science, reason, there are also meanings such as accounting, counting, counting. Balanced diet is a scientifically based, precisely calculated supply of human food, strengthens the body's resistance to toxic substances and infections.

The principles on which rational nutrition is based:

  1. Timely entry into the human body of substances that are needed to compensate for human energy costs. To control energy replenishment, knowledge of the level of energy expenditure and the energy value of the diet is necessary.
  2. The qualitative usefulness of products when they enter the body in sufficient quantity main food ingredients - , and .
  3. Optimal ratio of basic nutrients- the above.

Four meals a day for healthy person considered the most rational.

Correct diet: number of meals

Power multiplicity or the number of meals affects the body's metabolism. Factors to consider when determining the frequency of meals:

  • age;
  • labor activity (mental, physical labor);
  • state of the human body;
  • working day routine.

Benefits of multiple meals (four meals a day):

  • The most complete food processing.
  • The best.
  • Highest nutrient absorption.
  • Maintaining Consistency internal environment due to timely receipt of vital necessary substances into the body.
  • Ensuring better flow of bile.
  • Disadvantages of two meals a day with a large interval between meals (up to 7 hours or more)

    Rare meals cause an increase in blood levels, contribute to the accumulation of fat deposits in the body, and reduce active work thyroid gland and tissue enzymes.

    In most cases, a person eats it right away a large number of food, ultimately fills the stomach, stretches its walls, limits mobility, and, therefore, impairs the mixing of the contents and its processing by juices, the process of evacuation of food from the stomach is slow.

    Stretching the organ can adversely affect the functioning of the heart. An overfilled stomach raises the diaphragm, complicating cardiac activity.

    In the first hours of digestion, a large food load inhibits the functioning of the gastric glands, reduces the secretion of juice and lengthens the period of digestion. Chronic overeating leads to obesity.

    In addition, eating a large amount of food can cause strong muscle contraction. biliary tract and significant painful sensations in this area.

    In addition, due to the fact that the excess amount of blood fills internal organs, it gets worse functional state brain blood. Therefore, performance decreases, weakness and drowsiness appear.

    Also, rare meals, when the breaks between them reach 8-10 hours, worsen the rhythmic activity of the intestines, leading to constipation.

    Correct diet: intervals between meals

    The duration of the intervals is determined by the period of time that is sufficient for the digestion, absorption and absorption of nutrients.

    Long breaks in eating can provoke:

    The intensity of the synthesis of digestive juices decreases significantly in the first hours after a meal, is restored by the 2nd hour, and reaches its maximum by the 4th hour. For this reason, eating earlier than two hours after the previous meal is not advisable.

    During short intervals there is not enough time for the complete digestion process and absorption of nutrients to next appointment. This can cause a disorder in the motor and secretory functioning of the digestive canal.

    In addition, the following factor is important. A healthy stomach is a muscular bag that can stretch and contract. However, it lacks the ability to grab food, turn it over and process juices unless it has a certain volume. Therefore, the statement “eat more often and little by little” in the absence of pathologies digestive tract is not correct.

    The most optimal intervals between meals for an adult healthy person the intervals are four to six hours. In addition, the digestive glands need rest for 6 to 10 hours per day, when the ability of the digestive organs to restore normal operation the next day.

    Food temperature

    In order for the digestion process to proceed properly, it is important temperature regime food. The temperature of hot food should be no higher than 50 - 60 degrees, cold food - no lower than 10 degrees.

    Regularity and eating disorders

    Eating regularly at the same time is extremely important. Formed conditioned reflex stimulation of appetite by the time factor. By a certain time, a feeling of hunger arises, which excites the food center and triggers reflex secretion gastric juice. A clear, organized, correct diet is most beneficial for digestion and absorption. In most cases, two to three days are a sufficient period for the body to adapt to the diet. In some situations, it is difficult to strictly follow the regime; some deviations from the usual eating hours are possible - optimal - within 30 minutes.

    In case of violations diet the conditioned reflex begins to fade. Food enters the stomach, which is not prepared for digestion. This affects the food center - appetite decreases and food mass is poorly absorbed. Irregular and disorderly nutrition distorts the physiological rhythms of the digestive glands, reduces digestibility and in some cases provokes the development of diseases - gastritis, cholecystitis, etc.

    If the choice is made in favor of one or another human diet, it is necessary to strictly adhere to it, since sudden changes in nutrition, food stress is not indifferent to the body.

  • Chapter III: Regime applicable to honorary consular officers and consular posts headed by such officials.
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  • Physiological values ​​for nutrient and energy requirements for children, adolescents and adults were developed by the Institute of Nutrition (1968). In accordance with these recommendations, the calorie content of the diets of the adult working population is standardized depending on the intensity of work. Groups of professions according to labor intensity are usually divided into four categories. Group I - workers whose activities are not associated with physical labor costs or require insignificant physical effort: employees engaged in mental work; workers whose work involves a lot of nervous tension(control panel personnel, dispatchers, etc.); all employees working while sitting.

    Group II - workers in mechanized labor and the service sector, whose work does not require much physical effort; persons engaged in automated processes, workers in the radio-electronic industry, communications, telegraph, conductors, sellers, nurses, nurses.

    Group III - workers in mechanized labor in the service sector, whose work involves significant physical effort: machine operators, textile workers, shoemakers, drivers of subway trains, trams, trolleybuses, etc., enterprise workers Food Industry And Catering, laundries, postmen, agronomists and foremen of tractor and field crews.

    Group IV - workers of non-mechanized or partially mechanized labor, large and moderate severity; miners and miners, construction workers, truck drivers, the bulk of agricultural workers and machine operators, metallurgists, blacksmiths, logging workers, servicing earth-moving machines, etc.. In the diet, proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be balanced in certain proportions. The ratio of nutrients affects all the most important processes of their absorption, both in gastrointestinal tract, So; in the cells of tissues and organs, ensures the optimal content of amino acids in protein synthesis, the process of energy formation and regulates fat metabolism in the body. The activity of digestive enzymes, and therefore the speed and completeness of their absorption, depend on the ratio of nutrients. Lack of protein leads to inhibition of enzyme activity.

    For biological processes, the ratio of nutrients is important not only in the daily diet, but also in individual meals and even in individual dishes and products. Scientific substantiation of food recipes is currently relevant hygiene task. Until recently, food recipes were based on traditional principles without taking into account digestibility and biological action. The optimal ratio for a healthy middle-aged person, as already indicated, is the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet equal to 1: 1: 4, i.e. for 1 g of protein, 1 g of fat and 4 g of carbohydrates are recommended. The calorie content of the daily diet should be 14% from proteins, 30% from fats, and 56% from carbohydrates. In the diet of children, this ratio changes depending on age. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in breast milk the average is 1:3:6. For children preschool age The recommended ratio is 1:1:3.6, and for adolescents the same as for adults.

    For metabolic processes, the ratio between some minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, such as 1: 1.5 or 1: 2, between carbohydrates and vitamin B1 is also important (for 1 g of carbohydrates, 4-5 mcg of vitamin BI is needed). Violation of the ratio minerals leads to profound changes in the body.


    Why is it needed?

    To understand the importance of diet for a person, you need to gain an understanding of how the body functions. At the cellular level, it is a complex biochemical system in which processes of oxidation, fermentation, breakdown, absorption, etc. continuously occur. Each of these processes requires certain “reagents” - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, acids, alkalis and much more. The body receives the bulk of these substances from food, which is not enough to be tasty and healthy: food must go through all stages of digestion in order for the body to extract from it the components necessary for full life.

    But an absent diet - too frequent, rare or chaotic meals - disables this mechanism. Digestive system a person is unable to adapt to such a schedule and does not have time to secrete enzymes intended for digesting food. And instead of replenishing your energy reserves and supporting the functioning of all organs, food becomes useless and sometimes even harmful. For example, carbohydrates that have not been properly processed can become excellent soil for fermentation, and undigested protein can cause putrefactive processes.

    Therefore, the correct diet of a person is not a whim of nutritionists, but, without exaggeration, a vital necessity.


    How to form useful “routine” habits

    To everyone’s delight, the old uncompromising concept of “diet regimen” has long been outdated. It was replaced by an intellectual approach to the formation good habits, which does not require daily feats regarding meals in the “I don’t want, but I have to” format. Scientists are sure: a person should formulate their diet with comfort for themselves.

    Time and frequency of meals. No more breakfast strictly at 7:30 and dinner no later than 18:00! You can set your own time for the first and last appointment meals throughout the day so that they fit seamlessly into your personal activity schedule. The main condition is that the interval between two meals should be at least two and no more than four hours. This diet will allow, on the one hand, not to overload the stomach, which has not yet coped with the previous portion of food, and on the other hand, not to force it to wait too long, needlessly secreting digestive juice if you are late with lunch.

    Also, once you have chosen a time for breakfast, lunch and dinner that is convenient for you, try to stick to it day after day. This does not mean that you need to live with a stopwatch in your hands, but you should not delay eating for longer than 20–30 minutes. The stomach has very strict rules regarding diet, and if you regularly violate them, you may experience indigestion or other disorders.

    Portion size. Although many diet-conscious people prefer to count calories and base their daily diet on this, this is not entirely the right approach. Certainly, energy value food is very important, but its one-time volume consumed in one sitting is an equally significant criterion. Try to formulate the menu so that liquid and bulk dishes alternate. A portion of soup with compote for dessert, as well as a vegetable salad with an apple for a snack, are unsuccessful combinations. This nutritional requirement is dictated by the characteristics of the stomach walls, which can stretch greatly. And large amounts of fluid, as well as significant amounts of fibrous foods (vegetables and fruits), can over time lead to an increase in the volume of the organ, which will force you to eat more and more each time.

    Calorie content of dishes. Diet is not only a quantitative, but also a qualitative concept. The old advice that you should eat breakfast yourself and give dinner to your enemy is still relevant today. The first meal that activates your metabolism and provides energy for the whole day should include at least 1/3 of your daily calorie intake. Distribute the remaining 2/3 to other meals: the main caloric stimulus has already been received, and all that remains is to maintain energy reserves at a sufficient level through nutrition.


    Is it possible to break the routine sometimes?

    At first glance, it may seem that a person’s diet consists of desires clenched into a fist and life strictly according to a schedule. But in reality everything is much simpler. Once you get used to eating at certain hours, you will not be able to imagine how you could live differently before.

    Parties with friends, corporate meetings, culinary fairs and simply gourmet dinners at a restaurant - all this can still be present in your life and coexist perfectly with an established diet. And in situations where it is impossible to tear yourself away from delicious cakes in time, a snack on the run or a missed breakfast or lunch is more than made up for help will come Micrasim®. The activity of Mikrasim® digestive enzymes is maximal within 30 minutes after ingestion*, promoting more efficient digestion of food. Even with minor violation Mikrasim® helps maintain the usual diet wellness and activity. A person is capable of much when he has such a reliable assistant next to him!

    * see instructions for medical use Micrasim®
