Energy diet: description of weight loss techniques. Energy diet from Henri Chenot: basic rules Where to buy Energy Diet

Even those who are far from nutritionists know Dr. Henri Chenot. In this area, he is practically a god, and the biontology he created is finding more and more adherents. Who hasn't come to improve their health and part with extra pounds to his clinic in Merano!

Henri Chenault

IN health center Chenault was visited by all members of the Fendi clan, the Princess of Monaco, the Emir of Qatar, Luciano Pavarotti and an impressive part of the Russian business elite. Among Henri's clients are Silvio Berlusconi, the wife of former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov Elena Baturina and Mikheil Saakashvili.

What is the essence of the French method? First of all, its main goal is not weight loss, but getting rid of waste and toxins. Henri Chenot's technique medical center Palace Merano in Italy includes several main components: an individual diet, herbal drinks that remove toxins, and drainage procedures.

The cult doctor’s technique can be called a symbiosis of Europe and China, because it intricately intertwines the most advanced European developments in the field of studying the vital functions of the body and ancient teachings Chinese medicine about energy channels in the human body.

Energy diet, developed by Henri Chenot, belongs to the category fast diets and is based on operating principles human body. It is based on maintaining the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as avoiding high-calorie foods, due to which weight loss occurs.

Of course, not everyone can afford to visit the clinic of a famous nutritionist, because the cost of a week's stay is about 3,000 euros. However, his methods can be followed at home, and many of his tips for improving health and weight correction are simple and easy to implement.

Energy diet from Henri Chenot: basic rules

According to Henri Chenot, the aging process is directly related to the amount of slagging in the body. The toxins that we accumulate over many years appear as a result of unbalanced diet, influence of factors environment and lifestyle, which leads to energy and functional imbalance.

Therefore, the process of restoring health must begin with cleansing the body. Dr. Chenault formulated detox rules, which will help prepare the body for the upcoming cleansing, cleanse itself of toxins, and also smoothly and painlessly exit the detox program.

10 rules of detox from Henri Chenot

  1. Increase your sleep time
    Sleep is the time when the brain recovers. Melatonin production begins after 8 pm, so it is useful to go to bed on time. After all, when carrying out a detox program, additional rest is simply necessary.
  2. Take care of your digestion
    Before going to bed, following the advice of Henri Chenot, you need to drink a glass hot water. The French nutritionist under no circumstances recommends using laxatives during detox. If the need nevertheless arises to regulate intestinal activity, then instead of a laxative it is better to use this remedy: take fresh flax-seed, bran, black molasses and oats (two tablespoons each), some raisins, figs and a glass of distilled water. Mix everything thoroughly and eat.
  3. Balance your diet
    In order for your body to cope with any infections and easily absorb calcium and magnesium, it is necessary that you receive sufficient amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin C and probiotics every day.
  4. Create the right detox menu
    According to Henri Chenot, detox lasts 3 days. On each of these days, your menu should contain grains and vegetables containing fiber, as well as onions and garlic. Every morning you need to drink a glass of lemon juice on an empty stomach. warm water. To feel better, you can drink water fresh air. When you go to bed, do not forget to repeat this ritual.

    May the simplicity of the world bring you true pleasure. Don't forget to relax and take some rest throughout the day. 30-40 minutes after or during detox will be enough.

  5. Get ready for detox
    Wake up, smile at the sun and the new day and let them into your home. Open the curtains on the windows, stretch properly, warm up, and only after that go to the kitchen. Remember: the basis of the success of detox is good mood. It is important to cleanse not only your body, but also your mind, and for a successful cleanse you need to make a number of specific commitments. Go for it!
  6. Enjoy your spa treatments
    If you have the opportunity to take a day off, take it and indulge in spa treatments for detox and relaxation. This way you can get tremendous pleasure from the process. In the morning, before starting the detox program, mix sesame oil with a scrub from sea ​​salt, cleanse your body with this mixture. And then wash it off, preferably with soap and olive oil.
  7. Drink a detox cocktail
    In the book “Detox”, Henri Chenot emphasizes that the correct implementation of a detox program is impossible without a special cleansing cocktail. Mix carrot and beet juice(300 and 100 ml, respectively). Add cabbage puree - cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage or broccoli (60 ml), chopped barley sprouts (3 teaspoons) and four cloves of garlic. The prepared mixture can be kept in the refrigerator and drunk every two to three hours, 200–300 grams for three days.
  8. Continue on the right course
    After going through difficulties and trials, gradually return to your usual diet. Follow these principles every day: drink as much as you can more water, spend more time relaxing and recovering, limit the consumption of alcoholic and carbonated drinks, eat in large quantities fresh vegetables, reduce in your diet fatty foods and sugar-containing products.
  9. Create a detox schedule
    A three-day detox program is carried out no more than once a month. Having returned to the usual rhythm of life, you will definitely experience a surge of strength, inspiration and a desire to follow in a healthy way nutrition.
  10. Don't overdo it
    The key word when carrying out a detox, notes Henri Chenot, is “moderation.” By following the principle of “everything in moderation”, you will have a positive three-day experience during the cleanse, which will naturally lead you to healthy image life for many years.

How to lose excess weight in just 2-3 weeks? Experts have developed a special energy diet, thanks to which you can easily get rid of 5-6 kg without debilitating fasting.

The energy diet includes the following:

1. The daily diet should consist of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

2. Follow the rules of fractional meals, that is, eat every 3-4 hours. This way, you will stabilize your blood sugar levels, stop feeling hungry, and avoid a decrease in energy, drowsiness and lethargy.

3. Drink as much water as possible - at least 2 liters every day. Dehydration causes exhaustion of the body.

4. Fruits and vegetables are sources of essential vitamins and minerals.

5. Avoid fatty and fried foods as they cause lethargy.

6. Take additional vitamin complexes in the form of medications.

7. Eat foods made from seeds or whole grains as often as possible.

8. Eliminate sugar, replace it with dark chocolate and honey.

9. Avoid following products: chips, White bread, sauces and gravies, alcohol, sugar added to tea or coffee, carbonated drinks and crackers.

Energy diet menu:

Choose one breakfast option, 2 snacks, lunch and dinner.


Mixture fresh berries, low-fat yogurt, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
Cup grapefruit juice, an omelet of two eggs with low-fat cheese, fresh vegetables, lean boiled meat, one piece of bread made from cereals and grains.
Cup tomato juice, oatmeal, rice or buckwheat with milk and banana.


A piece of boiled lean meat with vegetable salad, a glass of milk with low level fat content, several tangerines.
A glass of skim milk or grapefruit juice, a piece of cereal bread with cheese spread with low content fat, vegetable puree soup.
A piece of bread, 200 g of fresh tomatoes, a piece of boiled chicken breast, a large orange, a glass of milk.


Skim milk or freshly squeezed juice, 200 g of vegetable salad, 200 g of boiled spinach, several fresh fruits.
Halibut fillet with baked potatoes, freshly squeezed juice, 200 g of stewed broccoli, low-fat yogurt if desired.
Stewed chicken breast with rice and vegetables, a few fresh fruits, a glass of skim milk or fresh juice, 200 g vegetable salad.


  • 50 g nuts
  • 100 g dried fruits
  • apple or banana
  • muesli with low-fat milk
  • orange slices, low fat cheese
  • a piece of grain bread and a boiled egg
  • 200 g low-fat yoghurt

A nutrition theory called “Energy Diet” was developed by French nutritionists, who claim that thanks to traditional methods losing weight, the body does not receive the required normal life vitamins and microelements in the right quantities.

Among other things, classic diets can debilitate the body.

As an alternative, a specially developed Energy diet appeared., balanced in all directions the best specialists in the field of dietetics.

So what kind of concept of proper nutrition is used in this complex? What results should I expect, and should I worry about the side effects of the diet?

"Energy Diet" is an intentional creation this system correct and healthy eating.

The basis includes food cocktails, which help you lose unnecessary pounds without much difficulty.

The complex is intended not only for people involved in sports, but also for those who lead a less active lifestyle.

Mixtures balanced according to daily needs in vitamins, macro- and microelements, they gently cleanse the body of toxins, saturating it sufficiently with everything necessary.

It is important to know! The process of losing weight is quite difficult biological process, which includes not only getting rid of extra pounds.

Often the side effects of an incorrect approach to weight loss are problems such as:

  • dull, lifeless hair;
  • sagging skin;
  • the appearance of many wrinkles and folds;
  • state of chronic fatigue.

Thus, the body signals a lack of necessary substances.

To avoid such undesirable effects when losing weight, it is important to know how to take Energy Diet correctly in order to achieve the desired result.

The complex is intended for people of completely different categories:

  • for those leading both an active and passive lifestyle;
  • for young and old;
  • for women and men.

With the right reasonable approach To the problem of weight loss, the body slowly gets rid of everything unnecessary.

The important fact is that the epidermis has time to react to changes occurring in the body, gradually shrinking. This way it is possible to avoid the appearance of skin folds and wrinkles.

Product lines for weight loss

All weight loss products are divided into 2 groups - cocktails and ready-made mixtures for a healthy diet with different flavors:

  • soup sets (5 varieties);
  • omelette;
  • bread products with pasta;
  • Dessert;
  • oatmeal porridge;
  • a complex of enzymes to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

You can choose products depending on your personal preferences or mood. The important thing is that any product is filled with exactly the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that a person needs for normal life.

If you have chosen the Energy Diet for yourself, you can learn how to take cocktails and mixtures for weight loss from this article.

Drink options

Cocktails are the most popular product of the entire complex.

Its advantages over other mixtures are that it is easy to prepare, they can be used as a small snack even at the workplace, plus an excellent assortment.

Cocktail flavors:

Whatever taste you prefer, it is important to follow the recommendations of nutritionists so as not to harm your body and achieve the desired result.

Therefore it is worth paying Special attention and consider a schedule of how to take Energy Diet for weight loss, what foods you can combine cocktails with and what you should abstain from.

Product composition, active substances and how they help you lose weight

The complex includes high-tech products that provide adults with daily healthy body everything you need.

Effects exerted by substances included in ED products:

Substance in the composition The effect of the substance
SquirrelsTypes in products:
  • animals (in the form of milk proteins);
  • vegetable (in the form of soybeans and peas).

Their entry into the body is possible only through food.

Each mixture includes 18 amino acids, which are a kind of building material for the tissues of the whole body.

FatsED mixtures contain only fats plant origin: soybean oil, which contains more than 30 microelements, as well as the presence of vitamin E1 and linoleic acid, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

There are no animal fats in the mixtures, that is, there is no cholesterol in these products. All fats presented are a source fatty acids, so necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body.

CarbohydratesThey are presented in a balanced form in a complex by glucose, which is very quickly absorbed by the body. Thereby, muscle mass and brain cells are provided sufficient quantity this useful component, and as a result, the feeling of fatigue disappears, strength and vigor appear throughout the body.
CelluloseRepresented by gum and chicory inulin. Thanks to these ingredients, food intake is satisfied for a long time and the intestinal microflora is supported.
Biologically active elements, low molecular weight compoundsImproves metabolic processes in the body.
Acerola (Barbados cherry)Its presence in the mixtures indicates that the cocktails contain enough vitamins C, which is necessary to strengthen immune system body, and also promotes active tissue regeneration.
Royal jellyBees secrete this substance to feed their larvae. It has mass useful qualities, about which many articles and books have been written.

In the presence of this ingredient, the body absorbs oxygen better, it more actively resists negative factors, stabilization occurs psychological state person.

EnzymesThey promote both rapid and 100% digestibility of not only Energy Diet products for weight loss, but also all food products, and cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

By taking a certain amount of enzymes daily, you can significantly free the body of toxins in a short period of time.

All vitamins and biologically active substances, included in the Energy Diets, are selected and balanced in accordance with the daily needs of the human body.

Nutritionists put a lot of effort into creating the Energy Diets, and also developed a scheme on how to take it correctly for weight loss and health improvement, so that each product brings maximum benefit.

Reducing the body’s need for regular food, providing all the necessary elements and reducing weight is the main goal of ED products.

How Energy mixtures work

Energy food mixtures optimize the number of calories a person needs to consume per day for normal life.

Thanks to this clearly developed system, the body receives everything essential vitamins, microelements and fiber.

Advantages of Energy Diet over other complexes:

  • The complex includes an excellent combination of products and seven types of cocktails. By mixing some components, you can get something new tasty dish. This allows you to diversify your diet;
  • thanks to the fiber and enzymes found in each cocktail, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is improved;
  • quick and easy digestibility and easy digestion of food without the formation of toxins;
  • protein in the mixtures, as well as the presence of dietary fiber supplements, nourish the body, giving a long-lasting feeling of fullness;
  • a wide range that allows you to regularly change your diet;
  • If you change one meal to a mixture, repeat this a couple of times, then your taste habits gradually change, and the craving for familiar food disappears.

Three stages of a weight loss project

Manufacturers of products guarantee weight loss with comfort, that is, without hunger strikes, depressive states, nervousness, dizziness and poor health.

The system works for weight loss, and for convenience we have broken it down into step-by-step steps.

But, regardless of what period the patient is in, it is very important to adhere to strict water balance. To do this, you should drink at least 2 liters of water (daily norm).

The most important thing at each stage is to follow all recommendations regarding information on how to take the Energy Diet for weight loss.

Stage 1. How to start taking it correctly

How to take Energy Diet to guarantee weight loss?

At the initial stage, you need to launch the procedure itself. The main task is to modify food intake, its quantity and quality.

Thanks to this, the body will be provided with everything it needs, excluding the lack of some and excess of other vitamins and microelements. This procedure is important for restoring the normalization of metabolic processes.

The average daily calorie content of food should be limited to 1200-1500 cal/day

The duration of the initial stage is three days. If excess body weight is more than 10 kg, then it is necessary to extend initial stage up to 5 days.

The daily diet should include 4-5 cocktails and some permitted foods (several servings).

In order not to feel hungry, the developers of Energy Diets recommend drinking 200 grams of water after a serving glass of the dietary mixture.

The allowed vegetable set should not be more than 400 grams per day. It is recommended to eat raw, boiled or lightly stewed vegetables.

You can season such salads with a few drops sunflower oil, a small amount lemon juice, seasonings or apple cider vinegar. Soup mixtures from the Energy complex can be enriched with finely chopped herbs.

A grocery set of vegetables that is approved by nutritionists: you can prepare mushrooms, radishes, zucchini caviar, beetroot salad with onions (green or onion), and seaweed salad.

Or chop the cucumbers, add soybean sprouts, tomatoes, radishes. Turnip salad with asparagus and green beans turns out delicious. You can diversify the menu in an original way with pumpkin baked in the oven.

You can add dill, parsley, sorrel, celery, and spinach to vegetable salads. Don't forget about cabbage (cauliflower and white cabbage).

It is important to know! Drinks are strictly allowed without the addition of granulated sugar or with low-calorie substitutes in small quantities.

Drinks that are allowed to be consumed:

  • coffee or low-caffeine substitutes. You can take a weak ground hot drink;
  • still mineral water, filtered water;
  • herbal teas, green and red tea.

Daily norm fluid consumption (water, unsweetened tea) should be at least 2 liters at any stage of weight loss!


  • 5 Energy Diet cocktails;
  • 2 meals of vegetables.

Approximate daily diet:

  1. 1st breakfast: one “ED” cocktail (Strawberry, Coffee or other type);
  2. 2nd breakfast: one serving of “ED” (you can choose Chicken);
  3. Lunch: one serving of “ED” (for example, Omelet) + a plate of vegetables from the list;
  4. Afternoon snack: “ED” cocktail (Chocolate, Raspberry or other optional);
  5. Dinner: a portion of “ED” products (this can be Mushrooms) + a plate of vegetables from the above list.

It is important to maintain a drinking regime throughout the day.

Stage 2. How to consolidate the result

Allowed food:

  • You can prepare a salad from boiled fish or sea ​​cocktail- no more than 200 g;
  • Boil turkey meat – 200 g;
  • It is permissible to eat a piece of rabbit - no more than 200 g;
  • Make a salad: mix low-fat cheese (100 g) with a chopped piece of lean beef (100 g);
  • You can eat liver in any form - 100 g,
  • It is allowed to eat boiled veal - no more than 100 g;
  • Recommended low-fat cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • Chicken meat allowed - 150 g;
  • You can eat no more than 2 eggs (whites only) per day.

If you want to eat in the evening, you can enjoy half a serving of any mixture of your choice.

The transition period lasts 20-28 days. If the excess weight is more than 15 kg, and the results after the initial stage remain unchanged, then you should start the first stage again.

It is important to know! Only after noting the positive results of the treatment can you proceed to the next stage.

Stage 3. How to control nutrition and body weight

To record your acquired success, you should track the quantity and quality of food consumed. The main task is to completely displace the psychological dependence on habitual food.

It is necessary to learn at this stage to competently assess the needs of the body, and get enough of healthy, healthy food y. At the control stage, the creators of the diet recommended consuming the mixture only once a day, in the evening.

Previously allowed food can be diluted with a small amount of carbohydrates, which are contained in buckwheat and peas.

It is healthy to eat grain bread, red beans, pasta, rice and oatmeal, wheat bread, and lentils.

At the control stage, consumption of assorted fruits is allowed. You can take salads from apricots, oranges, adding pineapple slices, slices of watermelon, banana.

Mix grapefruit (0.5 pcs.) with pear (1 pc.), add 2 kiwis. Or make an assortment of berries: strawberries (6 pcs.), raspberries 5 tbsp. l. or blueberries 4 tbsp. l., mix with black currants in the amount of 4 tbsp. l. You can eat 1 apple.

At this stage, it is important to strictly monitor your body weight and volume. Nutritionists recommend keeping strict daily records of these parameters.

To do this, you can create a small table consisting of 3-4 columns and carry out control weighings and measurements every day at the same time. Record all results in the appropriate columns.

Thanks to this approach to strict control of your weight, you can immediately notice changes in mass and volume.

Reducing these parameters will lift your spirits and give you confidence to continue doing so. complex process losing weight.

At this stage, it is important to take into account that weight loss is equivalent to the number of months during which it is important not to interrupt taking cocktails. For example, if you need to lose 9 kg, then the entire stage should be at least 9 months.

Good to know! Even upon receipt excellent results When it comes to weight loss, don’t relax. Strict control is required daily diet nutrition.

Just one failure in a carefully designed scheme can undo all the efforts made.

How to take Energy Diet cocktails for weight loss

Immediately before drinking, cocktails should be diluted with 1.5% fat milk.

Exactly the amount of calories, vitamins and microelements contained in dairy product, laid down by the developers when calculating the composition of weight loss products.

If you don’t have or don’t want to take milk, you can replace it with kefir (with the same fat content) or vegetable broth. But in this case, it should be borne in mind that this may affect the calorie content and taste of the cocktail.

It is allowed to mix different products. This way you can significantly diversify the menu and try a lot of new flavors from the ED product line.

Advice from nutritionists to get ideal results

Any diet involves full shift diet and quality of nutrition. In order to see the results of such a complex process as quickly as possible, you must adhere to several rules.

Nutritionists assure that following these rules will help not only maintain results, but also accustom the body to healthy and wholesome foods in much smaller quantities.

Nutrition rules:

  • take at least 2 liters of liquid per day. You can drink: water, tea, weak coffee. Drink all drinks without sugar;
  • maintain daily control of weight and volume;
  • if after 20 min. after drinking the cocktail, drink a glass of water, the saturation effect will increase;
  • You should not skip a predetermined meal;
  • breakfast and lunch can be complete, but for dinner it is advisable to reduce the amount of food;
  • eat small meals;
  • It is forbidden to: eat with company, watch TV, while reading or eat stress;
  • It is advisable not to snack between predetermined meals. If you feel hungry, you can eat an apple;
  • the menu for each day must be prepared in advance;
  • It is forbidden to take during the diet: fatty, spicy, fried foods, sweets, mayonnaise and sauces based on it, strong alcohol (sometimes you can afford to drink a glass of red wine or champagne), salty cookies.

By following these recommendations, your body will get rid of extra pounds much faster., metabolic processes will return to normal, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will improve.

Who is the Energy Diet weight loss system contraindicated for?

Any diet is associated with a restructuring of the body in terms of nutrition and lifestyle changes. This power supply system was no exception.

Before taking the Energy Diet for weight loss, you must undergo medical examination and consult your doctor.

Below is a list of diseases for which the use of ED products is strictly prohibited:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • children's age up to 14-16 years;
  • elderly age;
  • insomnia;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • Availability chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract.

In order not to cause irreparable harm to your body, you should take this information seriously.

Opinions of nutritionists and doctors about Energy Diet products

Personal opinions of certified doctors and nutritionists about the product line agree on one thing - the products are developed with the utmost care.

The composition of each mixture is clearly adjusted in accordance with the daily needs of the human body for vitamins and minerals.

The quality of ED products has been repeatedly confirmed by research results. In 2011, the entire line of products of this brand was subjected to a thorough analysis by an independent commission of nutrition experts.

Experts have confirmed the ideal combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in mixtures and recommended their regular use to maintain the body in ideal shape.

Qualified nutritionists and doctors are generally of the opinion that all products are ideal as the main nutrition for athletes, where it is essential to always keep themselves in shape.

Thanks to its balanced composition, the line of cocktails for passive weight loss is positioned as healthy and useful supplements to the diet of a person who wants to lose extra pounds.

All ED products are aimed at improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizing metabolic processes in the body.

As a result, health improves, weight decreases, and the psycho-emotional state of patients improves.

Interesting fact! Unlike many other analogues designed for weight loss, Energy Diet products are not addictive.

It is for this reason that cocktails can be taken throughout life cycle to constantly maintain shape.

The Energy Diet nutrition system is not a replacement for a full meal, but an additional line of products to the main diet.

And the whole essence of the diet comes down to strict control over your weight and proper, rational approach to nutrition. After all, losing weight with the help of cocktails is a very long process, consisting of three stages.

And to achieve the desired result, you need to make every effort and monitor your diet and weight daily.

This video will tell you what Energy Diet is and how to take weight loss products:

From this video you will learn how to properly prepare Energy Diet cocktails and what flavors there are:

Energy diet is a quick vitamin nutrition that helps normalize weight. Day after day, work, study, and personal hobbies require more and more time and effort.

Busy schedules leave no energy, because nutrition must be complete, and fast food is not the kind of food that can be called nutritious and healthy.

Energy diet consists of cocktails that are easy to prepare and do not take much time.

They are different from fast food his vitamin complex, which will replenish the balance in the body useful substances and will also eliminate excess weight.

A small concentrated portion of the miracle drink contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, great amount fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Diet features

The diet is carried out in 3 stages:

  • drinking cocktails;
  • dishes based on the list of permitted products;
  • Drink cocktails only in the evening, the rest of the time eat normal food.

Some cocktails, for example strawberry flavored ones, are mixed with milk, and there are others that only require water and a jar of energy.

Preparing the “dish” does not take much time. A certain amount of the mixture and milk are added to a special shaker, the ingredients are thoroughly mixed without any equipment.

Nutrition energy diet offers big variety of 16 flavors: cocktails with banana, vanilla, chocolate, coffee, raspberry, strawberry, cappuccino; soups with tomato, peas, mushrooms, chicken and vegetables; oatmeal and an omelette.

Good and bad sides

The presence of a complex of useful substances (more than 12 types of vitamins and minerals);

Changes weight without fasting;

Cocktails can be consumed in addition to the usual menu;

Improves blood composition and gives the necessary muscle tone;

Feeling a surge of strength and energy, in contrast to diets based on starvation and restrictions;

It has side effects. Concentrates with “Cappuccino” and “Coffee” flavors contain guarana extracts, which exceed the caffeine content several times.

Energy diet products should be selected individually, especially if you have allergies and chronic diseases.

A large list of contraindications: indigestible enzymes, stomach and duodenal problems, pancreas and kidney diseases, poor intestinal permeability, allergic reaction on individual components of mixtures, cardiac problems, insomnia, not recommended for use during lactation and pregnancy.

General rules

  1. There should be a huge amount of water per day, since cocktails contain a lot of fiber. It swells with liquid and helps improve digestion.
  2. If the excess weight is small or body correction is required - 3 days of 5 servings of energy diet or 1 day of 5 servings and 2 days of 3 servings.
  3. For weight more than 10 kg – 5 days of 5 servings of energy diet or 2 days of 5 servings and 3 days of 3 servings.
  4. The list of carbohydrates includes buckwheat and oatmeal, wholemeal pasta, green peas, brown rice, beans.

Sample menu

Introductory part. Course 3 or 5 days

Breakfast – 1 tbsp. water on an empty stomach, after 20 minutes. portion of energy diet, after 1 tbsp. water.

2nd breakfast – 1 tbsp. Water on an empty stomach, after 20 minutes. Energy diet portion, after 1 tbsp. water.

Lunch – 1 tbsp. water, energy diet portion, 1 tbsp. water, a plate of salad 200 g.

Afternoon snack – 1 tbsp. water, portion energy diet, 1 tbsp. water.

Dinner – 1 tbsp. water, portion energy diet, 1 tbsp. water, a plate of salad 200 g.

Water after a cocktail, like after any meal, increases satiety. In addition to water, it is possible to use herbal or green tea, coffee drinks that contain a minimal amount of caffeine.

A plate of salad may contain vegetables only from the list of permitted ones: cauliflower and seaweed, eggplant, asparagus, any greens, champignons, zucchini, spinach, soy, green beans, turnips, peppers and tomatoes.

The second part of the energy diet is consolidating. Course 25 days

Breakfast – 1 tbsp. water, energy diet, 1 tbsp. water.

2nd breakfast – 1 tbsp. water, energy diet, 1 tbsp. water.

Lunch – 1 serving of low-calorie cottage cheese (a couple of eggs or steamed fish), a vegetable plate.

Afternoon snack and dinner – 1 tbsp. water, portion energy diet, 1 tbsp. water.

Third stage. 90 days

Breakfast – 1 tbsp. water on an empty stomach, no less than 20 minutes later. a portion of carbohydrates and a portion of proteins.

2nd breakfast – 1 tbsp. water, fruit plate, 1 tbsp. water.

Lunch – a protein plate and a portion of vegetables.

Afternoon snack – 1 tbsp. water, a serving of any fruit, 1 tbsp. water.

Dinner – 1 tbsp. water, portion energy diet, 1 tbsp. water, a portion of vegetables.

How many times have you told yourself that you will eat right to stay healthy and slim. And how many times has this attempt ended at the sight of delicious appetizing food or another festive dinner. This diet helps you learn how to eat healthy.

The Energy Diet nutrition system was developed by nutritionists who claim that traditional diets To lose weight, they don’t give the body the necessary substances - they deplete them. As a result, the skin becomes flabby, the face becomes haggard, with an unhealthy tint. As an alternative and salvation from extra pounds, they offer their miracle remedy.

Is it possible to quickly and effectively lose weight with Energy diets, how to eat according to this system correctly, what are the consequences and side effects of such nutrition? You will find answers to all these questions in our article.

What is the essence: energy cocktails, product composition, instructions for use

The essence of the program is to eat your usual food, with the exception of harmful products, and enjoy different flavors of energy diet mixtures and cocktails for weight loss. They satisfy the feeling of hunger, and over time the body ceases to feel the need for regular foods, to which we are so accustomed.

Nutrition is a series of mixtures with different flavors:

According to the system, you eat less, but the body receives everything it needs for healthy life substances. Efficiency and activity are preserved.

Scheme for losing weight on a diet with Energy diet products consists of three stages.


The Energy diet starter program lasts from 3 to 5 days depending on excess weight. If the indicator is less than 10 kg, the stage lasts 3 days, more than 10 kg - 5 days. Daily norm - 1200-1500 kcal. Proper nutrition requires 4-5 full doses of Energy cocktail drinks per day. You are allowed to snack on vegetables no more than twice a day.


It occurs when the body is already tuned in to weight loss. The main thing here is not to lose your temper, and consolidate the result. The duration of the stage is up to 4 weeks, it involves two Energy Diet meals per day, they are alternated with one or two meals of regular food.


The duration of this period depends on the number of kilograms you lose per month. If you manage to lose 8 kg in a month, your “Control” stage will continue for eight months. During this period, cocktails are consumed only for dinner. According to the Energy diet program in everything else It is recommended to control your diet, there are only approved products.

The developers of the Energy Diet program were based on the fact that our eating habits are dictated not so much by the feeling of hunger as by psychological dependence. The stages are designed to teach you how to form a new habit, consolidate it and keep it under control.

How to take it correctly: video

How to properly prepare and consume Energy Diet cocktails, watch this video:

Pros and cons of the program

The diet with these cocktails does not leave any chance for hunger. This is a variety in which carbohydrates and fats are dosed. The body uses its fat reserves, but muscle mass is preserved. Tissues and organs are not deficient in nutrients.

You will have to do minimal cooking. It’s very convenient to take a cocktail with you to work. You don't have to worry that your diet will be disrupted.

Nutrition allows you to exercise, to live an active lifestyle. Nervousness and stress, which are often observed during grueling fasts, are excluded here.

Cocktails are acceptable for children. The Mushrooms mixture is suitable for children; children under 16 years of age should avoid caffeinated products. Nutrition at the age of 3 to 5 years requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

You can't call Energy Diet cheap. Cocktails cost from 2 thousand rubles per 450 g serving. Considering that sometimes you have to take them from several months to a year, sometimes longer, it’s worth calculating whether you can afford it.


The nutrition program is only suitable healthy people . The composition contains concentrates that can be harmful. Ready meals are not suitable:

How to speed up the loss of extra pounds:

  • A prerequisite is to drink 2 liters of fluid per day.
  • You can't skip breakfast.
  • The permissible break between doses should not be longer than 3.5 hours.
  • Prepare food immediately before use. Store opened for no longer than two months.
  • Physical activity at least 3 times a week will speed up fat burning.
  • After drinking the cocktail, drink a glass of water 20 minutes later. room temperature. This enhances the saturation effect.

If you still feel hungry before going to bed, you can take half a serving of Energy Diet, but no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. You are allowed to drink water, unsweetened, acceptable with lemon.

Harm or benefit: what nutritionists think about these products

The French nutrition line, unlike other methods, is designed for systematic use throughout life. Here are some reviews from doctors about the technique.

Anna: Nutrition from this brand is approved for athletes, and the line of cocktails is positioned as beneficial for weight loss, which normalizes metabolism and improves health.

Elena: The quality of Energy Diet is confirmed by the results of many research centers.

In 2011, the nutrition was analyzed by an independent expert commission.

Doctors confirmed the correct combination of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the mixtures.

Maria: Practice confirms: when regular use products normalizes metabolism. But you can only take it under the systematic supervision of a doctor.

Ivan: Energy Diet is not a meal replacement, but additional healthy nutrients to the main menu.

The whole truth about the Energy diet weight loss system - review famous doctor Sergei Agapkin about this technique. Find out how it works in the video:

Description of the expected results and how to save them

Following all instructions, following all steps, you can lose 5-10 kg per month. It is recommended to measure body weight and volume daily.

Don't get hung up on numbers. Now you will understand why.

Sometimes the weight stays the same, but the volume decreases.

You will notice how you have become slimmer, your sides have become thinner, your legs have become thinner, but the numbers on the scale may decrease slightly.

Important make yourself a table four columns:

  • date of;
  • weight;
  • waist circumference;
  • hip circumference.

Customers' opinions and real photos of people losing weight

Natasha:“I’m not naturally thin, but I gained a lot during and after childbirth. My friend, with whom I gave birth together, sent me photos of her after the Energy Diet. In two months I lost 11 kg.”

Olga: “I lost weight with the Energy diet, but I’ll honestly say that for me regular protein sports shakes are better. And the price is cheaper."

Masha:“I lost only 1.5 kg in two months. Is this the result? My mood worsened, I became lethargic, I wanted to sleep all the time. I decided for myself that I’d rather spend the money on a swimming pool and a gym.”

Irina:“This cocktail doesn’t work on its own—you need to take a comprehensive approach. My husband lost 8 kg in a month, although he regularly swims and plays sports. Spent 10 thousand rubles on cocktails. I stopped drinking them and the weight came back.”

Dmitriy:“In three months I lost 30 kg. Of course, you need to make an effort, watch your diet, and go to the gym. Lying on the sofa, the effect of liposuction cannot be achieved.”

Several results of losing weight using the Energy Diet meal plan in the before and after photos:

As you can see, in addition to positive ones, there are also negative, even negative reviews about Energy diet products, so think carefully about whether it’s worth losing weight using this program.

Should you or shouldn't you drink?

The desire to lose weight often makes you believe everything that advertising offers. Although ED has already gained the support of many doctors and nutritionists, the product has not been fully studied. Approach the process of choosing a weight loss method rationally.

Do you want to drink cocktails and nutritional mixtures? Consult a nutritionist, whom you trust, evaluate how necessary it is.

If your weight is not critical, it may be enough to find an alternative to visiting the gym, doing yoga or Pilates. Sometimes it’s enough to give up dinner, drink more water and walk more often instead of the elevator in order to be in shape and feel good.

The pros and cons of being functional sports nutrition We will discuss energy diets, the composition of the product, how to drink cocktails for weight loss correctly with a specialist in this video:

Energy Diet is suitable for those who want to learn how to eat right and get everything necessary substances and is ready to spend a lot of money on it. Cocktail diet- a long three-step process that requires regular effort and monitoring.

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