Tango, whose national dance. History of the development of Argentine tango. Tango musical instruments

Translated from Sanskrit, the name of the coconut palm literally means “the tree that provides everything you need in life.” The ancient language does not exaggerate at all: the usefulness of this plant in many areas of human life is simply enormous, and its main part is concentrated in the fruits - coconuts. What they are, what they are and how they are mined, we will tell further.

Coconuts are fruits widely distributed in South-East Asia, Indonesia and South America. Exotic nuts got their name from the Portuguese word “coco” - “monkey”. This association, so strange at first glance, is easily explained. If you look at the bottom of the coconut, then in the three dark circles located there you can see some resemblance to a “monkey’s face.”

A drupe is a juicy fruit of plants with a sharp differentiation of pericarp layers: a thin leathery extracarp, a fleshy intercarp and a lignified intracarp that encloses the seed and forms a hard (stony or leathery) stone.

Curious Internet users often ask search engines questions like “Is a coconut a fruit or a berry?” or “What is a coconut? Fruit or nut? If you carefully understand some of the intricacies of botanical science, you can confidently give the following answer: “Coconut is not a nut or a fruit, it is not even a berry and certainly not a vegetable!” From a botanical point of view, the fruits of the coconut palm are dry drupes, just like, for example, the fruits of walnuts or almonds. The fact that a coconut belongs to this type is indicated by the presence of a dry fibrous shell around the fruit itself and its “layered” structure, including a fleshy pericarp, a liquid part, and the seed itself or the embryo of a new plant.

For the peoples inhabiting the countries where the coconut palm grows, these nuts are a real source of life. They can simultaneously serve as food, medicine, fuel, building material, dishes and even fabric! In our country, coconuts are popular mainly as a source of tasty juice and pulp, and also due to their high content of healthy vegetable oil.

How are coconuts extracted?

During the cultivation of the coconut palm, breeders have developed many of its varieties. Among them there are ordinary vigorous varieties that can reach a height of 30 meters or more, and miniature (dwarf) species that are only about 1 meter tall. The fruits of the latter are smaller, but they are much easier to collect.

In cultivation, the coke tree begins to bear fruit at seven to nine years of age and continues for about 50 years. One palm tree produces from 60 to 200 fruits annually.

Harvesting coconuts is carried out in 2 stages: if the fruits are intended for consumption, they are picked when they are fully ripe, and the fruits from which they want to remove the fibrous part (and in the furniture industry) are harvested a month before full ripeness. The harvest from vigorous representatives of the coconut palm genus is harvested in several ways. The most common of them involves the use of a special tool - a long pole with a sharp knife attached to one end. Experienced pickers, deftly handling such a tool, extract about 1.5 thousand coconuts per day. Less effective and less common in Lately a way to climb coconut trees. It's pretty dangerous occupation, and the speed of collecting nuts is significantly lower than that of the previous method.

Interesting method Harvesting nuts is practiced on coconut plantations in Thailand. There, monkeys were taught the art of palm harvesting. Thanks to the high speed of climbing trees, these animals are able to collect 2 times more nuts daily than humans. Additional income for the plantations comes from tourists, who are extremely interested in seeing how monkeys collect coconuts. Harvesting with nimble animals has become a real attraction in Thailand.

What does a coconut palm nut look like?

For most of us, a coconut is a furry ball Brown, but on a palm tree this nut looks completely different. The coconut fruit has a very dense, smooth, greenish shell. As the nut ripens, the shell may turn yellow or even red. The coconut shell has scientific name- “exocarp”, underneath it hides a layer of brown fibers, the thickness of which can reach 15 cm. After the nuts fall to the ground, both outer shells are peeled off, only after their removal the coconut fruit acquires the features familiar to the European eye.

In Asian countries, young coconuts are distinguished - Young Coconut and old coconuts - Old Coconut, however, there are also baked coconuts, coconut flakes, coconut milk and for other purposes.

Structure of a coconut (drupe)

The outer shell of a shelled coconut is called the “endocarp” - this is the hard brown shell that is so difficult to break to get to the contents of the nut. If you look at a coconut in cross-section, then under the endocarp you will find the so-called endosperm - coconut flesh and its juice. The pulp is a fairly hard milky-white substance; it is, in fact, the kernel of a coconut, since it contains a complex nutrients, necessary for the germination and development of the embryo of a new plant. The juice contained in young coconuts is clear and has a delicate sweetish taste; in sun-ripened fruits it is more cloudy and oily.

Types of coconut

There is a fairly widespread misconception that in nature there are at least two different types coconut: green and brown. In fact, these are simply stages of development of the same coconut palm fruit. A young coconut has a green or yellowish hued shell, but as it ripens under exposure to sunlight, the color gradually changes and eventually turns chocolate brown.

Green coconut also differs from its ripened counterpart in the presence of. In brown fruits, this “water” turns into a cloudy emulsion due to drops of coconut oil secreted by the nut pulp that enter it.

Green coconuts are harvested about six months after the tree has finished flowering, while brown coconuts are allowed to ripen for another 5 months.

Green fruits are more abundant, however, they are not able to withstand long-term transportation, so they are extremely rare on the shelves of our stores. Brown coconuts are also good for health, but... It is easy to distinguish good nuts from those that have gone bad: you just need to shake the coconut, the characteristic splash of juice inside will indicate the freshness of the fruit, but if there is no splash, but when you tap on the shell you hear a dull sound - it is better to leave the coconut in the store, the liquid in it has dried up and the nut has spoiled.

Coconut is an unusually interesting fruit in all respects, because all its parts, from the fibrous “skin” to the tender pulp, are used by humans for their needs. Although in our country coconut palms are found only in greenhouses and botanical gardens, their fruits can be found at any time of the year and in almost any supermarket. This means that at least occasionally, it’s still worth enjoying this exotic nut, thus joining the real paradise life of the tropical islands.

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Think about what fruit can be food, medicine, building material, fuel, cloth and utensils at the same time? What can you eat and drink? What retains all the vitamins and benefits, both in young and overripe form? It's all about coconut! Since ancient times, the coconut palm and its fruits have been widely used in all spheres of people's lives. We invite you to find out the benefits of coconut and several ways to use the fruit.

What is a coconut

The origin of the coconut is unknown; most likely, the palm tree originated in Southeast Asia. The palm tree does not have bark or branches, so it is a perennial woody plant.

The plant is widespread in the world, both in cultivated and wild forms. The palm grows up to 30 meters in height, 14-45 cm in diameter. The trunk is slightly inclined, thickened towards the base, all dotted with rings - traces of fallen leaves. The leaves are large, dense, dissected into almost 250 small “arrows”, stretching up to 3-6 meters.

If you think about whether a coconut is a fruit or a nut, neither option is correct. This is a drupe fruit such as plum, cherry, peach or apricot. Depending on the variety, coconut has various color and shape, but the benefits and taste remain unchanged. In nature, green, orange, and brown fruits of round, oval or elongated shape are found. Sizes from 15 to 30 cm in length, weight is about 1.5-2.5 kg. By the way, during transportation, the coconut that we buy in the store becomes overripe or is in the second stage of ripening. Fortunately, this does not take away the taste or benefit of the magical creamy aroma.

The outer shell (exocarp) is smooth, penetrated from the inside with strong fibers (coirs). Beneath the layer of rough brown filaments lies the endocarp, a layer commonly thought of as the shell. The edible, dense copra (pulp) is found inside the shell along with the liquid endosperm (coconut water). On Portuguese The word "coco" means monkey. If you look at the three dots located on the shell, you can see a “monkey face”.

The coconut palm is widespread in the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, and China. The plant has a superficial root system, on the sea sandy soils it most easily receives the moisture and salt necessary for growth.

Coconuts, made of fiber, are able to float well, so fruits that fall into sea waters can wander along the waves for a long time, and when they reach the shore, they sprout, forming new palm trees. The average lifespan of a plant is more than 60 years. During the year, the palm tree grows from 50 to 120 fruits. Ripening is a long process, taking about 8-10 months.

How many calories are in coconut

Coconut is a controversial product.

Its energy value: 360 kcal per 100 grams. However, with such a calorie content, the pulp is suitable for dietary nutrition. The BZHU indicators are as follows:

  • 33.5 g fat
  • 3.3 g protein
  • 15.2 g carbohydrates
  • 9 g fiber
  • 47 g water

The pulp is rich in fatty acids (about 30 g), organic sugars (6 g), and ash - 0.96 g.

Dried coconut, for example, in the form of slices or shavings, is more nutritious (about 593 kcal per 100 grams). Coconut water has the lowest calorie content - no more than 16 kcal.

Vitamins and minerals

The chemical composition of coconut is quite rich and varied. Vitamins are presented in the following list:

  • Vitamin K is important for blood clotting and ensures proper functioning of the liver and intestines;

  • Vitamin C is one of the powerful antioxidants. Has a beneficial effect on the body, participates in metabolic processes, biological synthesis important substances and hormones, neutralizes the effects of free radicals, activates the immune system;
  • Vitamin E is also a strong antioxidant. Protects cell membranes from destruction, prevents the fixation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, and fights free radicals.
  • B vitamins are actively involved in the work nerve cells. They synthesize protein, regulate metabolic processes, and improve mood. Improves skin condition, making it more elastic. Strengthens vision. Stimulate blood circulation. They cleanse the body of waste and toxins and normalize digestion.

Coconut fruits contain a large number of macro and microelements, without which the flow of all important biological processes, these are calcium, potassium, iron, selenium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc and iodine.

What are the benefits of coconut for the body?

The benefits of coconut for the body are not limited to its unique taste and sweet aroma. Fresh coconut or its dried pulp contain a lot of easily digestible protein, because protein is for the muscles of bodybuilders, for athletes, for people who observe vegetarian diet it is, first of all, a source of energy.

Regular consumption of the fruit affects almost all organs, namely:

  • Tones the nervous system, improves mood, activates brain activity;

  • Lauric acid, stimulates the immune system, fights bacteria, viruses, fungus, many pathogenic microorganisms, also reduces the level of addiction to antibiotics. A similar amount of lauric acid is found only in breast milk;
  • Reduces blood sugar levels. Coconut has a low glycemic index of only 45 units, which makes it suitable for diabetics.
  • Relieves inflammation in urological diseases;
  • Normalizes hormonal background for disorders of the endocrine system;
  • Nourishes the heart, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevents the development of ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke;
  • Fiber starts the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the removal of waste and toxins. In case of bloating and gas formation, coconut pulp will bring tangible benefits;
  • Slows development oncological tumors in the early stages;
  • Improves trophism of joints and musculoskeletal system;
  • Effectively copes with helminths;
  • Normalizes work digestive system, eliminates pain, discomfort due to gastritis and ulcers, gallbladder disorders;
  • Strengthens, restores vision, provides hydration eyeball, tone of weakened muscles;
  • Unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-9, Omega3, Omega-6) are removed bad cholesterol and protect blood vessels from fatty plaques. Protein synthesis improves.

The benefits of coconut for intimate health are invaluable. The product is considered a strong aphrodisiac and increases libido. In addition to being attractive to the opposite sex, eating the fetus increases the receptivity of eggs and activates sperm production, which is especially important for couples who cannot conceive a child.

Coconut water has an extensive chemical composition, it is found inside the fruit and has even more benefits than the pulp. It contains not only a vitamin-mineral composition, but also valuable amino acids that are replenished only from the outside, because our body is not able to synthesize them on its own.

When following a diet in combination with physical activity high risk of exhaustion. Thus, coconut water will be an excellent supplier of nutrients for the body.

The product is also known for its antibacterial properties and is therefore often used in medical purposes, for example, to reduce high temperatures, treat wounds and sutures. For organ inflammation gastrointestinal tract the liquid envelops damaged mucous membranes and relieves pain syndromes.

Coconut water is similar in enzyme composition to saline, with the required concentration of salts and sugars, contains reserves of substances necessary for the proper functioning of all organs and systems. It can be compared to a natural isotonic drink (sports drink). This drink is popular among athletes. With which they replenish water-salt balance after training, and restore energy resources.

Coconut milk is prepared by beating the pulp together with plain water in a blender, and then filtering. The remaining cake can be dried and used for food. Milk is not inferior to fruit in terms of benefits. It strengthens bone and cartilage tissue, promotes nail and hair growth, restores hormonal balance, activates the immune system. Eastern medicine recognizes coconut milk as the healthiest of all.

For acne, allergies, scratches, abrasions, the external use of coconut milk is indicated. In addition to the tangible benefits in the form of drying out inflammation, the skin will receive nutrition and hydration, which will have a good effect on its condition.

Of course, in terms of the content of vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids, milk cannot be compared with coconut oil. Acting both as a food product and as a cosmetic product, the oil brings invaluable benefits to the body. Despite its high calorie content, it is easily digested, is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels and does not create additional stress on the liver. The oil also activates metabolic processes, eliminates visceral fat and promotes weight loss. Unlike many vegetable oils, coconut is not carcinogenic, which means it is safe for frying.

As a cosmetic product, the oil quickly heals rashes, burns and wounds, nourishes the skin, and restores its elasticity. It applies easily without clogging pores. And for those who want to grow luscious hair or those with dry and weakened hair, coconut oil is a real must-have, providing double nutrition to the hair – from the inside and outside.

Coconut sugar is no less useful - a natural alternative to sugar, which is made from palm sap. The glycemic index of coconut sugar is 35 units, even less than in a regular fruit. Delicate caramel taste and benefits in one product, especially for diabetics or people losing weight.

By the way, the opinions of scientists and doctors regarding the benefits and effects of coconut on the body of diabetics are ambiguous. It has been scientifically proven that “false nut” and its components help fight most diseases that aggravate the condition of diabetes. The fetus has a low glycemic index, minimal amount simple sugars, causing spikes in blood sugar levels. The product is recommended for use in small quantities. At the same time, oil and dried coconut pulp are recommended to be consumed in limited quantities.


A woman's body needs daily norm healthy fats. Unsaturated fatty acid, which coconut is rich in, gently adjusts hormonal balance, which affects health and beauty.

No less important benefit coconut for women - prevention of osteoporosis. Essential fatty acids are also vitamin complex C, E, and groups B take part in the fight against varicose veins, which is especially important when wearing shoes with heels.

In tropical countries where fresh coconut fruits are abundant, pregnant women must include coconuts in their diet. During pregnancy, drinking a glass of coconut milk, future mom will replenish vitamin and mineral reserves, strengthen your health and the health of your baby.

With the help of oil you can achieve almost perfect skin color by tanning in the sun without fear of formation age spots, because coconut oil prevents their formation. To combat pigmentation, it is useful to rub oil into the skin in the area of ​​spots at night. Repeat the procedure daily for several weeks. It can replace many jars: from lip balm to makeup remover.

If you have problems with stretch marks, the oil will help get rid of minor imperfections. The skin will look more elastic and smooth. And most importantly, it is natural, without unnecessary chemicals, which is important during pregnancy.

During breastfeeding, a small amount of coconut milk will further enrich the composition of mother’s milk with nutrients, strengthen the child’s immunity, and increase resistance to bacteria and viruses. After feeding, the breasts can be lubricated with oil to prevent irritation or to speed up the healing of wounds, for example, from the baby's teething.


For men who are regularly engaged in physical labor, or cannot live without exercise in the gym, coconut will be very useful as a source of energy and protein. In addition to nutrition, the fruit relaxes muscles, promoting their accelerated recovery and further growth.

Pulp and oil increase testosterone levels. Have a general strengthening effect on genitourinary system. The rich vitamin and mineral composition preserves man's health, prevents the formation and development of cancerous tumors.

The fruit can be used as natural cosmetics. For example, butter - instead of shaving cream, milk - as an alternative to healing and nourishing balm.

Benefits of coconut for children

In all tropical countries where coconut is a common plant that is not exotic, it has been eaten since childhood. But in our latitudes, children should approach coconut consumption with more restraint. Coconut is not recommended for food for children under 2 years of age, and if there are allergic reactions, it is better to wait until they are three years old.

To check for allergic reaction, smear the baby's heel with a piece of coconut or milk. The oil is quickly absorbed, so it is strictly not recommended to use it for the “test”. If no redness appears within several hours, the fruit can be given to the child. Add the product gradually, in small quantities, paying attention to the baby's reaction.

Why coconut is especially beneficial for children:

  • A large amount of calcium helps correct formation bone tissue And rapid growth, strengthens teeth and musculoskeletal system;
  • Iron prevents the development of anemia;
  • B vitamins activate mental activity and development, and also normalize the functioning of the nervous system, align biorhythms, sleep and wakefulness;
  • Vitamin C improves immunity and protects against viral and colds.

The fruit itself is a natural alternative to store-bought multivitamin complexes. For children from 3 to 10 years old, about 50-100 grams of coconut per day is recommended.

Harm of coconut

The tropical fruit is considered a hypoallergenic product, safe for both pregnant women and babies. However, even coconut can cause some harm rather than benefit if overeaten, leading to indigestion. Eating a spoiled fruit will cause poisoning, so be careful when choosing and purchasing coconuts. For diabetics and overweight people, dried coconut and oil are recommended in strictly limited quantities.


  • Allergy to coconut. In the presence of food allergies for other products, introduce a new product into your diet.
  • Phenylketonuria is a disease associated with impaired amino acid metabolism (metabolism). Coconut water, like the pulp, contains phenylalanine, which is prohibited for this disease;
  • Acute inflammation of the liver and gall bladder.

Is coconut a nut or a fruit?

    Coconut is a dry fruit, although it is usually called a nut. This is from the lips of scientists and biology textbooks.

    Although in my opinion, fruit is a sweet vegetable. And if you have tried coconut, then it is difficult to talk about any sweetness or taste. So for me, coconut is a nut)

    The correct name is the fruit, not the coconut, as we used to call it. Well, obviously it cannot be called a fruit. And in truth, a very interesting animal, this coconut has a very thin peel on top, there is pulp inside, and there is also liquid inside!

    The coconut fruit is not a nut or a fruit. The coconut fruit is a dry drupe, like the fruits of walnuts and almonds. An example of a real nut is the hazel fruit (hazelnut). Examples of juicy drupes are apricots, plums, and cherries. And the word fruit is not a botanical term at all, but a household term. In Russian, fruits are the juicy edible fruits of trees and shrubs.

    Coconut is commonly called coconut, but in fact coconut is neither a nut nor a fruit.

    In fact coconut is a drupe

    Coconut grows on palm trees in Indonesia, India, and the Philippines.

    The name comes from the Portuguese word for monkey - coco, because of the spots in the shape of a monkey's face.

    The fruits of the coconut palm (coconuts) are usually called nuts or coconuts. A little less often they are simply called fruits. But neither one nor the other is a botanical norm. This mistake is not so gross for a non-specialist, not cruel, but it still exists and is quite common, as it is explained by the purely external similarity of a coconut to a classic nut (the presence of a shell, egg-shapedness, and so on).

    The fruit of the coconut tree is actually drupe and nothing else.

    This fruit has very significant dimensions: length up to 30 centimeters, width up to 20 cm, and weight up to a maximum of 8 kilograms, although this is rare.

    Almost everyone thinks that coconut is a nut. In childhood, many years ago, many read Defoe Robinson Crusoe, main character who was collecting coconuts, and it was a wonder to us what kind of coconut it was and we thought that it was the most delicious nut. In fact, it does not belong to nuts and fruits, it is a drupe.

    Almost everyone is used to calling a coconut a nut, and no matter who you ask, everyone thinks so. But it turns out that the fruit of a coconut is called a drupe. This is the correct answer. But people are so accustomed to thinking of coconut as a nut that they can no longer be retrained. It’s more common to call it that way...)

    Coconut is definitely a nut. It has a pronounced feature of the nut family - the shell.

    But what I just recently learned and was very amazed by is that strawberries are a nut. The small seeds are the fruit of the plant (nuts), and the pulp, which we all love very much, is just a nutrient mass for their ripening.

    Coconut is usually often called a coconut by many, but it is not a fruit, nor is it a nut. In fact, a coconut is a drupe that takes a long time to ripen, on average 9 months. Coconut juice is very beneficial and improves immunity.


First, let’s define what this word actually means. According to dictionaries, this is the name of the tree itself, that is, the coconut palm, or coconut. It seems that there is nothing complicated, because it is already clear that a coconut is a nut. But not everything is so simple! If you dig deeper, you find out that a nut can be considered a fruit that consists of a seed in a hard shell. The coconut does not have a seed as such; it is replaced by a delicate liquid substance - milk. Thus, hazelnuts or hazelnuts can be considered real nuts.

It would seem that now everything is clear: coconut is a fruit! But this too incorrect statement. Indeed, in botany, such a term does not exist at all, and people call tasty fruits that are suitable for consumption as fruits.

Where is the truth?

It lies in the fact that there is no correct answer to the question: is a coconut a fruit or a nut, since this fruit is a dry drupe. So the apricot and peach we know are more related to the coconut than, say, Walnut. The fact that a coconut is a drupe is indicated by the fact that it has several layers of different structures in a hard shell.

A coconut has an inner shell called the endocarp and an outer shell called the exocarp. It's interesting that inner layer there are three pores, or, as they are called, spots. They make the coconut fruit look like a monkey's face.

The value of coconut

Regardless of what type of fruit coconut is, it is very tasty and useful product. You can use any part of it. Milk is used as a drink that will fill you with vivacity and energy. The white pulp of this fruit can serve as the basis for cosmetics, candle production, as well as confectionery. The hard brown fibers on the shell of the fruit are used to create bags, ropes, mats and other household items.

Modern people are familiar with a huge number of fruits, including exotic ones. Their variety is crazy and sometimes you can get confused in the grocery store. Coconut is especially popular - its composition is amazing, and its scope of use has long gone beyond easy preparation food. Coconut has benefits and harms for the body, the article talks about this in detail.

In contact with

First of all, you need to understand why coconut is useful. This is an amazing product, it contains many vitamins and nutrients. Now the product can be found in any supermarket. Therefore, if it is on the counter, you urgently need to buy it!

Calorie content 100 grams and whole

354 is how many calories are in 100 g of coconut. One fruit can reach 1.5 kg. The usual coconut, which is sold in the store, usually weighs 300 -400 grams. The calorie content of fresh fruit is 1062 - 1416 kcal. Extremely nutritious product. However, there is no need to worry about the calorie content of a coconut; it is impossible to eat it entirely alone at once.

Nutritional value and properties

Coconut is nutritious, containing fiber and amino acids. Coconut can also help nervous system, because it contains magnesium and bromine. 100 g of pulp contains:

  • saturated fat (30 g);
  • proteins (3 g)
  • carbohydrates (15 g).

Sugar – 6 g and fiber – 9 g.

The pulp of a ripe nut should be easily separated from the shell

Benefits for the body

The benefits of coconut for the body cannot be denied. Even the ancient tribes knew how coconut was beneficial for the body, and practiced using coconut as a... The fresh delicacy normalizes digestion, strengthens the immune system, and is actively used in cosmetology.

Is there any harm from using it?

The topic of the benefits and harms of coconut is discussed by experts. Coconut is not only useful, but harm from it is also possible:

  1. Almost all the fats in coconuts are saturated acids, which are nutritious, but in some cases, for example, undesirable for consumption.
  2. It can be harmful if a person is allergic. Coconut should not be given to small children under one year of age, because their body is not yet ready to consume such a product.
  3. Coconut can cause digestive problems if not chosen correctly. During transportation, storage conditions may be violated, then the fruit begins to deteriorate, the benefits of the coconut disappear, and its use becomes completely impossible.

Is it a fruit, nut or berry?

Many people ask this question. First you need to figure out what a fruit, nut and berry are:

  • fruit is the edible fruit of a tree;
  • a nut is a tree fruit with an edible kernel and a hard shell;
  • berry - juicy fruit herbaceous plant or bush.

Based on these definitions, you might mistakenly think that the fruit of a coconut palm is a nut or a fruit or even a berry. Its lovers, upon hearing this question, especially often answer that coconut is a fruit or nut.

In fact, coconut is a drupe. It is often called "stone fruit". It is similar to plum, apricot, and cherry, which are also drupes.

You can also characterize a product based on its appearance. A coconut, freshly picked from a palm tree, looks almost the same as in the store: the fruit is covered with “hairs” and is quite “fluffy”. Next is a layer of thick shell, and behind it the most delicious thing is the pulp and coconut water.

How to choose in the store?

The benefits of coconut for the body are undeniable. Having studied all the beneficial properties of coconut, you can safely start purchasing. It would be a great shame to spend money on a purchase, time to “open” the fruit, and be left disappointed by the taste. Here's how to choose a coconut in a store with ease and correctly:

  1. Taking a coconut in your hands, you need to pay attention to it appearance: no damage or cracks. You should turn the coconut fruit and find the three points at which it is attached to the tree. They are often called "eyes". They should be dry and the color slightly darker than the rest of the shell. You need to try to put a little pressure on one of the points. If the coconut is good, you will never be able to push through the shell. If the shell becomes deformed under finger pressure, the fruit is stale.
  2. You need to bring the fruit to your ear and shake it. A dull sound indicates that there is enough coconut milk in the coconut. This fruit will be delicious, and the pulp will melt in your mouth, just like in the Bounty advertisement.
  3. You need to shake the selected candidate again. If something dangles inside or rings, the coconut is not suitable. This may be pulp that has already come away from the shell. In this case, the product is stale. Perhaps the fermentation process has already begun in it or mold has formed.

What to do with the pulp?

IN beneficial properties We figured it out, we chose the fruit, but now how to eat it? What to do with coconut pulp in order to use it beneficially and with minimal harm? The flesh is tough and fibrous, but in some countries it is eaten raw with a spoon. For greater convenience, you can remove the contents and put them on a plate.

Coconut pulp is used to prepare various desserts, cakes, and hot dishes. It can replace breading when frying. In this case, the pulp is grated, and then the meat or fish is rolled in it. However, such preparation does more harm than good.

It is worth remembering that opened coconut fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Then it begins to deteriorate. If you cannot eat the coconut in two days, it is important to consider the option of preparing the pulp. For example, you can make coconut chips. To do this, you just need to thinly slice pieces of coconut pulp, roll them in cocoa or salt and put them in the oven. Ready-made chips can be eaten as a snack, added to yogurt, porridge, or ice cream.

What gourmets can’t come up with while discovering a tropical fruit! Indeed, it may not be so simple. However, if you know a few simple techniques, cracking a coconut will be quick and easy.

  1. The first thing you need to do is find the “eyes”. Then take a knife and pierce one of them.
  2. Through the resulting hole you can drain the liquid. Some people prefer to drink coconut milk directly from the fruit; to do this, just insert a straw into the “eye” and enjoy the taste.
  3. You need to take a hammer and tap on the entire surface of the fruit for a couple of minutes. This will help the pulp separate from the shell.
  4. After 2-3 minutes of light tapping, place the coconut fruit on a flat surface. For example, in the middle of the table.
  5. Give it a good hit right in the center.
  6. Ready!

The broken overseas delicacy remains to be peeled. It is worth noting that the location of the impact does not matter; if the coconut is “beaten” well enough, it will not be difficult to split it.

So many people believe that coconut milk is the liquid that is inside the coconut. This opinion is wrong. The liquid inside the coconut is coconut water, which is 95% ordinary water. The calorie content of coconut water is only 19 Kcal per 100 grams. While the calorie content of coconut milk is as much as 187 Kcal!

Coconut milk is carefully processed coconut water and pulp. According to their own nutritional properties it can easily become a replacement for cow, goat and any other milk. Coconut milk is a sweetish liquid with a mild creamy taste. Both adults and children will appreciate its taste.

Milk contains great amount vitamins, useful microelements. One glass of coconut milk is a high-calorie meal. One cup contains:

  • 1⁄4 daily value of iron;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin C.

There are many recipes using coconut milk. You can drink it yourself, cook porridge with it, or use it to make desserts.

The advantage of coconut milk is that when mixed with fruits and berries, it does not curdle.


  1. Coconut has benefits and deserves a place on the refrigerator shelf, but there can also be harm from eating it.
  2. It has a wonderful taste. Using coconut you can prepare a huge number of dishes, from soups to delicious desserts. Coconut will add zest to any dish. With its help, you can organize an original presentation of dishes that will not leave any guest indifferent.
  3. Coconut is different high calorie content(354 kcal per 100 g) and is saturated with unhealthy fats (30 g per 100 g), not typical plant products nutrition.

Remember the commercial when a coconut falls from a palm tree, breaks and floods the screen? clear liquid? The coconut is brown, without a peel - as if someone had peeled it off and only then thrown it into the frame. Meanwhile, the tropical symbol is a young green coconut. It quenches thirst, gives nutritious pulp, and its taste qualities very diverse.

Is coconut a fruit or a nut?

Let's try to answer the sacramental question: are we dealing with a fruit or a nut? When talking about coconut, botanists mean an angiosperm monocotyledonous plant that belongs to the Palm family.

If you take a closer look at the classification, it turns out that this “fruit” belongs to the genus (and species) Cocos. That is, we have before us a fruit that is unique and inimitable. It cannot be called either a nut or a fruit.

By the way, about palm trees. The coconut palm grows on the sandy coast, in close proximity to sea water, and at the same time in sea ​​water does not need. This is a 30-meter tree, with a very smooth trunk.

Professional coconut pickers can not only climb palm trees, but also move along their tops without descending to the ground. Sometimes they make three-meter jumps - it looks impressive.


The coconut fruit is called a drupe. It reaches 30 cm in length and can weigh up to 2.5 kg. The shape is round.

The structure of the fruit is as follows:

  • Exocarp. The outer shell, which is penetrated by coir (fibers).
  • Endocarp. Inner shell. A hard shell in the depths of which the seed is hidden. It consists of coconut pulp (white copra) and endosperm - we used to call it coconut water.

The endosperm is initially transparent and indistinguishable from ordinary water. Over time, this substance is transformed into a specific emulsion - coconut milk. Next stage- thickening and hardening.

Coconut ripening period is 8-10 months. Fruits on palm trees grow in groups of 15-20 pieces. The palm tree can bear fruit for half a century. Productivity is up to 200 nuts annually.

How to open a coconut

After the purchase, the question always arises - how to properly break or cut and finally open a coconut and enjoy the delicious juice?

Take a closer look and you will find three small indentations at the top of the coconut. Take any sharp object (narrow knife, screwdriver, scissors) and pierce a hole located as close to the top as possible. You can strain almost a full glass of liquid - tasty, healthy and environmentally friendly.

Now we arm ourselves with a hammer. We hold the fruit with one hand and with the other We strike in the area of ​​the “golden ratio”(count a third of the distance from the black eyes). Soon a crack will form along the natural fault line. Insert a knife blade into the crack and apply light pressure. The coconut will split and open without much difficulty.

How to eat coconut correctly

In order to eat a coconut, you first need to choose it. At long-term storage these fruits dry out, and we don’t need such nuts. Shake the fruit and listen: the shrunken core will give itself away with a characteristic sound. Put this dirty trick aside.

A ripe coconut is quite heavy, and liquid splashes inside it. There are no leaks, cracks or humps. Such a fruit can weigh from one to four kilograms. So put it in the cart.

Elastic pulp and brown skin used in salads, desserts and baked goods. You can eat it right away - you will feel like a savage... Coconut pulp is cut, shredded, ground in a food processor, grated - in general, there are a lot of ways to grind it. Sprinkle the resulting mass with milk and place in a plastic bag, and then in freezer. The shelf life of this product is up to 1 month.

Coconut pulp is usually eaten with chicken and fish; it is also added to exotic soups, used in curries and various sauces. Gourmets claim that coconut gives the dish completeness, richness and sophistication.

Coconut flakes are also popular among confectioners.. It is sprinkled on cakes and pastries. Fresh pulp is poured with hot milk - this is how crafty cooks find coconut milk. The cooled and steeped mixture produces another delicacy - coconut cream.

What is the calorie content of coconut?

100 grams of coconut pulp contains 360 kcal. But coconut water contains practically no calories, although it has natural sweetness, as well as rehydrating properties (ideally restores water balance our body). These qualities make coconut water incredibly popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

What are the benefits and harms of coconut?

Coconut pulp contains natural oils, antioxidants, vitamins C and E, as well as trace elements (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium). Walnut water is sterile in the old days used as a blood plasma substitute. In addition, coconut water is a natural isotonic, which contains electrolytes and amino acids.

The beneficial properties of coconut have a positive effect on:

  1. vision;
  2. immunity;
  3. digestion;
  4. cardiovascular system.

Milk and coconut pulp replace anti-inflammatory and antimicrobials, resist the development of tumors, cure acne and allergic rashes on the skin. Coconut oil is great for treating redness, dry skin, cracks and sunburn.

Coconut can cause harm only if you are individually intolerant.

Coconut oil

Let's briefly list useful qualities inherent in this product:

  1. Coconut oil helps nourish and strengthen hair;
  2. softening and moisturizing the skin;
  3. getting rid of wrinkles;
  4. improving the functioning of the liver and digestive tract;
  5. positive effect on the thyroid gland;
  6. beneficial effect on joints;
  7. increasing immunity;
  8. normalization of cholesterol levels;
  9. fight against viruses and microbes;
  10. wound healing;
  11. treatment of influenza, lichen and other diseases.

Do you know that:

  • the taste of coconut directly depends on the stage of its ripeness;
  • from the coconut tree itself can you extract raw wine- and use it immediately;
  • It turns out that some animals love coconut juice (for example, dogs, chickens and cats);
  • if you taste the juice from an overripe nut, you will hardly be able to distinguish its taste from cow’s milk;
  • palm sap is also known (extracted from the trunk of a coconut tree);
  • Indonesia is the leader in coconut production(in second place is the Philippines, and India closes the top three);
  • Crafts are made from coconut shells, and fashionable handbags are also produced.
  • Peeling and cutting a coconut is quite easy, the main thing is to strike accurately according to the golden ratio.
  • Try not to get dirty when preparing coconut dishes. You will no longer be able to wash the damaged item.
  • The juice of overripe nuts will perfectly cleanse the intestines (remember this in case of poisoning).
  • If you have a good juicer, then you can extract juice from coconut pulp.
  • Coconut oil contains calcium and magnesium (which means it can help strengthen your teeth).
  • If you love massage, coconut oil will come in handy.
  • Note to women: Coconut oil is sometimes used to remove makeup.
  • The more often you eat nuts, the less chance of cancer cells.

So get off the couch and run to the market for coconuts!

Some photos and pictures with coconuts:
