Psychosomatics stuffy nose in the evening. Psychosomatics of a runny nose in a child. Causes and treatment. Physical and emotional blockage

When studying the topic “psychosomatics: nose”, you need to start from the three leading functions of this organ:

  • mucous membrane for humidifying and heating incoming air;
  • filter for purifying air from foreign particles;
  • sense of smell.

Nasal congestion

Any difficulties with the nose are dictated by the inability to breathe normally.

We experience a problem with the nose as “stuffiness.” Oxygen provides our body with life, and if the main organ for receiving oxygen into the body is sick, then a person cannot live fully.

Nasal congestion is a problem for people who are afraid to live, they suppress any strong emotions, deny both suffering and bright joy. They do not allow their empathy to develop because the feelings of others hurt them as much as their own.

Coping with emotions and feelings, passing them through yourself is an art, but for the body it is always serious stress, especially if the consciousness perceives it as something dangerous.

You are climbing up the mountain. It’s hard, dangerous, but you are ready for this, you are determined to overcome all the stress that goes through you during the ascent. But what if you never liked mountains and you are forced to climb there because now it is a matter of life and death? You are not ready for such stress and go through it, using all your strength through “I don’t want”, but even if you pass such a test, you will avoid such experiences in the future. This is how we treat our feelings - we avoid them like an unwanted climb up a mountain.

Nasal congestion indicates that you should reconsider your attitude towards suppressed feelings. There is nothing wrong with them, even if they are negative or seem so. As long as you forbid yourself to experience the emotional range of experiences, you are depriving yourself of a full life, “not letting enough air through you.”

Loss of smell

If the main problem with your nose is that you have lost your sense of smell, then this indicates an inability to accept someone or something. They usually say: “I can’t stand him.” The experience is so intense that you unconsciously block your olfactory center so you can no longer inhale the “spirit” of the person or situation. This is how your body copes with negative emotions.

About a runny nose

A runny nose is more of a question social adaptation. Do you remember when he appears most often? In the fall, at school, after a vacation from work, etc. After a pleasant warm summer on the seashore, you find yourself in a cramped enclosed space with a group of other people, at first you will have a barely noticeable aversion, even if you love your surroundings.

After a while you adapt, heal a little and everything goes away. Read more about this.

If a runny nose does not go away for a long time, then this indicates the occurrence of a more serious illness and, as a result, rejection by family members, at home, even in the city.

How to solve the problem

In every article about psychosomatics, we remind you that psychoanalysis of diseases does not relieve you of the need to see your doctor. When coping with mental blocks, the body needs its own special healing techniques and traditional medicine helps with this.

A stuffy nose with loss of smell and the need to stay at home when you have a runny nose is a kind of self-protection from the outside world. But this way you don’t solve the problem, but turn a blind eye to it, saying, if there’s no smell, there’s no problem. Ask yourself: who or what do you hate?

Having identified the object of their negative emotions, try to look at it from the other side. You are not afraid of this object itself, you are afraid to experience the feelings that accompany its appearance in your life.

Once you block the ability to feel and show emotions, you deprive yourself of something very important and valuable. Otherwise, your body would not signal a problem, as psychosomatics claims. The nose helps you breathe, inhale and feel. Don't be afraid to gain new experiences.

At first glance, a runny nose is a simple ailment, and most often an accompanying symptom that is not difficult to eliminate. However, when improper treatment a runny nose may develop chronic form course and be complicated by rhinitis. Subsequently, rhinitis and sinusitis develop. In addition, to the extent of weakened immunity under the influence of hypothermia, the likelihood of respiratory ailments is high. Despite this, the psychosomatics of a runny nose has deeper causes.

This science explains a runny nose as not a symptom of a cold, but as a manifestation of an emotional state. Most experts in the field of psychology, in the event of an unreasonable runny nose, recommend not to start a pointless intake medicines against the disease, but, on the contrary, try to find out internal cause. Few people know, but a runny nose can occur due to strong emotional resentment or internal distress. Based on this, psychosomatics tries to explain runny nose and nasal congestion as a psychological phenomenon.

SymptomPsychosomatic explanation
Congestion of the maxillary sinusesThis symptom is a frequent manifestation in people who are absolutely unconfident, cannot determine their own true value in society, underestimate their self-esteem, under the influence of certain external and internal factors suppress themselves. As a result, the body begins to respond to experiences with one of the most sensitive organs - the nose. A quandary arises nasal breathing without additional symptoms
Discharge from the nasal passagesInternal grievances tend to accumulate, worsening the situation more and more. Even in denial, a person may experience internal crying, which will manifest itself as a runny nose. Therefore, any insults, humiliation and other destructive influence from the outside can provoke groundless nasal discharge in the form of a runny nose, which can become chronic.

Causal and investigative manifestations of runny nose in adults

Several psychosomatic reasons have been identified, which are subsequently reduced to one. That is, the occurrence of a runny nose, as a symptomatic phenomenon, occurs from the point of view of psychosomatics under the influence of negative psychological factors. That is, a person is regularly subjected to destructive criticism, humiliation, suppression of personality, and a decrease in self-esteem under the influence of someone. Thus, a person develops a depressed emotional condition, which manifests itself in disappointment, constant resentment and lack of recognition by society. Hidden emotionality in in this case begins to make itself felt by manifestations of visual symptoms, for example, a runny nose.

Experts in the field of psychosomatics put forward the theory that the nose, as a human organ, is a symbol of dignity. Therefore, when negative impact the organ responds to self-esteem in the form of mucus discharge from the sinuses.

A person who regularly conflicts with others gradually accumulates unpleasant feelings in his internal state, which can transform into a runny nose. In other words, the manifestation of nasal congestion without cold causes occurs due to the accumulation of unspoken resentment.

Note! Often people may confuse the psychosomatic nature of a runny nose with allergic manifestations(profuse mucus discharge is also characteristic), however, it is worth considering the absence of additional symptoms (tearing, sneezing, itching, and others). Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult a doctor and find out the cause of the symptom.

Psychosomatic explanation of a runny nose as a phenomenon in children

Somatic causes explaining the occurrence of a runny nose in childhood have a slightly different nature. The regular occurrence of a runny nose in a child may hide a banal lack of parental warmth and affection, which must be given to the baby. The reaction of parents in the event of a child’s illness is logical - care, treatment, increased attention. Sometimes there are frequent differences between parents and older children. conflict situations and an obvious misunderstanding that disappears only when the child begins to get sick. Based on this, we can come to the conclusion that the reaction child's body manifested in donation own health in a desire to attract the attention of parents. Therefore, insufficient love from parents can provoke the frequent occurrence of a runny nose as a single symptom in a child.

It is important! A runny nose cannot be ignored, despite its psychosomatic nature, if it is chronic or occurs with a certain frequency.

According to experts, children are capable of accumulating much more grievances than adults. All these accumulations occur precisely in maxillary sinuses, which may subsequently drop lower by Airways and lead to more serious problems. According to psychosomatic conclusions, it is necessary to eliminate the main negative factor to block mucus secretions from the maxillary sinuses. It is recommended to consider the problem through the prism of existing grievances. Therefore, block all circumstances that lead to worries and grievances.

Experts in the field of psychosomatics insist on an urgent solution to the problem, which causes constant conflict situations. Therefore, if one of the family members, without additional symptoms, suffers from nasal congestion and frequent mucus discharge from the nasal passages, then you need to think about any hidden grievances and emotional turmoil.

Emotional and physical blocking

The appearance of a runny nose is characterized by an inflammatory state of the nasal mucosa (constant discharge is added to the congestion). This condition can be defined as a physical blocking. The emotional side of blocking is different - a runny nose is explained by emotional experiences that arose against the background of an uncertain, confusing situation. More often this type people are very receptive and sensitive because they pay attention to the most insignificant details. Such people are constantly tormented by self-doubts, uncertainty, worry over the slightest reason, and all life circumstances confirm his insignificance in life. Consequently, the emotional state is transferred to physical state- runny nose.

There is another concept of blocking - mental. The main prevailing opinion states that main reason the appearance of a runny nose - hypothermia. Undoubtedly the influence low temperatures negatively affects general health person, causing a runny nose and inflammatory processes in the nasal passages. However, sometimes most people are so sure that after hypothermia ( cold water, decrease in air temperature) they will get sick or have a runny nose, so this formulation begins to work as a clear self-suggestion.

At the same time, if there is a belief that a runny nose can easily be contracted from a sick person, then a healthy person will definitely become infected. That is, the theory of autosuggestion retains its credibility.

Fact! Each person can help himself independently, without believing in his own self-hypnosis.

It is very important to timely analyze your own beliefs for the presence of negative thinking. Additionally, it is worth noting that psychosomatics experts have established that people who are easily subject to suggestion and manipulation suffer from runny noses twice as often.

Giving help

A runny nose that arose due to a weakened immune system and colds, and due to internal pathological conditions should be dealt with in a completely different way. In this case drug treatment will be in vain and can only make the situation worse. Active use of vasoconstrictors medicinal drops will lead to addiction and chronic medicinal rhinitis.

Therefore, first you need to make sure that the runny nose is exclusively psychosomatic in nature. Then follow this plan:

  1. Reconsider all views on life through the prism of accumulated grievances, and do deep introspection.
  2. Limit yourself from situations that entail constant emotional turmoil and worries.
  3. Exclude from Everyday life stressful situations, a person suffering from a runny nose should be surrounded only by a positive atmosphere. The appearance of a runny nose indicates an internal cry of the body demanding help.
  4. Block all contacts with your opponent, which causes insults and insults, humiliation and suppression of the individual.
  5. Do meditation. If you are unable to help yourself, you should immediately contact a specialist in the field of psychology.
  6. If a child experiences constant manifestations of a runny nose, then parents are advised to find out the internal cause of the baby’s problem. Reconsider parental attitude towards the child (more attention and care).

Psychosomatic reasons that explain a runny nose without additional symptoms argue that the problem is internal in nature and must be solved not with the help of drug therapy, but by treating the patient’s internal state. Therefore, the main specialist required in this problem is a psychologist.

Symbolizes feeling self-esteem, recognition of oneself as an individual, one’s uniqueness and value.

Let's remember some common expressions: “Hold your nose up high,” “Don’t poke your nose in...”, “A mosquito won’t undermine your nose.”

Stuffy nose

A stuffy nose is a lack of recognition of one's own worth.

The man constantly had a stuffy nose, first one nostril, then the other. Turning to the subconscious, we found out the cause of the disease - doubts about our masculinity. These doubts arose back in school, after an unsuccessful fight with peers. It was then that he began to doubt his masculinity, and from then on he developed problems with his nose.

Runny nose

Nasal discharge is subconscious tears or internal crying. In this way, the subconscious tries to bring out deeply suppressed feelings: most often grief and pity, disappointment and regret about unfulfilled plans and dreams.

Allergic rhinitis indicates complete absence emotional self-control. This usually happens after strong emotional shocks.

For example, one man developed an allergic runny nose after breaking up with his girlfriend. She didn’t wait for him to leave the army, and he regretted it very much.

After this incident, I was generally disappointed in women,” he admitted to me.

Another case. The woman began to experience nasal discharge some time after her husband's death.

“I still can’t believe it,” she said. - Why did this happen to him? I have a husband now, but I still regret the past.

Sometimes a runny nose is a kind of request for help. This is how children often declare their helplessness. They do not feel their strength and value.

Parents with their 9-year-old son came to see me.

My son has snot very often,” the father began to explain, “almost every month.” We, and he himself, are already exhausted.

From further conversation it turned out that the child’s father is a very tough man. In raising his son, he often used force and threats. And the mother felt sorry for her son, and sometimes she herself felt like a victim in relation to her husband.


This disease occurs in children and is characterized by the growth lymphoid tissue in the nasal cavity. This makes it difficult to breathe through the nose.

The main reason is constant friction and disputes in the family, frequent quarrels. Dissatisfaction with one thing or another, irritation. Parents cannot, or rather, do not want to come to an agreement on some general issues in family. This can be either a relationship with each other or a relationship with the child’s grandparents.

Subconsciously, the child develops the feeling that he is unwanted. This feeling is passed on from one of the parents. The child reacts very sensitively to uncertainty and disappointment in the life of his parents, lack of self-expression and recognition of his own worth. In the relationship between parents, the most important thing is missing - love. Over the course of several years, I have seen hundreds of children with this problem. And in all cases, there was a lack of love in the family.

“I doubt my wife’s love for me,” said a man who came to see me with his son. - She will never say a kind word to me or praise me. I'm already starting to get jealous.

In such cases, doctors only suggest surgery.

Although they clearly understand that surgery is not a cure.

the disease was still there and remained. And the glands then enlarge again. I have seen in practice that correct selection homeopathic remedies and changing the atmosphere in the family provide a quick and 100% cure.

As soon as love, peace and tranquility are established in the family, the child begins to breathe freely through his nose.

One of my patients, whose son had already had his adenoids removed, admitted:

I think I'm only in the house to clean, do laundry and cook. My husband and I don’t see each other much; he and I are at work all the time. All our time together is spent on quarrels and showdowns. I don't feel like a desirable woman.

Do you love your husband? - I ask her.

“I don’t know,” she answers somehow detachedly.

Another patient of mine, whose son has had adenoids for a long time, told me about her relationship with her husband.

When I married him, I didn’t have much love for him. I knew that he would be a wonderful family man, that he would be a wonderful father for children.
- So how is it? - I ask her. - Did he meet your expectations?

Yes, he is a wonderful man, husband and father. But I have no love for him. Do you understand? There is no feeling about which so much has been written and written. Although I understand that this should come first in life. But he is not the man I can love.
But I don’t want to destroy my family and look for another man.

And I don’t advise you to do this. You see, I say, the point here is not whether this is the right man or the wrong one. And it's all about you. In the reserve of love that you have in your soul. Start developing this feeling in yourself.
Change your attitude towards yourself, towards men and towards the world around you.

But my husband is what he was and will remain so.

Who knows. Remember, I told you that the external reflects the internal. Your husband, as a man, reflects you as a woman. That is, this is your reflection, only of a different gender. Not only does it not need to be changed, but it is also impossible. Start changing yourself, develop love for yourself, for the masculine principle of the Universe and for the world around you. And then your husband will definitely change. He will become exactly the only man in your life that you read about in novels.

Nose bleed

You remember that blood represents joy, and when you have the feeling that you are not loved and not recognized, then joy leaves your life. Nosebleeds are a unique way in which a person expresses the need for recognition and love.

One day my son started bleeding from his nose. I turned inward and asked: “What behavior of mine did my son react to with a nosebleed?” The answer from the subconscious came immediately: “You don’t give him enough love and attention!” It was true. At that time, I devoted a lot of energy and attention to work and solving personal problems and left little time to communicate with my son. I reconsidered my attitude towards my son, and the bleeding did not recur.

Today medicine is developing, but people get sick more often - isn’t that strange? Life modern man full of stress and information. People live differently from their ancestors. This leads to the appearance of ailments not associated with infections. The reason is much deeper!

Psychosomatics refers to alternative medicine and analyzes human health depending on the psychological state. No one denied the presence of bacteria and viruses, but doctors say that today there are more and more cases when a person gets sick while being physically healthy. These are diseases “from nerves”.

Speaking about psychosomatics, many will remember rhinitis. Some people get it often, while others don’t even know what they’re talking about. - a problem for many nervous patients. This is psychosomatics - a disease that has no basis in physiological basis, but is determined by the moral state of a person.

Many people consider psychosomatics a young science, but even the ancient Greeks thought about why many healthy people get sick, while others do not. Psychosomatic ideas received active development in the twentieth century, when the lifestyle of modern man changed, and with it, diseases appeared that seemed to have no reason.

Psychosomatics of the runny nose in adults

A runny nose and psychosomatics are very closely related, because it is through the nose that air passes into the lungs - a person interacts with environment through this body. Scientists also say that the nose is a reflection of a person’s dignity. When it is infringed, the person gets sick.

The psychosomatics of a runny nose in adults is explained constant stress and depression. If a person is regularly humiliated, scolded, criticized, or raised their voice at him, this is a direct path to rhinitis, which cannot be treated with conventional medications. The patient's self-esteem decreases and he is constantly in tension. His the immune system becomes weak, and rhinitis occurs due to stress. All the unspoken grievances that a person has accumulate in the nose.

Important! Often an adult thinks that he just has an allergy because... But if additional symptoms no (itching, sneezing, etc.), there is reason to talk about the psychosomatic nature of the disease. Before treatment, you need to visit a doctor and get a diagnosis.

Louise Hay is a famous psychologist and author of books that talk about treating diseases at the subconscious level. According to her idea, every person can be cured by understanding the cause of the disease, which lies within. She also says that snot and psychosomatics are interconnected by problems that a person keeps silent or does not even know about.

Usually this condition occurs after experiencing stress. And the most important thing is to remove the internal feeling of tension. Louise suggests repeating short phrases with positive meaning many times, which improve a person's morale.

Louise claims that a runny nose and other diseases of the nasopharynx are:

  • internal grievances that a person keeps within himself;
  • unwillingness to live (depression);
  • suppressed emotions and low self-esteem.

These ideas are also supported by Valery Sinelnikov. In the book “Love Your Sickness,” he points out that the nose is a reflection of a person’s dignity. A runny nose, according to Sinelnikov, in an adult means low self-esteem and the inability to live as one wants. The specialist notes that adult men are often susceptible to this problem. And you need to remove the reason, and not hide it, using psychological techniques. If the subconscious is freed from negativity, then it will pass.

Psychologist Liz Burbo says that the cause of nose problems is:

  • inability to enjoy life;
  • the presence of dangerous or unpleasant people nearby;
  • a difficult situation in which a person finds himself;
  • closed space.

It always seems like you just need to take a pill. This will not work with psychosomatics. Working with a psychologist can help faster than medication.

Psychologist Yulia Zotova explains chronic runny nose by the pity that a person feels for himself. "Everything is against me!" - such thoughts occupy him. And in real life he won't admit it to anyone. Even the question “How are you?” he may answer “Fine.” And it is true. Because he is already used to the fact that everything is bad for him. And for him this condition became permanent - normal.

With depression, all processes in the human body slow down. The patient sleeps more, eats less and does not react to what is happening in the world. Therefore, where it is emotional healthy man will continue to feel well, the depressed patient will become ill. His immune system is too weak to fight viruses.

Also, psychosomatics in depression have scientific explanation and are often not associated with bacteria. Under stress, the tone of the vascular walls is uneven. Because of this, swelling occurs and a feeling appears. The patient mistakes it for a cold.

Psychologists say that if at work a person is given tasks that he cannot complete, a defensive reaction is activated - he gets sick. And then the work can be transferred to colleagues. Often a runny nose occurs in responsible people who like to do everything perfectly. And they worry that with a large amount of work this is impossible.

Bad mood and anxiety, their connection with a runny nose

Experiences and stress cause physical and psychological blockage in a person. Responsible and decent people are susceptible to this condition. Their nervous system is too sensitive, and they react to any stress with illness.

When your nose runs, it means unshed tears and suppressed resentment. People often get sick with a runny nose due to imaginary problems that actually do not exist. And the solution lies in freeing yourself from doubts or getting rid of irritants.

Increased anxiety is a problem modern society. The abundance of information and responsibilities shakes the psyche, and a person becomes nervous about any reason. Then it becomes a habit. People begin to subconsciously look for reasons to worry, because the body is unusual in working without them. Being constantly in a state of tension, a person provokes diseases on a nervous background.

It is interesting that the psychosomatics of a runny nose in children differs from adults. The first reason is the confined space ( kindergarten, school). For many, this is stress, and the body reacts with a cold. Also, the child may not receive enough parental attention. Trying to correct the situation, he subconsciously manipulates his relatives, because during his illness they will definitely devote more time to him.

Psychosomatics of a runny nose in a child manifests itself during conflicts between parents. Children sense the mood in the family and subconsciously want to improve the relationship between mom and dad. When parents take care of their children's health, they forget to quarrel.

Also banal snot a son or daughter may talk about the conflict with friends. It is important to talk frankly with your child or go to a psychologist.

How to get rid of the problem?

Psychosomatic illnesses arise at the subconscious level. Therefore, it is difficult to fight them. Psychologists say that you need to change your attitude towards life:

  • it is easier to relate to minor problems;
  • do not depend on the opinions of other people who are not authorities;
  • immediately solve the problem if it poisons life;
  • try to rest more;
  • change conditions if they lead to illness (move, find another job, divorce your spouse, etc.).

You can't hide your emotions. But taking out anger on people is also wrong. Doctors recommend meditation, yoga, vigorous activity (running, dancing). It is also important to create an environment in the house in which a person can relax and get rid of negativity. Removing irritating factors is the main task.

A runny nose cannot be ignored, because it will become chronic and cause sinusitis or other disorders. It is important to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the disease. Rhinitis and psychosomatics are not always related. But frequent colds and runny noses should alert a person. Especially if he is depressed and under stress.

It's important not to ignore depression and anxiety loved one. Today it has been proven that these are diseases, and not inventions of lazy people so as not to work. Not only a runny nose can be psychosomatic. It can become a “springboard” for the onset of other dangerous diseases. For example, cancer has a similar nature - it also often appears in people who are dissatisfied with life.

If the doctor sees that the illness is psychosomatic in nature, he prescribes not only medications for the common cold, but also sedatives. A course of treatment will eliminate the problem and restore the joy of life.

The main thing is to establish psychological condition and see how the body reacts. Perhaps the cause of a stuffy nose was due to deep problems. And when they are gone, it will be possible to live without disease again!

Our body never deceives us. It can tell us about all our internal problems - our conflicts, suffering, experiences. This information manifests itself in the form of isolated ailments or serious illnesses. Ability mental state influencing physical health is called psychosomatics. Information about how psychosomatics manifests itself during a runny nose, cough, and sinusitis will make it possible to more effectively combat these diseases.

This has become a whole popular trend in medicine. Psychosomatic explanations have appeared for many diseases. What actually is the ratio of external causes of diseases and their psychological causes.

Modern medicine has long recognized that most diseases develop largely under the influence of psychosomatic factors. Experts say that the transformation of internal experiences and conflicts into physical ailments occurs in different ways. In some cases, emotions that had not previously received an outlet break through. Sometimes it's the opposite physical illness is defense mechanism. But problems with physical health are always a sign of problems in the mental sphere.

Naturally, it is much easier to take pills and fight the symptoms of the disease, but the main problem and cause of the disease is in the head and needs scrupulous analysis.

Experts in the field of psychosomatics have developed tables that are compiled on the basis of various observations and studies that allow us to judge the most probable reasons various ailments.

There are psychotherapeutic techniques that can improve a person’s well-being. True, since they cannot find the true roots of a person’s condition, hidden in the subconscious, they cannot provide lasting improvement.

Without knowing what processes are going on in the unconscious, a person cannot realize the fact that he has internal problems. He just doesn’t feel good, for some reason he’s sad, nothing makes him happy. A continuous state of stress affects physical health, manifesting itself in various symptoms. All this taken together is a message from the subconscious that something needs to be done to solve your internal problems. Otherwise, pathologies may even threaten human life.

Runny nose

Psychosomatics of the runny nose tries to explain the reasons for its appearance from a psychological point of view, believing that the disease is caused by problems in a person’s emotional state. Many psychologists advise not to rush into taking various pills for illness without understanding your internal state, your thoughts, moods, and attitude towards the world.

The works of famous adherents of this direction are devoted to the problems of psychosomatics medical science Louise Hay and Liz Burbo.

They give the following reasons for a runny nose:

  • a stuffy nose is a consequence of self-suppression, underestimation of one’s own value;
  • runny nose - appears as internal crying, storing grievances within oneself.

Valery Sinelnikov has a similar interpretation. A runny nose and other nasal discharge are internal crying or subconscious tears. Our inner “I” tries in this way to let out suppressed feelings: grief, pity, regret about plans and dreams that did not come true.
The cause of an allergic rhinitis indicates that a person lacks emotional self-control. Emotional shocks lead to exacerbations of the disease.

At times, a runny nose is a cry for help. In this way, young children often show their helplessness. They often do not feel their own worth and strength.

Thus, it is necessary to carry out internal work, sort out your grievances and problems so that the runny nose disappears. It turns out that with this approach, it will be possible to cope with two problems simultaneously.

It is generally accepted that the cause of a runny nose is hypothermia or allergens surrounding a person everywhere. Elderly people can criticize the environment, fashionable medicines that do not bring relief, and refer to the fact that young people in our time have become frail and weak. However, this is not always the case.

Especially if we are talking about a runny nose, which began a long time ago and cannot be treated with conventional medications, and has turned into sinusitis. People, weak point those with a nose problem should listen to another explanation for their health problems. A person's nose is a symbol of self-esteem and self-esteem, so it is very sensitive to emotional shocks and various insults. It’s not for nothing that they say about a proud person: “He turns up his nose.”
That's why psychosomatic cause runny nose can become:

  • wounded self-esteem;
  • low self-esteem;
  • anxiety;
  • too much high level requirements;
  • disappointment;

So that the runny nose is forgotten as bad dream, you need to create for yourself a concept of your own personality: recognize your own worth, love yourself, gain self-confidence and not give free rein to the grievances that cause the greatest harm to yourself.

It often happens that a person has conflicts with friends, loved ones, sometimes even with himself, without admitting it to himself. Then despair and shame accumulate in him, finding an outlet in the form of a runny nose. Resentment that has not found a way out accumulates in the sinuses and manifests itself in the form of nasal congestion and mucus.

Runny nose in children

Frequent runny nose in childhood can be explained by slightly different reasons. A frequent runny nose in a child may mean that he is experiencing a lack of warmth and parental care. After all, as soon as a child gets sick and has a runny nose, parents immediately begin to treat him, take care of him and feel sorry for him.

Another reason that we encounter very often is the continuous quarrels of parents among themselves, which can only be stopped by the illness of their child. Here the child, for the sake of the happiness and peace of mind of mom and dad and, of course, his own, sacrifices his health.

How to solve the problem

Chronic and frequent runny nose cannot be ignored. Dissatisfaction and resentment accumulating in the maxillary sinuses, sinking lower, can lead to other disorders.

Psychosomatics experts recommend that people who constantly suffer from a runny nose try to disconnect from internal irritating moments. You need to try to look at your life differently. Not taking your grievances to heart or making those grievances not worth considering.

It is also important to try to resolve all conflicts peacefully so that feelings of unspoken grievances and dissatisfaction torment you less.
If your loved ones have problems with the runny nose, you need to think about whether you have provided everything necessary so that your family members receive the care and attention they deserve.


Sinusitis also, from the point of view of psychologists, has a psychosomatic nature. The disease may manifest itself as a result of:

  • self-pity, which is constantly suppressed;
  • a feeling that circumstances are stacked against a person, and he is unable to cope with them.

Sinusitis may have psychosomatic causes or result from complications of psychosomatic manifestations of the runny nose.

When seemingly insoluble life problems appear, which theoretically could become an impetus that causes sinusitis, it is necessary to immediately re-analyze the event, changing negative attitudes to bright and positive ones. In other words, one should not look for injustice in every case or see events in black terms. No matter how unpleasant the event may seem, you need to try to change your attitude towards it, no matter how difficult it may be.

To heal psychosomatic diseases Nowadays, various methods of psychotherapy are used in combination with the prescription of tranquilizers and antidepressants to such patients. Sometimes a single consultation with an experienced psychoanalyst can cure sinusitis.

Valery Sinelnikov believes that sinusitis is caused by suppressed pity for oneself. The emergence of an internal feeling of isolation, the inability to independently cope with one’s loneliness, which for the most part is of a far-fetched nature.
A way to cure psychosomatic sinusitis. Move more often in society, preferring companies where people with common interests meet. Try to show up there with your friends. Then sinusitis will not be scary. When the pity goes away, the sinusitis will go along with it.

Yulia Zotova interprets psychosomatic sinusitis as suppressed self-pity. A long-term life situation “everything in the world is against me” and a complete inability to overcome it. Hidden and unnoticeable self-pity, which is chronic. To the question: “How are you?” They answer “ok”. After all, it has been bad for many years now and it has become normal and familiar.


When a person gets sick, he first of all strives to find physical reasons diseases. However, it has long been proven that the emotional state has no less importance on the body than external reasons. Having found what they are emotional reasons disease, it is easier to achieve recovery and prevent relapse of the disease.

One of the diseases that, according to research, is often psychosomatic in nature is cough.

A cough that plagues a patient with bronchitis, asthma and other diseases speaks of a person’s desire to loudly declare himself and attract everyone’s attention.

The phenomenon of sore throat and desire clearing your throat appears in situations when your internal opponent has a different opinion, which differs from the just expressed opinion of others, but does not dare to openly enter into controversy.

If a person begins to cough from time to time, this means that he is irritable and often tends to react painfully to the actions and words of others. This irritability is most often aimed at himself. His inner voice constantly looks for and finds reasons to blame himself for all problems.
Frequent coughing also appears as a defensive reaction to an activity that a person does not like and does not want to do. For such life situation In addition to coughing, the body may react with a fever or a desire to sleep.

How to treat psychosomatic cough

If psychosomatics is among the sources of frequent cough, it cannot be cured by taking pills, since in addition to physiology, the psyche is affected. During a coughing attack, you need to be aware of your thoughts and make a sober analysis of them. This will help you understand that most of what came into your head has nothing to do with reality.

The main attitude should be: I am much better than I sometimes seem to myself. If you master such an attitude and adopt it, you can not only defeat dangerous coughing attacks, but also change your position in life.

According to Valery Sinelnikov, the psychosomatic cause of a cough is often the desire to bark to the whole world and declare oneself: “Everyone look at me!” If this is the case, it is very important to learn to express the feelings overwhelming you with words, without trying to suppress your emotions. You need to boldly say whatever you think.
Sometimes a cough acts as a brake. If people’s behavior seems reprehensible to you, then a sudden cough makes it possible not to utter careless words and maintain good relations with these people.

Cough is designed to remove from the respiratory system foreign bodies and various sources of irritation. Reflex cough is of psychosomatic origin. In this case, the source of irritation is located outside the respiratory system.

A reflex cough begins when various emotional situations arise. It is often caused by stress, extreme anxiety, fear, and other similar situations.

Psychophysical side

Any reflex cough indicates some lack of self-confidence and communication problems. A cough shows that there are barriers to free contact with the outside world. A person tries to “cough up” them emotionally through a reflex cough.

If such a cough begins during moments of physical intimacy, it means there are sexual problems. When you start coughing during meetings and conversations with specific people, the cause may be an old quarrel.

When dealing with a reflex cough, you can ask your loved ones to pay attention whenever you start coughing out of fear, excitement or embarrassment. If you constantly strive to achieve inner harmony, it is difficult to cope with the disease.
