Why do you sleep poorly when you are sick? Treatment of colds. What and how to do inhalations

Insomnia with the flu is common. It needs to be treated because lack of sleep will make it even harder for the body to overcome the disease. As a result, complications will arise and it will be necessary long-term treatment. Sleep problems can be short-term or chronic.

Causes of insomnia with flu

Most often, patients experience difficulty falling asleep during influenza and ARVI for the following reasons:

  1. No bed rest. If you endure the disease on your feet, the body will constantly be in a state of stress, resulting in unpleasant consequences, including insomnia.
  2. Bad feeling. High fever, nasal congestion, sore throat and other symptoms of the disease can cause a person to have trouble falling asleep or wake up frequently at night.
  3. Incorrect treatment. If the doctor made an incorrect diagnosis and prescribed medications that are not suitable for the patient, then it will be more difficult for the body to fight the virus. As a result, insomnia will occur, which will be accompanied by fatigue or asthenia.

Another problem with sleep during an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) occurs due to stress (for example, if a person got sick the day before important event or if, in parallel with the disease, you have to cope with difficult life situations).

What to do for insomnia caused by ARVI

Severe fatigue and insomnia during a cold are a problem that needs to be dealt with. You can use traditional methods or medications. You must first consult a doctor who will select treatment based on the causes of insomnia. For example, if it is caused by flu symptoms, then you need drugs that will lower the temperature, relieve a sore throat and relieve nasal congestion.

Treatment of insomnia with folk remedies

There are several ways to deal with sleep disturbances:

  1. Follow the regime. You need to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
  2. Drink a glass of milk before bed. You can also drink soothing teas. For example, with chamomile, mint or valerian root.
  3. Ventilate the room. Fresh air will help you fall asleep faster.
  4. Have dinner 3 hours before bedtime. You should not go to bed on a full stomach. For dinner it is better to choose a light dish. For example, cottage cheese, yogurt, salad or porridge.
  5. Quitting smoking, coffee and alcohol.
  6. Proper nutrition.
  7. Warm bath 30 minutes before bedtime. It is worth adding pine needle extract to the water. This method cannot be used when elevated temperature.
  8. Avoid TV and computer 2 hours before bedtime. It's better to read a book or listen to music.

It is necessary to prevent asthenia even after recovery.

Drug treatment

The doctor will select the best remedy to cope with insomnia. He may prescribe Melaxen. This drug is not addictive and can be purchased without a prescription. Medicines are also effective plant based, for example Persen and Novopassit. They help cope with anxiety, fatigue and normalize sleep.

If sleep problems are caused by flu symptoms, then you need medications that will relieve discomfort, for example Coldrex or Antigrippin. To reduce the temperature, you can drink Arbidol. Mucaltin or ACC will help fight cough. For nasal congestion, you should use Otrivin or Tizin sprays.

Flu rules the roost in fall and winter. When you have a temperature in the forties, a stuffy nose, and you cough 40 times every 5 minutes, the very thought of sleeping at night seems like a nightmare. Use these little tricks to help you sleep better when you have a cold.

An additional pillow will provide comfortable sleep during a cold.

If you have the flu, you know that your body best fights infection while you sleep. Unfortunately, it often happens that you can forget about comfortable sleep if you are tormented by a cough and sore throat, and your head is splitting from pressure in the sinuses. With such a “bouquet” of flu symptoms one should hardly expect comfortable sleep. If you also sneeze once every 5 minutes, then even falling asleep becomes a real problem.

What to do in this situation?

Try using an extra pillow (or two) when you're about to fall asleep. You need to support not only your head, but also your neck and top part backs. This position is necessary to ensure comfort and optimal drainage of the sinuses. This can reduce nasal congestion and cough, and also ensure that the necessary air can reach your lungs, even if you have a large amount of mucus accumulated inside your sinuses.

A shower can help you relax and sleep better, even if you have a cold.

Doctors usually do not recommend taking water procedures if you have a cold. However, a warm bath or shower can help if done an hour before bed. Water will help soothe pain, relax the body and mind, and body temperature will naturally drop after water procedures. It is only important to ensure that the water in the bath or shower is not at high temperature. An additional effect of water procedures before bed: steam, warmth and humidity will ease congestion in the respiratory tract, so it will be easier to fall asleep.

A warm drink before bed helps you feel better during a cold.

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Drink warm, non-caffeinated drinks before bed. Herbal infusions or chamomile tea are best. They have hypnotic qualities. If you add a little honey and lemon to this tea, the warm drink will soothe a sore throat. It will also help you keep your body hydrated, which is essential when fighting off flu and colds. The very ritual of brewing tea and leisurely sipping it will also prepare you for healthy sleep. Avoid drinking alcohol before bed (even when medicinal purposes). It is unlikely to promote healthy and comfortable sleep.

Daytime naps during a cold work wonders

When you have the flu or a cold, give yourself rest during the day. But keep it in moderation. Perhaps if you didn't sleep well at night and feel unwell, you'll be able to sleep better during the day. Just don't overdo it. Too much napping during the day can lead to another sleepless night. During the day, you can also try doing some exercises (yoga routine, stretching) or even perform easy walk to improve night sleep and reduce flu or cold symptoms.

Medicines can minimize poor sleep during the flu

If the methods listed above don't help you sleep comfortably during a flu or cold, talk to your doctor about medications that can reduce phlegm, mucus, or clear Airways. By taking medications recommended by your doctor, you can sleep better and minimize flu and cold symptoms such as nasal congestion, postnasal drip, and difficulty breathing.

Recovery from colds and flu can take some time, but comfortable, healthy sleep is one of the keys to a quick recovery. However, practicing healthy sleep is relevant not only when you suffer from the flu or a cold. Remember this if you want to feel better!

Author of the article : Kristina Sumarokova, "Moscow Medicine"©
Denial of responsibility : Information provided in this article about healthy sleep for colds, intended for informational purposes only. However, it cannot be a substitute for consultation with a professional physician.

One of the most unpleasant companions of a cold is insomnia. Insomnia during a cold is situational, that is, temporary, due to several factors that will be discussed below.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that consists of:

  • or difficulty falling asleep, that is, a person cannot fall asleep for at least an hour;
  • or frequent awakenings at night, accompanied by difficulty falling back asleep;
  • or in a very early rise, inadequate sleep.

All of the above symptoms may be present.

There are 3 types of insomnia:

  1. Intermittent (situational) insomnia occurs periodically, when certain situations arise, and does not last long. The cause of such insomnia may be moving, changing jobs, any illness, or taking certain medications. To treat this type of insomnia, it is enough to eliminate the factor that caused it, but “sleep hygiene” should be carried out.
  2. Short-term insomnia. Appears as a result of greater stress and mental trauma. The duration of short-term insomnia varies from 1 night to several weeks.
  3. Chronic insomnia lasts at least 3 nights a week for a month or more. Its causes can be severe physical and mental illness, taking certain medications, alcoholism and drug addiction. With chronic insomnia, a so-called sleep neurosis can form. If a person has developed sleep neurosis, a peculiar vicious circle: when trying to fall asleep, a person begins to experience anxiety, believing that he will not be able to fall asleep, as a result of which he does not succeed. Thus, for successful treatment it is necessary to break this chain.

Often intermittent and chronic insomnia occurs with epilepsy, migraine, and osteochondrosis. The type of insomnia depends on the severity of the disease.


A cold is characterized by symptoms such as cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, headache, sometimes very severe. All this interferes with normal sleep. Besides, great importance have neurological aspects.

Illness is always stressful.

During stress, adrenal hormones enter the bloodstream: adrenaline (stress hormone) and norepinephrine. An increase in the levels of these hormones in the blood leads to an increase in glycemia, blood pressure and heart rate. In turn, the above symptoms lead to sleep disturbances. A cold is characterized by a situational type of insomnia. Thus, in order to get rid of insomnia due to a cold, it is enough to treat the underlying disease and follow a number of recommendations for correcting sleep problems.

From the moment the first symptoms of a cold appear, the patient must be provided with at least a home regimen, good nutrition with sufficient vitamin content. It is necessary to frequently ventilate the room in which the patient is located, and carry out wet cleaning every day in order to avoid the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms. It is important to avoid drafts.

If the body temperature remains normal, short-term hot foot baths will have a beneficial effect. After the bath, lubricate the temples and bridge of the nose with warming ointment. During this period, teas that stimulate sweating, such as raspberry tea, will be useful. They can prevent fever from rising.

It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids because heat body, heavy sweating, copious discharge from the nose lead to dehydration. Preference should be given to freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, fruit drinks, herbal tea with lemon, as these drinks are rich in vitamin C.

Good positive effect will gargle and rinse the nose saline solution or soda solution. You can use both ready-made solutions and those made at home. It is useful to use infusions or decoctions of chamomile and sage. To prepare the infusion 1 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of boiling water over the herbs and let stand for half an hour. Rinsing is carried out at least 4 times a day.

To facilitate nasal breathing, vasoconstrictor drugs are used, which are available in the form of drops for instillation into the nasal passages and in the form of tablets. Tablets are preferable if there are contraindications for vasoconstrictor drops, which include atrophic rhinitis. There are drops with short, medium and prolonged effects; this should be taken into account when determining the frequency of administration of the drug. There is also combination drugs, which have vasoconstrictor, mucolytic and antihistamine effects.

It should be remembered that drops with a vasoconstrictor effect cannot be used for more than 5-7 days, as this can lead to atrophy of the nasal mucosa and increase inflammation in the nasal cavity.

If there are indications for longer-term use of drops, preference is given to preparations containing essential oils.

Inhalations are effective for treating cough, as well as medicines. Inhalations with juniper, clove, and eucalyptus oils help well.

Antibiotics for colds are contraindicated, since they do not affect either the etiological or pathogenetic part of the ongoing process.


As mentioned above, in order to improve sleep, you need to practice “sleep hygiene”:

  1. You need to go to bed and wake up at the same time. It is necessary to go to bed 10-15 minutes before bedtime in order to be able to calm down. You should also avoid napping during the day.
  2. The last meal should be more than 2 hours before going to bed. 3-4 hours before bedtime, you should not consume foods with stimulating effects: energy drinks, tea, coffee, chocolate, cola, cocoa. Before going to bed, it is good to drink a few sips of mineral water.
  3. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room.
  4. A hot shower or bath taken before bed will have a positive effect.
  5. Don't read or watch TV before bed.
  6. It is necessary that the bed matches the person’s height and has medium hardness.
  7. You should sleep in silence, with the curtains closed.
  8. If they interfere with sleep negative thoughts, you can take a sedative.
  9. If possible, you should avoid taking medications that may interfere with sleep.
  10. You can use relaxation techniques:
  11. you should slow down your breathing and imagine the movement of air through the respiratory tract; you need to breathe while inflating your stomach;
  12. you can try to count with eyes closed sheep from 1 to 1000 and back.


As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, prevention is of particular importance. Here simple rules that will help you stay healthy:

    1. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, and salads. Freshly squeezed juices will be of great benefit.
    2. Try to get more rest. Don't unnecessarily stress your nervous system. Take breaks while working. If possible, close your eyes and sit in silence without thinking about work.
    3. Much attention should be paid to sleep. According to statistics, people who adhere to a normal daily routine and devote enough time to sleep get sick much less often.
    4. Get outdoors more often. Walking and playing sports will adjust your body to a normal rhythm of work and help prevent colds.
    5. If you have enough time and patience, don't forget about morning exercises. A few exercises at the beginning of the day will increase your tone, help you wake up and make your day brighter and more fulfilling.

Remember that one of the most effective ways cold prevention is hardening. It helps prepare the body to resist infections and increase its overall defense.

Any pathology in a child is a real tragedy for parents, and there are reasons for this. After all, redness or even a rash during ARVI in a child can signal serious complications that urgently need to be dealt with professionally.

All parents experience a rash on their baby's body. While the child grows, his immune system is formed, and reactions arise to various foods consumed by the nursing mother or the baby himself. The cause of the rash may be an allergy to insect bites, or a manifestation of a fungal infection. If the baby is infected respiratory infection, then a rash may also occur with ARVI. The symptom, frankly speaking, is not the most favorable. But first, let’s figure out how acute respiratory disease occurs and progresses in children and find out what the symptoms are and what they signal.

How does influenza occur in children?

Unlike adults, children are more susceptible to viral infections. But babies breastfeeding practically protected from the penetration of viruses. All thanks to breast milk, which contains unique enzymes, vitamins, minerals and trace elements that help protect against the development of diseases and viral attacks. Until about 6 months of age, children do not get the flu or colds. As for artificial people, things are worse here. No matter how hard manufacturers try to enrich food useful components, it is not capable of replacing mother's milk. Therefore, you need to breastfeed your baby for as long as possible.

The influenza virus penetrates into children's bodies just as it does into adults. Infection occurs through airborne droplets when a sick person sneezes or coughs. The virus infects the mucous membrane, enters the bloodstream and causes severe intoxication of the body.

Flu symptoms in babies

Children are unable to talk about their unpleasant sensations, it is important for parents to pay attention to his behavior and signs indicating the disease:

  • The child often cries, and without any reason.
  • The baby's sleep worsens and is often interrupted by crying and whims.
  • The child refuses not only to eat, but also to drink - there is pain, soreness and swelling of the throat.
  • Breathing becomes difficult and intermittent.
  • The skin becomes pale, cyanosis occurs in the nasolabial triangle.
  • Dangerous symptoms include:

  • ARVI with rashes on the child's skin in the form of small dots.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Important: a weak child’s body is susceptible to the development of complications, therefore, at the first signs of an infectious disease, it is necessary medical consultation and help.

    Why does a rash occur when a child has the flu or a cold?

    Rashes have different etiologies, and in case of respiratory disease, you should familiarize yourself with the following causes:

    1. A viral infection suppresses the immune system and therefore the risk of allergic reactions increases; small blisters appear on the body, called by the general term urticaria during ARVI in a child.
    2. The rash can be a response to washing powder, food, dry air, citrus fruits, berries, and synthetic materials.
    3. When treating the disease with antiviral, antipyretic, antispasmodic drugs, also causing an allergic response due to individual intolerance and excessive load on the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, etc. Even application traditional methods in the form of herbal decoctions, compresses, can provoke an allergic reaction.

    Measles in a child: causes, symptoms and treatment

    Rashes do not always indicate that complications caused by influenza have arisen; measles is also dangerous and is accompanied by a rash all over the body. The disease is highly contagious and can only be contracted if there is no vaccination. The measles virus is highly volatile and can infect even if the host is several floors above.

    How does infection occur?

    After infection occurs incubation period- from 7 days to two weeks. The infection affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory canals and eyes. The danger lies in the fact that the infection can enter the body through the air, sneezing, coughing of the patient through ventilation, windows, doors. But there is also a big plus - the virus quickly dies in an open environment, so it is almost impossible to become infected through household items, clothing, and underwear. And if you ventilate the room where the sick person was, the risk of infection is also reduced to zero.

    First of all, the following symptoms occur with measles:

    • Strong headache;
    • lethargy, drowsiness, irritability;
    • high temperature, rising sharply to 40 degrees and above.
    • On the second or third day of the disease, a nonproductive (dry) cough develops. The baby's neck turns red, swelling occurs, and the lymph nodes become swollen. Characteristic sign measles - redness and purulent inflammation conjunctiva, lacrimation, fear of light. Pink rashes on the palate appear on the 3rd day, then the rash is a small whitish crumb that covers the cheeks, gums and lips. Days 4-5 - rashes appear on the head, behind the ears, on the outside of the cheeks and on the torso. During this period, the temperature rises sharply, a runny nose occurs, the baby becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, and sleeps poorly.

      Important: if relief occurs on the 4-5th day, then there are no complications. The rashes change color, peel and disappear, the temperature returns to normal, the cough and runny nose subsides and the child recovers.

      What are the complications of measles?

      With proper professional approach, measles passes without any dangerous consequences for the body. Problems can arise only in babies with allergic diseases, children with low weight and under 1 year of age. Severe consequences can be in the form of:

      Most dangerous look complications - meningitis, encephalitis, bacteria are added to the disease: meningococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus and inflammation of the lining of the brain occurs.

      In any case, the disease requires medical intervention and the use of appropriate therapy. At severe forms hospitalization is required and intensive treatment antibiotics.

      The child is prescribed treatment with vitamins A, C, antipyretic and antihistamines, painkillers, vasodilators.

    • Rashes on the body after acute respiratory infections infectious disease may be evidence of response to treatment. Antibiotic therapy disrupts performance gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis occurs, one of the signs of which is a rash.
    • Taking the same antipyretics and painkillers can also lead to red blisters or spots on the body that disappear within 2-3 weeks.
    • A rash after an acute respiratory viral infection in a child is often the result of bed rest, temperature changes, and impaired heat exchange, which occurs due to intoxication of the body.
    • For another 2 weeks after the flu, the risk of complications remains, since the immune system has not yet recovered. If the symptom is accompanied by high fever, nausea, vomiting and other signs of serious complications, urgent consultation with a doctor and adequate treatment is necessary.

      6 more articles on the topic: Colds in a child: symptoms, prevention and treatment

      Colds in children: symptoms and treatment

      In domestic pediatrics, it is considered normal if a child catches a cold or catches an acute respiratory viral infection no more than 4-6 times a year. The peak incidence usually occurs in the first year of kindergarten or school. The first time your child has a cold, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is important to create comfortable conditions for a sick baby, ventilate the room and not reduce the temperature without emergency. Maintaining a daily routine balanced diet and hardening will help avoid frequent colds. Dr. Komarovsky talks very well about what a cold is.

      What symptoms should you pay attention to if you suspect a cold?

      If a child under one year old has a cold, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms: change in skin color, breathing problems, cough, sweating, weakness, feeding disturbances, any other usual symptoms.

      It is especially important to monitor for changes in body temperature, rashes, loss of appetite, and bowel movements. The mother should be alert if the child has become more excited or, on the contrary, lethargic, has begun to sleep for a long time, screams in his sleep, etc.

      Does temperature above 38.5? require special attention? and below 36?. In addition, if a child has a temperature of 37.1-37.9 for more than three days? – this should also be alarming, as it may be a symptom of a slowly developing inflammatory process(pneumonia, pyelonephritis, etc.).

      The presence of these symptoms should be a reason to consult with your doctor.

      What symptoms are the most dangerous?

      A sharp cry, pallor, cold sweat, sudden lethargy with low temperature. The appearance of an unusual rash. Loose stool more than 5 times a day, repeated vomiting. Convulsions, fainting, disturbances of consciousness, inadequate reaction of the child to the question and answer. The child's voice suddenly became hoarse. Breathing disorders. The appearance of swelling, especially on the face in the head and neck area. Sharp pain in the abdomen. First-time complaints about headache.

      These symptoms require immediate medical consultation. If they appear suddenly and increase sharply, it is necessary to call an ambulance, as a situation may arise that threatens the child’s life.

      When should you call a doctor to see your child?

      A telephone consultation with a pediatrician whom parents trust will help decide whether an in-person examination is necessary in each specific case. If there is no agreement between family members regarding the treatment regimen, it is better to call a doctor whose opinion is trusted by all “opposing parties.” A doctor's home visit is absolutely necessary if this is the first illness with a fever in a child under one year old, or if the child is sick with some unusual symptoms for the parents, or if something worries the parents. In addition, if the parents themselves treat the child and there is no improvement by the third day, the baby must also be examined by a doctor.

      How to treat colds in children?

      Approaches to the treatment of colds can differ dramatically among different doctors. Some people tend to play it safe and prescribe a large number of medications, while others prefer wait-and-see tactics and mild treatment methods. In any case, it is important to remember that colds are training the immune system to fight infection, and for a child who does not have severe chronic diseases, they do not pose a particular danger. The tactics of waiting and observation allow the child’s immunity to learn to cope with the constant load in the conditions of “ big city». Light food, warm drink and rest, as well as " traditional methods» Treatment - this is usually enough to help the child recover quickly and avoid complications.

      How to treat a cold folk remedies?

      Moms often ask: how to treat a cold? one year old child How to treat a cold in a 2, 3, 4 year old child? If the doctor has already visited you, there is no high temperature or complications, the so-called folk remedies will never be superfluous: drink plenty of warm drinks (tea, compote or just water), do not lower the temperature to 38 degrees and regularly ventilate the room where the child is lying. This is how we, responsible mothers, treat colds if there are no alarming symptoms or complications.

      Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

      Increasing the temperature is the body’s main way of fighting infection, since, on the one hand, when the temperature rises, metabolism accelerates, making the immune system work more efficiently, and on the other hand, the rate of spread of viruses and bacteria slows down.

      Despite the fact that in widespread practice it is customary to bring down a high temperature in order to alleviate the patient’s condition, and pediatricians usually advise lowering the child’s temperature if it exceeds 39 degrees, therapeutic effect this procedure does not. Therefore, if the baby does not have serious chronic diseases, then it is better to focus not on the thermometer readings, but on the child’s well-being, and, if possible, endure the high temperature for as long as possible.

      First of all, you need to monitor what the child himself wants: if the temperature rises quickly, he is shivering, you need to help the baby warm up as quickly as possible with warm clothes, a blanket and a hot drink. When the temperature reaches its maximum, the chills will go away, but the baby's skin will often turn a little red and sweat may appear on the forehead. At this moment, you need to open the baby as much as possible so that it is easier for him to tolerate the heat. In addition, you can resort to rubbing or a warm bath - all this can reduce the temperature by about a degree. It must be remembered that a sharp drug-induced decrease in temperature, as well as a sharp increase that usually follows, can provoke febrile convulsions. In addition, with strong temperature changes, the load on the cardiovascular system increases.

      You should start lowering the temperature when it rises above 38.5-39 degrees. It is better to use suppositories or syrups based on ibuprofen or paracetamol in an age-related dose. The use of antipyretic drugs based on aspirin and analgin in children is unreasonably risky, since aspirin can cause liver failure, and analgin can lead to a decrease in the number of leukocytes to dangerous level. It must be remembered that a sharp drug-induced decrease in temperature, as well as a sharp increase that usually follows, can provoke febrile convulsions. In addition, with strong temperature changes, the load on the cardiovascular system increases.

      Is it possible to bathe a child with a cold?

      The recommendation not to wash while sick appeared when hot water there were no people in the houses, and people went to the baths to wash. Now, if there is a bathtub and hot water in the house, bathing is a great way to alleviate the condition and reduce the temperature, so you can and should bathe a sick child if he doesn’t mind. When bathing a sick baby, it is important to avoid drafts. The water should be warm, about a degree below the child’s body temperature, but not higher than 39? C. It is necessary to regularly add hot water to the bath so that the child does not freeze.

      When can we consider that the child has recovered?

      If the child’s mood and appetite have improved, temperature and activity have normalized, and there is no runny nose, cough, vomiting or diarrhea, then we can assume that the treatment of the cold was successful.

      When can you go for a walk after a cold?

      If the child is cheerful, active and wants to go for a walk, and the weather permits, the first walk can be taken 2-3 days after the temperature returns to normal. It is important that the first walk after illness lasts no more than 20 minutes. In this case, the weather should be good. Early walks are highly not recommended if the temperature outside is below -10?, wind, blizzard or rain.

      When can I return to kindergarten or school after a cold?

      It is better to return to the children's group no earlier than a week after the child has recovered, since a newly recovered child is especially sensitive to viruses and can easily get sick again if he returns to kindergarten or school too early.

      When can you return to exercise after a cold?

      Not earlier than 10 days after all symptoms of the disease have gone away.

      What are some ways to prevent childhood colds?

      The best way to prevent influenza is vaccination. Other ways to prevent viral infections: it is necessary to maintain general hygiene - use individual towels, dishes, wash your hands with soap after visiting public places. Regularly ventilate the premises, maintain a temperature of 20-24? C and a humidity of at least 40%. Carry out regular wet cleaning of residential premises. In addition, a balanced diet, regular exercise, a constant daily routine, hardening and walking are an excellent way to strengthen the immune system.

      How to treat diarrhea and vomiting?

      Diarrhea and vomiting in children require in-person consultation with a doctor and individual prescriptions, since vomiting and diarrhea can be symptoms of serious infectious diseases, and are also dangerous conditions for the child due to the threat of dehydration.

      Colds in children - video materials

      Frequent colds in children. Local immunity.

      Tatochenko Vladimir – Antibiotics and colds in children

      A child has a cold at 6 months

      If a 6-month-old child has a cold, the main symptoms may be general malaise, moodiness, and fever. There may also be a runny nose, red throat and cough. Most often, colds are caused by viruses, including influenza. Microbes and fungi are less likely to cause such manifestations. It is important to remember that any ARVI at an early age can cause complications in the ears, bronchi or lungs. You should not experiment with a cold in a 6-month-old child; only a doctor can decide how to treat the baby.

      In severe cases of ARVI with high fever and severe cough, even hospital treatment may be required, but colds are usually treated at home, under the strict supervision of a local pediatrician.

      Runny nose in a 6 month old baby: how to treat it

      One of the most unpleasant and painful conditions for colds in children is a runny nose. Young children do not know how to blow their nose; mucus accumulates inside the nasal passages, making it difficult nasal breathing. This disrupts normal sleep, but feeding is most affected. The baby is forced to tear himself away from the bottle or breast to take a breath, which tires and irritates the baby, he may eat less and lose weight. A 6-month-old child may have a runny nose without fever, but usually, along with snot, there is also a cough due to mucus flowing into the nasopharynx and irritating the throat.

      If your baby is 6 months old and has a stuffy nose, something should be done immediately to help him breathe easier. The most simple option The nose will be washed with special saline solutions and mucus will be removed from the nose using a rubber bulb or a special device, a nozzle suction device, sold in pharmacies. It is useful to do this before feeding so that the baby can suck on the breast or bottle relatively calmly. If there is severe congestion, excessive nasal discharge or the presence of thick green stuff, the question of how to cure snot in a 6-month-old child must be discussed with a doctor. Usually prescribed vasoconstrictor drops after thorough rinsing of the nose for a period of 3-4 days. As the condition improves, they are canceled. You can also use special nasal drops with immunostimulating components; they activate the mucous membranes to fight infection.

      Cough in a 6-month-old child: how to treat it

      A cough is one of the signs of a cold; in children aged six months it can be a dry or wet cough. A dry cough can be due to dryness and irritation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and trachea, due to swelling of the larynx, or due to incipient whooping cough. If you have a strong, dry, barking, rough cough, call a doctor immediately - this could be the onset of laryngitis. Only a doctor should decide how to treat a dry cough in a 6-month-old child. Most cough remedies are prohibited in childhood. Cough medications are usually used for children 6 months of age with the effect of thinning mucus, stimulating coughing and an anti-inflammatory effect. They are used in syrups or solutions, in the form of inhalations.

      A wet cough can occur with a severe runny nose, bronchitis or pneumonia, and only a doctor can determine its cause. Therefore, he will also select a remedy for wet cough for a 6 month old child. Usually these are expectorant syrups, solutions with an anti-inflammatory effect.

      How to treat a 6 month old baby's throat

      One of the manifestations of a cold in a 6-month-old child can be a red throat. The doctor should also decide how to treat sore throat. The causes of inflammation can be viruses or microbes, and the choice of safe and effective drugs limited.

      How to treat a 6-month-old child if he has redness and a sore throat? Usually used herbal infusions, warm drinks and special solutions with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. In some cases local treatment turns out to be insufficient and if there is a risk of infection developing into complications, antibiotics are used orally.

      How to Sleep Better with Colds and Flu

      Flu rules the roost in fall and winter. When you have a temperature in the forties, a stuffy nose, and you cough 40 times every 5 minutes, the very thought of sleeping at night seems like a nightmare. Use these little tricks to help you sleep better when you have a cold.

      An additional pillow will provide comfortable sleep during a cold.

      If you have the flu, you know that your body best fights infection while you sleep. Unfortunately, it often happens that you can forget about comfortable sleep if you are tormented by a cough and sore throat, and your head is splitting from pressure in the sinuses. With such a “bouquet” of flu symptoms, you can hardly expect a comfortable sleep. If you also sneeze once every 5 minutes, then even falling asleep becomes a real problem.

      What to do in this situation?

      Try using an extra pillow (or two) when you're about to fall asleep. You need to support not only your head, but also your neck and upper back. This position is necessary to ensure comfort and optimal drainage of the sinuses. This can reduce nasal congestion and cough, and also ensure that the necessary air can reach your lungs, even if you have a large amount of mucus accumulated inside your sinuses.

      A shower can help you relax and sleep better, even if you have a cold.

      Doctors usually do not recommend taking water treatments if you have a cold. However, a warm bath or shower can help if done an hour before bed. Water will help soothe pain, relax the body and mind, and body temperature will naturally drop after water procedures. It is only important to ensure that the water in the bath or shower is not at high temperature. An additional effect of water procedures before bed: steam, warmth and humidity will ease congestion in the respiratory tract, so it will be easier to fall asleep.

      A warm drink before bed helps you feel better during a cold.

      Drink warm, non-caffeinated drinks before bed. Herbal infusions or chamomile tea are best. They have hypnotic qualities. If you add a little honey and lemon to this tea, the warm drink will soothe a sore throat. It will also help you keep your body hydrated, which is essential when fighting off flu and colds. The very ritual of brewing tea and leisurely sipping it will also prepare you for healthy sleep. Avoid drinking alcohol before bed (even for medicinal purposes). It is unlikely to promote healthy and comfortable sleep.

      Daytime naps during a cold work wonders

      When you have the flu or a cold, give yourself rest during the day. But keep it in moderation. Perhaps if you didn't sleep well at night and feel unwell, you'll be able to sleep better during the day. Just don't overdo it. Too much napping during the day can lead to another sleepless night. During the day, you can also try some exercise (yoga routine, stretching) or even a light walk to improve your night's sleep and reduce flu or cold symptoms.

      Medicines can minimize poor sleep during the flu

      If the above methods don't help you sleep comfortably during a flu or cold, talk to your doctor about medications that can reduce phlegm, mucus, or clear your airways. By taking medications recommended by your doctor, you can sleep better and minimize flu and cold symptoms such as nasal congestion, postnasal drip, and difficulty breathing.

      Recovery from colds and flu can take some time, but comfortable, healthy sleep is one of the keys to a quick recovery. However, practicing healthy sleep is relevant not only when you suffer from the flu or a cold. Remember this if you want to feel better!

      Denial of responsibility : The information presented in this article about healthy sleep when you have a cold is for informational purposes only. However, it cannot be a substitute for consultation with a professional physician.


      Sleeping with colds

      Sleep is very important for restoring strength and speedy recovery from colds. However, unpleasant symptoms - body aches, fever, headache, runny nose and cough - often interfere with a calm and complete rest. Tips to help ease them traditional medicine.

      Drink more fluids when you have a cold: hot tea, rosehip infusion, cranberry juice, warm milk. Along with the fluid, viruses and their toxins will be washed out of the body’s cells. It is not advisable to drink plain water so as not to reduce the supply of salts in the body.

      To combat chills, wear cotton underwear and something warm over it. Firstly, multilayer clothing retains heat better, and secondly, the components of such a “wardrobe” can easily be varied depending on body temperature.

      At the first symptoms of a cold and runny nose, irrigate the nasopharynx with saline solution. Then runny nose will go away not in a week, but in two days. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiled water and use a syringe to rinse your nasal passages one by one. At the same time, you should not tilt your head back - you need to stand directly over the sink so that the water pours back out. You can use a very weak infusion of garlic to irrigate the nasopharynx; when preparing the infusion, try it on healthy person, the infusion should not pinch the non-inflamed nasopharynx.

      Before going to bed, if you have a cold with a runny nose, place an extra pillow under your head - this will facilitate the flow of mucus, and the runny nose and cough will not be too severe during sleep. You can simply raise the head of the bed.

      If you feel the onset of a cold, spend a couple of days at home in bed. This provides the warmth needed for a cold and saves energy, which is better spent on fighting the virus.

      If you lose your appetite while treating a cold, do not force yourself to eat. Products such as kefir, yogurt, and fermented baked milk are ideal for treating colds. Bacteria contained in lactic acid products help fight colds. Consume immunomodulators such as garlic, onions, and fresh lard. Baked onions, unlike raw ones, can be eaten in any quantity.

      If a cold lasts more than a week, you cannot do without medication. It is better, of course, that a doctor select and prescribe them for the treatment of a cold.

      When treating a cold, you cannot suppress a cough with tablets; with the help of a cough, the lungs and bronchi are cleared of mucus and germs. Expectorants are recommended: mucaltin, licorice root, plantain.

      Recommended for treating colds acupressure. When a runny nose begins, experts advise pressing on points located near the wings of the nose, under the nose, between the eyes and in the center of the chin. To reduce chills, apply pressure to the point directly below elbow joint. For headaches, massage the area between the large and index finger(if you bring them together, the desired point will be on top).

      Herbs and herbs for colds

      Brew lilac flowers as tea and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day. You can also use a tincture of lilac flowers and buds: pour 1 glass of alcohol or vodka into 0.25 cups of flowers and buds and leave for 2 weeks. Take 20-30 drops of alcohol or 50 drops of vodka tincture 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for colds.

      Mix equal proportions of motherwort herb and powdered chicory root. Brew 1 cup of boiling water for 1 teaspoon of the mixture and leave for 1 hour. Drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for colds.

      A good antipyretic: pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed burdock leaf into 1 cup of boiling water, leave in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature, strain. Take 1 tablespoon of warm infusion 4-6 times a day after meals. If you have a sore throat, gargle with this infusion several times a day if you have a cold.

      All parts of the dandelion - leaves, stems, flowers and roots - have good anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and diaphoretic effects. Pour 1 teaspoon of dry crushed dandelion grass with 1 glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day an hour after meals for colds.

      Pour 1 teaspoon of dry crushed dandelion roots with 1 glass of boiling water, leave in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for half an hour, cool, strain. Take in the same way as the infusion for a cold.

      Pour 2 teaspoons of dry crushed rhizomes and sedge roots with 2 cups of cold boiled water, leave for 8 hours, periodically shaking or stirring the contents. Strain. Take 0.5 cups 2-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals for colds.

      When you have a runny nose, it is useful to take a decoction of strawberries or raspberries. It is recommended to do steam inhalations at the same time: pour a little boiling broth into a flat bowl and breathe, covering your head with a terry towel. Take the decoction 2-3 times a day, 1 glass after meals, inhalation 2-3 times a day, always at night.

      Infuse 2 tablespoons of dry or 100 g fresh berries raspberries in 1 cup boiling water. After 10-15 minutes, add 1 tablespoon of honey and stir. Take warm as a diaphoretic before bed.

      Linden blossom tea is very good for colds.

      Folk remedies for the treatment of colds and runny nose:

      During a flu epidemic, it is useful to perform the following procedure for preventive purposes. Grate onion and within 10-15 minutes, inhale the smell of freshly prepared gruel.

      Finely crush a few cloves of peeled garlic and stir in a glass of milk. Next, boil this mixture and let it cool. Take a teaspoon several times a day - this will significantly soften the clinical course of the disease.

      When you have a runny nose, place 3-5 drops of menthol oil into your nose, while lubricating your forehead, temples, and nose with it. You can mix menthol oil with camphor oil and do the same procedure.

      Wash and chop fresh pine needles (100 g), then pour in 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and turn off the heat. Leave for 1-2 hours, strain and drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day, dissolving 1 tablespoon of honey in the drink. The infusion is rich in vitamin C, as well as other vitamins and microelements. It has a bactericidal effect, speeds up recovery from flu and colds.

      Tea with ginger and honey will help against colds. Grate 1/4 cup of ginger, add a glass of honey and cook. Add 1/2 teaspoon of this mixture to tea.

      Mix 30 g sea ​​buckthorn oil, 20 g fresh calendula juice, 15 g melted cocoa butter, 10 g honey, 5 g propolis. If you have a runny nose, soak a cotton swab in this mixture and insert it into your nose for 20 minutes.

      To cure a runny nose, it is very useful to sweat in a steamy Russian bath. In this case, it is recommended to grate the rump with grated radish (preferably half and half with grated horseradish), mixed with a small amount of honey and salt, and after leaving the bathhouse, drink 2-4 cups of a decoction of linden, elderberry or chamomile flowers mixed with the juice of sour berries.

      If a child has a persistent runny nose, sew a narrow bag of linen fabric, fill it with warm, boiled millet porridge and place the bag on the nose area so that it covers maxillary sinuses. Keep it as long as it stays warm.

      For a runny nose, instill 3-5 drops of aloe into each nostril 4-5 times a day, tilting your head back and massaging the wings of the nose after instillation.

      It is very useful to use a decoction of fresh or dried berries strawberries or raspberries, going to bed, and at the same time breathe a decoction prepared from the leaves of sage, lady's tree (medicinal wormwood) and wormwood.

      For a runny nose, it is recommended to instill a mixture of wild rosemary extract and vegetable oil. Mix 1 g of wild rosemary extract with 9 g of vegetable oil, boil and steam this mixture in the oven for several minutes. Ledum extract: brew 2 teaspoons of wild rosemary with 1 cup of boiling water, put on low heat, keep until half of the water has boiled away.

      Boil a glass of milk. Grate a medium-sized onion on a fine grater, pour boiling milk over it and stir well. Let steep for 10 minutes, then drink warm within half an hour.

      Mix 2 tablespoons of honey in a glass of hot milk and drink 2-3 times throughout the day.

      Grate the garlic on a fine grater and mix with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1 tablespoon 1-2 times a day with water.

      Pour a glass of black currant berries with a glass of vodka, add a glass sugar syrup and leave for 30 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Take 1 glass per day or pour 1 tablespoon of tincture into a glass of hot tea.

      At the very beginning of a runny nose, if it does not accompany an illness such as the flu, it is recommended to drink 1/2 glass of water with five drops of iodine.

      Iodine will also help against chronic runny nose. Dissolve 6-7 drops with 2 teaspoons of boiled water and instill the mixture 2 times a day, morning and evening. In addition, during the day you need to inhale iodine vapor directly from the bottle more often, first with one, then with the other nostril. Sea salt is also rich in iodine and has a strong antiseptic effect. It is diluted in the following proportion: 1 teaspoon per 250 ml warm water for adults and 500 ml for children. Rinse your nose with this solution, pouring the liquid into one nostril in a thin stream so that it flows out of the other.

      Aloe juice mixed with honey and dry wine protects against colds and increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases. The mixture is infused for 5-6 days. Take 1 teaspoon before meals. The juice is made from the lower leaves of the plant. They are washed with cold water, cut into pieces and squeezed through cheesecloth.

      For a runny nose, decoctions of eucalyptus and marshmallow leaves are very helpful. Eucalyptus has effective disinfectant and astringent properties, and marshmallow has anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties. You need to prepare decoctions separately: take 10 g of crushed eucalyptus leaves and 20 g of marshmallow leaves per glass of boiling water. Boil them for 5-10 minutes and strain. Mix the decoctions in equal proportions, pour into a teapot and rinse your nose 5-6 times a day, 2-3 times each time.

      At the first sign of flu, you should cut a large fresh onion and then inhale the onion vapor, repeating this process 3-4 times a day. In between procedures, soak a cotton swab in crushed garlic and put it deep into the nose or prepare garlic drops: crush two small heads of garlic (100 g), pour in a glass of vodka and shake thoroughly; Place 1 drop on your tongue, spreading it all over your mouth, and then swallow. This treatment will be effective if carried out for 3-4 days.

      An effective folk remedy for the flu is black currant. Make a drink from it hot water and sugar. You should drink no more than 4 glasses a day. In winter, it is easy to prepare a decoction from pre-prepared currant branches. Brew a full handful of finely broken branches with 4 cups of water. Boil for 5 minutes and then simmer over low heat for 4 hours. Drink 2 glasses of warm broth at night, slightly sweetened. This treatment must be carried out twice during illness.

      When you have a runny nose, sniff your nose often and rinse your mouth with the following mixture: 4 teaspoons of baking soda and 5 drops of iodine per glass of water.

      Rinse your nose with warm, slightly salted water with the addition of calendula or eucalyptus tincture (1 teaspoon per 0.5 liters of water). To do this, you need to bend over the vessel, suck in the solution with your nose and release it from your mouth. Thus, rinse your nose with the entire solution without raising your head. Blow your nose. Do this procedure twice a day, morning and evening, for chronic runny nose.

      The flu will go away without complications if you take 1 tablespoon of burdock leaf juice 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. During the harvest season, that is, from June to September, it is recommended to take pure juice, and the rest of the time - tincture: 50 g of vodka per 250 ml of juice, leave for 5-7 days.

      Squeeze the juice from one lemon. Dissolve it together with 100 g of purple honey in 800 ml of boiled water. This drink should be drunk throughout the day. To prevent colds, it is useful to take honey orally: children 5-7 years old - 1 teaspoon, and adults - 1 tablespoon at night. Dissolve honey in 1/2 cup of rosehip decoction. Carry out the procedures for a month.

      Dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of cognac in 1 glass of hot tea. Drink in small sips.

      Dilute a glass of hot tea with 1 tablespoon of raspberry berries or jam and 1 tablespoon of 70-degree alcohol or wine balsam. Drink in small sips. For a diaphoretic effect, cover your head with a scarf or towel.

      For children, especially small ones, when they have a runny nose, drop freshly prepared red beet juice into their nose.

      In Siberian villages they used it for “severe colds” and severe coughs. next remedy. 20 g of wormwood were infused in 0.5 liters of vodka - the longer the better, but not less than a day. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day and before bedtime. This medicine is not recommended for children.

      Pour dry mustard powder in socks and do not take them off for 2-3 days. In the first hours of illness, a cold can be stopped with 10-minute foot baths with mustard powder.

      Brew 4 teaspoons of raspberry leaves or fruits with 2 cups of boiling water and leave in a thermos for several hours. Drink 1/2 cup warm 4 times a day. You can also gargle with an infusion of the leaves. Or: brew a tablespoon of dried raspberries with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink 1 glass of hot infusion 2 times a day. Use as a diaphoretic.

      Before going to bed or during the day if you have a cold, even without a runny nose or cough, it is useful to spend 15-20 minutes steam inhalation garlic-honey mixture. After inhalation, warm yourself up very well, go to bed and take 2-3 tablespoons of honey with dry raspberry tea.

      How to treat a child at the first signs of a cold, useful tips

      Not a single childhood has passed without colds. Unfortunately, kids get sick quite often. This becomes especially noticeable when you start attending kindergarten. The immune system is designed to cope with such diseases. Parents should help the child overcome the disease and alleviate the symptoms. How to treat a child at the first signs of a cold?

      Is it possible to catch a cold? It depends on the reason for which it arose. Often a cold means hypothermia, as a result of which the child develops snot, sore throat or cough. As a rule, in this case, an increase in temperature is less likely to occur.

      However, most often the culprits of colds are viruses. Sometimes they may not manifest themselves right away. However, during hypothermia, overwork or stress, they are able to fully attack.

      It is quite easy to catch a viral infection, even if the baby is not cold. If the body has not previously encountered such a pathogen, and a sufficient concentration of microorganisms has entered it, then most likely it will get sick.

      That is, colds caused by various viruses are contagious. Most often found among children attending kindergarten. However, the phenomenon is also common among schoolchildren. And adults can get colds several times a year.

      Infection occurs in the following ways:

    • from a sick person to a healthy person through kisses, during communication
    • when a sick person sneezes or coughs through airborne droplets
    • through infected household items, dishes
    • while eating unwashed foods that have been exposed to the virus
    • A child's cold should not cause parents to worry too much. The normal range is considered to be from 6 to 12 cases of the disease per year. The main thing is to competently help the baby and prevent the development of complications.

      Symptoms and manifestations in babies

      Mom can notice the first signs of a cold even before the main symptoms appear. Lethargy, moodiness, mood swings, and decreased appetite are often noted. The baby may refuse even his favorite activities or toys, complain of pain in the joints, and aches.

      A cold can start in different ways. Sometimes there is a runny nose or nasal congestion, sore throat, and coughing. And sometimes the beginning is very abrupt. Yesterday there were no signs of trouble, but today the temperature rose sharply. Catarrhal phenomena in this case join a little later.

      Typically, the symptoms are as follows:

      • poor appetite
      • elevated temperature
      • the appearance of nasal discharge
      • sneezing
      • eye redness, tearing
      • headache
      • throat redness and pain
      • weakness, fatigue
      • cough
      • With a cold, a temperature above 38 C, as a rule, does not last more than three days. Most often, unpleasant manifestations occur after the thermometer readings begin to decrease. If there was no temperature or was around 37-37.3, signs in the form of snot and cough may occur from the first days.

        Sometimes a cold symptom occurs such as enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or armpits. It is most difficult to identify the disease in the youngest children. After all, the child cannot yet complain, report that something hurts.

        However, by behavior and appetite, parents are able to detect the onset of the disease. Now is the time to act and start helping your child cope with the disease.

        What medications may be needed

        During a cold, you need to alleviate the baby’s condition, relieve pain, and improve nasal breathing. What should be in a parent's arsenal?

        Saline solutions, sprays

        These include Quix, Aquamaris, Aqualor, Humer and others. Moisturizing and cleansing the nasal passages is very important. Special sprays for washing with sea ​​water. Please note that each bottle indicates the age at which it can be used. Products for adults have too much pressure and can provoke the development of otitis in the youngest.

        Vasoconstrictor drops

        Such means should not be abused. They do not treat a runny nose, but only remove severe congestion allowing you to breathe normally. Children's Nazivin, Otrivin baby, Tizin have proven themselves well.

        Drops with a runny nose work well with essential oils. They do not give an immediate effect, but they perfectly relieve inflammation and irritation. They have antimicrobial and antiviral effects. These are products such as Pinosol, Pinovit, Protargol.

        Throat sprays and lozenges

        Local antiseptics will help cope with dryness, pain and sore throat. Many products have age restrictions. Lollipops and tablets are suitable for older children; babies do not yet know how to suck them.


        If a cough develops, expectorants may be prescribed to facilitate the passage of mucus. These are syrups based on ivy, marshmallow, and licorice.

        Antiviral drugs

        To get the effect, you need to start taking them when the first symptoms are detected. Such products are designed to stimulate the immune system and fight viruses. Available in the form of nasal drops (Nazoferon), suppositories (Viferon, Grippferon), syrups, tablets (Amiksin, Novirin). Stimulates the production of interferon.

        Antibiotics are not used to treat colds. After all, they do not affect viruses, but bacteria. Bacterial infection may occur as a complication of a cold in the form of otitis, sinusitis, obstructive bronchitis. The decision to prescribe antibiotics should only be made by a doctor.

        Modern pharmacology offers a wide selection of drugs that ease the course of a cold and speed up the time of recovery. However, you should not resort to pharmaceutical drugs on one's own.

        Antipyretics for babies

        Antipyretics do not fundamentally affect the disease, but significantly improve well-being. They help reduce fever and relieve pain.

        It is believed that in children the temperature should be brought down only if the thermometer reading exceeds 38.5 C. In this way, the body fights infection and interferon is produced. But too high a temperature does more harm than good and the baby should be helped.

        Antipyretics are available in the following forms.

        Often produced with flavorings and additives, in different dosages. They come with a measuring spoon or measuring syringe for precise measurement. The dose is prescribed based on the weight and age of the child. They begin to act within 20 minutes after administration. Convenient to use even for kids.

        The effect of the suppositories begins later - 40 minutes after administration, but it also lasts longer. It is good to use them before bedtime or when the child has nausea and vomiting. It is best administered after a bowel movement.

        Children are allowed to use two types of antipyretics:

      • Based on paracetamol. These are drugs such as Eferalgan, Panadol, Calpol, Tylenol and others. The effect lasts for 2-4 hours. The minimum interval for taking is 4 hours.
      • Based on ibuprofen. These include Ibufen, Nurofen. The minimum dosage interval is 6 hours.
      • You should definitely consult your pediatrician about the choice of medication and dosage. Remember that the use of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and analgin for children is prohibited.

        There are many traditional medicine recipes that have proven themselves to be effective in treating colds. It is necessary to monitor the child’s reaction and stop the procedure if an allergic reaction occurs.

        Inhalations perfectly warm and moisturize the mucous membranes and respiratory tract. You need to boil water and add eucalyptus leaves, chamomile or sage. Wait until the broth cools down a little. Add 1 tsp. soda Cover your head with a blanket or towel and breathe for 5-10 minutes. You should not breathe above hot steam; this can lead to burns and spasms of the larynx.

        During a cold, you need to give your child as much to drink as possible. Sometimes compote or water can be replaced with medicinal drink. Linden tea is perfect. You can brew dried flowers and buy ready-made tea bags. This remedy should be given only after meals.

        Perfectly relieves inflammation and soothes chamomile tea. It also has antipyretic properties.

        One of the most famous remedies during illness is raspberry tea. It has an excellent diaphoretic effect. Remember that it needs to be alternated with other drinks. Otherwise, the opposite effect will occur and the body will lose too much fluid.

        Garlic and onion inhalations

        Onions and garlic are famous for their excellent bactericidal properties. You can make beads from them, string them on a rope, and put them around the child’s neck. Or you can cut or grate and breathe for a few minutes over this product.

        Try to ventilate the room in which the child is located more often. This is also an excellent cold prevention. If you give your baby warm liquid, make sure he is warm. And if he sweats, immediately change his clothes to dry ones.

        More and more parents are listening to the advice of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky. What does he advise about treating a cold?

      • Keep the room temperature at 18-20 C.
      • Humidify the air. Humidity should be 50-70%. This way the mucous membranes will be protected from drying out. A special humidifier will help.
      • Limit food intake. Do not force your child to eat. The body's work should be aimed at fighting viruses, and not at digesting food.
      • Adequate fluid intake for the child. The temperature of the drink should be as close as possible to body temperature.
      • Moisten the nasal passages with saline solutions.
      • Regularly ventilate the room where the child is.
      • Adherents of Komarovsky’s methods have long appreciated his advice. It's hard to argue with them. The main thing the doctor wants to achieve is to prevent the mucous membranes and respiratory tract from drying out. And this is one of the most important conditions rapid recovery and prevention of complications.

        Colds are one of the most common diseases in children. There are many ways to treat it - traditional recipes, medications. The action of many drugs is aimed at alleviating the condition and eliminating symptoms.

        It is necessary to support the body in the fight against the virus. Subject to the right conditions and treatment it does not pose any danger.

        Your child has the first signs of a cold, find out what to do:
