List of trusted manufacturers of essential oils. How I choose quality essential oils. How to test an essential oil for allergies

A selection of essential oils for Russian market quite large, the assortment is represented by many domestic and foreign manufacturers.

At the same time, aromatherapy lovers find it difficult to find a quality product due to the range of prices and lack of awareness... Is it possible to determine which brand's essential oils are of high quality? Quite if you learn a little more about the product.

We define quality

The production of essential oil is not regulated by law, there is even no clear definition of it. Under the guise of natural products, dishonest merchants can legally sell ordinary flavored oil, which is completely useless for health. There are several criteria for determining a quality product:

  1. The oil is produced from essential oil plants. These include umbelliferous, rosaceous, myrtle, labiate, coniferous and citrus fruits. Cucumber or, for example, watermelon oil cannot be essential.
  2. The cost of different oils from the same manufacturer varies. The most inexpensive because of the cheapness of raw materials and ease of production are conifers and citrus fruits. It takes a ton of flowers to be processed to make 50 ml of rose oil, which is why it is the most expensive.
  3. According to the international standard, oils are packaged in dark glass vials equipped with a dispenser with a volume of 6-15 ml. Elite products are available in containers from 1 ml.
  4. There are no marks on the label: “environmentally friendly”, “aroma oil”, “100% essential”. For domestic manufacturers, the quality indicator will be the inscription “100% natural essential oil”, for foreign manufacturers - “100% essential” or “pure and natural”. The botanical (Latin) name of the plant from which the oil is produced must be indicated.
  5. Price good product cannot be low. Cheap oil is either synthetic or made from low-quality raw materials, in violation of technology.

To determine which company has high-quality essential oils, you should carefully study the information about the company, its range, production features. Reviews on the Internet are often false, aimed at promoting a product or discrediting competitors.

Reliable data can be obtained on the official website of the company and thematic forums of aromatherapy lovers. Let's take a look at several popular manufacturers as an example.

An Austrian company with almost a century of history is directly involved in the production of oils. A serious international corporation has grown from a small family business. Production points are located all over the world - from Europe to Australia. Styx has been present on the Russian market since 1994 and operates through official distributors.

Essential oils firms "Styx" are of high quality, certified according to the international standard. They can be used for aromatherapy, cosmetology. According to some reviews, oils are imported to Russia that cannot be used in medical purposes, that is, for oral administration. Products suitable for such treatment can be purchased in foreign (European) online stores. The prices of Styx oils are not very affordable. This is an elite product of high quality with a corresponding value.

Russian company, more than 20 years on the market. It is engaged in the production of aromatherapy, perfumery and cosmetic products. All raw materials, including ready-made oils, is ordered from trusted foreign suppliers, production is carried out in our own laboratory.

In addition to producing its own products, Iris offers a number of unique services: aromatherapy diagnostics, aromatherapy peeling, professional aromatherapy services. We have our own clinic The company provides aromatherapy training on paid basis... All of the above facts characterize Iris as a serious organization with a responsible approach to business.

Iris essential oils have Russian and European certificates. The products are positioned as absolutely natural and safe even for medical use. According to many buyers, the price of oils is too high for a Russian manufacturer. Meanwhile, "Iris" keeps the quality bar high, professionally organizes the accompanying service (consultations and training), so the cost of the products is fully justified.

A relatively young company, established in 2001. It produces cosmetic and perfumery products, raw materials are purchased abroad. The company is quite respectable, at the All-Russian exhibition in 2014, Botaniki massage oil won first place in its category. Aromatherapy products are more complicated.

The first thing that attracts buyers of Botanica essential oils is the price. It is, on average, 10 times lower than that of competitors. A natural product as difficult to manufacture as real essential oil cannot be so cheap.

The label contains the botanical name of the ether-bearing plant, there is an inscription “Essential oil” and is separately designated “100%”. The information speaks in favor of the natural origin of the raw materials. At the same time, the inscriptions indicate that the contents of the vial are not real essential oil produced by traditional method extraction.

Oils of the "Botanica" company, most likely, are produced synthetically from low quality raw materials. They can be used for air deodorization, for wet cleaning, in home experiments with perfumery. For aromatherapy or enrichment of cosmetics, this product is practically useless. The manufacturer indicates that the oil is not intended to be taken orally.


To find a reliable manufacturer of essential oils, you need to carefully study all the available information: the company's website, the assortment presented, product reviews.

A serious hobby for aromatherapy or natural cosmetics is quite an expensive pleasure. One cannot save on the quality of essential oil without risk to beauty and health.

Essential oils market situation

Since no state structure, which properly monitors the quality of essential oils - the market is overflowing with synthetics, despite the proudly screaming “100% essential oil” labels.

What ethnic shops offer are chemical flavors. Stores with goods for baths and saunas also offer chemistry in most cases. Even in pharmacies 99% of essential oils are of extremely low quality, or just synthetics.

And there is no one to blame, the overwhelming majority of sellers have no idea that they are selling chemistry under the guise of natural.

Therefore, in order to use aromatherapy with benefit and without harm to the body, be guided by the quality criteria suggested below.

The quality of essential oils

Since the market for essential oils is filled with counterfeits, it is very important to emphasize the issue of quality.

Immediately I want to disappoint you a little - in order to accurately determine a high-quality essential oil, you need to see a chromatogram with a decoding and a specialist's conclusion.

In a nutshell, chromatography is hardware method, which allows you to determine the percentage of chemical composition of the product.

However, some reputable firms cannot produce such a document for various reasons.

Therefore, for beginners The best way definitions of quality - this is the recommendation of a specialist, and preferably several.

With experience, the sense of smell can develop and it will be easier to recognize a 100% fake. But even experienced aromatherapists do not rely only on their sense of smell and study the reputation of the company, suppliers of raw materials and chromatograms of essential oils.

There are a few more criteria that are very relative, but can help in choosing an essential oil.

1. For most essential oils, the standard volume is 5-10 ml (in some companies, options are 6 and 15 ml, as well as fractions of an ounce - 1/4, 1/2, etc.), for expensive ones (rose, jasmine) it can be 1 -2 ml.

2. The bottle is made of dark glass, most often brown, but you can also find a bottle of other colors - blue, green, etc. If the oil is in a plastic bottle, or in clear glass, then this is a reason to doubt its quality.

3. The bottle is equipped with a dropper or pipette (except for small volumes of 1-2 ml).

4. Stopper with a ring of the first opening, or with protection against simple opening - like drugs.

5. On the label - the name of the plant in Latin (consisting of two words - a specific and generic name, for example Citrus sinensis) and in the language of the trademark.

6. The label shows the manufacturer and his address.
Otherwise, there will be no one to make claims to the quality of the products.

7. There is a common myth that if you drop a natural essential oil on paper, it will completely evaporate after a short period of time. It is not true. The fact that the oil has completely evaporated from the sheet of paper does not mean its quality. Sometimes synthetic oils will evaporate from paper much faster than natural oils. Consider if your myrrh or patchouli oil has evaporated without a trace from the sheet of paper, or if your blue chamomile oil does not leave a blue trail.
A drop of oil on paper can give a rough indication of whether the oil is diluted with a greasy solvent or not. An hour after you drop the essential oil, there should be no clearly greasy stain. But keep in mind that some oils will not completely evaporate - frankincense, myrrh, and some will color the paper - patchouli, chamomile, yarrow.

8. It is not possible to obtain essential oil from every plant. Therefore, the essential oils of banana, strawberry, strawberry, kiwi, melon, mango do not exist. These are synthetic flavors.

9. Price can also serve as a guideline in determining the quality of an essential oil.

The price is mainly determined by the percentage of essential oil in the plant material. The higher this percentage, the lower the cost.

For instance,
in eucalyptus it is 3% (from 100 kg of leaves, up to 3 kg of essential oil are obtained);
juniper 0.5% (from 100 kg of berries get 0.5 kg of oil);
0.05% for neroli (50 g of oil is obtained from 100 kg of orange flowers);
a rose has 0.03% (30 ml of oil is obtained from 100 kg of petals)

About the benefits in medicinal and cosmetic purposes has been known for a very long time. They are no less popular for regulation emotional state... However, all these properties are inherent primarily in natural essential oils, not theirs. How to distinguish natural from artificial products?

How to distinguish natural from synthetic essential oils?

When choosing an oil, you must first take into account the purpose of its use. In general, any type of oil is suitable for use in aroma lamps, however, in cosmetic and medicinal purposes, when performing a massage, it is extremely important that the product is truly natural - otherwise, there is a high risk of allergic reactions and other side effects... At best, synthetic products simply will not bring the desired effect.

What is the difference between natural, identical natural and synthetic oils?

  • Natural essential oils. In their production, only natural plants are used, grown in an ecologically clean area. When buying such an oil, you can be sure that all the necessary technologies and degrees of purification of the finished product were strictly observed in the production.
    There are also cheaper natural oils - their low price is due to insufficient quality raw materials or disruption of production processes. Their use for various purposes is absolutely not dangerous to health, but also positive effect you should not expect from them.
  • Oils identical to natural. Such products are made in laboratories, artificially recreating the composition corresponding to the original. Like cheap natural oils, they do no harm or tangible benefit.
  • Synthetic essential oils. The process of obtaining them in most cases is very simple: for the production of such oils, a mixture of a solvent and a fragrance is used. The overwhelming amount of fragrances and perfume oils belongs to this category. Their main purpose is to add aroma or decorative candles. Often, synthetic oils are sold under the guise of natural oils due to the incompetence of the seller, so you should be vigilant: inscriptions "Parfume oil", "fragrance oil" they just say that it is just aromatic - or synthetic - oil.

Signs of a quality product

How to determine whether the proposed product is really natural? First of all, you should pay attention to the following indicators:

Cost and weight

A natural product simply cannot be cheap due to the expensive production process. And the point here is not so much in the complexity of the process - most of them are obtained by steam distillation - but in the ratio of the required raw material and the resulting product. For the production of several milliliters of natural oil, kilograms of flowers of ether-bearing plants are required - in most cases, it is the cost of raw materials that determines the price of the finished product.

In addition, it is very rare for such oils to be bottled in bottles larger than 15 ml by generally accepted standards. Especially expensive varieties are often sold in 1 ml bottles.

Natural essential oils prices vary greatly depending on which group they belong to. The most budgetary ones are representatives of the citrus (orange, lemon, grapefruit) and woody (spruce, fir, eucalyptus, etc.) groups. The price for 1 ml of the product is about $ 5-15.

The next group in cost is oils obtained from herbs and flowers: these include lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, etc. The price for 1 ml is $ 10-50.

The most expensive oils are obtained from rare or initially expensive plants: rose, tuberose, jasmine, neroli, etc. The price for 1 ml of such oil can range from $ 20 to $ 100, depending on the raw material. One of the most expensive is considered to be lotus oil - a plant listed in the Red Book. Having seen such a product on the counter, you should not rush to purchase it - because of its high price, it does not go on free sale.

Registration of packaging and containers

Everything natural essential oils are very sensitive to sunlight ... Under its influence, they lose most of their useful properties, and some of them, as a result chemical reactions, even begin to highlight harmful substances... That is why natural oils are poured into bottles of dark - most often brown - glass.

Most certified natural product manufacturers also supply the bottle cap with a first opening ring (similar to medicines) and child protection system.

Since the concentration of acting nutrients in a natural product is quite high, then in order to achieve the desired effect, a small amount of it is required - that is why vials with products natural origin equipped with a dropper dispenser.

On the label of a bottle with natural oil, the manufacturer's data, production date and batch number must be indicated. But the main thing that you need to pay attention to is the presence on the label Latin name the plant from which the oil is made and its country of origin. Many expensive oils are often diluted with more budgetary fatty carrier oils - in this case, the percentage of the product must be indicated on the label.


On the packaging with natural essential oil, nothing can be written except "100% natural essential oil" or "100% essential oil". All other variations in which at least one of the words is missing, and even more so containing the words "aromatic", "perfumery" - indicate synthetic products.

ATTENTION! In case of the slightest doubt when buying an essential oil, you can ask the seller for a certificate for the product. All real oils must be certified according to one of the international standards - GMP or ISO. If this is not indicated in the text of the certificate, the product is almost certainly not natural. The presence of the “reconstituted” characteristic in the certificate indicates that the contents of the bottle are of synthetic origin.


Find out exactly the composition of the oil and the percentage of various substances in it possible only in the laboratory using chromatographic analysis. Although the accuracy of the tests is highly dependent on the instrument used and may vary from laboratory to laboratory, this analysis can accurately show if the oil contains foreign substances that are not inherent in its standard composition.

The only problem this method lies in its low availability to ordinary consumers and a relatively high cost.

IMPORTANT! You can try to conduct a small experiment without the help of laboratory equipment. Natural essential oils are very volatile, which means that their aroma changes over time, revealing new notes. Dropping a few drops of natural oil on a sheet of paper or cloth with an interval of 10-15 minutes, you will notice that each of them will have its own aroma. In the case of synthetic oil, such an effect cannot be achieved - the smell will only subside over time, while remaining unchanged.

Rating of 100% natural essential oils

Pharmacopoeial quality- The concept of pharmacopoeial quality determines how much a particular product complies with the approved norms and standards.

Today, according to this indicator, oils from such manufacturers as:

  • Primavera Life (Germany);
  • 5 (100%) 2

Natural essential oils have very small and active molecules that allow them to easily penetrate the skin. Thanks to this property, a therapeutic (curative) effect is achieved. But this "plus" can easily turn into a "minus" if low-quality essential oil is used in aromatherapy. The molecule of essential oil, easily penetrating through the skin, freely enters the bloodstream, and then, after a while, into the internal organs.

In order to get the most out of aromatherapy, you need to buy quality natural essential oils!

Which essential oil is considered good quality?

For terminological accuracy, we define the categories of essential oils.

Natural essential oils are natural fragrances extracted from essential plants.

Synthetic essential oils, "identical to natural" - artificially produced on the basis of synthetic aromatic substances, identical to natural ones in qualitative and quantitative chemical composition... Synthetic oils have no physiological activity, and therefore cannot be used as medicines.

Artificial essential oils are compositions that are created to mimic the smell, but not the composition. They may contain some natural oil in combination with synthetic fragrances, as well as various impurities. organic matter and solvents.

In fact, synthetic oils are not completely identical to natural oils in terms of smell. The uniqueness of the smell, the subtlety of the bouquet of natural essential oil has not been artificially reproduced.

The use of synthetic and artificial essential oils is advisable and justified in perfumery to create original perfume compositions. But at the same time, it is completely unacceptable in aromatherapy, since they do not have the properties that are inherent in natural oils, and can be harmful due to the presence of components that are toxic to the body.

So how do you recognize a natural essential oil?

A good oil has a clean scent: eucalyptus smells like eucalyptus, and tangerine smells like tangerine. At the same time, the smell is not pungent. Natural oils have a quiet, even, voluminous aroma, in which all components are balanced and none of them "sticks out". The main characteristics of the scent are strength, refinement, durability. It is worth watching for a change in smell for a while. If the oil is natural, then you will feel that the nature of the scent changes, and new shades appear in it. If you only feel a change in the intensity of the smell, or you feel something greasy or sour, then this is nothing more than a synthetic analogue. It should be noted, though, that odor is a highly subjective criterion for determining the quality of an oil.

Natural essential oil is homogeneous, transparent, without any inclusions. There should be no suspensions and turbidity.

When a drop of oil has evaporated, a pale discoloration may be observed on the surface if the oil has a distinct color, such as orange. But there should be no fat! The oils on the bottom note will evaporate for a long time (up to several hours), and during this time there will be a greasy trail with the correct, voluminous aroma. If, after the complete evaporation of the drop, there is still a greasy trace, then you have either a cocktail of essential oil and vegetable oil, or poorly refined essential oil, which contains resins, and in high concentration.

  1. We carefully study the bottle
    • By international standards essential oils should be packed in dark glass bottles (50% darkening) with a volume of 5-10 ml, equipped with a dispenser and a tight-fitting lid.
    • The refined oils that can be used for cosmetic, medical and culinary purposes on the label states: "100% natural essential oil"(on oils for aromatization of premises - "for domestic use"), commercial name oil, the botanical name of the plant from which it is obtained, the name of the country of origin and the method of obtaining the oil.
    • If the oil is diluted (for example, jasmine oil is often diluted due to the strength of the aroma and the high cost of production), an indication of the carrier oil is required with the designation of the percentage of fat and essential components.
    • Important! A synthetic essential oil can be labeled as "100% essential oil", "100% pure", "100% essential oil", but not natural! Natural essential oils are accompanied quality certificate country of origin.
  2. Open the lid and sniff
  3. We look at appearance the oil itself
  4. Put a drop of oil on paper and wait

There is another test for authenticity:

If you try to inject a substandard essential oil into your cosmetics, the end product will behave inappropriately. The cream will exfoliate (and will become liquid during storage), the shower gel will become cloudy and will not foam well.

Essential oil qualityimportant element aromatherapy. Low-quality essential oil is made from low-quality raw materials, is not properly processed, can be diluted with other oils or even chemical additives. As a result, they will not have the same therapeutic effect like pure quality essential oils, it is more likely that the desired effect will not be at all. And in some cases, you can get harm - burns, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, allergic reactions etc.

Updated: 12.09.2018 11:07:42

Expert: Layla Weiss

Essential oils were used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, evaluating their beneficial properties, which helped to preserve not only beauty, but also health. In those distant times, only pharaohs and their wives, priests, people of wealthy estates could afford them, since the cost was beyond the reach of the ordinary population. The modern cosmetic industry also cannot do without this valuable ingredient.

High concentration nutrients rejuvenates skin covering, helps other components to penetrate deeper into the dermis, enhances their effect. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of the oils help fight acne and other inflammatory processes, contribute to the healing of wounds, microcracks, smoothing of scars and scars. Aromatherapy relaxes, relieves fatigue, stress, tension, relieves insomnia. Applying them during massage, the effect of the procedure is significantly enhanced: blood microcirculation improves, metabolic processes are enhanced. Also, oils are indispensable in the treatment of colds.

Their secret is simple: they contain a large number of organic acids, sulfides, oxides, esters, phenols, aldehydes, hydrocarbons. Essential oils are obtained from plants by evaporation or pressing. The quality of the finished product depends on many factors. The production process is quite laborious, since each plant requires specific collection rules. Some can be collected all year round, others - only once a season, and then only at night. Less expensive oils are obtained not only from flowers, but also stems and leaves. Others will need great amount raw materials, for example, petals, which directly affects the pricing policy.

In order not to be mistaken in the quality of the product and to purchase a really worthwhile product, Expertology experts have compiled a rating of the best manufacturers of essential oils that guarantee quality and safety, and this has been confirmed by numerous studies and reviews of real buyers.

Rating of the best essential oils

Nomination place Name of product rating
Best Budget Essential Oil Makers 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7
The best manufacturers of essential oils: price-quality 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7
The best manufacturers of essential oils: premium segment 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.8
4 4.7

Best Budget Essential Oil Makers

Many users believe that essential oils are a rather expensive product, and the budget price of the product is suspicious. But don't worry. Manufacturers have long been focused on the release of funds for the mass buyer and are trying to maintain a competent pricing policy. Large companies can afford to reduce the cost due to high turnover, collecting raw materials on their own plantations or locating production in our country, which reduces delivery costs finished products... Below we present 3 the best manufacturers essential oils that will delight you with quality and affordable prices.

The Russian brand, founded in 2001, produces effective cosmetics based on natural ingredients. These are essential and fatty oils, ready for massage or intended to be mixed at home, weight loss preparations, shampoos, balms, shower gels, medicinal products beekeeping, flavorings, care cosmetics for eyelashes and eyebrows.

100% natural, environmental friendly and reasonable prices for all segments of the population - the main advantages of Elfarma products. Companies from Europe and Great Britain became the suppliers of raw materials. Everything, from delivery to the production of finished products, is aimed at preserving the beneficial properties of organic components.

The main philosophy of the company is to limit the use of chemical ingredients in cosmetology. Studying the beneficial properties of herbal ingredients, the brand produces all new products that are absolutely safe, comfortable to use, and meet international environmental standards.

Spivak essential oils

The second place in this category of the rating goes to another domestic brand, which began its activity with the manufacture of natural handmade soap. Today, the range of products is striking in its diversity: masks and creams for face and body, hydrophilic oils for removing makeup, shampoos, foams, mousses and jams for washing, massage tiles, means for strengthening and growing eyebrows and eyelashes, bath salts, waxes for nails , scrubs.

All products are created from natural, environmentally friendly ingredients without the addition of dyes, preservatives, and fragrances. The products are not tested on animals. Of particular note is the wide range of essential oils, some of which are exotic.

Plants used for their production: juniper, basil, peppermint and curly mint, pine, spruce, cedar, geranium, tangerine, lime, orange, anise, coriander, cinnamon, ylang-ylang. Frankincense and elemi oils are also presented, extracted from the resin of tropical trees.

The Russian company represents the largest assortment of essential and fatty oils on the domestic market. All formulations are created on the basis of organic natural ingredients, the products are not tested on animals, are suitable for use by vegans, and comply with international quality standards.

Buyers are offered natural shampoos, balms, masks for face, body and hair, shower products, scrubs, lotions, massage oils, soaps, fragrances, serums, tonics. Essential oils are presented in compositions and one-component formulations. The packaging and bottles are designed in Provence style. Sets will become the best gift for any holiday, and their price is available to all buyers.

Botavikos is a member of the International Federation of Essential Oils and shares experiences with others renowned manufacturers... Discovering new healing properties herbs and flowers, the company has firmly strengthened its position not only in our country, but throughout the world.

The best manufacturers of essential oils: price-quality

Further in the rating, we have collected the best brands that have become leaders in the price-quality category. Many companies are family businesses and produce products in small batches, and all of them are handmade, so the cost will be higher than the budget. Customers often choose just such brands, not trusting cheap goods and not wanting to spend money on luxury products. We will introduce you to 3 brands that, according to experts and users, deserve to be the best.

Half a century ago, a family business was created in America, the founder of which did not suspect such a resounding success and popularity in the future. The company's philosophy is that all goods should be available not only to the rich, but to all people, regardless of status. Today Now Foods is the epitome of healthy way life and produces more than 3500 units of products.

In assortment sports nutrition, Dietary supplements, vitamin preparations, care cosmetics. Essential oils are derived from organic plants: juniper, cinnamon, orange, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, lime, tangerine, rose, grapefruit, avocado and many other herbs, flowers and fruits.

All manufactured goods are certified, meet international quality standards, have passed laboratory research and numerous tests. The American manufacturer guarantees environmental safety and maximum efficiency from the use of its funds.

Next, we include in the rating a Russian brand that produces natural cosmetics and eco-friendly detergents for home. The family-owned manufactory creates products in small batches and only by hand, using safe natural ingredients and unique recipes that help maintain health for years to come.

By adhering to basic rules that have not changed over the years, the brand can be proud of its achievements in the field of cosmetology. All raw materials are purchased from trusted suppliers, which guarantee their environmental friendliness. Old production technologies allow to preserve the beneficial properties of plant components to the maximum. Formulas are developed by joint efforts of domestic and foreign experts.

Essential oils are made from both common and rare or expensive ingredients. These are damask rose, myrrh, blue chamomile, jasmine, hyssop, juniper berries, immortelle, cistus, sandalwood, neroli, vanilla, tropical tree resin.

The domestic company adheres to the principle that all the best does not mean expensive, and proves this by producing high-quality, safe, organic products available to the mass buyer. The brand produces cosmetics for hair, body, face care, bath and shower accessories, and household cleaning products.

Natural oils are presented in base unrefined, essential, organic and premium. Consumers can purchase mono-compositions with lavender, orange, spruce, eucalyptus, rosemary, lemon, green coffee, cranberries, black cumin, coconut, flax and sesame seeds and other equally useful components.

Raw materials are collected in ecological regions of the world, many flowers and herbs are grown on bio-farms. Cooperation with renowned suppliers guarantees high quality and absolute safety for human health and environment, and their price will become an undoubted bonus upon purchase.

The best manufacturers of essential oils: premium segment

The last category of the rating will delight lovers of premium products. Their high price consists of several factors. Firstly, the production uses 100% natural, carefully selected and tested raw materials. Secondly, they are created using unique technologies that preserve the properties of plant components. Thirdly, quality control of the finished product guarantees safety and at the same time maximum efficiency in use. Such means are used in medical and rehabilitation centers, beauty salons.

The Russian consumer has been enjoying the high-quality, natural products of the company from Jordan for more than 10 years. Its assortment includes body and hair care products, organic make-up, essential and aroma oils... Allep soap, hand-made according to ancient Arabic recipes, is especially famous.

Sulfates, parabens and other chemical components are absolutely excluded from the formulations, the products are not tested on animals. All raw materials meet international quality standards and are collected in Jordan, Morocco, India and European countries... The formulations of the products include plant extracts, natural ingredients, bee products.

Essential oils are packaged in bottles decorated in oriental traditions. They will decorate a room or please friends as a gift. Popular formulations represented by the brand: anise, basil, jasmine, bigardia, marigolds, cypress, ylang-ylang, myrrh, petitgrain.

Established in 1990, the French company is confidently included in the list of the best brands producing BIO cosmetics, and at the same time does not forget its main principle: to respect the interests of people and nature. That is why it takes its rightful place in our rating. Today it produces more than 13 tons of oils per year and 600 names of hygiene products, hair and body care products, cosmetics and perfumes.

The company has completely abandoned the use of chemical ingredients. The formulations contain 100% natural ingredients, 95% of which are ECO-labeled. Raw materials are grown on bioplantations in Provence or imported from 40 countries located in different parts of the world.

Essential essences are obtained by cold pressing or distillation. The assortment includes oils from rare plants Tibet, Sri Lanka, Indonesia. Environmental friendliness, international quality certificates, unique recipes are the main advantages of Florame.

For almost 40 years, the Italian brand has been researching new, high-quality formulations and producing organic products to the delight of lovers of natural products. All products are certified, do not contain synthetic ingredients, are hypoallergenic, not tested on animals, and are suitable for use by vegetarians and vegans. Cosmetics are made on the basis of green clay, the healing properties of which were discovered in antiquity.

Essential oils are made from clove, patchouli, mint, eucalyptus, sandalwood, fennel, thyme, rosemary, juniper, and other plants. The most popular is the "golden" series, in which the essence is extracted in a special way. GOLD technology helps to reveal new plant smells, to maximize their properties, to give oils a more delicate and rich aroma.

Today Argital offers a full range of cosmetic products: body, face, hair care, lines for children and oral hygiene, hypoallergenic and remedies, base, essential oils, compositions from them.

Our rating is completed by the Aromatherapy Center "Iris", which was founded in 1994 and today has become one of the most popular brands natural cosmetics not only in our country, but also in Europe. He is engaged in research work, collaborates with renowned scientists and companies, was awarded diplomas, was awarded a gold medal for his contribution to the development of aromatherapy in the world.

All essential oils were made according to the method of Professor O. A. Irisova, have patented formulas and contain a unique complex of natural polyterpenes. Created according to the author's technology, many of them are included in the collection series, the release of which is limited. The raw materials for the products correspond to the BIO indicator, they are transported from the cleanest corners of the planet, they are shipped from 50 countries of the world. Gentle production technology allows you to maintain a maximum of useful properties, which affects the effectiveness of the funds.

The company offers complete list goods for health and relaxation: basic, essential, massage oils, aromatherapy accessories, as well as a training manual: books, science articles, video materials.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
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