A 2 month old child is naughty and does not sleep well. Problem: premature transition from two naps to one. Time to see a doctor

Children need healthy sleep just as much as good nutrition and a favorable emotional environment in the family - their health and development directly depend on compliance with the norms, and in infancy this is the main thing.

How much should a 2 month old baby sleep? Not every mother will be able to answer this question, since sleep problems in children, alas, are common nowadays. Sleep disturbances during the day or night may depend on external factors, or they can talk about problems with the baby’s health. Many people do not see cause-and-effect relationships and do not consider it necessary to look for them, but nothing happens for nothing. Observe your child, the conditions in which he sleeps, compare them with the established standards. Perhaps solving the problem in your case will not be so difficult. In this article we will talk about exactly this.

Diagnosis of disorders is carried out by monitoring the quantity, quality and conditions of the child’s sleep

Daytime sleep of a 2-month-old baby

Despite the fact that at 1-2 months the baby is still sleeping most He has no time, as such, deep sleep. He sleeps very lightly and feels his mother's presence very well. If she lies nearby or is at least in the same room with the baby, he will be calmer. If the mother is not nearby, the baby may wake up after 30-40 minutes and call her.

What you need to know about 2-month-old baby's naps:

  1. At this age, children have two types of sleep - long and short. The first lasts 1.5-2 hours, 2 times a day. The second – 30-40 minutes 3-4 times a day.
  2. It also happens that a child can sleep for a very long time - 4-5 hours. Experts have different opinions on this matter. Some argue that the baby must eat every 2 hours, so you need to wake him up and feed him. Others are sure that this is bad and advise listening first of all to the needs of the child. That is, if he does not wake up for a long time, it means that he should sleep in this moment more important than it is. In any case, each mother decides for herself whether to follow someone’s instructions or listen to her baby’s body.
  3. Any falling asleep, even for a short time, is accompanied by breastfeeding. The breast is not only a source of food for the baby, but also a strong psychological factor- this is closeness with mom and even depressant. Babies are almost unable to fall asleep on their own, without their mother’s breast. On the one hand, this can be alarming, but on the other hand, such “cooperation” is very convenient for the mother and useful for the baby.
  4. It is advisable that the waking time does not exceed 2 hours. If at this age a child does not sleep for a long time, he may become overexcited. Then it will be difficult to put him to sleep and sleep will be difficult.

Try to adhere to time intervals, if not exactly, then at least approximately. At the same time, do not overdo it and be sure to take into account the individual characteristics of the small organism. Then the family will not know what problems with children's sleep during the day are.

Most babies of this age will not fall asleep without their favorite source of nutrition - mother's breast

How long does a child sleep at night?

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This topic is no less relevant and important for all young mothers and children. On how calm it will be night sleep child, it directly depends on how well his mother sleeps and rests. For your baby, a good night's sleep means good health and full development.

How long should a child sleep at night? Of course, some mothers can boast that their baby sleeps peacefully all night, but this rarely happens. Basically, even healthy children often wake up for one reason or another. Let's see what the features are baby sleep at night time:

  1. Even if the baby falls asleep quickly, he will wake up in 40-60 minutes. This shouldn't scare you - either he's hungry or he just needs to make sure you're nearby.
  2. If you are with him, the baby will quickly fall asleep again and now for more long time- for 4-5 hours. If he does not find you, this may be a cause of concern; the baby will not be able to fall asleep again and will be awake the whole night. You will spend a lot of energy, plus your daily routine will be disrupted (even if it is not very clearly established).

A fairly popular question is where to sleep for a newborn baby. Often mothers are very worried and afraid that something might happen to the baby in their sleep, so they put him to sleep next to them. This has both positive point, and negative. The positive thing is that the child will constantly feel his mother’s closeness. Negative side there is a risk that a tired mother may unknowingly crush the baby in her sleep.

The famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky expresses his opinion: if a mother can sleep under conditions of constant tension, then there is nothing wrong with her placing the baby next to her, however the best option is a separate dream. The child must get used to his crib, and the mother must rest fully at night, so that during the day she has strength for the child, and for household chores, and for caring for her husband.

Causes of sleep disturbances

There are different circumstances why a child sleeps poorly or little. They can affect sleep both during the day and at night. Conventionally, these reasons can be divided into two categories:

  • health problems;
  • improper care and unsuitable conditions.

When a child has health problems, resolving the issue will be within the competence of a specialist. Mom needs to consult a pediatrician who will make a diagnosis and give recommendations on further actions.

Now we’ll talk about the causes of children’s sleep disturbances that a mother should notice and eliminate. In order to identify them, you do not need to be a certified specialist - just a caring, attentive mother.

So, what reasons can we notice and eliminate on our own:

  1. Hunger. If the baby was awake for more than the recommended time, you gave him breastfeeding and he even ate, but still does not sleep, but worries and cries, it is quite possible that he simply is not full. Give him the other breast and, having had enough, he will fall asleep sweetly.
  2. Discomfort. The baby is cold or hot, it is uncomfortable to lie in some position, wet diapers are disturbing him - these and other reasons can easily interrupt sleep. It's very easy to eliminate them. Make sure that the diaper is dry and the air temperature in the room is kept at about 20 degrees.
  3. Overexcitement. If your child is very active, this problem may occur, especially in the evening. To calm the nervous system, before going to bed it is advisable to give him a bath (the optimal water temperature is 37 degrees), rock him in his arms, and sing a lullaby.
  4. Colic. The problem is known to everyone, even mothers absolutely healthy babies. Digestive system in children, periodic pain in the tummy develops gradually and in the first months - ordinary physiological process. You can help your child light massage, applying a warm diaper or dill water to the stomach.

Agree - nothing complicated. You just need to show more care, attention and love to the little man.

The baby will not fall asleep in a wet diaper - the mother should first check whether it needs to be changed

In the first months of life, children are completely dependent on their mother and her presence nearby. The mother’s condition (both physical and emotional) is reflected in the baby’s condition. Of course, there are standards, but any pediatrician will tell you that they should only be taken into account, and not strictly followed. To make it easier to navigate the recommended standards, let’s enter all the data given above into a table.

How to create a daily routine? Every person, including infants, has biological rhythms. Observe your child and you can track them. Create a rough schedule, recording when he is awake and when he tends to rest. As a particular period approaches, act in accordance with your baby's needs. If bedtime is approaching, help him relax: keep the house quiet, dim the lights, create an atmosphere of peace.

Also, keep in mind that biological rhythms not only vary from person to person, but can also change periodically. Then you will have to adapt to them again. Don't be afraid of such changes - they are completely natural.

Most best mode day is the one that is based on the child’s individual biological rhythms (we recommend reading:)

How to ensure normal children's sleep?

Of course, all children are different, and so are home conditions. It may happen that even a child who has never had problems sleeping suddenly begins to sleep restlessly. If we do not take into account the individual factors that we have already described, we can list universal remedies, suitable for absolutely everyone. Don't ignore these simple rules. Even if you pay too much attention to them, you will “overdose” in this case it can't work out. Provide your baby with:

  1. Walks in the open air. There are never many of them. The more you walk with your child, the better his sleep will be. Don’t be afraid to do this in winter - young children simply need frosty air for good ventilation. They sleep excellently at the same time. The most important thing is to dress and wrap the baby better, this way you can solve all sleep problems.
  2. Daily regime. There is no need to talk about strict compliance, because up to 3 months the child still has very individual biological rhythms. However, it is not at all difficult, for example, to bathe your baby and put him to bed at the same time in the evening. He will quickly get used to it and this will significantly reduce both your worries and the children's.
  3. Relax before bed. If you put your baby to bed during the day, close the curtains to soften the bright light, and exclude all sources of extraneous sounds such as TV and computer. Take the baby in your arms, rock him and hum a lullaby in a low voice or just talk about something affectionately. The baby should feel his mother's closeness and protection. Take a bath in the evening warm water and swaddle (we recommend reading:). Almost all babies love to fall asleep on the breast, so do not remove the nipple until the baby is fast asleep.

Now you know what you should do to prevent your child from having sleep problems. Never forget that a baby needs mother's closeness first, so don't sacrifice it for something else. Better once again give up some household chores, but provide your baby with protection and everything he needs for peace of mind and full development.

A two-month-old baby sleeps about 18 hours a day. His daytime sleep is divided into 4 stages. Two long deep sleeps alternate with a half-hour short rest.

Sleep is a process that you cannot do without. It gives strength, improves mood, well-being and health. A two-month-old baby has a huge need for sleep. Therefore, he spends most of the day in his crib. It is rare for a 2 month old baby to sleep all day.
The duration of sleep during this period is up to 18 hours a day. Mom's constant presence correct mode and breastfeeding on demand are the key to restful, long-term sleep. Newborns do not have the ability to fall into deep sleep. Superficial sleep predominates, which sensitively detects changes around. So, a 2-month-old child sleeps little due to loneliness. The lack of mother's presence makes the baby's sleep anxious and short. A child is ready to sleep alone for no more than half an hour. While together with the mother, the duration of sleep increases to several hours.
In order to form the correct sleep and wakefulness pattern, it is necessary to take into account some points:

  • A 2 month old baby sleeps a lot during the day - this is an axiom. This is right and healthy, as it should be. If the baby's total sleep per day is more than 18 hours, there is no need to sound the alarm. Plus or minus an hour is normal. Activity, sociability, and a great mood after sleep give reason not to doubt the correctness of the conclusion. Lethargy, inactive behavior, indifference to the outside world after sleep is a reason to consult a specialist.
  • Daytime sleep at two months of age is divided into 4 periods. Two sleeps are long, two hours each. Two are short-term, intermediate dreams, lasting half an hour.
  • Baby on breastfeeding sleeps well in daytime exclusively under the chest. So give him this opportunity.
  • The interval between sleep and wakefulness should not exceed two hours. An overexcited child takes a long time to fall asleep at 2 months of age. And his sleep is restless and tense.

A schedule for sleeping and walking will allow you to calculate your bedtime quite accurately. After all, even a slight delay in time will provoke tension, in which the child falls asleep only in his arms for 2 months. And the laying time takes up to half an hour.
Night sleep consists of several stages. So, first the baby falls asleep for an hour, then wakes up and asks to eat. Afterwards sleep lasts about 5 hours. At the time of the first stage of night sleep, the mother should be nearby and feed the baby before he gets loose. If the baby manages to wake up, then you can forget about a restful 5-hour sleep that night.

The sleep pattern is formed up to the 6th month of life, so any attempts should not be carried out forcefully. If the baby does not want to sleep, it is useless to be diligent. This will only lead to unnecessary overstimulation, which will result in the child sleeping restlessly and crying in his sleep for 2 months of his life.

2 months is the period when the child is no longer a newborn, but nevertheless, still completely and completely dependent on the mother. (change of day and night) do not yet have an effect on it, since its own sleep hormone will begin to be produced only by 3-4 months.

It would seem that during this period babies are only supposed to eat and sleep, but in life, as a rule, everything is not so easy. Most mothers complain that their child sleeps poorly during the day, is often capricious, cries, and stays awake much more than he should for his age.

Daytime sleep norms at the age of two months

At 2 months healthy child sleeps 15-16 per day: 5-6 hours during the day and 8-10 hours at night.

Between sleeps, the child is awake and the optimal time of wakefulness corresponding to the age of two months is about an hour and 15-20 minutes.

But often mothers share their worries that the baby does not sleep this norm.

Why doesn't the baby sleep during the day?

  1. Hunger. A child's stomach at two months is 120-130 grams, and therefore he should receive food quite often. The feeling of hunger will not only prevent the baby from sleeping, but also cause discomfort, causing crying.
  1. Uncomfortable conditions. Too bright light, sudden temperature changes, loud sounds are stressful factors for the child. The first three months are called the “gestation” period, during which the baby is comfortable. The child sleeps better if the “Three T” rule is followed: silence and warmth. If the baby got a lot vivid impressions during the day, he may have two reactions of the body: either compensatory sleep - the body thus “turns off” from an excess of sensory stimulation, or lack of sleep due to the action of the stress hormone -
  1. Health status. Infantile colic, fever, pain (eg muscle pain after a course of massage) can affect the child’s sleep, making him more restless.
  1. Short sleep cycles. Babies sleep from 20 to 40 minutes - at the age of 2 months this is normal cycle sleep. A mother’s understanding of normativity can help her calmly react to the fact that the baby sleeps “little.”
  1. Sleeping while feeding. When a child falls asleep, he falls into a superficial, shallow sleep. If he falls asleep while feeding, he may continue to make sucking movements when he enters this sleep phase. It may seem to the mother that the baby is not sleeping, but this is not so - sucking is a reflex act during the superficial phase of sleep.

Medical reasons. A child at 2 months may most often be disturbed

  • Infant colic, abdominal pain
  • Nasal congestion, cough, making it difficult to suck and breathe
  • Muscle pain (caused, for example, by a massage)
  • Neurological problems
  • Apnea
  • Allergy

All these reasons can prevent a child from sleeping peacefully. In order to help him, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician and, possibly, a specialist to select the optimal treatment.

  1. Lack of milk. In the first 2 to 3 months after birth, lactation occurs. The mother's body adapts to the child's needs. During this period, lactation may be disrupted if the mother, for example, adheres to strict regime feeding or does not feed the baby at night, when prolactin is produced.
  1. Mom's well-being. have a direct impact on the baby’s condition. When a mother sleeps well and is rested, she communicates with the child differently, she has a different timbre of voice, different intonations. The child, feeling this, receives endorphins. When the mother is under the influence of lack of sleep, she experiences negative emotions, her interaction with the child will be of a different nature - and the baby will be under the influence of cortisol, which does not allow him to relax and fall asleep.

How to help your baby sleep better?

What can a mother do to help her 2 one month old baby better sleep.

  1. Feeding, establishing breastfeeding. One of the main tasks in the first months of life is establishing nutrition. It is optimal if it is breastfeeding. Breast milk provides the baby with that essential balance of vitamins, nutritious fats and immunity-building proteins that cannot be achieved by any other type of nutrition. In the first two months of a baby’s life, it is important to feed on demand, without adhering to a schedule, while the mother’s body synchronizes with the baby’s needs.
  1. Watching for signs of fatigue. A child of two months can withstand less than one and a half hours. As this time increases, he may begin to be capricious and have difficulty falling asleep. It is important to watch for signs of fatigue within an hour of waking up and help your baby fall asleep at the first sign of fatigue.
  1. Conditions of the uterus. Since the first three months of life are the period of “gestation,” this means that the child is in the process of adapting to “ big world" During this period, he can strive to create the environment that was familiar to him during the nine months of intrauterine life - darkness, silence, warmth and rocking. However, this does not mean that the baby needs to be kept in such conditions all day long, but it is important to understand that such circumstances are familiar and familiar to the child, and therefore calming. In such conditions, it is easier for the baby to fall asleep and sleep better.
  1. Lack of vivid impressions, familiar surroundings. At the same time, conditions opposite to the “conditions of the womb” - a bright, noisy, light environment can overstimulate the child. A large number of sensory stimuli - bright light, music, crowds of people, loud voices are not familiar to the baby, which means this situation, even if the atmosphere is very cheerful and festive, is stressful for the baby. In such circumstances, babies often fall asleep, despite the noise around them. But this sleep is not deep and restorative. This reaction of the body is “protective” from large quantity incentives.
  1. Different methods of calming, swaddling, White noise. The main task at the age of 2 months is to help the baby fall asleep so that he sleeps well and gets enough sleep. To do this, parents can use different methods of help - this includes feeding, and, if necessary, masking pronounced and uncharacteristic noises. Rocking, swaddling and white noise also create conditions similar to the conditions of a baby's intrauterine life. The most important thing here is to try to alternate these methods, thus showing the baby that there are many different ways falling asleep.
  1. Help from loved ones. In the first months of life, a young mother spends all day with her baby. Of course, this can contribute to fatigue - both physical, caused by lack of sleep or, for example, a strict diet, and psychological, associated with the monotony of every day and less time for your personal space than before. A mother who devotes herself entirely to her child risks forgetting about her needs, which is fraught with various psychological complications, including postpartum depression.

Therefore, it is extremely important to take care of yourself, attract help from loved ones and switch at any, even small, opportunity to please yourself and

The baby, born two months ago, is not yet able to control sleep. Therefore, parents are advised to monitor the child’s well-being, feed and put them to bed on time. If there is no control, not only daytime but also nighttime rest may be disrupted. After all, a baby’s biological rhythms are not tuned.

The daily routine of a two-month-old baby is completely independent of the parents. Basically, the child sleeps and stays awake based on physiological needs. Rest accounts for 70% of the day, the rest of the time he learns the world and eats.

At night, the child sleeps 10-12 hours, waking up 4-5 times. If your baby is breastfed, the number of night feedings may increase. Daytime sleep lasts 40-120 minutes, 3-4 times. Early awakening or lack of sleep can affect this “schedule”.

If mom pays attention to the approximate time sleep and wakefulness, then by two months of the baby’s life it is already possible to create a daily routine. It changes and gets confused without harm to the baby. At this age, the regime is needed solely for the convenience of parents.

Why does a baby sleep poorly at 2 months? The duration and number of rest periods are influenced by a number of factors:

  • health status;
  • the presence of external stimuli (noise, light);
  • behavioral characteristics, the developing character of the baby.

A young mother needs to take into account that the child is emotionally very attached to her, especially the first few months after birth. Therefore, you can notice causeless tearfulness and irritability of the baby. In this case, spend more time with him, walk, talk, try to nap together.

Daytime sleep disturbance in a two month old baby

Young parents often worry unfoundedly about the fact that the baby rests for a long time or hardly sleeps. If your baby is breastfed, consider the time he spends at the breast. To be completely satisfied, he needs to actively suckle milk for 10-15 minutes. For the remaining half hour or hour, the child dreams with a pacifier in his mouth.

During feeding, it is recommended to periodically encourage the baby. To prevent him from falling asleep, immediately gently rub his arm or leg and call him calmly. This is not necessary if you have enough time and you can relax together.

Daytime rest: determining the norm

The concept of sleep norms for the second month of life is blurred. But basically, the baby needs 2 full “sleepy” periods of 1.5-2 hours each and 2-3 short periods of 30-40 minutes each. Daytime rest periods are intermittent at night due to external stimuli ( sunlight, car noise, TV, parents talking). Most common cause their interruption is the absence of mother nearby.

When calculating daytime sleep norms, pay attention to its duration at night. If the baby suffers from colic and teething, the pain intensifies at night and rest becomes incomplete. Therefore, at lunchtime he can sleep soundly for 2-3 hours.

A failure in the regime may occur due to illness; in this case, the baby needs a lot of rest, because his body needs strength. If you miss one nap, the next one will last longer than usual.

This sleep duration gradually decreases. At six months, a child will need 13-14 hours of rest. This will allow you to more clearly formulate your daily routine.

Crying and other behavior abnormalities during naps

During the phase deep sleep children and adults sleep soundly, breathing is even, the body is most relaxed. When the superficial period begins, parents notice how the baby sobs, smiles, begins to grimace, or even cries. All this is connected with the pictures, images seen and the experience of vivid emotions that the baby experienced while awake.

Attention! Startling during sleep or while falling asleep is also normal. This is due to the immaturity of the nervous system and slight muscle tone, when the arms and legs are not completely relaxed. In order for the baby to gradually prepare for daytime rest, it is recommended to put him to bed calmly, in good mood and in silence.

Causes of problems

A 2-month-old child sleeps poorly day and night due to the fact that he still does not know how to control his body and mind. This is also why awakenings occur. Mom needs to lay him down, sing or give him breastfeeding to calm him down. Manipulations such as motion sickness are contraindicated, as parents develop the wrong habit in the baby. With age, the situation may worsen, and swinging on your hands will last up to two or more years.

Typical age and general factors

Main cause of sleep disturbance 2 one month old baby- This fast growth and brain development. It is from the 8th week that the majority of physiological changes. Intermittent rest or lack thereof is also provoked by the following age-related factors:

It is possible to name other general reasons that disrupt the sleep of children at any age:

  • uncomfortable position (stiff arm, leg, neck pain);
  • too dry or humid air;
  • cold or hot room;
  • uncomfortable clothes;
  • extraneous noise;
  • emotional overexcitation;
  • psychological stress in the family;
  • bright sunlight.

Some babies, whose arms are not wrapped in a swaddle, constantly wake up from involuntarily hitting themselves in their sleep. For this reason two one month old baby sleeps poorly not only during the day, but also at night.

It is important to know! Gaziki are a deviation from the norm, but at this age they almost always become the cause of capriciousness and non-compliance with the regime. With colic, the baby begins to toss and turn, sleep poorly, kick his legs, and try to tuck them under him. To reduce discomfort, the mother needs to follow a diet or choose the appropriate mixture.

Dangerous situations

The disorder occurs not only due to age, but also in the presence of deviations in the development of the baby. It is especially important to be on guard for parents whose child has suffered a birth injury, was born prematurely or with congenital diseases. In this case, it is necessary to register and visit a neurologist more often.

Contact your pediatrician if the following pathologies appear while your baby is sleeping:

  • apnea, runny nose, snoring, wheezing and other breathing disorders;
  • heat rash and irritation;
  • convulsions;
  • throwing back the head;
  • blue discoloration of the limbs and nasolabial triangle;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • hyperactivity;
  • lack of sleep the whole day;
  • problems with daytime sleep longer than 3 days.

If your baby is capricious while awake, falls asleep and wakes up hysterical, he may have a headache or teething. Also bad feeling affects appetite.

Advice! When, while crying, the child grimaces, grunts, smells unpleasant, tenses, and you notice that he has not pooped for a long time, it means he is constipated. It is necessary to get rid of feces using a microenema. If the situation repeats, consult a doctor.

The importance of the psychological atmosphere for normal sleep

The psychological climate in the family affects the baby during intrauterine development. Therefore, mother should avoid stress and conflicts. Conversations in a raised voice are unacceptable in front of a child, even at the age of two months. He does not understand words at all, but is frightened by sharp sounds and movements.

The main rules that are aimed at creating comfortable conditions in the family:

Advice! To ensure a restful and sound sleep during the day, go to bed with your baby. If you cannot create silence in the house because of other children or relatives, take your baby for walks outside. If there are problems with nervous system or when increased tone Visit a neurologist regularly.

Other ways to improve your baby's daytime rest at 2 months

If a 2-month-old baby does not sleep well during the day, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disorder. Provide him with comfortable conditions, a separate crib with a comfortable mattress and high-quality linen. Also, before going to the doctor, use the following recommendations:

  1. Do regular wet cleaning, remove flowers and soft toys from the room.
  2. Dress your baby according to the temperature in the room and ventilate the bedroom.
  3. Avoid swaddling so that your baby can freely spread his arms and legs.
  4. After feeding, hold the baby upright for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Keep quiet while sleeping.
  6. If you wake up screaming and crying, try to calm the child down by picking him up.
  7. Communicate with your baby while he is awake, take him to you, carry him around the apartment, talk.
  8. Darken the room, protecting the baby from direct sunlight.
  9. If possible, leave your baby in the stroller on the balcony or in your yard while sleeping.

Advice! The famous doctor Evgeny Komarovsky recommends that young parents follow the regime and introduce it from the first weeks of life. But don't wake your baby, even if he should already be awake. Now you adapt to the baby’s biological rhythms and plan your day based on his needs.

For full development, a person needs to get enough sleep from birth. At two months, many parents are faced with disruption of their baby’s daytime sleep. This is due to its active growth. During such a period, it is important to gradually introduce a regime and try to control the time allotted for rest and wakefulness.

The days go by very quickly, the baby is already 2 months old, he is growing slowly. It would seem that at such a tiny age he should only eat and sleep, sleep and eat. But some young parents are faced with the fact that their child sleeps poorly, difficulties and questions arise:

  • How to put your baby to bed?
  • How to prolong his sleep?
  • Why does such a baby not want or cannot sleep for several days?
  • What's stopping him? How can I help him?
  • How to provide healthy sleep child?

Let's talk about everything in order.

How does a 2 month old baby sleep?

A 2-month-old child sleeps about , of which 8-10 hours at night and 6-9 hours during the day. A longer period of sleep already occurs at night. There are usually about 4 naps during the day, there may also be short dreams due to baby's fatigue.

It takes about two months for the internal installations to begin. The biological clock- circadian rhythms. Walking during the day is very important. During a walk, sunlight hits the retina of the eye, which contributes to the formation of internal biorhythms. The sleep pattern gradually changes, so in the second half of the night children become more sensitive to awakenings.

Until about six months it is too early to talk about the child’s routine. But already at two months you can begin to form soft sleep-wake rhythms(feeding, play, massage-stroking, gymnastics). Keep a diary or use it to track your baby's rhythm, after observing for a few days, you will be able to catch this rhythm.

By 2.5-3 months the child’s body begins to develop its own- sleep hormone. Sleep becomes cyclical, like in adults. The cycle consists of dormancy, deep sleep and paradoxical sleep. In babies, the cycle lasts about 30-40 minutes. Some babies begin to wake up every cycle and they adult assistance required to move from one cycle to another - “link” them.

Approximate bedtime at the age of 2-3 months around 21 pm, and morning awakening at about 7 am. It is important to baby and monitor for signs of fatigue. Watch your baby for a few days and you will learn to recognize them. still quite short: from 30 minutes to 1 hour 15 minutes. Do not allow the child to stay awake for more than 1.15 hours, otherwise the baby will become very tired and putting him to sleep will become a real problem. When the baby is awake for too long, the body begins to produce Cortisol, which is very stimulating, comparable to a cup of coffee, takes a long time to be eliminated from the body and has a very negative effect on the child’s sleep. A “cortisolated child” calms down and falls asleep for a very long time, sleeps worse, his sleep is superficial, with frequent awakenings.

Causes of restless sleep

Why does a 2 month old baby sleep poorly? There are several reasons for this.

Unsuitable sleeping conditions may be the cause

With the onset of melatonin production Sleep conditions become important. Your baby may have trouble sleeping day and night due to poor quality sleep conditions.

  • Darkness - important condition both at night and for day dreams, in which the same sleep hormone melatonin is produced. The slightest light during sleep destroys this hormone, which prevents you from falling asleep. Therefore, take care to darken the space when laying your baby down.
  • Silence helps to “turn off” auditory analyzer and stop your brain tracking incoming information. It can be used to mask extraneous sounds, but not every day, so that the baby learns to relax in different ways. In general, the best thing is the mother’s gentle and calm voice, to which the child is accustomed to in the tummy during pregnancy. Even now it helps to relax, calm down, and at this moment the baby’s body begins to produce relaxins and endorphins - hormones of relaxation, pain relief and happiness. Therefore it is generally accepted that Mom's "endorphin" voice- This is a real natural analgesic and “comforter”. It is the mother who, through her calm, quiet words, can help the baby get ready to fall asleep.
  • Habitual conditions: your own place to sleep, constant and sleep. Make sure that the crib has a hard mattress and no unnecessary items: at this age, the child does not need a blanket and pillow, do not leave toys in the bed while sleeping. Distractions make it difficult for your baby to fall asleep, and the bed is a place to sleep, it should be comfortable and boring.
  • Room temperature should be 18-22° C. ventilate the room before going to bed, day and night. Remember, little kids need more input fresh air, and if adults are cool at this temperature, then the baby is just comfortable. to avoid overheating - thermoregulation has not yet been formed. Pay attention to air humidification.
  • You can now slowly introduce soft getting ready for bed, according to the baby’s age: bathing in a warm bath before bedtime, rocking, helping to achieve a sleepy state in the arms, walking around the room and saying goodbye to toys, saying kind words. Remember that rocking and latching in such a early age- This normal way calming the baby.

If your baby sleeps poorly during the day or at night at an early age: analyze the sleep conditions, observe the comfortable wake time, monitor signs of fatigue and do not overtire the baby. Remember that now the most important task is to create a comfortable environment for him and help him adapt to life outside the womb.

Taking care of mom is taking care of baby
